"Atomic tankers. Nuclear War of the USSR against NATO "Vladislav Morozov

Vladislav Morozov

Atomic tankers. Nuclear War of the USSR against NATO

© Morozov V.Yu., 2016

© Yauza Publishing House, 2016

© EXMO Publishing House, 2016

Dedicated to the last soldiers of the empire - all those who served in the groups of Soviet troops abroad and participated in all local wars and armed conflicts from 1945 to 1991

Something like historical reference

I stepped in that trail is hot.

I was there. I lived then ...

A. Tvardovsky. "Vasily Terkin" (Chapter "On Dnieper")

1982 unexpectedly became possible, perhaps one of the most difficult in the entire history of the post-war global military-political confrontation between world superpowers.

Against the background of the ongoing war for Falkland (Malvinsky) Islands, Wars in Afghanistan, Angola, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Salvador and Iran-Iraqi war The situation in Europe sharply aggravated.

The government of the Polish People's Republic, headed by the Secretary General of the PPP Stanislav Kanei, for too long for the organization, whose activities in the West were characterized as a "fair civilian protest against totalitarianism" (the main of these organizations was the Solidarity trade union), not allowing the Polish military leadership Enter martial law in the country.

As a result, on March 8, 1982, at rather strange circumstances, the Ambassador of the USSR in Poland A.G. Fufaev - upon returning from the party conference in Minsk-Mazowiecksky in Warsaw, a truck crashed into his limousine. The deceased truck driver Angeha Khorinovsky turned out to be an active member of Solidarity, although his evil intent in this accident was not proved.

On March 10, 1982, in prison with unclear circumstances, one of the leaders of "solidarity", Yatek Kormon (the official cause of death was banal heart failure, but no one wanted to believe) whose death caused a new wave of demonstrations and other protest actions not only in Pomeranian region (Gdansk - Gdynia), but also throughout the Poland.

On March 17 and 19, 1982, attacks the places of permanent deployment of the 19th Separate Communication Shelf and Automatic Control (Legnents) and the 155th Red Banner Tank Regiment (Svetonshow) of the Northern Group of Soviet Troops in order to capture weapons and military equipment. The sentries were forced to open fire for defeat. As a result, 5 Soviet servicemen were injured, 4 and wounded more than 30 Poles from among the attackers were killed. More than a hundred people involved in the attack of persons were arrested by the Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs and state security bodies, which in the West was immediately announced "unreasonable repression."

On March 20, 1982, an increased combat readiness was announced in parts of the northern group of Soviet troops deployed in Poland.

On March 22, 1982, the General Secretary of the PPP was the general of the army of V. Yarozelsky. The next day, a martial law was introduced throughout the Poland. The US Guide immediately made a number of very sharp statements, declaring new economic sanctions against the USSR and Poland, Poland was deprived of the "status of the greatest favored trade", and its application for accession to the International Monetary Fund was blocked.

At the same time, part of the most active leaders of "solidarity" and other similar organizations, as it is neither surprising, managed to avoid arrest and internet. So, Lech Valens (along with his numerous family) and Marian Yurichchik managed to illegally leave the territory of Poland and get to Western Europe through Sweden, and then to the United States.

On April 22, 1982, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, died "after severe and long-term illness". The new head of the USSR after his funeral was Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov.

L. Valens, M. Yurikchik and other figures like them, being in the United States, made a number of high-profile and frankly provocative statements about the situation in Poland and found support and understanding in government circles of most countries of the West.

And on May 10, 1982, President of the United States Ronald Reagan, speaking with a speech at the Catholic League Congress of the Religious and Civil Rights of the United States (M. Yurik acted before him) in New York, publicly announced that what was happening now in Poland - this "Gnus violence over the most advanced part of Polish society, who does not want to continue under red boot." In the same time, the USSR was first called the "Evil Empire" and the "center of evil in the modern world", whose "exorbitant appetites it's time to shorten", and, without exception, the Communists declared "deep and fundamentally immoral".

In a response statement, TASS said that "Reagan administration, unfortunately, is able to think and talk, only operating the terms of confrontation and militant, mindlessly cave anti-communism."

After this presidential speech, a number of US congressmen and Republican Senators put forward proposals on the need to provide "Polish opposition anti-communist and antitogolitarian forces" not only moral and financial, but if you need any other assistance, up to the military. The Polish diaspora in the United States and Canada even announced the "collection of funds and recruitment of volunteers to organize in the Poland of the rebel movement against the Soviet occupying troops and the Government of V. Yaruzelsky."

Summer 1982 began with large-scale military preparations on both sides of the Elbe. NATO's troops were preparing for extraordinary workshops "Rafier-13", and the Warsaw Agreement - to the long-planned "Shield-82" teachings. Preparation was carried out in conditions of permanent increase in tension and increased combat readiness ...

Chapter 1. People and Goals

- In general, Yuri Vladimirovich, despite the introduction of a martial law, the situation in Poland remains tense, "the officer continued its report.

The Secretary General for more than twenty minutes carefully considered him through thick lenses of glasses, noting for himself that the costume and a tie of the speaker was clearly Western production. However, this did not cause negative emotions from Andropov, since he always believed that the state security officer in any atmosphere should not look like a whale. And this young, low colonel with a person who has a posing and at the same time not a memorable person (almost the perfect combination for the organization in which he served) was chosen as an "officer for special instructions" by Andropov himself in many ways by the will of the case, after Martov Events of this year in Poland.

At that time, Yuri Vladimirovich was not yet a general man, and the officer was a lieutenant colonel. Well, he was remembered by the future Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee at a meeting, which took place on Lubyanka on March 24, immediately after the introduction of the Yarazelian military situation in Poland. Then I reported about the situation of General Grigorenko about the situation, Colonel Savichev from the second main management of the KGB instead of a clear and clear report on the state of affairs in the neighboring country, whom the chiefs gathered from him were waiting for his long table, with a place in a quarry he suffered some kind of nonsense Successes in the ideological confrontation with the origin of cunning global imperialism in the person of "solidarity" and the other Nimits. It was quite possible to report to dear Leonid Ilyich (then still alive, although not quite healthy), who in the last months of his life frankly perceived the surrounding reality, but Andropov loved the clarity and clarity in everything. In general, when the future Secretary sent a couple of innocent, but very specific questions requiring personal assessment, the speaker began to frankly, and then blushed and blushed at all. His painful pause.

- Allow me, Yuri Vladimirovich? - asked at this very young lieutenant colonel.

He was from the first major department, the man of Kryuchkova, a counterintelligence officer who actually engaged in the fight against AGENTURA and NATO sabotage operations on the territory of the GDR and Poland. On the eve of the introduction of military situation, he, as part of a consolidated operational group, was thrown to strengthening the staff of army counterintelligence. In theory, it was not his work, just the KGB at the right moment and in the right place, as usual, did not have enough people.

"Please," allowed Andropov, and the lieutenant colonel literally in several sentences and on specific examples explained that NATO intelligence services are clearly worth the entire activity of "solidarity". Moreover, they clearly prepared in advance and places use this Polish trade union, which is called, more. For example, the warehouse plan, Yurikchik and others in Sweden was explicitly planned long before the start of serious unrest in Poland. So, after the introduction of the military situation, the Polish state security seized from many arrested activists of Solidarity, Swedish and West German passports on other people's names. Moreover, the documents were issued quite officially and the Embassy of Sweden and Germany in Warsaw were completely aware of everything. They even tried to send Poland the official note protest that "their citizens" were arrested on the territory of PNR. In addition, Western special services were introduced in advance to the relevant PNC authorities of their agents or managed to quickly recruit someone from the existing employees. Otherwise, why did Polish state security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which seem to have to monitor the situation around the leaders of "solidarity", frankly missed the latter? So, of the four officers who oversaw Valença, two were found killed, one more hardly wounded, and fourth escaped for the company with these "trade union figures" in Sweden. Moreover, it was the latter that provided its documents and powers to the safe yield of the fishing captivity with the leaders of "solidarity" and their households from Darlovo to neutral waters, followed by a change on a high-speed boat and delivery to Swedish Karslkruun. It is asked - he was an agent introduced long before, or simply flattered the money remuneration and the opportunity to go abroad? Another interesting point is after the attacks on our military units for those attackers who shot in the sentries, the rather old samples of small arms were seized, such as German Parabelum guns and Stan's English guns, clearly learned from the old banks of Akov Schrons. It seems to be clean water improvisation, but the bullets extracted by doctors from our wounded servicemen are released from modern, it seems, Sniper rifles manufactured by Germany. And this means that at least the present weapon that was used in these provocations was successfully hidden, and as the maximum - the shooters were able to get away from the arrest and they may already be abroad. If the sabotage groups penetrated the Polish territory, for example, under the guise of tourists or journalists, this option is quite real. Well, so on.

© Morozov V.Yu., 2016

© Yauza Publishing House, 2016

© EXMO Publishing House, 2016

Dedicated to the last soldiers of the empire - all those who served in the groups of Soviet troops abroad and participated in all local wars and armed conflicts from 1945 to 1991

I stepped in that trail is hot.

I was there. I lived then ...

A. Tvardovsky. "Vasily Terkin" (Chapter "On Dnieper")

Something like historical reference

1982 unexpectedly became possible, perhaps one of the most difficult in the entire history of the post-war global military-political confrontation between world superpowers.

Against the background of the ongoing war for Falkland (Malvinsky) Islands, Wars in Afghanistan, Angola, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Salvador and Iran-Iraqi war The situation in Europe sharply aggravated.

The government of the Polish People's Republic, headed by the Secretary General of the PPP Stanislav Kanei, for too long for the organization, whose activities in the West were characterized as a "fair civilian protest against totalitarianism" (the main of these organizations was the Solidarity trade union), not allowing the Polish military leadership Enter martial law in the country.

As a result, on March 8, 1982, at rather strange circumstances, the Ambassador of the USSR in Poland A.G. Fufaev - upon returning from the party conference in Minsk-Mazowiecksky in Warsaw, a truck crashed into his limousine. The deceased truck driver Angeha Khorinovsky turned out to be an active member of Solidarity, although his evil intent in this accident was not proved.

On March 10, 1982, in prison with unclear circumstances, one of the leaders of "solidarity", Yatek Kormon (the official cause of death was banal heart failure, but no one wanted to believe) whose death caused a new wave of demonstrations and other protest actions not only in Pomeranian region (Gdansk - Gdynia), but also throughout the Poland.

On March 17 and 19, 1982, attacks the places of permanent deployment of the 19th Separate Communication Shelf and Automatic Control (Legnents) and the 155th Red Banner Tank Regiment (Svetonshow) of the Northern Group of Soviet Troops in order to capture weapons and military equipment. The sentries were forced to open fire for defeat. As a result, 5 Soviet servicemen were injured, 4 and wounded more than 30 Poles from among the attackers were killed. More than a hundred people involved in the attack of persons were arrested by the Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs and state security bodies, which in the West was immediately announced "unreasonable repression."

On March 20, 1982, an increased combat readiness was announced in parts of the northern group of Soviet troops deployed in Poland.

On March 22, 1982, the General Secretary of the PPP was the general of the army of V. Yarozelsky. The next day, a martial law was introduced throughout the Poland. The US Guide immediately made a number of very sharp statements, declaring new economic sanctions against the USSR and Poland, Poland was deprived of the "status of the greatest favored trade", and its application for accession to the International Monetary Fund was blocked.

At the same time, part of the most active leaders of "solidarity" and other similar organizations, as it is neither surprising, managed to avoid arrest and internet. So, Lech Valens (along with his numerous family) and Marian Yurichchik managed to illegally leave the territory of Poland and get to Western Europe through Sweden, and then to the United States.

On April 22, 1982, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, died "after severe and long-term illness". The new head of the USSR after his funeral was Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov.

L. Valens, M. Yurikchik and other figures like them, being in the United States, made a number of high-profile and frankly provocative statements about the situation in Poland and found support and understanding in government circles of most countries of the West.

And on May 10, 1982, President of the United States Ronald Reagan, speaking with a speech at the Catholic League Congress of the Religious and Civil Rights of the United States (M. Yurik acted before him) in New York, publicly announced that what was happening now in Poland - this "Gnus violence over the most advanced part of Polish society, who does not want to continue under red boot." In the same time, the USSR was first called the "Evil Empire" and the "center of evil in the modern world", whose "exorbitant appetites it's time to shorten", and, without exception, the Communists declared "deep and fundamentally immoral".

In a response statement, TASS said that "Reagan administration, unfortunately, is able to think and talk, only operating the terms of confrontation and militant, mindlessly cave anti-communism."

After this presidential speech, a number of US congressmen and Republican Senators put forward proposals on the need to provide "Polish opposition anti-communist and antitogolitarian forces" not only moral and financial, but if you need any other assistance, up to the military. The Polish diaspora in the United States and Canada even announced the "collection of funds and recruitment of volunteers to organize in the Poland of the rebel movement against the Soviet occupying troops and the Government of V. Yaruzelsky."

Summer 1982 began with large-scale military preparations on both sides of the Elbe. NATO's troops were preparing for extraordinary workshops "Rafier-13", and the Warsaw Agreement - to the long-planned "Shield-82" teachings. Preparation was carried out in conditions of permanent increase in tension and increased combat readiness ...

Chapter 1. People and Goals

- In general, Yuri Vladimirovich, despite the introduction of a martial law, the situation in Poland remains tense, "the officer continued its report.

The Secretary General for more than twenty minutes carefully considered him through thick lenses of glasses, noting for himself that the costume and a tie of the speaker was clearly Western production. However, this did not cause negative emotions from Andropov, since he always believed that the state security officer in any atmosphere should not look like a whale. And this young, low colonel with a person who has a posing and at the same time not a memorable person (almost the perfect combination for the organization in which he served) was chosen as an "officer for special instructions" by Andropov himself in many ways by the will of the case, after Martov Events of this year in Poland.

At that time, Yuri Vladimirovich was not yet a general man, and the officer was a lieutenant colonel. Well, he was remembered by the future Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee at a meeting, which took place on Lubyanka on March 24, immediately after the introduction of the Yarazelian military situation in Poland. Then I reported about the situation of General Grigorenko about the situation, Colonel Savichev from the second main management of the KGB instead of a clear and clear report on the state of affairs in the neighboring country, whom the chiefs gathered from him were waiting for his long table, with a place in a quarry he suffered some kind of nonsense Successes in the ideological confrontation with the origin of cunning global imperialism in the person of "solidarity" and the other Nimits. It was quite possible to report to dear Leonid Ilyich (then still alive, although not quite healthy), who in the last months of his life frankly perceived the surrounding reality, but Andropov loved the clarity and clarity in everything. In general, when the future Secretary sent a couple of innocent, but very specific questions requiring personal assessment, the speaker began to frankly, and then blushed and blushed at all. His painful pause.

Atomic tankers. Nuclear War of the USSR against NATO Vladislav Morozov

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Name: Atomic tankers. Nuclear War of the USSR against NATO

About the book "Atomic Tankists. Nuclear War of the USSR against NATO "Vladislav Morozov

The first front-line action movie about the USSR nuclear war against NATO. The most realistic and reliable novel, with a documentary accuracy modeling the crushing blow to Soviet tank armies in Western Europe.

1982. The death of Brezhnev and the political crisis in Poland provoke a direct military clash of the USSR and the United States. Trying to stop the avalanche of Soviet tanks, Reagan gives an order to apply tactical nuclear weapons. Andropov meets the same. According to the scorched ground, through the clouds of radioactive dust and the total damage zone atomic tankers of the USSR are rushing to La Mansu ...

Fingers have already moved to "Red Buttons". Strategic nuclear powers are presented in complete combat readiness. The world balances on the verge of a total apocalypse ...

This novel is a unique opportunity to see a nuclear war not only from the Kremlin and Washington, but also through T-72 triplexes, "Abrams" and "Leopards", from the MiGA cabins, Tu-22, F-15, "Dandelabolt" and " Phantomov ", from the combat orders of the Airborne Forces and Morpes ...

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The question, who won, will develop a cold war in "hot," is very big interest. Therefore, I will express my subittime opinion about who could win in this case. It is naturally considered a popular scenario that both parties do not dare to apply nuclear weapons.

Starting from 1945 and until the end of the Cold War, the USSR possessed the most powerful land army. It is the land forces that the main role was given in a possible war with NATO. The USSR produced tanks and armored vehicles simply in truly giant quantities, having tanks and armored vehicles total more than all countries of the world combined. Tactics of the actions of tank and motorized rifle compounds and methods for their use were honed to perfection. At any time of the Cold War, the Soviet land forces had significant both numerical and high-quality superiority over the ground forces of NATO countries. Main fighting should be opened primarily on the territory of Germany, divided into two parts by the hostile military blocks.

The balance of forces was approximately following - the USSR has giant Sun, reaching a number to the mid-80s in 5 million. A third of this number, of course, worked in essence solely to ensure mobilization, but nevertheless, the number of Soviet Sun is huge. Directly on the "advanced" there was a group of Soviet troops in Germany (GSVG) with a number of over 500 thousand people and almost with 6 thousand tanks, and the most modern in any time taken. On the other side of the "separation" line, no less impressive forces - a 250 thousand American contingent, 500 thousand.

Bundeswehr, as well as the northern group of armies, consisting of British, Dutch, Belgian buildings, which, according to modern standards, are very impressive and do not go into any comparison with modern "microarms". The Army Corps in NATO's armies is an analogue of the army in the USSR / Russia. From the Allies of the USSR, I think the only serious contribution could be made only the GDR, and every Poles could hardly be entrusted with something serious. Those. At the main TVD, the Soviet Union with a numerical superiority practically did not possess. And most likely, at the beginning of the GSVG war and the NATO armies corps, there would be mutually discrepancies. Literally on the first day of the war, the epiced tank battle began on the Fulidian corridor - the place of the most likely breakthrough of the Soviet Tank Armad in West Germany. In the event of a breakthrough of defense, the Soviet armies received the possibility of rapid and deep promotion deep into the FRG. Despite the considerable number of forces concentrated in this zone - the 5th Army Corps of the US Army, the Americans were assessed by its chances of holding a "corridor", and they created simply gigantic reserves of tactical nuclear weapons in this zone - literally in every American company was "Nuclear Mortar", and in the site of a possible breakthrough of Soviet tanks established over 1000 (!) Nuclear mines.

After the blood pressure of the NATO and the USSR in Germany, NATO would have in my opinion, in an extremely difficult position. The USSR from the first hours of war would start mass transfer of troops from border military districts, and this is over a million soldiers. Given the relatively small distance from Ukraine and Belarus to Germany, a huge network of automotive and railways, and the highest quality of the transformation of Soviet armies is a question of several days. NATO with reserves is much better. Europeans take reserves physically not from where, and Americans need to transfer troops through the ocean. Of course, they had huge mobilization warehouses with weapons in Germany, which was assumed to transfer the personnel by the air through and promptly deploy from the general compounds. But here is an interesting moment - at political moments, mobilization was impossible in advance, and could begin at both parties only after the actual start of the fighting, and the Soviet Union would certainly have attached the maximum conditions for the destruction of these warehouses at the very beginning of the war.

The transformation of American troops to Europe was greatly complicated by the Soviet fleet. In my opinion, the script would be approximately the following - the surface forces of the Soviet Navy would depreciate the full, but this is not a quick thing. Yes, and Americans would have suffered losses, I think a couple of aircraft carriers would minus. However, the price of a significant part of large ships, the Fleet of the USSR gave a huge number of submarines to overcome relatively trouble-free Faroe-Icelandic anti-submarine border and Soviet submarines in huge quantities would have extended to the Atlantic communications and began attacks on convoy. And I think the convoy would get to Europe pretty preoccupative. Note, if during the second world average, the transport vessel transported weapons and technique for the regiment, then modern transports transport weapons for a whole division, and the death of one such ship means minus one division at the front.

As for the Air Force, in general, the USSR and NATO had absolute parity. Projections of the experience of Vietnam (more precisely, Lynbecker and Lenbecker-2 operations), as well as the Arab-Israeli wars on the possible War of the USSR with NATO, absolutely incorrectly, for the USSR was first, simply a wild density of air defenses of all levels, and secondly, a huge Number of its aviation. The level of preparation of Soviet and NATO pilots was approximately equal, and such a situation, as in Arab-Israeli wars, when the best Aces of Arabs had 60 hours a year, and the worst Israeli pilots - 240, could not be a priori. With something, the USSR extremely adequately responded to threats from the NATO Air Force, and for example, at any time the air defense air defense agents were adequate to threats. For example, stormcutters A-10 began to appear massively - the USSR has all-friendly compounds have already been equipped with "OSSI". In 1987, Apachas appeared in US divisions - Soviet tank and motorized rifle divisions have already been equipped with "Tunguska", etc .. it is safe to say that it is possible to minus whole tank shelves in one goal, like Clancy, Americans could not exactly And their Air Force could hardly apply critical losses to Soviet armored vehicles. Most likely there would be a situation as in the war of the Judgment Day, when the damage did not compensate for the loss of their aircraft. Also, NATO Air Force could not disrupt the transfer of the Soviet troops of the second echelon ...

In general, the off town, for the week of the USSR, I could not go to La Mansu. And the most realistic option is the capture during the month of Germany and part of Holland. The seizure of the rest of Europe would already be unlikely possible, primarily due to the fact that it has already threatened with outstanding into a large-scale nuclear war. But by itself, the implementation of the specified scenario would certainly forced NATO to sit at the negotiating table, and I have big doubts that they would resist the "victorious end".

© Morozov V.Yu., 2016

© Yauza Publishing House, 2016

© EXMO Publishing House, 2016

* * *

Dedicated to the last soldiers of the empire - all those who served in the groups of Soviet troops abroad and participated in all local wars and armed conflicts from 1945 to 1991

I stepped in that trail is hot.

I was there. I lived then ...

A. Tvardovsky. "Vasily Terkin" (Chapter "On Dnieper")

Something like historical reference

1982 unexpectedly became possible, perhaps one of the most difficult in the entire history of the post-war global military-political confrontation between world superpowers.

Against the background of the ongoing war for Falkland (Malvinsky) Islands, Wars in Afghanistan, Angola, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Salvador and Iran-Iraqi war The situation in Europe sharply aggravated.

The government of the Polish People's Republic, headed by the Secretary General of the PPP Stanislav Kanei, for too long for the organization, whose activities in the West were characterized as a "fair civilian protest against totalitarianism" (the main of these organizations was the Solidarity trade union), not allowing the Polish military leadership Enter martial law in the country.

As a result, on March 8, 1982, at rather strange circumstances, the Ambassador of the USSR in Poland A.G. Fufaev - upon returning from the party conference in Minsk-Mazowiecksky in Warsaw, a truck crashed into his limousine. The deceased truck driver Angeha Khorinovsky turned out to be an active member of Solidarity, although his evil intent in this accident was not proved.

On March 10, 1982, in prison with unclear circumstances, one of the leaders of "solidarity", Yatek Kormon (the official cause of death was banal heart failure, but no one wanted to believe) whose death caused a new wave of demonstrations and other protest actions not only in Pomeranian region (Gdansk - Gdynia), but also throughout the Poland.

On March 17 and 19, 1982, attacks the places of permanent deployment of the 19th Separate Communication Shelf and Automatic Control (Legnents) and the 155th Red Banner Tank Regiment (Svetonshow) of the Northern Group of Soviet Troops in order to capture weapons and military equipment. The sentries were forced to open fire for defeat. As a result, 5 Soviet servicemen were injured, 4 and wounded more than 30 Poles from among the attackers were killed. More than a hundred people involved in the attack of persons were arrested by the Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs and state security bodies, which in the West was immediately announced "unreasonable repression."

On March 20, 1982, an increased combat readiness was announced in parts of the northern group of Soviet troops deployed in Poland.

On March 22, 1982, the General Secretary of the PPP was the general of the army of V. Yarozelsky. The next day, a martial law was introduced throughout the Poland. The US Guide immediately made a number of very sharp statements, declaring new economic sanctions against the USSR and Poland, Poland was deprived of the "status of the greatest favored trade", and its application for accession to the International Monetary Fund was blocked.

At the same time, part of the most active leaders of "solidarity" and other similar organizations, as it is neither surprising, managed to avoid arrest and internet. So, Lech Valens (along with his numerous family) and Marian Yurichchik managed to illegally leave the territory of Poland and get to Western Europe through Sweden, and then to the United States.

On April 22, 1982, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, died "after severe and long-term illness". The new head of the USSR after his funeral was Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov.

L. Valens, M. Yurikchik and other figures like them, being in the United States, made a number of high-profile and frankly provocative statements about the situation in Poland and found support and understanding in government circles of most countries of the West.

And on May 10, 1982, President of the United States Ronald Reagan, speaking with a speech at the Catholic League Congress of the Religious and Civil Rights of the United States (M. Yurik acted before him) in New York, publicly announced that what was happening now in Poland - this "Gnus violence over the most advanced part of Polish society, who does not want to continue under red boot." In the same time, the USSR was first called the "Evil Empire" and the "center of evil in the modern world", whose "exorbitant appetites it's time to shorten", and, without exception, the Communists declared "deep and fundamentally immoral".

In a response statement, TASS said that "Reagan administration, unfortunately, is able to think and talk, only operating the terms of confrontation and militant, mindlessly cave anti-communism."

After this presidential speech, a number of US congressmen and Republican Senators put forward proposals on the need to provide "Polish opposition anti-communist and antitogolitarian forces" not only moral and financial, but if you need any other assistance, up to the military. The Polish diaspora in the United States and Canada even announced the "collection of funds and recruitment of volunteers to organize in the Poland of the rebel movement against the Soviet occupying troops and the Government of V. Yaruzelsky."

Summer 1982 began with large-scale military preparations on both sides of the Elbe. NATO's troops were preparing for extraordinary workshops "Rafier-13", and the Warsaw Agreement - to the long-planned "Shield-82" teachings. Preparation was carried out in conditions of permanent increase in tension and increased combat readiness ...

Chapter 1. People and Goals

- In general, Yuri Vladimirovich, despite the introduction of a martial law, the situation in Poland remains tense, "the officer continued its report.

The Secretary General for more than twenty minutes carefully considered him through thick lenses of glasses, noting for himself that the costume and a tie of the speaker was clearly Western production. However, this did not cause negative emotions from Andropov, since he always believed that the state security officer in any atmosphere should not look like a whale. And this young, low colonel with a person who has a posing and at the same time not a memorable person (almost the perfect combination for the organization in which he served) was chosen as an "officer for special instructions" by Andropov himself in many ways by the will of the case, after Martov Events of this year in Poland.

At that time, Yuri Vladimirovich was not yet a general man, and the officer was a lieutenant colonel. Well, he was remembered by the future Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee at a meeting, which took place on Lubyanka on March 24, immediately after the introduction of the Yarazelian military situation in Poland. Then I reported about the situation of General Grigorenko about the situation, Colonel Savichev from the second main management of the KGB instead of a clear and clear report on the state of affairs in the neighboring country, whom the chiefs gathered from him were waiting for his long table, with a place in a quarry he suffered some kind of nonsense Successes in the ideological confrontation with the origin of cunning global imperialism in the person of "solidarity" and the other Nimits. It was quite possible to report to dear Leonid Ilyich (then still alive, although not quite healthy), who in the last months of his life frankly perceived the surrounding reality, but Andropov loved the clarity and clarity in everything. In general, when the future Secretary sent a couple of innocent, but very specific questions requiring personal assessment, the speaker began to frankly, and then blushed and blushed at all. His painful pause.

- Allow me, Yuri Vladimirovich? - asked at this very young lieutenant colonel.

He was from the first major department, the man of Kryuchkova, a counterintelligence officer who actually engaged in the fight against AGENTURA and NATO sabotage operations on the territory of the GDR and Poland. On the eve of the introduction of military situation, he, as part of a consolidated operational group, was thrown to strengthening the staff of army counterintelligence. In theory, it was not his work, just the KGB at the right moment and in the right place, as usual, did not have enough people.

"Please," allowed Andropov, and the lieutenant colonel literally in several sentences and on specific examples explained that NATO intelligence services are clearly worth the entire activity of "solidarity". Moreover, they clearly prepared in advance and places use this Polish trade union, which is called, more. For example, the warehouse plan, Yurikchik and others in Sweden was explicitly planned long before the start of serious unrest in Poland. So, after the introduction of the military situation, the Polish state security seized from many arrested activists of Solidarity, Swedish and West German passports on other people's names. Moreover, the documents were issued quite officially and the Embassy of Sweden and Germany in Warsaw were completely aware of everything. They even tried to send Poland the official note protest that "their citizens" were arrested on the territory of PNR. In addition, Western special services were introduced in advance to the relevant PNC authorities of their agents or managed to quickly recruit someone from the existing employees. Otherwise, why did Polish state security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which seem to have to monitor the situation around the leaders of "solidarity", frankly missed the latter? So, of the four officers who oversaw Valença, two were found killed, one more hardly wounded, and fourth escaped for the company with these "trade union figures" in Sweden. Moreover, it was the latter that provided its documents and powers to the safe yield of the fishing captivity with the leaders of "solidarity" and their households from Darlovo to neutral waters, followed by a change on a high-speed boat and delivery to Swedish Karslkruun. It is asked - he was an agent introduced long before, or simply flattered the money remuneration and the opportunity to go abroad? Another interesting point is after the attacks on our military units for those attackers who shot in the sentries, the rather old samples of small arms were seized, such as German Parabelum guns and Stan's English guns, clearly learned from the old banks of Akov Schrons. It seems to be clean water improvisation, but the bullets extracted by doctors from our wounded servicemen are released from modern, it seems, Sniper rifles manufactured by Germany. And this means that at least the present weapon that was used in these provocations was successfully hidden, and as the maximum - the shooters were able to get away from the arrest and they may already be abroad. If the sabotage groups penetrated the Polish territory, for example, under the guise of tourists or journalists, this option is quite real. Well, so on.

Andropov I liked this clear and live report, and he "made a back for memory," remembering the capable officer, who subsequently headed the special group of counterintelligence officers, who was now on the territory of the GDR and Poland and was clarified, in fact, the only question - are The latter, the words and the actions of the United States and NATO, are simply another breaking of the weapon or should still wait for the real war after all? So now the Colonel arrived with the next report on the current situation by the aircraft, right from Vünsdorf.

"In Poland," the officer continued, "the situation, unfortunately, remains critical. To conversations about the "defense of democracy", the "necessity of expulsion of Soviet occupiers" has recently joined the Catholic Church. In the Western press now, among other things, began to demand to publish information about Polish citizens, allegedly executed in the territory of the USSR in 1939-1941. At the same time, the leaders of "solidarity" who escaped to the West continue to make public statements and give the press an interview with a frankly provocative and anti-school nature, misleading the public in Europe and the United States. The most odious nationalist elements among the Polish diaspora in the United States and Canada was noticeably revived. Against this background in Western Europe, feverish wares are coming. Officially, NATO allegedly prepares for the teachings "Frief-13". However, our intelligence reports that it will not be just a teachings. This is confirmed by data counterintelligence ...

- And what then, in your opinion, will instead of exercises? - asked the Secretary General. - War? Yes, sorry what interrupted, continue.

- Very similar to the fact that NATO plans to carry out a landing operation in the north of Poland. Judging by the increased activity of their intelligence and other signs, the areas of Szczecin or Kolobrzeg-Darlovo are assumed to be tactically for this, but if they proceed from purely political and propaganda considerations, a landing in Gdansk Gulf is possible, although this area is more deleted and least beneficial ...

- What are you doing such conclusions? - clarified Andropov.

- Plan of the exercises "Reforger-13" to us in general terms are known, Yuri Vladimirovich. Of course, its official part. And this plan does not provide for carrying out any landing operations - as usual, the transfer and deployment of American dual-based dual-based parts in Western Europe and the development of the reflection of the possible onset of the organization of the Warsaw Treaty at the Central Economic Theater of Military Action. At the same time, even the development of the reflection of the enemy landing is not provided by this plan. But on this background, suspicious military activity is observed in Denmark. In the ports, landing ships appeared, the transfer of additional aviation was noted. Intelligence also records arrival and enhanced training of various special units and marines. As England is currently leading war in the Malvin Islands, most of the additional forces and funds are represented by the US Army and Fleets and Germany.

- Do you think they do not understand that we will respond hard to any aggressive actions and all means? - asked the Secretary General Rhetorical Question.

- Presidential administration of the United States for some reason believes that in Poland, despite the martial law, there is a practically "revolutionary situation" - only bring the match, and flashes. And in this President Reagan now strongly convinces the Polish lobby in the Congress, which is not one of the real situation, it does not own. They believe that it will only be enough for them to fall as the Polish people immediately raise the uprising, according to the type of Hungarian 1956, and we do not decide to seriously fight with the people.

- Do you think they are seriously believed? - specified Andropov with some special intonation. The colonel at the same time remembered that the Secretary General knows Hungary of the 1956 sample, since it was at that time the Soviet ambassador to the VNI and all that happened there was personally.

"Apparently, yes," the officer continued. "Although, it seems that their plan is: to arrange an impressive demonstration of military forces in Baltik, thereby provoking the next unrest in Poland, and even then act on the situation. If all the necessary conditions are created, they are packed, if not - may well be limited to the fact that they simply play muscles and leavedly.

- And what actions, in your opinion, should we take? - asked the Secretary General, however, understanding that this question is clearly not at the address. Just Andropov was interesting to know the opinion of a non-nell man, in fact, who was on the most advanced.

Actually, about the situation, our operational planning and what should be taken, to him daily (and often several times on the day) reported the military. But to look at the emerged generals from the General Staff schemes represented by the rolled ordinary arms, where Europe was exhausted with red and blue arrings of counter strikes, tanks and airplanes were considered thousands of thousands, and the distances in 1944-1945 were overcome over weeks, it was supposed to pass for counting The clock, Andropov was rather boring, because these generals and marshals were thinking in the main categories of the long-lasting Great Patriotic War - all these "trains from the flanks", "the creation of numerical superiority in the direction of the main strike" and so on. In these plans there was nothing fundamentally new, and as an answer to the disadvantage of the Secretary-General - and what will happen if it still will have to complete our strategic potential, that is, the nuclear weapons, the generals are gloomily, and the other immediately removed the other The map where the whole of Europe, the European part of the USSR and North America were thickly painted with red circles of radius of lesion during nuclear strikes. This card, which literally did not have a living place remained, invariably drove the Secretary General in the frank longing. If he only knew that absolutely similar schemes were now looked at the White House, on the other side of the Atlantic ...

"On this question, I suppose you much better than I will answer the military, Yuri Vladimirovich," Colonel answered quite expected. - As far as I know, we have similar activities are actively carried out in preparation for the next "Shield-82" exercises, while the General stakeholders, among other things, are planning a response landing operation.

- Which one? - asked Andropov. He perfectly knew all the plans of the General Staff, but in this case it was interesting to learn about the scale of awareness of this counterintelligence and his personal opinion on these plans. The Secretary-General believed that a fresh look in such matters is always useful.

- As far as I know, Yuri Vladimirovich, in case of a full-scale conflict in Europe, our General Staff, except for the offensive in the main strategic direction, that is, from Elba to La Mansu, planning a landing in Denmark, followed by the establishment of complete control over Ereinsn, Kattegat and Skagerrak.

- In your opinion, Americans do not understand that full-scale fighting will mean a nuclear war? - asked the Secretary General to another rhetorical question. - But if everything starts seriously - all of them so appreciating their personal comfort and a little thinking about the future Western civilization will live exactly as much as the rocket is flying from us to the territory of the United States or Canada - minutes of thirty-forty, and Europe and less ...

"This is not my level, Yuri Vladimirovich," the colonel replied. - But, in my opinion, Reagan and his approximate are forced to reckon with such an opportunity. According to our data, Raigan five days ago was on this topic a long and very unpleasant conversation in the White House. What is characteristic of the extended composition. In addition to politicians and the military, several scientists were invited, including, for example, Professor Gouldhard, who since 1960s is engaged in modeling the possible long-term consequences of the Global Nuclear War. If you believe in the leaks of the information, which were already about this meeting, or rather, the kips that leaked to the Western press, and conversations that took place among the Higher American officers, Reagan was very puzzled by the "difficulties" that could fill the nuclear war. It clearly fluctuates and, despite the hard rhetoric, is not ready to put a full-scale nuclear strike first. But at the same time, he believes that we are unlikely to bring such a blow first. That is, he very much hopes that the possible conflict around Poland may not cause a full-scale war. At the same time, they are there, apparently, there is no consensus on this issue again. Western military experts, as usual, catch up with fear, how much our military potential is almost many times. And the generals do not really believe them, considering that, on the basis of the experience of the Arab-Israeli war of 1973 and the War in Vietnam, we are clearly worse than them.

- Interesting statement. You might think that they did not lose in Vietnam ...

- They lost and recognize it, Yuri Vladimirovich, but they remember that there were not the most modern weapon from our part, plus they talk about large human losses of Vietnam. They tend to believe that in some places we are still at the level of the Second World War, and they at the expense of their widely declared mobility, superiority in communications and management and other things are quite capable of winning. Naturally, if the conflict will have only local scales ...

The Secretary General answered nothing, comprehending just heard. Looking around the view I remembered many leaders of the office, with a lined Karelian birch walls, a portrait of Lenin on a wall and a long table with a constant lamp under a green lamp, against which the low counterintelligence looked like a stratum-brought-to-book director, Andropov finally said:

- Okay. And what about your direct affairs?

- Materials in the folder you have on the table, Yuri Vladimirovich. But if in a nutshell - Western agent in the same GDR in recent days has greatly activated. Moreover, they are no longer limited to ordinary espionage and supervision. The state security of the GDR arrested several people who were engaged in exploration of brodes and a detailed examination of bridges in the area of \u200b\u200bWismar, Schwerin and Parhima. At the same time, two of the arrested penetrated the territory of the GDR illegally, and three more - under the guise of tourists. It was possible to accurately establish the identity of one of the detainees - this is a personnel officer of the US army intelligence officer, and from the units of special operations. And in the Stralsund district, we have identified several caches at once. In addition to weapons, explosives and other common in such cases, "small gentlemansky set" in such cases, several sets of radio stations were found in them, and this turned out to be not familiar intelligence equipment, and stations designed specifically for adjustments - to bring aviation, manage arthogne and so on. And these races delivered to the caches recently, during the year maximum. There is an increase in the intensity of the work of spy radio stations in the area of \u200b\u200bBerlin and Rostock, new transmitters appear. To combat an enemy agent, everything is possible, but still it seems that with espionage they gradually switch to the provision of army operations ...

"I understand," said the Secretary General. - Thank you. I will get acquainted with the materials in the very near future. What do you intend to do next?

- How to order, Yuri Vladimirovich. If the management intends to somehow reorient my activities and the activities of my operational group - I am ready ...

- No, Vladimir Vladimirovich, nobody is going to reorient you for some other direction. I need in former quality. Therefore, now come back to the GDR and continue to track the situation in place. Especially we are interested in the current NATO operational plans. You see, our generals and marshals, as usual, are solemnly reporting that they are willing literally to all and infect any blow, wherever he followed. Some of them generally believe that we are able to throw NATO with caps, as you can see, forgetting that in 1941, the military leadership of the Red Army also reported on the intention to fight with a small blood in someone else's territory and meet Hitler fully arms. And what ended? I personally saw the fifty-sixth fifty-sixth in Hungary in October. Then our military and the KGB until the last moment also reported upwards that they "control the situation", and then the Communists began to hang on the lanterns, and the Hungarians had to do with direct vending, since there were no other means left. In general, I need you and your group to continue fresh look to evaluate the situation and decide on the spot - is it all serious there? While from your reports it follows that the current state of affairs is fraught with war, and the measures we take, though timely, but are not always sufficient. If there is something worthwhile - report me personally, at any time of the day. I trust you absolutely.

- Thank you, Yuri Vladimirovich. Allow me to go?