Lenin played with Hitler in chess? Hitler played chess? Lenin and Hitler were familiar with Lenin.

A few years ago, a picture called "The Batch in Chess: Lenin and Hitler was put at the Auction in London. Vienna, 1909 ".

The canvas, according to the owner, belonged to a rich Jewish family, who left Austria on the eve of World War II. Part of the property, including the chess, and shifted on it, were left by housekeeper. Her rightmark and put these items for sale.

The addresses of Lenin and Hitler in the Austrian capital are known: at the beginning of the last century, they really lived nearby, and the cafe, where the picture was written, at the beginning of the 20th century it was known as a place of meetings of people of various political views.

Historians, however, have no data that testify that Lenin and Hitler ever met. In addition, the "old man" (Lenin's party nickname) in 1909 it was thirty-nine and he was Lys, and the picture shows a man who is not deprived of the chapel. The last argument was challenged by the owner of the canvas, argued that Lenin could use a wig from conspiracy considerations.

On the back of the paintings you can see the signatures that, again, according to the owner, belonged to the chess players who determined the course of world history in the twentieth century.

Distracted. I remembered how a quarter of a century ago, in the 1990 Self-known (very famous) Russian grandmaster assured Amsterdam Gallers about the presence of 99 percent of Genuine Malevich in the collection of her good acquaintance. She strongly advised them to acquire a cloth for only two million and not worry about the certificate of authenticity: there will be no problems with this.

The picture with the image of Hitler and Lenin after a chessboard (like a set of chess, which they allegedly played) Nobody bought, but 29 drawings of the future Fuhrera were previously sold from the hammer for 85 thousand pounds sterling. A dear drawing for 10.5 thousand acquired a Russian who wished to remain unknown.

The representative of the auction house was very pleased with the results of the auction, since he expected that the maximum profit of the auction would be 60 thousand pounds. "We will be frank - after all, these works are not the work of Picasso. I think no one will argue that Adolf Hitler was among the best artists of his time, "he said.

Most watercolors are presented landscapes, but there are also urban stories. Some of the works have a signature: A. Hitler or initials A.H.

In 1907, Hitler was eighteen, and he decided to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts. After the applicant was not allowed to the Third Tour, he achieved a meeting with the rector of the Academy. The rector advised him to engage in architecture: Obviously, the young man has the ability to have. Hitler did not obey the Council, came to the Academy for the next year, but also this attempt ended in failure. Adolf decided to become a free artist and start drawing a small format painting on sale, representing mostly different historical buildings of Vienna.

When the paintings fell once on the eyes of Ilya Glazunov, the artist noted "their originality and certain talentedness ..."

Many believe that Fiasco played a role in the formation of the worldview of the future Fuhrera: in his failures he vinyl Jewish professors of the Academy.

We resort to categorically rejected historians with a subjunctive ignition: would the world history would have a different scenario if the young Adolf would take to the Vienna Painting Academy?

* * *

At the beginning of the twenties, the position of both chess players depicted in the picture was different. If one stood at the head of the world in the world of the socialist state, the other was just beginning with political activities, being in prison after the Munich "beer coup" (1923).

Three years earlier, Lenin said that the world standing on the Versailles Agreement is a volcano, which sooner or later explodes, and there will be someone who will rise against this contract. He did not know that such a person was already found and, although his first attempt did not succeed, he wrote the book "My struggle."

Copy of the book "My struggle" belonging to Bobby Fishera

Both aggressive ideologies, sought to extend their influence on the whole world, none of the freedom of individual individual and moral principles. Known Hitler's replica: "I free you from chimeras called conscience!" Lenin expressed a very similar thought: "Everything is morally, which serves as a proletariat."

In classical work "Take off and fall of the Third Reich" William Sheerer wrote: "A third-party observer, who had just arrived in the country, somewhat surprised that the Germans were obviously not aware of themselves victims of intimidation and oppression by shameless and cruel dictatorship. On the contrary, they supported this dictatorship with genuine enthusiasm. "

It was previously that false, but the skillful propaganda of the Reich Shem Minister of Propaganda was to blame, but the skill of which recently gave proper and president of Russia: "Goebbels was a talented man, he sought her."

However, the newest studies of psychologists show that the effectiveness of any propaganda is determined not as the efforts of the authorities, how highness of the population believing this propaganda.

A few days after Hitler became Chancellor, Goebbels recorded in his diary: "Now it will be easy to continue the struggle, because we can use all government resources. Radio and press at our disposal. We will implement a masterpiece of propaganda. And this time, naturally, there will be no shortage of money. "

In school textbooks on the history of the Third Reich, it was said that all the proposals made by the Führer in the late 1930s were ignored by European countries, and first of all Czechoslovakia and Poland. Therefore, Germany was forced to start hostilities to protect the German population in the courts and in Poland: the governments of these countries were oppressed by the Germans. All Hitler's attempts to solve these problems peacefully collided with a misunderstanding and arrogance of Germany neighbors. This was considered - she further noted the author of the textbook, - not as an attempt to establish a dialogue based on the fact that Germany should be considered as a great nation, but as a direct threat to the German minority in these countries. After all, the Germans lived in this territory of the time of centuries. "

The newest story was submitted then under such an angle, and the reality is in a favorable side, as is done now in Russia, announcing that any past is a properly filed ideology, the author of the textbook did not guessed.

If, with Hitler, Lenin in his emigrant years probably did not meet, documented about the founder's meetings of the world's first socialist state with Benito Mussolini: because Mussolini himself at the beginning of its activities was a socialist, and then elements of socialism took place in its specific mode.

Benito Mussolini in Vienna. Beginning of the XX century

The future dead diligently studied Lenin's experience, and after creating a fascist party to power, it was publicly forced to change his attitude towards the leader of the Russian revolution, although in a narrow circle he continued to admire them. No wonder the Italian journalists called it in that period Musselin.

Russian director Sergey Aleksandrovich Soloviev has long been going to carry out the old idea: to remove the watercolor filmmaker, "Elizabeth and Claodil", whose action unfolds in 1907 in Vienna. In this film, the viewer should see a number of characters: two young girls, the French aviator and the poet, as well as those who lived then in Vienna Hitler and Lenin. Will the director of the chess topic take advantage of the image of politicians whose names after a decade recognized the whole world? Not sure. Obviously, that "drawn from nature" a picture where future leaders of Russia and Germany play chess in a Viennese cafe, has the same attitude to reality, as well as the Party Stalin - hedgehogs, which I already.

* * *

If about the hobby of Lenin chess is known whether the Führer played in chess, it is not easy to say. I do not think that the chapter of the Third Reich had an interest in chess. Obviously, the nationality of the first, and the second world champions, as well as the "chess teacher of all Germany," as Zygmund Tarrash was called, were not a secret for Hitler, but only one thing that should have dismissed him from an ancient game.

Neither a session of the simultaneous game (whom?) In one of the clubs in Germany, nor the cover of the April issue of the chess magazine for 1938 does not speak, it is clear about nothing.

One people are one Fatherland - one Führer!

At that time, time, and after the war, this kind of slogans and portraits could be seen in every club of the Soviet Union.

* * *

After studying various biographies of Hitler, I found only one mention of the chess game. In May 1933, justifying the actions of the attack aircraft (SA), physically packed with dissent, Hitler said in a multi-party still Reichstag: "If you call these troops by military units, then the military associations can call chess clubs and dog breeding societies."

A group of attack aircraft (CA) on Berlin Street with anti-Semitic slogans

The Social Democrats and the Communists are called then: What is common between Hitler's attack aircraft and bifhtex? Answer: Outside, they are brown, inside red. Very soon, however, representatives of the left parties bit the tongue: the concentration camps in which they were thrown, really turned out to be little similar to chess clubs.

In those years, Herbert Wells called Hitler to croutile Berlin Pigmem. George Orwell did not agree with him, who realized the nature of totalitarianism earlier and better than many. Compare a person who obeyed all Germany, with a screaming Berlin Pigmem, Orwell seemed naive.

An outstanding writer spoke of Magnetism and Harizme Fuhrer, that it has "something deeply attractive." He used comparisons that may surprise: "He has a tragic, unhappy, like a dog's expression, the face of a person suffering from unbearable injustices." And completely shocking: "This is only a more courageous expression of the face of a crucified Christ ... I am ready to publicly declare that it has never been able to experience hostility to Hitler." Adding however, while: "Although I would kill it if I got this opportunity."

* * *

On September 1, 1939, the Second World War began, and in many world magazines began to appear drawings and caricatures of the Fuhrera with chessings.

At that time, the Soviet Union, concluding the Molotov-Ribbentrop Treaty, actually became an ally of Germany.

Stand I. Stalin, I. von Ribbentrop. Sits V. Molotov.

Both ally dictators in front of Poland divided by

Everything changed after German attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941, and in December, when the United States joined the war, Germany was forced to fight at once on three fronts.

Appeal to chess in cartoons on Hitler does not speak, of course, of course, nothing. And at that time, and today chess are a grateful theme for artists and journalists. Starting once to collect headlines of articles in which we are talking about a "pate position", "Tsutsvang", "geopolitical chessboard", "Zeietnote", etc., I threw a useless lesson: Chess Terms are used constantly in publications on economic and political Topics.

So my question - whether the Führer played in chess - remained open, and the appeal to German colleagues did not make clarity either: they could not report anything about this.

Further search I continued in the summer of 2013 in America.

The magnificent building in the very center of Washington is the name of Thomas Jefferson. The previously known Library of Congress, the building is directly opposite the US Supreme Court.

I knew that in a huge book, there are books that belonged to Adolf Hitler, but were chess among them? His personal? Presented to him?

The library of the Fuhrera, divided between the imperial office in Berlin and country residences, has numbered 16,300 books. Just like Stalin, about whom the Molbo came, that he read 500 pages per day, Führer was an avid book.

This was confirmed by Hitler's servant after the war, saying that he was usually read at night, sitting at the table or in a chair, always with a glass of tea. Four books Hitler put the others above. Here is this unexpected list: "Don Quixote", "Robinson Cruzo", "Uncle Tom" hut and "Gullyer's travel".

"These books," he said, "belong to the highest achievements of world literature."

The library was a complete collection of writings of Shakespeare, about which the Führer responded very high, putting an English classic above two recognized German geniuses - Goethe and Schiller.

"To be or not to be" - they said repeatedly, as well as "What is he Hecube, what is she?" But he especially liked "Julius Caesar", and happened, Hitler was postponing the most difficult decisions on Martov Ida.

Once he told Laze Riephental: "I need to catch a lot. In my youth, I did not have the opportunity to get a decent education ... "In the process of reading, he, like the Kremlin dictator, did notes, and traces of reading completely different in the content of books retained the traces of the pencils of both.

April 20, 1939. Hitler - fifty. The approximate knew what a gift would make the pleasure of Führer.

The main in the library of Hitler was the military section - 7,000 books, then art and architecture - 1500. The architecture of the Führer had obvious weakness and repeatedly said that in the future it was going to completely devote himself to the profession of architect. The books of this section have kept this kind of marking Hitler - "Modern art will radically change the world? Bullshit!"

A lot of books are devoted to diet and nutrition; It is known that Führer loved to speculate about the utility of certain products, digestion, gas formation, etc. etc. The books of this section also retained the mark made by his hand. For example: "Cows are designed to give milk; Bulls - To drag wagons. "

The Führer himself was a vegetarian, and invited to him for lunch knew what kind of dishes were expected. Evil languages \u200b\u200brumored that Borman, for example, giving tribute to exquisite carrot-cabbage dishes, after the meal descended to the kitchen, where it was attacked with pleasure on the blood sausage.

Secretary of Hitler, receiving gifts for the head of the Third Reich in the form of exquisite wines and expensive cigars, answered donors that the Führer does not drink alcoholic beverages, with the exception of several sips on a very special occasion; He does not smoke and never smoked.

A lot of books of the library are devoted to the subject to which Hitler attached a special role, precisely - studying hands. He often appreciated people in their hands and during the first conversation attentively examined the fingers of people - what form they are, as far as well maintained, etc. Some generals and diplomats were surprised why Hitler after the first, heart and highly friendly reception suddenly slaughtered them, and sometimes there was frankly rude. People who knew the Fuhrera well explained the "victims" the cause of its cooling.

I asked the curator if there were books on chess books. Such did not turn out. True, the employee immediately rebelled that the library was not complete, its main part was sent to Moscow in 1945, and the remaining books took away American soldiers as souvenirs.

Books with this exlebris still appear on the book auctions of the world

I decided that despite the chess life, had a place in Germany and in the countries occupied even during World War II, the head of the twelve years of the "Millennial Third Reich" did not play chess and was not interested in them.

Yes, and is it in the end important, because it is only a very small bar biography of a person, even if the regime established by him had tragic consequences for hundreds of millions of people on Earth.

So I thought, until quite recently, the book of the German chess composer Herbert Gresemann did not come across the eyes.

In this book, published in Germany in 1982, the author writes: "When Hitler was twenty-one, he had no specific plans for the future and he had not yet decided to devote himself to politics. The young Adolf lived then in Vienna, led the straitful lifestyle and was an avid visitor to chess cafes, leaving in them to a deep night. The game was fascinated him so that he began to fear, as if chess was not satisfied with him completely. Therefore, one day Hitler decided to end the chess once and for all. "

In a footnote to this sketch, the author writes that "Hitler confestedly informed about this episode of his life to a close friend and comrades, Gailyarat Poland and a large chess lover. The hobby of the franc chess Führer, of course, knew - under the patronage, the franc passed all the chess competitions in the third Reich, and His personal guests were Alekhin and Bogolyubov. Hitler said the franc on the episode of his youth completely confidentially; He did not want it to be publicly known: the image of a chess fanatics did not fit into the image of the Lord of the world. "

Yet Frank told about the chess enthusiasm of the Fuhrer to his deputy in Poland to the Obersturmführer of the SS and the Chess Composer Ado Krevert (1898-1972). Shortly before the death of Kremer, in turn, told about this colleague, also a chess composer, the author of the aforementioned book.

Despite the inevitable amendments to the wind in too long the transmission of the fact, to exclude the youthful passion for the future of the Fuhrer chess. Chess cafes in Vienna (more correctly - the cafes in which they played chess) was quite a lot and it is possible that the young Adolf, looking at people, in silence of the ones who bowed over the board with figures and spent long hours in such a position, infected with a chess virus.

* * *

"Hitler? "My struggle"? No, I did not read. I tried, Jan Timman frowned, "did not go. On rarity boring, I do not speak about the content at all. And you, - in turn asked Yang, - Lenin studied? "

"It should have been at the university, like everything ... But truly read it only in the West. Although no, it will be more correct to say not him, but about him ... "

The conversation took place in September 1981 at the station Buffet Innsbruck, where we were waiting for trains to Merano.

In the qualifying match to the final of the Command European Championship, Holland played with Austria and Poland. The Netherlands were headed towards rivals, and the competition, as expected, turned into a formality: the Dutch easily won both matches.
We played in the small Austrian town of Brownau (Braunau), located three hours from Merano, where the match for the world championship Karpov has already begun.

When we arrived in Brownau, troubled troubled that the town was mentioned even Tolstoy in the "War of the World". Returning home and opening the book, the military pages of which I also read the boy, I was convinced that my memory did not fail. It was in Brownau (named Russian soldiers without Zaewn Brunovo) was the headquarters of the commander-in-chief of Kutuzov during the 1805 campaign.
In the rest of Brownau was a completely incredible place, except for psychiatric hospital in the center of the town.

Local chess players told that it was in this house that was just a resident - on April 20, 1889, a boy was born and held the first three years, with the triumph who came here already adults.

"Germany, Germany above all! Above all in the world! " - then repeated the twisted people after him.

When baptized, the boy was given the name Adolfus, but the mother called him adi.
A few decades later, this boy will say that "years spent by mankind without war are empty history pages."

In 1989, a memorial monument was installed in front of the house in Brownau. The granite stone is brought from the Mauthausen concentration camp.

It is knocked out: "For peace, freedom and democracy. To never again repeated fascism and there were no millions of killed. "

Today, historians and gallery owners of the three countries - Russia, Austria and the United Kingdom - the seemingly absurd question would be violently, whether Vladimir Lenin and Adolf Hitler met ever. The reason for the discussion was the article published in the British "Dail Telegraph".

It says that a certain citizen - a leaving from a rich in the Vienna family - is going to sell the drawing at auction, capturing the future Fuhrera for playing chess with the future leader of the proletariat. The owner of the sketch assures that it is made from nature in Vienna in 1909.

Correspondent NTV Andrei Shilov He studied the question.

The fact that the expert is so simply putting on the table is estimated at 400 thousand pounds sterling. The auction presents it as an engraving of the Emma of Lovenshtramm, the drawing teacher, which took the lessons of the young Adolf.

The work of 1909 seems to portray the game of Chess Hitler and Lenin. It is even signed by both by both on the back. But are these the most people who give them out?

Richard Westud Brooks, an expert of the auction for historical documents: "We know that Hitler in 1909 worked as an artist in Vienna. As for Lenin, then his movements can be judged only with some degree of accuracy. And reliably know where he was in this or that day, we cannot. "

It is argued that engraving was five. The fate of four unknown, and this belonged to a Jewish family in Vienna, in whose home and there was a game. Before World War II, the family fled from the city, leaving many things, including engraving, his butler. And already his great-grandfather prepared a 300-page document with evidence of authenticity, and the rightmarks sells work at auction.

Richard Westud-Brooks, an expert of the auction for historical documents: "There is a very scientific approach in this work, and it allows that there are certain doubts about the accuracy of this engraving. But the fact that he is willing to prove its authenticity with all existing indirect evidence is worthy of all respects. "

Hitler - left, Lenin - right. Adolf thought, and Vladimir makes black, and left hand, and Leftche Lenin was not. Lenin from his youth was known to be a deep bald, and here he has a decent shevo. For comparison, his photo 1900 and 1910 is attached to the lot. Allegedly those chess are offered to sell, which are visible on the engraving.

Both are really played in chess. It is known at least one photo of Lenin for a chessboard, where he plays with a writer Maxim Gorky. But the main thing is, in this case, this is the probability of the meeting of Lenin and Hitler.

Vladimir Lavrov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, author of the book "Name Russia. V.I. Lenin ":" These were very different people. Hitler - Anti-Bolshevik, Lernin - the first and main Bolshevik. Hitler - Extreme, Yellow Nationalist, Lenin - Internationalist. Hitler - Anti-Semit, Lenin - an internationalist, and the Jewish blood flowed in it. They would be very unpleasant to meet. "

"It would be" - this is all the matter. No one has proven that there were no meetings, which means she could be. The largest historical figures, who are still unknown fewer, left forehead in the forehead. This is the main interest.

In the horror gallery of the XX century, Hitler is usually compared with Stalin, so the bunch of Hitler - Lenin looks even somehow fresh. After all, they were born nearby, on April 20 and 22, however, Lenin was 19 years old. And they sell the engraving exactly 100 years after the alleged date of its appearance. And those chess can be bought and play

In general, if not to relate to this as the sale of a historical document, such an interactive art project is obtained, modern art. And the price, that is, interest in such art, you can find out less than a month later, October 1.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov)

Lenin and chess are a topic that has repeatedly becoming the subject of analysis not only historians, but also professional chess players. It reflected in Lenin's records, is widely represented in memoirs (relatives, associates in the Bolshevik Party, even in memoirs of political opponents), in scientific and popular biographies of the head of the Bolshevik party and the Soviet government. Books were published specifically dedicated to this topic.

For most of his life, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was chess: he played chess, solved chess tasks and etudes, was actively interested in the events of chess life in Russia and for its borders, met with the well-known chess players of his time. In his political speeches and articles, he used images and vocabulary, familiar to chess players.There are dozens of paintings and graphics on this plot (most of them are created in the USSR in the 1930s and 1970s), a certain number of photos have been preserved by Vladimir Ulyanov for a chess party.

Lenin's passion for chess was actively used in the USSR to popularize this game for 20-80s of the 20th century. In 2010, this topic again became relevant in Europe and the United States due to the emergence of rarity at auctions, which are associated with some art historians and historians with the name of Lenin and can be attributed to his chess classes.


The first page of the letter V. I. Lenin Dmitry I. Ulyanov about the chess task. February 17, 1910.

Chess occasionally appear in Lenin's letters and are sometimes mentioned in its theoretical and revolutionary works. Lenin himself in a letter from the link in Shushensky Mark Elizarova

Mark Timofeevich Elizarov (10 (22) March 1863, D. Bestzhevka, Samara Province - March 10, 1919, Petrograd, Russia) - Russian revolutionary, Soviet statesman, First People's Commissar of RSFSR Commissar (1917-1918).

(which, as Lenin mentions in the letter, won Emanuel Lasker Party in the simultaneous game session)

Emanuel Lasker (it. Emanuel Lasker, in Russian sources the name is often written as Emanuel; December 24, 1868 - January 11, 1941) - German Chess player and Mathematics, a representative of the positional school, the second world champion in Chess (1894-1921). Laster retained the title of world champion twenty-seven years, which is a record achievement for chess, and continued to perform at the highest level to 68 years.

the attention of the party of his correspondent, which he sent him in the previous one, and notes that Elizarov began to play much stronger. In another letter, he regrets that he did not take chess in the link. In another letter Lenin and Krup Call chess one of Lenin's main entertainment in the link.

Nadezhda Konstantinovna Kromskaya , (14 (26) February 1869, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire - February 27, 1939, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian revolutionary, Soviet state, party, public and cultural figure, organizer and chief ideologue of Soviet education and communist Education of young people. Spouse of the 1st Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Again, Lenin and Krupskaya mention in their letter of chess only in 1907.

A large number of references on this topic is contained in letters and memories of the close relatives of Lenin and his spouse. Memories of hobby Lenin chess published his younger brother - Dmitry Ulyanov. In 1926 his article appeared "as Lenin played chess."

Dmitry Ilyich Ulyanov (4 (16) August 1874, Simbirsk - July 16, 1943, Gorki Leninsky) - Russian revolutionary and Soviet party figure, younger brother Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Briefly mentions Nadezhda Krupskaya in his letter from Shushensky about Lenin parties against Lepeshinsky,

Panteleimon Nikolaevich Lepheshinsky (1868 - 1944) - Professional revolutionary, party leader, writer. Husband of a biologist, Academician O. B. Lepheinskaya.

about making them his own chess set - Lenin cut out the shapes from the bark and consulted with his wife, what form to give them. In the memoirs, Krupskaya adds that sometimes Lenin even cried in a dream, announcing his turn to the imaginary enemy. She talks about playing chess in the family circle of Ulyanovy. Almost literally, such stories were perceived in the anthologies, popular in the USSR and containing fragments from various articles and work of Krupskaya about Lenin, in particular such an anthology is the book "On Vladimir Ilich Lenin". In two letters, she mentions that they played chess from morning to evening, and Lenin wins victory over everyone. In a letter, M. A. Ulyanovoy Krupskaya reports that in the village of Yermakovskoye (there was a nearby Sushensky village), perhaps will arrive at a permanent residence of a certain famous chess player who can become a good rival for Vladimir Ilyich.

Among the friends and comrades of Lenin, who left the memories of chess enthusiasm to Ulyanova-Lenin, stands out Pantelemon Lepheshinsky (1868-1944) - a professional revolutionary, party leader, writer. In the 1920s and 30s, he was actively and professionally engaged in the history of the Bolshevik movement (in 1927-1930 - Director of the Historical Museum, in 1935-1936 - Director of the Revolution Museum). Lenin met him in the exile in the village of Shushensky. Lepeshinsky was a good chess player, but Lenin usually gave him a chade - a light shape. He published several articles dedicated to the topic "Lenin - Chess player"; "As Vladimir Ilyich played chess."

P. N. Lepushinsky

Lenin - Chess player

Winter 1889/90. In Samara, there is a chess handicap - a tournament. Among the participants, his such value as Hardin. At that time, there were no chess players in Russia who did not know this name. After all, Hardin was quite fairly considered one of the strongest chess players of Russia, the rival of Chigorin, who was standing in the ranks of the best players in the world. The winner of this tournament comes to Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.

Vladimir Ilich learned to play chess aged 8 - 9 years. By the age of 15, he began to beat his teacher - father, a big amateur chess and a strong player. And in five years he met for a chessboard with Hardin himself. Forces, of course, were unequal. Hardin was an excellent theorist, a researcher of a series of debuts, had more than thirty years old chess experience. The opponent knew him only 2 - 3 of the most famous debut. And all - Taki Hardin was a little stronger: he gave Vladimir Ilyich only a walk forward.

"... Vladimir Ilyich, of course, could soon be compared with him ... And go further if he seriously took up chess literature if, for example, the summer months, which he spent in the village of Alakaevka in these years, he He devoted chess and the theory of this game. With its systematic, perseverance and mental forces, he would have become the largest chess value in several years. This is undoubtedly ... "," his brother, Dmitry Ilyich writes.

But Vladimir Ilyich did not put chess above all. They were for him only entertainment, rest, preserving and preparing forces to another, more serious struggle.

He played chess with the same hobby, in the towns, hunted and bought.

Lenin not only played chess well, he loved to solve and chess tasks and etudes. Here, for example, the etude and the task that he decided. They are far from light.

In the link and in Emigration, Lenin has given a lot of free time to chess. His permanent partner Lepeshinsky in the book "On the turn" tells a lot about Lenin-chess player. Here is a description of one of the battles:

"... I, Starkov and Krzhizhanovsky began to play with Ilyich at a meeting. And, about happiness, about delight! Ilyich "SDRAYFIL" ... Ilyich suffers defeat. He has already lost one figure, and it is completely unimportant. Victory is ensured by us.

Faces from representatives of Chess "Entente" - Merry, Plutovsky ...

They evil chosen over the admission by the enemy and in the joking chatter express their genuine delight, savoring the successful consequences of the brilliant stroke of whites, which for black turned out to be very fatal, and meanwhile they do not notice the fact that the semi-dusty, but not yet capitulating the enemy sits in a frozen pose over The board, like a stone sculpture, personifying superhuman tension of thought. On his huge forehead - dot droplets, the head is low tilted to the chessboard, the eyes are fixedly directed at that corner of her, where she focused on the strategic main point of the battle ... The purpose of his life in this minute is not to be resistant to resist not to recognize yourself defeated. It is better to die from the hemorrhage into the brain, and all is not to capitulate, but still get out of honor from a predicament ...

The frivolous "Entente" does not notice this.

The first one scored her leader:

Ba, Ba, Ba, this is something unforeseen ... - by voice, full of anxiety, he reacts to the magnificent maneuver made by Ilyich. - GM ... GM ... Trembo Treka Rzuvati, - Matches himself under his nose ...

But alas, chewed it was before, and now it's too late. Two - three "quiet" strokes a stubborn opponent "Antanka" under the skeins of its premature babysitis created a completely unexpected situation for the Allies, and combat "happiness" changed them.

From this point on, their face is increasingly drawn up ... The allies begin to reflit each other, the addition of each other in the Rotosaism, and their winner having fun and wipe the sweat from his forehead. "

After the revolution, Lenin almost did not play chess at all. Gigantic struggle for the first socialist state in the world did not leave time for chess fighting.

"... all the power of his mind, his whole huge will is mobilized completely, without a residue, for victory, by all means. Its superbly arranged head works hard ... above a kind of chess problem. Peer in this "game". So he puts forward a footless democracy against the citadel of domestic capitalism. This "makes Gambit", agrees to the Brest sacrifice. Here it produces unexpected castling - the center of the game transfers from Smolny for the Kremlin walls. Here it deploats the forces with the help of the Red Army, the Red Cover, the Red Artillery, defends himself, protects the results of the conquests made, and if possible, it attacks. Here "takes" the enemy - throws the idea of \u200b\u200bconcessions. It seems to be retreating and makes the consequences of the "quiet moves" - it goes to the agreement with the peasantry, it tastes the plan of electrification, etc. Here is the pawns on the line where they turn into big figures - through the devices of Soviet and party organizations prepare from the workers -Celatian medium new intelligentsia, major administrators, politicians, creators of the new life. And ... The whole world will be shocked by the final of the game: Ilyichevskoye "Shah and Mat" at the address of capitalism will put an end to the "game", which the next generations will be carefully studying for hundreds and thousands of years. "


Several valuable comments on the topic belong Maxim Gorky, including in the necritologist of Lenin, written in 1924.

Maksim Gorky (real name -Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov ; Well established is also the use of this writer's name in combination with a pseudonym -Alexey Maksimovich Gorky ; March 16, 1868, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Empire - June 18, 1936, Gorki, Moscow Oblast, USSR) - Russian writer, prose, playwright. One of the most significant and famous Russian writers and thinkers in the world.

If in the initial editorial board of this necrolologist, chess is performed only once, then the final version of Gorky inserted a story about Lenin's parties against Alexandra Bogdanova On the Italian Island Capri.

Alexander Alexandrovich Bogdanov (Real Surname -Malinovsky, other pseudonyms - Werner, Maximov, ordinary; 10 (22) August 1873, Sokolka, Grodno province - April 7, 1928, Moscow) - Russian scientist-encyclopedist, a revolutionary figure, doctor, thinker, writer, science fiction, one of the largest ideologues of socialism. Member of the RSDLP in 1896-1909, Bolshevik, from 1905 member of the Central Committee. The organizer of the group "Forward" and Party Schools of the RSDLP in Capri and in Bologna. In 1911, he departed from active political activities and focused on developing his ideas about new sciences - tectology, and "science of public consciousness"; anticipated some provisions of the system approach and cybernetics. In 1918-1920 - the ideologist of the prosticult. Since 1926, the organizer and director of the world's first blood transfusion institute; He died, producing experience.

A series of amateur photos made on Capri in 1908 remained (between 10 (23) and 17 (30), when Vladimir Lenin was visiting Gorky. Photos were removed from various angles and captured Lenin playing with Gorky and Alexander Bogdanov - famous revolutionary-Marxist, doctor and philosopher.

Bogdanov, Gorky and Lenin play chess. 1908.

"For chessboard", April 1908, Capri Island, Italy. Stand: M. Gorky, Z. Peshkov and N. Bogdanova. Sit: I. Ladyzhnikov, V. Lenin, A. Bogdanov

The author of all these photos (or at least two of them) was Yuri Zhelovabsky, Son Actress Moscow Art Theater Maria Andreva and Gorky Pasynok, and in the future - a major Soviet film operator, director and screenwriter. At that time he was twenty-year-old boys.

Yuri Zhelovabsky, Maria Andreeva and Maxim Gorky, 1905

Yuri Andreyevich Zhelovabi (1888, Moscow, Russian Empire - 1955, Moscow, USSR) - Soviet operator, director, screenwriter. Member of the CPSU.

Moscow V.P., Semenov V.G.

Books about Lenin

Lenin in Italy, Czechoslovakia, Poland - 1908. At Gorky on Capri

1908 year. At Gorky on Capri

The path was lying through Switzerland and Italy, through Milan, Parma, Florence, Rome and Naples. A mountainous country, Italy for the beauty of his own, was not inferior to Switzerland, but at first glance, the differences were noticeable - the villages of the victory and less well-groomed.

V. I. Lenin wanted to get acquainted with this country closer. Another gymnasister he read a lot about the Roman Empire. At the oral exam on history and geography, brilliantly answered questions about the struggle of plebeyevs with patricians, about raising children in Rome, about the most important cities of Italy - Venice, Genoa, Naples, Turin, Florence, Palermo, which by that time stood as large trading and industrial Centers.

In the family of Ulyanov, he was honored by the people's hero of Italy Garibaldi, the 100th anniversary of which was celebrated in 1907. The organizer of the Roman Republic, a participant in the Liberation War in the south of Italy, Garibaldi lived a long life. In 1871, the famous hero of Italy welcomed the Paris commune. "Titan Italy" called him bitter.

Garibaldi was the favorite hero of the older brother V. I. Lenin. In the family, children had a game. They reproduced the famous Sicilian campaign of 1860, when Garibaldi ships were supported by Sicily's rebel. Around the world, the cry of the leader of the revolutionary Italians, "Freedom above and is better than life! Raise everything to fight the enemy, and we will fight until we overcome! ". And even the unloved Latin's gymnasisters sounded from Vladimir Ulyanov differently, when he read Cicero and other Ancient Roman classics for memory. His co-production D. M. Andreev recalled what impression was made by Vladimir Ulyanov Speech of Cicero, converted against a cylinder:

- How long, Catina, will you abuse our patience?

Class froze, listening to familiar words in which Ulyanov managed to breathe new life. His sharp boy was trembling on low notes, his hands were firmly compressed in fists, the pale face and widely open eyes were amazed inland fire and power.

"Soon the Ulyanov has infected everyone with their inspiration," writes D. M. Andreev, "we felt like the Romans, we heard the speech of the immortal speaker and experienced his words that fell into the very heart. Latin, sitting on the pulpit, listened, sticking his eyes with his hand. He did not move, and when Ulyanov cumshot, he silently approached him and hugged him.

- Thank you, boy! He said gently and wanted to add something else, but at that moment the call was back, and the teacher, waving his hand, left the class. "

And now, in two decades, Lenin entered the Earth Italy. Before the night express in Naples, time was time to wander around the Italian capital, and he went along Via 3 Milazzo, reading Italian inscriptions.

3 Via - Street (IT.)

I went to a cheap cafe to have a snack, listen to conversations of workers. Then he took the cabin, according to Via National, reached the forum, examined his ancient relics. Rose to the Capitol Hill.

On the way to Naples, Lenin read in the Avanti newspaper ("Forward"), the article of Gorky "On Cynicism", which he already knew on publication in one of the French publications. The editorial office of "Proletaria" returned it to the author, as it set forth the ideas of "Godorse". For the same reason, the editors did not print and his other article - "the destruction of the personality". Vladimir Ilyich objected to these publications. Motivating his position, V. I. Lenin, on February 25, 1908, wrote bitter that his refusal to remake an article or to cooperate with the "proletarium" will cause the aggravation of the conflict among the Bolsheviks, and this will weaken the revolutionary Social Democrats in Russia.

Almost a year passed after their meeting on the London Congress. Aleksey Maksimovich hesitated then performances of workers' delegates. And now he could not see the authentic face of Mahistov and the Lab Republicers led by Bogdanov.

Much changed his mind Vladimir Ilyich on the road to Gorky.

For several quarters from the station to the pier - and the famous Naples Bay appeared. The city to the water descended the huge semicircle. And then - countless boats, boats, barcases, the boat of various purposes; Far away from the banks of the poults, and the walkways, on which they again, fussed, went, were sitting. It seemed that they all spoke at the same time, gesticulating vigorously, and the impression was created that no one listens to anyone. The large sector of the embankment was busy with the market, where they were sold just caught fish and other seafood: squid, crabs, lobsters - almost all the fauna of the Tyrrhenian and Mediterranean seas. But anyone could see all the fauna on the same embankment - in the Neapolitan Museum-aquarium. Here Vladimir Ilyich will come later, together with Alexey Maksimovich.

The outlines of the Capri island were visible. With a passenger couple, constantly running between the city and the island, excellent views of Naples and its surroundings were opened. Right, if you look at the city from the side of the bay, Vesuviy snatched. According to his far slope in 79 N. e. Flounced Lava flows that buried three cities of Pompeii, Staby and Herculane.

But here and Capri. Yes, the island, indeed, picturesque. No wonder A. M. Gorky wrote about him: "It's amazingly beautiful here, some kind of fairy tale is infinitely diverse, deployed before you. Beautifully sea, island, his rocks, and people do not spoil this impression of careless, cheerful, motley beauty. " Amazingly a beautiful place on the globe called Capri M. F. Andreeva.

On the pier Marina Grande many meetings and those who expected a steamer to leave the nearest flight to the mainland. In the crowd, Vladimir Ilyich quickly saw a high, stubborn figure of Gorky and Maria Fedorovna Andreev, next to him. Alexey Maksimovich joyfully waved with a wide hat, attracting the attention of his guest. Their meeting was very warm, whatever can be a meeting of true friends.

Gorky and Andreeva led Vladimir Ilyich on steep steps upstairs to the site, then they climbed the funicular tray. Alexey Maksimovich did not fail once again to incline Vladimir Ilyich to reconciliation with his philosophical opponents. Agreed, however, only that communication with "mahistas" should not cause theoretical disputes. A small, out of five rooms, the White Stone Villa "Setti" (its owner was blusing) was located in the southern part of the island, on top of a pretty high hill. Facade The house was facing the southern bay Marina Piccola. In this villa (now not survived) A. M. Gorky lived from November 1906 to March 1909. It was unusually pure, healing air. However, they had to experience some inconvenience, especially in the cold time. There was no electricity, used gas lighting. In the house without stoves in the winter heated brazers. Fresh drinking water on the island was delivered from the mainland.

Now, in the spring, these shortcomings were almost never felt.

Gorky worked well on Capri. Here he graduated from the novel "Mother", wrote his second part, who was superior to the first. Working fourteen hours a day, as he wrote to K. P. Pyatnitsky in February - March 1908, Gorky created here also "Life of an unnecessary man", "Summer", "Okurov's town", "Life of Matvey Kozhemyakina", "By Russia" , "Russian fairy tales", "Tales of Italy", and not only these works. In addition to working on books, Gorky met and corresponded with a lot of people, read the manuscripts of other authors, wrote reviews. Indeed, only in the year of the first arrival to him V. I. Lenin, Alexey Maksimovich read more than one hundred and fifty manuscripts. How much did it have to read Russian and foreign newspapers and magazines to be aware of the events that took place in the world!

Vladimir Ilyich took a small room overlooking the sea, next to the office of Alexey Maximovich, and he was very pleased. In addition, Gorky had a good library, and some of the books were in the room, where V. I. Lenin was placed. The son of Maria Fedorovna Yura Zhelovabi lived on Capri. He was fond of photography (in the future the well-known Soviet film operator), and Alexey Maksimovich agreed with him that he would make as much pictures of Vladimir Ilyich, but if possible, it would do it imperceptibly. Gorky knew that Vladimir Ilyich did not like being photographed. Yura had a new film camera, and he gladly prepared for shooting. Thanks to Y. Zhelovabsky there are photos of V. I. Lenin of that period. They are all the more valuable that before the April Days of 1908, Vladimir Ilyich was not photographed by 1900 for conspirativative reasons.

A photo in the house of Gorky was fond of everything. The types of capri, houses, where bitter, photographs of people close to it are preserved, and humorous, assembly images marked by the talent of the inexhaustible bitter is preserved. Here is one of these installations: Alexey Maksimovich is trying to illegally return to Russia. On the border post, the inscription "Entry to decent people is proximated!".

The soldier blocks the road with a rifle, and the bitter is defended by an umbrella. Vladimir Ilyich was shown a whole pack of photographs, and he, laughing, said that Jurass had to fear when in his hands the camera. Yure managed to take a few pictures during the game of chess on the veranda of the Villa Blumbus, but then Vladimir Ilyich seriously asked to remove the camera away.

On the first evening, Gorky gathered guests gathered at the time of the Capri Russian colony then. A. V. Lunacharky, A. A. Bogdanov and V. A. Bazarov. Alexey Maksimovich very hoped that this friendly dinner would lead to reconciliation of opponents separated by their philosophical views. After all, people are somewhat a common goal, thought bitter. V.I. Lenin has already clarified him that the unity of the goal does not guarantee from mistakes and misconceptions that lead from the goal itself. The struggle goes in the field of philosophy, but the party case remains the case and everyone should continue to perform it.

This thought instilled in Alexey Maximovich hope that the split will not be, which is only in the first general meeting to start a conversation as reconciliation will occur.

But V. I. Lenin knew that reconciliation would not and try out the argument did not make sense. However, it was not possible to avoid the urgent topic - because it was enough only to spark, so that the flames arose.

Bogdanov, who received three notebooks from Lenin ("Explanation in Love"), did not fail to fight in the philosophical dispute. I found a reason right away - Bogdanov grabbed the first one.

The house, as well as all the island there has been no electricity. Maria Fedorovna, looking at the gas horns, remembered that the gasman had to come, but did not come.

"Once we will wait for electricity to Capri," Aleksey Maksimovich posted - great discoveries make science, and we live like in Tiberius. Warm roasting with coals, bring drinking water in bottles.

This Tirara immediately and took advantage of Bogdanov:

- Great discoveries deliver and a lot of trouble, such as philosophers. Plekhanov because of them fell into the cantianism.

"You are mistaken," Lenin said, "these are the Lord empiriocritics, they frightened the revolutions in natural science and chuckled in idealism. 4 .

4 Guseva Z. Far coast. M., 1979, p. 111-112.

Sparks were carved, the flame of the dispute broke out. And Gorky understood that I was wrong: the positions of the dispute participants were directly opposite.

In the sketch "V. I. Lenin "A. M. Gorky described this dispute:

"And so I saw Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, even more solid, inflexible than he was on the London Congress. But there he was worried, and there were moments when it was clear that the split in the party makes worrying his very difficult minutes.

Here he was configured calmly, coldly and mockfully, severely repelled from conversations for philosophical topics and generally behaved wary, A. A. Bogdanov ... was forced to listen to very sharp and heavy words:

"Schopenhauer says:" Who clearly thinks - clearly sets out, "I think that he did not say anything better. You, t. Bogdanov, set out unclear. You explain to me in two or three phrases, which gives the work class your "substitution" and why Makhism is revolutionary Marxism?

Bogdanov tried to explain, but he said really unclear and verbose.

"Throw," Vladimir Ilyich advised. "Someone seems to be Zhores, said:" It is better to tell the truth than to be minister, "I would add: and Mahist." 5 .

5 Gorky M. V. I. Lenin. M., 1981, p. 38-39

Vladimir Ilich stayed at Gorky only seven days. That was, of course, little to completely convince and defend Gorky. He put great hopes on Maria Fedorovna Andreev. This talented actress was a solid Bolshevik, a bold revolutionary. Before the emigration in his Moscow apartment, she was covered by N. Bauman from the police, I shipped illegal literature, supplied underground documents, collected funds for the party, became the financial agent of the Central Committee of the RSDLP. V. I. Lenin gave her a party nickname phenomenon. During the first Russian revolution, Maria Fedorovna provided the Communications of the Central Committee with the Military Technical Group, I transferred explosives for combat detachments, mined money on weapons, and during the armed uprising, a dressing point was organized, food for barricad fighters.

The case of persecuting Gorky Vladimir Ilyich considered the main party order M. F. Andreeva.

Maria Fedorovna did not share the Ozzovism and the Gods of Bogdanov and his groups. She was disturbed by the gullible attitude of Alexey Maximovich to these people, worried about the forced neighborhood with them to Capri.

The influence of the Bogdanov group could not affect the work of Gorky. It was at that time that he wrote his "confession" - a story in which the ideas of "God-system" were clearly reflected and which abounds of a philosophical mistakes. The story gave material to justify the "new" religion.

Alexey Maksimovich felt uncertainty, the fragility of his position. Regarding the "confession", he wrote on August 31, 1908. I am Bryusov: "I myself am very displeased ..."

But he managed to donate from the ideas of the Bogdanov group immediately. Too much I had to think about it and re-decide for myself. The meeting with V. I. Lenin laid the beginning of rethinking philosophical, and therefore political values.

On the days of the first stay, V. I. Lenin on Capri, they were a little chance to stay together. It was too crowded there. Sometimes they went down to the sea, bathed or went on a boat with fishermen. In one of such marine walks in a large fishing boat, which was ruled by four rowers, and Maria Fedorovna was also with them. In the first pair of rowers were the brothers Spordar - friends "Slictor Alessio". The eldest of them, Kostanzo, a man with a rich imagination, knew many folk belts and fairy tales. Vladimir Ilyich enthusiastically listened to his stories, mixed with singing. Before him, the soul of Italian worm was revealed. He asked fishermen about their life, work, earnings. Maria Fedorovna helped translate.

Vladimir Ilyich had a good mood and he, listening to Kostanzo, laughed from the soul. Old fishing fisherman, respectfully looking at the Russian guest, said:

- Only an honest person can laugh.

And Vladimir Ilyich recalled a distant Volga. Watching the fishermen and noticing the enthusiastic attention to Gorky, he said Alexey Maximovich.

- And our worry work!

Alexey Maksimovich disagreed with him. And then, Vladimir Ilyich asked him with Lucavo urbar:

- Do you not forget Russia, living on this shishke?

Gorky did not forget Russia, he was associated with her with many threads. But he always admired when she saw people who were enthusiastically busy.

It is the time of departure. From the island of Capri Lenin and Gorky left together. It was decided that Alexey Maksimovich will show Vladimir Ilyich Naples and his famous surroundings - Vesuviy volcano and the city of Pompeii.

Maria Fedorovna and Lunacharsky were visited on the pier. In the sketch "V. I. Lenin "Alexey Maksimovich recalled the following.

Somehow, in the late evening, numerous guests left for a walk, Lenin stayed with Gorky and Andreva. Thinking about Bogdanov, Bazarov and Lunacharsky, he with deep regret said:

- Smart, talented people, made a lot for the party, could do ten times more, but they will not go with us! Can not. And dozens, hundreds of such people breaks, this criminal system urges.

Another time he said:

- Lunacharsky will return to the party, it is less individualist than those two. Extremely richly gifted nature.

A small steaming, cutting blue water of the bay, took them into Naples.

In the city they took the cabin and in the middle of the bay went to the Muller Hotel on Via Parthenope, where Gorky was usually stopped. Vladimir Ilyich did not want to lose a minute. First of all, it was decided to climb the Vesuvius. Almost two thousand years have passed since the historical disaster, and the volcano lives everything, breathes, accumulates in his depths giant energy and splashing it from time to time. So happened shortly before the arrival of Alexey Maximovich to Italy. This eruption brought a lot of troubles, there were victims and destruction. Alexey Maksimovich heard from the words of eyewitnesses retell Lenin.

- True said Goethe about Vesuvia: "The hellish peak, hoarse among paradise," he concluded his story.

"The picture, drawn by Parish Jr. about the death of Pompeii, is terrible," said Vladimir Ilyich, "although Pliny watched the eruption is not so close in Staby.

Before the foot of the volcano came in the crew. Further the horses could not pass, and the funicular was not restored after the recent eruption. It was necessary to go to the crater. Lenin and Gorky abandoned the services of conductors. Vladimir Ilyich was trained in mountain campaigns, but was afraid for Alexey Maximovich.

And he suddenly showed ease and speed when lifting. The habit was affected - in his youth there was a lot of feasible on foot, it happened, passed sixty miles per day. And earlier, and on this day, Alexey Maksimovich told Vladimir Ilyich about his childhood and the younger, about wandering around Russia. Lenin advised Gorky to write about all this. Subsequently, Gorky fulfilled this wish in the "Childhood" trilogy, "in people" and "My Universities".

They reached the top, carefully approached the crater, they felt the old, dissipating volcano breathing breathing, and quickly returned to the surface. From here, an amazing view of Naples, the Bay, on Sorrento and Capri was opened. Lit on the ledge of the cliff. It is here, at the very crater, stood slaves who were rebeling under the leadership of Spartacus.

And here is a climbed oriental slope. From here, the stairs to the stairs from the vines of the wild grapes made a bold descent, unexpectedly attacked the precipitated army of their army and won.

In 1918, V. I. Lenin introduced the name of Spartak to the list of the great revolutionaries of the past, which was decided to establish monuments.

To the image of Spartak V. I. Lenin will return to the lecture "On the state", read in July 1919 at the University of Sverdlov. V. I. Lenin said:"... Spartak was one of the most prominent heroes of one of the largest riskers of about two thousand years ago. For a number of years, the Almighty, it would seem that the Roman Empire, which was completely based on slavery, experienced shocks and strikes from a huge uprising of slaves, which were armed and gathered under the leadership of Spartak, forming a huge army. "

Then Lenin and Gorky visited the ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii. The city did not burn during the eruption - it was poured as a nine-meter layer of volcanic ash. In a few centuries, people removed the ashes and saw the city as a catastrophe found him. The petrified ash displaced the bodies of the dead people, and they appeared in those poses in which their death fell. Not only the furnaces were found, but also bread, which retained his shape, Tagan with a kitel, various homemade utensils, works of art. These items are exhibited in the museum who has been imparting from the entrance to the protected city. Alexey Maksimovich took on the role of a guide. He already walked along these streets, visited the museum and listened to the explanations of the professor of the archaeologist who governed by excavations. Everything that he knew, he retells to Vladimir Ilyich.

On the walls of Basil, in the gladiatoric barracks there were inscriptions - the voices of long-standing life were left before us. They are made in Latin. Gorky does not know him and asks Vladimir Ilyich to translate the text. We were tired, they returned to Naples, bought in one of the restaurants on the water from the Santa Lucia embankment. It turned out that you can still have time to inspect the famous Neapolitan aquarium, which was here on the embankment. Gorky loved to come here, highly appreciated the activities of this scientific institution at the zoological station. Sincerely, he told Lenin about the energetic, who was passionate about the Professor Dorn, who appealing to the scientists of the whole world with a request to assist in creating a station. From many countries they sent money, scientists came here, including the Russian scientist biologist Professor I. I. Mechnikov. A thousand pounds sent from England to the creation of Charles Darwin station.

- Well, we visited the bottom of the sea, "Gorky said satisfaction when they finished the amazing inhabitants of the underwater world with Vladimir Ilyich.

Many impressions left stay in Naples. In the evening, they dressed on the hotel's balcony, considering the southern starry sky, so not similar to the sky of the northern and medium latitudes. Talked about new scientific discoveries. Gorky spoke about his meetings in Paris with Pierre and Maria Curie.

The next day, they visited the National Museum. There were assembled many interesting exhibits found in the excavations in the pompes and household items, and metal helmets of gladiators, and tools of economic activity.

Lenin and Gorky parted at the station. This ended the first trip to Vladimir Ilyich to Italy. A conviction of Gorky has not yet succeeded.

In addition to the desire to try to do this in the next arrival V. I. Lenin, I wanted to get acquainted with Italy and its people, to visit the northern part of the country. He dreamed of a trip in the fall of 1908 with Maria Ilinichnaya and Dmitry Ilyich.

V. I. Lenin wrote Maria Alexandrovna:

"It would be nice if she ( M. I. Ulyanova - Avt.) I arrived in the second half of the local October, we would then ride together in Italy. I think then to relax with the week after the end of the work (which is already coming to the end) of the 11th x I will for three days in Brussels, and then I will come back here and I would think to roll in Italy. Why not come here? It is also necessary to rest after it is from sick. The right, invite it too, - we would be great to walk together. It would be great to walk on Italian lakes. There, they say, late in the fall well. Annie will come to you, right, soon, and you then send and Manyu and Mitu. "

A trip with sister and brother in Italy was not destined to take place. Well, what is bitter? What did he worry when Lenin went?

"After his departure, Gorky had a sad mood with whom he could not cope for a long time" 6 - Written Maria Fedorovna Andreeva.

6 V. I. Lenin and A. M. Gorky. Letters, memories, documents. M., 1969, p. 407.

But she remembered the instructions of Lenin and did not lose hope for the return of Gorky to the Bolsheviks. At the secondary arrival of Vladimir Ilyich, the Capri Maria Fedorovna will tell him:

- I was afraid - not to pull out Alexey from the Bogdanovskaya cobweb. In their ranting, they believed with all passion, I condemned your irreconcilability ..

* * *

At the end of 1908, a terrible tragedy occurred in Italy. The ancient city and the port of Sicily Messina was destroyed by the strongest earthquake. More than half of the city's inhabitants - over eighty thousand people - died under the ruins. Alexey Maksimovich Gorky deeply sympathized with a popular disaster. He translated a large amount from personal funds to the Italian bank, turned through the seal with the appeal to assist the affected population. From Russia, the money began to come from Gorky, which he translated into the bank.

Immediately after the catastrophe, the bitter went to Messina and remained there for several days. He was struck by the heroism of people who worked on the clearing of the city and saved the wounded, lack of panic and despair. The fee due to him for the book "Earthquake in Calabria and Sicily" Gorky gave the victim.

Significant assistance was provided to the population of Russian sailors of warships, held at the time of exercise in the Mediterranean. Rescue teams with food, medicines, tents, stretchers, self-instruments first arrived in the city. The Italian government has established a gold medal with the inscription "Messina - the Baltic Squader's Music Sailors" and silver medals distinguished by sailors.

Later in Memorial board in memory of the Russian sailors' memory was solemn on the facade of the municipality.

* * *

In 1909, Bogdanov and his supporters organized a fractional party school on Capri. From the very beginning, the training of the school went without the participation of the Bolshevik edition of the newspaper "Proletary" and was accompanied by agitation against it. Bypassing overpowering centers, the school initiators have come into contact with many local party committees in Russia, created an independent cash desk and gather money, organized their agents. It was clear that, under the guise of school, an ideological and organizational center was created, who fucked from the Bolsheviks of the faction.

The task of selection of students took on N. E. Vilonov - a worker, Bolshevik. After torture in the royal junction of the Vilonov, comrades helped to leave the border for treatment, and he was on the island of Capri. Here he got close to Gorky, Lunacharsky and other members of the Russian Island Colony. He had to do with the idea of \u200b\u200bBogdanov to organize school, he went to Russia and soon returned with a group of working students.

Gorky, as well as Vilonov, fascinated the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a school. He sincerely delighted the arrival of workers, the opportunity to communicate directly with the revolutionary mass, through them to come in touch with distant Russia. "The working public who came here is wonderful guys," he recalled, "and I relax with them sincerely." 7

7 Gorky M. Cathed. cit. in 30 t. M., 1955, vol. 29, p. 97.

Gorky supported school financially, provided a villa for classes. He read with listeners of lecture on the history of Russian literature. Thoroughly preparing for them, compiled abstract, reread anew tool, Turgenev, Korolenko.

The Board of Capriysk School sent a formal invitation to Lenin to come as a lecturer. Then the listeners wrote a letter to Vladimir Ilyich, in which they asked him to read the lectures on the most relevant topics. On August 18, 1909, Vladimir Ilyich replied that his attitude to school at Capri was expressed in the resolution of the expired "Proletary". He wrote it to the organizers that his look at school"As a new faction in our party, a faction, which I do not sympathize, does not cause a refusal to lecture to the comrades sent from Russia by local organizations. Whatever views these comrades, I will always illegally agree to read a number of lectures on issues of interest to Social Democracy. I will not go to Capri lectures to the Capri, but I will read them out in Paris. "

At the meeting of the expanded editorial office of "Proletaria" in Paris, on June 21 - 30, 1909, the issue of "Ozzovism and Ultymatism" was discussed and about the philosophical views of the Otzovists of the Bogdanov Group, Bazarov, Lunacharsky and others. The emergence of the party school for the working asset on the island of Capri, led by the participants of the fractive group "Forward," was also regarded as an attempt of calling and ultimatists to create a new center of the anti-Bolshevik faction.

In the meeting resolution, it was noted that the Bolshevik organization "no responsibility for this school cannot bear."

Pointing to the resolution that the omnomists, organizing an anti-party school on Capri, pursue their special, group purposes, the meeting condemned this school as a new center of the fraction chips from the Bolsheviks. And Bogdanov (Maximov), who refused to submit to the meeting decisions, was excluded from the ranks of the Bolsheviks, as the leader and the inspirer of the otzovists, ultimatists and the Gods, which became on the way of revision of Marxism.

In the articles "On the faction of supporters of Ozzovism and Life" and the "disgraced failure" V. I. Lenin gave a detailed history of the school and its characteristic 8 .

8 Lenin V.I. Full. Cathedral cit., t. 19, p. 74-108, 131-133

Party organizations, having learned about the anti-party focus of the Capriysk school, adopted resolutions in which they condemned the school, responded to the listeners sent by them and offered them to go to Paris to Lenin.

(To be continued)