What secrets of Antarctica are disclosed by scientists. Antarctica: Riddles and Secrets

The landscaped lands of the Antarctica archipelago were opened in January 1820 by Russian Moreelods Bellinshausen and Lazarev. For many decades, the study of the Statistics space, researchers presented humanity a number of interesting discoveries, although Antarctic is not in a hurry to completely disclose their secrets.

Riddles of different maps

Despite the official data on the opening of the mainland, there is information that our ancestors have been there much earlier and did not consider Antarctic a common part of the sushi. This is evidenced by the mysterious map of Piri flight (1513), allegedly copied from a more ancient source, prescribed in 1929.

There were other Cards of the Continent: the Orion of the Finise, James Cook, and others. On the drawings created at different times, the outlines of the mainland and the degree of its glaciation were different. The reason is the map of the terrain to its complete glaciation. The Mystery of Antarctica is that it was not always covered with a thickness of ice, and hot geysers and active volcanoes talk about her blooming past.

Opening of the cemetery meteorites

In the eternal ice, the mainland has been preserved at the best of the fragments of meteorites, there are quite a lot of them here and they seem to be much older than the Earth. The composition of the found meteorites is similar to the earthly crust, this indicates their formation at one time with the emergence of the solar system. The most unexpected and valuable was the found fragment of the Martian meteorite.

Unusual inhabitants deep

Water expanses off the coast of the Ice Continent - the habitat of unique fish, another secret of Antarctica. Relic fish are called "whitebirds" due to the lack of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood, which makes them completely colorless and provides them with existence at a very low water temperature.

In the waters of Antarctica, there are incredible sizes of jellyfish with three-meter tentacles with a thickness of 60 cm, and under the thickness of ice there are bacteria that exercise to breathe.

Paradox of time

For an unknown reason, there are no time zones on the ice continent, 24 hours can fly in seconds. The researchers there live in time of the time zone of their country or count the time from the moment they are brought.

Home Secret Antarctica

This is a unique lake of the East, located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Southern Pole of the Mainland under the thickness of almost 4 km of ice, having a depth of about 1200 m. The peculiarity of the lake is that the cavity is 800 m height in the ice dome. The temperature of the water under the dome within plus 10-18 degrees due to the sources of unknown nature. There is an assumption that a self-cleaning atmosphere can exist in the dome, and plants probably live.

The phenomenon was studied scientists from around the world, including Russia and the United States. Since 2002, all the studies of the difficult-scale secrets of Antarctica are headed by the National Security (National Security Agency), although the public was not notified, what kind of security are we talking about.

It is still unknown to anyone that hides the ice shell. There is a hypothesis of Admiral Richard Berd, who studied in the middle of the last century the territory of the southern pole in the middle of the last century. Its essence: the Lake East is the energy portal in parallel worlds. The theory is supported by ufologists. In the area of \u200b\u200bAntarctica, UFO often register, and under the dome of the lake there is a high magnetic activity, which can serve as a beacon for them.

Researchers have always been interested in such a mysterious continent as Antarctica. Since the opening of this continent, many years have passed, but learn about it quite a bit.

In March 2002, two NASA Gemine Satellites were launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome on the Grace program, which should have measured the gravitational field of the Earth. These data are used in climate studies, when searching for minerals and studying the faults of the earth's crust, volcanic activity.

And during the span over Antarctic, the satellites recorded an unexpected gravitational impulse. A powerful positive gravitational anomaly was discovered. It proceeded from a huge silence with a diameter of about 500 kilometers. Above him stretched for thousands of kilometers. Snow-covered plain of the Antarctic glacier with a thickness of up to 4 thousand meters.

The anomaly unique to Antarctica is located in the area called Wilx Earth. Here in 2006, the scientific group of Professor University of Ohio Ralf von Frezé determined the presence of a giant crater, which two and a half times the Crater of Chicsulub on Yucatan, which arose when the meteorite falls, which is supposed to led to the extinction of dinosaurs.

With the help of radars, this crater found a huge extremely dense, presumably metal mass of about 300 kilometers wide and leaving in a depth of 848 meters. At first, it was assumed that this "damn" could be a focusing of a magma who splashed out of earthly subsoil. But this hypothesis was soon rejected. Then scientists started talking about the likelihood of the ledctacks of the huge asteroid. But how could the earth be survived when a collision with such a monstrous mass?

Researchers of Antarctica are inclined to the fact that in the land of Wilx there is a certain cosmic body.

But today it is almost impossible to make it. To do this, it would have to create a special station, import tons of equipment that in terms of costs can be approached by the estimated cost of the piloted flight to Mars. Moreover, it would have to survive scientists at the air temperature in winter minus 80 degrees.

Someone says that at all should not touch this potentially dangerous anomaly. A supporters of the theory of visiting the Earth by alien civilizations believe that the Massive Spaceship, which serves as an aliens base, or even portal in the "Inner Earth", is hidden by the Antarctic Base.

About the mysterious Antarctic Anomaly again recalled at the end of December, after the Antarctic suddenly visited the US Secretary of State John Kerry. There was also rumors that Kerry allegedly visited a secret alien base located in the recently discovered pyramidal grief.

In addition, in the new year, the Russian station "Vostok" is going to resume studies located under the station of the largest Antarctic Lake East, having a depth of up to 1,200 meters. This is a kind of Antarctic Baikal. It is planned to break through to the lake again using a new drilling technology.

In the samples of water from the lake, where the hot springs beat, unknown science of bacteria have already been found. But no less intriguing a significant magnetic anomaly, recorded by scientists from Columbia University in the south-eastern shore of the lake. It differs from the indicators of the background magnetic field for more than a thousand nanotesl.

Member of the research Michael Stadinger suggested that it could be caused by a very thin earthly crust in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake, but his colleagues considered that the proximity of the hot mortial subsoils, on the contrary, would have heated rock rocks and thereby reduced the level of the magnetic field.

As a result of scientific disputes, there was a theory about finding the lakes of the remains of ancient city on the shore of the lake with its metal structures. They even began to happen to the fact that the legendary Atlantis was once legendary at the place of Antarctica.

American scientists who worked in NASA along with an outstanding German racket Werner von Brown, say that he was convinced of the rightness of Hitler, called Antarctica "Atlantis under ice." Perhaps this information that proceeded from the captive Germans pushed the United States to undertake in 1946 still not having analogue operation to seize Antarctica.

In 1946-1947, the operation of the US Navy "Jump in height" unfolded. Flotilla out of 13 ships with 33 aircraft, including an aircraft carrier, made a campaign to consolidate American control over most of the territory of Antarctica.

Perhaps the US command believed the myths that Germany could equip its secret base in the depths of the continent and transported part of advanced military technologies there. They say American sailors seemed to be looking for disguised entrances to the treated world. By the way, the peaks of the peaks were half a noticed mountain ridges were seen caves with inputs resembling a UFO plate profile.

A part of the scientific data obtained in the study of the Antarctic is not considered to be announced. It is difficult to imagine the immensity of this gigantic uninhabited world by an area of \u200b\u200bone and a half times more than the United States, where only an unprotected sip of ice air burns bronchi. Scientists suggest that on this continent there are unknown forces that, for example, are moving by a thousand kilometers by an icy array, containing 70 percent of the earth's fresh water.

Despite the extreme cold, even in this ice, bacteria dwell, although they are very few compared to conventional sea water - 300 per one cube. Millimeter ice. Scientists intriguity and incomprehensible lights arising over the icy desert. They were observed and our researchers at the East station.

It is not clear why the Antarctic Mountains on our planet still exist, almost entirely left under the ice and snow. Hamburtse Mountains have long experienced its geological time, said Geophysic, Professor of Columbia University Robin Bell.

Robin, for a long time, who studied these mountains hidden, said that Hambursva's ridge, opened by Soviet scientists, has age from 900 million to a billion years. These mountains were supposed to fire. For example, the life of the Alps will be only about 100 million years. There is only one not too convincing explanation: the mountains have survived rejuvenation during tectonic cataclysms that tearned the ancient continents.

Professor John, from the University of Montana held in the field of Antarctica for 27 years and came to the conclusion that the Ice Pokrov Antarctica behaves like a living organism. It is permeated by microscopic veins of liquid water that serve as a refuge of amazing bacteria.

And the ancient bacteria age of 420 thousand years, found in ice samples extracted with three-kilometer depths, were strikingly quickly began to demonstrate signs of life. They began to grow in Talawater. "We do not know whether they were in a state of hibernation or simply the process of their life proceeds very slowly," noted.

Biologists are asked: why are the creatures living in the waters of Antarctic, so differ from all others on the planet? There are no many familiar inhabitants of the earth's seas and oceans. Almost unexpassed Ocean, which is under multi-meter ice cover, bordering the continent.

However, the more science comprehends Antarctica, the more questions arise.

Approximately 200 years ago, Mikhail Lazarev and Faddey Bellinshausen went to the Russian expedition and achieved as a result of the sixth terrestrial. It was the last of the great geographical discoveries.

It would seem that the mainland is not particularly interesting: everything is usually, ice, penguins, snow. And truly great interest in Antarctica arose only at the beginning of the last century. This happened on quite serious reasons, because the terra of incognita provided excavation of some riddles over which many generations of scientists will still be fighting.

Antarctic is still the only land, not separated between states. Dozens of research plan are erected on its territory. They operate in general a few thousand people.

Before right under the glaciers, Antarctica discovered some lakes. Among them was one lake of gigantic sizes. It was even more than Ladoga. This lake is at great depth, but the USSR managed to build a station and a drill vehicle there. At first, scientists made their way into the mysterious ice of the lake, but then this action was stopped. Apparently, people became scary. It remembers just one horror film, shot by Hollywood, where some contagasics from which there are no drugs are departed. Such fear was easy to notice when Antarctic was adopted by the birthplace of such a disease as atypical pneumonia.

According to official information, this mainland was opened in January 1820. This discovery of domestic sailors were dreamed of the British, arguing before that there is nothing in the south and no one will be further than they. However, the land there is rather wretched outwardly, because there is almost no life: darkness, cold, only penguins and nothing more interesting.

It took several years, and in the archives of Byzantium in Istanbul, a certain interesting document was found, from which one of the greatest secrets of human history was generated. She is still not solved. What was this find? It turns out that this is the map that was depicted on a leather piece. The map shows the south of the Atlantic Ocean, including the West of Africa, part of South America, as well as the coast of Antarctica.

Map card, but it was established that she was the author, as it turned out, Admiral Piri flight from Turkey, who else in the first half of the 16th century. So it's strange that all, because even the southern land opened only after 300 years, and then it is depicted on the map. It is also strange that South America is still depicted on it, and amazingly detailed.

ATTENTION: It was even more wonderful on the map Antarctica without ice, where the mountains and rivers, and lakes are depicted. Of course, it is allowed to assume that it is just a fantasy, only later it has been established that under the ice is just the same relief that Piri flight is depicted. It surprises even such a high accuracy of the card, which could be achieved in reality only in the second half of the last century.

How is this explained?

There is a version that modern people do not know the true story, namely, the Middle Ages and Antiquity. Suppose, according to the school program, America opened Columbus, and the Vikings managed to get there before him, and this was about 5 centuries ago. There is also information that it was from America that the riches were drawn some knightly orders, such as the order of the Templar. By the way, for some reason they disappeared over the age before the Columbus expedition. And about Columbus there is still the theory that he knew where he sails. But we are talking about Antarctica.

There is logic in the fact that even before Lazarev and Bellinshausen, someone has already visited the Antarctic. Suppose this someone has created a card that has come down afterwards. In addition, it is worth noting that it is written right on its fields, so that the wines do not fall on him for inaccuracies, but to the sources to which he referred. And sources are related to completely different times. The matter even concerned the Macedonian era. Regarding this time, he had plenty of reference.

It is worth noting that not only the admiral from Turkey celebrated open Antarctia. This was also done by the famous Mercator in the maps 1538 and 1569. Also in the ORONTEUS card of Finium 1531, Antarctica was visible without ice. Ptolemy indicated the southern mainland in antiquity. And finally, it is worth remembering the map of 1737 Philip Buasha.

Regarding this, naturally, there are critics. They make a comment that the oldest of potential civilizations, for example, Atlantis, did not have the opportunity to provide the Antarctic map without ice, as it was covered by millions of years.

However, this theory has recently more doubtful, because, according to one of the versions, the final icing of the southern mainland ended another 5-6 thousand years ago. Then there were already known civilization: Egyptian and Sumerian. Perhaps the first sources of the flight are just belonging to them.

New discoveries regarding Egypt showed that the people belonged by no land civilization. Although they did not have the opportunity to achieve Antarctic, but may have been able to communicate with those who else knew Terra incognitant without ice. And the latter, perhaps, were inhabited just in Antarctica?

In fact, you can put forward the assumption that at the very south just there was a praodine of humanity. Hence logic output, that civilization and died of ice on the appearance of ice. And those who managed to survive migrated to Africa and South America, and partly their knowledge reached Sumer, Egypt and Inca.

Above, we indicated that the flight had references to antique sources. Then the mysterious terra of incognita appears in the maps. In this case, it is quite possible to consider this for the confirmation of the existence of ancient civilizations.

There is also such an interesting version that the inhabitants of Atlantis actually lived just in the Antarctic, because, if relying on the descriptions of Plato, everything converges.

Confirmation or refutation of this is possible only to make painful excavations, but then the situation is heavy, as Antarctic covers the ice thickness of a half kilometers. What lies under these ice?

The flight has a lot of illogical on the moment map, so some enthusiasts claim that aliens arrived on Earth before. After all, it could not be such accuracy at that time, which is compared only with the technologies of the previous century for us.


It is probably not for nothing that the German scientists of that time, to some extent associated with occultism, were so much interested in Egypt, South America, Tibet and finally Antarctic.

Back in 1918, Hitler himself was accepted into an international order called Tula. It was so called in honor of a certain country of antiquity, which is a pranodina person.

The Order in his interest was quite versatile, however, the greatest activity was manifested in the direction of the study of antiquity: all kinds of cults, mythology, magic and occult teachings. We will not concern how much Ryano Third Reich was interested in this to all, and we will return to the subject of Antarctica.

At the time of Hitler, there was also a certain occult and scientific service of the SS, named "Ananerb". She was engaged in the organization of all sorts of expeditions throughout the world. Wide news received her Tibetan surveys. As for the southern mainland, they still did them less, but they did not lose chances to solve the secrets of ancient Antarctic maps.

It is assumed that the first card was created by the Atlanta, which are distant ancestors of the Aryans. Considering that the ancient, apparently witnessed the fact that the southern lands did not cover the glaciers, the Nazis began to be more interested in Antarctic, because perhaps she hides in themselves the traces of ancient civilizations.

There was also such a version, where it is described that there are some inlets into large cavities inside the planet on the poles of the Earth.

In 1939, the Luftwaffe aircraft was investigated by a large territory of southern mainland, and part of this territory was then called New Swabies and celebrated pennants. Now this territory is referred to as the land of the queen mod. There is a version that scientists from Germany were interested, in particular, some "oases", territories without ice and even with the presence of some plant organisms.

Next, it is not entirely clear whether warm huge caves discovered, or in the end in 1942-1943, Germany in Antarctica had its own secret base with submarines. It is noteworthy that American intelligence at the end of the war noticed that several large-sized transport submarines were lost from the fascist submarine fleet. Never installed where they were. The question arises: maybe they managed to float into a new moat?

Supposed database and simple submarines. Two of these submarines were intercepted by American military, and maybe just surrendered on voluntary grounds. It was off the coast of Argentina. Subsequently, the Expedition of Americans in Antarctica was organized, Koya was led by Admiral Berd. Interestingly, as part of this expedition was up to 5 thousand people who included members of the carriages of the aircraft carrier, the ships of combat destination, soldiers of marine infantry, etc. The question arises: they destroyed the Nazi base and captured technology or simply found it and underwent an attack of the "unknown enemy". The second option is more appropriate, as the expedition was planned for quite a long time, and then suddenly it was hastily interrupted, and the Americans had considerable losses. Someone from the expedition participants even told that they were attacked by some "flying disks". But the details about it could not find out.

After a decade, Admiral Berd visited Antarctica again, collecting a new expedition. As a result, he simply died for unknown reasons. In the same way, others died, who tried to invade the territory, once explored by the fascists.

Sometimes some observers were seen at this or that time UFOs in Antarctica. Thus, in the late 1970s, the Japanese saw nine unidentified objects at once. There are also people who have been on the southern mainland. They argue that there is a certain city where people with greater growth and blue eyes live. Eyewitnesses added that these people collect new forces for the subsequent war.

In the aggregate, this whole story is rather gloomy, as well as the subject of Antarctica. Apparently, these all secrets will not soon solve.

Hellian gate

All sorts of sources of antiquity give us warnings that the study of Antarctica is a rather dangerous idea that can bring serious problems to humanity. According to the authors of such sources, it is there that there are so-called "gates of hell". From there, they say, the devil himself is going to spread his power to the whole world.

Many myths tell about this mysterious place very interesting things. These all the facts are accompanied by mystical coincidences, so do not pay attention to the warning of the ancestors.

Thus, in the 1820th year, the latter unknown at that time was opened by our navigators Lazarev and Bellinshausen. They were also born still under the signs of scorpion and the virgin, respectively. Astrologers consider these signs related to such gods as Pluto and Proserpina, who are considered to be the gods of hell.

From the opening of Antarctica also opened a very gloomy page in human history. Just after all this, two terrible world wars, genocides, epidemics, moral decays and a lot of all terrible were held. It is worth noting that it was in the 20th century that the first wintering of a person was held in Antarctica, and after the achievement of the Southern Pole, oddly enough, was unleashed just the First World War. Just a coincidence? It is possible that the third world will be as a result of the territory of Antarctica territories. Already in a short time, it is possible to start such war, because it is possible that the wealth of nature on Earth is countless.

Recall that even in the late 50s of the last century 12 states (equals the number of signs of the zodiac) a contract relating to this mysterious mainland - Antarctica. In the same time, people dreamed to encroach into space. But as applies to Antarctica, the manuscripts of antiquity warn us that human encroachment on the Forbidden Lands of the South will contribute to the exit of unknown to the currently none of poisonous evaporations that are able to simply kill people. There are also such warnings that the so-called "daemons of the night" will be placed in newborns. It is known that right above the Antarctic has an ozone hole giant sizes. Perhaps this was just the authors of antiquity. They directly warned that there is a danger of still melting of glaciers in the south, as a result of which the poisoning of the World Ocean is possible. This is quite possible, since in the ice of the mainland can hide anything, including the bacteria and viruses not known to humanity. And without them, it is enough that as a result of melting will increase the level of the world's ocean for as many as 60 meters, and this will significantly change the entire world map.

In conclusion, you can still recall the existing current theory of shifts of earthly poles. In this case, according to this theory, just Antarctica and will act as the most suitable land for the life of creatures. But what secrets are hiding in her depths?

Here are anomalous zones and wonderful buildings

Antarctica is the coldest continent of the world - was opened in 1820 during the expedition under the leadership of Faddey Bellingshausen. It is considered one of the most poorly studied and mysterious areas on the globe. Earth covered with multi-kilometer thickness of ice is also mysterious and impregnable, as two centuries ago.

No one lives here, except about 1500 scientists living in polar stations. The sixth continent surpasses in the size of Europe and thanks to its unwriting climate remains the only environmentally friendly area on the planet. Peel into incredible mainland researchers interfere with three huge barriers. The first obstacle is huge expanses of the washing continent of the three oceans: the Atlantic, Indian and quiet. Storm, with waves above the five-story house, here is the usual thing. The second obstacle is the belt of floating ice and icebergs, very rather small sizes. Finally, thirdly, to get to the southern pole, there is to pass through the "country of eternal purpus", in which the lowest temperatures on Earth are fixed.

Due to the fact that the information about Antarctica is very scarce, there are a lot of bold assumptions that a different form of life is hiding under the ice, another product of evolution, unlike a person. Scientists who are seriously engaged in these searches, high hopes are imposed on the studies of the Antarctic Lake East, the very inner sea, which is now under multi-kilometer thickness.
Perhaps some unknown representatives of the fauna have already found. The polar explosions have repeatedly come across "something", which were nicknamed plasmors. These messengers attacked participants in expeditions, someone sewing with direct contact, and on some impacting at a distance. These creatures are essentially plasma clot, which lives at an altitude of 400-800 km within the radiation belt. Also argue that plasma forces - while unknown science of thickening mental energy. They are able to cause hallucinations in humans and are affected by electrical discharge. Plasmores for something resemble ball lightning, only more reasonable.

Unknown buildings
Antarctica is full and unknown buildings, such as towers, stations. For example, a statement of Norwegian researchers was published that they saw in the depths of Antarctica, an incomprehensible structure, folded from ice blocks of 28 m in height! Virtual archaeologists analyzing photos coming from satellites notice a lot of interesting things. For example, they noticed in Antarctica a giant staircase. The mysterious structure, which is actually very similar to the staircase, leading to the top of the mountain, is very sharply allocated among the usual landscape of this ice continent - it simply should not be here (coordinates: 68.919172, 88.035386). Some suggests that it is thawing a trace of some highly developed civilization. Other observers said at all that this is not a staircase, but the ventilation holes in a huge underground base of aliens.
Note that the staircase is far from the first amazing find, which virtual researchers of glacial mainland have made. Here was also found a real road with the bridge. At the very least thusing the structure very much like the asphalt highway with a length of approximately half a mile. All this, of course, is dilapidated and half a brine.
By the way, similar structures are constantly appearing on satellite photos.

Natural anomalies
In March 2002, two NASA twin satellites were launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome on the Grace program that had to measure the gravitational field of the Earth. These data are used in climate studies when searching for minerals and the study of the faults of the earth's crust, volcanic activity. And during the span over Antarctic, the satellites recorded an unexpected gravitational impulse. A powerful gravitational anomaly was discovered. It proceeded from a huge silence with a diameter of about 500 km. Above him stretched for thousands of kilometers. Snow-covered plain of the Antarctic glacier with a thickness of up to 4 km.
The anomaly unique to Antarctica is located in the area called Wilx Earth. Here in 2006, the scientific group of Professor of the University of Ohio Ralf von Mill has determined the presence of a giant crater, which is 2.5 times the Crater of Chicsulub on Yucatan, which has arisen when the meteorite falls, which is supposed to led to the extinction of dinosaurs. With the help of radars, this crater was found a huge extremely dense, presumably metal mass of about 300 km wide and leaving in a depth of 848 m. At first, it was assumed that this "damn" could be a focusing of a magma that splashed out of earthly subsoil. But this hypothesis was soon rejected. Then scientists started talking about the likelihood of the ledctacks of the huge asteroid. But how could the earth be survived when a collision with such a monstrous mass?
Researchers of Antarctica are inclined to the fact that in the land of Wilx there is a certain cosmic body. But today it is almost impossible to make it. To do this, it would have to create a special station, import tons of equipment that in terms of costs can be approached by the estimated cost of the piloted flight to Mars. Moreover, it would have to survive scientists at the air temperature in winter minus 80 degrees. So, scientists are waiting for their o'clock when the necessary equipment and means will appear, with the help of which researchers will open the secrets of ice mainland.

Ice deserts, where it seemed, life is impossible ... the coldest place on Earth, where people do not survive without special equipment and means of protection ... Such it is Antarctica, one of the most mysterious places on Earth. For many years, its research is being conducted, but it was not possible to get closer to even a million share of secrets. The Secrets of Antarctica are waiting for you today!

Photo: Bashny.net

Did you hear about the highly developed civilization of the Atlanta, which died as a result of a catastrophe many centuries ago? The cradle of the Great Empire, which should be, judging by the description of Plato, a huge island, and was not found. Some researchers suggest that Antarctica was the place where the mysterious nation of the semi-bugs was existed. But is there any physical evidence, or the whole theory is based only on unfounded assumptions?

Let's go back in the 16th century. It was at this time that in Turkey, called the Ottoman Empire, lived Admiral Piri flight, in addition to its main activity dealing with cards. And on one of them, long before the "official" opening of the mainland depicted Antarctica. By itself, this fact is not too surprising: Well, people swam there, the Vikings also got to America before Columbus ...

Photo: craft4me.com.

However, on the map of Peir's flight, Antarctica is not at all similar to the one that has opened his eyes to Bellingshausen and Lazarev. There are no traces of the icy shell that the continent. But there are mountains and rivers, and that strange, clear outlines of the coastline, exactly the corresponding reality. This statement is based on pictures from the satellite capable of "see" through the thickness of the ice masses.

This fact does not mean that Turkish admiral actually saw Antarctica without ice. He was based on earlier continent schemes compiled by ancient Sumeres or Egyptians about 5-9 thousand years before our era. Perhaps the legendary Atlantis still existed, and now the habitat of highly developed civilization is covered with an impenetrable ice shield. And the excavations in such conditions will be extremely difficult: the secrets of Antarctica reliably covers approximately 1.5 kilometer armor, which is most likely due to the shear of the continent after a global catastrophe.

Photo: The-Submarine.ru.

The riddles of Antarctica after its discovery were interested in many. Without the participation of the strengths of this world: the German Fuhrera, which unleashed the very bloody war, was especially interested in the sixth continent, along with Tibet and the entries of the Order of the Templars.

It is believed that during the expedition to Antarctica, German aircraft found unusually warm places on the territory of the continent, which is now called the Land of the Queen mod. The Germans gave the found "Ice Lay Earth" a different name - a new moat. This served to the more detailed study of the ice continent. As a result, submarines in 1938 managed to find the entrance to the network of caves, where thanks to warm currents could well live.

From this point on, work was boiled inside the sixth continent. The Nazis built a secret base where the most prominent political figures and outstanding scientists of Germany were moved. Rich deposits of metals hidden by the ice, provided minerals not only the underground city, but also remaining the Ocean of the Motherland of the Fascists. And soon an oasis was discovered with fertile land, who had given the opportunity to feed the increasing population of Antarctica.

Photo: news.sputnik.ru.

After the defeat of Germany, all the development, including nuclear weapons, an unknown design aircraft looking like flying plates, and other projects of ingenious scientists of the institute Aneserbe, were round in the fly. I managed to hide many of the ruling top. According to rumors, even Hitler himself was able to avoid death and hide behind Antarctic Ice Armor.

After the war, expeditions have been taken more than once, having a specific goal: to find refuge of the Nazis among the snow-covered deserts. But their members either disappeared, either on people who risked to go on a dangerous journey, attacked unknown persons led to objects. According to rumors, the Americans, the inhabitants of Antarctica even threatened with the use of nuclear weapons, after which all attempts to explore the riddles of the mainland did not come.

Photo: russkievesti.ru.

Antarctica is one of the most mysterious places in the world. And even if the German Research Center served here here, where do unknown flying facilities come from, which are also noted by people leading various studies on non-smart land?

Ufologists observe this terrain found paranormal activity in Antarctica, indicating one: on the territory of the mainland, the traces of extraterrestrial civilization are clearly present. Perhaps it was the secret base of aliens that became a source of rumors that the Third Reich is still alive. And under the distortion of the fled Germans, dangerous, but nevertheless, belonging to the human race, they hide the Nazis at all. And the land has long been under the sight of alien civilizations.

Photo: Poisksuk.ru.

Amazing fact: there are a lot of volcanoes on the territory of the Ice Continent, some of which are still valid. This circumstance, coupled with warm currents, created an unusual phenomenon - a unique cave network, the temperature in which can reach quite comfortable 25 degrees. Light in such underground formations penetrates through holes leading to the tunnels, and sometimes even through the thinnest places in the ice cover.

These conditions are quite suitable for the existence of life. Moreover, scientists from Australia have already found some of its traces: fungal and disputeing organisms. But at the same time, strange organic remains were discovered, clearly belonging to those unknown creatures. The scientific community assumes that somewhere in the depths of the Ice continent there are unexplored forms of life, evolving in a closed system for other laws. And, perhaps, a different human civilization is found under the layers of the land of the Earth. By the way, Hitler, sending an expeditionary building to the land of land, was also guided by these considerations. Fuhrer believed: somewhere underground other nations live.

Photo: repin.info.

In the meantime, scientists study the underwater world of Antarctica, which elected a variety of amazing forms of life. The most sensational discovery was the discovery of goldfish. It is not known whether it can perform desires, but that's the fact that its body is covered with the finest layer of precious metal - an extremely amazing phenomenon. She lives in one of the warm lakes under the ice.

Photo: obozrevatel.com.

The ancient chronicles warned: the study of Antarctica will lead to unprecedented cataclysms. It is believed that it is the southern mainland that is a gate to hell, where the devil himself comes from the ground. Air will be saturated with his poisonous breathing, poisoning all the living. And soon life on Earth will disappear.

Legends remain legends, but in reality we do not know what dangers are melting the ice of Antarctica. In addition to the real threat of an increase in ocean level, in melt water coming from glaciers, unknown persons and bacteria are unknown. It is believed that this is so atypical pneumonia penetrated the world community.

The Secrets of Antarctica has long been exploring human minds for a long time. It is not known how long it will be necessary in order to get closer to the rays of the secrets of the ice continent. But absolutely clear: the path will be long and very difficult.

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