Mysterious creatures of Antarctica. Little-known facts and riddles of Antarctica

Antarctica is not much different from Mars. Except for oxygen more. And the cold is the same. In places, the temperature drops to minus 90 degrees Celsius. The principal difference is one - there are people in Antarctica, and there are no long on Mars. But this does not mean that the Ice Continent is being studied much better than the Red Planet. There are enough mysteries here and there ...

We do not know if there is life on Mars. It is not known that it is hidden under multi-kilometer thickness of Antarctic ice. Yes, and about what is happening on its surface, there is only a vague representation.

Surprisingly, the images of Mars in high resolution more than Antarctica. It is possible to consider detail the details of its relief, only on a narrow strip in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Land of Queen Mary, where there were surprises. And not bad it would take a look at other places. Especially on those who have long been legends.

Three riddles

The discovery belongs to Joseph Skipper, a famous virtual archaeologist from the United States. Usually he "digits" on Mars and on the moon, considering photographs transmitted from there with spacecraft and laid out on official sites of NASA and other space agencies. It finds a lot of amazing - what dramatically falls out of traditional ideas.

The researcher's collection has objects similar to the bone and skull of humanoids. And such that (with the stretch, of course), can be taken for the remains of them - humanoids - civilized activities.

This time the archaeologist became interested in the Earth - specifically Antarctica. And they found there at once three oddities - a hole, "plate" and lake.

I walked in the footsteps of the skipper and found all objects detected by him. Their coordinates are known, they are clearly visible on satellite images of the ice continent laid out on Google Earth.

"Stroke": 99O43'11, 28''E; 66O36'12, 36 ''S
Lake: 100O47'51,16''E; 66O18'07,15 ''S.
"Flying Plate" 99O58'54,44'''E; 66O30'02,22 ''S.

"Hole" open by Joseph Skipper

According to Skipper, there is a whole underground city on the ice continent. And the proof of this is lakes with liquid water among the ice of Antarctica, as well as a huge "move" located at the ice continent. But who could build it all in the conditions of a terrible cold? The answer to this question, by the conviction of the skipper, gives the third discovery - a huge "plate", which may belong to aliens.

Hitler hid there

It is known that Antarctida was very interested in the Nazis. Equipped there a number of expeditions. And even stroked the extensive territory in the region of the Queen Maud, calling her New Swabia.

There in 1939 on the German coast found a striking area of \u200b\u200babout 40 square kilometers, free from ice. With a relatively mild climate, with numerous non-freezing lakes. He was called the Oasis of Shirmmera - by the name of the German pilot-discoverer. Subsequently, the Soviet polar station Novolazarevskaya is located here.

According to the official version, the Third Reich went to Antarctica to build there the bases there for the protection of their whaling fleets. But there are much more interesting assumptions. Although they are even difficult for science fiction. Loading some kind of mysticism.

If briefly, the story is as follows. Allegedly, during the expeditions to Tibet, the Nazis learned that there is something inside Antarctica. Some extensive and warm cavities. And in them, something remaining either from aliens, or from once inhabited there an ancient highly developed civilization. At the same time, in a separate bike, it was argued that Antarctica was once atlantis.

As a result, in the late 30s of the last century, German submarines found a secret passage in the ice. And got inside - in these very cavities.
Next, the legends diverge. According to one version, the Nazis built their cities under the ice, on the other, they agreed with local inhabitants and settled in the free housing foundation.

There is inside the Ice Continent - in 1945, Live Hitler was delivered along with Lively Eva Brown. Allegedly he sailed on a submarine accompanied by numerous escort - a whole squadron of huge underwater ships (8 pieces) called "Fuhrera's convoy". And survived until 1971. And according to some data, as well as 1985.

The authors of the Antarctic myths are placed under the ice and "flying plates" of the Third Reich, rumors of which numerous books, films, telecast and the Internet are impregnated. They say, these devices are also hidden inside. Then he improved and still exploit, starting from mines in Antarctica. And UFOs are the same "plates".

"Plate" - or alien, or German

To the bikes about the polar aliens and the Germans are difficult to treat at least any seriously. But ... what to do with a hole, "plate" and lakes discovered by Joseph Skipper? It's very good one falls to another. Unless, of course, objects are what they are so similar.

UFOs can fly out of the hole in the mountains. "Plate" - real. Maybe even alien. Looks icing. And as if imposed as a result of whether global warming, or weathered. Belongs to those guys who lived or live in the inner warm cavities of Antarctica.

Lake on Antarctica

Well, the lake is just evidence that they are cavities. And heat oasis. It seems an oasis of Shirmatera, who is far from the only one.

Antarctica is generally a strange place ...

By the way, and the lake "East" is not free from Baek. A strong magnetic anomaly was found on his western side. This is a scientific fact. But the nature of the anomaly is not yet defined. What gives ufologists right, at least, temporarily, argue that there is a massive metal object. Specifically, a huge alien ship. Maybe broken. Maybe abandoned millions of years ago, when there was no ice over the lake can be acting and just parked.

So looks like ice above the Lake East. From the left edge - magnetic anomaly and strange dunes. On the right bank - Station "Vostok"

Unfortunately, the magnetic anomaly is located far from the well - at the opposite end of the lake. And it is unlikely to solve it soon. If at all ever it turns out.

At the East station in Antarctica, our scientists at a depth of 3.768 thousand meters completed drilling and reached the surface of the POODEC

It is already known that the Lake East is far from the only thing in Antarctica. Similar - more than a hundred. East is just the biggest one outdoor. Now researchers suggest that all these lakes hidden under the thickness of ice are communicated to each other.

British scientists from Duncan Wingham (University College London) with colleagues with colleagues were reported on the existence of an extensive network of treate rivers and canals. Their conclusions are based on data obtained from satellites.

Wingham assures: treated channels are as long as the Thames.

Riddle Wanda Lake. This is a salty lake, all year round it is covered with ice. But what is amazing: the thermometer lowered into the water to the depth of 60 m shows ... 25 degrees of heat! Why? Scientists do not know this yet. Probably Antarctica will prevent many more such mysteries.

Laughter-laughter, but the discovery of British scientists does not contradict the most delight versions about the hidden Antarctic life. On the contrary, they are reinforced. After all, the network of channels located at a depth of about 4 kilometers under the skinny ice can bind some cavities with others. Serve as a kind of roads, which in some place can have access to the ocean. Or entrance.

The Land of the Queen mod is an extensive area on the Atlantic coast of Antarctica, lying between 20 ° West and 44 ° 38 "Eastern longitude. The area is about 2,500,000 square kilometers. The territory is subject to the Antarctic Treaty.

This agreement prohibits the use of Antarctic territories for any purpose, except for research. There are several scientific stations in the region of Queen mod, including the Russian Novolazarevskaya Station and the German station "Neumayer"

Antarctica was opened back in 1820. However, its first systemic and in-depth study began only a century later. Moreover, the most interested researchers of the Ice Continent were representatives of Nazi Germany. In 1938-1939, the Germans were equipped with two powerful expeditions to continent.

The Luftwaffe aircraft photographed in detail the huge areas and dropped several thousand metal pennants with a swastika on the mainland. The responsible for the operation of Captain Ritcher reported to General Field Marshal Gering, which was at that time the head of the Ministry of Aviation and the first person in the Air Force:

"Every 25 kilometers our aircraft dumped pennants. We covered the zone of about 8600 thousand square meters. Of these, 350 thousand square meters were photographed."

The surveyed territory was named by New Swabies and declared a part of the future millennial Reich. Actually, the name was not chosen by chance. Shvabiya - medieval duke, which became later in the composition of a single German state.

The activity of the Nazis in this direction naturally did not hide from Soviet intelligence, as evidenced by the unique document under the vulture "completely secret." On January 10, 1939, he lay down on the table to the first deputy addict of the NKVD, the head of the Main Department of State Security to Vsevolod Merkulov.

In it, an unknown intelligence officer reported on his business trip to Reich the following: "... Currently, from the words of Günther, the party has a party of German researchers in Tibet. The result of one of the groups ... allowed German scientific expedition to Antarctica in December 1938 . The purpose of this expedition is the foundation by the Germans of the so-called city of the gods, hidden under the ice of Antarctica in the region of Queen Maud ... "

Lake: 66O18'07,15 ''S; 100O47'51,16'E. 1. The Land of the Queen Mod and Oasis of Shirmmera. 2. Anomalies on the Earth of the Queen Mary - here "move", "Plate" and "Lake" were found.

There is a lot of data that in the central region of the Antarctician glacial shield there are places where the lower surface seems to have water. Researcher of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Igor Zotikov talked about how in 1961 analyzed the data on the Ice Cover of the Central Part of Antarctica, obtained during the first four Soviet expeditions.

The results of this analysis showed that the central regions are in conditions when the heat dissipation from the lower surface of the glacier up because of its large thickness is very small. In this regard, the entire flow of heat from the subsoil of the earth cannot be entirely allocated from the borders of the "ice - solid bed" section, part of it must be constantly spending on continuous melting in this border.

The following conclusion was made: melting water in the form of a relatively thin film is extruded in places where the glacier thickness is less. In some deepeners of the filed bed, this water can accumulate in the form of lakes of melt water.

In May 1962, the newspaper Izvestia wrote: "... It is possible to believe that Antarctica, on the square, almost equal to the area of \u200b\u200bEurope, is blooming the sea of \u200b\u200bfresh water. It must be rich in oxygen, which deliver gradually falling into the depths of the upper layers of ice and snow. And it might be that in this pooral, the sea has its own, solely peculiar life ... "

In Antarctica, there are still unexplored areas, "says Sergey Bulat, a senior researcher in the department of molecular and radiation biophysics of the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics. - The priest structure is very diverse, it is an ordinary continental relief, where there are mountains, lakes and so on. There is a niche between the continent and ice, but not empty, they are all filled with either water or ice.

However, in my opinion, the existence of a separate civilization under the ice cap is impossible. After all, the thickness of the ice in Central Antarctica is over three kilometers. Survive there is something difficult. Do not forget that the average temperature on the surface of the continent is minus 55 degrees. Although under the ice, of course, heat is about 5-6 degrees below zero, nevertheless, life is unlikely there.

Antarctica Square is about 14 million square kilometers. Almost the entire continent is covered with ice. In places it thickness reaches 5 kilometers. And what is under it, it is known only about the insignificant part of the surface.

The team of scientists from China, Japan and the UK recently published the results of their 4-year research in the journal Nature. From 2004 to 2008, they traveled in powerful all-terrain vehicles on the most severe area of \u200b\u200bAntarctica - above the mountains of Hamburshev. And he shone his radar. The result was the surface relief map of about 900 square kilometers.

And it turned out that once the continent was free from ice. Another 34 million years ago, mountains and plains with blooming meadows were located here. As now in the European Alps.

But something happened. Researchers found a place from which a small glacier located at the highest peak (about 2400 meters) began to grow. Gradually, he covered all Antarctica. He hid a few lakes under the ice layer.

Martin Zarant from the University of Edinburgh, who took part in the expedition, I am sure that frozen plants still remain in the valleys of the Antarctic Alps. Even small trees. Only unlikely to get to them. But you can try, for example, by drilling.

Some facts

In Antarctica at least four poles. In addition to the geographical southern and magnetic, there are also a pole of cold and a pole of winds.

In Antarctica there are such frosts which there is no anywhere on Earth. On August 25, 1958, the temperature of 87.4 degrees was registered at the Vostok station below zero.
And the pole of the winds? It is located on the Antarctic Earth of Victoria. All year round there are rapid winds. Often the speed of the air forces exceeds 80 meters per second that leaves behind the strongest tropical cyclones ...

Jammed in the Loda plane in Antarctica near the Russian station Novolazarevskaya

And what is under the ice of this mainland? As a result of deep drilling at the depth of one and a half kilometers, scientists have discovered obvious traces of volcanic eruptions and deposits of iron ores. Already found diamonds and uranium, gold and rhinestone. Each year brings new riddles to researchers from Antarctic mainland.

"White" spots on white mainland remains less and less. However, while experts worked on the preparation of the card, they saw a lot of unexpected. And pretty broken heads to explain what they saw.

Volcanoes in Ice.

This place in the west of Antarctica polar explorers are well known - there were more than once expeditions.

But if you stand on the surface, no "circles in ice" is not visible - the usual snow-covered plain. However, pictures from the satellite discovered such a convex anomaly. It turned out that this is an extinct volcano. They are in Antarctica many. And this once again proves that the sixth continent of our planet was not always shoveled by ice.

Noah frozen in ice?

And I liked this snapshot to lovers of all anomalous. The picture is unusually similar to the remnants of Noeva Ark, who, as they assure, petrified on the slope of Ararat (see the photo below). In fact, this area of \u200b\u200bdry valleys is the only place in Antarctica, free from snow.

How do ice rivers flow

Similar snapshots can often be seen from archaeologists. With the help of aerial photography, they determine the contours of the ancient sand or land of cities.

And something similar is detected in Antarctica. Alas, these are not ruins left by mysterious civilization. And the "river" is an ice stream, which moves at a speed of several hundred meters per year. And if at the bottom of the river there are some obstacles or two rivers face, then waterways begin like on this photo.

Now in Antarctica employs 50 polar research stations from 20 countries of the planet. Russia contains 6 permanent stations and two seasonal.

Approximately 200 years ago, Mikhail Lazarev and Faddey Bellinshausen went to the Russian expedition and achieved as a result of the sixth terrestrial. It was the last of the great geographical discoveries.

It would seem that the mainland is not particularly interesting: everything is usually, ice, penguins, snow. And truly great interest in Antarctica arose only at the beginning of the last century. This happened on quite serious reasons, because the terra of incognita provided excavation of some riddles over which many generations of scientists will still be fighting.

Antarctic is still the only land, not separated between states. Dozens of research plan are erected on its territory. They operate in general a few thousand people.

Before right under the glaciers, Antarctica discovered some lakes. Among them was one lake of gigantic sizes. It was even more than Ladoga. This lake is at great depth, but the USSR managed to build a station and a drill vehicle there. At first, scientists made their way into the mysterious ice of the lake, but then this action was stopped. Apparently, people became scary. It remembers just one horror film, shot by Hollywood, where some contagasics from which there are no drugs are departed. Such fear was easy to notice when Antarctic was adopted by the birthplace of such a disease as atypical pneumonia.

According to official information, this mainland was opened in January 1820. This discovery of domestic sailors were dreamed of the British, arguing before that there is nothing in the south and no one will be further than they. However, the land there is rather wretched outwardly, because there is almost no life: darkness, cold, only penguins and nothing more interesting.

It took several years, and in the archives of Byzantium in Istanbul, a certain interesting document was found, from which one of the greatest secrets of human history was generated. She is still not solved. What was this find? It turns out that this is the map that was depicted on a leather piece. The map shows the south of the Atlantic Ocean, including the West of Africa, part of South America, as well as the coast of Antarctica.

Map card, but it was established that she was the author, as it turned out, Admiral Piri flight from Turkey, who else in the first half of the 16th century. So it's strange that all, because even the southern land opened only after 300 years, and then it is depicted on the map. It is also strange that South America is still depicted on it, and amazingly detailed.

ATTENTION: It was even more wonderful on the map Antarctica without ice, where the mountains and rivers, and lakes are depicted. Of course, it is allowed to assume that it is just a fantasy, only later it has been established that under the ice is just the same relief that Piri flight is depicted. It surprises even such a high accuracy of the card, which could be achieved in reality only in the second half of the last century.

How is this explained?

There is a version that modern people do not know the true story, namely, the Middle Ages and Antiquity. Suppose, according to the school program, America opened Columbus, and the Vikings managed to get there before him, and this was about 5 centuries ago. There is also information that it was from America that the riches were drawn some knightly orders, such as the order of the Templar. By the way, for some reason they disappeared over the age before the Columbus expedition. And about Columbus there is still the theory that he knew where he sails. But we are talking about Antarctica.

There is logic in the fact that even before Lazarev and Bellinshausen, someone has already visited the Antarctic. Suppose this someone has created a card that has come down afterwards. In addition, it is worth noting that it is written right on its fields, so that the wines do not fall on him for inaccuracies, but to the sources to which he referred. And sources are related to completely different times. The matter even concerned the Macedonian era. Regarding this time, he had plenty of reference.

It is worth noting that not only the admiral from Turkey celebrated open Antarctia. This was also done by the famous Mercator in the maps 1538 and 1569. Also in the ORONTEUS card of Finium 1531, Antarctica was visible without ice. Ptolemy indicated the southern mainland in antiquity. And finally, it is worth remembering the map of 1737 Philip Buasha.

Regarding this, naturally, there are critics. They make a comment that the oldest of potential civilizations, for example, Atlantis, did not have the opportunity to provide the Antarctic map without ice, as it was covered by millions of years.

However, this theory has recently more doubtful, because, according to one of the versions, the final icing of the southern mainland ended another 5-6 thousand years ago. Then there were already known civilization: Egyptian and Sumerian. Perhaps the first sources of the flight are just belonging to them.

New discoveries regarding Egypt showed that the people belonged by no land civilization. Although they did not have the opportunity to achieve Antarctic, but may have been able to communicate with those who else knew Terra incognitant without ice. And the latter, perhaps, were inhabited just in Antarctica?

In fact, you can put forward the assumption that at the very south just there was a praodine of humanity. Hence logic output, that civilization and died of ice on the appearance of ice. And those who managed to survive migrated to Africa and South America, and partly their knowledge reached Sumer, Egypt and Inca.

Above, we indicated that the flight had references to antique sources. Then the mysterious terra of incognita appears in the maps. In this case, it is quite possible to consider this for the confirmation of the existence of ancient civilizations.

There is also such an interesting version that the inhabitants of Atlantis actually lived just in the Antarctic, because, if relying on the descriptions of Plato, everything converges.

Confirmation or refutation of this is possible only to make painful excavations, but then the situation is heavy, as Antarctic covers the ice thickness of a half kilometers. What lies under these ice?

The flight has a lot of illogical on the moment map, so some enthusiasts claim that aliens arrived on Earth before. After all, it could not be such accuracy at that time, which is compared only with the technologies of the previous century for us.


It is probably not for nothing that the German scientists of that time, to some extent associated with occultism, were so much interested in Egypt, South America, Tibet and finally Antarctic.

Back in 1918, Hitler himself was accepted into an international order called Tula. It was so called in honor of a certain country of antiquity, which is a pranodina person.

The Order in his interest was quite versatile, however, the greatest activity was manifested in the direction of the study of antiquity: all kinds of cults, mythology, magic and occult teachings. We will not concern how much Ryano Third Reich was interested in this to all, and we will return to the subject of Antarctica.

At the time of Hitler, there was also a certain occult and scientific service of the SS, named "Ananerb". She was engaged in the organization of all sorts of expeditions throughout the world. Wide news received her Tibetan surveys. As for the southern mainland, they still did them less, but they did not lose chances to solve the secrets of ancient Antarctic maps.

It is assumed that the first card was created by the Atlanta, which are distant ancestors of the Aryans. Considering that the ancient, apparently witnessed the fact that the southern lands did not cover the glaciers, the Nazis began to be more interested in Antarctic, because perhaps she hides in themselves the traces of ancient civilizations.

There was also such a version, where it is described that there are some inlets into large cavities inside the planet on the poles of the Earth.

In 1939, the Luftwaffe aircraft was investigated by a large territory of southern mainland, and part of this territory was then called New Swabies and celebrated pennants. Now this territory is referred to as the land of the queen mod. There is a version that scientists from Germany were interested, in particular, some "oases", territories without ice and even with the presence of some plant organisms.

Next, it is not entirely clear whether warm huge caves discovered, or in the end in 1942-1943, Germany in Antarctica had its own secret base with submarines. It is noteworthy that American intelligence at the end of the war noticed that several large-sized transport submarines were lost from the fascist submarine fleet. Never installed where they were. The question arises: maybe they managed to float into a new moat?

Supposed database and simple submarines. Two of these submarines were intercepted by American military, and maybe just surrendered on voluntary grounds. It was off the coast of Argentina. Subsequently, the Expedition of Americans in Antarctica was organized, Koya was led by Admiral Berd. Interestingly, as part of this expedition was up to 5 thousand people who included members of the carriages of the aircraft carrier, the ships of combat destination, soldiers of marine infantry, etc. The question arises: they destroyed the Nazi base and captured technology or simply found it and underwent an attack of the "unknown enemy". The second option is more appropriate, as the expedition was planned for quite a long time, and then suddenly it was hastily interrupted, and the Americans had considerable losses. Someone from the expedition participants even told that they were attacked by some "flying disks". But the details about it could not find out.

After a decade, Admiral Berd visited Antarctica again, collecting a new expedition. As a result, he simply died for unknown reasons. In the same way, others died, who tried to invade the territory, once explored by the fascists.

Sometimes some observers were seen at this or that time UFOs in Antarctica. Thus, in the late 1970s, the Japanese saw nine unidentified objects at once. There are also people who have been on the southern mainland. They argue that there is a certain city where people with greater growth and blue eyes live. Eyewitnesses added that these people collect new forces for the subsequent war.

In the aggregate, this whole story is rather gloomy, as well as the subject of Antarctica. Apparently, these all secrets will not soon solve.

Hellian gate

All sorts of sources of antiquity give us warnings that the study of Antarctica is a rather dangerous idea that can bring serious problems to humanity. According to the authors of such sources, it is there that there are so-called "gates of hell". From there, they say, the devil himself is going to spread his power to the whole world.

Many myths tell about this mysterious place very interesting things. These all the facts are accompanied by mystical coincidences, so do not pay attention to the warning of the ancestors.

Thus, in the 1820th year, the latter unknown at that time was opened by our navigators Lazarev and Bellinshausen. They were also born still under the signs of scorpion and the virgin, respectively. Astrologers consider these signs related to such gods as Pluto and Proserpina, who are considered to be the gods of hell.

From the opening of Antarctica also opened a very gloomy page in human history. Just after all this, two terrible world wars, genocides, epidemics, moral decays and a lot of all terrible were held. It is worth noting that it was in the 20th century that the first wintering of a person was held in Antarctica, and after the achievement of the Southern Pole, oddly enough, was unleashed just the First World War. Just a coincidence? It is possible that the third world will be as a result of the territory of Antarctica territories. Already in a short time, it is possible to start such war, because it is possible that the wealth of nature on Earth is countless.

Recall that even in the late 50s of the last century 12 states (equals the number of signs of the zodiac) a contract relating to this mysterious mainland - Antarctica. In the same time, people dreamed to encroach into space. But as applies to Antarctica, the manuscripts of antiquity warn us that human encroachment on the Forbidden Lands of the South will contribute to the exit of unknown to the currently none of poisonous evaporations that are able to simply kill people. There are also such warnings that the so-called "daemons of the night" will be placed in newborns. It is known that right above the Antarctic has an ozone hole giant sizes. Perhaps this was just the authors of antiquity. They directly warned that there is a danger of still melting of glaciers in the south, as a result of which the poisoning of the World Ocean is possible. This is quite possible, since in the ice of the mainland can hide anything, including the bacteria and viruses not known to humanity. And without them, it is enough that as a result of melting will increase the level of the world's ocean for as many as 60 meters, and this will significantly change the entire world map.

In conclusion, you can still recall the existing current theory of shifts of earthly poles. In this case, according to this theory, just Antarctica and will act as the most suitable land for the life of creatures. But what secrets are hiding in her depths?

Allegedly, the German expedition of the Third Reich was erected in the last century.

However, the fact that Hitler showed an particular interest to Antarctica and documented. And expeditions of scientists from the Third Reich on the sixth continent were several.


There is some kind of mystery in this mainland, which calls, pulls there and does not let go until the end of days

In ancient times, the entire surface of the oil dome was not made of ice and snow, but was covered with brown vegetation. Tropical climate, impassable jungle, high humidity.

We can only assume what the wealth of fauna and flora flourished on the ice continent. What plants did shelter here, what animals wandered through his forests.

Until now, in the thicker of ice rocks, archaeologists find fossil remains of unprecedented ancient animals and skeletons of the former Lords of the planet - dinosaurs.

A catastrophe, which led to a tight change of climate, occurred 250 million years ago. The land rammed a giant asteroid, which destroyed almost all the vegetation and animal world of the planet. The snow fell over Antarctic, the mainland is freezing for kilometers and never thawed.

So what about the pyramids?

Most likely, an international scientific expedition will be formed in the near future, which will work closely to give a clear answer about the nature of their appearance.

But today, most researchers and scientists agree that these monuments of ancient culture are artificially created.

Volcanoes in Antarctica

Antarctica volcanoes and future planet

About melting of ice in Antarctica and possible consequences are written enough. But usually the melting of glaciers associate with global warming, which, in fact, is not.

It turns out that it is necessary to fear not a worldwide increase in ambient temperature, but volcanoes. Today, they found 35 on ice mainland, of which half is ready to spew Lava at any time.

How many more are hidden under the tons of ice - no one knows.

The heat flux from white mainland volcanoes passes through the globe and provokes the instability of Antarctica ice shell.

It is curious to look at the map of the new world, which the scientists simulated, after the Ice of Antarctica turn into fresh water.

You will not find on this map of Denmark and the Netherlands, Venice and London. Under water will be coastal areas of India and North America.

How many all volcanoes in Antarctica?

No one knows. The first two were discovered by the expedition of D. Ross, and are named after ships, on which brave travelers arrived in the country of eternal cold.

Erebus - the volcano acting, terror - extinct.

The last volcano, hidden under the thickness of ice, was applied to the Antarctica map in 2008.

A couple of years later - new sensation! A whole dozen of underwater volcanoes of the continent is open, seven - show signs of active life.


A catastrophe, which led to a tough climate change, occurred 250 million years ago

Some of them are real giants whose height reaches three kilometers. Another monster has a crater with a diameter of five kilometers.

Now imagine what will happen when boiling lava is bursting under terrible pressure.

Probably the most famous on the expanses of the ice continent.

  • Height - 4 kilometers;
  • Depth - 274 meters;
  • Crater diameter - 805 meters.

In the depths of this dangerous fiery handsome Giant Lake Lava, which gives him an elegant glow. When he was eruption in 1972, 25 meters flew to a height of 25 meters, this is an eight-storey house.

Vulcan Deferred

Creator Bay Port Foster, culprit of one of the largest eruptions. In the sixties of the last century destroyed the series of eruptions, the scientific stations of Great Britain and Chile.

Hidden under the giant layer of ice thickness in a hundred meters. His lava flows very slowly, and tons of dirt are squeezed into the purest white ice.

UFO in Antarctica

The archives of the NKVD, still not until the end declassified, are of interest, both for historians and for Ufologists. Thanks to them (archives), it became known that Antarctic was an undoubted interest for scientists and researchers of the Third Reich.

Since 1938, the Nazis on the submarines regularly transported the Queen Maud and various equipment to the land area.

At that time, the goals of the expedition of the Hitlerists in Antarctica were not known to anyone except them.

Thanks to the archives, it became known that Antarctic was an undoubted interest for the scientists of the Third Reich

But after the end of the war, the Germans followed that the Germans came across the icy continent on an enormous system of tunnels and caves interconnected.

The air, unlike the surface, was warm enough in the caves. According to the head of the Admiral Admiral Charles Sennie, they found a real paradise there.

Finds in Antarctica

Caves and tunnels Antarctica

Let's unlock the topic of UFOs and aliens. The fact that these tunnels are not fiction and not hallucinations confirmed the participants of the expedition from the Australian National University in the summer of last year.

They found extensive tunnels and under ice plates on Ross Island, where the operating volcano Erebus is located. Researchers were simply amazed.

Here are the words of one of the participants of this team of scientists: "We did not even assume that in Antarctica could be warm. In the caves, the temperature reaches twenty-five degrees Celsius. You can walk in the same T-shirt.

The Germans accidentally stumbled in Antarctica to a huge system of tunnels and caves interconnected

In emptiness and caves a lot of light, which penetrates through cracks and ice. The most important thing we discovered numerous DNA of plants and animals here, some of which are simply unique. "

Thus, researchers from the Australian University confirmed the hypothesis that Antarctica is the door to mysterious and.

And in the voids found by the participants of the expedition, the complex forms of life may be unknown.

UFO in Antarctica

After the end of the war, members of the crew of submarines that went to Antarctica were forced to surrender to Americans.

After their interrogation, a research expedition headed by an experienced polar star was equipped with an experienced polar star by Admiral Richard Burde.

The extraordinary nature of this scientific was that it included 25 aircraft and helicopters, more than four thousand soldiers and officers of the marines, aircraft carrier and thirteen ships.

The scientific expedition has more resembled a major military operation, which ended quickly, strange and tragic.

Speaking to the members of the Emergency Investigation Commission of the US Congress, Admiral reported that the expedition attacked unidentified flying objects that broke out of the water and flew at a huge speed.

Dozens of sailors and officers went to the bottom after the Esmin "Merdock" and four aircraft. A year later, members of the crews of aircraft who participated in the collision were told.


The expedition attacked unidentified flying objects that escaped from water and flew with a huge speed

All of them confirmed the words of their chief, adding details about unusual atmospheric phenomena, which caused mental disorders to the story.

It must be said that the newspaper article about the war of brave American guys with flying discs did not cause a sensation in America. These stories were so incredible that the audience simply did not believe in them.

But Antarctica continued to present all new and new surprises.

Messages about observations in the sky of the continent began to flow with enviable regularity.

The most famous case dates back to 1976, when Japanese scientists have discovered nineteen flying discs on radar at the radars.

They suddenly appeared in the sky it is unknown from where and also instantly disappeared.

But before that incident over Antarctica, everything was calm.

Year 1950

The crew of the VMS of Argentina watched over the island of the discount of the strange object, which did not resemble any of the well-known devices created by the hands of a person.

The report on this incident was the captain of the ship S. Lord.

In the summer of the same year, a whole series of observations by the employees of the Argentine and Chilean meteorological stations of unidentified objects in the sky over the White continent was recorded.

One of the objects, according to the descriptions of eyewitnesses, had a cigar-like shape, was overflowed with various colors and moved zigzags at a huge speed in complete silence.

Several times the object changed the direction and speed, after which it hovers motionlessly and was in this position for about 20 minutes.

If you retell in brief, then policies and scientists with a world name in 2017 began to receive emails, where the anxious "The End" was minted.


If the aliens built the base for their ships, then the best place than Antarctica for this not to find

The Special Commission found out that the message came from Antarctica with one of the polar stations. But it turned out that none of the staff of the station to this is unacceptable.

One of the leading researchers suggested that it was a warning from the future.

To attract serious attention to themselves, they were sent from Antarctica.

The End! Antarctic Timer - End of Light

We are talking about a real tragedy that will destroy the world. It will happen on May 15, which is what year and what a century is unknown.

Video: Scientists from NASA in shock. They do not understand what is happening with Antarctic

Bloody Waterfall in Antarctica

This is a terrible name Waterfall gave Australian Geologist Griffith Taylor, who opened it in 1911.

Blood Falls One of the most unique places on Earth, because you will not meet such a phenomenon anywhere else.

First, the color of water is really red, but the most interesting thing is that the water in it has a minus temperature and still flows.

Red challenge found quite quickly. It turned out that for this shade, the bivalent iron is responsible, simply mention - rust, and the source of water is the salt lake, located at a depth of 400-500 meters under the ice.

It was formed about two million years ago, when the mainland was not yet under solid thickness.

Later, the ocean level fell, the lake turned out to be isolated and sealed under tons of ice with its inhabitants.

Water gradually evaporated, and the lake was done all the stralee. Now the salt concentration is such that water does not freeze and for minus ten degrees Celsius.

Is there a life in it?

The inhabitants of the underground lake in the ice captivity are sharpened without sunlight and air extinct. But not all.

Today, seventeen species were found, which adapted to impossible conditions of existence and live quietly, processing organic remnants, locked with them in one underground prison.


Blood Falls One of the most unique places on Earth, because you will not meet such a phenomenon anywhere else

Just think about which successfully life can adapt to completely unbearable conditions!

Millions of the microbes breathe instead of oxygen with iron, snatching it from the surrounding rocks.

Since this ecological system is closed, the organic reserves will ever end, but not the fact that life will end after this local catastrophe.

It is likely that microorganisms will find a new power source. What? No one knows.

Is there life on Mars?

The find of these amazing microorganisms allowed scientists to assume that in the depths of the planet Mars the same bacteria can live without sunlight and oxygen.

Similar phenomena was observed and more than once on the red planet, but no one thought that life would be sought not on the surface of her, but in depth.

It accessed researchers to new thoughts on the existence of the aliens, but not in the form of green men, but in the form of the simplest microorganisms.

When can you see a bloody waterfall?

Little tourists who have decided to admire the bloody jet of Taylor's waterfall, most likely will be disappointed. Observe red streams manifest a little.

It happens when the glacier melts, and the blocks of ice begin to put pressure on. At this time, part of the water flows out of cracks, which is quite rare.

Lake East in Antarctica

Lakes in Antarctica

Under the ice shell of the white continent tens, and maybe hundreds of water bodies. No one knows this. But the lake East is the biggest discovery today.

Its length is 250 km, width - 50 km, the depth is slightly less than that of Baikal - but still a solid - more than a kilometer.

The lake itself is hidden under the ice cover in four kilometers thick.

His depths are an unknown unambiguous world, and his discovery scientists compare with the flight of the first person into space.

According to some researchers as an open reservoir, it existed millions and even tens of millions of years, and disappeared only the last fifteen million years.

In 2015, apparently, due to lack of financing, Russia froze the work on the drilling of the well. Dried to the water of all of some 240 meters, at the very moment when the opening was fantastic on the horizon.

But those samples that managed to get from the depth of three kilometers and almost eight hundred meters, forced scientists to flush.


Lake East is the largest discovery today. His depths are an unexplored world, and his discovery scientists compare with the flight of the first person in space

There are two points of view as to which life inhabits in this water storage, isolated from the outside world - American and Russian.

The American is based on the results of drilling less deep, nevertheless, researchers because of the bulb believe that the lake literally dishes exotic multicellular.

Their colleagues from Russia are more detained in their forecasts, but declare that when the water will be able to understand how life can develop on other planets of the solar system.

The fact is that Titan's subsoil, Europe, Enceladus, Ceres and many other space bodies are arranged in the same way as the east: ice shield from above, water - from below and giant pressure.

Therefore, if a difficult life is found in the lake on the planet Earth, then why not be on the planets with similar conditions.

Lake East - discoveries and hypothesis

Analysis of the samples taken by the Americans showed the presence of 1623 species in the water sequence!

Of these, 6% referred to complex creatures, so difficult that their life at a depth of several kilometers was simply impossible.

Scientists from the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences found a bacterium in DNA samples, which does not correspond to any of the known species.

She is so unusual and alien to the rest that the bacterium could not be classified and attributed to any famous science group.


It is better to leave the inhabitants of the lake alone, otherwise from there can get out such evil who will not leave from life on the planet and trace

Scientists more radical thinking believe that at the bottom of this ice storage facility there are unusual types of living beings, to which neither science fiction writers nor cinematographers, nor.

Another group of scientists declares that it is better to leave the inhabitants of the lake living on the damn depth alone, otherwise from there can get out such evil, which will not leave life on the planet and trace.

Humanity will displace some submarine crustacean mutants from the ground. And this is no longer a horror movie script, and the terrible scenario of the real development of events.

In the same way in the water of the lakes can perfectly feel and develop viruses, which canned millions of years ago, against which humanity does not have immunity.

As long as the antidote is found, they will have time to destroy everything around.

These microorganisms may be alien origin. What is even more dangerous.

While these babies are in an isolated medium, they are not scary, but escaped to sunlight, they can do terrible affairs.

Who lived in Antarctica?

Mysterious map of Piri flight

In 1929, digging in the foliants of the Byzantine emperors, the director of the Istanbul National Museum found an old card.

She was drawn by the Turkish Admiral Peuri flight on the skin of the Gazelle and dated 1513. Since then, the discovery does not give peace by scientists.

Incredible, but the admiral drew geographical objects, which, at the beginning of the 16th century, no one had the idea.

In addition to coasts Chile, Western coasts of South America and Africa, Amazon and the And Mountain Ridge, the Mainland of Antarctica was discovered on the map, which was discovered in three centuries.

The flight drew the coastline, which is still under an ice shell.

In 1958, the islands of the Southern Pole were opened, which on the map are indicated. The skins of the Gazelle are captured and the experiencies between the ice continent and America.

According to scientists estimates, this experiencing disappeared from the surface of the Earth about ten thousand years ago.


Antarctica is the door to the mysterious and unknown world

A mysterious document seriously interested scientists.

Four years after graduation, the United European Research Expedition was able to conduct seismic exploration of the White Continent through the thickness of the Ice Mantle.

Conclusions were made shocking. Antarctica coastline coincided with the coastline on the flight map.

Even more amazing conclusions were provided by the US Fleet Hydrographic Bureau, whose staff stated that the transfer of these mysterious cards to the globe helped correct some errors in modern maps.

Such an accurate map, specialists say, could be made only with aerial photography. Indeed, the card is very similar to a photo made from space.

But do not forget that we are talking about the beginning of the 16th century. The first scissors and the first musket and the first musket invented, and a pencil will be invented after half a century.

What photos from orbit? But the map is she. You can see and touch your hands.

But the coastline of Antarctica under the thickness of the ice. And as it turned out later, there are several such cards.

Video: Under the mysterious objects from the other world who mounted glaciers from Antarctica

Antarctic without ice

The mysterious map of Peel is the most famous, but not the only one.

Scientists engaged in this issue can tell about the map O. Finius, which was found in the Library of Congress in the capital of the United States - Washington.

It belongs to the same time as the drawings of Peel - 1531. On the map - Antarctica with shores without ice, as well as the mountains and rivers of the White Continent.

There is also a French card, compiled by F. Buaisha in 1737, where again Antarctica without his ice cover, plus a treated topography, which science did not have the concept before the middle of the twentieth century.

Atlantis in Antarctica

If you compare all these facts, this conclusion suggests: all found cards are fragmented elements of a single map of the Earth, composed in prehistoric times, mysterious cardographic, which possessed accurate and unique knowledge.

Many researchers express the idea that these representatives of civilization lived, the overturned time for hundreds of thousands of years, on the territory of modern Antarctica.

We have already written that the climate there was subtropical, not only suitable, but solely comfortable for life.

And called Antarctica -.

The theory of fascinating and unusual, which is neither to prove to neither to refute it.

Cities in Antarctica

The capital of Antarctica

The first cities on the mainland were open eighty years ago, in 1938, the third Reich expedition

Furnished the expedition was solid: together with her, three ships plus an aircraft carrier moved to Antarctica.

But the finds were not ordinary. Scientists came across a dead city, nor more nor less.

In underground tunnels and underwater corridors, they discovered strange ancient monuments with inscriptions, sculptures and paintings on the walls of the tunnels.


The climate there was subtropical, extremely comfortable for life, and was called Antarctica - Atlantis

Nakhodka only excited Hitler and pushed the new research of Antarctica, where he intended to find earthly paradise or reliable asylum, in the event of a defeat in the wars, to which he was then preparing.

Recall that before the beginning of World War II, there was less than a year.

Although it is possible that the demonic Adolf was looking for not only paradise there, but also the technology of highly developed civilizations, which, as he sacredly believed, was sometime.

One way or another, but after the first expedition to the header of the planet, the second, consisting of five submarines, went.

One of them moved along the underwater tunnel and found himself in a lake with warm water.

Rising to the surface, team members and scientists found that they are in a huge cave, which was associated with other similar caves of the network of tunnels.

Here were the same strange monuments and inscriptions that the first expedition researchers recorded.

Then gigantic mines were discovered, clearly not natural, but artificial origin. The walls of the mines were smooth and smooth.


Two hundred and small years ago, the first people arrived in Antarctica, and from that time the mainland more and more intrigues and sets a lot of mysteries

A few days later - new finds: Stone statues of invisible animals, and wings.

For a long time stay of the expedition on the white mainland, several more dead cities were opened.

The famous scientist Jacques Yves Kusto remained away from the secure of Antarctica. A group of scablasts under his beginning in 1973 came across the underwater cave, where all the same monuments of animals were located, and the walls were dressed in incomprehensible inscriptions.

They also speak about the expedition of Russian researchers who, in the period from 1979 to 1983, the underwater tunnels of Antarctica were investigated. It was they who discovered the former capital of the mainland, the dead city of Okmarur.

According to rumors, there were many rune inscriptions that were later deciphered. None of the named expeditions cost no victims.

People died mysteriously, ships tunted, suffered underwater boats.

The truth is or not, we do not know, all reports on expeditions are strictly classified.

And yet, if the listed finds took place, someone who had all this disappeared civilization belonged. There are many opinions on this. The most common hypotheses:

  • these are the remains of civilization and prosperous culture, which exceeded the existing one.
  • these are traces of visiting the Earth by aliens.

Finds in Antarctica

10 shocking finds of scientists in Antarctica

Two hundred and small years ago, the first people arrived in Antarctica, and from that time this mainland more and more intrigues, surprises and sets a lot of riddles.

Aliens, disappeared civilizations, Atlantis, a bloody waterfall, tunnels under the honeycomb, for which you can get into any point of the planet, a treated lake, in which the unknown life is thriving, the monsters of Creona and so on.

We still do not know what is still hidden under a powerful ice shell.

Mysterious ancient meteorite

Scientists of the National Aeronautics and Space Research (NASA) found a couple of years ago on the continent, landed on the ice of Antarctica more than ten thousand years ago. The Space Spacelet from Mars arrived and samples of microbes of the fourth planet from the sun were preserved on it.

Skulls in Antarctica

Scientists were mistaken when they stated that there were no people before Antarctica. Excavations in the Lapail region turned over this confidence. It was here that unusual human skulls of the extended form were found. The discovery shocked the entire scientific world.

Dinosaur remains

In the time immemorial, Antarctica was covered with blooming fields and forests, and the climate here was quite suitable and comfortable for life. In those days, the continent inhabited dinosaurs. Their remnants at the end of the last century have found American in the transntarctic mountains. After exploring, scientists came to the conclusion that the bones belong to the predatory dinosaur, called the cryolofosaur.

Fossil remains

The remains of another unusual creature at the ice were discovered in 2009. This is an interesting eggword creature was the size of the cat.

Chip plane

In September 2013, an aircraft disappeared over Antarctica, on board which was three people. The liner debris found quite recently on the slope of Mount Elizabeth. Presumably, the pilot did not notice the white snowy vertex merging with the horizon, and rammed it.

Tsvetny whiskey

Probably the most amazing discovery of recent years is a few boxes of the Scottish Whiskey Tsently Exposure. Scientists did not start to open bottles. I wonder how many people would be given at auction.

Creepy creature

An American group of scientists in the tunnel at a depth of three hundred and more meters came across the terrible creation of an unknown breed and nature. The remains are well preserved, but they failed to identify them. A strange body structure, a bone comb, a huge mouth.

Antarctica River

It turns out that on the White Continent, despite the ultra-low temperatures, there are rivers. One of them - Onyx flows only two months a year, the rest of the time freezes. Onyx carries its waters to a large lake called Wanda.


These fish perfectly adapted to survival in extreme conditions. There are no erythrocytes in their blood, which means hemoglobin, so it is white. Hence the name. It can not live without oxygen, but it is absorbed by the whitestone on another scheme than among fish living in the warm seas.


There is no place from the mosquito salvation anywhere, including in Antarctica, so, travelers, take with you Fumitx. Ice mainland chose Komar-Zvory. We joked about Fumitals. These mosquitoes are completely indifferent to blood, and they feed exclusively by microorganisms. They are found only on the sixth continent.

Weather in Antarctica

Antarctica is a mainland with the most terrible climatic conditions on the entire planet.

Open and mysterious continent, the approaches to which are blocked by ice plains and giant icebergs.

In winter, it is almost impossible to get to him. Ice storm winds, temperatures, never rise above the freezing point, from vegetation only moss and lichen.

In May 1983, the lowest temperature on Earth was registered here: minus 93.2 degrees Celsius. Such a minus is not even imagined.

However, life flourishes here. The South Ocean, which surrounds the Ice Continent, serves as a refuge and home for many fauna representatives.

Most animals are migrating, but there are those who settled here hard, perfectly adapting to a difficult habitat.


The lowest temperature on Earth was registered here: - 93.2 degrees Celsius. Such a minus is even imagined

With a person, the aborigines of the animal world are rare, so two-legged, dressed in wool and fur, are not afraid that it gives a unique opportunity to researchers to study the Fauna Antarctica.

Although it is impossible to touch the animals, just as in the zoo. Alas, but these are international Antarctic contracts.

Animals Antarctica

Blue whale

We are accustomed to admire and surprise gigantic dinosaurs, which, however, saw only in the cinema, but the biggest animal, of all living and living on Earth, our contemporary is blue whale. Whales whales more than a hundred tons, and easily turns out and diplodok and chantungosaur. Blue whale is not a fish (although it lives in aquatic environment), but a mammal like a person or a pig. He breathes with air, he has no scablanga, so the gigant regularly rises to the surface, to breathe and pour several cubic air kilometers.

Kergelen sea cat

Belongs to the family of eared seal. Reminds a huge dog, almost like Baskerville, only weighs several times more - up to two hundred kilograms. Such is the eared dog.

Sea Leopard

One of the most terrible and large predators of ice mainland. Monster up to three meters long, weighing up three hundred kilograms. Devour anyone who caught. Man is no exception. Floats with a torpedo speed. Named, because the spots are scattered by the body, like a leopard. The main diet is fish, penguins, birds, squid, young seals.


It is not known what a fool called him that, because the crabs he did not eat. Almost the entire diet of the cracked consists of Antarctic Krill, this seal can afford the fish or squid. In Antarctica from major mammals, their population is the largest. Skabedes weigh up to three hundred kilograms, dive shallow by 20-30 meters and are delayed under water for ten minutes.

Tyleny Weddela

These, like Gypsies, do not sit in one place, and wander on the ice floes there. Food squid and fish. Weigh solid to 450 kilograms and growth under three meters. Weddell's seals are beautiful divers. May be accessed by eight hundred meters, and to sit under water almost one and a half hours.

Southern Sea Elephant

On an Elephant of African, he doesn't look much and a trunk he has no, but weighs up to three and a half tons with growth up to five and a half meters. In short, Ambal is that more. Feed this - the problem, and he eats, mostly squid and fish. That is why on the shelves of Russian shops of squid and fish are all more expensive. Diving, despite such a mass, quite well, to a depth of 500 meters and may not emerge half an hour.

Birds Antontica

Antarctic colt

Distinctive feature - a black hat on the head. A plumage is white or light gray. Food is powered and kille. Antarctic paint is boiled over the water until the prey is noticed, after which the height dives behind it.

Antarctic Sineglase Bablan

This is a cormorant - that is still a cormorant - healthy. Weighs up to three and a half kilograms. The color of the eyes is bright, and at the base of the beak - yellow thigh. These cute birds feed on fish, and hunt like this: they are knocked into the flock to hundreds of individuals, and in many meters dive into the water, helping to fish to each other. May be accessed to a depth of more than a hundred meters.

White Rzhanka

Lives mainly on Earth, rarely rises in the air, when walking, like a pigeon, pulls his head. This bird is omnivorous, that neither let's go into business. Do not break the white rzhanka and theft, and most of all the penguins suffer from her actions. She is typing the curl, it is such small wraps, fish, and sometimes eggs of the penguins themselves. The latter has repeatedly wrote a statement on white birds, but this rzhanka is so smart, I'll find it.


This dove is not completely doves, but a petrel. In any case, belongs to their family. He feeds on Krelem, squid, fish. He catches it on the surface of the water, but if it is impatient, it can dive, though shallow.


Very beautiful bird, black and black and black. The main diet is a krill, so not to lose consciousness from, it always keeps near the sea. These birds nest in the depths of the mainland, in the mountains.

Wandering Albatross

Wandering Albatross - Eternal Nomad

This bird has the name corresponds to the status. Traveler from her otmann. Albatross is able to make flights to a distance of ten thousand kilometers, while in the air day, and overcoming during this time a distance of up to 800 kilometers. Record, worthy book of Guinness Records. By the way, these birds may well claim another record - like a bird, which has the longest span of wings - up to three and a half meters. Real pterodactyl. Eternal nomads they do not see the land of the month and even for years, but sleep on the water.

Albatross is able to make flights up to 10 thousand kilometers, while in the air day and overcoming a distance of up to 800 kilometers

Feed fish. The faithful satellites of the courts, especially the fishing houses, from which they repaid to the table.

Yuzhnopolar Pesor.

A large bird that nests in Continental Antarctica, and multiplies in the south. They feed on South-Polar Passengers Mostly Curleh, Fish, Padalu and, if you're lucky, penguins eggs. In addition, they steal fish in birds of other species. But still at your own. Not a pie and somehow.

Southern Giant Petrel

This predator is proudly relevant over the plains of white mainland and looks out of the dead carcasses of penguins, seals, other pallets. In addition to her, the predator menu includes curl, crustaceans, squid.

Flewing birds

Imperial Penguin

These penguins are the largest in the world. Their average weight is thirty kilograms, but there are specimens and forty, rising more than a meter. They have a white belly, yellow chest, black spin and head. They eat fish, mollusks, crustaceans. These two-legged excellent divers. It is incredible, but they can dive on Polkilometer and detain their breath for almost twenty minutes.

Royal Penguin.

This one occupies the second place. Growth can reach a meter, and the weight of eighteen kilograms. Both of these types are similar in appearance, except coloring from the Royal Big. The diet of the queen is not very diverse. In the menu, mostly two dishes: small fish and squid. They dive either chill either - one hundred meters.

Subanartic Penguin

Another name is Papuan Penguin. For growth is becoming! The subnutrctic penguin will be the last. Growth - from half meter to meter, the maximum weight is eight kilograms. But he has the longest tail. This view is easy to recognize on a wide white strip on the head and red or orange beak. Papuana fish eat a little, mostly feed on crustaceans.

News from Antarctica

In Antarctica discovered a giant hole

A huge hole with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than eighty thousand square meters was found in the ice of Antarctica. It seems that someone simply struck her ice.

It was discovered, thanks to photographs from the satellite.

Scientists declare that the cause of its appearance can be.

If so, then it's bad. About the consequences that Antarctician glaciers will appear. We have already written.

Air age per million years

Antarctica once again presented a surprise scientist. In the ocean, an air bubble was discovered in a giant ice bubble.

The air that is contained there is incredibly ancient, he is about a million years.

The analysis will help scientists to find out which climate reigned on the mainland at the time.

Gigan Iceberg broke off Antarctica

The area of \u200b\u200bthis monster is greater than the capital of Great Britain with all suburbs.

A lot of iceberg is a billion tons. Wrong easily, it is impossible to imagine.

Such a piece of ice is not placed in any refrigerator.

This piece broke from the Larsen glacier, in July 2017, and at the moment it presents a serious threat to courts.

Antarctica caves

Last September, a group of scientists of the Australian National University found huge caves hidden under the ice shelter on the sixth continent.

Researchers said that the climate in the caves is so warm, which is most likely an animal, and plant life is present there.

The discovery was made on the island of Ross, where the operating volcano Erebus bubbles. From his heat warmed and around.

In Antarctica, the ice floes hid

For the first time this song I heard on the radio in a distant childhood. I liked it so much that I instantly remembered her by heart. Children's memory, like a blank sheet of paper. I will reproduce a memory if I'm sick, I ask for a sorry.

Song about penguins

In Antarctica, the ice floes were hidden,

The ice floes in Antarctica were pretty Purga,

Previously, Penguins lived peacefully,

Jealously guarding your snow.

Somehow pingguins in full assembly

To the sea for fishing wandered by Gurby,

The strange picture is seen in the sea:

Huge black iceberg smokes pipe!

Stroxy Penguins - What will happen?

And where did the wind come from the wind to them?

See how people go to the iceplace,

For the first time they saw people.

People swung them with a song

Silence violating many years of captivity,

The sky tightened the network thin,

Waving the web of his antennas.

And now in penguins there is no fear,

Radio to listen and they want

And Shange genuine in long trings

The clock at the village they are standing.

All in the world knows this pack,

Their knowledge and horizons are wary,

Jazz Penguins know Baha know

Penguins poems know and know sports.

And with people Penguins go beside

Listen to diligently every day. Ether.

And now Penguins are glad to people,

After all, people for Penguins opened the world!

Antarctica from Cosmosa

Here is her, Antarctica! Ice cap of the world

Secrets Antarctica

Unique continent

The sixth continent opened in 1820 by the Bellingshausen expedition, and today remains one of the most mysterious areas of the globe. According to its geographical position, Antarctica is unique - it has access to the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. There are all time zones here.

This is the most severe place of our planet: throughout the year, the air temperature does not rise above the zero of degrees Celsius, the strongest winds and bursts are ramp. More than 99% of the mainland surface is covered with an ice shell with a thickness of up to 5 km. Thanks to its climate, Antarctica remains the last environmentally friendly area on Earth.

This is the only region that does not have indigenous population. In summer, ice mainland takes up to 4 thousand guests, tourists and workers of scientific stations. Only scientists remain for the winter - about 1,200 people. In Antarctica, there is actually no political situation in the usual understanding. There are no borders, the capital, visa regime. It is not surprising that this completely unusual situation generates a mysterious halo of myths and legends around Antarctica.

There is an opinion that Antarctica is the most lost continent, which scientists and inhabitants have never ceased to speak for many centuries. In an article published in the Italian magazine "Europeo" almost half a century, it was reported that the traces of highly developed prehistoric civilization were found by American scientists. This hypothesis was developed by the Italian Barbiere Flavio, the author of the book "Civilization under the ice". In his opinion, the legendary state of Atlantov was on the site of the current Antarctica, her climate was then much softer and warmer. The death of civilization occurred 10-12 thousand years ago due to the collision of the Earth with a large celestial body, which led to the displacement of the axis. This explains the average position of Atlantis between Africa, Asia and Europe in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans.

According to the results of research, before the northern magnetic pole was in the east of Asia. Antarctica, thus, got into one climatic belt with Central America, Mezhdrachy, Industrial and Egypt - the cradles of the ancient civilizations. According to Barbiereo Flavio, the Atlanta after the catastrophe moved not to uninhabited land, but in the colonies located in these territories, and brought with them the fruits of highly developed culture.

Other evolution

Among some scientists there is an opinion that the subsoil of the ice continent can hide the unexplored forms of life - the product of evolution, which went on a different way than on Earth. At the same time, high hopes are imposed on the study of the Antarctic Lake. It is an ancient sea of \u200b\u200b500 sizes 150 km hidden under the colossal thickness of ice. The first assumption of its existence was expressed in 1972, and in 1997, with the help of a unique drilling complex in the ice shelter, Antarctica did a hole with a depth of 3523 m - just 200 m from the surface of the lake. If drilling products in the reservoir do not fall, as well as modern bacteria and microbes, which remained inviolable for several million years, the Antarctic lake will become a storeroom of scientific data for biologists and geologists.

Another habitat of Antarctic organisms is the so-called "dry valleys". They are unusual that there for more than two million years have not fallen out the rain! Multi-kilometer Victoria Valley, Master and Taylor do not have ice cover because of too dry air. According to many scientists, this is the dry place on the planet.

Antarctic "oasis" were opened by Robert Scott in 1903. He wrote about these places: "We have not seen any living creatures, even moss or lichen ... This is, of course, the" valley of the dead "from the biblical prophecies ..." And yet there is life here. "Dry Valleys" inhabit the most unusual organisms. In 1978, American biologists have discovered seaweed, mushrooms and bacteria even inside the stones!

Last Hitler's Needle

One of the most amazing legends of Antarctica refers to Hitler. Some researchers deny the fact of his suicide at the end of World War II. They believe that the Führer and his approximate fled from Europe and hid somewhere among the Antarctic ice. But the German "researchers" in 1938-39 were so hastily engaged in the "accession" of the territories of the territory of the territories of the territories to their distant Reih, which is really too suspicious.

"... in Antarctica," Nazunl Polis writes, "it would almost impossible to find" this idle "any, even the most numerous expedition. Is it possible to play all these plains, alleys and mountains covered with eternal ice and snow? At best, thousands and tens of thousands of search engines with ships, airplanes, helicopters and special equipment would be required. Meanwhile, in Germany, plans to create a permanent base in Antarctic began seriously to be developed back in 1938, and during the next seven years between Germany and Antarctic, regular flights of the Schwabia Research vessel began, later, with the beginning of war replaced by the submarine division who received the new name of the "convoy of the Fuhrer" and included in its composition 35 submarines. Before the war in the construction area of \u200b\u200bthe Antarctic base, mining equipment, railways, electric locomotives, trolleys, tractors, cutters for cutting tunnels in the rocky thicker were delivered to the "Shvabia" area of \u200b\u200bthe Antarctic Base. Scientists, engineers, highly qualified workers arrived in the Base 211, based in the Gulf of Shirmatera and turned into a shipping port.

In a short time, more than 350 thousand square kilometers of the continental square was photographed in a short time, the whole territory was literally stamped by fifteen thousand metal vimpels with a swastika, and on all German maps of this afraid of the Queen Mood's land was renamed "New Swaby". According to this version, Hitler with his headquartt escaped on submarines, since during the war 54 German submarines disappeared without a trace, and only 11 were born in mines. The Commander-in-Chief of the Third Reich was at one time he dropped the phrase that they managed to build for the Fuhrer Real Shang Ri-Lime of our Days.

Alexander Surpin, who was engaged in the development of materials about the Führere, noted that during World War II, the inexplicable behavior of the fascist Navy was noticed in the Antarctica region. There did not let anyone, even the whaling vessels of the unavailable countries.

And at the end of the war in the German city, Kiel with a submarine removed the armament and loaded containers with huge reserves of provisions, equipment and documents. Their further fate is unknown.

The well-known Soviet writer and historian M. Demidenko in his work "The Secrets of the Third Reich" reports that, having analyzed the top-secret archives of the SS, he allegedly found documents, with all certainty, indicating that the squadron of German submarines during the expedition to the new Schwabia found a whole system of interconnected caves with warm air. "My submariners, - chose Karl Denitz (commander of the submarine fleet Reich) in 1938, found a real paradise in Antarctica!"

Mystic Antarctica

In the late 50s, a tragedy occurred: from six polarists who started the South Magnetic Pole from the Mirny station, only two were able to return. According to the official version, the death of people occurred due to cruel storms and frosts. However, subsequently, it was refuted by the participant of this campaign to Yuri Korshunov. He wrote: "When we closely approached the magnetic pole, the weather was wonderful on Antarctic standards - a clear wind-bearing polar day and about -30 ° C. The route we passed in three weeks without a single breakdown of cars and other troubles. We broke the main camp and decided to go to bed early. However, everything could not fall asleep, we were covered by a strange anxious feeling of the upcoming trouble. After a while, I left the tent and, to my surprise and horror, I saw meters in three hundredths of the all-terrain huge glowing ball with a diameter of meters 15-20. He jumped and moved to our side, dark with every moment. All comrades ran on my shouts, and the ball suddenly began to stretch, turning into some kind of sausage with a terrible face without an eye and a hole like a mouth. Snow siked under him and melted, and stopped jumping "monster" everything was approaching and as if she moved to the mouth. Our photographer Sasha Gorodetsky Despite our requests to stay in place went with his camera towards the terrible "guest" and began to shoot it. And the "sausage" suddenly turned into a long smoky ribbon, began to spin around Sasha, and the likeness of a glowing Nimba arose over his head, after which he shouted and collapsed as milk. Our senior group Andrei Skobeliev and the Roma Kostov's doctor began to shoot on the "monster" discontinuous bullets. It unexpectedly worn and exploded, breathed into bright sparks and short lightning. When I ran to Gorodetsky, he was no longer breathing. His face, heads, palm, chest and spin were very burned, and the special custheum turned into kids rags. We could no longer help him. The camera was melted and completely spoiled, like a zipper got into it, and in the snow we found the grooved furrows half the meter of depth ...

Within two days, after this, there was a new tragedy. Over the nearest hill arose, as if thickening out of the air, in a hundred meters from the ground, as the last time, the ball, and two more people flew behind him. Slowly dropping and moving in difficult and as if chaotic trajectories, they approached us. Bushes and Borisov began to shoot, barely balls began to change the shape, and the scareboards at that time tried to photograph. As a result, it was still more departed than last time. I have a consciousness for some time, and when I woken up, I felt a strong smell of ozone in the air, as if after a strong thunderstorm. Bushes and Borisov lay on the snow, and both were dead. And the Skobelev completely lost sight and reason ...

The monotonous Antarctic landscape of the edge of eternal snow and ice was revived from where the all-terrain vehicles and figures of people who were taking place near their "iron horses" came from. Suddenly, because of the nearest snowy hill, a huge bluish ball was spinning. People enchantedly observed, as a ball of a truck begins to change the form as the form approximation, turning into something oblong and served with a terrible lackless "muzzle" and a funk-shaped "mouth".

I realized that something terrible could happen now, many began to hide in all-terrain vehicles, shouting the operator so that he fled to them. But he, as if not hearing their screams, continued to relieve the camera's viewfinder behind the unprecedented "snowy" monster. And it suddenly rose with a terrible hiss suddenly, madly twisted on the spiral and rushed down, swallowing the unfortunate in his womb and again taking the appearance of the ball. After a moment, the ball was filtered into the sky, removing with a huge speed. Further. On the snow, the blackened body of the deceased operator ... "

With this strange phenomenon, scientists became interested in the first half of the 20th century. It arose in Antarctica in areas close to the southern magnetic pole of the Earth. More than once, the participants of the polar expeditions were brought to contemplate strange visions in the form of huge balls or other figures from which snow melted and magnetic storms arose. Some of the researchers became victims of these unknown entities capable of killing living organisms not only with direct contact, but even at a short distance.

The first victims of these creatures were the participants of the expedition of the famous American polar explorer Robert Falkon Scott. South Pole Scott with comrades got on January 18, 1912, losing only one person in the way. Moving back the new route passing through the region of the magnetic pole, people, judging by their records, were subjected to heavy testing. In addition to natural storms and bad weather, they came across several times with completely inexplicable anomalies, as a result of which one by one died. True, according to the official version, Scott and his comrades were killed due to the fact that "simply got off the way," were completely exhausted in bad weather and remained without food.

In 1962, the American Expedition from the Midway station went to the road. It was equipped with the most perfect equipment. As a result, 17 researchers returned to the only surviving car. All the events were immediately classified, however, considering that after returning to their homeland, almost half of the participants were in psychiatric clinics, it becomes clear that there was clearly without mysterious "monsters" without traffic offs.

In 1966, the deadly Antarctic phenomenon was finally the scientific name. American physicist Roy D. Christopher called "monsters" by plasmors. In his opinion, these are some similarities of electrical living beings - plasma bunches that live mainly within the radiation belt at an altitude of 400-800 km. At such an altitude, plasma forces are in a rarefied state and remain invisible, but they can approach the Earth in the South Pole area (in the Northern region, such "miracles" have not been fixed). Approaching the surface, the plasma forces fall into a very dense medium and they themselves are already densely so much that they can already be seen.

Russian scientists generally agree with this opinion, however, it is believed that plasma forces are unknown science of a thickening and physical energy bunch, which cause visual hallucinations and affect people with something like electrical discharges. In all likelihood, they are indeed unexplored living beings from the parallel world and originated before organic life arose on the surface of our planet. It is likely that over time this phenomenon will cease to be secret for seven seals.

Terrible Nakhodka

In 1999, the research expedition discovered the virus in Antarctica to which there is no immunity in any people or in animals. It seems to be worried about nothing - a dangerous virus is in a marzlot. However, according to scientists, if we consider that the earth is facing global warming, the virus can face a terrible catastrophe mankind. An expert from New York University Tom Starmer shares the gloomy predictions of its colleagues: "We do not know with which humanity will face the South Pole in the near future due to global warming, perhaps the unprecedented epidemic will begin. Protected by protein shell viruses, in permafrote, retaining their viability, will be multiplied immediately, as soon as the ambient temperature increases ... "And the American scientists reacted as seriously to the terrible find in Antarctica that an urgently organized expedition now takes ice samples, trying to find as much as possible Unknown viruses in order to try to find the antidote in advance. But where did the infection come from in Antarctica, where, as you know, "only the floes and penguins" and there would be no one else? Completely incomprehensible. Experts only give hands ...

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Antarctica is really full of riddles. Some are inside. As a non-freezing lake of the East, to which Russian scientists have reached the other day, they drilled ice to a depth of 3768 meters, reaching the surface of the water.

Other riddles are located directly on the surface of the polar continent. About them now remember enthusiasts. On the occasion of.
At the end of 2010, when drilling at the East station was in full swing, and a few more tens of meters remained to the surface of the lake, Joseph Skipper, a famous virtual archaeologist from the United States, said. Usually he "digits" on Mars and on the moon, considering photographs transmitted from there with spacecraft and laid out on official sites of NASA and other space agencies. It finds a lot of amazing - what dramatically falls out of traditional ideas.

The researcher's collection has objects similar to the bone and skull of humanoids. And such that (with the stretch, of course), can be taken for the remains of them - humanoids - civilized activities. These are boards, logs, sculptures sticking out of Martian sand. And even something similar to the ruins of the fortress walls. "Komsomolka", by the way, described in detail about these extraterrestrial artifacts.
This time the archaeologist became interested in the Earth - specifically Antarctica. And found a hole there inside the continent, the "flying plate" and non-freezing lakes located on the surface.
I walked in the footsteps of the skipper and found all the objects mentioned to them. Their coordinates are known, they are clearly visible on satellite images of the ice continent laid out on Google Earth.
Like on Mars
Antarctica is not much different from Mars. Except for oxygen more. And the cold is the same. In places, the temperature drops to minus 90 degrees Celsius. The principal difference is one - there are people in Antarctica, and there are no long on Mars. But this does not mean that the Ice Continent is being studied much better than the Red Planet. There are enough mysteries here and there.
We do not know if there is life on Mars. We do not know what is hidden under multi-kilometer thickness of Antarctic ice. Yes, and about what is happening on its surface, there is only a vague representation. Surprisingly, the images of Mars in high resolution more than Antarctica. It is possible to consider detail the details of its relief, only on a narrow strip in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Land of Queen Mary, where there were surprises. And not bad it would take a look at other places. Especially on those who have long been legends.
Hitler hid there
It is known that Antarctida was very interested in the Nazis. Equipped there a number of expeditions. And even stroked the extensive territory in the region of the Queen Maud, calling her New Swabia. There - in 1939 - on the coast, the Germans found a striking area of \u200b\u200babout 40 square kilometers, free from ice. With a relatively mild climate, with numerous non-freezing lakes. He was called the Oasis of Shirmmera - by the name of the German pilot-discoverer. Subsequently, the Soviet polar station Novolazarevskaya is located here.
According to the official version, the Third Reich went to Antarctica to build there the bases there for the protection of their whaling fleets. But there are much more interesting assumptions. Although they are even difficult for science fiction. Loading some kind of mysticism.
If briefly, the story is as follows. Allegedly, during the expeditions to Tibet, the Nazis learned that there is something inside Antarctica. Some extensive and warm cavities. And in them - something remaining or aliens, either once inhabited there an ancient highly developed civilization. At the same time, in a separate bike, it was argued that Antarctica was once atlantis.
As a result, allegedly already in the late 30s of the last century - German submarines found a secret passage in the ice. And got inside - in these very cavities.
Next, it is divergent. According to one version, the Nazis built their cities under the ice, on the other, they agreed with local inhabitants and settled in the free housing foundation.
According to one of the legends, there is inside the Ice Continent - in 1945, Live Hitler was delivered along with Lively Eva Brown. Allegedly he sailed on a submarine accompanied by numerous escort - a whole squadron of huge underwater ships (8 pieces) called "Fuhrera's convoy". And survived until 1971. And according to some data, as well as 1985.
The authors of the Antarctic myths are placed under the ice and "flying plates" of the Third Reich, rumors of which numerous books, films, telecast and the Internet are impregnated. They say, these devices are also hidden inside. Then he improved and still exploit, starting from mines in Antarctica. And UFOs are the same "plates".
Strange strangeness
To the bikes about the polar aliens and the Germans are difficult to treat at least any seriously. But ... what to do with a hole, "plate" and lakes discovered by Joseph Skipper? It's very good one "falls" to another. Unless, of course, objects are what they are so similar.
Why does the hole in the mountains can not be an entrance to the underground world of Antarctica? From the way, from the hole - the UFOs can fly out. And the "plate" can be real. Even alien. Looks icing. And as if imposed as a result of whether global warming, or weathered.
Well, and lakes are evidence that Antarctica can be permeated with internal warm cavities. Which and heat oasis. It seems of the Oasis of Shirmatera - far from the only on the ice continent.
By the way, and the lake "East" is not free from Baek. A strong magnetic anomaly was found on his western side. This is a scientific fact. But the nature of the anomaly is not yet defined. What gives ufologists right, at least, temporarily, argue that there is a massive metal object. Specifically, a huge alien ship. Maybe broken. Maybe abandoned millions of years ago, when there was no ice over the lake can be acting and just parked.
Unfortunately, the magnetic anomaly is located far from the well - at the opposite end of the lake. And it is unlikely to solve it soon. If at all ever it turns out.
Well, and the most frantic conspiraists, not embarrassed, assure that the first to the lake "Vostok" somehow the Germans had a cunning way. And hid there archives or treasure, whether the secret archives of the Third Reich.
Lake Antarctica is connected to a single network
It is already known that the Lake East is far from the only thing in Antarctica. Similar - more than a hundred. East is just the biggest one outdoor. Now researchers suggest that all these lakes hidden under the thickness of ice are communicated to each other.
British scientists from Duncan Wingham (University College London) with colleagues with colleagues were reported on the existence of an extensive network of treate rivers and canals. Their conclusions are based on data obtained from satellites.
Wingham assures: treated channels are as long as the Thames.
Laughter-laughter, but the discovery of British scientists does not contradict the most delight versions about the hidden Antarctic life. On the contrary, they are reinforced. After all, the network of channels located at a depth of about 4 kilometers under the skinny ice can bind some cavities with others. Serve as a kind of roads, which in some place can have access to the ocean. Or entrance.
Was continent Green
Antarctica Square is about 14 million square kilometers. Almost the entire continent is covered with ice. In places it thickness reaches 5 kilometers. And what is only about it is known only about the insignificant part of the surface.
A team of scientists from China, Japan and the UK 4 years traveled at powerful all-terrain vessels on the very harsh district of Antarctica - above the mountains of Hambursv. And he shone his radar. The result was the surface relief map of about 900 square kilometers.
And it turned out that once the continent was free from ice. Another 34 million years ago, mountains and plains with blooming meadows were located here. As now in the European Alps.
But something happened. Researchers found a place from which a small glacier located at the highest peak (about 2400 meters) began to grow. Gradually, he covered all Antarctica. He hid a few lakes under the ice layer.
Martin Zarant from the University of Edinburgh, who took part in the expedition, I am sure that frozen plants still remain in the valleys of the Antarctic Alps. Even small trees. Only unlikely to get to them. But you can try, for example, by means of the same drilling.