War with China will not. Scary predictions about the seizure of Russia China are already coming true! Fights at Lake Jalanashkol

Will the war be with China?

Making predictions love everything, it's a simple, but profitable. If they won't come true, nothing terrible - in each forecast it is written that for its conversion to reality there should be many factors. Therefore, points of view on what the future world will be, and what place in it will take quite a lot in it. Today we will get acquainted with one of the most pessimistic for Russia, but since it was composed by military specialists, then you need to make a discount on the fact that, firstly, they see the enemy everywhere and secondly, they always randa ruddling with weapons.

War of the Russian Institute of Political and Military Analysis are confident that in fact it is necessary to think about whether the war of Russia will happen to China, but about when it happens. They are confident that if the Russian Federation has an enemy, ready to attack us, then the likelihood that China will be, is at least 95%.

Such conclusions are easy to come, knowing about the colossal number of "extra" population of this country and about its surprisingly rapid economic growth, which in the aggregate led to the formation of a whole complex of problems. Moreover, these problems are interconnected in such a way that the decision of some leads to the aggravation of others. China's future objectively speaks of the country's unvisability in the current borders. It should increase significantly if the collapse does not want to get. Therefore, China needs external expansion, that is, new resources and territories, and he does not leave it. If you close your eyes on this reality, it will not disappear. Also, you should not dream that China will give a glance at Southeast Asia. There are small territories, there are practically exhausted reserves of few previously had resources and the population density is almost the same as in the Middle Kingdom. That is, there is no point in attaching such provinces - a lot of blood and little benefit. While Kazakhstan and the Asian part of Russia bordering the Asian part, on the contrary, an extremely lackmark. These are vast territories and gigantic reserves of various resources (aquatic, fossil, natural, etc.) and the minimum of the population. From here, military experts conclude that the Chinese expansion will be sent here. At the same time, it should be remembered that the Zararal territories of Russia, the Chinese always considered their own. This is a separate story, but a person with her a friend cannot assume that the border negligence node, misunderstandings and claims between the Russian Federation and the PRC are unleashed.

Of course, China is more convenient than a peaceful form of expansion than actually he is now engaged. The economic and demographic penetration of the Chinese in the border regions is actively. But experts are confident that the military should not be excluded too. In this sense, military exercises are extremely indicative, regularly conducted by the Chinese army. Without all the desire, it is not possible to interpret otherwise than the development of aggression against Russia, and every year the scale of the exercises (involved territories and the number of troops participating) is growing every year.

At the same time, the Russian authorities seem to not be especially thinking that military superiority was long over China, which in the fight for Daman easily compensated for the overwhelming numerical superiority of neighbors.

War of Russia with China: where did the firewood from?

The Chinese Military Industrial Complex for many years lived with Soviet developments obtained in the middle of the last century. However, the restoration of normal relations with the West has allowed access to their military technologies. In the years of restructuring, he began to acquire our latest technique. Also, do not forget that China has always been particularly talent to the strength of technology. Another 1980s, the Chinese got in the states of the drawings of Trident-2 - the newest ballistic missiles for the underwater fleet. That is, they try to get any new technique with any ways and almost always they succeed.

For example, Russia obviously did not sell the Chinese people themselves the reactive systems of the "Tornado" nor license for their production. But in the compounds of the Chinese army, the RSZO A-100 was first received - almost "tornadoes", and then the PHL-03 systems are accurate copies of Russian. The Chinese army has a tour 88 (PLZ-05) - self-propelled artillery, very reminding our "musta". Her Russians also definitely did not sell the PRC. And a license for C-300 - anti-aircraft missiles, also not sold. But the Chinese army it has, only called - HQ-9. There is also a French "Crod" - an anti-aircraft complex, they have "Slumzili" an anti-worker rocket "Exosette" and ship artillery M68. The list can be continued for a long time.

Copying foreign technologies, MCDs of the Middle Kingdom learned to add and its own developments, which led to the creation of sufficiently interesting samples: an anti-aircraft missile rocket complex tour 95 (PGZ-04), BMP ZBD-05, PLL-05 and PTL-02 self-propelled installations and other technical New.

Will a war with China: What is the reality?

At the moment, Russia is inferior to China for almost all types of conventional weapons. Where qualitatively, where quantitatively, but is inferior. The Chinese have excellent drones and the most modern small arms. New automatic rifles have come to change "Kalashnikov", which are designed according to the "Bull-Pap" scheme based on AK and Western FA MAS and L85. So, the approval of some analysts that the war with China is fantastic, since his army depends on the VE Russia - its main arms supplier, just a naive fairy tale.

War with China on the sea

Here it should be remembered that in recent years China has bought from Russian companies exclusively an offshore armament, which he was required to capture Taiwan, which would have resulted in war with states. Fortunately before that did not come. War on the sea between the PRC and Russia can only be part of large-scale land conquest. It is clear that the war with China is an attempt to capture the Troops of the PRC Asian part of Russia, but the Chinese have their own land military equipment, let it often be created with the use of Russian technologies, but their own, and this means that they can safely use it in the campaign on our borders .

War with China in the air

For the Air Force, the Chinese have also been independent of the Russian Federation. Once they bought 76 Su-27 fighters from them 40 pieces - SU-27UB. What does such a strange ratio of combat and tutorials mean? And the fact that Su-27 was required to train future pilots. Then, as you know, the Chinese refused to extend the license to the production of these aircraft from Russian components, while having managed to build only 105 aircraft, whereas they planned 200. At the same time, they, according to an old habit, coping this fighter, began to produce it on their own, renamed J-11B. By the way, if in the 1960s the repetition by the Chinese Soviet samples was guaranteed to turn them into a more primitive weapon, the J-11B fighter, according to the available data, is no longer inferior to the Su-27.

In general, in recent years, Beijing's cooperation with Moscow in the Military Technical Region is collapsed. There are two explanations for this: the degradation of the Russian military-industrial complex, the competitive weapons unable to offer other countries or the Chinese seriously considers the version of the war between our countries.

Since the Chinese J-11B is close to SU-27, and J-10 copied with Israeli "LAVI" with a filling from a mixture of Russian technologies and its know-how catch up with MiG-29, Russia has lost superiority in the air. Of course, the quantitative superiority will always be behind the Eastern neighbor, and this is at the time the Russian air defense (especially for some reason the Far Eastern) is in the last sip. According to the Su-30 aircraft, the superiority is generally not comparable: China has about 120 of them, we have only 4. The main weakness of Chinese aviation can be considered the lack of normal attack aircraft and drum helicopters that meet modern requirements, but for the Russian-Chinese war on land, it is in general "That is insignificant, here we also have everything very sad."


It is difficult to submit a country that will solve it really to support Russia in the war with China. Of course, the West will protest against aggression. And then starts actively selling weapons to both parties. The leaders of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, are quietly jumped in the hope that China will take a lot of time to digest the Far East, and they will still retain their chairs for a long time. Multiple minor states, none affecting in world politics, such as Venezuela and Cuba, even sincerely sympathize. In general, the situation in the world will work as an interesting, but this will be interested in the least.


The most modern tanks of the Chinese Army - Tour 96 and Tour 99 (or Tour 98G) are actually also good as our best tanks - T-72B, T-80U or T-90. All of them have common roots, so their technical characteristics are very close. Moreover, the leadership of the RF RF is actively engaged in the elimination of our tank troops, as a result, only 2000 tanks should remain in Russia. Beijing is about as many modern tanks. True, at least 6 thousand different modifications of old tanks, from tour 59 to tour 80, created on the basis of T-54 are also kept in perfect condition. These are excellent opponents of BMP and BTR, and the "mass effect" they will clearly provide. Analysts suggest that it is them that the NAC command will use to apply the first strike. Imagine the situation - the whole lot starts the fighting and even with lower characteristics causes us significant losses, and also distracts Russian anti-tank agents. Then a rather embossed defense ironing modern technique. At the same time, the same "mass effect" is provided by old Chinese fighters J-7 and J-8.

That is, according to modern weapons while Parity, but confidently and fairly rapidly, the advantage goes to the Chinese Army, which already has a huge stock of obsolete, but completely workable and reliable samples, perfectly suitable for rewinding Russian defense. Moreover, such a problem as "shortage of brides" will allow the Chinese leadership of a loss of several hundred thousand representatives of strong sex rather than a problem than the problem. And of course the wonderful way to "recycle" outdated tanks - let them fight.

It is worth noting that now the entire pair of China's military districts is border Beijing and Shenyansky, surpass all the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the potential territory of hostilities, that is, Transbaikalia and the Far East inferior to the arms of the neighbors as an order of magnitude, and the only real way of transferring troops from other districts - Transsib, will certainly be cut by saboteurs and not in one place. The transfer of technology by air clearly will not significantly reduce the situation.

China's army has long walked around Russian and combat training. This is especially noticeable in those parts and connections where modern technique prevails. For example, the 38th Army of the Beijing Military District is equipped with a fully automated artillery, with accuracy, somewhat inferior to American, but superior Russian. Moreover, this army comes at a speed of almost 1000 km per week, that is, 150 km / day.

Nuclear fist

Of course, when reasoning about the superiority in ordinary technique and alive, there will always be those who will say that all this is meaningless in the century of nuclear weapons. But we should not count on it. First, China is also a nuclear power, secondly, the superiority of the Russian Federation in strategic nuclear power quickly disappears. By the way, Russia does not have the middle range ballistic missiles, and in the PRC they are. And he rapidly reduces the lag on intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In addition, if China decides to apply such weapons, then bombs fly to the European part of Russia. That is, where the leadership of the country is located, most of the population and few useful resources. But China may well go on this, because he needs a rich resources and a lumpy Asian part. It turns out that Moscow is unprofitable to go for the use of nuclear weapons in any scenario of hostilities. In general, the picture is very inspired.

Prophecies about war with China

Especially many predictions of the Provons are about the Third World War. According to prophecies, the battle and battle of peoples, with minor breaks, will last until the beginning of the XXII century. Military actions will begin after a tectonic cataclysm, when international agreements, laws and UN decrees are not followed. The regression of civilization will affect the whole world. In some countries, a violent change of power will occur. At the initial stage, conflicts arise between Turkey and Greece, Israel and Arab countries.

According to the predictions of the Indian Prophet Osho, which he published in 1986, it was the United States that it would provoke the third world war: "And all this is a sign of the decline of society communicated to the state of suicide; The society that lost the meaning of life and feels that no one has no reason to continue their existence. It all entirely depends on America, as America is in a hurry to join the Third World War ... The threat comes from the White House in Washington. Now this is the most dangerous place on earth ... Nevertheless, the American people will still have time to prevent a disaster. And if the people of America cannot do anything, then politicians the life of the entire planet is bare in the cemetery. "

For Russia, based on numerous prophecies, the Third World War will begin with the invasion of the Chinese and the peoples of Southeast Asia to the territory of Siberia. As a result of a catastrophic natural cataclysm caused by the displacement of the land core, countries located on the coasts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as Japan and Australia, will thoroughly destroy. The territories near the Pacific fault of the earth's crust are especially affected. At the same time, all major structures will be destroyed, ensuring the vital activity of these regions, with horrific consequences: hunger, lack of drinking water, energy crisis, disease, mor, etc. Armed crowds of peeled people from Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, China will begin their promotion to the northern, the least affected areas of the planet, Europe and Russia. The American historian David S.Monten on the basis of Katrenov Nostradamus made a map of the invasion of Islam-Chinese troops to Europe and our country, where it is stated that the invaders will capture the entire Spain, Italy, Balkans, part of France, Germany, Austria, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Siberia. Enemy crowds will reach the Volga.

In the initial period (after a tectonic cataclysm), the Chinese will take a significant part of Siberia peacefully, fleeing from destroying in their own country. As a result of the great relocation of peoples, the Chinese and other residents of Southeast Asia will settle in the Far East and Eastern Siberia. The Russian government will not be able to withstand this invasion. Later, settling in Russian land, they will untie the war against our country and seize extensive territories to the Urals, and in the south - to the Volga.

Writer and traveler Vadim Burlak In one of his expeditions, he recorded the predictions of a certain hermit of Kasyan: "It will be a sign ... Skatennomous to the Siberia of the Horde of the Horde of the Horde of the Nerchants ... And from this constraint in Siberia, the human will seek. And her brother's brother. And makes himself the grief of men ... And screaming from God to everybody. And it's not a brother to understand your brother ... "

Russian writer Vladimir Soloviev (1853-1900), which undoubtedly possessed a prophetic gift, wrote a poem "Three conversations about Antichrist" - as recent times:

From the waters of the Malay to Altai, leaders from the eastern islands at the walls of the drooping China, they collected the darkness of their regiments, like locusts are inconsistent, and insatiable, as she, the internal power of Strana go to the north of the tribes, Oh, Rus, forget the former glory! Eagle double-headed, and yellow children on the fun gods of your banners! And the third Rome lies in a praha, and the fourth is not ...

Vladimir Solovyov in his "brief story about Antichrist" describes in more detail the invasion of the Godsman's army to Russia and Europe: "... The Chinese, which combined the Chinese cunning and elasticity with Japanese energy, mobility and enterprise, mobilizes in Chinese Turkestan a four millionth army in Chinese Turkestan, and Time as Tsung Liyamin confidentially informed the Russian ambassador that this army is intended to conquer India, Godman invades our Central Asia and, having risen all the population here, quickly moves through the Urals and puts all Eastern and Central Russia with its shelves, while the Russian troops are hooked Parts are rushing from Poland and Lithuania, Kiev and Volyn, St. Petersburg. In the absence of a preliminary plan of war and with a huge numerical movement of the enemy, the combat advantages of Russian troops allow them only to die with honor. The quickness of invasion does not leave time for proper concentration, and the hulls are exterminated one by one in fierce and hopeless battles. And the Mongolas it gets silent, but they easily replenish their decline, captive all Asian railways, while the two-thousandth Russian army, which has long collected at the borders of Manchuria, makes an unsuccessful attempt to invade into well-protected China.

Leaving some of his forces in Russia to interfere with the formation of new troops, as well as to pursue the propagated partisan detachments, the Boggyman of Germany passes the Border of Germany. Here they managed to prepare, and one of the Mongolian armies is broken by the head. But at this time in France takes the right of the party of the late Revanch, and soon a million enemy bayonets appear in the rear of the Germans. Because of the hammer and anvil, the German army is forced to take the honorary conditions of disarmament proposed by Bogdoyan. The French people, gifted with yolkolitans, are scattered in Germany and will soon lose any idea of \u200b\u200bmilitary discipline. Bogdyman orders his troops to cut unnecessary more allies, which is executed with Chinese accuracy. In Paris, there is an uprising of workers and emigrants, and the capital of Western culture joyfully rectives the gates of the Vladyka of the East.

A year later, all European states recognize their vassal dependence on the Bogdyman, and, leaving in Europe a sufficient occupation army, he returns to the east and takes maritime hikes to America and Australia.

Half a century lasts a new Mongolian Igo over Europe.

... International activities of secret public organizations forming an extensive all-essential conspiracy in order to expulse Mongols and restoring European independence. This colossal conspiracy, in which local national governments took part, as far as it was possible when controlling the Boggy governors, the masterfully prepared and succeeds brilliant.

Mongolian soldiers, beating and expulsion of Asian workers begged on the appointed period. All places are opened by secret frames of European troops and long before the disconnected plan, universal mobilization occurs. The new Bogdoyan, the grandson of the Great Conqueror, hurries from China to Russia, but here his unpretentious hordes are broken by the All-Terpecific Army. Their scattered remnants return to the depths of Asia, and Europe becomes free ... Europe in the 21st century represents the Union of more or less democratic states - the European United States. "

Countess Francesca Savoy (XII century) predicted: "I see how red and yellow warriors are trekking against the rest of the world. Europe will be completely shrouded in a yellow fog, which will kill cattle on pastures. Those peoples who will start the war ... bend in a terrible flame. Yes, the Lord of the Lord's grandchildren of my grace, and will strengthen their soul to the harsh Godina, which is coming "; "Great disasters will come ... People will die on fire, hunger will destroy millions."

Nostradamus wrote in his "Message to Henrich II" about this period of time: "... the third king of Akvonov (Russia), having heard the crying of his main people, will raise a huge army and, challenging tradition, will return everything to the right place .... And then the leaders (in the number two) of Aqualon will win over people from the east, and they will raise such a strong noise, and they will be so fiercely fighting that the whole east will be treated in the horror before these brothers and at the same time not by the brothers - Aqualonians. "

Probably after the battle, which is predicted by F. Savoyskaya, V. Solovyov and Nostradamus, part of the Chinese will take the Orthodox faith. The American "Sleeping" Prophet Edgar Casey predicted: "Russia will become an ally of America. There will be an armed conflict between China and Russia ... In the future, China will become a stronghold of Christianity ... This will happen in human standards in a remote coming, but this is only a moment in the heart of God, because tomorrow China will wake up. "

Rev. Feodosius (Kashin), Older Jerusalem (1948): "Unless it was a war (World War II). That will be war. It will start from the east. And then from all sides, Yako Prusi (locust), will crawl enemies to Russia. This will be war! .. "

Older Vissarion (Optina Desert): "In Russia, something like the state coup will happen. In the same year, the Chinese will attack. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be an association of Russians according to the Orthodox principle ... "

Osip Terly: "At the beginning of the XXI century there will be a terrible war. I was shown a map of Russia in the ring of fire allocations. The foci of polished in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, in the Baltic States and throughout the Far East, where China became the enemy of Russia ... "

Heroshimones Seraphim Veritsky warned about the future power of China: "When the East gains strength, everything will become unstable. The number is on their side, but not only this: they have sober and hardworking people, and we have such a drunkenness ... "

"There will be a time when Russia becomes defraight into parts. First, it will be done, and then rob wealth. The West will help you in every possible way to destroy Russia and gives it to the eastern part of China ... "

The prediction of the Archpriest Vladislav Shumova from the village of Obukhovo Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow Region (1.10.1996): "Batyushka Vladislav often told his spiritual children about what they expect them in the near future. He warned about future events to Russia:

- There will be such a war in Russia: from the West - Germans, and from the East - the Chinese!

- South Half China will be flooded with the waters of the Indian Ocean. And then the Chinese reach the city of Chelyabinsk. Russia is united with Mongols, and drive them back. "

Schirchimandrite Seraphim (Treipochkin) from the rocket so predicts the future development of events in Russia (1977): "During a memorable conversation, a young woman from the Siberian city was present. To her, the elder said: "You will accept the martyrdom from the hands of the Chinese at the stadium of your city, where they will damage Christian residents and disagree with their rule." It was an answer to her doubt about the words of the elder, that almost all Siberia will be captured by the Chinese. The elder argued that he opened the future of Russia, he did not call dates, only emphasized that the time of what was said - in the hands of God, and much depends on how the spiritual life of the Russian Church will develop, how strong will be faith in God of Russian people What will be a prayer feat of believers. The elder said that the collapse of Russia, despite the seeming power and rigidity of power, will occur very quickly. First, the Slavic peoples are divided, and the Union republic will be discharged: the Baltic, Central Asian, Caucasian and Moldova. After that, the central government in Russia will decide even more, so that autonomous republics and areas will begin to separate. Then there will be even more collapse: the authorities will continue to recognize individual regions that will try to live independently, and will not pay attention to the decrees from Moscow.

The largest tragedy will be capturing Siberia China. It will happen not by military way: the Chinese as a result of the weakening of power and open borders will become the masses to move into Siberia, buy real estate, enterprises, apartments. By bribing, intimidation, contracts with the authorities, they gradually subordinate to themselves the economic life of cities. Everything will happen that in one morning the Russian people living in Siberia will wake up ... in the Chinese state. The fate of those who will remain there will be tragic, but not hopeless. The Chinese brutally spread with all sorts of resistance attempts. (Therefore, an old man of martyrdom was predicted at the stadium of the Siberian city of many Orthodox and patriots of the Motherland.) West will contribute to this creeping conquest of our Earth and maintain the military and economic power of China from hatred to Russia. But then they will see the danger for themselves, and when the Chinese will try to capture the Urals military force and go further, will be all ways to impede this and can even help Russia in the reflection of invasion from the east.

Russia must survive in this battle, after suffering and complete impoverishment, it will find the strength to accept. And the coming revival will begin in the lands conquered by the enemies, in the Russian environment remaining in the former republics of the Union. There, Russian people realize that they lost, realize themselves with citizens of the debris, which still lives, wish to help her rebel from the ashes. Many Russians, living abroad, will help restore life in Russia ... Many of those who can run away from persecution and persecution will return to the original Russian lands to fill abandoned villages, cultivate running fields, use the remaining undeveloped subsoil. The Lord will send help, and, despite the fact that the country will lose the country's main fields of raw materials, will find in the territory of Russia and oil, and gas, without which modern economy is impossible.

The elder said that the Lord would allow the loss of huge lands granted to Russia, because we ourselves could not be worthy to use them, but only riddled, spoiled ... But the Lord will leave those lands for Russia who became the cradle of the Russian people and were the basis of the Great Russian state. This is the territory of the Great Moscow Principality of the XVI century with access to the Black, Baltic and North Seas. Russia will not be rich, but still be able to feed itself itself and makes reckon with me. To the question: "What will happen to Ukraine and Belarus?" The elder replied that everything was in the hands of God. Those who in these peoples against the Union with Russia, even if they consider themselves believers become servants of the devil. Slavic peoples have a uniform fate, and they will also say their testing word Rev. Kiev-Pecherski - they, together with a host of new martyrs, will exist a new union of three fraternal peoples. Another question was asked - the possibility of restoring the monarchy in Russia. The elder replied that this recovery

We must earn it. It exists as an opportunity, and not as a predestination. If we are worthy, you will choose the Russian people of the king, but it will become possible before the focus of the antichrist or even after it - for a very short time. " (From Alexander Nikolaev article "Memories of the future.")

Father's vision Anthony (site of the temples of Satkinsky district, Chelyabinsk diocese). The teachings, prophecy: "China will swell most of Russia, of course, Ukraine part of it. Yellow will be all lands outside the mountains and after them. Only the powers of the blessed Andrew, the great descendant of Alexander and the nearest sprouts from their root will be preserved. What resides, it will stand. But this does not mean that the Russian Orthodox State will continue within the dominance of the antichrist, there is no. The name can and will continue, but the lifestyle will not be magnified by the Great, not Orthodox. Not at all, the Russian beginning will be brought over life in the past of Orthodox residents.

Siberia will be "yellow" completely. The Far East is Japanese, and for Siberia, for oil and gas, gold, the other, all the battles will not even with ours, but with the Americans. Even despite the fact that the star-striped duby in the hands of world Zionism is located, they will not be able to defeat the Chinese. And the yellow rivers flow to the European Rus. The whole south will be glowing, the blood sheds Slavic!

The Far East the Japanese Chinese will not give up - the islanders simply will be nowhere to live. The Japanese know about the coming tragedy of their islands: they were open through the wise men. Now they are bought by the land, but the Far East of Russia looks like the most lackless piece. "

The prophecy of the elder of the Monk-Skimnika John, hung in the temple of St. Nicholas in the village of Nikolskoye (Yaroslavl region, Uglichsky district) of the Yaroslavl Diocese of the ROC: "China will go to war on us with a 200 millionth army and takes all Siberia to the Urals. The Japanese will manage in the Far East. Russia will begin to tear into parts. A terrible war will begin. Russia will remain within the borders of the Tsar John Grozny. Reverend Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky will come. He will unite all Slavic peoples and states and will lead to his king. The main thing for us to survive 2008 and 2009 ... "

The prophecies of the American Dannion Brinkley. He "got his unusual ability" in the summer of 1975 after the clinical death, which came as a result of the discharge of a zipper through his body while talking on the phone. After the injury, Dannion's spirit flew along the dark tonneel to Angel, who escaped him to the "Crystal City". There Brinkley visited the "Temple of Knowledge" and received 13 visions contained in some "boxes". Angel showed him 117 paintings of possible future events, 95 of which were fulfilled until 1998. Dannion reanimated after 28 minutes after the statement of death. Later he described his visions in the Book "Rested by Light" (1995).

The 8th and 9th "boxes": War of China and Russia. "In 1975, I thought that my visions came true. Between the Chinese and the Russians there were a border conflict. But now it is clear to me that the events seen by me are in the near future. After numerous incidents in the Far East, a huge Chinese army breaks into Siberia. With heavy battles will be taken by the Trans-Siberian Railway Highway. This will provide China victory and control over the oil regions.

Siberia. I have seen the snow, oil and blood lakes, thousands of corpses and empty burnt cities. "

Jane Dickson argued in his predictions that the conciliatory war of Red China with Russia will last from 2020 to 2037: "... New Superzava - China - will go to the offensive for Western troops in the Middle East: the Chinese army from the first attempt will fill in all Asia, including Asian regions (former) of the Soviet Union. Millions of yellow soldiers armed with contemporary weapons, including atomic, invaded the Middle East. There should be a decisive battle between China and the United States and their allies for world domination. Numerous "yellow" troops will apply (formerly) the USSR fatal blow, will conquer all its southern areas and together with others who have come to the rescue of Asian armies will capture the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern and South Europe. But the decisive battle will win the West. At this time there will be many inexplicable space phenomena. "

It is impossible to imagine China to take the earth to Russia, while practically peaceful. When it starts war with China prophecy Clairvoyant, do not open specific dates.

Predictions of Schirchimandrit Serafima

In times, when it comes War with China prophecy Serafima stuff the terrible development of events. During a conversation with an older, a woman did not believe that the Chinese would capture almost all of Siberia. To which the old man answered her: you die painful death from the hands of the Chinese people, along with those who will disagree with their rule. The elder did not call specific dates when these events occur, it was said that everything was in God's hands. He saw that Russia would quickly weaken and will be destroyed as a state. First of all, the Slavic people will be separated, and the Union republics are separated, autonomous regions.

But the most terrible event will be capturing Siberia, and there will be no war. The Chinese people will massively settle Russian land, buy real estate here, develop a business. Everything will happen gradually, but quickly in one beautiful moment the Russians wake up no longer in Russia, but in China. And those who show resistance will be destroyed, therefore the fate of the Russian man, according to the visions of the elder is tragic and inevitable.

What will be war with China prophecy of Orthodox elders, describe in detail. After all, this China will not stop at this, and goes on to the Urals. Stop the course of events and even prevent them can only be the strongest earthquake, which will erase the Chinese state from the ground.

China is ready to attack

The enemy has long been prepared and can come at any time and do not need here prophecies about the war of Russia with China. Russia's military troops are allocated from the border at a distance of up to 100 kilometers. Military units themselves decreased several times. While the military potential of China is increasing continuously, while troops are equipped with the most powerful weapons and Russia is not the last supplier in this matter.

The borders of Russia are practically bare, the transport paths are being built, therefore there is no barriers to a sudden invasion. Military mobilization of the opponent from the East allows you to put up to 200 million people under guns for three days. A huge numerical advantage, a clear plan of hostilities of the enemy leaves Russia's chance, whose people will only have to die honor. The speed of invasion will not give the opportunity to concentrate.

Speak especially clearly safety prophecies about war with ChinaAccording to which battles will be conducted with a relatively small break until the next century. And the first military steps will begin after a tectonic cataclysm occurs. After that, international agreements and UN decrees will be stopped.

That saw Wang

War with China Prophe's Wang Specifically, these events do not describe, the most famous appearance, which predicted the death of Stalin, the defeat in the war Hitler and saw the beginning of the restructuring, told about the future of the country. Bulgarian clairvoyant predicted the Great Future China, already in 2018 the country will strengthen its economy and becomes a global power.

Of course, consciously at the unleashing of the war (especially, none) no one will go. Everyone knows too well that the winners will no longer be in such a dawn. However, as mentioned above, we live in an unpredictable world. And the tangle of contradictions in the Middle East with each day confused more and more and more and more recalls the pride of the node, to cut out which only the next war can.

For Russia, based on numerous prophecies, the Third World War will begin with the invasion of the Chinese and the peoples of Southeast Asia to the territory of Siberia and the Urals. All the conditions for the attack on Russia in China are already there. Strongs, built during the years of Soviet power along the border with China, abandoned. According to the joint Russian-Chinese agreement, Russian troops are allocated from common boundaries to a distance of a hundred kilometers. Significantly reduced the number of military units next to the Russian-Chinese border. China continues to accelerately increase its military-industrial potential, equipping troops with the most modern types of weapons, supplied, including from Russia. New roads are built to the borders of the Russian Federation so that in a matter of hours it is to transfer their troops there. In Central Asia, the Russian-Kazakh border is practically bare. Buffer states between Russia and China will not save from the Chinese invasion. According to the plan of military mobilization, China can put up to 200 million under guns. It is much larger than the entire population of Russia, which continues to dying.

The offensive of the Chinese to Russian land began long ago: they are bought in the border Russian cities of Earth and real estate, open their enterprises, they are settled by the abandoned suburbs and villages. There is a slow but an inevitable invasion of the territory of Russia.
According to prophecies, the main hostilities will begin after global tectonic cylinder, which will begin in the near future. At this time, countries located on the coasts of the Indian and Pacific Ocean, as well as Japan and Australia, will be thoroughly destroyed. Part of the territory of China will go under water. The territories near the Pacific Fault of the earth's crust are especially affected. At the same time, all major structures will be destroyed, ensuring the vital activity of these regions, with horrific consequences: hunger, lack of drinking water, energy crisis, disease, mor, etc. Armed crowds of peeled people from China, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam will begin their promotion to the northern, the least affected areas of the planet, Europe and Russia. The American historian David S.Monten on the basis of Katrenov Nostradamus made a map of the invasion of Islam-Chinese troops to Europe and our country, where it is stated that the invaders will capture the entire Spain, Italy, Balkans, part of France, Germany, Austria, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Siberia. Enemy crowds will reach the Volga.
In the initial period (after a tectonic cataclysm), the Chinese will take a significant part of Siberia "peaceful" by escaping from ruin in their country. As a result of the "great resettlement of peoples", the Chinese and other residents of Southeast Asia will settle in the Far East and Eastern Siberia. The Russian government will not be able to withstand this "invasion". Later, settling in Russian land, they will untie the war against our country and capture extensive territories to the Urals, and in the south to the Volga.
Writer and Traveler Vadim Burlak In one of his expeditions, he recorded the predictions of a certain hermit of Kasyan: "That will be a sign .... Person Schedule Bloomless Horde Skivo in Siberia Hordes from Other Lands ... And from this constraint in Siberia, the people will seek. And her brother's brother. And makes himself the grief of human .... And screaming from grief will be each in your own way. And I won't brother to understand my brother ... "

Russian writer Vladimir Soloviev (1853-1900), which undoubtedly possessed a prophetic gift, wrote a poem "Three conversations about Antichrist" - as recent times:

From the water of Malay to Altai
Leaders from the Eastern Islands
At the walls of the wake of China
Collected the darkness of their regiments,
How locusts are incommens
And insatiable as she,
Sustainable power storabs
Go to the north tribes
Oh, Rus, forget the former glory!
Eagle double-headed crushed
And yellow children for fun
Dana klch your banners!
And the third Rome lies in the praha
And the fourth is not ...

Vladimir Solovyov describes in detail the invasion of the army of the Chinese Godman in Russia and Europe in his "brief story about Antichrist": "... Chinese, which combined the Chinese cunning and elasticity with Japanese energy, mobility and enterprise, mobilizes the four millionth army in Chinese Turkestan, and, in the Chinese Turkestan while Tsung Liyamin confidentially informed the Russian ambassador that this army is intended for the conquest of India, Godman invades our Central Asia and, having risen all the population here, quickly moves through the Urals and puts all the eastern and Central Russia with its shelves, while the Russians are mobilized The troops parts are rushing from Poland and Lithuania, Kiev and Volyn, St. Petersburg. In the absence of a preliminary plan of war and with a huge numerical movement of the enemy, the combat advantages of Russian troops allows them only to die with honor. The quickness of invasion does not leave the time for proper concentration and the housing, one by one in fierce and hopeless battles are exterminated. And the Mongols are not cheap it, but they easily replenish their decline, captive all Asian railways, while the two-thousandth Russian army, which has long collected at the borders of Manchuria, makes an unsuccessful attempt to invade into well-protected China.
Leaving some of his forces in Russia to interfere with the formation of new troops, as well as to pursue the propagated partisan detachments, the Boggyman of Germany passes the Border of Germany. Here they managed to prepare and, one of the Mongolian armies divided by headlong. But at this time in France takes the right of the party of the late Revanch, and soon a million enemy bayonets appear in the rear of the Germans. Because of the hammer and anvil, the German army is forced to take the honorary conditions of disarmament proposed by Bogdoyan. The French people, gifted with yolkolitans, are scattered in Germany and will soon lose any idea of \u200b\u200bmilitary discipline. Bogdyman orders his troops to cut unnecessary more allies, which is executed with Chinese accuracy. In Paris, there is an uprising of workers and emigrants, and the capital of Western culture joyfully rectives the gates of the Vladyka of the East.
Having satisfied his curiosity, Bogdyman goes to the Primorsk Boulogne, where under the cover of the fleet approached from the Pacific Ocean, transport ships are preparing to forward his troops to the UK. But he needs money, and the British are bought off with a billion pounds.
A year later, all European states recognize their vassal dependence on the Bogdyman, and, leaving in Europe a sufficient occupation army, he returns to the east and takes maritime hikes to America and Australia.
Half a century lasts a new Mongolian Igo over Europe.
... International activities of secret public organizations forming an extensive all-essential conspiracy in order to expulse Mongols and restoring European independence. This colossal conspiracy, in which local national governments took part, as far as it was possible when controlling the Boggy governors, the masterfully prepared and succeeds brilliant.
Mongolian soldiers, beating and expulsion of Asian workers begged on the appointed period. In all places, secret frames of European troops open and long-drawn upwards are universal mobilization. The new Bogdoyan, the grandson of the Great Conqueror, hurries from China to Russia, but here his unpretentious hordes are broken by the All-Terpecific Army. Their scattered remnants return to the depths of Asia, and Europe becomes free ... Europe in the 21st century represents the Union of more or less democratic states - the European United States. "

Countess Francesca Savoy (XII century) predicted: I see how red and yellow wars appear on a campaign against the rest of the world. Europe will be completely shrouded in a yellow fog that will kill cattle on pastures. Those peoples who will start the war ... will be curved in a terrible flame. Yes, the Lord will send their grandchildren to my grace, and they will strengthen them in a harsh godine, which is going "; "Great disasters will come .... The peoples will die in the fire, the hunger will destroy millions. "

The prediction of Claudidating Ferenz Kossutthana: "A terrible war will begin with a hour for an hour. At this time I would not like to live at least next to the ocean. The coast of Europe, England and America will be flooded with huge waves of water. The war will start lightning, but it will take a little time. Yellow and red colors will take part in this war. This will happen after a long period of the world. "

Michel Nostradamus in his "Message to Henrich II", which contains predictions about the distant future, mentions the appearance of another antichrist, probably in China: "Then in Atil, the Great Empire of Antichrist will be born, and the graces will appear in a great and innumerable amount, so the arrival The Holy Spirit, which will begin with 48 degrees, will cause the great resettlement of people who save the horrors of the Antichrist fighting against the man of royal blood, which will be the great vicar of Jesus Christ, and against his church and his kingdom for a long time and using a favorable moment ...
Schemes - Anagram, Persians (Iranians). Altered one letter.
Atil - perhaps Attila. One letter is missed. Attila - the leader of the Gunnov (434-453), which became a symbol of barbarism and cruelty. In the Christian tradition received a nickname "Beach God". During his raids, Gunns were repeatedly invaded to the Eastern and Western Roman Empire, Germany, Scythia, Mizia, Greece, Gallia (France) The origin of the Huns is still not fully found out. There are several hypotheses about the origin of this nation. According to one of them, Huns should be considered the people known in Chinese sources called "Hung-Well" or "Syunnu Hunna". This people lived in Eastern and External Mongolia. Part of the territory of the settlement of the Huns is currently part of China.
Then the Great Antichrist Empire originates in Atil - perhaps the appearance of another antichrist will occur in China. Based on the prophecies, the events of the distant past will be repeated and the new invasion of Chinese "Attila" to Russia and Europe will happen again. With the same horrific consequences.

Mario Cano. The French provider predicted that in the United States there will be a difficult economic crisis, a crazy person will threaten the world. Americans will become an ally of Russia and start trading with China.
There will be political crises in Turkey, Pakistan, Formos and Korea. China will invaded Europe, reaching in the east of France. Then the war will begin in the Middle East. In the end, the Chinese will be broken and destroyed in Beijing. Paris will become the capital of Europe.
Brazil will dominate in United South America, while Central America will become part of the United States.

Swami Vivekananda. Predictions of Indian Brahman Swami Vivekananda (1893): "I will be given, the Lord says, and the destruction goes. What are your Christians? There is no one third of the world's population. Look at the Chinese, their millions. They are the revenge of God, which goes down on you. " Then there will be another invasion of the Huns, "said the guru with a grin. They will spread across Europe, they will not leave there stone on the stone. Men, women, children, everyone will suffer and the dark centuries will come again.
His voice was indescribable sad, and then suddenly the provider said: "I'm still all the same! The world will rise and it will be better from it, but it goes. The mission of God will begin in the near future. "
"Soon?", Asked him.
"It will not be a thousand years before it starts."
Everyone sighed with relief. It did not seem inevitable.
"God will revenge," he continued. You will not be able to see it in religion, you will not be able to see it in politics, but you should see it in history, as it will come true. People, if you do not ride, you will suffer ...
India will suffer from the revenge of God. Look at this. On these people, their own wealth. They do not hear a disaster voice, they eat from gold and silver dishes when people ask bread. Mohamnetan will be caught to kill them, they will capture India, which will be conquered again and again for many years. It will be even worse than in the past, when the British came.
You look at Hindu India. Beautiful temples, everywhere. What remains from Muslims? Beautiful palaces. What remains from the British? Nothing but the mountains of broken bottles of brandy! And God does not raise my people, because he did not gentle his people ...
If a person may not believe in the revenge of God, he, of course, cannot deny the revenge of history. And she has already come from the British. They sued the last drops of blood for their pleasures, they took with them millions of our money, while our people were starved around the villages and provinces. And now the Chinese is revenge, which falls on you ... ".

The predictions of Alisian Ilmeyer: "Already at the beginning of the third world war, chemical and bacteriological weapons will apply. Soon after that, the first atomic rockets will be released. While the Armed Forces of the East (Chinese troops - approx. Author.) Wide the front will move to Western Europe, fights in Mongolia will be held ... The People's People's Republic will conquer India. The battle center will be the area around Delhi. Beijing during these battles will apply its bacteriological weapons. In India, twenty-five million people will die in India due to the use of Beijing of bacteriological and biological weapons, unfamiliar disease will appear in Europe.
In the east, Iran and Turkey will fight. Balkans will also be occupied by their troops. The Chinese invaded Canada.
USA from 1907 will participate in just five wars. The large city in the United States will be destroyed by rockets, and the invaders from Asia will invade the west coast, but they will be off ...
Completely new, unknown epidemic disposal. In Europe, unfamiliar disease will appear. In France, people, primarily young, will strike blindness and loss of reason. The dead will begin shirt and black. Cattle falls, grass will become dry and yellow. "

Priest K.N. Leontyev from the optical desert in 1890 wrote about the future war with China: "Peoples, incl. And the Slavic, "blurred" in the "hated whole-European bourgeoisie" will be "fired by Chinese invasion" (in the note to these rows, Leontyev clarifies): "Note that the religion of Confucius is almost pure practical morality and does not know the personal god, and Buddhism in China, Also so strong, there is straight religious atheism. Well, isn't it Gogi and Magogi? ".

Rev. Feodosiya (Kashin), Older Jerusalem (1948): "Was that war? - preached the Rev. Feodosius (Kashin), an old man of Jerusalem, speaking of world war. - Here is a war. It will begin with the east. Mystical folk beliefs point at the end of the world when China is raised, his great battle with Russia between Bay and Katuni. And then the enemies will crawl on all sides. We, Christians, of course, the meaning of symbolism, it is significant to seem significant that the emblem of China is a dragon. The dragon is referred to as angry ancient. No wonder in the Russian people, invariating the confidence that when China rises, there is an end to the world. China will go against Russia, or rather, against the Church of Christ, for the Russian people are a gogonymer. It keeps the true belief of Christ. The demons will first be divided into Russia, we will weaken it, and then start robbery. The West will help to avoid Russia's destruction and give all the eastern part of it in China. Everyone will assume that with Russia is finished. And then the miracle of God will appear, some extraordinary explosion will be, and Russia will be reborn again, albeit in small sizes. The Lord and the preparing the Virgin will preserve Russia. "

Schimonakhin Makaria Artemieva (1926-1993): "The Chinese are terrible for us. The Chinese are very evil, will cut without mercy. They will take half of the earth, they do not need anything else. They lack land (06/27/88).
Soon there will be a bad man, will go with a wheel. Okay, the end of the world, and here - the breaking of buildings and the people, all with mud mixedly, will be knee-deep walk (03/25/89).
Hunger is big, bread will not become a crust in half to share. Soon you will be left without bread. Soon there will be no water, there will be no apples, there will be no car.
There will be a big uprising. From the floors (from the cities), the people will scatter, in the rooms will not sit. In the rooms it is impossible to sit, nothing will become, even bread (1990).
War, everyone will be in war, the sticks will fight, beat each other, a lot of people will turn. Sticks when will be hit, will be laughed, and from the gun when you hit - pay (04.03.92).
Dead, as follows, and we will have to go. Bohonat will be no one, so swam in the pit and bury (05.28.89).

Memories of the blissful Pelagei Ryazan (local holy of the Ryazan Diocese): "Pelagia said that all evil, which will be focused in Russia, will reveal the Chinese. Gorky she cried about Russia: - What will happen to her, what kind of troubles will be shed?! What will happen to Moscow? - In one moment under the ground! What about St. Petersburg? - So will be called the sea! And Kazan? - Sea! - spoke Pelagia about what she was shown. "

In the predictions of the elder, Vladislav Solnechnogorsky speaks: "When China goes to us, then there will be a war. But after the Chinese conquer the city of Chelyabinsk, the Lord will pay them in Orthodoxy.

Older Vissarion (Optina Desert): "In Russia, something like the state coup will happen. In the same year, the Chinese will attack. They will reach the Urals. Then the Russians will be united in the Orthodox Principle ... ".

Ukrainian providers Osip Terly: "At the beginning of the XXI century there will be a terrible war. I was shown a map of Russia in the ring of fire allocations. The foci of polished in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, in the Baltic States and throughout the Far East, where China became the enemy of Russia. Russian leader named Vladimir will unleash the war with Israel. A crushing earthquake in California will occur. After all terrible cataclysms, the "Golden Age" will begin.
Vision of the Virgin Osipa Terrel (1992): "She came again as the same week and said:" I came, because there are terrible events that might have a godless mankind, which does not want to find my son ..., the events of the near future will shock the whole world. The Great War, the greatest of the wars ever happened so far, not far from the mountain. Then many will not survive, only those who accept Christ the king and are subordinate to God's commandments. All this was written in the Holy Book of the Gospel of Christ. The servants of the Antichrist, the sons of Satan will come to proclaim the world and peace everywhere, but Satan is preparing a great war, which has never been seen so far. His power is invisible, this power that will drive people to guard themselves. "
Again she warns us: "At the end of time, Satan will be punished, and all his forces will be destroyed. The damn knows the time to prepare for the Great Battle. His goal is to destroy all humanity, all people who serve God ...
That is why the devil rushes in such a frencher to draw all the peoples of the world in a big war. In order to destroy God's creation ... That is why the invisible evil - servants of the devil, evil spirits, as well as his evil forces, which are representing all the godless rulers of the Earth are used to prepare Satan Big War. One goal is to destroy God's human beings. "
Osip Terly, in an interview, which he gave in May 1993, said: "There is a big comet that is approaching land. This is not the end of the earth, but it will be the cause of many cataclysms on the planet. Many land in America will be under water. Because of the huge flood, the crop will not grow, there will be no animal to eat, and it will contribute to great hunger. Sooner or later there will be a terrible battle for the products. We will survive, but we are all witnesses of large catastrophes. Do not be afraid and do not worry, pray and the Holy Spirit will lead you. "

Benjamin Parravikini (1898-1974) is an Argentine artist, the author of numerous prophecies about the future of mankind, many of which have already been fulfilled. He illustrated their predictions with drawings.
Predictions about Russia: New Russia is bad, but will return to God. At that time, then they will ruin new ones. Her wise men will come to hit the world in which despair and cries of falling will prevail. The new daughter is bad, but it will be "(Prediction of 1936)
About China: "Yellow learn new theories of war - after 95. Secret weapons will retain until time. Will scream: "invasion" (1937). "... nations talk about the world. They are trading in relation to war. They scare atomic mushrooms, considering that it will never reach the blows, but the cruel yellow will say and make it. Chaos starts. After that, the final end of principles (1960).
"Russia and China. Yellow will hit the bell with a hammer. Russians, your iron force will stop. "
Light, Russia, Japan, America Blood. Europe will bleed later. Each idea will see sunlight, America to see the truth in Argentina. "
"The world will bleed. Russian builders will create new forms and establish peace "(1936).

Eduard Albert Meyer (Billy) was born on February 3, 1937 in Bulakh (Switzerland) in a large family of a shoemaker. In 1975, Meyer stated that he repeatedly engaged in contact with aliens from the constellation Pleiad. From January 1975 and before the summer of 1996, according to Billy Meyer, about 250 contacts with aliens took place, which reported on some events of the future. The Swiss predicted a lot of events of the coming, many of which have already been fulfilled. All his surprisingly accurate prophecies are documented long before the events that occurred. I will give only the predictions of Meyer, which relate to future wars: "The Soviet Union will be dissolved during this decade or no later than the next one. A person who realized this act will be Mikhail Gorbachev. But this will not lead to change, because Russia will continue its long-standing conflicts with China because of the inner Mongolia, as a result of which Russia will give part of this territory in China.
China becomes dangerous, especially in India. At this time, China and India has a difficult relationship. China attacks India, and if biological weapons will be used, then about 30 million people will die simultaneously in Delhi area. However, this will not be the end of disasters ... A terrible epidemic, unknown at the time of the disease, will arise and quickly spread in many areas.
Pakistan provokes war against India, which will be especially dangerous due to the fact that both countries have atomic weapons. "

Clairvoyant Irene Hughes predicted that the United States, Russia and China will begin the war in the near future. Most battles will be conducted in the Middle East. War will begin when the "flame of the third weapon" (?) Will reach America, Russia and India.

John Pendragon, a British clairvoyant, predicted that the armed conflict will break up in the Far East. At some point, the United States will be involved in the war with China, because China will invad Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Guinea and Australia. In this war, Japan and India will be an ally of the United States, and Russia will comply with neutrality until it is attacked by Mongolia. Then the war will begin in the Middle East.

Hans Hans Holzer, parapsychologist (1971), after analyzing the predictions of the seats and the prophets published the following forecast for the development of the future events:
1. The beginning of the war between the United States and China. Russia will be an ally of the United States.
2. In hostilities will be used bacteriological and nuclear weapons - to a limited extent.
3. New York, Chicago and the West Coast of the United States will be attacked by Chinese troops.
4. China will dominate in all southern East Asia and will take part in large battles in the Middle East.
5. Europe will be drawn into the Third World War. Several European countries will be an ally of Russia and the United States.
6. Alaska and Greenland will become strategically important territories during the conflict.
7. China, ultimately, will lose the war, but his rivals will carry huge losses.

The predictions of the father of Adrian from the Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery of the War with China (from the conversation with I.N. Doctors).
- It is planned to the eighth universal cathedral. If this happens, then after the cathedral in the temples there will be no longer possible, will leave grace. If the cathedral will take place, then China will attack Russia ...
During the conversation, the old man repeated many times:
- Russia needs to hold out until the spring of next year.
The father also stated the fact that we, Russians, completely lost the instinct of self-preservation and became indifferent to everything that happens in life.

Prediction of Slavika (Vyacheslav Krasheninnikova), a native of the city of Chebarkul Chelyabinsk region. Slavik was born in the Military Family in 1982 and lived a very short life, died at the age of 11 from cancer. Prophecies Krasheninnikov are recorded on the memories of his mother: "Our country will fight with China. At first, Russia will reconcile with America. There will be a lot to stand Americans at the Russian borders. Start to bring American products and goods to Russia. We will have all the American, even movies. Russian people then all this very bother, and they will be glad to see even a small Russian march.
When the Americans with the Chinese are on the verge of war, the Americans are afraid of China at the last moment and shake it on us. War will be such that there will be bloody fights somewhere, and somewhere without a single shot will take: in the evening with the Russians, and in the morning they wake up the Chinese.
Christian churches and Muslim Mosque slightly alleged (roofs will do in Chinese), it will be put before the dragon's entrance, which instead of the bell, will be a deaf long sound to collect people on worship.
Resisting will be killed or hanged. Slavik said that the Chinese would kill our men and boys and sterilize our population.
Then, the Americans for the first time in the world will apply a new psychological weapon to the Chinese, which affects only this race, and they will drive their ravis, but the effect of this weapon will be that even in China they will never be able to be normal. "

The prophecy of the Blessed Nikolai Uralsky (1905-1977) "Everyone is afraid of the West, and we must be afraid of China ... When the last Orthodox patriarch is overthrown, China will go to the southern lands. And the whole world will be silent. And no one will hear how the Orthodox will exterminate. In the laid cold cold of women, old people, children will be thrown into the streets, and Chinese soldiers will settle in warm houses. No one will be able to survive that terrible winter. All source one cup of death to the bottom. Europe will be neutral to China. It will be represented by a certain doping giant creature, isolated and reliably protected from any enemy by Siberian and Central Asian expanses. Chinese armies will be held to the Caspian Sea. Following Chinese soldiers, millions of Chinese immigrants will go, and no one can stop them. All the indigenous population will be conquered and doomed to extinction. "

The prophecy of Evdokia Chudinovskaya (1870-1948) from Sela Chudinovo (Chelyabinsk Region), which in the people of Laskovo called "Blessed Dnotushka". At the end of World War II, Evdokia warned that we all expect us in the future: "Soon they will open the churches, even in those places where they are erased to the base, and they will reveal new ones. New priests do not judge whatever they are. What they say from the Ambon, listen, the sermons will do, but they do not join them.
When money will change, grief will come to us. The grief goes to us such that the hair end will stand and the shirt from the body will move away. All pillars and trees will be walked by corpses. The destruction will be with the root. We will come to the house, and those who live in it will say: "We are believers," the icons will put on the windows, the icons will be put on the windows, but they will open the book of life, and there are no them in it.
Because of this, they will put parents to the wall and first children will be killed, and then their themselves. True says, not a single word for me in vain, whether it is too late, but everything will come true.
Soon in Chelyabinsk, the Chinese will drink tea, yes, yes, they will drink tea. Today you have icons today, and wait until one icon is molded in the sents, and you will be secretly praying to it. Because large taxes will be for each icon, and there will be nothing to pay.
And also live to see that all the believers will send you to the north, you will pray yes fish feed, and who will not shift, reserve kerosene and lamps, for the light will not. Make three or four families in one house and live together, it is impossible to survive alone. You will get a piece of bread, climb into the scene and you are taking care. And you will not get drunk, and then you will kill for this piece. "
Blessed Evdokia told people: "Pass to your own, to lean to sleep, everyone forgiven all the resentment, because you will fall at one power, but you will be set at the other, everything will happen. Fall in your bed, and wake up by the face of life, where every, not a farewell illuminate a heavy stone on the soul. "
From the memories of Evdokia: "Danyushka sat once, sitting, it seems to sleep, and then went to the cradle with a baby and as a wrapper of his spindle:" That's how else it will be. "
- Why are you so, dunkushka? - We ask her.
"I'm not him, I'll all of them," and showed how all Russian children would kill bayonets. "
- When you behave to the torment, do not be afraid. The ambulance, she is better than slavery, "the bliss warned.
Blessed asked: "When will the mother be?"?
"First, they will open the churches, and there will be no one to go to them, then there will be a lot of houses of magnificent and with decorations, and there will be no one to live in them in them, the Chinese will come, everyone will drive away into the street, then we will travel all. And when it will be a mystery. I told me one person that at the end of the world there will be two Easter. Proper and incorrect. The priesthood will define the wrong, and war will begin. "

Jeroshimones Seraphim Veritsky warned about the future power of China: "When the East gains strength, everything will become unstable. The number on their side, but not only this is: they have sober and hardworking people, and we have such a drunkenness ... ".
"There will be a time when Russia becomes defraight into parts. First, it will be done, and then rob wealth. The West will help in every way the destruction of Russia and give up to the time of its eastern part of China. The Far East will be tied to the hands of the Japanese, and Siberia - the Chinese who will move to Russia, marry the Russians and, in the end, cunning and cunning will take the territory of Siberia to the Urals ... "When China wishes to go further, the West is opposed and will not allow. Many countries will run to Russia, but it will be, losing most of their lands. "
Several predictions of the Father Seraphim Vyritsky were recorded by Maria Georgievna Preobrazhenskaya, the nephew of St. Faofan Poltavsky: "... it was immediately after the war. I sang on the closer of the Petropavlovsk Church of the village of Vyrit. Often, the singers from our temple came to the Father Seraphim under the blessing. Once, one of the singers said: "Dear father! As well now it became - the war ran out, the bells rang again in churches ... ". And the elder answered it: "No, that's not all. There will be more fear more than it was. You still meet it. It will be very difficult young people to movemind. Who will survive? Who will alone stay? (These words Father Seraphim repeated three times). But who will stay will remain - what a good life will be ... ". After a small pause, the father said again thoughtfully: "If the people of the entire world, all to a single person (again, as it were, repeated the old man of these words several times), at the same time they would have a kneel and prayed to God although It would only be five minutes about the extension of life in order to give everyone the Lord at repentance ... ".

Rev. Father Kushsha (Velichko, 1875-1964): "As at one time, John the Baptist preceded the Son of God to cook his way, so in our time the preceding Antichrist was born, I was about the vision. About expensive sisters, such times occur that no one wants to live in this world. And this is already at the edge. One mountain has passed, and the other has passed, and will soon be the third. God, terrible misfortunes go to the ground: hunger, war, sadness and destruction. Time is close, at the very edge. Do not listen to anyone who says that the world will be. No peace and will not. War will follow a terrible spiritual hunger. And everyone will be sent to the East, and men and women, and none of them will return, everyone will die there. The terrible death will be sent from the Lord, and who will survive hunger, will die from the plague and sea ulcers, and there will be no treatment for this infection. "

Diacon Andrey Kuraev: True, only the Empire can be Rome. But the time of empire has not passed yet. In our eyes, America becomes the global empire - although not quite in classical form. However, in the Roman Empire, the visibility of independent governments and kingdoms was also preserved. But whatever the great Herod seemed to be his Jerusalem Lestians - it's all the same only by Vassal Rome. Maybe the forces of traditionally Orthodox peoples are bullied. In this case, the word for missionaries. As once, Kirill and Methodius saved Orthodoxy, going from the dying Byzantium to the barbaric Slavic tribes, maybe, tomorrow our turn will come to send their missions to other countries. And, perhaps, the World American Empire will once become Orthodox. In any case, in the second century, the hope of a Christianization of the Roman Empire seemed no less insane. Or maybe those temples that we are now building in Siberia, contribute to the fact that, over time, the Chinese (to which, almost without a doubt, Siberian lands will be departed in the next century) will become Orthodox. Then the hardworking and disciplines of the Chinese will enrich the universal history of Orthodoxy by the fact that Slavs could not bring there. Remember the words of St. Nikolai Japanese, spoken by him about the Chinese one hundred years ago: "Here is the people of the future - the greatest of all the fate, which took the share of other peoples. Great people, and now it would be possible to crush all the world, - and how is it Miren! Nowhere to live to him - did he think about the conquest of Kohinhina, Siam, Burmans? What other people would have resist in the world? From European, no one can imagine this impossible "(St. Nicholas Japanese. Writing in the diary 10/26/1880). The righteous life and the apostolic works of St. Nicholas, Japanese archbishop on his peculiar records. h. 1. - SPb., 1996, p. 351).

Proprification of Protoirey Vladislav Shumova from the village of Obukhovo Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region (10/11/1996): "Batyushka Vladislav often told his spiritual children about what they expect them in the near future. He warned about future events to Russia:
- In Moscow, cards will be introduced, and then hunger.
- The earthquake in Moscow will be great. Six hills in Moscow will turn into one.
And the old man Vladislav watched rural residents:
- No one should be touched from its places; Where you live there about stay.
When Patriarch Pimen has so much, the parishioners recorded his name to the cubs: "On the rest." But after the service, it was found that the name of Patriarch Pimen was Father Vladislav crossed out of all these funeral synodics and inscribed on health. The old man explained:
- For the Patriarch of Pimen, you need to pour out "about health": he is alive! ..
Older Vladislav also did not bless pilgrims to ride in Diveevo. He told them:
- In the monastery, that in Diveevo, now do not go: the relics of the Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky there is no!
Batyushka Vladislav did not bless Christians to take vouchers, and later - and plastic cards. About Inn, the old man said nothing at all.
Father Vladislav warned the Russian people about many dangers awaiting everyone on the way to God:
- Yes, the persecution of the Orthodox faith will still be! ..
- In Russia, the Communists will come to power ...
- As soon as you learn that such a father drove away from the temple, so close to him at the time of persecution.
Batyushka Vladislav also predicted the upcoming events of world history:
- Japan and America will go under water together.
- All Australia will also flood.
- America Ocean is flooded to the Alaska itself. That same Alaska, which will be ours again.
In the Clay to the old man, Vladislav, shortly before his death, Miryanan Anatoly K. was admitted, who first thought that the battle of Burtu. But when he clearly heard the words of the elder Vladislav - "... a nuclear strike in America! ..", he realized that the coming father at that time contemplated the coming apocalyptic events.
Father Vladislav told:
- There will be such a war in Russia: from the West - Germans, and from the East - the Chinese!
- South Half China will be flooded with the waters of the Indian Ocean. And then the Chinese will reach the city of Chelyabinsk. Russia is united with Mongols and drive them back.
- When China goes to us, then there will be a war. But after the Chinese conquer in Chelyabinsk, the Lord will pay them in Orthodoxy.
- Russian war with Germany will begin again through Serbia.
"Everything will be in the fire! .. Sorrow is broken, but Russia will not die in fire.
- Belarus will suffer greatly. Only then, Belarus will unite with Russia ... But Ukraine will not unite with them at the same time; And then there will be a lot of lot!
- Turks will fight again with the Greeks. Russia will help the Greeks.
- Afghanistan is waiting for an endless war ...
Older Vladislav spoke about what all these events will inevitably lead:
- 3Name! There will be a war here, and here - the war, and there - the war! And only then the warring countries will decide to choose one common ruler. It is impossible to participate in this! After all, this single ruler is an antichrist.
The instructions and prophecy of the ninety-year-old elder Vladislav were recorded 30. 09. 2000, on the eve of his memory of his memory, he personally knew him. Archpriest Vladislav Shumov was buried opposite the altar part of the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God, Obukhovo, Moscow Diocese. "

Schirchimandrite Seraphim (Treipochkin) from the village of Rakititaya so predicts the future development of events in Russia (1977): "During a memorable conversation, a young woman from the Siberian city was present. To her, the elder said: "You will accept the martyrdom from the hands of the Chinese at the stadium of your city, where they will damage Christian residents and disagree with their rule." It was an answer to her doubt about the words of the elder, that almost all Siberia will be captured by the Chinese. The elder argued that he opened the future of Russia, he did not call dates, only emphasized that the time of what was said - in the hands of God, and much depends on how the spiritual life of the Russian Church will develop, how strong will be faith in God in Russian people, What will be a prayer feat of believers. The elder said that the collapse of Russia, despite the seeming power and rigidity of power, will occur very quickly. First, the Slavic peoples are divided, and the Union republic will be discharged: the Baltic, Central Asian, Caucasian and Moldova. After that, the central government in Russia will decide even more, so that autonomous republics and areas will begin to separate. Then there will be even more collapse: the authorities will continue to recognize individual regions that will try to live independently, and will not pay attention to the decrees from Moscow. The largest tragedy will be capturing Siberia China. It will happen not by military way: the Chinese as a result of the weakening of power and open borders will become the masses to move into Siberia, buy real estate, enterprises, apartments. By bribing, intimidation, contracts with power, they gradually subordinate to themselves the economic life of cities. Everything will happen that in one morning the Russian people living in Siberia will wake up ... in the Chinese state. The fate of those who will remain there will be tragic, but not hopeless. The Chinese brutally spread with all sorts of resistance attempts. (Therefore, an old man of martyrdom was predicted at the stadium of the Siberian city of many Orthodox and patriots of the Motherland). The West will contribute to this creeping conquest of our Earth and to maintain the military and economic power of China from hatred to Russia. But then they will see the danger for themselves, and when the Chinese will try to capture the Urals military force and go further, will be all ways to impede this and can even help Russia in the reflection of invasion from the east. Russia must survive in this battle, after suffering and complete impoverishment, it will find the strength to accept. And the coming revival will begin in the lands conquered by the enemies, in the Russian environment remaining in the former republics of the Union. There, Russian people realize that they lost, realize themselves with citizens of the debris, which still lives, wish to help her rebel from the ashes. Many Russians, living abroad, will help restore life in Russia ... Many of those who can run away from persecution and persecution will return to the original Russian lands to fill abandoned villages, cultivate running fields, use the remaining undeveloped subsoil. The Lord will send help, and, despite the fact that the country will lose the country's main fields of raw materials, will find in Russia and oil, and gas, without which modern economy is impossible. The elder said that the Lord would allow the loss of huge lands granted to Russia, because we ourselves could not be worthy to use them, but only riddled, spoiled ... But the Lord will leave those lands for Russia who became the cradle of the Russian people and were the basis of the Great Russian state. This is the territory of the Great Moscow Principality of the XVI century with access to the Black, Baltic and North Seas. Russia will not be rich, but still be able to feed itself itself and makes reckon with me. To the question: "What will happen to Ukraine and Belarus?" The elder replied that everything was in the hands of God. Those who in these peoples against the Union with Russia are even if they consider themselves believers - become servants of the devil. Slavic peoples have a uniform fate, and they will also say their testing word Rev. Kiev-Pecherski - they, together with the host of new martyrs of Russian, will extort a new union of three fraternal peoples. Another question was asked - the possibility of restoring the monarchy in Russia. The elder replied that this recovery should earn it. It exists as an opportunity, and not as a predestination. If we are worthy, you will choose the Russian people of the king, but it will become possible before the focus of the antichrist or even after it - for a very short time. " From Alexander Nikolaev article "Memories of the future."
based on materials from Neta.

The history of the relationship between Russia and China is a tense and military page of the chronicles. War of Russia with China is a typical phenomenon since the 18th century and ending with the events of the Second World War and the collapse of the USSR. Historians are active discussions about the causes of the beginning of conflicts, about the progress of events and significance of them in world history!

Russia and China: History Warrior

The country, with the proud product name - Made in China, looks very friendly in relation to the modern Russian Federation, but it was not always. In the middle of the 17th century, the power in the country of the "Rising Sun" passed to the Imperial Dynasty of Qing, which did not recognize the recent delight of the Amurur lands and considered them with their "right and conscience"! This is the starting point of follow-up, bloody, dramatic events that led to the fierce wars between the Chinese and Russians!

Since 1640, a series begins (so accepted by historians) "Qing border conflicts".

One of the brightest and heroic battles of the time. After the restoration of the abandoned Kuhamar cookers (under the command of Stepanov), because of the concern of the "Chinese enemy" attack, it was decided to keep the defense of this line. This war of Russia with China began on March 13, 1655.

China's troops and Russia fought as part of:
  • 10,000 warriors - "Primbate" side;
  • 400 Kozakov - Russian side.

Despite the obvious advantage, Stepanov was able to keep the progress and repel several waves of the opponent's offensive. The Chinese side could not take anymore the Metra of the Russian Earth, and was forced to be reted.

Also, for the reasons for the removal of the siege of the ceremony include problems with the delivery of food to the Chinese. Leaving positions, representatives of the Qing dynasty destroyed everything that could: boats of kozaks, crops on nearby fields, rural animals and others. The tactics of the "scorched land" - was widely used in that era and was practiced until the victory in World War II.

Russians understood that the conflict on the territory of Siberia and the Far East was "the question of time." During this period, an active strengthening of combat martals - Russian - the Chinese border became the stronghold of protection and defense of Power!

At the same time, according to the royal decree of Peter the first (1682), state education was formed - Albazine Voivodeship. The capital of the new education is Albazin. Alexey Tolbuisin and his detachment of military people were sent to hell (defense).

The Russian imagine perceived as honored guests. They were treated with the best meal and drinks. The holiday lasted a few days and ended with a solemn oath to protect the capital.

In 1682, China was reconnaissed by these lands. Military China, referring to the fact that they allegedly arrived only to hunt, well recorded important geographical and military facilities.

Intelligence operation went to how secret and successfully, that the future parties of the conflict even exchanged gifts (as a sign of gratitude for the permission to "hunt") and lived some time in one, common barracks.

As a result of such a "hunting", a report was drawn up, where the strengthening of Albazin, military experts considered not enough and "strong". The emperor "Middle Kingdom" approved a military company against Russia. After the preparation year (1683), Albazin was surrounded by the army and the fleet of the emperor and cut off from food supplies. Alexey Tolbuisina, Alexei Tolbuzina, fought injured and was forced to surrender because of physical exhaustion.

For Russia, dominance (control or military presence) on these lands - was not allowed more possible.

Albazin defense

In the summer of 1685, the battle for the territory of the Albazine Voivodeship was again broken.

The attackers have a Chinese:

  • up to 15,000 infantry;
  • 150 guns (artillery);
  • 5 ships with long-range cannons that could actually guide shooting even on moving targets.

The defending borders near the Russian border were only about 450 soldiers (without guns), who were able to escape with the last defeat and during this time strengthened.

The requirements for them were ultimate: they had to immediately pass the approaches to Russia, to surrender or move to the side of the attackers. This requirement was fulfilled.

June 16, with the dawn of the Sun, another battle with began. The assault was a few waves. The first wave was unsuccessful - the defenders of the fortifications are fighting bravely and boldly, even despite shooting from guns, which completely demobilizes the martial spirit with its loud breaks. The attack lasted until 10 o'clock in the morning, after - it was decided to retreat and regroup.

Eyewitnesses remember that wooden fortifications "stitched" by Chinese instruments through, which helped survive the first attack. Damage from end-to-end hits was not so strong as the army of the invaders was counted.

The second wave of assault began. The army of "Podnebyny" fought by applying a trick - they decided to set down the strengthening (flammable) twig and later - set fire to it, smoking the defenders.

Preproying such actions, command (in the face of Alexei Tolbuisin) turned to the opposing side with a request to provide them with a "green corridor" to the city of Nirchesk. It would help to avoid victims in both armies and could arrange both sides of this Russian battle. The proposal was made by the Chinese. The emperor considered the city of Nirchchensk with his territories, because everyone understood that future battles were inevitable.

This ended another Russian - the Chinese war, however, it was only a hand in the second round.

Tolbuisina, in the same 1685, decided not to wait for "invitations to war," and the second siege began, the second siege, recently occupied, Albazin began.

Tolbuisine was able to collect 500 servants, strengthening them with local residents from the nearest villages (about 150 people, including the inhabitants of Albazin, who were forced to leave their native house during the past storm).

Albazin was not ready for a sudden attack - the city quickly fell. Control over him again took Tolbuisine. At the same time, unfinished fortifications of the Chinese, he was able to finish less than a year. As a result, the army fought in a new, fortified fortress, which was based on the experience of previous battles.

This state of affairs did not suit China and in July 1865 the enemy army again approached its purpose of attack.

She numbered:

  • 5,000 soldiers;
  • 40 new-type guns ("Chinese artillery");
  • 200 horses.

Before the start of the battle, special troops of the enemy tried to destroy as much nearby villages as possible and the younger generation of people to deprive the facilities of the fortress.

In parallel, a delegation from Russian-speaking people arrived in the city (probably former prisoners), which offered to surrender again. The answer was decisive, "" We are united, the head to the head, and the indent is impossible without an order, "this was the essence of the answer.

The active phase of combat operations began in the summer of 1686. In the first clashes died (from the enemy artillery) Tolbuisine - command passed to a less experienced, but excellent tactics - Athanasia Beeon. Beeton was able to organize effective defense - Beiton's loss was 8 times less than the Chinese. Two strong assaults were chopped. The battle has lost its "dust" and moved to the "Learning" phase.

In the cold season (Winter 1687 and December, November 1866), both armies began hunger and ration (illness due to monotonous power)

Losses by then made up:

  • Beeon: 100 people - in battle, 500 people - illness;
  • The enemy's army: 2,500 people - in battle, unknown - illness.

The emperor constantly replenished the revolutions of the arrow for the assault, but he did not decide on an open assault because of the ignorance of information about the real number defeated.

Negotiations with Beeon began in the same year and led to the removal of the siege. The second siege - she lasted almost a year and left China without a straight victory. It is worth mentioning that in 1689 the city was left, under the terms of the contract between Moscow and Beijing about the Russian-Chinese border. This contract was marked by the end of the series of "Qing Border Conflict".

The battle for the Border Island Damansky became an exciting event for her contemporaries - the world stood on the verge of a new, large-scale war.

In 1969, landing PCR landed on the island and began to actively strengthen. Because of the duality of signed contracts, the island (legally) belonged to two states at the same time. This conflict, until that time, is vulture - secret.

It is known only on leaks (unofficial) information, which the number of dead was:

  • 58 soldiers of the Red USSR (border guards);
  • up to 3,000 soldiers of Chinese servicemen.

This data only indirectly indicate those events and do not reflect the true picture of what is happening. According to the Russian evaluation of events, the island was completely under the control of the USSR, according to the sources of the "opponent" - he belonged to them.

In the fall of 1969, joint Russian - Chinese negotiations were held, as a result of which compromises were achieved:

  • Soviet and PRC troops, border guards will not enter this island and will remain (geographically based) on the banks of the Ussuri River.

Legally, the island was officially announced by the territorial property of the PRC in 1991.

A few months after the conflict, on the island of Damansky, (according to the Soviet version of the events, the other side - the information is classified) the armed forces of "Middle Kingdom" (August 13, 1969) decided the state border and began to be opposed near Lake Jalanuschkog, the stone on the hill. The number of them was about 150 soldiers.

Soviet troops entered into battle, using 5 BTR reinforcements - the height was repulsed. Official losses are classified.

On September 11, 1969, a new treaty was signed in Beijing, which reduced the level of abundance between the countries and gave answers to the "controversial" territories. From now on, it can be announced that the PRC is a friendly country for the Russian Federation (RF).

At the moment, the length of the border between these countries is 4,200 kilometers.

War between China and Russia - is it possible today?

Many experts converge into the opinion that a military collision is possible. The reason for this is the long-standing (historical), enemy relationship, the large length of the border and the precedent of violations of international law (February occupation and the March annexation of the Crimean Peninsula by the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine 2014).

The world community also has a great task - the development of new mechanisms in international law, which would further reduce the level of danger and disruption of territorial borders, minimizing the threat of the beginning of hostilities.


The history of relationships on the political arena between "Podnebyss" and Russia is multifaceted. It remains only to hope that new, civilization ways to solve problems - will bring a durable world, and neither we nor our future generation will never know the monstrous horrors that implies and carries the word "war".