ABC money read online. Read online "Mania, or ABC of Money"

Mani, or Money ABC

Bodo Squeter

By confessing the thesis that every person from birth has the right to be rich, the author is detailed (at the "Children's" level) clarifies a wide range of readers the processes of handling money: how to save them, how to spend their benefit, how to extinguish debts - in short, How to earn the first million ...

Bodo Squeter

Mani, or Money ABC

Money Oder Das 1? 1 des Geldes

© 2000 by F. A. Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, M? Nchen

© Translation. Edition in Russian. LLC "Popurri", 2006

© design. LLC "Popurri", 2015


Do not make much in the world of people who would not want to become richer. Some of us dream about it constantly. Others assure that they would like to be richer only in certain areas of life, not necessarily financial. In general, most people want to become happier and wealthy.

And in this desire there is nothing bad or shameful. After all, welfare is the right given to each of us from birth. If we do not have a shortage of money, then we have a more decent life, we can deliver more joy and ourselves and others. One of the biggest misconceptions of mankind is the idea that it is necessary to limit oneself financially and that this is not the most important advantage of a person.

Complete with delusions

And yet most people constantly lack money. Between their dreams and real life - Absure. And they consider it completely normal. I decided to end this error and wrote the book "Path to Financial Freedom", where the advice of His mentor, leading to wealth. This book will allow you after seven years to earn your first million!

Why do you need a children's story?

"Mani, or the alphabet of money" is written in the form of a story for children. Here used the same thoughts and tips as in the book "Path to financial independence" And the narrative form is needed in order to brighten the difficulties with which we are faced in the course of their implementation. It happens the most incredible things. Mania is a talking dog that teaches a twelve-year-old girl to handle money. And not only for this. At the same time, she helps her parents get out of the difficult financial situation.

I wanted to write a book that would touched your soul. Let your heart reveal towards a variety of wealth, which prepares our life, including money.

What will you read this book? If you are already familiar with the book "Path to Financial Independence", then this story will deepen your understanding of the problems in it. You will have new thoughts and a new look appears on the situation, and you will learn to show an original creative approach to solving life tasks.

This story will strengthen your faith in your own opportunities. The adventures of the heroes will not leave you indifferent, and you again think about your freedom and unrealized potential.

Success stories do not solve all problems

I must admit that I did not always give great importance Similar stories. It seemed to me that people would just imitate the successful heroes of such stories, instead of deeply sorting out the principles of success. Such stories rarely can be applied in your life. Principles will indicate the most correct way out of the difficult situation. In addition, it worries me when people admire the author and try to imitate his actions, instead of absorbing the truths. Personal experienceUnlike the trusted principles, it is impossible to completely transfer to someone else's life.

In addition, all sorts of complex models are often disorienting people. In our age of high technologies, it often makes the impression that the path to success can indicate only those thoughts that are not able to understand a simple mortal. We will disappear from simple fundamental truths, guided by the principle: "This is too simple." But everything is simple. It is difficult to completely different - perform these tips. The laws of wealth are easy to understand, but it is difficult to implement. For this, sometimes you need help from. About where to find this help is also stated in the book.

In fact, this book was originally called the "dog named mani" and was intended only for children. There the narrative form was quite to the place and allowed children playing to master the path to wealth and success. It is just those topics that in many families do not like to talk.

I'm mistaken ...

But after the publishing book, I received several hundred letters from adults. In all, it was said about the same thing: "This story pushed me to action, because I touched my emotions," "This book was rapid to me the soul," "For the first time I realized what money is", "I finally reached me You can become truly rich. "

These responses have demonstrated me that my initial assessments were wrong. Today I fully realized that it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. And the fascinating story, which a man "sees" with a heart, is sometimes more important than a tent of thousands of correct words. Therefore, my book is also designed for children, and for adults.

The story allows you to distance

We, adult people, are interested in reading the story of a little girl. The story, though we are close, but allows you to observe a comfortable distance. In the end, because it is just a children's story about children's problems, of which we have long grown. Care of children affect us is not so strong as our own. They are not so serious. We understand that many of the tasks that are facing children, we have already been successfully solved.

And what if you try to extract the lesson from this story? Let's at least present their lives in the form of such history. Imagine that we are already very rich and condescendingly indulgent to our financial "childhood". We take a look at our current situation as if from a certain distance. It will be a story in which there are typical problems that we have long been resolved. Perhaps we will be able to even smile, recognizing our "previous mistakes". We will not perceive our problems too seriously and understand that they are not prisoners of this situation. For this, you need a similar story.

Landmark is needed today, more than ever

But this is not just a story. Here we are talkingRather, the laws of success and wealth described in the "Path to Financial Freedom" book. These principles are universal and perpetual axioms of success.

Speaking about their versatility, I mean that they are always applicable and everywhere - in any society, in any culture, in any situation. Speaking about their eternity, I mean that they never change. Of particular importance it has in today's rapidly changing world, where all

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it becomes more difficult and confusing, and one new and improved product replaces the other. At such a time, a landmark is needed, in the role of which these eternal principles are acting. Calling their axiom, I mean that it is not necessary to argue about them.

Ancient principles

If it seems to you that I take too much on myself, then let me take two comments. First, these principles are not invented by me. They always existed - just like the laws of nature. They manage our lives regardless of whether we want it or not. Even if we deny them, they do not lose their significance from it. I just translated these principles to a clear language and gave them some structure.

Secondly, I believe that all successful people Live in these laws. Journalists and TV hosts often ask me to prove that it is really about the laws. And I cite as an example of people who read my books and visited my seminars. But I believe that you yourself will be able to find much better examples. Remember some succeeding person, a group of people, organization or firm. Analyze the path to which they passed - and you will find all the necessary evidence.

At the same time, it does not matter whether these people can call you the laws of wealth, which they follow. Some of them may not even like what I write. It's quite normal. I am not against criticism - everyone is exposed to her who writes books for the general public. And someone will simply do not understand the story telied here. Perhaps they will come to mind completely different examples to demonstrate the specified principles, or they interpret them in a different way. All this is also completely normal and only indicates that all people are different. Nevertheless, the life of each person always serves as proof of universal and eternal laws.

Useful and necessary knowledge

This book will indicate you the way to welfare and success. But she will not tell you about how the money arose. Perhaps such knowledge is useful, but they will not give you anything in terms of gaining wealth and happiness. I was limited only to the necessary knowledge and describe the specific steps to the well-being that did it myself.

Danger of simplicity

Just as an overlooking a complicated description distracts from the essence of the problem, the presentation of simple fundamental truths is in itself a certain danger. Very often, in this case, we easily conclude: "I already know." To do this, it is enough to see in the text several familiar words. Such thinking can be for you west. After all, often seeing something familiar, we stop learning. We are no longer interested in the authentic meaning of the said, since we believe that we are already known. In addition, we are talking about not only to learn something new, but also to use already known in practice.

Principles of wealth

Kira, who in my story learns to handle money, gradually recognizes all new principles for creating wealth. Here are the most important of them.

1. To begin with, decide that money means for you.

2. Make a list of your desires (name the ten reasons for which you want to get rich). Choose from them the three most important.

3. Refer to the support of the subconscious: "Dream Piggy Bank" and "Dream Album".

4. High income in itself cannot solve all our money problems.

5. Nothing should distract you from your own intentions and ideas. Learn to imagine yourself rich.

6. It will not always be easy. Someone will discourage you from achieving the goals. Sometimes it will even be friends and family members. Contact funds that will not let you get off the way.

7. The "Diary of Success" allows you to increase earnings and instills confidence necessary to achieve success.

8. Make favourite hobby His profession, and at the expense of this your income will increase even more.

9. There are important things and urgent cases. Learn to distinguish them. Do not divert yourself from good ideas.

10. Use the most important rules for the implementation of any plans - the rule of 72 hours.

11. Make a lot of money you can play.

12. Four main rules from debt: break credit cards; agree on the lowest loan payments; postpone fifty percent of all the remaining money, and even fifty percent to spend on the refund of consumer debts; Invest in a wallet a note with a question: "Do you really need it?".

13. Learn to dispose of your money. Forget the chicken story, which was carried by golden eggs.

14. Communication with the bank can deliver joy.

15. Making money, you make your life more interesting.

16. Money is great! Keep cash in safe.

17. Money "Neutral". But they are closely interrelated with happiness.

18. Share what you get.

19. Learn to cope with fears. You will help the "Diary of Success".

20. One of the main ways to increase money is an investment club. Five rules guaranteeing his success: Meetings pass once a month. The turnout is strictly obligatory, each makes their contribution of cash; Money from the General Fund is not withdrawn; All decisions are collegially accepted.

21. Magic formula that allows you to get money from nothing: love for money and the desire to earn them; self-confidence, ideas and willingness to do what we like; Distribution of money for daily expenses, the use of long-term desires and "chicken"; skillful investment of money; Delight from all this process.

22. Three most important rules for investing money: they must be reliable, generate income, and they should be easy to manage.

23. Find out what stocks are and what income they give (coursewa income and dividends). Decide yourself whether you should invest in stock.

24. From time to time leave your comfort zone and make something that is afraid.

25. Determine for yourself a practically optimal form and strategy of investment. Twelve percent per annum - it is not bad!

26. Investment funds are reliable and give good income. There are three criteria for choosing a reliable fund: it must exist at least ten years and seek high profits; It should be a major international joint-stock fund; This fund should have a high rating.

27. Investing money in the funds is quite easy.

28. The money in the Foundation is growing under the law of complex interest.

29. Evaluate the risk ratio and expected income.

30. Count the percentage in the mind - it's easy!

31. It is necessary to extract profits even when the course suddenly falls.

32. Find out what you need to know to get high profits in the Fund.

33. Determine how inflation can affect your savings. Learn to invest in such a way that inflation becomes your best friend.

34. Money affects all other spheres of our life. Pay more attention to finance - and your life will change.

You yourself will be surprised

Sometimes one successful idea is enough to secure well-being. But here I would like to draw your attention to one amazing circumstance. When you have "big money", sometimes it happens so quickly and in such quantities that involuntarily ask yourself the question: and where did all this money before?

This phenomenon is all the more

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it is amazing that it completely refutes the widespread misconception, as if welfare can be achieved only as a result of long-year hard labor. Wealth and wealth is, rather, the product of a certain way of thoughts, special life principles. When these prerequisites are created, everything happens much easier than it is customary. Therefore, this book has a subtitle: "To success and well-being - playing."

Ignorance is equivalent to surrender

Most people are not paying enough attention to their finances. In this regard, they resemble a three-year-old child who closes his eyes and believes that no one will see him. Finance will still remain, and if we do not care about them, they will turn into a negative factor that completely will deprive us of the joy of life. The one who does not think about his money does not think first of all about himself and its future. Of course, in order to ask yourself a question, what life you want to live, a certain courage is required. But financial freedom is available today to everyone. Seneca said about this: "We do not start a case because they are difficult. They are difficult because we do not start them. "

You can not stop

The man who learned the principles set out in the "ABC of Money" will see that its financial situation begins to improve. Nothing can prevent the idea if she came. This statement is true for each person. No one and nothing can prevent you from taking advantage of the right to you from birth, to be rich. Dignity and financial freedom is our natural right. No one can knock you down from this if you do not allow you. Why? Because you came to your time.

Our life looks like a journey. If you are learning the topic of money, then this journey will reveal the possibilities of which you did not dream about.

Cyrus is the best example of this statement. At first she could not even clearly formulate her dreams. Then she firmly believed in their exercise. Of course, there were some difficulties, but when it reached its goals, and even earlier, what could have imagined, then the feeling arose that in a different way it simply could not be. On this path, she survived events that exceeded all the most bold dreams.

I wish you the same. Word your dream, give it to life and make the discoveries in your journey, which did not even dreamed about.

And now it's time to start our story about the dog named Mana, about Kiru, about the alphabet of money and about many other things ...

Your sincerely, Bodo Squeter

1. White Labrador

I have long dreamed of getting a dog for a long time. But we shot an apartment, and the owner had forbidden to keep dogs in the house. My dad tried to talk to him, but everything was useless. There are such people with whom it is simply impossible to speak. He argued that other residents against dogs. This is a complete nonsense. I knew that families from the third and fourth floor would also like to have dogs. The thing is that the owner himself did not like animals.

My dad said once: "The case is not in the dog. He does not love himself and does not want to be good to others. " I somehow once carefully observed the owner. He really was unfortunate and from this very evil. When mom once again, he was talking about a dog with him, he threatened that he would evict us from home.

I am confident today that no one has the right to prohibit people to keep dogs. Therefore, it makes sense to buy your own home at least in order to keep animals there.

After some time, parents really bought a house with a garden. I now had my own room, and I felt in the seventh heaven from happiness. But parents were far from being happy. The purchase turned out to be more expensive than it was supposed, and, of course, I realized that we had tight with money. Therefore, I decided to leave my desires for a while. But I so wanted to have a dog!

Once in the morning, my mother woke me up and said: "Kira, get up faster! Near the house sleeps the wounded dog. " I jumped out of bed and rushed to the door. And the truth, in the corner between the house and the garage lay a white dog. He slept hard and shuddered in a dream.

On his back he had a rather big bleeding wound. It was like that other dogs were separated, after which he raised himself here and walked to sleep without his strength. I was sorry for me. "How can you bite such a wonderful PSA?" - I thought. And then he woke up and looked at me with his big eyes. Then he fell on his feet and made a few steps into my direction, but at the same time she trembled from the weakness that his legs were reversible, and he flopped on the belly. I immediately loved him.

We carefully transferred it to the car and taken to the vet. He sewed wound on his back and made several injections. The dog calmed down and fell asleep. The vet explained to us that the wound really from the bite, but soon he must heal. He also told us that the breed of a dog is called Labrador. This is surprisingly good-natured and smart dogs. They love children very much. Of these, the best guides are obtained for the blind. While the doctor told, I stroked the white wool of Psa. What it was soft and gentle!

The dog did not even feel how we would drive him home and carefully put on the litter in the kitchen. I did not get an eye from him. "I would rather recover," I thought.

But I worried about it. White dog quickly stood on his feet. And then another serious problem appeared: we did not know whose he was from. Do we have the right to leave it? I was not frightened for a joke. And what if parents wanted to keep the dog? We don't have much money.

Of course, we had to find its owner. However, I hoped in secret that we would not find anyone. Dad gave an ad in the newspaper and phoned several shelters for homeless dogs in the district. But no one heard anything about White Labrador. Every day, the dog was more and more liked parents. He became a real member of our family.

Meanwhile, Labrador has completely recovered. Once we rushed with him in the yard until complete exhaustion. Then I got to have breakfast. Speech at the table again went about money. I preferred not to listen to these conversations. First, I did not understand anything, and secondly, when this topic was addressed, everyone had very unhappy persons.

When a pause arose in the conversation, I decided to translate her to a more important topic and asked: "What is your name of our dog?" And everyone suddenly realized that we did not know his name.

In my opinion, it was wrong. The dog should have a name. I looked at the white lump of wool, who slept three meters from me on his litter, and thought. But I did not come to mind anything.

And the parents in the meantime again switched to financial problems. Father said irritably: "Money, money, money! Everything is only spinning around them! " And suddenly Labrador woke up and ran up to dad. "Mani! - I exclaimed. - He responds to the nickname mani! " The dog immediately ran to me.

"He must be called Mani," I convinced my parents. "He himself chose this name." Mom was not delighted with such a sentence: "You can not call the dog." However, the dad seemed to be funny: "But it turns out well. We call money, and they come to us. That's the solution of all problems. " He also did not even suspect how his

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the assumption was close to the truth. So it turned out that Labrador called Mani.

Six weeks passed, and we still did not know where Mani came from. Yes, I have not really wanted to know. After all, if the owner had found, then Mani would probably have to give, but I so wanted it to stay with us. Parents are also very accustomed to him. As a result, Mani remained to live with us. But in the depths of the soul, I was still afraid that one day our former owner will knock on the door and take the dog. I think I should not even say that I have already managed to become best friends.

It all started six months after the mani settled with us. He was really very kind, patient and intelligent dog. I have not seen such smart eyes any dog. Sometimes I caught myself thinking about what he understands everything I say.

All Labradors swim with pleasure, however, it seems to me that no one loved the water as mania. He did not miss a single stream and lake. I would really like to see how he will swim in the present Sea, where there are big waves and sandy beaches. But parents said that there is nothing to think about it, because the Father's work at work does not matter.

On Sundays, we often went to the river. She was big and slightly resembled the sea. In addition, under the bridge there was a very strong and dangerous course.

I do not know what happened to Mani on that day. All morning, he happily ran down with me around the yard, and when we went to walk, suddenly ran away from me. We called him and searched for everywhere. Suddenly we saw that he floundered in the water and his flow carries to the bridge. I still do not know how he got there. After all, he knew that in this place to enter the water is dangerous! A network was stretched between the supports of the bridge. On her and stuck mania. His head was overwhelmed by the waves, he had nothing to breathe. The head was increasingly hidden under water.

I had to save him. I could not calmly look like he sink. There was no time to think, and I jumped into the water. Everything happened very quickly. I was immediately covered with my head, I swallowed the water and spattered. There was only dirty around cold water, and I no longer understand where the top, and where the bottom. Then in my eyes I darkened, and what happened next, I do not remember.

Later, the parents told me that I was stuck on the same network as Mani. Fortunately, the boat of the water police was nearby. Apparently, before losing consciousness, I firmly hugged Mani. In any case, the police pulled me out of the water with him.

I was led to the feeling, but for some time I had to spend in the hospital, because I had to lie.

Mani came to himself much faster and literally did not move away from my bed. He could sit near the clock and look at me. In his eyes it was clear that he understood everything.

Many people do not know that dogs can be truly grateful. So mani watched me with a good and grateful look at me. Of course, then I didn't even guess what would happen next ...

Meanwhile, I turned twelve years. But nothing has changed. We never went to the sea. My parents were still worried about the "economic recession". According to them, it was out that all our monetary problems due to a bad economic situation. And when I asked why then the parents of my girlfriend monica are going all better, then I was irritably climbed. The mood was worse than nowhere. Mom from time to time he said that it would be better if we did not buy this house. It seemed to me that these conversations were a waste of time, because the past could not be changed. In addition, then I would not have mani.

And once something incredible happened. Once I decided to order on the phone new CDs of my favorite group. I just saw the advertisement on TV, where the phone number was specified.

I sat down to the phone and started dialing the room. And suddenly heard the voice:

- Kira, think if you can afford such a purchase.

I turned frightened. The doors were closed. I was in the room alone. That is, there was not a single person nearby - only Mani lay at my feet. Maybe it seemed to me? I again took a handset in my hand, which threw from the fright, and began to dial the number. And again heard the voice:

- Kira, if you buy these discs, you will spend all your pocket money for the month.

In front of me stood mani, slightly tilt the head aside. For a moment it seemed to me that he would say. But this can not be! I got everything inside. I thought: "The dogs cannot speak. Even so smart as mania. "

- Once all the dogs knew how to talk, but only not as people. Then they disappeared this ability, and I was left. - Mani looked at me carefully.

I somehow saw on TV speaking camel. "But then it was a movie," I thought, "and this is not a movie at all. This is a reality. " And then it came to me: I just sleep! I quickly pinned myself by the hand. Oh, how hurts! It turns out that I do not sleep.

Mani continued to look at me. Then I again heard the voice:

- Maybe let's talk calmly, or are you so throwing yourself?

I can not explain, but for some reason I suddenly seemed completely normal that Mani was able to speak. As if we were talking to him for many years. Only one thing was strange: when mani said, he did not move.

- We, dogs, communicated with each other more efficiently than people. When we wanted to tell something to each other, we just exchanged thoughts, "said Mani. - So I know what you think about.

This time I was not frightened for a joke.

- So, do you read all my thoughts? - I asked and began to quickly sort out everything in my mind, as I thought lately.

But mani interrupted my reflections:

- Of course I read. When two living creatures are close to each other, they always know what each of them thinks about. Therefore, I know how the financial problems of parents are upset. And I see that you start to make the same mistakes. After all, the attitude of a person for money is laid in childhood. Actually, I was not going to talk to you. If scientists find out about it, then damage me to the cage and begin to conduct experiments. Therefore, I did not tell anyone about my abilities. But since you saved me, risking my own life, then I will make an exception for you. Only it should remain our secret. No one should learn about it.

I wanted to ask Mani so many questions ... I wanted to know where he came from, who was his former owner, who bit him ... But he interrupted me:

"All this you will know later, and now let's not spend time back." I suggest discussing one topic - money. It is very important.

"There are other topics that interest me much more," I thought. In addition, Mom often said that money is not the most important thing in life.

- I also do not think that money is the most important thing. But they acquire an exceptional importance when they are constantly lacking. Remember how we were toned in the river. We must have had to get out. Everything else was secondary. The same thing happens now with your parents. Their financial situation is so hard that they are only talking about him. We can say that they are drown. I want to help you so that you do not get into a similar situation. If you want, I will show you that money can bring joy.

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this has never thought seriously. Of course, I would like parents to have more money. But I had doubts whether the dog could be a good advocate in the case when it comes to money.

"We'll see," Manya interrupted me, and it seemed to me that he had an indulgent smile on his face. - But the most important thing is that I can help you, if only you really want it. Therefore, I will ask you seriously think about it. You, people, often deceive their own thoughts. I suggest you write something from time to time. To start, write to tomorrow's day ten reasons why you would like to be rich. Tomorrow after dinner at four hours, let's go to the forest.

It seemed to me that I was still too young to deal with such a complex theme like money. In addition, I saw that my parents talk about money do not deliver any pleasure.

Mani, of course, read my thoughts, and I immediately heard his voice:

- Your parents live so badly because when they were in your age, they did not have learned to handle money. One wise Chinese chose somehow: "Throwing big things while they are still small, for everything biggest starts with small." There are some secrets regarding the money I am going to tell you, but only if you really want it. Therefore, find ten reasons. In the meantime, I will no longer talk to you.

I thought all the rest of the day. And it was about what. In any case, I decided not to talk about my discovery.

I did not want Mani to become a victim of countless scientists experiments. I imagined how it was locked in a tight cage and connect wires to it. No, this should not be. So, I can not tell anyone about the fact that Mani can speak. In addition, I decided not to ask myself too many questions about Mani and his wonderful abilities, because it felt that this would not give me anything.

However, I was still not convinced that I should think seriously about money. And then I remembered the saying of the wise Chinese: "Throwing big things, while they are still small ..." What would it mean?

Suddenly, one thought came to my mind. Maybe it looks like Henry, terrier from a nearby house. Neighbors took him when he was already five years old. Henry did absolutely no one heard. Neighbors constantly said that it was already fixed it later. Probably, the dog is easier to teach something while it is still very small.

Apparently, in terms of money, my parents were like Henry. In addition, I got the impression that Mani knows what he says. So, I needed to find ten reasons why I want to be rich. It turned out to be not easy. After all, in order to fulfill most of my desires, I needed not so much money.

Three hours later, the list was ready:

1. Bike with eighteen gears.

2. I can buy so many CDs as I want.

3. I can buy beautiful sports shoes that have long been dreaming.

4. I can talk for a long time on the phone with my best friend, which lives in two hundred kilometers from us.

4. In the summer I can take part in the schoolchildren exchange program and go to the USA. This will help me better master English.

5. I can give the parents money so that they do not look like unhappy. I will help them pay with debts.

6. I invite all the family for a festive dinner into an Italian restaurant.

7. I can help poor children who live even worse than me.

9. Black fashion jeans.

10. Computer.

When the list was finished, I suddenly really wanted to be "rich." After all, rich people can afford all these things and many more interesting things. In addition, making up a list, I suddenly thought about his girlfriend Jenny. I decided to ask Mania if I could tell Jenny about everything I recognize about money. I hardly could wait for four hours. Then I recognize how to become rich ...

2. "Dream Album" and "Dream Piggy Bank"

I hardly managed to focus on the lessons. When he pierced four hours, I jumped into the garden with a moment. White Labrador was already waiting for me. I quickly climbed the leash, and we went to the forest. I did not decide to speak with him until we get to our secluded town in blackberry thickets. To get there, it is necessary to get on all fours through a five-meter tunnel in thickets. Inside, I cleared the space, and there it became very cozy. No one except me and mani knew this place. Here we were safe.

I was simply shaking from curiosity. Who knows, will Mani be still talking? I had so many questions, but I remembered that we agreed to talk only about money, and I waited silently.

Mani looked at me:

- Kira, did you make sure that being rich is not so bad?

"Of course," I hurriedly answered and got my own list from my pocket.

- Refer to me what you wrote.

I called him my ten points.

- What are the three items for you the most important? - he asked.

- All important.

"Here I don't believe you," said Mani. - I still ask you to closely look at the list and celebrate the three most important items.

I once again focused on the list and again read each of the items. It was very difficult to decide which of them more than me. In the end, I coped with the task and brought the circle three desires:

1. For the next summer, go to the USA on schoolchildren exchange program.

2. Computer, best laptop.

3. Help parents get out of debts.

- It is very good reasons. The choice is made with the mind, - Manya praised me. - Congratulations.

I felt pride. Nevertheless, the meaning of this choice was not entirely understood. Mani, as always, read my thoughts, so I immediately received the answer:

- Most people themselves do not know what they want. They only know that they need more than they have. It is easiest to imagine life as a huge store that expects goods on orders from directories. If you just write there that you need more, you will not get anything. Exactly the same result will be if you ask them to send anything beautiful. The same is the case with our desires. They need to know exactly.

I doubted:

- So, if I know my desires, I'll get everything?

"Of course, for this you need to make some efforts," answered Mani. - But the first and most important step you have already done.

- Just presenting your dreams?

- Right. Now come back to your desires every day. Remember them. In this case, it will be easier for you to see the possibilities that will help them implement.

"I doubt that something will happen from this," I thought thoughtfully.

Mani looked at me with a serious look.

- If you are so treated for this, nothing will happen. But you can make three things that will help you change your attitude. First, I recommend you to take an empty photo album and make a "dream album" from it. Find pictures depicting what you want, and shoot them into an album. We are thinking about images.

- How are it images? I asked.

- This means that your thoughts are not the letters. If you think about California, the fact that you are at the same time

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see: The word "California" or certain pictures?

Mani was right. Of course, I immediately introduced the "Disneyland", San Francisco, Hollywood, etc.

- And where to find such pictures? - I asked.

Mani looked thoughtfully at me and so funny raised the skin folds over his eyes, as if I wanted to laugh at me.

"Well," I said hastily. - I will find a photo of the computer in the avenue, and I will receive pictures about the US, for example, in an organization that is engaged in the exchange of schoolchildren. But I still do not quite understand ...

- Sometimes it is not necessary to understand exactly what and why happens. So you can, for example, explain what electricity is? - asked the White Labrador.

I was not ready for such a question. Why did Mani asked about electricity? I could still tell something about the power of gravity. We recently spoke about this school.

"You see," Labrador continued calmly. - However, you can press the switch, and light lights up, although you do not know what electricity is. We, dogs, do not love theoretical reasoning. We are enough to know how it all acts. So, we have a photo album and start inciting pictures there.

"But I just asked," I missed.

- And it is right. But do not allow someone to dissuade you from certain actions just because you do not understand something. Too many people pull with the affairs of infinity only because they cannot fully understand something. It is better to just start acting.

"Good," I agreed, "I will try."

"We must not try, but to do," Manya interrupted me. - The man who is going to try, expects something that can not happen. When you only intend to try, then this is just an excuse. No "try" can not. Or you do something or not.

I thought. Someone from well-known people to me constantly repeated: "I will try ...". Why is it my dad! He always said that today will try to persuade a new client. And most often it did not work. Perhaps maternity rights. Perhaps it all depends on the word "try". And I decided to try never no longer pronounce this word.

Mani snatched softly. So for: it turns out, I, without noticing, did not notice, used the Forbidden Word.

- Not so, it's just, right? - he asked.

I remembered that Labrador spoke about three things that I need to do to believe in the fulfillment of my desires. The first is the "Dream Album". And what else?

The explanation followed immediately:

- The second thing you need to do is every day to look for several times on the pictures and imagine that you are already in America that you already have a computer and that you are proud of your father, because he shared with debts.

"But this is just dreams," I said. - Mom always says that there is nothing to dream.

"It's called imagine," mania straightened me patiently. - All people who have achieved something in life, first dreamed of it. They every time imagined what their life would be when they reach their goals. Of course, not enough to dream. Apparently, this is a mother and tried to inspire you.

All this seemed to me very strange. I imagined a lecture on money completely differently.

- This is a student, - immediately followed the answer. - You get acquainted with new thoughts and ideas. Continuing to think the same as before, you will always get the same result. Because much of what I'm going to tell you, it will seem absolutely new, I advise you not to draw conclusions until you start acting. No one can achieve the ultimate goal if it does not even represent what it lies. In our life, it grows and develops only what we focus on our thoughts. Most people think about what they do not want, instead of thinking about what they need.

I involuntarily remembered the aunt Kristel. She constantly assured everyone that she did not have anything good to expect anything and that she had no nerve for her life. This is how it happened. Any trifle became a tragedy for her. I remembered me and dad. He always thought about the hard situation in which we found themselves, and she became only worse.

"Third that you have to do is to have" dream piggy banks, "continued Mani.

- Piggy banks? - I extended disappointed.

- Yes, because without money you will not get to California. And the best way to get back money is to make a piggy bank. Take for this any jar or box and write the name of your dreams on it. But for each desire, you need to start a separate piggy bank. As soon as you have a piggy bank, fold all the money that you will succeed to save.

In my head, there was a lot of objections in my head:

"But then I have to make too many piggy banks." And even if I will put one brand in each bank, then only twenty years with a sufficient amount. In addition, I just will not have any money for anything else.

Mani looked calmly at me.

- Do not you think that you start thinking first of all about why you do nothing?

- Sometimes, I muttered. - But let's think better how to make it to get more pocket money. If I were given twice as much, it would be just fine.

"You will probably don't believe me, Kira," said Manya with a serious voice, "but even if you are given ten times more, then you will not decrease your problems. After all, the more our income becomes, the faster the costs are growing.

It seemed to me a little exaggerated. If I had ten times more money, I would certainly live like in paradise. But Mani did not learn:

- Look at your parents. They have no ten, and hundreds of times more money than yours. And yet they do not cope. It is important not the amount of money, but how we appeal to what we have on this moment. If we learned this, then, it means that we have more money than money. But I will explain it later. And now let's go back to the piggy banks. Maybe it's worth starting?

"But I do not cope with so much piggyback," I said.

"It was for this that you chose the most important desires from your list," Mani explained.

I once again looked at the list. Right. The most important thing for me was a trip to America, a computer and help to parents so that they finally got rid of debts. For the first two desires, I could have a piggy bank, but for the parent debts, then this idea seemed to me hopeless.

"Everything is right," said Mani by reading my thoughts. - We will talk about debts next time. All this is much easier than you think. So you need only two piggy banks. With this you can cope.

"Well, I'm popp ... that is, I will do," I promised.

- Then start right now.

- How, right now?

Labrador nodded. I closed my eyes and first introduced myself as I do homework on a computer. The work performed looked much more careful, and it was much easier for me to correct mistakes. Thanks to this, I, perhaps, the estimates will be better. In addition, there will be so many different games in the computer ... Then I imagined myself,

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how I will spend three weeks in San Francisco. I will stay in some kind of cute family. I imagined how to make a girlfriend and how fun we will spend time with her. I have never had such a girlfriend that I would have understood so well. And I can learn a lot. There's everything differently there ...

Along the way, I imagined how dad seems to me at the airport. He rejoices, because he no longer has debts. He is proud of it, and his mood is such a wonderful thing that he even wipes a song. It would be better if he did not do it, because he whistles is terribly fake. But I still like it.

After some time, I opened my eyes.

- So how? - immediately asked Mani.

"Excellent," I said. - I really liked it all. But I still do not understand how it can help.

"Remember about electricity," Manya objected. - You do not have to understand this. You should only know what it works. Honestly, I myself can not explain it in detail. One wise seagull somehow said: "Before you fly somewhere, you need to be sure that we are doing." You must imagine that you have all this. So desire to turn into the need. The dream to fly in San Francisco will overcome time. The more often you will think about it, the stronger it will become. And then you will begin to look for the opportunity to fulfill your desire. And opportunities, Kira, abound. But you can see them only if you look for them. And you will be looking for you only when your desire becomes too strong. And the strong it will become if you will constantly imagine it.

"Probably you are right," I said thoughtfully. - I have never thought seriously about San Francisco. Once I carefully asked about the trip at Mom, and she immediately told me that he had nothing to dream about it. I did not dream. Now I think about it differently.

Mani with satisfied species cleaned:

- Already this could treat me something delicious.

I looked at him frightened. Since Mania has become my teacher, I no longer perceived him as a dog. I quickly got a couple of cupcakes brought with me, which he immediately swallowed with an appetite.

I wanted to ask him many more questions. In his history there was so much of all sorts of secrets! But Mani said that he would talk to me only about money, and therefore I left my curiosity with myself. However, one question still did not give me peace:

- Mani, how do you know all this?

- Dogs are generally very clever.

- What about boxers and poodles?

Mani looked around.

- I lived in one very rich man. But I don't want to talk about it now. Someday you know everything. Now let's go home. Already quite late.

Mani was right. Suited time dinner. We ran to the house. However, I could not, I did not have an appetite. Mom looked at me concerned:

- Kira, do you have problems?

I just took a deep breath. What could I say to her? I still needed a lot about many things to think. There remained so many unresolved questions!

Finally, we finished with dinner. I went to my room and immediately took up work. I needed a photo album. I took the old album with poems and decided that he was quite suitable. Now I needed to glue the computer and California. I stopped in thought. I did not have any photos or prospects - nothing at all. I suddenly thought it was not too serious about my desires. Therefore, I decided to get the necessary prospectuses tomorrow. Now you could take the piggy banks.

In the end, I found an old box from under the candy. In the lid, I made a slot, as in the piggy bank, and the feltster wrote large letters: "A computer". Then I fastened the cover with a sticky ribbon. Maybe I will be able to get a big photo to stick to the lid. Then the whole box will be similar to the laptop, only with a slot for coins. I liked this idea. Then I took an empty box from daddy cigars and wrote on the lid: "San Francisco".

Throwing back in the chair, I thought: "I already have piggy banks. And what am I put there? " At that time I received twenty-brand per month for pocket expenses. For them it was possible to buy one CD. I thought. If I put in each box of five brands, then I do not have enough money even on one disk. The decision was not from the lungs. In the end, I realized that after a while I either fulfill my desires, or I would have a lot of CDs. Maybe it will be better if I buy disks not every month, but only once every two or three months? Then it will be possible to save half the pocket money. I liked this idea, and I put five brands in each piggy bank.

I proudly looked at piggy banks. I was overwhelmed with confidence that everything would work out. The mood immediately improved.

I lay down in bed. I did not leave the feeling of joy. I learned so much today! My life has become so interesting! Surely no one has had such an unusual dog. In the end I fell asleep. I dreamed of Mani, America and a computer.

3. boy Daryl, who earned a lot

- Kira, it's time to get up! - I heard mom's voice. If she did not wake me up, I would definitely succeed. Sometimes you want to sleep longer, to watch an interesting dream.

I reached out in bed. Mom spread the curtains, and the room was light. She looked disapprovingly around: a mess reigned in the nursery. Suddenly her view fell on my "piggy banks of dreams." She took them and, after reading the inscriptions "Computer" and "San Francisco", frowned.

- What is what are the tricks? She asked.

I blushed. I was suddenly hot.

- You know what I would like to fly to America. And I thought that homework is better to do on your computer. So, I decided to save money, "I replied.

Mom looked incredulously at me. In each hand she had in a piggy bank. She shook them. Coins trembled in boxes.

"And really money," she was surprised. - How much is there?

I did not give me this conversation.

"Five grades," I quietly mumbled.

- That's how? Five brands on a computer and five brands on a trip to the United States. Well, it's not long to wait for a long time, "Mom shook. - If you need three thousand brands on your trip, then it turns out ... - She began to count in the mind. - Five brands in a month multiplied by twelve - it is sixty per year. Multiply for ten years is six hundred stamps ... It turns out that you can fly through fifty years! - Having finished counting, she looked around.

I didn't like scary when she was laughing at me. I seemed so stupid that tears approached my eyes. I didn't want my mother to see me crying, so fought with tears, as I could, but unsuccessfully, and it led me to even greater rabies.

Mom came out of the room and shouted his father:

- Georg, we do not have a daughter, but a financial genius. She soon flies in San Francisco. Ha ha ha!

I could no longer restrain more and screamed:

- And I will fly, you will see. The next year in the summer. And even you will not send a postcard from there! You can sit here with your debts. I'm not going to help you!

Shuting the door, I rushed on the bed and burst out. I was angry with myself, because I could not restrain. To me

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i wanted to run piggy banks. Of course, nothing will happen from this venture. That's just funny! Immediately after school, I will tell you mani that all this does not make sense. Fly in America, being already a grandmother! Wow!

It was far from my best day at school. I could not get together. Well at least there was no test. I would finish her exactly. I didn't even want to talk with my neighbor on the desk of Monica, and after all she was my girlfriend. I just stupidly looked in front of myself and could not wait for the lessons. Monica could not withstand my silence and wrote me a note. I jumped her jeans without reading.

I went to the courtyard to change. I wanted to be alone. But Monica ran out after me. She had an offended view.

- What's the matter? She asked. - got sick or lost something? Maybe with parents cried? Do not worry, everything will be worse. Or maybe the owner of Mani was found?

"Nothing like that," I cut it out, otherwise she would have tortured me with his questions. She generally loves to talk. And besides, it does not know how to store secrets. Therefore, our Old Town Jason always says that to tell something Monica is the same as to write in the newspaper.

But Monica did not give up. Like all people who love to talk, she was very curious. I knew that she would not leave me alone, so he thought about what she could tell not to harm Mania. I decided to tell her about my piggy banks and that Mom ridiculed me. After completing my story, I added:

- I need a lot of money, and very urgent.

Monica with a misunderstanding view looked at me:

- So ask grandparents to grandpa. They will give you. I would have done so.

- Monica, they are barely enough for them to bring ends with ends.

- Well ... then uncle or aunt.

- You will bring me now. I have no rich in the family, unlike you, so no chance.

"Okay, let's say that you have no one to ask for money." But I know one thing: you surrender too quickly. You are not even trying. You always think about what will not work. So, of course, nothing will happen.

Her last words Forced me to think. Something similar to me and mania. Perhaps this was the point. Monica had many flaws, but she could not be taken away from her: she really never surrendered. In school, she did not shine talents, but managed to somehow overcome all test work and tests.

Change ended, and we returned to the class. I thought about myself that it is really impossible to be such a pessimist.

When the lessons are over, I ran home, lunch, took Mani and went with him to the forest. I hardly waited until we get to our secluded town. Once in place, I blurted out:

- I have only some troubles from your ideas. Mom raised me on laughter when I discovered piggy banks. She calculated that I would need fifty years to fly to America. I will then be already a grandmother.

Mani silently looked at me. Then he lowered his head, and his appearance was very sad. Finally, I heard him quiet voice:

"Do you really want to America, and you really need a computer?"

"Of course," I decisively stated and even myself was surprised at himself. Piggy banks, unfinished "Dream Album" and all that I was filled to myself, somehow gave me confidence.

"Good," mana does not sit down at me. - It is most important. It doesn't matter how it all will appear. The main thing is to want greatly. Otherwise, you give up as soon as the first difficulties arise.

"I didn't say that it would be easy," mana continued.

- Yes, but I did not expect this from my mother.

- The problems that hurt us for living, always come from there, from where you do not expect. But now let's think where to take money before you become a grandmother.

"It's useless," I replied. - I already spoke with Monica. I have no rich relatives who could ask for money. I'm just desperate.

Manya irritably began to dig a paw lapse:

- You are too focused on the fact that you will not work. You can make money.

I myself got angry with myself. I was going to get rid of my pessimism. But how did the girl of the twelve years earn money? And then I had the idea of:

- I could, for example, cut our lawn for several brands.

Mani seemed to not shared my enthusiasm:

"You live in a family and you mostly use the garden." You should help so much at home, without demanding no money for it. After all, the parents are also doing a lot for you, but do not exhibit at this expense.

- And how I then earn, tell me the mercy?

"There is nothing easier," Mani replied. - A little later, I will tell you the story of one boy, Daryl. He already earned several million for seventeen years, although he was the most ordinary child. But before that, I have to tell you one very important thing. You will earn money or not, it depends not on all whether you will have a good idea. It doesn't even matter how hard you will work. The main thing is confidence in yourself.

- Self confidence? And what does this have to do with money?

Mani got up, showing all his appearance that she was going to say something very important:

- Depends on confidence, do you consider yourself capable of something, do you believe in yourself. Otherwise, you will not even get a job. And if you do not start, you can't do anything.

I do not know if I understood it correctly, but I remembered one story. I just forgot to prepare for control work. Odnoklassniki reminded me of her only in the morning at school. I know that I remember very quickly. Therefore, I decided to strive a drawing lesson and sat with a textbook on a bench in the school yard. Let not be "excellent", but I still wrote the control. But if I were not confident in myself, I would not even get prepared.

"Perfect," said Mania with a triumphant species. - It is just confidence.

"It seems to me that I don't have too much confidence," I thought thoughtfully.

- That's right, but you can easily buy it. Want to know how this is done?

"Of course," I hurriedly answered.

- Then I will explain to you. Take a clean notebook and write on the cover: "Diary of Success". And then you start recording the things that you managed. It is best to do it daily and each time find at least five success. Let it be even trifles. At first it will be not easy. You will have a question, to consider or another event with success. In case of doubt, lean to the fact that this is still success. Better if you have more confidence.

Having silent for a while, Mani continued:

- Start right now. And we will meet after dinner. Then I will tell you the story of Daryl.

Of course, I would like to listen to Daryl right now, but I trusted the words of Mani every time. It seemed that he knew what he was talking about. Therefore, I agreed with him, and we went home.

Returning, I immediately went to my room, I found an old notebook in chemistry, in which only a few pages were written. I broke them out, but on the cover

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she stressed a new label and wrote on it: "Diary of success."

Turning the notebook, I put today and prepared to write. What was special to me yesterday? For a long time nothing came into mind, except that I started my "piggy banks of the dreams." But I was not sure that this would help something, so I doubted whether it was worth writing about them in a diary.

But then I remembered the words of Mani: "At first it will be difficult for you to determine if something or a different event is successful. In case of doubt, lean to the fact that it was still a success. "

And I started writing:

1. I made two "dream piggy banks", although I doubt that they will help me. But if I didn't do it, then I would definitely not help.

2. I put five grades in each piggy bank.

3. I started making a "dream album."

4. Today I made the first entry in the "Diary of Success".

5. I decided to make a lot of money.

6. I promised not to give up.

7. I learned a lot about money and how to earn them.

Looking at the written, I felt pride for myself. There are some children who are capable of such. But at the same time, I felt some strange feeling, but it probably happens to all unusual people.

However, it was time to already take for lessons. Having finished with homework, I dined and went with Mani to the forest. There was summer, so it began to darken late. And although Mom was without much pleasure reacted that I was going to the forest in the evening, I had to have to talk to Mani.

First, I proudly informed him that there really found five points for the "Diary of Success". Mani was pleased. I looked forward to History about Daryl, and Mani did not experience my patience for a long time:

- Daryl himself told this story, and I was lying around and listened. It all started with the fact that when he was eight years old, he wanted to go to the movies. He had no money, and before him arose main question: Ask money from parents or earn it yourself? He chose the second. By making lemonade, he went to the crossroads and tried to sell it passersby. Unfortunately, there was a diverse winter day, and no one bought anything from him, with the exception of two people. It was his father and mother.

But he was familiar with one major businessman. When Daryl told him about his failure, he gave him two important advice: "Always try to solve the problems of others. It will help you earn a lot of money. And first of all, what you know can and have. "

These were very valuable advice. After all, a small eight-year-old boy knew how much too much. Going down the street, he reflected what problems are people and what opportunities he has it to allow these problems.

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Bodo Squeter

Mani, or Money ABC

Success and well-being can be achieved

Dedicated to Jessica, Miguel and Marlon


There are few people who would not want to get rich. But some are aware of this desire more clearly than most. Others pretend that they would like to be rich only in certain situations. But, ultimately, everyone wants to be happier, more successful and - so that they have more money.

There is nothing reprehensible in this desire. After all, being wealthy - our right is from birth. A person who has enough money to live better and can bring more benefits to himself and others. The idea that you have to endure a shortage of funds or even lead a beggar existence is one of the worst delusion of humanity.

End of delusion

But most people live in such conviction. Their dreams are straightened from real life. And they are confident that it should be. I would like to dispel this error. In order, I wrote a "path to financial independence." Step by step are described in this book helping to become the rich lessons of my mentors. "Path to Financial Independence" is a guide to achieving the first million in seven years.

Why the story?

"Mani, or the alphabet of money" is written in the form of a story. There are also lessons from the "path to financial independence". The stories describe the problems that are found on this path, and what it turns out. Mani is a talking dog that teaches a twelve-year-old girl with money handling. And Kira not only finds out how to do with money, but also helps his parents get rid of financial difficulties.

I wanted to write a book that would affect the hearts of readers and would open them towards all the wealth that life presents us - and the money is one of them.

What will you read this story? If you already familiarize "the way to financial independence", then the "ABC of Money" will deepen your understanding of the problem. You may find new goals (and update old). But even more importantly, you can otherwise look at your own problems to make a new way, creatively solve them or even benefit from them.

If you did not read the "path to financial independence," then the story will give you confidence in their capabilities. The adventures of the heroes of our story, perhaps they will inspire you. You with a new force feel your freedom, your potential and your strength.

And artwork is not devoid of problems

However, I must admit that it did not always believe in the value of such books. I feared that the reader would try to simply imitate the hero instead of seeing the principles hidden behind the artistic facade. After all, the story of someone else is rarely able to repeat. And well-learned principles help find the best way out of difficult situation. Similarly, I was afraid that the reader would be admired by the author and imitate him without making it, however, with its ancient truths contained in the book. Personal experiences cannot be conveyed to another, but you can convey the fundamental truths.

Worried me and what artistic form Books can cause its insufficient depth. But I write my books not for financial experts who want to give the next advice in secret. I am writing for my readers - such, what are they: some scares the theme itself, and they simply do not decide to start creating their welfare, others are too busy and all postpone cash issues for later, the third experience more or less strong disgust to the topic of finance. Finally, the fourth you just need a reminder, push.

In addition, too complicated the presentation is often only confused by the reader. It seems that in our streaming time, only what is difficult for understanding is perceived as correct. In full compliance with the saying "it can not be so easy," we tend to postpone the ancient and understandable truths. But this is really "so easy." So, as described in this book. However, I have to point out a significant difference: what is just for understanding is not so easy to do. Laws of wealth are simple for understanding, but they are not easy to observe.

Often it is necessary for help. And such assistance is also described in the book.

This story, called the initial "dog nicknamed money," I wrote for children. (And it still can also be bought in the "children's" version.) The form of the story seemed to me justified: I wanted to talk about success and money in the gaming manner. About what is avoided to speak in many families.

I was wrong…

But after the output of "PSA named money" I received hundreds of letters. Letters from adults. And they all talked about the same thing:

"This story hung me more stronger to action, because I touched my feelings," "I was very touched," I first managed to approach the topic of money, "" I understood, finally, as I can achieve welfare. "

These responses showed how I was mistaken in my estimates. Yes, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. But now I know that it is doubly true if he seen affects your heart. And my book, so designed not only to children, but also adults.

Artwork makes it possible to distance

It is very nice to read the story of a little girl, being an adult. No matter how you were interested in her adventure, some not devoid of pleasantness is always preserved. After all, this is a children's story with children's problems, of which we have long grown. Cooking Cyra is worried about us not as much as their own. It somehow calms down, and what is happening is not perceived too seriously. And we notice that many of the described problems we have already successfully solved.

Well, if you try to learn from this lesson for yourself? If you look at your life, how about a story told by someone? If we imagine that already very rich and look back, on our "financial childhood"? Then our current situation will be perceived from a certain distance as history. History with typical problems, of which we have long grown. Maybe then we want to laugh at themselves. And we will stop looking at themselves and their problems are so unbearably serious. And we will see that there are no hopeless situations. And the artistic book can help this.

Orientation today is more important than ever

But the history of Kira is more than just the story of one girl. The speech in the book is mainly about the laws of success and wealth, which are also described in the "path to financial independence." These patterns are eternal and universal success axioms.

Under the versatility, I mean what they act in any society in any culture, in any situation. Speaking of eternity, I mean that they are always unchanged. This is all the more important that we live in an era, when changes are becoming increasingly significant and occur in a constantly growing pace. Everything around us becomes more complicated and accelerated, new products are expelled from the old market. At such a time, however, it becomes not important to lose the orientation, which is given to us eternal laws. Under the axiom, I understand the fact that these patterns are almost indisputable.

Principles are always ancient

If this application will seem too sucking, let me make two comments. First, these patterns are not invented by me. Like the laws of nature, they always existed. They manage our lives, we want it or not, and do not cease to act, even if we do not recognize them. Laws of success and wealth I only transferred to my language and systematized them.

Secondly, I believe that everything truly succeeding people are guided in their lives of these laws. Journalists and TV hosts often ask me to bring evidence of their effectiveness. In response, I usually call those people who read my books or visited my seminars. But you will find the best examples and evidence by following such advice: recall a successful person, a group of people, organization or firm. Try to get close to them, analyze the path passed by them, and you will certainly find examples and evidence.

Book of Bodo School "Mani or Alphabet of Money" Trains Readers financial literacy, giving many useful Soviets. Its author formulated the laws that it is important to comply with financial independence. And these laws always existed, just not everyone knows about them, they were not collected in one book. However, if you look at how successful people are treated with money, it will become clear that they also follow these laws. The book is written simply, but for this simplicity you can see the greatest value of the author's advice.

The main part of the book is a story about a twelve-year-old girl and a dog named Mania, who knew how to talk and knew a lot of important about money. Mani told Kire, how to handle money, how to learn them to earn and save, and the girl was able to embody his dreams into reality, as well as improve the financial position of the parents. This approach allows to distance themselves and perceive information easier by watching all the difficulties through which Cyre has to go to achieve their goals.

Bodo Schaefer explains what difficult moments may arise, shares the basic principles of wealth. It should be understood that for a start you need to learn how to control the means that already exist, and then increase them. It is important to awareness of what role you make money in your life, what you want to spend them, what opportunities they will open for you. The author writes about what can distract from achieving the goal, how to forget about debts, how to make deposits. He tells how money affects all spheres of life. Thus, a simple girl's history and a speaking dog will help to significantly improve the financial position of readers who listen to the author's advice.

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Money ODER DAS 1 × 1 des Geldes

© 2000 by F. A. Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, München

© Translation. Edition in Russian. LLC "Popurri", 2006

© design. LLC "Popurri", 2015

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Do not make much in the world of people who would not want to become richer. Some of us dream about it constantly. Others assure that they would like to be richer only in certain areas of life, not necessarily financial. In general, most people want to become happier and wealthy.

And in this desire there is nothing bad or shameful. After all, welfare is the right given to each of us from birth. If we do not have a shortage of money, then we have a more decent life, we can deliver more joy and ourselves and others. One of the biggest misconceptions of mankind is the idea that it is necessary to limit oneself financially and that this is not the most important advantage of a person.

Complete with delusions

And yet most people constantly lack money. Between their dreams and real life - the abyss. And they consider it completely normal. I decided to end this error and wrote the book "Path to Financial Freedom", where the advice of His mentor, leading to wealth. This book will allow you after seven years to earn your first million!

Why do you need a children's story?

"Mani, or the alphabet of money" is written in the form of a story for children. Here are the same thoughts and advice as in the book "Path to Financial Independence." And the narrative form is needed in order to brighten the difficulties with which we are faced in the course of their implementation. It happens the most incredible things. Mania is a talking dog that teaches a twelve-year-old girl to handle money. And not only for this. At the same time, she helps her parents get out of the difficult financial situation.

I wanted to write a book that would touched your soul. Let your heart reveal towards a variety of wealth, which prepares our life, including money.

What will you read this book? If you are already familiar with the book "Path to Financial Independence", then this story will deepen your understanding of the problems in it. You will have new thoughts and a new look appears on the situation, and you will learn to show an original creative approach to solving life tasks.

This story will strengthen your faith in your own opportunities. The adventures of the heroes will not leave you indifferent, and you again think about your freedom and unrealized potential.

Success stories do not solve all problems

Must admit that I did not always attach great importance to similar stories. It seemed to me that people would just imitate the successful heroes of such stories, instead of deeply sorting out the principles of success. Such stories rarely can be applied in your life. Principles will indicate the most correct way out of the difficult situation. In addition, it worries me when people admire the author and try to imitate his actions, instead of absorbing the truths. Personal experience, unlike the trusted principles, can not be completely transferred to someone else's life.

In addition, all sorts of complex models are often disorienting people. In our age of high technologies, it often makes the impression that the path to success can indicate only those thoughts that are not able to understand a simple mortal. We will disappear from simple fundamental truths, guided by the principle: "This is too simple." But everything is simple. It is difficult to completely different - perform these tips. The laws of wealth are easy to understand, but it is difficult to implement. For this, sometimes you need help from. About where to find this help is also stated in the book.

In fact, this book was originally called the "dog named mani" and was intended only for children. There the narrative form was quite to the place and allowed children playing to master the path to wealth and success. It is just those topics that in many families do not like to talk.

I'm mistaken ...

But after the publishing book, I received several hundred letters from adults. In all, it was said about the same thing: "This story pushed me to action, because I touched my emotions," "This book was rapid to me the soul," "For the first time I realized what money is", "I finally reached me You can become truly rich. "

These responses have demonstrated me that my initial assessments were wrong. Today I fully realized that it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. And the fascinating story, which a man "sees" with a heart, is sometimes more important than a tent of thousands of correct words. Therefore, my book is also designed for children, and for adults.

The story allows you to distance

We, adult people, are interested in reading the story of a little girl. The story, though we are close, but allows you to observe a comfortable distance. In the end, because it is just a children's story about children's problems, of which we have long grown. Care of children affect us is not so strong as our own. They are not so serious. We understand that many of the tasks that are facing children, we have already been successfully solved.

And what if you try to extract the lesson from this story? Let's at least present their lives in the form of such history. Imagine that we are already very rich and condescendingly indulgent to our financial "childhood". We take a look at our current situation as if from a certain distance. It will be a story in which there are typical problems that we have long been resolved. Perhaps we will be able to even smile, recognizing our "previous mistakes". We will not perceive our problems too seriously and understand that they are not prisoners of this situation. For this, you need a similar story.

Landmark is needed today, more than ever

But this is not just a story. Here we are talking, rather, the laws of success and wealth described in the "Path to Financial Freedom" book. These principles are universal and perpetual axioms of success.

Speaking about their versatility, I mean that they are always applicable and everywhere - in any society, in any culture, in any situation. Speaking about their eternity, I mean that they never change. This is of particular importance in today's rapidly changing world, where everything becomes more difficult and confusing, and one new and improved product replaces the other. At such a time, a landmark is needed, in the role of which these eternal principles are acting. Calling their axiom, I mean that it is not necessary to argue about them.

Ancient principles

If it seems to you that I take too much on myself, then let me take two comments. First, these principles are not invented by me. They always existed - just like the laws of nature. They manage our lives regardless of whether we want it or not. Even if we deny them, they do not lose their significance from it. I just translated these principles to a clear language and gave them some structure.

Secondly, I believe that all successful people live in these laws. Journalists and TV hosts often ask me to prove that it is really about the laws. And I cite as an example of people who read my books and visited my seminars. But I believe that you yourself will be able to find much better examples. Remember some succeeding person, a group of people, organization or firm. Analyze the path to which they passed - and you will find all the necessary evidence.

At the same time, it does not matter whether these people can call you the laws of wealth, which they follow. Some of them may not even like what I write. It's quite normal. I am not against criticism - everyone is exposed to her who writes books for the general public. And someone will simply do not understand the story telied here. Perhaps they will come to mind completely different examples to demonstrate the specified principles, or they interpret them in a different way. All this is also completely normal and only indicates that all people are different. Nevertheless, the life of each person always serves as proof of universal and eternal laws.

Useful and necessary knowledge

This book will indicate you the way to welfare and success. But she will not tell you about how the money arose. Perhaps such knowledge is useful, but they will not give you anything in terms of gaining wealth and happiness. I was limited only to the necessary knowledge and describe the specific steps to the well-being that did it myself.

Danger of simplicity

Just as an overlooking a complicated description distracts from the essence of the problem, the presentation of simple fundamental truths is in itself a certain danger. Very often, in this case, we easily conclude: "I already know." To do this, it is enough to see in the text several familiar words. Such thinking can be for you west. After all, often seeing something familiar, we stop learning. We are no longer interested in the authentic meaning of the said, since we believe that we are already known. In addition, we are talking about not only to learn something new, but also to use already known in practice.

Principles of wealth

Kira, who in my story learns to handle money, gradually recognizes all new principles for creating wealth. Here are the most important of them.

1. To begin with, decide that money means for you.

2. Make a list of your desires (name the ten reasons for which you want to get rich). Choose from them the three most important.

3. Refer to the support of the subconscious: "Dream Piggy Bank" and "Dream Album".

4. High income in itself cannot solve all our money problems.

5. Nothing should distract you from your own intentions and ideas. Learn to imagine yourself rich.

6. It will not always be easy. Someone will discourage you from achieving the goals. Sometimes it will even be friends and family members. Contact funds that will not let you get off the way.

7. The "Diary of Success" allows you to increase earnings and instills confidence necessary to achieve success.

8. Make your favorite occupation of your profession, and at the expense of this your income will increase even more.

9. There are important things and urgent cases. Learn to distinguish them. Do not divert yourself from good ideas.

10. Use the most important rules for the implementation of any plans - the rule of 72 hours.

11. Make a lot of money you can play.

12. Four main rules from debt: break credit cards; agree on the lowest loan payments; postpone fifty percent of all the remaining money, and even fifty percent to spend on the refund of consumer debts; Invest in a wallet a note with a question: "Do you really need it?".

13. Learn to dispose of your money. Forget the chicken story, which was carried by golden eggs.

14. Communication with the bank can deliver joy.

15. Making money, you make your life more interesting.

16. Money is great! Keep cash in safe.

17. Money "Neutral". But they are closely interrelated with happiness.

18. Share what you get.

19. Learn to cope with fears. You will help the "Diary of Success".

20. One of the main ways to increase money is an investment club. Five rules guaranteeing his success: Meetings pass once a month. The turnout is strictly obligatory, each makes their contribution of cash; Money from the General Fund is not withdrawn; All decisions are collegially accepted.

21. Magic formula that allows you to get money from nothing: love for money and the desire to earn them; self-confidence, ideas and willingness to do what we like; Distribution of money for daily expenses, the use of long-term desires and "chicken"; skillful investment of money; Delight from all this process.

22. Three most important rules for investing money: they must be reliable, generate income, and they should be easy to manage.

23. Find out what stocks are and what income they give (coursewa income and dividends). Decide yourself whether you should invest in stock.

24. From time to time leave your comfort zone and make something that is afraid.

25. Determine for yourself a practically optimal form and strategy of investment. Twelve percent per annum - it is not bad!

26. Investment funds are reliable and give good income. There are three criteria for choosing a reliable fund: it must exist at least ten years and seek high profits; It should be a major international joint-stock fund; This fund should have a high rating.

27. Investing money in the funds is quite easy.

28. The money in the Foundation is growing under the law of complex interest.

29. Evaluate the risk ratio and expected income.

30. Count the percentage in the mind - it's easy!

31. It is necessary to extract profits even when the course suddenly falls.

32. Find out what you need to know to get high profits in the Fund.

33. Determine how inflation can affect your savings. Learn to invest in such a way that inflation becomes your best friend.

34. Money affects all other spheres of our life. Pay more attention to finance - and your life will change.

You yourself will be surprised

Sometimes one successful idea is enough to secure well-being. But here I would like to draw your attention to one amazing circumstance. When you have "big money", sometimes it happens so quickly and in such quantities that involuntarily ask yourself the question: and where did all this money before?

This phenomenon is all the more surprising that it completely refutes the widespread misconception, as if welfare can be achieved only as a result of long-term hard labor. Wealth and wealth is, rather, the product of a certain way of thoughts, special life principles. When these prerequisites are created, everything happens much easier than it is customary. Therefore, this book has a subtitle: "To success and well-being - playing."

Ignorance is equivalent to surrender

Most people are not paying enough attention to their finances. In this regard, they resemble a three-year-old child who closes his eyes and believes that no one will see him. Finance will still remain, and if we do not care about them, they will turn into a negative factor that completely will deprive us of the joy of life. The one who does not think about his money does not think first of all about himself and its future. Of course, in order to ask yourself a question, what life you want to live, a certain courage is required. But financial freedom is available today to everyone. Seneca said about this: "We do not start a case because they are difficult. They are difficult because we do not start them. "

You can not stop

The man who learned the principles set out in the "ABC of Money" will see that its financial situation begins to improve. Nothing can prevent the idea if she came. This statement is true for each person. No one and nothing can prevent you from taking advantage of the right to you from birth, to be rich. Dignity and financial freedom is our natural right. No one can knock you down from this if you do not allow you. Why? Because you came to your time.

Our life looks like a journey. If you are learning the topic of money, then this journey will reveal the possibilities of which you did not dream about.

Cyrus is the best example of this statement. At first she could not even clearly formulate her dreams. Then she firmly believed in their exercise. Of course, there were some difficulties, but when it reached its goals, and even earlier, what could have imagined, then the feeling arose that in a different way it simply could not be. On this path, she survived events that exceeded all the most bold dreams.

I wish you the same. Word your dream, give it to life and make the discoveries in your journey, which did not even dreamed about.

And now it's time to start our story about the dog named Mana, about Kiru, about the alphabet of money and about many other things ...

Your sincerely, Bodo Squeter

1. White Labrador

I have long dreamed of getting a dog for a long time. But we shot an apartment, and the owner had forbidden to keep dogs in the house. My dad tried to talk to him, but everything was useless. There are such people with whom it is simply impossible to speak. He argued that other residents against dogs. This is a complete nonsense. I knew that families from the third and fourth floor would also like to have dogs. The thing is that the owner himself did not like animals.

My dad said once: "The case is not in the dog. He does not love himself and does not want to be good to others. " I somehow once carefully observed the owner. He really was unfortunate and from this very evil. When mom once again, he was talking about a dog with him, he threatened that he would evict us from home.

I am confident today that no one has the right to prohibit people to keep dogs. Therefore, it makes sense to buy your own home at least in order to keep animals there.

After some time, parents really bought a house with a garden. I now had my own room, and I felt in the seventh heaven from happiness. But parents were far from being happy. The purchase turned out to be more expensive than it was supposed, and, of course, I realized that we had tight with money. Therefore, I decided to leave my desires for a while. But I so wanted to have a dog!

Once in the morning, my mother woke me up and said: "Kira, get up faster! Near the house sleeps the wounded dog. " I jumped out of bed and rushed to the door. And the truth, in the corner between the house and the garage lay a white dog. He slept hard and shuddered in a dream.

On his back he had a rather big bleeding wound. It was like that other dogs were separated, after which he raised himself here and walked to sleep without his strength. I was sorry for me. "How can you bite such a wonderful PSA?" - I thought. And then he woke up and looked at me with his big eyes. Then he fell on his feet and made a few steps into my direction, but at the same time she trembled from the weakness that his legs were reversible, and he flopped on the belly. I immediately loved him.

We carefully transferred it to the car and taken to the vet. He sewed wound on his back and made several injections. The dog calmed down and fell asleep. The vet explained to us that the wound really from the bite, but soon he must heal. He also told us that the breed of a dog is called Labrador. This is surprisingly good-natured and smart dogs. They love children very much. Of these, the best guides are obtained for the blind. While the doctor told, I stroked the white wool of Psa. What it was soft and gentle!

The dog did not even feel how we would drive him home and carefully put on the litter in the kitchen. I did not get an eye from him. "I would rather recover," I thought.

But I worried about it. White dog quickly stood on his feet. And then another serious problem appeared: we did not know whose he was from. Do we have the right to leave it? I was not frightened for a joke. And what if parents wanted to keep the dog? We don't have much money.

Of course, we had to find its owner. However, I hoped in secret that we would not find anyone. Dad gave an ad in the newspaper and phoned several shelters for homeless dogs in the district. But no one heard anything about White Labrador. Every day, the dog was more and more liked parents. He became a real member of our family.

Meanwhile, Labrador has completely recovered. Once we rushed with him in the yard until complete exhaustion. Then I got to have breakfast. Speech at the table again went about money. I preferred not to listen to these conversations. First, I did not understand anything, and secondly, when this topic was addressed, everyone had very unhappy persons.

When a pause arose in the conversation, I decided to translate her to a more important topic and asked: "What is your name of our dog?" And everyone suddenly realized that we did not know his name.

In my opinion, it was wrong. The dog should have a name. I looked at the white lump of wool, who slept three meters from me on his litter, and thought. But I did not come to mind anything.

And the parents in the meantime again switched to financial problems. Father said irritably: "Money, money, money! Everything is only spinning around them! " And suddenly Labrador woke up and ran up to dad. "Mani! - I exclaimed. - He responds to the nickname mani! " The dog immediately ran to me.

"He must be called Mani," I convinced my parents. "He himself chose this name." Mom was not delighted with such a sentence: "You can not call the dog." However, the dad seemed to be funny: "But it turns out well. We call money, and they come to us. That's the solution of all problems. " He also did not even suspect how his assumption was close to the truth. So it turned out that Labrador called Mani.

Six weeks passed, and we still did not know where Mani came from. Yes, I have not really wanted to know. After all, if the owner had found, then Mani would probably have to give, but I so wanted it to stay with us. Parents are also very accustomed to him. As a result, Mani remained to live with us. But in the depths of the soul, I was still afraid that one day our former owner will knock on the door and take the dog. I think I should not even say that I have already managed to become best friends.

It all started six months after the mani settled with us. He was really very kind, patient and intelligent dog. I have not seen such smart eyes any dog. Sometimes I caught myself thinking about what he understands everything I say.

All Labradors swim with pleasure, however, it seems to me that no one loved the water as mania. He did not miss a single stream and lake. I would really like to see how he will swim in the present Sea, where there are big waves and sandy beaches. But parents said that there is nothing to think about it, because the Father's work at work does not matter.

On Sundays, we often went to the river. She was big and slightly resembled the sea. In addition, under the bridge there was a very strong and dangerous course.

I do not know what happened to Mani on that day. All morning, he happily ran down with me around the yard, and when we went to walk, suddenly ran away from me. We called him and searched for everywhere. Suddenly we saw that he floundered in the water and his flow carries to the bridge. I still do not know how he got there. After all, he knew that in this place to enter the water is dangerous! A network was stretched between the supports of the bridge. On her and stuck mania. His head was overwhelmed by the waves, he had nothing to breathe. The head was increasingly hidden under water.

I had to save him. I could not calmly look like he sink. There was no time to think, and I jumped into the water. Everything happened very quickly. I was immediately covered with my head, I swallowed the water and spattered. There was only dirty cold water around, and I no longer understand where the top, and where the bottom. Then in my eyes I darkened, and what happened next, I do not remember.

Later, the parents told me that I was stuck on the same network as Mani. Fortunately, the boat of the water police was nearby. Apparently, before losing consciousness, I firmly hugged Mani. In any case, the police pulled me out of the water with him.

I was led to the feeling, but for some time I had to spend in the hospital, because I had to lie.

Mani came to himself much faster and literally did not move away from my bed. He could sit near the clock and look at me. In his eyes it was clear that he understood everything.

Many people do not know that dogs can be truly grateful. So mani watched me with a good and grateful look at me. Of course, then I didn't even guess what would happen next ...

Meanwhile, I turned twelve years. But nothing has changed. We never went to the sea. My parents were still worried about the "economic recession". According to them, it was out that all our monetary problems due to a bad economic situation. And when I asked why then the parents of my girlfriend monica are going all better, then I was irritably climbed. The mood was worse than nowhere. Mom from time to time he said that it would be better if we did not buy this house. It seemed to me that these conversations were a waste of time, because the past could not be changed. In addition, then I would not have mani.

And once something incredible happened. Once I decided to order on the phone new CDs of my favorite group. I just saw the advertisement on TV, where the phone number was specified.

I sat down to the phone and started dialing the room. And suddenly heard the voice:

- Kira, think if you can afford such a purchase.

I turned frightened. The doors were closed. I was in the room alone. That is, there was not a single person nearby - only Mani lay at my feet. Maybe it seemed to me? I again took a handset in my hand, which threw from the fright, and began to dial the number. And again heard the voice:

- Kira, if you buy these discs, you will spend all your pocket money for the month.

In front of me stood mani, slightly tilt the head aside. For a moment it seemed to me that he would say. But this can not be! I got everything inside. I thought: "The dogs cannot speak. Even so smart as mania. "

- Once all the dogs knew how to talk, but only not as people. Then they disappeared this ability, and I was left. - Mani looked at me carefully.

I somehow saw on TV speaking camel. "But then it was a movie," I thought, "and this is not a movie at all. This is a reality. " And then it came to me: I just sleep! I quickly pinned myself by the hand. Oh, how hurts! It turns out that I do not sleep.

Mani continued to look at me. Then I again heard the voice:

- Maybe let's talk calmly, or are you so throwing yourself?

I can not explain, but for some reason I suddenly seemed completely normal that Mani was able to speak. As if we were talking to him for many years. Only one thing was strange: when mani said, he did not move.

- We, dogs, communicated with each other more efficiently than people. When we wanted to tell something to each other, we just exchanged thoughts, "said Mani. - So I know what you think about.

This time I was not frightened for a joke.

- So, do you read all my thoughts? - I asked and began to quickly sort out everything in my mind, as I thought lately.

But mani interrupted my reflections:

- Of course I read. When two living creatures are close to each other, they always know what each of them thinks about. Therefore, I know how the financial problems of parents are upset. And I see that you start to make the same mistakes. After all, the attitude of a person for money is laid in childhood. Actually, I was not going to talk to you. If scientists find out about it, then damage me to the cage and begin to conduct experiments. Therefore, I did not tell anyone about my abilities. But since you saved me, risking my own life, then I will make an exception for you. Only it should remain our secret. No one should learn about it.

I wanted to ask Mani so many questions ... I wanted to know where he came from, who was his former owner, who bit him ... But he interrupted me:

"All this you will know later, and now let's not spend time back." I suggest discussing one topic - money. It is very important.

"There are other topics that interest me much more," I thought. In addition, Mom often said that money is not the most important thing in life.

- I also do not think that money is the most important thing. But they acquire an exceptional importance when they are constantly lacking. Remember how we were toned in the river. We must have had to get out. Everything else was secondary. The same thing happens now with your parents. Their financial situation is so hard that they are only talking about him. We can say that they are drown. I want to help you so that you do not get into a similar situation. If you want, I will show you that money can bring joy.

I have never thought serious about it seriously. Of course, I would like parents to have more money. But I had doubts whether the dog could be a good advocate in the case when it comes to money.

"We'll see," Manya interrupted me, and it seemed to me that he had an indulgent smile on his face. - But the most important thing is that I can help you, if only you really want it. Therefore, I will ask you seriously think about it. You, people, often deceive their own thoughts. I suggest you write something from time to time. To start, write to tomorrow's day ten reasons why you would like to be rich. Tomorrow after dinner at four hours, let's go to the forest.

It seemed to me that I was still too young to deal with such a complex theme like money. In addition, I saw that my parents talk about money do not deliver any pleasure.

Mani, of course, read my thoughts, and I immediately heard his voice:

- Your parents live so badly because when they were in your age, they did not have learned to handle money. One wise Chinese once said: " Throwing big things while they are still small, for everything big starts with a small" There are some secrets regarding the money I am going to tell you, but only if you really want it. Therefore, find ten reasons. In the meantime, I will no longer talk to you.

I thought all the rest of the day. And it was about what. In any case, I decided not to talk about my discovery.

I did not want Mani to become a victim of countless scientists experiments. I imagined how it was locked in a tight cage and connect wires to it. No, this should not be. So, I can not tell anyone about the fact that Mani can speak. In addition, I decided not to ask myself too many questions about Mani and his wonderful abilities, because it felt that this would not give me anything.

Bodo Squeter

Mani, or Money ABC

Money ODER DAS 1 × 1 des Geldes

© 2000 by F. A. Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, München

© Translation. Edition in Russian. LLC "Popurri", 2006

© design. LLC "Popurri", 2015


Do not make much in the world of people who would not want to become richer. Some of us dream about it constantly. Others assure that they would like to be richer only in certain areas of life, not necessarily financial. In general, most people want to become happier and wealthy.

And in this desire there is nothing bad or shameful. After all, welfare is the right given to each of us from birth. If we do not have a shortage of money, then we have a more decent life, we can deliver more joy and ourselves and others. One of the biggest misconceptions of mankind is the idea that it is necessary to limit oneself financially and that this is not the most important advantage of a person.

Complete with delusions

And yet most people constantly lack money. Between their dreams and real life - the abyss. And they consider it completely normal. I decided to end this error and wrote the book "Path to Financial Freedom", where the advice of His mentor, leading to wealth. This book will allow you after seven years to earn your first million!

Why do you need a children's story?

"Mani, or the alphabet of money" is written in the form of a story for children. Here are the same thoughts and advice as in the book "Path to Financial Independence." And the narrative form is needed in order to brighten the difficulties with which we are faced in the course of their implementation. It happens the most incredible things. Mania is a talking dog that teaches a twelve-year-old girl to handle money. And not only for this. At the same time, she helps her parents get out of the difficult financial situation.

I wanted to write a book that would touched your soul. Let your heart reveal towards a variety of wealth, which prepares our life, including money.

What will you read this book? If you are already familiar with the book "Path to Financial Independence", then this story will deepen your understanding of the problems in it. You will have new thoughts and a new look appears on the situation, and you will learn to show an original creative approach to solving life tasks.

This story will strengthen your faith in your own opportunities. The adventures of the heroes will not leave you indifferent, and you again think about your freedom and unrealized potential.

Success stories do not solve all problems

Must admit that I did not always attach great importance to similar stories. It seemed to me that people would just imitate the successful heroes of such stories, instead of deeply sorting out the principles of success. Such stories rarely can be applied in your life. Principles will indicate the most correct way out of the difficult situation. In addition, it worries me when people admire the author and try to imitate his actions, instead of absorbing the truths. Personal experience, unlike the trusted principles, can not be completely transferred to someone else's life.

In addition, all sorts of complex models are often disorienting people. In our age of high technologies, it often makes the impression that the path to success can indicate only those thoughts that are not able to understand a simple mortal. We will disappear from simple fundamental truths, guided by the principle: "This is too simple." But everything is simple. It is difficult to completely different - perform these tips. The laws of wealth are easy to understand, but it is difficult to implement. For this, sometimes you need help from. About where to find this help is also stated in the book.

In fact, this book was originally called the "dog named mani" and was intended only for children. There the narrative form was quite to the place and allowed children playing to master the path to wealth and success. It is just those topics that in many families do not like to talk.

I'm mistaken ...

But after the publishing book, I received several hundred letters from adults. In all, it was said about the same thing: "This story pushed me to action, because I touched my emotions," "This book was rapid to me the soul," "For the first time I realized what money is", "I finally reached me You can become truly rich. "

These responses have demonstrated me that my initial assessments were wrong. Today I fully realized that it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. And the fascinating story, which a man "sees" with a heart, is sometimes more important than a tent of thousands of correct words. Therefore, my book is also designed for children, and for adults.

The story allows you to distance

We, adult people, are interested in reading the story of a little girl. The story, though we are close, but allows you to observe a comfortable distance. In the end, because it is just a children's story about children's problems, of which we have long grown. Care of children affect us is not so strong as our own. They are not so serious. We understand that many of the tasks that are facing children, we have already been successfully solved.

And what if you try to extract the lesson from this story? Let's at least present their lives in the form of such history. Imagine that we are already very rich and condescendingly indulgent to our financial "childhood". We take a look at our current situation as if from a certain distance. It will be a story in which there are typical problems that we have long been resolved. Perhaps we will be able to even smile, recognizing our "previous mistakes". We will not perceive our problems too seriously and understand that they are not prisoners of this situation. For this, you need a similar story.

Landmark is needed today, more than ever

But this is not just a story. Here we are talking, rather, the laws of success and wealth described in the "Path to Financial Freedom" book. These principles are universal and perpetual axioms of success.

Speaking about their versatility, I mean that they are always applicable and everywhere - in any society, in any culture, in any situation. Speaking about their eternity, I mean that they never change. This is of particular importance in today's rapidly changing world, where everything becomes more difficult and confusing, and one new and improved product replaces the other. At such a time, a landmark is needed, in the role of which these eternal principles are acting. Calling their axiom, I mean that it is not necessary to argue about them.

Ancient principles

If it seems to you that I take too much on myself, then let me take two comments. First, these principles are not invented by me. They always existed - just like the laws of nature. They manage our lives regardless of whether we want it or not. Even if we deny them, they do not lose their significance from it. I just translated these principles to a clear language and gave them some structure.

Secondly, I believe that all successful people live in these laws. Journalists and TV hosts often ask me to prove that it is really about the laws. And I cite as an example of people who read my books and visited my seminars. But I believe that you yourself will be able to find much better examples. Remember some succeeding person, a group of people, organization or firm. Analyze the path to which they passed - and you will find all the necessary evidence.