People are united by one thing all different. What brings successful people together? How and when to set ambitious goals

What unites all successful people? How do you learn to set goals? Reviewed by on Dec 25 Rating: 4.5

Greetings, dear colleagues and friends!

And this secret is called like this: "Set ambitious goals."

I don't know any successful person who would live aimlessly and who would not know what he would like to see in his life and what he would like to change in this life in relation to other people. All successful people know exactly what they want!

For example, Steve Jobs had a great goal - provide each person with a personal computer.

Elon Musk gave the world a Tesla car. Its purpose is free this world from gasoline addiction and that all the cars on this earth run on electricity.

How and when to set ambitious goals?

Now I have given you examples of outstanding personalities, but, nevertheless, think about it - when and at what point in your life were you taught to set goals?

Was there such a subject at school or at the institute? Or at some other stage in your life, have you studied such a science as "Goal setting"... But, after all, this is a great science - science, thanks to which each of you can become successful... It is needed in order for you to learn how to set goals for yourself and achieve them step by step. This is very important because you can set yourself a huge number of goals and then carry them in your pocket for decades.

Goals have one more feature - they need to be installed periodically and periodically monitor the process of their implementation... Usually successful people do it before the New Year, so that over the next year already know in which direction to move, in which direction to try, develop and work.

How to learn to set goals and achieve them?

If you want to set ambitious goals and, most importantly, learn how to achieve them with a guarantee, then I invite you to my annual online training, which is called "New Year's breakthrough" . December 30 at 19:00 Moscow time we are going with subscribers and clients for a 3-hour online training, in which we together set ambitious goals for the next year.

The peculiarity of this training is that it is charitable - all net profits from it go to charity... Therefore, by participating with interesting people and setting ambitious goals for yourself, you are not only working on yourself, but also participating in charitable causes.

If you are interested, if you want to learn how to set ambitious goals, to achieve them step by step under the guidance of a person who is professionally involved in this, then click on this link and we will meet with you at this training.

Each person is an individual, and has their own ideas about justice, good and evil. However, society is an integral organism, therefore, there must be connecting links connecting factors. So what unites people?

I think that there are a number of aspirations and desires inherent in every person. For example, striving for peace. Each of us undoubtedly has the desire to live in a harmonious environment, without wars, conflicts and deaths.

The main unifying link, in my opinion, is love. It is the feeling unconditional love to human beings, animals, nature, contributes to the smoothing out of conflicts, and the harmonious coexistence of people on the globe.

And creativity also contributes to the unification of people. Literary works, masterpieces of painting, music, theater and cinema, allow us to penetrate inner world another person and merge in a single impulse. Creativity fosters more than unity modern society, and also helps to penetrate into other times and eras, to feel their involvement with distant ancestors.

The unification of society into a single whole is undoubtedly promoted by such human qualities as humanism and concern for one's neighbor. People help each other, sometimes risking their own lives. Rescuers, firefighters, doctors, police - these and many other professions are proof of the interaction of human units. And the exploits of volunteers who unselfishly go to the hottest spots of the planet in order to provide all possible help to those in need!

If we talk about communicative ways of uniting people, then in modern society the possibilities for this process have expanded significantly. For example, phones help us stay in touch with loved ones even over long distances. And with the help of the Internet, we can find ourselves friends all over the world and get acquainted with the news from the farthest corners. Wherein great importance for the association has knowledge of foreign languages. No wonder they say that the more languages ​​you know, the more human you are. Possession foreign languages significantly expands the circle of communication, allows you to get acquainted with numerous works of art in the original and, of course, communicate with representatives of different peoples and cultures.

Summing up, it should be emphasized that a sense of justice, humanism and the desire for a peaceful life are the basis for uniting separate human units into a single whole. And to paraphrase Fyodor Dostoevsky, I will say that only love will save and unite the world!

Most psychologists and philosophers have been dealing with the issue of uniting people for a long time. Based on numerous studies, it was possible to conclude that people are united in one of the four available spheres that play an important role in the life of every person. Having understood each of the areas, it will be possible to answer the question of what unites people.

Most often, people are united by work and creativity in a team. Doing what he loves, a person unites with people with whom he shares these interests, as well as the principles of life. So, for example, colleagues at work will be automatically united by similar interests. In the case when interests of some people change, such alliances break up, forming new ones. When a person works exclusively for the sake of money, not pursuing any other goal other than obtaining material benefits, groups of people will be created who are only trying to satisfy their need for money. As a rule, such associations are not strong, therefore they can disintegrate very quickly.

Very often you can meet people who work without pleasure, that is, they are not doing the business that they really like. This nuance creates some difficulties in bringing colleagues together. To get rid of this problem, specialists from the personnel department are dealing with this issue, and they also write a lot scientific papers about how to unite people in such groups. But all this could have been avoided if everyone did what they love, because the love of work is a powerful tool for uniting people.

Another important factor that unites people is their habitat. For example, housemates are a united group exactly until someone changes their place of residence. When this territorial association is lost, the group disintegrates.

Do not forget about such connections as interests, entertainment and general hobbies. So, for example, when people are doing the same thing, they will automatically create groups with common interests. Of course, if several people are passionate about building model airplanes, they will create groups, but if one of them loses interest in this entertainment, the group will lose one of the members of this association. This is why such groups are not very durable. Of course, language also unites people. This is already a very strong association.

But perhaps one of the most enduring groups is the gathering of people from the same group of friends. People close to each other unconsciously unite into collectives. Most likely, such associations occur on an intuitive level, which determines the small size of such groups. Most often, such people are guided by love, sympathy, friendly feelings and other immeasurable characteristics, which allows you to create very strong and rather valuable alliances.

Hello my dear readers... The fact that I have you gives me the strength to look for new topics for articles and write them even at night. Now I sit and watch a football match between CSKA and Manchester United. Champions League. Second round. And a terrible class difference. They will probably lose, at the 78th minute, the score is already 0-4.

And I suddenly thought, because all these guys came to football to achieve success, why someone Cristiano Ronaldo, and someone not? And then I think it's not only in football that someone is successful in any business, and others are for extras. What separates true professionals from losers, and how do you become great in your line of work? Is there a secret to success?

In general, there is good book, called Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. The essence of the book is that all great personalities have something in common, something that unites them. They are all from different cities and countries, they are all engaged in different types of activities, they all lived in different times, under different presidents and laws. Everything that we use as excuses was present in the biography of every person who achieved his goals. It was present, but it did not interfere.

Today I watched a program about a mixed martial arts fighter, who once said that he does not believe in any talent, I just worked hard like the devil - said Connor McGregor. Immediately I remembered the story of Fedor Emelianenko, who, according to one of the articles on the Internet, the coach said that judo is not his and it is better to look for yourself in something else. Thomas Edison invented 10,000 light bulbs that never came on, but then there was one that went down in history. The footballer Rivaldo once admitted that as a child, he used to run to and from training. And despite the fact that he did not make his way to the main team of his native Santa Cruz, he moved to the lower division and continued to plow there. Rivaldo then played in Barcelona, ​​he still achieved his goal.

Do you know how many such stories are there in the world? There are so many stories as there are successful people. Seriously. Starting to analyze the biographies of famous personalities, you can always unearth the moment of struggle. And how do you, by the way, the story of John Rockefeller, in whose family the younger ones wore clothes after the older ones and there was a moment when one of the boys did not find clothes, and he wore the dresses of his older sister. The money was actively invested and several generations of Rockefellers put their whole lives on the realization of the goal - to become the richest. Now, probably, they do not save on clothes.

Here's what I found out for myself. These people are not united by talent or country of residence, or even endurance, hard work and perseverance. No. They are all united by obsession! They are, in a sense, psychos who believe in fairy tales. They set themselves goals that are not possible, real, the easiest way to achieve .. They set the goal that they want to achieve. And they see no obstacles. They can devote their whole life to one goal, they do not change it, even if it becomes obvious that this is impossible. This obsession often leads to people being laughed at. Where, they say, well, and came up with! But there is no other way to success. And thousands of stories confirm this.

Fall asleep and wake up with the thought of your dream, never for a second doubt that everything is possible. Let's try to live like this? And then, in a few years, we will share with each other the result of such thinking and, perhaps, we will do it on some island!

For 20 years, Napoleon Hill conducted numerous interviews with people who made huge fortunes. It turned out that all very rich people have common habits. The most amazing thing is that they have nothing to do with money.

There are only 13 rules that separate you from the state. Napoleon Hill spoke about them 80 years ago in his book Think and Grow Rich. This book outlived the author and was sold all over the world. Hill's advice is as relevant as ever.

Step 1. Desire: you must want to get rich

All super-rich people started with dreams, hopes, plans, the desire to make a fortune. They imagined large sums before they saw them in their bank accounts. In itself, such a desire to get rich, of course, will not make a person rich. But, becoming an obsession, it helps you find ways to achieve your goal and move towards it with a tenacity that does not know defeat.

What Hill writes about echoes, for example, the advice of modern financial planner Carl Richards, author of How to Stop Doing Stupid With Your Money. He recommends that you formulate your savings goal as clearly as possible - this way it will be easier to understand what and how much you can save.

Step 2. Faith: convince yourself that you will achieve your goal

The path to wealth depends on the right mindset - you have to believe that you can get rich. Hill concludes: “Wealth begins with thought. And its size is limited by the person himself, in whose mind this thought lives. Faith erases limitations! "

These days, business coach and dollar millionaire Steve Siebold puts it this way: “Being rich is not a privilege. It's a right to be rich. And if you create something valuable for others, you have the right to have a fortune as large as you want. "

Step 3. Self-hypnosis: program yourself

For wealth and success to become a reality, you need to sow the desire for them in your subconscious, repeating certain phrases. State briefly what and how you want to achieve, and try to say it out loud. But the success of self-hypnosis will depend on your ability to focus all your attention on your desire - until it becomes an obsession for you, Hill warns.

Example: If you want to become a dollar millionaire by old age, saving a certain amount weekly, then repeat to yourself literally the following every day and as often as possible: "I will save money this week so that I have $ 1 million by retirement."

Step 4. Professionalism: always learn

Hill emphasizes: “Successful people continually upgrade their skills in accordance with their interests, business or profession. The one whose education ends with the end of school, as a rule, does not achieve success in life. " It's no coincidence that most successful people value reading so highly. For example, it is known that billionaire Warren Buffett devotes up to 80% of his working time to him.

But education then leads to wealth when you receive knowledge in a systematic way, and they themselves are applicable in life. “Walk into a rich man’s home and one of the first things you’ll see is a vast library of books that help successful people become even more successful,” writes Steve Siebold.

Step 5. Imagination: visualize your ideas

Do not be afraid to come up with something fundamentally new and try to imagine the results of a successful implementation of all your ideas. What you can imagine, you can create, says Hill. “Ideas are the starting points for big fortunes ... Whoever you are, wherever you live and whatever you do, just remember every time you see the Coca-Cola sign that this giant empire of wealth and influence grew out of one ideas, ”advises the author of the book.

Step 6. Planning: be consistent

When you can visualize your success, get down to business. Be persistent and determined, act step by step. “Most of us start something easily, but few follow it to the end. People tend to give up at the first sign of failure, ”says Hill. But purposefulness cannot be replaced by anything.

For example, if you decide to save a certain amount each month for the future, make no exceptions. Draw up a financial plan and it is according to it that you consistently distribute your savings between different investment instruments.

Step 7. Making decisions: don't hesitate

Determination is a character trait that Hill has found in all of his successful conversationalists. And the losers miss her. “People who fail to get rich, if they can independent decisions, they do it very slowly, but they change them very quickly and often, ”the author of the book shares his observations. But decisiveness is not only a characteristic of the rich, it is one of the key qualities of any leader. It is better to make a bad decision in the end than to decide nothing.

Step 8. Perseverance: be persistent

This is a key success factor, although few people have the willpower to convert their desire to get rich into real money. Hill writes: “Wealth does not arise simply in response to desire. It is the result of specific plans, specific aspirations and requires perseverance. "

Remember that successful people do not succeed either, but, unlike losers, they find the strength to overcome difficulties and move on. “I realized that it doesn't matter how many times you make a mistake. You should only succeed once, ”billionaire Mark Cuban aptly said in an interview.

Step 9: Think Tank: Surround Yourself with the Best

Wealthy people create an entourage of talented friends and colleagues who share their views. Combining intelligent and creative opportunities of several like-minded people exponentially increases their strength. It's like connecting several batteries to each other - together they will provide more energy than one, writes Hill. By the way, it is precisely the desire to create “think tanks” around oneself that can explain why rich people tend to be friends with their own kind. “Getting to know those who are more successful than you helps your thinking to develop and your income to grow faster,” says Steve Siebold. We become like those with whom we communicate.

Step 10. Love and sex: be with someone who is close to you

Sexual energy not only paints our life with emotions: if you can curb it and direct it in the right direction, it will strengthen your Creative skills, passion and perseverance are all that play an important role on the path to wealth. “Sexual desire is the most powerful of all human desires ...

Love, romance and sex can lead people to unprecedented success. And the one who will experience all three of these emotions at once can become a real genius, ”Napoleon Hill is sure. Modern research This is confirmed: people who are satisfied with relationships with their partners earn more and grow faster in their positions.

Step 11. Subconscious: don't get hung up on the negative

If you really want to become rich, you must subconsciously begin to strive for it. The subconscious mind will never stop working, and if you do not find a place in it for your dreams, other thoughts will fill it. “Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time - some of them always dominate. It is your responsibility to make the former prevail, ”Hill instructs. One recent study confirms his belief that positive people are more likely to be successful in their careers and less likely to lose their jobs.

Step 12. Mind: Communicate with Developed People

Our mind is a transmitter and receiver, receiving thoughts from others. This is also why it is so important to deal with people who are creative, smart, and positive. The "receiver" of the brain, according to Hill, is our imagination: we imagine what other people tell us or show us.

This is the very principle of the “think tank”, to which the author of the book dedicated the ninth step in his formula for success. Only in this case he goes further, advising each time to use the talents of people around him when he needs to find a solution to a complex problem. Hill calls this "mixing several minds into one."

Step 13 Sixth Sense: Trust Your Intuition

“With the help of the sixth sense, you will be able to anticipate impending dangers in order to avoid them, and in time to notice opportunities in order to have time to take advantage of them,” the book says. The problem is that true intuition is the result of years of experience, and it is rarely found in people under 40, Hill admits. But this does not mean that if you are younger, then the path to wealth and success is closed for you: the previous twelve steps are enough to achieve impressive results. Well, when (and if) if the "sixth sense" is added to them, you will become so wise that you can make the right financial and life decisions even intuitively.