Levels of the organization of wildlife Table. Living Nature Organization Levels: Quick description

All life on Earth is streamlined and has a complex hierarchy from a simple to complex - levels of the organization of wildlife.


The structure of living matter with a molecule begins - the smallest particle of a substance consisting of atoms. Molecule refers to inanimate nature, studied by physics and chemistry. When entering into relationships, the molecules form substances from which tissues, organs and organisms in general are being built. Detailed description Presented in the table levels of the organization of wildlife.


Elements of the system


Molecular (molecular genetic)

Atoms, organic molecules and inorganic connections, biopolymers - DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates

Metabolism and transformation of energy, genetic information transmission


Organo (organelles) cells, chemical compounds

Synthesis of organic compounds, transport chemical substancesdivision


Specific cells, intercellular substance

Metabolism, growth, irritability, sensitivity, conductivity, etc.


Dirty fabrics forming organs

Works of organs depending on the purpose: movement, gas exchange, excitability, digestion, etc.

Organism (ontogenetic)

Systems of organs forming a multicellular organism - a separate functional structure of animal or plant origin

Harmonious functioning of all organs


Groups of related individuals, combined in the population. A single gene pool is carried out, stand out by identical morphological and behavioral signs, occupy a certain area

Community organization, interaction between individual individuals, adaptation to changing conditions, accumulation of genetic information, evolution


Various populations, environmental factors

The relationship between populations and the environment


Biogeocenosis, human activity (noosphere)

Interaction of living and inanimate matter, cycle of substances in nature, the impact of a person on the biosphere

Fig. 1. Levels of the organization.

Each level of the organization has its own patterns. Specialized directions of biology are highlighted for studying a certain level. For example, the initial level is studying molecular biology Both biochemistry explores cytology, fabrics - histology, populations and their interaction with the environment - ecology.

Unicellular and multicellular

All organisms in their structure are divided into two types:

  • unicellites - consist of one cell;
  • multicolve - consist of a variety of interconnected cells.

Unicellular organisms are limited to the shell under which there is a cytoplasm with organoids - cell functional particles. Unicellular organisms are similar in structure and functions with cells of multicellular organisms. However, they can easily move and conduct a free lifestyle.

Representatives of single-cell organisms:

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  • plants (eukaryotes) - Chlammedonad, Chlorella, Evglen green;
  • animals (eukaryotes) - Ameba, infusoria;
  • bacteria (prokaryotes) - intestinal wand, Cockki.

Fig. 2. Unicellular organisms.

Multicolve - more complex organisms. The most primitive - sponges, the most complex - mammals.

Fig. 3. Multicolve organisms.

Unlike unicellular multicellular organisms have more levels of organization. However, regardless of the complexity of the structure, all organisms interact with the medium on biogeocenotic and biosphere levels.

Properties of organisms

All representatives of the biosphere (unicellular and multicellular) are combined properties of living organisms:

  • reproduction;
  • metabolism;
  • energy dependence;
  • height;
  • development;
  • self-regulation;
  • irritability;
  • heredity;
  • variability.

In addition, living organisms have a single chemical composition. The main elements of living matter - nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen. Of these, proteins, fats, carbohydrates form.

What did we know?

From lesson 9 class biology learned about the main levels of wildlife. The topic included short description Hierarchy of wildlife, features of multicellular and single-cell organisms, as well as the properties of organisms that make up the biosphere.

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All living organisms in nature consist of the same levels of the organization, this is common to all living organisms a characteristic biological pattern.
The following levels of organization of living organisms are distinguished - molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, organized, population-species, biogeocetic, biosphere.

Fig. 1. Molecular genetic level

1. Molecular genetic level. This is the most elementary level characteristic level (Fig. 1). It would be difficult or simply a structure of any living organism, they all consist of identical molecular compounds. An example of this are nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and other complex molecular complexes of organic and inorganic substances. They are sometimes called biological macro-molecular substances. At the molecular level there are various processes of vital activity of living organisms: metabolism, the conversion of energy. Using the molecular level the transfer is carried out hereditary informationSeparate organides are formed and other processes occur.

Fig. 2. Cellular level

2. Cepecificent. The cell is a structural and functional unit of all living organisms on Earth (Fig. 2). Separate organides in the composition of the cells have a characteristic structure and perform a specific function. The functions of individual organoids in the cell are interrelated and perform unified processes of life. In single-cell organisms ( unicellular algae. And the simplest) all life processes are in the same cell, and one cell exists like a separate organism. Recall unicellular algae, chlamondonades, chlorella and simple animals - amebe, infusoria, etc. In multicellular organisms, one cell can not exist as a separate organism, but it is elementary structural unit organism.

Fig. 3. Fabric level

3. Fabric level. The combination of similarity, the structure and functions of cells and intercellular substances forms fabric. The fabric level is characteristic only for multicellular organisms. Also, individual tissues are not an independent holistic organism (Fig. 3). For example, animal and human bodies consist of four different fabrics (epithelial, coupling, muscular, nervous). Vegetable fabrics are called: educational, coating, reference, conductive and excretory. Remember the structure and functions of individual tissues.

Fig. 4. Organ Level

4. Organ level. In multicellular organisms, the combination of several identical tissues similar to the structure, origin and functions form an organ level (Fig. 4). As part of each body, there are several tissues, but among them one most significant. A separate body cannot exist as a holistic organism. Several organs similar to the structure and functions, combine, make up a system of organs, such as digestion, respiration, blood circulation, and so on.

Fig. 5. Organize Level

5. Organize level. Plants (chlamdonada, chlorella) and animals (amoeba, infusoria, etc.), whose bodies consist of one cell are an independent organism (Fig. 5). A separate individual of multicellular organisms is considered as a separate organism. In each individual organism, all life processes are characteristic of all living organisms - nutrition, breathing, metabolism, irritability, reproduction, etc. Each independent organism leaves the offspring after himself. In multicellular organisms, cells, fabrics, organs and system systems are not a separate organism. Only a holistic system of organs specializing in various functions forms a separate independent organism. The development of the body, starting with fertilization and until the end of life, occupies a certain period of time. Such an individual development of each body is called ontogenesis. The body can exist in close interconnection with the environment.

Fig. 6. Population-view level

6. Population-species level. The combination of individuals of one species or group that exists in a certain part of the range relatively separately from other aggregates of the same type is a population. On the population level The simplest evolutionary transformations are carried out, which contributes to the gradual appearance of a new type (Fig. 6).

Fig. 7 biogeocenotic level

7. Biogeocetic level. The combination of organisms of different types and the varying complexity of the organization adapted to the same environmental conditions is called biogeocenosis, or natural community. Biogeocenosis includes numerous types of living organisms and environmental conditions. In natural biogeocenoses, energy accumulates and is transmitted from one organism to another. Biogeocenosis includes inorganic, organic compounds and living organisms (Fig. 7).

Fig. 8. Biosphere level

8. Biosphere. The combination of all living organisms on our planet and the overall environment of their habitat is a biosphere level (Fig. 8). At the biosphere level, modern biology decides global problems, for example, determining the intensity of the formation of free oxygen by the vegetation cover of the Earth or a change in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere associated with human activity. The main role in the biosphere level is performed by "living substances", i.e., the collection of living organisms inhabiting the Earth. Also in the biosphere level they have the meaning of bios substances, formed as a result of the vital activity of living organisms and "oblique" substances (i.e. environmental conditions). At the biosphere level there is a circulation of substances and energy on Earth with the participation of all living organisms of the biosphere.

Levels of life organization. Population. Biogeocenosis. Biosphere.

  1. Currently, there are several levels of organization of living organisms: molecular, cellular, fabric, organ, organized, population-species, biogeocetic and biosphere.
  2. In the population-species level, elementary evolutionary transformations are carried out.
  3. The cell is the most elementary structural and functional unit of all living organisms.
  4. The combination of similarity, the structure and functions of cells and intercellular substances forms fabric.
  5. The combination of all living organisms on the planet and the overall environment of their habitat is a biosphere level.
    1. Name in order levels of life organization.
    2. What is a cloth?
    3. What major parts are the cell?
      1. What organisms are the fabric level characteristic?
      2. Give the characteristic of the organ level.
      3. What is population?
        1. Give the characteristic by the Organization level.
        2. Name the features of the biogeocetic level.
        3. Give examples of interconnected levels of organizability of life.

Fill out a table showing the structural features of each level of organization:

Serial number

Levels of organization


In the organization of wildlife allocate eight levels. Each subsequent necessarily includes the previous one. For each level, its structure and properties are characteristic.

The first four levels of the organization of wildlife

The first level of organization of life is molecular. It is represented by various molecules that are in a living cell. These can be molecules both organic and inorganic compounds and their complexes. At this level, biology studies how molecular complexes are created, and genetic information is transmitted and inherited. What sciences are engaged in studying the first level of the organization of wildlife: biophysics, biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular genetics. The second level is cellular. The cell is the smallest independent unit of the structure, functioning and development of a living organism. The cage studies the science of cytology. Cells in the very general It can be divided into nuclear and nuclear-free, in the core of the cell contains genetic information. At this level, the metabolism and energy of the cell, its life cycles. The third level is fabric, represented by various fabrics. Fabrics consist of a set of cells, different in structure and functions. During the evolution, there were more and more types of alive fabrics. Animals have the following: epithelial, coupling, muscular, nervous. In plants - conductive, protective, basic and meristent. The fabric studies histology. The solid level is the organ, represented by organisms. During the evolution, the structure and capabilities of the organs are complicated. If the simplest single-celled organisms have basic functions primitive by the structure of organelles, then multicellular organs already have the most complex organ systems. Living being organs are formed from various tissues. For example, in the heart there is also a connecting, and transverse tissue.

Second four levels of living

The fifth level is organized or ontogenetic. At this level, unicellular and multicellular organisms of living beings are studying. This level is interested in science physiology. The process of ontogenesis - the development of the body from the emergence of the world to death, it is his physiology. Multicolve organisms consist of various organs and tissues. It is studied: the metabolism, structure of the body, nutrition, homeostasis, reproduction, interaction with the environment. Sixth level - population-species, is represented by species and populations. The subject of study is a group of related individuals similar to the structure, gene pool and interaction with the environment. This level is engaged in science evolution and genetics of populations. Seventh level - biogeocetic. At this level, biogeocenoses, a circulation of substances and energy in them are studied, the balance between organisms and the environment, providing living organisms by resources and conditions for existence. The eighth level is biosphere, presented by the biosphere. Together with all the previous ones, the influence of a person in nature is also considered.

All living creatures on the planet are divided into various groups and systems. This tells the student Biology still in primary grades high school. Now I also want to study the levels of the organization of wildlife, as a result, submitting all the knowledge gained in a brief and convenient table.

A little about levels

If we talk in general, then science has 8 such levels. But what is the principle of division? Everything is simple here: each subsequent level has all the previous ones. That is, it is more and more consistent, volume and more.

First level - molecular

Details This level studies molecular biology. What are we talking about? What is the structure of proteins, what functions they perform what nucleic acids and their work in genetics, protein synthesis, RNA and DNA - all these processes and loaded molecular level. It is here that the most important processes of vital activity of all organisms begin: the metabolism, the production of energy necessary for existence, etc. Scientists claim that this level is difficult to name alive, it is rather considered to be chemical.

The level of the second - cellular

What is interesting for the cellular level of organization of wildlife? It follows molecular and, as it becomes clear from the name, is engaged in cells. The biology of these particles is studied by such a science as cytology. The cage itself is the smallest indivisible particle in the human body. There are considered all the processes that are related directly to the vital activity of the cell.

Level Three - Fabric

Specialists are also called multicellular. And it is not surprising. After all, in fact, the fabric is a totality of cells that have almost the same structure and similar function. If we talk about those sciences that study this level, then it is about all the same histology, as well as histochemistry.

Level Fourth - Organ

Considering the levels of the organization of wildlife, it is also necessary to tell about the organ. What is it special? Thus, organisms in multicellular organisms and organelles are formed from the tissues - at unicellular. Sciences that are engaged in these issues - anatomy, embryology, physiology, botany and zoology.

It should also be noted that, studying the levels of the organization of wildlife, specialists are sometimes united in one chapter fabric and organized. After all, they are very closely connected with each other. In this case, we are talking about the organization's level.

Fifth level - organism

The next level is called in the science "Organism". What does it differ from the previous ones? In addition to the fact that it includes in its composition previous levels of the organization of wildlife, this is where the division on the kingdoms - animals, plants, as well as mushrooms. It is engaged in the following processes:

  • Food.
  • Reproduction.
  • Metabolism (as well as at the cellular level).
  • Interaction is not only between organisms, but also with the environment.

In fact, the functions are still very, very much. This section is engaged in such sciences such as genetics, physiology, anatomy, morphology.

Sixth level - population-species

Also, everything is simple. If some organisms have a morphological similarity, that is, they are approximately equally arranged and have similar genotype, their scientists are combined into a single form or a population. The main processes that occur here are the macroevolution (that is, the change in the body under the influence of the environment), as well as the interaction between themselves (this can be both a struggle for survival and reproduction). The study of these processes is engaged in ecology and genetics.

Seventh level - biogeocetic

The name is a hard-handing, but quite simple. Comes from the word biogeocenosis. There are already considered multiple processes in which organisms interaction occurs. It is also about food chains, competing and reproduction, about the mutual influence of organisms and the environment on each other. This issue is engaged in such science as ecology.

Last, eighth level - biosphere

Here already biology is designed to solve all global problems. After all, in essence, the biosphere is a huge ecosystem where a circulation occurs. chemical elements and substances, energy transformation processes to ensure the vital activity of all living on Earth.

Simple conclusions

Having considered all the levels of the structural organization of wildlife, and how it became clear, 8, you can imagine a picture of all living on Earth. After all, only structuring your knowledge, you can thoroughly understand the essence of the above described.


Either a person or an organism

Differentiation processes occur



The processes of changes in the genotype in this population occur

Biogeocecotically biosphere


There is a cycle of substances

Molecular genetic

Activity - Transfer of genetic information inside cells

How is the easiest way to present the levels of living nature? Table - this is what any material excellent illustrates. But to facilitate understanding, scientists often put into the table with only 4 combined levels presented above.

The level of organization of live matter is the functional place of the biological structure of a certain degree of complexity in the general hierarchy of the living. Allocate the following levels of organization of live matter.

    Molecular(molecular genetic). It includes a way of existence and self-reproduction of complex information organic molecules, high molecular weight organic compounds, such as proteins, viruses, plasmids, nucleic acids, etc.

    Subcelet(Osm molecular). At this level nature Organized in organides: chromosomes, cell membrane, endoplasmic network, mitochondria, golgi complex, lysosomes, ribosomes and other subcellular structures.

    Cellular.At this level, wildlife is represented by cells, i.e. The elementary structural and functional unit of the living.

    Organo-tissue.At this level, wildlife is organized in fabrics and organs. The fabric is a set of cells similar in structure and functions, as well as intercellular substances associated with them. The organ is part of a multicellular body that performs a specific function or function.

    Organism(ontogenetic). At this level, wildlife is represented by organisms. The body (individual, individual) is an indivisible unit of life, its real carrier, characterized by all its signs.

6. Population-Issues.At this level, wildlife is organized in the population. The population is a combination of individuals of one species forming a separate genetic system, which exists in a certain part of the range relatively separately from other sets of the same species. The form is a set of individuals (populations) capable of crossing with the formation of fertility and occupy a certain area (area).

    Biocenotic.At this level, wildlife forms biocenoses - a set of populations of different species living in a certain territory.

    Biogeocetic.At this level, wildlife forms biogeocenoses - a set of biocenosis and abyotic habitat factors (climate, soil).

    Biosphere.At this level, wildlife forms the biosphere - the Earth shell, transformed by the activities of living organisms.

Predict the properties of each next level based on the properties of previous levels are also impossible to predict the properties of water, based on the properties of oxygen and hydrogen. Such a phenomenon is called " emerchment", I.e. The presence of a system of special, qualitatively new properties that do not inherent in the sum of the properties of its individual elements. On the other hand, the knowledge of the characteristics of individual components of the system greatly facilitates its study.

7.4. Properties of living systems

Russian physicist M. V. Volkenstein proposed the following definition of life: "Living bodies that exist on Earth are open, self-regulating and self-reproducing systems built from biopolymers - proteins and nucleic acids" However, there is still no generally recognized definition of the concept of "life". Nevertheless, it is possible to distinguish signs (properties) of living matters that distinguish it from inanimate.

1. A certain chemical composition. Live organisms consist of the same chemical elements as objects of inanimate nature, but the ratio of these elements is different. Macroelements of living beings are carbon (C), oxygen (o), nitrogen (N) and hydrogen (H) (in the amount of about 98% of the composition of living organisms), as well as calcium (Ca), Potassium (K), Magnesium (MG) , phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), sodium (NA), chlorine (CL), iron (Fe) (in the amount of about 1-2%). Chemical elements that are part of living organisms and at the same time perform biological functions, called biogenic. Even those are contained in cells in negligible: manganese (Mn), cobalt (CO), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), Bor (B), iodine (I), fluorine (f), etc. . - And their total content in the living substance is about 0.1%, no one can be replaced and absolutely necessary for life

Chemical elements are included in the cells in the form of ions and molecules of inorganic and organic substances. The most important nonsense organic substances In a cage - water (75-85% of the raw mass of living organisms) and mineral salts (1-1.5%), the most important organic substances - carbohydrates (0.2-2.0%), lipids (1-5%), Proteins (10-15%) and nucleic acids (1-2%).

    Cellular structure. All living organisms, except for viruses, have a cellular structure.

    Metabolism (metabolism) and energy dependence. Living organisms are open systems, they depend on the receipt of them from external environment Substances and energy. Live creatures are capable of using two types of energy - light and chemical, and therefore the feature is divided into two groups: phototrophs (organisms that use light energy for biosynthesis - plants, cyanobacteria) and chemotrofa (organisms using energy for biosynthesis chemical reactions oxidation of inorganic compounds - nitrification bacteria, barrels, serobacteria, etc.). Depending on the carbon sources, living organisms are divided into carbon (organisms capable of creating organic substances from inorganic - plants, cyanobacteria), heterotrophs (organisms using organic compounds as a carbon source - animals, mushrooms and most bacteria) and mixotrophs (organisms that They can both synthesize organic substances from inorganic and feed on ready-made organic concubines (insectivore plants, representatives of the Evglen algae department, etc.).

Foods that have fallen into the body are involved in metabolic processes - metabolism. Two components of metabolism - catabolism and anabolism are distinguished.

Catabolism(Energy exchange, dissimilation) is called a set of reactions leading to the formation of simple substances from more complex (hydrolysis of polymers to monomers and splitting the latter to low molecular weight compounds of carbon dioxide, water, ammonia, etc. substances). Catabolic reactions usually go with energies. The energy released during the decay of organic substances is not immediately used by the cell, and is inhibited in the form of high-energy compounds, as a rule, in the form of adenosine-triphosphate (ATP). Synthesis ATF. occurs in the cells of all organisms in the process of phosphorylation, i.e. Attachment of inorganic phosphate to ADP. Catabolism is divided into several stages

    The preparatory stage lies in the splitting of complex carbohydrates to simple: glucose, fats to fatty acids and glycerin, proteins to amino acids.

    The oxygen-free stage of breathing is glycoliz, as a result of which glucose is split to pyruogradic acid (PVC); As a result, ATP is formed (from 1 mol glucose). Anaerobov or aerime rooms, with a lack of oxygen, fermentation flows.

    Oxygen stage - breathing, i.e. The total oxidation of the PVC is carried out in the mitochondria of eukaryota in the presence of oxygen and includes two stages: a circuit of consecutive reactions - the Krebs cycle (cycle of tricarboxylic acids) and the electron transfer cycle; As a result, 36 ATPs are formed (from 1 mol glucose).

Anabolism(Plastic exchange, assimilation) - the concept opposite to catabolism: a set of reactions of the synthesis of complex substances from simpler (the formation of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water in the process of photosynthesis, a matrix synthesis reaction). Energy costs are required for the flow of anabolic reactions. The most important metabolic process of plastic metabolism is photosynthesis (photoautotrophy) - synthesis of organic compounds from inorganic due to light energy.

    Self-regulation (homeostasis). Living organisms have the ability to support homeostasis - the constancy of its chemical composition and the intensity of exchange processes.

5. irritability. Living organisms exhibit irritability. The ability to respond to certain external influences with specific reactions. The reaction of multicellular animals for irritation is carried out with the participation of the nervous system - reflex. The reaction to irritation in the simplest animals is called taxis, which is expressed in changing the nature and direction of movement. In relation to the stimulus, phototaxis is isolated - movement under the influence of the light source, chemotaxis - the movement of the body, depending on the concentration of chemicals, etc., distinguishes a positive or negative taxi, depending on how the irritant on the body operates: positively negatively. The reaction to irritation in plants - the tropis is expressed in a certain nature of growth. Thus, heliotropism means the growth of ground parts of plants (stem, leaves) towards the Sun, and geotropism is the growth of underground parts (roots) towards the center of the Earth.

    Heredity. Living organisms are able to transfer signs and properties from generation to generation using media - DNA and RNA molecules.

    Variability. Living organisms can acquire new features and properties. Variability creates a varied source material for natural selection. selection of the most adapted individuals to specific conditions of existence in natural conditionsthat in turn leads to the emergence of new forms of life and new types of organisms.

    Self-reproduction (reproduction). Live organisms are able to multiply - to reproduce themselves like. Due to the reproduction, the change and continuity of generations is carried out.

    It is customary to distinguish between two main types of breeding: the useless and sex.

    Individual development (ontogenesis). Each individual is peculiar to ontogenesis - the individual development of the organism from the origin until the end of the life (death or new division). Development is accompanied by growth.

    Evolutionary development (phylogenesis). Living matter as a whole is its own phylogenesis - historical development life on earth from the moment of its appearance so far.

    Adaptation. Living organisms are able to adapt, i.e. Adjust to environmental conditions.

    Rhythm. Living organisms show the rhythm of life (daily, seasonal, etc.).

    Integrity and discreteness. On the one hand, all living matter is intertwined in a certain way organized and obeys general laws; On the other hand, any biological system consists of separate, albeit interrelated elements. Any organism or other biological system (view, biocenosis, etc.) consists of separate isolated, i.e. Separate or fragmented in space, but closely related and interacting among themselves, parts forming structural and functional unity.

    Hierarchy. Starting with biopolymers (proteins and nucleic acids) and ending with the biosphere as a whole, all living things are in certain coodes. Functioning of biological systems on less complex level Makes the existence of a more complex level.

    Negentropy. According to the second law of thermodynamics, all processes spontaneously occurring in isolated systems are developing in the direction of decreasing ordering, i.e. Increasing entropy. At the same time, with the growing and development of living organisms, on the contrary, it is complicated that that that does not contradict the second law of thermodynamics, since living organisms are open systems. Organisms are powered by absorbing the energy from the outside, allocate in environment Heat and livelihood products, finally die and decompose. According to E. Schrödinger, "The body is powered by negative entropy." Improving and becoming more complicated, the organisms contribute to chaos into the world around them.