Using the energy of the solar light of ATP synthesis. Text version of the task

Task 26.

Choose the features of mitotic cell division.

1. The two-terrible chromosomes are diverged to the poles after the first division.

2. Nursing chromatids diverge to the poles in Anafase

3. In subsidiaries are homologous chromosomes

4. As a result, two diploid cells are formed.

5. The process takes place in two consecutive divisions.

6. As a result, haploid cells are formed.

The correct answer is 234.

Task 27.

Choose the features of the structure of the human respiratory system.

1. Lack of diaphragm

2. Double breathing

3. Lights are hollow bags

4. Airways are represented by the bronchi system

5. Respiratory surface of the lungs about 90 sq. M. m.

6. Alveolar lungs

The correct answer is 456.

Task 28.

Select the positions of the synthetic thorium of evolution.

1. Types really exist in nature and formed for a long time.

2. Mutations and combinations of genes serve material for evolution

3. The driving forces of evolution are the mutation process, population waves, combinative variability.

4. In nature exist different kinds Fight for the existence between organisms.

5. Natural selection - Evolution guide factor.

6. Natural selection retains some individuals and destroys others.

The correct answer is 235.

Task 29.

Install the correspondence between the body and the characteristics of its structure.

Features of the structure

A. There are contracting vacuoles

B. There are falselyones

B. There are sporangia

Cellular wall contains chitin

D. multiplies only by division.

E. Eating mycelium



2. Ameba

The correct answer is 221121.

Task 30.

Set the correspondence between the parts of the human skeleton and the bone connections in them.

Connection places bones

A. Verteka Breast Department

B. Crests

V. Skull


D. Kole

E. Chest cell

Type of bone connection

1. Fixed

2. Semi-motivated

3. Movable

The correct answer is 211332.

Task 31.

Set the correspondence between the types of metabolism and their features.

Features of metabolism

A. In the process of exchange, glucose and ATP are synthesized

B. Curved carbon dioxide

B. One of the stages of exchange - oxygen-free

G. occurs in Mitriches Mitochondria

D. As a result of exchange, 38 ATP molecules are intensified

E. During the exchange, transcription and broadcast responses occur

Types of exchange

1. Energy exchange

2. Plastic exchange

The correct answer is 221112.

Task 32.

Set the correspondence between the processes and the levels of the organization of life on which they occur.


A. Education Gamet

B. Digestive

V. Divergence

Genophond formation

D. Fight for existence

E. Biological Progress

Levels of life organization

1. Organism

2. population-species

The correct answer is 112212.

Task 33.

Set the correct sequence of the stages of the development of the liver loser, starting with the egg.

1. Tailed larva

2. Development in a small pond

3. Egg

4. Larvae with cilia

5. Cysta

6. Fit in the final owner

The correct answer is 342156.

Task 34.

What vertebrate animals first appeared joints and how did it increase the level of their organization?

The correct answer - the joints appeared at the amphibians. The joint is a lever system that allows you to actively move both in water and dry.

Task 35.

What is indicated in the figure figures 1 and 2? What animals belong to the depicted systems and what is the difference between them?

Correct answer - 1 - nervous system Planaria.

2 - Nervous System Hydra. From planaria and other flat worms Nervous stem type system. In intestinal - diffuse nervous system.

Task 36.

Find errors in the given text. Specify the number of the offers in which they are allowed, correct them.

1. The most important function of proteins is an enzymatic function.

2. Enzymes are biologically active substances governing the activity of the body.

3. Proteins also perform construction, motor, transport and number of other functions.

4. Motor function is associated with contractile proteins - hemoglobin and myoglobin.

5. Transport function Perform such proteins as Aktin and Miosin.

6. Protective function They carry out proteins as interferon, immunoglobulin.

The correct answer - errors are allowed in sentences 2, 4, 5.

Run. 2 - Enzymes are catalysts of biochemical reactions.

Run. 4 - hemoglobin and myoglobin - transport proteins.

Run. 5 - Aktin and Miosin - contractile proteins.

Task 37.

What is the similarity and difference between the eggs from the spermatozoa in animals?

The correct answer is the egg cells and spermatozoa - these are sex cells of animals or female and men's gamets, respectively. Gamets have a haploid set of chromosomes and carry inheritance information From one of the parents. Spermatozoa - moving male goveta, having a head and tail. The egg cell is a fixed female goveta containing a supply of nutrients for the development of the embryo.

Task 38.

How are amphibians adapted to life in water and on land? Give at least four evidence.

The correct answer is the amphibians lead a water and terrestrial lifestyle. In this regard, they have formed such features of the structure and physiology as:

1. The skin covered with mucus, dissolves in mucus atmospheric oxygen When breathing, leather

2. Five-plated limbs for movement on land

3. Light for atmospheric breathing

4. Two circles of blood circulation and three-chamber hearts that provide partial blood separation into venous and arterial.

Task 39.

What processes occur during energy exchange Person's substances and what are their energy effect?

The correct answer is the first stage - the preparatory, occurs in the digestive tract. Energy is dissipated in the form of heat.

The second stage is oxygen-free (glycolysis), occurs in the cytoplasm. Energy effect 2 ATP molecules.

The third stage is oxygen, occurs on the cristes of mitochondria. Energy effect 36 ATP molecules.

Task 40.

The color of the person in humans is controlled by two pairs of non-delicate, non-allele genes. One dominant gene defines the carial, and its recessive allele is a blue eye color. The dominant gene of another pair contributes to the color manifestation, and its recessive allele in a homozygous state suppresses the action of the first pair of genes and causes the green color of the eyes. How is the eye color in man inherit? Determine the likelihood of the birth of blue-eyed and green-eyed children if their parents are carrage and heterozygous on both param genes. Explain the character of the inheritance of signs.

Correct answer - R: Aavv x Aavv Mother Both Kariaglase

A - brown eyes

a - Blue eyes

B - contributes to the manifestation of chroma

in - in a homozygous state causes the green eye


Gamets: Av, Av, Av, AB (in both parents)

The probability of birth of blue-eyed children 3/16; Green-eyed children 4/16 or 1/4. The interaction of genes is manifested with independent inheritance of signs.

Generalizing the theme: "Cellular level"Option I.

1. Select one correct answer.

1. Animal cells, in contrast to plant cells, do not have:

but) cell membrane and cytoplasm; b) mitochondria and ribosa;

c) decorated kernel; d) plastids, vacuoles, cellulose shells.

2. Molecule molecules perform a variety of functions in the cell:

a) DNA; b) proteins; c) IRNK; d) ATP.

3. Photosynthesis in contrast to the protein biosynthesis occurs in cells:

a) any body; b) containing chloroplasts;

4. Molecules are split in the oxygen-free stage of energy metabolism:

a) glucose to pyrovinoic acid; b) protein to amino acids;

c) starch to glucose; d) peer-breed acid to carbon dioxide.

5. Set of synthesis reactions organic substances From the inorganic using the energy of light call:

a) chemosynthesis; b) photosynthesis; c) fermentation; d) Glikoliz.

2. Name the function of the organoid designated under the number 1.

3.Select 3 faithful answers from 6 : What structures are characterized only by a plant cell?

1) Cellular chitin wall 2) cellulose cell wall

3) endoplasmic reticulum 4) vacuole with cellular juice

5) Mitochondria 6) leukoplasts and chloroplasts

4. Install the correspondence between the features of protein and energy exchange biosynthesis processes.

Features of processes Processes

A) rewriting information from DNA on IRNA. 1) protein biosynthesis.

B) transmission of information on primary structure 2) Energy

polypeptide chain from the kernel to the ribosome. exchange.

C) splitting polymers to monomers.

D) glucose cleavage to lactic acid and the synthesis of two ATP molecules.

E) accession to the ribosome TRNA with amino acid

E) oxidation of lactic acid to CO2 and H2O, accompanied by a synthesis of 36 ATP molecules.

1. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Part 2

When executing the tasks B1-B3, select three correct answers.

IN 1. DNA molecule:

1) consists of one polynucleotide thread;
2) consists of two polynucleotide threads twisted into the spiral;
3) has nucleotides a, y, c, g;
4) has nucleotides A, T, G, C;
5) is the keeper of hereditary information;
6) transfers hereditary information from the kernel to the ribosome.

AT 2. DNA has great importance For the protein biosynthesis process, as it directly participates in the processes:

1) broadcast;
2) RRNA synthesis;
3) activation;
4) transcription;
5) replication;
6) TRNA synthesis.

IN 3. Specify the correct sequence of the Energy Exchange Stages:

1) splitting biopolymers to monomers;
2) the admission of organic substances into the cell;
3) oxidation of peyrograde acid to carbon dioxide and water;
4) glucose cleavage to pyruogradic acid;
5) Synthesis 2 ATP molecules;
6) Synthesis 36 ATP molecules.

Part 3.

C1. The process of photosynthesis proceeds into two stages. Why is one of them called dark?
C2.One of the properties of proteins is their ability to renatura. What is it and what condition is it possible?
C3. No component external environment prevented the development of life on land in the early stages of evolution?
C4. What protein biosynthesis processes occur in the ribosome?

Option 4.

Part 1

When executing tasks1-a10, select one correct answer.

A1. One of the provisions of the cell theory says that:

1) when dividing the chromosome cells are capable of self-esteem;
2) new cells are formed when the initial cells are dividing;
3) in cytoplasm cells contain various organides;
4) cells are capable of growing and metabolism.

A2.The similarity of eukaryot cells is evidenced by the presence in them:

1) kernel;
2) plastids;
3) shells of fiber;
4) vacuoles with cellular juice.

A3. The enzymatic function in the cell is performed:

1) proteins;
2) lipids;
3) carbohydrates;
4) nucleic acids.

A4. The main components of the kernel are:

1) ribosomes;
2) chromosome;
3) mitochondria;
4) chloroplasts.

A5. The primary DNA structure is:

1) a simple unbranched human rights spiral;
2) Double human rights spiral in a complex with proteins;
3) a linear sequence of nucleotides;
4) Double unbranched human rights spiral.

A6.Beginning biological evolution On Earth it is customary to consider the moment of the first:

1) organic substances synthesized by abiogenic means;
2) coactervate drops, microspheres and other organic aggregates;
3) single-celled prokaryotic organisms - probions;
4) single-cell eukaryotic organisms - plants, animals and mushrooms.

A7. Pyerogradic acid is formed during Glycolize from:
1) ethyl alcohol;
2) glucose;
3) carbon dioxide;
4) lactic acid.

A8. The main merit of Robert Huka in biology is that he:

1) constructed a microscope;
2) opened microorganisms;
3) opened the cage;
4) formulated the positions of the cell theory.

A9. In the total photosynthesis equation, 6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O → C 6 H 12 O 6 + ... in the right part lacks:

1) oxygen;
2) ATP;
3) hydrogen;
4) NADF H 2

A10.Virion is:

1) Complex nucleic acidsconstituting the central part of the virus;
2) the inactive form of the virus while finding outside the host cell;
3) the virus shell consisting of proteins laid in a certain way;
4) Additional shell formed from the membrane fragments of the host cell.

Part 2

When executing the B1 task, set the match, and in the B2-B3 tasks, select three correct answers.

IN 1. Install the correspondence between the features of metabolism and the type of nutrition of the organisms for which it is characteristic.

AT 2.Eukaryotic cell membrane organoids do not include:

1) lysosomes;
2) vacuole;
3) cell center;
4) ribosomes;
5) flagella;
6) inclusion.

IN 3. The bacterial cell is related to the prokaryotic group, as it:

1) does not have a kernel covered with a shell;
2) has a cytoplasm;
3) has one DNA molecule immersed in cytoplasm;
4) has an outer plasma membrane;
5) does not have mitochondria;
6) has ribosomes where protein biosynthesis occurs.

Part 3.

When performing tasks C1-C3, give a brief response from several words or one or two proposals, and when executing the C4 task - a full detailed answer.

C1.What is the role of DNA in protein synthesis?
C2. How many and what chromosome are women's female gamets?
C3. What stage of energy exchange is the most energy efficient?
C4.The metabolism is the basis of the existence of the majority (except for viruses) of living organisms. Along with common features in various kingdoms there are also their own features. Name the main differences in the processes of assimilation and dissimulation in green plants.

Option 1

A1 - 2; A2 - 4; A3 - 2; A4 - 1; A5 - 2; A6 - 3; A7 - 1; A8 - 1; A9 - 1; A10 - 4;
B1 - 2, 4, 5; B2 - 2, 3, 6; B3 - 1, 3, 4.

Option 2.

A1 - 4; A2 - 4; A3 - 4; A4 - 1; A5 - 2; A6 - 3; A7 - 2; A8 - 1; A9 - 2; A10 - 4;
B1 - 1, 2, 4; B2 - 2, 5, 6; B3 - 3, 4, 6.

Option 3.

A1 -3; A2 -2; A3 - 1; A4 - 3; A5 - 4; A6 - 1; A7 - 2; A8 - 2; A9 - 1; A10 - 4;
B1 - 2, 4, 5; B2 - 2, 4, 6; B3 - 2, 1, 4, 5, 3, 6.

Option 4.

A1 -2; A2 -1; A3 - 1; A4 - 2; A5 - 3; A6 - 3; A7 - 2; A8 - 3; A9 - 1; A10 - 2;
B1 - 1A, 2B, 3B, 4A, 5A; B2 - 3, 4, 6; B3 - 1, 3, 5.

1) protein biosynthesis, unlike photosynthesis, occurs
A) in chloroplasts
B) on ribosomes
C) using energy sunlight
D) in the reactions of the matrix type
E) in lysosomes
E) with the participation of ribonculein acids


1a. Set the sequence of processes in the biosynthesis of protein in the cell
A) the formation of peptide communication between amino acids
B) the interaction of the codon of IRNK and Anti-Kodon TRNA
C) TRNA exit from ribosomes
D) the connection of IRNK with ribosome
E) EXIT OF INNA from the kernel in the cytoplasm
E) synthesis IRNA


2a) Install the correspondence between the characteristic and the process of vital activity of the plant to which it is attributed to: 1-photosynthesis, 2-breathing
A) glucose synthesized
B) organic substances are oxidized
C) oxygen is distinguished
D) carbon dioxide formed
E) happened in mitochondria
E) accompanied by the absorption of energy


A1 B2 B1 G2 D2 E1

2b. Set the correspondence between the process and type of metabolism in the cell: 1-photosynthesis, 2-energy exchange
A) the formation of peyrogradic acid (PVC)
B) occurs in mitochondria
C) photo and water molecules
D) synthesis of ATP molecules due to the energy of light
E) occurs in chloroplasts
E) Synthesis 38 ATP molecules when splitting glucose molecule


A2 B2 B1 G1 D1 E2

2B. Set the correspondence between the sign of the vital activity of plants and the process of breathing or photosynthesis: 1-breathing, 2-photosynthesis
A) is carried out in cells with chloroplasts
B) occurs in all cells
C) oxygen is absorbed
D) absorbed carbon dioxide
E) organic substances from inorganic in the light are formed
E) organic substances are oxidized


A2 B1 B1 G2 D2 E1

3. Proteins in human and animal organism
A) serve as the main building material
B) split in the intestine to glycerol and fatty acids
C) are formed from amino acids
D) in the liver turn into glycogen
D) postponed in stock
E) as enzymes accelerate chemical reactions


4. Install the correspondence between the process and the energy exchange step in which it occurs: 1-octalless, 2-oxygen
A) glucose splitting
B) Synthesis 36 ATP molecules
C) formation of lactic acid
D) complete oxidation to CO2 and H2
E) formation of PVC, NAD-2N


A1 B2 B1 G2 D1

5. Proteins, in contrast to nucleic acids,
A) participate in the formation of plasma membrane
B) part of chromosomes
C) are accelerators of chemical reactions
D) carry out transport function
E) perform a protective function
E) transfer hereditary information from the kernel to the ribosome


6. What features of the structure and properties of water determine its functions in the cell?
A) the ability to form hydrogen bonds
B) presence in molecules of macroeergic ties
C) the polarity of the molecule
D) high heat capacity
E) the ability to form ion connections
E) the ability to allocate energy when splitting


8) Install the correspondence between the characteristic of the energy exchange and its step: 1-glycoliz, 2-oxygen oxidation
A) occurs in anaerobic conditions
B) occurs in mitochondria
C) forming lactic acid
D) pyruvic acid is formed
E) 36 ATP molecules are synthesized


A1 B2 B1 G1 d2

9. As a result of the reactions of the matrix type, molecules are synthesized
A) polysaccharides
C) monosaccharide
E) lipid
E) protein


9a. Install the correspondence between the carbohydrate characteristic and its group: 1-monosaccharide, 2-polysaccharide
A) is a biopolymer
B) possesses hydrophobicity
C) exhibits hydrophilicity
D) serves as a spare nutrient In animal cells
E) formed as a result of photosynthesis
E) oxidizes in Glycolize


A2 B2 B1 G2 D1 E1

10. What is the value of photosynthesis in nature?
A) Provides organisms with organic substances
B) enriches the soil with minerals
C) provides organisms with oxygen
D) enriches the atmosphere of water vapor
E) provides all living on Earth energy
E) enriches the atmosphere of molecular nitrogen


11. What is the DNA molecule differs from the INK molecule?
A) capable of self-esteem
B) can't self-esteem
C) participates in the reactions of the matrix type
D) can not serve as a matrix for the synthesis of other molecules
E) consists of two polynucleotide threads swirling in a spiral
E) is an integral part of chromosomes


12. What substances relate to biopolymers?
A) Stachmal
B) glycerin
C) glucose
D) proteins
E) fructose


13. Install the sequence of starch stages of starch molecules during the energy exchange
A) the formation of PVC molecules (peer-grade acid)
B) splitting of starch molecules to disaccharides
C) carbon dioxide and water formation
D) formation of glucose molecules


14. Install the correspondence between the characteristic and the protein function, which it performs: 1-regulatory, 2-structural
A) is part of the centrium
B) forms ribosomes
C) is a hormone
D) forms cell membranes
E) changes the activity of genes


A2 B2 B1 G2 D1

15. The dark phase of photosynthesis is characterized
A) flowing processes on inner membranes of chloroplasts
B) glucose synthesis
C) fixing carbon dioxide
D) flowing processes in the stroma of chloroplasts
E) the presence of water photo olis
E) formation of ATP


16. What functions perform lipids in the body?
A) Energy
B) Motor
C) information
D) construction
E) Protective
E) transport


17. What is the plastic exchange different from the energy?
A) energy is intensified in ATP molecules
B) stored in ATP molecules energy is spent
C) organic substances are synthesized
D) the splitting of organic substances occurs
E) finite exchange products - carbon dioxide and water
E) As a result of the exchange reactions, proteins are formed


18. Install the correspondence between the feature of metabolism and a group of organisms for which it is characteristic: 1-car, 2-heterotrophs
A) selection of oxygen into the atmosphere
B) the use of energy enclosed in food, for the synthesis of ATP
C) the use of finished organic substances
D) synthesis of organic substances from inorganic
E) use carbon dioxide for nutrition


A1 B2 B2 G1 D1

19. Install the correspondence between the group of organisms and the transformation process of the substance that is characteristic of it: 1-photosynthesis, 2-chemosynthesis
A) Fern-like
B) Jamming
C) brown algae
D) cyanobacteria
E) green algae
E) nitrifying bacteria


A1 B2 B1 G1 D1 E2

20. What carbohydrates refer to monosaccharides?
A) Ribose
B) glucose
C) cellulose
D) fructose
D) Stachmal
E) glycogen


21. Set the correspondence between the autotrophic power characteristic and its type: 1- photosynthesis, 2- chemosynthesis
A) the energy of oxidation of inorganic substances is used
B) energy source - sunlight
C) is carried out in plant cells
D) occurs in cyanobacteria cells
E) Easy to the atmosphere oxygen
E) oxygen used for oxidation


A2 B1 B1 G1 D1 E2

22. What functions are performed in the cell of the carbohydrate and lipid molecule?
A) information
B) catalytic
C) construction
D) energy
D) stocking
E) Motor

Text version of the task:

B3. Install the correspondence between the features of metabolism and organisms for which these features are characteristic.
Features of metabolism
A) Using the energy of sunlight for the synthesis of ATP b) the use of energy enclosed in food for the synthesis of ATP
B) Using only finished organic substances d) organic substance synthesis from inorganic d) oxygen release during metabolism
A b b g d

Set the correct sequence of biological processes, phenomena, practical actions.
B4. Install the sequence of protein synthesis processes.
A) Finished IRNA heads for ribosomam
B) TRNA with amino acids consistently join the IRNN triplets in the Ribosome Functional Center
B) Under the action of a special enzyme, hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases of the adjacent DNA circuits are broken, the double helix spiral is spinled on this section.
D) on the basis of one of the chains of the reassembly DNA is built its copy - IRNA
E) ribosome enters the stop codon, the polypeptide chain is disconnected, the protein is ready
E) IRNA and Ribosoma are combined into a single complex G) between amino acids are formed by peptide ties, a polypeptide chain grows step by step.
1) Avtotrophy
2) heterotrophs