Breathing system. With the development of oxygen starvation resulting from a decrease in partial pressure of the PO2 in the inhaled air

Option 1
1. All Association chemical reactions in the cell called
1) photosynthesis 3) fermentation
2) chemosynthesis 4) metabolism
2. Photosynthesis, in contrast to the protein biosynthesis, occurs in cells
1) any body
2) containing chloroplasts
3) containing lysosomes
4) containing mitochondria
3. The value of the energy exchange in cellular metabolism is that it provides
synthesis reactions
1) ATP molecules
2) organic substances
3) Enzymes
4) minerals
4. As a result of the oxygen phase of the energy exchange in cells, molecules are synthesized
1) Belkov
2) glucose
3) ATP, CO2, H2O
4) Enzymes
5. All living organisms in the process of vital activity use energy that is intensified in
organic substances created from inorganic
1) Animals
2) Mushrooms
3) plants
4) viruses
6. In the process of photosynthesis of plants
1) provide themselves with organic substances
2) oxidize complex organic substances to simpler
3) absorb mineral substances roots from the soil
4) spending energy of organic substances
7. The transition of electrons to a higher energy level occurs in the light phase
photosynthesis in molecules
1) Chlorophyll
2) water
3) carbon dioxide
4) glucose
8. Features of metabolism in plants compared with animals are that in their cells
1) Chemosynthesis
2) Energy Exchange
3) photosynthesis
4) protein biosynthesis
9. The reactions of the protein biosynthesis, in which the sequence of triplets in the IRNA provides
the sequence of amino acids in protein molecules are called
1) hydrolytic.
2) matrix
3) enzymatic
4) oxidative
10. The glucose cleavage in the cell on an oxygen-free stage of energy exchange occurs in
1) Lizosomah
2) cytoplasm
3) EPS.

4) Mitochondria
3) Genome
4) Genotype
11. What organic substances are chromosome?
1) protein and DNA
2) ATP and TRNA
3) ATP and glucose
4) RNA and lipids
12. Three nearby nucleotides in a DNA molecule encoding one amino acid,
1) Triplnta
2) genetic code
13. The protein consists of 50 amino acid residues. How many nucleotides in the gene (one chain), which
encoded the primary structure of this protein?
1) 50 2) 100 3) 150 4) 250
14. Functional Unit of Genetic Code
1) nucleotide
2) Triplet
3) amino acid
15. Antiquodone AAU on TRNA corresponds to the DNA triplet
1) TTA 2) AAT 3) AAA 4) TTT
Part B.
IN 1. Choose three faithful responses.
What processes cause the energy of sunlight in a sheet?
A) the formation of oxygen molecules as a result of water decomposition;
B) the oxidation of pyrovinoic acid to carbon dioxide and water;
C) synthesis of ATP molecules;
D) splitting biopolymers to monomers;
E) glucose cleavage to pyruogradic acid;
(E) The formation of hydrogen atoms due to the exclusion of electrons from the water molecule chlorophyll.
B2. Install the correspondence between the processes characteristic of photosynthesis and energy
exchange, and types of metabolism.
Processes: Types of exchange:
1) the absorption of light; A) energy exchange
2) oxidation of pyruvic acid; B) photosynthesis
3) allocation of carbon dioxide and water;
4) Synthesis of ATP molecules due to chemical energy;
5) Synthesis of ATP molecules due to light energy;
6) Synthesis of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water.
IN 3. Install the sequence of protein biosynthesis processes in the cell:
A) Synthesis of IRNA on DNA;
B) the attachment of amino acids to TRNA;
C) delivery of amino acids to the ribosome;
D) movement of IRNK from the kernel to the ribosome;
E) ribosoma to INKA;
E) the addition of two TRNA molecules with amino acid to INNA;
G) the interaction of amino acids attached to the IRNA, the formation of peptide communications.
Part S.
C1. Give a brief free answer (12 sentences).
What is the role of DNA in protein biosynthesis?
C2. Give a full detailed answer.
What processes occur at the preparatory stage of the energy exchange?

C3. Solve the task:
The DNA coding circuit fragment has a nucleotide sequence:
... GTG - TAT - GGA - AGT ...
Determine the nucleotide sequence on IRNA, anti-cycodones corresponding TRNA and
amino acids in a fragment of a protein molecule using a genetic code table.
The topic "The exchange of substances and the conversion of energy"
Option 2.
Part of the tasks with a choice of one answer.
1. The metabolism between cells and the environment is adjustable
1) plasma membrane
2) EPS
3) nuclear sheath
4) cytoplasm
2. Chlorophyll in chloroplasts of plant cells
1) communicates between organides
2) speeds up the reaction of the energy exchange
3) absorbs the energy of light in the process of photosynthesis
4) carries out oxidation of organic substances in the process of dissimulation
3. Lipids are oxidized as a result of the process.
1) Energy Exchange
2) plastic exchange
3) Photosynthesis
4) Chemosynthesis
4. When splitting one glucose molecule, two ATP molecules are synthesized at the stage
1) Preparatory
2) Glycoliza
3) oxygen
4) upon admission of substances in the cell
5. A set of reactions of synthesis of organic substances from inorganic using energy
sunlight is called
1) Chemosynthesis
2) photosynthesis
3) fermentation
4) Glikoliz.
6. Finite products preparatory stage Energy exchange
1) carbon dioxide and water
2) glucose, amino acids, glycerin, fatty acids
3) proteins, fats
7. Electrons of the chlorophyll molecule rise to a higher energy level under
exposure to light energy in the process
1) Phagocytosis
2) protein synthesis
3) Photosynthesis
4) Chemosynthesis
8. Carbon dioxide is used as a carbon source in the process.
1) Lipid synthesis
2) nucleic acid synthesis
3) Photosynthesis
4) protein synthesis
9. Photosynthesis, in contrast to the protein biosynthesis, occurs in
1) any cell cells
2) cells containing chloroplasts
3) cells containing lysosomes

4) cells containing mitochondria
10. Vegetable cell, like an animal, gets energy in the process.
1) oxidation of organic substances
2) protein biosynthesis
3) lipid synthesis
4) nucleic acid synthesis
3) Belok.
4) there is no right answer
3) ATP.
4) inorganic substances
11. The chromosoma is not included
1) DNA
2) ATP
12. In the process of plastic exchange in cells, the synthesis of molecules occurs
1) Belkov
2) water
13. What sequence correctly reflects the path of implementing genetic information:
1) gene - IRNA - protein - a feature feature
2) Sign - Protein - IRNA - DNA gene
3) IRNK - gene - protein - feature property
4) gene - a feature property
14. Genetic code determines the principle of recording information about
1) Sequences of amino acids in the protein molecule
2) Transport IRNK in a cage
3) the location of glucose in the starch molecule
4) the number of Ribosomes on EPS
15. Antiquodone UGTs on TRNA corresponds to a triplet on DNA
1) THC 2) AGTS 3) TCG 4) ACG
Part B.
B1: Select three correct answers.
The dark phase of photosynthesis occurs:
A) photoliz of water;
B) restoration of carbon dioxide to glucose;
C) synthesis of ATP molecules due to the energy of the Sun;
D) a hydrogen compound with Nadf + carrier;
E) use of the energy of ATP molecules on the synthesis of carbohydrates;
(E) The formation of glucose starch molecules.
B2: Install the correspondence between the stages of the energy exchange and the characteristics of them
Stages of Energy Exchange: a) oxless
B) oxygen
Features of the proceeding process:
1) the starting material involved in the process, glucose;
2) the starting material involved in the process, three-carbon organic acid;
3) finite process products - three-carbon organic acid, water, ATP;
4) finite process products - carbon dioxide, water, ATP;
5) two ATP molecules per molecule of glucose is formed;
6) 36 ATP molecules per molecule of glucose are formed.
B3: Install the photo sequence of photosynthesis processes:
A) the excitation of chlorophyll;
B) glucose synthesis;
C) electron compound with NADF + and H +;
D) fixation of carbon dioxide;

E) photo gallery.
Part S.
C1. Task with a brief free answer (one two sentences).
What is the role of TRNA in the process of protein biosynthesis?
C2. Task with a complete deployed answer.
What structures and substances take part in dark photosynthesis reactions?
C3. Solve the task:
DNA coding circuit fragment has a nucleotide sequence
... Tsguatgagta ... Determine the sequence of nucleotides on IRNA, anticodones,
relevant TRNA and amino acids in a squirrel molecule fragment using a table
genetic code.
Answers on the topic "Exchange of substances and turning energy"
Option 1
Part A.
Part B.
B1: and in e
B3: A g d b in e
Part S.
C1: The role of DNA in the biosynthesis of protein is that information about the primary structure is encoded in DNA
protein, that is, about the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain (2 points)
C2: Sophisticated food organic substances under the action of enzymes decompose in cells
digestive tract to simpler: proteins - to amino acids, complex carbohydrates - up to
glucose, fats - fatty acids and glycerin, nucleic acids - To nucleotides. Wherein
energy stands out very little and it is all dissipated in the form of heat (3 points)
C3: DNA: ... gt gtath g ha weight ...
And -RNA: ... Tsantauzza Utsa ...
anticodones TRNA: Goog, Uau, GGA, AGU
amino acids: GIS - Ile - Pro - Ser (3 points)
Option 2.
Part A.
Part B.
B1: B D E
B3: a d in g b
Part S.

C1: The role of TRNA in the biosynthesis of the protein is that TRNA attachs amino acids on the principle
complementarity and transfers to the site of protein synthesis, that is, to ribosomams (2 points)
C2: The dark reactions of photosynthesis occur in the stroma of chloroplasts. This is a fixation reaction
carbon, that is, from carbon dioxide as a result of complex enzyme reactions is formed
glucose and then starch. The ATP energy and hydrogen atoms formed in these reactions are spent on these reactions.
light phase.
C3: DNA: ... TsG - AAT - TGA - GTA ...
IRNA: ... GHz Uua-Atsu -etau ...
Amino acids: Gly - Lei - Tre - Gis
Criteria for evaluation:
Part A 1Bull for the answer, total 15 points
Part 2 points for the answer, total 6 points
Part with C1 - 1 point, C2 - 3 points, C3 - 3 points
TOTAL 28 points
"5" 24 - 28 points "4" 19 - 23 points "3" 14 - 18 points

Organisms that can only live in an oxygen-containing medium called aerobami (from Greek. Aer - Air and BIOS - Life). Three stages of energy metabolism pass in their cells, and ATP is synthesized mainly at the oxygen stage. Organic substances in aerobom cells are oxidized with oxygen to finite respiratory products - CO 2 and H 2 O, which are allocated to the environment. Man, all plants, almost all animals, most mushrooms and bacteria - aerobes.
Glycoliz is occurring in cells and aerobones, and anaerobov. Next, in the cells of the airbags of PVC, the third stage of the energy exchange is coming over the third stage - oxygen, named as for the participation of oxygen in the oxidation of organic substances.

* Oxygen stage is accompanied by the release of energy. Thus, with a splitting of one gram molecule, 635,000 feces are released. If all the energy was released immediately, the cell would have died from overheating. This does not occur, because the energy is released in phasten, in small portions, during consecutive enzymatic reactions.

The reactions of the oxygen stage can be divided into three groups:

  1. PVC molecules as a result of numerous reactions involving enzymes are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. At the same time, hydrogen atoms are removed from the PVC molecule, which are transmitted above + to form N. The reduced molecule over H gives the hydrogen atoms into the breathing circuit and turns into over + again.
  2. Hydrogen atoms in the respiratory chain give electrons and are oxidized to H +. The respiratory chain consists of a complex of a variety of proteins built into the inner membrane of mitochondria. Moving from one protein to another, the electrons enter the redox reactions and at the same time give energy to the synthesis of ATF molecules from ADF and phosphoric acid (f). As a result of the oxygen stage, 36 ATP molecules are formed during the oxidation of the two molecules of PVC.
  3. At the end of the respiratory chain, electrons are connected to molecular oxygen and two protons of H +, the water molecule is formed into the result of the CC8 E.

Thus, the energy exempted during hydrogen oxidation is used to synthesize ATF from ADP. As a result of the energy exchange in the splitting of one glucose molecule, 38 ATP molecules is synthesized in a cell and, thus, about 55% of the released energy is saved. The remaining 45% released when the energy splitting is dissipated in the form of heat (efficiency of steam engines is only 12-15%).

* What is the role of oxygen in the energy exchange? After the restoration of the above + - substance-carrier of hydrogen atoms - up to the above H, it is no longer able to connect more with hydrogen. At the same time, the content of HAD + in the cell is small. If there were no permanent oxidation over H, the reaction could be suspended. Thus, oxygen is necessary as an electron acceptor for oxidation over N up +.

Judicial Medicine and Psychiatry: Cheat Sheet Author Unknown

18. Oxygen starvation

18. Oxygen starvation

In forensic practice, much attention is paid to the diagnosis and study of health disorder, as well as death and changes that arise as a result of oxygen starvation. Oxygen starvation (hypoxia) is a consequence of insufficient admission to the body or insufficient use of oxygen tissues. There are the following types of hypoxia due to the reasons that cause oxygen deficiency.

Respiratory hypoxiait occurs due to insufficient blood saturation with oxygen in the lungs and, therefore, insufficient oxygen voltage in arterial blood. It is due to: a decrease in the content of oxygen in inhaled air, the disorder of the regulation of respiration, lesion of the pulmonary fabric (for example, with inflammatory processes in the lungs and other pathological processes).

Constant hypoxiadue to the slowdown in blood current or the failure of the inflow of it to individual organs. It is observed in circulatory disorders, chronic heart failure, as well as with shock. With normal blood saturation with oxygen, the total volume of oxygen coming to the tissues per unit of time decreases due to the causes that cause oxygen insufficiency.

Anemic hypoxiadue to the insufficient amount of hemoglobin in the blood, as a result of which the total amount of oxygen is reduced. With this form of hypoxia, the oxygen capacity of blood is lowered due to a decrease in hemoglobin (eg.

with acute and chronic anemies, changing the condition of blood as a result of the effects of blood poisons).

Fabric hypoxiait occurs when the tissue ability to use oxygen delivered to them is reduced. So, with poisoning with cyanides, the oxidative capacity of tissues is lowered.

From the book Dialogue with readers Author Lazarev Sergey Nikolaevich

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Goltis and long starvation One of the most famous Goltis records is a 54-day starvation. The medicine believes that a person without food can live no more than a month. But Goltis overcame the death line. All the experience of starvation showed an amazing result. Until 17 days

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Oxygen starvation If you believe Nielsen's rating, 5? 019? 000 people saw how I got crazy. This happened on June 7, 2004 on the broadcasting of the GOOD MORNING AMERICA. I had my favorite black tie with silver stripes and a thick layer of makeup. At the request of the bosses, I replaced

The synthesis of ATP occurs in the cytoplasm, mainly in mitochondria, so they got the name of "power stations" of cells.

In human cells, many animals and some microorganisms, the main energy supplier for the synthesis of ATP is glucose. Glucose cleavage in the cell, as a result of which occurs synthesis ATF., carried out in the two steps in each other. The first stage is called glikoliz or Besedless cleavage . The second stage is called oxygen splitting .


To illustrate (not for memorization), we give its final equation:

It can be seen from the equation that in the process of glycolysis oxygen does not participate (therefore, this stage is called oxygenous splitting). At the same time, the mandatory participant of glycolysis is ADP and phosphoric acid. Both of these substances are always available, as they are constantly formed as a result of the vital cells of the cell. In the process of glycolysis, glucose molecules are split and 2 ATP molecules are synthesized.

The final equation does not give the idea of \u200b\u200bthe process mechanism. Glycoliz is a complex process, multistage. It is a complex (or, it is better to say, the conveyor) next to several other reactions. Each reaction catalyzes a special enzyme. As a result of each reaction, there is a small change in the substance, and as a result, the change is significantly: 2 3-carbon organic acid molecules are formed from molecules of 6-carbon glucose. As a result of each reaction, a small amount of energy is exempt, and in the amount it turns out an impressive value - 200 kJ / mol. Part of this energy (60%) is dissipated in the form of heat, and part (40%) is saved in the form of ATP.

The process of glycolysis occurs in all animal cells and in cells of some microorganisms. Famous fermentation-known fermentation (with milk skiing, the formation of prostrochashi, sour cream, kefir) is caused by lactic acid fungi and bacteria. The mechanism of this process is identical to Glycolize.

Oxygen splitting

After the completion of glycolysis should be the second stage - oxygen splitting.

In the oxygen process, enzymes, water, oxidizing agents, electron carriers and molecular oxygen are involved. The underlying condition of the normal flow of the oxygen process is intact mitochondrial membranes.

The final product of glycolysis is a three-carbon organic acid - penetrates mitochondria, where under the influence of enzymes react with water and completely collapsed:

C 3 H 6 O 3 + 3N 2 O → SSO 2 + 12N

The resulting carbon oxide (IV) fluidally passes through the mitochondria membrane and is removed to the environment. The hydrogen atoms are transferred to the membrane, where under the influence of enzymes are oxidized, i.e., electrons lose:

H 0 - ē → H +

Electrons and hydrogen cations H + (protons) are picked up by carrier molecules and are transferred to opposite sides: electrons on the inner side of the membrane, where they are connected to oxygen (molecular oxygen continuously enters mitochondria from ambient):

O 2 + ē → O 2 -

H + cations are transported to the outdoor side of the membrane. As a result, inside mitochondria increases the concentration of anions O 2 -, i.e., particles carrying a negative charge. On the membrane outside the positively charged particles (H +) accumulate, as the membrane for them is impenetrable. So, the membrane outside charges positively, and from the inside - negatively. As the concentration of oppositely charged particles increase on both sides of the membrane between them, the potential difference is growing - Figure 80.

Figure 80. Scheme of ATP synthesis in mitochondria.

It has been established that in some areas of the membrane, the enzyme molecules synthesizing ATP are built into it. In the enzyme molecule, there is a channel through which the H + cations may pass. This happens, however, in the event that the potential difference on the membrane reaches a certain critical level of order (200 mV). Upon reaching this value, the power of the electric field is positively charged particles pushed through the channel in the enzyme molecule, go to the inner side of the membrane and, interacting with oxygen, form water:

4N + + 2O 2 - → 2N 2 O + O 2

During the passage of electrons from hydrogen atoms (H) to oxygen (o 2) and n + cations through the channel of the synthesizing ATF enzyme, significant energy is released, 45% of which is dissipated in the form of heat, and 55% is saved, i.e., transformed into energy chemical ties ATP.

The final equation reflects the quantitative side of the ATP synthesis as a result of oxygen cleavage of 2 organic acid molecules.

2C 3N 6 O 3 + 6О 2 + 36ADF + Z6N 3 PO 4 → 36Anatf + 6 o 2 + 42n 2

Having lifting this equation with the glycolysis equation, we obtain:

C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 + 38ADF + Z8N 3 PO 4 → 38Andf + 6So 2 + 44N 2

This equation shows the amount of synthesized ATP as a result of complete, i.e. oxygen and oxygen, cleavage of the glucose molecule.

The material of this paragraph allows you to draw the following conclusions:

1. ATP synthesis in an infectious process does not need membranes. If there are all glycolysis enzymes and the necessary substrates, i.e. glucose, ADP and phosphoric acid, the synthesis of ATP goes and in the tube. In the case of an oxygen process, a necessary condition for its implementation is the presence of a membrane capable of separating oppositely charged particles, resulting in a potential difference.

2. Splitting in the cell 1 glucose molecule to carbon oxide (IV) and water provides synthesis 38 ATP molecules. Of these, 2 molecules are synthesized into an oxygen-free stage, and in oxygen - 36. The oxygen process is thus almost 20 times more efficient than oxygenous.

4. The splitting of organic substances occurring in the cell is often compared with the combustion: in both cases, oxygen absorption and the separation of oxidation products - carbon oxide (IV) and water occurs. However, when combing organic matter, all the released energy passes into heat, during the oxidation of glucose in the cell in the heat, about 45% of the released energy passes, and 55% is saved in the form of ATP.

Products resulting from glycolysis contain a large supply of chemical, energy that can be released and used by the body with full oxidation of the anaerobic phase products. This can only be carried out by aerobic organisms, which glycoliziz is the first, stage of energy transformations.

Stage oxygen splittinglike glycoliz is a sequence of enzymatic reactions, but cages concentrated in specialized energy organelles - Mitochondria.Breathing is a highly ordered, cascade and economical process of release of chemical energy and transforming it into the energy of macroeergic ties of ATP.

The main part of what is happening: in the cell's cell - chemical, mechanical, energy or osmotic - is performed due to the free energy supplied in the available form of oxidation reactions - the reduction forming in the aggregate cyclic process of conversion of organic acids - creps cycle,the beginning of which is given the end products of the anaerobic stage of breathing. The dominant role in the reactions of stepped oxidation of the initial products is played with 4 - and C 6-organic acids - citric acids close to it and tricarboxylic acids. The essence of transformations consists in a step of decarboxylation and dehydrogenation of peyrograde acid - the product of an anaerobic stage of respiration occurring in three stages.

The first stage. Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate with the participation of coenzyme A (CoA) - compounds of high catalytic activity, derived adenine, and oxidized shape over +

As a result of this reaction, an active Adeyl-CoA is formed, containing a high-energy thioether bond, the hydrolysis of which provides the energy of the initial reaction of the second stage, the first Molecule CO 2 is cleaved over and is restored over.

Second stage. The formed acetyl-economy is connected to the four-carbon acceptor molecule - oxalio-acetic acid - with the formation of a hexagonal compound - citric acid, starting the reaction cycle (Krebs cycle) carried out in mitochondrial matrix. As a result of further reactions, subsequent decarboxylation occur at the stage of oxhelevo-amber and ketoglutaric acids, the reduction of electrons, cleaved over and phased from the substrates of the cycle, and the regeneration of oxalia-acetic acid. Circle closure occurs. The pyruvate molecule has turned into three molecules of CO 2 and 5 pairs of hydrogen ions and electrons restoring the coenses were formed (rice, 68).

It is important to note that at one of the stages of the cycle (before the formation of succinic acid), an active succinyl-coem is formed, the conversion of which in succinic acid is accompanied by the release of energies sufficient to form a macroeergic communication ATP. This type of ATP formation is called substrate phosphorylation.

Third stage. The oxidation of the substrates in the Krebs cycle is accompanied by simultaneous restoration of OPD and FAD. For regeneration (oxidation) of these restored coecments in order to participate in new transformations of the substrate, oxygen needs. It is absorbed by the cage and comes in mitochondria. In the further series of reactions, the rich in energy reduced over and the phased transmit their electrons into the electron-transport chain, which represents a multimenza complex located on the inner surface of mitochondrial membranes.

The driving force in the respiratory chain is the difference between the redox potentials of its components. At the beginning of the chain is located over which has the greatest negative magnitude of the redox potential (-0.3), and at the end of the chain is oxygen (+0.82 V). The remaining carriers are located in order of consistent increase in the potential, which creates a conveyor of the transport of electrons and protons. At each of the stages of transfer, the electrons fall into an increasingly low energy level until the oxygen is renovated as a result of this water. The role of the necessary oxygen necessary for the living organisms is precisely in to attach electrons discharged during the transformations of the respiratory substrates.

The multi-sized electron transfer circuit (respiratory chain) performs a stepped oxidation of the substrates by separating the protons and transfer of electrons by the respiratory chain to the oxygen molecule on the final portion. The breathing circuit resembles a cascade device supplying a cell free energy convenient for it. In the process of such cascading movement of the electron along the carrier chains at three stages (Fig. 69), there is a conversion of oxidation energy into an ATP energy from ADF and inorganic phosphate. The process is carried out oxidative phosphoryliraeania.

Energy balance of the respiratory process. The respiratory process is a complex multi-step process, which is started

the reaction of the anaerobic splitting of the respiratory material to the simpler, but rich in the energy of the type of peeling acid (glycolysis), and the respiration itself is the reaction of biological oxidation with the participation of air oxygen. Each pyruvate molecule formed as a result of glycolithic splitting and used for further oxidation gives six pairs of electrons. In this case, the pair of electrons after passing the block of respiratory reactions, including the electron-transport chain, gives the beginning of three ATP molecules.

The sequence of ATP reactions and processes:

1. On the glycolytic stage, the glucose molecule gives 2 ATP molecules. At the same time, the oxidation of phosphoglycerol aldehyde to phosphoglycerolic acid gives 2 molecules of the reduced coenzyme over N, which, with subsequent passage through the breathing circuit, 6 ATP molecules are formed (3 per molecule over H)

2 + 6 ATP molecules.

II.. 1. In the aerobic respiration phase, 4 molecules above N. are formed to CO 2 in the oxidation of the pyruvate. With their oxidation in the respiratory chain, 12 moles ATPs are formed in the respiratory chain.

12 ATP molecules.

2. In the Krebs cycle, the restoration of 1 FAD molecule ∙ H, the energy equivalent of which is 2 ATP molecules

2 ATP molecules.

3. When the ketoglutaric acid oxidation is oxidically, the substrate phosphorylation occurs, the energy of which is equivalent to the formation of 1 praying ATP.

1 ATP molecule.

In total, the aerobic phase of oxidation 1 of the pyruvate molecule is formed

15 ATP molecules.

Due to the fact that two molecules of pyruvate are formed from glucose molecules during glycolysis, the amount of ATP after oxidation is

30 ATP molecules.

By adding 12 ATP molecules anaerobic phase and 6 ATF molecules from oxidation over ∙ H Glycolithic stage, +6 get

38 ATP molecules.

In 38 ATP chairs, 1162.8 kJ are accumulated. The energy container of the glucose molecule is 2824 kJ. Hence the efficiency of the process of using glucose in breathing is more than 40 %.

- A source-

Bogdanova, T.L. Biology Reference / T.L. Bogdanova [and D.R.]. - K.: Nukova Dumka, 1985.- 585 p.

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