Which of the listed types of transport. Types of transport

Currently, the following types of transport are used for the transportation of goods, depending on the type of natural environment in which the process of movement is carried out: land (road, rail), water (sea, river), air (air transport), pipeline (depending on the location of the pipes may refer to any of the listed modes of transport).

The types of transport mechanisms used are divided into vehicles that move with the load, and transport devices that do not themselves move in space, but provide the spatial movement of the load.

There are many classifications of modes of transport, depending on the selected classification criterion. The most common are the following classifications.

Depending on the environment in which the transportation process is carried out, the following types of transport are distinguished:

water transport is a transport designed to move in the aquatic environment.

In turn, water transport is subdivided into:

surface and underwater;

sea ​​and river;

ground - this is a vehicle designed to move on the earth's surface.

This type of transport is subdivided, depending on the vehicles used, into:




air is a vehicle designed to move in the air (above the ground, but in the earth's atmosphere);

space is a vehicle designed to travel in space (above the earth, but outside the earth's atmosphere).

Depending on the range of consumers of transport services, transport is divided into:

mainline, or public transport, is a transport that serves any market participant (the circle of consumers is not limited by anything);

departmental (industrial, non-public) is a transport that serves the carriage of goods only for some part of the market participants or even only for an individual market participant.

Depending on the time of use, transport is:

year-round (all-season) - this is a transport that ensures the transportation of goods to market participants all year round;

seasonal (off-season) is a transport that works only a few months a year, as long as natural conditions permit. For example, in our country, water transport often does not function in the winter season, as rivers and seas freeze over.

universal - this is a vehicle designed for the transportation of potentially any type of cargo;

special - this is a vehicle designed for the carriage of only a certain type of cargo. Of these types of transport, this group mainly includes pipeline transport. However, in each type of transport there is always one or another specialization of vehicles according to the types of products transported. Transport specialization is an important way to reduce transport costs.

Depending on the form of ownership, transport can be:

state-owned - this is a transport that belongs to the state;

private - this is transport that belongs to individuals (organizations or the population).

Depending on what kind of transportations are served, the transport differs:

national (domestic) is a transport that serves the transportation of goods within a given country;

international (external) is a transport that serves the transportation of goods between countries.

A market participant, as a rule, needs to move his cargo safe and sound to the required place at a certain distance and for some time. Usually he can do this by using different types of transport, and therefore he is always faced with the task of choosing one or another mode of transport with which he can deliver his cargo. This problem is solved taking into account the various characteristics that the movement of cargo by one or another mode of transport possesses, and the criterion, ultimately, is to minimize transport costs and (or) maximize the profit of a given market participant.

Each type of transport (in this context - freight) has a number of comparative advantages (relative advantages) and comparative disadvantages (relatively negative features) at once.

The comparative market essence of the mode of transport is best shown by the unity of its main advantage and the main disadvantage for transport:

automotive - agility versus cost;

railway - scale versus non-maneuverability;

water - cheapness versus durability;

air (air) - speed versus cost;

pipeline - scale and cheapness versus cargo constraints.

Each mode of transport, ultimately, is used by market participants when its advantages for a particular carriage of goods outweigh its relative disadvantages to a greater extent than is the case with the use of other modes of transport.

Since usually the carriage of goods can be carried out by a variety of modes of transport, the market participant always has a choice as to what mode of transport and on what conditions he can carry out the process of carriage of goods.

The main feature of road transport is maneuverability. This type of transport has an undeniable advantage - it allows you to deliver the goods directly to the buyer's warehouse. All other types of transport can do this only on condition that the consignee has a delivery point specially equipped for a particular type of transport, for example, its own seaport, railway junction, airport. Since in most cases a market participant does not have such delivery points, he has to use road transport to deliver the goods from the point of unloading by rail, water, air transport to their own acceptance warehouse.

Features of railway transport: this type of transport is also a land mode of transport, and therefore, like road transport, it is able to provide the necessary all-weather transportation and safety of goods more than water or air transport, to the extent that it depends on the environment of transportation of goods ... Unlike road transport, rail transport is designed by design for the transportation of large consignments of goods (ore, coal, metal, etc.) over long distances. Hence, the main distinguishing feature of railway transport is its scale.

Technically, such a scale is ensured, first of all, by the fact that the vehicles used in railway transport (wagons, etc.) allow transporting large loads (by weight, dimensions). High carrying capacity is the most important technical advantage of railway transport in comparison with road transport.

Obviously, rail transport plays an important role precisely in countries large in terms of their territory, such as our country, where long distances generally exist. In small states, this type of transport usually takes a secondary place and is much inferior to the use of road transport. However, in international transportation, its role is growing significantly.

The ability to deliver large consignments over long distances means that the cost of transporting them by rail is significantly lower than by road. Therefore, the scale of railway transportation gives rise to the main market feature of this transport - its relative cheapness.

Due to its technical features, railway transport does not have the same maneuverability as road transport, that is, it cannot deliver cargo directly to its consumer.

Unlike road transport, rail transport is capital-intensive - all the costs of building railways and stations in the form of depreciation deductions are directly reflected in transport tariffs. However, the scale of transportation allows these tariffs to be set at a much lower level than in road transport.

Features of water (river, sea) transport: for a large country, especially such as Russia, water transport is usually identified with river transport and is mainly an internal mode of transport, and sea transport is called water transport serving transportation by sea. In our country, sea transport is both an internal type of water transport and an external one, serving international cargo transportation. For comparison, in many European countries, the only type of water transport is river transport, which simultaneously serves both domestic and international transportation of goods from such countries. The main market distinguishing feature of water transport is its low cost. Water transport is the cheapest form of transport compared to land or air transport.

The use of water transport is potentially possible if the consignor and the consignee can be connected with each other by means of water transport, that is, if there is a river or sea routes connecting them. If both market participants are located on the same land space, the process of moving between them by water transport is usually impossible at all. Or, only part of the distance, the cargo moves through the water, and the other part - by other means of transport;

Air transport has two main interrelated features that significantly distinguish it from other modes of transport:

speed is the main advantage of air transport. With the help of aviation, cargo can be delivered in the shortest possible time to almost anywhere in the world;

off-road - aviation (air) transport practically does not need any roads on the surface of the earth. The need for "roads" he has only in the form of the existence of airfields. If the off-road nature of water transport stems from the fact that its "roads" have already been created by nature itself, then the off-road nature of air transport stems from the fact that it does not need any roads at all - neither natural nor artificial, that is, created by the labor of man himself.

Despite the fact that air traffic does not need specially built roads for it, as is the case in land (road and rail) transport, a high speed of movement in the air is still achieved due to the huge consumption of energy (fuel) per unit of cargo , which leads to a sharp rise in the cost of transporting a unit of cargo per unit distance. As a result, air transport is the most expensive type of freight transport.

Features of pipeline transport: this type of transport is a specific type, which is based on the fact that the cargo itself is moving directly, and not its transport carrier. The corresponding physical process, usually created by pressure, moves the cargo in a special way, but this transport mechanism itself does not move spatially, but remains in the same place. Typically, this type of transport device includes, for example, belt conveyors, which are widely used in production processes or in warehouse activities, where the product moves over very limited distances. However, there is one type of transport as a transport device, used not only within some production processes, but also in order to deliver goods to the consumer over long distances. This is pipeline transport. Pipeline transport is a device for moving a certain kind of goods (liquids, gases, etc.), consisting of pipes through which these goods move under pressure created by the appropriate equipment (pumps, etc.). We can say that pipeline transport is a transport device that is designed to move goods over very long distances, that is, to deliver goods from the place of their production (extraction) to the places of their consumption.

The market essence of pipeline transport can be summarized in the following opposite of features: cheapness and scale in exchange for the highest degree of cargo specialization.

Panova S.S., teacher of geography MBOU Lezhnevskaya secondary school №11

Annotation of the lesson.

Topic: “Transport of Russia. Types of transport"

The lesson is the first in the section "Infrastructure complex" of the course of geography of Russia, grade 9 "Population and economy". The lesson is closely related to the previous lessons, as it continues to form students' notions about the intersectoral complexes of Russia, their composition, geography, problems.

The teacher's task: to form students' understanding of the transport system, its main tasks, to acquaint with the modes of transport, their features and disadvantages. Pay attention to the impact of different modes of transport on human health and the environmental consequences of the impact of their work on the geographic envelopes. The lesson is accompanied by a presentation

The lesson is structured in the form of studying new material, searching for information about various types of transport and solving problematic questions posed to students.

A feature of this lesson is the combination of modern pedagogical technologies on the example of ICT using a computer presentation (made in PowerPoint) and a project method (during the lesson, the result of work on the information project "Transport of the Ivanovo Region" is presented), as well as traditional methods of teaching a lesson: practicing practical skills and abilities to work with maps of the atlas, text containing the necessary information. In the course of the lesson, the teacher demonstrates presentation slides, which provide information with basic concepts on the topic of the lesson: the composition and tasks of the transport complex, types of transport, a definition of the concepts of "cargo turnover" and "passenger turnover" is given, etc.

Feedback in the lesson is expressed by the active work of students, the performance of actions that contribute to the development of memory, thinking, sensory spheres in the field of eye orientation. The class is divided into 4 groups, each group will study a separate mode of transport. During the lesson, it is supposed to use various tasks aimed at students with different types of information perception. The main emphasis is placed on the independent activity of students (work in groups to search for information, work on an individual information project).

Lesson summary “Transport of Russia. Types of transport".

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students with the peculiarities of the work of transport in Russia.

Lesson Objectives:

1. To determine the importance of transport for the work of the economy and the life of the population.

2. Study the composition of the transport complex.

3. To acquaint students with the concepts of "cargo turnover" and "passenger turnover".

4. To acquaint students with certain types of transport, their characteristics, meaning, level of development.

5. Analyze the geography of the leading modes of transport in Russia.

6. Consider the main problems facing the transport complex, economic, social, environmental.

7. To continue the formation of the children’s ability to work with various sources of geographic information.

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new material.

Educational and visual complex and equipment:

    1. Maps of Russia: economic, political and administrative; tables, diagrams, anthologies, reference books.

      Multimedia equipment (projector, interactive whiteboard, computer).


Verbal: story with elements of conversation; student speeches.

Visual: demonstration of maps, tables, diagrams, computer presentations.

Practical: compilation of syncwine, application of case technologies: work of students with various sources of information (diagram, diagram, map, reference literature), work with multilevel test tasks, work on an information project,

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

II ... Knowledge update.

Teacher's words : “Today's lesson I would like to start with the next assignment. Finish the phrase« The circulatory system of the economy, allowing to connect producers and consumers is - …………… (transport) "

Student activities:

Compilation of syncwine for the word "transport"

2 words - adjectives (important, fast)

3 words - verbs (transport, deliver, work)

Offer with the term "transport" (Transport deals with the carriage of goods and passengers)

Words associated with the first term (cargo, passenger, railway)

Many of the words that you named when composing the syncwine will often sound in today's lesson, the topic of which is "Transport complex".

Presentation “Transport of Russia. Types of transport"

(Slide number 1, number 2)

Teacher's words :

“This year we are working a lot with tests, preparing for the GIA. I offer you a few test questions on the topic of transport from the collection of preparation for the GIA. "

(Slide number 3)

“Tell me, can you now deal with these questions?

Those who, objectively assessing their knowledge, are right, say that they cannot answer all the questions correctly, because we are just starting to study the topic "Transport of Russia". I hope that at the end of the lesson you will be able to cope with these questions, but for this we need to get information about the transport complex. This will be the purpose of today's lesson. And in order to determine what kind of information about the transport complex we need, let's formulate the objectives of the lesson. I invite each group to formulate and write down on a sheet of paper a question or questions on the topic "Transport of Russia" that you would like to receive an answer to during today's lesson. Remember that the transport complex is not the first intersectoral complex that we are studying. Remembering the algorithm for studying the intersectoral complex, formulate the objectives of the lesson. "

Student activities:

Within 2 minutes, students formulate questions and write them down on a sheet of A4 format, while they use markers of different colors to

subsequently, the questions of each group, formulated and fixed on the magnetic board, could be easily identified. A representative of each group announces their task and attaches a sheet with the written task to the magnetic board.

III... Learning new material.

Slide number 4.

Teacher's words : "Movement is life. If people could not move, then it is unlikely that life would have any meaning at all. In our age of speeds, distances have decreased and continue to decrease thanks to the development of transport. In ancient times, in order to overcome the distance from the battlefield to his castle, a knight had to travel a long and dangerous journey on horseback. Now, having bought a plane ticket, in one day you can cover such a distance that a knight and his horse would have to spend several months, and maybe years.

Transport has undergone a long process of development and improvement - from the use of natural water communications (rivers, lakes) and elementary transport to the creation of transport arteries (railways and roads), which had a tremendous impact on the settlement of people around the globe. Scientific and technological progress had a strong impact on the work of transport. "

Slide number 5

“Without transport, economic development is impossible. Transport provides production links between industry and agriculture, the exchange of products between different regions of the country and its foreign trade. The development of new territories is preceded by the construction of transport routes. Without it, the life of modern cities is not possible. The defense significance of transport is great. Transport not only serves the economy, but also consumes a lot of electricity, fuel, metal and wood.

Transport is divided into land, water, air, electronic and pipeline. "

Slide number 6.

"Transport complex of Russiacarries outcommunication between individual industries and regions of the country and deals withtimely provision of the needs of the economy and the population in transportation

Features of the transport complex of Russia:

    does not manufacture products himself, but only participates in its creation

    sharp differences between the western and eastern parts of the country in terms of transport availability

    latitudinal direction for land transport and meridional direction of river routes ”.

Slide number 7.

“When choosing a transport, take into account the cost of transportation, its carrying capacity, delivery speed and local conditions. Sometimes it is advisable to combine several types of transport. "

Slide number 8.

“The work of transport can be judged by its cargo turnover, which is measured in ton-kilometers. Freight turnover is the amount of cargo transported for a certain period at a certain distance. "

Slide number 9

“When it comes to the carriage of passengers, a different term is used - passenger turnover. It is calculated taking into account the number of passengers transported over a certain distance. "

Slide number 10

“In places where several transport routes converge, transport hubs are formed. They carry out the transshipment of goods from one type of transport to another. The largest number of transport hubs are concentrated in Central Russia. The largest transport hub in Russia is Moscow. Once upon a time our village was at the crossroads of trade routes. It was not for nothing that it was called "a halt for travelers on seven roads." Land and water trade routes crossed here. After all, our Ukhtokhma used to be a navigable river ”.

Slide number 11

“Transport has a huge impact on the geography of the population and economy. Settlements gravitate towards transport routes. The movement of goods along transport routes is measured by their cost. The amount of transport costs in the total cost of production affects the location of enterprises. "

Slide number 12.

“Today we will take a closer look at road, rail, pipeline and electronic modes of transport. Each group will consider a specific mode of transport. "

Student activities.

For 7 minutes, each group works with its own "case", which contains a sheet - a task, statistical data on the type of transport, maps, diagrams. Each group has a “speaker”, he organizes the work of the group and reports on the results of the work, the “secretary” fixes the conclusions formulated during the work of the group, “time manager”, monitors compliance with the rules of work and performances of the group. Work of students in groups - 7 minutes.

Students work on collecting and summarizing information on various types of transport and present the results of the work (speakers' speech 3 min.) During the work of the groups and the speech of the “speakers”, the teacher makes corrections as needed.

After the speakers of each group spoke, the teacher addresses the class: “We learned many interesting features of road, rail, electronic and pipeline modes of transport. In the next lesson, we are going to get acquainted with water and air transport. Now let's pay attention to the development of transport in the Ivanovo region "

Project activities : two weeks before the lesson, students were asked to complete an information project on the topic "Transport of the Ivanovo region". The condition for the presentation of the project was the use of a multimedia presentation and compliance with the time limit for speeches - 5 minutes. The work on the project was chosen by one of the students of the class (individual project).

Students get acquainted with the results of the work of their classmate (presentation "Transport complex of the Ivanovo region")

Teacher's words :

“Now let's turn to those questions about the transport complex that you formulated at the beginning of the lesson. Did you receive an answer to your questions at the beginning of the lesson? To check this, let's turn to the test questions. "

Student activities:

Students receive test questions and work with them for 5 minutes.

After the work is completed, the teacher announces the correct answers, the students check themselves and evaluate the correctness of the work according to the criteria voiced by the teacher.

Teacher's words :

"During today's lesson, you answered the questions posed at the beginning of the lesson, successfully coped with the test tasks, which means that the goal of the lesson is completed."

Homework: paragraph 13 (based on the textbook by A.I. Alekseev).

Explore the map in the atlas "Transport of Russia"

Complete tasks on the "Transport of Russia" contour map

IV ... Summing up the lesson, reflection.

There are 5 main types of transport: road, rail, water, air and pipeline. The importance of each of them can be assessed by such indicators as the length of highways, the volume of traffic, profitability and the content of traffic flows (that is, according to the composition of the transported goods). Let's consider each of the modes of transport in more detail.

Automobile transport.

After World War II, the rapid development of road transport began. The main reasons for such a rapid rise in vehicles are its inherent flexibility of “from door to door” delivery and the high speed of intercity transportation.

The characteristics of freight vehicles best meet the transport needs of the processing industry and trade, when there is a need to transport expensive products over short distances. Almost all transportation between wholesalers and retail outlets is carried out by road. 26

From the point of view of technical and economic characteristics, the following advantages and disadvantages of vehicles can be distinguished:

The advantages of vehicles.

Possibility of cargo delivery “from door to door”;

Ensuring high safety of cargo;

High degree of vehicle mobility;

High speed of transportation;

Profitability when transporting goods over short and medium distances (200-800 km);

No need to accumulate cargo as a result of which dispatches become more rhythmic.

Disadvantages of vehicles:

Limited use over long distances;

Limited transportation of bulk consignments;

Dependence on the road network;

The cost of transport is quite high. 27

Railway transport.

Railways provide economical transportation of large cargoes, as well as offer a number of additional services, due to which they occupy an almost monopoly position in the transport services market.

The main share of freight turnover in rail transportation is the export of mineral raw materials from mining sources located far from waterways. But in addition to this, railways continue to turn to the specialization of rolling stock, due to which two-tier container platforms, multi-tier platforms for transporting cars, as well as articulated cars and special-purpose trains have appeared. This makes it possible to transport almost any cargo by rail. 28

From the point of view of technical and economic characteristics, the following advantages and disadvantages of railway transport can be distinguished:

The advantages of rail transport:

High efficiency of use for long-distance transportation;

Relative cheapness of transportation in comparison with road transport;

Possibility of delivery "from door to door" due to the construction of railway branches and access roads of enterprises;

High throughput and carrying capacity of transport;

Independence from the season, time of day and weather conditions;

Ability to transport bulk cargo in a short time.

Disadvantages of rail transport:

High costs of building railways;

High operating and maintenance costs for infrastructure and rolling stock. 29

Water transport.

This type of transport is used to transport very large loads or large consignments of goods. In water transport, the division into deep-water (sea) and shipping and inland (river) shipping is accepted.

Typical cargoes for transportation on river routes are ores, minerals, grain, cement and some other agricultural products. Deep sea shipping is also dominated by bulk cargo such as coal, grain and ores. Container transportation is carried out in large volumes by water transport. Containerization simplifies loading and unloading operations, which is the basis for expanding the possibilities of organizing multimodal transport due to more efficient transshipment of goods from one mode of transport to another. thirty

From the point of view of technical and economic characteristics, the following advantages and disadvantages of water transport can be distinguished:

Advantages of water transport:

Low cost of transportation compared to other modes of transport (especially over long distances);

Mobility. Depending on the demand and supply for tonnage, ships can easily switch from one route to another;

The large carrying capacity of ships provides the ability to transport significant consignments of cargo;

Unlimited carrying capacity of sea routes;

Irreplaceable water transport due to geographical features.

Disadvantages of water transport:

Port dependency;

Limited port bandwidth;

Dependence on climatic conditions. 31

Air Transport.

This type of transport is less in demand compared to the others due to the high cost of transportation. By air, it is possible to transport any cargo, mainly not on a regular basis, but in case of urgent need or inability to carry out transportation by another mode of transport. The main types of goods most frequently transported by air are high-value and perishable goods. When the period for selling goods is extremely limited, air transport is the most practical and profitable mode of transportation. 32

From the point of view of technical and economic characteristics, the following advantages and disadvantages of air transport can be distinguished:

The advantages of air transport:

High speed of delivery;

Straightening the way;

High level of safety of transported goods;

The possibility of using in areas where it is impossible to use other modes of transport.

Disadvantages of air transport:

The cost of transportation is too high

Limited carrying capacity;

Inability to transport a wide range of goods;

Dependence on climatic conditions and ground infrastructure. 33

Pipeline transport.

Pipelines are an essential part of the transportation system. Their main task is to transport crude oil and liquid petroleum products. In addition to oil, pipelines also transport natural gas and liquid chemicals. This type of transport has unique properties compared to all other types of transport. The pipelines operate around the clock with breaks only for the change of transported products and maintenance. 34 It should also be noted that human participation in transportation by this mode of transport is minimal, which significantly reduces variable costs.

From the point of view of technical and economic characteristics, the following advantages and disadvantages of pipeline transport can be distinguished:

Advantages of pipeline transport:

Low cost of transportation;

Tightness of pipes. Losses are practically excluded;

High automation of transportation;

Independence from the environment;

Continuity of transportation.

Disadvantages of pipeline transport:

Labor intensity of pipeline construction. It pays off only in the direction with a constant traffic flow;

Use in one direction only;

The volume of transportation is limited by the throughput;

If the field dries up, the pipeline becomes usually useless and unusable for other purposes. 35

Relative characteristics of modes of transport: 36



Auto transport

Water transport


Air Transport




Carrying capacity

Total score

Transport is a means of moving people, information and goods from one place to another. There are the following categories (types) of transport: general, non-public, personal. Public transport is designed to serve commerce and the public. Non-public - intradepartmental and intraindustrial. Personal - bicycles, cars, yachts, airplanes.

Depending on the nature of movement, the types of transport can be divided into the following: water, road, rail, air and horse-drawn.

Water transport

The most ancient type of movement is on water. For many centuries, it remained the most important for humanity. This was especially true of trade, research expeditions, wars.

Water transport plays an important role today. More than 60% of all cargo is transported in this way. This is beneficial due to its low cost and large capacity. However, many people prefer to move faster.

Automobile transport

This is the most common and, according to many experts, the most dangerous type of transport. It appeared relatively recently, at the end of the 19th century. Among the advantages are: speed, maneuverability, flexibility.

All types of cargo are transported with the help of trucks. At the same time, it is much more profitable to use road trains over long distances than rail transport. Especially in the case of transporting valuable goods. For example, for which the speed of delivery is very important.

Almost every inhabitant of the planet has personal cars. They are convenient both for daily travel (to work, shopping, etc.) and for long trips.

Buses are widely used as public road transport. They are used in cities and suburbs, as well as for intercity, international flights and tourist traffic.

In addition to buses, trolleybuses are used as urban public transport.

Railway transport

These types of transport appeared in the 19th century and quickly gained their place. Railroad tracks connect cities, industrial facilities, and so on. Such transportation has advantages: high carrying capacity, reliability. However, they are inferior in speed to road transport.

Suburban railways and subways continue to be of great importance.

Air Transport

This is the fastest and most expensive form of transport. Mainly passenger transportation is carried out through it. Less often, delivery of mail, valuable and perishable products is carried out. One of the main disadvantages of modern aircraft is the excessive noise they generate during takeoff.

Cartage transport

This type of transport was mastered by people in ancient times. These include riding animals, sleigh rides or carts. Horses, oxen, elephants, camels, llamas, dogs are used as draft power.

All of the above types of transport undergo various changes and improve over time. Getting into various life situations, a person begins to invent and invent. Many random inventions are subsequently used successfully.

Unusual modes of transport can be found today in different parts of the world. The most famous of them:

  1. Floating bus in Canada.
  2. Hanging train in Germany.
  3. Underground funicular Carmelite in Israel.
  4. Polar all-terrain vehicle in Canada.
  5. Ice boat in the USA.
  6. Water taxi in Thailand.
  7. Bamboo train in Cambodia.
  8. in USA.

Despite their uniqueness, they all successfully cope with the task. This gives reason to think that in the future, mankind is waiting for many more discoveries, including in the field of transportation.

The transport system of the Russian Federation is a set of vehicles and infrastructure operating on the territory of the country. The transport network of Russia is one of the most extensive in the world, it includes:

  • Railway lines of communication - 87 thousand km;
  • Hard surface roads - 984 thousand km;
  • Metro tracks - 0.514 thousand km;
  • Trolleybus lines - 5.3 thousand km;
  • Tram tracks - 2.5 thousand km;
  • Overhead lines - 600 thousand km;
  • River navigable routes - 115 thousand km;
  • Trunk oil and gas pipelines - 210 thousand km.

In 2014, the gross domestic product in the industry amounted to 70,975.8 billion rubles. According to the results of the last year, 544,207.6 million rubles were transferred to the federal budget in the form of taxes.

In 2014, all modes of transport in the Russian Federation transported 7,982 million tons of cargo. Compared to 2013, this indicator decreased by 3.4%. In general, the number of freight traffic in 2014 was the lowest in the last 4 years, largely due to the sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation and a decrease in trade turnover, both domestically and internationally.

The second important criterion for assessing the work of the transport system is cargo turnover. This indicator is the product of the total mass of the transported goods for any time period by the distance of transportation. Measured in tonne-kilometers. Example: The distance between ports "A" and "B" is 200 km. During the reporting period, cargo ships transported 2 million tons of cargo. Consequently, the turnover of goods on this section of the sea route amounted to 400 million ton-kilometers. At the end of 2014, the freight turnover of all types of transport amounted to 5,077 billion ton-kilometers. This is 7 billion tonne-kilometers less than last year.

As for the operation of passenger transport, in 2014 19.52 billion people were transported by all modes of transport. This indicator is the lowest in the last 5 years. Compared to 2013, the number of transported passengers decreased by 100 million. Interestingly, the lion's share of this amount is accounted for by tram transport - 78 million people.

But the passenger turnover indicator for 2014, on the contrary, is the highest in recent years. This parameter is calculated similarly to cargo turnover, but instead of tons of transported cargo, the unit of account is the number of passengers transported. The unit of measure is passenger-kilometer. In 2014, the total passenger turnover for all types of transport amounted to 554.6 billion passenger-kilometers.

At the end of 2014, 2,181,766 people worked in the transport industry in Russia. Most of those employed in this area are in the Central and Volga Federal Districts - 516 thousand and 367 thousand people, respectively. And the smallest number of workers in the transport industry is in the North Caucasian Federal District - only 31,379 people. The distribution of employees by type of transport is as follows:

  • Mainline railway transport - 686 thousand people;
  • Industrial railway transport - 58 thousand people;
  • Timetable bus transport - 202 thousand people;
  • Tram transport - 56 thousand people;
  • Trolleybus transport - 63 thousand people;
  • Metro - 61 thousand people;
  • Taxi and other types of passenger land transport - 62 thousand people;
  • Automobile cargo transportation - 283 thousand people;
  • Sea transport - 15 thousand people;
  • Inland waterway transport - 33 thousand people;
  • Air transport - 86 thousand people;
  • Auxiliary and additional transport activities - 574 thousand people.

On average in the transport industry, for 2014, the salary is 40 627 rubles. But it is distributed very unevenly. For example, transport workers in the Far Eastern Federal District have the highest average salary - 52 thousand rubles. And the most modest one among the transport workers of the North Caucasian Federal District - about 22 thousand rubles. At the end of 2014, the average monthly wage in the transport sector increased by 7.3% compared to the previous year.

The difference in the amount of wages in different transport industries is even greater than the fluctuations in wages between the Federal Districts. In terms of territory, the maximum wage exceeds the minimum by 2.3 times, and by industry this indicator reaches 3.9. The average salary by industry is as follows:

  • Air transport - 93 thousand rubles.
  • Metro - 56 thousand rubles.
  • Sea transport - 51 thousand rubles.
  • Auxiliary and additional transport activities - 42 thousand rubles.
  • Mainline railway transport - 41 thousand rubles.
  • Industrial railway transport - 39 thousand rubles.
  • Inland waterway transport - 36 thousand rubles.
  • Automobile cargo transportation - 34.5 thousand rubles.
  • Taxi and other types of passenger land transport - 31.5 thousand rubles.
  • Timetable bus transport - 27.5 thousand rubles.
  • Trolleybus transport - 27.2 thousand rubles.
  • Tram transport - 23.8 thousand rubles.

The cost of freight transportation in 2014 increased by an average of 1% compared to 2013. And the average index of tariffs for passenger transport services in December 2014 compared to December 2013 was 108.3%. Most of all rose in price for air transport services - by 14.8%, metro services - by 9.5% and fares on suburban railway routes - by 9.3%. Least of all, the rise in price affected travel in fixed-route taxis - a rise in price by 3% and the cost of a trip in a compartment carriage - a rise in price by 3.5%.

Railway transport

The total length of railways in the Russian Federation is 87 thousand km, this is the third indicator in the world after the USA and China. Of this amount, 52%, that is, just over 45 thousand km. constitute electrified railways. This is the best indicator in the world. In general, in the world railway network, Russian railways occupy 7.5% of the total, while the population of the Russian Federation is approximately 2.2% of the world, and the territory occupies 11.4% of the earth's surface.

The railway network of the Russian Federation has one characteristic difference - the track gauge. Until 1970, the distance between the rails in the USSR was 1524 mm, after which, in accordance with a government decree, the track gauge was reduced to 1520 mm. This standard is still in effect, and such a track is called "Russian" and it functions on the territory of the countries of the former USSR.

The dominant track in the world is 1435 mm. This gauge is international and all high-speed rail lines are of this width. In addition, narrow-gauge roads with a track width of 1000 mm and 1067 mm are widespread in the world. The first type prevails in Southeast Asia, Brazil and Bolivia, and the second in Japan, Indonesia, South Africa, and New Zealand. The railway networks in India, most of Australia, Argentina and Pakistan have a wide gauge of 1,676 mm.

Freight rail transportation in the Russian Federation has the largest freight turnover among all types of transport. Railway transport accounts for about 85% of the country's total freight turnover. According to this indicator, Russia is significantly ahead of all the leading world powers. Such popularity of railway transport is associated with its cheapness in comparison with road transport. And water transport, although it has a lower cost, in the harsh Russian climate can be operated only 6-7 months a year. The average cost of transporting goods by rail in Russia is 18 USD per 1000 ton-kilometers, in the USA this figure is 22 USD.

Large freight turnover in railway transport is achieved due to the long distances over which the goods are delivered. On average, goods are delivered over 1,573 km. And the greatest transportation distance has coke for the metallurgical industry, on average it is delivered at a distance of 2,453 km. Average distance of transportation of various types of cargo:

  • Coke - 2,435 km.
  • Bituminous coal - 2 327 km.
  • Chemical and mineral fertilizers - 1,620 km.
  • Oil and oil products - 1,574 km.
  • Grain and milled products - 1,567 km.
  • Timber and timber - 1 541 km.
  • Ferrous metals - 1,446 km.
  • Metal ores - 1041 km.
  • Scrap of ferrous metals - 877 km.
  • Cement - 764 km
  • Mineral building materials - 754 km.

The structure of freight rail transportation is as follows:

Passenger transportation by rail is subdivided into suburban and long-distance traffic. The cost of transportation on suburban and long-distance routes is calculated at different rates. Of the total number of passenger traffic, long-distance routes occupy about 70% of all passenger-kilometers, and suburban and intracity routes - 30%.

The Russian rail transport market is completely monopolized. 99% of railways and infrastructure facilities are owned by the state joint stock company Russian Railways. It owns over 91% of all locomotives, as well as about 25% of all freight cars. In general, the carriage park of the Russian Federation totals about 1 200 thousand units.

Russian Railways is the largest Russian employer; in 2014, the company employed about 900 thousand people. According to the data for 2013, the total turnover of JSC Russian Railways amounted to 1,376 billion rubles, the net profit is estimated at 740 million rubles.

The total number of locomotives of JSC "Russian Railways" totals 20,619 units, while 14,400 units are in operation, the rest of the equipment is under repair or awaiting decommissioning. The largest number of locomotives is used for freight traffic - 7,133 units. Of the total locomotive fleet, electric locomotives account for 50.4% - 10 401 units, diesel locomotives - 49.6%, that is, 10 218 units.

In addition to freight and passenger transportation, which is carried out by public railway transport, the structure of the Russian railway economy includes industrial railway transport. Transportation of goods by industrial railway transport includes goods that were transported along the access roads of industrial enterprises and are the sum of goods received and transferred to public railways. The freight turnover of industrial railway transport amounted to 31.5 billion tons-kilometers, and in total 3.2 billion tons were transported. In the total freight turnover of all railway transportations in 2014, which amounted to 2,299 billion ton-kilometers, the share of industrial railway transport is less than 1%. And in the total amount of transported goods, the share of industrial railway transport was 2.3%.

Automobile transport

Automobile transport has the highest indicators for the quantitative transportation of goods and passengers. In 2014, it accounted for 68% of all transported cargo and 60% of all passengers. But unlike railway transport, the range of cargo transportation by road is not very long, on average it is 44.4 km.

Such a great popularity of motor transport is due to its mobility. After all, the delivery of any cargo to the end consumer, as a rule, is carried out by a car. The network of Russian hard-surface roads exceeds the length of railways by 11.3 times, and if you count the dirt roads, the excess will reach fifteen times.

In addition, in connection with the development of navigation satellite technologies, the logistics of road transportation has become much more efficient. Now, with the help of satellite systems, the optimal routes are chosen and the car is always under the control of the logistic operator. In Russia, the American satellite navigation system GPS and the domestic development GLONASS are used.

The car park of the Russian Federation at the beginning of 2014 totaled 48,369 thousand units. Of these, the share of passenger cars accounted for 41,428 units, which in percentage terms was 85.6%. There were 6,050 thousand trucks or 12.5% ​​of the total. The bus fleet consisted of 890 thousand cars, which is 1.9% of the total.

Despite the fact that the country's car park is growing every year, since 2000, the number of passenger cars has increased more than 2 times, and the number of trucks - 1.5 times, most of the Russian motor transport has an operating age of more than 10 years. A particularly large share of old cars in the truck segment - 58.1% of the total.

Of the total number of vehicles, 43,231 thousand units are owned by citizens. The largest percentage of private cars is in the category of cars - 94.7%, trucks in private ownership - 58.6% of the total, buses - 49.5%.

At the end of 2013, individual entrepreneurs of Russia engaged in the field of freight traffic transported 143.6 million tons of cargo, which amounted to 2.5% of the total amount of freight traffic. Entrepreneurs own vehicles with a carrying capacity:

  • Up to 999 kg. - 731 pcs.
  • From 1,000 to 2,999 kg. - 4 847 pcs.
  • From 3,000 to 4,999 kg. - 2 906 pcs.
  • From 5000 to 6999 kg. - 2 256 pcs.
  • From 7,000 to 8,999 kg. - 2 677 pcs.
  • Over 9,000 kg. - 16 241 pcs.

Freight turnover of transportations carried out in 2013 by individual entrepreneurs amounted to 42.8 billion ton-kilometers, which is 17.1% of the total freight turnover of motor transport in the Russian Federation.

Passenger cargo transportation is subdivided into intracity, suburban, intercity and international. At the beginning of 2014 in Russia there were:

  • Suburban routes - 10,374.
  • Intracity - 6 746 pcs.
  • Intercity - 3 108 pcs.

At the end of 2014, 3.2 million flights were performed on intercity routes, 36.7 million flights on suburban routes, and 124.9 million flights on intracity routes. In total, 11,551 million people were transported, with the main part on intra-city routes.

Road transport is the most unsafe mode of transport. At the end of 2014, about 200 thousand road traffic accidents were recorded in the Russian Federation. Over the past year, 27 thousand people died in road accidents. For comparison, as a result of various accidents in all other modes of transport, 72 people died in 2014.

Urban electric transport

Urban electric transport is the only form of transport that is used only for the transport of passengers. This type of transport includes trams, trolleybuses and the subway.

In 2014, 6 791 million people were transported by all types of urban electric transport, which is 34.78% of the total. The total passenger turnover is 56.8 billion passenger-kilometers, which is 10% of the all-Russian one.

The total length of the operational lines of urban electric transport at the beginning of 2014 was 8.314 thousand km. At the same time, it should be noted that tram transport in Russia has a negative development trend, the number of rolling stock and the length of tram lines are decreasing every year. Whereas the length of trolleybus lines and metro lines is increasing every year.

The tram fleet in Russia at the beginning of 2014 was 8.2 thousand units. Of these, in operation - 5.16 thousand units. The utilization rate of the car fleet is 0.63. 81% of Russian trams have been in operation for more than 10 years.

The total number of trolleybuses at the beginning of 2014 was 10.8 thousand units. This is the largest park among all types of urban electric transport. 7.12 thousand units are in operation - 66% of the total rolling stock. The trolleybus fleet has the largest number of vehicles that have been in operation for less than 10 years - 49% of the total.

At the beginning of 2014, the Russian metro had 6.9 thousand cars at its disposal. Of these, 5.1 thousand were in operation. The Metro has the highest utilization rate of the car fleet - 0.74.

The trolleybus is the most common type of urban electric transport. In 2014, 85 cities in the country had a trolleybus service. For a tram, this figure is 61, plus 4 cities (Volgograd, Izhevsk, Stary Oskol, Ust-Ilimsk) have high-speed tram lines capable of speeds up to 80 km / h. There is a metro in 7 cities of the Russian Federation. These are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod.

In one year, trolleybuses carry out 38.5 million trips, trams operate 24.2 million trips, and metro trains - 5.9 million trips. At the beginning of 2014, 845 trolleybus and 553 tram routes operated across the country. The total number of metro stations at the beginning of 2014 in Russia is 316. Of these, 196 are part of the Moscow Metro, and 67 are part of the St. Petersburg Metro. In percentage terms, these two cities have 83.2% of all metro stations, Moscow - 62%, St. Petersburg - 21.2%. The total length of Moscow and St. Petersburg metro lines is 441.02 km, which is 85.8 from the all-Russian one. Moscow accounts for 63.7%, St. Petersburg - 22.1% of the total length of lines.

Water transport

The water transport of the Russian Federation is divided into a sea merchant fleet and a river fleet. The total amount of cargo transported by water transport at the end of 2014 was 134 million tons. Of these, the river fleet accounts for 115 tons, which is 85.8% of all water transport.

The total number of sea-going merchant vessels of the Russian Federation at the beginning of 2014 was 2,757 units. Of them:

  • Oil tankers - 396 pcs.
  • Other liquid - 26 pcs.
  • Oil loading - 26 pcs.
  • Ore carriers and bulk carriers - 13 pcs.
  • For general cargo - 569 pcs.
  • Cargo and passenger - 8 pcs.
  • Container, barge carriers - 7 pcs.
  • Fishing bases and fish transport vessels - 31 units.
  • Fishing - 852 pcs.
  • Passenger - 48 pcs.
  • Support vessels - 39 pcs.
  • Tugs - 327 pcs.
  • Dredgers - 11 pcs.
  • Icebreakers - 31 pcs.
  • Scientific research - 73 pcs.
  • Others - 300 pcs.

Most of all in the merchant fleet of the Russian Federation there are fishing vessels, they make up 30.9% of all vessels. The second place belongs to ships intended for the carriage of general cargo, that is, cargo transported in packages, their number is 20.6% of the total fleet. Oil tankers and tugs account for 14.3% and 11.8%, respectively.

The river fleet of Russia, in terms of the number of ships, exceeds the merchant marine fleet by 6.7 times. At the beginning of 2014, the total number of river vessels was 18,493, of which 11,036 (59.6%) and 7,457 (40.4%) were self-propelled barges and other non-self-propelled vessels. Self-propelled vessels have the following structure:

  • Passenger and cargo-passenger - 1,325 units.
  • Dry cargo ships - 839 pcs.
  • Liquid - 604 pcs.
  • Towing - 3 645 pcs.
  • Non-transport - 4 623 pcs.

Non-self-propelled river vessels consist of 3,469 dry cargo, 638 bulk and 3,350 non-transport.

At the end of 2014, the cargo turnover of water transport amounted to 104 billion ton-kilometers. Of these, the share of sea transport accounted for 32 billion tonne-kilometers. This is 7.5 billion tonne-kilometers less than in 2013. Slightly less than half of all cargo (49.7%) was transported abroad. Of these, 63.8% are exported goods, 10.8% are imported goods and 25.4% of goods are transported between foreign ports. The structure of goods sent by sea is as follows:

  • Oil and oil products - 20.5%
  • Bituminous coal and coke - 17.4%
  • Timber cargo - 12.5%
  • Metal and scrap metal - 7.2%
  • Chemical and mineral fertilizers - 3.1%
  • Machinery and equipment - 2.7%
  • Construction cargo and cement - 2.7%
  • Grain and milled products - 2.6%
  • Ore - 2.1%
  • Industrial raw materials - 1.5%
  • Other cargo - 27.7%

The cargo turnover of the river fleet of the Russian Federation in 2014 amounted to 72 billion tonne-kilometers. Compared to 2013, this figure has decreased by 8.1 billion tonne-kilometers. The structure of the transported goods looks like this:

  • Construction cargo and cement - 58.3%
  • Oil and oil products - 14.3%
  • Timber cargo - 5%
  • Grain and milled products - 3.6%
  • Metals and scrap metal - 2.8%
  • Bituminous coal and coke - 2.3%
  • Chemical and mineral fertilizers - 1.6%
  • Other cargo - 12.1%

Water transport in Russia is practically not used for the carriage of passengers; by the end of 2014, only about 15 million passengers were transported by sea and river vessels. The share of sea transport accounts for 2 million people, the share of river transport - 13 million passengers. The structure of sea passenger traffic looks like this:

  • Overseas swimming - 0.1%
  • Coastal swimming - 16.1%
  • Suburban swimming - 83.8%

Domestic passenger traffic carried out by the Russian river fleet, compared to 2013, remained at the same level. The structure of river transportation by the number of passengers carried is as follows:

  • International - 3.8%
  • Long-distance travel - 6.9%
  • Suburban - 28.3%
  • Intracity - 31%
  • Crossings - 30%

Russia ranks second in the world in terms of the length of inland waterways. Their total length is 115 thousand km. The most important for river navigation is the Volga-Kama basin; it accounts for more than 40% of the cargo turnover of all river transport. Another important shipping area in European Russia is the Northern Dvina basin. In Siberia, the main shipping routes are located on the Ob, Yenisei, Lena rivers and their tributaries. The Ob is navigable for 3,600 km, the Yenisei - about 3,300 km, the Lena - 4,000 km. These waterways play an important role in supplying many regions of Siberia, since the railway network in this region is poorly developed.

The coastline of the Russian Federation is 37 653 km. This is the second figure in the world after Canada. Russia has access to the basins of three oceans and has large seaports on 6 seas. The largest ports in Russia:

  • Sea of ​​Azov - Rostov-on-Don. Cargo turnover - 10.36 million tons.
  • Black Sea - Novorossiysk. Cargo turnover - 116.13 million tons.
  • Black Sea - Sevastopol. Cargo turnover - 4.8 million tons.
  • Black Sea - Tuapse. Cargo turnover - 19.3 million tons.
  • Baltic Sea - Primorsk. Cargo turnover - 75.12 million tons.
  • Baltic Sea - St. Petersburg. Cargo turnover - 60 million tons.
  • Sea of ​​Japan - East. Cargo turnover - 38.35 million tons.
  • Sea of ​​Japan - Vanino. Cargo turnover - 19 million tons.
  • Sea of ​​Japan - Nakhodka. Cargo turnover -15 million tons.
  • Barents Sea - Murmansk. Cargo turnover - 25.68 million tons.
  • White Sea - Arkhangelsk. Cargo turnover - 4.26 million tons.

Air Transport

Air transport is the fastest mode of transport, which also has the largest passenger turnover among all modes of transport - 241.4 billion passenger-kilometers. Of course, this indicator was achieved mainly due to the distance over which passengers are delivered, because in the total volume, air transportation occupies the penultimate place. In 2014, 95 million people were transported by air. In terms of freight traffic, the share of air transport is less than 1%, over the past year, 1.3 million tons were transported, and the turnover of goods amounted to 5.2 billion ton-kilometers.

The total number of aircrafts in Russia is 6.6 thousand. Of these, about half are domestically produced. Domestic aircraft are mainly used for cargo transportation, while foreign aircraft carry passengers. At the end of 2013, the largest number of passengers was transported by A-320 aircraft - 19.8% of domestic traffic and 19.5% of international.

At the end of 2014, international passenger air transportation accounted for 51.6% of the total. 48 million passengers were transported of them to the CIS countries - 7.2 million people, that is, about 14.7%. Domestic passenger traffic accounts for -48.4%, which is 45 million people. As for the transportation of goods, the share of international traffic was 71%, domestic - 29%.

As statistics show, the number of air passengers in the Russian Federation is increasing every year. Compared to 2013, the number of passengers carried by air increased by 10.4%. At the same time, the average aircraft load increased by 0.3%, now this figure averages 79.8%. On international flights, the percentage of occupancy of passenger seats in 2014 was 81.9%, and on domestic flights - 76.4%.

More than 100 airlines operate on the Russian market, but the largest six account for more than 66% of all transported passengers and about 77% of the passenger turnover of air traffic in Russia. The industry leader is Aeroflot - at the end of 2014, its passenger turnover amounted to 67.12 million passenger-kilometers, which is about 28% of the total. The second place is taken by Transaero - 47 million passenger-kilometers, the third - by UTair - 20.2 million passenger-kilometers. Other major airlines: Siberia, North Wind, Ural Airlines, Russia have a passenger turnover of about 13 million passenger-kilometers.

As of 2014, Russia ranks 5th in the world in terms of the number of airports. The total number of Russian airports with unpaved and hard surface is 1 218. And the leader in this indicator is the USA - 13 513 different airports. Also, Russia is ahead of Brazil (4,093), Mexico (1,714) and Canada (1,467). Most passengers in Russia are served by Moscow airports - more than 77 million passengers (data for 2014). The largest Russian airport is Moscow Domodedovo Airport. Below is the ranking of the largest Russian airports by the number of passengers served:

  • Moscow (Domodedovo) - 33.04 million pass.
  • Moscow (Sheremetyevo) - 31.36 million passengers
  • St. Petersburg (Pulkovo) - 14.26 million passes
  • Moscow (Vnukovo) - 12.73 million people
  • Yekaterinburg (Koltsovo) - 4.47 million passengers
  • Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) - 3.83 million people
  • Krasnodar (Pashkovskaya) - 3.42 million pass.
  • Sochi (Adler) - 3.06 million passes

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