How to learn to speak beautifully. How to learn to speak confidently and convincingly in any situation How to learn to speak confidently and beautifully

How often does a person have to speak in public? Not so rare: poems in kindergarten, answers at the blackboard at school, defense of term papers and theses at the university, congratulations to friends and relatives on significant dates.

Agree, it's nice to hear a well-delivered, confident speech. Therefore, we will give in the article several recommendations on how to learn to speak confidently, because this is required in life at almost every step.

Very often, promotion depends on how logically and coherently a person is able to express his thoughts. Diplomats, politicians, announcers should be able to captivate with their speech, to lead.

Correct diction

The main focus should be on diction. Incorrect bite, non-pronunciation of vowels and consonants, swallowing of sounds - all these components interfere with the development of speech.

In order to determine if you are speaking correctly, you need to do some simple actions: select any text (you can even from a glossy magazine) and read it aloud, while fixing it on any recording device.

When listening, it will be possible to immediately determine the diction defects. They may not be very serious, such as excessive haste or, conversely, stretching, deviations are also possible, which can only be corrected with the help of a specialist.

To correct diction, it is enough to read aloud at least once a day. You can memorize your favorite poems, and in the evening recite them in front of your family (in this case, memory is also trained), arrange evenings for reading books, and even reading bedtime stories to a child is a prerequisite. Don't forget expression and emotion.

The main thing in such training is the principle of regularity. In two weeks, you can repeat the experiment with recording your own voice, believe me, the result will be obvious.

Such training will play a positive role in the case (if this happens) when you have been insulted and you need to confidently - a clear loud voice will baffle the offender.

Stay tuned and practice

The success of a speech depends not only on diction, but also on the information that needs to be conveyed.
The main advice is to be in the subject. Work through what you want to say in advance, draw up a small plan.

Consider each word, whether it will be appropriate, choose synonyms. When you start speaking, these words will surface in the subconscious and help convey the necessary information to the listeners.

Anyone gets excited before a performance. Practice is of great importance here, the more public speeches, the less fear and anxiety.

Before you say something, you need to take a deep breath and exhale, this contributes to the fact that the heartbeat comes to a normal rhythm. Try not to show your excitement to the audience, then your speech will be successful.

Receptions of famous speakers

There are several techniques used by famous speakers.

If you carefully observe them, then you will definitely see them: emphasis on the right words, pauses in certain places, an allegedly accidentally dropped joke, hand gestures, facial expressions.

All this helps to make speech more integral, figurative. Many famous people attend special courses to learn how to speak correctly. It is very rare for someone to masterfully master their speech by nature. The main thing is to set a goal for yourself and move towards it in small steps.

Many of us dream of having a velvety, beautiful voice that will sound pleasant in any situation, but with a touch of confidence. Yes, we do! But we understand that not everyone is able to have a beautiful voice by nature, that sometimes it takes a lot of work to improve. And including above the voice.

Find out the reason. If we are thinking about improving our voice, then in some situations we did not like its sound. For example, when we are performing in front of an audience and perhaps you feel a lump in your throat? Or does it seem to you that the voice is emitting too high tones, but we would like to make it a little more velvety? Therefore, find the cause that you want to eliminate or improve.

How to speak beautifully and confidently

A versatile weapon for staging a voice. Any person, whether he has a fear of the public, or who has problems with speech, needs tongue twisters. Find yourself in the vastness of the Internet a dozen complex tongue twisters, start at first slowly saying them out loud only twice a day. You will find that very soon you will like the changes in your voice.

Another technique that gives you more confidence in your voice and virtually eliminates the possibility of voice breakdown is reading aloud. Yes, take any book you want to read and read two pages of text aloud every day. If there are also dialogues of the characters, then try to change the intonation and timbre of the voice. What does reading give us? This is a very good preparation of the voice for public speaking, the voice in two or three weeks will become simply incredibly in-depth, beautiful, and you will also replenish your vocabulary.

How to speak beautifully? Need a nice toast? Do not rush to carefully prepare for the event, because when you memorize a toast and say it like a verse, it will seem very strange and funny to those present. You can find a toast on the Internet, but then you read it once and repeat it sincerely and beautifully in your own words two or three times in front of the mirror. Did you like the way you told it to the mirror? This means that approximately the same you will speak in public.

A lot of people have such a flaw as speaking very quickly. Such a fast pace of speech suggests that a person is afraid to be in the center of attention and wants to say the words quickly and then hide in his corner. Therefore, you must first overcome your fears of the public, otherwise you will not succeed.

How to speak beautifully and confidently video

How to speak confidently? Pause. This is the main rule. After all, it is a pause that shows the importance of a person, that he can stand in silence for two seconds and believes that those present can listen to this hour.

Practice facial expressions and gestures. Do you think what has to do with facial expressions to the voice? Very simply, during your speech, people look at your face and it is very good that it does not look scared or that it does not express unnecessary characteristics that the audience will laugh at.

Who can help you in this process? If you have taken a course to learn the art of oratory yourself, then a voice recorder (even on the phone), tongue twisters, and books of professional oratory will help you. Search the internet for "public speaking, book" and you will see how much you can learn about your voice.
If you need an assistant, look for public speaking courses. But don't go to the first ones in your city. First, study the value for money of the offered knowledge, hear feedback about the trainer and the company.

Everyone would like to learn how to speak beautifully. This not only increases the attractiveness of the opposite sex, self-esteem and self-confidence, but it is also a very useful skill: you can develop the ability to convince people, it is easier to have them with you and to speak confidently at various events.

But how can this be achieved? Usually they say that just a few exercises and a short period of time are enough - and that's it. Well, maybe this is true for some. But we decided to analyze this issue from all sides. Therefore, in the article you will find almost all the necessary information on how to learn to speak beautifully and competently: exercises, tips and techniques.

"There is eloquence

the art of conquering minds "

How to learn to speak beautifully and competently: developing eloquence

The first thing you want to talk about is how to develop your speech, make it literate. And here are some tips:

Many people experience fear and insecurity when communicating. Why? There are many reasons for this, and here are some of them: we do not want to be ridiculed by other people; we are afraid to anger the interlocutor; we don't want to sound stupid.

But it is possible and even necessary to work with this. How? Here are some tips:

Observe confident people: almost all of them are loud. At least their voice sounds 20-30% stronger than most.

How to build sentences and text correctly

If you want to learn to speak beautifully Russian, then the word order in sentences can be different: there is no "right" and "wrong". After all, if you write all sentences according to one template, such a text will hardly seem interesting to anyone.

In order to make the text interesting to other people, it must be interesting to you. It doesn't work any other way. Here the principle is the same as when making jokes: if you write a good joke, you will laugh at it yourself, but if it does not make you smile, you need to change something.

When writing a text or talking to another person, be fully involved in it. Then you get an interesting live text or conversation.

How to expand your vocabulary

In order to expand your vocabulary, simply learning new words is not enough, since most of them will not be stored in your memory. More reading is needed. What exactly? Books that will be useful to you professionally, in personal development, fiction of different genres and books from those areas in which you are completely unaware.

"With the first three, everything is more or less clear, but why the fourth group?" - you ask. The answer is simple: most of all new words and thoughts you can get from those sources that you have not previously addressed. And in principle, it is useful to at least superficially understand various issues.

Retell parts of what you have read, preferably out loud or on paper.
- Learn poetry by heart.
- Consciously use new words more often in conversations.

How to speak and present correctly in Russian

Correctly and beautifully expressing your thoughts in Russian is not an easy task. After all, this is not given to us just like that - from birth - but develops in us. How? Through the environment and the media: who we communicated with and what we listened to had a huge impact on speech.

What do you need to do to become eloquent?

  1. Try to express your thoughts competently everywhere: on social networks, on forums, when talking with friends, etc. Always be aware of what words you choose.
  2. Read classic literature.
  3. Chat with literate people, or find recordings of their conversations and speeches, and listen to them.

How to model speakers, film actors, and those whose communication skills you enjoy

If you want to learn to speak beautifully, it is best to develop your own strengths. But you can also take over a piece of skill from people who sympathize with you. How to do it?

Observe them and disassemble into small details how they talk to people:

  • - Do they use body language?
  • - How loud do they sound?
  • - How is the material presented?
  • - Do they have clear diction?
  • - How fast do they speak?
  • - Do they smile when they talk? Etc.

Start applying this to yourself. Just don't tackle everything at once - it's best to work on one piece until it fits perfectly into you.

Then observe yourself: record your voice on a dictaphone or on a video camera and see what happens and what is better to finalize. And remember that professional actors and speakers take years to train, so don't give up if results don't come quickly.

How to use facial expressions and body language in communication to win over people

A beautiful voice is only part of how good speakers seem to hypnotize us with their performances. During a conversation, we convey information to other people not only through words, but also through facial expressions and body language. For example, you can keep your arms crossed on your chest, look down, purse your lips a little, and at the same time say that you are in a good mood, but the interlocutor will still understand that something is wrong with you.

Therefore, if you want to make a good impression on the interlocutor or on the audience, it is important to use gestures and facial expressions correctly:

- Smile sincerely. During a real smile, you get small folds in the corners of your eyes - keep this in mind and use this to do. It is very important because without it your smile will look “dead”.
- Use open poses.
- Make eye contact and show interest in the gaze.
- Be turned towards the interlocutor.
- Breathe evenly and deeply.
- Keep your hands straight and relaxed if you are not gesticulating.
- Relax your facial muscles.

What not to do:

Clenching your fists when communicating - this shows your tension.
- Touching your ears, nose, hair or forehead is also a sign of slight tension or even anxiety.
- Shaking your leg while sitting anywhere - by doing this, you show that you are nervous.
- Crossing arms or legs - this shows that you are going to defend yourself in front of the interlocutor or audience.
- Straining your cheekbones, lips or eyes - this will be considered an attempt to hide your true emotions or deception.

How to master the art of speaking to the camera

Most people start to shake their knees at the thought of speaking to the camera. And if you are one of them, you need to know about some secrets that will help you:

  1. It is useful to curl in front of the camera for the first few minutes, laugh at yourself, and relax. This will relieve the pressure that comes from thinking that you will be doing something very important now.
  2. Yes, maybe recording video is a really important task for you. But tension won't help you in any way. Conversely, when you relax, feel confident and energized, speaking to the camera will become much easier.
  3. Imagine that you are not talking to the camera, but with your best friend. You can even set a photo of your best friend next to the lens so that you look into his eyes and how to communicate with him. This will make the recording appear to the audience as if you really see them, that you are close to them. And this closeness will have a positive effect on the evaluation of the video.
  4. Use body language and facial expressions correctly, which we talked about just above.
  5. Speak with enthusiasm. You should be interested in what you are talking about, more viewers.

The most important thing is to trust yourself. Don't be afraid to make mistakes - be afraid to miss the opportunity!

How to mark important points and draw conclusions

When talking about something with a person or a whole audience, we seem to draw a picture in their head. And in order for it to be attractive, in this picture everything should be laid out on the shelves: accents are highlighted, the main thing is highlighted and conclusions are drawn. And now let's figure out how to achieve this.

How to mark important points

Highlight for yourself what you feel is necessary to convey to other people, and structure your speech around it.

How to draw conclusions

To draw conclusions means to convey the most important information again, taking into account the fact that the interlocutor or audience heard all your arguments. An important point: do not be afraid to repeat yourself - this way more information will be assimilated and stored in people's memory.

If you don't want to give the impression of being careless, avoid using foul language when speaking. Swearing means showing that you don't have a developed vocabulary. Remember: every pronunciation of mate becomes a "stain on your white shirt" in the eyes of more or less educated interlocutors.

You can also agree with your loved ones that for every obscene word that you say, you will give them 100 rubles. Thus, the motivation of a loved one will greatly increase and he will eagerly listen to your speech and wait for the cherished mistake, and you will very quickly begin to control your speech. Try it, it works very well, literally from 3 days to several weeks and you already speak pure Russian.

How to get rid of awkward pauses in conversation

Often in a conversation it happens that there is nothing more to say, and an awkward silence arises. But the very idea that you have nothing to say is false.

There's always something to say: you've probably lived 20, 30, or even 50 years. During this time, you have been in an incredible number of situations and gained a tremendous amount of experience. It cannot be that you do not have a single interesting thought - you just limit yourself.

You try to find the key to the interlocutor, filtering out topics that you think are not interesting. And by this you drive yourself into a dead end. How should you proceed to avoid awkward pauses? How to involve a person in a conversation? The easiest way is to be the most involved.

You even have a lot of interesting thoughts in your head right now. Learn to listen to them, and then next time you will know the place to find interesting topics of conversation.

Remember: people get enthusiasm from people, not from words! Learn to let go of the situation and just say what's in your head.

And one more thing: there is no need to be afraid of awkward pauses. If you feel uncomfortable, then just say “oh, it seems an awkward pause has arisen, by the way ...” and instead of three dots, you can prepare your own versions of questions for the interlocutor in order to win him over.


  • What do you like to do in your free time?
  • Do you have any project that you are implementing or want to implement?
  • Where did you last go on vacation?
  • Do you think a Cheburashka is a boy or a girl?
  • What 3 interesting books can you recommend?
  • What 3 films can you recommend?
  • In addition to your main activity, do you study / practice somewhere (music, languages, sports)?

How to speak confidently and convincingly with people

Everyone wants to be self-confident and sound convincing, but it seems as if it is simply given to some and not to others. Where is the truth?

The truth is, being confident and sounding convincing is a skill that needs to be learned. To some, it really is, one might say, given just like that: these people are surrounded by examples of confident women and men whom they unconsciously model. But if you don't have it, here's what you need to do:

Make acquaintances with confident people, and you will begin to adopt this quality for yourself. If you can't in real life, then watching the video will be enough for a start: watch how they talk, how they gesture, with what facial expression they listen, etc.

All this will have an impact on you: you will become more confident in yourself and, as a result, you will start to sound more convincing.

Practice of public speaking

If it happens that you need to perform in front of a small or medium group of people, but you do not know at all what to do, you do not need to panic. It is not necessary to rush into a deep study of rhetoric and read books about what oratory is - it is enough to know the basics.

Many people have a fear of public speaking. If you are one of these people and you want to sound convincing, you need to properly set yourself up and prepare well. What is needed for this? Study the audience for which you will be speaking

You should know what information these people already have, what they need, what value you can give them. The main task at the first stage is to determine what problems people have on the topic for which you are going to prepare a speech.

Talk about what people want to hear about. Chat with your target audience and ask them as many questions as possible. You need to know what people expect from the performance so that you don't disappoint them.


1) Dive deep into the topic.

You must be a professional at what you are going to talk about. This may be a narrow question, but you have to dive into it very deeply.

Also, don't forget to prepare a plan. Each performance must include:
- Introduction, acquaintance with the audience.
- The main block with a short description of the main idea for each part.
- Summary.

2) Prepare your slides.

Visual information is better absorbed by people and attracts attention. Plus, the slides will act as an island where people can relax a bit from listening attentively to your speech. There shouldn't be a lot of information on the slides. Thesis and briefly.

3) Take care of your appearance.

If your audience is "serious people in suits," you need to look that way.

4) Rehearse your presentation in front of acquaintances or on camera.

The best way to correct any shortcomings is to speak to someone who can give you adequate feedback. Or, if there are no such people, record your performance on video and rate yourself.


  1. Be relaxed.
    While performing, try to keep your shoulders and neck relaxed and breathe deeply.
  2. Radiate energy.
    Speak with enthusiasm. You should be interested in what you are talking about, even more audience: thanks to this, people will listen more enthusiastically.
    Remember the main point or idea that you wanted to convey.
  3. Build your performance around one thing. Do not go too deep to the side, as people may think that you are "pouring water".

Feedback from the public:

Pay attention to feedback from the audience, both during and after the performance. Ask if there are any questions left, with what and why people disagree, what they liked in the presentation, what new things they got, etc.

Appearance and its effect on others

Appearance is one of the most important things people look at when they form an opinion of you. If you want to be successful in the eyes of others and attract the same people into your life, you have to look good. And it's not just what kind of clothes you wear that matters, but what your physique and posture are.

Watch yourself: sometimes, while watching a program on TV, you may notice a person with a high chin and in a formal suit and tie. And based only on his appearance, you immediately subconsciously give him and his performance an assessment: "This person is probably very smart and talks about something important."

This may not be so clearly reflected in your mind, but you will immediately give some similar assessment to it.

Also, your appearance changes your self-esteem: when you look good, you start to feel the same way. This can be seen most clearly when buying something new. Remember the last time you bought things, how did you feel? Surely your energy and self-confidence rose.

How to learn to communicate

Many shy, taciturn people - introverts - want to become more outgoing, energetic. But it's scary to take it so easily and change. People around us are used to seeing us calm, and it is very scary to destroy this image in their head.

But there is a way out. In order for an introvert to pump his extroversion, it is necessary to perform the exercises described below. They are very simple, but as the saying goes: "Simple solutions are always the right ones."

You can go further and get to know the person deeper if the communication is going well. To do this, come up with 10 topics that you can easily talk to any person. This can be: your hobby, hobbies, favorite sport or something else. Try to talk about it out loud.

Likewise, many speakers rehearse their speeches by imagining their best friend in front of them and delivering their speech.

Through these exercises, you will unblock yourself and learn to communicate easily and build trusting relationships with people.

How to be able to win over a person in a conversation

Everyone wants to learn how to build friendships with people. Sometimes you meet someone who is new to you, and the contact is immediately established. But sometimes it doesn't. How do you fix this?

  • Don't just talk about yourself.
    Try to talk not only about yourself, but also about the interlocutor. Ask him questions, ask his opinion, ask for advice.
  • Listen more.
    Try not just to silently look at the person speaking in front of you, but also to delve into the essence. It often happens that we completely ignore the interlocutor, just waiting for our turn to speak.
  • Smile.
    It is always nice to see at least a slight smile on the face of the interlocutor. So share it with people.
  • Do not be distructed.
    If the interlocutor tells you something, and your phone, for example, rang, then try to call back later. This will show that you are interested in the conversation, and the person will be pleased.

How to react if you disagree with the interlocutor

Sometimes it happens that there can be different points of view on one thing, which is why conflicts often occur between people. How to react to this?

First: listen to the other person's point of view.
Second: give your opinion and why you think so.

You do not need to prove anything to other people with the help of emotions if you do not want to get an aggressive reaction from the interlocutor. Be cool and be clear about your position.

DO NOT: Say that the person is wrong. Blame, humiliate, mock, devalue.
YOU NEED: Understand that each person has his own point of view, which is formed from his experience, and it is important to understand that this point of view is correct, as is yours. You need to accept the person's arguments, listen. Then say that you agree and say: “I agree with you, I just want to add that ...” and express my point of view. Without the use of the word "BUT". Try this trick, it works.

In order to start pronouncing words more clearly, you need to do a kind of gymnastics for the facial muscles: read prose, tongue twisters and poetry aloud, with effort expressing every sound with your lips. It is best to record your voice on a dictaphone while completing this task and see what exactly does not suit you in pronunciation. Perhaps you are only having problems with some of the sounds. You need to know exactly what to work on in order to see the result.

Do not delete training records. Save them in folders in order to see the result in the future when comparing.

Intonation, speech rate, breathing, voice volume and volume

In order to learn how to speak beautifully - diction alone is not enough. A few more elements are needed to make the voice sound more appealing:


So you have learned almost everything about how to speak beautifully and interestingly with people. Remember that improving your voice is like sharpening a sword: you can do it endlessly, but it will never be perfect sharpening. Therefore, once again carefully study the material from the article and use it regularly!

The next step

Now your task is to come up with 10 topics with which you can always start a conversation (examples were given above). They need to be rehearsed, and in any suitable setting with acquaintances or strangers, begin to discuss these topics. First, you tell a little, and then ask a question on that topic and you will see how the person has already got involved and is happy to discuss what you have thrown for him for discussion. And then you just move gradually to those topics that you want to discuss. And write in the comments how well you did it.

In contact with

Date of publication: 12.04.16

Confident Speaking Technique

First you need to understand what confident speech is. It should be noted that this is a complex concept, but if you collect all its features together, you get the following. Confident speech is a natural ability or an acquired skill of an individual, which, thanks to constant practical activity, has been transformed into a psychological category - skill. If we do not speak in scientific language, then this is such a personality trait in which a person can express his thought in verbal form as accurately as possible, without additional stylistic or psychological speech defects. This ability is one of the components of the image of any highly effective manager who is associated with the processes of administrative management or the organization of operations in various areas of human activity.

Without the ability to speak confidently, it is almost impossible to achieve success in areas such as politics, business, science, and so on. A striking example of this is the statesmen who directly commanded their army during hostilities. As you know, the servicemen will not listen to "just anyone", therefore only the fiery speeches of the commanders could convey to the soldiers the confidence that victory would be theirs. And if it is worth dying, then death is worth it. That is, the correct structure of the appeal to other people, in this case, led to maximum dedication on their part. At first, the majority did not have such a gift to express their thoughts in words, but thanks to some efforts they were able to acquire it. So, you can too!

How to speak confidently?

Formulate a complete picture of your ability to speak. To do this, try to find the maximum number of all the pros and cons of your speech. Remember that you should not exaggerate your abilities, but you should not underestimate your merits. Then determine which of the following lists you do worst.

1. Idea of ​​conversation (lack of ability to find a subject for conversation).

2. Difficulties in the construction of speech.

3. Defects in speech composition.

4. Difficulty influencing another person or group of people.

5. Weak tone and intonation skill.

The idea of ​​a conversation as a component of literate speech

Without understanding what to talk about, a convincing speech will not work. Therefore, in order for such a problem to be absent, remember the basic law of oratory: the basis of confident speech is knowledge of the interests of the audience.

The very concept of audience, in this case, is rather abstract. It can be either one person or a thousand. But your main task is to know their possible interests. Let's give an example: you started your own business and want to know the attitude of buyers towards your products. Accordingly, your target audience is the consumer. In order to strike up a conversation with him, you need to understand what interests him. Use such techniques as: observation, analysis of the subject of purchase, and so on. Finding out that the client is interested, for example, a low price, around this moment and you can build a conversation. Knowing what to talk about and what you can rely on at the right moment, speech will become much more confident, and the interlocutor, because of his interest, will fall under the influence of speech. As a result, you can find out what is the opinion of the client about the pricing policy of the company, and the client can be informed about the upcoming promotions or discounts.

The task: try to understand on the basis of these methods what interests your loved ones or work colleagues and, starting from the information received, try to strike up a conversation with them.

Difficulties in the construction of speech

The most important thing is the logic in your verbal communication. That is, there must be a specific goal, which corresponds to the structure and tactics of speech. Without logic, not a single interlocutor will understand you, and as a result, most speakers lose confidence. To prevent this from happening, you do not need to jump from one topic to another, or disgracefully express your thoughts in a continuous stream until you find the right one. Take into account the trick of many American politicians - before the next answer they pause for a rather long time, this makes them attract additional attention. During the pause, distribute what you will talk about into separate blocks, and then link them into a logical chain. After such a simple operation, it will become easier to speak, and knowing the order, it is unlikely to get confused in your words.

Defects in speech composition

Composition means a certain structure of your speech. In order to speak with confidence, you need to have prepared templates in advance. A very simple example: after you say hello, you usually ask how the person is doing. Agree that it is difficult to be frightened or hesitantly inquiring about it. Now imagine that a similar algorithm would be used in everyday situations. Speech, thanks to the schemes developed in advance, will become more solid. Remember that a similar template is prepared according to the following scheme: a short introduction, the main part (which sets out the essence of the question or argument), summing up. This way you can communicate your thought to the other person as much as possible.

The task: develop your speech pattern, rehearse it several times in front of the mirror, and then practice it in your daily life.

Difficulty influencing another person or group of people

Well-known psychologists also call this the "manipulation problem". This situation is the main reason for the general failure and as a consequence of the uncertainty of conveying their thoughts. The problem can be solved in two ways. The first says that a person needs to be "bought", verbally made to listen to you. This is accomplished by creating an interest in the other person to agree with you. The second method is the use of psychological pressure, the result of which, most likely, will be the opponent's speech depression and, conversely, the appearance of additional courage in you.

Weak tone and intonation skill

One cannot speak with confidence without using such a linguistic technique of intonation as tone. Monolithic, monotonous speaking will never resonate with the listener. The opposite effect will be when highlighting the main points in your speech. The most common intonation technique is to increase or decrease the strength of your voice. Thanks to this technique, you can turn various parts of your speech into an affirmation, exclamation, question, and urge. The most difficult is the rate of speech, which depends on many factors. For example, if you have a "time pressure", that is, a lack of time, speak as quickly as possible and only the most important thing, but at the same time, remembering the previous rules, do not violate the logic and accessibility of your words to the audience. As we said, you need to pause between thoughts.

The task: write a few sentences, then use intonation to build an interrogative, motivating, exclamatory structure out of them. Try to speak the preparation as quickly as possible, and then as slowly as possible, while not losing the consistency of what was said.
Knowing these basic rules of rhetoric will help you learn to speak with confidence. But returning to the first thesis of the article, remember that confident speech is achieved through practical activity, so constantly improve yourself, speak in front of a mirror, read aloud with intonation. All this will lead to the desired effect.

Some people have natural eloquence, given by nature. The rest have to master the art of public speaking on their own or in trainings. The purpose of the oratorical speech is to convey information, convince you that you are right and encourage listeners to take further action.

When communicating with people, it is easy to notice that not all of them can hold their attention for a long time with their conversation. And all because they do not know how to speak beautifully.

What does it mean to "speak beautifully"

To speak beautifully means to speak clearly, intelligibly, with the correct intonations, moderately emotionally, so as to convince the interlocutor or interlocutors of the correctness of their reasoning and conclusions. A person who speaks beautifully is said to have the gift of eloquence or oratory.

Eloquence can be natural and acquired. With the natural, everything is clear - some people have it by nature. Acquired eloquence is the oratory, or the art of eloquence, which needs to be learned. Nowadays, he is taught at all kinds of trainings. And it arose in ancient times in ancient Greece, where the first schools for teaching the art of eloquence appeared, and gradually grew into a science - rhetoric. In oratory classes, both before and now, they teach how to turn ordinary speech into oratory.

As the French philosopher writer said:

"A beautiful thought loses its value if it is badly expressed."

Why speak beautifully

At all times, speech has played a huge role for humanity, because it is a means of communication and thanks to it, the thoughts of one person are transmitted to another.

There is a proverb:

"They are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds."

And a person demonstrates his mind (or lack thereof) just with the help of speech. That is why it can be called a visiting card of a person: whether he wants it or not, his speech reflects his essence.

As the ancient Greek philosopher said to one constantly silent young man:

"Speak so I can see you."

And the Persian poet Saadi wrote:

"Smart or stupid, big or small, we do not know until you said a word."

People who know how to speak beautifully and clearly express their thoughts have always been appreciated. This is indicated by the existence of schools of oratory since ancient times. And the ancient Greek sage Scylef noted that "Eloquence is more valuable than money, fame and power, for the latter are very often achieved through eloquence." He was echoed by the American politician Daniel Webster, who lived many centuries later: "Take from me everything that I have, but leave me my speech, and soon I will find everything I had."

The French emperor and commander believed that a person who does not know how to speak beautifully would never make a career.

Nothing has changed in our days. Employees who are proficient in the art of eloquence make their careers much faster than those who do not know how to correctly express their thoughts. Moreover, it often happens that intelligent and knowledgeable employees who do not understand what it is that makes their further career growth unlikely suffer from tongue-tied language. Of course, professionalism, knowledge, skills and experience are very important, since no one needs non-professionals.

But even those who have experience and knowledge, but are not able to convey them to the listener, explain, prove, convince and convince, someday they will certainly have big problems. After all, the higher the official position of an employee, the more often and more he has to communicate with colleagues, subordinates, clients, etc. Therefore, he must definitely be able to logically and clearly express his thoughts, influence the interlocutor and convince him.

What prevents people from speaking beautifully

The importance of mastering the art of eloquence is self-evident. However, many people experience fear when they have to perform in public or talk to strangers. Such fear in psychology is called "logophobia" (or "verbophobia"). It is curious that, according to research by psychologists, the fear of public speaking ranks second among people after the fear of death.

People suffering from such a phobia are terrified of speaking not only in front of a full audience, but also in front of a small group of people. They are thrown into hot and cold weather, they begin to tremble, stumble, cannot concentrate. This has psychological and physiological reasons.

Psychological reasons are associated with the fact that a person does not believe in himself, in his abilities, knowledge, experience, in the fact that his speech will be of interest and he will be able to keep the attention of the audience.

As for the physiological factor, then, as we know, in dangerous situations, the human adrenal glands begin to release the stress hormone adrenaline into the bloodstream, the action of which is aimed at consolidating all protective forces. The same thing happens when a person is worried before a performance or some kind of conversation.

However, adrenaline prompts a person to take physical actions, such as fleeing, during which it is consumed. During a speech or an exciting conversation, there is no such physical activity, so adrenaline is not fully used, and its excess only brings harm. As a result of intense excitement, instead of a brilliant performance, you may end up with an insecure and crumpled one.

Success in training. And most importantly, remember: to learn something, even though it's hard.