Natural and public in man (man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution). Humanity as a result of the biological and sociocultural revolution

What is humanity? The dictionary defines this concept as a collective characterizing the community of peoples inhabiting the land that unites all representatives of a person reasonable.In the history of philosophy, the most ancient was the understanding of humanity as a common destiny, which begins began in prehistoric times. The unity of humanity is manifested in the commandments of universal world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, etc.). Another understanding of humanity identifies humanity with one or another cultural area (distribution area). So, B. ancient culture There was division on "Ellinov" and "Varvarov". Finally, there is a point of view, according to which the historical understanding of mankind as unity has developed gradually, at certain historical time. Supporters of this point of view believe that the peoples are gradually entering humanity. This point of view was characteristic of philosophers-enlighteners. Since the works of educators, the traditions have developed a tradition to consider humanity as a developing community. J.-H. Rousseau as a factor of development considered the improvement of human moral abilities. I. Kant offered to correlate any act of a particular person with the idea of \u200b\u200bmankind as the purpose of itself. Humanity has much greater potential, "accurate perfection", rather than a separate person. And according to Russian philosopher V. Solovyov (1853-1900), the basis for the unity of humanity was religion.

At the same time, a number of thinkers argued that the concept of "humanity" in general is no longer expressing and no reality expresses. On the contrary, the human race is divided by numerous socio-cultural barriers. So, N. Ya. Danilevsky (1822-1885), Russian philosopher, argued that the set of tribes that feel internal unity and speaking close languages \u200b\u200b- historical typei.e., a certain isolated culture with unique features. In this cultural and historical type N. Ya. Danilevsky saw the highest and final expression of social unity. Quite sharply responded about the concept of mankind German philosopher O. Spengler (1880-1936). He argued that the peoples live on earth, but in the time of time. This is due to the fact that cultures live and die, and in different ranges. Humanity "has no idea, no plan, absolutely the same as they do not have any kind of butterflies or orchids." Instead of a monotonous image stretched in the World History line, he offered to consider many mighty cultures, each of which "... gives his own form to his material - humanity. Each of them has its own idea, their own passion, will, feeling and their own death. " The original point of view on humanity belonged to the Russian philosopher N. N. Trubnikov, who tied the search for the meaning of life of a separate person with a universal history. He believed that the victory over the limb and mortality of a separate individual was gained by the immortality of humanity, the involvement of each person to this category through a real contribution to the culture. So, if we summarize all the many vigorous opinions about humanity, there are two understanding of the term "humanity" in modern scientific literature. In the first case implies unified fate of peoplesinhabiting earth. It is noted that, despite the difference in ethnic groups, races, cultures, we can talk about universal life interests and values. Earth - a single ship, humanity is paid to the "Earthlings team" (K. E. Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935), V. I. Vernadsky (1863-1945). It is assumed that intercultural communications will lead to the development of a unified generallylanetary culture . In the second case we are talking about collective conceptwhich expresses a high degree of abstraction. The idea of \u200b\u200ba single global culture is rejected. Unit of unity is thinking as mosaic cultures bound by invisible bonds. However, all researchers agree that the concept of humanity is associated not only with the human biological nature, the body of which was formed under the influence of certain habitat conditions. No less significant characteristic of humanity is its sociality and communication with culture.

1.1. Natural and public in man. (Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution.)

1.2. Worldview, its types and forms

1.3. Types of knowledge

1.4. The concept of truth, its criteria

1.5. Thinking and activity

1.6. Needs and interests

1.7. Freedom and the need for human activity

1.8. System structure of society: elements and subsystems

1.9. Main institutes of society

1.10. The concept of culture. Forms and varieties of culture

1.11. The science. The main features of scientific thinking. Natural and socio-humanitarian sciences

1.12. Education, its meaning for personality and society

1.13. Religion

1.14. Art

1.15. Morality

1.16. The concept of public progress

1.17. Multivariance of social development (types of societies)

1.18. Threats of the XXI century (global problems)

1.1. Natural and public in man.

( Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution)

Anthropogenesis - The process of origin and the formation of a physical type of man.

Anthroposocionenes - The process of becoming the social essence of man.

Human - biosocycinochny creature , the highest level of development of organisms on earth.

In a person, two beginnings are combined, two nature: biological and social. Biological, the natural component is manifested in the device and the peculiarities of the human body, congenital (genetic) deposits, abilities. However, a full-fledged person can be only in society, interacting with other people and social institutions. Only in society is formed consciousness, thinking, skills and knowledge.

Biological differences of a person from animals:

    study, strain;

    developed articulation apparatus (speech organs);

    lack of dense hair;

    a large scope of the brain (in the ratio of the body);

    developed brush hands capable of fine motor skills.

Sociogenic differences of a person from animals:

    thinking and self-partition;

    conscious creative activity;

    creating a culture;

    creation of instruments of labor;

    spiritual life.

Individual - Man as a representative of society and human kind (first of all, the biological component).

Individuality - Specific, unique, unique properties and qualities inherent in this person only (both congenital and acquired in society).

Personality - the highest level of human development, on which he acts as a subject of conscious activity and as a carrier of social meaningful properties and qualities.

Socially significant personality qualities include:

    active life position;

    the presence of his own opinion and the ability to defend him;

    developed communicative abilities;

    a responsibility;

    the presence of education, etc.

Personality structure:

    social status - the position of a person in a social hierarchy;

    social role is a sample of behavior expected by society from a person with a certain status;

    the direction is a certainty of human behavior by higher values, installations, meaning of life, worldview.

A person is not a personality from the moment of birth, but becomes it and the process of socialization.

The most important social characteristic of a person is the presence of consciousness.

There are several major understanding of the term Consciousness:

    a combination of all human knowledge;

    focus on a specific object;

    self-consciousness, self-report - observation of the mind for its own activities;

    a combination of individual and collective ideas.

Since in the individual consciousness, ideas characteristic of the whole society are played by a major consciousness.

Public consciousness - Consciousness inherent in large groups of people with a nearby ideas, principles, relationships, habits, morals, traditions for most of these people.

Public consciousness is formed, firstly, due to the rapprochement of interests and activities of large groups of people; Secondly, thanks to the widespread ideas present in the public consciousness through education, the media, the activities of parties.

Public consciousness is formed under the influence of social activities and largely corresponds to it. However, in some cases, the development of social consciousness may lag behind the development of social being (remnants of consciousness); And in other cases - to be ahead (advanced consciousness).

Forms of public consciousness are transmitted from generation to generation and actively affect the life of society.

Structure of public consciousness:


    political consciousness;

    legal consciousness;

  • aesthetic consciousness;

The ratio of individual and public consciousness .

There are no harsh borders between individual and public consciousness, they constantly interact.

Individual consciousness, on the one hand, is formed under the influence of public consciousness, and on the other hand, the content of public consciousness is selected.

Public consciousness, on the one hand, exists through the individual consciousness, and on the other hand, only individual elements are adopted, the achievements of individual consciousness.

Especially allocated mass consciousness - a set of ideas, moods, ideas reflecting individual sides of public life. Public opinion is the state of the mass consciousness, reflecting the attitude towards certain social facts.

In addition to consciousness, there is a reservoir of phenomena and processes that are not realized by the person, but affecting his behavior. In social studies, this is called unconscious (in psychology - subconscious).

The manifestation of the sphere of the unconscious includes:



    creative insight

  • reservations


    forgetting, etc.

Differences unconscious from consciousness:

    merge subject with an object;

    lack of space-time orientations;

    lack of mechanism of causal relationships.

Self-awareness - Definition by man itself as a person who can make independent decisions and bear responsibility for them.

Self-knowledge - comprehension by man of his individuality in all its diversity (also studying by society itself).

Reflection - Reflections of a person about what is happening in his mind.

Self-realization - The most complete identification and implementation of the personality of their goals and ideals, the desire for creative implementation.

Self-consciousness and self-realization are the basis of social behavior.

Social behavior - targeted activity in relation to other people.

Social behavior It becomes possible if the person's successful socialization is successful.

Socialization - the process of human interaction with the society and its institutions throughout his life, as a result of which he learns social norms, mastering social roles, Acquires the skills of joint activities.

Socialization of the individual takes two stages:

1. Primary socialization - Unrecognizable by the person himself and the uncritical perceived impact of society, its norms and institutions, leading to the primary learning of the norms and skills of social interaction. Primary socialization ends with the formation of a person.

2. Secondary socialization - Critical and selective development of the identity of new standards and samples of behavior in social institutions.

Socialization in society occurs with the help of socialization institutions.

Institutes of Socialization - Social institutions responsible for the socialization of individual in society. As such, allocate:

Socialization agents - People who exercise socialization within certain institutions (Father, commander (boss), journalist).

Understanding the meaning of human history contemporary state Societies and prospects for its further evolution is impossible without penetration into the essence, nature of man. A person is studied by various private sciences. Among them are biology, medicine, psychology, ethics, jurisprudence and others. But none of them defines the essence of a person as a special representative of nature, the universe. The essence of a person is detected by generalizing and analyzing all major parties, aspects of its existence. That is why the human problem appears as one of the main, if not a central problem, in the whole history of the world philosophical and sociological thought. Especially it exacerbates in turnstanding periods The development of society, when the issue of the meaning of existence, both society and every person is most acute. This period is experiencing a domestic and world history. However, at all times, the person was and is the main resource for the country of any level.

Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution

With deep antiquity and to this day, the minds of people occupy the question of what is a person. Thinkers of different eras tried to find answers to the eternal questions of life about who we come from where we go.

Currently, philosophy is looking for options for combining efforts of different philosophical views To the essence of a person, his relationship with nature in order to determine the most effective strategies for the survival of humanity in the face of global threats. The most exciting problems of the cosmic, universal essence of man and humanity are. In this regard, attention increases scientific research anthroposociogenesis - ideas about the origin and evolution of man and society.

How did the man originate? There are several major approaches to solving the problem of man and society. Historically the first can be considered mythological approachassociated with the ideas about the creation of people by the mythical deities (Zeus, Jupiter). Many gods constantly monitor the behavior of people, demanding victims from them, worships, interfere with human affairs, prefer justice according to their own laws.

In contrast to mythology developed theological, religious approach (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), in accordance with which a person was born through the act of creation of a single God. People obey the laws of the Divine Universe, existing inside the living and inanimate nature created by God. At the same time, they are able to conscious the social and moral demands of the creator (do not kill, do not steal, etc.) and on this basis, the norms of morality and legal norms are made, the implementation of which is guaranteed by the authority of state power. The person acts according to the highest instructions, but possesses and has given to his freedom of will, which can direct it on the path of sin or lead along the path of salvation of the soul, a healing and a reflective person and society.

There are philosophicals angryosociogenesis concept.Materialistic natural science and philosophical thought develops ideas natural origin of man and society Due to the self-development of nature, which is based on a complex dialectic connection of various factors. The most common concept of origin of species of living organisms by natural selectionextended by the English scientist C.Darwin. It justifies the origin of a person from animal ancestors. In modern conditions, this theory, although it faced serious difficulties, still retains its ideological importance.

Modern anthropology (the science of the origin and evolution of a person) considers the process of the origin of a person from the highest monkeys. According to this concept, the process of the emergence and development of a person was prepared by the transition of Australopiteks (the nearest ancestors of a person - fossil monkeys who lived several million years ago) to the ground image of the existence, omnivorous nutrition and the use of original natural objects, and then specially made as instruments of labor. This led to a systematic manufacture of stone, bone and wooden guns, and, consequently, to the appearance of fools of social production. As a result, the primitive herds of the early formed people who have hunted animals together were able to use fire. Their descendants have been made more complex in the form and appointment of guns, created the first artificial structures, could be able to mine. The emerging social production led to the emergence of consciousness and speech, formed a human body. The process of becoming a society and man continued hundreds of thousands of years and ended with the transformation of primitive herd in primitive society. Currently it is believed that a modern type man homo Sapiens. (reasonable person) arose about 30 thousand years ago. Despite the fact that it is biologically unique to a certain extent, its biological nature cannot be absoluticized, it represents only a prerequisite, the material basis for the formation of the actual human properties that allocate it from the aggregate of other living beings. These include the following properties:

  • An animal owns only the immediate sensual images of the surrounding world, a person has abstract concepts, mind, is able to mentally separating himself from the world around, comprehend its attitude towards him;
  • The man learned to adapt the environment to himself, convert it;
  • man is able to exist in non-natural areas of nature (water, underwater, underground, air, cosmic);
  • Some animals are episodically used the objects of nature, the man also created a huge world of artificial objects, constantly use and produces new;
  • The animal obeys only physiological needs, a person can build his behavior in accordance with spiritual values \u200b\u200b(morality, religion, right, etc.), is able to determine the purpose and meaning of its actions.

An anthropogenesis problem is not completely permitted. As science develops, new questions arise. For example, the search for biological predecessors of a person continues, there is a explanation of the "redundancy" of the human brain, the deep dependences of the properties of consciousness from human instrument activity are considered, etc. The hypothesis of "enhancing" life and reason from other planets is not discarded.

One of the fundamentals is the problem the ratio of biological and social in man.

Human- This is the form of being, which has a specific set of properties that give it the quality of a biosocial being. Consideration of a person in the framework of only social or only a biological approach is unilateral and limited. For example, there are attempts to explain all the social processes of purely natural human properties. Some concepts with the explanation of social processes are given an extremely important role to the factors of natural selection and struggle for the existence (Social Darwinism) or inheritance factors (social biologism). Some researchers optimistically argue that the hereditary system of a person fully displays the results of its development as a unique biological species. Others, on the contrary, believe that a person as a biological species will tear down to the extinction, the reason for which is a long existence in an artificial (technical) medium, the accumulation of mutations and the loss of the properties of the biological device. There are scientists who believe that a person is still too close to the animal and its nature can be corrected due to the achievements of genetics. At the same time, moral problems arise: how to determine who exactly from people has a genotype with the desired features and who should decide on the fullness of other people.

But the consideration of biological factors cannot be reduced only to the accounting of genetics. It is important to keep in mind also the bodily, physiological and mental features of a separate person, opportunities for their improvement in the course of life. In general, the exaggerated assessment of genetic factors and breeding technologies unjustifiably diminishes the role of the social principle in man.

A person is born as a creature relating to the highest animals. It appears with underdeveloped physiological properties that can develop only in society conditions, i.e. Genetically, they are laid out as human. For example, a human smile is congenital character, but it becomes truly human only in the process of its upbringing, i.e. His socialization. It is the society that fills the human behavior with social content. In the case of isolation from the society, nor in behavior, nor in the psyche of the child will not appear.

Consciousness is not our natural heritage. Conscious mental phenomena are formed in a lot of education, learning, active mastering language, the world of culture.

Public impact Converts the psyche (as an element of the biological system) of the individual, turning it into a biosocial being. It is a society who is obliged by such properties as converting instrument activity, speech, ability to creativity.

Natural and social interaction of man and society contradictory. Society is such, what are the generators of its people. A person is a subject of public life: he implements himself in society, forms it with its activity, determines his "face". But! It is also a product of society, reflects the features of his biological and social development. That is why the focus of society must be issues of ensuring the health of people, starting from birth to old age. Human biological health allows him to actively participate in the life of society, to realize his creative potential, Create a full-fledged family, raise and educate children. At the same time, a person deprived of the necessary social conditions Life, or irresponsibly related to his health through some dubious social "achievements," loses its biological properties, degrades physically. The latter circumstance is known to be the cause of antisocial behavior.

So along with biological and social factors as such it is necessary to allocate culture as a personal development factor. It is quite obvious that humanity that arose about 30 thousand years ago has passed since the giant path of cultural evolution, having accumulated a huge supply of material and spiritual values. The steps of this evolution are considered in the previous section.

Thus, the biological and social principle is closely interrelated in man. The achievement of biological and social harmony of society and a person at each historical stage is as an ideal, the desire to which the development of both society and a person contributes to the development of both society.

One of the problems associated with the essence of a person is the question of the emergence and development of human and society's spiritual life. The existence of these phenomena in science is customary to communicate with the presence of consciousness in humans.

What is consciousness?Consciousness is perceived by many people as a miracle. Above the mystery of this miracle thinks. From the point of view of religious concepts, consciousness was presented as something introduced with something (or someone) supernatural from outside and unchanged. Based on these ideas, the concept of "soul" arose. Such views were theoretically substantiated and fixed in various idealistic philosophical systems. The proclamation of the consciousness of the supernatural essence actually took the question of his nature and the possibility of knowing his essence.

Specifically interpreted the nature of consciousness german natural scientists in the XIX century. (K. Fokht, L. Buchner, Ya. Meshott). They believed that consciousness is purely material process: The brain gives the thought just as the liver bile. In their opinion, the content of consciousness is determined mainly chemical composition Man's food. This position was called vulgar materialism.

The position of dialectical materialism in solving the problem of the essence of consciousness:

  • 1. Consciousness is a specific property of the only high-organized form of matter;
  • 2. It is impossible to reject consciousness from matter nor identify them;
  • 3. The emergence of consciousness is due both biological and social factors.

One of the most critical places of this concept is an explanation, as the matter of inanimate, does not feel Matter living, and also thinking. Here this difficulty is solved on the basis of the reflection principle, in accordance with which all matter has a reflection property.

Reflection- The ability of some material objects to reproduce the features of others - the objects affecting them - by changing their properties and structure.

The nature of reflection is determined by the level of development and complexity of the organization of material objects. In this regard, the following stages of development of reflection properties:

  • 1. Reflection in inanimate nature (mechanical, physical, chemical);
  • 2. Wildlife reflection (mechanical, physical, chemical, biological); Biological reflection is developing in the following steps:
    • irritability in plants and the simplest organisms;
    • Appearance nervous system and its development, complication of reflexes;
    • the emergence and development of the central nervous system and brain;
  • 3. Reflection in reasonable nature (mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, social).

Thus, the evolution of the forms of matter led to the appearance of one of its forms specific Property Consciousness.

Consciousness- This is the property of the human brain to reflect the impact of the surrounding world in the form of abstract thinking.

As a result of the development of the most consciousness, a person acquired the ability to control his condition. For example: call some sensual and logical images from memory; concentrate attention on some subject or thought; forced yourself to perform any actions or abstain from them; Manifest your manifestation spiritual state and etc.

Based on these arguments, you can call the elements of consciousness, three of them.

Knowledge (memory)- Stable track from the impact of the surrounding world.

Emotions- human reactions on the effects of internal and external stimuli. Emotions are manifested in the form of pleasure or displeasure. In extreme conditions, emotions increase sharply, they can "turn off" sidewomanThat is, the ability to build a logically consistent system of abstract concepts. A person can stop adequately to the situation, he develops affects - Stormy short-term emotions (excitation, delight, horror, etc.). In this case, an instinctive way of responding to such a situation is triggered: increased activity, aggression, hysterics, etc. Higher Product Development of Human Emotions - feelings. This is a combination of specific situational emotions.

Will- the ability to choose the purpose of actions and to the internal efforts to achieve it.

The highest level of development of abstract thinking is mind. This person's ability to synthesize theoretical knowledge and practical experience, penetrate into the deep essence of the objects studied, do not obvious conclusions, predict the development of things and their relationship.

For a long time in science and philosophy, the principle of anthropological rationalism dominated. The behavior of a person was considered only as the embodiment of his consciousness, rationality. The person in all its manifestations was solely a thoughtful, conscious creature, able to rationalize both his own behavior and social life. But since the new time, in the teachings about a person, the problem of unconscious occupies an increasing place.

Unconscious- this is a combination of mental phenomena, states and processes lying outside the sphere of human reason, scoreless and not permanent at least in this moment, control by consciousness.

For example, the unconscious are dreams, hypnotic states, impurity states, etc. The sphere of unconscious phenomena includes instincts, from which a person as a biological being is incomparable. Instincts give rise to a person's subconscious desires, emotions, volitional impulses, which may later get into the sphere of consciousness. So, an important role in the mental and social life of a person and society is played by such instincts as an instinct of self-preservation, sex instinct, an instinct of hunger, etc.

There is no unambiguous border between conscious and unconscious phenomena. So-called automatons and intuition can be born through consciousness, but then dive into the scope of the unconscious. Automated - sufficiently complex actions of a person who initially act under the control of consciousness, but as a result of repeated repetitions acquire an unconscious nature, out of control: car driving skills, games on musical instruments, use the phone, etc. Thanks to the inclusion of the unconscious, on the one hand, the burden of consciousness decreases, on the other - increase creative opportunities A person when knowledge is built without the influence of stereotypes, the usual argument schemes.

Questions for repetition:

  • 1. What is the meaning of the concepts of "anthropogenesis", "sociogenesis" and "anthroposociogenesis"?
  • 2. What are the signs that distinguish a person from other beings?
  • 3. What is the ratio of biological and social in man?
  • 4. What is consciousness?
  • 5. What is the difference between mind and reason?
  • 6. How to characterize the unconscious?

Material for teacher . Lesson number 1

Topic: Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution

Structure lesson

Expected Result: W."know , which is understood by the person in society, distinguish the concepts of "man", "individuality" and "personality", know what the impact on the process of the formation of a person and the nature and society,

make sure Characterization from scientific positions natural (biological) and public (social) in man; Create way to specify examples / disclose the biosocial essence of a person, the ability to apply social scientific knowledge in the process of solving cognitive tasks on topical social issues.

Structure lesson

    Greeting. Organizing time (Preparation of the necessary equipment, handouts)

    Check homework. Discussion difficult eME issuesWorking on errors.

    Phase call .- 1 .Motive stage. Actualization, knowledge, identifying difficulties and gaps in knowledge, formulation of issues, setting goals learning activities and promotion of the problem

(Reception "Open Thoughts" and "Ideas Basket").

    Phase - sensation.2 . Acquaintance with new information, correlating it with knowledge available, search for answers to the questions, identifying difficulties and contradictions (if any) adjustment of goals.

Theoretical block.Lecture - Dialogue . The introduction of new concepts (generic and species). Memorization of signs and characteristics of concepts.

    Phase - Reflection 3. . Summation and systematization new informationHer assessment, answers to the previously set questions, formulating issues, formulation of new learning activities, i.e. "New challenge".Work with examples. (Reception "Simulation-role modeling" . Reception "I believe, I do not believe")

    Mini test.

    Issuing homework.

Necessary equipment (Internet, projector, computer, social studies School dictionary 10-11 CL, distribution material)In order to interest students, develop their horizons and aim to study the subject can be advised to start an occupation from the opening of the expert magazine and focus on any interesting, photo report or photographs - ask for training to bring judgment on this event)

Reception "Open thoughts" - Beginning of classes:

What do you think, mean these photos? [Slide (portrait) (everybody to express your point of view, students express their assumptions: view, freckles, baby , man, jobs)

Association game : I offer you a game with a word. Write down the word "man"

What associations do you have, looking at this word?

(anthropogenesis, anthroposociogenesis, individual, personality, personality, etc.)

What is this child in photo1 different from all other newborn children? (responsible, he is the same as all newborns, he is one of he is an individual

What a child in photo 2 differs from all others (correctly bright individual features! Describe them ...)

What will be the speech today in the lesson?

In the lesson we will study:

Natural (biological) and public (social) in man; the concepts of "individual", "individuality", "personality"; Needs and their types.

The main content of the lesson is the theoretical block (lecture)

Let's start learning the course with the most famous and controversial topic in science - this is anthropogenesis (theory of origin and human development). In reality, there are several of them. Let's get acquainted:

(Reception "Ideas Basket")

- What do you know on this topic? Suggest the learning ourselves to set out the data versions of theories and exchange information. (each pair to distribute the cards with the name of one theory)

Theories of human origin as a biological species

1. Creationism (from lat.creatio. - Creation, Creation / Creative, Creative / Man created God, Creator.

2. Evolutionism / Evolutionary theory of Darwin-Wallace. Darwinism/

Evolutionary theory - Complex of knowledge about general laws and driving forces historical Development wildlife. The basis evolutionary theory It is a statement that all existing organisms have occurred from the previously existing changes under the influence of external and internal factors.

Biological evolution Determined by hereditary variability, the struggle for the existence, natural and artificial selection3.Theory of external intervention (It is believed that people are direct descendants of aliens, landed on Earth in prehistoric time).

So what theory to choose? It largely depends on the level of human worldview!

One of the key ideas of the lesson is the ideahuman biosociality.

A human biosocial being improving the highest level in the evolution of life and is a subject of social and historical activities and communication.

Biological nature a person manifests itself in (to specify each trait an example)

    anatomy-physiological features,

    the structure of various organs and systems,

    instincts and reflexes.

    The deposits (which under certain conditions turn into abilities, but "the gift is still presented to us by nature)

    The ability to exchange energy with the environment (food gives us energy and we act)

    Biologically, each person is unique, since the genes obtained from parents are unique.

All these factors bring us with other living beings.

Anthropogenesis biological factors (unique, which are not peculiar to other living beings)

    Complicated brain structure - (leads to the formation of abstract thinking)

    The structure of jaws, larynx (The ability to a self-partition speech, but if a person is deprived of society in itself, he will not speak "Mowgli" can be only in fairy tales!)

    Hand brush structure

    Ability to straight (We pay radiculitis and other unpleasant things)

Public in man

Scientists believethe most important features of a person from other living beings:

    Consciousness, the presence of thinking and verbal speech;

    the ability to target, including creative activities;

    the ability to consciously convert the surrounding reality,

    create the necessary benefits and values;

    the ability to make complex tools of labor with the help of other guns and use them in the process of producing the necessary goods.

Consciousness - a person inherent ability to reproduce reality in thoughts and images, to understand what is happening and meaningfully purposefully to act.

Task bank - Task number 1 (№4 EGE) , Task number 2 (№5 EGE)

"Individual", "Personality", "Individuality".

    First write words (on the board):

    Decency, intelligence, hard work, readiness, humanity, law-ability.

    What is not social? Why? Stress.

    (answer : Sophistication- natural quality (is a deposit))

(Educants lead records in the notebook, teacher - on the board)

For the characteristics of the human essence, scientists use the concepts of "individual", "personality", "individuality".

(Reception "Simulation-role modeling") .

Write and read your characteristic as an individual, individuality, personality. ( eg Social features of individuality: calculating, courageous, careful, cunning).

in the story of A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter "(Find the features of individuality and personality)

Father Grnev , Andrei Petrovich Grinev, was a real combat officer, courageous and brave. This is a strict man» (these are the features of individuality)

Masha Mironova. Quiet timid(as an individuality ) became the winner in the most complex life situations(as a personality). She won her bitter destiny and found a house, family, happiness. She overcame all the events of fate, saved the future of Peter, his honor, his family. (as a personality).

And now let's turn to the theory!

Individual - A single representative of mankind.

The concept of "individuality "It is used to designate such a combination of biological and social qualities, which one person distinguishes from all others. It can be said that individuality is the originality of a person.

Personality - A combination of socially significant qualities of the individual who are emerging in the process of public life. Personality is a person as a carrier of consciousness, endowed by the most important social qualities: the ability to learn, to work, communicate with other people, participate in the life of society, to have spiritual interests, evaluate and control their actions, be responsible for their consequences. The personality of a person is formed and develops throughout his life, duringsocialization (in the process of mastering social roles, cultural wealth accumulated by society).

Make a cluster: "Personality formation factors"

The formation of personality is influenced by the social environment and the circumstances of life. Modern specialists allocated three types of medium, which man turns out -

1) Natural and geographical environment: (heavy natural conditions life make a person reveal all their abilities and on the contrary)

2) Public environment - (society or society), street, school, work, etc.

3) Home environment, education in the family, the attitude of relatives, and the circumstances of life.

4) heredity: people receive genetically defined deposits from parents: physiological features (Build), peculiarities of the nervous system - a, endurance), temperament, health or predisposition to diseases.

5) self improvement.

Sociological sheet.

Here are a photo of famous personalities (from history and modernity). Who are they? What factors affected their development and formation? What social qualities are characteristic of them?

Answer - Mature personality Characterized:

    Personality is a person as a carrier of consciousness, endowed by the most important social qualities: the ability to learn, work,

    communicate with other people

    participate in the life of society

    have spiritual interests

    evaluate and control their actions, be responsible for their consequences.

(other qualities may be called)

2) human needs

Needs - This awareness and experience of the person needs in the fact that it is necessary to maintain life and personal development (a person needs water and air, food and warmth, various objects of material and spiritual culture, etc.

What groups of needs allocate scientists? (Student Answers)

(Reception "Simulation-role modeling" .)

Give your examples, the needs of each group.

Natural (biological; physiological, material, etc.)(Air for breathing, water, food, clothing and dwelling, continued genus, etc.)

Spiritual (perfect)(in the knowledge of the surrounding world, reaching harmony and beauty; religious faith, artistic creativity)

Social (in communication, in labor, life success, lesson in society)

(Watch the classification of needs (pyramid) A. Oil.)

Genuine needs are related to the fact that it is really necessary to man, and satisfactionimaginary needs can harm the health, intellectual and moral development of the personality.

Reception "I believe, I do not believe"

Analyze judgments about a person. Students must either agree with this statement or not. Put the icon "! »In the appropriate column of the table.



I do not believe

Natural (biological) human needs include communicating with other people.

A person has thinking and verbal speech.

The social essence of a person is manifested in his anatomy and physiology.

Unique, original human qualities are called individuality.

Personality is formed in the interaction of a person with other people.

The process of becoming a personality is called stratification.

Individual - a single representative of mankind.

Individual needs manifest themselves from a separate person and are associated with the specific conditions of his life, his personality.

Personality is a person as a carrier of consciousness, endowed with a number of social qualities.

Task bank - Task number 3. (Task №28 EGE)


Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution

Each student performs a setting 1-2 and then a frontal check is performed with an explanation of the learning selection of each position.and analysis of incorrect answers.

Exercise 1 (EGE number 1)




In the knowledge of the surrounding world, reaching harmony and beauty; religious faith, artistic work.


In communication, in labor, life success, the occupation of a certain position in society.

Answer: spiritual

The task 2 (EGE number 4)

Choose faithful judgments About man and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The need is the need of a person in what constitutes the necessary condition for its existence.

2) Only a person is able to consciously convert the surrounding reality, to create the necessary benefits and values.

3) Activities are a specific method of human existence.

4) The spiritual nature of a person is manifested in anatomy-physiological features, the structure of various systems and organs, instincts and reflexes.

5) to natural (biological) human needs include the needs of the knowledge of the surrounding world, reaching harmony and beauty; religious faith, artistic creativity, etc.

Answer: 123.

The task 3 (EGE number 20)

Read the following text in which a number of words are missed.

Select from the proposed list of the words you want to insert into the place of pass.

"The motive of __________ (a) is called what it encourages it, for which it is carried out. As a motion, it usually performs a specific __________ (b), which is satisfied during and through activities. This is a definite form of communication of living organisms with foreign worldnecessary for the existence of __________ (c), social group, society as a whole.

__________ (d) Needs are caused by human biological nature. This is the need for people in everything that is necessary for their existence, development and reproduction. __________ (e) Needs are related to the fact that a person belongs to society, it takes a certain place in it, participates in work activities, in communicating with other people. __________ (e) Needs are associated with the knowledge of the people around the world, its place in it and the meaning of its existence. Each of the groups of needs causes relevant activities. "

Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can be used only once.

List of terms:

1) Need

2) Activities

3) Nature

4) Social

5) Natural

6) genuine (reasonable)

7) Individuality

8) Individual

9) perfect (spiritual)

In this below, the table shows the letters denoting missed words. Write in the table under each letter number of your chosen word.

After completing the task - be sure to read the entire text together with the terms inserted !!!.


» — general concept, denoting belonging to human race, the nature of which was noted above, combines biological and social qualities. In other words, a person appears in his essence as biosocial creature.

A modern man from birth is biosocial unity. It appears with the incompleteness of the formed anatomophysiological qualities, which are crushed with his life in society. At the same time, heredity supplies a child not only for purely biological properties and instincts. He initially turns out to hold the owner of human qualities itself: the developed ability to imitate adults, curiosity, the ability to upset and rejoice. His smile (the "privilege" of a person) is congenital. But a society introduces a society completely into this world, which fills his behavior with social content.

Consciousness is not our natural heritage, although nature creates a physiological base for. Conscious mental phenomena are formed during their lives as a result of active mastering language, culture. It is a society who is obliged by such qualities as converting instruments, communication with speech, the ability to spiritual creativity.

Obtaining social qualities by a person occurs in the process Socialization: The fact that there is a specific personality, there is a result of mastering cultural valueswhich are available in a particular society. At the same time it is an expression, embodiment internal capabilities Personality.

Natural and social interaction of man and society contradictively. A person is a subject of public life, it realizes himself only in society. However, it is both the product of the medium, reflects the features of the development of biological and social aspects of public life. Achieving biological and social Harmony Society and man at each historical stage acts as an ideal, the desire to which the development of both society and a person contributes to the development of both society.

Society and man are inseparable from each other and in biological, and socially. The society is such, what are the generators of its people, it acts as an expression, design, fixing the inner essence of a person, the method of its livelihoods. The person came out of nature, but there exists a person only thanks to society, it is formed in it and forms it with its activities.

Society determines the conditions of not only social, but also the biological improvement of a person. That is why the focus of society should be issues of ensuring the health of people from their birth and to old age. The human biological health allows him to actively participate in the life of society, to realize its creative potency, create a full-fledged family, raise and educate children. At the same time, a person who is deprived of the necessary social conditions of vital activity loses its "biological form", is lowered not only morally, but also physically, it can cause the cause of antisocial behavior and crimes.

In society, a person sells his nature, but he himself is forced to obey the requirements and restrictions of society, to be responsible for him. After all, society is all people, including every person, and, obeying the Company, he argues the demands of his own essence. Speaking against society, a person does not simply undermine the basics of general well-being, but also deforms his own nature, violates the harmony of biological and social starts.

Biological and social factors

What made it possible to stand out from the animal world? The main factors of anthropogenesis can be divided as follows:

  • biological factors - Strying, Hand Development, Large and Developed Brain, Ability to Affiliate Speech;
  • Main social factors - labor and collective activity, thinking, language and, morality.

Of the factors listed above played a leading role in the process of human formation; In his example, the relationship of other biological and social factors is manifested. So, the strain of his hands liberated for the use and manufacture of guns, and the structure of the hand (estimated thumb, flexibility) made it possible to effectively use these guns. In the process of joint work, there were close relations between members of the team, which led to the establishment of group cooperation, care for the members of the tribe (morality), to the need to communicate (the emergence of speech). Language promoted, expressing more and more complex concepts; The development of thinking in turn enriched with new words. The language also allowed to transmit experience from generation to generation, while maintaining and multiplying the knowledge of mankind.

In this way, modern man - product interaction of biological and social factors.

Under His biological features It is understood that it brings together a person with animals (with the exception of anthropogenesis factors, which were the basis for the allocation of a person from the kingdom of nature), - hereditary signs; the presence of instincts (self-preservation, gender, etc.); emotions; biological needs (breathe, eat, sleep, etc.); similar to other mammals physiological features (the presence of identical internal organs, hormones, constant body temperature); the ability to use natural objects; Fixture to the environment, continued genus.

Social features characteristic solely for a person - the ability to produce labor tools; self-partition; language; Social needs (communication, attachment, friendship, love); spiritual needs (,); awareness of your needs; activities (labor, artistic, etc.) as the ability to convert the world; consciousness; ability to think; creation; creation; goal.

The person cannot be reduced exclusively to public qualities, since biological prerequisites are needed for its development. But it is impossible to bring it to the biological characteristics, since the person can only be in society. Biological and social inseparably merged in man, making it special biosocial creature.

Biological and social in man and their unity

The ideas about the unity of biological and social in the formation of a person did not form at once.

Without deepening in distant antiquity, we recall that in the Epoch of Enlightenment, many thinkers, differentiating natural and public, considered the latter as "artificially" created by the person, including almost all attributes of public life - spiritual needs, social institutions, morality, traditions and customs. It is during this period that there are widespread concepts such as "Natural Law", "Natural Equality", "Natural Morality".

Natural, or natural was considered as a foundation, the basis of the correctness of the public device. There is no need to emphasize that social performed as if a secondary role and was directly dependent on the natural environment. In the second half of the XIX century. Various distribution is obtained theories of social darwinismwhose essence is in attempts to extend to public life principles of natural selection And the struggle for the existence of wildlife, formulated by the English scientist Charles Darwin. The emergence of society, its development was considered only within the framework of evolutionary changes occurring regardless of the will of people. Naturally, everything that is happening in society, including social inequality, the tough laws of the social struggle, were considered by them as necessary, useful both for society as a whole and for its individual individuals.

In the XX century Attempts by the biology of the "explanation" of the essence of a person and its social qualities do not stop. As an example, it is possible to lead the phenomenology of a person of a well-known French thinker and natural resource, by the way, the clergy of P. Teyar de Sharden (1881-1955). According to Teyar, a person embodies and concentrates in itself all the development of the world. Nature in the process of its historical development receives its meaning in man. In it, it reaches as if of its highest biological development and at the same time he acts as a kind of beginning of its conscious, and, therefore, social development.

Currently, the view of the biosocial nature of man has been established in science. At the same time, social not only does not fit, but its decisive role is noted in the allocation of Homo Sapiens from the world of animals and its transformation into a social being. Now it is unlikely anyone will dare to deny biological prerequisites man. Not even addressing scientific evidence, but guided by the simplest observations and generalizations, it is not difficult to detect a huge dependence of a person from natural changes - magnetic storms in the atmosphere, solar activity, earthly elements and disasters.

In the formation, the existence of a person, and this has already been said earlier, a huge role Belongs to social factors, such as labor, relationship between people, their political and social institutions. None of them in itself, individually could not lead to the emergence of a person, his allocation from the world of animals.

Each person is unique and this is also predetermined by its nature, in particular, the unique set of genes inherited from their parents. It is also necessary to say that the physical differences that exist between people are primarily predetermined by biological differences. First of all, it is primarily the differences between two sexes - men and women who can be attributed to the number of the most significant differences between people. There are other physical differences - skin color, eye, body structure, which are mainly due to geographic and climatic factors. It is these factors, as well as unequal conditions for historical development, the system of education largely explains the differences in everyday life, psychology, social situation of peoples different countries. And yet, despite these rather fundamental differences in their biology, physiology and mental potencies, people of our planet are generally equal. Achievements of modern science convincingly testify that there is no reason to argue about the superiority of any race over the other.

Social in man - This is primarily an instrument and production activities, collectivist forms of life with the division of duties between individuals, language, thinking, public and political activity. It is known that Homo Sapiens as a person and personality cannot exist outside human communities. Cases are described when small children, due to different reasons, fell under the custody of animals, "brought up" them and when after several years of stay in the animal world returned to people, they needed years to adapt to a new social environment. Finally, social life It is impossible to imagine a person without its public and political activity. Actually, as already noted earlier, the human life itself is social, since he constantly interacts with people - in everyday life, at work, during leisure. How does biological and social in determining the essence and nature of the person correlate? Modern science Definitely responds to it - only in unity. Indeed, without biological prerequisites, it would be difficult to imagine the emergence of the hominid, but without social conditions it was impossible to form a person. Already no one secret that pollution ambient, Human habitat environment makes a threat to the biological existence of Homo Sapiens. Summing up, it can be said that now, as many million years ago, the physical condition of a person, its existence in a decisive degree depend on the state of nature. In general, it can be argued that now, as with the emergence of Homo Sapiens, its existence is ensured by the unity of biological and social.