What is one thing meaning. The main properties of character

Especially when the question arises, in what respect is the character, temperament and personality. Some believe that the character is equal to temperament, others that character is synonymous personality, the third claims that personality itself is a specific part of its own nature.

In the narrow sense of the word, the character is defined as a set of sustainable properties of the person, in which ways of its behavior and methods of emotional response are expressed.

Personality - Character - Temperament

How to distinguish a character from personality and temperament? An analysis of everyday terminology shows us that these are three completely different things. For example, the adjectives that describe the person and character are completely different. About character say: heavy, light, soft, compliant, golden. About personality - outstanding, creative, gray, criminal. In the story, great people with a bad character are well known: Dostoevsky was hard, the physiologist Pavlov was distinguished with a steep temper. But it did not prevent them from becoming outstanding personalities. In other words, the difference between the person and the nature is that the character is how the person acts, and the personality is that it acts about.

Characters are distinguished by certainty and integrity. People with a certain character dominates one or more pronounced features. In people with an indefinite character, they are very weak.

Wholeness or contradiability

Whole Characters are distinguished by the absence of contradictions between the awareness of the goals and the activity itself, the unity of thoughts and feelings. A person S. contradictory The nature of the belief and activity is in the disaster, there are incompatible thoughts and feelings, goals and motives, desires and motives.

In the structure of the character, two groups of features are distinguished. The first group includes those that reflect the relationship between humans and reality - attitude towards others, to work, to itself. To the second group, character traits include volitional traits: dedication, determination, perseverance, self-control, etc.

Science and life

The section of psychology, whose task is to describe the types of characters, is called the characterology. The first works of this direction contained a small number of types. So Jung, for example, allocated two main types of character: extracerted and introverted. Over time, the number of types increased: for example, Gannushkin has already described 7 types of character, Leongard - ten, personal - eleven.

The concept of character. Properties (features) of character. Character classification

Characterin the narrow sense of the word is defined as a set of sustainable properties of the individual, in which methods of its behavior and methods of an emotional response are expressed. It is a manifestation in de and communication, includes OS, who give a person a specific, characteristic shade characteristic.

Meatishchev : Character is the structural integration of human relations to itself and the environment. World. The personality is characterized by the direction, level of development, structure, temperament dynamics. So Direction - vector, and character - the ratio of motives and relations in general.

At Ananeva The nature of inclusive features of the psychic. The processes are determined by natural preventions and social attitude.

The combination of intraindivide properties. The structures are character as a system of personal properties, its subject relationship to society, etc. People, the most constantly implemented in societies, behavior and fixed in lifestyle. Character is the peak of Person. Properties.

Levitov : Character - mental warehouse of personality, expressed in her orientation and will. The main is the focus. Focus determines activities, the will supports it.

Kovalev : Character - Psychic Sweet Personality, which has developed under the influence of external influences and education and defines the style of behavior and human relationship. So - This is the acquired feature.

Alport : Character features are morally estimated personality features (therefore, a certain culture of a certain interpretation of the same property). Character - coordination of individual and group norms and values.

By Rubinstein Character is a steady generalized motive generated to similar circumstances. It can manifest itself both in the content and in the form of behavior.

Platonov : Character - personality frame. The content side is the focus + will + manifestation in behavior: the established stereotype of behavior. The severity of the character is determined by the clarity of trends and the ability to reinforce them.

Merlin : Character features are the properties of the person in general, which are manifested in socio-typical situations.

With this definition of the nature of its properties, as well as the properties of temperament, can be attributed to the formal dynamic behavioral features. However, in the first case, these properties are extremely formal, in the second they carry signs somewhat larger content, decoration. So, for the motor sphere, the adjectives describing the temperament will be "fast", "movable", "sharp", "sluggish", and the qualities of character - "assembled", "organized", "neat", "dusty". To characterize the emotional sphere, in the case of temperament, these words as, "alive", "impulsive", "hot-tempered", "sensitive", and in the event of character - "good-natured", "closed", "incredulous".

Character properties:

Unlike T.: Temperament - what is specified by nature, character - what we do.

If temperament is a speed, tempo, then character is more specific content. Active is the tempo, and purposeful is character. The nature is associated with the content of the situation.

Temperament is congenital, and the character is purchased

- characteristics characteristics:

fullness - variety of features, properties

integrity - character is always an individual-peculiar combination of properties


severity - can reach accentuation

originality, identity

integitivity - character is always a structure

sociality - character is always manifested in behavior

automation of manifestation of character traits, although fixed long

motivational component - character is always attitude

volievable component - character traits can compensate for temperament traits

The individual properties of Har-RA are associated with each other, depend on each other, form a holistic organization, structure. Systems of interrelated properties are called symptom complex.

Depending on the identity relationships allocate 4 character properties systems:

    attitude towards people

    relationship to work (conscientiousness, laziness, courage, indecision)

    attitude towards things (principle)

    attitude towards me

- In the system of personal relationships, there are rods (always socially typical) and derivative properties.

The structure of the character is determined not only by the relationship of individual properties, but also properties of the structure of character:

    property depth - deeper properties defined by rod relations are associated with a broader system of other properties.

    activity (Power of Character) - Determined by the degree of countering external circumstances

    stability / variability of character properties  necessary conditions for adaptation.

    plasticity  Condition Development and Education.

The structural properties of the character are interrelated: deeper properties are more active and more stable.

- Classification of character traits: 1.On mental processes - Emotional (emotionality, cheerfulness, impressionability), volitional (perseverance, independence, courage, indecision), intellectual (curiosity, intelligence, resourcefulness, lightness), moral (honesty, responsiveness, kindness, cruelty).

- The nature is generally distinguished by their definitions and wholeness. A certain character -this is a character with the presence of one or more pronounced dominant features. People S. indefinite charactersimilar features are missing or expressed very weakly. Whole Characters are distinguished by the absence of contradictions between the awareness of the goals and the activity itself, the unity of thoughts and feelings. Conflicting character Infection of convictions and activities, the presence of incompatible thoughts and feelings, goals and motives, contradictory aspirations, desires and motives is peculiar.

Character is formed: on heredity influences education I. circumstances of life. Of all the conditions of life, human relationships are crucial for the formation of a character, and from all social impacts - upbringing. It has great importance a familybecause There is a child relationship towards people, subjects, duties, i.e. it is formed by its nature:

Parents strongly control the child, strictly punish → uncertainty, closure, incredulusity

Parents are indulgent, do not make comments, but also do not encourage → no curiosity, incontinence

Parents are benevolent, combine control with maintaining a child of desire to be independent → confidence, curiosity, maturity

- Mechanism of character formation - through activities: Game (childhood), educational, labor.

Character properties are developing unevenly, not at the same time, character is formed all life.

Different SV-VA character is formed at different ages. Communicative in preschool age.

Subject SV-Wa, when the child introduces different objects

Reflexive SV-VA (reflect the attitude of a person to themselves, are associated with the goals that I want).

Character formation : The main role in the formation of the nature of the child plays his communication with the surrounding people. With direct learning through imitation and emotional reinforcement, it assimilates the forms of adult behavior. Aged 2 to 9 years old, children are especially open to influence. Very important for the formation of the Har of the Child. The style of adult adults among themselves and with a child. Previously, others in Har-Re are laid: kindness, sociability, responsiveness, as well as opposing them - selfishness, worn, indifference to people. Har-Ar properties that are most manifested in labor - Diligence, accuracy, responsibility, perseverance. They are formed in preschool childhood, enshrine in children's games. In primary school classes The features of Har-Ra, taking relationships with people. IN adolescence The volitional traits of Har-Ra are developing and fixed, and in the early youth, the basic moral, ideological foundations of L. are formed by the most effective means of the formation of Har-ra.

- Character functions: 1. Help the person self-appearance in activities. 2. Expressive function (expression of a relationship to something).

Character classification

    Initially, when the character was examined, the types of people were described.

On Lesgafeta 6 types of children

    Hypocrites, false cunning, lazy

    Ambitious (love when admire)


    Maliciously scored (evil, indifferent)

    Soft-scored (slack)

    Oppressed (modest, hardworking)

Sheldon and Krechmer examined the character in biological determinants (picnic, athletic, asthenic)

2. constitutional typology (Krechmer, and the beginning of the 20th century) - There have been many measurements of people's body parts: each type of physique corresponds to a certain psychological warehouse of temperament, as well as a certain tendency to a particular mental illness.

4 types of body structure of people allocate and relates three isolated temperament type with them:

ASTENIK (SHISOTENIC) - Extracted, thin, with flat breasts, closed, emotionally too, quickly tires. Picnic (cyclotemic) - the predominance of fatty tissues, talkativeness, sociability, predisposition to maniacal depressive states. Athletic (ISOTEMIC) - Calm, little impressionable, restrained gestures and facial expressions. Low flexibility of thinking, it is difficult to adapt to the change of the situation, small. Dyslastics - A man with a shapeless, wrong structure.

3. Sheldon (also constitutional)

Viscenitonia (endomorphic type Body, exaggerated development of the inner germ layer, from which internal organs and adipose tissue are formed. It is characterized by a round head, large size of the internal organs, a spherical shape of the body, the softness of tissues, thin hands and legs, underdeveloped bones and muscles, pronounced fat deposits) -Asslaborage in movements, love for companies, orientation on others, emotional evenness, no explosive emotions and actions.

Somatotonia (mesomorphic type, the preferential development of the middle germ layer, from which the skeleton, muscles are formed, are characterized by wide shoulders and chest, muscular hands and legs, the minimum amount of subcutaneous fat, a large head) is confidence in movements, courage, claustrophobia, a tendency to risk, energy.

Cerebrotonia - Inhability in movements, increased reaction rate, prone to solitude, sociophobia (fear of public contacts), excessive sensitivity to pain. Extorphic type - This is the preemptive development of the external germ layer, from which the nervous system and the brain are formed, while the internal and medium germinal layers have developed minimally, therefore bones, muscles, fat strata are poorly developed. This type personifies a thin person, with an elongated face, thin and long hands and legs, weak muscles and well-developed nervous system.

V. Stern:any system of human goals is based on the main relationship between the person and the world, between I and the environment. Here the goal may have a twofold direction. On the one hand, she can concern, and on the other - the world, medium. Depending on which of these areas will prevail in the target system, the Stern is distinguished outothelicaland heterothelicalthe focus, and depending on the peculiarities of the interrelation of the latter allocate three different types of character: autistic, generisticand introceptive.

1. Autothelical aspirations prevail in the autotic character. The purpose of the will of the autistist in essence always constitutes himself. He either individualistthat is, constantly seeks to put forward to the fore and emphasize the features of his personality, or subjectivist,that is, its attitude to everything is being built depending on what value it has for his personality, or egoist,that is, it applies to all and to all as a means of carrying out their personal goals.

2. Gatheristicthe nature is available in the case when focus goes beyond the framework of his own person, seeking to implement the values \u200b\u200bunderlying it. Three types of geomethers distinguish: a) altruist,seeing its goal mainly in the well-being of near, other people; It is characterized by involvement in the goals of other people, sympathy, or synthery;b) hypercraftthat is, the person, as directed mainly to the service team (state, homeland, class, mankind, etc.); He is experiencing himself, first of all, a member of any group, a collective, and not a separate individual, seeking to act for the benefit of the team; in) an ideologicalistsees its purpose not in service to individuals or team of people, but an abstract ideas and ideals; His behavior determine the ideals of justice, freedom, fraternity. The idealist, ready to sacrifice himself in the name, for example, freedom of people, may be with respect to a separate person, strict and merciless, and hyperstress, ready to bring himself to sacrifice the interests of the Motherland, may be extremely indifferentine in relation to a particular citizen.

3. With this completed character, we are dealing with the structural association of someone else's and personal purposefulness (autothelium and heterothelium), when the subject does not oppose someone else's and personal purposefulness, experiencing them as complementary and mutual moments. Such a character Stern calls introceptive,for which the service of homeland, humanity or other ideals means not the denying of its own individuality, but rather its strengthening and deployment, since its own individuality finds its embodiment in this.

Of course, introceptive character is the perfect type. Usually, such an association concerns only certain, very narrow spheres.

E. Froch Social types of character. Fromma, character is a system of relationships to himself, to people, to things. The nature is formed due to the definition of public relations to a person. There are typical character traits, cat. Characterize most. FROM

Recepting types We are convinced that the source of all the good in life is out of them. Recepting individuals can be characterized as passive, gullible and sentimental. If you discard extremes, then people with recipe orientation can be optimistic and idealistic. They want to love them. Slopes to the formation of addiction. Characterized for totalitarian societies. To get something from this life, people should earn it. Such people try to enjoy someone to earn something

Exploiting typestake everything they need or what they dream about, by force or ingenuity. They are incapable of creativity, and therefore seeking love, possessions, ideas and emotions, borrowing all this from others. Negative - aggressiveness, arrogance and self-addequacy, egocentrism and a tendency to seduction. Positive is self-confidence, self-esteem and impulsiveness.

Accumulating typestrying to possess as much material benefits, power and love; They seek to avoid any excuses for their accumulations. The drives are tasty, they scare them all new. They resemble rigid, suspicious and stubborn. According to Fromma, they have some positive features - foresight, loyalty and restraint. Characteristic for the early period of formation of capitalism

Market type It comes from the belief that the personality is estimated as a product that can be sold or profitably exchanged. These people are interested in preserving a pleasant appearance, dating with the necessary people and are ready to demonstrate any personality trait that would increase their chances of success in selling themselves to potential customers. Capitalist Mir

In contrast to unproductive orientation, productive nature It is, from the point of view of Fromma, the ultimate goal in the development of man. This type is independent, honest, calm, loving, creative and coming socio-beneficial actions, creative activities.

Classification of A. F. Lazur.

This scientist emphasized that the most "pure" types of characters are when the interests and professional activities of a person, his knowledge, skills, minorascence (let's call it with exopsychic) \u200b\u200bare developing precisely in the direction as dictated by the inborn features of his neuropsychiatric organization (endopsychic), i.e., ex- and endopsychic cause each other.

A. F. Lazur highlighted three psychological levels depending on the degree of person's adaptation to the environment. The lowest level is poorly adapted people (reasonable, affective, active); The environment imposes a particularly strong imprint on them, forcibly adapting to its requests and almost not believing with their congenital features. The average is the acquisition of a person in the environment and use it for its own purposes (theorist and practices - idealist). The highest is the level of creativity, when a person seeks to remake the environment (the head of the level of development of beauty, altruism, religion, struggle and power).

Given these levels showing the degree of adaptation and the predominance of thought, or emotional, or volitional functions, the Lazur offers the following classification of characters:

1. Lower level:

1) Opening: Weakly gifted, but reasonable, inclined to analyze the motives and consequences of actions, copying other people's actions ("Everyone like people") is aimed at satisfying direct material inquiries, conservative, self-confident.

2) Affective, among which varieties are distinguished: mobile, alive (close to the Sanguinics);

❖ Sensual, with the predominance of organic sensual deposits; ❖ Dreamer whose interests are focused on the inner world.

3) Active, whose varieties are:

❖ pulse-energetic (confused in actions, does not think about the consequences, inclined to risk, gambling, self-confident, Drachwa, is inclined to love adventure, not ready for serious systematic work);

❖ Open-active (performs suggestions and directives obtained from the outside);

stubborn (achieves the execution of solutions adopted).

2. Middle level:

1) Theorist idealist (impractical):

❖ scientist (consistency of thinking, scientific interests); Artist (developed imagination, occupation by any art); Religious contemplator (developed imagination).

2)Practice realist:

❖ Altruist (human humor, the ability of sympathy, sympathy);

❖ Public resident (sociability and enterprise in public affairs);

❖ domineering (solid will, the ability to influence others);

❖ Economic (calculation, focus on practical goals, to make matters of a material nature).

3. Highest level (Consciousness, coordination of spiritual experiences, Higher human ideals). Types of top-level ideals are divided by meaningful indicators:

❖ Altruism;

❖ Inductive knowledge / deductive knowledge;

❖ Beauty;

❖ religion; society, state; external activity, initiative; system, organization;

❖ Power, struggle.

  • 7.Axicient personality structure.
  • 8, psychological protection mechanisms: displacement, suppression, denial, projection, identification, rationalization, inclusion, substitution, alienation, compensation, regression.
  • 9, identity orientation as a personality system system. Forms of manifestation: interests, worldview, beliefs, ideals
  • 10. Arrangement of integration in a small group: cohesion, compatibility, responsibility. Effects arising from the perception of another person: halo, novelty and primary, stereotyping, self-projection.
  • 11. Interpersonal relationships in small groups. Differentiation processes in the class and methods to study them. Conformity and suggestibility.
  • 12. Concept of communication. Types of communication: anonymous, functional role, informal. Means of communication (Language and non-language). Terms of effective communication.
  • 13. Activity. Motives of activity. Interiorization and exteriorization. Characteristics of the main types of human activity: game, teaching, work.
  • 14.Processing the skills in the course of exercise, the interaction of skills.
  • 17. Conference about temperament. Type of temperament.
  • 17, temperament properties: sensitivity, reactivity, activity, plasticity, rigidity, extroversion, introversion, rate of reactions, emotional excitability.
  • 18. The concept of character. Structure of character. Character features and its integrity.
  • 19. Development and formation of abilities.
  • 20. Plugs and abilities. Unity acquired and congenital in abilities.
  • 23. Concept of attention. General characteristics and value attention. The physiological basis of attention. The problem of the development of attention.
  • 24. Types of attention. Conditions for organizing arbitrary attention. 25. The main properties of attention: stability, concentration, distribution, switching, volume.
  • 26. The concept of sensations. The role of sensations in the life and activity of man.
  • 27. The emergence of sensations. Reflex nature of sensations. Analyzer and its structure.
  • 28. Patterns of sensations (sensitivity, thresholds, adaptation, sensitization, synesthesia).
  • 30. Properties of perception: Subject, integrity, constancy, meaningfulness, appeping.
  • 31. The concept of memory. Memory and presentation.
  • 32. Types of memory and their characteristics
  • 32. Memory
  • 33 Memory processes: memorization, saving, reproduction and forgetting. Usage and his organization.
  • 34.dy as the highest form of reflection. Communication of thinking with the processes of consciousness (sensations, perceptions, memory, imagination, will, etc.)
  • 34. Types of thinking: visual-effective, clear-shaped, abstract (verbal-conceptable). Thinking and speech. Molds of thinking: concept, judgment, conclusion.
  • 35. Social nature of human thinking.
  • 36. Learn about language and speech. Speech functions. Temporal characteristics of speech in native and foreign languages.
  • 36. Types of speech: situational, contextual, external, internal.
  • 37. Individual memory features.
  • 41. The concept of intelligence. Types of intelligence. Intellect and creativity.
  • 43. The concept of emotions and feelings. The role of feelings in human practical activity.
  • 44. The patterns of the functioning of the emotional sphere (the law of Yerks-Dodson, information theory of emotions).
  • 45. Forms of feelings: sentiment, affects, stress, passion, frustrations.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bFeatures of the development of speech in Russian in children
  • 47. The subject of age and pedagogical psychology. The concept of the driving forces of mental development.
  • 48.Productors of mental development
  • 50. Age periodization of mental development. Development Stages
  • 51. The most important achievements of early childhood
  • 52.Art crises, their causes and consequences
  • 53. Sensitive periods in the development of personality
  • 53. Psychological characteristics of preschool children
  • 54. Game and its role in the mental development of the child
  • 55. Psychological characteristics of preschool children
  • 58.Shology of learning. Psychological Justles of Individualization of Training
  • 60. Personality of teacher in the pedagogical process
  • 62.Shological characteristics of adolescence. Personality development and relationships with others
  • 98.Schatic features of teacher's communication with students of junior, middle and older
  • 18. The concept of character. Structure of character. Character features and its integrity.

    Character is the originality of a warehouse of mental activities that manifests in the peculiarities of social behavior of the person and primarily in relations to people, the case, to itself.

    Character is formed gradually in the process of knowledge and practical activity.

    The nature of a particular person reflects both the socio-historical conditions in which he lives and the focus of education, since the first and second conditions determined certain traits of the nature of the personality.

    In the nature of each person it is necessary to see the unity of stable and dynamic properties. The basis, the main rod of character develops gradually, strengthened in the course of life and becomes typical for of this person, And specific manifestations of nature can be modified depending on the situation in which there is a person, under the influence of the people with whom he communicates. Staying himself, a person can manifest much, then less frankness or closure, determination or indecision, hardness or softness.

    Noticeable changes in human behavior are caused by the temporal states of the psyche. Some shifts in character are observed in the aging of the body.

    Although the nature is not congenital, the features of the natural human organization, and first of all the nervous activity, affect both manifestations of nature and on the process of forming its individual traits. Balance or impassableness, strength or weakness, mobility or inertness of nervous processes - all stains in a certain tone of the human reaction, its behavior and activity.

    In addition to type nervous systemThe character is also influenced by other features of the body: cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems. It is precisely established that all kinds of disorders in the activities of these systems are sharply affected by the character of a person.

    In turn, the resulting character traits affect the manifestation of the natural properties of the personality. The character can mask one of the innate manifestations, strengthen the others, to slow the third due to the formation and strengthening of new reflex ties, etc.

    Character There is an alloy of the type of nervous activity and life impressions, fixing in the form of certain temporary nervous bonds in the cerebral cortex.

    The character finds its expression not only in actions and actions, but also in speech, facial expressions and pantomime. The character imposes an imprint on the appearance of the personality. It is reflected in the typical pose. Character, reflecting life, in turn, affects lifestyle.

    In the structure of the established nature, we must allocate two sides: content and shape. They are inseparable from each other and make up organic unity.

    When we analyze the structure of the nature of a personal personality, the content of its relationship to objective reality should be put forward to the fore. The content of the character, reflecting social impacts, influence, is the vital orientation of the person, that is, its material and spiritual needs, interests, ideals and social attitudes. The orientation of the individual determines the goals, the human life plan, the degree of its life activity. The character content is manifested in the form of certain individual-peculiar relations, which speak of the electoral activity of a person.

    It must be borne in mind that in the content of the character can be moved to the first plan, then another component, depending on the mistake of life, educational impacts and the requirements of the surrounding reality.

    This or that direction of the individual imposes a comfacing for all human behavior, although it is determined not by one such as the desire, and the holistic system of relations. However, in this system, something is always put forward to the fore and dominates, giving the originality of the nature of this person.

    In the resulting and morally determined character, the leading component is the system of belief. Conviction defines the principle of human behavior, his inflexibility in the struggle, confidence in the justice and importance of the case he gives his strength.

    Conviction is manifested in such features of character, as purposefulness, principle, optimism, demanding to itself and others. A convinced person is capable of the most difficult minutes of testing to show the maximum forces to achieve socially significant goals, and if necessary, to sacrifice themselves in the name of a common cause.

    Depending on the prevailing needs and interests there is a kind of person. Does a person dominate spiritual or material needs and interests - this determines not only the thoughts and senses of personality, but also the focus of his affairs.

    The inconsistency or inconsistency of the behavior of some people in different life situations is due to the lack of integrity of the nature, the partial development of its individual traits.

    Only the integrated application of various means and methods of formation of character and ensures the formation of typical characteristic values \u200b\u200bof characters that differ and variety of individual traits.

    Individual and typical in character. Norm and pathology of character.

    Typical as a reflection of common in the life and nature of man. Character is a socio-historical phenomenon; Consequently, there can be no universal characteristic of time and space. There are certain characters of certain historical eras, characteristics of specific personalities. This does not mean that character radically changes from the era to the epoch.

    Personality as a carrier of character is a member of society and is associated with it of various relations. As a member of society, the personality is in certain economic, political, cultural conditions, common both for it, and for many other people - members of this society, class. These conditions form common typical features of character. The typical in the nature of people and a particular person reflects a significant era in the social life class.

    Consequently, the typical in the character can be said as significant features common to the well-known group of people. These essential features reflect the overall living conditions and manifest themselves to a greater or less of each representative of this group of people. Thus, the typical characterizes at the same time and this, specific individuality, and other people with which this individuality shares the general economic, political and cultural conditions of life.

    Along with common in economic, political and cultural conditions of life, it is necessary to take into account the general and in the activity itself, which imposes an imprint on human behavior. And finally, there is something in common in the natural organization of a person, for example, the typical in the highest nervous activity of people. This also cannot but affect the typical in the character of a person.

    Along with the general conditions, there are also peculiarly individual conditions in the life and education of each individual. The general conditions themselves appear in each specific case in peculiar individual forms. There are differences in the life of families, the interests of various families, professional labor differences are important. All this may not be reflected on the character of a person. Individual differences in everyday life and random differences, the differences between the impacts, sometimes random impressions, are manifested in individual-peculiar inclinations and interests, needs and tastes, feelings, mind warehouse and in general - in the character of man. Differences in everyday life, and thereby differences in the needs, tastes define the individual characteristics of the people of the same society, the same layer of the population.

    19. The concept of abilities. Types of abilities (general and special).When they talk about human abilities, they mean its possibilities in a particular activity. These features lead both significant successes in mastering activities and to high labor indicators.

    Uptate equal conditions, a capable person receives maximum results compared to less capable people.

    High achievements of a capable person are the result of the compliance of the complex of its neuropsychiatric properties to the requirements of activity.

    All activity is complex and multifaceted. It makes various requirements for the mental and physical forces of man. If the cash system of the identity properties meet these requirements, then the person is able to work successfully and at a high level. If there is no such conformity, then the individual detects the inability to this type of activity.

    Ability - Property Synthesis human personalitythat meets the requirements of activities and ensures high achievements in it.

    Each ability has its own structure where the support and leading properties can be distinguished. The reference property of the ability to visual activity will be the high natural sensitivity of the visual analyzer, developing in the process of activity: a sense of line, proportion, shapes, lighting, color, rhythm.

    The reference properties also include the sensor quality artist's hands and, finally, highly developed shaped memory.

    The leading properties include the properties of artistic creative imagination. Thanks to them, the essential and characteristic in phenomena of life is collected, and typing is made, an original composition is created.

    Two levels of development of abilities are distinguished: reproductive and creative. A person who is at the first level of development of abilities, detects a high ability to absorb knowledge, mastering activities and exercise it on the proposed pattern. At the second level of development of abilities, a person creates a new, original.

    The highest level of development and manifestations of abilities denote the terms "talent" and "genius".

    We should allocate types of abilities on their orientation, or specialization. There are general and special abilities.

    Under the general abilities are understood as a system of individual-volitional properties of the individual, which provides relative ease and productivity in mastering knowledge and the implementation of various activities.

    Under special abilities, they understand such a system of personality properties that helps to achieve high results in any special area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

    Approaches to the definition of character in psychology.

    The main properties of character

    The most common properties of character can be placed on the axes:


    hardness - softness;

    wholeness - inconsistency;

    latitude - narrow.

    Under force Characters understand that power of perseverance, with which a person is achieved by his goals, his ability to passionately and develop a great voltage of forces in a collision with difficulties. Weakness Character is customary to communicate with the manifestation of facilitates, indecision in achieving the goal, the instability of views, cowardice in adoption independent decisions etc.

    Hardness Character means a tough sequence, inflexibility in achieving the goals, upholding views and others by another pole - softnesswhich manifests itself in a flexible adaptation to changing conditions, achieving the goal due to some concessions, finding reasonable compromises.

    Wholeness Character is the stability of positions and views in various situations, consistency of words and actions. Agree how rarely we meet people with a whole character. But very often you can observe people with contradictory character. Contraimless - This is the presence of incompatible views, relationships, actions, goals, motives and desires in one character.

    Latitude Character is a variety of identity needs, the breadth of its interests and the awareness of the central rod interests that determine the purpose of the person. Narrow - It is one-sidedness and limited human development.

    Character, along with temperament, is one of the most significant forms of personality manifestation. If the temperament determines the dynamic side of the individual, then the character is its maintenance. The character imposes its imprint on all actions, thoughts and senses of a person, according to which we judge about the features of the person. Not all of its features are included in character, but only significant and stable.

    Definition. Character -- this personality substructure, which forms an individually peculiar set of sustainable personal characteristics, expresses its attitude to reality and causes a method typical for this personality.

    The nature of the human person is always multifaceted. It determines aggregate features, personal qualities. All these features, or qualities, personality can be divided into several groups, which reflect the attitude of a person to different sides of life. Each group includes positive and negative qualities.

    Allocate a group of traits in which manifests itself the attitude of a person to the people around him and to society as a whole. Positive qualities that are included in this group are collectivism, sociability, sensitivity, dedication, kindness, honesty, truthfulness, sincerity, etc., negative - egoism, worn, deceit, hypocrisy, etc.

    The following group includes character traits in which are expressed the attitude of a person to itself, self-esteem. Depending on self-esteem, the person may be pleased with themselves or condemn itself, agree with it or be in a state of internal struggle. Positive traits are confidence in themselves, realistic self-esteem, negative include inadequately overestimated self-esteem, excessive rigor to themselves, underestimation of themselves, insecurity in their abilities, shyness.

    A significant role in the formation of a person's character is played volitional and emotional qualities . The will call the basis of character, its rod. The significant role of the volitional qualities of the individual is reflected in such expressions, like `` man with character ",` `solid character", `` fucking man "." Allocate positive village qualities: courage, determination, dedication, etc., - and negative: indecision, stubbornness. It should be said about the emotional qualities of the personality: anxiety or emotional stability, restraint or impulsiveness, etc. The appropriate qualities will be considered more details when studying the volitional and emotional spheres of the individual.

    All features, or qualities, personalities are meaningful for activities and communication. Each concrete individual is distinguished maintenance Character features asking the general orientation of the entire complex of its manifestations, and minor The features that are determined by the main ones, and in others they can contradict them. Thus, character traits do not exist isolated, separately from each other, and are associated together, forming a more or less solid structure.

    Character structure It is found in the natural dependence between its separate features. For example, W. Sheldon in the process of research found that if a person discovers love for comfort, then with a high probability will be a good appetite, friendly, contact, thirst for praise and approval. If a person is cowardly, he does not have a decisiveness and independence in decision-making characteristic of initiative people, since decision making involves personal responsibility.

    Pretty combining character traits form a solid structure. One piece - a character in which positive connections between the features prevail.

    However, there are often conflicting characters in life. Contributable (discordant) - a character in which there are features that contradict each other and determine different forms of behavior in similar situations.

    3. Accentuation - It is the disharmonicity of the nature of the nature, which manifests itself in the excessive severity of its individual traits or compounds, which causes an increased personality vulnerability towards a certain kind of impacts and impeting it difficult to adapt in some specific situations.

    Accentuation is not a disease, not pathology, not psychopathy, but an extreme expression of the norm. This pointing of any individual traits, which under certain adverse conditions can lead to pathology - psychopathy.

    Famous Soviet Psychiatrist P. B. Gannushkin formulated three criteria of psychopathy:

    1. Stability in time. The character can be considered pathological, that is, regarding as psychopathy, if it is relatively stable in time (changes little during life).

    2. Totality of character manifestation. Under psychopathy, the same character traits are found in all spheres of human life: in production activities, at home, in communicating with friends and relatives, etc.

    3. Social dezadaption. A person constantly arises life difficulties. Moreover, these difficulties are experiencing either he himself or people surrounding it.

    In case of character accentuations There may not be any of the listed signs of psychopathy or at least they are never present all three signs immediately.

    No first sign It is expressed in the fact that the character accentuation is manifested only at certain stages of personality development. Most often, it is formed in adolescence, and smoothes with adulth.

    Lack of second feature This means that the features of an accentuated nature are not manifested in any environment, but only in special conditions. It should be noted that the selective vulnerability of character traits for a certain kind of impacts can very often be combined with good or even increased stability of this feature to other effects.

    Social dezadaption at accentuation either does not occur at all or can wear temporary, short . Difficulties of personality adaptation in some specific situations with a certain character accentuation can be combined with good and even increased abilities to social adaptation in other situations.

    Do you know what's most interesting? What this word is not in the dictionary of the Dala, in the dictionary of the Ozhegov, nor in the Max Fasmer dictionary, but an explanation in the Ushakov dictionary is built according to the principle: "Oil - Oil Substance". Meanwhile, this quality is very considered basic in man. It is precisely it determines not just takeoff, but take off without falling, an internal experience of success.

    What is this mysterious quality? John Maxwell told everyone about him, a man who knows about the inner nature of leadership more than anyone. Today I offer you chapter from his book "Rail in yourself the leader".

    The explanatory dictionary explains the meaning of the word "one-piece" (when it comes to personality) as "possessing internal unity, which is different character traits." The integrity of the individual means that the words of a person do not diverge with his affairs that he is what he is, where and whoever he was.

    One whole person means that a person does not "serve two gentlemen" (it would be two-way) and not pretending (it would be a pharise). A solid personality manifests itself in directness, honesty, sincerity. One whole person is nothing to hide and nothing to fear. The life of such a person is an open book. "A person with a solid person established a system of values \u200b\u200bfor himself, according to which he assesses all the events of his life", "said V. Gilbert Birs.

    Some personality is not what we do, but who we are. It is who we are, as a result defines what we do. Our value system is inextricably linked with our personality, it is impossible to separate it from us without prejudice to the person. This is a navigation system that guides us on life path. It establishes priorities and assesses what should be accepted, and what to discard.

    Inside each of us there is a collision of conflicting desires. No one, even the most inspired man, cannot avoid this collision. Some personality defines the winner in this war desires. Every day we encounter situations when you have to choose between "I want" and "necessary." Other personality creates prerequisites for right choice In each such case, it defines our behavior in a conflict situation. The integrity of the individual combines our words, thoughts and actions into a single whole, so that neither the words nor thoughts nor the actions will never disagree with each other.

    Some personality strengthens our inner sense of satisfaction with life. She will never allow our mouths to desecrate our hearts. She is an arbitration judge, thanks to which our beliefs are reflected in the actions. And then, never at the time of prosperity, nor in disasters - there will be no difference between those who seem to be unauthorized people, and what we actually know how the family members know. The integrity of the individual determines what we will be, regardless of any circumstances, surroundings or location.

    But the integrity of the individual is not only an arbitration judge when choosing between fighting with each other desires. She is a demarcation line between a happy man and rolling, split soul. It gives us freedom to be ourselves regardless of the circumstances.

    "The main key to greatness - Socrates resembles, - really be as we seem like ". How often we are trying to "do humanly", not yet become humane in their essence! To enjoy the confidence of people, the leader must be himself, becoming a composer of his life. A good life - as a good song in which music is inseparable from words.

    That's what happens when my words do not disagree with actions.

    I speak subordinates: "Come to work on time." I come to work on time. Subordinates will come to work on time. I speak subordinates: "Show a positive look at the world." I show the world. Subordinates will be shown positive attitude To the world. I speak subordinates: "The most important is the interests of customers." I put the interests of customers in the first place. Subordinates will put the interests of customers in the first place.

    But what happens when I say one thing, but I do another:

    I speak subordinates: "Come to work on time." I'm late for work. Some of the subordinates will come on time, others will be late. I speak subordinates: "Show a positive look at the world." I show a negative attitude towards the world. Some of the subordinates will be positive, others - no. I speak subordinates: "The most important is the interests of customers." I put myself on my first place. Some of the subordinates will put the interests of customers, others - their own interests.

    Eighty-five percent of the information enters us through organs of vision, 10 - through hearing organs and only 1 percent - through the remaining senses. The more specific acts of the leader correspond to the words heard from him, the more confidence of followers to the leader. A person understands what he hears, and believes that he sees!

    Too often, we are trying to motivate people with small tricks and tricks. But people are waiting for me at all calls and motto, but to imitate, what are you and your actions yourself.

    The integrity of the individual is the secret of the takeoffs without falls. Let's now consider the integrity of the personality of the leader in more detail.

    1. Some personality creates trust

    Thirty-fourth US President Duight Eisenhuer said: "To, a person must have followers. To find followers, a person must enjoy confidence. So, the main thing from the qualities needed by the leader - indisputable wholeness of the individual. Without it, the real success is impossible anywhere in the work brigade, on the football field, in Army or business office. If comrades find that you are a deceiver if they find that you lack the sincerity and integrity of the personality, then you are doomed to failure. Words and actions of a person should not disperse among themselves. Consequently, the main need is the integrity of the person and High goal "

    Caleitt Robert said: " If my subordinates understand me, I conquer their attention. If they trust me, I conquer their actions ". To enjoy the authority necessary for successful leadership, a person has a little sign with the name of his office of his office. He needs the trust of those who are following him.

    2. The integrity of the individual has a huge potential of influence

    As the philosopher Emerson said, "Each great organization is an extended shadow of a single person whose character determines the nature of the whole organization". These words are completely coincided with the statement of American actor, humorist and writer Will Rogers: "The mind of people change observations, not arguments". People do what they see.

    What a pity that in the walls of your own house we often forget about the huge meaning of personality integrity. The story of the Jewish boy who lived many years ago in Germany was described in Robert's book. The boy loved his father very much and his sincerely admired them. Father was a deeply believer man, and the life of the whole family was imbued with religious traditions, rites and customs. The whole family, led by the Father, regularly visited worship in the synagogue.

    But it happened that the family moved to another city, where there were no synagogues, but there was a Lutheran church. The life of the entire town rotated around the church, all city celebrities belonged to the church community. And once the father of our hero stated that the whole family should go from Judaism to Lutheranism. He replied to the underwent questions of his wife and son that it would be better for his business. The boy was confused and confused: after all, he believed her father! Deep disappointment soon turned into anger and a feeling of bitterness, no longer leaving a young man until the end of life.

    After some time, the young man went to England to study. Day after day he sat down in reading room British Museum. The young man wrote a book in which he wanted to state a fundamentally new worldview - the doctrine designed to change the whole world. He called the religion "opium for the people", and his followers called for life without God. His ideas became the basis of the state ideology of many countries of the world, the population of which in total was about half of all mankind. This young man was Karl Marx, the founder of the communist movement. The act of the Father, which made it possible to destroy its value system, eventually had a huge impact on the XX history (and perhaps not only xx) centuries.

    3. Some personality - the basis for high moral requirements

    The leader is obliged to make higher demands to herself than to its followers. But in most people people are confident in the opposite. Seeing primarily privileges, people forget about the responsibility of those who are upstairs. The leader can afford to abandon anything, but not from responsibility. John D. Rocketeller Jr. spoke: "I am confident that any right implies a duty, any favorable opportunity - debt, any property - an obligation". This principle can be visually depicted in the form of a chart.

    Too often, people are ready to take their rights, but they do not want to take responsibilities. Richard Evans in his book "Outdoor Path" said: "There is no price to a person who is ready to take over the obligation and fulfill it entirely, without requiring control from the part. The man irresponsible makes half-wing, returns the job unfinished, requires checking, editing, control and close attention from the side".

    But the words of Toma Robbins: "Do not write off your failures at the time in which you have to live. Problems are not in the era, but in people. Currently there has been a tendency to liberate a person from moral duties, considering it a victim of social circumstances. For such convictions you have to pay our own soul. Weakness of nature - this is what the people enshrines ". The weaklyacharacter leader moral standards will not be at proper height.

    4. The integrity of the individual creates not the image, but a solid reputation

    Image - what people consider us. Some personality - what we actually are.

    Each of us is known people who are alone outside, and inside others. What a pity that working on their image is more than about the character, often do not understand that one day a carefully created image will collapse. Actions of such people often surprise even close friends, confident that "we knew it."

    The ancient Chinese built a great wall to dispense from the raids of northern nomads. The wall was so high and tolstoy, which seemed no one would be able to move through her nor piercing it. It seemed that now you can live in your pleasure, nothing fear. But only for the first one hundred years of the existence of the wall, the invaders invaded three times in the limits of China. And never enemies did not have to move across the wall, nor pierce it: they bribed the guard and calmly passed into the gate. The Chinese were so hoping for the strength of the stone wall, which completely forgot about the need to educate with their children reliable, one-piece.

    Answers to the following issues will be shown that you create: Image or character.

    Sequence. Are you always the same person, regardless of who communicate with?

    Choice. Do you take the best for other people, if you have the ability to choose another solution, more profitable for you personally?

    Appreciation. Do you always readily recognize and appreciate the contribution of other people in your success?

    Thomas McAoli said: "The measure of the true nature of a person is how he will do, being absolutely sure that no one will never know about it". Sometimes life squeezes us, as if in the vice, and under this pressure it turns out all the fact that before was hidden deep inside. We are not able to give people what we do not have. The image promises a lot, but it gives little, but the integrity of character never disappoints.

    5. Some personality means that we cannot demand from others more than from ourselves

    No leader is able to lead his followers further than he is himself. Too often we are so concerned end resultthat in every way trying to cut corners on the way to it. The integrity of the individual makes these tricks impossible, since sooner or later, the truth still comes out.

    6. The integrity of the individual helps the leader to become not just smart, but reliable

    Fred Smith, an experienced businessman and a wise man, not so long ago told me, what the difference between man smart and man reliable. Smart leaders, Smith spoke, do not hold on its place for a long time. It reminded me of the writer Peter Druker writer from his speech before the clergymen: "The main requirement for the leader, without the fulfillment of which it is impossible to effectively - conquer confidence. Otherwise, such a person will not be able to find a single follower. The leader is the one who people go for. To trust the leader, absolutely not necessarily to agree with him . Trust is the conviction that a person speaks exactly what it thinks. This is a belief that there is an exaltate and is considered very old-fashioned - in the integrity of character. Actions of the leader and its expressed beliefs should be if not identical, then at least , not contradictory friend Friend. Effective leadership - again I will say very old thought - it is not based on the mind, but first of all on the integrity of the nature and sequence of actions ".

    Leader with solid character and sincere intentions There is no need to make loud statements. What they want to declare is manifested in all their actions and soon becomes known to all and everyone. Conversely, insincerity cannot be hidden or disguised, even if the leader has seven spans in the forehead. The only way to maintain respect and high assessment by subordinates is to deserve respect and high assessment. Even the most famous sieves and passage is not able to fool all at once. Each of us finds recognition not for how hard it tries to look, but for what it really is.

    As the American journalist and writer Ann Landers said, "People with a whole character can count on trust. They know that time will prove their rightness, and therefore are ready to wait".

    7. Some personality - heavy labor

    Some personality is not given to a person at birth. For its formation, the inner feeling of faith in oneself and determination to be absolutely honest in any life situation. Unfortunately, the strength of the character has become a big rarity today.

    The value of the concept of "integrity of the individual" began to break up and lose its original meaning. For most contemporaries, these words are associated with old-fashioned primacy and limited views. Nowadays, when words are manipulated by the meanings of words, who are not fundamental can crumble into dust in the blink.

    Great Christian Preacher Billy Graham said: "The integrity of the character is the glue that connects our actions into life. We must strive for its conservation by all forces. When wealth is lost - nothing is lost; when the health is lost - it is lost something; but if the character is lost, everything is lost..

    Ask yourself a question: "Do I am honest to myself?". The words of the American poet Edgar Gesta will become a test stone checking all your actions:

    I am destined to live with myself,
    And I want to be worthy of myself,
    I want day after day
    I could safely look into my eyes.

    I do not want in the evening, at sunset
    Hate yourself for having done the day.
    I do not want to hide in the depths of the cabinet
    A bunch of secrets about yourself.

    I do not want to teach yourself to the thought
    That no one else and never
    I do not want to sick and pretend,

    I want to go with a high head-raised,
    I want to earn respect for all people
    And even in the struggle for glory and
    I want to be able to respect myself.

    I do not want to look at yourself and know
    What I brag, bluff, play a role.
    I never hide yourself from myself
    I see what others may not notice

    I know what others may not know
    I do not deceive myself myself.
    Whatever happens, I want to live
    With a clean conscience and respect for yourself.

    This, so to speak, "Test number one" of your self-test. Now- "Test number two." Ask yourself the question: " Am I honest in relation to my immediate leader? ".

    Joseph Bailey interviewed over three hundred people who occupy leadership positions, and it turned out that they all acquired the experience and knowledge of "from hand to hand" from their mentors. Philosopher Ralf Waldo Emerson said: "Our main desire is to meet in his life path of a person who will help us to be as we can become". Having met such a person, we must constantly control our height by asking themselves the question: "Full least I use the knowledge and skills received from the mentor?". Any attempt to smear, "to stick" will hurt you and your mentor.

    And now the last test, "Test number three": "Do I am honest towards my followers?" Any leader understands that the wrong decision will be harmful not only to himself, but also his followers. And if the wrong decision was the result of your false motivations? Before reaching the brushes of leadership, it should be realized: we teach others what we know. In our followers, we reproduce ourselves. Some personality is a permanent inner work.

    Make a list of yours life values. Beliefs are ideas or principles, in accordance with whom you live, for which they are ready, if you need, even give life. What are your beliefs?

    Ask a person who knows you well, in which areas of life you show the sequence (you are doing exactly what you are talking about), and in what are inconsistent (say one thing, and do other).

    If you want to become yourself - do it right now!

    Let it not be possible for us to go back
    And re-all start,
    But each of us can start right now
    And to live in a different way.

    This is such a position at John Maxwell. What do you think about this?

    A couple of weeks ago, I met a person named Oleg Dusko, who, having gained courage, opened his own newsletter on Sabskraib. Surveying it surprised me: she is about studying the Serbian language. So I asked Oleg to tell why he suddenly decided and took up such, let's say, not the most popular theme. And that's what he answered me:

    You ask why I decided to learn exactly Serbian, what did he attract me? It is easy to answer this simultaneously and not easy.

    First, always dreamed of talking in Serbian, as I knew that my distant ancestors on the paternal line fled from Serbia to Russia (probably about 200 years ago) and protected her southern border (now Ukraine). From there they moved to the Caucasus and finally dissolved as Serbs. Related links remained, but no language. My surname occurred from the Serbian name of Dusko (emphasis on the first syllable).

    While I lived in the south of Russia it remained only a dream, but a few years ago, moving to Moscow, began to be implemented.

    Secondly, I really like this language, his sound, melodiousness. I recognize it more and more, I understand the Russian language, his roots, and maybe something already gone. Previously, I thought Serbian, as Slavic, would be easy to learn, but I was wrong - not everything is so simple.

    Yes, maybe it is not the most common and popular language, but it is a beautiful, singeling and attractive language of the very proud and strong spirit of the people. And I want to know about it as much as possible, as well as share these knowledge with everyone and communicate, communicate ...

    In addition, I really want to go to Serbia and see everything with my own eyes.

    Everyone new Language - New worldview. So let's expand our view of the world!

    I do not know if I could answer your questions. Thanks again.

    Oleg Dukhuki

    You know ... it seems to me that Oleg is a very whole person - he studies not what is fashionable or relevant, but what he wants and likes. What do you think?

    Make yourself!

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