Leontyev n in. Life and Creative Path A.N. Lyontieva

A. N. Leontiev and S. L. Rubinstein are the creators of the Soviet school of psychology, which is based on an abstract concept of personality. It was founded on the works of L. S. Vygotsky, dedicated to the cultural and historical approach. This theory reveals the term "activity" and other interrelated concepts with it.

The history of the creation and main provisions of the concept

S. L. Rubinstein and A. N. activity was established in the 30s of the twentieth century. They developed this concept in parallel, without discussing and not advancing with each other. Nevertheless, there were many common in their work, since scientists used the same sources in the development of psychological theory. The founders relied on the labor of the talented Soviet thinker L. S. Vygotsky, also when creating a concept was used by the philosophical theory of Karl Marx.

The main thesis of the theory of Activities A. N. Leontiev briefly sounds like this: no consciousness forms activities, and activities forms consciousness.

In the 30s, on the basis of this position, Sergei Leonidovich determines the main position of the concept, which is based on the close relationship of consciousness and activities. This means that the psyche of a person is formed during activity and in the process of work, and in them it is manifested. Scientists indicated that it is important to understand the following: Consciousness and activities form unity having an organic basis. Alexey Nikolayevich stressed that this connection is in no case to be confused with the identity, otherwise all provisions that take place in theory lose their strength.

So, according to A. N. Leontiev, "Activities - Consciousness of Personality" is the main logical relationship of the whole concept.

The main psychological phenomena of the theory of activity A. N. Leontiev and S. L. Rubinstein

Each person unconsciously reacts to an external stimulus a set of reflex reactions, but the activity is not among the data of stimuli, as it is regulated by the mental work of the individual. Philosophers in their presented theory consider consciousness as a certain reality, which is not intended for self-observation by man. It can only manifest themselves due to the system of subjective relations, in particular, through the activities of the individual, in the process of which he managed to develop.

Alexey Nikolaevich Leontyev clarifies the provisions voiced by his colleague. He says that a person's psyche is built into his activity, it is formed due to it and manifests itself in activity, which, in the end, leads to the close relationship of two concepts.

Personality in theory of activity A. N. Leontiev is considered in unity with action, work, motive, operation, need and emotions.

The concept of activities A. N. Leontieva and S. L. Rubinstein is a whole system that includes methodological and theoretical principles to study the psychological phenomena of a person. The concept of activities A. N. Leontiev contains such a provision that the main subject that helps to study the processes of consciousness is activities. This study approach began to form in psychology Soviet Union In the 20s of the twentieth century. In the 1930s, two interpretations of activity were already proposed. The first position belongs to Sergey Leonidovich, which formulated the principle of unity given above in the article. The second wording was described by Alexei Nikolayevich, together with representatives of the Kharkov Psychological School, which determined the generality of the structure affecting external and internal activities.

The main concept in the theory of activity A. N. Leontiev

Activities are a system that is based on various shapes Implementation expressed in the attitude of the subject to material objects and the world as a whole. This concept was formulated by Alexey Nikolaevich, and Sergey Leonidovich Rubinstein defined activities as a combination of any actions that are aimed at achieving the goals set. According to A. N. Leontiev, the activities in the consciousness of the person play a primary role.

Structure of activity

In the 30s of the twentieth century in psychological school A. N. Leontyev put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to build an activity structure to make the definition of this concept completed.

Structure of activity:

This scheme is valid when reading both from top to bottom and vice versa.

There are two forms of activity:

  • external;
  • internal.

Outside activity

External activities include various forms that are expressed in objective and practical activity. With this form, there are interaction between subjects and objects, the latter are openly represented for external observation. Examples of this form of activity are:

  • the operation of mechanics with the help of tools is to clog nails with a hammer or twisting bolts with a screwdriver;
  • production of material objects by specialists on machines;
  • games of children, for the implementation of which extraneous things are required;
  • cleaning of the room: sweeping of floors by a broom, wiping windows with a rag, manipulation with furniture objects;
  • construction of houses workers: Laying bricks, laying the foundation, inserting windows and doors, etc.

Inner activity

Inner activity It is distinguished by the fact that the interaction of the subject with any images of objects is hidden from direct observation. Examples of this species are:

  • decision of the mathematical task by scientists when using an inaccessible eye of mental activity;
  • the internal work of the actor over the role, which includes thinking, experiences, anxiety, etc.;
  • the process of creating a work by poets or writers;
  • inventing the scenario for the school play;
  • mind guessing the riddles of the child;
  • emotions caused from a person when watching a touching film or listening to spiritual music.


The general psychological theory of activity of A. N. Leontiev and S. L. Rubinstein determines the motive as a subject of human need, it turns out to characterize this term, it is necessary to refer to the needs of the subject.

In psychology, the motive is an engine of any existing activity, that is, this is a push, leading the subject into an active state, or a goal for which a person is ready to perform anything.


The need for the general theory of activities A.N. Leontiev and S. L. Rubinstein has two decoding:

  1. The need is a peculiar "internal condition", which is a mandatory prerequisite for any subject committee. But Alexey Nikolaevich indicates that this type of need is not able to cause an aimedized activity, because its main goal becomes indicative and research activity, which, as a rule, is directed to the search for such objects, which would be able to save a person from experienced desire. Sergey Leonidovich adds that this concept is a "virtual need", which is expressed only within himself, so a person is experiencing it in his condition or feeling of "incompleteness."
  2. The need is an engine of any activity of the subject, which directs and regulates it in the material world after a person meeting with the subject. This term is characterized as a "current need," that is, the need for a particular thing at a certain point in time.

"Cleaner" need

This concept can be traced on the example of just a born Gusenka, who has not yet met with any particular subject, but it has already been fixed in the chick consciousness - they were transferred to him from the mother general on the genetic levelSo he does not have the desire to follow any thing that will be before his eyes at the time of hatching from the egg. This happens only during the meeting of the goer, which has its need, with the subject, because he still has no idea about the appearance of his desire in the material world. This thing at the chick is suitable for a subconscious under the scheme of a genetically recorded exemplary image, so it is able to satisfy the need of the goer. This is how this subject is captured, suitable for the desired characteristics, as an object that satisfies the appropriate needs, and the need acquires a "subject" appearance. That is how the appropriate thing becomes the motive for a certain activity of the subject: in this case, in the subsequent time, the chick will follow his "defined" need everywhere.

Thus, Alexey Nikolayevich and Sergey Leonidovich mean that the need for the very first stage of its formation is not so, it is at the beginning of its development of the body in anything that is outside the body of the subject, despite the fact that it is reflected at his psychic level.


This concept describes that the goal is the directions to achieve which a person is implemented by a certain activity in the form of relevant actions that are prompted by the motive of the subject.

Differences goals and motive

Alexey Nikolaevich introduces the concept of "goal" as the desired result arising in the process of planning a person of any activity. He emphasizes that the motive differs from this term, because it is for what any actions are performed. The goal is what is planned to be done to implement the motive.

As reality shows, in everyday life The terms above in the article never coincide, but are addition of each other. Also, it should be understood that between the motive and purpose there is a certain connection, so they are dependent.

A person always understands what the goal of the actions committed or their alleged act is, that is, its task is conscious. It turns out, a person always knows exactly what he is going to do. Example: submission of documents to university, delivery of pre-selected entrance exams, etc.

The motive is almost in all cases is unknowing or unconscious for the entity. That is, a person may not guess about the main reasons for the commitment of any activity. Example: Applicant really wants to submit documents to some particular institution - it explains that the profile of this educational institution coincides with his interests and desired future professionIn fact, the main reason for choosing this university is the desire to be near your girlfriend, who is studying in this university.


Analysis of the emotional life of the subject is a direction that is considered leading in the theory of activity A. N. Leontiev and S. L. Rubinstein.

Emotions are a direct experience of the man's sense of the target (also the subject of emotions can be considered a motive, because at the subconscious level it is defined as a subjective form of an existing goal, behind which it is internally manifested in the psyche of the individual).

Emotions allow a person to understand which true motives of his behavior are actually being performed. If a person reaches the goal, but does not experience the desired satisfaction from this, that is, on the contrary, negative emotions arise, this means that the motive was not implemented. Consequently, the success that the individual achieved, in fact, imaginary, because that, for which all the activity was undertaken, was not achieved. Example: The applicant entered the institute in which his beloved learns, but she was accompanied by a week before, which devalues \u200b\u200bthe success of which a young man achieved.

Alexey Nikolaevich Leontiev - Honored Professor of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, one of the prominent Russian psychologists of the 20th century - February 5, 2003. It would be 100 years old.

Alexey Nikolayevich Leontiev - Honored Professor of Moscow state University them. M.V. Lomonosov, one of the prominent Russian psychologists of the 20th century - February 5, 2003. It would be 100 years old.

Alexey Nikolaevich Leontyev was born in Moscow on February 5, 1903 in the family of the employee. After the end of the real school, he entered the Faculty of Public Sciences of Moscow University, who graduated in 1924.

Back at the University of Leontyev, he became interested in philosophy. Later under the influence of G. Schelpanov, he turned to psychology.

In the same 1924, Leontyev came to work in the Psychological Institute, where even after forced care Helpunova continued to work first-class scientists - N.A. Termstein, A.R. Luria, L.S.Vigotsky. So there was a famous "Troika" - Luria, Leontyev and Vygotsky.

At the beginning of the 30s, the drug addresses of Ukraine suggested L.S. Vigotsky, A.R. Luria and A.N. Leontyev to organize the Department of Psychology at the Psychoneurological Academy in Kharkov. This group of scientists actually headed by A.N. Eleontyev, who began to develop his own variant of the theory of Vygotsky. He conducted a cycle of experimental studies that reveal the mechanism for the formation of higher mental functions ( arbitrary attention, memory, etc.).

In Kharkov, Leontyev had to simultaneously lead the Department of Psychology in the Pedagogy and the Department of Psychology in the Nii of Pedagogy. So there was a famous Kharkov school of psychology.

L.S. Vigotsky, shortly before death, in the spring of 1934, he tried to collect all his students and followers in the laboratory in the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine (VIEM). But Vygotsky died in the summer of 1934, A.N. Eleontyev became the head of the laboratory.

Since the late 1920s, clouds began to thicken over science. And Leontyev after the report on the Scientific Council about psychological study Speech was dismissed from the institute, and the laboratory is closed.

In July 1936, a sadly famous resolution of the Central Committee of the CSP (B) "On the pedology perversion in the People's Commissariat System" was killed. This ruling meant the full defeat of domestic psychology.

Especially got L.S.Vigotsky (though, already posthumously). A lot of dirt broke into the work of an outstanding scientist at that time. However, neither Luria nor Leontyev nor other genuine disciples of Vygotsky, as they drank them, did not refuse them from their friend, nor from his ideas.

The Institute of Psychology is returning to K.N. Kornilov, and takes Leontiev to work. But, no methodological development of speech does not go. And Leontyev has to continue the studies started by the Kharkov school: the perception of the pattern and photosensitivity of the skin.

In 1940, Leontyev defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Development of the Psyche". This work served as the basis for the book "Problems of Development of the Psyche", which was noted by the Lenin Prize.

Leontyev put forward the general health theory of activity - a new direction in psychological science. On the basis of the activity structure proposed by him, a wide range of mental functions was studied (perception, thinking, memory, attention), as well as the study of consciousness and personality began.

During the Great Patriotic War, at the end of 1941, two experimental hospital of recovery of movements after injury were created at the end of 1941 in Sverdlochek and Kaurovsk (not far from Sverdlovsk). The first was headed by A.R. Luria, the second - A.N. Leontyev. A.V. Zaporozhets, P.Galperin, S.Y.Vubystein and many other Soviet psychologists worked there.

The importance of their work was that on the resulting material, not only the practical significance of the theory of activity was demonstrated, but also the prospects of physiological theory of N.A. Kornstein. And the practical result of the work of the experimental hospitals was that the return time of the wounded to construction was reduced several times due to the use of the technician developed on the basis of the activity approach and the theory of Bernstein.

Since 1941, Alexey Nikolaevich - Professor MSU, from the 1950s - head. Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy, and from 1966 to 1976. - Dean created by the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University.

Since the beginning of the 1950s, Leontyev becomes an academician-secretary of the Psychology of the APN, then academician-secretary of the entire Academy, and in the future and its vice president.

Starting from 1954, Leontyev has long and time to give international relations. That year a large delegation of Soviet psychologists (Leontyev, Heat, Zaporozhets, Sokolov, Kostyuk) after a long break took part in the next International Psychological Congress in Montreal.

And in 1966, thanks to the efforts of A.N. Lyontiev, the International Psychological Congress was held in Moscow.

At the end of his life, Leontiev turned many times to the history of psychological science. He remained until the end of his days (Alexey Nikolayevich died on January 21, 1979) is faithful to his teacher - L.S.Vugotsky and sought to popularize his work, to identify the most promising ideas, and show the continuity of the ideas of Vygotsky and his school.

LEONTEVA works are regularly reprinted and are an integral part of the training of psychologists.

He entered the story as an outstanding scientist, a talented teacher, tutor of theorists, and not only as the author of the original system of their effective training, but also as the creator of a large, authoritative theoretical school with its style, handwriting, traditions.

About the works of Leontiev, about Leontiev-Man, the creator of one of the best schools in the world of psychology, many books, articles, memories near his students and employees were written. Phenomenal personality, a scientist with a capital letter - such remains Alexey Nikolaevich Leontiev in our memory.

Victor Bulanov, Moscow University newspaper

Bibliographic Description:

Nesterova I.A. Contribution to the psychology Leontiev A.N. [Electronic resource] // Educational Encyclopedia Website

Leontyev A.N. The greatest Soviet psychologist. His work marked the beginning of many aspects of modern psychology. He, along with L. S. Vygotsky and A. R. Luria, developed a cultural and historical theory, conducted a cycle of experimental studies and made several discoveries in psychology that facilitate diagnosis.

Biography Leontiev A.N.

A.N. Leontyev was born in 1903 in Moscow at the time of the Tsarist Russia. In 1924, the future genius of psychology completed training at the Faculty of Public Sciences of Moscow University. For now, it was not known whether he completed a course of study, or was deeds to failure.

During the period of study in the Moscow Wieservat A.N. Leontyev listened to the lectures of various scientists, such as G.G. Spet, P.S. Preobrazhensky, M.N. Pokrovsky and D.M. Petrushevsky, V.P. Volgin. In the Communist Auditorium of Moscow State University, then read the course of historical materialism N.I. Bukharin.

At the beginning of its path on the scientific path of Leontyev, he was interested in philosophy. The need for the need was idea of \u200b\u200beverything that happened in his eyes. His appeal to psychology he owes G.I. Chelvan, on the initiative of which they were written first scientific work - article "Teaching Jems about ideasotor acts" (he has survived) and incurred work on Spencer.

Then A.N. Leontyev came to work in the Psychological Institute, where N.A. worked Bernstein, MA Reisner, P.P. Blonsky, from youth - A.R. Luria, and since 1924 - L.S. Vygotsky.

In scientific circles, the version was rooted, according to which the young psychologists of A.R. came to Vygotsky Luria and A.N. Lyontiev, and began the school L.S. Vygotsky. In fact, came to A.R. Luria young psychologists hp Vygotsky and A.N. Leontyev.

At the very beginning, the circle was headed by A.R. Luria, as he was senior by office. In addition, by the time of the organization, the mug of Luria had scientific work and name in the environment of scientists. However, later the circle was headed by L.S. Vygotsky.

Leontyev began his scientific activity as a follower of ideas A.R. Luria. They were dedicated to affects associated with a motor technique. All the first works of A.N. Leontiev was performed under the leadership of A.R. Luria. A little later by A.N. Leontyev begins to write in the key of the cultural and historical paradigm L.S. Vygotsky.

At the beginning of the 30s, Leontyev came to Ukraine. He was sent to Kharkov. There, Leontiev was headed by the Department of Psychology in the Pedic Institute. In parallel, he was appointed head of psychology in the Nii of Pedagogy. The legendary Kharkiv school originated on this basis. A number of scientists consider it a branch of the school profitable. However, there is an opinion that the Kharkov school is an independent scientific formation.

In 1934, after the death of profitable, A. N. Leontyev was headed by the Moscow Laboratory. However, there he was able to work on a short time.

The reason for the suspension was the report of Leontiev on the psychological study of speech. He did not like the scientific community. The scientist was accused of incompetence. Leontyev again remained without work.

After the dismissal, Leontiev had to cooperate with a small research institute when CPIP. There, the scientist enthusiastically studied the psychology of the perception of art in Gitis and in Vgika. There he found mutual language S.M. Eisenstein.

After the pedagogical psychology began persecution, A.N. Leontyev had to leave the Research Institute at the WCP.

After that, A.N. Leontyev returned to his research, which began in the life of the Kharkov school. He was engaged in the problems of the perception of the pattern and photosensitivity of the skin. On this, his dissertation on the degree of doctor was founded. She was called "the development of the psyche". The dissertation began as a grand project. Leontyev created two volumes. He did not write, since B.M. The heat convinced him that to protect enough and what is. The dissertation Leontiev defended in 1940.

Special contribution to A.N. Leontyev introduced to the theory of personality. However, the first scientific work on this problem saw the light only in 1968. In the last chapter of the book "Activities. Consciousness. Personality" was reflected by the views of A.N, Leontyev to a person. Labor published in 1974.

On the problems of personality A.N. Leontyev wrote back in 1940. However, in those days, the concept of personality, individuality was not claimed. They could cause an inadequate reaction.

A.N. Leontyev participated in the Great patriotic War. In 1941. He entered the militia. However, in September, the General Staff recalls it to fulfill special defense tasks.

Only in 1954, the USSR came close to the restoration of international relations. Scientists began to produce abroad to participate in various conferences. So in 1954, Soviet psychologists took part in the next International Psychological Congress in Montreal to the delegation included the following eminent scientists: Leontyev, Heat, Zaporozhets, Asratyan, Sokolov and Kostyk. After the conference A.N. Leontyev got carried away by the establishment of international relations and exchange of experience. In 1966, A.N. Leontyev organized the International Psychological Congress in Moscow, whose president he was.

At the end of the life of Leontiev, many times turned to the history of Soviet psychological science. Died by A.N. Leontyev in Moscow in 1975.

Theory of the occurrence of activities A.N. Leontiev

Special attention requires the theory of occurrence of activities, substantiated A.N. Leontiev. In the basics of this theory of A.N. Leontyev considers the person in the context of the generation, functioning and structure of mental reflection in the processes of activity. Genetically initial is an external, subject, sensual-practical activity, from which all types of internal mental activities of individuals are derived, consciousness.

From the chain presented in the figure it is obvious that the action is a process. It has the goal and the motive. Any action is associated with the subject. If the motive and the subject do not coincide - there is an action, deprived of meaning. Such an action becomes superfluous.

According to A.N. Leontyeva The merger of individual actions in one marks the transformation of individual actions in the operation.

Together with a change in the structure of human activity, changes and internal structure His consciousness. The emergence of a system of cozenned actions, i.e. complex action, denotes the transition from a conscious goal to a conscious condition of action, the emergence of levels of awareness. The division of labor, production specialization give birth to the "shift of motive to goal" and turning the action into activities. The birth of new motives and needs that entails a qualitative differentiation of awareness.

Leontyev invested in an understanding of the personality the importance of the fact that the person of originated in society is not immediately. Public relations are implemented by a set of a variety of activities. The personality characterizes the hierarchical relations of activities that are worth the ratios of motives.

Determination of the formation of a person according to A.N. Leontiev

The fundamental contribution of Leontiev to the children's and age psychology was the development of the problem of leading activity. This outstanding scientist not only described in the process of developing a child a change of leading activities, but also laid the beginning to study the mechanisms of transformation of one leading activity to another.


  1. Leontyev A. N. Activities. Consciousness. Personality. - M.: 1982
  2. Nomov R. S. Psychology: studies. For stud. Higher. Ped. studies. Vehicles: 3 kN. - 4th ed. - M.: Humanit. ed. Vlados, 2001. - KN. 1: General basics of psychology. -688 p.
  3. Leontyev A.A. YES. Leontyev Alexey Nikolayevich Leontiev: Comments to the biography // National Psychological Journal. Electronic version of National Psychological Journal

Activitythe system of various forms of realizing the relationship of the subject to the world of objects is called. So defined the concept of "activity" The creator of one of the options of the activity approach in psychology Alexey Nikolaevich Leontyev (1903 - 1979) (10).

Yeshe in the 30s. XX century At school, A. N. Lonttyeva was allocated, and in the following decades, the structure of separate activities was carefully developed. Imagine it as a scheme:

Activity- Motive(subject of need)

Action - goal

Operation- A task(goal under certain conditions)

This scheme of the structure is open both up and down. On top it can be supplemented with a system of activities of different types, hierarchically organized; At the bottom - psychophysiological functions ensuring the implementation of activities.

At school, A. N. Lyontyev allocated two more formsactivities of the subject (by the nature of its openness for observation): external andinternal (12).

In school, A.N. Lyontieva separate, concrete activities were allocated from the system of activities on the criterion motive.

Motiveusually determined in psychology as what "drives" activity, then, for which this activity is carried out.

Motive (in a narrow understanding of Leontyev) - as a subject of need, i.e. to characterize the motive, you need to contact the category "Need".

A.N. Leontyev defined needdouble:

Determining Need


1) as an "internal condition", as one of the mandatory prerequisites, which, however, is not able to cause aimed at work, but causes - as "need" - only approximately research activities aimed at finding a subject that the subject to deliver the subject from the state of needs .

"Virtual Need", The need is "in yourself", "urgent state", just "need"

2) as what directs and regulates the specific activity of the subject in the objective environment after meeting it with the subject.

"Current need" (the need for something concrete)

Example: See you with a specific object, whose properties in the most general form are fixed in the Genetic program of the Husenka, the chick has no need to follow exactly the specific subject that it turns out to be in front of his eyes at the time of hatching from the egg. However, as a result of the meeting of the "undeformed" still need (or "a state of consistency") with a corresponding subject, suitable for a genetically recorded scheme of an exemplary "sample", it is captured by this subject as the subject of the need - and the need for "is determined". Since then, this item becomes the motive of the subject's activities (chickpea) - and he follows him everywhere.

Thus, the need for the first stage of its development is not yet a need, but the need of the body is something that is outside it, although reflected at the mental level.

Activated by the motive is implemented by a person in shape. actions aimed at achieving a certain goals.

Purpose (on Leontiev) - as the desired result of activity, consciously planned by man, i.e. The motive is that for which some activity is made, the goal is that it is planned to be made in this connection to implement the motive.

As a rule, in human activity the motive and the goal do not coincide among themselves.

If a the purpose is always aware of the subject (He can always give himself a report in what is going to do: to file documents to the institute, in such days to pass entrance exams, etc.), the motive, as a rule, is an unconscious for him (a person may not guess The true reason for his receipt is in this institute: it will assume that it is very interested in, for example, by technical sciences, whereas in fact it encourages the desire to be next to his loved one).

In school, A.N. Lyontieva, special attention is paid to the analysis of human emotional life. Emotions considered here as a direct experience of the meaning of the goal (which is determined by the target of the purpose of the motive, therefore, emotions can be defined as a subjective form of existence of motives). Emotion makes it possible to understand a person what can be true motives for setting one or another goal. If, with a successful achievement, negative emotion occurs, it means that for this subject, this success is imagined, since that, for which everything has been taken, not achieved (the motive is not implemented). Girl entered the institute, but did not receive a loved one.

The motive and goal can move into each other: the goal when acquiring it a special incentive force may become a motive (this mechanism for turning the goal in the motive is called at the school A.N. Lyontiev " shift motive for purpose") Or, on the contrary, the motive becomes the goal.

Example: Suppose that the young man entered the institute at the request of Mom. Then the true motive of his behavior is to "save good relations with her mother", and this motive will give the appropriate meaning of the goal of "learn in this institute". But the studies at the institute and the objects taught in it are so fascinating this boy that after a while he begins to visit all classes are not for the sake of mom, but for the sake of obtaining the appropriate profession, as she collapsed him entirely. There was a shift to the target (the former purpose acquired the motive's motive). At the same time, on the contrary, the former motive can be the goal, i.e. Change with it places, and another may happen: the motive, without ceasing to be a motive, turns into a motive-goal. This last case happens when the person suddenly realizes the true motives of his behavior and says herself: "Now I realized that I did not live like this: I worked not where I wanted, I did not want to. From this point on, I will live differently and now it will be completely consciously to achieve the goals really meaningful for me. "

The goal (in which the subject gives itself a report) does not mean that the way to achieve this goal will be the same when different conditions Its achievements and always aware. The same goal is often to be achieved in different conditions (in the broad sense of the word). Method of action under certain conditions called operation and relate fromtask (i.e., the purpose given under certain conditions) (12).

Example: Admission to the Institute can be achieved different ways (For example, you can go through the "through the sieve" entrance examinations, you can go on the results of the Olympics, you can not score the points you need for the budget branch and still enter the paid compartment - etc.) (12).




    a separate "unit" of the life of the subject, prompted by a specific motive, or the subject of the need (in the narrow sense of Leontiev).

    this is a set of actions that are caused by one motive.

Activities have a hierarchical structure.

The level of special activities (or special activities)

Level of action

Level of operations

The level of psycho-physiological functions


the main unit analysis unit. The process aimed at the realization of the goal.

    the action includes as the necessary component of the act of consciousness in the form of a statement and retention of the goal.

    action is at the same time act of behavior. In contrast to behaviorism, the theory of activity considers the external movement in an inseparable unity with consciousness. After all, the movement is without a goal - it is rather failed behavior than genuine essence

action \u003d Incredible unity of consciousness and behavior

    through the concept of action, the theory of activity approves the principle of activity

    the concept of action "displays" human activity into subject and social world.


carrier of activity, consciousness and knowledge

Without subject, there is no object and vice versa. This means that the activity considered as a form of a relationship (more precisely, the form of realization of the attitude) of the subject to the object is meaningful (necessary, meaningful) for the subject, it is committed in its interest, but always aimed at an object that ceases to be "neutral" for Subject and becomes the subject of its activities.

An object

what activity is aimed (real and cognitive) subject


indicates some integrity allocated from the world of objects in the process of human activity and knowledge.

inseparable activities and subject (Therefore, constantly talking about the "objectivity" of the activity; there is no "free-free" activity). It is thanks to the activity that the object becomes the subject, and due to the subject activity becomes directed. Thus, the activity unites the concepts of "subject" and "object" into an inseparable integer.


the subject of the need, then for which one or that activity is carried out.

Each individual activity is encouraged by the motive, the subject itself may not be aware of its motives, i.e. Do not give yourself a report.

The motives generate actions, ie lead to the formation of goals, and the goals, as you know, are always aware. The motives themselves are not always recognized.

- Dispensed motifs (motifs - goals, characteristic of mature personalities)

- Unagitable motifs (manifest in consciousness in the form of emotions and personal meanings)

The polymotivation of human motives.

The main motive is the leading motive, minor - motifs - incentives.


the image of the desired result, i.e. of that result which must be achieved during the action.

The goal is always aware. Aware of this or that motive to activities, the subject sets certain goal those. Consciously plans in their own action achieve any desired result. At the same time, the achievement of the target always occurs in specific conditions that may vary depending on the circumstances.

The goal sets the action, the action ensures the realization of the goal.

A task

purpose given under certain conditions


Methods for carrying out action

The nature of the operations used depends on the conditions in which the action takes place. If the action meets the target, the operation meets the conditions (external circumstances and opportunities) in which this goal is given. The main property of the operation is that they are not realized or not recognized at all. The level of operation is filled with automatic actions and skills.

Operations 2 types: Some arise by adapting, direct imitation (practically not realized and cannot be caused in consciousness even with special efforts); Others arise from action by automation (are on the verge of consciousness and can easily become relevant). Every complex action consists of a layer of action and a layer of "underlying" their operations.


    this is the initial form of activity of living organisms. Objective condition of the living organism.

    this state of the objective needs of the body in something, which lies outside it and is the necessary condition for its normal functioning.

The need is always subject.

The organic need of a biological creature is required for its livelihoods and development. Needs activate the body - search for the required subject: food, water ITD. Before his first satisfaction, the need "does not know" its subject, he must still be found. During the search, the "meeting" of the need for his subject, his "recognition" or "IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEEDS". In the act of defining a motive is born. The motive is defined as the subject of the need (specification). The need to determine the need varies is converted.

- Biological need

Social need (need in contact with yourself similar)

Cognitive (need in external impressions)


reflection of the ratio of the result of activities to its motive.

Personal meaning

the experience of the increased subjective significance of the subject, actions, events that found themselves in the field of activity of the leading motive.

The subject acts in the process of committing one or another activity as an organism with its psychophysiological characteristics, and they also contribute to the specificity of the actor.

From the point of view of school A. N. Lyontieva, the knowledge of the properties and structures of human activity is necessary for understanding the human psyche (12).

Traditionally, several activities are allocated in the activity approach. dynamic components ("Parts", or, more precisely, functional organs) the activities necessary for its full implementation. The main ones are approximate and executive components, the functions of which are appropriately orienting the subject in the world and the execution of actions based on the resulting image of the world in accordance with the goals set by it.

Task executive The component activity (for which the activity has existed at all) is not only the adaptation of the subject to the world of objects in which it lives, but also the change and transformation of this world.

However, for the full implementation of the executive function of its activities, its subject is necessary navigate In the properties and patterns of objects, i.e., disintegrating them, be able to change their activities (for example, using certain specific operations as methods for carrying out actions under certain conditions) in accordance with the statutory laws. This is the task of the approximate "part" (functional body) of activity. As a rule, a person must, before doing something, navigate in the world to build an adequate image of this world and the action plan corresponding to it, i.e. orientation should rush forward execution. So most often the adult man comes under normal conditions. In the early stages of development (for example, young children), the orientation is performed in the process of execution, and sometimes after it (12).


    Consciousness cannot be considered as closed in itself: it must be derived in the activities of the subject ("opening" of the circle of consciousness)

    behavior cannot be considered in the separation from the consciousness of a person. The principle of unity of consciousness and behavior.

    activities are active, targeted, process (principle of activity)

    human actions are subject; They are implementing social - industrial and cultural - goals (the principle of the objectivity of human activity and the principle of its social conditionality) (10).


Alexey Nikolaevich Leontyev is widely known as a recognized leader of Soviet psychology of the 40-70s. His merits in front of domestic science are great and versatile. In Moscow University, he first created the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, and then the Faculty of Psychology, who led for many years, was one of the heads of the Academy pedagogical Sciences RSFSR and USSR (in particular, her vice president), wrote a lot of scientific papers, including several books, each of which was translated by dozens foreign languagesAnd one of them, "the problems of the development of the psyche", 4 years after the release of the Lenin Award was noted. Almost all university psychologists of the middle and older generation are his immediate disciples and employees.

Alexey Nikolaevich Leontyev was born in Moscow on February 5, 1903 in the family of the employee. After the end of the real school, he entered the Faculty of Social Sciences of Moscow University, which official version Finished in 1924, however, as I write A.A. Leontyev and D.A. Leontyev (son and grandson of the scientist, also psychologists) in the comments to his biography, he could not actually cherish the university, he was excluded. The reasons exist two versions. More interesting: being a student, he in 1923 filled out some kind of questionnaire and the question "How do you feel about Soviet power? " Allegedly answered: "I consider it historically necessary." So he told his son himself. The second version: by all the unloved lector on the history of the philosophy of Leontyev, I also enjoyed the question of how to refer to the bourgeois philosopher Wallace, the biology center and at all Anti Marxist. Not a very educated lecturer, frightened that he was caught on the lack of erudition, for a long time and convincingly clarified the error of this bourgeois philosopher, fictional to students on the eve of the lecture on the eve of the lecture. This version also goes back to oral memoirs A.N. Leontiev.

At the University of Leontyev listened to the lectures of various scientists. Among them was the philosopher and psychologist G.G. Spet, Philologist P.S. Preobrazhensky, historians M.N. Pokrovsky and D.M. Petrushevsky, historian Socialism V.P. Volgin. In the Communist Auditorium of Moscow State University, then read the course of historical materialism N.I. Bukharin. I was able to listen to Leontyev lectures I.V. Stalin by national Questionwhich, however, after half a century, he responded more than restrained.

Initially, Leontiev attracted philosophy. The need for the need was idea of \u200b\u200beverything that happened in his eyes. His appeal to psychology he owes G.I. Chelvan, on the initiative of which they were written by the first scientific work - the abstract "Teaching of Jems about ideomotor acts" (it was preserved) and an incredible work on Spencer.

Leontyev was lucky: he fell to work in the Psychological Institute, where, even after the care of Chelvan, first-class scientists continued to work - N.A. Bernstein, MA Reisner, P.P. Blonsky, from youth - A.R. Luria and, since 1924, L.S. Vygotsky.

There is a textbook version: the young psychologists of Luria and Leontyev came to Vygotsky, and the school of Vygotsky began. In fact, young psychologists of Vygotsky and Leontyev came to Luria. The first time was led by Lururia, senior as a position at the institute, a well-known psychologist who had several published books by that time. Only then there was a regrouping, and the leader became Voš. The very first publications of Leontiev were in line with Luria's research. These works dedicated to affects associated with engine techniques, etc., were performed under the leadership of Luria and in collaboration with him. Only after several works of such a plan begins work in the cultural and historical paradigm of Vygotsky (the first publication of Leontiev on this topic dated 1929).

By the end of the 20s. The situation in science has become unfavorable. Leontyev lost its work, and in all Moscow institutions with whom he collaborated. At about the same time, the drug addresses of Ukraine decided to organize in the Ukrainian psycho-erastic institute, and later, in 1932, in the All-Ukrainian Psychoneurological Academy (it was located in Kharkov, which was then the capital of the republic) the psychology sector. The post of head of the sector was proposed by Luria, the post of head of the Children's and Genetic Psychology Department - Leontiev. However, Luria soon returned to Moscow, and Leontyev led almost all the work. In Kharkov, he at the same time he headed the Department of Psychology in the Pedagogical Institute and the Psychology of Pedagogy. The famous Kharkov school, which some researchers consider to be a branch of the school of Vygotsky, other - relatively independent scientific education.

In the spring of 1934, shortly before death, Vygotsky took several steps to collect all his students - Moscow, Kharkov and others - in the same laboratory in the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine (VIEM). Vygotsky himself was no longer able to head it (he died at the beginning of the summer of 1934), and Leontyev became the head of the laboratory, leaving Kharkov for this. But he lasted there for long. After the report on the scientist of the Council of this Institute for Psychological Research Speech (the text of the report published in the I Tome of His selected Labor, And today, everyone can make an unbiased opinion about him) Leontyev was accused of all possible methodological sins (it came to the Goront of the Party!), after which the laboratory was closed, and Leontyev was fired. He stayed again without work. Collaborated in a small Research Institute when the Supreme Communist Institute of Enlightenment, he was engaged in the psychology of perception of art in Gitis and in Vgik, where he was constantly communicating with S.M. Eisenstein (they were familiar before, from the late 20s, when Leontyev taught in VGIK, until the latter was declared the nest of idealists and trotchists with understandable consequences).

In July 1936, the famous decree of the Central Committee of the WCP (b) "On the pedology perversion in the system of drug addresses" was killed. This resolution meant the full defeat of children's and pedagogical psychology and "worthy" was married by the series of decisions of the Central Committee of the beginning of the 30s, which turned to reversing the Soviet school who had canceled all innovations and experiments and made a former democratic school authoritarian and militarized school. Especially got the ideologists of the Democratic School - Vygotsky and Blonsky. Vygotsky, though, already posthumously. And some of those who previously declared themselves disciples Vygotsky, began to condemn him with no less enthusiasm and their mistakes.

However, neither Luria nor Leontyev nor other genuine disciples of Vygotsky, as they were given, did not say a single bad word about Vygotsky neither publicly or in print, and in general they never changed their views. Oddly enough, they all nevertheless survived. But ICP was closed, and Leontyev again remained without work.

Just at that time, the director of the Institute of Psychology became Kornilov again, and he took Leontiev to work. Of course, no methodological matters of speech could be; Leontyev engaged in the themes of purely specific: the perception of the figure (continued research of the Kharkov school) and skin photosensitivity.

Doctoral thesis Leontheva on the topic "The development of the psyche" was conceived by him as a grand project. Two volumetric volumes were written, the third stage dedicated to the ontogenesis of the psyche was prepared partly. But B.M. The heat convinced Leontiev, that to protect enough of what is. In 1940, the dissertation in two volumes was protected. Its first volume was theoretical and experimental study The occurrence of sensitivity, which was almost unchanged in all editions of the book "Problems of the development of the psyche". The most interesting thing is, as today clearly seen, it is a parapsychological study dedicated to learning to perceive the light by hand! Of course, Leontyev filed this study otherwise, putting a materialistic gloss and speaking about the reincarnation of certain cells in the epidermis of the palms, but this is a quasi-physiological interpretation of clearly proven facts of the development of the ability to perceive the light signals with fingers no more convincingly than the assumption of the extrasensory nature of this phenomenon.

The second volume was devoted to the development of the psyche in the animal world. The "problems of the development of the psyche" included relatively small fragments of this part of the thesis, and the most interesting fragments remaining beyond the scratched texts were published posthumously in the collection of scientific heritage of Leontiev "Philosophy of Psychology" (1994).

Another work that belongs to about the same period (1938-1942) is its "methodological notebook", notes for themselves, which in a fairly full form also entered the book "Philosophy of Psychology". They are devoted to the most different problems. It is characteristic that very many things prescribed here were for the first time announced after decades or not published at all. For example, the first publication of Leontiev on personality issues refers to 1968 in the completed form of his views on the identity that formed the last chapter of the book "Activities. Consciousness. Personality, published in 1974. But almost everything that entered this chapter is spelled out and justified in "Methodological notebooks" around 1940, that is, simultaneously with the release of the first Western generalizing monographs on the problem of the identity of K. Levina (1935), ALLPort (1937), Murrey (1938). In our country, the problem of personality in this veneer (through the concept of personal meaning) was impossible to settle. The concept of "personality" is found in the works of a number of psychologists - Rubinstein, Ananeva and others - from the late 40s. In a single meaning - as denoting socio-typical in man ("Aggregate public relations"), In contrast to the character, expressing individually peculiar. If you wrap this formula a little, given the social context, the ideological method of such an understanding is exposed: individually peculiar in person is permissible only at the level of character, at the level of personality, all Soviet people are obliged to be socially typical. I seriously talk about the person then it was impossible. Therefore, the theory of the personality of Leontiev "withstood" three decades.

In early July 1941, as many other Moscow scientists, Leontyev entered the ranks of the national militia. However, in September, the General Staff recalls it to fulfill special defense tasks. At the very end of 1941, Moscow University, including the Institute of Psychology, was evacuated first in Ashgabat, then in Sverdlovsk. Near Sverdlovsk, in Kigach and Kaurovsk, two experimental hospitals were formed. The first as a supervisor was headed by Luria, the second - Leontyev. There worked A.V. Zaporozhets, P.Ya. Galperin, S.Ya. Rubinstein and many others. It was a rehabilitation hospital, which was engaged in the restoration of movements after injury. On this material was brilliantly demonstrated not only the practical significance of the theory of activity, but also the absolute adequacy and fruitfulness of the physiological theory of N.A. Bernstein, who in a few years, at the end of the forties, was completely excommunicated from science, and it is not known that it would be if Leontyev had not taken him to an employee to the police department. The practical result of the work of the experimental hospitals was that the return time of the wounded to construction was reduced several times due to the use of the technician developed on the basis of the activity approach and the theory of Bernstein.

At the end of the war, already being a doctor of science and the head of the laboratory at the Institute of Psychology, Leontyev published a small book "Essay to the development of the psyche" on the basis of his dissertation. Immediately, in 1948, a crushing review was released, and the next "discussion" was organized in the fall. Many now well-known psychologists have made in it, accusing the author of the book in idealism. But Leontheyev's associates stood on his defense, and the discussion had no consequences for him. Moreover, he was taken to the party. This is what his son and grandson are written about this, the most knowledgeable biographers: "I hardly did it for career reasons - rather it was an act of self-preservation. But the fact remains a fact. We must not forget that Alexey Nikolaevich, like his teacher Vygotsky, was a convinced Marxist, although not orthodoxy ... membership in the party, of course, contributed to the fact that from the beginning of the 50s. Leontyev becomes an academician-secretary of the Psychology of the APN, then academician-secretary of the entire Academy, later by her vice-president ... "

In 1955, the magology "Questions of Psychology" began to be published. During these years, Leontyev is published a lot, and in 1959 they are published by the first edition of the "Problems of the Development of the Psyche". Judging by the number of publications, the end of the 50s - the beginning of the 60s is the most productive period for it.

Since 1954, the restoration of international relations of Soviet psychologists began. For the first time after a long break, a fairly representative delegation of Soviet psychologists took part in the next International Psychological Congress in Montreal. It included Leontyev, heat, Zaporozhets, Asratyan, Sokolov and Kostyk. Since then, Leontyev has long and time to give international relations. The culmination of this activity was organized by him in 1966 the International Psychological Congress in Moscow, whose president he was.

At the end of the life of Leontyev, many times turned to the history of Soviet (and partly and world) psychological science. Probably, it was primarily connected with personal motives. On the one hand, always the faithful memory of his teacher Vygotsky, he sought to popularize his work and at the same time - to identify the most promising ideas, as well as show the continuity of the ideas of Vygotsky and his school. On the other hand, naturally the desire for reflection over its own scientific activities. Anyway, Leontyev - partially in collaboration with Luria - owns a number of historical and psychological publications that have and quite independent theoretical value.

Today, historical works are already written about him (for example, Leontyev and Modern Psychology, 1983; "Traditions and prospects of an activity approach in psychology. School A.N. Leontiev", 1999). Its works to this day are systematically reprinted abroad, and sometimes even with us, contrary to the patient hobby pseudopsychological manipulations. In the telegram sent to the death of Leontiev, Jean Piaget called him "Great." And as you know, the wise Swiss did not throw words to the wind.