Options for learning English. Different ways to learn English

Getting started of English language, everyone is looking for a suitable language learning method first. The choice depends on many conditions: the purpose of the study, the current level of proficiency, the age of the student. So you can outline a circle in which there will be methods of learning English that are suitable for you personally. Most likely, there will be several, and objective circumstances will play a role here: the availability of the English language school (territorial and financial), the schedule of classes, service, etc. By the way, it is according to these parameters, assessed by students, our rating is built language courses... Here's a recent example with.

Most students choose the best method of learning English: classes in a group in courses, and use additional resources on their own. Indeed, modern resources provide a lot of opportunities for deepening knowledge: blogs in English, films in the original with subtitles, TouTube and Telegram channels, audiobooks, podcasts, mobile applications for learning English ... Cool, convenient, not boring. But still, these are only auxiliary channels of information, and they should be based on effective working methods of learning English.

Best English Learning Techniques

Competition among teachers and English courses is fueling a multitude of teaching methods... Some of them promise unheard of quick results others impress with their original approach. But in practice, the best practices are working methods, that is, those that produce real, tangible, and lasting results. And there are not so many of them. There are, perhaps, only three main ones:

Learning English in a group

Classes in English schools in a group of students with the same level of training as yours do not lose popularity. And it is no coincidence. This method of learning English has many advantages:

  • Communication... Communication skills, listening comprehension - all this is perfectly trained in a group. In the classroom, you will have to communicate a lot with classmates and the teacher, and this is undoubtedly a big plus.
  • Someone else's mistakes... Of course, they do not need to be happy, but to learn, so as not to repeat themselves. Learning in a group allows you to watch and listen from the outside, to notice the nuances that are lost during individual and / or independent study.
  • Team... Usually, group sessions are not monotonous. This means that from time to time they pass outside the classroom (in a cafe, in a cinema, in nature). In addition, the group celebrates holidays and birthdays, communicates informally and makes friends.
  • Price... Group training is the most affordable. You can always find a promotional offer, pay in installments or otherwise save on English courses.
  • Levels language proficiency. Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced. There are groups for children and adults.

Among the disadvantages of group learning are the same “human factors”. First, students with an active temperament tend to practice more and receive more attention from teachers. Secondly, you will have to strictly adhere to the class schedule regardless of any personal circumstances. Thirdly, group lessons are usually devoted to the so-called. general English, and for specific preparation (for an interview, admission to a university, professional activity) it is better to find a good teacher (how to do it -).

Individual study of English

Private lessons with a tutor are the second most popular method of learning foreign languages. Schoolchildren and applicants, specialists of different professions and simply lovers of chamber communication turn to him (we advise you to pay attention to the selection They get the following advantages of this method of learning English:

The disadvantages of this English learning method are obvious. Firstly, the work of an individual teacher will cost much more than group lessons in a language school. Secondly, you will study in a "greenhouse" environment instead of actively communicating, overcoming the language barrier and training the perception of colloquial speech. Thirdly, in good tutors the schedule is very tight and you have to "fit" into it.

Self-study English

Self-study can include different ways of learning English. These are all listed and repeatedly described by us Internet resources, as well as textbooks, literary works, animation and motion pictures. These methods have several advantages:

  • Convenient schedule. You will learn English at a time and in an environment that suits you personally. At least at home, at least in a bar, at night, at least in the early morning.
  • Interesting content. You yourself will choose the materials to study. You can watch TV shows in English, read comics, chat in chats, watch video blogs, etc.
  • Free English. Self-education doesn't cost money. Perhaps, some resources will charge a certain fee, but it will be symbolic in comparison with the cost of courses or lessons with a tutor.

As for the disadvantages of this technique, their root lies in self-discipline. If you can organize your time and stick to decisions taken- that training will bear weighty results. If not, then it will remain an ineffectual good intention.

Original methods of learning English

Talented linguists and / or English teachers have developed several author's methods of language learning. Here are the most, in our opinion, interesting and effective methods:

  • Pimsler's method... One of the globally recognized methods aimed at modern business people who have little free time. Classes are divided into 3 courses of 30 lessons, half an hour each. The student's task is to listen attentively and do everything that the announcers say. The technique combines listening and pronunciation. It helps to avoid mistakes of incorrect pronunciation, and it is relatively easy to memorize the number of words and combinations of phrases sufficient for full communication. By the end of the course, you should know from 2,000 to 3,000 words.
  • Ilya Frank's method... A technique for expanding vocabulary through reading fiction... The texts are divided into small fragments, each of which is followed by a literal Russian translation, if necessary supplemented with lexical and grammatical information. The paragraph is followed by the same passage, but without translation. An interesting and useful trick, especially for book lovers.
  • Alexander Dragunkin's method... The main way is the use of russified transcription for memorization English words... This technique has many fans, but also critics. The only question is whether it will suit you personally.

As you can see, some techniques are suitable for learning spoken English, while others are aimed at grammar. Choose the method that suits your purpose, and don't forget about assistive techniques that will greatly expand your horizons, develop your vocabulary and make learning English more interesting.

Surely many people had a desire to start learning English language. And this is great! After all, the study foreign language expands human consciousness, opens up opportunities for travel and communication with people from other parts of the world.

Once you have mastered another language, you will beginthink and perceive the world around them differently. However, in the experience of most learners, many people give up trying to learn English. This is due to a lack of self-discipline and an incorrectly built learning process.

There are classical methods of learning a foreign (English) language, these are taught at school, in courses and with tutors.

There are also interesting methods of learning English by watching movies and TV shows, listening to songs and learning on sites on the Internet.

There are methods of learning English from experienced polyglots. They differ in that they fundamentally disagree with the classical methods, therefore they offer their own ways of learning a foreign language. Each author strives to suggest the best techniques and methods. They differ from each other, which is why they are interesting. I will cover some of the methods.

Dmitry Petrov's method

Dmitry Petrov - famous linguist, translator and public figure who speaks over 30 languages. He developed a course of 16 video lessons that can be found freely available on the Internet. More details about this method are presented in the second chapter.

Ilya Frank's method

A method that makes it easier to read books in a foreign language due to the special arrangement original text and translation. In books published using this method, the text is divided into small passages.

First comes adapted excerpt- a text interspersed with a literal Russian translation and a small lexical and grammatical commentary. This is followed by the same text, but already unadapted, without prompts. The method differs from the method when the complete translation is presented in the 2nd column or in the second half of the book. For example text, see Appendix 2.

Alexander Dragunkin's method

Alexander Dragunkin developed his own method of teaching English, in which he abandoned the traditional study of the rules for reading words, replacing them with Russified transcription. In his method, he also developed 53 " gold»Grammar formulas that are different from the classic ones.

Dragunkin offers his vision of language learning and understanding of grammar, which will be simple and understandable for beginners. The main advantage of this method is that the material is presented in a very accessible form. All Dragunkin's tables and rules are systematized, making them easy to remember. See Appendix 3.

Dr. Pimsler's method

Dr. Pimsler's method is based on listening, where the student listens to dialogues, constructs phrases and reproduces them from memory... The training course consists of 3 parts, each of which has 30 lessons (audio material + text). The important point is that learning according to the Pimsler method needs to be very focused. In particular, it is impossible, for example, to combine training with being in public places, because often, within the framework of training, it is necessary to repeat after the speaker.

Training on this method perfect for those with poor pronunciation. The course by Dr. Pimsler's method perfectly develops memory and promotes good English speech recognition.

Schechter's conversational approach

Training is based on perception of foreign speech as native language ... That is, the author seeks to develop in the student the ability to use English subconsciously, without thinking about the correctness of the construction grammatical structures or appropriate vocabulary.

This skill is developed with the help of cases and situational thinking: small sketches are played out in which each student must say his own remark. At the same time, the speech of the participants in the conversation is spontaneous, no one prepares replicas in advance and does not know the topic of cases.

Classes according to the Schechter method include daily classes of three hours without giving homework, and they themselves are conducted in a playful atmosphere that is very different from the student audience and thus attracts many newcomers.

Gunnenmark's method

The author proposes to study only the most important and frequently encountered rules, phrases and words in communication. Tutorials so they are called " Minigram», « Minifraz" and " Minilex". All material is additionally illustrated and dubbed by native speakers, so the technique is considered an ideal base for starting learning English.

In addition to the repetition and reinforcement system with which we learn the language in most educational institutions, there are also interesting and unusual ways to learn English, compiled by teachers from all over the world.

Strictly speaking, as many people as there are, there are so many ways to learn English (and new ones appear every year), so even your own routine can be considered a learning system. But this is not about that - we are talking about popular systems that are used by thousands or even millions of people.

Choosing one and sticking to it can be tricky. And if it also turns out to be ineffective, time will be wasted. Therefore, it is not worth frivolously to approach the choice of which method is better, as well as, in principle, to the study of the English language.

Here are some of the most effective English learning methods and strategies you can find online. But it is up to the student to decide which one suits the individual student best.

Learning English by the method of Dr. Pimsler

This is a very popular technique for learning English, which is tied to the regular repetition of already learned material while learning new one.

The main feature of the training program according to the Pimsler method (sometimes mistakenly called the "Pilsner method") is the presence of a constantly speaking speaker with whom the student can start a dialogue or just scroll through.

Courses using this system still involve active contact with pre-recorded voice-overs. In addition, each lesson lasts half an hour, and after one lesson it is recommended not to start a new one right away.

Among the advantages of this teaching method:

  • consistency of material;
  • ensuring that the student has mastered the material completely before moving on to the next topic;
  • length of individual lessons;
  • the ability to download a playlist, call it "Dr. Pimsler's English" and listen to it while traveling by metro or bus.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • the length of the entire Pimsler course is on average 45 hours (90 lessons of 30 minutes each);
  • at the recommended pace of listening to the course, it is very easy to forget the material in between classes;
  • how quickly a student can learn English depends not only on himself, but also on the speaker, which can seriously slow down the systemic learning process.

Training by the Ilona Davydova method

This system is tied to learning by memorizing the key points of learning through the impact on the subconscious levers of human psychology. The author is psychologist Ilona Davydova.

This means that each step in the course is not accidental and has some basis behind it (on paper, of course). First of all, a person's memory is activated by emotional perception, subject matter and pace.

How effective this technique is is difficult to say. And to understand whether it is suitable for a particular student is difficult without buying it. An English course costs 5900 rubles, which is its main drawback (you can find equally effective methods for free).

In addition, the method first appeared in the nineties, when it received tons of positive reviews. Now it is difficult to see the real look of the product behind them. It follows from all that it is far from among the best methods of learning English.

Oxford and Cambridge ways

These systems of teaching English were developed by British professors (it's easy to guess: both Cambridge and Oxford are in Britain), because of this, the student's trust rating is much higher. In addition, these systems have existed for over 60 years and have managed to prove themselves to people around the world.

The differences between them are fundamentally minimal. In both cases, the teacher is a person who knows English perfectly, in most cases a native speaker. Teachers do not just tell children the rules, they immerse them in an oral environment, encourage them to independent speech and writing in English. Therefore, it is one of the best methods of learning English.

The only significant difference is that the Oxford system exclusively encourages speaking and hearing. Of course, the child will know how to spell words.

But, first of all, he will learn to use them in conversation, logically build sentences and independently build verbal expressions. The Cambridge system doesn't ignore writing that much.

Reading by the method of Ilya Frank

This way of learning English is based on delimiting the whole text into separate segments and interspersed with the same fragments, but already translated, between them.

Since many people decide to learn English, starting with reading books in this language (this is how you can learn the language at home and on the street), the method can already be regarded as good. Usually, to understand the plot, you have to look away from the book and look into a dictionary or translator, while losing focus.

Books rewritten with the introduction of this method allow not only not to break away from reading (which causes great relief), but also to see how the whole thought is translated, and not single words in it. Thanks to this, many phrases, idioms, and vocabulary in general are easily remembered.

The method is very useful in that it deprives a very common way of learning English on your own most of its disadvantages.

However, the system of Ilya Frank there are disadvantages: for example, the lack of transcription, the ability to feel direct speech. But these deprivations can be compensated for by other methods.


It is more of a theory of instruction than a program or course. The abbreviation "ESL" stands for "English as a Second Language" and is used by many online courses as well as schools. This is a communicative principle of learning English, which is very similar to Cambridge and Oxford.

A beginner student who is trained in this theory will receive not just a dry theory, he himself will participate in communication in a foreign language and apply the rules in practice.

The difference between ESL and its more well-known counterparts is that, first of all, the student is taught how the English-speaking society works. Specifically, American, because most of the courses with ESL teach exactly the American version of English.

Special services methods

There are many different systems under this phrase. quick learning foreign languages, each of which somehow takes its roots in the programs that were once taught to scouts and spies. The phenomenon is far from new; such programs have been known since the 60s.

It is not possible to find out exactly whether any special service used one of these learning methods, but now express courses in learning English with associative methods are called "methods of special services" in one way.

The training program is different, for example:

  • separate words are built together in any sentence, henceforth being associated with each other;
  • foreign words are remembered in conjunction with relatives in sound or spelling;
  • whole sentences are memorized for the sake of a few words.

Many people think that this is the best method available, but it is not. It is difficult to judge how effective this method is, since the average student already remembers most of his vocabulary thanks to associations.

And such an “accelerated” course also deprives the student of writing and spelling. Such methods may be suitable for service agents, but hardly for the average person.

Matrix method

The matrix method is very easy: the student is offered phrases for a variety of life situations, he listens to them, speaks and writes them down. The student is required to have complete discipline, which is supported by the teacher.

At matrix method vocabulary, syntax, speech, and the whole language are hammered into a person. The method is difficult, it requires discipline, independent control of the process and a carefully set schedule. Therefore, the training program is drawn up in advance so that it can be planned before the start, and not during the lesson.

This is by no means the fastest way, but it is very effective.

The associative way of learning English and the method of mnemonics

The associative technique has already been mentioned in this article. Usually the student is asked to memorize foreign words by sound associations in our language. This is probably the simplest method out there.

For example, a student sees the word talk and learns that it reads like a current. Connect a little imagination to this, and the verb to speak will now from now on always be associated with an electrician. However, this is where the problem lies: you need imagination and at least some kind of memory so that the images do not get messed up in your head. This is the main problem with the associative method of learning English.

Mnemonics is the same associative method, but there is a serious difference: cards with words are taken strictly in random order and usually follow each other in the amount of 100.

Thus, words are passively memorized according to the images with which they were shown on the cards, and these images are usually not something associated with the verb, but simply a thing and phenomenon similar in sound.

This is perhaps the most effective way, because in this case, not only memory plays in the student's favor, but also fantasy, a sense of humor and our desire to remember ridiculous things better. Learning English with GMSо is great for kids.

Say method

Parents who care about their child's ability to speak English from scratch before school are mostly disappointed. The child, except for the most basic words, does not remember anything, because even in Russian he does not know absolutely nothing of the grammar. Because of this, it is difficult to create good and modern course English for preschoolers.

The authors of the Say method are sure that the child needs to be talked about so that he learns English on his own at home before he understands how it works.

Sharpened training on the active use of English during the performance of any ordinary activities: games, cleaning, drawing. According to the authors of the method, a busy pastime will teach the child to wield different words.

However, it is difficult to understand exactly if there are any advantages or disadvantages. Yes, the teachers came up with the right idea: practice should dominate theory, but the very essence of the course is completely unclear.

Non-translatable method of learning English

Similar approaches to learning emerged relatively recently in a fairly large environment of people who taught the rules at school, and as a result, they never spoke English. And they came to the conclusion that one practice would be enough. An interesting conclusion, but far from the truth.

This unusual method is just the second edge of a not very sharpened sword, because now the child at first will not understand what he is saying in principle.

Of course, if you first memorize speech patterns without any meaning (just as a constructor), and then finish reading the meaning of these words, you may even get quite harmonious speech. In this case, the child has a good pronunciation, but he does not know at all what he is doing.

As in everything, the best thing is the golden mean and it is not worth experimenting with a child with a technique for which there are not so many textbooks. If a parent is gnawed at by the child's lack of practice, he can sometimes speak English with him.

Immersion method

The immersion method is a unique way to learn English, when a person with knowledge a little more than zero is placed in an environment where everyone speaks this language (an English-speaking class, for example) and understands who is saying what along the way.

Of course, usually they take a whole class with the same level of English, and the teacher gives a lot of different information that can be understood subconsciously. Too many explanations are not given, but after a while a person still understands what's what.

There are several disadvantages of this training mode:

  • the student may well be exposed to stress in the classroom if he does not keep up with everyone or, in principle, is not so strongly predisposed to foreign languages;
  • the method is not suitable for beginners or for schoolchildren, because the average child will not understand even the words of the teacher's dialogue;
  • it takes a lot of time and coordination of the student, since it is quite difficult to learn English without explanations;
  • the method is far from free, and a lot of money is taken for specially organized courses.

In schools in some multilingual countries (Canada, for example), this method is the standard method of learning English, and, as far as can be judged, it is quite effective.

Friends, surely many of you had a desire to start learning English for free without outside help and any paid educational courses.

And this is great! After all, learning a foreign language expands human consciousness, opens up opportunities for travel and communication with people from other parts of the world. Believe me having mastered another language, you will begin to think differently and perceive the world around you!

However, judging by the experience of most students, some people abandon trying to learn English due to lack of self-discipline and the presence of banal laziness! Indeed, the abundance of all kinds of rules and bad memories from school curriculum learning discourage all desire to learn!

We decided to help everyone learn English on your own and prepared the 7 best ways to master it. These methods save a lot of time and make grammar easier to understand, and most importantly, they are free!

Using these methods and devoting at least 1 hour a day to study, in a few months you will master basic principles, improve your vocabulary and be able to talk freely about common / simple topics with native speakers.

1. Dmitry Petrov's method

Dmitry Petrov is a well-known linguist, translator and public figure who speaks more than 15 languages. He developed a course of 16 video lessons that can be found on the Internet in the public domain (episodes of the "Polyglot" program on the Russia TV channel). You can watch video tutorials.

In addition to the video tutorial course, there is a free mobile app for learning English by the method of Dmitry Petrov.

The effectiveness of Dmitry Petrov's method: the material is presented in a very simple and understandable form, thanks to which the fear of tenses, verb forms, etc. is quickly dispelled. In a short time, you will gain communication skills plus you will work out the basic algorithms of the language to automatism.

2. Duolingo.com platform

Free international language learning platform without premium packages, ads or webinars, which was launched in 2011. The training system is built in the form interesting lessons based on gamification, as students help translate websites, articles, etc.

The basis of training is Dualingo skill tree, through which users progress by completing tasks and earning experience points... The platform has many functions, for example, completing a task for a while, etc. Besides the web project, Duolingo has a mobile app. On Dualingo, you can study not only English, but German and French, and soon Spanish and Swedish will also be available.

Duolingo efficiency: According to research, 34 hours of classes on Duolingo provide the same reading and writing skills as for a semester of study (130 hours) in higher education educational institutions... Nowadays, many teachers in schools use the Dualingo program. The project provides excellent recognition skills oral speech and translations.

3. Filmmaking with subtitles

The method is based on watching your favorite movies and TV series with double subtitles, but in English voice acting. It turns out that you simultaneously hear English speech and see the spelling and translation.

The main nuance is the right choice serials and films. Beginners need to watch tapes in which there are simple dialogues and there is no use of specific words. Many people call the famous TV series "Friends" ideal for watching with double subtitles.

Method effectiveness: quickly memorize new words and phrases, master the pronunciation. However, to feel the effect, you need to watch a lot of episodes or films.

4. Ilya Frank's method

This method involves learning a language by reading books in English without a dictionary. You read and memorize due to the repetition of words in the text of books.

In addition, for an interesting reading, it offers explanations with the translation of each sentence. Just download Ilya Frank's books and read them at any time convenient for you. You can see how the text in the book looks in the picture below.

The effectiveness of the Ilya Frank method: Learning by Frank is perfect for memorizing words. You read the book, and as you learn, you start to skip the explanatory boxes. According to reviews it says that if you read 1-2 hours a day, then in a year you will be able to read English books in the original without any problems.

5. Alexander Dragunkin's method

Alexander Dragunkin developed his own method of teaching English, in which he abandoned the traditional classical study of the rules for reading words, replacing them with Russified transcription.

In his method, he also developed 53 "golden" grammar formulas that are different from the classic ones. Dragunkin offers his vision of language learning and understanding of grammar, which will be simple and understandable for beginners.

First, we recommend watching the 3-hour video tutorial, under which you will find a link to the set teaching materials and Dragunkin tables to help with learning.

Effectiveness of the Dragunkin Method: The main advantage of the Dragunkin method is that the material is presented in a very accessible form for "dummies". All material (tables, rules) by Dragunkin is systematized, making it easy to remember.

6. Dr. Pimsler's method

Dr. Pimsler's method is based on listening, when the student listens to dialogues, constructs phrases and reproduces them from memory. Course of Study consists of 3 parts, each of which has 30 lessons(audio + text).

The important point is that learning according to the Pimsler method needs to be very focused. In particular, it is impossible, for example, to combine training with being in public places, because often, within the framework of training, it is necessary to repeat after the speaker.

Effectiveness of the Dr. Pimsler Method: This method is perfect for those who have poor pronunciation. The course by Dr. Pimsler's method perfectly develops memory and promotes good recognition of English speech (especially dialects).

7. YouTube training

In addition to the above methods, here are some excellent youtube channels for learning English. Each of them has its own training program that will help you master english.

Puzzle English- a great channel with a wide variety of grammar lessons, tips for learning a language, lessons on correct pronunciation etc.

English as notes- an entertaining channel where language learning is carried out through jokes, games, music, films, etc.

OXANA DOLINKA- the channel of the user of the same name, on which the girl teaches English and focuses on the live modern language, as well as the nuances of spoken English while traveling.

English at Steve Jobs School- a channel on which, in short lessons, certain topics of the English language are touched upon, as well as dialogues in films, talks about metaphors in English, etc.

Albert Kakhnovskiy- the channel where English is taught by the famous Raymond Murphy.

Method effectiveness: Learning English on youtube is easy and fun. The training does not oblige you to anything and you can devote as much time to the study as you wish.

Learn English on your own not easy! Most people note that it is often difficult to overcome your laziness, remember this! Do not succumb to the provocations of your consciousness to abandon your studies!

We often feel confused when we need to make a decision about something new for us. How to choose a good repair team for your apartment, which school to send your child to and how to learn English? Everyone around is aggressively imposing their methods - who to believe? To get a complete picture of the issue, you need to study the facts. We want to take the liberty of honestly telling you the truth about the ways we know English.

We'll look at four of the most effective ways to learn: on your own, in a group, with a private tutor, and in an online school. We will tell you about their cost, advantages and disadvantages, and at the end we will present a pivot table so that you can make an informed decision.

First, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our simple scheme for the preliminary choice of the training format.

Now let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each way to learn English.

Your pace

The ability to 100% adjust to your schedule and individual pace. You are your own teacher and student.

Lack of self-discipline

Few people can bring themselves to exercise regularly. If you learn English by forays - every couple of months for almost 5 hours in a row, then this will not bring any tangible benefit. You need to do it systematically, at least 2 times a week for 1 hour.

Minimum financial investment The need for personal contact

The online format is not for everyone. Someone needs the personal presence of a teacher for productive activities, which gives a lot of emotional support. And that's okay - all people are different.

Own learning platform

Some schools provide training via Skype, others use their developed online classes, in which you can both communicate with the teacher and use text, video and audio materials, and do homework.

Immersion in a communicative environment

Many schools give you the opportunity to chat in conversation clubs, watch webinars, read blogs, study apps and online simulators - all without interrupting your English. Teachers also constantly communicate with colleagues, take exams and improve their qualifications.

Classes with native speakers

Many schools provide an opportunity to learn from - you can hone your pronunciation, master the grammar and vocabulary that foreigners really use. At the same time, methodologists and school managers control the work of native speakers, and lessons with them will not turn into conversations for life.

Who is it for:

  • Lean

    Online school is usually more expensive than group courses, but cheaper than private English tutors.

  • Time-conscious

    Something will always demand your attention more, be it work or children. The online school adjusts to your schedule, not the other way around.

Who is not suitable:

  • Small children under 9 years old.

    Their restlessness requires the personal presence and attention of the teacher.

  • Those who are distrustful of new technologies and prefer familiar ways of learning a language.


Lesson 45-50 minutes with a Russian-speaking teacher costs from 500 to 800 rubles, with a native speaker - from 1,200 to 1,400 rubles. Many online schools provide different bonuses and promotions: you can get lessons at a substantial discount or even for free.

Where to begin:

You can explore