Programming consciousness using a visual example. Programming consciousness

Even worse than biorobots programmed on certain stereotypes of behavior, those who have already completely degraded and have lost even the possibility of free actions. These are those whom in common people are called "obsessed" evil spirit or zombies. These are those who have already lost even the ability to manage their own body And it is only a puppet in the hands of dark entities from the parallel world.

However, the difference from them of the usual average and prone to all the weaknesses of a person is not very large. They also manage, but only more "subtle, giving the illusion of freedom. A person seems to be his own thoughts and beliefs make it act during emotional outbreaks and the rapid manifestation of feelings. In fact, he often cannot be smart enough to explain the nature of his actions, because, losing an internal balance, he loses control over his body and becomes zombies.

Thus, the difference between the average person from Zombies is that it is "zombies" not constantly, and from time to time. In all other cases (with rare exceptions), it is a "biorobot", which has a certain degree of freedom, within the framework of the generally accepted dogs and restrictions imposed on it.

This illusory freedom makes us dependent on other people's opinions and from all that they consider it right or wrong, bad or good. This is "game" in stupidity, stupidity and limited perception, which is imposed on us from childhood and obliges us to play for someone else's rules.

But those who have established these rules are not people surrounding us. Most other people, no matter how great and infallible they seemed to be the same submissive and weak victims of circumstances, which the dark essences of other worlds use as stupid and brainless "dairy cows" from the point of view of their power.

It is for this that we need all quarrels, squabbles, hatred, female, contempt and distrust - because it is losing an internal balance, a person "splashing" into the surrounding space of its vital energy, which immediately becomes food for other entities.

It was for this purpose that we were "presented" with a certain foreign device, which actually has nothing to do with us - a sense of own importance that can be compared with a peculiar "milking apparatus", depriving us of vitality. And this energy is the basis of our health, our abilities, our undistorted perception of reality and our genuine freedom.

And each Volya himself make his choice: to be "zombies" to remain a "biorobot" or to achieve real freedom. But only the latter will open for him the entire spectrum of parapsychological phenomena and paranormal abilities up to the art of longevity and conservation of youth.

All these conversations about the "zombies" and "biorobot" may seem just terrible fairy tales, for the wounded materialistic propaganda of consciousness, but modern scientific achievements suggest that it is not a fairy tale at all, but the reality that has become the scourge of mankind.

So, studies have shown that not only psychotropic devices, but also ordinary advertising is a way of "programming" of a certain behavior of a person. After all, almost all commercials contain an explicit or hidden element of erotica affecting the subconscious of a person. This is how the researcher I. Shlionskaya explains:

"Studies have established that most people have information containing certain incentives, causes subconscious stress and anxiety. Now imagine that there is an advertisement on TV, in which a man and a woman drink a cool drink during love classes. In the subconscious of the audience, an unclear anxiety arises, and advertising inspires them - buy this product and you will be happy! And in order to get rid of obsessive thoughts about sex, from the desire caused by the advertisement of the drink, they buy it. "

Similarly, our behavior of films are programmed: militants and thrillers are programmed to murder and cruelty, porn movies - for sexual successes, melodramas - on a certain stereotype of "dusty" love. At the same time, unnoticed by a person begins to imitate the heroes of his favorite programs, films, books, acting on the "Program" proposed by them.

Similarly, stereotypes of behavior are imposed on our parents, teachers and other people around us. This can be called the first level of "programming" of a person, when he, thinking that he is free in his actions, in fact subconsciously repeats other people's actions and mistakes. Therefore, he is no longer a free person.

But there is a second, stronger programming level of our behavior, which is called informational coding. The essence of this method is that a person's consciousness is capable of perceiving only 24 frames per second and if you use the 25th frame for a certain information, then this consciousness will not be perceived. It will only perceive the subconscious mind that any suggestion perceives for faith (remember the experiments of hypnotists). In this case, not only visual information is used, but also the sound, which is also behind the threshold of perception of consciousness.

Such tricks are widely used for promotional purposes and with rapid training of foreign languages. If in one case a person quickly masters foreign language, then in another - for an incomprehensible reason, begins to trust certain goods and give preference only to them.

Similarly, you can also program the behavior of a person in relation to certain persons. If you, without any reason, "pulls" to one person, and "repels" from another, if neither with this you trust one person and do not believe in any other way, therefore you have become a victim of someone's evil goats related With manipulating your subconscious. The attractions used in magic are also methods for encoding the subconscious. However, the most danger is precisely technical coding methods.

A person can be encoded from obesity, alcoholism, smoking. However, the intelligence services of many countries use coding for less harmless purposes. So, while watching movies, TV shows or psychotherapeutic sessions, a person can be encoded on self-destruction from the code phrase or the word, as well as to commit the murder. At the same time, after the code phrase, a person completely loses control over his consciousness and body. It becomes a real "zombie" and after fulfilling the program of action and actions laid in the subconscious mind (if it remains alive) absolutely nothing remembers anything about them.

According to the doctor of medical sciences L.P.Grimak, a hypnologist with a 40-year experience, after the corresponding sessions of hypnosis, a person begins to fulfill any programs embedded in it, not aware of this. This is called light zombie. The following zombie level is associated with programming with strong drugs and hypnosis. In this case, a person resembles a mechanism or a clockwork toy, acting in accordance with the program embedded in it. Moreover, the number of programs laid in one person almost unlimited. Similar programming is often used by both special services and religious sects.

All this fully explains the many inexplicable suicides of political figures and religious sectarians. After all, suicide is the best way to eliminate unwanted witnesses. On the other hand, the special services are actively using programmed killers, in the subconscious of which can sometimes be several different "programs" with their launch "keys".

It is the subconscious of a person is a biological computer, and therefore is subject to programming. Therefore, only the development of its consciousness and conscious efforts can be freed from all programs imposed on us and stereotypes. For this, it is necessary that the consciousness cease to be an appendage of the biocomputer (ego-system) and began to manage its biocomputer itself, and not vice versa as it has most people. Then no one can be able to influence the subconscious (biocomputer) and determine their behavior.

The programming of the subconscious is easy! This subconscious programming technique will help to introduce the desired command in just 1 day!

Each person has from the moment of birth there is a tool with which he can influence the world around him is his subconscious. But this tool needs to have access. Programming the subconscious with the technique of "Virus" quickly gives the result!

What is the subconscious actually?

Our subconsciousness¹ is our personal Jean, which is just waiting for our orders. But the fact is that the orders need to be transferred to the language understandable to him, the usual requests does not perceive the subconscious. If you make friends with your subconscious and find an approach to him, you yourself will create your own reality and begin to live a life that you have always dreamed about.

There are several ways to influence the subconscious - this, the techniques of execution of desires, various rites and. However, these methods do not always work.

Why are desires not always executed?

The reasons why our signals wish do not reach the subconscious or are perceived by them incorrectly, a lot. One of the main factors blocking our desires is fear.

Fear does not allow to get what we want. The power of fear is proportional to the strength of our desire.

This is one of the strongest emotions capable of drowning any sent signals.

How to program subconscious and get the result?

Technique Technique Programming Subconscious "Virus" is a kind of desires technique, but it acts directly on our subconscious.

All that surrounds us is our materialized thoughts that processed and accepted our subconscious. Our five senses transmit information to the brain, and it sends this information to the subconscious in the form of images.

The brain in non-stop mode processes the colossal flow of information, it is very difficult to choose from it to begin the materialization of our desires. Programming the subconscious with the help of the "virus" allows you to allocate in the subconscious exactly the thought that is most important for us.

Programming subconscious on the example!

Choose any item that you know well and can imagine in your imagination. For example, pineapple. Our task is to implement this image in the subconscious as a computer virus. For this, everything that comes across your eyes, for example, chair, window, cat, tree, etc. You need to visually replace pineapple. Gradually, Pineapple will fully fill your world.

What does it give?

It is in this simple visualization that programming the subconscious. If you do an exercise during the day, in the evening a person will begin to see Pineapple. At the same time, its subconscious will handle the same flow of information, but this image of pineapple will become the main one.

ATTENTION! No need to want to get pineapple, you do not need to worry about whether you get it or not. It is important to just see it.

The brain will "see" pineapple everywhere and broadcast this image to the subconscious. The subconscious, analyzing the information received per day, will "see" that the image of Pineapple was most often repeated. Then he considers that this is a priority task and will begin to attract pineapple in real life. How?

The subconscious is our highest "I", which is associated with the highest energies of the Universe. Processing the image, the subconscious translates the corresponding vibrations into the universe and attracts similar energies. As a result, the density of these energies increases, and the desired object is materialized in our lives. Thus, programming the subconscious is the easiest and fastest way to get what we want.

Important but!

Present the desired better without any emotions!

Various emotions, doubts, hopes make the signal much weaker. Moreover, if the signal is accompanied by thoughts, the result may be unpredictable.

For example, you think "Pineapple, what is he delicious ..." in case the subconsciousness perceive the word "tasty", as the main image, then you, for example, can give a box of chocolates.

If the order will serve the word "joy", then you can experience joy from the meeting ...

Therefore, the programming of the subconscious should not be accompanied by any thoughts or emotions. It is important to focus only on a clear object,.

What is better to start?

Remember that the universe does not have a scale of values. There is nothing dear or cheap for it. We install it ourselves. But that the impact on the subconsciousness was successful, the masters advise first to believe in their forces. For this, the subconscious programming is better to start with simple images that do not cause any emotions.

Over time, when the reference programming technique will be mastered, you can move to more "complex" tasks or work immediately with several images.

How fast comes the result?

It is noted that programming the subconsciousness, as a rule, gives the result for several days, usually no longer than a week.

You probably noticed such a phenomenon: smart, talented people are styling, and stupid and badness do daily career, earn an incredible amount of money and generally successful and rejoice in life.

They do not know that it is impossible. "If I knew that it was impossible, I would never take for it," said the great German scientist Max Planck, one of the founders of quantum physics.

Near the beer stalls are gathering people who listen to - so every second of them smarter president, and every first one is the whole government. And often it is really not fool. But for some reason they continue to gather at stalls. And the decisions of the authorities and government are far from always turning out to be the best possible.

It happens that a person likes a person of the opposite sex, but he does not decide to draw her attention to himself, comes up with explanations, why he can not come to her. It happens that a person comes to mind the idea of \u200b\u200bsome kind of business, but he thinks, doubts - and then it turns out that someone else hesitated and has already fully implemented this idea.

Why do many people prefer to be in the shadows, are afraid to act and make decisions?

Very often we are not aware of the reasons for our actions. We will simultaneously obey two powerful forces of our psyche: consciousness and subconscious.

And when, by decree of the subconscious, we do absolutely illogical from the point of view of the mind, we are trying to explain our actions yourself. And every time we find the causes and reasons that are justifying our illogical behavior.

But in fact, in the overwhelming majority we do, we do, obeying the internal unconscious gusts. Some of these gusts are laid in us initially, and the part is grown up.

We want or not, but we live in captivity of the myths that other people came up with us. I call these myths programs. They are laid in us by parents, school, society. These programs are sewn into our brain. They dictate behavior, they define that it is impossible and what is needed.

We had to be born. Then - learn to obey the elders. To certain age, gain certain health problems. Achieve a certain step of career growth - and start disappointed. All that we were taught, is intended just to ensure that we remain in place and have not moved anywhere.

European or Russian man since childhood is under the oppression of female authoritarianism. At home, he mainly spends time in the mother's society or grandmother. Educators B. children's garden, teachers at school - mostly of a woman, and women are not rich, not successful who do not have a heap of lovers (and often - and without her husband) who do not move on good vehicle, not resting a couple of three times a year at the warm sea.

These women want their pupils of humility, obedience and complete lack of initiative. The purpose of female authoritarianism is to bring the child's self-esteem. He is told: "Are you smarter?", "You are better than everyone?", I mean that he is neither the other, and he must agree with this. I remember that at five years I cried and shouted the educator in kindergarten, that I was the smartest, and I could not dissuade me. Only by enrolling in graduate school, I agreed that I am not the smartest thing that there are others, and they are no more stupid of me.

In all of us since childhood, programs are laid for failure. We were taught to develop some qualities, and in life there are completely different. It is in demand exactly what was suppressed in us since childhood.

Remember the proverbs and sayings that we subconsciously perceive as truth.

"Any cricket know your seals." And what the sixth is yours - the one on which "First Deputy Prime Minister" or "Chairman of the Board" is written? No, the proverb says about another six - with the inscription "Turner", "Baker", "Grinder of nuts" and the like. Another sixka is not meant.

"Seven times measure cut once". Yes, so far you will measure the third time, someone will already be cut, and runs away with cut off.

"Do not sit down in your sleeve." But the question is who exactly will decide which their sleighs.

There are children submissive, obedient, they are staging and praised. They like adults, but they, as a rule, do not achieve anything in life. There are children overwhelmed, arrogant, stupid and persistent. And they usually grow up, achieve a lot.

We all know or heard of NLP - neurolinguistic programming of human consciousness. Information on the topic of NLP in the network is enough. Therefore, today we will talk about another method of programming a person's consciousness. We will talk about NGP - neurographic programming.

NLP and NGP serve one goal - to achieve control over human consciousness. A particularly effective goal is achieved by sharing NLP and NGP.

The NLP method implies the use of the necessary words and specially modeled, pre-prepared speech revolutions. Accordingly, the NGP method implies the use of the necessary images and specially modeled, prepared sets of various graphic information.

A classic example of the sharing of NLP and NGP, is a qualitatively prepared presentation, in the process of which the audience receives simultaneously not one, but at once two types of information - linguistic and graphic.

Why do we use the term neurographic programming instead of the term neurovizual programming? Because we are talking about the impact on the consciousness of a person exclusively graphic images, and not episodes from the video or those episodes that a person can contemplate in reality.

So, look carefully on the graphic images presented below. They have something in common, except that they all depict the so-called. Cryptocurrency - Bitcoin.

What exactly imperceptibly introduce all these images in our consciousness? What Bitcoin is gold! Note: At all, without exception, the virtual cryptocurrency Bitcoin is depicted in the form of coins minted from gold.

1. Bitcoin is something tangible.

2. Bitcoin is the value and reliability, equal value and reliability of gold.

We are inspired by this without any words - graphic images Virtual currency Bictopian replied in the form of gold coins.

As a result of a runaway and multiple viewing of such images, a person begins to believe in what it was necessary to achieve the authors of these images - to the value and reliability of Bitcoin.

In a thoughtful person, after a while, a reasonable question arises:

If in the modern world, it is really a really necessary "barbaric relic of the past", then why the so-called cryptocurrencies show us in the appearance of the "nobody of the right gold", and not in the form of some "whole" blockchain software sodes, Some national currencies, shares or bonds?!

However, we will leave reasonable people alone with their thoughts and return to what we have in excess - to our ... No, not the rams, of course. And to our pictures from search results, according to "Cryptovalyuti" and "Bitokin".

In these graphic images, Bitcoin is already completely disseminated in our consciousness as physical gold. In our consciousness, the authors of these images record the bold sign of equality between cryptocurrency and physical gold, in the form of ingots or coins.

Those images on which we see a person's hand create in our consciousness the illusion of the tangibility inflicted in the reality of cryptocurrency. Why do you need to authors? Tangibility of the subject is a psychological sign of ownership of this subject. A false feeling of tangible, implemented in our consciousness with the help of specially created graphics, creates a false sense of reliability in our subconscious.

This masterpiece of neurographic programming can be recognized as a third left image, from the top row.

In this image. We see gold bars, gold coins, and bitcoins depicted in the form of gold coins. The highlight in this example of NGP is that bitcoins are located above real gold.

Here we are talking primarily about the most important for the authors of the image - about the criteria for the reliability of investment in cryptocurrency. When viewing this image, the person's subconscious is laid a conviction that investments in cryptocurrency are more reliable and safer than investments in physical gold. As if emphasizing the universal and unconditional recognition of this fact, the author depicts bitcoins as usually there are medals on the labels of expensive wines. Thus, the author sends a hidden message to the person's subconsciousness, a kind of telegram. The telegram says that the fact of reliability, security, correctness and investment attractiveness Attachments in Bitcoin is a well-known and generally accepted truth.

It is interesting that the consciousness of the recipient does not have a choice: to accept this telegram or not, believe it written in the telegram or not to believe. The consciousness of the recipient takes this telegram, and believes it unconditionally. This happens because the telegram itself, and the information she carries, enters the mind of the object not from a unknown or not a trusted sender, but from the most trusted source - from its own subconscious of this person. The recipient's vision passes part of the obtained graphic information into consciousness and part in the subconscious. In this case, a person's subconscious seems to notarize the truth of the information received and transmits a signal about it into his consciousness.

As a result of such a psychological combination, a person cannot even be explained to himself why he trusts and believes that he was essentially imposed (they were imperceptible to his consciousness), through neurographic programming.

To finish this article on a major, joyful note, let me suggest a recipe for universal universal happiness. So that all people in the world have the opportunity not to work and at the same time be fabulous rich, we need to do only one thing: every inhabitant of the planet should create its own cryptocurrency. Then all these do not make any people around the world, they will only buy each other and sell their own and other people's cryptocurrency. This will certainly allow us to all of us, taken separately, do nothing, but, at the same time, to live richly and happily.

You are a smart person, well, think about yourself - why do you, for me to buy, for example, bitcoins, you need to work hard or persistently Major on your "farm" in which you need to invest a lot of money? At the same time, someone in order to buy the same bitcoins, you can simply create your own chitkoins in an unlimited number. After that, he can sell these chitkoins by any idiots and, to the reversed means, buy so many bitcoins as he wants. What do you think yourself more stupid than they? Not? Then forward, - urgently create your own cryptocurrency, fake it from head to the legs with magic pictures with images of physical gold and drive it with tons to any idiots, consonants to buy it.

You understand that when someone creates his own cryptocurrency, then the initial one personally the amount of this cryptocurrency, no one does not buy and not the minion. They simply generate it in any quantity they need. Just introducing in the "sum" field the desired number of its own chitkoins and click on the "Generate" button. After that, the so-called ICO begins, that is, the sale of this generated by the owner of the critovalts, any idiots, I agree to buy it. What are you? Do you really want to be among any idiots, and not among those who can create, generate and spite any idiots their own cryptocurrency? Best of all, if you create several of your own chitkoins at once. And it is mentally connecting them in the minds of smart masses with gold, oil, wheat, salt, sugar, matches, nails, water or air. Let us finally give people the opportunity to summarize the choice in what exactly the mentally connected chitkoins are, they will buy from you. I assure you if everyone and each will do so, then no shortage of any cryptocurrency in the world will never be!

On the question of where food, clothing and all other goods come from, if all people in the world are only and to do that "generate different cryptocurrencies" and share them with each other, you will gladly answer any ... the next prophet of universal cryptocurrency paradise. After all, it is paradise that all the cryptocurrency prophets promise to everyone on Earth. However, it should be borne in mind that promising to us a cryptocurrency "paradise", we actually promise the word out of three letters.

Few doubts that thoughts are material. Not everything, of course, not always. And not everyone. Spontaneously, sometimes happens.

But there are special techniques how to realize their desires. Simple hypnotic techniques that are not difficult to learn. In the article to teach techniques impossible, special classes are needed. But the principle itself, as it works, it is quite possible to tell.

Of course, the materialization of thoughts is a metaphor. "Imagine" a cup of coffee with a bun and treat your girlfriend like this will not work immediately. But to enjoy fragrant coffee very much. Right now.

And do not need special work. It is enough to imagine the whole process, starting with cooking. Taste, smell, easy raising pulse and mood you will feel. Just start reading a little slower, performing wishes, recommendations in the text. Quietly plunging into your thoughts, feelings, feelings. Smoothly, without hurrying to prevent yourself in warm, comfort, comfort. You may want to cover your eyes and enjoy your imagination yourself, without text. Trust your desires at any time. Relax and enjoy

In your hands a cup with fragrant, smoking coffee. It does not matter how it looks like, what size and color. Let it be exactly what you presented it. Hold it in your hands, feel warm. Apply to the lips and enjoy the aroma. Often on the lips you can feel the taste of your favorite drink before the first sip is made. Do not hurry. Extend the meeting point of the meeting. Pay attention to what surrounds you. What interior? Just imagine it yourself, consider carefully. Let everything be as you want it. Perhaps other people surround you, or you enjoy alone. It does not matter. Pay attention to the time of day. Perhaps now day or morning, evening, night. Always is a certain time day. As the weather, which is always present. No matter what day of the week or number, month, year. Perhaps you remember the past, or imagine the future. It does not matter what time you are here and now. The past is replaced by the future, crossing a tiny present. Something you forget, remember something again. Kaleidoscope of fantasies and memories give birth to thoughts in the present. Tom of the present, in which you enjoy a cup of coffee in your hands. \u003e Amazing flavor freshly ground coffee. Pleasant bitterness, acid. The smell of heat and home coat. Anticipation of bliss. The attractive power of calm, confidence. Coffee do not drink, they enjoy them. Crunching grinding grains, still hot, just with the coales, is like Cracked Cycad in a warm southern night. Rust of waves, refreshing breeze, outlines in halftones. And the first, not even a sip, but the anticipation of the throat, solves all the questions in favor of - to be! Be warm, good and perfection. Victories, joy and happiness. By foaming a foam, a graceful vapor. In the hands of a particle of the universe. And here he is the first, slightly burning a half tightness. The whole fragrance in language is bliss. On the moment everything is forgotten, there is no land attraction. There is only you and he. Or she, because you are not alone? The taste of coffee with a flavor of bliss.

This is the materialization of feelings, sensations. I just helped you in creating an image, and everything turned out in the best possible way. The image created in consciousness caused quite tangible changes in the body. Feelings, feelings. Complex and tangible.

Any Conscious the image seeks to implement. Changes the direction of thoughts and, as a result, actions. Smile - microdynamics. Ideode in scientific.

Changing thoughts, in itself adjust the actions. Other actions - other result.

I demonstrated a small example, how can I create an image and how it changes thoughts. Automatically, the mimic changes at the unconscious level. These are manifestations of microdynamics. But macrodynamics acts on the same principle. The unconscious, striving to realize the created image, corrects actions in the direction of implementation. So our psyche is arranged.

This principle underlies hypnosis and first described Chevreil in the middle of a last century. Then the hypnosis appeared in the modern sense. Although hypnotic effect It was known in the ancient world.

On this principle, you can imagine everything you want to get. If a competently created image is placed in the subconscious, then it will also seek to implement. Thoughts and actions will change. You will start paying your attention to what you have not noticed before. Otherwise, start perceiving everyday information. The chain of "accidents" will begin, which will lead you to your goal. There will be a feeling that the whole universe helps you in the realization of the conceived.

Almost every one of us experienced a similar condition in your life. When something really wants, incredible events happen.

There is another important point. We do not know how to wait. To implement something significant, the corresponding time is necessary. We are in a hurry, without waiting for the outlined, change the image. Do not leave time for implementation.

Here, perhaps, two key points. Bright, rich image and time to implement. This time can be significantly reduced by following the "prompts" of its subconscious, its intuition, feelings, and fixing indirect signs of the changes occurring. But this is a separate topic.

Sometimes it is called programming consciousness - one of the goals

That's all the wisdom. It remains only to start acting. Create to start the image of the desired. Here is the instruction.

Try. You will definitely succeed. If you have any questions, I will answer them with pleasure, ask right here and now. Button on the left. I can just call the phone and consult.