Great oil and gas encyclopedia. Graphic methods of image statistical data

  • 1. Public health and health care as a science and a field of practical activity. Main goals. Object, subject of study. Methods.
  • 2. History of health care. Modern health systems, their characteristics.
  • 3. Public policy in the field of public health (Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Healthcare"). Organizational principles of the state health care system.
  • 4. Nomenclature of health organizations
  • 6. Insurance and private healthcare forms.
  • 7. Medical Ethics and Deontology. Definition of concept. Modern problems of medical ethics and deontology, characteristic. Oath of Hippocratic, the oath of the doctor of the Republic of Belarus, the Code of Medical Ethics.
  • 10. Statistics. Definition of concept. Types of statistics. Statistical accounting system.
  • 11. Groups of indicators to assess the health of the population.
  • 15. Sitney observation. Definition, Accounting Feature
  • 26. Dynamic ranks, their types.
  • 27. Indicators of dynamic series, calculation, application in medical activities.
  • 28. Variational series, its elements, types, rules of construction.
  • 29. Middle size, species, calculation techniques. Application in the work of the doctor.
  • 30. Indicators characterizing a variety of features in the studied aggregate.
  • 31. Representativeness of the sign. Assessment of the reliability of the differences between relative and medium-sized values. The concept of the criterion "T" of Student.
  • 33. Graphic mappings in statistics. Types of diagrams, rules for their construction and design.
  • 34. Demography as science, definition, content. The value of demographic data for health care.
  • 35. The health of the population, the factors affecting the health of the population. Health formula. Indicators characterizing public health. Analysis scheme.
  • 36. Leading medical and social problems of population. The problems of the number and composition of the population, mortality, fertility. Take from 37,40,43.
  • 37. Statistics of the population, learning technique. Census. Types of age structures of the population. The number and composition of the population, the importance for health care
  • 38. Dynamics of the population, its types.
  • 39. Mechanical movement of the population. Methods of study. Characteristics of migration processes, the influence of their health indicators.
  • 40. Fertility as a medical and social problem. Methods of study, indicators. Birth levels according to WHO. Modern trends in the Republic of Belarus and in the world.
  • 42. Population reproduction, reproduction types. Indicators, calculation technique.
  • 43. Mortality of the population as a medical and social problem. Methods of study, indicators. Levels of total mortality according to WHO. Modern tendencies. The main causes of mortality of the population.
  • 44. Infant mortality as a medical and social problem. Factors defining its level. Methods for calculating indicators, evaluation Criteria WHO.
  • 45. Perinatal mortality. Method for calculating indicators. Causes of perinatal mortality.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bMaternal mortality. Methods for calculating the indicator. The level and causes of maternal mortality in the Republic of Belarus and the world.
  • 52.Medico-social aspects of neuropsychic public health. Organization of psychoneurological assistance.
  • 60. Methods of study of morbidity. 61. Methods for studying the incidence of population, their comparative characteristics.
  • Methods of studying the general and primary morbidity
  • Indicators of general and primary morbidity.
  • 63. Study of the incidence of population according to special accounting (infectious and most important non-epidemic diseases, hospitalized incidence). Indicators, Accounting and Reporting Documents.
  • The main indicators of the "hospitalized" morbidity:
  • Main indicators for incidence analysis with VUT.
  • 65. The study of morbidity According to preventive inspections of the population, types of preventive inspections, the procedure for conducting. Health groups. The concept of "pathological affects".
  • 66. The incidence of data on the causes of death. Methods of study, indicators. Medical evidence of death.
  • The main rates of morbidity according to the causes of death:
  • 67. Forecasting incidence indicators.
  • 68. Disability as a medical and social problem. Definition of concept, indicators.
  • Disability trends in RB.
  • 69. Mortality. Method of calculation and analysis of mortality. Value for the practical activity of the doctor and health organizations.
  • 70. Standardization methods, their scientific and practical purpose. Methods of calculation and analysis of standardized indicators.
  • 72. Criteria for determining disability. The degree of expression of persistent violations of the body functions. Indicators characterizing disability.
  • 73. Prevention, definition, principles, modern problems. Types, levels, prevention directions.
  • 76. Primary medical care, definition of concept, role and place in the medical care system of the population. Main functions.
  • 78 .. Organization of medical care submitted by the population in outpatient conditions. Main organizations: medical ambulatory, urban polyclinic. Structure, tasks, activities.
  • 79. Nomenclature of hospital organizations. Organization of medical care in the hospital of health organizations. Inpatient assistance indicators.
  • 80. Types, shapes and conditions for the provision of medical care. Organization of specialized medical care, their tasks.
  • 81. The main directions of improving inpatient and specialized assistance.
  • 82. Protection of the health of women and children. Control. Medical organizations.
  • 83. Modern problems of women's health. Organization of obstetric and gynecological care.
  • 84. Organization of medical and preventive care to the children's population. Leading problems of child health.
  • 85. Organization of the health of the health of the rural population, the basic principles of medical care to rural residents. Stages of the organization.
  • Stage II - Territorial Medical Association (TMO).
  • III Stage - Regional Hospital and Medical Institutions of the region.
  • 86.gorodskaya Polyclinic, Structure, Tasks, Management. Main performance rates of polyclinic.
  • Main performance rates of polyclinic.
  • 87. The district-territorial principle of organizing outpatient assistance to the population. Types of plots.
  • 88. Territorial therapeutic portion. Standards. The content of the work of the doctor of the regional therapist.
  • 89. Cabinet of infectious diseases of the polyclinic. Sections and methods of work of the doctor of the Cabinet of infectious diseases.
  • 90. Preventive work Polyclinic. Department of Prevention Polyclinic. Organization of preventive inspections.
  • 91. The dispensary method in the work of the clinic, its elements. Control map of dispensary observation, information reflected in it.
  • 1st stage. Accounting, survey of the population and the selection of contingents for setting for dispensary accounting.
  • 2 stage. Dynamic observation of the health of the dispensarizable and conducting preventive and medical and recreational activities.
  • 3rd stage. Annual analysis of the condition of dispensary work in the LPU, evaluating its effectiveness and the development of measures to improve it (see Question 51).
  • 96.Tellification of medical rehabilitation clinics. Structure, tasks. The order of the direction to the department of medical rehabilitation.
  • 97. Children's clinic, structure, tasks, work sections.
  • 98. Features of the provision of medical care for children in outpatient conditions
  • 99. The main sections of the operation of the precinct pediatrician. The content of therapeutic and preventive work. Communication in working with other medical and prophylactic organizations. Documentation.
  • 100. Content of the preventive work of the Pediator pediatrician. Organization of patronage monitoring of newborns.
  • 101. Comprehensive assessment of the health status of children. Professions. Health groups. Dispensarization of healthy and sick children
  • Section 1. Information on divisions, installations of a medical and preventive organization.
  • Section 2. The states of therapeutic and preventive organization at the end of the reporting year.
  • Section 3. Operation of physicians of clinic (ambulatory), dispensary, consultation.
  • Section 4. Preventive medical examinations and work of dental (dental) and surgical offices of the medical and preventive organization.
  • Section 5. The work of therapeutic and auxiliary departments (cabinets).
  • Section 6. The operation of diagnostic departments.
  • Section I. Activities for women's consultation.
  • Section II. Governing in hospital
  • Section III. Maternal mortality
  • Section IV. Information about the born
  • 145. Medical and social expertise, definition, content, basic concepts.
  • When building graphic images, the following rules must be followed:

    The data on the chart should be placed from left to right and bottom up;

    A prerequisite for the construction of the schedule - compliance with scale;

    Zero scales if possible should be depicted in the diagram

    Figures showing division scales , placed on the left or bottom of the corresponding scale;

    Lines representing a diagram of the depicted phenomenon , should do a different type , rather than auxiliary lines;

    On the curve reflecting the dynamics of the phenomenon, it is necessary to mark all points , appropriate individual observations;

    In diagrams , showing structure , must be shadowed as a zero line , so 100 percent;

    The graphic values \u200b\u200bdepicted should have digital designations on the chart itself or in the table attached to it;

    The characters used in constructing a chart (color, hatching, shapes, signs) must be explained;

    Each schedule must have a clear, brief name, reflecting its content;

    The name of the diagram should be sampled under the picture.

    Types of diagrams:

    but) linear diagrams- allow you to portray the dynamics of the phenomenon (change in time indicators). The linear diagram is built in the system of rectangular coordinates, when it is constructed, the relationship between the base and height - the abscissa x and the ordinate, based on the principle of "golden section", should be taken into account: this ratio should be 1.6: 1. On the horizontal axis (abscissa axis) segments that indicate periods of time are postponed. On the vertical axis (ordinate axis), the sizes of the studied phenomenon are postponed. Mandatory condition for the construction of the schedule - scale. On one diagram you can depict several lines that differ from each other with color, thickness or shape of the dotted machine.

    b) radial diagrams (Polar coordinate charts, linear circular diagrams, vector diagrams) - are used for the image of seasonal (contractual, monthly, quarterly) and other oscillations that have a closed, cyclic nature (per day, week, etc.). For their construction, the circle is divided into so many sectors, as many parts are divided by a period of time taken to study the phenomenon (for example, by 12 - when studying monthly oscillations during the year; by 7 - when studying the phenomenon in the week). Each of the radii with observance of scale, indicators are noted, the points obtained are connected by straight lines. The start of labeling of radii begins with a radius corresponding to zero degrees, and continues clockwise.

    in) column diagrams - built by the same principle, as well as linear, in the coordinate system, with observance of scale, but in which rectangles are vertically or horizontally conducted lines. These diagrams are used for the image of the comparative value of the phenomenon at a certain period of time, for example, the comparative population in the world's countries; public security by doctors in for different years etc.

    d) histograms - In the form of rectangles, triangles, figures allow you to portray homogeneous statistical indicators that are not related to each other. These diagrams are used for the graphic image of the statistical values \u200b\u200bcharacterizing the statics of the phenomenon in different sets. They are also built in the system of rectangular coordinates in compliance with scale. For example, histograms are used for graphic image of mortality levels in different age groups; To demonstrate the indicators of hospital mortality in various hospitals of the city; For the image of the prevalence of tuberculosis in various socio-household groups, etc.

    e) sectoral diagrams - Used to demonstrate the structure of the studied phenomenon, the image part of the phenomenon as a whole. They are a circle taken for an integer (100%), in which individual sectors correspond to parts of the displayed phenomenon. This type of diagrams is used for graphic image of extensive indicators. In sector diagrams, sectors depicting separate parts of the phenomena are arranged in order of increasing or decrease in the clockwise movement and have different color or hatching.

    e) intracolubic diagrams Also can also be used to image the structure of the phenomenon. At the same time, the height of the column is accepted for 100%, the entire column is divided into components that correspond to the shares of the phenomenon in percent

    g) cartogram - This is graphic images deposited on the schemes. geographic mapon which various color or hatching depicted the degree of prevalence of the phenomenon in the territory

    h) cartiragram - graphic images, when constructing which the charts (columns, figured, linear) are affixed on the map or map of the map

The use of new types of visualizations in reports or always carries the risk of misleading users or reduce the readability of data. Square (or wafer) diagram, not distorting understanding of data, is an interesting alternative to the standard Excel charts.

As you can see, the waffle diagram is a square of 10x10 cells, where 1 cell corresponds to one percentage of 100. The number of painted cells corresponds to the value of the indicator that you are trying to visualize. This type of graph will be interesting to those who want to add a new form of charts, not distorting data and not occupying a lot of space on dashboard.

There are several ways to implement diagrams of this species. The method described below uses the built-in diagrams tools and although it is more complicated in the implementation (than creating such graphs with the help), is more flexible and allows you to embed square charts of any size in any place of your dashboard.

In today's article, we will consider steps to create a chart - Wafers and learn how to quickly duplicate them to visualize so many metrics as you need.

Preparation of data for the waffle chart

To begin, it is necessary to create three data ranges that will play a role in building a diagram:

Horizontal lines:This range is required to build horizontal lines. In our case, it will be a number from 1 to 10.

Vertical lines:The range will help us build vertical lines and filled with zeros.

Cell value:This range will determine which cells will be painted. It will contain a formula.

In cells range Cell valueinsert the formula \u003d max (min (E $ 3 * 100 - ($ B6-1) * 10; 10); 0) and stretch it down.

Pay attention to (marked with $). This will allow you to quickly copy and insert formulas when it is time to duplicate diagrams.

The formula that we inserted in the range Cell values Bars the KPI indicator into groups, the size of 10 units. Please note that after we extended the formula, the index of 45% broke on 5 groups consisting of 4 groups with whole dozens and one group of incomplete tens (5%).

If you change the indicator to another value, for example, 67%, the formula breaks it into 7 groups (6 - as many as a tens, 1 is incomplete).

At this stage, we have all the data for the construction of a square diagram.

Building a waffle chart

Creating a waffle diagram will require some effort from you. But there is good news. Having created a diagram, it can be easily duplicated. So, the algorithm of action on steps.

We build a bar chart with a group based on the range of range Cell values.

Copy the ranges Horizontal and vertical lines,we highlight the diagram and insert the data.

Pain the area of \u200b\u200bbuilding in gray, for this, click the right button in the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction. In the drop-down menu, select item Format of the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction. In the panel appeared Parameters of the construction area,go to the tab Filland specify the tone of gray in the point Color.

Next you need to turn bar charts Horizontal and vertical linesin point. To do this, click on any row of these data right mouse button, select from the drop-down menu Change the type of diagram for a series.In the dialog box that appears dialog Changing the type of diagramchoose for data series Horizontal linesand Vertical linesfrom the drop-down list Type of diagram- Spot.

For a number of data Horizontal linesyou need to add X axis values. Right-click on a number of data Horizontal linesselect from the drop-down menu Select data.And add range Vertical linesnon-zero.

At this stage, the schedule must have the following form.

Set the maximum value of the horizontal and auxiliary vertical axes to 10. To do this, click the right mouse button on the axis scale, select from the drop-down menu Axis format.In pop-up on the right panel Parameters of axis We establish a fixed maximum value to 10. The same makes the same for the vertical auxiliary axis.

We remove all scales of the axes. Select the axis and press the Delete key.

The next step is necessary, they will play the role of separators. To do this, choose a number of data Horizontal linesclick on the plus sign, which appeared to the right of the chart. In the pop-up window we put a tick opposite the field The limit of errors.We do the same for a number of data Vertical lines.

We will need not all the planks of errors, so we allocate the diagram, go to the tab Working with charts -\u003e Formatgroup Current fragment.From the drop-down list, choose the item Y.and press the key Delete.In the same way allocate the chart element X.and also delete.

From the remaining list, choose the element Row "Horizontal lines" limit of errors on the axisXin the same group of tabs Formatpress The format is dedicated.In the panel appeared The parameters of the horizontal limit of errorsinstall values Direction - plus, edge style - without a point, the magnitude of the error is a fixed value - 10.In the same pane, go to the tab Fill and borderand set the color line White.

Do the same for the element A row "vertical lines" limit of the axis errorsY.

Next, click right-click on a number of data Horizontal linesin the drop-down menu choose Format of a number of data,in the panel Row parameterswe establish the presence of a marker to position Not.

At this stage, the appearance of our square diagram should have the following form.

Click right-click on a number of data Cell valueselect from the drop-down menu item The format of a number of data.In the panel appeared Row parametersinstall Side clearanceequal to 0.

Stretch the area of \u200b\u200bbuilding a graph so that the square is the square, you can also specify another color of the data Cell values.

Optionally, you can display the value of the indicator in the name of the diagram. To do this, click on the field name diagram, in the formula row, specify the cell address that contains the value of the indicator.

At this stage, you have a finished waffle chart.

Cloning waffle chart

As we said earlier, although you will need some efforts to create a square diagram, you will not need to create it every time from scratch to visualize the remaining indicators. It is enough to copy it and specify a new set of data.

To begin with, you will need to duplicate the ranges Cell values.

Are diagrams.

Charts are customary to be divided according to their form to the following types:

  • column diagrams;
  • strip diagrams;
  • circular diagrams;
  • linear diagrams;
  • figured diagrams;

Another feature of the chart division is their content. On this basis, they are divided into comparison Charts, Structural, Dynamic, Communication Graphs, Control Charts and etc.

Comparison diagrams Reflect the ratios of various objects under study due to any economic indicator. The most convenient charts on which the comparison of the values \u200b\u200bof economic indicators is carried out are column and strip diagrams. For the image of such diagrams applied rectangular system coordinates. On the abscissa axis of such graphs, the base is placed for certain columns of the same size for all objects under study. The height of each of their columns should express the magnitude of the economic indicator, which is reflected on a certain scale on the ordinate axis. These are features of column charts. We illustrate them with the following scheme (see scheme number 1).

Strip diagramsUnlike column, depicted horizontally: the base of the bands is located on the ordinate axes, and the economic indicators are on a certain scale - on the abscissa axis.

What are the features of circular and square charts? In some cases, the comparison diagram is circles or squares; Their area is a proportional value of certain economic indicators.

Figured diagrams contain the ratios of certain (objects), which are presented in conditional form as certain artistic figures, for example, cattle heads, any machines, etc. Such charts at the first look at them record attention, and represent a certain numeric information. In the most intelligible. Structural diagrams (otherwise sector) make it possible to present the composition of the studied economic indicators and the share (specific weight) of specific parts in the aggregate amount of the economic indicator. In the diagrams under consideration, economic phenomena are represented as defined geometric figures (Circles or squares), which are broken into several sectors. The area of \u200b\u200bthe circle or square is taken equal to one hundred percent or one. The area of \u200b\u200bany given sector is characterized by the share of the part under consideration as part of a hundred percent or unit.

Dynamic diagrams characterize the dynamics, that is, changes in the quantitative assessment of this economic phenomenon over the well-known periods of time. For this purpose, any of the considered types of diagrams (column, strip, circular, square, curly) can be applied. At the same time, linear charts (graphs) are used here. On such diagrams, the change in the quantitative assessment of the economic phenomenon is depicted by a specific line, which expresses the continuity of the process. On the abscissa axis linear graphics are depicted certain periods time, and on the ordinate axis - the corresponding values \u200b\u200bof this economic phenomenon for the periods under consideration in accordance with the numerical scale adopted scale.

The linear graphs (diagrams) under consideration are also used in the study of the relationship between individual economic indicators. In this case, they can be viewed as communication schedules. In the contact schedules, the abscissa axis contains the numerical values \u200b\u200bof any factor, and the ordinate axis is the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the resultant indicator. Similar graphs characterize the tendency and the form of communication between economic indicators. Control schedules are used in economic analysis in the process of considering the implementation of business plans. We illustrate this by the following example.

Schedule to monitor the implementation of the Product Release Plan

In this chart solid line means a plan for producing products, intermittent line - actual execution of the plan, Δ - Deviation of actual execution from the plan.

Thus, graphic ways of displaying numeric data are used in and. They are used in order to clearly display the composition and structure of economic phenomena, identify the relationship between generalizing indicators and affecting them factors, etc. have a great illustrative meaning, are accommodating and understandable. Unlike graphics and diagrams, the fundamental tendencies of the development of the economic phenomena are clearly provided, it is possible to show the laws of the development of this phenomenon in shaped form.

Linear diagram

Linear diagrams are used to characterize variation, dynamics and interconnection. Linear graphs are built on the coordinate grid. Geometric signs are the dots and segments of the line, which are consistently connected to the broken.

Linear diagrams for the characteristics of the speakers are used in the following cases:
  • if the number of row of speakers is large enough. Their application emphasizes the continuity of the development process in the form of a continuous line;
  • in order to display the general trend and nature of the development of the phenomenon;
  • if it is necessary to compare several dynamic series;
  • if you need to compare not absolute levels of phenomenon, but growth rates.

When the speaker is drawn using a linear diagram on the abscissa axis, the characteristics of the time (days, months, quarters, years) are applied, and the values \u200b\u200bof the indicator (passenger transport in Russia) are applied.

Transportation of passengers with common use in Russia

On one linear graph You can construct several curves, (Fig. 6.6), which will compare the dynamics of various indicators or the same indicator in different regions, industries, etc.

To build this graph, we use the data on the dynamics of vegetables and potatoes in Russia.

Production of vegetables in Russia, mln.t Fig. 6.6. Dynamics of potatoes and vegetables in Russia in 2006-2011.

Logarithmic diagram

However, linear diagrams with a uniform scale distort the relative changes in economic indicators. In addition, their use loses visibility and even becomes impossible in the image of speakers with sharply changing levels, which is characteristic of dynamic rows for a long period of time. In such cases, instead of a uniform scale use semi-liter gridin which a linear scale is applied on one axis, and on the other - logarithmic. In this case, the logarithmic scale is applied to the ordinate axis, and on the abscissa axis there are a uniform scale to refer time at the accepted intervals (year, quarter, etc.). To build a logarithmic scale, it is necessary to: find logarithms of the initial numbers, draw the ordinate and divide it into several equal parts. Then, apply segments in the ordinate, proportional to the absolute growths of these logarithms, and write down the corresponding logarithms of the numbers and their antilogarithm.

The resulting antilogarithms give the species of the desired scale on the ordinate.

Consider an example of using a logarithmic scale to display the dynamics of the production of cash registers in Russia:

Years Production, thousandscl. Level logarithms
2006 32,5 1,5119
2007 81,2 1,9096
2008 202,0 2,3054
2009 368,0 2,5658
2010 203,0 2,3075
2011 220,0 2,3424

Finding the minimum and maximum values \u200b\u200bof logarithms of the production of cash registers, we build a scale with such a calculation so that they all are located on the graph. Then we find the appropriate points (taking into account the scale) and connect them with straight lines. The resulting schedule (see Fig. 6.7.) Using logarithmic scale called diagram on a semi-light grid.

6.7. The dynamics of the production of cash registers in Russia in 2006-2011.

Radial diagram

One kind of linear diagrams are radial charts. They are built in the polar coordinate system in order to reflect the processes rhythmically repeated over time. Radial diagrams can be divided into two types: closed and spiral.

IN closed radial diagrams The center of the circle is taken as the reference database (Fig. 6.8). Draws out the circle with a radius equivalent to the average monthly indicator of the studied phenomenon, which is then divided into twelve equal sectors. Each radius depicts a month, and the location of them is similar to the clock clouel. At each radius, the mark is made according to the scale selected on the basis of the data for each month. If the data exceeds the average annual level, the mark is made on the continuation of the radius outside the circle. Then the marks of all months are connected by segments.

Consider an example of building a closed radial diagram on the monthly data of the departure of goods by rail transport in Russia in 1997.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1
68,9 67,6 776,3 70,7 71,3 74,2 76,3 75,7 79,3 74,9 74,0 74,2

Fig. 6.8. Departure of goods by rail transport

IN spiral radial diagrams A circumference is taken as the reference database. At the same time, December one year is connected from January next year, which makes it possible to portray the whole range of speakers in the form of one curve. This diagram is especially visual, when, along with seasonal rhythm, there is a steady increase in row levels.

Other types of diagrams

Column diagram

Among the planar charts, there were greatest distribution, bars, strip or tape, triangular, square, circular, sectoral, curly ones.

Column diagrams Pictures are depicted in the form of rectangles (columns) stretched by vertical, the height of which corresponds to the value of the indicator (Fig. 6.9).

Strip diagram

Principle of construction strip diagrams The same as columns. The difference lies in the fact that strip (or tape) graphs represent the value of the indicator not vertical, but along the horizontal axis.

Both types of diagrams are used to compare not only the quantities themselves, but also their parts. For the image of the structure of the set, the columns (bands) are built by the same size, taking an integer for 100%, and the size of the parts of the whole - corresponding to the specific grades (Fig. 6.10).

For the image of indicators with the opposite content (import and export, the balance, positive and negative, age pyramid) build multidirectional column or strip diagrams.

Foundation square, triangular and circular The diagrams make up the image of the value of the size of the size of the geometric figure.

Square diagram

For building square diagram Install the size of the square by extracting the root of the square from the value of the indicator.

For example, to build a diagram in Fig. 6.11 from the volume of communication services for 1997 in Russia for the departure of telegrams
(73 million), pension payments (392 million), parcels (24 million) square roots amounted to respectively 8.5; 19.8; 4.9.

Circular diagram

Circular diagrams They are built in the form of a circle area, the radii of which are equal to the root square from the values \u200b\u200bof the indicator.

Secto diagram

For the image of the structure (composition) of the totality sectoral diagrams. The circular sector diagram is built by separating the circle to the sectors in proportion to the specific weight of the parts as a whole. The size of each sector is determined by the value of the calculation angle (1% corresponds to 3.6 0).

Example. The share of food products in the volume of retail turnover of Russia was 55% in 1992, and in 1997 - 49%, the share of non-food products was 45%, respectively and 51%.

We construct two circles of the same radius, and for the image of the sectors we define the central angles: for food products 3.6 0 * 55 \u003d 198 0, 3,6 * 49 \u003d 176.4 0; for non-food products 3.6 0 * 45 \u003d 162 0; 3.6 0 * 51 \u003d 183.6 0. We divide the circles to the relevant sectors (Fig. 6.12).

Triangular diagram

A variety of diagrams representing the structure (except for columns and strip) is a triangular diagram. It is used for the simultaneous image of three values \u200b\u200bdepicting elements or components of the whole. The triangular diagram is an equilateral triangle, each side of which is a uniform scale scale from 0 to 100. The coordinate grid is built, corresponding to the lines carried out in parallel to the sides of the triangle. Perpendicular from any point of the coordinate grid represent the shares of the three components, corresponds in the amount of 100% (Fig. 6.13). The point on the graph corresponds to 20% (by a), 30% (software B) and 50% (by C).

Fig. 6.13. Triangular diagram

Figured diagram

Figure figurespresent an image in the form of drawings, silhouettes, figures.

Main types of diagrams

Currently, thanks to the widespread use of personal computers and packages of specialized application programs, there are no restrictions that have not yet been dictated by the complexity of creating certain types of diagrams.

Figured diagrams It is most appropriate to apply when demonstrating any data for a wide audience that does not have special training (sanitary and educational work, mass agitation, etc.) (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Pathological affectance (number of diseases) per 1000 students Krasgmu according to medical examination in 2009

Linear diagrams - The most common type of diagrams. It is used to display almost any statistical values. This type of graphic images relates to coordinate diagrams, i.e. Diagrams using the coordinate system. For a more visible display of differences, in addition to conventional coordinate axes, it is recommended to use a coordinate grid (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Dynamics of the population of Russia from 1897 to 2004

Column diagrams Images of different values \u200b\u200bin the form of the same thickness located in the height of rectangles and different heights. Building a bar chart requires only one scale scale, which sets the height of the column. Such diagrams are used to display almost all absolute and derivative statistical indicators (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Dynamics of the incidence of the adult population

Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2001-2006

Special type of column diagrams, which is used to illustrate the plan, the schedule of work on any project is belt diagram (Ganta diagram). At the same time, each section of the plan is depicted in the form of a column proportional to the size of its duration.

To reflect changes of extensive indicators more appropriately use intracolubic diagrams (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Structure of visits to doctors Clinic Krasnoyarsk Territory in 1999-2003

Indicative to display extensive indicators is sectoral diagram (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. The structure of the causes of death in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2006

To display seasonal and cyclic phenomena, the optimal option is radial diagram (Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Dependence of the distance of residence from the Yenisei River and the number of visits about the diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory organs for 1000 children in Krasnoyarsk (in 2005)

The main criterion for choosing a particular diagram to display statistical indicators is visibility and convenience of analyzing results. For example: if the comparative morbidity of men and women is analyzed, it is more advisable to present in pairs of grouped figures of men and women.

Cartogram - This is a geographical map or its scheme, which presents certain statistical data (using a color gamut or different hatching of the territories).

Cartigram - This is a combination of a geographical map or its scheme with various diagrams representing statistical data related to certain territories.

Boxed chart They call the "box with a mustache", "box with a mustache", and in English BoxPlot. This type of data visualization simultaneously depicts five quantities characterizing the variational series: minimum value, first quartile (or 25 percentile), median, third quartile (75 percentile), maximum value. Thus, the benefits of the box chart lies in the fact that it is not only presented the main characteristics of the distribution, but also available to estimate the variation variation, and its asymmetry. Box diagrams are very compact, with their help it is convenient to compare the character of the distribution in several rows.

The box diagram can be both vertical and horizontal. It is the basis of it is a rectangle, the lower (left, if the graph is horizontal) side is the lower quartile (Q1), and the upper (right) - upper quartile (Q3). The height (length) of the rectangle is thus equal to the escarpentic interval (IQR). The trait across the rectangle is a median distribution (Fig. 7).

Figure 7. Features of the box diagram

The histogram characterizes the distribution of the quantitative feature, is used for the graphic image of the interval distribution series. Externally, it is a polygon, built using adjacent quadrangles. The width of the base of each quadrilateral corresponds to the boundaries of the group option. The height of the column is determined by the group's frequency. On the scale "x" in the selected scale, the intervals of the values \u200b\u200bof the variable are postponed. Intervals should not overlap each other or have skips of possible variable values. On the X axis, the center or the boundaries of each interval are indicated. The "Y" axis serves as a density scale, i.e. It is deposited by absolute (number of observations) or relative values \u200b\u200b(share, percentage of observations) per unit step value of the variable value. In the simplest embodiment (provided the same width of the intervals on the axis x) the step of the whole interval is taken for 1.

Total number (or share) observations does not characterize the height of the column, but its area. The height of the column reflects the distribution density of the feature at a certain interval of its values. The area of \u200b\u200ball histogram columns should be 100% (with a relative density scale) or the total amount of observations (with an absolute density scale).

The simultaneous image on the histogram of the normal distribution curve allows you to visually assess how much the empirical distribution differs from normal (Fig. 8).

Figure 8. Example of a histogram with a normal distribution curve: Histogram of the age of surveyed persons

Simple column diagram

Fig. 2.9. Dynamics of the number of permanent population of the Volgograd region at the beginning of 2006 - 2012, thousand people.

A large-scale scale is affixed by round or district values \u200b\u200bof depicted values. This diagram is called plain,since the columns do not have internal fractions. If they are divided into parts, the diagram is called complex(Fig. 2.10).

Complicated column chart

Fig. 2.10. Dynamics of the number of permanent urban and rural population of the Volgograd region at the beginning of 2006 - 2012, thousand people.

A variation of column charts are ribbon charts. They depict the dimensions of the attribute in the form of the horizontal rectangles of the same width, but of different lengths, in proportion to the image of the MOD values. The start of the bands must be on the same vertical line (Fig. 2.11).

Simple tape diagram

Square and circular diagrams Reference to the type of flat-sleep charts. They are different squares or circles, whose areas are proportional to the magnitude of the statistical data.

If la denotes letterd, then the sides of the squares will be equal to √ d. . It is known that the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle S \u003d ηr² . Therefore, the radii of from-skinny circles will be equal to √s, i.e. square root From the values \u200b\u200bof the pictures of the values.

The lack of square and circular diagrams concludes that they are less visual than the columns, as they are compared area, not height, and they are somewhat more complicated.

Often the composition, the structure of a phenomenon is pictured with circles separated by sectors, proportional onal shares of phenomena parts. The circle is accepted for an integer (100%) and divided into sectors, the arches of which are proportional to the values \u200b\u200bof the individual parts of the pictures of the values. Arc each sector of the circle is calculated by the formula:

360 ° ∙ D / 100, (2.6)

where 360 \u200b\u200b° is the whole circle (100%),

d - the value of the depicted phenomenon in percent.

Secto diagram

Fig. 2.12. The structure of the buildings of non-residential destination for 2011. (as a percentage of the result)

Sector diagrams should be used only in cases where the set is divided by no more than 4-5 parts, as well as under the condition of significant differences in compared structures, otherwise they lose their expressiveness.

The most common type of diagrams are linear. Most often, they are used for the image of dynamic series and when studying the connection between phenomena. When building linear diagrams apply the coordinate or numeric grid. On the abscissa axis of the system of rectangular coordinates at an equal distance, contacts are applied to each other, corresponding to the number of members of the dynamic series, and on the ordinate axes - indicators for the accepted scale. After this, the data is applied and, by connecting the ends of the perpendicular, the poly-lines are selected, which characterizes the depicted dina-mics series (Fig. 2.13).