Great oil and gas encyclopedia. Strip diagrams

The most common comparison diagrams are column charts, the principle of constructing which consists in the image of statistical indicators in the form of the vertical rectangles - columns (Fig. 2.1.1). Each column depicts the value of a separate level of the studied statistical series. Thus, a comparison of statistical indicators is possible because all compared indicators are expressed in one unit of measurement.

When building column diagrams, it is necessary to draw a system of rectangular coordinates in which columns are located. On the horizontal axis there are bases of columns, the value of the base is determined arbitrarily, but is set to the same for all.

Figure 2.1.1 - Example of a column chart

The scale determining the scale of the columns in height is located along the vertical axis. The magnitude of each vertical column corresponds to the size of the statistical indicator depicted on the graph. Thus, all columns constituting the diagram, the variable value is only one dimension.

Placing columns in the graph field can be different:

  • · At the same distance from each other;
  • · Close to each other;
  • · In private overlay on each other.

Rules for constructing column diagrams allow simultaneous location on one horizontal axis of images of several indicators. In this case, the columns are located in groups, for each of which various dimensions of varying signs can be accepted.

The varieties of column diagrams are so-called tape or strip diagrams. Their difference is that the large-scale scale is horizontally from above and it determines the amount of the bands in length.

The scope of column and strip diagrams is the same, since the rules for their construction are identical. The one-dimensional statistical indicators and their all-scale for various columns and bands require the fulfillment of the only position: compliance with proportionality (columns - height, strips - in length) and proportionally depicted values. To perform this requirement it is necessary: \u200b\u200bfirst, the scale for which the size of the column (strips) is set from scratch; Secondly, this scale must be continuous, i.e. cover all the numbers of this statistical series; The gap of the scale and correspondingly columns (strips) is not allowed. Failure to comply with these rules leads to a distorted graphic representation of the analyzed statistical material.

Column and strip diagrams as receiving a graphic image of statistical data, essentially interchangeable, i.e. The statistical indicators under consideration can be represented as columns and strips. Both in this, and in another case, one dimension of each rectangle is used for the image of the phenomenon - the height of the column or length of the strip. Therefore, the scope of application of these two charts is mostly the same.

A variation of column (tape) charts are directed charts. They differ from the usual bilateral location of the columns or bands and have a start on the scale in the middle. Typically, such diagrams are used for the image of the values \u200b\u200bof the opposite qualitative value. Comparison between columns (bands), aimed at different directions, less efficiently than located near in one direction. Despite this, the analysis of directional diagrams allows you to make sufficiently substantive conclusions, as a special location gives a graphic bright image. The bilateral group includes pure deviation charts. The bands are directed in both sides of the vertical zero line: right - for growth; Left - to reduce. With such diagrams, it is convenient to depict deviations from the plan or some level accepted beyond the comparison base. An important advantage of the charts under consideration is the ability to see the scope of oscillations of the studied statistical sign, which in itself has great importance For analysis.

For a simple comparison of non-dependent indicators, diagrams can also be used, the principle of constructing which is that compared values \u200b\u200bare depicted in the form of the right geometric figureswhich are built so that their areas belong to each other as quantities, the figures depicted. In other words, these diagrams express the size of the phenomenon of its area with the size of their area.

To obtain diagrams of the type under consideration, use a variety of geometric shapes - square, circle, less often - rectangle. It is known that the square square is equal to the square of it, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle is determined in proportion to the square of its radius. Therefore, to build diagrams, you must first remove the square root from the compaable values. Then, on the basis of the results obtained, determine the side of the square or the radius of the circle according to the accepted scale (Fig. 2.1.2).

Figure 2.1.2 - Example of a figure chart

The most expressive and easily perceived is the method of constructing comparison diagrams in the form of figures. In this case, statistical sets are depicted not by geometric shapes, but by symbols or signs that reproduce to some extent an external image of statistical data. The advantage of this method of graphic image is high degree Visuality, in obtaining such a mapping, reflecting the content of compaable sets.

The most important sign of any diagram is a scale. Therefore, in order to correctly build a figured diagram, you need to define an account unit. As the latter, a separate figure is taken (symbol), which is conditionally assigned a specific numerical value. And the studied statistical value is depicted by a separate amount of the same figures that are sequentially located in the figure. However, in most cases, it is not possible to depict a statistical indicator with a whole number of figures. The last one has to be divided into parts, as one sign is too large for the scale of the measurement unit. Usually this part is determined to the eye. The complexity of the exact definition is a disadvantage of figure charts. However, the big accuracy of the presentation of statistical data is not pursued, and the results are obtained quite satisfactory.

As a rule, figure diagrams are widely used to promote statistical data and advertising.

A special kind are figured diagrams in which the ratios of objects are shown in the form of conventional-artistic figures (the spike, tuber, the head of the animal, tractor, etc.). When they are well done, then pay attention, make information more intelligible.

If, for example, you decide to use a figure diagram for the image of the structure of unemployed women, among which 57% are young women (20-24 years) and. girls 16-19 years old who have no work experience 28% - engineering and technical workers and employees with special education at the age of 25-49 and 15% - workers of qualified and unskilled labor at the age of 50 and older, you must portray three women

As in the column, on figure diagrams, you can trace the resistance and price support levels. In addition, the figure chart especially clearly demonstrates the moment of the breakthrough (Fig. 2 at the top of the page).

Many analysts use figure charts to predict how far an increase or

According to those who use figure diagrams, the more often turns in the flow price movement at a certain level, the higher the likelihood of its lifting or falling from this level. As can be seen in fig. 1 (rotation step 1 point), the target purchase price is set at 21 item, since the price of 6 times crossed the level of 24 points (shaded string). It is six rows below the target price of 21 points is located. Similarly, the target price of sale is set at a level of 23 1/2 of paragraph due to the fact that the price of 4 times crossed the level 21 1/2 of the point (shaded string). For the basis for calculating the target price, the beginning of a breakthrough is always taken regardless of which target price is to determine - the purchase price or sale.

Fed) 195, 200, 225, 229-233 Figure charts 298-300 Financial Responsibility 16 Financial reports 21, 65, 66, 68-  

Figure comparison diagrams are mainly intended for the purpose of popularization. Indicators are drawn in them in the form of a certain number of standard figures, which are simplified images of objects characteristic of the corresponding disadvantages of them should be considered some inaccuracy associated with the need to round the indicators depicted.

The main forms of graphs that are used in AHD are diagrams. In their form, they are columns, strip, circular, square, linear, curly. The content differences the comparison charts, structural, dynamic, communication schedules, control schedules, etc.

The main forms of graphs that are used in AHD, -Diagram. The charts are column, strip, circular, square, linear, curly.

The dynamics diagram is designed for the image of changes in phenomena during the appropriate intervals. For this purpose, columns, circular, square, curly and other graphs can be used. But linear graphs are used more often. The dynamics on such a graph is fed in the form of a line that characterizes the continuity of the process. To build linear graphs, the coordinate system on the abscissa axis is delayed periods, and on the axis of the ordinate - the level of indicators for the corresponding periods of time, based on the accepted scale.

Figure (or picture) diagrams enhance the visuality of the image, as they include the figure of the displayed indicator. The size of the pattern corresponds to the size of the indicator (Fig. 4.9).

Graphs can be the most varied. More often than others use diagrams and cartograms. In turn, diagrams can be linear, column, circular, ribbon, figured, distribution histograms

Digital data can also be displayed using combined diagrams, in which curly lines, columns, circles, symbols, objects, objects, etc. are simultaneously used. However, read digital material using such diagrams is difficult.

The ea finds the application of a tabular and graphical reflection of analytical data. At the same time, each table must have a common header, a system of horizontal strings and a vertical graph. Subject to tables shows what this is speech (It contains a list of indicators characterizing the phenomenon), and the faeed - indicates what features are characterized by the subject. Tables are simple, group and combined (the material of the subject is divided into groups and subgroups). Graphic reflection of information is carried out using diagrams (column, circular, curly, etc.), distribution curves, graphs of the correlation field, statistical cartograms, which allows to obtain a generalizing picture of the state of affairs in statics and dynamics.

The dynamics diagram is designed for the image of changes in phenomena during the appropriate intervals. For this purpose, histograms, linear, curly and other graphs can be used. Linear graphics are most often used. The dynamics on such a graph is fed in the form of a line that is characteristic.

Figure comparison charts are intended mainly for popularization purposes. These indicators are drawn in the form of a certain number of standard figures, which are simplified OI

There is another one completely different from the construction of column diagrams the method of technical analysis, which is to build figured diagrams. Although the characters used and o do not allow you to accurately indicate the timing and volumes of trading in the chart - the two most important components of column diagrams, which still have their advantages. After studying the unacceptable rules for the construction of figured diagrams, the investor, as in the case of column charts, should be exercised in the analysis of already built models before applying the theory in its own practice.

Before building a figure chart, it is necessary to explore the former range of oscillations and the degree of disappointment of the share price. In addition, you should choose the appropriate scale, or the rotation step, movement that will be used when constructing a chart. For expensive shares (for example, 50dol. And above), a step is usually suited, equal to 2, 3 or, maybe 5 points. Shares with an average price (say, from 20 to 50 dollars), perhaps better corresponds to a step in 1, 11/2 or 2 points. For analyzing inexpensive stocks, as

The point-figure figures (cross-tick-ticks) are characterized by M, which is missing the axis of time, and only one axis is used - for the price and the diagram reflects only a change in prices (Fig. 3.6). The diagram will fall from left to right if the change in the direction of prices is occurring, the crossed is taken to celebrate the price increase, and the zolik - its decline,

The most simple interpretation of the point-figured diagram is asking for it to buy an asset (open a long position) if a month appeared above the top cross of the previous column of the sessics, and sell (open a short position), if the nickens appeared below . I.

The most common method of graphic image data are diagrams. They are different types of linear, radial, point, plane, volume, curly. The form of the diagrams depends on the view of the data represented (one variable or one indicator, several variables or indicators, quantitative or non-quantities) and the tasks of constructing the schedule.

There are many types of graphs. The most commonly used linear graphs, circular, radial, curly, volumetric and planar charts. To display the geographical distribution of data, cardograms and cardigram are used.

Among the planar charts, there were greatest distribution, bars, strip or tape, triangular, square, circular, sectoral, curly ones.

Column diagrams Pictures are depicted in the form of rectangles (columns) stretched by vertical, the height of which corresponds to the value of the indicator (Fig. 6.9).

Strip diagram

Principle of construction strip diagrams The same as columns. The difference lies in the fact that strip (or tape) graphs represent the value of the indicator not vertical, but along the horizontal axis.

Both types of diagrams are used to compare not only the quantities themselves, but also their parts. For the image of the structure of the set, the columns (bands) are built by the same size, taking an integer for 100%, and the size of the parts of the whole - corresponding to the specific grades (Fig. 6.10).

For the image of indicators with the opposite content (import and export, the balance, positive and negative, age pyramid) build multidirectional column or strip diagrams.

Foundation square, triangular and circular The diagrams make up the image of the value of the size of the size of the geometric figure.

Square diagram

For building square diagram Install the size of the square by extracting the root of the square from the value of the indicator.

For example, to build a diagram in Fig. 6.11 from the volume of communication services for 1997 in Russia for the departure of telegrams
(73 million), pension payments (392 million), parcels (24 million) square roots corresponding to 8.5; 19.8; 4.9.

Circular diagram

Circular diagrams They are built in the form of a circle area, the radii of which are equal to the root square from the values \u200b\u200bof the indicator.

Secto diagram

For the image of the structure (composition) of the totality sectoral diagrams. The circular sector diagram is built by separating the circle to the sectors in proportion to the specific weight of the parts as a whole. The size of each sector is determined by the value of the calculation angle (1% corresponds to 3.6 0).

Example. The share of food products in the volume of retail turnover of Russia was 55% in 1992, and in 1997 - 49%, the share of non-food products was 45%, respectively and 51%.

We construct two circles of the same radius, and for the image of the sectors we define the central angles: for food products 3.6 0 * 55 \u003d 198 0, 3,6 * 49 \u003d 176.4 0; for non-food products 3.6 0 * 45 \u003d 162 0; 3.6 0 * 51 \u003d 183.6 0. We divide the circles to the relevant sectors (Fig. 6.12).

Triangular diagram

A variety of diagrams representing the structure (except for columns and strip) is a triangular diagram. It is used for the simultaneous image of three values \u200b\u200bdepicting elements or components of the whole. The triangular diagram is an equilateral triangle, each side of which is a uniform scale scale from 0 to 100. The coordinate grid is built, corresponding to the lines carried out in parallel to the sides of the triangle. Perpendicular from any point of the coordinate grid represent the shares of the three components, corresponds in the amount of 100% (Fig. 6.13). The point on the graph corresponds to 20% (by a), 30% (software B) and 50% (by C).

Fig. 6.13. Triangular diagram

Figured diagram

Figure figurespresent an image in the form of drawings, silhouettes, figures.

Comparison diagrams are used to match the same type of objects in the same name. In the form of a graphic image, there are most often used columns, strip (tape) and curly diagrams; Circular, square and rectangular are used less often.

A. Column comparison charts

The columns symbolize the compaable objects, are built on the horizontal axis. Their number is determined by the number of compared objects. The width of the column can be arbitrary, but necessarily the same for everyone. The height of the column is based in accordance with the large-scale scale built on the vertical axis, and reflects the value of the studied indicator. The numbers characterizing the value of the indicator are placed inside each column or above it.

Through task

Task 3.2.

requiredbuild for the first three single-type firms a column chart of comparing these firms by the number of conditional single-quality goods sold and conclude.


Fig. 3.1.

Output.The chart shows that in one of the regions of the Russian Federation in the first quarter of the reporting year, of the three companies under consideration, most of all goods were sold by company No. 3 (22 pcs.), And less than all - firm №1 (18 pcs.).

B. Strip (tape) comparison diagramsIn these diagrams (in contrast to the previous one), the columns are built on the vertical axis - the ordinate axes. Strip (tape) diagram represents a number of strips along the abscissal axis of the same width.

Through task

Task 3.3.

Using the source data Table. 2.1, requiredbuild for the first three single-type firms a strip diagram of comparison of these firms by the number of conditional one-quality goods sold and conclude.


Fig. 3.2.


B. Figure charts

When constructing figured diagrams, statistics are depicted in the form of symbol patterns, which bestly reflect the essence of the depicted phenomenon (A, A, and the like). Here, each sign-symbol is conventionally given a certain numerical value and the corresponding "strips" are converted to the graph of the graph. The magnitude of the displayed indicator is determined by the number of standard signs in each "strip". Sometimes for each compared indicator, it is built on a single conventional symbol, but of a different value of the proportional value of the displayed indicator. These diagrams are more expressive, visual, are easily perceived, and therefore they are often used in advertising.

Through task

Task 3.4.

Using the source data Table. 2.1, requiredbuild for the first three single-type firms figure chart compares of these firms by the number of conditional one-quality goods sold and conclude.


Let the conditioned goods are cars (car brand - conditional).

Fig. 3.3.

Two units of sold goods)

Output.The chart shows that in one of the regions of the Russian Federation in the first quarter of the reporting year of the three under consideration of firms, it was sold by company No. 3 (22 pcs.), And less than all - by company number 1 (18 pcs.).

G. Circular, Square and Rectangular Charts - These are diagrams, the principle of constructing which is that compared values \u200b\u200bare depicted in the form of the correct geometric shapes, which, in turn, are built so that their areas agreed with each other as quantities, these figures are displayed. Thus, these diagrams express the value of the indicator of its size.

When constructing circular or square diagrams, geometric shapes are used: a circle and square. It is known that the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle is equal kg 2. (r - radius of a circle, to - A constant value approximately equal to 3.14), and the square of the square is equal to the square of it. To build this type of diagrams, it is necessary to first find a circle radius or side of the square through simple arithmetic action. Then on the basis of the data obtained and in accordance with the accepted scale - to build a schedule. At the same time, the squares or circles must be positioned on each other of the distance, and in each figure (or above it), specify the numerical value that it depicts.

The diagram under consideration is the graphic image obtained by constructing one in the other circles or squares.

Through task

Task 3.5.

Using the source data Table. 2.1, requiredbuild for the first three firms a circular diagram of comparison of these firms in terms of the conditional single-quality goods sold and conclude.


When building a circular diagram for the first company, we proceed from the following relationship:

Similarly, we determine the radii for two other circles:

We take a scale: 1 cm - 0.5 hood. units. Now you can build a circular diagram (Fig. 3.4).

Fig. 3.4.

Output.The diagram shows that in one of the regions RFin the first quarter of the reporting year, of the three companies under consideration, the most of the entire goods were sold by company No. 3 (22 pcs.), and less than all - firm number 1 (18 pcs.).

Through task

Task 3.6.

Using the source data Table. 2.1, requiredbuild for the first three single-type firms a square diagram of comparing these firms by the number of conditional one-quality goods sold and conclude.


When constructing a square chart for the first company, we proceed from the following relationship:

Similarly, we define the parties for the other two squares:

The scale in this case will take the following: 1 cm - 1 hood. units.

Fig. 3.5.

Output.The chart shows that in one of the regions of the Russian Federation in the first quarter of the reporting year of the three under consideration of firms, it was sold by company No. 3 (22 pcs.), And less than all - by company number 1 (18 pcs.).

Rectangular diagrams are built for indicators obtained by multiplying the other two. Then the side of the rectangle will reflect these two beings, and its area is the value of the effective indicator. This chart interesting in terms of analysis is called "Warzara sign". Her author is Russian statistical V.E. Warzar (1851-1940).

Through task

Task 3.7.

Using the source data Table. 2.1, requiredbuild for the first three firms a rectangular chart comparing sales volumes and conclude.


Based on the source data Table. 2.1 We build auxiliary table. 3.4.

Auxiliary table

to build a rectangular comparison chart

Take the scale:

  • vertically: 1 cm - 5 units. sold goods;
  • Horizontal: 1 cm - 200 thousand rubles.

Now you can proceed to construct a rectangular comparison diagram (Fig. 3.6).

Fig. 3.6.

Output.The chart shows that in one of the regions of the Russian Federation in the first quarter of the reporting year, from the three companies under consideration, the largest sales belongs to the company No. 3 (10.98 million rubles), and the smallest - firm number 1 (9.50 million rubles).

In medical practice, graphic images are used to illustrate statistical data, which characterize the health and health and health.

When constructing graphic images The following requirements must be followed.:

1) the data on the graph must be placed from left to right or bottom up;

2) Scale on charts must be equipped with signs of time-measures;

3) graphically shown graphs must have digital designations on the schedule or in the table attached to it;

4) geometric signs, figures, paints, hatching must be explained;

5) Each schedule must have a clear, clear, if possible short namereflecting its content.

Distinguish the following types of graphic images:

1. Charts are a way of an image of statistical data using lines and figures.

2. Cartograms and cardagegram are a way to display the territorial distribution of statistical indicators using geographic maps.

The most common type of graphic image images are diagrams that are divided by:





Linear diagrams are used both when studying the relationship between phenomena and when characterizing changes in phenomena over time. They are built in rectangular system Coordani-NAT: horizontal (abscissa axis - axis x) and vertical (ODI-NAT axis - Y axis). The axis intersection point serves as the beginning of the reference.

On the abscissa axis, in a selected scale, time or other factors are postponed; Then from the points corresponding to the defo-divided moments or periods of time, the ordinaries are restored, reflecting the dimensions of the resulting indicative feature. The vertices are connected by straight lines (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Example linear diagram.

On one schedule, several linear charts can be built simultaneously, which allows you to produce their visual comparison (it is not recommended to build more than 4 diagrams, since more of their number makes perception).

A variety of linear charts are radial Chart (diagrams in the polar coordinate system). This type of diagrams is used for the image of seasonal phenomena, having a closed cyclic character.

The number of axes corresponds to the number of parts for which the time period is divided (for example, a year - 12 axes are taken at the monthly division). The length of the circle radius is accepted average value, Then, the value corresponding to the level of phenomenon is postponed on each axis. The obtained points are connected by straight (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Example of a radial diagram.

Flat charts are divided into: columns; pyramidal; sector; intracolubic.

Column - diagrams are built on the same principle as the dynamic curves, but rectangles correspond to them vertically or horizontally conducted lines. These diagrams are especially convenient when illustrated not the dynamics of phenomena, but the comparative value of them in any defo-divided period of time (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Example of a bar chart.

Pyramidal The diagrams are columns di-adgrams turned by the bases to each other, as a result of which the columns are horizontally. Pyramid diagrams are often used for the image of the age-sex structure of the population (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Example of a pyramid diagram.

Sector diagrams - represent a circle that is used for the integer (360 o - 100%), and its individual sectors correspond to the parts of the depicted phenomenon (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Example sector diagram.

Sectors should be located in a row of their increase or descend along the clockwise hour of 12 hours. Such diagrams are used to illustrate ex-case performance.

Intracolubic (Strip, complexity, tape) diagrams are a rectangle or square, separated by part. In this case, the length of the tapes (columns) is adopted for 100%, and their components correspond to the fractions of the phenomenon in the percentage. This type of diagrams is used, as a rule, to compare the structure of any phenomenon (for example, morbidity) in non-ring collectives or in one team for different periods of time (Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Example of an intracolubic chart.

Volume diagrams. When constructing this type of diagrams (Fig. 7), the statistics are depicted in the form of the geometric figures of three dimensions (cube, ball, pyramid).

Figure 7. Example of a surround chart.

Figure charts.In this type of diagrams, statistical values \u200b\u200bare depicted with the help of figures characteristic of this phenomenon (at the rider, hospital beds; auxiliary transport). To build a diagram, a certain MAC-tab is installed, for example, the image of one bed corresponds to 200 thousand fact-fat bakers.

Figure diagrams are built by two methods:

1) Comparable statistical values \u200b\u200bare depicted either figures of different sizes (see figure on the left), or by different number of figures of the same size (see in the picture on the right).

It is usually used by rounded digital data, so curly charts serve mainly to promote statistical data, and used, usually to illustrate visibility indicators (Fig. 8).

Figure 8. Example of a figure chart.

Cartographer A geographical map or its scheme is called, on which various paint or hatching shows the degree of propagation of any phenomenon at different parts of the territory, and the painting or hatching is made that more intensively, the greater the propagation of the studied phenomenon (Fig. 9, 10).


1) background cartograms - Where the differences in the magnitude of the statistical indicator in different areas are expressed by the peculiarity of the background led by each territory. In the monophonic - degree of hatching of hatching, in color - the degree of color intensity, and use only one color, but different shades - from the brightest, to the most dark.

Figure 9. Example of a background card program.

2) point cartograms - where the statistical value is depicted by the number of points placed on the contour map of the specific territory. Each point denotes some (conditional) number of units of this feature (for example, 1000 inhabitants).

Figure 10. Example of a point cartogram.

CARDIAGRAM called such a graphic image when geographical map Or its scheme statistics is applied in the form of columns, sectoral, figured and other diagrams (Fig. 11).

Figure 11. Example of a cardagegram.