Language Center "Bigwig. Language Center "Bigwig" Big Vig Language Courses of Savtsev eneseek

More boring lessons! Study English with Bigwig fun and exciting! The BigWig School offers more than a dozen language learning programs, actively applying the communicative technique.
The training programs have thematic conversational clubs, art events, workshops, master classes, and we often play "Mafia" and go on excursions! We spend free trial lessons that will help students choose a suitable interesting course. And for the most busy we suggest passing school online school on Skype. Welcome to the most friendly Language School of Moscow!

Application for training

Studying programs

Effective courses with a native speaker will help to form correct pronunciation, Remove the language barrier and improve the skills of understanding the spoken speech by ear. In addition, you can get acquainted with the culture of England from the first mouth.
Lecturer: For initial levels - Russian Professional teacher, for high levels - native speaker.

  • Languages:


  • Levels:

    any level

  • 1 or 2 times a week

  • Trial lesson:
  • Languages:


  • Levels:

    any level

  • Duration and frequency of classes:

    1 time per week, 2 AK. Schasa.

  • Cost 45 min. Classes (1 AK.
  • Cost of a month of classes:

    1000-3450 rub.

Spoken English language club for children of age from 12 to 17 years. The classes are focused on the practice of spoken speech, pronunciation training, the expansion of the vocabulary stock. English is studied exclusively through communication. The meeting leads a professional teacher who helps to properly express his thought and select the necessary words that helps the guys quickly and effectively remove the language barrier.

  • Languages:


  • Levels:

    any level

  • Duration and frequency of classes:

    1 time per week

  • Cost 45 min. Classes (1 AK.
  • Cost of a month of classes:

    700-2800 rubles.

Conversation club meetings are designed for active language practices with professional teachers - native speakers. The conversational club fits all, even those whose knowledge at the initial spoken level. Classes are built so that everyone says. The club is very pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Classes are easily and easy. The purpose of classes is to remove the language barrier. 3 key results: expand vocabulary, work on pronunciation, you understand English.

  • Languages:


  • Levels:

    medium, above average, advanced

  • Duration and frequency of classes:

    according to Mon, W, Wed, Fri - C19 to 21, on Spa - from 18 to 21.

  • Cost 45 min. Classes (1 AK.
  • Cost of a month of classes:

    1000-2800 rub.

A conversational club for beginners will help start speaking into English fluently and feel more confident in communicating with foreigners. The lesson creates a language environment, which contributes to the effective development of communication skills in English. The conversational club is suitable for everyone, even those whose knowledge at the initial level. Classes are built so that everyone says. Feel progress after a few lessons.

  • Languages:


  • Levels:

    zero, initial, below average

  • Duration and frequency of classes:

    w, Thu - from 19 to 21, VSK - from 18 to 20.

  • Cost 45 min. Classes (1 AK.
  • Cost of a month of classes:

    1000-3450 rub.

English language is suitable for those who work with
Foreign partners often goes on business trips or leads activities outside the Russian Federation.
On courses, students will be able to master business English, learn how to write business letters, participate in negotiations and communicate abroad on business trips.

  • Languages:


  • Levels:

    any level

  • Duration and frequency of classes:

    1 or 2 times a week

  • Cost 45 min. Classes (1 AK.
  • Trial lesson:

Bigvig offers an effective English-on-one English course with a teacher. Individual training Allows you to do at a convenient time. In addition, the teacher selects the program specially under the student (for example, technical, legal or spoken English).

  • Languages:


  • Levels:

    any level

  • Duration and frequency of classes:

    min Pack 8 AK. hours, individual schedule

  • Cost 45 min. Classes (1 AK.

The main goal of the Bigvig Language Center - in short time To help employees of the company learn to speak English, also rally the team and increase the productivity of personnel. The main advantage is the fixed cost of paying for only 1250 rubles per hour, regardless of the number of employees.

The English BigWig School offers more than a dozen language learning programs, we help to choose the required number of classes and a suitable teacher for the very quick result. Our teachers are undergoing careful selection, highly qualified professionals work in BigWig.

How to get:

Exit from M.Smolenskaya (Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line), go directly, crossed Old Arbat and turn into the Alley of the Sives enemy. Then they immediately turn left in the first arch.

Language school could also look for the following names:

For more information provided by the school:

More boring lessons! Study English with Bigwig fun and exciting. Welcome to the most friendly Language School of Moscow!
Thanks to the continuous improvement of teaching techniques and communicative approach to learning, our students feel confident on trips and on business negotiations. Thus, in training programs there are thematic conversational clubs, art events, workshops, master classes, and we often play Mafia and go on excursions. Apply your knowledge in practice in the game form will be useful to listeners of any course. From traditional services, English Bigvig courses offer almost the entire spectrum: from tourism, employment and business correspondence to study the subtleties of the language and consumption of certain expressions. All programs are designed in such a way as to interest the listeners not only to language learning, knowledge will simply have to be used in a game or communication, and this is an incentive for better absorption.
Pre-listeners are tested to determine the initial level of language knowledge. We spend free trial lessons that will help students choose a suitable interesting course. And for the most busy we suggest passing school online school on Skype. See you soon!

Language Center Bigvig - a dynamically developing company offering English courses and various events for practice foreign languages. The company was founded in 2010 and has already firmly taken a worthy place in the market. educational services Moscow. The history of the company Bigvig begins in 2010, and today it is a successful and generally accepted company, which constantly pleases its students with new, original training forms. We have a common goal - we want to learn to speak with the world, and no wonder our company has been pursuing the motto "Speak with the world." Any goal is realized, and with Bigvig is more real, because our teachers are excellent teachers and masters of their business. Non-standard approach and cozy, homely atmosphere is all about us. Bigvig's welcoming center invites you to plunge into the world of languages \u200b\u200band cultures different countries, to fulfill your dream and overcome the language barrier, learn to communicate on various topics and feel comfortable in another country. With us you will select the best training option, you will pass a free test that will determine the level of your knowledge, get acquainted with our teachers, and at the end of the studies will receive a certificate that indicates your knowledge in terms of language proficiency. With Bigvig, you can travel by country and practice our knowledge, attend spoken clubs dedicated to the most relevant topics of today, discuss important events From his life and life of friends at the Psychology club, and spend an intriguing evening on the mafia, improve yourself in business and just attend classic courses. In Bigvig, you will find for yourself what has been looking for, and our individual approach to each student will help you with it! It's never too late to fulfill your dream and learn to "speak with the world", as Bigvig does, and you with us? Link:\u003dploshadki&utm_medium\u003dmskurs&utm_campaign\u003dglav

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Company reviews " Language Center "BigWig"

    Studied in this center english. They could have not been able to do a school with an institution for 14 years of study \u003d) an interesting, effective language learning program made their business. Thanks to the center.

    It's nice that an individual approach and a specially selected program for each visitor. Emphasis on speaking speech. I am still studying Italian and has already achieved some success, then I plan to take up English.

    I raised my level italian language in BigWig. I liked the situation itself, the benevolence of the teacher. And most importantly, almost all the time communication happened in Italian. And if something is incomprehensible - they will explain, and so far I do not understand everything!)

    Thanks for the professional approach to the organization of classes. Thanks to you, I pulled out my English to a higher level.

    He studied in the center of English, educational programs liked. Teachers are intelligent, each individually suitable and the material is explained intelligibly. In general, I liked everything!

    In the center is studying french. I like everything very much: convenient location, cozy office, pleasant atmosphere. And most importantly - a great teacher!

    In the Language Center "Bigwig" I go to tighten your English. Inside the center a pleasant atmosphere.

    I like to engage English in this center. We have an excellent teacher with whom it is interesting to study the language.

    The center is very different from the courses for which I have already walked. In Bigvig, fun and cozy, as if you communicate with friends. Nobody learn for your pronunciation, teachers help and support. During the year, I laid out my knowledge of grammar on the shelves and taught calmly, not embarrassed, express our thoughts in English, now all friends here call - play the mafia and go to the movies from Bigigna together more fun.

    Great courses! I am generally difficult to qualify, but then somehow everything is so fast and easy, that I myself did not expect such a result. Thank you! And all these bad feedback from people who simply do not want to work and do this truly. Think that these knowledge will come and miraculously fall into them.

    In the Language Center "BigWig", studied French. The program of classes is very correctly delivered. A lot of attention is paid to language practice. An individual approach to each. Teachers are true professionals in their case!

    It helps that when learning on your program, then when you get into a circle of native speakers, you understand them easily and support the conversation.

    Used the service center BigWig. It remained very pleased. They found a special approach to my daughter, who does not really like to talk, and in the week of classes began to speak Chinese, while simple sentences, but we are all ahead.

    Enjoyed the service center BigWig. It remained very pleased. They found a special approach to my daughter, who does not really like to talk, and in the week of classes began to speak Chinese, while simple sentences, but we are all ahead.

    I thought it was already useless to start learning languages \u200b\u200bat that age, but no. With the help of an individual approach, attention, knowledge and skills of teachers, visiting events, I could achieve success and learn not one, but several languages. Thank you very much for your work.

    I want to thank teachers for professionalism and ability to an individual approach to each person. Learning is very easy.

    Large volume of language practice. You start talking right away. When learning a language, the main psychological fear. Not to say something wrong. Here this fear is removed immediately. Required grammar volume. And then you start to dive into the linguistic environment. And you say, you say.

    Began to learn Spanish from scratch. Like the atmosphere in classes, the teacher is very attentive to me.

    Like the atmosphere itself reigning in the center. Positive, friendly and professional teachers. I go to classes with pleasure. Thank you!

    I study in this center English, teachers professionals, loyally relate to their students. The cars are completely pleased.

    He studied English and for a couple of classes, learned more than all the years at school. A huge plus that a lot of practice. It is possible to choose a teacher, and they are friendly and responsive.

    I teach French in this language center, I really like it. The situation has a study in the process of learning a language, there is a lot of practice, besides, you can choose a teacher, this is great, because it is important who works with you.
    In general, I want to say that I am fully satisfied with learning here. If you want to quickly and qualitatively learn the language, you should try to teach it in BigWig.

    Visited Bigvig to refresh their knowledge of English. A couple of months and I again prepared for a trip abroad. Great center!

    My goal was tightened by English, who abandoned from the institute. Teachers are competent and benevolent, explain easily and understandable. Put a pronunciation for me.

    For better business, it was necessary to study the foundations of Chinese. For half a year, classes in this center received the desired level of knowledge.

    Hello everyone! With the help of BigWig, I was able to master the English language and now talking on it freely. In this center, an individual approach to each, really liked training programThere were a lot of practice and we even went to the theater in English, it was interesting. Soviet to everyone!

    In this center I improved my English. The program of classes is interesting and correctly built. Do one pleasure.

    I am very pleased that in my time addressed this language center. I wanted to pull the German before we start studying it at the university. As a result, became the best student. Excellent teachers, excellent learning methods.

    The son is preparing for long-term work in a football club in Spain and learned the language planned in this center. On the this momentThanks to the individual approach to the student, he mastered quite a lot of information in a short time, which is extremely important for him.

    I learn German. I am doing here for a month. Spoken skills have grown significantly. Very positive atmosphere in the club. Already met by Skype with German from Germany.

    Excellent center, thank you very much for helping me to significantly increase the level of French.

    My son is interested in English. And I try to sleep after him and for this reason I attend this center. Classes are built unusually and very exciting. Already found friends - these are teachers and students!

    He studied English from scratch, can be said. The result from the program studied followed quickly. An individual approach is just super !!! It remained very pleased. I advise everyone!!!

    I have long wanted to learn English, close this gap for myself. In the center of Bigwig, the main thing is the effectiveness of teaching. Permanent communication, live practice and personal approach. Do not compare with studies in the university.

    Excellent decor on courses. At the beginning I was very skeptical about this kind of events, but the departure abroad was forced to go tighten English. In Bigvig, they accepted how to the family, very friendly relations were in class, thought in 30 years already will be hard, but it was not there. The teachers coped with a bang.

    Excellent center with very interesting and, most importantly, effective practices in German.

    When learning a language for me, the most important is the practice. In this center, teachers try to create the most natural practical classes - various events, discussion clubs, games. Classes are held in a pleasant informal setting and give a lot of positive emotions. Recommend.

    I needed a spoken English. Used the services of the Language Center Bigvig. Cozy rooms. Qualified teachers. I really liked the differentiated approach to learning. Sometimes classes took place in a game form. It was interesting! Solid positive! Of course, I still need to continue learning, but the initial goal was achieved quickly and with pleasure!

    Recently, I wanted to learn English and decided to contact this language center and I was very hunted tightening and understand English to an advanced level.

    I study English. I like most in Bigwig, this is a language practice. The ability to communicate in English, which greatly increases the level of proficiency.

    Passed English courses during high school training. To date, little remains in memory. Therefore, I decided to refresh the knowledge of the English language and entered BigWig. At the expense of constant language practice, I finally began not only to read in English, but also to talk - which is very important.

    Always dreamed not just to learn English, but also to communicate freely on it. With the Language Center Bigvig, I managed it. Thanks to the wonderful immersion methodology on the medium of the native media.

    Always dreamed not just to learn English, but also to communicate freely on it. With the Language Center Bigvig, I managed it. Thanks to the wonderful teachers and their special immersion methods on the medium of the native media.

    It so happened that I knew three languages \u200b\u200bin a little, a sense - zero. After classes in this center and internship, I speak freely on one of them.

    Thank you for bringing my knowledge of English to a decent level! Training has passed easily, fun and interesting. Recommend!

    English has always given to me with difficulty, but there was a strong desire to learn this language. The Bigwig Center helped embody my dream. Thank you! Now I can travel without problems.

    Unsuccessfully tried to learn German, nothing helped. I decided to take advantage of the services of this center, as the pairs of months did not have passed, as achieved great success. It pleases not only good service and competent specialists, as well as the manner of classes. Many interesting programs, a large number of practices and exit classes. Very worthy establishment.

    Thanks for your help in learning English. English is needed for work. Now my knowledge helps me in dealing with foreign customers.

    Applying to the center before the working trip to Bonn. It was necessary to remember germanwho was studied at school 10 years ago. According to my wishes, the emphasis was made precisely on speaking. Very competent teacher. The trip passed with a bang! Thanks to the center.

    Pleases the presence of a huge amount of linguistic practice, classes are interesting, creative. I am engaged recently, but the quality of my German has grown significantly. I advise everyone

    I study English with them. Literally in the first month, my level of language increased significantly. Language barrier disappeared and now I can calmly communicate with foreigners not embarrassed.

    I adore English since childhood. But I studied at the Soviet school and I had to learn German. Now I am pleased to catch up, which has not happened before. Respect the center!

    I went to classes before leaving, tighten your knowledge and improve the conversational level - everything turned out, thanks! The situation is pleasant, teachers are very competent.

    In the Language Center Bigwig, my daughter came out on highest level Communication in English. Pronunciation - perfect! This is confirmed by all school teachers. Recommend!

    Thanks to the center for helping in learning English. I'm oak oak, but experts were able to teach me all the same.

    The main thing is that the center works on the principle of an individual approach. Permanent search in the English-speaking environment. This is what I lacked before.

    English I own a long time. I wanted to learn another language. Just to increase your own development. Chose Spanish. Now we successfully seize with highly qualified teachers, modern methods and an individual approach. Classes are organized interesting. I like.

    It is important how to speak as many languages \u200b\u200bas possible. With such an approach, in the form of active practice, training is most effectively.

    I squeezed to the maximum from these guys! He learned to speak, communicated with native speakers. And I also recommend playing the mafia in English, it is very fun.

    With English, I always had no freak. I decided to sign up for courses in order to freely read and talk in English. I can say that my own results impressed me, I did not expect himself. Really an individual approach.

    Pulled her German, very pleased that much practice, if something is incomprehensible to explain calmly and intelligently

    I am learning English. Competent teachers who are passionate about their business. Large volume of spoken practice on the example of real life situations.

    Practiced his English in this center. I liked the approach to teaching. Many different games in English.

    Language is easier to learn when you are among people who have the same goal. Spoken practice is the best way to learn the material.

    In the center I study French. A pleasant informal atmosphere, new acquaintances and very, a lot of practice, including in a game form. Excellent classes, good center!

    In the language center I studied English. The teacher is a professional in its field of activity, the material is available.

    I study in the center for 4 months German. Cheerful teachers, funny, cozy office.

    It has long wanted to learn Chinese, but could not find a competent teacher. She addressed the Language Center "Bigwig", after three months of classes, I took possession of the initial level of Chinese, the result is not bad.

    A practical and productive approach to the study of German. Teachers, in addition to high professionalism, simply pleasant people in communication. So classes are not only useful here, but also positive.

    I attend the BigWig Language Center for three months. Teachers qualified, loyally relate to their students.

    I study Chinese in this center. The language is very complex, but the feed is excellent, so no difficulties in learning

    Thanks to the center pulled his English language. Mostly this language practice that was so needed to me. Each individual approach is immediately visible that they appreciate and love their customers.

    Language Center Bigwig My next attempt to learn English, but I feel this time it will be successful! A very sensible teacher caught me.

    Learning a language in adulthood is a difficult process. Thanks to the teachers of the center, who helped me to make the first steps and not abandon the project at the very beginning. Thanks to the individual approach, a large number of language practice and conversational clubs, I was finally able to speak English, and not just read with the dictionary.

    I decided to pull out your English and appealed to this center. An individual approach is applied to each center. The atmosphere of comfort and heat contributes to the best assimilation of information.

    We attend this language center for five months, my English is already at a high level.

    The center boasts its friendly staff, there is a pleasure there. But the main plus in a very affordable program of learning. Everything is already a month and everyone is pleased

    I have long wanted to learn English, thanks to this center I managed it. I liked the individual approach of the teacher. I'm thinking to explore another Italian.

    In the center was engaged in German, for three months it tightened his conversationally thank you.

    I decided to study Chinese, it is very complicated but I try. Well done teachers, keep it up

    I study in the center of English. Infinitely grateful to a patient and highly qualified teacher. Found new friends. I like classes in the game form. I am satisfied with this center and the results that I gradually achieve!

    In this center I brought my daughter to study English, with a focus on speaking skills. So, in a month, short phrases could easily say. In school, it will never be taught. Pleases an individual approach to each. Teachers are very good-natured and polite people, but the main real professionals.

    I am engaged in the English language group. Very grateful to his teacher who instilled in me and desire to learn a foreign language! I study from scratch, since the school was taught German, progress on the face!

    BigWig Excellent Language Center For those who want to give up their conversational English, I did it successfully!

    I decided to pull french, almost everything forgot. In this center they helped me to speak again! I had a very cool lecturer, gave interesting tasks and most importantly - a lot of colloquial practice.

    Great center! A very important factor is that 90% of classes are language practice. In school or institute, they are more pressing on the rules and on grammar, forgetting that a foreign language is needed, first of all in order to speak.

    In the center I really liked a cozy and friendly atmosphere. My English tightened in the center for so much that I can communicate freely on it.

    Very helped with colloquial English, they did everything to overcome the fear of communicating in someone else's language

    He led his daughter to this center to explore the Chinese, with a focus on spoken skills. Very good establishment, decorated beautiful and cozy. Polite I. professional teachers. Three weeks of study, my daughter could say simple phrases in Chinese. It is immediately clear that the children are engaged in very well and with an individual approach.

    I like the Chinese culture and customs, and the Chinese learning is a rarity. The teacher is beautiful, very affordably communicates all the nuances.

    Bigwig is an institution where you will definitely teach beautifully and clearly foreign languages!

    I have been visiting this institute for two years now, and I can only say about this institute only good things! There are excellent and fair teachers. Good team and just a pleasant atmosphere!

    He studied German in this language center. Liked the individual approach, polite and professional teachersPleasant and you can say the homely atmosphere. Language is easy, and at ease. Met many good peoplewith which I still support relationships.

    I decided to pull out your English. In this center, experienced professional teachers helped me, who found an individual approach to me. Thank you.

    I go to Bigvig to English courses for half a year. My knowledge has improved significantly. Also in this center I attend the filmlub. We look at the films in the original, disassemble the vocabulary, share your impressions from the viewed. So to speak, we combine pleasant with useful))

    I study the Japanese in this center. I myself am surprised by the speed of his study. Thank you very much

    I have been visiting this center for more than a year, say that I am very pleased, say nothing! He began to teach English with a tutor at home, and then went to BigWig to study in the group. This is heaven and earth. Trust the proven centers with teachers who know the teaching technique in the first place, and do not waste money in vain on the lessons of the first course of INAZ!

    My son in this center has been studying for the third month, I gave it to learn English. During this period of study, the result is already taking, he can say short phrases and briefly respond to simple questions. In school, this will not be taught during the years of study, and in this center there are real professionals.

    Many thanks! Thanks to the BigWig Language Center, I performed my long-standing dream - I learned French. Successes to you and your excellent teachers in your work!

    Master the Chinese helped me in this center. In the center, a cozy and pleasant atmosphere and polite teachers who will find approach to everyone.

    Very interesting program. So the variety of classes, I have not met. Many linguistic practice. I will have great progress. What do you want)

    Tried to learn German itself, but did not work. He was recorded in the BigWig School, and I do not understand why I did not do it before. The atmosphere is warm, positive, I go to classes with good mood. Also a lot of linguistic practice, and for me it is important.

    Excellent center, the teaching staff is very good, all very welcoming and polite people, but most importantly, in a month the son could speak English something, i.e. The result was already clearly visible.

    At school taught the rules, but without practicing all this quickly forgotten. Submersible activities help in the development of theory, so the level of knowledge of my English is growing. Especially like games!

    Thanks to this center, it was able to perfectly tighten the knowledge of English. Like that everything goes unobtrusively here, there are interesting forms of learning: theater, mafia, Skype. Basically, practice and knowledge is immediately fixed. I go to courses with pleasure.

    It was necessary to pull ingle, and with an emphasis on technical. In the center picked up the optimal program. Everything went without problems, the result is normal.

    This Language Center applied for help in learning. chinese Language. In the center is a cozy atmosphere and good teachers.

    Liked the methods of learning English. Events and atmosphere with the teacher have to make a comfortable acquaintance.

    I did not fully believe that I could teach English. Thanks to experienced, friendly educators who quickly helped me explore this language!

    The center is very cool teachers, such cheerful and sociable. One pleasure to go to do. I study now Chinese, I like that you can customize everything individually, the language practice takes most of the time.

    In English in this center, I go with pleasure. It is suitable for the learning process with creative, which greatly simplifies the assimilation of the material. In addition, constant practice gives very impressive results. The level of knowledge of the tongue with me, significantly increased.

    Thanks for the execution of my dreams. Now with a decent level of French, I am ready for moving to France. You are best!

    BigWIG lessons really give results. I like that everything is studying in practice, it is much easier, and there is more confidence in the language of the language.

    I needed to tighten the knowledge of the English language to pass the training exam. Thank you for your help in this. Very pleased with the individual approach, your patience, interesting feeding and excellent mood in class. I advise everyone this center, he is dislike!

    A great pedagogical composition! Thank you for helping me achieve good results in learning German. Today, my career came to a new level, it was because I finally learned the language.

    It has long been dreamed of learning Italian, but everything could not choose school while the reviews of friends did not decide to sign up for this. And you know, I liked the excellent teachers, an interesting training program, in the end a pleasant atmosphere.

    Perfectly pulled up my German in a couple of months, thank you big, it was interesting to do

    My child goes to this center to learn English. For a year and a half, he pulled into his English very cool. Very professional staff and individual approach to the child is very happy. Excellent center.

    Son drive in Bigwig to study English. Good teachers there, an individual approach to everyone, and the son like to walk there. It's not expensive for money, but I already see the result, he clearly became English.

    The fourth month attend this center to study English. And I am very pleased with the absolute professionalism of the staff, while in all, not only in the knowledge of your subject, but also in relation to people, and this is expensive. I am satisfied with the results and staff of the center.

    I want to thank the BigWIG Language Center, in which I study English, for an individual approach to everyone, for excellent teachers and a warm atmosphere.

    The second month is studying Italian in this center. Classes are here - not just learning the language, but also a pleasant price of time in a cozy atmosphere.

    For several years I wanted to learn English to a conversational level. Many discouraged me from English courses, said that they give general information to all and no matter what a person learned, and what not. I tried to learn at home on my own and all hopelessly 🙁 learned about this language center, I read the reviews and decided to sign up. The result justified my hopes, approach to each my own, all moments tighten individually, the new level of English purchased with the center of BigWig!

    In this center I teach English. I like that there is an individual approach, teachers are polite and cheerful. Cozy office and friendly atmosphere. And also, there is more emphasis on practice, and not on the theory, since it is so much easier for me to remember.

    Signed in the Bigwig Language Center for English, I like, a cozy review, good teachers.

    I got a job as secretary, I needed knowledge of English. I was taken for a trial period with the condition that the knowledge is tightened. I go to classes in this center. Here I like the fact that classes are not boring, not as lessons at school, but interesting! I wanted to learn another other language.

    It was necessary to pull out spoken English speech. I understand grammar, but it does not work in any way. Thanks to teachers for the knowledge gained.