Valya Zenkina Pioneer Hero Years of Life. Anti-fascist children: Little soldiers of big war

Wali's father, Ivan Ivanovich Zenkin, was the older 333rd rifle regiment, stationed in the heart of the Brest Fortress. In May 1941, the girl celebrated its fourteen-year-old, and on June 10, joyful, excited, showed mom a commendable diploma for the seventh grade.

It took about two weeks. There was a warm evening. Valya sat at home, read and did not notice how he fell asleep with the book in his hands. Woke up girl from a terrible screen. Brest Fortress The first hit the enemy in the war. The barracks of the 333rd regiment. Fiery languages \u200b\u200blicked the telegraph poles, like candles, trees flamed. Father, dressed up, hugged her mother tightly, kissed the currency and ran out of the room. Already in the door shouted:

Now in the basements! .. War! ..

He was a soldier, and his place was among the fighters, defenders of the fortress. More Valya has never seen his father. He died with a hero, as many defenders of the Brest Fortress.

At noon with a group of women and children, Valya and her mother were captured. Fascist soldiers drove them to the coast of the Mukhovets River. One wounded woman fell on the ground, and a fat Feldfelbel began to beat her butt rifle.

Do not beat her, she is wounded! - Suddenly screamed Valya Zenkina breaking out of the hands of the mother.

Feldfel-fascist, twisting the girl's arms, shouted something, showing his hand to the Brest Fortress. But Valya did not understand him. Then the translator spoke:

Mr. Feldwebel must shoot you, but he gives you life. For that you will go to the fortress and say soviet soldiersso that they surrender. Immediately! If not, everyone will be destroyed ...

The fascists led the girl to the gate, pushed into the shoulders, and Valya turned out to be in the courtyard of the fortress among the terrible vortex of fire, explosions of mines and grenades, under the shower bullets. The girl saw the defenders of the fortress.

Stop shooting! - shouted the commander. Border guards took the currency in the basement. She could not answer questions for a long time, just looked at the fighters and cried from excitement and joy. Then she talked about the mother, about how she drove small children on the shore of the Muchovets, about the wounded woman, which was hit by the butt German, about the ultimatum of the fascists.

Do not give up! - Prayal Valya. "They kill, mock ... And told the border guards about the atrocities of the fascists, explained which torture they had, pointed out their location and remained to help our fighters.

There was night in heavy battles. The courage of the border guards made the marks forget their fear. She approached the commander.

Comrade Lieutenant, wounded need to tie. Let me.

And you will be able to? Will you be afraid? Valya answered quietly:

No, I will not be afraid.

Soon I saw the currencies when I ran to the hospital to spend my comrades. Together with women, the pioneer cared for wounded. All her loved and protected, as they could. And there was no person among us, who would not share the last piece of soldier sugar with the shaft - our little nurse.

On the seventh day of the war, I was wounded, and the comrades took me to a dilapidated basement-hospital. And again I met with the shaft. I remember, I open the hard eyelids, and in front of me she is a little girl. She deftly, as an adult, makes dressing.

Thank you, Valya!

And behind the ruins of the walls, croutons of the rings of fascists are heard: storm. Everyone who could keep weapons, even women, became bugs. I tried to get up, but stunned and almost fell. Then Valya substitched me his shoulder:

Enact I will stand ...

So I got to the loophole, relying on the children's shoulder.

Since then, many years have passed. I accidentally learned that Valya lived in Pinsk, was awarded the Order of the Red Star. She is a mother of two children. And she has not been Valya for a long time, and Valentina Ivanovna Zenkina. And for us, defenders of the Brest Fortress, she will forever remain the shafts, shaft-pioneer ...

Valentina Ivanovna Zenkina at a meeting with heroes - participants in the defense of the Brest Fortress. 30 years after the start of the Great Patriotic War.... June 22, 1971

Wali's father, Ivan Ivanovich Zenkin, was the older 333rd rifle regiment, stationed in the heart of the Brest Fortress. In May 1941, the girl celebrated its fourteen-year-old, and on June 10, joyful, excited, showed mom a commendable diploma for the seventh grade.

It took about two weeks. There was a warm evening. Valya sat at home, read and did not notice how he fell asleep with the book in his hands. Woke up girl from a terrible screen. The Brest Fortress was the first to hit the enemy in the war. The barracks of the 333rd regiment. Fiery languages \u200b\u200blicked the telegraph poles, like candles, trees flamed. Father, dressed up, hugged her mother tightly, kissed the currency and ran out of the room. Already in the door shouted:

Now in the basements! .. War! ..

He was a soldier, and his place was among the fighters, defenders of the fortress. More Valya has never seen his father. He died with a hero, as many defenders of the Brest Fortress.

At noon with a group of women and children, Valya and her mother were captured. Fascist soldiers drove them to the coast of the Mukhovets River. One wounded woman fell on the ground, and a fat Feldfelbel began to beat her butt rifle.

"Don't beat her, she's wounded!" Suddenly screamed Valya Zenkina bursting out of the hands of the mother.

Feldfel-fascist, twisting the girl's arms, shouted something, showing his hand to the Brest Fortress. But Valya did not understand him. Then the translator spoke:

- Mr. Feldwebel must shoot you, but he gives you life. For that you will go to the fortress and tell the Soviet soldiers to surrender. Immediately! If not, everyone will be destroyed ...

The fascists led the girl to the gate, pushed into the shoulders, and Valya turned out to be in the courtyard of the fortress among the terrible vortex of fire, explosions of mines and grenades, under the shower bullets. The girl saw the defenders of the fortress.

- Stop shooting! - shouted the commander. Border guards took the currency in the basement. She could not answer questions for a long time, just looked at the fighters and cried from excitement and joy. Then she talked about the mother, about how she drove small children on the shore of the Muchovets, about the wounded woman, which was hit by the butt German, about the ultimatum of the fascists.

- Do not give up! - Prayal Valya. "They kill, mock ... And told the border guards about the atrocities of the fascists, explained which torture they had, pointed out their location and remained to help our fighters.

There was night in heavy battles. The courage of the border guards made the marks forget their fear. She approached the commander.

- Comrade Lieutenant, wounded need to tie. Let me.

- Do you understand? Will you be afraid? Valya answered quietly:

- No, I will not be afraid.

Soon I saw the currencies when I ran to the hospital to spend my comrades. Together with women, the pioneer cared for wounded. All her loved and protected, as they could. And there was no person among us, who would not share the last piece of soldier sugar with the shaft - our little nurse.

On the seventh day of the war, I was wounded, and the comrades took me to a dilapidated basement-hospital. And again I met with the shaft. I remember, I open the hard eyelids, and in front of me she is a little girl. She deftly, as an adult, makes dressing.

- Thank you, Valya!

And behind the ruins of the walls, croutons of the rings of fascists are heard: storm. Everyone who could keep weapons, even women, became bugs. I tried to get up, but stunned and almost fell. Then Valya substitched me his shoulder:

- Enact, I will stand ...

So I got to the loophole, relying on the children's shoulder.

Since then, many years have passed. I accidentally learned that Valya lived in Pinsk, was awarded the Order of the Red Star. She is a mother of two children. And she has not been Valya for a long time, and Valentina Ivanovna Zenkina. And for us, defenders of the Brest Fortress, she will forever remain the shafts, shaft-pioneer ...

Valentina Ivanovna Zenkina

Until the last participated in the defense of the Brest Fortress, captured to the fascists. From the captivity, fled, in the future fought against the German-fascist invaders in the partisan detachment. Locked to this day. During the war, this little fragile girl surprised adults with his fearlessness and heroism in the struggle for the independence of our homeland. For courage and courage, Valya was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

More than 70 years ago, even children, sometimes quite small, had to interrupt their studies and together with adults to enter into a brutal struggle. In our country, such brave children are perhaps more than any other. They coped with the task of perfectly, showing amazing for adolescents the power of character and courage. They went to risk, and often to death, but did not doubt themselves or in the correctness of their actions. We will tell about those whose few people know today.

Viktor Novitsky, Novorossiysk (1927-1942)

Vitya Novitsky lived in the old tower on the October Square. With the defense of this tower, he was brutally killed the day before his 15th anniversary.
Since the beginning of the War, Vitya helped the wounded in hospitals, in the spring of 1942 he fled to the front, where he was the son of the regiment and participated in the battles in which he mastered the grenades with many types of rifle and throwing a grenade. It was wounded and sent home to Novorossiysk, where he came to him.
While from the pier went to Gelendzhik military units and civilians, the Germans came close to October Square. They needed to delay. A machine-gun point was equipped on the tower. Little, from two people, garrison helped and Vitya.

Fascists The machine-gun point was discovered and began to fill it out of the tank. Both of both redflowers, Tsybenko and Grishin, soon killed, and Vitya remained alone.

Shooting from the machine gun, throwing grenades, the boy defended the tower for two hours, but the Nazis still managed to get to her, after which the teenager grabbed, poured a fuel liquid and set fire to it.

The name of Viktor Novitsky is called the street in Novorossiysk and a dry cargo ship, and in 1956, the ancient tower was demolished in 1956 by installing the defender of Novorossiysk Viktor Novitsky in her place.

Viktor Cherevichkin, Rostov-on-Don (1925-1941)

Vitya Cherevichkin held the pigeons and passionately loved the sky. As many boys then dreamed of becoming a pilot. By the beginning of the war graduated from eight classes, entered the handicraft school.

The pigeons just adored. In his pockets, he always had seeds for them, "he remembers his sister Anna Ivanovna Aksenko (Cherevichkina).

In school he studied well, but the behavior of approximate did not differ. A stubborn character manifested itself and when the war began and Germans included in Rostov.

Vitya became connected from the military. In order to tie to the paws of pigeons with data with data, he needed a thread. Threads were expensive, and they were not easy to find them in the occupied city.

I remember Vitenka comes to me and the ear asks to bring threads. Like, Mamka does not give him. I say: let me send you a button herself. And he laughs: I do not buttons, and the threads are needed, "says Anna Ivanovna.

The Germans reasonably saw in the bird-susceptible threat, so one of the first decisions of the occupying authorities in Rostov was the destruction of postal pigeons.

Vitya, the decree did not obey and did not destroy the birds.

On that day, he left the house as usual, - continues his sister Victor. - It did not go and half an hour, as I see the window: leads Vittenka to the German courtyard with a rifle. And leads to the shed. Everyone decided that he would shoot him in the same place, in pigeon. And from there suddenly soaked in the sky of pigeons.
Vitya was shot in Frunze's Square. Photo of the Killed Victor Cherevichkin with a dead dove in his hand appeared among the materials of the accusation in the Nuremberg process.

The next day, the Germans were knocked out of Rostov.

The name of Viktor Cherevichkin is called the street 2 May, on which his family lived before the war, and the park in Rostov-on-Don.

Valentina Zenkina, Brest (born 1927)

Valya is one of the few surviving children - the heroes of the Great Patriotic. The story about it is based on the memoirs of the defender of the Brest Fortress of Sergei Bobreka.

In May 1941, the girl celebrated the 14th anniversary. She studied perfectly and did not guessed that the next class would not come into the next class. She was one of the first to experience the fire of war.

The father with the beginning of the war immediately went to defend the Brest Fortress, and Valya and her mother were captured. The fascists sent the girl to the fortress to transfer the order to Soviet soldiers to give up.

Getting into the fortress, Valya remained there to care for wounded. All she was known about the armament and location of the Germans, she informed the fighters.

Then, when the storms of the Germans became very fierce, everyone who could keep the weapon had to defend themselves. In order to save women and children, the command of the Brest Fortress decided to bring them out of the fire and shifted to the other side of the Mukhaver River. Valya asked to leave her, but then he was forced to fulfill the order. But the war for Vali did not end: the girl continued her in the partisan detachment, fighting boldly and along with adults.

After the war, Valentina Zenkina was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Larisa Mikheenko, Leningrad (1929-1943)

Lara was born in Leningrad region, in the village of Lachta. In the summer of 1941, rested with a grandmother in the village of Pechenevo Kalininsky region, where she caught her war.

In 1943, agea races on work in Germany began to come on 13-year-old girls. Lara with girlfriends decided to go into the forest - to partisans. So they became intelligence officers: walked around the villages, learned about the number of Germans, houses in which they are quartered, the location of their fighting points, the number of equipment and ammunition. In Lara, it turned out especially well: she was Malorosal, at 13 years old looked at 8, so it was easier for her to remain unnoticed.

All data obtained by the girl, partisans used in their operations.

Closer to the fall of 1943, the Lara began to charge sabotage: it was well focused on the ground, was a bold and weathered. So she began to beat the rustic cattle from the fascists, to undermine the bridges, launching under the slopes of the train and inflicting damage to the Germans.

The last task of Lara was in the village of Ignatovo, where she went with two adult partisans. But the group was issued to the Germans, and the guerrillas were killed in the ribbed shootout, and Laru grabbed, tried severely, and then shot.

At school No. 106 of St. Petersburg still stands the party, followed by Lara Mikheenko. For her now learn the best students. On the door plate of the office inscription: "The heroic guerrice Larisa Mikheenko studied here.

Larisa Mikheenko posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree and the medal "Partizana of the Patriotic War" I degree

Vasily Korosko, the village of Pogoreltsy (1927-1944)

In the summer of 1941, when the front came close to the village of Pogoretsev, the retreat of our parts was covered with the company. Then Vasily Krakoko and began to fight, and then partition. At first he simply brought the cartridges, then fulfilled the first task: penetrated to school, occupied by the Germans, and made a pioneer banner from there, which hid reliably.
Then, on his own initiative, piling the pile of the bridge and pulled the fasteners, after which the German BTR passing along the bridge was collapsed.

And then Vasily instructed an important and risky job: to become an intelligence in the German headquarters. He was there an extractor and utility workers. No one could guess that Vasily looks closely to the drawings, listens to conversations, and transfers the entire information to the partisans.

Somehow the Germans forced the boy as a local resident, to lead them into the forest to see where the partisans come from. But Vasya brought them to a police ambush. In the dark, the Nazis received the police for the partisans and opened the intensive fire. Both sides suffered significant losses.

Vasily with adult comrades destroyed nine German echelons and hundreds of Nazis. In one of the battles, the boy died.
Poshthimously Vasily Krakoko was awarded the orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Patriotic War of the I degree, the medal "Partizana of the Patriotic War" I degree.

Nadezhda Bogdanova, Vitebsk (1932-1991)

Hope is one of the smallest and few survivors, despite two executions. She was nine years old when she descended from the train, which was driving her in the evacuation from Belarus to Kyrgyzstan, and went to fight. She became a scout in the partisan detachment of Ivan Dyachkova: Slender and small, under the guise of a beggar, she wandered among the fascists, receiving the most worthwhile information that helped the detachment.

Together with the partisans, they exploded the fascist headquarters, they were allowed to sleep with equipment with equipment, the objects mined.

For the first time she captured the Germans when she hung on November 7, 1941 red flags in the occupied Vitebsk. Little girl beat with shompets, tortured. When it was led to the shooter to the rock, an exhausted girl fell there, a second to a two second bullet. Partisans found it alive there.

The second time Nadu was arrested in the late 1943th. To achieve information, in the cold, it was poured by icy water, burned on a five-pointed star on his back. Vali again did not have enough strength, the Nazis counted her dead and threw Carasevo in the village just before the liberation by Soviet soldiers. Nadia could not move and saw almost nothing. His eyesight was restored after the war academician of Filatov.

The fighters of the partisan squad considered Nadia deceased. Only in 1960 she managed to meet them.

Nadezhda Bogdanova is awarded the orders of the Red Banner, the Patriotic War I degree, medals.

Vladimir Treaschayev, Solovyanovka village, Bryanshchina (born 1928)

In 1941, after the shooting of the mother, who was connected from the partisans, Volodya, his brother and sister came to the partisans in the Kletric forests on Bryansk region.

The detachment was a "partisan school" - prepared future miners, demolitions. As a result, Volodya allowed eight echelons.

He covered both the group's waste, was connected, the intelligence - brought the most valuable information from Clert. With the onset of darkness opened leaflets.

Volodya became known among the fascists: For his capture, the Germans appointed a reward, not suspecting that their enemy is a child.

He fought on a par with adults to the very liberation of Bryanzchina from the Germans.

Vladimir Treaschayov was awarded the Order of Lenin, the medal "Partizan of the Patriotic War" I degree.

This is only a small part of military children's stories. How many small, but brave fighters participated in the war, it is impossible to calculate: often the commanders of children's names in battalion and rotary lists did not enjoy.

In Kursk, there is a Military Historical Museum "Young Defenders of the Motherland" - the only one of its kind. February 23 Museum is 40 years old.
Employees of the museum collected unique information: there were over 10 thousand names of small partisans and children of regiments.

The scenario of the slide 12 is presenter: that day, in schools was a graduation ... It seemed to be cold in colors, and they were slightly wounded from the dew, I got down, I went on herbs and bushes, they were shaking German binoculars ... so everything was breathing silence that all the earth was still I slept, it seemed to those who knew that between the world and the war of all of the five minutes ... (S. Plipuchev) Slide 3 67th Great Victory And 90 pioneeries have a slide of 46, who through the years of war carried the great banner of victory! Those who risking their lives, defended the world and happiness on earth! Those who permanently carried the war, is dedicated ... the thunder had no longer over the earth, the boys were keen in battle ... He knows the people: Pioneers - Heroes forever stayed in the ranks! Slide 7 boys. Girls. On their fragile shoulders lay the burden of adversity, disasters, grief of military years. And they did not get bent under this weight, became stronger spirit, courageous, rushing. They fought next to the older fathers, brothers, next to the Communists and Komsomol members. Slide 8 and did not flop young hearts for any moment! They fought everywhere. At sea, like Boria Kuleshin. In the sky, like Arcasha Kamanin. In the partisan detachment, like Lenya Golikov. In Kerch Catacombs, like Volodya Dubinin. In the underground, like Volodya Shcherbatsevich. In the Brest Fortress, like Valya Zenkina Slide 9 The longest day of the year with his cloudless weather I gave us a common misfortune at all, for all 4 years. Slide 1011 On June 22, 1941, not declaring wars, the fascists treacherously attacked our peaceful country, violating her peace. And the happy warm day has become the day of tears and grief. Yesterday we were only the children raised the signal under the rifle. Under the military thunder

Raised on the righteous fight Pioneers, now soldiers, banquensers, city cereals, link ... Slide 1213 The Brest Fortress was the first to hit the enemy. Bombs, shells, the walls were collapsed, and in the fortress, and in the city of Brest. Slide 1415 Shortly before the war in the Brest Fortress, a military garrison was located. No one knew what events would soon be played by the walls of the Citadel. Adults carried the service. Children of commanders from the garrison of the fortress over Bug studied at the 15th secondary school of the city. The vacation time has come. Girls and boys did not think that after a few days the enemy would attack our homeland and they will have to stand up with adults. Slide 16 Father Vali, Ivan Ivanovich Zenkin, was the older 333th rifle regiment, stationed in the heart of the Brest Fortress. In May 1941, the girl celebrated its fourteen-year-old, and on June 10, joyful, excited, showed mom a commendable diploma for the seventh grade. It took about two weeks. There was a warm evening. Valya sat at home, read and did not notice how he fell asleep with the book in his hands. Woke up girl from a terrible screen. 4 4 hours in an hour - 4 o'clock in the morning - the predestous nonburb of explosive twilight at twilight of the predestous sky Twilight of the predestal border guards saw the flooding of the SS border guards seen strange floods from the west of flaws .. Western Western Lights. Gulgul gulgul multiple motors of motors, the SS ichi approximation with their approximation increased the hum of multiple motors, the approach increased the strange strange strange flooding and after a moment the rumble and after a moment the rumble of explosions, the wrestling of the fire. Explosions, wrestling sea fire. In it, cut off from the army and rear, surrounded by invaders, in it, cut off from the army and the rear, surrounded by the invaders, turned out to be the Brest Fortress. It turned out to be the Brest Fortress. Slide 17 4 o'clock in the morning - in twilight of the predestal sky, the border guards saw strange flood-sailing lights from the west. With their approach, the hum of many motors, explosions, a sea of \u200b\u200bfire are increased. In it, cut off from the army and rear, surrounded by the invaders, turned out to be the Brest Fortress. And after a moment, the slade slide 18 burned the barracks of the 333rd regiment. Fiery languages \u200b\u200blicked the telegraph poles, like candles, trees flamed. Father, dressed up, hugged her mother tightly, kissed the currency and ran out of the room. Already in the door shouted: now in the cellars! .. War! .. He was a soldier, and his place was among the fighters, defenders of the fortress. More Valya has never seen his father. Slide 19 Running through the courtyard in the bomb shelter was dangerous, and the mother with her daughter was hidden in a small structure of the power plant. The city was a fight. Putting to the field of firewood, through the burst of the explosion, the door was seen what was happening on the street. Seen how the border guards retreated under the Nachis, and the black uniforms of the Germans were blocked in the doorway. So they broke into the shelter. For a minute we were tamed in the twilight. Then Ktoto Raughd threw a grenade. There was an explosion. Near the slide 20 at noon with a group of women and children Valya and her mother captured. Fascist soldiers drove them to the coast of the Mukhoot. One wounded woman fell on the ground, and a fat Feldfelbel began to beat her butt rifle.

Do not beat her, she is wounded! - Suddenly screamed Valya, Valya Zenkina breaking out of the hands of the mother. Feldfel, twisting the girl's arms, shouted, showing his hand on the courtyard of the fortress. But Valya did not understand him. Then the translator spoke. Slide 21 - Mr. Feldwebel must shoot you, but he gives you life. For that you will go to the fortress and tell the Soviet soldiers to surrender. Immediately! If not, everyone will be destroyed ... The fascists led the girl to the gate, pushed into the shoulders, and Valya turned out to be in the courtyard of the fortress among the terrible vortex of fire, the explosions of mines and grenades, under the shower bullets. Slide 22 Girl saw defenders of the fortress. - Stop shooting! - shouted the commander. Border guards took the currency in the basement. She could not answer questions for a long time, just looked at the fighters and cried from excitement and joy. Then she talked about the mother, how drove small children on the shore of the Muchovets, about the wounded woman, which was hit by a stranger, about the ultimatum of the fascists. Slide 23 - Ultimatum The Germans are presented to you, - Holding his head, she said softly. - asked to convey: or captivity, or death. - Ultimatum, you say, - impaired, semi-smearly repeated Potapov. "Like, comrades," he turned to the fighters, "will you give up?" Saszyel, fighters, spoke, interrupting each other. - We will show them the captivity! Slide 24 - wounded Take, women! - Sanitar's hoarse voice heard. From above carried and carried the wounded. Wounded moans. They did not have time to tied up. Blood were spattered gymnasters, stretcher. Valya looked at the wounded, and she became unlike her head, she turned his head, she turned pale ... But she did not pay attention to it. Valya intercepted the bandage. Hands were shaking. Trying not to pay attention to the blood, on a wounded moan, Valya cautiously bandaged ... She mastered quickly and already herself, without the help of the elders, tied to the fighters. So Valya became a nurse. Slide 25 in heavy battles held night. The courage of the border guards made the marks forget their fear. She approached the commander. - Comrade Lieutenant, wounded need to tie. Let me. - Do you understand? Will you be afraid? Valya answered softly: "No, I will not be afraid." Together with women, the pioneer cared for wounded. All her loved and protected, as they could. The slide 26 of the German attacks did not subside. Emptied every hour became more and more. - Water! - Molbs of the wounded were increasingly distributed. Water in the fortress ended yesterday: From the first hours of war, the water pipe in the fortress failed, and there were no wells in the city. It was possible to get the water only in the Mukhovets River. But the Germans carefully guarded all the approaches to her. In the coastal bushes, they installed machine guns and opened fire on the slightest rustle. Valya, no one speaking anything, took the bowler and, bending, headed for water. Knees trembled from fatigue and fear. It is here, then the machine-gun queues were distributed. .. The river was three hundred meters, but the shaft seemed to have passed and suggested a few kilometers. The boiler with water was taken to the basement and was divided into a sip between the children and wounded. On this day, the brave Valya brought water twice in the bowler, every time a prayer, sentencing: Mommy, I'm scared! Slide 27 Many days and nights continued unequal battle with the Germans. Life in the fortress became all unbearable. And then, to even somehow get out of the hard situation, to save the remaining alive, the command of defense decided on

last step. It was ordered women to pick up the children and surrender. No matter how hated was even the thought of captivity, yet it had to put up with it. There was no other exit. The day came when women and children left the fortress. Slide 2829 Together with all the gone and Valya, a little nurse of the Brest Fortress. Many even then I had to survive her. Different tests fell out on her share. Valya Zenkina reunited with his mother and they managed to run and found partisans. Together with the folk avengers, they fought against the invaders. But she handed out and kept the oath. And he continued the struggle in the partisan detachment. Fought boldly, along with adults. Many tests fell on its share, but it stood. Stressed. And met her victorious spring! For the courage and the courage of Valya awarded the Order of the Red Star. Slide3031 and met her victorious spring! For the courage and the courage of Valya awarded the Order of the Red Star. Slide 32 winds in hiking pipes Bubbage, the rain beat off the drum shot ... The guys in the intelligence went through the thicket of forests and the marsh and swamp ... We did not forget them - girls, boys whose young people are given away. We are in your heart, like on the banner, write simple and proud of their names. Slide 33 Pioneerger Leon Golikov Feafless name - a reward of a hero He was our peer with all my heart in victory believed, in battle he was desperate. He returned to the squad he with an invaluable package. I fell asleep by the fire on Earth did not dream of him that the feat of this morning would know in the Kremlin. What will be the hero of the star Golden Award for Military Labor. What people, about the feat of a nice dream, will take an equal to Lönka. Slide 34 shooting until the last cartridge, Lénya died on January 24, 1944 in the cruel battle at the village of Outrase Luke. Pioneerpartisan Løn Golikov posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Slide 35 Pioneerger Zina Portoric Scout of the partisan detachment. He participated in the bold operations against the fascists, in diversions, distributed leaflets, conducted intelligence. Destroyed not one dozen fascists. In December 1943, Zina issued a traitor and a young partisan grabbed.

She was interrogated by the fascist officer who was fucked by the crosses, her hands behind his back twisted the soldiers, her whip whipped her, pushed in the pit. The sullen officer said that there is no longer a patient with him, that this is only the beginning of cruel flour, which did not see the light .... But, yellow, like wax, she was silent. Slide 36 During one of the interrogations, Zina grabbed a gun from the table and shot two fascists. But to escape the girl's exhausted torture did not have enough strength. She grabbed and soon executed. And the Motherland posthumously noted her feat with the highest title by the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Slide 37 Pioneerger Marat Cases Scout of the partisan detachment. He fearlessly penetrated into enemy garrisons and delivered valuable information, exploded the bridges, dusted enemy echelons. In May 1944, surrounded by the fascists, undermined them and grenade themselves. Slide 38 meets them in his immortal. He took a few steps ... And the explosion was scorn, and terrible deadhock boldly embittered enemies. (V. Alekseev) for the courage and courage Pioneer Marat Kazae awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Slide 39 Pioneerger Valya Kitty Partizan - Shepetovka's discernant. Disabled the connection of the occupiers with Hitler's bid in Warsaw. On his account 6 blown cars, many successful ambushes. Valya died on his birthday, when he was over for 14 years, after the fight on the hands of his comrades. Slide 40 We will remember the fights of those long. They were performed in them not one. He entered the seven of the heroes of our glorious brave boy Cat Valentin he, as in life, claims boldly "youth is immortal, an immortally our business." (M. Svetlov) Posthumously Valave Awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union Slide 4142 Pioneerger Sasha Kovalev Jung Northern Fleet. In battle, closed the collector hole with his body, from which boiling water was beaten. Boat retained the move, but Sasha died. He was 15 years old. Slide 43 Pioneerger Lara Micheenko

Scout partisan brigade. The railway bridge blew through the Driss River. Shot by the Germans. Slide 44 Pioneerger Vasily Korosko Scout and Diversian Chernihiv partisan detachment. Destroyed nine echelons of fascists. He died in unequal battle. Slide 45 pioneerger Yuta Bondarovskaya connected and explosion of the Pskov partisan detachment. Changed by the boyish, the fragile girl wandered over enemy reasons and brought the most valuable information. Died in battle. Slide 46 Pioneerger Arkady Kamanin Pupil Aviamal. At the age of 14, first sat down in a combat aircraft. Flew by a radio lane. Deserved three orders. Three years after the war, Arkady died of injuries. Slide 47 Pioneerger Alexander Borodulin Partisan Suiter. Already in the winter of 1941 he wore the Order of the Red Banner. Destroyed several German armored cars. He died, covering the waste of the partisan detachment, stepwise towards enemies with a grenade in her hands. Slide 48 pioneerger Galina Comleva Svyaznaya underground. It was captured by the fascists when the leaflets spread. After brutal torture, the girl was shot. Slide 4950 Pioneerger Volodya Dubinin commander of a group of young scouts of Crimean Kamenolomen. Not once, his data saved the life of partisans. Slide 51 PioneersGeri Victor Khomenko and Shura Cober Scouts and Svyaznoy "Nikolaev Center". Crossed the front line to deliver valuable information to Moscow. In 1942, they were captured by the fascists and executed. Slide 52 Pioneerger Volodya Treaschair Partisan Victor, connected. Eight echelons allowed. For the heads of the partisan Treaschaeva, the fascists have appointed a reward, not even suspecting that their opponent's brave enemy is completely another boy. Slide 53 Pioneerger Nina Kukovärova Scouting partisan detachment. On the tip of the traitor, it was captured and for a long time tortured. Not having achieved anything from Nina, the fascists shot the girl. Slide 54 pioneerger Vitya Cherevichkin

55 With the help of his feathered friends, the Rostov schoolboy Vitya Clevichkin sent valuable information to Soviet soldiers. Once he was picked up the fascist. Two automatic queues interrupted the boy's life. So he fell, squeezing in the lifeless hand of a dead dove. Slide and looks now from the pedestal of a vortex parenchy from the restless tribe of the dovers. Looks, throwing her head into the sky. And in the sky is circling and sculpt the pigeons. White and gray. Good and loyal birds, whitings of good and friendship. You will see the winning flock and unwittingly remember: "I lived in Rostov Vitya Cherevichkin." Yes, lived. And died as a hero in the name of life. Slide 56 We talked only about the few of those who made the age of majority, gave life to the fight against the enemy. Tens of thousands of boys and girls sacrificed themselves for victory. 20,000 pioneers received the medal "For the defense of Moscow". 15249 Awarded the medal "For the defense of Leningrad". Who, without having survived to his slide 57 readers: "Wheat rose ripe, quietly sails dawn. All that could, you did, all: the guys who are not! Readers: crying tired mother, but through the years they look at us carefully, all : Guys who are not! Reader: As if leaning over the fate! As if walking forward to us, they became fate - all: the guys who are not! " Slide 58 All the brightest stars, the sky of pigeons, but ignorably suddenly squeezes the heart when we remember all the children, whom that war deprived childhood. They could not protect them from death, nor love nor compassion. They remained in the fiery gave, so that we did not forget them today. And this memory germinates in us, and it's not going to go anywhere.

What, if a war comes again, it will return to us the shot childhood ... Slide 59 young Impressive heroes, you left forever. Before your suddenly revived we stand, without raising the age. Pain and anger is now the reason for gratitude eternal to you all, small persistent men, girls worthy of poems. Slide 60 quiet guys! A minute of silence, the memory of the heroes of almost, and their voice came, they sounded, in the morning they also met your peers from your almost. Days of spring coming them are no longer given. For a minute, stand, students, in memory of all who have not come from the war. A minute of silence is announced (to get up) slide 61 minutes of silence (sounds metronome) Slide 62 I have never seen war and horror does not imagine her, but the fact that our world wants silence today very clearly understand. Thank you, that we did not happen to imagine and learn such flour. On your share, all this had anxiety, hunger, cold and separation. Thank you for the sun bright light, for the joy of life in every mig on our, for Trelli Nightingale, and for dawn, and for the fields blooming daisies. Slide 6364 The Sun of Motherland beloved illuminates everything around and takes off the white dove of the world from our hands you fly, fly in the light, our dove, from the edge to the edge, the word of the world and bring

give all nations. Slide 65 Children sing the song "These smells of victory." Photo of children with veterans Slide 66 are changing. Let always be in our memory of the boy and the girls of the war! Honor and glory to them!

It was executed by Nazis twice, and combat friends for many years considered Nadia deceased. She even put a monument. It is difficult to believe in it, but when she became a scout in the partisan detachment "Uncle Vanya" Dyachkova, she was also not ten years old. Small, thin, she, pretending to be a bench, wandered among the fascists, all stirring, everything comes, and brought the most valuable information to the detachment. And then, with the fascist headquarters, the fascist headquarters exploded with the partisans fascins, allowed the tails of Echelon with military equipment, mined objects. For the first time she grabbed it when, together with Vanya, she hung out on November 7, 1941, a red flag in the occupied enemy Vitebsk. They beat with shompets, tortured, and when they led to the RB - to shoot, she had no power left - fell in ditch, for a moment, aversion of bullet. Vanya died, and Nadu partisans found alive in Rav ... The second time it was grabbed at the end of the 43rd. And again torture: it was poured in a cold with ice water, burned a five-pointed star on his back. Considering the intelligence of the dead, the Nazis, when the partisans attacked Carasevo, threw it. It was published, paralyzed and almost blind, locals. After the war in Odessa, Academician V.P. Filat returned his vision. After 15 years, she heard on the radio, as the head of the exploration of the 6th squad of Slesarenko - her commander - said that they would never forget the fighters of his dead comrades, and called among them Nadia Bogdanov, who was wounded, saved life ... only then appeared She, only then learned the people who worked with her together, about what amazing fate is the person, Nadia Bogdanov, awarded the orders of the Red Banner, the Patriotic War of 1 degree, medals.

Valya Zenkina

The Brest fortress was the first to hit the enemy. Bombs, shells, the walls were collapsed, and in the fortress, and in the city of Brest. From the first minutes, Valin Father went into battle. I left and did not return, he died with a hero, as many defenders of the Brest Fortress. And the marks fascists made under the fire to wade into the fortress to transfer it to the defenders the requirement to surrender. Valya sniffed to the fortress, told about the atrocities of the fascists, explained what tools they had, pointed out their location and remained to help our fighters. She bandaged the wounded, collected the cartridges and brought them to fighters. In the fortress lacked water, it was divided by a throat. I wanted to drink painfully, but Valya again and again refused his throat: the water is needed wounded. When the command of the Brest Fortress decided to bring children and women from under fire to the other coast of the Mukhaver River - there was no other opportunity to save their lives, "Senkina's little Sanitary Sanitary asked her to leave her with fighters. But the order is an order, and then she swore to continue the fight against the enemy to full victory. And Valya oath kept. Different tests fell on its share. But she stood. Stressed. And his struggle continued in the partisan detachment. Fought boldly, along with adults. For the courage and courage, the Order of the Red Star awarded his young daughter's homeland.