MBA Requirements for incoming. Documents and conditions for admission

Lack of IT specialists. I am confident that many system integrators, and the usual companies face this problem. IN this case I mean Networks and Safetyers. Such and universities have been increasing a set of students for profile specialty for several years, and the deficit is not reduced and even grows. And let's say straight, the quality of specialists immediately after the university leaves much to be desired (of course there are exceptions). And this is not at all the wines of the students themselves, simply our current education system does not allow practical skills to fully. That is why we have already taken students of the 3rd, 4 courses to their internship for several years in a row. And almost every year we leave one or two talented engineers. If the internship format is interesting, then it is possible, and now we are not talking about it.

Usually, as the first practical task we give students Course of a young fighter which unexpectedly for me has become very popular in RuNet. After that, we moved to more profile things (we still engage in Security): Check Point, Fortinet, Splunk, Kali-Linux. However, it soon became clear that this is too sharp transition - from ordinary networks, immediately to such complex information security products. Let's say right, the same Check Point, not the best option for familiarizing with firewalls. It was necessary to start with something easier. That is why we started creating a course " Cisco Asa Administrator. ". We immediately decided that we would make this course open and launch on the channel NetSkills. , just because there are more subscribers, which means it will see more of the number of people. Why exactly this course and what he, we will tell below.

Why Cisco ASA.

To begin with, consider "global" reasons:
  1. Cisco ASA is one of the most popular firewalls in the world. You are unlikely to meet a network specialist who would not know what Cisco ASA is. A huge number of companies are used by this firewall. Hence the following reason ...
  2. It's easier to find a job. You can check yourself by going to the Headhanter website and search for vacancies on request "Cisco". In most cases, you will meet as a candidate requirement - Knowledge of Cisco ASA.
  3. Cisco ASA is actually a standard for Stateful Inspection Firewalls. If you understand how ASA works, then you will not master other devices for you.
  4. And one more important advantage is the possibility of emulation in GNS3 and EVE NG. Even in Cisco Packet Tracer there is a given opportunity in the form of Cisco ASA 5505 (although the functionality is very scant there).
If we talk about our interests (as a system integrator), then everything is banal here - a huge number of customers with Cisco ASA. Replacing Cisco ASA to a more functional device (the same Check Point) is one of the most frequent projects. That is why it is very important to have experience with these devices. And in our opinion, the study of the Security products is also better to start with this firewall. It is easier to delve into the subject of segmentation, access lists, VPN and so on.

What is the course?

During the course, the following topics will be considered:
  • What is a firewall
  • History of Cisco Firewall Screens
  • Preparation of the layout (GNS3, EVE NG)
  • Security Level and Stateful Inspection
  • Basic setting
  • VLAN-S.
  • Access-List-s
  • NAT / Static Nat
  • VPN (Site-to-Site, RA VPN)
  • Troubleshooting.
  • Conclusion, recommendations

Video lessons

All lessons as usual in video format, where there is a theory and practice. After some lessons, you need to pass the test. Currently, only 5 lessons are recorded. There was a big break in the releases (the forces were sent to the course Check Point at maximum) But we plan to resume in the near future.

After recording of all lessons, it will be proposed to pass the exam and get a certificate about the successful completion of the course.


Of course, Cisco ASA is already a bit outdated product, but, as I wrote above, it is excellent (and in our opinion is very necessary) "step" to study more interesting and complex sociability products. We sincerely hope that this course is useful to someone other than us. We will be grateful if you in the comments tell how to prepare your Security engineers. What courses are using which books read?

We often ask questions related to the procedure for passing certification exams. We tried to collect such questions in one place and prepare the detailed answers to them.

Where to pass exams

Cisco Written Certification Exams are rented in PEARSON VUE testing centers. There are such centers in almost 165 countries of the world, not excluding, naturally, Russia. It's not necessary to go to Moscow - test centers in many major cities (You will be offered to choose the nearest when registering for the exam).

What exams need to pass

Depends on the certification you chose. For example, to obtain CCNA Routing and Switching you need to pass two exams: ICND1 and ICND2. After the first of these two exams, you will receive a CISCENT CCENT (CISCO CERTIFIED ENTRY NETWORK TECHNICIAN). For other certificates, a set of exams will be different. The current list of the necessary exams is best viewed on the Cisco Learning Network website.

How much certification exams cost

The cost of the exam depends on its complexity and the country in which you pass it. If you want to get the CCNA entry-level certificate in Russia, then each of the ICND1 and ICND2 exams will cost you in 165 USD.

A discount from this price to a person from the street is almost impossible.


  • Employees of partner companies or major Cisco customers who receive vouchers for surrendering certification exams with a discount as a bonus for equipment purchases
  • Network Academy

Sometimes on the Internet you can find offers to buy a discount vouchers, but either savings will be a ridiculous 1-2 USD, or it will be a frank deception. Do not use vouchers that are received directly from Cisco.

How to prepare for the exam

Cisco exams are not cheap, so it makes sense to go to pass them only when you are sure to surrender. If there is no confidence, it is better to transfer the exam on another date - it's free.

Verified on the topic exam is available publicly on Cisco Learning Network. There is nothing super secret or superpower in the exam: it's good to prepare well and pass it absolutely real.

Some technologies mentioned in the exams can be quite rare in real world. Get a practical experience in all topics exam in everyday work It is almost impossible, even if individual topics you know much deeper than required. It is for this reason that we recommend passing training at the relevant course before passing the exam: Almost probably you will hear something new for yourself. In addition, the instructor will definitely tell about any specific features of the selected exam, such will necessarily.

For senior courses (for example, the CCNP certification) of one listener will not be enough. Candidates must demonstrate not only knowledge of theoretical material, but also practical skills of working with equipment. Therefore, without independent work not enough.

Sign up for our training training course, and the instructor will help build an independent learning plan, which includes Official Certification Guide and Laboratory Works, and also recommends additional material for studying.

How to sign up for the exam and pay

Sign up for the exam makes sense only after listening to the course and the appearance of confidence in the level of your preparation. Do not do this in advance.

The most economical way is to register directly on the Pearson Vue website, choose a convenient place and time of passing the exam, and pay attempted by a bank card. An alternative version that can be recommended only if there is no accessible slots in the test center you have selected - call this center and book participation through them. It will be more expensive than in the first case, but sometimes there are no other options.

The day after payment, it makes sense to call the test center and ask to confirm that your registration is seen in the system, and that you will not require any additional money from you: some test centers are cheating and ask for something in place. Do this they are not entitled if something is asked with you - complain about PEARSON VUE.

How is the exam passes

Before the exam, you sign a non-disclosure agreement, confirm your identity and take pictures of the webcam. This requires some time, so you need to come to the exam for 10-15 minutes before its official start.

You rent all personal belongings (sometimes they are folded into the closet under the castle, sometimes there is no, so bringing with you nothing valuable - computers, secret documents, expensive phones - not worth it), after which you are accompanied into the test room. It makes sense on the way there to run into the toilet - there is not a lot of time on the exam, a soulless car will not put a timer on a pause.

The administrator assigns you a car to pass the test, explains the rules of the exam, and then leaves you alone with the test. Ask, as if necessary, you can call it (if, for example, the system will illuminate - it rarely, but happens).

Further starts to tick the timer. Available time depends on the exam (for example, ICND1 lasts 90 minutes), and if you take it not on your native languageYou are automatically further charged 30 minutes Language Extension. Most likely, it will be your case, since most Cisco exams are rented on english language. Moreover, even if it suddenly adds the option to take the exam in Russian - it is not recommended to do it categorically, because Questions and answers in such cases are often translated not very close to the text, and the meaning of the "correct" answer is lost.

The number of questions depend on the exam (for example, ICND1 will be from 45 to 55 questions, the current data can be viewed on Cisco Learning Network). Questions are asked one after another until you give answers to all of them or will not end the time of the exam. It is impossible to return to issues already responsible, you cannot miss the answers.

What questions are on the exam

On the exam, you can most often meet the questions of the following types:

  1. Selecting one option out of 4-5 offered. It is impossible to confuse this option with others, because The correct option is selected by the radio button. The easiest type of questions.
  2. The choice of several correct options (usually writes, how exactly the correct options are waiting for the system - "Choose Two" or "Choose Three", but sometimes there are also nasty "Choose All Applicable"). Opposite each answer, you can put a tick, the points for the answer only if all ticks are affixed correctly.
  3. Simlet, or laboratory work. You show the interface of the CLI device drawn on Flash and are asked to perform certain actions. The tasks are quite simple, while they require a little longer than the other types of questions, although they are evaluated in the same way as the other questions.

There are other options for questions, but they are quite rare. Do not be afraid if you see the type of question, with which it was not necessary to encounter before.

How the exams are evaluated

After the exam end, you will immediately see the result: I passed / did not pass. For successful surrender, you need to dial a certain number of points, which depends on exactly your set of questions (usually around 850). The points are accrued for fully the right answers, if they answered the question only partially - you will not receive points for it.

The minimum possible number of points is 300 (to obtain exactly 300 points, you need to deliberately answer all questions), the maximum - 1000. Accordingly, if you are offered to answer, for example, by 50 questions, then each question will cost an average of 14 points. All questions, including certain demonstrations, are approximately the same, their cost does not differ dramatically (conventionally speaking, the question may cost 13 or 15 points, but 5 or 25 - can no longer).

The final score is confirmed only by the printout that you receive after the exam in the test center. In the certificate obtained from the exam results, it does not appear.

  • Your worst enemy is mutrge. If you are well prepared - the exam you will surrender, just take yourself in your hands and do not do nonsense. Questions there are simple, no one puts the purpose of you "fill up".
  • Do not hurry. Return to the question to which you accidentally gave the wrong answer, it is impossible (even if you understand that the answer is wrong exactly at the time of pressing the "Submit" button. Select the correct answer option, exhale, re-read the text of the question and all the answers again, then send the answer. There is enough time, do not worry.
  • If you need to select one correct option, and you consider the correct several - choose an option that is easier and coincides with the course material. In general, if something can be done in several ways - do the way that was described in the course, do not reset. The soulless car will not appreciate the beauty of your alternative solution.
  • Carefully read the text of the question and the offered answers. Twice. No, this is not a joke: in the texts of questions and answers there are often meanness. You can catch on the fact that you will not notice "typos." Or, for example, ask to choose all the wrong answers instead of all right. Attentiveness is a guarantee of a good result.
  • If it does not turn out to answer for a reasonable time - skip difficult question , especially if it is a simlet (or "lab", as such questions are also called). Time is not rubber, and one question will not make the weather.
  • Examples of questions and answers to them are looking for in the Internet in advance. Don't need to teach them by heart, on the exam questions there will be others! 10-15 questions will be enough to carry out a self-test of knowledge and evaluate how ready for delivery.

What to do after the exam

A few days later you will receive a letter from Cisco with a fixed exam confirmation. And if all other conditions were performed, then with congratulations on obtaining certification. If you want to receive a paper certificate by mail - you will need to confirm your address in the profile, the link for this will again come to the electroacht.

Of course, you can think about the next step of certification or about another direction. For example, after CCNA, it makes sense to swall ash on CCNP, and after it - to the provider track.

Do not forget to share with us your impressions about the exams (as part of the NDA, of course) - it is very important for us to receive feedback.

How to pass the CCNA exam


There are good news Voucher Team - [Email Protected] Increased voucher for students of network academies to reduce the impact of an increase in the cost of the exam.

CCNA Composite, ICND1 and ICND2 exams discount from 58.3% to 61.5%.

Discount on CCNA Security 58.3%.

UnproCedored Exams.

650-XXX IBT Online Exams

700-XXX Sales Readiness Exams


100-XXX & 200-105 ICND EXAMS

200-XXX Associate Level Exams (Excludes 200-105 / 125)


210-XXX Associate Level - Advanced Technology Exams

300-XXX Professional Level Exams




600-XXX Specialist Certification Exams

640-XXX AT EXAMS (EXCLUDES 640-692 / 792 EXAMS)

640-692 / 792 CCT EXAMS

642-XXX Professional Level Exams

644-XXX Specialization Exams



810-XXX Business Specialist Written Level 1 Exams

820-XXX Business Specialist Written Level 2 Exams

830-XXX Business Specialist Practical Exams

840-XXX Business Value Practitioner Exams

← Return to the list

Blog Academy

Basics of Cisco Networks

The test "Basics of the Cisco Network Organization" test is created on the basis of the knowledge base of the same name consisting of 222 issues.

Questions of the test base of knowledge are divided into the following groups:

  • ARP and RARP.
  • IP addressing
  • Virtual local networks
  • The output of the configuration of the router
  • Global and local networks
  • Run the router and its initial configuration
  • IOS boot sources
  • Switching in local networks
  • Configuring IP addresses of the router interfaces
  • Configuring router
  • Configuring router, RIP and IGRP
  • Networking and reference OSI model
  • Custom Router Interface and Modes
  • Designing local networks
  • TCP / IP Protocol
  • Igrp routing protocols
  • Network Level and Routing
  • Network devices
  • Access Control Lists (ACL)
  • Structured cable system and power supply in networks
  • Topology
  • Network Management
  • Application levels, views, session and transport
  • Physical and channel levels
  • OSI reference model and routing

In this test, 20 questions will be specified. For successful passage of the test, it is necessary to answer 17 questions correctly.

After the answer to each question, the correct answer will be displayed immediately, so in this mode, the answer will not be fixed.

Want to embed the test "Basics of Cisco Networks" in your website?

Or spend testing?


List of knowledge base questions

International Provider PEARSON VUE

PEARSON VUE. It offers a complete set of tests for the development of tests and conducts exams through the extensive and most secure international network of test centers presented in more than 162 countries.

CCNA Routing and Switching Certification

FROM PEARSON VUE. Collaborate Adobe, Avaya., Cisco Systems Inc., Citrix Systems., EMC., HewlettPackard(HP.), Oracle, Vmware. and other well-known manufacturers software and computer equipment.

PEARSON VUE. Created by B. 1994 when three electronic industry pioneers decided to create a testing system that would be based on combination modern technology and unprecedented service. They founded Virtual University Enterprises (Vue.), now known as PEARSON VUE..

Today, PEARSON VUE. ( is a world leader in electronic testing in directions - information Technology, education, government and other, providing a complete set of services from creating a test before managing data. Operating centers in the United States, United Kingdom, India, Japan and China provide a large number of services to the electronic testing market. Currently PEARSON VUE. works in more than 162 countries through authorized test centers PEARSON VUE AUTHORIZED TEST CENTERS.

As a leader in testing PEARSON VUE. Continuously seeks to provide the best testing experience to each client, partner and tested.

Everyone who is solved cisco courses, gets a unique chance to change your future. The profession of a network engineer opens the doors to the most prestigious companies in the labor market. Our Cisco Academy based on Sedicom University offers high-quality learning that is suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of age, gender and existing education.

Who is suitable for Cisco CCNA

The program for the preparation of network engineers is, which is climbing around the world. It will help find your way in life to those who:

  • finished the university, but does not want to work in the specialty;
  • already improved its qualifications, but not income;
  • i decided to master the new technical specialty;
  • wants to get a job with high earnings.

Typically, the process of obtaining a new profession is quite laborious and takes a large amount of time. Yes, it is worth such training. We offer remote course Cisco learning, which will last just eight months. During this time, we will help you become a professional professional and in demand by a specialist to each student.

How is CCNA Routing & Switching Training

Our CCNA course is taught in remote form. That is, to get knowledge, you do not need to personally visit lectures or ride the other end of the city - it is enough to have at your disposal a computer or tablet and the Internet. Some of our students are preferred to watch lectures from the phone on the way to the main place of work or study.

To teach Cisco CCNA to bring maximum benefit and, at the same time, did not take a lot of resources, it is enough to engage in one and a half per day. However, we recommend practicing every day to work out in three weeks a habit of learn, which will further make it easier to receive new knowledge. It is best to alternate the viewing of lecture material and writing an abstract with the study of the textbook and practical exercises.

We can go through high-quality according to excellent multimedia materials that have prepared qualified specialists. Our textbook is rightfully considered one of the best in the industry. He allows even people with a humanitarian mind warehouse to quickly adapt to new topic And start doing progress in school.