Awareness of your place in the world. Self-conscious personality

How to experience the turning point of your life, analyze the results of achievements and find new ways of development? How to realize your place in life and move forward to success?

The crisis of middle age is not the arrival of old age, but a turning point in life. The time when we reap the first fruits of our achievements and are looking for new ways of development. In order not to fall into depression, you need to know the enemy in the face and learn how to deal with him.

At the origokov

The arguments about the middle-aged crisis can be found in the monographs of the Swiss psychiatrist Charles Gustav Jung and the domestic psychologist Lion Vygotsky. Both noted that at a certain life stage, a person was characteristic of the revaluation of values. In the middle of the last century, the largest American sociopsychologist Daniel Levinson determined the crisis of the mid life as "the state of deep physiological and psychological stress" But the official terminological status of the "middle-aged crisis" received only thanks to the Canadian psychologist Jacques Elliota, who for the first time used him in 1965.

Three stages

The course of the middle-aged crisis is described in different ways, but most of the specialists agree with the stages proposed by the American and Swiss analyst Murrey Stain. Conditionally, they can be called "death", "rethinking" and "revival".

At the first stage, a person appears a feeling of irretrievable loss, which may be associated, for example, with the loss of parents. On the second - there is uncertainty, which is accompanied by numerous questions about the efficiency of the years and attempts to realize their place in life. On the third, a new meaning is gained. Psychologists are not taken to determine the boundaries of the stages, warning: if a person ineffectively lives a crisis, state stages can be returned. Special attention is recommended to devote to the second stage: the search for answers and the formation of a new consciousness require time.

Without gender

Both Jung, and Vygotsky, and Levinson believed that the middle-aged crisis is the problem predominantly male. But modern science erases gender stereotypes. Middle-aged crisis is no longer exclusively male prerogative. The researcher of the features of transitional moments in a person's life, Dr. Sciences Dan Jones believes that the crisis proceeds in men and women in different ways. While men predominantly assess the level of success through professional achievementsWomen bet on personal relationships and their own consistency in the role of his wife and mother. True, and women who dedicated themselves to the family, often fail to avoid the crisis. The loss of the former attractiveness is another reason for the emergence of the middle-aged crisis, not only among women.

When to expect?

If Jung and Vygotsky gave a very blurred age border crisis (from 35 to 60 years old), Levinson, who actively studied various age crises, limited the time frame. He believed that the crisis arises "at the stage of transition to middweight", which occurs in 40-45 years. IN modern world Through Midlife Crisis, both men and women aged 25 to 50 years are held, while in Russia, where life expectancy is less than in Europe, most of the population passes through the middle-aged crisis in 30-40 years.

Myth or reality?

Most modern psychologists believe that without exception, people are experiencing middle-aged crisis. Just temperamental and prone to reflection people pass through this period more painfully, while others do not notice it at all. Modern science In general, it prefers not to consume the term "crisis", calling it the "transition period", since this period may be accompanied by both serious depression and significant personal growth. American psychologist Joan Sherman, for example, I am sure that the path that a person chooses after the crisis depends on numerous factors, including from supporting close people.

New opportunity

Scientists from the University of Tel Aviv, led by Carlo Schrether, are convinced that the middle age is the moment when the "second breathing" should be opened. This time is perfect for self-development, setting new goals and real execution.

Israeli scientists refute the view that the possibilities of a 40-year-old man's brain begin to deteriorate. It is at this age that life can be full of rich events and classes, for which there was no time before. To overcome the crisis, according to Professor Schrether, will help the awareness of the opportunity to improve their life, the construction of personal plans, the knowledge of oneself and the search for strengths, which, however, may not meet the expectations of others. Finally, one who is not afraid of difficulties will be able to defeat the crisis and is guided by choosing a new way with his own experience and knowledge, and not blind ambitions. James Hollis in his book "Pass in the middle of the road" speaks of the unique opportunity that a person receives. It allows you to make a second part of life more exciting and interesting.

Know the enemy in the face!

Disruption of appetite, drowsiness, sense of hopelessness and pessimism, irritability and anxiety, feeling of guilt, loss of interest in what is happening - it is these symptoms that may indicate the beginning of the middle-aged crisis. Thoughts about the illusion of lived life, about unrealized plans, no vocation, that most of the life remained in the past leads to despondency, devastation, pity and other negative emotional experiences. Modern domestic and foreign psychologists give different descriptions of ways out of the crisis, while most confident that it is possible to prepare for the crisis in advance. Healthy nutrition, a full-fledged active vacation, a new hobby - all this can help adequately move the "blow." Given that the age framework of the occurrence of the crisis is extremely blurred, preparation should be started in adolescence.

In primitive society, mental work, the consciousness of people, as Marx noted, was "directly woven into material activities and in material communication of people, in the language real life" This condition is called syncretism. A layer of people appeared with the division of labor, for whom spiritual activity becomes the main form of activity. The development and complication of public life led to the development of public consciousness, its differentiation, allocating independent forms and levels in it.

A number of factors affect the formation and development of public consciousness,among which you can select the following:

The geographical environment in which social community lives;

The level of material life and the nature of consumption;

Forms of public life;

Historical past, etc.

At a certain stage of the development of public consciousness, it is more or less complied with the nature public building, public life. The objective basis of this compliance is the compliance of productive forces and production relations. When this compliance is violated, it is possible for the emergence of a new public consciousness that wins competition with the old public consciousness. New public consciousness will be comply with the new compliance of productive forces and production relations.

But the transition to a new public consciousness is not a complete denial of the old. With the change of society, the elements of the old one are preserved with the emergence of a new public consciousness. So, do not go into oblivion of the work of art, moral norms, etc. They continue to exist, although they undergo a certain rethinking. And although there has been no ancient society for a long time, nor the Society of Renaissance, but today retain the artistic value of the art of these eras.

The public consciousness of each era is based on customs, traditions, views and theory of previous eras. At the same time, the public consciousness may in a certain sense to lag behind a new level of public life when the remnants of the past are strong. But on the other hand, new ideas and theories may be ahead of the level of public development.

It is necessary to note the well-known unevenness of the development of social consciousness. In various historical epochs, those or other forms of public consciousness receive preferential development.

Public consciousness has an active impact on all spheres of public life.Based on their views and theories, people carry out practical activities in the economy, politics, etc. Public consciousness turns out to be a spiritual incentive guiding people on transformation of nature and society, creating a variety of values.Consider this more detailed.

1. Economic consciousness becomes incentive practical activity on the creation of products and services needed to live people.

2. Moral consciousness focuses on actions, behavior contributing to the achievement of public order, a combination of personal and public interest.

3. Environmental consciousness contributes to the preservation of nature.

4. Demographic consciousness affects the dynamics of population.

5. Aesthetic consciousness stimulates activities to create artistic values, enrichment of the spiritual world of people.

6. Religious consciousness contributes to overcoming fear, suffering due to the dependence of people from the natural forces of nature and the unknown social influences.

7. The political consciousness of the social group sends its policy to conquer or preserve power in order to implement its interests.

8. Legal consciousness leads to practical activities to create and preserve the procedure, state laws in the interests of dominant groups.

9. Historical consciousness contributes to the preservation of social heritage.

If you keep in mind the levels of public consciousness as a whole, the everyday consciousness acts as a spiritual incentive of the practical activity of people aimed at meeting their everyday, nearest needs - labor, activities for the production and consumption of material and spiritual benefits, actions, execution of religious rites, etc. . And ideology is a spiritual incentive of the practical activity of social groups aimed at implementing their indigenous economic, social, political and spiritual interests.

Public consciousness is formed as a reflection of social reality,but it is I. back influences the whole social lifestimulating the emergence and improvement of various activities.

In previous chapters, it was already about some forms of public consciousness. But there was no more or less detailed conversation about morality, religion and aesthetic consciousness. Turn to their characteristic.

Currently, the literature on the spiritual world is quite popular man. Awareness - One of the most relevant and topics today. Meanwhile, its exact definition does not exist. Let's try to figure it out processes awarenessin the article.


According to Vladimir Khoroshin, Being is the foundation of human consciousness. The author believes that wise people are always looking for meaning. The purpose of the directed individual is awareness. Goshin believes that when a person is aware of the knowledge gained, he can transfer it to others. Knowledge coming without experience can not be applied in practice.

According to Anthony de Melo, awareness and awareness is far from the same thing. In his arguments, the author comes to the conclusion that a person who lives consciously cannot commit an atrocity. In turn, the individual, only informed about the differences between evil and good, who knows what act is called bad, may well make it.

From the above information we can say that awareness is:

  • Vision of what is happening in the outside and inner world. In this case, there is a simple observation of sensations, thoughts. Awareness is an excreable vision. It is impossible to say anything about him, you can only enter it and watch everything.
  • Direct experience, but not thinking about what is happening. It is neither thought or feeling nor feeling. Awareness You can consider something that unites it all.

Key feature

Awareness is a condition that includes action. Reflection is not awareness. It is more likely to be called reflexes, involving judgment, evaluation, thinking, searching for answers, motifs, determination, why it is exactly that, and not otherwise something happens. In this case, a person commits a choice.

With aware of a somewhat different situation. No choice is not done, because immediately the solution is immediately appeared for the individual. If there awareness of activities, for example, then questions "How to do?", "What?" Do not arise.

If a person does not have the necessary awareness experience, explain simple words Its content is impossible. Awareness comeslike an outbreak. A person has the ability to deeply see what is happening with him.

Mental level

Thinking, reflection or mental awareness allows you to understand something fragmentary. Individual can realize thoughts, but not to know actions or feelings.

In such a situation, there is a mismatch between the fact that a person says, feels and does. He can say that something understands, but it cannot explain what it feels what reaction these sensations cause, which actions suggest.

For example, a person understands that during the conflict, the voice should not be increased, as this will lead to negative consequences. However, when a quarrel occurs, it automatically starts screaming. This is the main one. With a full, excreable vision of what is happening, the actions, feelings will be focused on resolving the conflict.

It is important to understand that reflections, building logical chains and other mental actions can not lead a person to awareness. Their result is an increase in knowledge. Development of awareness Ensures going beyond awareness and mind.

Consistency of external and internal factors

It is considered another important sign of awareness. The consistency of actions, feelings, thoughts leads to the fact that the individual becomes a witness to his own actions, its

At the same time, a person is able to trace the appearance of thought, feelings, actions. It is at all levels - emotional, physical, mental - aware of his behaviors, stereotypical responses. A person as if observing what is happening in the inner world can trace the ideas that form in the mind.

Objectives of awareness

The ability to realize what is happening allows you to see the person in its initial state, which one is actually it is. This changes inner world, understanding of man. When an individual observes, he can change what sees.

We can say that awareness is a kind of "turn inside yourself." The individual begins to see what he says about one thing, and is actually completely different. Moreover, a person begins to realize that its stereotypes, templates cease to work, lose efficiency, do not lead to the desired result.

All this leads to revaluation values. Awareness Allows you to change your life without applying any additional efforts to this. The task is one to learn to impartially observe.

A person really does not need any philosophical conversations, he does not need to explain, correctly something or not, you need something to him or he can do without something. A variety of courses on the formation of confidence, improving self-esteem, etc. - spending time. Awareness Promotes the development of the ability to distinguish what is right and what is not.

A person, as it comes in contact with the reality, remaining with a third-party observer. He perceives the phenomena dismissed, without mixing with them, without commenting and not evaluating them, not even trying to change something. If a person can watch the events so much, he will see the disintegration process inside it.


Within the framework of this medical direction, the awareness reflects the patient with a complete understanding of his own "I", his mental life, relationship with the surrounding people. It contributes to the formation of adequate self-perception. This is achieved by combining the consciousness of the material that was not previously unformed by the patient.

In a broad sense, awareness in psychotherapy involves the formation of an adequate understanding of the surrounding world.

In almost all currently existing psychotherapeutic directions, awareness occupies a certain position. But its proportion and significance, focusing of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe material previously not aware of the patient, techniques, methods used to achieve an adequate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening is fully determined by the basic theory.

Basics of psychoanalysis

Questions of the awareness of "My I" studied Z. Freud in detail. In psychoanalysis, techniques and a special understanding of the functioning of the psyche are used. A specific approach provides selection of therapy and a scheme of its application.

The desired effect is achieved at the expense of special technical methods:

  • Free association.
  • Dream analysis.
  • High frequency sessions.
  • Interpretation of protection and transfer, etc.

These techniques allow you to bring a patient to awareness protective mechanisms, activated by his psyche.

The purpose of psychoanalysis also consists in determining the nature of traumatic experiences, personal conflicts and liberation from them.

One of the most important skills Psychoanalyst is considered its ability to compare conscious actions, thoughts, impulses, fantasies, feelings of the patient with their unconscious predecessors.

Cognitive psychotherapy

Understanding along with the patient listening, the answer to the subsequent return to listening is considered one of the 4 stages of implementing the methodology for expressing the feelings and thoughts of the patient in the process of therapy.

The patient always in the initial stages resists awareness. Successful overcoming of this resistance during psychotherapy ends with the awareness of psychological protection mechanisms.

The key goal of cognitive psychotherapy is to summarize the patient to the adequate perception of irrational installations ("automatic thoughts") or the main mechanisms provoking the incrugality between perception and its assessment.

The main idea is reduced to the fact that a person becomes unhappy not from the occurrences of phenomena, but on how he perceives them. When a collision with an event provoking problems in different conditionsThe patient begins to come to aware of how irrational installations can change its perception.

Feature of psychotherapeutic impact

To describe the phenomenon provoked by the consequences that were forced to contact a specialist, it would not be necessary for special conditions if the patient did not mix the event itself, its perception and evaluation.

In subsequent collisions with phenomenon, the patient learns to change their vision of what is happening. As a result, it produces a strategy of rational, multivariate behavior. The patient expands the range of solving the problem.

It should be noted here that the appeal to the psychotherapist is determined by the problem caused, as a rule, several irrational installations. At the same time, there are certain relationships between them (parallel, hierarchical, articulation, etc.). The main task of the patient and the doctor is to achieve the awareness of these connections.


At the initial stage, the question of action scheme is usually solved along with patients. One of the main techniques of cognitive psychotherapy is the change in the angle of perception of an event. This method allows you to bring the patient to the realization of the irrationality of the installations.

The patient begins to concentrate not on the phenomenon that causes negative emotions, but on the process of their occurrence. During therapy, the patient begins to realize the excessive breadth of the use of irrational installations, excessive personalization. As a result, it has the ability to replace them with more flexible and accurate, realistic and adaptive models.

The psychotherapist needs to consistently structure the processes, helping the patient in developing several alternative rules, which he could use.

Humanistic psychotherapy

As part of this area, the importance of awareness and its key mechanisms is disclosed by the concepts of personality, for example, described by Rogers. In his opinion, certain aspects of the experience gained by the Individual during development, they acquire a nature expressed in the awareness of its being and existence. This is what is referred to as Rogers "I experience."

In the process of interaction with the outside world, in particular with its part, meaningful to the individual, "I-experience" is gradually transformed into a "I-concept". A person forms a real idea of \u200b\u200bherself.

Ideal "I"

This is another major personality development link. The perfect "I" is formed mainly under the influence of values \u200b\u200band norms that are imposed by the individual. They are not always consistent with his personal needs and aspirations, that is, with his valid, real "I".

In the course of the awareness of these circumstances, a person has a need for a positive assessment. Rogers believes that this need is key to all people.

In order to maintain a positive assessment by the outside of others, a person resorts to the falsification of some of his ideas, perceiving them only on value criteria for other people. Such an installation prevents the development of psychological maturity. As a result, neurotic behavior begins to form.


It arises due to frustration (dissatisfaction) needs to receive a positive assessment. It will depend on the level of threat to the "I-structure".

If the protection mechanism is ineffective, the experience will be completely symbolized in awareness. The integrity of "I-structures", in turn, is destroyed by anxiety, as a result of which the state of disorganization appears.

Reconstructive psychotherapy

The main methods were developed by domestic specialists Tashlykov, Isurina, Karvasarsky in the Psychoneurological Institute. Bekhtereva.

Awareness within the framework of this psychotherapeutic direction is made to be studied in three aspects: behavioral, emotional and intellectual.

IN last case The tasks of the specialist are reduced to the patient's sentence to awareness:

  • relationship "personality-phenomenon-illness";
  • genetic plan;
  • interpersonal personality plan.

The awareness of the relationship between the personality, an event and the disease of the decisive effect directly on the effectiveness of psychotherapy does not. It is more contributing to the formation of sustainable motivation for the active, conscious participation of the patient in the treatment process.

In the emotional sphere, when awareness, the patient begins to understand his feelings. As a result, he can experience to himself, reveal the problems that are bothering it with the appropriate experiences. In addition, working with an emotional background contributes to self-correction of patients with their relations, reactions. It acquires the ability to change the way of experiences, perception of interactions with others.


Patient's ability to adjust non-adaptive responses, model of their actions, taking into account their role, values, functions in the structure of psychopathological disorders - the main result of the process of awareness in the behavioral sphere.

When using the reconstructive (personal-oriented) psychotherapy of Tashlykov, Carvasar, Isurine, especially in group forms, not only awareness, but also the formation of adequate self-consciousness, as well as a significant expansion of its limits.

In almost all currently used psychotherapeutic systems, the awareness process is attached great importance And pays special attention. With the development of technical progress, it became possible to introduce video equipment into practice. This, in turn, makes it possible to provide a more directed impact on the process of forming awareness in a patient in different spheres. This is definitely promoting the acceleration of recovery, provides high efficiency Psychotherapeutic techniques. However, of course, in the limiting time, work is underway to improve the techniques of individual and group psychotherapy, the development of new concepts about the personality is being developed.

Social science- This is a science that studies the development of human society and a place in him. Social Studies includes the following sections: society, man, knowledge, spiritual life of society, economy, social relations, politics, right.

In the modern world, each person is a part of society, he performs several social roles, directly interacts with other people. Modern democratic society gradually becomes civil. This Citizen is not just a person who has legal rights and obligations, but also rendered a certain level of self-consciousness. This is a person who consciously applies to itself, its place in society, actively participating in public and political life. Social Studies contributes to the formation of an active civil position, which presents the public needs necessary for modern Development societies. This is awareness of your belonging to a small and big homeland, the readiness and ability to build a decent life, fulfilling your civil debt, an understanding of what it lies.

Do not forget about the general horizon. The knowledge that children acquire when studying social studies remain with them for life, whoever they have become in life, no matter what profession will not receive any social and economic situation. Social Studies gives the basis for practical competencies that help to occupy a worthy place in society contributes to self-realization, and from here and public progress.

Society There is a millennium, but the awareness of him from a scientific point of view occurred not so long ago. Sociologyas a science learning society appeared only in the first half of the XIX century. The subject of social science is akin to philosophy, he is not dan, but setbecause it is a problem. The study of society is largely in finding an increasingly deep definition of the very concept of society. This is philosophical aspect social studies.

The social studies have at the same time what brings him with science. This is, first of all, the desire for the objective knowledge of his subject. Another trait that unites science and social studies is the desire to identify causal relationships, consider the subject in its formation and development. The fact that there is no mathematical rigor of the mined results of knowledge as in natural sciences, does not mean that there is no knowledge. This kind of knowledge, for example, is laid in the spiritual traditions of mankind: in philosophy, religion, morality and art. It is sometimes difficult to scientific analysis And it can be collapped under its impact. Without manifestations of spirituality, there is no human society.

The base of the pillar of the kind. Awareness by man of its value, the development of the Divine human naturewhich is a link in relation to man and nature. 5 cycle. 3 session. 07/05/2016

In the night silence with you together we,
We wish to give you the wonderful words of love,
What did you decide to write, not knowing what and how. All new to you.

The work of the group today consisted of adoption of new energies. That is why our bodies buzzed, poured, fluttered, it was vibration, the heart was pounding.
It was all new to us. After all, this time the energy was filled and lifted us above one step. Raise our energies, vibration. We are in advance, before the start of the session in 1 hour, began to prepare.
A session began with the fact that one of us described his feelings as if it was on an attraction. She had severe turbulence. Looks like an attraction "Surprise", where in favor of the belly to the spine is pressed, and tested in the middle. Then the feeling of rotation was completed, as if the centrifuge was spinning, spinning, and then stopped.
Then the energy petals appeared, we stand on the core of the sunflower. External petals are built-in and this sunflower rotates in different directions, showing where we are. As if I know us with this space, we came from this sunflower. It turns out to be simply some kind of equipment, which was transferred to another dimension.
Another participant paid attention that the energy circle lies on us rings. A rim, as the steering wheel, and from the rim on the outside wands away. These energy circles were dressed on us, as an attraction.
In another participant, somewhere 1 hour before the start of the session, severe heartbeat began. There were questions from where such powerful streams came from that the heart reacts like that? Dark purple-blue were shown .... I had a very mosper thread.
Another participant confirmed that approximately 1-1.5 hours. She felt the flows of a little transparent, turning into two colors, purple-bluish, they rotated together, then as if he had gradually began to disperse on the parties.
This time, all of us prepared for work in a session in advance. Our participant told that the flow was opened, asked what it meant?
I went the answer: we are your teachers, we can communicate with you without intermediaries. What does it mean without intermediaries? We immediately remembered the article, where it was said about the many intermediaries that multiple floors of the transmitters are intermediaries, it is impossible to trust them, as they can contribute to information, and not always true, and egregors can connect. Then she asked, it concerns me? - The answer: No, it applies to all people. Then we can communicate.
Another participant remembered that she felt today that someone is touching her, to the shoulders, to his back, all the body felt. But I saw the presence of the teacher, I wished to contact her, but who is how his name and the name and I did not understand. What did he want to say? And the feelings were that someone is very close and native. So they were not redeemed.
Our work began with the fact that the head began to spin, the feeling of misunderstanding, as if "floats" consciousness. There were no pictures, it was impossible to focus in any way. The sensations were different: were on some kind of wave, the other had snow fluffy, soft, gentle and everywhere spread. The other in the body feels a hot stream, as if under the scorching sun, the lips were dry, as if you were in the desert. Everyone saw and felt in his participant saw a person in the image of a light bulb, which constantly produces light.
The image of the hourglass is shown, it expands from above, like a figure of a person, a light bulb, analogy of such actions. It produces energy, both on top and bottom and black roots are attached to it. Fur, these are all our restrictions stereotypical, the space in which there is a person. It turns out that the roots are departed from a person, then these roots are further beginning to turn into the sleeves. Thought comes when a person begins to interact with these roots, they begin to lighten and this happens from the realization of what is happening. Then there is a clarification of these control templates through awareness. And the person who manipulates is under influence. It turns out that when a person realizes that they are controlled, then the scheme of action changes with the space in which it is.
We asked to explain our wellms: Dear teachers, mentors, curators, dear teacher Sananda Christ, explain our condition, what happens, why such a reaction to incoming energy?
"Thank you for your openness to new processes. You are in an unfamiliar space for yourself. Today you acquire the skills of working with new types of energy (this is as impulses) of discharges. You are, in an unknown for you, habitat, so the heartbeat is a rapid, so you are experiencing difficulties of breathing, your lungs are tested by a certain discomfort. You become fibels, creatures that can be in various habitats. Measures the context of your new development. From the part trust all processes. So we can teach you a new behavior, "like under water."
You become reasonable creatures. There is a hidden work with your brain. At the expense of a rapid heartbeat, you acquire the skills of the other vision. We notice such inclinations for you and try to develop them. It is necessary for your work. "
The feeling appeared, as if immersed on the depth. With his head, something happened, there was a very strong pressure on the third eye, in the back of the school. Does not pass, as if the bell in the chest and the pressure on the heart. It was very strong streams, there were no pictures, but a feeling of half. Teachers lead us, they know how to carry out these transformation processes on Earth through us. We focus and listen to our body, feel His reaction and treat teachers with complete trust, we are fully disclosed for the good of all.
Then the immersion was shown in the capsule, and from two sides, 2 creatures located in the water were accompanied by a capsule, they were fluent in water themselves. Gradually, the capsule reached the platform, it turned out to be a station, crouched by algae, at the bottom of the sea. And when the capsule docked with the station, the light caught fire, the door opened. Immediately it became easier to breathe, there was no pressure. There are a lot of such capsules, Batiskof .....
It was clear that this is a submarine life, there live. We hit the settlement site.
Representatives asked us questions: What is the first priority for you today, the development of society, how to build your home how to create ...
Difficult question? Knowledge of people closed, everyone lives in his family, lives purely financially, do not think what will happen. Knowledge is practically not given, everything is superficial. You do not know from which end to approach these problems.
There was a phrase is the personification of evil. We are trying to do something, we work in projects, we help at least some of the transformation energy to carry on to the ground in order to somehow settle humanity. Everyone has their own difficulties, if the spark is not to keep in yourself, it is easy to ride sleep.
We thank our expensive teachers and Kuratopov for the interesting session!
We guide our love !!!
Creativity: Ramona Daer, Meostriya Neon, Vladomister-Daeran, Ella Milusina.

Amounted to: Ella Milusina

Teacher Sananda Christ.

My dear children, I want to ask today for you one's only question: Is your soul taking place on earth events? Did you know how much time they were preparing for any events that deserve due respect and from you and from all mankind. Since you are especially close to the emotional sensations of what is happening, I want to clarify for you that it was for you the subject of study during your session.
You are adults and wise, but you are still children. For the moments that we spend together with you, they every second show us your conclusion from the important point that comes today on Earth. And this moment, sooner or later, will lead you to understanding and understanding, when your body teach you to communicate with him.
All today's processes of the universe, if to paraphrase a single offer - this comprehension of the science of life is not through the mind, but through tactile sensations. What you say is important for you, and this is your life, this is your jewel you cherish every day. You must understand, expensive, that every time you go down on the bottom of the event experience, you know in the root of what is happening when you are afloat, on the surface, it suggests that you have not reset the unnecessary ballast that has served a lot of time You support, but it's time to free yourself from him.
First of all, the trust and once again confidence in the occurrence of the process, which makes you the changes already on earth and soon you will understand, today it is only hints, as mentioned above. You understand yourself already much deeper, you look at a completely different angle of view on some events of your life, you understand the contradictions and try to remove the disorder from your life and yet, children, do you understand what happens to you? What milestones need to be discussed to comprehend the secret of your birth, what to admit and what to believe?
Here are the contradiction data that every day in front of you, you believe, but you do not trust, you know, but you don't try to go further, you are aware of, but this awareness is not enough for what to be reborn and take those conditions for growing up today Already an indispensable attribute of your life.
I know, many do not care any questions at all, but those who are trying to find at least the slightest hint of the answer will come to the dawn of their soul, they will begin to understand signs and installations.
The rules for today are a bit changed, you all enter into a turning point of your life - when to all people, unconditionally, additional communication reserves will be connected. You will hear if you want to hear, you will see if it is based on such a development, you will know if it is the first need for your way to return.
There is a meaning between the rows, the meaning of said not in the rows themselves, but in understanding something more than the highest and deliberately does not say that you can say, because you are ready to take something small, which lies on top, but do not get to the island where the value of this epistle itself lies.
I say today on behalf of the entire representation of the forces of the world, we speak with you different forces and different meanings, we try to talk with you with your standards and your thinking, we try to reach you. As long as it is awakened at least one person on Earth, we will talk to you.
Thank you for the work, which we are doing all together, thank you for the trust and honor to be your teacher! Thank you!

Teacher Sananda Christ and his army of light!

Accepted Meostic Neon