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What is meant under the author's style in the literature? Author's style (or manner) are all those features that distinguish the works of one author from the works of others reflect its individuality. Most often, this concept is used in relation to the language that works are written - and indeed, it is here that all the features appear brighter.

Judging about the author's style is unlikely perhaps one work (who knows what will come to the author next time!). Moreover, some writers adhere to their style strictly, up to the stamping, others allow themselves to be various liberties - it usually depends on the genre and the subject of work. But, anyway, in all the works of the author, some common features are saved ... What can they be?

1. "Brevity is the soul of wit", "said A. P. Chekhov, but does it always work, and why then the great writers call more and Tolstoy with Turgenev, who are clearly not even a four-digit aunt? Some say that it can briefly be briefly any, others - which is easier to pour water, but in fact and the laconicity, and the nurse is not tolerant to themselves - otherwise they can easily turn into an intersection or meaningless overload. And then it depends only on the personal taste of the reader.

2. Means of expressiveness - comparisons, epithets, metaphors, alliteration and associate ... Many of them or not enough, which is used more often, etc. It is necessary to show caution here to avoid all the famous stamps, but not to create in return.

3. Symbols. Not all authors use symbols, it is not always appropriate ... But when they are used with the mind, they can become a big plus for the author and a kind of "chip". The main thing is not to forget that you used some phenomenon as a symbol: if the yellow color has symbolized the debauchery, madness and betrayal, then it is better not to die in the penultimate chapter of the leetches in the meadow (unless you want to blow up readers).

4. Traffic. There is a fairly interesting theory that there are more verbs in texts written by the authors-men, which gives them dynamic, and in women written by the authors - adjectives, which makes them more static. It is unlikely that it is so much dependent on the floor, but certainly affects the author's style.

5. Stylization. If you write fantasy, historical or pseudo-historical works, then you probably use it. Each author does it in his own way, to a greater or less highlighting in the language of someone else's close to him the details and lowering others.

6. And finally atmosphere of narration, emotions that it causes. Still, in most cases, if the author writes recognizable, its work causes similar emotions from the reader, in which its individuality is expressed. It is especially easy to see those who write a small prose - as examples you can bring Andersen, by, O. Henry, Zoshchenko ...

The main problem with the individuality and style in the literary work is that in my head we wonder everything perfectly, but we cannot translate on paper ... how to deal with it? The answer is simple and simultaneously complicated - read more and write more. And it is thoughtful, carefully tracking all the above features.

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Chapter 1. Concept of copyright style

The author's style is a peculiar, historically determined, complex system of means and forms of verbal expression characteristic of a particular author. Individual author style in artwork They will be determined by the features of the use of stylistic agents and techniques together with the structural organization of the text and the choice of lexical units.

Each author has its unique copyright style. For example, when publishing classical literary works, copyright neologisms and even obvious grammatical and spelling errors of the author are often preserved for the maximum full of copyright. Sometimes they even become a new literary norm. The author's style is individual for each writer, but despite this, it is the author's styles of different authors form literary flows and styles in which the features of a generalized creative manner are already manifested. The author's style is due to subjective factors, it depends on how the author expresses and presents different phenomena and descriptions. It is the individual creative manner that makes some works ingenious and memorable. Qualitative signs of varieties of text are created, along with the listed, and manifestation in the text of the personal features of the author's style. The author's individuality is found in the interpretive plans of the text, in the linguistic-stylistic design of it. Naturally, this problem is relevant and principled for texts of non-standard speech and composite design, texts with a greater fraction of emotional expressive elements. The author's individuality is as much as possible in artistic texts, both at the level of manifestation of the author's consciousness, its moral and ethical criteria and at the level of the literary form, idiot. An individual style is usually detected in the genres of journalism close to the artistic type of image. Artistic elements are found in the popular text, and, therefore, they are selective and therefore characterize the style of the author. The emotional memory of a specific author of a specific text can snatch out of its sensations when creating literary work Different impressions are specifically subject, visualing with its detail, then romantic-raised caused by emotional psychological tensions, the state of affect. It is also born either restraint in descriptions, subject detailed, or excessive metaphoricity, accumulation. Everything is individually, the author is reflected in everything. The main thing for the reader is to enter this condition, to correlate the author with the essence of the described item. In another case, when taking into account another situation, an excessive inclination to another author appears as something overly prior. The originality of the artistic word is not necessarily associated with the abundant use of trails and generally speech jewelry. Originality can be created by the syllable itself - the system of semantic-grammatical ratios of the wordform in phrases and in a proposal, a violation of the conceptual combination of wordform, and the like. The problem of author's individuality is quite relevant for scientific text, especially scientific and humanitarian. Individuality is manifested in the use of estimated, emotionally painted and expressive speech funds. Such an emotive painfulness of scientific text may arise as a result of a special perception of the object, individual estimated connotations may be caused by a special, critical-pole method of presentation, when the author expresses a personal attitude towards the subject discussed. In this case, it is the expression that the embodiment of individuality is thought. The use of emotional means here creates deep conviction, sharply contrasting with a common impassive tone of scientific presentation. Currently, there is no consensus in the literature on the possibility of manifestation of the author in scientific text. How far there are two opinions on this issue. In one case, it is believed that the limiting standard of the literary design of modern scientific texts leads to their lightness, level leveling. In another case, such categoricalness in judgments is denied and recognized the possibility of manifestation of author's individuality in the scientific text, and even the indispensability of such a manifestation.

The emotionality of scientific text can be considered in two angles: 1) as a reflection of the author's emotional attitude to scientific activityas an expression of his feelings when creating text; 2) as the property of the text itself, capable of emotionally affect the reader. Moreover, the emotionality of scientific text depends on the significance of the text of expressive units, and not only on their composition and quantity. It is important to keep in mind that the character itself of expression in the scientific text is different than, for example, in the text of the art. Here, many neutral speech facilities may be expressive, which are able to increase the argument of the status expressed, emphasize the logicality of the output, persuasive reasoning, and the like. Scientific text not only transfers information about outdoor worldBut is a humanized structure that supports the "print" of the identity of the subject of creative activity. "Interpretive text plans carry information about the features of the manifestation of the author's consciousness, i.e. Ultimately about the author. " The speech author's "I" in the scientific text will inevitably be as original as its original consciousness and the nature of the interpretation of reality. In particular, this is due to a certain share of associativity in thinking, although in the scientific text primarily reflects the links of a logical order. The originality of the style of the scientist is determined by the profile of thinking (analytical - synthetic). All this determines the emergence of specific features in the scientific text. The literary abilities of the author, the ability to textually and vividly reflect the phenomenon of their imagination in the text of their imagination in the text. The emotional expressiveness of the scientific text is rigidly soldered with its main quality - logic. The emotionality of the form here does not destroy the logic content of the content. Moreover, the logicality of the argument (correlation of causes and consequences), given in the bright "language packaging", can serve as a means of creating an irony, when the author proves the absurdity of its opponent's positions using logical operations. The writing of the text of the text is the final stage in solving the creative task, but at the same time, the scientific text cannot but reflect the moments of finding the necessary solutions, and this is often associated with intuitive processes in thinking and therefore cannot be absolutely emotional. The originality of the view on the depicted item cannot but be combined with the originality in an emotional assessment of it, and this inevitably affects the style, the manner of the presentation. Of course, the scientific subject itself provokes a kind of attitude to the form of presentation, to the selection of language means. Naturally, the originality of the style is difficult to detect in scientific and technical texts, where the formulas, graphics, tables are occupied by most of the text space, and the verbal text serves only by the binding element. The practice of writing such texts has long been worked out by standard speech formulas, to avoid which is not possible, no matter how much the author sought.

In the texts of the humanitarian cycle - in history, philosophy, literary criticism, linguistics - opportunities for manifestation of author's originality are wider, if only because scientific concepts and ideas are determined and explained verbally, i.e. The author's interpretation of the subject is reflected in the text through speech funds and their organization. Great opportunities for the manifestation of the authority gives, undoubtedly, scientific and popular text. The author resorts to the analogies and metaphorical comparisons, artistic elements of the style, due to the nature of the text itself, its destination. Such literary text decorations allow the author to contact personal experience reader to explain unfamiliar scientific concept or phenomenon. Naturally, the author's appeals to the literary means of artisticity are selective, each author has its own associations, its own method of presenting the material. The scientific and popular text itself has such selectivity. In this selectivity and manifests the personality of the author.

In the text of this type, voice resources, in addition to the function of direct transmission of scientific information, other roles are also performing other roles: these are means of explaining the scientific content and the creation of the author's contact with the reader, these are means of active impact on the reader for the purpose of conviction, the formation of evaluation orientation. The choice of such funds creates the specifics of the author's presentation. The ability to process complex abstract information from the author of the text is found precisely at the speech level. After all, the popularizer is obliged to count on adequate perception of text, for the sake of this, it addresses the means of visibility based on the transfer of experience from one area to another. So comparisons are born, comparisons that help to understand intellectual information are born. Such blinking of the presentation helps to establish contact with the reader, on well-known examples, explain the complex concepts and processes and, therefore, intrigue the reader. The question of manifestation of author's individuality in the scientific text, on the individual style of the author, apparently, can be considered, bearing in mind the time aspect. Modern scientific literature (including humanitarian) in general and is focused on the monolithic style. Contrary to the differentiation of the sciences themselves there is an increase in the unity of intrastyle characteristics, in the direction of refusal from individual, emotional-expressive style features. However, if you turn to the history of the development of Russian science and the formation of scientific style, it turns out that such a leveling of the presentation was not always inherent in scientific essays. There are many reasons for such as objective and subjective, in particular, you can also be called this: frequent in Russian history, when a scientist and writer, the Bellarder was combined in one person. Such bilateral tranquility could not not affect the letter manner. And therefore, quite natural, for example, it seems to spelling M. Lomonosov Treatise on chemistry in poetic form. The syllable of the scientist may be in high degree Original and without special claims to such, without deliberate fiction. Currently, the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of scientists and writers was located due to a sharp change in the level of science itself, its specialization. In addition, the circle of scientists excessively expanded, and combining research and literary abilities in one person was extremely rare. And objectively becoming a scientific style, its standardization and stabilization, led to the predominance of "general" in the language above individual. The problem of this relationship for modern scientific literature is extremely relevant. Although it is obvious, the ratio does not change towards the prevalence of common. In the modern scientific text, the authors seek, often in order to objectify the communication, as well as thanks to the overall standardization of the science language, to destroy the estimated expressive and personality-emotional word, to the unification of both lexical material and the syntactic system. In general style scientific work It is becoming increasingly strict, academic, non-modest. This contributes to the unification of their compositions. However, this general tendency in the science language, as shown, does not refute the fact of manifestation of author's individuality in choosing the very problem of research, in the nature of its lighting, in the application of receptions and ways of evidence, in choosing the form of inclusion of "foreign" opinion, opposition tools, in The choice of means of attracting the attention of the reader, etc. All this together and creates an individual author style, and not only the actual emotional and expressive means of the language.

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Stylistic features of the works of agate Christie

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I want to tell you one long history that happened a little more than twenty years ago. I do not know how now, and in those years, the editors of the ordinary district newspaper consisted of three to four writing correspondents. Exactly in the number of departments, which was just - to count on the fingers: the department of letters, the department of the economy and socio-political. Everything. In each department - one person. Head itself is a journalist himself. Therefore, when I, "Young Dating", with a ten years with the newspaper with Junkorovsky notes about the life of the younger generation, came to "write in an adult" to the native newspaper, the chief editor was very happy. First. And then spread his hands - there are no bets.

It was at the beginning of summer. And a few days later, fate presented me with a gift. I don't remember why it happened, but in the midst of summer holidays in one wonderful Monday for me, not a single journalist was in the editor. And I called the editor. Appeared, they say, temporary work. Come out, practice, if you want, and we will see what you are capable of.

That's where it suffered. And as rushed! For all day, I ran around the city for officials in the soap to take an interview. Leaving on forest fires with foresters. It went to the raid on unfavorable families with the inspectors of PDNs. Launched with factory crafts there is a line for the production of something. In one state farm, together with the leadership, awarded the best milkers, in another - enjoyed the singing of local talents. And he wrote, wrote, wrote ... at night. And so two weeks. All this time, the newspaper came out almost completely with my materials, with the exception of readers edited by me.

However, there can not be a serious socio-political newspaper to be the author, right? And because under each note and the report did not stand alone and the same name, I had to invent different pseudonyms. And here is your task for a second-grader: 4 bands in the newspaper, on each three or four material. How many pseudonyms need to come up with readers to have no unnecessary issues? There were no questions. Everyone had the impression that the whole team of travelers worked on the releases. That is how it was presented to the public. The editor was pleased, something took something, and soon I was in the state of the editorial office. As they say, Heppi End.

But this story I was not told at all in order to appear before you so much supermans, saved the head of the editor from an imminent execution. Today we gathered about the author's style today. That's the story about him. Rather, about his absence. There was no copyright style then. I just knew how to write well. On this and took out a newspaper. But if the story was repeated after two or three years, such a number with Anatoly Andrianovich (the kingdom of heaven) would not have passed. Of course, force majeure and then happened. A couple of particularly arrogant pseudonyms are not-no yes and flashed on the bands. But the reader has no longer succeeded. My texts have become recognizable, and readers spoke about my style. Although I still believe that I do not have any copyright style. This is a fat and zoshchenko - style. And I have a simple journalist and copywriter - well honored letters skills.

(Eh, and yet it is damn nice, when people unfamiliar to you say on occasion: your texts do not confuse with anyone ...)

On the hair dryer bot, and everything will be ok

Do you know about what I remembered the events of the long-lasting years and decided to write a post on this topic? I recently, I was touched by one chance-read in the social network phrase to the soul. Her as an expert council was issued by my colleague, also studying people writing.

And I read the following: "I developed a unique system of creating copyright style. So that you have your own style, write as you say. " At first I tried to understand whether I read what I read. And making sure that the vision did not let me down, slightly got rled with a chal. How can you feed people with such a chushye, giving it to some kind of "author's system"?! Moreover, it was not about creating posts on a social network. In this case, the statement can still somehow agree. But the girl teaches bloggers and copywriters to write "articles".

No, my dear readers, write and talk - this is not the same thing. Writing as you say - this is not a method for creating a copyright style. This is a technique for writing text in speech-style speech. Only. It turns out that we are trying to give the ability to write in a conversational style for the presence of author's individuality. That's bullshit. Once Renar said: " Write the way you say, if, of course, you say well. ". But without this, "if" the phrase does not make sense at all. And this is what time it is said! In which language our ancestors were talked, and even more the French intelligentsia, which belonged to the writer. And what will happen if now everyone will start writing, as they say? Represent, what will make magazines, books, blogs? However, B. social networks The beginning of this phenomenon is already laid ... Probably, I will write a separate post about it, but still back to the author's individual style.

To have a copyright style, you must first become the author

So what is still in writing implies under the concept of "author's style"? In fact, everything is simple. These are all those features that the texts of one author are distinguished from the texts of others. It is expressed not only in lexico-stylistic techniques. Although, of course, first of all, the individuality is guessed in the language. But in addition, there are also ideological and meaningful features that also help readers identify one or another author. And now the main thing. Author's style can not be learned. It can not be created artificially. The author's style is formed himself. Years and through great work. All you can - continue to work. Writing, without stopping, and work on every word. And live. Be hunt to life. Because little to be able to beautifully play words, you need to have something for the soul and in my head, so that there is something to tell people. Stick here about two ends. An interesting story told by a bad writer will also be indifferent to the reader, as well as the masterfully written text about nothing.

When I advise my disciples to get rid of excesses in the text - numerous introductory wordsScreaming exclamation marks, endless interomalities and slang words - some of them are offended. Like, this is my author style, and you want to be like everyone else. No. This is not an author's style. This is poorly written text. You can not get a copyright style, without learning to write well - competently, it is interesting and understandable to inform the information to the reader. After all, by and large people do not care, you have this most author's style or not. They just want to read interesting texts.

Actually, my story, which I told you at the beginning, about the same thing. Have an individual style and receive compliments, of course, nice. But be a useful and interesting author - much more important.

R.S. And now one of you will say: how so? You say, you can not teach the copyright style, and the "individuality of the text" itself is in the course program. Worth it. Because you can not teach, but to help understand what style of presentation and what language funds Will help the author better reveal and become recognizable - you can. For this there are certain techniques and exercises. On the course we give it the steering wheel and show the direction. And how he will steer and take it to the point of destination, depends on his desire and attached efforts.