Yuri Dus: “Omsk is facing a catastrophic shortage of highly qualified economists. Text of the scientific work on "Analysis of the main factors affecting regional competitiveness"

Dean of the Faculty of International Business of Omsk State University, Doctor of Economics Yuri Dus presented to Governor Alexander Burkov his opinion on the extreme urgency of the problem of economic personnel in the region. At the request of "BK55", the dean of the FMB explained how the reduction could turn out for the Omsk region budget places in city universities.

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- Last month, on September 3, Governor Alexander Burkov met with students and teachers of Omsk State University, at which I had the opportunity to draw the attention of the head of the region to the problem of the almost complete absence of budget-funded places in the city's universities in economic specialties. And although federal universities are not in the competence of local authorities, the regional leadership should do everything possible to rectify the situation. Lack of staff today will become a serious problem for the city tomorrow, and this problem had to be solved yesterday!

Let me explain why this is so important. The material basis of the life of any region is the economy. Every year the Omsk region requires up to 1,500 economists and managers with higher education for the normal functioning of the economy (for development + filling vacancies + replacing those leaving). This year, the Ministry of Education did not allocate budget places for economic specialties for Omsk universities at all; 50 budget places in the Omsk branch financial university were received from the Ministry of Finance. As for commercial places, in total in OmSU, OmSTU, SibADI and the mentioned branch at full-time education about 330 people were accepted for the money. In total, it turns out no more than 400. Thus, in four years less than a third of the need will come to 1,500 jobs. And there will also be deductions, work outside the specialty, departure to other cities after graduation, and so on ...

In addition, graduates of schools with high USE scores, of course, are aimed at applying for budgetary places - it is not for nothing that they studied well. Since there are no such places in Omsk, these applicants have been going en masse to study on a budget in other cities for several years now.

Omsk enterprises will face understandable difficulties due to the shortage of personnel. This will affect, among other things, the science-intensive production sphere, which, in addition to state funding and technological base, requires personnel for the commercialization of developments, for successful competition in the market, including the international one! As a result, a decrease in the rate of gross regional product, budget minimization, a drop in living standards, and, otherwise, an increase in social tension are inevitable.

By the way, even the regional government is complaining about the lack of qualified personnel today, as the acting governor himself mentioned at the meeting. But jobs in the regional government can hardly be called unattractive. What can we say about ordinary enterprises?

Where to get specialists? In addition to the most active lobbying for the allocation of budget places in the Ministry of Education, business involvement is required. It's time for businesses to think about target locations in universities for talented children, to provide them with scholarships and grants as their future employees. In order for work in Omsk to be attractive, anyone understands: a decent wage is required. Otherwise, you will have to remember, what good, about the "organizational set" of Soviet times and recruit specialists in other regions ... It will be more expensive.

Once again I appeal to the regional authorities with a request to support economic Education... Without it, the economy and business of the Omsk region will collapse.

general information
Born on July 18, 1958 in the city of Slutsk, Byelorussian SSR. Graduated with honors from the history department of Omsk State University, postgraduate studies at Tomsk State University. Doctor of Economics (2007), elected to the position of professor (2008).
He defended his Ph.D. thesis at the TSU dissertation council (1986), his doctoral dissertation "Impact of intellectual migration on the socio-economic development of the world-system" - at the dissertation council at the Ural State Technical University - UPI (2007).
From September 1980 to the present, Yu.P. Dus works in Omsk state university(from 1987 to 1992 - PF AGIK): in 1980-1987 - assistant at the Department of Scientific Communism (1980-1982 - service in Soviet army), 1987-1992 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences (PF AGIK), since 1993 - Associate Professor at the Department of Innovation and Commercial Activity. In 1992-1993 - head of the scientific and methodological laboratory for the preparation of the creation of a new faculty, from 1993 to 1998 - head of the department of commerce at the Faculty of Economics, deputy dean of the Faculty of Economics. After acquiring an independent status by the Faculty of International Business, from 1998 to 2002 - Deputy Dean, from 2003 to the present - Dean of FMB. From October 1998 to the present - Head of the Department of International Economic Relations. In addition, since 2003 - head of the Russian-American branch of FMB, and since October 2008 - the Russian-German branch.
The sphere of scientific interests is the problems of labor force migration, specialists and scientists in the world economy, especially the inclusion of Russia in the system of world economic relations, issues of institutional economics. In total, over 150 scientific and educational and methodical works(including 7 monographs, including collective ones, and 4 textbooks). Yu.P. Dus supervises the work of graduate students and applicants. Member of the editorial board of the international scientific journal"Personality. Culture. Society", was the editor-in-chief of the "International Business" series of the "Vestnik OmSU" magazine.
From 1993 to the present, Dus Yu.P. is a member of the Academic Council of Omsk State University, the Admissions Committee of Omsk State University, for several years he was a member of the Educational and Methodological Council. He is a member of international professional communities. He was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, is an Honorary Worker of Higher Education (2010).
In 2019, a gratitude was announced from the State Duma Committee on Education and Science.

Main publications:

  1. "New Deal" by F. Roosevelt in the coverage of American neoliberal historians of the 50-60s. Tomsk: TSU Publishing House, 1983.
  2. Socio-political history of the twentieth century. Omsk, 1990.
  3. Humanitarian training of specialists in economics in universities: goals and content. Omsk, 1997.
  4. Faculty of International Business: Academic Directory. 2000-2002. - Omsk: Omsk State University, 2000.
  5. International economic relations in the era of globalization: Textbook. - Omsk: Publishing house "Science-Omsk", 2003.
  6. Policy of economically developed countries in the field of international migration of specialists and scientists // Bulletin of USTU-UPI. Series "Economics and Management". - Yekaterinburg: GOU VPO USTU-UPI, 2005. No. 6.
  7. Modern trends in the development of world economic relations: migration, integration, internationalization. Monograph. - Omsk: Publishing House "Science", 2005.
  8. Model of the modern world economic migration of intellectuals and Russia // Personality. Culture. Society. 2005.Vol. VII. Issue 4 (28).
  9. Migration of intellectuals in the modern world system // Philosophy: history and modernity. 2004-2005: Sat. scientific. tr. Institute of Philosophy and Law of the United Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy of the SB RAS. - Novosibirsk-Omsk, 2005.
  10. Taking into account the role of the migration factor in forecasting the innovative development of Russia // Innovations. 2005. No. 8 (85).
  11. International migration of scientists in the context of the modern world-system and intelligent networks // Vestnik NSU. Series: Philosophy. Novosibirsk, 2005. T. 3. Issue. 2.
  12. Intellectual colonization // All-Russian journal ECO. 2006. No. 2.
  13. Migration of specialists and scientific personnel in the world economy. Monograph. - Novosibirsk: "Science", 2006.
  14. Accounting and some mechanisms for regulating the migration of specialists the highest qualifications// Personality. Culture. Society. 2006. T. VIII. Issue 3 (31).
  15. Intellectual Migration within the Historical Context of Transnational Migration // The Journal of the North Carolina Association of Historians. April 2006. Volume 14.
  16. A Siberian University in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities // Center News. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Spring 2006. No. 107.
  17. Criticism of modern theories of international migration of highly qualified specialists // Omsk Scientific Bulletin. 2006. No. 9 (47).
  18. From accounting to migration regulation of highly qualified specialists // Man, culture and society in the context of globalization: mater. int. scientific. conf. - M .: Akademicheskiy prospect; Russian Institute culturologists, 2007.
  19. Russian-American educational program at the Omsk State University School of International Business // The Fusion of Economic Culture in the Context of Market Economy. International Conference Proceeding. Yekaterinburg: SEI HPE USTU-UPI, 2007. Issue 10. Vol. 3.
  20. Russian history: tutorial(for students of economic specialties and directions of universities). Omsk: Publishing house Om. state University, 2008.
  21. Directions for increasing the competitiveness of economic entities in the context of Russia's integration into the system of world economic relations. Monograph - Novosibirsk: Publishing house of the SB RAS, 2008.
  22. Russia in the world economic processes... Monograph. Omsk: Publishing house Om. University, 2010.
  23. Towards the formation of a model for the movement of human capital in modern society// Bulletin of USTU-UPI. Series "Economics and Management". 2010.2.
  24. National history. Lecture course. Study guide - M .: Forum, 2011.
  25. The influence of peculiarities and trends of Russian sociodynamics on the economy // Vestnik UrFU. Series "Economics and Management". 2011.2.
  26. International experience of territorial planning // Problems and prospects of economics and management: Mater. int. scientific and practical. conf. "Problems and prospects of economics and management" (April 25-26, 2012, Kharkov, Ukraine). X., 2012. Access mode: http://memorandum.su/pdf/EconomicConf_2012_04_25pdf
  27. The influence of the financial crisis on the innovative activity of Russian companies // Vestnik UrFU. Series "Economics and Management". 2013.2.
  28. The economy of Russia in the context of globalization. Monograph. Omsk: Publishing house Om. state University, 2013.
  29. Applications of the TDIS apparatus in communications management (with access to the development of insayfing) // Bulletin of Omsk University. 2013.4.
  30. Consumer Relationship Programs as the Basis for Marketing Strategy Development // Economic Sciences. 2013.9.
  31. Economic history (philosophical, sociological, informational aspects): textbook. M .: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2014.
  32. Insafing: New Promising Form of Intellectual Communication // International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning. 2014. Volume 3. Issue 1
  33. Independent work of students: guidelines for students of the direction "Economics" of the Faculty of International Business. Omsk: Publishing house Om. state unta, 2015.
  34. Russia in modern world: search for a new strategy of socio-economic development. Monograph. Omsk: Publishing house Om. state University, 2016.
  35. National history. Lecture course. Tutorial. M .: Forum, 2017.
  36. Economic history (philosophical, sociological, informational aspects): textbook. M .: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2017.
  37. "A resident is always right", or How to involve the population in managing the development of the territory (co-author E. Ya. Vlaskina) // Regional economy: theory and practice. T. 16, no. 4, April 2018.S. 612-623.
  38. Power in history: state and economic factors // Bulletin of Omsk University. Series "Historical Sciences". 2018. No. 1 (17). S. 109-117.
  39. Insafing - new intellectual technology of group work (co-authors are V. Razumov, L. Ryzhenko, V. Sizikov) // Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity. 2018. Vol. 11 / No. 2, p. 15-24.

Teaching activities at FMB:
Academic disciplines:
Business and Society (read in previous years)
History of economics
Business philosophy (read in previous years)
The history of homeland
International relations (read in previous years)
International Economic Relations (read in previous years)
Fundamentals of economic knowledge (in selected years for economic
classes of specialized lyceums and gymnasiums in Omsk)
Coursework and thesis according to the profile of the faculty specialties.

Job responsibilities at FMB:
Head of the department. Organization of the work of the dean's office. Current interaction with the services of the university. Work in the administration. Member of the Academic Council. Selection committee. Organization of work of SJSC and SEC, chairman of SJSC and deputy chairman of SJSC. Coordination of resource allocation with other faculties and departments. Interaction with ULV. Ongoing interaction with the media. Interaction with parents. Career guidance and interaction with schools.

Reception of students, teachers, parents on personal matters:
Monday - from 17.15 to 18.45, after prior agreement with
Secretary of the dean's office T.Yu. Lavrinovich (tel. 673-799).

Business address:
644077, Omsk-77, st. Neftezavodskaya, 11, OmSU, FMB, office. 307
Phone: (3812) 673.799, fax: (3812) 673.799

It's time to change the government's attitude towards higher education


Dus Yu.P., Razumov V.I., Shkarupa V.M.

The necessary structural reforms, first of all, should be understood as the modernization of the tax system, the improvement of control and supervision activities, the implementation of the import substitution policy, and the increase in the efficiency of development institutions.

Sergey Katyrin, Head of the RF CCI (On the Internet from 02.26.2017: https://news.mail.ru/economics/28893724/?frommail=1).

Let's read this epigraph and think about how this call is responded to by what is being done under the flag of education reforms in Russia. Based on an analysis of the government's policy in the field of higher education in recent years, an unbiased observer might get the impression that the country's higher school is a bunch of dummies (each step of which requires control), lazy people (in need of constant stress by filling out a huge heap of papers, doing things, not having not only practical, but often common sense), bribery (constantly exposed by the highly moral media), sybarites and hedonists (whose financial capabilities must be kept in the tightest rein for their own benefit), etc., etc.

In fact, in conditions when the West is trying to isolate the country economically with the help of sanctions, including from investments and technologies of a new generation, when the dynamics of prices for raw materials is unclear, when military-political turbulence practically everywhere in the world is fraught with armed conflicts, when traditional values ​​are under massive attack (from outside and from within the country) - higher education requires a fresh look and reassessment of those in power. Because the fate of the country depends on it once again (perhaps the last time?). Paradoxically, against the background of the hostile attitude of the economically leading countries towards us, with an obvious need for import substitution, a critical attitude towards investment and economic assessments of Western agencies, Russian higher education is entirely focused on Western scientometric standards and assessments.

The whole history of the last century suggests that the foundations of the XVIII-XIX centuries. the foundations of Russian classical higher education allowed the latter to be the fundamental basis for the protection, preservation and development of society and the state:

- when, during the revolutionary upheavals of 1917, the hardships Civil war and the devastation of higher education was largely dismantled, its internal resources were still sufficient to ensure the subsequent industrialization and the solution of the problems of eliminating illiteracy, the development of science and culture;

- when in the 30s. repressions fell, including on the sphere of education and science, higher education provided conditions for engineering, technological, scientific, personnel resistance to the aggression of the Hitlerite army, which relied on almost the entire military-technical potential and raw materials of Western Europe, and then the victorious completion of the Great Patriotic War;

- when, in the post-war years, higher education experienced incredible difficulties of the recovery period, was subjected to new types of repression (on a national basis, etc.), it was able to intellectually provide breakthrough areas of scientific and technological progress: space, military and peaceful atom, etc .;

- when in the 90s. the higher school, remaining on minimal funding, without serious support, feverishly looked for opportunities to solve its problems on its own (including by introducing a system paid education), she managed to restructure quickly and efficiently enough to ensure market reforms and the country's sovereign development. Moreover, the level of personnel training was still so high that a significant part of specialists (from hundreds of thousands to millions) found application in economically developed countries, due to which they were lost to our country.

After all that has been said, is it necessary to prove that the higher school of Russia is basically an integral and most important component of the national economic complex, which has proved in the most inhuman and most unusual conditions for it that it is devoted to the people, country, culture, traditions? That she solves the tasks assigned to her in any conditions (almost like the Airborne Forces)? Should I turn this magic wand of our civilization into the toilet brush of bureaucratic exercises?

If we talk about the shortcomings and problems of higher education, the need for control, then it is obvious to the thinking majority that the development of any major phenomenon is accompanied by problems under any conditions. The costs of control and regulation, disrupting the work of the phenomenon itself, is too expensive a thing, especially in the conditions of the government's austerity regime for two years already. What, it would seem, control exists in the field of air transport, but there is a certain percentage of accidents. Let us recall the most severe attention of the authorities to the energy sector in the Soviet era. Nevertheless, a defect in one nut at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP led to a terrible disaster.

Higher education cannot be instantly improved with a new (No. 3, No. 3+, No. 3 ++, No. 4, etc.) educational standard. She is, in the best sense of the word, a conservative organism, standing on the deep foundations of tradition and culture. But he is not unlimited in his patience with incessant innovation. Today it is vitally important to introduce common reasonable rules for the operation of universities, a reasonable framework control, to provide an opportunity for a public institution, which has literally saved the country more than once, to simply work in peace. Otherwise, it may seem to someone that the most zealous "reformers" are those who want to repay the former "tormentor-professors" for their own bad marks and a formed inferiority complex.

History of Russia from the 17th century is expressed in the tendency of the country's expansion, and not only geopolitical, but also economic and cultural. Suffice it to recall how intensively and on a large scale, after the Second World War, the construction of universities went on throughout the USSR. Currently, Russian universities are built in a pyramid of 6 levels, and it looks like, for example, the millionth city of Omsk has universities of only 4th and lower levels today! Competition between universities has actually been replaced by nomenclature relations.

One of the effects of 25 years of reforms in higher education RF was a catastrophic decline in the passionarity of teachers. I remember the time when we started to work in universities - the beginning of the 80s - the topics of teachers' conversations were focused on the discussion of scientific problems; plans, progress, research results; on the search for new forms and methods of teaching. Students were willingly involved in these communications. A recent years seven to eight conversations are about which test and how to prepare, into which new standards we should "repackage" again educational materials; in what editions and with what impact factor who published, what is your Hirsch (scientometric index). Do you think young people will be interested in these conversations, and if someone listens, the question will arise - why am I here?

So, we are not asking, we are demanding not to push higher schools with constant checks and endless reforms - this has a very remote relation (if at all) to improving the quality of teaching. Higher education is not a mechanism that requires vigilant control, but a living regenerating organism that has proven its ability to evolve without external, often, to be honest, incompetent instructions on how to rebuild. In the management of a higher school, it is necessary to confine oneself to the most general requirements imposed on it for federal level... Isn't it time higher political and ideological attitude towards the highest school build on the highest trust?

Dus Yuri Petrovich, Dean of the Faculty of International Business, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations, Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky (OmSU)

Razumov Vladimir Ilyich, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Omsk State University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

Shkarupa Vladimir Mikhailovich, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Omsk State University

participant of the "Famous Scientists" encyclopedia

Dean of the Faculty of International Business at OMGU.

In 1980 he graduated from the history faculty of Omsk State University, specializing in "Historian. Teacher of History and Social Science", and in 1986 - full-time postgraduate study at Tomsk State University, having defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Social and political life of West Siberian peasantry in 1937-1941. "

From 1987 to 1992 he worked as a teacher of the Department of Social Sciences of the Omsk branch of the Altai state institution culture. From 1992 to the present, he has been working at Omsk State University in the following positions: Head of the educational and methodological laboratory of Omsk State University, Head of the Department of Psychology and Commerce Faculty of Economics(1993-1996), Head of the Department of Commerce of the EF (1996-1998), Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Business (1998- January 2003), Head of the Department of International Economic Relations (1998-present). Since January 2003, he was acting dean, and in June 2003 by the Academic Council of Omsk State University he was elected dean of the Faculty of International Business for a period of five years. In 2008 he was elected for a second term.

In 2007, at the Dissertation Council of the Ural State technical university defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialty "World Economy" on the topic "Impact of the migration of intellectuals on the socio-economic development of the world-system." Since June 2008 - Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations.

Member of the European Association for Evolutionary Economics (since 1998). Member of the US International Business Academy (since 2003).

Teaching activity at FMB:

Academic disciplines:

Business and Society (read in previous years)

History of economics

Business philosophy (read in previous years)

The history of homeland

International relations (read in previous years)

International Economic Relations (read in previous years)

Fundamentals of economic knowledge (in selected years for economic

classes of specialized lyceums and gymnasiums in Omsk)

Term and diploma works on the profile of the faculty's specialties.

Scientific publications:

"New Deal" by F. Roosevelt in the coverage of American neoliberal historians of the 50-60s. Tomsk: TSU Publishing House, 1983.

Socio-political history of the twentieth century. Omsk, 1990.

Humanitarian training of specialists in economics in universities: goals and content. Omsk, 1997.

Faculty of International Business: Academic Directory. 2000-2002. - Omsk: Omsk State University, 2000.

International economic relations in the era of globalization: Textbook. - Omsk: Publishing house "Science-Omsk", 2003.

Policy of economically developed countries in the field of international migration of specialists and scientists // Bulletin of USTU-UPI. Series "Economics and Management". - Yekaterinburg: GOU VPO USTU-UPI, 2005. No. 6.

Modern trends in the development of world economic relations: migration, integration, internationalization. Monograph. - Omsk: Publishing House "Science", 2005.

Model of the modern world economic migration of intellectuals and Russia // Personality. Culture. Society. 2005.Vol. VII. Issue 4 (28).

Migration of intellectuals in the modern world system // Philosophy: history and modernity. 2004-2005: Sat. scientific. tr. Institute of Philosophy and Law of the United Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy of the SB RAS. - Novosibirsk-Omsk, 2005.

Taking into account the role of the migration factor in forecasting the innovative development of Russia // Innovations. 2005. No. 8 (85).

International migration of scientists in the context of the modern world-system and intelligent networks // Vestnik NSU. Series: Philosophy. Novosibirsk, 2005. T. 3. Issue. 2.

Intellectual colonization // All-Russian journal ECO. 2006. No. 2.

Migration of specialists and scientific personnel in the world economy. Monograph. - Novosibirsk: "Science", 2006.

Accounting and some mechanisms for regulating the migration of highly qualified specialists // Personality. Culture. Society. 2006. T. VIII. Issue 3 (31).

Intellectual Migration within the Historical Context of Transnational Migration // The Journal of the North Carolina Association of Historians. April 2006. Volume 14.

A Siberian University in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities // Center News. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Spring 2006. No. 107.

Criticism of modern theories of international migration of highly qualified specialists // Omsk Scientific Bulletin. 2006. No. 9 (47).

From accounting to migration regulation of highly qualified specialists // Man, culture and society in the context of globalization: mater. int. scientific. conf. - M .: Akademicheskiy prospect; Russian Institute of Cultural Studies, 2007.

Russian-American educational program at the Omsk State University School of International Business // The Fusion of Economic Culture in the Context of Market Economy. International Conference Proceeding. Yekaterinburg: SEI HPE USTU-UPI, 2007. Issue 10. Vol. 3.

History of Russia: textbook (for students of economic specialties and directions of universities). Omsk: Publishing house Om. state University, 2008.

Directions for increasing the competitiveness of economic entities in the context of Russia's integration into the system of world economic relations. Monograph - Novosibirsk: Publishing house of the SB RAS, 2008

In those already distant times, when books were actively read in our country, it was somehow inconvenient in educated circles to admit that they had not read, for example, "The Master and Margarita" by Bulgakov, "One Day in Ivan Denisovich" by Solzhenitsyn, "The Old Man and the Sea" Hemingway, "The Little Prince" by Saint-Exupery.

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This included Jerome Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye. Main character- 17-year-old boy named Holden - acutely perceives the falsity of moral canons American society, and the main dream that he told his little sister was (which at first glance is strange) to save the children: “You see, I imagined how little children were playing in the evening in a huge field in the rye. Thousands of kids and around not a soul, not a single adult, except me. And I am standing on the very edge of a cliff, over a precipice, do you understand? And my job is to catch the kids so that they don't fall into the abyss. You see, they are playing and do not see where they are running, then I run up and catch them so that they do not break off "(Jerome D. Salinger. Catcher in the Rye. M .: Raduga, 1983. S. 72).

The image is quite transparent and, I think, refers not only to childish purity, absorbed by the "abyss" adulthood with its callousness, vulgarity, cruelty, but also to whole countries. Such a country, balancing on the edge of an abyss (or already flying into it), is Ukraine. I wrote in detail about the difficulties of relations with her and the West in "BC" No. 4 for 2014 ("What is the strength, brother?") And in "BC" No. 1 for 2015 ("The fate of Ukraine is to be torn apart." ). The Ukrainians, in fact, are the same Russian people who found themselves on the "outskirts" (as the name implies) of the Russian world. For a long time under the rule and influence of Poland, pressure from Austria and the West in general, the Little Russians lost their bearings, "played in the rye", very reminiscent of Salinger's "kids".

Why are we talking about the abyss? After all, in Ukraine they constantly insist that they want to go to Europe - to civilization, to liberalism! But because of that and into the abyss, that to liberalism. For Ukraine, he is the very abyss. The fact is that liberalism is a product only for internal, Western European "use", where goods and freedoms are intended for the "big white masters" themselves. The rest were used and exterminated for centuries. According to the latest data, at least 100-140 million Indians lived on the American continent before Columbus. Over the two centuries of white rule, this number has decreased by 90%. And to date, no more than 5% of the former number of the indigenous population has survived. Only in Central and South America from 60 to 80 million were destroyed, including entire civilizations and peoples (Aztecs, Incas, Maya, Beotuchi, Cueva, Taino, Timuqua, etc.). Such genocide, which led to the death of 100 million (!) People, according to the estimates of the American historian, professor at the University of Hawaii David Stannard, who called his book "American Holocaust" (American experts K. Sale, B. Kiernan, L. Stiffarm, F. Lane and many others), in world history no one has demonstrated, except for the "enlightened Europeans" ().

Further - steeper: for more than three centuries, European slave traders, like cattle in holds, took out blacks to plantations in America. 14 million slaves were taken out, but, even according to the bashfully modest data of Wikipedia, for every living slave there were 3-4 killed during the "hunt for people and transportation" (). That is, it turns out that, in addition to 100 million Indians, another 42 to 56 million Africans died on their native land during the spread of liberal values ​​to the American (and African) continent. Roughly the same proportions (destruction of about 90% of the local) can be traced everywhere where Europe appears. In Australia, for example, before the arrival of the Europeans, up to 1 million aborigines lived (according to the calculations of the Europeans themselves); by the beginning of the twentieth century, about 60 thousand of them remained ().

And in all European colonies, by the beginning of the twentieth century. covering half of the planet's territory (54.9%), where more than a third (35.2%) of earthlings lived ... aborigines (ie, just local residents who suddenly became consumables, slaves on their land) no one really considered victims. In India alone, during the period of British colonial rule, several tens of millions of people were ruined by hunger, epidemics, and military violence. As the same Wikipedia writes, “ modern research they directly blame the policy of the British Crown for the famine ", which destroyed" ... an uncountable (!) number of Indians "(). If we add that the British forced the same colonized Hindus to produce hundreds of thousands of tons of opium, and then under the throats of ship guns (during the two Opium Wars of the 19th century) they forced the Chinese to buy this poison for short term flooded the country with potion, then the number of victims cannot be taken into account.

With the active participation of Europe (which created after the great geographical discoveries system of world connections), the infection of drug addiction has spread to the whole world. And the West still manages to contribute to this. According to the UN, from the moment the US and NATO military contingents entered Afghanistan in 2001 and until 2010, the opium poppy harvest in Afghanistan increased almost 40 times. Today this country produces twice as much opiates as the whole world produced 10 years ago (). And if more than 200 thousand people perish on the planet from drugs in just a year, then the European contribution to the destruction of people cannot be overestimated! About such "little things" as untied Western Europe two world wars, with almost 100 million killed alone, is no longer worth remembering.

Why do I associate all of the above with liberalism? After all, he “proclaims the rights and freedoms of every person as the highest value and establishes them as the legal basis of the social and economic order” (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism). Sounds great! Why doesn't it work when Europeans interact with the rest of the world? Because Europe has emasculated the ideas put forward in the Age of Enlightenment by thinkers J. Locke, T. Hobbes, C. Montesquieu, J.J. Russo, etc.

To substantiate the replacement of outdated feudal orders with progressive liberal market norms, the named educators in the distant 17th-18th centuries had to prove that medieval non-economic coercion was illegal, that a person (both an entrepreneur and an employee) should be free! Thinkers even called this principle "the natural law of Nature, Mind and Deity." According to the indisputable assertion of the authors, Freedom cannot "grow" out of Nature (after all, even ants have slavery; and bees actually have communism; in packs of animals - the total dictatorship of the leader ...), but Reason cannot be the basis for it, since reasonable creatures have always sought to enslave their neighbors, to shift the social "burden" onto the shoulders of a neighbor. Consequently, human freedom can only be derived from an idea that lies above nature and society, i.e. from the presence of the Highest mind, from the recognition of the existence of God. Locke writes: “People are born equal and free, because The Creator did not single out any of them with something special ”(J. Locke. Two treatises on government // Works in 3 volumes. M .: Mysl, 1988. T. 3. S. 263-265).

Liberty Leading the People, Eugene Delacroix, 1830, Louvre

If we, according to our enlighteners, are equally created by the Creator and equally belong to him, then the existence of God, "natural law" requires peace and the preservation of all mankind. No one has the right to harm what belongs to God, i.e. his and someone else's life, health, property and freedom. Locke is logical: if you see that someone wants to kill, subjugate or rob, it means that this someone is rebelling against the law of Nature and God, thereby declaring war on all mankind.

Since this natural right can result in a war of all against all, people unite in society and create a state. That is, freedom, human rights, property and even the state make sense only if we recognize the existence of God. Otherwise, robbers, rapists, murderers can do whatever they want ...
So liberalism, which in theory began so beautifully, as the West developed, lost the foundation of its concept - God and His laws. First of all, the Western Church did not preserve this, which at first fell away from Orthodoxy in the form of Catholicism, and then Calvinism and Lutheranism broke away from Catholicism itself, in turn, which, according to the estimates of Protestant historians, disintegrated into almost 22 thousand movements, directions, sects ... As a result all the commandments are forgotten and / or perverted beyond recognition:

- instead of “honor your father and mother” it came out: “please go to juvenile justice, and they will be deprived of parental rights”;

- instead of “each of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife fear her husband” became: “in modern gender theory, the protective attitude of a man to a woman is an insult to a woman” (in Cologne, on cathedral (!) Square, when they raped German women, German men did not intercede, only one Croat began to beat the scum's muzzles ...);

- instead of "do not kill", euthanasia is legalized in Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada, individual states of the USA, Australia - far from poor countries;

- instead of "do not steal" - see above everything about the attitude towards other peoples and civilizations. And today, little has changed. I no longer remember Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria. The same Kiev regime, which came to power (with the money of the West) after an armed coup, is organizing mass murders, bombing residential areas, imprisoning thousands of people, and fooling millions. And he is supported, credited, shake hands ... Everything is possible to weaken competitors, take control and divide (for the time being) someone else's.

Therefore, in their unenlightened striving for Europe, for its values, Little Russians remind me of the biblical prodigal son (in our case, brother ...). Liberals will rip off all the "father's" (Soviet) inheritance as sticky, force them to serve their own needs, eat pork feed (those same "horns", not their favorite bacon) and throw them out after use. And isn't it time (before it's too late) to think about returning to the Father, or rather to the elder brother. There, where the truth, and therefore the power!