Berens Mikhail Andreevich (1879-1943), Rear Admiral, member of the White movement. Behrens, mikhail andreevich

Berens Mikhail Andreevich(January 16, Kutaisi - January 20, Tunisia) - Russian rear admiral, commander of the Russian squadron.


1904-1905 - a participant in the Russian-Japanese war, the battle of Port Arthur, a junior navigational officer, served on the battleship Sevastopol, the chief of watch of the destroyer Bold, the commander of the destroyer Boyky (on the eve of the fall of the fortress, he took the ship through the Japanese blockade in Qingdao ).

1909-1911 - assistant senior officer and senior officer of the cruiser Diana.

1915 (April) - commander of the destroyer Pobeditel.

1915 - Captain 2nd Rank, commander of the destroyer Novik. On August 18, 1915, he entered into battle with two German destroyers and inflicted severe damage on them, as a result of which one of them sank. By order of the Commander of the Baltic Sea Fleet No. 908, he was awarded the Order of St. George 4 degrees for the fact that “being with the destroyer entrusted to him on August 4 near the Irbensky Strait, he met two enemy destroyers, each of which was equal in strength to Novik, joined him to battle. After 6 minutes of battle, owing to the excellent shooting and skillful maneuvering of the Novik, the enemy lead destroyer, knocked out by shells and having a fire on the tank, began to retreat. 10 minutes after the start of the battle, the middle pipe of the pursued destroyer was shot down and a fire broke out in the poop. "Novik" shifted fire to the second destroyer, after which the enemy fled, pursued by the fire of "Novik", from which the lead destroyer soon sank near the Mikhailovsky lighthouse, and the second destroyer disappeared in the fog behind a fence and under the cover of its main forces. "

1916 - Captain 1st Rank, commander of the battleship "Petropavlovsk".

1917 - and. e. Chief of Staff of Mine Defense of the Baltic Fleet.

1918 (12.01) - dismissed from service without the right to receive a pension.

1919 (March) left Petrograd for Finland, then to the Far East, joined Admiral A. V. Kolchak. In 1919 - Rear Admiral. 1919-1920 - Commander of the forces of the Primorsky Zemstvo Council (Vladivostok)

1920 - and. O. Commander of the Marine Forces in the Pacific Ocean, on the night of January 31, led the departure of a group of auxiliary ships with the naval school midshipmen and refugees from Vladivostok to Tsuruga (China).

1920 (28.08) - arrived by steamer to Sevastopol at the disposal of General Wrangel.

1920 (September) - commandant of the Kerch fortress. In the Armed Forces of the South of Russia, before the evacuation of Crimea, he headed the combat activities of the fleet forces in the Sea of ​​Azov, the head of the 2nd (Azov) detachment of the Black Sea Fleet ships.

1920 (November 24) - junior flagship of the 2nd detachment of the Black Sea squadron

1920 (December) - one of the leaders of the transition of the Russian squadron from Constantinople to the French naval base Bizerte (Tunisia).

1921 (January) - October 29, 1924 - Commander of the Russian squadron after the departure of Admiral Kedrov to Paris. He ensured the repair of ships, the preservation of the main personnel and the continuation of the training of midshipmen in the Naval Corps until the disarmament of the squadron after the recognition of the USSR by France on October 29, 1924. He stayed in Tunisia, worked in the agricultural directorate, took an active part in the affairs of the local department of the Naval Union.

In exile in France and Tunisia, he was buried in the cemetery of Megrin. On April 30, 2001, the ashes were transferred to the Borjel cemetery in Tunis. The tombstone, on the initiative of Admiral I. V. Kasatonov, was delivered by a missile cruiser from Russia and was installed with honors on the rear admiral's grave.


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Notes (edit)


  • Volkov S.V. Officers of the Navy and the Maritime Department: the Experience of a Martyrology / S.V. Volkov. - M .: Russian way, 2004 .-- 557, p. ISBN 5-85887-201-8
  • Pilkin V.K. In the White Struggle in the North-West: Diary 1918-1920 / Admiral V.K. Pilkin. - M .: Rus. put, 2005 (Tver. polygraph. com. det. lit.). - 638, p. ISBN 5-85887-190-9

BERENS Mikhail Andreevich, Rear Admiral, member of the White Movement, one of the leaders of the evacuation of the Russian army of General Wrangel from the Crimea to Constantinople and then the Russian squadron to Bizerte (Tunisia), the last commander of the Russian squadron.

From the nobility of the Moscow province. Orthodox faith. The second son of the Tiflis prosecutor Andrei Evgenievich Behrens Behrens) and his wife Maria Mikhailovna, nee Alikhanova. Brother .

He graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps in 1898 and on September 15 of the same year he was enlisted in the 4th naval crew. He served as inspector of the coastal defense battleship "Admiral Chichagov", then the adjutant of the crew and chief of watch for the mine cruiser "Lieutenant Ilyin" and the seaworthy gunboat "Gilyak".

From 1900 to 1905 served in the Pacific squadron. In 1900-1901. participated in the war with China; during the suppression of the Ikhetuan uprising in 1900, being the commander of the plutong of the gunboat "Gilyak" in the Pacific squadron, distinguished himself in the assault on the Chinese fort of Dagu (Taku).

After the end of the war with China, he held the posts of a navigator officer of the Otvazhny and Gilyak gunboats, the Varyag and Dzhigit cruisers.

In 1904 he graduated from the Navigation officer class, enrolled in the Navigation officers of the 1st category.

In 1904-1905. - participant of the Russo-Japanese War. At the beginning of the war, he was in Port Arthur on the battleship Sevastopol. Then he commanded the destroyer "Boyky", with which, on the eve of the fall of the fortress, broke through the Japanese blockade, went to Qingdao, where the ship was interned. For his courage he was awarded a personalized golden weapon.

In 1906 he was transferred to the Baltic Fleet, enlisted in the 2nd Queen of the Hellenes naval crew. He served on the armored cruiser Rurik and the cruiser Diana.

In 1911-1913. commanded the destroyer "Light", in 1913-1916. - destroyers "Turkmenets Stavropolsky", "Pobeditel", "Novik".

On August 18, 1915, with the rank of captain of the 2nd rank, the commander of the destroyer Novik, he engaged two German destroyers and inflicted severe damage on them, as a result of which one of them sank. For this battle he was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree.

From November 28, 1916 to May 2, 1917 - Commander of the battleship "Petropavlovsk", left his post as a result of a conflict with revolutionary provocateurs in the battleship's crew.

At the end of 1917 - beginning of 1918. - Acting Chief of the Naval General Staff.

In March 1919 M.A. Behrens left Petrograd for Finland, then to the Far East, where he joined Admiral A.V. Kolchak, served as commander of the Naval Forces in the Pacific. July 8, 1919 promoted to rear admiral.

In 1919-1920. Acting commander of the forces of the Primorsk Zemstvo Council (Vladivostok).

On January 31, 1920, he headed the departure of a detachment of ships with midshipmen of the Naval School and refugees from Vladivostok to China.

On August 28, 1920, he arrived in Sevastopol at the disposal of General P.N. Wrangel. In September - the commandant of the Kerch fortress; headed the combat activities of a detachment of ships in the Sea of ​​Azov.

In November 1920, during the evacuation of the army, P.N. Wrangel from Crimea - the organizer of the loading of troops and refugees in Kerch, took competent and decisive measures to organize the evacuation, without losing any people, not a single unit of military equipment and weapons. On November 24, he took up the post of junior flagship of the reformed Black Sea (Russian) squadron from the fleet. In December 1920 - one of the leaders of the transition of the Russian squadron from Constantinople to the French naval base Bizerte (Tunisia).

From January 1921 to October 29, 1924 - Commander of the Russian squadron. He ensured the repair of ships, the preservation of the main cadre personnel, the strengthening of naval traditions among the emigrant sailors. Through his efforts, the education and training of cadets and midshipmen in the Marine Corps in Bizerte continued. He paid great attention to the social and legal protection of Russian refugees.

After the recognition of the USSR by France on October 29, 1924, the squadron was disarmed, and it was M.A. Behrens lowered the Andreevsky flag on the squadron for the last time.

In exile he lived in France and Tunisia. Until the early 1930s. worked in the agricultural directorate, then was fired, refusing to accept French citizenship in accordance with the law on naturalization of civil servants, and was interrupted to death by odd jobs (made toys and women's handbags).

He took an active part in the affairs of the department of the Naval Union in Tunisia.

He was not married. He was buried at the Megrin cemetery in the suburbs of Tunisia (on April 30, 2001, in connection with the liquidation of the cemetery, his ashes were transferred to the Borzhel cemetery in Tunisia; on the initiative of the Russian Admiral I.V. Kasatonov, a tombstone brought from Russia was installed on his grave).


Rutych [-Rutchenko] N.N. Biographical reference book of the highest ranks of the Volunteer Army and the Armed Forces of the South of Russia. M .: AST, 2002.S. 53-54; Volkov S.V. Officers of the Navy and the Maritime Department: The Experience of a Martyrology. M .: "Russian way", 2004; Pilkin V.K. In the White Struggle in the Northwest: Diary 1918-1920. M .: "Russian way", 2005.

1904-1905 - a participant in the Russian-Japanese war, the battle of Port Arthur, a junior navigational officer, served on the battleship Sevastopol, the chief of watch of the destroyer Bold, the commander of the destroyer Boyky (on the eve of the fall of the fortress, he took the ship through the Japanese blockade in Qingdao ).

1909-1911 - assistant senior officer and senior officer of the cruiser Diana.

1913-1914 - commander of the destroyer "Turkmenets Stavropolsky".

1915 (April) - commander of the destroyer Pobeditel.

1915 - Captain 2nd Rank, commander of the destroyer Novik. On August 18, 1915, he entered into battle with two German destroyers and inflicted severe damage on them, as a result of which one of them sank. By order of the commander of the Baltic Sea Fleet No. 908, he was awarded the Order of St. George 4 degrees for the fact that “being with the destroyer entrusted to him on August 4 near the Irbensky Strait, he met two enemy destroyers, each of which was equal in strength to Novik, joined him to battle. After 6 minutes of battle, owing to the excellent shooting and skillful maneuvering of the Novik, the enemy lead destroyer, knocked out by shells and having a fire on the tank, began to retreat. 10 minutes after the start of the battle, the middle pipe of the pursued destroyer was shot down and a fire broke out in the poop. "Novik" shifted fire to the second destroyer, after which the enemy fled, pursued by the fire of "Novik", from which the lead destroyer soon sank near the Mikhailovsky lighthouse, and the second destroyer disappeared in the fog behind a fence and under the cover of its main forces. "

1916 - Captain 1st Rank, commander of the battleship "Petropavlovsk".

1917 - and. e. Chief of Staff of Mine Defense of the Baltic Fleet.

1918 (12.01) - dismissed from service without the right to receive a pension.

1919 (March) left Petrograd for Finland, then to the Far East, joined Admiral A. V. Kolchak. In 1919 - Rear Admiral. 1919-1920 - Commander of the forces of the Primorsky Zemstvo Council (Vladivostok)

1920 - and. O. Commander of the Marine Forces in the Pacific Ocean, on the night of January 31, led the departure of a group of auxiliary ships with the naval school midshipmen and refugees from Vladivostok to Tsuruga (China).

1920 (28.08) - arrived by steamer to Sevastopol at the disposal of General Wrangel.

1920 (September) - commandant of the Kerch fortress. In the Armed Forces of the South of Russia, before the evacuation of Crimea, he headed the combat activities of the fleet forces in the Sea of ​​Azov, head of the 2nd (Azov) squadron of the Black Sea Fleet ships.

1920 (November 24) - junior flagship of the 2nd detachment of the Black Sea squadron

1920 (December) - one of the leaders of the transition of the Russian squadron from Constantinople to the French naval base Bizerte (Tunisia).

1921 (January) - October 29, 1924 - Commander of the Russian squadron after the departure of Admiral Kedrov to Paris. He ensured the repair of ships, the preservation of the main personnel and the continuation of the training of midshipmen in the Naval Corps until the disarmament of the squadron after the recognition of the USSR by France on October 29, 1924.

In exile in France (where he made a living sewing handbags) and Tunisia, he was buried in the cemetery of Megrin.

On April 30, 2001, the ashes were transferred to the Borjel cemetery in Tunis. The tombstone, on the initiative of Admiral I. V. Kasatonov, was delivered by a missile cruiser from Russia and was installed with honors on the rear admiral's grave.

Berens Mikhail Andreevich(January 16, 1879, Kutaisi - January 20, 1943, Tunisia) - Russian rear admiral, commander of the Russian squadron.


He graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps in 1898, in 1904 the Temporary Navigation Officer Class.

Navigation officer of the 1st category (1904). 1900-1905 - served in the Pacific squadron.

1900-1901 - participant in the war with China. As the commander of the plutong gunboat "Gilyak" distinguished himself in the assault on the Chinese forts of Dagu (during the suppression of the Ihetuan uprising).

1904-1905 - a participant in the Russian-Japanese war, the battle of Port Arthur, a junior navigational officer, served on the battleship Sevastopol, the chief of watch of the destroyer Bold, the commander of the destroyer Boyky (on the eve of the fall of the fortress, he took the ship through the Japanese blockade in Qingdao ).

1906 - return to the Baltic Fleet.

1909-1911 - assistant senior officer and senior officer of the cruiser Diana.

1911-1913 - commander of the destroyer "Light".

1913-1914 - commander of the destroyer "Turkmenets Stavropolsky".

1915 - Captain 2nd Rank, commander of the destroyer Novik. On August 18, 1915, he entered into battle with two German destroyers and inflicted severe damage on them, as a result of which one of them sank. By order of the Commander of the Baltic Sea Fleet No. 908, he was awarded the Order of St. George 4 degrees for the fact that “being with the destroyer entrusted to him on August 4 near the Irbensky Strait, he met two enemy destroyers, each of which was equal in strength to Novik, joined him to battle. After 6 minutes of battle, owing to the excellent shooting and skillful maneuvering of the Novik, the enemy lead destroyer, knocked out by shells and having a fire on the tank, began to retreat. 10 minutes after the start of the battle, the middle pipe of the pursued destroyer was shot down and a fire broke out in the poop. "Novik" shifted fire to the second destroyer, after which the enemy fled, pursued by the fire of "Novik", from which the lead destroyer soon sank near the Mikhailovsky lighthouse, and the second destroyer disappeared in the fog behind a fence and under the cover of its main forces. "

1916 - Captain 1st Rank, commander of the battleship "Petropavlovsk".

1917 - and. e. Chief of Staff of Mine Defense of the Baltic Fleet.

1918 (12.01) - dismissed from service without the right to receive a pension.

1919 (March) left Petrograd for Finland, then to the Far East, joined Admiral A. V. Kolchak. In 1919 - Rear Admiral. 1919-1920 - Commander of the forces of the Primorsky Zemstvo Council (Vladivostok)

1920 - and. O. Commander of the Marine Forces in the Pacific Ocean, on the night of January 31, led the departure of a group of auxiliary ships with the naval school midshipmen and refugees from Vladivostok to Tsuruga (China).

1920 (28.08) - arrived by steamer to Sevastopol at the disposal of General Wrangel.

1920 (September) - commandant of the Kerch fortress. In the Armed Forces of the South of Russia, before the evacuation of Crimea, he headed the combat activities of the fleet forces in the Sea of ​​Azov, the head of the 2nd (Azov) detachment of the Black Sea Fleet ships.

1920 (November 24) - junior flagship of the 2nd detachment of the Black Sea squadron

1920 (December) - one of the leaders of the transition of the Russian squadron from Constantinople to the French naval base Bizerte (Tunisia).

1921 (January) - October 29, 1924 - Commander of the Russian squadron after the departure of Admiral Kedrov to Paris. He ensured the repair of ships, the preservation of the main personnel and the continuation of the training of midshipmen in the Naval Corps until the disarmament of the squadron after the recognition of the USSR by France on October 29, 1924. He stayed in Tunisia, worked in the agricultural directorate, took an active part in the affairs of the local department of the Naval Union.

In exile in France and Tunisia, he was buried in the cemetery of Megrin. On April 30, 2001, the ashes were transferred to the Borjel cemetery in Tunis. The tombstone, on the initiative of Admiral I. V. Kasatonov, was delivered by a missile cruiser from Russia and was installed with honors on the rear admiral's grave.


Commander of the Orders:

  • Order of St. Stanislaus 3 class with swords and bow
  • Order of St. George, 4th degree, "For distinction in affairs against the enemy" (on August 18, 1915 he fought with two German destroyers ("V-99" and "V-100") and inflicted severe damage on them, as a result causing one of them to sink.)
  • Order of St. Anne 2nd class with swords
  • Gold saber with the inscription "For Bravery".