The process of economic strengthening and political isolation. Feudal fragmentation

- This is a logical process of economic strengthening and political separation of feudal possessions in Russia in the middle of the XII-XIII centuries. (See "Specific Rus" scheme). Based Kievan Rus By the middle of the XII century. There was approximately 15 lands and principalities, by the beginning of the XIII century. - 50, in the XIV century. - 250. Further development of Russian lands occurred in the framework of the new state formationsThe largest of which were: Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, Galico-Volynskoye (see the article "The Article" Features of the Development of the Galician-Volyn Principality during political fragmentation ") and the Novgorod Boyar Republic, which were politically independent, had their own troops, coin, judicial institutions, etc. Meaning not the collapse of Russia, but turning it into a kind of federation of the principalities and lands. Kiev Prince remained chapter only nominally. Relations between princes were regulated by agreements and customs. The purpose of feudal gravestics during the fragmentation period was different than in a single state: it is not seizing power throughout the country, but strengthening its principality, expanding it at the expense of neighbors. During the fragmentation period there is a clear system of a feudal hierarchy. At the upper step were the specific princes - descendants and vassals of the Great Princes, which within their possessions had the rights of independent sovereigns. They were obeyed by serviced princes - descendants of princes that did not have their own lots, owned land on the conditions of carrying service to the specific prince. Boyars - owners of Votchin, members of the deliberative councils with specific princes, received the right to independent actions in their possessions during this period, were free in choosing a particular prince. In need of obedient and reliable support in the fight against the municipality of Boyar, the princes began to rely on people, whom in the XII century began to call the nobility or "children of boyars". These were warriors, servants, rankings, tiunas who carried out economic and administrative-judicial functions in the principality and received the princely "mercy" for the service - princely lands in temporary use on the terms of the estate. In terms of general historical Development Political crushing of Russia is a natural stage on the path of the future centralization of the country and the future economic and political takeoff. This is also talking about the rusty growth of cities and a farewell, and the exit of these practically independent states on the foreign policy arena: Novgorod and Smolensk supported contacts with the Baltic States and German cities, Galich and Poland, Hungary, Rome. In each of these principalities, the development of the culture of architecture, chronicles continued. Prerequisites for political fragmentation in Russia: (see "Specific Rus" scheme). 1.Social: a) complicated social Structure Russian society, more defined steel of its layers in separate lands and cities: large boyars, clergy, merchants, artisans, lower cities, including holsters. Developed dependence on landowners of rural residents. All this new Russia no longer needed formerly conducted centralization. For the new structure of the economy, they were needed other than before, the scale of the state. Huge Russia with its very superficial political clutch, necessary primarily for defense from an external enemy, for the organization of long-haired widespread hikes, now did not meet the needs of large cities with their branched feudal hierarchy, developed trade and craft layers, the needs of rapids seeking to have power, Close interests, - and not in Kiev, and not even in the form of a Kiev governor, but his close, here, on the spot that could fully and resolutely defend their interests. b) The transition to a fatal agriculture contributed to a settled way of life of the rural population and strengthened the desire of the warriors to the ownership of the Earth. Therefore, the transformation of the warriors in landowners (based on princely award). The squad became less mobile. The warriors were now interested in permanently staying close to their Votchin and sought political independence. In connection with this in 12-13 centuries. The immunity system was widely distributed - a system, liberating boyar-landowners from princely management and court and gave them the right to independent actions in their possessions. That is, the main cause of fragmentation was the legitarious process of the occurrence of private land tenure and the settlement of the squad to land. 2. Economic: gradually individual victivers are strengthened and begin to produce all products for their own consumption, and not for the market (natural economy). Commodity exchange between individual economic units is practically terminated. Those. Folding system of the natural economy contributes to the insulation of individual business units. 3. Political: local boyars played the main role in the collapse of the state; Local princes did not want to share their incomes with the Great Kiev Prince, and in this they actively supported the local boyars, who needed a strong princely power in the field. 4. Foreign policy: the weakening of Byzantium because of the attacks of Normannes and Seljukov reduced trade on the "Ways from Varyag in the Greeks". Crusader's campaigns opened a more direct route between Asia and Europe through the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Trading tracks moved to central Europe. Rus has lost the status of a global trading intermediary and a factor that has united slavic tribes. It tried the disintegration of a single state and contributed to the movement of the political center from the south-west to the Northeast to Vladimir-Suzdal Earth. Kiev is opposed to the main trading paths. Most actively start trading: Novgorod with Europe and German cities; Galicia (here is more safe) - with northwest cities; Kiev turns into the outpost of the fight against the Polovtsy. The population goes to safer places: northeast (Vladimir-Suzdal Principality and South-West (Galico-Volyn Principality) of the consequences of political fragmentation. 1. In the conditions of the formation of new economic regions and the design of new political entities, the steady development of the peasant farming was mastered, new Arable land, the expansion and quantitative multiplication of the Votchin, which for their time became the most progressive form of management, although it was due to the labor of the dependent peasant population. 2. As part of the principalities, the Russian Church gained strength, which had a strong effect on the culture. . 3. Political disintegration of Russia has never been complete: a) the power of the great Kiev princes, even if the ghostly, but existed. Kiev principality, although formally, but cemented all Russia b) retained its influence the communional church. Kiev Metropolitans led by the entire church organization. The church opposed the cross-consuming, and the oath on the cross was one of the forms of peaceful arrangements between the warring princes. c) a counterweight disintegration was and constantly existing external danger for Russian land on the part of the Polovtsy, respectively kiev Prince He performed as a defender of Russia. 4. However, fragmentation contributed to the decline of military power of Russian lands. This most painfully affected the XIII century, during the Mongol-Tatar invasion.

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Feudal fragmentation - a legitarious process of economic strengthening and political separation of feudal possessions. Under feudal fragmentation, the political and economic decentralization of the state is most often understood, the creation on the territory of one state almost independent of each other, independent state formations, formally had a common supreme Ruler (In Russia, the period of the XII - XV centuries).

Already in the word "fragmentation" records the political processes of this period. By the middle of the XII century, approximately 15 princes. By the beginning of the XIII century - about 50. By the XIV century - approximately 250.

How to evaluate this process? But is there any problems here? A single state was contemplated and was relatively easily conquered by Mongol-Tatars. But before that there were bloody gravestics of princes, from which the simple people, peasants and artisans suffered.

Indeed, about such a stereotype developed even recently when reading scientific and journalistic literature, and some scientific Labors. True, in these works, these are also the patterns of fragmentation of Russian lands, about the growth of cities, the development of trade and crafts. All this is the case, however, the smokes of the fires, in which the Russian cities disappeared during the years of the invasion of Batiyev, and today they stuff their eyes. But is it a value of one event to measure the tragic consequences of another? "If it were not for the invasion, Rus would have resistant."

But the Mongol-Tatars won and huge empires, such as China. The fight with the inconspicient ratains of Batius was a much more complex enterprise than a victorious campaign to Kinggrad, the defeat of the Khazaria or the successful military actions of the Russian princes in Polovtsy steppes. For example, only one of the Russian land - Novgorod - turned out to be enough to defeat the German, Swedish and Danish invaders Alexander Nevsky. In the face of Mongol-Tatars there was a collision with a qualitatively with another opponent. So if you put a question in the subjunctive tilting, you can ask and otherwise: and it could be Russian earfodal state To resist the Tatars? Who decides to answer him in the affirmative? And the most important thing. The success of the invasion cannot be attributed to fragmentation.

There is no direct causal relationship between them. Fragmentation - the result of the translational internal development Ancient Russia. The invasion is a tragic external impact in consequences. Therefore, to say: "The fragmentation of the bad thing that the Mongols won Russia," does not make sense.

It is incorrect to exaggerate and the role of feudal gravestics. In the joint work of N. I. Pavlenko, V. B. Kobrina and V. A. Fedorova "History of the USSR from ancient times until 1861" write: "You can not imagine feudal fragmentation as a certain feudal anarchy. Moreover, the prince's gravestites in one the state when it was about the struggle for power, for the grand permanent throne or certain rich princes and cities, were sometimes more bloody than in the period feudal fragmentation. No disassembly occurred old Russian state, and turning it into a peculiar federation of the principalities headed by the Grand Duke of Kiev, although the power of it weaker all the time and was rather nominal ... The purpose of the assumed during the fragmentation period was already different than in a single state: it is not seizing power throughout the country, but strengthening its own Principalities, expanding its borders at the expense of neighbors. "

Thus, fragmentation differs from the time of state unity without the presence of gods, but the fundamentally different goals of the warring parties.

Feudal fragmentation: definition, causes, follow-up, characteristic features, chronological framework.

The reasons:

1) decay Kiev Princess (the loss of the central position, the movement of world trade routes in the distance from Kiev).

Was associated with the loss of the value of the trading path "from Varyag to Greeks"

Ancient Russia loses the role of a participant and an intermediary in trading relations between the Byzantine, Western European and Eastern world.

2) Earth-Home Value.

Earth-main means of payment service.

3) One of the reasons for the start of feudal fragmentation in Russia. Was (o) ... a significant increase in the country's productive forces.

4) the most important sign of feudal fragmentation of the XII-XIII centuries. It was .. natural economy.

5) strengthening local princes.

6) Boyar turns into landowner feudallands, for which the income received from the Votchin becomes. The main means of existence

7) Weakening of defense capability.

8) The weakening of Kiev and the movement of centers on the outskirts was caused by pressure of steppe nomads.


1. The system of local princes

2. The boyars turn into landowner feudalists, for which the income received from the Votchin becomes the main means of existence

3. Refine defense capability


1) State fragmentation of ancient Russia

2) specific princesses

3) the formation of Russian feudalism

Legal registration of the principle of feudal fragmentation was recorded: the Lubechnoy Princely Congress of 1097. "Everyone yes keeps his father."

Feudal fragmentation- a legitarious process of economic strengthening and political separation of feudal possessions. Under feudal fragmentation, the political and economic decentralization of the state is most often understood, the creation on the territory of one state practically independent of each other, independent state entities, formally had a common supreme ruler (in Russia, the period of the XII - XV centuries).

Already in the word "fragmentation" records the political processes of this period. By the middle of the XII century, approximately 15 princes. By the beginning of the XIII century - about 50. By the XIV century - approximately 250.

How to evaluate this process? But is there any problems here? A single state was contemplated and was relatively easily conquered by Mongol-Tatars. But before that there were bloody gravestics of princes, from which the simple people, peasants and artisans suffered.

Indeed, about such a stereotype developed even recently when reading scientific and journalistic literature, and some scientific works. True, in these works, these are also the patterns of fragmentation of Russian lands, about the growth of cities, the development of trade and crafts. All this is the case, however, the smokes of the fires, in which the Russian cities disappeared during the years of the invasion of Batiyev, and today they stuff their eyes. But is it a value of one event to measure the tragic consequences of another? "If it were not for the invasion, Rus would have resistant."

But the Mongol-Tatars won and huge empires, such as China. The fight with the inconspicient ratains of Batius was a much more complex enterprise than a victorious campaign to Kinggrad, the defeat of the Khazaria or the successful military actions of the Russian princes in Polovtsy steppes. For example, only one of the Russian land - Novgorod - turned out to be enough to defeat the German, Swedish and Danish invaders Alexander Nevsky. In the face of Mongol-Tatars there was a collision with a qualitatively with another opponent. So if you raise the question in a subjunctive ignition, you can ask and otherwise: would the Russian early referring state be able to resist the Tatars? Who decides to answer him in the affirmative? And the most important thing. The success of the invasion cannot be attributed to fragmentation.

There is no direct causal relationship between them. The fragmentation is the result of the progressive internal development of ancient Russia. The invasion is a tragic external impact in consequences. Therefore, to say: "The fragmentation of the bad thing that the Mongols won Russia," does not make sense.

Thus, fragmentation differs from the time of state unity without the presence of gods, but the fundamentally different goals of the warring parties.

The main dates of the feudal fragmentation period in Russia:

1097 Lyubic Congress of Princes.

1132 Death of Mstislava I Great and Political Decay of Kievan Rus.

1169 Taking Kiev Andrei Bogolyubsky and the looting of the city by his troops, which indicated the socio-political and ethnocultural extraction of individual land of Kievan Rus.

1212 Death of Vsevolod "Big Nest" - the last self-container of Kiev Rus.

1240 the defeat of Mongol-Tatars Kiev.

1252 The year of handing a label to the Grand Due to Alexander Nevsky.

1328 Awarding a label to the Grand Due to the Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita.

1389 Kulikovsky battle.

1471 The campaign of Ivan III to Novgorod the Great.

1478 The inclusion of Novgorod to the Moscow State.

1485 The inclusion of the Tver Principality is part of the Moscow state.

1510 The inclusion of the Pskov land into the Moscow state.

1521 The inclusion of the Ryazan Principality into the Moscow State.

Causes of feudal fragmentation.

Formation of feudal land tenure: the old tribal to know, pushed out of once in the shadow of the metropolitan military service, turned into Zemsky Boyar and formed the land owners, along with other categories of the feudalists (Boyar land tenure). Gradually, the tables turn into hereditary in the princely childbirth (princely land tenure). "Settlement" on Earth, the ability to do without the help of Kiev led to the desire of "arrangement" on the ground.

Development agriculture: 40 species of rural agricultural and commercial inventory. Steam (two- and three-pole) system of crop rotation. Practice fertilizer earth by manure. The peasant population is often moving to "free" (free land). The bulk of the peasants is personally free, the economy is conducted on the lands of the princes.

A decisive role in the challenge of the peasants played the direct violence of feudal. Along with this, the economic hardening was also used: basically product rent, to a lesser extent - testing.

Development of crafts and cities. In the middle of the XIII century in the annals in Kievan Rus, there were over 300 cities in which almost 60 craft specialties had. Especially high was the degree of specialization in the field of metal processing technology. In Kievan Rus, the formation of the domestic market is, but the priority still remains for the external market. "Decity" - trade and crafts of rigged holopes. The bulk of the urban population is smaller people, the balls "Nimites" and the declared "miserable people", the man who lived on the courtyards of the feudalists. The cities also lives urban feudal to know and forms a trade and crafting top. XII - XIII centuries. In Russia - this is the era of the heyday of the elder meetings.

The main cause of feudal fragmentation is the change in the nature of relations between the Grand Duke and its vigilantes as a result of the subsidence of the latter to the Earth. In the first and a half years of the existence of the Kiev Rus, the squad was completely on the content of Prince. Prince, as well as his state apparatus, collected tribute and other defeats. As the warriors received the land and received from the prince the right to collect taxes and duties themselves, they came to the conclusion that the income from military-robbery mining is less reliable than the fees from the peasants and citizens. In the XI century, the process of "settlement" of the squad to earth increased. And from the first half of the XII century in Kievan Rus, the predominant form of ownership becomes a fault, the owner of which could manage it at his own discretion. And although the ownership of victims imposed on the feudal obligation to bear military service, its economic dependence on the Grand Duke has significantly weakened. The incomes of former manifestations - feudalists more depended on the grace of the prince. They themselves provided their own existence. With the weakening of economic dependence on the Grand Duke weakens political addiction.

A significant role in the process of feudal fragmentation in Russia played a developing institution of feudal immunity, providing for a certain level of feudal sovereignty within its boundary. At this territory, Feeodal had the rights of the head of the state. Grand Duke And his authorities did not have the right to act in this territory. The farm himself collected taxes, duties, whiten the court. As a result, the state apparatus, squad, courts, prisons, etc. are formed in independent princesses, princes, etc., the specific princes begin to dispose of community lands, transmit them from their name to the power of Boyars and monasteries.

Thus, local princely dynasties are formed, and local feudals make up the courtyard and a squad of this dynasty. The introduction of the institution of heredity to land and inhabiting her people played great importance in this process. Under the influence of all these processes, the nature of the relations of local principalities with Kiev has changed. Relationship partners come to the change of service dependence, sometimes in the form of equal allies, sometimes suzerena and vassal.

All these economic and political processes in politically Meaning the crushing of power, the decay of the former centralized statehood of Kievan Rus. This disintegration, as it was in Western Europe, accompanied by internecine wars. On the territory of Kievan Rus, three most influential states were formed: Vladimir-Suzdal Principality ( Northeastern Rus), Galico-Volyn Principality (South-Western Rus) and the Novgorod land (North-Western Russia). As within these principalities, and between them, fierce collisions were held for a long time, which weakened the strength of Russia, led to The destruction of cities and villages.

The main disconnecting force was the boyars. Relying on his power, local princes managed to establish their power in each land. However, subsequently between the launched boyars and local princes arose contradictions and struggle for power. Causes of feudal fragmentation

Internal medicine.The unified Russian state has not existed already with the sons of Yaroslav Wise, and the unity was maintained rather related relations with common interests in defense from steppe nomads. The movement of the princes in the cities of "Row Yaroslav" created instability. The decision of the Leshech Congress eliminated this established rule, finally reducing the state. The descendants of Yaroslav more interested in not the struggle for seniority, but an increase in own possessions at the expense of neighbors.

Foreign policy.Polovtsy raids on Russia contributed in many respects consolidation of Russian princes to reflect the external danger. The weakening of the Natiska from the south ruined the Union of Russian Princes, which in civilians themselves more than once brought Polovtsky troops to Russia.

Economic. Marxist historiography has advanced economic reasons for the fore. The period of feudal fragmentation was considered as a legitarious stage of the development of feudalism. The domination of the natural economy did not contribute to the establishment of solid economic relations between the regions and led to the isolation.

The appearance of feudal victuchin with the operation of the dependent population required the strong authorities in the field, and not in the center. Growing cities, colonization and development of new lands led to the emergence of new large centers Rus, weakly connected with Kiev.

Feudal fragmentation: historiography of the problem.

Chronologically the beginning of the fragmentation period, the historical tradition believes 1132 - the death of Mstislava Great - "and the whole Russian land" for individual principalities as the chronicler wrote.

The great Russian historian S. M. Soloviev dated the beginning of the period of fragmentation of 1169 - 1174, when the Suzdal Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky seized Kiev, but did not remain in him, and on the contrary, he gave him to plunder his troops as a foreign enemy city, which testified The words of the historian, on the separation of Russian lands.

Until that time, the grand mining authorities did not experience serious problems from local separatism, because it was enshrined by the most important political and socio-economic management leverage: the army, the system of governorship, the tax policy, the priority of the grand mining of power in foreign policy.

As the causes and the nature of feudal fragmentation in historiography at different times, was revealed differently.

The domination of a closed natural economy is the lack of direct manufacturers of interest in the development of market commodity-money relations. It was believed that the natural closure of individual lands gave the opportunity to fully use the local potential.

The development in the Kiev Rus Feodal Votchin, who played the organizing role in the development of agricultural production by virtue of higher opportunities, rather than in peasant farms, for the conduct of a diversified economy.

The allocation of these reasons from the multi-line causal complex was associated with the tradition of Soviet historiography to unify Russian history with the history of Western Europe.

Kievan Rus performed the result of a downturn of the passionary voltage in the system of the ancient Russian ethnic volume. The manifestations of this decline he saw in the weakening of public and domestic relations, as a result of the victory of narrow-minded interests and consumer psychology, when the state organization was perceived by the manifiers as a burden, and not as a guarantee of survival, stability and protection. During the XI and early XII centuries. Military collisions of Russia with neighbors did not overwhelm the framework of military conflicts. Relative safety has become familiar to Russian people. For the thinking part of the ancient Russian society, fragmentation was a negative phenomenon (for example, "the word about Igor's regiment" 1185). Negative consequences of fragmentation did not make himself wait long. At the end of the XII century, the onslaught of Polovtsy intensified. Polovtsy in aggregate with inner gravestones led the country to decay. The population of South Rus began its resettlement to the Northeast of Russia (colonization of Vladimir-Suzdal Land). Against the background of the decline of Kiev, the relative rise of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, Smolensk and Novgorod the Great was manifested. However, this ascent at that time could not lead to the creation of a communional center of capable of combining Russia and fulfill strategic tasks. In the second half of the XIII century, Russia was in front of the hard test when Mongols collapsed from the east, and from the West, the Germans, Lithuanians, Swedes, Danes, Poles and Hungarians. The Russian principalities were weakened with sat down did not manage to unite for the enemy resistance and resistance.

General characteristics of fragmentation period

With the statement of feudal fragmentation in Russia finally tried the specific order. (The lot is the princely ownership.) "The princes ruled the free population of its principalities as a state truck and owned their territories as private owners, with all the rights of disposal arising from such property" (V.O. Klyuchevsky). With the termination of the movements of the princes by the princes in the order of seniority, the community interests are replaced by the interests of private: an increase in their principality at the expense of neighbors, the section of him between his sons by the will of his father.

With a change in the position of the prince, the position of the remaining layers of the population changes. The prince's service for a free man has always been voluntary. Now the boyars and the boyar children get the opportunity to choose which prince to serve what was recorded in the so-called right of departure. Keeping your land ownership, they had to pay tribute to the prince, in the principality of which were their victobs.


Growing cities, crafts and trade;

Cultural and economic development of individual lands.


Weak central power;

Independence of local princes and boyars;

The disintegration of the state into separate principalities and land;

Vulnerability to external enemies.

From the XV century appears new form Services - Location. The estate - the Earth, the holder of which was supposed to bear the mandatory service in favor of the prince and did not use the right to depart. Such a possession is called conditional, as the owner of the estate was not his owner in full. He owned them only while his service lasted. The prince could transfer the estate to another, to take away at all, maintain possession under the condition of the service of the sons of the landowner ..

The entire land of the principality was shared on the state ("black"), palace (belonging to the prince personally), boyars (primary) and church. Land of Princess

On Earth, free communities had lived, as well as the boyars, the right to move from one landowner to another. This right did not use only personally dependent people - pasta chops, purchases, chelyants.

Political History of the Kiev Rus Period of Feudal Spine

Thanks to the generally accepted authority of Monomakh after his death in 1125, the Kiev table took his eldest son, Mstislav (1125-1132), although he was not the eldest among the remaining princes. He was born around 1075 and for a long time was a prince in Novgorod, he led the war with miracles and defended the Suzdal Earth from the princes of Oleg and Yaroslav Svyatoslavichi. Becoming the Grand Duke, Mstislav continued the policy of his father: he kept in strict obedience to the specific princes and did not allow them to begin civil wars. In 1128, Mstislav seized Polotsky Principality and gave him to his son Izyaslav. Polotsky princes were forced to go to the Byzantium into exile. In 1132, Mstislav fought with Lithuania and died in the same year.

Mstislav inherited his brother Yaropolk (1132-1139). Under Vladimir Monomakh and his senior son, Mstislava, the unity of the ancient Russian state was restored. However, during the Yaropolk, Vladimirovich between the heirs of Monomah, the discord began again. In the struggle for Kiev, the sons of Oleg Svyatoslavich turned on and the sons. Polotsk princes also used gravestics and again occupied Polotsk.

After the death of Yaropolk, the eldest son Oleg Svyatoslavich, Vsevolod, kicked out from Kiev's son Vladimir Monomakh Vyacheslav and became Grand Duke (1139 - 1146). Vsevolod wanted to inherit his brother Igor. But Kievans did not love Olegovichi and called to themselves Knince Iaslav Mstislavich (1146-1154), and Igor killed. Having told Kiev, Izyaslav violated the right of seniority of his uncle Yuri Dolgoruky - Son Vladimir Monomakh. A war began between them, in which other Russian princes took part, as well as Hungarians and Polovtsy. War went with varying success. Yuri drove out Izyaslav from Kiev twice, but in 1151 he suffered defeat and took Kiev table only in 1154, after the death of Iaslav. Yuri Dolgoruky (1154-1157) was the younger son of Vladimir Monomakh from his second wife. Born around 1090. Since childhood, he ever lived in paternal places - Rostov Great, Suzdal, Vladimir. Monomakh gave him this lot with intent - even if the youngest son fastens here Russia and puts his wealth. Yuri acquitted father's hopes.

Mongol-Tatar yoke.

The Mongol-Tatar feudal system over the Russian lands in 13-15 explosives, which had the goal of regular operation of a conquered country by various towers and robbing raids. M.-T. and. It was found as a result of Mongolian conquests at 13 V (see Mongolian conquests at 13th century).

The Russian principalitys were not directly in the Mongolian feudal empire and retained the local princely administration, whose activity was controlled by baskaks and other representatives of Mongol-Tatar Khanov. The Russian princes were the danutors of the Mongol-Tatar Khan and received labels from them to possession of their principalities. There were no permanent Mongol-Tatar troops in Russia. M.-T. and. Supported with punitive campaigns and repression against recurrent princes. Until the beginning of the 60s. 13 V. Rus was under the rule of the Great Mongolian Khans, and then - the Khans of the Golden Horde.

M.-T. and. Formally, it was established in 1243, when Alexander Nevsky's father, Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, received a label from Mongol-Tatars to the Grand Duchy Vladimir and was recognized by them "older than the prince in Russian." Regular operation of the Russian lands by collecting Dani began after a census of 1257-59, conducted by Mongolian "numerals" under the leadership of China, a relative of the Great Khan. There were units: in cities - the courtyard, in rural areas - the farm ("village", "Soka", "Plug"). Only the clergy was released from Dani, which the conquerors tried to use to strengthen their power. 14 species of "Ordanes" are known, of which were the main ones: "exit", or "Tsareva Dan", the tax directly for the Mongolian Khan; trade fees ("sot", "Tamka"); perceptions ("holes", "Summaries"); The content of the Khan ambassadors ("food"); Different "gifts" and "gumbness" of Khan, his relatives and approximate and others. Every year from Russian land left in the form of a huge amount of silver. Moscow Exit was 5-7 thousand rubles. Silver, Novgorod exit - 1.5 thousand. Periodically gathered large "requests" to military and other needs. In addition, the Russian princes were obliged to send warriors on the order of Khan to participate in the campaigns and in the closed hunting ("Loviters"). The "Ordane buriality" was depleted to the economy of Russia, prevented the development of commodity-money relations. Gradual weakening M.-T. and. It was the result of the heroic struggle of the Russian people and other peoples of Eastern Europe against conquerors.

In the late 50s - early 60s. 13 V. Tribute from the Russian principalities was collected by Muslim merchants - "Degenemen", whipping this right among the Great Mongolian Khan. Most of Dani went to Mongolia, Great Hanu. As a result of folk uprisings, 1262 in the Russian cities "demenny" were expelled. The duty of collecting Dani passed to local princes. To maintain M.-T. and. Khan Golden Hordes have repeatedly made invasion of Russian lands. Only in the 70-90s. 13 V. They were organized 14 trips. However, the struggle of Russia for independence continued. In 1285, the Grand Duke Dmitry, the son of Alexander Nevsky, defeated and expelled the punitive army of the Orda Tsarevich. At the end of the 13th - 1st quarter of 14 centuries. Repeated "elder" speeches in Russian cities (in Rostov - 1289 and 1320, in Tver - 1293 and 1327) led to the liquidation of the study system. With the strengthening of the Moscow Prince M.-T. and. Gradually weakens. Moscow Prince Ivan I Danilovich Kalita (printed in 1325-40) achieved the right to collect "exit" from all Russian principalities. From the middle of the 14th century The order of Khanov Golden Horde, not supported by the real military force, were no longer performed by Russian princes. Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy (1359-89) did not obey the Khan labels issued to his rivals, and the Grand Principality of Vladimirskoye seized by force. In 1378 he defeated the punitive Mongol-Tatar army on the r. Very (in Ryazan land), and in 1380 she won in the Kulikovsky battle of 1380 (see Kulikovskaya battle 1380) above the ruler of the Golden Horde Mama (see Mamay). However, after the hike, Takhtamysh and the take of Moscow in 1382 Russia was forced to again recognize the power of Mongol-Tatar Khan and pay the tribute, but the Moscow Prince Vasily I Dmitrievich (1389-1425) received a great reign without a khan label, as "his post." With him M.-T. and. It was nominal. The tribute was paid irregularly, Russian princes were largely independent policies. The attempt of the head of the Golden Horde of the Undar (see Device) (1408) to fully restore power over Rusy ended in failure: he failed to take Moscow. The gravestics started in the Golden Horde posed the further conservation of M.-T. and.

During the years of the feudal war in Russia in the middle of the 15th century, who weakened the military forces of Russian principalities, the Mongol-Tatar feudal police organized a number of devastating invasions (1439, 1445 1448, 1450, 1451, 1455, 1459), but they could not restore his dominion over Rus . The political association of Russian lands around Moscow created the conditions for the liquidation of M.-T. and. Great Moscow Prince Ivan III Vasilyevich (1462-1505) in 1476 refused to pay Dani. In 1480, after an unsuccessful hike, Hana is a big horde of Ahmat, etc. "Standing at the Ugra 1480" M.-T. and. It was finally overthrown.

M.-T. and. There were negative, deeply regressive consequences for the economic, political and cultural development of Russian lands, was a brake for the growth of the productive forces of Russia, which were at a higher socio-economic level compared to the productive forces of Mongol-Tatars. It artificially pressed for a long time a purely feudal natural nature of the economy. In politically, the consequences of M.-T. and. They manifested themselves in violation of the process of state consolidation Rus. Lands, in artificially maintaining feudal fragmentation. M.-T. and. He led to the strengthening of the feudal exploitation of the Russian people, which was under the double nect - their and Mongol-Tatar feudal. M.-T. And., lasting about 240 years, was one of the main reasons for Rus's backlog from some Western European countries.

Horde dominion for a long time separated Russia from Western Europe. In addition, education on its Western borders of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian strengthened the external isolation of Russian principalities. Approval in the XV century. Catholicism in Lithuania and significantly earlier in Poland made them conductors of Western influence on Russian civilization. Part of the Russian principalities entered the Lithuanian state, where the Russian language was distributed, and the Orthodox Church was not prosecuted for a long time. Galicia was included in Poland, which expanded its possessions at the expense of the South-Western Russian lands. Under these conditions, the ancient Russian population is divided into three branches: Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. Russian nationality is developing in the central, eastern and northern regions of Russia. Belarusian and Ukrainian nationalities are formed in the territory of the Lithuanian principality and the Polish kingdom.

In general, ingenic IHO exhausted the folk forces, the development of East Slavic peoples slowed down sharply, there was a significant lag in the field of economics, public relations and the cultural level from Western European civilization.

Chronology of the invasion of the Golden Horde:

South Siberia

1215 Conquest of North China Korea

1221 Conquest of Central Asia

1223 Battle on Kalka

Volga Bulgaria reflected a blow

Ryazan (Tale of Ryazan Ryazan)

1241 Conquest Rus.

Vladimir-on-Klyazemma (Northeast Russia lost the capital of political independence symbol)

Kozelsk ("evil city") Torzhok

Vladimir non-Volyni

1236 Conquest of Volga Bulgaria

1237-1238 Ryazan and Vladimir Principality (about 20 cities) are crushed (about 20 cities)

1239-1240 Pali Chernigov, Pereyaslav, Kiev, Galico-Volyn Principality

1241 hike in Europe.

Feudal fragmentation: definition, chronological framework.

Feudal fragmentation is a natural process of economic strengthening and political separation of feudal possessions. Under feudal fragmentation, the political and economic decentralization of the state is most often understood, the creation on the territory of one state practically independent of each other, independent state entities, formally had a common supreme ruler (in Russia, the period of the XII - XV centuries).

Already in the word "fragmentation" records the political processes of this period. By the middle of the XII century, approximately 15 princes. By the beginning of the XIII century - about 50. By the XIV century - approximately 250.

How to evaluate this process? But is there any problems here? A single state was contemplated and was relatively easily conquered by Mongol-Tatars. But before that there were bloody gravestics of princes, from which the simple people, peasants and artisans suffered.

Indeed, about such a stereotype developed even recently when reading scientific and journalistic literature, and some scientific works. True, in these works, these are also the patterns of fragmentation of Russian lands, about the growth of cities, the development of trade and crafts. All this is the case, however, the smokes of the fires, in which the Russian cities disappeared during the years of the invasion of Batiyev, and today they stuff their eyes. But is it a value of one event to measure the tragic consequences of another? "If it were not for the invasion, Rus would have resistant."

But the Mongol-Tatars won and huge empires, such as China. The fight with the inconspicient ratains of Batius was a much more complex enterprise than a victorious campaign to Kinggrad, the defeat of the Khazaria or the successful military actions of the Russian princes in Polovtsy steppes. For example, only one of the Russian land - Novgorod - turned out to be enough to defeat the German, Swedish and Danish invaders Alexander Nevsky. In the face of Mongol-Tatars there was a collision with a qualitatively with another opponent. So if you raise the question in a subjunctive ignition, you can ask and otherwise: would the Russian early referring state be able to resist the Tatars? Who decides to answer him in the affirmative? And the most important thing. The success of the invasion cannot be attributed to fragmentation.

There is no direct causal relationship between them. The fragmentation is the result of the progressive internal development of ancient Russia. The invasion is a tragic external impact in consequences. Therefore, to say: "The fragmentation of the bad thing that the Mongols won Russia," does not make sense.

It is incorrect to exaggerate and the role of feudal gravestics. In the joint work of N. I. Pavlenko, V. B. Kobrina and V. A. Fedorova "History of the USSR from ancient times until 1861" write: "You can not imagine feudal fragmentation as a certain feudal anarchy. Moreover, the prince's gravestites in one The state, when it was about the struggle for power, for the grand permanent throne or certain rich princes and cities were sometimes more bloody than in the period of feudal fragmentation. There was no decay of the ancient Russian state, but the transformation of him into a kind of princess led by the Great Prince of Kiev, although his power was weaker all the time and was rather nominal ... The purpose of the assumed during the fragmentation period was already different than in a single state: it is not seizing power throughout the country, but strengthening his own principality, expanding its borders at the expense of neighbors. "

Thus, fragmentation differs from the time of state unity without the presence of gods, but the fundamentally different goals of the warring parties.

The main dates of the feudal fragmentation period in Russia: Date Event

1097 Lyubic Congress of Princes.

1132 Death of Mstislava I Great and Political Decay of Kievan Rus.

1169 Taking Kiev Andrei Bogolyubsky and the looting of the city by his troops, which indicated the socio-political and ethnocultural extraction of individual land of Kievan Rus.

1212 Death of Vsevolod "Big Nest" - the last self-container of Kiev Rus.

1240 the defeat of Mongol-Tatars Kiev.

1252 The year of handing a label to the Grand Due to Alexander Nevsky.

1328 Awarding a label to the Grand Due to the Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita.

1389 Kulikovsky battle.

1471 The campaign of Ivan III to Novgorod the Great.

1478 The inclusion of Novgorod to the Moscow State.

1485 The inclusion of the Tver Principality is part of the Moscow state.

1510 The inclusion of the Pskov land into the Moscow state.

1521 The inclusion of the Ryazan Principality into the Moscow State.

Causes of feudal fragmentation

Formation of feudal land tenure: the old tribal to know, pushed out of once in the shadow of the metropolitan military service, turned into Zemsky Boyar and formed the land owners, along with other categories of the feudalists (Boyar land tenure). Gradually, the tables turn into hereditary in the princely childbirth (princely land tenure). "Settlement" on Earth, the ability to do without the help of Kiev led to the desire of "arrangement" on the ground.

Development of agriculture: 40 species of rural agricultural and commercial inventory. Steam (two- and three-pole) system of crop rotation. Practice fertilizer earth by manure. The peasant population is often moving to "free" (free land). The bulk of the peasants is personally free, the economy is conducted on the lands of the princes. A decisive role in the challenge of the peasants played the direct violence of feudal. Along with this, the economic hardening was also used: basically product rent, to a lesser extent - testing.

Development of crafts and cities. In the middle of the XIII century in the annals in Kievan Rus, there were over 300 cities in which almost 60 craft specialties had. Especially high was the degree of specialization in the field of metal processing technology. In Kievan Rus, the formation of the domestic market is, but the priority still remains for the external market. "Decity" - trade and crafts of rigged holopes. The bulk of the urban population is smaller people, the balls "Nimites" and the declared "miserable people", the man who lived on the courtyards of the feudalists. The cities also lives urban feudal to know and forms a trade and crafting top. XII - XIII centuries. In Russia - this is the era of the heyday of the elder meetings.

The main cause of feudal fragmentation is the change in the nature of relations between the Grand Duke and its vigilantes as a result of the subsidence of the latter to the Earth. In the first and a half years of the existence of the Kiev Rus, the squad was completely on the content of Prince. Prince, as well as his state apparatus, collected tribute and other defeats. As the warriors received the land and received from the prince the right to collect taxes and duties themselves, they came to the conclusion that the income from military-robbery mining is less reliable than the fees from the peasants and citizens. In the XI century, the process of "settlement" of the squad to earth increased. And from the first half of the XII century in Kievan Rus, the predominant form of ownership becomes a fault, the owner of which could manage it at his own discretion. And although the ownership of victims imposed on the feudal obligation to bear military service, its economic dependence on the Grand Duke has significantly weakened. The incomes of former manifestations - feudalists more depended on the grace of the prince. They themselves provided their own existence. With the weakening of economic dependence on the Grand Duke weakens political addiction.

A significant role in the process of feudal fragmentation in Russia played a developing institution of feudal immunity, providing for a certain level of feudal sovereignty within its boundary. At this territory, Feeodal had the rights of the head of the state. The Grand Duke and its authorities did not have the right to act in this territory. The farm himself collected taxes, duties, whiten the court. As a result, the state apparatus, squad, courts, prisons, etc. are formed in independent princesses, princes, etc., the specific princes begin to dispose of community lands, transmit them from their name to the power of Boyars and monasteries. Thus, local princely dynasties are formed, and local feudals make up the courtyard and a squad of this dynasty. The introduction of the institution of heredity to land and inhabiting her people played great importance in this process. Under the influence of all these processes, the nature of the relations of local principalities with Kiev has changed. Relationship partners come to the change of service dependence, sometimes in the form of equal allies, sometimes suzerena and vassal.

All these economic and political processes in political terms meant the crushing of power, the decay of the former centralized statehood of Kievan Rus. This disintegration, as it was in Western Europe, was accompanied by internecine wars. Three most influential states were formed on the territory of Kievan Rus: Vladimir-Suzdal Principality (Northeast Russia), Galico-Volyn Principality (South-Western Rus) and Novgorod land (North-Western Rus). As within these principalities, and between them, for a long time, fierce clashes, destructive wars, which weakened the strength of Russia, led to the destruction of cities and villages.

The main disconnecting force was the boyars. Relying on his power, local princes managed to establish their power in each land. However, subsequently between the launched boyars and local princes arose contradictions and struggle for power. Causes of feudal fragmentation

Internal medicine. The unified Russian state has not existed already with the sons of Yaroslav Wise, and the unity was maintained rather related relations with common interests in defense from steppe nomads. The movement of the princes in the cities of "Row Yaroslav" created instability. The decision of the Leshech Congress eliminated this established rule, finally reducing the state. The descendants of Yaroslav more interested in not the struggle for seniority, but an increase in own possessions at the expense of neighbors. Foreign policy. Polovtsy raids on Russia contributed in many respects consolidation of Russian princes to reflect the external danger. The weakening of the Natiska from the south ruined the Union of Russian Princes, which in civilians themselves more than once brought Polovtsky troops to Russia. Economic. Marxist historiography has advanced economic reasons for the fore. The period of feudal fragmentation was considered as a legitarious stage of the development of feudalism. The domination of the natural economy did not contribute to the establishment of solid economic relations between the regions and led to the isolation. The appearance of feudal victuchin with the operation of the dependent population required the strong authorities in the field, and not in the center. Growth of cities, colonization and development of new lands led to the emergence of new major centers of Russia, weakly related to Kiev.

Feudal fragmentation is a natural process of economic strengthening and political separation of feudal possessions. Under feudal fragmentation, the political and economic decentralization of the state is most often understood, the creation on the territory of one state practically independent of each other, independent state entities, formally had a common supreme ruler (in Russia, the period of the XII - XV centuries).

Already in the word "fragmentation" records the political processes of this period. By the middle of the XII century, approximately 15 princes. By the beginning of the XIII century - about 50. By the XIV century - approximately 250.

How to evaluate this process? But is there any problems here? A single state was contemplated and was relatively easily conquered by Mongol-Tatars. But before that there were bloody gravestics of princes, from which the simple people, peasants and artisans suffered.

Indeed, about such a stereotype developed even recently when reading scientific and journalistic literature, and some scientific works. True, in these works, these are also the patterns of fragmentation of Russian lands, about the growth of cities, the development of trade and crafts. All this is the case, however, the smokes of the fires, in which the Russian cities disappeared during the years of the invasion of Batiyev, and today they stuff their eyes. But is it a value of one event to measure the tragic consequences of another? "If it were not for the invasion, Rus would have resistant."

But the Mongol-Tatars won and huge empires, such as China. The fight with the inconspicient ratains of Batius was a much more complex enterprise than a victorious campaign to Kinggrad, the defeat of the Khazaria or the successful military actions of the Russian princes in Polovtsy steppes. For example, only one of the Russian land - Novgorod - turned out to be enough to defeat the German, Swedish and Danish invaders Alexander Nevsky. In the face of Mongol-Tatars there was a collision with a qualitatively with another opponent. So if you raise the question in a subjunctive ignition, you can ask and otherwise: would the Russian early referring state be able to resist the Tatars? Who decides to answer him in the affirmative? And the most important thing. The success of the invasion cannot be attributed to fragmentation.

There is no direct causal relationship between them. The fragmentation is the result of the progressive internal development of ancient Russia. The invasion is a tragic external impact in consequences. Therefore, to say: "The fragmentation of the bad thing that the Mongols won Russia," does not make sense.

It is incorrect to exaggerate and the role of feudal gravestics. In the joint work of N. I. Pavlenko, V. B. Kobrina and V. A. Fedorova "History of the USSR from ancient times until 1861" write: "You can not imagine feudal fragmentation as a certain feudal anarchy. Moreover, the prince's gravestites in one The state, when it was about the struggle for power, for the grand permanent throne or certain rich princes and cities were sometimes more bloody than in the period of feudal fragmentation. There was no decay of the ancient Russian state, but the transformation of him into a kind of princess led by the Great Prince of Kiev, although his power was weaker all the time and was rather nominal ... The purpose of the assumed during the fragmentation period was already different than in a single state: it is not seizing power throughout the country, but strengthening his own principality, expanding its borders at the expense of neighbors. "

Thus, fragmentation differs from the time of state unity without the presence of gods, but the fundamentally different goals of the warring parties.

The main dates of the feudal fragmentation period in Russia:

date Event
1097 year Lubatic congress of princes.
1132 year The death of Mstislava I the Great and political decay of Kievan Rus.
1169 year Taking Kiev Andrei Bogolyubsky and the looting of the city by his troops, which testified socially political and ethnocultural extraction of individual land of Kiev Rus.
1212 year The death of Vsevolod "Big Nest" is the last self-container of Kiev Rus.
1240 year Defeat Mongoloids of Kiev.
1252 year Presentation of a label to the Grand Due to Alexander Nevsky.
1328 year Presenting a label to the Grand Due to the Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita.
1389 year Kulikovsky battle.
1471 year Camping Ivan III to Novgorod the Great.
1478 year The inclusion of Novgorod into the Moscow state.
1485 year The inclusion of the Tver Principality is part of the Moscow state.
1510 year The inclusion of the Pskov land into the Moscow state.
1521 year The inclusion of the Ryazan principality into the Moscow state.

General characteristics of fragmentation period

With the statement of feudal fragmentation in Russia finally tried the specific order. (The lot is the princely ownership.) "The princes ruled the free population of their principalities as public and owned their territories as private owners, with all the rights of disposal arising from such property" (V. O. Klyuchevsky). With the termination of the movements of the princes by the princes in the order of seniority, the community interests are replaced by the interests of private: an increase in their principality at the expense of neighbors, the section of him between his sons by the will of his father.

With a change in the position of the prince, the position of the remaining layers of the population changes. The prince's service for a free man has always been voluntary. Now the boyars and the boyar children get the opportunity to choose which prince to serve what was recorded in the so-called right of departure. Keeping your land ownership, they had to pay tribute to the prince, in the principality of which were their victobs.

Feudal fragmentation as a venteric stage of the historical development of human society is characterized by the following factors:

From the XV century, a new service form appears - the local one. The estate - the Earth, the holder of which was supposed to bear the mandatory service in favor of the prince and did not use the right to depart. Such a possession is called conditional, as the owner of the estate was not his owner in full. He owned them only while his service lasted. The prince could transfer the estate to another, to take away at all, to preserve the ownership under the condition of the service of the sons of the landowner.

The entire land of the principality was shared on the state ("black"), palace (belonging to the prince personally), boyars (primary) and church.

On Earth, free communities had lived, as well as the boyars, the right to move from one landowner to another. This right did not use only personally dependent people - pasta chops, purchases, chelyants.