The main stages of the development of Mesopotamia. Periodization and chronology of the history of the ancient Mesopotamia

The first settlements on the territory of Mesopotamia existed in the era of Paleolithic. In the era of Neolith, in VII-VI thousand BC, there is a settling of river valleys first northern and then in V thousand BC. and southern Mesopotamia. The ethnic composition of the population is unknown. At the beginning of IV thousand BC. Summers appear in the south who gradually occupied the territory to the place of the greatest rapprochement of the Tiger and Euphrates.

At the turn of IV-W thousand BC. The first cities - states - Ur, Lagash, Uruk, Lars, Nippur, etc. They are dealing with each other for the prevailing position in Sumer, but united the country from their rulers failed.

From the beginning of the III thousand BC. Semitic tribes lived in the north of Mesopotamia (their language is called Akkadsky). During III thousand BC. They gradually moved to the south and took all Mesopotamia. Around 2334, the King of Akkada - the ancient Semitic city in Mesopotamia - became Sargon Ancient (in Akkadski - Suruken, which means "True"). According to the legend, he was not noble origin, and he himself said about himself: "My mother was poor, I didn't know my father ... I pierced me my mother, gave birth to secretly, put in a cane basket and let the river." Under him and his heirs, the Power of Akkada extends to most of the Mesopotamia. Suchmers merged with seven, which had a great influence on the entire subsequent culture of this region. But the struggle for power between different cities-states continued.

At the end of III thousand BC. The country began the penetration of nomads - West Semitic tribes (amores) and a number of other peoples. Amorea near the XIX century. BC. Created several of their states, the most famous of them - with the capital in Babylon, which played a crucial role in the history of Mesopotamia. The blooming of the Babylonian state (old Babylon) is associated with the activities of King Hammurapi (1792-1750 BC). In the XVI century BC. Babylon was captured by the hitts, then by Cassitis, the power of which almost four centuries lasted over the country.

From the beginning of the III thousand BC. In the north of Mesopotamia, the city of Ashur existed, by the name of which the whole country began to be called Assyria. At the end of the II - early I thousand BC. Assyria gradually becomes the largest and powerful state of the Middle East.

Starting with IX century. BC. In the life of Babylonia, Haldey is beginning to play an important role. In the VII century BC. There is a new elevation of Babylon (new Babylon), who, together with its allies (in particular, the mussels), managed to defeat Assyria. The mussels captured most of the indigenous territory of Assyria and created their state there (mussel).

In 539 BC. Persians who have previously winning Midyan captured Babylon, and he forever lost his independence.

Contribution of Sumeres to the development of science and global culture

Many sources indicate the high astronomical and mathematical achievements of the Sumerians, their construction art (this is the Sumerians built the first stepped pyramid in the world). They are the authors of the oldest calendar, the prescription directory, library catalog. However, perhaps, the most significant contribution of an ancient Sumer to world culture is the "legend of Hilgamesh" ("Everyone Visive") is an oldest epic poem on earth. The hero of the poem, receiving the demigod, struggling with numerous dangers and enemies, defeating them, knows the meaning of life and the joy of being, finds out (for the first time in the world!) True loss of a friend and the inevitability of death. Recorded with a clinox, which was a common writing system for those who spoke in different languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Mesopotamia, the poem about Gilgamesh is a great cultural monument Ancient Babylon. Babylonian (more precisely - the ancient-wheeled) kingdom combined the north and south - the regions of Sumer and Akkada, becoming the heir of the culture of the ancient Suchmers. The town of Babylon reached the top of the greatness when the king of Hammurapi (the years of the Board of 1792--1750 BC) made it the capital of his kingdom. Hammurapi became famous as the author of the world in the world of the laws of laws (from where it came from, for example, the expression "Oco for an eye, tooth for the tooth"). The history of the cultures of the interfold gives an example of the opposite type of cultural process, namely: intensive mutual influence, cultural inheritance, borrowing and continuity.

Babylonians introduced into world culture a positional numbering system, an accurate time measurement system, they were the first to divide an hour for 60 minutes, and a minute for 60 seconds, learned to measure the area of \u200b\u200bgeometric figures, distinguish the stars from the planets and dedicated to a separate deity in a separate seven-year week every day ( Traces of this tradition have been preserved in the names of the days of the week in Romanesque languages). They left Babylonian descendants and astrology, the science of the alleged relationship of human destination with the location of the heavenly luminaries. All this is not a complete transfer of the heritage of Babylonian culture.

Sumero Accade Culture

In general, the early culture of the twoness is denoted as Sumero-Akkada. The double name is due to the fact that Sumerians and residents of the Akkadian kingdom spoke different languages \u200b\u200band had different writing. The cultural communication of various tribes actively contributed to the invention of shouthes of writing, first of the pictographic (the basis of which the picture letter served), and then the clinopy. The records were made on clay tiles or signs with sharp chopsticks and burned on fire. The very first Sumerian clinical signs belong to the middle of 4 thousand BC. These are the most ancient written monuments. Subsequently, the principle of picture writing began to be replaced by the principle of transferring the sound side of the word. There are hundreds of signs denoting syllables, and several alphabetic signs corresponding to the vowels. Writing was the great achievement of the Sumero-Akkada culture. It was borrowed and developed by Babylonians and spread widely across the entire anterior Asia: Klinin enjoyed in Syria, ancient Persia and other states. In the middle of 2 thousand BC. Floine has become an international writing system: even the Egyptian pharaohs knew and used. In the middle of 1 thousand BC. Floine becomes an alphabetical letter. Sumerians created the first in human history to the poem - "Golden Age"; They wrote the first elegances, amounted to the world's first library directory. Sumerians authors of the oldest medical books - Collectors recipes. They developed and recorded the calendar of the Agriculture, left the first information about protective aspects. Ranneshumer deities of 4-3 thousand BC They performed as submitters of life benefits and abundance - for this they were honored with ordinary mortals, built them temples and brought victims. The most powerful of all the gods were An - the god of the sky and the father of the other gods, Enlil - the God of the Wind, air and the whole space from the Earth to Heaven (he invented the moth and presented it with humanity) and Enki is the God of Ocean and fresh groundwater. Other important deities were the god of the Moon - Nanna, the God of the Sun, the goddess of fertility - Inanna and others. Strengthening statehood in two-frequency was reflected in the religious representation of the ancient residents of Mesopotamia as a whole. The deities that previously personified only cosmic and natural forces were perceived primarily as big "heavenly chiefs" and then - as the natural element and "bonuses of goods." In the second half of the 4th thousand to n. e. In the fertile plains of southern two-frequencies, the first cities-states arose, which to 3rd thousand to n. e. Filled the entire valley of the Tiger and Euphrates. The main of them became the city - Ur, Uruk Akkad, etc. The youngest of these cities was Babylon. They grew up the first monuments of monumental architecture, blooming related to it, art types - sculpture, relief, mosaic, various decorative crafts. In the country of turbulent rivers and wetlands, it was necessary to raise the temple on a high bulk-fit platform. Therefore, the important part of the architectural ensemble was long, sometimes laid down bypassing the hill, stairs and ramps for which residents of the city rose to the sanctuary. Slow climb gave the opportunity to see the temple from different points. According to the preserved ruins, it is clear that these were strict and majestic buildings. Rectangular in terms of devoid of windows, with walls, dissected vertical narrow niches or powerful semi-columns, simple in their cubic volumes, the structures were clearly charged on the top of the bulk mountain.

In 3 thousand to n. e. In the Sumerian centers, ure, Uruk, Lagas, Adabe, Umma, Ereda, Eshnun and Kisies there were more diverse types of architecture. A significant place in the ensemble of each city was occupied by palaces and temples, in the decorative design of which a wide variety was manifested. Due to the wet climate, wall murals were poorly preserved, therefore, mosaic and inlaid from gems, pearl and shells began to play a special role in the decoration of the walls, columns. The use of a sheet of copper columns is also included, the inclusion of relief compositions. The color of the walls also had an important meaning. All these details revived strict and simple forms of temples, gave them greater entertainment. For many centuries, a variety of types and forms of sculpture have gradually developed. Sculpture in the form of statues and reliefs from ancient times was an integral affiliation of temples. Sculptural forms were decorated with stone vessels and musical instruments. In the metal and stone, the first monumental portrait statues of the All-Russia rulers of the two states were performed, and in the reliefs of the stele they were captured by their acts and victories.

Special inner power The sculptural images of the two-frequenses found in the second half of 3 thousand BC, when an Akkad won the victory between the struggle for power between cities - states. New trends, images and topics manifested in the literature and art of Akkada. The most important monument of Sumerian literature was the cycle of legends about Gilgamesh, the legendary king of the city of Uruk, which rules in the 18th century. BC. In these legends, the Hero Hilgamesh is represented as the son of a simple mortal and goddess Ningsun, it is described in detail by his disaster in the world in search of the secret of immortality. Traditions about Hilgamesh and legends about the World Flood had a very strong impact on world literature Both culture and culture of neighboring peoples who accepted and adapted legends to their national life.

Culture of the Starovalonian Kingdom

The heiress of the Sumero-Accounts civilization was Babylonia, the center was the city of Babylon (gate of God), whose kings of 2 thousand BC. Could merge under their primacy all areas of Sumer and Akkada. An important innovation in the religious life of Mesopotamia 2 thousand BC. There was a gradual nomination among all the Sumero-Babylonian gods of the city god of Babylon - Marduk. He widespread the king of gods everywhere. According to the teachings of the Babylonian priests, it was the gods who determined the fate of people and only the priests could know this will - alone they knew how to trigger the spirits, talk with the gods, to determine the future on the movement of heavenly shining. The cult of heavenly shine becomes extremely important in Babylonia. Attention to the stars and planets contributed to the rapid development of astronomy and mathematics. A sixty-digit system was created, which exists to this day in terms of time. Babylonian astronomers counted the laws of the conversion of the Sun, Moon, the repeatability of eclipses. Religious beliefs of the inhabitants of the two frequencies were reflected in their monumental art. The classic form of the temples of Babylonia was a high speed tower - a zigkurat, joining the protruding terraces and creating the impression of several towers, which decreased in the scope of the ledge. Such terraces could be from four to seven. Zikcurates were painted, terraces were landscaped. The most famous zikkurat's temple is considered the temple of God Marduk in Babylon - the famous Babylonian tower, about the construction of which is stated in the Bible. Plated terraces of the Babylonian tower are known as the seventh miracle of the world - "Hanging Gardens of Semiramides." Architectural monuments Babylon art reached us not much, which is explained by the lack of a solid building material, but the style of buildings is a painful shape, and massive walls, and the architectural elements used - the dome, arches, and vaulted ceilings were the same architectural forms that became the basis of the construction art of ancient Rome. and then medieval Europe. For Babylonian visual arts It was typical of the image of animals - most often the lion or bull.

Influence of Babylonian culture on Assyrian

The culture, religion and the art of Babylonia borrowed and developed the Assyrians, who subordinate to themselves the Babylonian kingdom of 8th. BC. In the ruins of the palace in Ninevei found a library, which has numbered tens of thousands of clinox texts. This library kept all the most important works of Babylonian, as well as the Ancient Summer literature. The collector of this library is the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal entered the story as an educated and well-read. However, these features were not inherent in all rulers of Assyria. A more ordinary and permanent line of Vladyk was the desire for power, domination over neighboring peoples. Assyrian art is performed by Paphos of Power, it glorified the power and victory of the conquerors. The image of the grandiose and arrogant bulls with the arrogant human faces and sparkling eyes is characteristic. A feature of Assyrian art is the image of tsarist cruelty: scenes of plantings on count, pulling out from prisoners, jumping from the sheltered skin. It was the facts of Assyrian everyday life and these scenes were transferred without a sense of pity and compassion. The cruelty of the company's morals was associated with its low religiosity. Not religious structures prevailed in Assyria, and palaces and secular buildings, as well as in reliefs and painting - secular stories. Characteristic were excellent images of animals, mainly lion, camel, horse. In the art of Assyria in the I thousand BC. e. Hard canon appears. This canon is not religious, as not the religious was all the official Assyrian art, and in this fundamental difference between the Assyrian monuments from the preceding time monuments. It is not anthropometric as an antique canon, which proceeded from the human body as a unit of measurement. It is more likely to be called the canon of idealistic ideological, for he proceeded from the idea of \u200b\u200bperfect Lord, embodied in the image of a mighty husband. Attempts to create the perfect image of a mighty lord already occurred before, in the Akkadian art and in the period III of the Dynasty, the Hurray, but they were not embodied so consistently and was completely out of religion, as in Assyria. Assyrian art was purely court art, and when the Assyrian power was killed, it disappeared. It was the canon that was the organizing start, thanks to which Assyrian art had reached such an unprecedented perfection. The image of the king becomes a model and a role model in it, it is created by all possible means: purely visual - the appearance of a physically perfect, mighty person in emphasized lush decoration - hence the monumental staticity of figures and attention to small details of the decoration; picturesque-narrative - when both in art, and in the literature are highlighted topics, praising the military power of the country and its creator, "Lords of all countries"; Descriptive - in the form of annals of the Assyrian kings, famous for their exploits. Some descriptions in Assyrian annals make the impression of signatures under the images, moreover, the texts of the royal inscriptions with stories about the royal combat exploits are placed right on reliefs, crossing the image of the ruler, that with a standardized, deprived of any individuality of the image was very significant and was an additional ornamental decoration of the plane relief. The establishment of a canon and the development of solid rules in the image of a royal person, as well as the ideological tendentiousness of all court arts contributed to the preservation of high artistic norms during craft reproduction of samples and did not creative opportunities Artists-masters, when it was not about the royal person. This can be seen in the freedom with which Assyrian artists are experimenting in the composition of the composition and in animal images.

Art of Iran 6-4 centuries. BC. Even more secular and courtesy than the art of its predecessors. It is more relaxed: it does not have that cruelty, which was characteristic of the art of Assyrians, but at the same time the continuity of cultures is preserved. An image of animals is the most important element of the visual art - primarily the winged bulls, lions and vultures. In 4 c. BC. Iran was conquered by Alexander Macedonian and included in the sphere of the influence of Hellenistic culture.

Religion and mythology of ancient Mesopotamia

The characteristic feature of the religion of the ancient Mesopotamia is the polytheism (polybetos) and anthropomorphism (humanoid) of the gods. For Sumer, the cult of local gods is typical, and above all the city's patron god. So, in Nippur worshiped enlille (Ellill) - the god of the air, which will later receive the status of the Supreme God in Sumerian Pantheon; in Ereda - Enki (the God of underground freshwater and the God of wisdom); in Lars - Utu (God Sun); In Uruk, they wore An and Inanna (Goddess of Love and War), etc. The goddess of the afterlife, who was underground was considered to be Ereshkigal, and her spouse was the God of war nerg. People were created by the gods to serve them. After the death of a man, his soul was forever turned out to be in the afterlife, where she was expected by a very "unexperary" life: bread from uncleanness, salt water, etc. Alternatively, only those for whom the priests on Earth made special rites, the only exception was made for warriors and large mothers.

The deity, as a rule, was considered considered in his image, if it possessed certain specific features and attributes, and he was worshiped as it was established and consecrated by the tradition of this temple. If the image was taken out of the sanctuary, God together was removed together, thus expressing his anger against the city or country. The gods were climbed into the magnificent clothes of a special style that were complemented by tiara and breastplate decorations (pectorals). Clothes replaced during special ceremonies in accordance with the demanding of the ritual.

We know from Mesopotamian and Egyptian sources that the images of the gods werehed and repaired in special workshops at the temple; After that, they were subjected to a complex and completely secret ritual of consecration, which was supposed to turn a lifeless matter into the Vessel of the Divine Presence. During the night ceremonies, they ended up "life", their eyes and mouths "turned away" so that the idols could see, hear and eat; Then the ritual of "Olion of the Mouth" was committed on them, which attached to them, as considered special holiness. Similar customs were adopted in Egypt, where the idols of the Deities were endowed with traditionally necessary qualities with the help of magical acts and formulas. Nevertheless, the process of making idols manually, apparently, in all religions, where such images had a cult or sacred function, felt like some embarrassment, which indicate frequent legends and religious legends, emphasizing the wonderful origin of the most famous images of the gods.

The gods in the Uruk Temple, for example, the food was served twice a day. The first and most important meal took place on the morning when the temple opened, the second - for the evening, obviously, for a while immediately before closing the doors of the sanctuary ... Each meal consisted of two dishes, called the "main" and "second". Dishes differed among themselves, apparently, rather in quantity than the composition of the products. The ceremonial, nature and number of dishes included in the divine meal are approaching human standards, in general characteristic of the Mesopotamian gods.

Writing and book

Mesopotamian writing in its oldest, pictographic form appears at the turn of IV-W thousand BC. Apparently, it has developed on the basis of the system of "accounting chips", which displaced and replaced. In VI-IV thousand BC. Inhabitants of the Middle Eastern settlements from Western Syria to Central Iran used for accounting for various products and goods Three-dimensional characters - small clay balls, cones, etc. In IV thousand BC. Sets of such chips registered some acts of transmitting certain products began to enter into clay shells with a fist. On the outer wall of the "envelope" sometimes gripped all the chips concluded inwards to be able to conduct accurate calculations, without relying on the memory and not breaking the sealed shells. The need for the chips themselves, therefore, disappeared - there was enough of some insisters. Later, the prints were replaced by scratched wand icons - drawings. Such the theory of the origin of the ancient of the ancient letter explains the choice of clay as a lettering material and a specific, pillow, or a laminated form of ancient tables.

It is believed that in the early pictographic writing there were more than one and a half thousand characteristic designs. Each sign meant the word or a few words. Improving the ancient Icons in the unification of the icons, reduce their number (in the Novovavilon period there are a little more than 300), schematizing and simplifying the drawing, resulting in clini-shaped (consisting of combinations of wedge-shaped implications left by the end of the triangular stick) signs in which It is almost impossible to know the original sign-drawing. At the same time, the phonetization of the letter was happening, i.e. The icons began to use not only in the initial, verbal meaning, but also in the separation from it, like a purely sludge. This allowed to transmit accurate grammatical forms, to write their own names, etc.; Floine has become genuine writing fixed live speech.

The scope of application of the clinopy is expanding: in addition to the documents of economic reporting and trampy, there are extensive construction or mortgages, cult texts, collections of proverbs, numerous "school" or "scientific" texts - lists of signs, lists of the names of mountains, countries, minerals, plants, fish, fish, Professions and posts and finally the first bilingual dictionaries.

Sumerian clinies get widespread: adapting to the needs of his languages, it from the middle of the III thousand to AD. Acquadges, seven-time residents of central and northern Mesopotamia and Eblaitanes in Western Syria are used. At the beginning of the II thousand BC. Cleanly borrow hitts, and about 1500. BC. The inhabitants of Ugarite based on it create their simplified sludge clinows, which may have affected the formation of the Phoenician writing. From the latter, the beginning of the Greek and, accordingly later alphabets.

With the Academy Schools (Eddubba), libraries were created in many branches of knowledge, there were also private collections of "clay books". Large temples and the Palaces of rulers also often had large libraries of economic and administrative archives. The most famous of them is the library of the Assyrian Tsar Ashurbanpala in Ninevei, found in 1853 during the excavation of the hill near the village of Kujunzik on the left bank of the tiger. Ashurbanapal collection was not only the largest for his time; This is hardly the first real, systematically selected library. The king personally followed her acquisition; According to his orders, scribes across the country removed copies from ancient or rare plates stored in temples or private collections, or delivered originals to Ninevia.

The lengthy texts constituted entire "series", which included sometimes up to 150 tablets. On each such "serial" tablet stood its sequence number; Title served the initial words of the first plate. On the shelves of "Books" were placed on certain branches of knowledge. The texts of the "historical" content ("Annals", "Chronicles", etc.) were collected here, litthies, hymns, prayers, conspiracies and spells, epic poems, "scientific" texts (collections will accept and predictions, medical and astrological texts, recipes , Sumero-Akkadian dictionaries, etc.), hundreds of books in which "deposited" all the knowledge, the whole experience of the ancient Civilization. Most of what we know about the culture of Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians, was obtained when studying these 25 thousand tablets and fragments extracted from the Rouins of the Palace Library, which was destruction of Ninevei. The school was called in Mesopotamia "Eddubba", which meant the "House of Tables", the director called the "Father of the House of Tablets", and teachers - "Senior Brothers"; There were schools and warders who called "whistling whip", which illustrates some features of the training method. Pupils mastered writing by copying first individual signs, and then whole texts. Training occurred from early morning until late evening and lasted many years. It was difficult to learn, but the teacher's profession was favorable and honorary.

The name "Meternrechier" means the territory of the merger of two rivers in the Middle East - Tiger and Euphrates. Consider how people lived not this land thousands of years ago.

Ancient Mesopotamia

Historians divide this region to the top and bottom interfluve. The top is the northern part of the region, where the state of Assyria was relatively recently formed. In the lower (southern) interfluve people lived long before the emergence of people north. It is here that the first cities of mankind arise - Sumer and Akkad.

On the territory of this region, about 7 thousand years ago, the first states were formed - the first two cities of the same name. Later there are other cities-states - Ur, Uruk, Eshnuna, Sipparp and others.

Fig. 1. Machine Machine.

Hundreds of years, the city of the lower interferes will be combined under the authority of the strengthened Babylon, which will become the capital of Babylonia. The north of His arms arises.

The ancient civilization of Mesopotamia was formed in parallel with Egyptian, but it has certain differences. Meternrech is a unique focus of agriculture, because it not only was located along the rivers, but also it was from the north to be protected by a chain of mountains, which provided a mild climate.

Culture of ancient Mesopotamia

A bright representative of the cultural heritage of Mesopotamia is the people of Sumerians. No one knows how they appeared in this region, and most importantly, they have nothing to do with their semitic peoples inhabited. Their language was not like any of the neighboring dialects and was similar to Indo-European speech. Their appearance also differed from the Semitic - Sumerians had oval faces and big eyes.

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Sumerians describe in their legends that they were created by the gods in order to serve them. According to legend, the gods arrived with another planet to the ground, and the process of creating a person is described in sumerians in sufficient detail and is considered as the fruit of the experiment.

Fig. 2. Sumerian cities.

One way or another, the art of Sumerians gave impetus to develop the culture of other civilizations. Suchmers had its own alphabet, a unique clinical writing, his arrangement of laws and a lot of technical inventions that were ahead of their time.

The story of Sumerov is a struggle between groups of people at the chapter of each of which was the king. Schmers settlements were fenced with stone walls, the population of the city reached 50 thousand people.

The crown of the cultural heritage of the Sumerians is agricultural almanac, which tells how to grow plants properly and plow the soil. Sumerians were able to use the pottery and knew how to build at home. They did not hide that everything they knew and know them, they taught their gods.

Fig. 3. Flip.

Babylonia and Assyria

The Babylonian kingdom originated at the beginning of the second millennium BC, and the city itself arose at the place of the earlier Sumerian city of Cadingir. It was the Semitic people of Amoreyev, who took over the early culture of Sumerians, but retained his language.

The sign figure in the history of Babylon is the king of Hammurapi. He not only was able to subjugate for himself many neighboring cities, but also famous for its vast work - the arch of the "Chammurapi laws". These were the first laws carved on a clay plate, regulating relationships in society. According to historians, the concept of "presumption of innocence" was also introduced by this king.

The first mention of Assyria is dated 24 centuries BC. And existed 2 thousand years. Assyrians were quite militant people. They submitted to themselves the Israeli Kingdom and Cyprus. Their attempt to subjugate the Egyptians was not crowned with success, since 15 years after conquest, Egypt still gained independence.

The culture of Assyria as and the Babylonian in their foundation had a Sumerian.

What did we know?

Meternrech is an ancient region of people settlement. We know what nations lived on this territory several thousand years ago, but we still do not know where they appeared there. These riddles still have to find an answer.

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Slide 1.

Presentation on the history of world civilizations Mesopotamia Periodization and main stages of development Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Ural State the University of Economics Department of General and Economic History Artist: Student I Course Group GMU-13-1 Koryukalov Andrei Andreevich Yekaterinburg 2013

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The goal to find information based on the information found, allocate the main periods and stages of the development of civilization of ancient interfluve to submitted information in the form of slides

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Plan general characteristics The main stages of the development of the civilization of ancient interfluve

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Mesopotamia The word "Mesopotamia" literally means "Earth between the two rivers", "Meternrech". This is a fertile valley between the shores of the Tiger and Euphrates.

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Around the IV Millennium BC. Valley of the Tiger River and Euphrates: West - Mediterranean East - Iranian plateau. South - Persian Bay, Desert Arabia North - Caucasus

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Entered the positioning system was introduced with an accurate time measurement system (they were first divided an hour for 60 minutes, and a minute for 60 seconds) learned to measure the area of \u200b\u200bgeometric figures to distinguish the stars from the planets every day with the same seven-day seen week each day left the descendants to the astrology of the Astrology of Civilization:

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Uruchane (2500 BC) Lugalzagesey (2500 BC) Sargon I (2400 BC), Narad-Suen (2320 BC) Gudea (2200 BC) Rome -Sin (Rules OK. 1878-1817 BC) Shamshi-Adad I (Rules OK. 1868-1836 BC) Hammurapi (rules in 1848-1806 BC) Tukult-Ninurta I ( rules in 1243-1207 BC) Toglatpalasar I (rules in 1112-1074 BC), Ashurnasyrpal II (rules in 883-859 BC) Salmanasar III (rules in 858-824 BC . DE.) Togoldpalasar III (Rules OK. 745-727 BC), Sargon II (rules in 721-705 BC) Sinacherib (Rules in 704-681 BC) Asarhaddon (rules In 680-669 BC) Ashurbanipal (rules in 668-626 BC) Nabopalasar (rules in 625-605 BC) Nebuchadnezzar II (Rules in 604-562 BC) Nampid (rules in 555-538 BC) Monsopotamia rulers

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cattle breeding, agriculture, stucco ceramics, clay houses with an admixture of cane. Dzharmo culture (VII thousand BC)

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mastering all sowing. Mesopotamia, initial forms of irrigation, the development of weaving and pottery skills, dishes with color patterns. Hassubun culture (Ser. Vi thousand BC)

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stormy development of pottery industries, stone production, copper guns. Khalaf culture (V milkovo BC)

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The irrigation system, flourishing remorse. Protusive period. Ubeyd culture

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the emergence of temple economies, the rapid development of production, the origin of pictographic, Sumerian language is the dominant, the Nippur - the chief cultural center of the Sumerians. On sowing And in the center. Mesopotamia Along with Sumerums, Eastern Semites, speaking in the East Semitic (Akkadian) language reside. Culture of Uruk (IV thousand BC, Sumerskaya)

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Covers only bottom. Mesopotamia: the transition to the letter from the pictographic, the predominance of copper guns, the appearance of bronze, build-in from burned brick. Culture of the Gemdet-Nasre (Kon. IV thousand

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The rulers are En - Supreme Priest, Lugal - a warlord and Enci - Priest-builder. I Dynasty of Kish. The penultimate ruler of the En-Menbaragsey dynasty fought with Elam. His son Agega tried to subordinate to the Uruk, but unsuccessfully, on the contrary, the KISH himself obeyed Gilgameshu belonging to the dynasty of Uruk. Earned Names (28-24 BC BC)

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the fusion of the Acquadges and Sumerians in one people - Chernogolovye, the Acquadges adopted the writing of the Sumerians. Archive Cherrupaka. The temple land is completely clearly separated from the community, the temple and the palace divide the priests and military administrative functions. Kish, Ur, Uruh, the richest and significant centers. Earnednastinal period II (27-26 BB BC)

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permanent wars, because No one could keep hegemony. Each war enriched and strengthened the ruler, Lugali rises above the community. Kish, Lagash, Ur, Umma. Lagasi archive. The ruler, Eanatum from Lagas, smashed Umm, subjugated almost the entire shumer, defeated Elam. Early Periodistical Period III (25-24 BC BC)

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Lugalzagei, conquering such a large territory did not try to create a single state-type: he took the titles of the ruler from the local authorities, did not destroy the local Lugália. After killing the ruler of Kish and the accession of this Noma Lugalzage, the local official of Sharurum-Ken (Sargon Ancient) (2316-2261), hiding in a small town, raised the uprising, collecting the folk militia. Military reform onions as a combat weapon. She conquered all the Mesopotamia, having reached, possibly to the Mediterranean Sea. Capital - Akkada. Temple hosts are subordinated to the king, ensee responsible to the king of officials. Uniform weighing measures, square, a new calendar has been introduced. Huge top on the royal content. Sharurum-Ken conquered Elam to the Border of Inde, Syria, visited Malaya Asia. Created a huge empire. The creation of a centralized state, the power of sargonides.

Slide 20.

Creating a unified state. Ilota - Gurushi (Well done), employees - Nugem (slaves) were reduced to the detachments, worked the whole day, received a normalized paja. Qualified artisans, administrative employees, warriors also on soldering, but more than Gurusi. The whole country is divided into districts led by ENCI officials. Trade did not flourish, the army is bad, completed from the servants. The lawyer is written at Schulgi. Drop of the Akkadian Power The city dweller had a house and a plot that belonged to him as a member of the rural community, or given to the use of the service. There were territorial rural communities that beat the Council of Elders, the headrost was appointed to the king. The tax paid the state-wo either in kind, or part of the land was given to the state school. Cost structure: Avilum Full free citizens who owned real estate on the rights of membership in any community; Muskeneum person, with limited legal and political rights who have received land for the service or in conditional possession; Western slaves who were owned by the owners. StarOther period of the history of Mesopotamia (XX-XVII BC BC)

Slide 23.

The largest cities of Iscin, Lars, Uruk, Marie, Eshnunna, Babylon. The most character traction of that time is the struggle between tribes and tribal associations. The characteristic political education of the time-tribe or tribal association with the city as its center. In such cities, their dynasties were sought to the political arena memopotamas history. In 1900-1800, a number of cities of the Amorean tribes appeared, the ideal of which was the state of the III Dean. Hurray, tried to show themselves their receivers, borrowed their titlature. Cities led a constant struggle. Formation of cities

Slide 24.

All in. Meshopotamia Shamshi-Adad I (1813-1781), the son of the Amorean leader, subjugated the enormous territory. Ashhur on sowing. And Marie in the south. It was eager to create a centralized state-in, Licking Nomo-Mu, replacing it on the SIS-Military Districts. But Shamshi ADAD has broken. After that, the largest cities were in constant struggle with each other. Hammurapi (1792-17500) from the Babylon dynasty managed to combine almost all the lower Mesopotamia. Chammurapi laws. But in 1595 BC. When Hettites lowered the last Babylonian king, Samsuditan, Cassites, invisible to the territory of Mesopotamia, captured the royal power in Babylon. Their Board lasted more than 400 years. The final stage Development of Mesopotamia

On the territory of Mesopotamia from VII to the IV Millennium BC. e. The decomposition of the primitive-free system was shown and the prerequisites were created for the formation of the foundations of civilization.

1) at the beginning of the III millennium BC. e. The first small states in the southern part of the country were formed, in the historical region of the Sumer.

2) The period covering the XXVIII-XXIV centuries. BC e., wears the name of the early one. 3) the next period (last one third of the III millennium BC. Er) is characterized by the creation of extensive, so-called despotic monarchies.

4) in the XXIV-XXIII centuries. The political center moves to the central part of Mesopotamia, where the state of Akkad arises, which also united under its authority also, the Sumer and the northern regions of Mesopotamia.

5) From the Akkadian kingdom, which collapsed under the onslaught of Kutiyev, hegemony in Mesopotamia soon moves to the Sumero-Akkadian kingdom.

6) at the beginning of the II millennium BC. e. In the tiger interference and the Euphrates existed several states, among which the Babylonian kingdom prevailed, which united under its authority the extensive country. His story is divided into several periods: a) Starovalonsky, or Amorean (XIX-XVI centuries. BC), b) Middle Equile, or Cassian (XVI-XII centuries), c) a period of political weakening of Babylonia and the struggle for independence (XII-VII centuries) and, finally, d) Novovavilon short-term period of lifting and rebirth (VII-VI centuries), ended in the conquest of the country of Persia.

7) From the XVI to the XIII century. BC e. In the western part of Northern Mesopotamia, a significant role was played by the state of Mitarian.

8) in the eastern part of it, at the end of the III of the Millennium BC. e. Assyrian state appeared with the center in the city of Ashhur, the history of which is subdivided within the future for the periods: a) StarosSiriysky (XX-XVI centuries BC), b) Midnesium (XV-XI centuries. BC. er) and in ) Novosseysky (X-VII centuries. BC.). In this last period, the state of Assyria through the conquests grow into a huge, which covered almost all countries of the Middle East the Great Power.

25. Mesopotamia in VI - IV thousand d. N.E.

In the middle and second half of the VI millennium BC. e. All northern Mesopotamia is already mastered. This stage named the most characteristic settlement - Hassuna is called the Hassong culture.

Hassun tribes are moving south to the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Baghdad (Tell-As-Savang, Samarra). At this time, agricultural and pastoral economy had already emerged, because the Hassunts bred large and finely horned cattle, cultured three types of wheat, four types of barley, as well as flax. The tools of labor remain stone, but there are single finds of copper beads and a knife, lead bracelet. Weaving and pottery production develops. Special furnaces are used to roasting vessels, and the dishes itself are covered with elegant color patterns.

In v millennium BC. e. In the life of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, there are changes associated with a new culture called a chalaf named the village of Tella Halaf. Most of all is manifested in the development of various industries. Khalaf ceramics is covered with a two-color painting with geometric and zoomorphic motifs, the technique of glazes is applied, stucco and curly vessels are made. The stone is used in the construction of buildings and for paving the streets. Daggers and chisels are already manufactured from copper. However, craftsworn masters work within the community and provide it with their products.

During the neolithic period, religious beliefs of the ancient inhabitants of northern Mesopotamia are formed. When excavations, animal statuettes are found, nr, bull.

The in the most ancient of these settlements was the settlement of Eredu (Sovr. Abu-Shahalain) on the bank of the Persian Gulf (6 thousand BC). Archaeologists have discovered remnants of 12 temples, approximately 1000 graves of raw bricks, where people were buried with personal belongings, dishes, food, pets (for example, dogs). Scientists have suggested first that this is a special archaeological culture, but the analysis of ceramics showed that the Eredu belongs to the sources of the El-Ubewid stage. This stage itself (last one third V is the beginning of the IV Millennium BC. Er) is characterized by the presence of a system of irrigation channels, sealing crafts: ceramic, metallurgical, weaving. The population is growing. Along with small settlements, large centers are up to 10 hectares. Monumental structures are erected: Temples on platforms and buildings with powerful walls.

The guardian culture acquired a colossal scope and widely distributed its connections and influence in the world. Excavations in Hog-Mami and Tella Availi showed a combination of elements of Samarra and Ustyevskaya cultures in these settlements. The excavations of the Russian expedition in Syria discovered the guardian painted ceramics in the settlement of the TELL-HAZNA I.

The emergence of a early grade society and statehood, the creation of the foundations of the Sumerian civilization are associated with the Uruk's culture (the middle - the second half of the IV millennium BC. Er).

An increasing surge product gives irrigation agriculture. The process of separating crafts from agriculture is becoming increasingly rapidly. Pottery craft is distinguished. The special branch becomes jewelry production, famous for products from precious metals and stones. External and internal exchange develops. Copper, gold, building material, precious and semi-precious stones are imported from the neighboring areas to the country, grain and craft products are imported. Settlements increase in size, the center of such an early city is the temple, and sometimes a whole temple complex. Monumental temples, richly decorated with columns, frescoes, mosaic, vividly emphasize the growth of the country's economic potential. The birth of civilization is crowned with the emergence of pictographic writing, numbering about 2000 picturesque signs - the protest period.

Fast rates are the property separation and social differentiation of society.

As the social structure complicates, the separation of the authorities occurs, among which the sessions are played by temples led by the priesthood. A significant role in the life of the community also played such officials as the chief judge, the elder of trade agents.

The results achieved in socio-economic development are fixed at the end of the IV millennium BC. E., During the culture of the Gemdet-Nasr - a bronze appears, an exhaled brick is increasingly used in construction. On the Earth, Uruka is asked to the sky on a high platform the so-called "White Temple" of the God of Heaven Ana. The Temple of the Sacred Oka was erected in Tella Marria. In abundances are encountered in the tel-marriage of the print, which served as the ownership signs. In order to capture slaves and other mining, military campaigns are performed. Filtration develops: Temples and palaces are strengthened with thick and high walls. Settlements of the protest period were divided and economically, and politically, but were bound by religious bonds. The cult center at this time was and for a long time retained this value of the city of Nippur, where the communion Supreme God enlil was revered and his temple of Ekur was located.

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Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Mesopotamia Periodization and main stages of development">!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Mesopotamia word" Mesopotamia "literally means" earth between two rivers " ."> Месопотамия Слово «Месопотамия» буквально означает «Земля между двумя реками» , «Междуречье» . Это плодородная долина между берегами Тигра и Евфрата.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Around the IV Millennium BC. E. Valley"> Возникла около IV тысячелетия до н. э. Долина рек Тигра и Евфрата: запад – Средиземноморье восток – Иранское плоскогорье. юг – Персидский залив, пустыни Аравии север – Кавказ!}

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Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Earned Pennic period II (27 -26 BB to N. E. )"> Раннединастический период II (27 -26 вв до н. э.) слияние аккадцев и шумеров в один народ - черноголовые, аккадцы переняли письменность шумеров. Архив Шаррупака. Храмовая земля дольно чётко отделена от общинной, храм и дворец делят между собой жреческую и военно-админитративную функции. Киш, Урук наиболее богатые и значимые центры.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Earned Pennic period III (25-24 BB to N. E. ) Permanent wars, since."> Раннединастический период III (25 -24 вв до н. э.) постоянные войны, т. к. никто не мог удержать гегемонию. Каждая война обогащала и усиливала правителя, лугали поднимаются над общиной. Киш, Лагаш, Ур, Умма. Архив Лагаша. Правитель Эанатум из Лагаша разбил Умму, подчинил почти весь Шумер, победил Элам.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Creation of a centralized state, the power of sargonides. Lugalzage, conquer such a large territory did not try"> Создание централизованного государства, держава Саргонидов. Лугальзагеси, покорив столь большую территорию не пытался создать единого гос-ва: принимал от местных номовых властей титулы правителя, не уничтожил местных лугалей. После убийства правителя Киша и присоединения этого нома Лугальзагеси, местный чиновник Шаррум-кен (Саргон Древний) (2316 -2261), укрывшийся в маленьком городке, поднял восстание, собрав народное ополчение. Военная реформа лук как боевое оружие. Покорил всю Месопотамию, дойдя, возможно, до Средиземного моря. Столица - Аккаде. Храмовые хоз-ва подчинены царю, энси ответственные перед царём чиновнии. Единообразные меры веса, площади, введён новый календарь. Огромная верхушка на царском содержании. Шаррум-Кен покорил Элам до границы Инда, Сирию, в Малой Азии побывал. Создана огромнейшую империю.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Drop of the Akkadian power Creating a unified state-wa. Ilota - Gurusha ("> Падение Аккадской державы Создание унифицированного гос-ва. Илоты - гуруши (молодцы), работницы- нгеме (рабыни) были сведены в отряды, трудились целый день, получали нормированный паёк. Квалифицированные ремесленники, административные служащие, воины также на пайке, но большем, чем гуруши. Вся страна разделена на округа во главе с чиновниками энси. Торговля не процветала, армия плохая, комплектовалась из слуг. Судебник написан при Шульги.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Amoroyev's invasion (shepherds Zap. Semites) from the Syrian desert."> Нашествие амореев (пастушьи племена зап. семитов) из Сирийской пустыни. Ибби-Суэн (2027 -2003) был в это время в Эламе, неодоценил амореев, округа стали отлагаться от Ура. Он послала Ишби-Эрра за хлебом в зап. часть, не затронутую набегом, но он отделился сам, укрепившись с хлебом в Иссине. Некоторые его признали. Стал единственным царём Ниж. Месопотамии. I дин. Иссина старалась подражать III дин. Ура.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Starbivonian period of the history of Mesopotamia (XX-XVII BC BC .)"> Старовавилонский период истории Месопотамии (XX-XVII вв до н. э.) Горожанин имел дом и участок, принадлежавший ему как члену сельской общины, либо данный в пользование за службу. Существовали территориальные сельские общины, избиравшие совет старейшин, староста назначался царём. Налог платили гос-ву либо натурой, либо часть земли отводилась под гос. хоз- во. Сословная структура: авилум полноправные свободные граждане, владевшие недвижимостью на правах членства в какой-либо общине; мушкенум лица, с ограниченными юридическими и политическими правами, получавших землю за службу или в условное владение; вардум рабы, являвшиеся собственностью хозяев.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Education cities The largest cities - Iscin, Lars, Uruk, Marie, Eshnunna, Babylon."> Образование городов Крупнейшие города- Иссин, Ларса, Урук, Мари, Эшнунна, Вавилон. Самая характ-ная черта развития того времени борьба между племенами и племенными объединениями. Характерное политическое образование того времени- племя или племенное объединение с городом в качестве его центра. В таких городах повалялись свои династии, выходившие на политическую арену Мемопотамсой истории. В 1900 -1800 появился ряд городов аморейских племён, идеалом которых было гос-во III дин. Ура, пытались показать себя их приемниками, заимствовали их титулатуру. Города вели между собой постоянную борьбу.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The final stage of the development of Mesopotamia in North. Mesopotamia Shamshi-Adad I ( 1813 -"> Заключительный этап развития Месопотамии В Сев. Месопотамии Шамши-Адад I (1813 - 1781), сын аморейского вождя, подчинил огромную территорию включ. Ашшур на сев. и Мари на юге. Он питался создать центрелизованное гос-во, ликидировав номовую сис-му, заменяя её на сис-му военных округов. Но Шамши-Адад имеприя распалась. После этого крупнейшие города находились в постоянной борьбе друг с другом. Хаммурапи (1792 -17500) из династии Вавилона сумел объединить почти всю Нижнюю Месопотамию. Законы Хаммурапи. Но в 1595 г. до н. э. когда хетты низложили последнего вавилонского царя, Самсудитану, касситы, вторгшиеся на территорию Месопотамии, захватили царскую власть в Вавилоне. Их правление продолжалось более 400 лет.!}