Russian rulers in chronological order from Rurik to the decline of the Grand Duchy of Kiev. The first princes of Kievan Rus

Consider some facts concerning the history of the ancient Russian state.

1. First significant event - this is "Varyagov's vanity" , the colorful story about which is placed in the "Tale of Bygone Years" under 862. According to the Chronicles, 859varyags "Because of the Sea" were charged with tributes with Cugh, Mary, Ilmensky Slam and Curvic. IN 862 The tribes rebelled, expelled the aliens and refused to pay tribute. However, war flashes between the specified tribes. The conflict intervened the detachment of Varyagov under the leadership Rurik . Perhaps he was invited by one of the opposing parties. Based on his squad, Rurik became headed North Center Rus, unite Slavic (Slovenia, Curivichi) and Thro-Finnish (Chud, the whole) tribes. He ruled them until his death in 879 His residence was located either in Old Ladog, where the archaeologists found traces of an ancient Varangian fortress, or under the modern Great Novgorod on the so-called Ruriki settlement. The ethnicity of Rurik and his squad is unclear. Many scientists starting with G.F. Holmanna (1816), bring it closer to the konung HREREK (RORIKOM) Yutland, Marcgraf Friz (Frisia - Earth in North-West Europe between R. Rhine and Weser) and the Danish Prince from the royal kind of skillings. Other researchers following S.A. Gideonov (1876) try to prove slavic origin Rurik and his companions. They identify it with the hypothetical prince of Pomeranian Slavs-encouraged by River. The third group of historians (they are called "Antinormanists") believe that Rurik is a whole mythical character, and the chronicle story about his arrival is absolute fiction.

2. The next event is combining two centers of Russia. After the death of Rurik in 879, the regent at the young saint of the Igor was appointed Konung (Prince) Oleg. His origin is unknown, he was either a relative of Rurik, whether his governor. The Varangian Leader began his reign by the campaign in 882 on the South Center Rus to merge him with the North. Prince's troops descended on the Dnieper, took the capital of Krivich Smolensk, then love, captured Kievand they killed the rules there Askold and Dira. After that, Oleg announced the creation of a single Russian power with a center in Kiev. In this way, Oleg united the Novgorod and Kiev land in the ancient Russian state . From now on, there is a countdown to the existence of the state that historians of the XIX century. Conditionally called Kiev Rusy, named His capital.

Olegput control of the path "from the Varyag in the Greeks", conquered and postponed a number of East Slavic tribes(Drevlyan, Northerners, Radmich), who had previously paid tribute to Khazar Kaganat.

The largest foreign policy has become successful campaign on Byzantium in 907,as a result of which the "diplomatic recognition" of Russia and appeared the First International Document is a Russia agreement with the Greeks (911).According to him, Byzantium paid the Rusam Dan, Russian merchants received the right of duty-free trade in the markets of the Byzantine Empire.

3. Next ruler Rus - Prince Igor (912-945). Igor Rurikovich took the throne after the death of Oleg in 912 (Date is conditional, according to various sources, he died either from the bite of the snake, or died "over the sea" in the campaign, possibly on the Caspian coast in 910 or 922 g). New Prince he managed to suppress the uprising of the Tribe tribe against Kiev, concluded peace with Pechenegs and founded the Russian colony on the Taman Peninsula.The promotion of Russians to the shores of the Black Sea caused the dissatisfaction of the Byzantines. In 941-944 Between Kiev and Constantinople, war unfolded. Osada Igor Tsar-Grad in 941 was unsuccessful, the Byzantines applied special weapons: "Greek fire" (powered by pipes under pressure burning oil). The campaign on Byzantium was repeated in 944, This time, the emperor preferred without resistance to conclude a peace treaty according to the agreement 911. 945 During the deception in the land of Drevlyan, Igor was killed. Fuling it was called the annual detour of the prince of subjectable territories in order to collect Dani. She was charged "by strength", i.e. How many warriors will be able to take, and therefore the collection of Dani was often accompanied by conflicts with the local population. The collision of 945 with the Drevlyans turned out to be for Igor Focal: In response to the requirement of additional Dani, Prince grabbed, tied to the tops of bent trees and let go. The greedy ruler ripped into parts.

4. The Board of Princess Olga (945-964). Olga was at the Kiev throne, Igor's widow, since his son Svyatoslav, in the chronicle version, was still young. Olga brutally avenged for the death of her husband (destroyed several of the Trellian embassies, then, together with Voivodi, Svevend and Asmud organized an punishable campaign to the Treacious lands, burned them to the capital of the city of Earrows and killed them Prince Mala). But soon he spent the first "tax reform": installed fixed lessons- Dani collection size and organized forests- items of her collection.The dates were also identified, while 2/3 of Dani remained on the ground, and 1/3 went to the center. Olga The first of the representatives of the Old Russian Princely House adopted baptism on the Orthodox ritual (in 957, although scientists also call other dates - 954 or 960).

5. Next ruler of Russia - Prince Svyatoslav. (964-972), which combined state activities with military campaigns. In the course of their campaigns, the prince-conqueror conquered jases and Kasogov (964-965); defeat Khazar Kaganat (his capital Sarkel was erased from the face of the earth); won Volga Bulgaria ; Attached land vodny. (966); subjudil Danube Bulgaria. (967). Svyatoslav led successful operations in the North Caucasus and the Azov coast. But the capture of the ponya led to war with Byzantia (970-971). In it, Svyatoslav was opposed by a talented commander Emperor John Tsimischi. The campaign was with varying success. In 971, a peace treaty was concluded. However, the Greeks bribed the Pechenezh Prince I smoke, and in 972 he killed the return on Svyatoslav returned from the campaign. (According to legend, from Svyatoslav Svyatoslav smoking made a cup for wine.)

6. After the death of Svyatoslav in 972kiev Prince became his eldest son Yaropolk.Middle - Oleg -rules in the Drevdanskaya Earth, and the younger, Vladimir, Sat in Novgorod. During the conflict between the brothers Oleg and Yaropolk were killed, so the prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich (980-1015) turned out to be at the head of all Russian lands. To strengthen the power, Vladimir gradually eliminated the tribal renovation and began to plant in volators his sons as governors. The prince of the iron hand was suppressed by the "intelligence" at the beginning of his reign - apparently, unrest in the regions who did not want to obey Kiev. Successful was foreign policy Vladimir I.. It developed both in the West and Eastern direction. IN 981 G.. The Russian-Polish war began, as a result of which the prince seized the Cherven Rus (the city of Peremyshl, Cherven, etc.). He also inflicted a number of lesions to pechenegs to nomads. The largest victory over them was obsessed in 992 on the river. True, and in honor of her founded G. Pereyaslavl ("Introduced by the enemies of glory"). In the southeastern borders of Kievan Rus to protect against the pechenegs on the rivers of the gums, the sturgeon, Sula and Stagna, a number of fortresses were built - "Opports of the Bogatyr".

For Vladimir I. The chasing of his coin begins and the Christianization of Russia is carried out. The strengthened state needed an ideological substantiation of the Power of the Prince. Paganism turned out to be unable to ensure this time demand. It could not explain the need to centralize power. Therefore, it was implemented christianization of Russia. At first they were baptized Kievans ( 988 ), and then - residents of large urban centers, and later Christianity began to spread throughout the country.

7. Prince Vladimir died in 1015. The situation with the inheritance of the throne was not easy, since the prince had 12 sons from different wives. As a result, the gravestone in the Kiev throne was the prince Yaroslav (wise) (1019–1054). With it appears an oldest part Russian truth - a written arch of laws.

The Code of Laws (adopted between 1016 and 1036) was necessary for regulating more complex social relations, which were formed in connection with the development of the state. Russian truth restricted blood revengeOnly relatives of the deceased were right. If there were no such, or they did not want to revenge, the criminal paid the prince of the penalty ( viru.). The first 17 articles of the law (the so-called the oldest truth) fastened the norms of the doublency. They settled the dimensions of fines for a self-escort (damage to the hands, legs, teeth, breaking the mustache and beard, etc.), the sheltering of runaway slaves (kept).

Successful was foreign policy of Yaroslav. With it, the territory of Russia has significantly expanded. The length of its borders was more than 7 thousand km. Russian shelves captured a series of land in the Baltic States where the city of Yuryev was founded. In the 1030s. Poland had new territories in a special area above the title Cherven cities . IN 1036russian shelves near Kiev defeated pechenegs, After that, the attacks of nomads almost stopped. According to the "Tale of Bygone Years", in 1037, in honor of the victory over the Pechenegs, a huge Sophia Cathedral was laid, named as analogy with the main temple of Constantinople. In 1045-1050 The Sofia Cathedral is based in Novgorod, and in 1053-1056. - in Polotsk.

Evidence of international recognition of the Kiev Power were numerous dynastic Marriages of Yaroslav's daughters from european monarchami. So, the daughter of Anna became the queen of France; Junior Elizabeth - Norwegian Queen; Anastasia - wife of the ruler of Hungary. Yaroslav called himself king.

In Yaroslav, the role of the Church in political life Rus. For the first time, the Kiev Metropolitan was appointed Russian man - Hilarion. In the middle of the XI century in the capital Ancient Russia There were about 400 churches. In the 1050s. In Kiev, the monk Anthony was founded by the Pechersk Monastery, under the igumen of Feodosia (1062-1074) became the center of Russian holiness. Princes often went to his monks to advice and spiritual support.

Shortly before his death, Yaroslav Wise divided the lands between the five sons. He did it so that the ownership of sons mutually separated each other; They were practically impossible to manage them. Yaroslav tried to solve two problems at once: avoid the bloody gods between the heirs and create such a control system, in which Russia will be managed as a single person, but the entire princely genus. Descendants of Yaroslav - Yaroslavichi - failed to live in the world for a long time, from the 1070s, the princely gravestites began, which lasted before the beginning of the XII century.

Prince Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125) and his son Mstislav Great (1125-1132) managed to keep the specific princes in the obedation of specific princes and maintain the unity of Russia. (Independent of the power of Kiev there was only Chernihiv Earth). After that, according to the expression of the chronicler, "the whole Russian land was refused." The period of feudal fragmentation occurred.

The importance of the formation of an ancient Russian state was that it led in the process of the peasant and princely colonization to the further economic development of the huge territory, in which Slavic, Balt, Finno-Ugors, Turkic ethnic community lived. The city as centers of crafts, trade and culture began to grow. Old Russian state It becomes an important subject of international relations.

The first rulers of ancient Russia (from the formation of the state to the period of feudal fragmentation).

Rurikovich Dynasty Dynasty, the first Old Russian Prince.
According to the "Tale of Bygone Years", it is called for a reign in 862 by Ilmeni Sloves, miracle and extended by the Varangi lands.
Princes first in Ladog, and then in all Novgorod lands.
Before his death, he passed the power to his relative (or the older degree) - Oleg.

The first real ruler of Ancient Russia, uniting the lands of the Slavic tribes along the path "from the Varyag in the Greeks".
In 882 he captured Kiev and made it the capital of the ancient Russian state, killing the contacted earlier Askold and Dira.
Subdued for himself the tribes of the Drevdan, Northerners, Radmich.
Strengthened foreign policy. In 907, he made a successful military campaign to Constantinople, the result of which were beneficial for Russia two peace Contracts (907 and 911).

Expanded the borders of the ancient Russian state, subordinating the tribe of the streets and contributing to the foundation of Russian settlements on the Taman Peninsula.
Reflected raids of pectic nomads.
Organized military trips against Byzantium:
1) 941 - ended in failure;
2) 944 - Conclusion of a mutually beneficial contract.
Killed Dutches when collecting Dani in 945

Prince Igor's wife, rules in Russia in the period of the childhood of the son of Svyatoslav and during his military campaigns.
For the first time I installed a clear procedure for collecting Dani ("Fituals") by introducing:
1) lessons for determining the exact dimensions of Dani;
2) the mistakes - setting the Tanya collection sites.
Visited in 957 by Byzantium and adopted Christianity under the name Elena.
In 968, he managed the protection of Kiev from Pechenegov.

Son of Prince Igor and Princess Olga.
The initiator and head of many military campaigns:
- Roll Khazar Kaganata And his capitals ITIL (965)
- Hiking in Danube Bulgaria. Wars with Byzantia (968 - 971)
- Military collisions with Pechenegs (969 - 972)
- Agreement between Rus and Byzantium (971)
Killed by Pechenegs during return from Bulgaria in 972 at the Dnieper thresholds.

In 972 - 980 g. There is a first internecial war for power between the sons of Svyatoslav - Vladimir and Yaropolk. Vladimir wins and approved in the Kiev throne.
980 - Vladimir spends the pagan reform. A pantheon of pagan gods led by Perun is being created. Attempting to adapt paganism to the needs of the ancient Russian state and society failed.
988 - the adoption of Christianity in Russia.
(Causes of the adoption of Christianity:
- the need to strengthen the authorities of the Kiev Prince and the need of a state association on a new spiritual basis;
- justification of social inequality;
- the need to adopt Russia to pan-European political realities, spiritual and cultural values.
The adoption of Christianity:
- the state and power of the prince strengthened;
- raised the international authority of Russia;
- contributed to the introduction of Russia to Byzantine culture.)
In Vladimir, there is further expansion and strengthening of the ancient Russian state. Vladimir finally conquered radimich, made successful hiking against the Poles, Pechenegs, founded new fortresses - cities: Pereyaslavl, Belgorod, etc.

Artified at the Kiev throne after long gravestics with the Svyatopolk Okayann (the nickname received after the murder of his brothers Boris and Gleb, in the future ranked saints found) and Mstislav Tmutarakan.
He contributed to the flourishing of the ancient Russian state, patronized education and construction.
Contributed to the elevation of the international authority of Russia. Set wide dynastic connections with European and Byzantine yards.
Carried out military campaigns:
- in the Baltic States;
- to the Polish-Lithuanian lands;
- in Byzantium.
Finally defeated Pechenegs.
Prince Yaroslav Wise - the founder of the written Russian legislation ("Russian Pravda", "True Yaroslav").

Grandson Yaroslav Wise, son of Prince Vsevolod of the first and Mary, daughter of the Byzantine emperor Konstantin of the Ninth Monomakh. Prince Smolensky (from 1067), Chernigov (from 1078), Pereyaslavsky (from 1093), great kiev Prince (from 1113).
Prince Vladimir Monomakh - organizer of successful hiking campaigns of Polovtsy (1103, 1109, 1111)
He played for the unity of Russia. The participant in the congress of the Old Russian Princes in Lishech (1097), which addressed the issues of the harm of the interdiscructures, the principles of ownership and inheritance of the princely lands.
It was called upon to the reign in Kiev during the national uprising of 1113, which followed the death of the Svyatopolka of the second. Princessed until 1125
The "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh" was put into effect, where interest on loans were limited in legislative procedure and it is forbidden to pay dependent human debt into slavery.
He stopped the disintegration of the ancient Russian state. Posted by "teaching", in which the gravestics condemned and called for the unity of the Russian Earth.
Continued the policy of strengthening dynastic ties with Europe. He was married to the daughter of the English king Harold Second - Gita.

Son Vladimir Monomakh. Prince Novgorod (1088 - 1093 and 1095 - 1117), Rostov and Smolensky (1093 - 1095), Belgorod and Co-citizen Vladimir Monomakh in Kiev (1117 - 1125). From 1125 to 1132 g. - United Kyiv ruler.
He continued the policy of Vladimir Monomakh and managed to preserve the unified Old Russian state.
Joined Kiev Polotsk Princess In 1127
Organized successful campaigns against Polovtsy, Lithuania, Chernigov Prince Oleg Svyatoslavovich.
After his death, almost all principalities come out of the obedience to Kiev. There is a specific period - feudal fragmentation.

The prince of Oleg (the years of the Board - 882 -912).The formation of a single East Slavic state of Russia is associated with the name of the Novgorod Prince Oleg Relative of Hedgehogless Rüric. In 882, he made a trip to the earth of Krivich and captured Smolensk, then took love and Kiev, who made the capital of his state. Later joined the lands of Drevlyan, Northerners, Radmich, Vyatichi, Croatians and Tivers. Conquered tribes laid tribute. Successfully fought with Khazari. In 907, Konstantinople besieged the capital of Byzantium and imposed an end to the empire. In 911, Oleg signed a profitable trade agreement with Byzantium. Thus, during Oleg, the territory of the Ranne Russian state begins to form through the violent accession of the tribal Slavic unions to Kiev.

Best of Igor (912-945).After Oleg's death (according to legend, he died from the bite of the snake) Great Prince Kievsky became Igor, the rule of the prince of Igor was considered the actual hedge of the Dynasty of Rurikovich. Igor continued the activities of his predecessor. Oleg, subjugated to his power East Slavic tribal associations between the Dniester and the Danube. In 941, he made an unsuccessful campaign to Constantinople. The campaign of 944 was marked by success, Byzantia proposed Igor ransom, an agreement was concluded between the Greeks and the Russians. Igor was the first of the Russiansgrins and the Russians a contract was concluded. Igor, the first of the Russian princes collided with Pechenegs. He was killed by the Ridge, when trying to meet the tribute to the second time.

Broadcast Olga (945 - 964).After the murder of Igor his widow, the princess Olga, severely suppressed the uprising of the Ridge. She then took a detour of some lands by setting a fixed size of the duties for the Ridge and Novgorod, organizing special administrative centers for the collection of Dani - becoming and grades . So a new form of obtaining Dani was established - the so-called "Movie" . By a certain term, tribute was delivered to becoming or grades, and the peasant agricultural farming was determined as a unit of taxation. (tribute from the Rale) or house having a focus (tribute from smoke).

Olga significantly expanded the land owners of the Kiev Grand Justice House. She visited Constantinople, where Christianity accepted. Olga Rules during the childhood of his son Svyatoslav Igorevich and later, during his campaigns.

The hike of Prinjean Olga on the Treated and Novgorod residents meant the beginning of the elimination of the autonomy of the Unions of Slavic tribes, which were part of the Russian early refortion state. This led to the merger of the military accessory for tribal unions with a military accessory to know Kiev Prince. This was the formation of an association of ancient Russian servant Rati, headed by the Grand Duke Kyiv. Gradually, he becomes the supreme owner of all lands of the Russian state.

The prince of Svyatoslav (964 - 972). In 964, Svyatoslav Igorevich rendered Russia to the Management Board. Under it, until 969, the Kiev state is largely the rule of his mother - Princess Olga, since Svyatoslav Igorevich spent almost all his life in the campaigns. Svyatoslav, first of all, was a prince-warrior, striving to bring Rus to the largest powers of the then world. With it, a century of distant hikes was completed by the prince's squad, who enriched her.

Svyatoslav sharply changes the policies of the state and begins the systematic strengthening of Rus borders. In 964-966 Svyatoslav freed the Khazar coming from power and subordinate them to Kiev. In the 60s x. Locked Khazar Kaganat and took the capital of Kaganata the city of ITIL, fought with Volzhko-Kami Bulgarians. In 967, using the proposal of Byzantium, striving to weaken their neighbors, Rus and Bulgaria, who colling them with each other, Svyatoslav invaded Bulgaria and settled at the mouth of the Danube, in Perislav. Around 971 in the Union with Bulgarians and Hungarians, he began to fight with Byzanthya, but unsuccessfully. The prince was forced to make peace with the Byzantine emperor. On the way back to Kiev, Svyatoslav Igorevich killed in the Dnipro thresholds in battle with Pechenegs, warned by the Byzantines about his return. The Board of Svyatoslav Igorevich was the time of the wide release of an ancient Russian state into an international arena, a period of significant expansion of its territory.

PrinceVladimirI.. (980 - 1015). The formation of an ancient Russian state as a political and cultural center is completed with Vladimir I. Son Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich Vladimir with his uncle Dobryni in 969 became Prince in Novgorod. After the death of the Father in 977, he participated in his grate and won the elder brother Yaropolk. Higheries at Vyatichi, Lithuanians, Radmichi, Bulgarian Vladimir strengthened the ownership of Kievan Rus. To organize defense from Pechenegov, Vladimir has built a few defensive frontier with the system of fortresses. It was the first in Russia's history of a die. To protect the south of Russia, Vladimir managed to attract the tribes from its northern part. Successful struggle with Pechenegs led to the idealization of the person and the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavich. In folk legends, he received the name of Vladimir Red Sun.

The question of who in history the first prince of ancient Russia is still relevant. All because the attitude to this topic in historians is different. Some believe that the answers need to look for the "Tale of Bygone Years", which belongs to Peru famous chronicle. Others say that the information described in this manuscript cannot be considered 100% reliable and need to be rechecked and not to discontinue research. In this article we will give many different facts and assumptions about this issue.


The country's first testimonies in the first third of the 9th century appeared about the country of Russia. For example, in the annals of 839, it is possible to find information about the ambassadors of the people of the people grew, which arrived first in Byzantium, the city of Constantinople, and from there they went to the Frankish Emperor Louis Gobestil. This year, for the first time in historical letters, the ethnonym "Rus" is found. However, in the "Tale of Bygone Years", the first trip of Rusich to the shores of the Bosphorus is dated 866, which, according to some scientists, an erroneous date.


There is information that already in 862, the Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes began to be part of internecine wars. This is written about it in the "story": "I got rid of the genus." However, none of them could win over others. But the simple people suffered, innocent women and children died, and, of course, the question arose about how to stop this meaningless war. And then precisely then Slovenia, or Slavs, thought that this question could solve only foreign lord. They gathered the embassy and sent him to Varyags, which lived on the shores of the Baltic Sea, which in those days was called Varana. They came to these lands and turned to local princes with such a speech: "Our land is huge and abundant, but there is no order in it. We ask you to come to our land, set order and possess us. " Three from Varyag - Brothers Rurik, Sineus and Trumor, who were called Russa, or Roshov, used the invitation of Slavic delegates and went to their land. Among them was the future first prince in Russia. For about two years, the brothers tried to adapt to new conditions, they had to fight, then punish for disobedience, then a friendly table to sit and share bread. Rurik rejected in Novgorod, Sineus Rules Beloser, and Trumor dominated Izborsk. Someone from the local was pleased with their arrival, but someone against. Two years later, two of the brothers - Trumor and Sineus - died. Thus, the first prince-Varyag in Russia was Rurik. He became alone to pronounce on all the huge land populated by Slavic tribes. And since he and his brothers were called Rus, the land soon began to be called Rus.

Khazars and Varyags - Enemies and Rescuers

According to another version, the appeal of Varyag on the Earth's Eastern Slavs was due to non-commodity, but on the Natisa Khazar. Their raids became unbearable for local residents, and they decided to find their salvation from Varyags. Rurik - the first prince in Russia, - arriving with the brothers, broke the Khazar, and began to pronomize. The capital of the newly formed state became the city of Novgorod. There is also a version that these three brothers are the younger sons of a notable kind. According to European custom, only the elder brother received the inheritance, and the rest remained with anything. That is why Rurik and his brothers decided to take advantage of the invitation of Slavs.

Hike to Constantinople.

In the same 862, the Varyagi's brothers were eager to move to the Mediterranean Sea, and the warrunnels Rurik were joined to them, which is the first prince-Varyag in Russia. There was among them a dir, as well as his friend and a colleague Askold. They decided to go to Constantinople and establish a trading path from "Varyag in Greeks". For this, the prince subjugated Kiev. This is said in "Tale". But according to the Nikonov and Novgorod Chronicles, Askold and Dir did not have any relations to Rurik. There is even a version that these two warriors - descendants of Kiya - the legendary prince Dniprovsky Polyan. He is the founder of Kiev.

Igor and Oleg.

In Novgorod, the son of Igor was born in Prince Rüric. When in 879 he left his life, his boy was still a completely child, and therefore the reign was transferred to Oleg, he became regent Igor. Some historians believe that in this matter was not so simple, and the power in Novgorod was usurped by Oleg. Even when Igor grew up, he did not want to convey to him the brazers of the board. In short, when the first prince in Russia, Rurik died, his place was taken by Oleg.

Pseudocornia Rurik

Some scientists believe that Varyags are German, Danish, Swedish, Finnish or even Norwegian tribes. And the author of the "Tale of Bygone Years" meant that Rurik and His people lived on lands located in the south of Varyzhsky, that is, the Baltic Sea, in the area, which is located closer to Angelna and Holstein. On the modern Map These lands are in the northern part of Germany. Is it possible to conclude from here that the first prince in Russia Rurik has a German origin? We think that there is no, and the nationalists who dwell here, much closer to the Russians than to the Germans. By the way, among them there are such names as Russ, or Varina, etc. Some European researchers believe that Rurik can be Swedish roots. However, Russian scientists see for this version political meaning And completely deny it. During the Livonian war between Sweden and Russia, Ivan Grozny suggested that Blue Blood did not flow the third blood in the veins of the Swedish king, and he reminded the Russian king that Rurik is the first Grand Duch of Russia - Varyag and has Swedish roots. But in the 1st half of the 18th century, St. Petersburg academics, having German roots, spoke in favor of the version of the German origin of Rurik and his brothers. This theory was called Norman, however Lomonosov, having studied this issue, concluded that it does not correspond to the truth and has no historical realities. Yes, and according to the "story" it is clearly seen that the Varangians and Swedes, Varyags and Normans are different tribes.

Oleg - First Russian Prince in Russia

In 882, a well-known poem Veus Oleg. "Regent Prince Igor, the son of Rüric - gathered a squad and headed from Novgorod to South. On the way, he captured love and Smolensk and installed his power in these cities. Friend of Oleg consisted of Varyagov and the tribes of Cui, Mary, Sloven and Curvich. They headed toward Kiev and captured him, having killed the former Dwarfs Rurik - Askold and Dira, who ruled this city. After that, Kiev was declared the capital of Olegov's state, and subject to novgorod land The tribes had to pay him tribute. Oleg began building fortresses around his capital. There is evidence of the chronicler on this event, according to which Oleg - the first prince of Kievan Rus - through force and weapons spread its power on the lands of Northerners and Drevlyan, and the Radmich tribe adopted its conditions without struggle, preferring to pay tribute to Oleg, and not Khazara. And those, in turn, began against them an economic blockade, breaking the path of Russian merchants through their land.

Hike on Byzantium

At the beginning of the 10th century, Russian squads under the leadership of Prince Oleg committed a victorious campaign for Byzantium. As a result, written agreements on preferential terms of trade for merchants from Kievan Rus were concluded. Historians believe that the success of Oleg's troops can be explained by the fact that he managed to rally the forces of all the tribes inhabiting the young Old Russian state, this strengthening his statehood. Oleg, who had the title of the Grand Duke, rules rules over 30 years. After him, the son of Rurik was asked for the throne - Prince Igor. This happened in 912 (the year of the death of Oleg). Historians argue who of them - Oleg or Igor - the first great prince of All Russia. The first can be called those according to merit, and the second - by origin, since it is he who is the son of the founder of the state of Russian.

Prince Igor

The son of Rurik after headed by the state, made 2 military campaigns to Byzantium. Initially, he started a military campaign against Khazaria, where the Byzantium was involved. However, there was a defeat there, after which the Igor's army turned the weapons against Byzantium. However, Bulgarians managed to prevent their allies-Greeks that the ten-thousand army of Prince Igor comes to Constantinople. Nevertheless, the Russian fleet managed to plunder the Viphinia, Heraklay, Paflagonia, Nikomidia and Pontic, but was broken. After that, the Grand Duke, throwing those who survived in Thrace, with close on several delicates fled to his capital. Later, it came to him that the warriors left for them were delivered to Konstantinople and executed. From Kiev, he sent his allies, Varyagam, an invitation to join him and make a new trip to Byzantium, which he implemented in 944. In Igor's army included glade, curviti, sways, tivers, whirlwinds and Pechenegs. They reached the Danube, and from here Igor sent ambassadors to Constantinople, who managed to conclude an agreement on duty-free trade. Russia pledged to defend the ownership of Byzantium in the Crimea. In 943-944 The army of the Grand Prince made a campaign on Berda, and a year later, Igor was killed by Drevlyans, although there is a version that he was killed by His governor Svevend because of disagreements in incidence in Dani.


The widow of Igor and the mother of the future of the Grand Prince Svyatoslav after the death of her husband took the brazers of the board in their hands, and then the prince of Drevlyan Mal sent the matchmaker. Olga considered it an insult and ordered the ambassadors to execute. However, this seemed to her not enough, and she, by collecting the army, in 946 heeded the fortress of the Drevlyan Earrows, which was eventually burned, and the trees were conquered by the Kievans. Olga launched their terrible tribute. It was her revenge. She did not forgive them that her husband, the first prince of All Russia, died of their hands. In 947, Olga went to Novgorod, where he introduced a system of dance and regions, according to which the locals themselves had to turn them out and give to Tyunam (tax inspectors). It is due to it since then the policy of the first princes of Russia was peaceful in relation to Byzantium. Olga The first of the rulers of the Old Russian state officially adopted the Christianity of the Byzantine rite in 957. He went to Constantinople. Emperor Konstantin Bagryanorovnoe called Olga Archontisu Russia. The purpose of her trip was to achieve the baptism and recognition of Russia by Byzantia as an equal Christian Empire. After baptism, she was given by the Christian name Elena. Nevertheless, historians argue that she was then failed to agree on the Union, and then she sent ambassadors to Emperor Otton I to Germany with a request to establish the church in Russia. After that, Constantinople went on concessions, and the German embassy had to come back. Thereafter russian armysent by Olga-Elena, supported Greeks in the war with Arabs in Crete. Olga died in 969.

Princes all Russia

Thus called Russian lords who had a claim to the supreme power over all Russian lands, and this title was called Kiev princes. However, in a period of time, Kiev was decaded, and then Vladimir became the main political and church center Rusi. After that, the princes of Vladimir was called the princes of "All Russia". In the Moscow period, this title did not assume the power over all former lands of the ancient Russian state, but only an elevation over other princes.

First Moscow Prince All Russia

Daniel Aleksandrovich is the attorney of Moscow princes belonging to the Rurikovsky dynasty. He is the son of the Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. Daniel Alexandrovich inherited the princely title from his father back in her early childhood. He ruled Moscow Rus from 1263 to 1303 years. However, while he was too small to rule the state, it did his uncle Yaroslav Yaroslavovich for him. He also brought up a little Danil after the death of his heroic father. From 15 years he began to actively act within his principality. He was called the builder, and the fortified structures constructed by them were very helped during the defense of Moscow.

Victory over the Golden Horde

Slightly matured, he began to lead his own policy, the main focus of which was to expand the ownership of the principality. He actively participated in the princely crossbursions, and with his brothers Andrei and Dmitry for the prince over Great Vladimir, well, and for Novgorod. In 1285, he, united with Uncle, defeated the Ordia army, and this battle entered the story as the first victory of Russian troops over the Golden Horde. After 15 years, he managed to connect to the Moscow principality Kolomna, Breat and other lands along Moscow River, and faced with Ryazan Prince Konstantin Romanovich, he captured him. But Pereslavl-Zalessky was taught him the prince of those lands. The first prince of All Russia Danila died, the son of the legendary Alexander Nevsky, in 1303.

The process of property and social bundles among communities led to the allocation of the most prosperous part from their environment. Rostoplex know and the wealthy part of the community, subordinating the mass of ordinary communists, needs to maintain their domination in state structures.

The germinal form of statehood was East Slavic unions of tribes, which united in supersonunions, however, fragile. Eastern historians talk about existence on the eve of education Old Russian state Three major associations of Slavic tribes: Kuiabs, Slavia and Artania . Kuiaba, or Kuiyuy, then the area around Kiev was called. Slavia occupied the territory in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Ilmen. Her center was Novgorod. Artania's location is the third large association of Slavs - not defined.

1) 941 - ended in failure;

2) 944 - Conclusion of a mutually beneficial contract.

Killed Dutches when collecting Dani in 945

Yaroslav Wise (1019 - 1054)

Artified at the Kiev throne after long gravestics with the Svyatopolk Okayann (the nickname received after the murder of his brothers Boris and Gleb, in the future ranked saints found) and Mstislav Tmutarakan.

He contributed to the flourishing of the ancient Russian state, patronized education and construction. Contributed to the elevation of the international authority of Russia. Set wide dynastic connections with European and Byzantine yards.

Carried out military campaigns:

In the Baltic States;

To the Polish-Lithuanian lands;

In Byzantium.

Finally defeated Pechenegs.

Prince Yaroslav Wise - founder of written Russian legislation (" Russian truth "," True Yaroslav ").

Vladimir Second Monomakh (1113 - 1125)

Son Mary, daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine of the Ninth Monomakh. Prince Smolensky (from 1067), Chernigov (from 1078), Pereyaslavsky (from 1093), the Great Kiev Prince (from 1113).

Prince Vladimir Monomakh - organizer of successful campaigns against Polovtsy (1103, 1109, 1111)

He played for the unity of Russia. The participant in the congress of the Old Russian Princes in Lishech (1097), which addressed the issues of the harm of the interdiscructures, the principles of ownership and inheritance of the princely lands.

It was called upon to the reign in Kiev during the national uprising of 1113, which followed the death of the Svyatopolka of the second. Princessed until 1125

The "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh" was put into effect, where interest on loans were limited in legislative procedure and it is forbidden to pay dependent human debt into slavery.

He stopped the disintegration of the ancient Russian state. Posted " Teaching ", in which assicted gravestones and called for the unity of the Russian Earth.
Continued the policy of strengthening dynastic ties with Europe. He was married to the daughter of the English king Harold Second - Gita.

Mstislav Great (1125 - 1132)

Son Vladimir Monomakh. Prince Novgorod (1088 - 1093 and 1095 - 1117), Rostov and Smolensky (1093 - 1095), Belgorod and Co-citizen Vladimir Monomakh in Kiev (1117 - 1125). From 1125 to 1132 g. - United Kyiv ruler.

He continued the policy of Vladimir Monomakh and managed to preserve the unified Old Russian state. Attached to Kiev Polotsk Principality in 1127
Organized successful campaigns against Polovtsy, Lithuania, Chernigov Prince Oleg Svyatoslavovich. After his death, almost all principalities come out of the obedience to Kiev. There is a specific period - feudal fragmentation.