Russian army during the period of Kiev Rus. Warriors of ancient Russia

From Russia to Muscovy

The army of ancient Russia

So the story of our Fatherland has ordered that, starting from the first mention in the annals about old Russian state, Military aspect of its development has advanced to the fore. Famous Russian historian Sergey Mikhailovich Soloviev, for example, from 1055 to 1462. Specified 245 news of the invasions on Russia and the most important collisions. 200 of them come on 1240-1462, that is, for two centuries, Russia fought almost annually. Protecting its freedom and independence, the peoples of our Fatherland many times had to reflect foreign invasions. Hence the role is clear russian armywhich could differ on one or another temporary segment, but at the same time remained special and truly significant.

Their origins The military traditions of the Russian army take eastern Slavs.. In the Eastern Slavs, all adult men were military, the "People's Army" system functioned. Numerous wars, which led the Slavs in the VI-VIII centuries, contributed to raising the influence of military leaders. Around these leaders, people are beginning to be grouped, for whom the war is gradually turning into the main source of extraction of existence, and the military business is in the profession. Military squads are born, which become the organizational core of the Armed Forces. But they were small, since the economic possibilities of the Slavic tribes did not allow to contain a numerous permanent army. The main mass of warriors was militia convened for the period of hostilities.

According to the chronicles of 982, from the numerous composition of the tribes and nationalities of the Eastern Slavs, Sloven, Radimit, Polyan, Northerners, Vyatichi, Polokhana, Werseys, Krivichi, Volyan, Dlebov and Drevlyan, a large East Slavic state of Kievan Rus with a center in Kiev has been formed. The main reason for the emergence of this union was a long and bloody struggle of individual feudal tribal connections with nomadic tribes - Khazars, Polovtsy, Pechenegs. The struggle it was exhausting and not always successful. Permanent robbing raids of nomads forced the feudal princes all the cup to think about combining into the union in order to organize more reliable protection against enemies. The active development of internal trade and economic relations between the tribes also contributed to the acceleration of the consolidation process of all forces.

Prince and Druzhina

The head of the ancient Russian troops stood the prince. At Prince, there was always a squad that was used to solve both external and internal tasks. The word "squad" itself comes from the word "friend", and the last, according to the historian S.M. Solovyov, from Sanskrit "ORD" - I go, following. The squad is a partnership, uniting people who gathered to follow one expensive. Prince with a friend was formed spiritual proximity. The squad shared her senior and younger. The army of Kiev Rus consisted of two kinds of troops - infantry and cavalry at the decisive role of walking troops. During feudal fragmentation The first place is shown the root. But, nevertheless, the Russian infantry that consisted mainly from the rural and urban militia was, as in countries Western Europe, secondary sense of troops. She repeatedly solved the outcome of battles. River I. sea fleet Not yet independently of the troops, although they took part in all distant campaigns. Until the XV century, military warriors accounted for spears (throwing and shock action), swords, onions with arrows, knives, combat axes. However, it should be emphasized that in the Russian army, the onions and arrows never acquired a decisive role. Russian warriors The outcome of the battle always sought to solve in a hand-to-hand fight. Swords were heavy. When excavations, a 126 cm sword was found under Chernihiv, whose only the handle of weighed 950 was needed to be truly the hedgehogs to fight with such a sword. From the past century, a saber gets becoming increasingly distribution. In the twentieth century there appears on the leek-self-arbulence. The troops were provided with various siege and throwing appliances. Paradust and vices were used (throwing machines in Russia in the X-XVI centuries). Stone kernels or incendiary projectiles were used as shells for throwing machines, the so-called "live fire", representing the vessels filled with fuel liquid. They were thrown into the location of the enemy, mainly in fortified cities. From the technical means of control were visual and sound. The oldest means of management was a banner. Put the stog meant building a combat order. Drums, brass tools were widely used from the sound.

Protective equipment consisted of a shield, helmet, chain chain. Noble warriors had shields with a metal base and metal plates in the center. Rus almost did not know the heavy years and the shells used by Western European knights. Such were the main distinguishing features of the combat composition, the organization and weapons of Russian troops in the period under review.

Military priest

It is necessary to pay attention to the moral and psychological training of troops in Kievan Rus. Here, the main role was played by the ministers of Cults - Magitis, sorcerers, Kudesniki, who were part of the Druzhnaya Tip and ensuring the mercy of the pagan gods - idols. They provided rites of sacrifice, prayers, ritual actions, "they appealed to the pagan gods for the assistance of military successes of troops."

The ministers of the cult also provided the rite of "burial" of the warriors, the goal of the rituals of which was to move death from living, to demonstrate their viability. Magitis, sorcerers, Cudessians have a gift of psychological impact on warriors, which was particularly important on the eve of hostilities. In case of success, it was believed that the pagan gods won, and above all the sturperzitz Perun, as he was revered by the god of a squad. The championship of the Polyansky god Perun - Lord of Thunder, the idol of wars and wins reflected the meaning of military affairs for the courts of the country and the people, the defense of the native land, abundant data, which were raised by non-cried tribes and peoples. There is no doubt that the Prince and Druzhina were interested in the ministers of the cult, gifted their shares of military trophies, Dani, other income. However, paganism as a chaotic combination of various rites beliefs, religious reverence facilities still soon disconnected than the tribes and peoples were united. And they understood in Russia. The first attempt to introduce a single religion - Christianity took the princess Olga, who committed the Christian rite of baptism and tried through Christianity to introduce an ancient Russia to the culture of European states and ideologically subjugate a friend to himself. However, Olga's hopes did not come true. Even the Son refused to follow the example of the mother. Olga's covenant embodied her grandson, Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. In 988, Christianity was proclaimed by Vladimir State Rosi in Russia. The rite of baptism was held everywhere, together with Greek priests, a grandjaceous squad participated as a gun of coercion.

The army of ancient Russia - armed forces Kiev Rus (from the end of the 9th century) and the Russian principalities of the Domongolian period (until the middle of the XIII century). Like the Armed Forces of the Rannessee Slavs of the V-VIII centuries, solved the tasks of the fight against nomads of the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region and Byzantine EmpireBut fundamentally differed in the new supply system (from the first half of the 9th century) and the penetration of the Varangian military naval nobility at the end of the IX century into the social advantage of the East School Society. The army of ancient Russia was also used by the princes of the Rurikovsky dynasty for the internal political struggle in Russia.


Under the 375 year, one of the first military clashes of the ancient Slavs are mentioned. Antian elder of God and together with him 70 elders were killed by Gotami.

After the decline of the Gunno empire by the end of the V century, with the beginning of the Middle Ages in Europe, the Slavs are returned to the historic arena. In the VI-VII centuries, the Slavic colonization of the Balkan Peninsula, which was owned by Byzantium - the most powerful state of the VI century, crushing the kingdom of Vandals in North Africa, is the sharp in Italy and the modes in Spain and turning the Mediterranean Sea Roman lake. Many times with direct clashes with the Byzantines, the Slavic troops tried victory. In particular, in 551, Slavs were divided by the Byzantine Connection and captured her head of Asbad, which indicates the presence of an cavalry from Slavs, and took the city of Toper, the false retreat lumbling his garrison to remove from the fortress and arranged an ambush. In 597, in the siege of the city of Fessalonik, the Slavs were used by the Slavs, "Turtles", Iron Tashers and Crocheus. In the VII century, Slavs successfully acted on the sea against Byzantium (Soluni Osada in 610, a landing on O. Crit in 623, a troop under the walls of Constantinople in 626).

In the next period, associated with the domination in the steppes of the Turkic Bulgarians, the Slavs are cut off from the Byzantine borders, but in the 9th century two events occur, directly chronologically preceding the era of Kiev Rusi - the Russian-Byzantine War of 830 and the Russian-Byzantine War of 860. Both expeditions were maritime.

Organization of troops

IX-XI century

With expansion in the first half of the IX century of influence kiev princes On the tribal alliances of the Ridge, Dregovich, Curvic and Northerners, the establishment of the collection system (was carried out by the forces of 100-200 warriors) and the export of the dealer Kiev princes begin to have means for the content of numerous troops in constant combat readiness, which was required to combat nomads. Also, the army could stay for a long time under the banners, making perennial hiking, which was required to defend the interests of foreign trade on the Black and Caspian seas.

The core of the troops was a princely squad, which appeared in the era of military democracy. Her number included warriors professionals. On the number of senior warriors (excluding their own warriors and servants) can be judged by later data (Novgorod Republic - 300 "gold belts"; Kulikovsky battle - more than 500 dead). The more numerous young squad was grilled (Prince's bodyguards - the number of Ibn Fadlan in the castle of Kiev Prince "Bogatiyei" defines in 400 people. Under 922), the rasters (military servants), children's (children of senior warriors). However, the squad was not a few and was unlikely to surpassed 2000 people.

A more numerous part of the troops was a militia. At the turn of the IX-X centuries, the militia was tribal. These archeology indicate the property separation from the Eastern Slavs at the turn of the VIII-IX centuries and the appearance of thousands of the lesion chorus of the local nobility, while the tribute was calculated in proportion to the courtyards, regardless of wealth from the owners (however, one of the versions of the birth of the boyars, the local one was The prototype of the older squad). From the middle of the 9th century, when the princess Olga organized the collection of Dani in the Russian northern through the history system (later we see in Novgorod a Kiev governor, moving 2/3 of the Novgorod Dane in Kiev), tribal militia lose their value.

Ski kits at the beginning of the Board of Svyatoslav Igorevich or when forming Vladimir Svyatoslavizh garrisons built by him on the border with the step of fortunes are one hundred and there are no information about the fact that this service had some time or that the warrior was supposed to be in service with any equipment .

Since the XI century, the older squad starts playing a key role in the evening. On the contrary, in a more numerous part of the Wain - in young people - Historians see not the younger squad of the prince, and the national militia of the city (merchants, artisans). As for the rural folk militia, then, for various versions, the deaths participated in the campaigns as the service station, they supplied horses for urban militia (Presnyakov A. E.) either served in Connection (Rybakov B. A.).

In the wars of ancient Russia, hired troops took a certain participation. Initially, it was Varyagi, which is associated with friendly relations between Russia and Scandinavia. They participated not only as mercenaries. Varyags meet and among the nearest associates of the first Kiev princes. In some hikes of the X century, Russian princes hired Pechenegs and Hungarians. Later, in the period of feudal fragmentation, mercenaries also often participated in internecine wars. Among the peoples that were among the mercenaries, in addition to Varyagov and Pechenegs were Polovtsy, Hungarians, Western and South Slavs, Finno-Ugry and Baltles, Germans and some others. They all armed in their style.

Total number The troops could be more than 10,000 people.

XII-XIII century

In the XII century, after the loss of Russia's sarkel cities on the Don and Tmutarakan principality, after the success of the first cross campaign, commercial routes connecting the Middle East with Western Europe, reorient for new routes: Mediterranean and Volzhsky. Historians note the transformation of the structure of Russian troops. Princely courtyard comes to the place of senior and younger friend - the prototype of permanent troops and the regiment - the feudal militia of boyars-landowners, the value of the Wehte drops (except for Novgorod; in Rostov, Boyars is defeated by princes in 1175).

As the lands under the lands under a more stable prince, this latter was not only intensified, but also acquired a local, territorial nature. The administrative, organizing activity could not help but impose a hand on the system of military forces, moreover, so that the squad troops become local, and urban - prince. And the fate of the word "Druzhina" with their oscillations indicate this convergence of elements that were heterogeneous. The princes begin to talk about the city shelves as "their" shelves, and the squad to call the detachments compiled from the local population, without identifying them with their personal friend - the yard. The concept of printed friend has greatly expanded towards the end of the XII century. It is a volume of influential tops of society and the entire military force of the reign. The squad divided into the printed courtyard and boyars, large and ordinary.

Already in relation to the Domongolian period is known (for the Novgorod troops) about two methods of recruitment - one warrior on horseback and in armor full (equestrian and weight) with 4 or 10 sons depending on the degree of danger (that is, the number of troops collected from one territory could differ 2.5 times; perhaps for this reason, some princes trying to defend their independence, could almost resist the connected Forms of almost all other principalities, and there are examples of collisions of Russian forces with an opponent who have already won the first battle over them: a victory on the dream after the defeat on the alte, the defeat of the wish after the defeat on the Sturge, defeat at the city after defeating Kolomna). Despite the fact that the main type of feudal land ownership until the end of the XV century was a patrimony (that is, hereditary unconditional land ownership), the boyars was obliged to be a prince. For example, in the 1210s during the struggle of Galicians with Hungarians, the main Russian army twice was directed against the boyars who were late for a general collection.

The Kiev and Chernihiv princes in the XII-XIII centuries were used according to black hoods and carpets: Pechenegs, Torkov and Berendev, expelled from the steppes by Polovtsy and the settlers in South-Russian borders. A feature of these troops was constant combat readiness, which was necessary for an operational response to small Polovtsy raids.

Kind of troops

In medieval Russia, there were three types of troops - infantry, cavalry and fleet. First, the horses began to be used as a means of movement, fought with rush. The chronicler talks about Svyatoslav and his army:

Thus, for the speed of movement, the army used instead of worm suites. For the combat battle, the army was often dishearsal, Lev Deacon under the 971 year indicates the unusualness of the speech of Russian troops in the horseman.

However, professional cavalry was needed to combat nomads, so the squad becomes equestrian. At the same time, the organization was taking into account the Hungarian and Pechenezh experience. Start developing horse breeding. The development of the cavalry was faster in southern Russia than in the north, due to the difference in the nature of the terrain and opponents. In 1021, Yaroslav Wise with the army did the way from Kiev to R. Sudomir, on which Bryachland Polotsk, a week, that is, average speed amounted to 110-115 km. per day. In the XI century, the cavalry is compared with infantry, and later and surpasses it. At the same time, horse archers are distinguished, in addition to a bow with arrows, used axes, perhaps spears, shields and helmets.

Horses were important not only for war, but also for the economy, therefore divorced in the ownership villages. And also kept in the princely farms: there are cases when the princes were given to the horses of the militia during the war. The example of the Kiev uprising of 1068 shows that the urban militia was equestrian.

During the entire Domongolian period, the infantry played its role in all hostilities. She not only participated in the capture of cities and conducted engineering and transport workBut also covered the rear, sabotage sabotage bars, and together with Connection participated in battles. For example, in the XII century, urban fortifications have a mixed battle with participation and infantry, and cavalry. There was no clear separation by armament, and everyone used that he was more convenient and that he could afford. Therefore, each had several types of weapons. However, depending on this, the tasks performed by them differed. So, in the infantry, as in Connection, it is possible to highlight heavy speakers, in addition to a spear armed with seal, a combat ax, a shield, a shield, sometimes - with a sword and armor, and light-equipped archers equipped with onions and arrows, a combat ax or an iron beam, and, Obviously, without protective weapons.

Under 1185 in the south for the first time (and in 1242 in the north in last time) The arrows are referred to as a separate genus of troops and a separate tactical unit. Cavalry begins to specialize in direct impact of cold weapons and begins to resemble medieval Western European cavalry in this sense. The heavy speakers were armed with a spear (or two), a saber or sword, sulitians or onions with arrows, a bristle, a mace, more often - a combat hatch. They were completely reconciling, including the shield. In 1185, during a campaign to the Polovtsy, the prince of Igor himself, and with him and the warriors, not wanting to break away from the environment in the horseman and thereby throwing the fate black people, hurray and take an attempt to break through the ranks. Further indicates a curious detail: the prince after receiving the wound continued to move on horseback. As a result of the multiple defeat of the Mongols and Ordans of the Northeastern Russian cities and the establishment of control over the Volga trade, in the second half of the XIII century, the reverse unification of Russian troops occurs.

The fleet in the Eastern Slavs originated in the IV-VI centuries and was associated with the struggle against Byzantium. It was a river-rowing fleet applied to navigation. From the IX century there were flotilla from several hundred ships. They were intended for use as a vehicle. However, sea battles also took place. The main vessel was the rook, which was transporting about 50 people and sometimes armed with a ram and throwing machines. In the period of struggle for the Kiev prince in the middle of the XII century, Flyaslav Mstislavich were used by the rooks with a second deck part of the deck rowers, on which archers were located.


Initially, when the cavalry was insignificant, the main combat order of infantry was "wall". At the front, it accounted for about 300 m and in depth reached 10-12 Sherleng. The warriors of the front rows had good protecting weapons. Sometimes with flanks, such a construction covered the cavalry. Sometimes the army lined up with a tavering wedge. Such tactic had a number of shortcomings in the fight against a strong coneen, the main ones: insufficient maneuverability, the vulnerability of rear and flanks. In the general battle with the Byzantines under the Adrianopole, in 970, weak flanks (Hungarians and Pechenegs) were defeated and defeated, but the main Russian-Bulgarian forces continued to break through the center and were able to solve the outcome of the battle in their favor.

In the XI-XII centuries, the troops on the shelves occur. In the XI century, the main combat order becomes a "complete row", which consisted of center and flanks. As a rule, the infantry was in the center. This construction increased the mobility of the troops. In 1023, in the battle of destruction, one Russian construction with the center (tribal militia) and two powerful flanks (squad) won over another Russian simple construction in one regiment.

Already in 1036, in the decisive battle with Pechenegs, the Russian army was divided into three regiments that had a homogeneous structure, according to territorial sign.

In 1068, on the River, the 3-thousandth army of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich Chernigov won the 12-thousand Polovtsian army. During the trips to the Polovtsy to the Kiev rule, Svyatopolka Iaslavich and Vladimir Monomakh, Russian troops were repeatedly fought surrounded by the multiple numerical superiority of the enemy, which did not prevent them from winning victories.

The Russian cavalry was homogeneous, different tactical tasks (intelligence, counter blow, pursuit) performed parts with the same method of picking and the same organizational structure. By the end of the XII century, the division of four shelf in depth was added to the division of three shelf on the front.

For the control of the troops, steags that served for all guidelines were used. Also used musical instruments.



If the early Slavs, according to the Greeks reports, there were no armor, then the VIII-IX century is the distribution of Kolchug. They were made from rings made of iron wire, which in the diameter reached 7-9 and 13-14 mm, and in thickness - 1.5 - 2 mm. Half of the rings was welded, and the other was shakeped when weaving (1 to 4). In total, they were left for at least 20,000. Later, Kolchugi met with copper rings woven for decoration. The size of the rings decreases to 6-8 and 10-13 mm. Weaving and weaving, where all rings were skill. Old Russian chain chain, on average, the length was 60-70 cm, in width (in the belt) about 50 cm or more, with short sleeves of about 25 cm and with a split gate. At the end of the XII - the beginning of the XIII century, kolchugi from flat rings appear - their diameter 13-16 mm with a width of wire 2-4 mm and a thickness of 0.6-0.8 mm. These rings flattened with a stamp. Such a form increased the cover area with the same weight of the armor. In the XIII century, there was a pan-European weighting of armor, and chain mail arises in Russia. However, rolling weaves were used for other purposes - approximately there are rolling stockings (nagavitsa). And most helmets provided Barmitsa. Kolchugi in Russia were very common and applied not only to a friend, but also doubting warriors.

In addition to Kolchug, lamellar armor was used. Their appearance refers to the IX-X century. Such a armor was made from the iron plates form close to rectangular, with several holes at the edges. Through these holes, all the plates were connected by straps. On average, the length of each plate was 8-10 cm, and the width is 1.5-3.5 cm. There were more than 500 on the armor. The lamelter had a look of a shirt to the hip length, with an expanding beer, sometimes with the sleeves. According to archeology, in the IX-XIII centuries, 1 lamellar accounted for 4 chain railings, while in the north (especially in Novgorod, Pskov, Minsk), lamellar armor were more common. And later they even displacing the chalches. There are information and their exports. Scale armor were also used, which are plates of 6 to 4-6 cm, strengthened at the top edge to a leather or a cloth basis. There were both brigantines. To protect hands from the end of the XII - early XIII century, stamped braces are used. And at the end of the XIII century, early grazles appear - round blahs dressed on top of the armor.

Helmets, according to archeology, in widespread use from the X century, and the archaeological finds of helmets (like Kolchug) on \u200b\u200bRussia more than on any other European country. At first, these were the conical helmets of Norman-type having no Norman origin, but those who came to Europe from Asia. This type did not receive wide distribution in Russia and was ousted by spherokonical helmets that appeared at about the same. These were Chernihiv's helmets, sealed from four parts of iron, and, often, richly decorated. There were other types of spherokonic helmets. Since the XII century, high shells with a spire and a nanger appear in Russia, and soon become the most common type of helmet, keeping the championship several centuries. This is due to the fact that the spherokonic form is best suited to protect against strikes from above, which is important in the areas of equestrian battle. In the second half of the XII century, helmets from the half-man appear - they richly decorated and were the belonging of noble warriors. But the use of larva is not confirmed, therefore, if it was, then only in isolated cases. There were western hemispheric helmets, but were also rare.

Large-sized shields were protective weapons of more ancient Slavs, but their design is unknown. In the X century, round flat wooden, covered skin shields with iron umbon were spread. Since the beginning of the XI century, almond-shaped shields are distributed, comfortable for riders. And from the middle of the XIII century, they begin to turn into triangular.

In the middle of the XIII century, the Galician-Volyn army had horse armor called by the chronicler tatar (pube and leather popone), which coincides with the description of the Mongolian horse armor carpini.

Throwing machines

In ancient Russia, there was a use of throwing machines. The earliest message about their application is referred to by the end of the 6th century - in the description of Soluni siege in 597. In the Greek source, they are described as follows: "They were four-branched on broad grounds, ending with a narrower top part, on which drums had very thick, with iron edges, and wooden bars were driven (like beams in a large house), having the main (Sfendon), raising which threw stones and large, and numerous, so that neither the earth could have taken their hits or human structures. But besides, only three of the four sides of the ballests were acquired by boards, so that inside were provided with arrows to arrive from the walls. " During the siege of Constantinople in 626, the Slavic-Avarian army, siege technician consisted of 12 copious mobile towers, several taranans, "turtles" and skin-covered machines. And manufactured and maintained cars predominantly Slavic detachments. Mentioned by the fracture and cenchers and at the siege of Constantinople in 814, the Slavic-Bulgarian army. In the times of ancient Russia, the use of throwing machines as Byzantines, and Slavs, notes Lion deacon, speaking about the camps of Svyatoslav Igorevich. Message from the Ioamakhova chronicle about the use of two vills by Novgorods against Dobryni, which collected them to paint, rather, is legendary. By the end of the X century, Russians stop raids on Byzantium, and the change in tactics led to a decrease in the use of siege guns. Now the precipitated city is taken either by a long blockade, or a sudden seizure; The city's fate most often was solved as a result of the battle near him, and then the main type of hostilities was a field battle. Again, throwing guns are used in 1146 by the troops of Vsevolod Olgovich with a unsuccessful siege of Zvenigorod. In 1152, during the storming of Novgorod-Seversky stones, the wall destroyed the wall and took Ostrog, after which the struggle ended with the world. In the Ipatiev Chronicle, it is noted that the Polovtsy bosses under the head of Konchaka went to Russia, with them was an Islamic master serving powerful self-timing, for the tension of which 8 (or 50) people and "live fire" were required. But the Polovtsy were broken and the cars fell to the Russians. Sereshires (from PERS. Tir-I-Cherh), referred to in the word about the regiment of Igor - perhaps there are incendiary projectiles that rushed out of such self-tracks. Preserved and arrows for them. Such an arrow was in the form of an iron rod with a length of 170 cm with a pointed end and tail plumage in the form of 3 iron blades, weighing 2 kg. In 1219, the Russians were used by large cenchers and flame retardants during the storming of the Bulgarian city of Oshl. In this case, the Russian siege technique was under the West Asian influence. In 1234, the vice was used in the field of internecine combat, which ended in the world. In the XIII century, the use of throwing machines is growing. The invasion of the Mongols was played by the invasion of the Mongols, which, when taking Russian cities, used the best technique of that time. However, throwing guns were used by Russians, for example, during the defense of Chernigov and the hill. They were actively used in wars with Polish-Hungarian invaders, for example, in a battle near Yaroslav in 1245. We used throwing machines and Novgorods when taking fortresses in the Baltic States.

The main type of Russian throwing machines was not machine self-louchers, but a variety of rigging bats. The simplest type is Patelel, which metal stones attached to the long shoulder of the lever, when people have dragged the shoulder. For nuclei of 2 - 3 kg, there were enough 8 people, and for nuclei in several tens kilograms - up to 100 and more. A more advanced and common car was a madjanik, called Plokov in Russia. In them instead of thrust created peopleMovable counterweight was used. All these cars were short-lived, the "vicious" wizards followed their repair and manufacture. At the end of the XIV century, firearms appear, but the siege cars still retain the combat value until the XV century.

Armament of the Russian warrior consisted of a sword, sabers, spears, sulitis, bows, a knife-knife, various types of shock weapons (axes, brushes, brushes, six-edges, cloves), strollery-cutting Birdish-alabard; A variety of protective weapons, which included, as a rule, helmet, shield, breastplate, Kirass, some elements of the armor (brace, ledge, shoe). Sometimes the horses of the rich warriors were removed by protecting weapons. In this case, the muzzle was protected, neck, chest (sometimes together breasts and croup) and the legs of the animal.
Slavic swords The IX-XI centuries did not differ much from the swords of Western Europe. Nevertheless, modern scientists share them by two dozen species that differ in the main form of cross-shovels and handles. The clinics of the Slavic swords of the IX-X centuries are practically the same type - a length of 90 to 100 cm, with a width of the blade in the handle 5-7 cm, with a narrowing to the edge. In the middle of the blade passed, as a rule, one dollars. Sometimes these dollars were two and even three. The true purpose of dollars is to increase the strength characteristics of the sword, primarily the inertia of the blade. The blade thickness in the depth of 2,5-4 mm, outside the dollars - 5-8 mm. The weight of such a sword was on average and a half or two kilograms. In the future, swords, like other weapons, are significantly changing. Keeping the continuity of development, at the end of the XI - early XII century, swords are becoming shorter (up to 86 cm), it is easier (up to 1 kg) and thinner, their dollars who held in the IX-X centuries half of the width of the blade, in the XI-XII centuries only a third takes So that in the XIII century to turn into a narrow groove. The handle of the sword was more often performed from several layers of skin, rarely with any, more often wooden, filler. Sometimes the handle was wrapped with a rope, more often with a special impregnation.
Garda and Apple sword were often decorated with fine production, precious materials and blacks. The blade of the sword was often covered with patterns. The handle was crowned with the so-called "apple" - the naval at the end. He not only adorned the sword and protected his hand from slipping from the handle, but sometimes he acted as a balance. The sword in which the center of gravity was close to the handle, it was more convenient to fight, but the blow with the same specified pulse of the force was obtained easier.
The brackets of the ancient swords were often struck, more often, which are complex reductions in words, from the second half of the XIII century, the stigs decrease in size, they are not applied to dollars, but on the edge of the blade, and afterwards the blacksmiths are applied in the form of symbols. Such is, for example, "Passaust Wolf", applied to the desmonds sword. The study of blacksmith stins of blades and armor is a separate section of historical spragistry.
In collisions with light and moving nomads for cavalryrs, more favorable weapons became smaller saber. The saber is obtained by sliding, and its form determines the displacement of the weapon when the handle is hit aside, contributing to the output of the weapon. It seems that in the 10th century, Russian blacksmiths familiar with the products of the Eastern and Byzantine masters were shot down the saber with shifting to the edge of the center of gravity, which made power with the same specified force pulse, to apply a more powerful blow.
It should be noted that some of the twinks of the XVIII-XX centuries store traces of the transmission (more elongated, "twisted" metal grains are visible in microscopic analysis of metallographic grinds), i.e. Old blades, including swords, became in forge "new" in form, lighter and comfortable.
A spear There were among the first tools of human labor. In Russia, the spear was one of the most common elements of weapons both hiking and equestrian warrior. Spears of riders had a length of about 4-5 meters, infantrymen - a little more than two. A separate type of Russian spear was rogatina - Spear with a wide rhombid or laurelite tip up to 40 cm long (only tip), planted on an antihive. Such a spear could not only prick, but also chop and cut. In Europe, a similar type of spear had a name protazana.
In addition to the horns, the name of its own in the sources got a throwing spear - sulitsa. These spears were relatively short (probably 1-1.5 meters) with a narrow light edge. Some modern reconstructors are added to the silence of the seal belt. The loop allows you to throw a seal further and more accurate.
Archaeological finds suggest that in ancient Rus had spread and pillumThe weapon held by the Roman legionnaires is in service - throwing spears with a long, up to 1 m, cervical tip and a wooden handle. In addition to the striking function, these spears that pierced a simple shield and stuck in it became a significant interference to the owner of the shield and did not allow it to use it correctly. In addition, as the armor enhances, another type of spear appears - peak. The peak was distinguished narrow, more often a trigged tip, planted on a light tree. The peak crowded and the spear, and the horns first from the horse's horse, and then from the hidden weapons. Peaks were armed with various troops before the beginning of World War II.
Among several types of shock weapons, the main prevalence is ax. The length of the combat vehicle blade was 9-15 cm, width - 12-15 cm, the diameter of the hole under handle - 2-3 cm, the weight of the combat ax - from 200 to 500 g.
The archaeologists also detected mixed appointments weighing up to 450 g, and purely combat axes - chekany - 200-350. The length of the arch of the combat ax was 60-70 cm.
Used Russian warriors and special throwing axes (European name francis) who had rounded forms. Like swords, axes more often made from iron, with narrow stripe Carbon steel on blades. Due to its cheapness, versatility, ease of use and high pressure developing on opposing surface impact, the axes have become actually popular Russian weapons.
A much more rare variety of ax was ax - larger and heavy, up to 3 kg, and sometimes more, battle ax.
Mace Also, a common shock manual weapon, having a spherical or pear-like screw (shock part), sometimes equipped with spikes, which sat on a wooden or metal handle or took place with the handle. In the late Middle Ages, Morgenstern - Morning Star - one of the early examples of the "black" humor was obtained in the late sinks. Some bulva had a pyramid shape with four spikes. It is these inscristers that are found in the first Russians made from iron (less often from bronze). Bulava, having a somewhat sharp faces in a combat part (4-12), was called in Rus pernocom. In the XI-XII centuries, the standard weight of Russian Bulava without handles was 200-300 grams. In the XIII century, Bulava is often transformed into a six-meter (PernOughter), when blades appeared in the shock part sharp anglesallowing more powerful armor to pierce. The thrust of Bulava reached 70 cm. The blow of such a mace, even applied in a helmet or armor, is able to cause serious damage to the health in the form of a shaking or, for example, through the shield injured the hand. In the time immemorial, there were parade marsh, and later Marshal rods made using precious metals.
MatterIn fact, he was the same mace, but by the XV century developed in a real monster with the edge, lead weighting and long, up to one and a half meters, heavy handle. Such a weapon, to the detriment of combat qualities, was awesome.
Kisten Represented an impact part attached to the handling of a solid flexible bond.
Combat chase In fact, he was a brush on a long handle.
KlevoveIn essence, was the same mace with one day, sometimes slightly bent to the handle, spike.
Murder tool with beautiful Italian name plomma Presented a combat circuit with several shock parts.
Berdyss He was a wide long ax in the form of a crescent (with a blade length from 10 to 50 cm), from the back handle usually ending with the edge.
Halberd (From the Italian Alabarda) - a string-chopping type weapon, constructively close to Berdych, combining a long spear and a wide ax.
There are also dozens of other elements of weapons, unconditionally consisting of Russian warriors. This is I. battlers, I. owl, and exotic gwisarma.
The complexity and subtlety of its design amazes medieval onion, sometimes collected from dozens of details. Note that the strength of the tension of the combat onion reached 80 kg, while the modern male sports bow has the power of tension only in 35-40 kg.
Protective armor Most often consisted of a helmet, breastplate, failure, liaison, and some elements of less common protecting weapons. The helmets of the IX-XII centuries are usually stuck out of several (as a rule, 4-5, less often 2-3) sector-shaped fragments or with the imposition of parts on each other, or using overlapping plates. Visually monolithic (whipped wisdom and polished in such a way that the impression of one piece of metal is created) the helmets become only in the XIII century. Many helmets were supplemented by a barmice - a chain grid, covered with cheeks and neck. Sometimes, of non-ferrous metals with gilding or silver, decorated with a helmet elements. One type of helmet becomes hemispherical, deeper sits on his head, closing the temple and ear, the other is very pulled out and besides a high spire. The modernization of the helmet in Shishak is also occurring - low, with a height of less radius, a hemispherical helmet.
It seems that both helmet and the Armor of Russian, but most likely, and the medieval warrior was most often leather made of specially treated skin. Only this can explain such a small number of finds of the elements of the protective armor with archaeologists (until 1985 throughout the USSR, 37 helmets, 112 rally, part 26 of the plate and scaly armor, 23 fragment of the shield) were found. The skin, with appropriate processing, according to the strength characteristics, almost did not yield to poor-quality steel varieties. Her weight was less than almost an order! The hardness of the surface layer of the treated leather is higher than the hardness of the "soft" steels, some varieties of brass and copper. The main disadvantage of the leather armor was its low "noise". Three-four cycles of thermal cycling, sometimes just a long rain enough to reduce the strength of the leather armor 2-3 times. That is, after 4-5 "outputs" leather armor, strictly speaking, came into disrepair and moved to the youngest "by rank" or as of.
Those set of armor that we see on medieval drawings were primarily leather. Leather pieces glued with rings or binds to the leather braid. Also, of the four-six slices of the skin, a helmet was going. This comment may argue: why are the remains of ancient cold weapons so insignificant. But the cold weapons were delivered - after all, steel in the Middle Ages cost expensive, and most Kuznetsov could cross the sword into a saber, but make steel, even very low quality, could only units.
Most medieval drawings represent soldiers to us in scaly armor performed from leather. So, on the famous "carpet from Bayia" there is not a single warrior in chain stockings; Angyus McBride is the chief artist of the series "OSPRI" - in such stockings "dressed" almost half of the warriors drawn by him in the book "Normans". From the one and a half hundred of medieval pictures, I found only seven, where the warriors were depicted presumably in rolling stockings, most in leather braids and boots. Of course, both chain stockings and a plate forged armor, and steel helmets with a pick-up or with the "larva" took place. But you can only order them only the highest know - kings and princes, wealthy knights and boyars. Even a militant rich town-dweller, with pleasure and proudly sent to the militia, could not always afford a full metal armor - so expensive he cost and slowly performed. Steel plate armor has become more and more often as a tournament, from the second quarter of the XIV century.
Amazing, actually composite structural design was a medieval shield. Between the layers of thick, specially treated skin, which was placed, was placed and durable thin woven forming branches, and flat slates, and the strata of the horns, and the same flat, thin metal. Such a shield was extremely durable and easy and, alas, completely short-lived.
The arms of gunsmiths were respected and popular in the Middle Ages, but the lack of special literature fixed for the descendants achieved successes, made this subtle production unstable, when the final products, be it a shield or sword made by a deserted artisan, inferior to the best samples repeatedly. Interesting, the expensive strength of the bought strength was increasingly inferior to a decorative decoration, part of the technician turned into a whole artificial science in Western Europe.
It is necessary to say that the warriors dressed in the metal armor produced an exceptional impression on contemporaries. Artists tried to capture the sparkling of elegant metal forms on elegant figures of nobility. The armor, as an element of the picturesque strengthening of the image, used almost all the great painters of the late Middle Ages: and Durer, and Rafael, and Botticelli, and Bruegel, and Titian, and Leonardo, and Velasquez. Surprisingly, but nowhere, besides the muscular kings on the tomb of the Medici, did not depict the Armor of the Great Michelangelo. Hold down by harsh religious restrictions, very carefully painted in icons and illustrations of armor and Russian artists.
The elements of the plate protecting weapon, once and forever we found their place and passed along with goplites and centurions, knights and attacks, kirassirs and today's special forces, and remains helmet and kiras. Although between the "muscular" Kiras of the IV century to our era and today's "composite" body armor "Distance of a huge size".
Considering the armament of the Russian warrior, it is possible to assume the possible sequence of its actions in offensive battle. A sword or a saber hung on his boyfriend in the leather or leather sheaths. Scrolling saber with shifted to the edge of the center of gravity, applied by a skillful hand forward, was worse with a sword.
At the belt in the quiver of Berestov, covered with skin, the warrior kept up to two tens of arrows, behind the back - onions. The onion theater was tensioned immediately before applying to avoid losses of elastic properties of onions. Onions demanded special careful preparation and care. They were often soaked in special brines, rubbed the compositions whose essence was kept secret.
The arming of the Russian archer should be attributed to a special impact (protecting from the impact of the reserved theater), put on right-handed left, as well as semiring and ingenious mechanical devices, allowed to pull the tent.
Often, Russian warriors used and crossbowToday is a better known arbelt.
Sometimes heavy, and sometimes light long spears served at the very beginning of the battle. If not managed in the first collision from afar to hit the enemy an arrow, the warrior was taken for the seal - a short throwing spear, a melee weapon.
As it races the equestrian twin with the enemy, one weapon could replace the other: from afar, he silent the enemy arrows, getting closer, sought to hit by the thrown by Sulita, then he went into the case a spear and, finally, a saber or sword. Although soon the specialization was performed on the first place when the archers showered the enemy arrows, the spears "took in a spear", and "swordsmen" to the tired worked by a sword or saber.
The armament of Russian warriors was not inferior to the best Western European and Asian samples, was distinguished by versatility, reliability and the highest combat qualities.
Unfortunately, the permanent modernization of the best samples carried out sometimes not the best masters, did not bring them to us, distant descendants of warriors, once armed with them. On the other hand, the lowest preservation of the ancient book wealth of Russia and the policy, conducted by some influential layers of the Russian medieval state, did not even convey to us references to the production of high-quality steels, the art of Kuznetsov and shchers, the design of throwing guns ...

Berserk - Effective and caused quite consciously combat frenzy, as an extraordinary phenomenon of human strength, in the ancient Germann and the Valvesannowan society, a warrior dedicated to God to God.
In the German peoples, it turned into a peculiar cult of the warrior-beast. Brown-like "transformations", which are the highest form of development of combat rage, are known for all Germans. Late ancient historians report on the "Frankish frenzy", about the "Wolf warriors" of the people of Langobards ... At the same time, there were so uncontrollable forces that even a closed disciplined system and the art of the "correct battle" could always be confronted.

Even the Vikings themselves treated berserkers in its pure form, among the admiration, childish respect and contempt. These are genuine "fights of war"; If they managed to use, then mainly on the position of "tamed animals."
From throwing (and from the shock) weapons of berserkers shouted a peculiar "madness wisdom." The defective consciousness included the extreme speed of the reaction, aggravated the peripheral vision and probably provided some extrasensory skills. Berrisker saw (and even predicted) any blow and managed to repel him or bounce.
Traditionally, the berserki was advanced squadstarting a fight. They could not fight for a long time (the battle trance could not last long), breaking the ranks of enemies and laying the basis of the common victory, they left the battlefield of the ordinary soldiers who completed the defeat of the enemy.
Not every Berrisker knew how to competently enjoy internal energy. Sometimes they spent it too extensively - and then after the battle, the warrior fell into the state of "Berrisker's powerlessness", not explaining only physical fatigue.
The attacks of this powerlessness were so heavy that the Warrior Beast could sometimes die after the battle, not even being wounded.

The Slavs had their own "bersries" - Rykari-Wolves. And no Berserk could compare with the Slavic Rykar, because "Slavs are superior to the Germans as a body and spirit, fighting with the animal life ..." (Jordan, ancient historian, VI century).

Rykar is a living embodiment of the Slavic Wrath. Already in the title, the violent animal roar is heard, and the Word itself means literally the "growling warrior". The crystals in Russia were called special warriors, capable of successfully fighting against the enemy repeatedly superior, under any conditions, all kinds of weapons, simultaneously with both hands. The spruce looks like a full madness, but internally retains ice calm. The purpose of His life is to serve your family. Historical sources suggest that one roar was able to dispersed 10-20 warriors, and two armed people turned to flee.
Three hundred leaps of the city of Arcona are the guards of the temple of the light, they were horrified on everything not the Slavic coast of the Baltic. The same warriors were the sound and temple of Radogost in the city of Retra. Even the whole existed slavic tribe Rykari - Lutichi (from the word "lynty"), all the warriors of which fought in the wolf skin.
A warrior who wants to find a patron spirit, more often a wolf or bear, was to fight them alone and naked. This is the reason why the enemies were so afraid of a squirrel, and the time passed through this test became more dangerous than the animal attacked by him.
Rykari fought naked or in some animal skins, without mail and shields (they simply prevented them!). They always threw the first to battle, with a combat tide "Yar!" Rushing forward. The roar, like obsessed, drunks destroyed the opponents, swing in a hike - in half, and equestrian - to the saddle. Having lost the weapon, hitting the enemy arrows, the river continued to break enemies with bare hands, not fearing death, not feeling neither pain or fear, possessing an inconvenient will. And neither steel, no fire could do nothing with them.

Slavic princes gained approximated soldiers and spareholders from the squabs, and often they themselves were wolf cream. The rulers of Byzantium, China, Caliphate - all were heard about the Great Slavic warriors, and had elite guardsmen, collected exclusively from Slavs in their troops.
"Olwy Ratiborich, Privit Louk, and the Loose Strong, and the strike of the final in the heart, and his squad, his whole being ..." (Radziwill chronicle: L.: Nauka, 1989, p.91) eloquently. No less eloquently says Nikonovsky chronicle about Ragdae: "And this husband went on three hundred warriors" (!). What is it, HeroPlonance? Where there! The chronicler grows from the "Bloom resistance" of bloody disassembly. Barbaric precresses are not at all his path. This is the real essence.
"There are 9 felt with a penny, and Rus has a ninety copy. Walking for strength, repayed Pondosha, and our anti-nicknames ... and the removal wallpaper, and the silence of evil ... And the half of the spiser, and our drums on them, OAI SECURITY ... "(Radziwilovskaya chronicle
Unfortunately, much of what could and our forefathers were committed, forgotten by the cover of secrets and dark rumors, and requires a new discovery. Fortunately, not fully lost roots ...
Few of the researchers spend parallels with Russian fairy tales about Ivan Tsarevich and a gray wolf; about Sivka-Bourke, through the ear of which, having missed, took the strength new good well done; On Vana, which turned into a bear, etc.

In the legends of Scaldov, the Berseries are said as the great creators of victories. In the ancient Russian fairy tales - as about the shorts for the sake of victories of a wider scale. It turned out in the sorcerer warriors because they had the highest, inhuman opportunities. For they were the favorites of the gods! Masters of unorded forces!
Waking up the accumulated reserves of evolution, nature of the animal and aligning it with the trance capabilities of human consciousness, in fact, you can actually be an over-inhabited person - for the sake of success and victories in life.
Mastering trance skill, hypnotic qualities, a special fortune in which Berserk falls to attach the "hell" stupor on the enemy. The victorious brainker maneuvers are so fast and high-quality that the enemy will not even have time to understand that no longer exists ...
From the powerful Berserkov energy it is impossible to defend themselves, they can not stop them, because for a moment the reaction of the enemy Berserk has time to get ahead of the enemy for several moves, to cause 3-4 victorious impacts.
Berserk - Doctrine is not just a warrior, but, unfortunately, it became such in official history, the church got up on the way of this closed fraternity, declaring the berserkov outside the law, after which these people were exterminated for remuneration. Since that time it is considered that these were uncompatible people, full malice and rage, which cannot be controlled.

There are curious facts:

1 - In the Nikonovskaya chronicles there are amazing lines dated 1000 year: "Runly Radia, it's a delete, I will be on three hundred Warrior on three hundred" (I have been praised by a remote, having broken one against 300 warriors).
From the legends it is known that Ragdai was like a wolf, and the fairy tales about the sword-folder take the beginning precisely from this character. Coim, he waved, as if he had no weight.

2 - Russian Voivode Evpathy Kolovrat hurried from 1500 a detachment to the help of Ryazan, besieged by Batu ... did not have time ... Looking as a ash region, he decided to enter into battle with the enemy argeon and defeated him on his head. When Batu was informed about the attack, he sent warriors (Tumen) to close the question. Russians resist. Baty sent the second Tumen. Russians again resist. Having affected by Vityazy's Vitya, he offered them money and positions. They replied: "No." - "What do you want?" - asked Bati. "We want to die," the squad of Kolovrat replied.
After such an answer, the Batie was forced to stop the army (the unheard of the moment in the history of war), rebuild it from a hiking order in combat and move all his power to a handful of Russians.
It is clear only one thing that a simple person could not do this, whatever rage he possessed, there is a limit of human forces (physical).

There are official theories according to which the aggressiveness of Berserke is explained by the reception before the fighting of psychotropic substances, namely Muskarin, the Emanitan poison. Today we know that people in the poisoning of the Municipality wildly beating around themselves, they are excited, they are visited by delusional thoughts. In surrounding and doctors, they see the fairy creatures, gods, spirits. Toxic effect stops after 20 hours, and then people, immersed in a deep dream, from which they in most cases wake up only after 30 hours. This view is the most common, but other possible causes, such as hysteria, epilepsy, mental illness and heredity.

Armed Forces of Ancient Rus

Kiev simple vigorist

Unfortunately, a modern resident of Russia presents itself medieval Europe much better than Russia of the same period. This is because almost all the main ideas about the past are formed by mass culture. And she is now imported. As a result, Russian Fantasy differs from the "non-Russian" often only by the inclusions of the "national flavor" in the form of women of Yaga or the nightingale-robber.

And by the way, to the episodes should be more serious. They contain many interesting and reliable information about how and what the Russian warriors fought. For example, fabulous warriors - Ilya Muromets, Alesha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich - real historical faces. Although, the adventures of them, of course, slightly embellished by folk cruel.

In characteristic unpredictable russian history No doubt causes perhaps only one moment. Anyway, but in the 9th century russian state It originated, and his story began. What was Russia's Russia, Igor and Svyatoslav era?
9-10 centuries feudal relations in Russia were just beginning to develop. The peasants (except for a small number of captured slaves) retained freedom, and their duties before the state were limited to a humble lifting.
Tribute furs (to collect the prince should have had personally, riding possession) did not give money to the content of a numerous squad. The main force of Russian armies remained militia of the peasants, obliged to act on the first princely word.

However, the duties here could hardly say. Rather, this prince was obliged to regularly drive his subjects to the raids on their neighbors ... in the raw raids! So what to do? IN early Middle Ages The robbery was the most profitable, truth, a somewhat one-sided form of trade.
The campaign soldiers acted with spears and "huge", "hard-standing", by defining the Byzantines, shields. A small ax served as for battle and for the construction of stops.
In addition, every fighter certainly had onions. Rus's hunting in those days still remained very necessary for the survival of fishery. Princely warriors, naturally, have chains, swords and combat axes. But such warriors were only a few hundred.
By virtue of the need to cover long distances, the path of movement in Russia has not been popular. The infantry moved on the lowest horse, and more often - on rivers on the stops. Therefore, in Russia, walking the army was often called "ship ravage"

Izhora Simple Wizard (X-XI century)

If the main power of the army was the cavalry, then the campaign was usually transferred for winter time. The army moved along the ice of the rivers, turned by frost from natural obstacles (there was no bridges) into smooth highway. Bogatyan horses easily blew the deep snow, and for them to Sanya Katil Infantry.
Nevertheless, especially in the southern part of the country, the soldiers sometimes had to move and on foot. And in this regard, it is worth mentioning short boots with a bent nose and high heel. Contrary to the confidence of many authors of "Russian fantasy" (since the animators of the cartoon "Golden Cockerel"), no one in Russia walked in such a shoe. High heel had boots for riding. For hiking movements and in the Middle Ages, the boots of the most ordinary style.

Princely degree. Kon.x century

Despite far from brilliant weapons and training for troops, the Russian state already in the first century of its existence showed itself quite strong. Although, of course, only in its "weight category". Thus, the campaigns of the Kiev princes against the Khazar Kaganate led to the complete defeat of this state, who had once charged tribute to the South Rus tribes.
... In this time, there is nothing left of the Bulgarians, nor from the barts, nor from Khazar. The fact is that all of them were the invasion of Russa and they took away all these areas ... Ibn Haukal, Arabic Geographic 10th century
Maryan Nagal Warrior

Just as it happened in Europe, as the feudal relations develops in Russia, an increasing number of peasants attached to Earth. Their work was used to keep the boyars and prince friends. The number of trained and well-armed warriors thus increased.
When the number of teams became comparable with the number of militia, the warriors occupied the position on the flanks of the regiment. So "complete row" appeared from three regiments: "right hand", "big" and "left hand". In a separate - "advanced" - the regiment soon stood up and covered the combat order archers.

Russian warranty. Mid x century

In the 12th century, the warriors stopped spreading at all. From this time, the main force of Russian armies was the cavalry. Heavy riders supported horse gunners. It could be both the Cossacks and just hired polovtsy.

The Russian Vityaz 13th century was falling in the challenge, on top of which a scaled or leather shell was put on with iron plates. The head of the warrior defended a conical helmet that had an injury or mask. In general, "Armor class" of the warriors not only was very solid for its time, but also exceeded the European knights. Bogatyr horse, though, somewhat inferior to the sizes of European destree, but the difference between them was insignificant.

On the other hand, Russian Vityaz was sitting on his huge horse in Asian - in a devoid of the saddle with highly located stirrups. In this regard, protection on the feet of Russian, as a rule, was not used. The advantage of the Asian landing was in the great mobility of the rider. Rolling stockings would be a hindrance.
Asian landing allowed the rider to effectively use the sword and onions, but did not give enough sustainability for the battle on the spears. So the main weapon of the warriors was not a spear, but swords and clocks.
In addition, unlike the European knight, the knight has grown with himself and throwing weapons: onions with a pair of darts.

D. ospex of Pereyaslavian wipers. Reconstruction

Russian weapons in the 12-13 centuries, in general, was better than European. Nevertheless, even then "their" knight in the near battle was somewhat stronger than "our" Vityaz. The European Horseman had the opportunity to first take advantage of his longer spear. But the Russian cavalry exceeded European mobility, a variety of combat techniques and the ability to interact with infantry.

Significantly surpassed knights and numbers. True, only in relation to the population of the country. Novgorod land, where only about 250 thousand Slavs lived, had a friend of 1500 riders. Ryazan Principality is far from the richest in Russia - with a population of less than 400 thousand, there are 2,000 riders in full service. That is, in relation to military force Novgorod or Ryazan in the 13th century were about equal to such a country as England.

In the 13th century, armor for horses in Russia was used more often than in Europe

The solid number of heavy cavalry in Russia is associated with the fact that in the 11th and 3th centuries, Russia became a country predominantly trading. Despite the fact that no more people lived in Russian principal than in England alone, Russia's urban population was more urban population of all Western Europe. Kiev Already by the beginning of the 12th century, there were 100 thousand people. With him could compare except Constantinople.
The great importance of cities in Russia is well illustrated by the fact that all Russian principalitys are called in their main cities: Moscow, Tver, Ryazan, Novgorod. France, for example, no one has never called the Paris Kingdom.

Who are you, "Free Cossack, yes Ilya Muromets"?
In fact, where does the Cossacks from Murom, and even in the 13th century? After all, Cossacks seem to relate to a later era, and the Cossacks live in Ukraine. Well, with geography just everything is in order. Murom is in Ukraine and was located. In Ryazan Ukraine. So the proof of the centuries called the Ryazan principality. In Russia, all border lands called "Ukraine" - "outskirts".

And the Cossacks ... Cossacks (Kazakhs, Kaisakov) called themselves Polovtsy. No wonder the native village of Vitya - Karacharovo - wears the Turkic name.
Nomadic Turkic tribes settled at the borders of Russia. Polovtsy accepted Orthodoxy and received the Earth on the terms of the border service. In addition, baptized Polovtsy - Cossacks or, as they also called, "hoods" - in the House of Domongolian period put a light cavalry under the banners of Russian princes.

However, the strangest in the figure of the epic Vityaz - by no means his nationality. In order to think deeply over the inscription on the pointer (and those in Russia, indeed, were not uncommon), it was necessary to be able to read. In the 12-13th centuries, literacy in Russia was a phenomenon in all layers of society.

Monument to Ilya Muromtsu in Murom

In the 12-13 centuries, the infantry in Russia retained great importance in the northern principles, where the forests and swamps often prevented the actions of cavalry. So, residents Novgorod land Not only gave funds to the content of Druzhin Prince and Planting, but also armed themselves.
The essential difference between the Russian medieval infantry from the European was that up to the 17th century, peaks in Russia were not known. In the European medieval phalange, Pikiners became near the shirts, and only then the speaker.
In Russia, the warriors with horns, spears and sulisians became immediately after the shchers.
The absence of peak substantially weakened the infantry, as the horns could give some kind of protection only from light cavalry. Wedge crusaders during Ice clogging He was stopped by not hiking the militia of Novgorod, but the peculiarities of local geography.
Retain from the ice of the lake on the shore knights did not give a low (only about 1.5 meters), but a slippery break. Germans, whether they underestimated the slope steepness, or did not notice it at all, since they were closed by the Cossacks left them.

The first series of phalanxes have formed warriors with large shields

The main task of Russian infantry in the 12-13 centuries was not a fight against cavalry in the field, but defense of fortresses. Did not lose their meaning and martialctions On rivers, where, naturally, the cavalry to threaten the infantry could not. In the defense of the walls, as in the "river battles", the battle was carried out mainly void. Therefore, the main weapon of the Russian infantryman was a long bow or crossbow.
Crossets are traditionally considered to be weapons Western. But in Europe, the crossbows came from Arab countries after crusades in the 12th century. On Russia, this weapon was among the other Asian diks along the Volga already in the 11th century.
Crossbows were widely used in Russia for all Middle Ages. The executed "arbalny yard" existed in Moscow until the 17th century.

Grand Duke Vasily III. Ivanovich, Figure XIX century

If you look at the map of the Russian state of the 9th century, then it can be noted that the territory of the Moscow region among the Russian land was not yet included. In fact, the land between the Okoy and the Volga were mastered by the Slavs only in the 11th century. According to the standards of the Middle Ages, the living conditions in this area could be called extreme.
Theer is more important that in the middle of the 12th century, Vladimir Earth has become the economic and political center of Russia. Kievan Rus replaced Russia by Vladimirskaya.

By his elevation, Vladimir Earth was obliged to anything else as the Great Silk Road - the main trade artery of the Middle Ages. The Caspian Sea and Volga were convenient for transporting goods from Persia, India and China to Europe. Particularly increased by the freight on the Volga during the crusades. The path to the Mediterranean Sea through Syria at that time became too dangerous.
And here the European beauties began to dress in the "Russian" silk, and the mention of the "laptops of seven silks" and silk braids penetrated into Russian epics. The great importance of trade in Russia perfectly illustrates the appearance in the episons of the colorful figure of the merchant Sadko, having listed on Vladimir himself Red and Sunshine.

Non-optimized merchant Sadko

The tactics of the actions of the Russian armies were constantly complicated, and already in the 12th and 12th centuries began to provide for the dismemberment of the combat order at 5-6 regiments. From the front, the combat order was covered with 1-2 "advanced" shelves of horse archers. Shelves "right hand", "left hand" and "big" could consist of both infantry and cavalry.
Moreover, if a large regiment consisted of infantry, he, in turn, was divided into smaller "city shelves", each with his squad of archers. And behind him, there was also a strong cavalry detachment, covered the princely banner and served as a reserve.
Finally, in the third line, one of the flanks remained a "watchman" or "appeal" regiment. It has always been the best cavalry

In the 14th century, Russia experienced one of the most difficult periods of its history. The ruin of the country by civilians, the invasion of the Mongols and the monstrous epidemic of the plague could not but affect its armed forces. The squades of the princes became noticeably smaller. Accordingly, the role of infantry has increased. Yes, and she no longer had such weapons as before. The protective gear of the foot warrior is now most often limited to a shirt with a bubble felt and a hemp breast.
Cavalry changed even more. In the 14-15th centuries, the protective gear of the Russian cavalry became noticeably easier. Twice the horses themselves are very easier. Preparing for offensive actions, Dmitry Donskoy transplanted his squad at the lowest, but endless survival horses.

Combination match with lubeem on a sticker field

The relief of protective equipment is only partly due to the insufficient "lifting capacity" of horses and general economic decline. Russians have never used full knightly lats, although the princes, of course, could afford it. The rigid lats were not interested in Russian warriors, as in Russia already in the 15th century the transition from swords to sabers was completed.
In battle on long knight spears mobility much Did not have. She did not play a decisive role in combat on heavy swords or axes. But on the sabers ... In battle on the sabers, the mobility was so important that in the 18-19 centuries hussars, even a jacket ("mentor") was worn only on one shoulder to completely free his right hand. Effectively use the saber warrior only in lungs and flexible armor.

By the middle of the 15th century, the Moscow army again became mainly equestrian. The heavy cavalry consisted of the nobles and their horses (they called the squires on Rus). Easy Connection was exhibited Cossacks and the Allied Tatars.
As before, the protective equipment of horse warriors most often served by chain chambers. But the ringed armor, although he allowed to own a saber, did not give satisfactory protection from saber shocks. In an effort to increase the reliability of the Armor, Russian Bronnikniki to 15-16 centuries brought the weight of the ring to 24 kg. But it did not solve the problems.
There were no problems and forged chalches (from large flat rings with a thickness of 2 mm, connected by conventional wire rings). Such chain mail, of course, did not destroy, but stuck "kept" worse. Therefore, on top of the chain, more and more often began to put on with cotton swabs, hemp and horse hair Kaftana. In the same way to protect against saber blows on top of the helmets, fur caps were put on.

In the 16th century, metal shields or even European sample kings began to be attached to the cafetans. Russian riders of 15-16 centuries were armed with sabers, six-mains, kitchens, darts, bows and short spears with a huge, like skimar, tip.

Moscow rider 15th century

At the end of the 15th century, the infantry was still continued to post the city. Armed with bows and long birds hiking warriors wore hemp shells. From this time, a walking warrior in Russia began to call Sagittarius. That is, the shooter. Middle battle was supposed to conduct cavalry. The best weapon for the arrow already in the 15th century was the patterned. The bullet could break through the lats of the Livonsky knight or knocking down from the legs of the Tatar horse. But the townspeople capable of acquiring themselves, in Moscow was still not enough.
Ivan III came out of the situation, starting to finance the purchase of guns from the treasury. So in Russia appeared "sophisticated food".
In the 16th century, most of the meshmen were freed from military service. The minority of the townspeople (in Moscow about 25%) formed the estor. Later, the horsemen were added to the footing - "striving". In Europe, they would be called dragoons.

Foods. Beginning of the 15th century

The entire history of Muscovy 14-15 centuries can be characterized by one word: "War". Like the inhabitants of the early Rome, Muscovites went on a campaign every year, as on field work. Neighbors, however, did not remain in debt, so several wars happened in a different year. But Moscow won. In 1480, Sarai was destroyed by the troops of Ivan III. Having learned about it, Tatars fled from the Ugra. The yoke ended.
The end of the 15th century became a turning point in the history of Russia. At the board of Ivan III Moscow defeated the Horde and united the northern Russian principalities. In addition, Muscovy had to join a long war with a five-laptop population of Polish-Lithuanian unia. In 1503, the Commonwealth, giving up Muscovy, a significant part of the territory, concluded a truce.

Sagittarius - "Casual Fooder"

Russian history can be called long-suffering. Only in the 20th century she corresponded several times. But whatever the next guidelines would be, the truth will not stand and you will not kill!
And the truth is that the story is written winners. Or, in any case, those who manage to survive. Byzantine, for example, they will not be able to rewrite their history. And the Khazars will not be able either.
The fact that the history of Russia is not yet completed is an exhaustive evidence of the strength and effectiveness of Russian weapons.