The origin of the Eastern Slavs Education of the ancient Russian state briefly. Education of the ancient Russian state - causes and dates

By 9V. Eastern Slavs have already compiled a significant part of Eastern Europe. By this time, they have already mastered these lands and engaged in agricultural culture. After the attack in 7V. Khazar tribes Khazarov managed to establish their domination over East Slavic tribes. Many of them paid tribute to the end of 9V.

From the Byzantine sources, it is known that the Slavs lived a tribal system. But from 8 c. The process of intensive decomposition of a tribal system begins. As a result of the decomposition, no tribes were formed, but larger units - tribal unions. Large East Slavic tribal group-glades who lived at the Dnieper near Kiev, Drevlyan (Capital - Earrows), Slovenia or Ilmenie Slavs, Dregovichi, who lived between Pripyat and Western Dvina, Krivichi (Capital-Smolensk), Polothansk (Capital - Polotsk), Northerners , Radmichi, Vyatichi, the education of which directly precedes the emergence of states. Each of the unions had its own "Princess". Princes named breeding leaders. The very appearance of princes-leaders already means the transition to military democracy. The names of Slavic tribal unions mostly associated not with the unity of origin, but the settlement area. The basis of the economic life of the Eastern Slavs was agriculture, (slicing system). They grown rye, buckwheat, barley. Divided the Slavs a cattle and pigs, as well as horses. Also the river and forest fishery are also common, Bortfreaty. Military prey played a big role in the economy. Tribal leaders made raids on Byzantium, getting slaves and luxury slaves there. Simultaneously around the princes there are squads - groups of permanent combat branches.

Eastern Slavs created settlements, on the banks of the rivers consisting of 3-4 settlements. In each village there were several families. Several villages were Verve. Community connection was very strong. Even the cattle was in communal possession.

Ancient Slavs were pagans. In 10v. Eastern Slavs has a class society and a state appears.

6. Education of the ancient Russian state - Kievskaya Rus

Prerequisites for the formation of ancient Russian state: development of productive forces in East Slavic tribes; - formation of a neighbor community; Trade development, incl. international; Growth of property

inequalities; availability of unions of Slavic tribes; The emergence of the board system; the emergence of cities; allocation of tribal nobility; high level military organization; the threat of an attack of external enemies; Folding ancient Russian nation.

Features of the formation of ancient Russian state: the presence of a patriarchal form of slavery; The predominance of free labor over slaves; Total pagan culture, similar customs, rituals, public psychology; Features of Slavic mentality; Features of geographical and natural climatic nature. The problem of the state in the Eastern Slavs does not have a unambiguous answer. In foreign and domestic historiography, the so-called "Norman theory" was distributed. Such well-known Russian historians such as N.M. Karamzin, S.Solovyev, V.O. Kluchevsky, S.Plattonov, supported "Norman-theory". Her supporters believed Normanov (Vikings, Varyagov) founders of Old Russian statehood. Formulated was in the second quarter of the XVIII century. German historians who worked in Russia G. Z. Baire, G.F. Miller, and others. Her opponents were M.V. Lomonosov, D.I.Ilovaiski, S.A. Hedeonov, etc. They were inclined to think about That the ancient Russian state arose, first of all, on the basis of the internal development of the East Slavic world, as the result of certain and natural social, economic and military-political shifts during the genesis of class society, it was believed that the complex social system and solid political forms of Eastern Slavs were established long before Varyags. But until recently there is no unambiguous approach to this problem, since this is based on a different interpretation of written sources.

In our opinion, famous external influences, of course, had a place, but the decisive role in the folding of the ancient Russian statehood was not played. It is all the more apparent that class societies and states in Scandinavia (meaning the "Varangian factor") have become later than in Russia, and they could not seriously affect the formation of Novgorod-Kiev Rus. However, it is obvious that Scandinavians (Vikings, Varyags, Normans, Dates) in Eastern Europe were. Some of them, entering the agreement with the local Slavic, seized power in individual East Slavic lands. But, becoming the Slavic princes, they were forced to rely on the local political and military elite, to express her interests, they themselves quickly lost ethnic specificity, the language - weakened. At this time, during the formation of statehood, two centries manifested itself: in the North-West - Novgorod, in the south - Kiev (this was determined by the choice of the term for the designation, the future of the Unified State of Novgorod-Kievan Rus, especially since the process of collecting Slavic lands into a single state Walked from north to south, along the Dnieper - the famous campaign of Rurik Voorik - Konda Oleg, repeated then ancient Russian princes Vladimir and Yaroslav). In the subsequent two-centuries, despite the fact that the capital was Kiev, preserved.

Thus, estimating a significant (but not decisive) the role of the "Varangian factor" in the creation of ancient Russian statehood, it should be noted that it, first of all, was reduced to "the collection of East Slavic land, already prepared by internal development to statehood and union."

The settlement of the Slavic tribes of Slavs was separated from the Unified Slavic branch of the Indo-European Tree in the middle of the i-th millennium. e. Praodina Slavs - Earth from the river Oder in the West to the Carpathian Mountains in the East. . . Slavs took most of the east. European plains.

The settlement of Slavic tribes Indo-Europeans 4 thousand years ago Baltoslavan tribes Southern Slavs (Balkans) - Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenians, Macedonians, Bosnians, Montenegrin. Western Slavs are Poles, Czechs, Slovaks. Eastern Slavs - Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians 5 century BC. e. Balts Slavs Ukrainians Russian 5th century of our era Western Belarusians of the XIV-XV century Southern Eastern

The resettlement of Slavic tribes to the VI century is the separation of the Eastern Slavs, on the basis of which Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples later developed. Eastern Slavs occupied the territory from the Carpathian mountains in the west to the middle Oki and the Rippers of Don in the East, from the Neva and Lake Ladoga in the north to the Middle Dnepria in the south. Slavs united in common, whose name was obtained from the names of the terrain (Polyana, Kuzane), or from the names of the legendary progenitor (radios, nodes).

Sources on the history of the ancient Slavs Greek Roman Byzantine Arab West European Russian Herodotus, 5 V. BC e. I described Scycling and Scythians-Agriculties - some scholars 5 in the ancient Slavs in them. Cornelius Tacit, Polybius, Pliny Senior "Natural History" described Venenov and the territory of their settlement 6 V. - Prokopii Kesarian, Mauritius strategist, 10 century Konstantin 6 in the Bagranogenic and Lev Diakon described Ants, Soclavains and Rusov Ibn-Khordadbe "Book of paths and kingdoms" 9th century. Al Masti 10 V. , "History is ready" about the vents, Soclawin, Antah Jordan, 6 c. 9th century "British chronicle" On the first Russian embassy, \u200b\u200b9th century. "10 -11 V. Chronicle of Bishop Titmar about the prince of Vladimir, German chronicles 11 in 10 -11 century. Russian chronicles: "Tale of Bygone Years" 1113, Nestor's monk described the migration and settlement of Slavs. Novgorod chronicle 1016, the oldest Kiev Court of 1039, Kiev. Pechersk Code of 1095, Lavrentievsky Chronicle, Ipatiev Chronicle Code of Law "Russian True" 11 V. , Charter of Vladimir Monomakh 12 V. , contracts with Greeks 911, 944, 971, all describe the initial history of the Slavs and the emergence of the state

Sources on the history of the ancient Slavs in the sources of the VI century. Slavs first come under normal name. According to the Gothic historian of Jordan and the Byzantine writer-historian, the procopy of Caesarian, Venennya at this time were divided into two main groups: Ants (Eastern) and Slavinov (Western). It is in the VI in. Slavs declared itself as a strong and militant people. They fought with Byzantia and played a major role in the Danube Border Byzantine Empire, settling in the VI-VIII centuries. All Balkan Peninsula. During the resettlement, the Slavs were mixed with the local population (Baltic, Finno-Ugric, later Sarmatian and other tribes), as a result of assimilation they had a linguistic and cultural characteristics.

Public system of Eastern Slavs in VI-IX centuries. Slavs were united in generality, having not only generic, but also territorial-political character. Tribal unions are a stage in the way of forming the statehood of the Eastern Slavs. In the chronicle, one and a half dozen of the associations of the Eastern Slavs (Polyana, Northerners, Drevlyan, Dregovichi, Vyatichi, Curvichi, etc.) were named. These unions included 120 -150 separate tribes whose names are already lost. Each tribe, in turn, consisted of a variety of birth. To unite in the unions of Slavs forced the need to protect against nomadic tribal raids and the establishment of trade relations.

Public system of Eastern Slavs in VII-IX centuries. The Eastern Slavs had a process of decomposition of a tribal system: the transition from the generic community to the neighborhood. At that time, the birthbroken know - leaders and elders. They surrounded themselves by squads, that is, armed force, independent of the will of the People's Assembly (Weff) and able to force ordinary communities to obedience. Each tribe had his prince. The word "prince" comes from the overall Slavonic "KNEZ", meaning the "leader". One of these tribal princes was Kiya (V century), the printed in the Polyan tribe. Russian chronicle "Tale of Bygone Years" called him the founder of Kiev. Thus, the first signs of statehood have already appeared in Slavic society.

Union management tribes In addition, the princes were "the best (deliberate) people" and the thousands.

Ancient Slavs were pagans. They believed in evil and good spirits. The pantheon of the Slavic gods was formed, each of which personified various forces of nature or reflected the social relationship of that time. The most important gods of Slavs were: Perun - the God of Thunder, Lightning, War, Svarog - God of Fire, Veles is a patron saint of cattle breeding, the mock is a goddess who protected the female of the tribe. The God of the Sun, who had different tribes was called differently: Lady-God, Yarilo, Khosor, - which indicates the lack of still sustainable Slavic intergovernmental unity.

The idols depicting these pagan gods were put on the hills and in the brokes and next to them made rites. The sanctuary, where people worshiped idols were called "the" aspirations ", and the sacrifices for sacrifices are" tring. " The sanctoes were in the settlements surrounded by Selishche, being the cult centers, to which the population of the big district was.

Life of Eastern Slavs Slavs lived in small villages on the banks of the rivers. In some places to protect against the enemy of the village, it was covered with a wall around which died. This place was called the city.

Communities lived in twilights designed for one family. Private property already existed, but the Earth, forest land and livestock remained in general ownership.

Classes of Eastern Slavs Horsewood cattle breeding, cows, sheep, pigs Hunting agriculture Country-firing overflow wheat, millet, barley, buckwheat Fisherman Bornery Highland honey and wax wildwood bees from natural wells and breeding bees in pushed dumps.

The covered-fire system of the trees have grilled, dried up on the root and burned. After that, the stumps were hardened, the Earth was equipped with ash, loosened (without plowing) and was used to exhaustion. After 4 -5 years, the plot was thrown. Sealing (swallow) The system is distributed in the south in the forest-steppes, the main tool - plow. A plot of previously cultivated land left without plowing to restore soil fertility; The grassland of the grass was burned, the land was equipped with ashes, burned and was used to exhaustion. Since the burning of herbal cover gave less ash, rather than burning forests, the plots had to change more often - after 6 -8 years.

The path from the Varyag in the Greeks in the 9th century in the life of the Eastern Slavs, foreign trade began to play. People, the main occupation of which began trade, called merchants. The system of "latitudinal paths" (Volkhov - Novgorod - Meta - Upper Volga; Western Dvina - Dnipro (Smolensk. Nest) - OK) provided exits to the direct sources of Arab silver on the Volga path and ensured the further growth of the main waterways and centers. The path "from the Varyag in the Greeks", the Volga road is formed. The path from the Varyag in the Greeks: r. Neva-Ladoga lake-r. Volkhov-Lake Ilmen-r. Dnipro-r. Dnipro-Black Sea. The end item is rich in Byzantium.

The new invention of the Varyagov - the ship Darcar made it possible to expand its cultural circle and conquer half of Europe, go to the Mediterranean Sea and master the North Rus. Dracars could rise upstream rivers and carry up to 100 people and cargo.

Education of the ancient Russian state the theory of the emergence of the state in the Eastern Slavs Norman theory Ancient Russian state was created by Normans (Varyagami) of the XVIII century. , Bayer, Schuchser, Miller. Karamzin, Solovyov Slavic theory of Lomonosov, fishermen Centrist theory of Yurganov, Katsava The role of Varyagov in the formation of an ancient Russian state is denied by the state in Slavs arose as a result of internal development, but with the participation of Varyags

The state is such an organization of life, at which: x There is a single system of managing people living on one territory; ü the relationship between them is regulated on the basis of uniform laws (or traditions); ü is protected borders; ü are regulated in one way or another relationship with other states and peoples. The causes of the ancient Russian state internal awareness by the majority of the members of the Society for the restriction of labor; Property stratification; The need to keep the people in obedience. External need to defend themselves from external enemies.

Prerequisites for the creation of the state in the Slavs background Economic § Crafts from agriculture § urgency Crafts in the cities § Transformation to Painted Agriculture § Incompanyo trade relations § Projecting of free labor over the slave political social spiritual §Baby of the Rhodesmnamed nobility in the device to protect their privileges and capture §Formation of tribal unions §ygrozosis of the attack of external enemies §sence of the generic community at the neighboring § the nature of the social inequality of people § the vision of the patriarchal form of slavery §-tongue religion §store customs, rites. Public psychology Old Russian state 882 year

Prerequisites and stages of the formation of ancient Russian state 1. The beginning of inequality. 2. Allocation of nobility. 3. Transition to the neighboring community. 4. State education. 5. Ground seizure, robbing raids 6. Improving land processing. 7. Education of surplus. 8. Folding private ownership of land. 9. The domination of the generic community 9 6 7 3 1 2 5 8 4

Stages of formation of statehood in Russia VII. - raids of neighbors, the need to unite the unions of tribes - the germ of statehood (VI - VIII centuries - military democracy). VII-IX century - Association of Slavic tribes in alliances and supersonunions - the development of the institution of a tribal system. Education of two groups of East Slavic tribes: the Northern (Center in Novgorod) and the South (centered in Kiev) - the final stage of the development of a tribal political organization. 882 - the campaign of Oleg to Kiev and the union of the two groups of Eastern Slavs into a single state - Kievan Rus.

Conclusions The resettlement of the Slavs to the East European Plain led to the formation of the ancient Russian ethnos, consisting of tribal unions. The basis of the economy was agriculture, the role of crafts and foreign trade grew. The generic community turns into a territorial, military democracy is formed. Thus, conditions arise for the emergence of the state.

Task for the house: § 1 Reply to Questions 1, 2, 3 on page 20 Working with documents on page 20 -22. Answer questions 1, 2 on page 22.

The history of the emergence of the state uniting the tribes of the Eastern Slavs, still causes a lot of disputes. There are two theories of the formation of ancient Russian state: Normannskaya and Antiomannaya. About them, as well as about the reasons for the emergence and development of the state in Russia today and will be discussed.

Two theories

The date of education of the ancient Russian state is considered to be 862, when the Slavs were invited by the "third" side of the Scandinavian princes of Ruriki due to the strife between the tribes to guid about. However, in historical science there are discrepancies on the origin of the first state in Russia. There are two main theories:

  • Norman theory. (Miller, Bayer, M. M. Shcherbatov, N.M. Karamzin): Referring to the chronicle of the Tale of Bygone Years, the creation of which belongs to the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor, scientists concluded that statehood in Russia - The work of Normanov Rurik and his brothers;
  • Antinormmann theory (M.V. Lomonosov, M. S. Pereshevsky, I.E. Zabelin): The followers of this concept do not deny the participation of invited Varangian princes in the formation of the state, but it is believed that Ruriki came not to the "empty" place and this form of the Board There existed in the ancient Slavs long before the events described in the chronicle.

Once at a meeting of the Academy of Sciences, Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov beat Miller for "false" interpretation of the history of Russia. After the death of the Great Russian scientist, his research in the field of the history of the Old Russian state mysteriously disappeared. After a while they showed out and were published edited by the same Miller. It is interesting to note that modern research showed that the published works do not belong to the hand of Lomonosov.

Fig. 1. Challenge Dani from Slavic tribes

Causes of the formation of ancient Russian state

Nothing in this world happens just like that. To happen this or that event, the causes are needed. There were prerequisites for the formation of the state in Slavs:

  • Combining Slavic tribes to confront more powerful neighbors: At the beginning of the 9th century, Slavic tribes were surrounded by stronger states. A large medieval state was spread in the south - Khazar Kaganat, the tribute to whom were forced to pay Northeland, Polyana and Vyatichi. In the north, enduring and militant Normans demanded a sputter from Curvich, Ilmen's Slovenia, Chud and Merya. Only the union of the tribes could change the existing injustice.
  • Destruction of generic system and generic ties: Military campaigns, the development of new lands and trade led to the fact that in generic communities based on property equality and the management of the economy, stronger and rich families appear - childbirth to know;
  • Public stratification: The destruction of the generic and community building in Slavs led to the emergence of new layers of the population. So the layer of generic nobility and warriors was formed. The first were the descendants of the elders who managed to make more wealth. To the second, the warriors are young warriors who, after military hikes, did not return to farming, and became professional warriors who defended rulers and the community. The layer of ordinary communities as a sign of gratitude for the protection of soldiers and princes presented gifts, which later turned into a mandatory tribute. In addition, a layer of artisans, which moved away from farming and exchanged their "fruits" of labor to products. There were also people living exclusively at the expense of trading - a layer of merchants.
  • Development of cities: In the 9th century, trading routes (land and river) played a large role in the development of society. All new layers of inhalations are to know, the warriors, artisans, merchants and farmers sought to settle in the villages standing on the trade routes. Thus, the number of inhabitants increased, changed public system, new orders appeared: the power of the princes turned into the power of the state, tribute to the mandatory state tax, small cities in large centers.

Fig. 2. Gives warriors for protecting enemies

Two centers

All of the above, the main stages of the development of statehood in Russia were naturally led in the first half of the 9th century to education on the map of modern Russia two centers - two early Old Russian states:

  • in the north - Novgorod Union of Tribal;
  • on South - Combining with the center in Kiev.

By the middle of the 9th century, the princes of the Kiev Union - Askold and Deer achieved the liberation of their tribes from "offering" Dani Khazar Kaganatu. Otherwise, events developed in Novgorod: In 862, residents of the city were invited to prince and own the lands of the Norman Prince Rüric. He accepted the offer and settled on the Slavic lands. After his death, his approximate Oleg took the board to his hands. It was he who went on a campaign to Kiev in 882. Thus, he combined two centers into one state - Rus or Kievan Rus.

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After the death of Oleg, the title " grand Duke"Accepted Igor (912 -945) - son of Rüric. For excessive defeats, he killed by people from the Tribe.

Fig. 3. Monument Prince Rurik - the founder of the ancient Russian state

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Today, the following questions on history (grade 6) were briefly reviewed: what century the formation of an ancient Russian state (9th century) is the formation of the element of the birth of statehood in Russia and who were the first Russian princes (Rurik, Oleg, Igor). These theses can be used as a cheat sheet to prepare for history exams.

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The formation of an ancient Russian state, the birth of the first feudal state was not a single event, but a long-term process. The development of Slavic society was stretched for many centuries.

The initial position for consistent consideration of the history of Slavs, as a major researcher of the oldest history of Russia, Academician B. A. Rybakov, should be considered the period of separation of the Slavic language family from the general Indo-European massif, which is dating in the middle of the II millennium BC. e. By this time, the ancestors of the Slavs, to which the term "prashlyan" was used in remote times to the new era, the long path of development of a tribal society was held. (Rybakov B. A.Kievan Rus and Russian principalities. M., 1982. P. 12). The calculation of Praslavan from the Indo-European massif was the result of those significant shifts in primitive society, which occurred at the Northern Half of Europe tribes at the turn of the III and II millennium BC. e.

The tribes were spread, stirred, merged. At the end of the settlement, by the middle of the II millennium BC. er, the process of gradual consolidation of the axial related tribes in large ethnic arrays was designated. One of these arrays was praslancy. By this time, the Slavic world was at the level of the primitive community, had a rich historical past. The Slavs of that period was not absolutely monolithic, but it had a lot in common. In the second half of the II millennium BC. e. As a result of complex processes that took place in that period in Europe, the uniformity of Praslavyansky world gradually begins to collapse. As a result of wars from different ethnic tribes, new commonality was seized, and the old disintegrates. The entry of Praslavan into one of these new communities violated the former uniformity of the culture of all Praslavan, however, as Academician B. A. Rybakov noted, did not touch the general Praslavyan language. In the eastern half of the Praslani world at the end II and at the beginning of the I millennium BC. e. There are also a number of changes. The historically most important area here becomes the average subwayer, which over time turns into the kernel Kievan Ruswhere the economy is rapidly starting to develop. The Slavs of the Middle Podprovia cultivated wheat, barley, rye, oats, millet, peas, buckwheat. The export of grain in the Roman Empire stimulated the development of agriculture. The international situation of Eastern Slavs at that time was closely related to the fate of the Roman Empire, which determined the time historical process throughout Europe.

The Roman Empire crossed Europe diagonally - from Scotland to Done's mouth. Hundreds of barbaric tribes, including Slavs, experienced accelerated development, whose catalyst was Rome. Trade, bribing leaders, set of mercenaries, gripping land and imposition of duties - All this strengthened the social bundle inside the tribes, simultaneously encouraged the tribal squads both to the liberation of Rome's power and to master the treasures that the Roman cities had. All this was expressed in a number of wide offensive operations These tribes combined into large unions. Slavic tribes and Slavic tribes were not part of these processes. Wars of this period imposed her mark on the course of further historical Development Slavs. In connection with the invasion in the 370s. Gunnov The situation in Europe is changing. The defeat of the Roman cities in the Black Sea region undermined the most important article of the prosperity of the Slavs of the Middle Podprovia - export of bread. As a result, the Slavs were to a certain extent equal to their less developed conifers who settled the northern forest strip. According to the ancient Russian historian, the chronicler of Nesor, the contact between the developed Slavs and their neighboring conidors disappeared. Although Slavic forest-steppe tribes have experienced a one-time defeat, but it was not possible to incorporate the middle phenosis in the rule of the Gunnov.

In the history of all Slavs, the events occurring in the VI century played a huge role. It is not by chance that the chronicler Nestor in his work "Tale of Bygone Years", the presentation of these events pays great attention. In the VI century The mass invasion of Slavs to the Balkan Peninsula began. Slavs reached ancient Sparta and islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Speaking of Slavs, it should be at least shorter to dwell on the origin of the ethnonym "Slavs". According to Academician B. A. Rybakov, in all likelihood, already in the VI-VII centuries. There was a widespread spread of the ethnonym "Slavs" to all the Venented and Andean tribes. All those tribes that are in the I-VI centuries. They mixed with the ancient baltams and adjacent to them (Dregovichi, Crivichi, Polovchan), enjoyed Dnipro and his tributaries. The most important rivers - Pripyat, Berezina, Dnipro, the gums flocked to heights, which, as B. A. Rybakov notes, were subsequently called Kiev. At the end of the V - the beginning of the VI century. The value of Kiev heights increased significantly.

Eastern Slavs in the VII-VIII centuries. Already constituted a significant part of the population of Eastern Europe. It is at this time that the Slavs gradually master the space covered with dense forests of the modern center of Russia. The population density here was so small that the newcomers did not have to conflict with the locals. The high agricultural culture of the Slavs acquired on the fertile lands of the south was positively perceived by the indigenous people. The peaceful cooperation of Slavs with the Balt and the Ugro-Finnish population gradually led to the weakening of its significant part. The studies of anthropologists show that the ancestors of modern Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are not only Slavs, but also ancient threatened Finns and Balts.

It is interesting in this regard to pay attention to the next fact. In the middle of the VII century. In the southern steppes there is a Bulgarian state, which presented a conglomerate of various tribes, where military prey was the main source of wealth. Internal cross-visits quickly led to the decay of the state. Part of the Bulgarian opened on the Danube, in Dobrudju, and subjugated the local Slavic tribes. As historians celebrate, the aliens quickly loosened, although they transferred their name to the Slavic population. The other part of the Bulgarians moved to the northeast and asslaved in the middle of the Volga and at the bottom of the chamber, creating a major state - Volzhsko-Kama Bulgaria (or Bulgaria), which subsequently broke out for a number of reasons.

Khazaras (Initially, the Khazar Union tribes was located on the territory of the current Dagestan) managed to establish its domination over East Slavic tribes, many of which paid them tribute to the end of the IX century.

According to historical sources, you can trace that in the VII-VIII centuries. The Slavs have an intensive process of decomposition of a tribal building. So, from the initial chronicle, we know about the major Eastern Slavic tribal groups - Polyany, living on the Dnieper near Kiev, their neighbors - Drevlyakh (the capital - estimated), Sloves, or Ilmenovsky Slavs, Lake Ilmen (future Novgorod), Dregovichi, who lived between Pripyat and Western Dvina, Curves, the main city of which was Smolensk, Polovakov, who settled on the banks of the river, the rivers (their city - Polotsk), Northerners (Northern neighbors of Polyan), Radmichs in the coolant river basin, Vyatichi in the Oki basin, etc. in this case, speech It is not about tribes, but about larger tribal unions, the formation of which is directly preceded by the emergence of the state. Each of these unions had its own "Princess". This is not the principality in a later, feudal sense of the word, and the princes were originally called tribal leaders.

The names of Slavic tribal unions are mostly connected not with the unity of origin, but with a settlement area. So, the meadows lived in the fields, the Drevlyan - in the forests, etc. This indicates that at that time the Slavs, the territorial relations were already dominated by the generic.

So we approach the understanding of the origin of Russia. It is known that the first words of the historical work of Nestor were words about the origin of Russia: "Where there is a Russian land". In the literature there are about twenty different answers to this question, mutually exclusive each other. According to B. A. Rybakov, Rusov was considered both Varyags and Lithuanians and the Baltic Slavs, and Finns, Slavs, and Central Asian Aorses, and others, the main struggle in historiography on this issue, which does not stop today, went between Normanists and their opponents. The duration of disputes on the origin of Russia was largely due to contradictions in the sources, the abundance of speculations and guesses from the ancient authors themselves. These sources have direct directions to the fact that the rises are whirlwinds, and just as direct evidence of their Slavs. Rusov is called nomads, they say that they are from the Slavs tribe, they oppose their Slavs, etc. Opinions on this expense, the historians will also work in this area, to express their hypotheses and various judgments. However, it is necessary to take into account that in the "Tale of Bygone Years" of Nestor, the use of the words "Rus", "Russian Earth" is associated with the concept of Eastern Slavs, a single Russian nationality, a single Russian state. The same concept is characteristic and for later judgments of the chroniclers. On this "Russian land" there were several hostilities among themselves: Kiev, Pereyaslavskoe, Varya Yuryevich, Chernigo-Severskaya Varya Olgovichi, etc. From various judgments about the concept of "Russian Earth", the point of view of Academician B. A. Rybakov seems to us the most acceptable and believable. Russian Earth IX-XIV centuries. In the broad sense of the word - this is an area of \u200b\u200bancient Russian nationality with single language, single culture, temporary unified state border (see: Fishermen B. A.Decree. cit. P. 67). The beginning of the state of Russia is associated with the foundation of the city of Kiev in the land of Polyan. In antiquity, Kiev was considered the "mother of the cities of the Russians." The founder of Kiev, as the chronicler Nesoris notes, was Ki - historical person. Kiya is the Slavic Prince of the Middle Podprovia, the prince of Kiev princes. He was known to the emperor of Byzantium, who invited Kiya back in V c. In Constantinople and sought to attract it as a military ally.

Another point of view set forth in the book "The history of the Fatherland: People, Ideas, Decisions was also a certain interest in these stories: People, ideas. Essays of the history of Russia IX - early XX century.", Published in Moscow in 1991. In the article S. V. Dumik and A. A. Turilova "Where there is a Russian land", the reader will find interesting judgments on these issues with which you can agree, and you can argue. The authors write that we must be aware that in itself the origin of the country's name is by no means decisive to assess the genesis of its statehood. There are many examples in history when the people borrow their name at all of that ancestor, from which the language and material culture inherits, and the combinations can be very different here. Slavic Bulgarians wear the name of the Turkic tribe, in the VII century. Creating the first Bulgarian kingdom in the Balkans and disadvantaged among the Slavic tribes that make up most of its population. At the same time, the authors note, the presence of a third ethnos - ancient Thracians, Helninized during the Roman Empire, is very noticeable in their material culture.

The union of East Slavic land in the ancient Russian state was prepared by internal socio-economic processes. But it happened, according to the authors, as a result of the campaign of Prince Oleg, along with other tribes to Kiev in 882 with the active participation of the Varangian squad. A relatively easy statement of Oleg's power in Podneprovier indicates that the internal conditions for the union are ripened by this time. What role did the Varyagi played in this? Undoubtedly, very important. The point is not in some organizational and state qualities of Scandinavians. As a confirmation of this provision, it is planned to pay attention to the fact that in Iceland and Greenland, the descendants of Normannes, provided themselves in the Middle Ages, granted to themselves, states did not create at all. But in Eastern Europe, the appearance of Varangi friends, apparently, noticeably accelerated the process of state education. They were the consolidating element and at the first stage were support of the Grand Duke, their representative. Slavic, at its base (together with the Balt, Finno-Ugric tribes), the Old Russian State was not purely Varangian "Blowing". However, elements of the active participation of Varyagov in the life of Slavs contributed to the strengthening of this process.

The current IX century. Old Russian feudal state (called historians also Kievan ruus) arose as a result of an extremely long process of split society into classes held by the Slavs during the I millennium. e.

The question of the beginning of the emergence of the Russian state was interested in Russian historians in the XI-XII centuries. The earliest chronicles began their presentation from the jurisdiction of Kiya, who was considered the founder of the city of Kiev and Kiev Princess. In the literary and documentary chronicles of the "Tale of Bygone Years", written in the XII century, is given pretty detailed description historical events The period preceding the formation of the Russian state. The State Rus, according to Academician B. A. Rybakova, was out of fifteen large populated areas of the regions. Near Kiev, the Polyan was discussed, their land was considered the core of the ancient Russian state. According to scientists, in deep antiquity, Eastern Slavs consisted of 100-200 small tribes, in each tribe there was its eve (meeting), solved the most important questions public life, it also chose the military leader (prince); There were a squad from young people and a public militia. They were concentrated in cities that were named in those years. "Grades". These "hands" were not yet real cities, but many of them, who were the centers of the tribal districts over several centuries, with the development of feudal relations turned into feudal castles, or in the city.

The question of the origin of the ancient Russian state is associated with the formation of ancient Russian nation. Most pre-revolutionary historians The origin of the Russian state associated with the issues of the ethnic affiliation of the people "Rus". A number of historians, as noted above, adhering to the Norman theory, believe that "Russia" is Varyags, Normans and other residents of Scandinavia. Around the theory of the Norman origin of Russia and the vocation of Varangians for a long time in historical science, a strengthened discussion was followed, which sometimes passed to the acute ideological struggle. The Varangian problem became the isna of the ideological and political confrontation. As the Academician B. D. Greek, Legend, about the "Variagov", was in service with the ideologues of the feudal state and was used by Russian bourgeois science. "(Questions of history. 1991. No. 6. S. 5). Academician B. A . Rybakov believes that by the time Varyagi appeared in the north of the Slavic lands, in the middle of the subway, Kievan Rus has already developed. Varyagi-aliens did not master Russian cities, but put their fortified camps next to them. He recognizes the reality of Rüric, but doubts Two other heroes of "legends" - Sineus and Trumor. "Legend" is obviously compiled from various legends and stories, in which the historical truth was hung with fiction, surrounding the description of the events that took place in two centuries before their record. B. A. Rybakov, The allowing "historical truth" in legend, allocated the Norman period in the history of Russia, covering three decades (882-912), when power in Kiev seized the Norman konung Oleg, who became at the time of Kiev to Nurse.

In fact, in Soviet historiography there were three approaches to reports of the chronicles on the calling of Varyagov. Some researchers consider them on the basis of their historically reliable. Others - fully deny the possibility of real facts. The third trades in the "Trade about Rurica" \u200b\u200becho of valid incidents, but not those who are told by the chronicler.

According to the observation of B. A. Rybakov, in the Russian historical literature of the XI century. There were two glances among themselves on the origin of the Russian state. According to one view, Kiev, according to another - Novgorod, was the center of Russia and the collector of Slavic lands. In this regard, we note that one of the early historical sources - "Ostromirova Chronicle" 1050 - in the creation of Russian statehood, Novgorod put forward to the fore. In the same chronicles were recorded and "the tale of the vocation of princes-Varyagov".

From the "Ostromal Chronicles" of the legend about the vocation of Varyagov moved to the "communional chillery", receiving in the XII century. Completely other interpretation. In particular, the idea of \u200b\u200b"Farioda" by the Princely Power in Novgorod, its independence from Kiev and other major centers, trying to influence the replacement of the Novgorod Princely Table.

Novgorod, first, stated his claims to the dominant position, since ancient times was the farther of the Supreme Power, which spread its effect on neighboring cities and land. Secondly, he declared the city of the Upper Volga in the sphere of their interests, i.e., attracted to these cities. This policy of Novgorod flowed out of the specific historical situation in the late XI - early XII century.

By this time, Novgorod has noticeably advanced in the acquisition of independence and independence from Kiev. The city is strengthened, the local institution of landing.

Representatives of the Kiev authorities are displaced by Novgorod "officials." According to the chronicle fragments, the princes of the Novgorod residents are the princes of Novgorod. Based on modern logic, this combination is withstanding in the norms of the traditional worldview of ancient people, inclined to look for the origins of ethnic or political life Tribes, strangers and own, fightered by the mythology of the figure of heroes. For Novgorod, there were Rurik, Sineus and Trourvor, who posted their political being with his features based on freedom of calling and expulsioning the rulers. We note that there is another oppression of the Novgorod residents of Kievans: the first - the descendants of Rurik with brothers, the second - cue with the brothers.

Such is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Novgorod story about the vocation of Varyagov. But this story was known and Kievans who interpreted him to their own way. The reasons for the inclusion of the Novgorod "Legend" in the "Tale of Bygone Years", the researchers were explained in different ways.

The appearance of a legend in the Kiev archway was determined by change in the nature of the princely power. The position of the prince in society was changed, he turned into a community authority, the peak of the expression of which was the National Assembly - veche, that is, the gathering of all the free inhabitants of Kiev and its surroundings. At the heart of these changes lay the process of formation of volosts-lands, or cities - states, where the prince, although he was given a very significant role supreme Ruler, was accountable to the Veneer Collection. Changes occurred gradually. However, their results were visible already in Kiev events 1068-1069, when the townspeople expelled the prince of Izyaslav, and Veslav Polotsky was elected. The circumstances of the appearance in 1113 on the Kiev table Vladimir Monomakh even more accurately. He came to Kiev by decision of the local Wanch, which invited him to his reign. From Vladimir Monomakh begins, probably the systematic practice of election (invitation) by the princes of Kiev veche. The son of Monomakh also passed through the election, which one can judge the words of the Novgorod chronicler. And after two decades, the princes sit in Kiev already "by the Will" Kievan. It happened, of course, the princes captured the Kiev table by force. But the Kiev residents did not get along with disagreeable rulers, expecting a convenient point to expel them from the city. By the time of calling "in Kiev Vladimir Monomakh in the public consciousness of Kievans, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fever election of princes as natural and legitimate method their substitution. At the same time, under the chronicler's pen, the princely power in Kiev is not only the rejection, but also stained with blood: Oleg, sailing from Novgorod, causally kills Askold and Dira, sitting on the prince. According to the ethics of ancient Russian society, the time of the preparation of the "Tale of Bygone Years", such a means of joining the jurisdiction was immoral, contrary to Christian commandments and morality.

The acquisition of the authorities through the killing of the opponent illustrates the entire further history of pagan Rus. Oleg, according to legend, kills Askold and Dira to the stroke in Kiev. Yaropolk eliminates his brother of his Oleg. Mortal danger hung over Vladimir. As it should be expected, Yaropolk was killed, and "the princes of the Volodimer in Kiev is one." After the death of Vladimir, in the same pagan renowned, the Svyatopolk spreads with Boris and Gleb, ranked later to the face of the Saints of the Great Martyrs, in which it is necessary to see not only rewarding the killed brothers for suffering, but also the condemnation of this bloody custom of pagans, sinful from the point of view of Christian morality.

Thus, the legend of the variation of Varyagov appears before us in a specific historical plan as a complex and multi-layer work, created and processed for quite a long time, which encloses the echoes of various epochs of the East Slavic and old Russian history (Questions of history. 1991. No. 6. P. 12-13).

We led one of the many points of view on the assessment of the Norman origin of Russia. Similar and opposite points of view on this question in science set. Let us give a comparison another point of view of the well-known modern historian A. P. Novoseltseva, given, in the article "Education of the ancient Russian state and its first ruler" (Questions of history. 1991. No. 2-3). Speaking about the difficulties of the studied period and the variety of their estimates, the author seeks to trace these processes against the background of the history of Eastern Europe IX century. In particular, he writes: "At that time, the most powerful state of the region was Khazaria, although after defeat in the Arab-Khazar war of 737. This power gradually began to tear down to decline. Nevertheless, hegemony Kaganata was maintained and extended to a significant part of the Eastern Slavic lands." .

In the "Tale of Bygone Years" there are two options for the development of the Polyan-Khazar relations. One "patriotic" is a legend of a sword, which allegedly sent Polyana Khazaras in response to the requirement to obey. Seeing this double-edged weapon, the Khazars seemed to say that the sword was a more efficient, rather than a saber, and retreated from Polyan. However, from other sections of the chronicles, it is clear that the Polyan was dependent on the Khazar, and from this, they were saved from the north of the boyar of the Novgorod ruler Rurik - Askold and Dir. The exact date of the chronicle does not call, but the story is placed under 862 in connection with the story of the vocation of the three Varyagov Brothers Novgorod. There were endless disputes around these passages. To deny some real grains in the story about the urgency of the grounds is not, especially if we consider this story in connection with the real situation in the IX century. in Eastern Europe.

Subduent by its control, Radmich, Northerners and Vyatichi, Khazara, thereby kept in their hands most of the trade route from Europe to the East. However, the very northern tip of this path - the lands of Sloba Ilmensky and Krivichi - the Khazarians were not subject to. At the same time, entrusted to these East Slavic regions and in the Volga Bulgaria, Khazars could apply for more northern regions. If we take into account this circumstance, then there is nothing surprising in the fact that Slavs and some Finnish tribes of the North invited some kind of Varangian konongs with their squads. Thus, in ledge about Rurik and the brothers, much more real than in the tale of Kie and his brothers. In a word, the general canvas of events in Eastern Europe, reflected in the "Tale of Bygone Years" and the Novgorod Chronicles, no doubt causes. A business is chronology and specifics of these events.

The time of the Vikings in Europe is a really an epochal phenomenon, affecting almost the entire continent and not only it (remember that it was the Scandinavians who opened America for Europe). This era should be coincided by the end of the 8th - xi centuries, of course under the first date approximate start of scandinavoises to the countries of Western Europe, and under the final - the creation of the Norman kingdom in Sicily.

The main feature of Eastern Europe was the dependence of its considerable part of it from such a strong state as Khazaria, and the threat of submission to this power of the North Slavic and Finnish lands who were on the trading path from the East to the Baltic States and in general to Western Europe. It was this that encouraged the communities of Eastern Europe to invite on the terms of the contract (Russian - a number, the Byzantine - Pact) of the leaders of the Varangian friend of Rüric, Askold, Dira, etc. (Novoseltsy A. P.The formation of an ancient Russian state and its first ruler // Questions of history. 1991. № 2-3. P. 6-7).

This point of view is largely different from the position of many historians. And yet, to recognize it to fully correct, without taking into account others, it would be premature, since the study of these issues has its serious continuation. Nevertheless, it should be noted that today any information about the tribe or the place "Rus" (Rus) in Scandinavia is not found. This provision is still in pre-revolutionary time shaped thesis of the Norman theory. Ancient rules were looking for among the Baltic Slavs, Lithuanians, Khazar, the Finno-Ugric peoples of the Volga region and other tribes. A number of scientists, as noted above, defended slavic origin Rus. By mid vi in. There is also a new mention of Russia in written sources. The core of the Old Russian nationality, as noted in the book "The history of the USSR since ancient times until the end of the XVIII century." (M., 1975. P. 58), is the land of the VI century, which included the tribes of the forest-steppe strip from Kiev to Voronezh. Its consisted of the lands of Polyan, Northerners, Rusov, etc. These lands were the union of tribes and, as can be seen, adopted the name of the most significant Rus's tribe at that time. The formation of the nation was in parallel with the folding of the state. To the IX-X centuries. The main ethnic territory of the Old Russian nationality was formed, the ancient Russian literary language. Old Russian people united all east Slavic tribes And he became a single cradle of the three Slavic peoples of the later time: Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. Thus, the formation of an ancient Russian state was the completion of a long process of formation of feudal relations and classes of feudal society.

Feudal state system formed under these conditions Ancient Russia Adjusted for its own purposes previously preceded by the controls of it, in something different, but in many ways similar to it in form and in content. For example, such tribal authorities were "Prince", "Voevoda", "Druzhina", etc. to the IX-X centuries. The process of aging feudal relations in the most developed regions of Eastern Slavs was determined. The formated class of feudalists needed to create a strong state apparatus, which was supposed to help him consolidate community peasant lands and solve important domestic tasks, as well as problems of protection against external enemies. According to the data that has come down to us, the main population of Russia's first half of the IX century, which was part of the ancient Russian state, was the following tribal unions, who had an independent reign: Polyana, Northerners, Drevlyan, Dregovichi, Polochan, Novgorod Slavs. In addition, it was also joined to one and a half dozens of Finno-Ugric and Balt tribes.

Russia of this time was an extensive state that had already united half of the East Slavic tribes. The Russian tribal union turned into a feudal state submitted to himself the neighboring Slavic tribes and equipped distant hiking. The literature also meets information about the Rus, who lived at that time on the Black Sea coast, about their campaigns to Constantinople and the baptism of part of Russia in the 60s. IX century With all the diversity of judgments and points of view, the origin and the formation of an ancient Russian state is still obvious to the main thing: Russian state Washed independently of the Varyags. At the same time, other Slavic States, the Bulgarian kingdom, Velikomovskaya Power and other states arose with the Russians in the same period. Kievan Rus is the first sustainable major state association of the Eastern Slavs of the period of formation of feudalism. It occupied a huge territory from the Baltic to the Black Sea and from Western Bug to the Volga. Under the rule of the Kiev prince there was a number of Slavic tribal unions of the Middle Podprovia, and then several Lithuanian-Latvian tribes of the Baltic States and the numerous Finno-Ugric tribes of the North-Eastern Europe were subordinated to him. The center of the union was the Holy Tribe, which in the second half of the IX century. It was the strongest economically.

The main branches of production in Kievan Rus at that time were agriculture and craft.

The Russian craft of that time in terms of its technical and artistic level was not inferior to the craft of the advanced countries of Western Europe. At the same years, the increase in the number of cities began. In the chronicles (before the XIII century), more than 220 cities mentioned. Interestingly, even in Scandinavia Rus was called "Gardaria" - the country of cities.

Kievan Rus was an early refortel monarchy. At the head of state, the great prince stood. He had a Council (Duma) from the most noble princes and senior warriors (boyars), who spent the role of the governor, as well as the Office of the Office, which was collecting tribute to the tributes and files, judicial affairs, penalties. In this apparatus, the duties of officials were performed by junior warriors - swordsmen (judicial performers), Virnechniki (penalties), etc. In suspended Granual Prince Lands and cities of the management functions carried out princely governors - positors and their nearest helpers - Thousands, who headed during the military action folk militia.

To carry out power over the population, expanding the borders of the state and protection of it from external enemies, the Grand Duke had significant military forces. They consisted primarily from the squad of the most Grand Duke, as well as from the troops of the vassal princes, who also had their own squads.

Princes of individual lands and other large, medium and small feudal feudals were in a vassal dependence on the Grand Duke. They were obliged to deliver the great prince of warriors, to be at his request with a friend. At the same time, these vassals themselves fully implemented the control functions in their patrimony and the grand-road governors did not have the right to interfere with their internal affairs.

In the early refortel society of Kievan Rus, two main classes were distinguished - peasants(First of all, death) and feudals.Both classes in their composition were not homogeneous. Sadda shared on free communities and dependent. Free soughtdowns had their natural economy, they paid tribute to Princes and Boyars and at the same time were the source of the reciphence of the category of dependent people for the feudalists. The dependent population consisted of procurement, ordinary, rogues, pushes and horses. The purchases called those who came into dependence, taking a bunch (debt). The rankings became those who came into dependence after the conclusion of a number (contract). Relief - these are impoverished people from the communities, and pusters are freely published slaves. The slaves were completely disappeared and were actually at the position of slaves.

The class of feudalists made up representatives of the Grand-Point House with the Grand Duke at the head, the princes of tribes or lands, boyars, as well as senior warriors.

Somewhat later, in the second half of X and especially in the XI centuries. This emerging dominant class also joined the tops of the clergy, which also exploited peasants and possessing people. The interests of the feudalists were protected by the laws of the state, on their side were power and military force. But the peasants did not remain passive to the feudal oppression. In the history of that period, there are many of the uprisings of peasants and Posad Luda, especially in the XI "- early XII century. The largest of them were during this period uprising in Kiev.

Speaking about the formation of the Kiev Rus and the role of Normanov (or Varyagov) and their place in ancient Russian history, it should be noted: the historical role of Varyagov in Russia was insignificant, their role is much less than Pechenegs or Polovtsy, which influenced Russia's development for four centuries.

The peculiarity of the formation of ancient Russian state affected the development of feudal relations in Russia. This is also evidenced by the nature of the socio-economic and political system of Russia.

If you keep in mind the socio-economic system of Russia of that period, first of all, attention should be paid to the state of agriculture. The basis of agriculture during the early feudalism was agriculture different types. During this period, agriculture technique was significantly improved. And yet, in general, the technique of agriculture was pretty archaic. IN agriculture An important place was occupied by the peasant community, which consisted of both one large massif and from a number of scattered settlements, which included both small and large peasant farms, who jointly treated the Earth were bound by a circular place, mutual responsibility for the payment of Dani and T . D. The peasant communities existed in Russia throughout the history of feudalism. The number of such communities gradually declined and subsequently remained only in the extreme north of the country. Feudal relations over time expanded due to challenge personally free communities. The feudal ownership of Earth arose in the process of property inequality due to the transition of a significant part of the arable land of communities. At the same time, the appearance of feudal locks with their grain stocks and other products was to a certain extent progressive phenomenon, as it created certain reserves in case of crawling or war. The main productive cell of feudal society was peasants. Landowners, or feudalists, ancient Russia, as well as in Western European countries, differed in the number of land, dependent people and military servants. After the adoption of Christianity (which will be discussed below) the special type of land ownership is also becoming church and monastic land tenure. With the development of feudal relations, the struggle of peasants against the dominant class intensified. For many areas of the ancient Rus X-XII centuries. The displeasure of the peasants and their open speeches were characteristic.

Along with the peasant community, an important element of the feudal society was the city, which was a fortified center of handicraft production and trade.

At the same time, the city was important administrative centers in which wealth and large food reserves were concentrated, which were versed here by feud. Most large cities Ancient Russia was Kiev, Novgorod, Smolensk, Chernigov, and others. Based by the princes of the city preserved as a rule the names of these princes: Yaroslavl, Izyaslav, Vladimir, Konstantinov. Many of these names of cities reached our time.

Internal and foreign trade occupied a large place in the history of ancient Russia. Especially activated foreign trade from the end of the IX century. Russian squads mastered ways to the most advanced countries of that time - in Byzantium, the Caucasus, in Central Asia And to other parts of the outside world.

The political system of ancient Russia is the IX-X centuries. It was characterized as an early referred monarchy. At the head of state stood kiev Princecalled the Grand Duke. Prince managed with the help of the Council of other princes and warriors. Somewhat later, this form of government entered the history of Russia called Boyar Duma. The prince had a significant military force where the fleet acting both on the rivers and on the Black Sea. An important role in strengthening the state was played by legal norms developed in the X B. The rules of early referred rights were reflected in the so-called "ancient truth", published at the beginning of the XI century. Prince Yaroslav wise, in which the main legal provisions regulating many parties to life were reflected.