The period of the birth of racial theory is. Racial theories

Racist concepts became the starting point for the formation of political conclusions that emerged precisely in Germany. They perfectly suited the ideology of the militarists and colonialists, who did not hide their aggressive and imperialist manners. Already at the end of the 19th century, the movement for the imperialist division of the world spread among the German population. The country, in pursuit of the British at an accelerated pace, built a navy, seized colonies in Africa and Oceania. Obviously, representatives of the imperialist circles were actively interested in racist theories, because they were perfectly suited for the role of "scientific explanation" of their plans.

The Germans were recognized as carriers of the Aryan type of race, the purpose of which was to dominate all others. After the First World War, the myth of the natural superiority of the Aryan race, whose representatives are distinguished by their tall stature, long head and blond hair, began to spread in certain circles. These external signs made it possible to speak of a genetic connection with the Germanic peoples.

One of the founders of anthroposociology, the German researcher O. Ammon was engaged in unusual measurements of an anthropometric nature. He studied the characteristics of the population in three cities and found that among the urban population and those who belong to high society, there is a large proportion of long-headed. In the lower class, among ordinary peasants, the share of short-headed peasants prevailed. It turned out that the owners of a long head by nature have the gift of control and are endowed with high intelligence. This meant that they were by nature destined to belong to the upper class and occupy a dominant position over all others. Ammon came to the conclusion that any society will develop until the proportion of long-headed - the most talented and intelligent - reaches a critically low level.

His French colleague, J. Lapouge, an adherent of the theory of social Darwinism, was also engaged in the classification of people depending on the type of head. In his opinion, the size of the head was a factor and cultural differences between societies. The long-headed representatives of humanity undoubtedly formed the best race - the Aryan, and the rest belonged to the lower races.

Anthroposociology developed in the 19th century and by the early 20th century had become one of the most influential schools in sociological sciences. The main idea of ​​the racial-anthropological school was the theory that the development of peoples in their historical and cultural aspect was the result of one decisive factor - belonging to a particular race. The school was formed during the growing popularity of Darwin's theory and received the necessary support from biological science. At this time, the biological approach prevailed in sociology, and they tried to classify races precisely according to biological characteristics.

Anthroposociology tried to build social knowledge about human society, focusing on natural Sciences... Its close relationship with social Darwinism explained the mechanism and biology inherent in this doctrine. In the absence of facts, the racial-anthropological school thought out a lot, replaced scientific conclusions with speculations constructed in such a way that they could be counted as scientific.

One of the representatives of anthroposociology was the French diplomat J.-A. de Gobineau. His work "Experience on the inequality of human races" in the middle of the 19th century became the first scientific work, where the reasoning about the significance of the racial factor on the history of mankind was systematized. Later, his views became the basis of all subsequent theories of the anthropological school and significantly influenced the understanding of the very term "race".

Racism as a social concept is an amalgamation of several concepts that are anti-scientific in nature. The basis of racism is next judgment: human races are not the same if we compare them in physical and psychological development, which means that such differences inevitably affect the history and culture of world civilization. Simply put, people are divided into the best and worst races - the highest and the lowest. Those who make up the numbers of the superior race are endowed with the best characteristics and are called to dominate the races below the hierarchy and do not have the ability to do anything in terms of social culture. The lower races are suitable only for exploitation for the purposes of the "higher" people. The best race consists of the creators of civilization, the founders of society and cultural property, and the lowest race - of slaves. Such false ideas, carrying all the signs of misanthropy, are typical for any kind of racism.

The founder of this theory is considered the French sociologist and writer, one of the founders of racism J. Gobineau1. F. Nietzsche2, who is considered the forerunner of the ideology of fascism, made a great contribution to this theory.

The essence of the theory. The theory is based on the postulate that human races are by no means equal and differ in physical, psychological, mental and other respects. They can be divided into higher and lower. Higher races have superiority over lower ones for the reason that they compare favorably with others in the above respects. Therefore, they can claim the role of arbiters of the destinies of people around the world, are called upon to dominate, to impose the will on other groups of people who do not belong to the representatives of the superior race. The state, in their opinion, is necessary to ensure the constant domination of some races over others. The authors of this theory reminded that the representatives of the white race made a great contribution to the creation of civilization and its role in the development of civilization cannot be overestimated at all.

Representatives of the lower race are people incapable of creating civilization, which is why they can be the object of domination. Nietzsche divided all of them into three types: 1) people of genius are few; 2) performers of ideas of geniuses, their right hand and the best students - the guards of order, law and security (king, soldiers, judges and other guardians of the law); 3) the rest of the mass of mediocre people. True, Nietzsche, using the concept of race, understood it as primarily a socio-political rather than a national-ethnic characteristic; a strong race is, in essence, a special breed of rulers, aristocratic gentlemen, a weak race - the vitally weak, oppressed, forced. He characterizes the entire socio-political history as a struggle between two wills to power - the will of the strong (of the highest species, aristocratic masters) and the will of the weak (the masses, slaves, crowds, herds). The goal of humanity is in its most perfect specimens, the emergence of which is possible in an atmosphere of high culture. Rejecting various concepts of the origin of the state, Nietzsche believed that the state is a means of the emergence and continuation of the violent social process during which the birth of a privileged cultured person dominating the rest of the mass.

Race theory has a long history. She faithfully served her adepts in the Middle Ages. When the colonial system was forming, it was again raised on a bayonet, modernized and acquired even greater argumentation in the first half of the 20th century, during the period of the emergence of fascism. Bursts of racial theory are found now, but now it is not included in the category of the state theory in any country: humanity as a whole has already matured to realize that people are born equal and free.

Evaluation of the theory. From the standpoint of today's values, there is no reason to divide races into higher and lower ones. Changes in modern world, who has perceived such values ​​as human rights, acquired from birth by everyone living on Earth, give grounds, as it were, from the threshold to stigmatize any division of races and racial theory, although it does not find practical embodiment. However, you should not rush here, but you should try to find out the reason for the emergence of this theory.

Nietzsche rightly noted that people differ from each other and this difference is biological in nature.

We cannot eliminate biological laws, and this is hardly necessary, because if people were all the same, then our needs could be satisfied to a lesser extent (this is about the same as if we had several shirts in our wardrobe, but neither one tie). However, this is by no means capable of diminishing the importance of each person born on earth, since each person occupies his own niche in society and does "his own", that is, by his feasible deed, thereby bringing benefit to other people.

It is also true that different countries develop unevenly, i.e. various orders of the human population in different time pass through historical stages. If in Europe and North America there are states that are developed not only in industrial, but also in political, scientific and other respects, then such a level of development in most Asian countries has not yet been achieved. In the center of the African continent there are still tribal relations, which make it possible to say that statehood there has not yet fully developed. And this is rightly noted by the supporters of the racial theory.

Further. It is also fairly pointed out that people differ from the point of view of psychology. If the northern peoples are characterized by a calm, balanced disposition, a rational attitude to life and, as it were, a detached view of the world, then the southern peoples are more characterized by impulsiveness, emotionality, irascibility, etc. This also appears to be the result of the above process. Just as people can be divided by age, so the nations are divided into young, middle-aged and old. Moreover, it is not the time that is decisive here, but the social experience that one or another race, nationality had to “endure”, and the experienced experience can literally “compress” time.

However, does this give reason to raise the question that there are higher and lower races? This question can be rephrased: who is higher (lower), not literally, of course, the understanding, a child or a wise person? An unambiguous answer cannot be given, since a child, when he grows up, can "plug the sage in the belt", with whom he is compared, intellectually, not to mention physically.

The difference in the level of historical development of races and peoples depends on objective factors and, above all, on natural and climatic factors. But with the development of contacts between countries and peoples, as a result of borrowing experience from the peoples of developed countries and mutual enrichment, the process of the emergence and development of statehood among less developed peoples is accelerating. We must not forget that the developed peoples themselves were once at a lower stage of development. Therefore, the question should not be who is higher and who is lower, but otherwise, who has gone further along the path of historical progress. The difference in historical development is the basis not for the categorical command of the less developed peoples, but for helping them and supporting them.

1G. Gobineau (1816-1882) - French sociologist and writer, one of the founders of racism. Op. "Experience on the inequality of human races."

2F. Nietzsche (1844-1900) - German philosopher, representative of irrationalism and voluntarism. Op. "The will to power".

The content of the article

RAS THEORY. There is no single definition of race, some scientists generally believe that the concept of "race" has no scientific value. Attempts to find a basis for uniting people into races run up against the vague criteria. Physical traits even within the same race can vary greatly, a genetic standard has not yet been found. The article offered below by the American scientist Stephen Molnar is devoted to the history of the genetics approach to the problem.


Is a group of organisms that makes up a subdivision of a species and differs significantly in one or more physical characteristics from other racial groups of this kind. According to genetic terminology, a race is a large population of individuals with a cumulatively significant number of the same genes, and which is genetically different from other races of the same species. The very set and arrangement of races depends on which genes are selected for comparison. Currently have Homo sapiens a large number of different genes have been identified, which are replenished with more and more new ones, which makes it difficult to determine the characteristics of any race. Frequent migrations, conquests and settlement of new territories by our distant ancestors led to the intermixing of different peoples, which constantly eroded the racial boundaries. Despite the fact that traditionally humanity is divided into three or five main races (they are also called "large races"), it would be it is wrong to regard them as natural, stable and unchanging species of races. The concept of race is not just one of the taxonomic problems of determining whether a group of individuals belongs to a particular classification. The question refers specifically to the methods in terms of time and space used in the study Homo sapiens.
Most likely, there would be no such thing as race - if not for the property of our minds to classify all the phenomena of the universe into categories.

Racial classification.

People, and their number is more than 6 billion people, are different and have quite obvious external differences, such as the shape and size of the body, skin color, and hair type. All these external signs were used by anthropologists of past centuries as a criterion for classifying population groups, combining them into various new categories, which were called races. Since some signs vary and depend on geographic location These early attempts to define groups of races met with some success. The peoples of the Arctic zone, such as the Eskimos (Inuit), differ significantly in body structure and skin color from the Australian aborigines; thus, both were assigned to different races. According to this classification, Europeans differ from Africans, Chinese from Polynesians, Malaysian peoples of the Pacific region contrast in many ways with Native Americans (Indians, or Americanoids). Previously, there was an opinion that each of these groups has a sufficient number of differences, and only for this reason they can be attributed to different groups. As a result, the number of major races increased, which included Caucasians (or, according to the Western classification, Caucasoids), Mongoloids, and Negroids. Thus, the Polynesians, American Indians and Aborigines of Australia were singled out as separate, or secondary, races. Despite the further development of the classification, many peoples possessed such combinations of characteristics that did not allow them to be included in any racial category. The more scientists had information about Homo sapiens, the more new categories were created, and the number of secondary races soon exceeded ten.

This classification of man into primary and secondary races is widespread today. It is often used in research in human biology. Despite the fact that most people do not exactly match the races that were constructed by the methods of the 19th century, we still continue to use the word "race" as a means of identification in both social and scientific purposes... And this is despite the huge increase in the number of parameters by which the biological diversity of mankind is recorded.

The term "race" is too often used in society, ranging from political entities (British "race") to linguistic groups (Aryan "race" or Semitic "race"). Such a designation can be justified if one means the existence of common cultural, linguistic and political characteristics, although now, in order to designate any religious, cultural and linguistic community, the term "ethnic" is used. With the growth of genetic knowledge, the continued use of the term "race" to denote the origin or distribution of biological characteristics dramatically reduces the achievement of the intended goal.

The term "race" to denote the origin or general biological characteristics is often clearly insufficient and does not fully reveal the underlying meaning due to the large amount of information on genetics.
Since there is a classification problem, the term gene concentration (or gene frequency) is currently used to define race. In his work Human genetics (Human genetics), written in 1986, F. Fogel and A.G. Motulsky defined the race as "a large population of individuals who have a significant proportion of common genes and differ from other races in a common gene pool." The emphasis here is not only on the commonality of gene frequency, but also on the mixing population. Back in 1960, anthropologist Stanley Garn in his work Human races (Human races) recognized the importance of studying human diversity at population level: “It is now generally accepted that a race is a mixing population, largely, if not completely, reproductively isolated from other mixing populations. The measure of race is, therefore, reproductive isolation, usually, but not exclusively, due to geographical isolation. " He proposed a classification system that combined recognition of the importance of both geographical factor and changes in gene concentration. He allocated 9 so-called. geographical races. Each of the nine races included a large variety of local races. They differed from each other in the frequency of only a few genes.

The number of local races changed, and from generation to generation the local races themselves changed, because population size changed, peoples migrated and mixed. Sometimes, when new borders arose in geographical territories, the local races found themselves on opposite sides of the borders, and this led to an additional fragmentation of the races into even smaller ones. Such a disconnected community was called a microrace. Microraces can be found in Europe and other regions of the world.

Whatever difficulties arose in the process of incorporating genetic knowledge into the study of the human species, already by the 1960s it became clear that characteristic features such as simple visual perception, such as size, shape and color, can never be completely adequate criteria for establishing the degree of kinship and community of origin. There are, for example, long-standing attempts to attribute the origin of the black Melanesians in the western Pacific to supposed ancient African roots. Or there is speculation that the black, stunted pygmy peoples of Southeast Asia and the Philippines ("Negritos") somehow turned out to be the descendants of the Mbuti, or pygmies of the Ituri forest, in Central Africa. In fact, these four groups were united only by dark skin pigmentation. As for the pygmy peoples, they were united by low stature, which is proved by numerous studies of traits inherited by a single gene. The associations of populations resulting from their genetic analysis were replaced by the old anthropological methods of the 19th century, in which only visual signs were compared, such as shape, size, and color.

Characteristics of Simple Inheritance: The Genetics of Human Diversity.

Anthropologists are increasingly questioning the biological expediency of racial typology, as genetics as a science is developing. The study of human diversity is no longer limited to the simple fixation of body size, head or face shape, and skin pigmentation. Currently, the result of the action of various genes is being fixed. Identification by hereditary characteristics, such as blood groups, type of hemoglobins, blood proteins and enzymes, gained more and more widespread in the past decades, and continued until these characteristics were recorded in millions of people around the world. These results showed such diversity within the species that anthropologists of the last century could not even imagine. It turned out that many of these new variations run counter to the classical concept of the framework of racial classifications, discrediting the very concept of "racial types".

Blood types were among those early characteristics of simple inheritance that showed the degree of variation in human populations. Studies of the main blood groups were carried out according to the AB0, Rh (Rh factor), MNS, Duffy and Diego systems. Millions of people around the world have had blood types in each of these groups. Everyone has their own blood type: A, B, 0 or AB and this is important medical information, in case of need for blood transfusion, for example. Although in general blood type 0 is the most common in the world, each blood type has significant differences among the population in terms of frequency. Among the majority of the indigenous population of America (Indians), blood type 0 dominates, and in some cases it is he who is found in 100% of the cases of the studied population. Blood type A is rarer among this population, and type B is completely absent. In contrast, the majority of the Asian population in any of the populations has the lowest frequency of blood type 0 and the highest frequency of blood type B. Similar differences in blood type frequencies exist between Africans and Europeans.

The Rhesus (Rh) complex shows a greater variety of types and is often used to calculate the level of mixing of populations. The most famous type - Rh negative - is quite common among Europeans, and most often among the Basques of northern Spain. Slightly less common, but still common among numerous African populations, but practically absent in most Asian populations and Native Americans (Indians).

Another system that is used for genetic comparison is the MNS system. The M and N types of this system occur in the world with almost the same frequency, with the exception of the western hemisphere and Australia. Native Americans (Indians) have a high frequency of the M group (about 75%), while the Australian Aborigines have almost the same frequency of the N type.

This variety of blood types is a useful tool for genetic and anthropological research. In 1950, immunologist V.S. Boyd compared the gene frequencies of these three blood groups and divided humanity into six races, which almost coincided with the traditional classification. These classifications have been grouped according to the main geographic regions of the Earth, with the exception of India, Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania. In 1963, the number of races was increased to 13 thanks to the data that were collected in the aforementioned territories. The classification could be further refined in light of the interpretation of new research on interpopulation diversity. However, by the end of the 1960s, the classification of human diversity as a research goal was gradually fading away, and more and more importance was attached to the study of specific populations and the adaptive value of genetic combinations within them.

Around the same time, hereditary types of old blood cells, being part of the body's immune system, became the center of scientific research, along with other data on human biological diversity, such as serum proteins, gammaglobulins and transferrins. Populations in different parts of the world are characterized by higher or lower frequencies of certain variants of each of these types.

Additionally, numerous enzymes have been studied that exist in humans in alternative forms, or polymorphisms. For example, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) has become the subject of careful study in connection with the search for means of combating malaria. The presence of some types of G6PD enables a person to resist a severe malaria infection. More than two hundred forms of the G6PG enzyme have been genetically studied, and these genes with different levels of frequency are present in every person. Most representatives Homo sapiens has a single variation type (Gd B). A striking number of other types with high frequency are observed among peoples living in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions. However, other types of G6PD that have been found in Southeast Asia, South China, and others are adding new variants of the same marker to a growing list of population studies on human diversity.

Comparative studies of huge DNA molecules that provide storage and transmission genetic code, greatly expanded our knowledge of human diversity. The location of chromosomes and the exact structure of many genes have been described. Also described are separate large sections of DNA molecules, the function of which is unknown, but which differ significantly in different individuals. This led to the development of what is commonly referred to as "DNA identification". Small segments are cut from a larger DNA molecule in a specific place using special enzymes. Because these segments differ in length and molecular code, benchmarking can determine paternity or maternity and help identify suspects. In addition to being used in court cases, these small DNA fragments, or rather, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), are used to study the relationships of populations and reconstruct their origins. Blood, hair, and tissue samples were taken from many small indigenous populations around the world to create a gene bank to preserve human diversity data.

Now that the products of gene activity (blood groups, blood proteins and enzymes) and true genetic structures have been identified in many millions of people, we understand that our diversity cannot be divided into just a few primary and secondary races. Geneticists emphasize that there is more genetic diversity among individuals within these "races" than among the races themselves. This opinion was expressed by Richard K. Levontin in his work. Human diversity (Human Diversity, 1982). It is true, then, that the differences between the varieties of Homo sapiens are very superficial, since most classifications created in the past, and still frequently used today, are based on a strong emphasis on external differences such as color, shape and size, with little attention to the more important factor - the genetic structure that we inherit at conception. However, the concept of "race" is still applied for social, political, psychological and other purposes, ignoring the vast and growing knowledge of the human genome every day. The confusion of biological reality with folklore and social fiction continues. This can be seen in numerous examples of the use of census data and attempts to use ethnic identification.

Races and Ethnic Groups: A Socio-Political View of the Problem.

We often and casually categorize individuals and groups. As a result, it seems to us that the ethnic and racial designations we have invented are justified and correct in biological understanding (sense), i.e. our category is identified with a certain genetic type. This is wrong because ethnic groups and races are often defined by a combination of behavioral, linguistic and biological characteristics. For example, people living in countries Latin America and some regions of the United States are symbolically classified as Hispanics(people who recognize their kinship with the people, language and culture of Spain). Although in this case it is implied that all representatives of this community have a common genetic origin, but in reality they are united by the language in which they speak. Their genetic roots can be traced back to European, Native American (Indian) and African ancestors, etc. The populations in Puerto Rico differ in their hereditary structure more significantly than the populations of Guatemala, Mexico and the southwestern United States. The largest Hispanic population constituting Brazil is not included in the category Hispanic due to its Portuguese origin with a strong admixture of Native Americans (Indians) and Africans. The confusion of genetic and social diversity becomes most apparent when ethnic and racial divisions are reflected in official government documents. When trying to combine census data and vital statistics (births, deaths, marriages), government registrars rely on the self-identification of individuals. The questionnaire questions regarding race or ethnic group may or may not reflect the relationship of the respondent to their genetic background. This practice introduces a harmful and possibly dangerous element when vital statistics are used for medical research.

It was assumed that the identification of racial and ethnic group would help determine the degree of health risk to any person. This can be established by determining the incidence of different diseases in population groups that were more or less susceptible to the same health problems due to the fact that they had a common genome. Some members of the Native American population (Indians) have a high incidence of diabetes; African Americans are more affected by blood pressure than other groups. Among the Asian population, stomach cancer is more common, and among Europeans, intestinal cancer, etc. To study these and many other diseases, which, according to experts, are influenced by certain genes, it is necessary to carefully determine the genetic origin of the patients under observation. In the case of a superficial, external approach to racial and ethnic classification, the value of such information becomes useless and can even be misleading.

So, it is possible to classify into different races different ways by finding a large number characteristic features... The result of such classifications was the emergence of a different number of races with frames that were established in accordance with the goals of the researcher studying the diversity of species. Such classifications for most species are not particularly controversial. However, with regard to humans, the bias and diverse goals of researchers in defining human races lead to confusion and conflict. If the goal is to distinguish between human populations in a biological sense, then a genetic criterion should be chosen with an emphasis on history and genealogy. When social or political goals are underlying, then different standards are applied and a different selection of features is made, but the results of one method of classification should not be applied to another method of classification. It is impossible to establish the exact number of the main races, just as it is impossible to talk about the exact number of subsequent subdivisions of humanity of a lower or higher level.

Despite the fact that scientists still continue to use various classifications of human diversity, many of them recognize that there are limitations in trying to systematize, if you use only the characteristics based on external signs that have been applied in the past. Genetic methods are used more and more in population studies, but when certain parts of the genetic component were fixed, it suddenly turned out that people have more similarities than differences. We walked along the wrong path for a long time, when we took superficial external signs as the basis for classification.

Stephen Molnar

“The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts to bake the pies,
And the boots are for the cake-maker,
And things will not go well ... "

From the fable "Pike and Cat" by A. I. Krylov.

I, being already even in age and in a mature mind, was not interested in racial theory. The ideology of racial inferiority practiced in Nazi Germany discredited racial theory. And this theory is now hushed up as misanthropic. Therefore, it was impossible to get acquainted with it in the post-war period. However, with the advent of the Internet, such an opportunity appeared. Soon I got acquainted with the works of the German thinker, classical philologist, philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. In his article “On the question of the origin of morality” (“Zur Genealogie der Moral”, 1887) Nietzsche writes - “At the heart of these noble races is a predatory beast, luxurious, lasciviously wandering in search of prey and victory, the blond beast. In this hidden basis, from time to time, detente is needed, the beast must return to the thickets anew ... ”, comparing the behavior of a representative of the Aryan race with the behavior of a lion.
Note. Blond beast - this is the name of the representative of the Aryan race (mostly German), an adherent of the nationalist theory about the superiority of this race over others. The expression belongs to the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900). Die Blonde Bestia (from Latin blondus - blond and bestia - beast) to Nietzsche meant a lion - the king of beasts.
During this time, my powers of observation set the stage for me to become interested in racial theory.
A long trip in the Moscow metro and my observation revealed a certain discrepancy in the anatomical constitution of people. So I noticed that the size of the thighs and shins in different people different. Since during the movement of the metro train everyone was sitting, the disproportionate hips were very prominent. So I noticed that the size of my thigh was half the size of the thigh of my neighbor, and the length of my lower leg was larger in size than his. I began to look closely at the other seated people and noticed similar differences. When people with similar differences got up at the next station, preparing to leave, I noticed that their growth was almost the same in size. It turns out that the small size of the thigh was compensated by the length of the lower leg. Further, I noticed that in people with long hips, the protrusion of the larynx - the Adam's apple - is very prominent. I then could not explain such a discrepancy, only noted this fact. Over time, I forgot this observation, but later I had to face another discrepancy in the anatomical constitution in different people. Somehow director educational institution, in which I taught, summoned me and suggested, since I was free from classes, to attend a meeting of experts on fire safety of city institutions. Naturally, I went to this event. The assembly hall of some institution was full of participants - "firemen". For some time I sat and listened to another lecturer, then out of boredom (at one time I had to pass exams in fire safety, and I knew all this) I began to consider the participants in the meeting. It struck me that all the participants had the same head feature - a low and, as it were, running back forehead with superciliary arches and a naturally prominent Adam's apple. I first examined my neighbors, then began to look back, and wherever I looked, I was surrounded by almost 100% of these people. It was not a coincidence, it was already a pattern. And this had to be justified. This made me turn to racial theory.
It turns out that many scientists were interested in racial theory at all times. In European culture, the second half of the XIX- the first half of the 20th century, racial theories occupy a prominent place. They were paid tribute to Richard Wagner and Friedrich Nietzsche, and among theorists we should mention Count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, Ludwig Woltmann, Georges Vaz de Lapouge, Houston Stuart Chamberlain. V Russian Empire racial theories were developed by such authors as Stepan Eshevsky, Nikolai Kareev, Valentin Moshkov.
A prominent racial theorist of the Third Reich was Hans Gunther. In the first half of the 20th century, German National Socialism became the main source and bearer of racial theory in Europe. Based on Nazi racial theory, the concept of racial hygiene was developed in the Third Reich. It served as the basis for the implementation of racial policies aimed at discrimination and destruction of the so-called "inferior races". After World War II, racial theories lost their scientific status.
In modern Russia, the main popularizer of racial theory is the publicist Vladimir Avdeev. Politician and political scientist Andrei Savelyev, author of the book “The Image of the Enemy. Racology and Political Anthropology ”(2007). So the publications of Avdeev and Savelyev have been subjected to severe scientific criticism (for example, by the famous anthropologist V.A. Shnirelman) who calls these works racist.
So, racial theory lost its scientific status and was banned. All this is reminiscent of the prohibition of the swastika symbol. What is a swastika? Many, without hesitation, will answer - the Nazis used the swastika symbol. However, many who think about it will note that, first of all, this is an ancient Slavic amulet.
The swastika is the oldest symbol that appeared before our era. Many peoples dispute each other's right to its invention. The image of the swastika was found in China, India, etc. This is a very significant symbol - it is a solar, solar sign. They say that on the very shield that Prophetic Oleg nailed to the gates of Constantinople, a swastika was depicted. The swastika symbol has existed for many thousands of years and therefore several years of the existence of the Third Reich cannot discredit this symbol. Likewise, the racial theory discredited by the Third Reich cannot lose its truth.
Let's turn to the reasons for the emergence of racial theory. In my articles, I noted that humanity began to develop in parallel with the poles. However, connections with different pole climatic conditions, which formed the corresponding flora and fauna, the emerging humanity had distinctive features. So, humanity that formed at the North Pole was placental, humanity that formed at the South Pole was marsupial. It should be noted that marsupials also have a placenta, but it is rudimentary and quickly resolves.
Naturally, the way of reproduction was formed as a rational possibility of survival in various conditions. In general, marsupial, as a type of reproduction, was more advantageous at the South Pole for population preservation than placentarity.
The origin of the North Pole man is the following chain - bats - lower primates - lemurs - higher primates - monkeys - humans. As for the South Pole mankind, it is according to the latest scientific research, comes from kangaroo. It turns out people and kangaroos - distant relatives having a common ancestor. Human genetic links are very similar to the genetic structure of a kangaroo. Hence - marsupial kangaroos - marsupial lemurs - marsupial primates - marsupial monkeys - marsupial man.
South Pole mankind had the opportunity from the place of its origin to spread over the territories of the main continents. As the development of the continents, lower territorial latitudes, the South Pole mankind from aplacental (marsupial) development was forced to reorient to placental development, since there were prerequisites for this in their bodies. Although it should be noted that some atavistic signs of aplacental development are still observed in its hybrids. This is in some females the increased size of the labia, as an atavism of the existence of the bag, the so-called "Hottentot apron". Also a distinctive period of uterine development, about 7 months in hybrids with an intense predominance of South Pole development and about 10 months in hybrids with an intense predominance of North Pole development.
Note. Schematically depicting the distribution of species, two pyramids are observed, the tops of which are at the poles. One, respectively, on the north, the other on the south, and the bases of these pyramids abut the equator. This pyramidal distribution of flora and fauna indicates that all organic life originated at the poles and spread to the equator. It is natural that these branches of multi-polar humanity, having come into contact with each other at the equator, were obliged to give a hybrid offspring. Hence, man is not a purebred creature, as it was thought until now, but a cross between ancient types, in which at the present time in a pure form no longer exists.
Among today's hybrid humanity, there are different types of people, more or less mixed with different pole species. Distinctive features of these types of people belonging to different branches of pole development are constitutional features of the skeleton, as well as features, both physiological and anatomical (brachycephaly, dolichocephaly, skeleton, periodont, and so on).
So to the type, more related to the North Pole, is conditionally "Cro-Magnon man". Here is a set of its traits that are more common in modern hybrids. They are tall, with longer legs than the torso. They have a short waist, the length of the lower leg is longer than the hips. The skin color is white, the whole body, not excluding the face, is covered with fine hair of light shades.
The skull is long (dolichocephaly) from front to back and from top to bottom. The forehead is high and straight, the eyes are large with a straight cut, with light rainbow shades (blue, gray, etc.). The nose is straight with a slight hump. The mouth is small with thin lips. The teeth are straight, erect, without so-called prognathism; there is no diastema among the teeth. The number of teeth is 28. The auricles are small, not protruding, with well-developed lobes. The neck is thin and long. The physique is heroic, with strongly developed muscles. The arms are not long with small extremities. The belly is not prominent, tucked up. Legs with small feet and well-developed calves. By the structure of the digestive apparatus and by the nature of food, this North Pole man belongs to carnivorous creatures. Since the North Pole mankind has a kinship with birds, it acquired the ability to make sounds and naturally moved on to articulate speech.
South Pole Man is conventionally referred to as "Neanderthals" - people who replaced Pithecanthropus in their development. Neanderthals still resembled animals. Neanderthals, representing the south pole marsupial branch, are small creatures with a long body with an elongated waist, a wide pelvis protruding back, with long thighs and a short tibia. Legs, without calves, with large, completely flat feet, bent at the knees because of the bag, and long arms with massive elongated hands. Dark skin color. The skin is thick and almost devoid of vegetation, devoid of a fatty lining. Only on the head is a thick head of hair of black hair. The head is round (brachocephaly) and short from top to bottom and lengthened only from back to front, the forehead is low and sloping, running back. The head strongly resembled the head of a dog, hence, due to such an arrangement of the head, the Adam's apple stood out - the protrusion of the larynx, (the anterior-upper part of the thyroid cartilage, protruding on the front surface of the neck). Strongly developed superciliary arches. The eyes are small with a slanting slit, with a black or dark brown iris. The nose is usually small, flat and flattened. The entire lower part of the face with massive jaws pushed forward, resembling an animal. The location of the teeth is prognathic, the number is 32. There is a diastema. All these are signs of a South Pole Man (Neanderthal), a set that is more common in modern hybrids.
Note. Diastema (the gap between the front teeth) is hallmark herbivores. The origin of the South Pole Man from the kangaroo has revealed several distinguishing features. So the number of teeth is 32. Also, in some species of kangaroo, a peculiar change of teeth is noted. New molars (previously hidden in the gums) appear at the posterior end of the dentition. All this is reminiscent of the appearance of the so-called "wisdom teeth" in hybrid people.
Further, the lips are thick, the tongue is thick, massive. The chin is wide, Ears with large auricles, protruding to the sides and completely without lobes. The belly is thick, prominent and saggy. The neck is short and thick. Although the creature walked on its hind legs, it moved slowly, waddling from side to side and swaying its body. His loin was strongly curved, which prevented the body from keeping straight, the position of the body was inclined forward, hunched over or stooped. But this creature perfectly climbed trees, the fruits of which it ate. Unlike North Pole Man, the Neanderthal was a herbivorous creature. The Neanderthal did not have the gift of speech, but published only separate sounds high timbre. Affected by the origin of the kangaroo. So the sounds made by a kangaroo most of all resemble a hoarse cough.
The northern branch of humanity can be characterized by defining it as "Wolf civilization". Why is the Northern branch of humanity so reminiscent of the "wolf"? Wolves are social animals; they live in families. Any pack has its own "table of ranks", and in it each has its own place. Applicants for the role of leader remain in the pack and wait in the wings. Other wolves, having matured, leave to wander alone. Lone wolves who left the pack and live on their own. But they can also create their own flock, if they are lucky enough to meet a lone wolf. The strongest wolf in the pack becomes the leader. A friend - a she-wolf helps him to rule. All decisions concerning the life of the pack are made by this pair. While patrolling the borders, protecting the territory from the invasion of strangers and often on the hunt, the flock is headed by a seasoned male. During the period of setting up a den and feeding the puppies, the mother female becomes the main one, and all members of the pack obey her. The wolves in the pack are very friendly. In it, everyone has their own place and strict order reigns in relationships. The unwritten law covers all aspects of the pack's life. Based on the system of domination (superiority), the wolf establishes priority in access to food, the right to acquire offspring or the obligation to obey, bestows the privilege of behaving freely. Hostility, quarrels, attacks, and pack fights are rare. Everything is decided by the unambiguous actions of strong wolves, "explaining" who is in charge and who is subordinate. But more often the whole flock follows the will of recognized leaders. So, thanks to the mutual understanding of the members of the pack, harmony is maintained in it. Friendship plays huge role in rallying the flock. Hence the Northern branch of human civilization, characterized as "Wolf civilization", where God is abstract. Leader - man - leader - squad - working artisans - free people. This corresponds to the direction of the organization of the "Wolf Civilization" - Consciousness - Reason - Will.
The southern branch of humanity can be described as "Ant civilization". A detailed study and analysis of the life of ants led scientists to startling conclusions. A human society based on a certain class stratification and ordering through the introduction of certain positions and social roles each person, very much resembles a community of ants. Ant society is all subject to strict laws and rules, which no one even thinks to break. So, each ant, from the moment of its birth to the moment of its death, is a member of a well-functioning system of social relations. Each of its members knows the role assigned to him and unquestioningly performs the functions assigned to him. Newly born ants are kept in special compartments - "nurseries", where adult ants-nannies are assigned to them. These nannies not only raise small ants, but also regularly take them out for walks in the fresh air. Sick ants are examined by special ants-doctors who make daily visits to their patients and, if necessary, transfer dangerously sick ants to another separate room. Moreover, they perform surgeries; amputation of severely damaged limbs by gnawing them. Also, ants have guards, soldiers, porters, farmers, gravediggers, police officers, construction workers and many other professions. Their artificial cities are unique engineering structures. The buildings are extremely durable, the system of moves in them is optimal for movement. There is a ventilation system in the ants' skyscrapers, and on cold days an ingenious heating is turned on. The structure of the ant state with its own police, detachments of workers, civil engineers, kings and courtiers is also carefully built. Ants also have established "agriculture" and "animal husbandry". These hardworking insects breed aphids, which secrete a sweet liquid from the abdomen. Ants build warm “pens” for their “sugar cows”, where they hide them in bad weather and again drive them out to the “pasture” at sunrise. "Cows" are protected from other insects and are regularly milked by special detachments. Also, "wars" and "slavery" are peculiar to ants.
The southern branch of humanity fully corresponds to the "Ant civilization". Hence the "Ant civilization" God is a man. Strict hierarchy - King - courtiers - servants - artisans - slaves. This corresponds to the direction of the organization of the "Ant civilization" - Will - Reason - Consciousness.
Hence "Wolf civilization" - Consciousness - Reason - Will is formed by the environment and circumstances - rationalism of cause-volitional development. Depending on the environment and circumstances, there is an awareness of the cause of reality and further volitional interaction with it. "Ant civilization" - Will - Reason - Consciousness is formed as a volitional fatalism of the cause-conscious development. Depending on the circumstances, there is an adaptation to the causally conscious fatal will of reality. Having met at the equator, the "Wolf Civilization" of the Northern Hemisphere and the "Ant Civilization" of the Southern Hemisphere created a modern Paradoxical-Compromise civilization, where Causal-volitional rationalism and causal-conscious volitional fatalism were combined. If in the first case ("Wolf civilization") interaction with circumstances occurs in the active action of resistance, then in the second case ("Ant civilization") it occurs in the passive interaction of adaptation. The paradox of a compromise civilization lies in the inconsistency of counteractions in case of extreme situations. Some want to actively act, resisting reality, others passively interact, adapting to the same reality. If "Wolf Civilization" is governed collegially - veche, parliament, union, elected leader, then "Ant Civilization" is governed in an authoritarian way - an absolute monarch - hereditary hierarchy. The paradoxical-compromise civilization is managed in a mixed way. Constitutional monarchy (it is customary to subdivide the monarchy into dualistic and parliamentary, where state power is divided by a monarch and a parliament elected by all or a certain part of the population), as well as Presidential-parliamentary and Parliamentary-presidential administration. It should be noted that in all cases of paradoxical-compromise civilizations, there is an Order that ensures authoritarian control. Hence all the contradictions and crises of political differences, instability state entities, are based on the coexistence of people from different human civilizations that have arisen and formed in different hemispheres of the Earth.
Modern humans carry some of the genes of the Neanderthals. This conclusion was reached by an international group of scientists of 56 people, who examined the fossilized remains of Neanderthals found in one of the caves in Croatia.
So, in the equator region, two humanity met - Northern humanity conventionally defined as Cro-Magnons and Southern humanity, conventionally defined as Neanderthals, and created their own hybrids. Naturally, the share of Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals in hybrids is different. So the total amount of Neanderthal genes in modern genomes fluctuates. So the team of the scientist Eiki restored about 20% of the total genome of the Neanderthals, and the team of Reich - about 30%.
Naturally, current human hybrids have a different percentage of Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal genes. Hence, each human hybrid individual has a different professional opportunity. While human hybrids of the northern hemisphere have a smaller composition of Neanderthal genes, then hybrids of the southern hemisphere have a smaller composition of Cro-Magnon genes. This difference in human hybrids affected the development of civilization in the southern and northern hemispheres. It is no secret that the northern hemisphere is culturally and technically more developed than the southern one.
Human hybrids differ not only in mental, but also anatomically constitutional position. If we consider sports achievements, then black athletes with a large percentage of Neanderthal genes and anatomically constitutionally different from white athletes have no competition in running, jumping, or boxing. Long hips allow you to take strides in running where the white athlete should do two, and long arms allow you to be successful in boxing, etc. Returning to the meeting of "firefighters" it is clear that hybrids that have more genes of Neanderthals, who did not use fire in "infancy", chose the profession of "firefighters".
Naturally, hybrids with more genes from "Wolf Civilization" are capable of leadership, and hybrids with more genes from "Ant civilization" are good performers. Hence, to be hired, a person must have a certificate of his genetic affiliation with a particular civilization - "Wolf" or "Ant". And on the basis of this certificate, a person must be provided with a profession.

The truth about "Jewish racism" Burovsky Andrey Mikhailovich

Racial theory - its creators and admirers

In the 1850s, in the most developed countries of Europe, a scientific school demanded by many developed, which was called the racial-anthropological school. The face of the school is determined by the French J. A. Gobineau and J. Lapouge, the British F. Galston, C. Pearson, H. Chamberlain.

In the USSR, the names of the creators of the racial theory were hidden, and even more so nothing they wrote was translated - not even for history departments or for professional historians. Probably because racism was supposed to be considered the property of the intellectually defective and "backward", there are solid intellectuals, aristocrats and professors. Necessary and demanded ideas can be used by wretched ones, but smart, educated, cultured ones compose them.

Joseph Arthur de Gobineau came from a noble French family and was born in his parents' private home near Paris in 1816. Sociologist, anthropologist, writer and publicist, he spent a quarter of a century - from 1849 to 1877 - in diplomatic work. Joseph Arthur de Gobineau wrote several studies on the history and ethnography of the East, which brought him fame and academic degrees, as well as several fiction and journalistic books. While it was possible, The Age of Revival (1913), The Kandahar Lovers (1923) and The Great Sorcerer (1926) were translated into Russian. Something was published in the magazine "Earth and People" for 1905-1906. By the way, the books are very good, and that their flavor is outdated - this also applies to Kipling.

In his main work, On the Inequality of Human Races (1853-1855), de Gobineau defended the idea that the three main races have different abilities and different creative potential... The white race - the most creative race - is constantly evolving and striving to expand its influence. This causes tension in other races, and the struggle of the races becomes the driving force behind the development of peoples. The bad news is that the white race, when spreading across the globe and in the course of the struggle mixes with the lower races, and this leads to a decrease in her abilities and culture.

The more the mixing of the "higher" race with the "lower" ones, the more the Creative skills descendants of this confusion.

From Gobineau's point of view, the most creative part of the white race is its Germanic branch, which he stubbornly called the all too familiar term: "Aryan"; in his opinion, this branch will have to create the cultural elite of mankind.

Georges Vaz Lapouge is a man of incomparably more modest origin and position in society than de Gobineau: a provincial professor. Born in Neuville in the Vienne department in 1854 and graduated from his life path already in the years of the triumph of their ideas - in 1936, in Poitiers. But in his theories he went much further than a teacher. In his opinion, the long-headed dolichocephalic race, the Nordic race, constantly fights with the short-headed, brachycephalic. The development of any civilization begins with the fact that the Aryans, the race of masters, become the head of it, and constitute the upper class of this society. As long-headed ones mingle with short-headed ones, civilization declines. And it turns out that race is the main driving factor of history.

Houston Stuart Chamberlain (1855–1927) was born in England, where this surname is well known: the Chamberlain family of politicians, dad and two sons, are distant relatives.

Gradually, H. S. Chamberlain became so imbued with his own writings that he even moved from his native Britain to Germany: to be closer to the Aryans. He married (second marriage) to Wagner's daughter: again, live with the Aryans. Here, on the one hand, disappointment awaited him - not all Germans were in such a hurry to become Aryans, and some of them, when trying to write them down as Nordic types, twirled their fingers at their temples.

On the other hand, some of them did penetrate, including very influential people. Chamberlain was greatly revered by his father-in-law, after all, a famous composer, a cult figure in Germany. H. S. Chamberlain was even close to Chancellor William II and had long conversations with him about turtles and cultures. In his last sunset years, a certain new politician visited Chamberlain himself ... Chamberlain really liked Hitler's political program, but decidedly did not like his skull and other racial characteristics.

And not to him alone ... Not someone, but the president of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in 1923, refused Hitler to belong to " Aryan race". “I saw Hitler up close,” wrote a convinced but politically illiterate racist. “His face and head are evidence of a bad race. Metis. Low escaping forehead, wide cheekbones, small eyes, dark hair. "

However, “according to Hans Frank (a Nazi lawyer who investigated Hitler's lineage. - A.B.), Adolf Hitler's grandfather was most likely the Jew Frankenberg ”(27).

Indeed, the racial identity of the creators of racial theory themselves is sometimes mysterious.

An even better tale was written by the Dutch philologist, founder of the Ahnenerbe (Heritage of the Ancestors) society, Hermann Wirth. From his point of view, the Nordic race came from the north, from the vicinity of the North Pole. There, in Hyperborea, on the mysterious island of Tula, the highest race, the demigods, was formed. People who carried moral and religious laws and therefore did not need public morality and written laws. They were tall, blond, blue-eyed creatures, alien to bad thoughts, the spirit of profit, lust for power and other vices of subhumans. They were opposed by the "low races of Gondwana" - humanoid beings, capable only of external imitations of the higher ones, mired in all conceivable and inconceivable vices.

The whole history of mankind finally boiled down to the struggle of these two races with each other, to the history of the great achievements of northern geniuses and their loss after crossing with a humanoid beast.

Now the racial theory has lost the last features of scientific character, and it could be perceived by people who are absolutely not burdened by the "Jewish chimera of the intellect" and are ready for continuous war as means of existence.

The Nazis proclaimed war as the only normal state of humanity: as in the animal kingdom.

After all, whether the Nords want it or not, the half-beasts from Gondwana will still attack them. After all, "a man of a non-northern race is a step from man to animal," as one of the leading "racialists" Hermann Gauch stated in his book "New Foundations of Racial Research." What kind of conviction is there?

“This struggle,” wrote another “great scientist and philosopher,” E. Bergman, “subject to all the laws of natural selection, completely destroying religion and killing the illusions of the 19th century, flared up in all biological acuteness and natural nudity. The race that will be stronger and purer will win in this struggle. No League of Nations, no pan-Europe, no pacifism will save humanity from this inevitable ending. On the ruins of the world, the race that will be the strongest and will transform the entire cultural world into smoke and ash. "

The Nazis were very respectful of evolutionary theory C. Darwin, especially to his teaching about natural selection, the struggle for the existence and survival of the fittest species. A very suitable theory for justifying a war of all against all. It only remained to apply this theory to social relations ... This is exactly what the "social Darwinism" of the English philosopher H. Spencer did - the doctrine of the survival of the fittest as the basic law of social development.

A large role in simplifying and politicizing racial theory was played by the teaching of the German biologist E. Haeckel, who argued that in ontogeny, that is, in the development of individual biological individuals, the main stages and features of phylogeny, that is, the evolution of a species, are inevitably reproduced in an abbreviated form.

So, changing the racial theory itself, adapting it to their consciousness, the losers who had seized power made every effort to turn into smoke and ashes the world that gave birth to Ammon, Gobino and Galston.

Having made their official ideology and propagating the ideas of Gauch and Wirth, the Nazis inevitably turned out to be apostates from their founding fathers. For Gobineau and Chamberlain, the Aryans were good because they were very intelligent. It turned out that the "Nords", as they say, with their eyes closed, would overcome the less intellectual races.

For the aggressive upstarts, the most important thing in the "Nordic race" was not the abyss of intellect, it was precisely the Nazis who were extremely suspicious of them. Every clever man seemed to them a secret Jew ... Probably, Gobino would have seemed to them too, had he risen from the grave.

For the Nazis, the Aryans became the embodiment of "non-judgmental will", "aversion to intellectual reflection", "contempt for chatter", "creators and destroyers" with "beautiful fire wild beast" In eyes. In the place where the ideal was an intellectual who performed creative acts, the Nazis put some kind of wild creature ... and even, perhaps, not wild, but wild.

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