How Russian is developing in the modern world. Place and appointment of Russian language in the modern world

Russian language - it combines the power of the people, its centuries-old history, the culture of many generations and the original traditions of the nation. For each person, the native language is not only a means of communication or transmission of information, but also a sensible gift that the ancestors gave him.

Russian language as a cultural phenomenon

It was in Russian that an unsurpassed literary work was created, Mendeleev and Lomonosov, Pushkin and Lermontov, Tchaikovsky and Roman-Korsakov were told on it.

Russian language has a rich history, his many times tried to assimilate foreign tribes, but still, like the Russian people, he was able to preserve his independence, strength and power.

The Russian language is extremely multifaceted - it can easily transmit all the feelings that are born in the human soul, thoughts and desires.

Modern Russian

In addition to the basic functions that are inherent in each language, the Russian language has another very important purpose - it is the uniting link of many nations and nations. Russia is a multinational country, each ethnic group has its own language, but often each of them provides the possibility of communicating with a certain group of people.

Russian erases this obstacle. Also, Russian is an international communication language between Slavic countries: Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia.

According to the total number of people speakers, the Russian language ranks 6th in the world. More than 200 million people consider him a native language, and the number of provisions to them reaches 360 million. In more than 10 countries, the Russian language has the status of the official, among them - Russia, Belarus, Abkhazia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan.

Notable is that, according to the legislation of New York, the official documents in the city must be published along with English, as well as in Russian, as the Russian diaspora increases annually. Despite the fact that in many independent countries of the post-Soviet space, the Russian language does not have the status of the official, about 50% of the population speak on it.

Unfortunately, among the Russian diaspora, there is a tendency to reduce Russian-speaking youth: children in everyday life communicate not in the language of their parents, but in the language on which they teach at school and communicate in public places. However, among the youth of the post-Soviet countries, the Russian language acquires a literary color.

Generations born during the Soviet times, speak mainly on dialects, with a diverse sound distortion. The speech of the younger generation is cleaner, even taking into account the modern slang.

Problems of the modern Russian language

At the moment, the Russian language is experiencing a kind of crisis: it is saturated with abnormative vocabulary, Americanism and numerous jargons.

There are often cases when the distorted language is very actively promoted by the media, as well as high-ranking officials who allow many errors in their speech, without giving it absolutely no importance, although the role of the language in society is enormous and impact it is very strong.

An illiteracy is also distinguished by the modern Russian music of the popular genre, which is focused on immature younger generation. Over time, a senseless set of words inherent in many songs will become an element of youth communication.

Report on the topic:

"Russian language in the modern world."

Prepared student 11 "b" class Ivanova Tatiana


Introduction ................................................... .................................................. ........ 3.

Statistics................................................. .................................................. .... four

The competitiveness of the Russian language is obvious. He successfully performs on the world arena as a broker language. The transfer feature is not only self-esteem, but also the national-specific parties to the total achievements of other peoples and their languages.

Russian as a world language.

The world's widely published in the world indicate that the most effective factor in the reception of the Russian language in the "club of world languages" was the historical events and the accomplishment of the people - the carrier of this language.

One of the signs of a world language should be considered its distribution outside the monolithic and primary territory, its study in different countries of the world. The additional property of the Russian language as the world is the nature of his assimilation - not only from generation to generation through the family, the environment, through interethnic marriages, through the waves of emigration and migration, but also by conscious, usually "academic", "business", "scientific", "Creative" learning. For a world language, not only the number of people owning them, but the global nature of the native speaking, coverage of different, maximum countries, as well as the most influential social segments of the population in different states.

The Russian language is distinguished by high informativeness, that is, the ability to store in its system the maximum experience of communication and verbal creativity, tested funds and capabilities of the expression and transmission of thought.

Keeping its uniqueness and identity on the huge space and for a long time, the Russian language has absorbed the richness of the languages \u200b\u200bof the West and the East, mastered the Greco-Byzantine, Latin, East and Staroslavlyansky heritage. He perceived the achievements of new languages \u200b\u200bof the Romanesque and Germanic Area Areas. However, the main source of its development, processing and grinding was the creative creativity of the Russian people, several generations of Russian science figures, politicians, culture and literature - thanks to them, the Russian language has become a highly developed, rich, ordered, stylisticly differentiated, historically balanced world tongue.

Problems of modern Russian language.

On the other hand, it should be noted that negative trends exist in the development and use of the Russian language.

Often now you can hear: Russian language in danger, almost deadly; The spoken language comes down to a very small set of words, polluted by foreign words, primarily "British". Like, if it goes further, the Russian language will lose its face.

And what is actually with the Russian language? In what is it now? .. here and there we are increasingly hearing Americanized jargon, the dominance of foreign terms.

But does this mean that the Russian is dying? Or, on the contrary? In this sense, the Russian language is undoubtedly in a smaller danger than the same French or German, since due to its flexibility, an endless game of suffixes and prefixes, always easily absorbed foreign words and quickly Russified them. And besides, a variety of dialects and related languages \u200b\u200bare still alive.

It is well known that the exchange of words between languages \u200b\u200bis a completely natural and inevitable process. The Russian language "absorbs" all the neologisms as a sponge, adapts them to themselves, and all new words live their Russian life, they are already perceived as relatives. Vocabulary is growing.

Nevertheless, anxiety for Russian is natural, since suddenly, almost overnight, Russia opened Western civilization after many decades of the isolation. New words appeared a lot, and the generous Russian people began to use fashionable expressions, sometimes without thinking over the real meaning of the said. A lot of inconsistencies and errors appear in the speech. The most disturbing is the disappearance of some of the original Russian words, words with pure Russian roots!. Modern Russian language rapidly loses its diversity. In this regard, we are objectively lagging behind the West: the number of words in various dictionaries, for example, English, is growing, but mainly due to scientific terms, which are becoming more and more every year.


Summing up, we can conclude that on the one hand our great Russian language gradually goes to the global level and develops, but on the other hand there are many important problems in modern Russian, which prevent its development.

1. Vinogradov Language. (Grammatical doctrine of the word). M. Higher School, 1996.

2. Vygotsky. Oral speech .. M.: Enlightenment.

3. Leontyev. , speech, speech activity. M.: Enlightenment, 1995.

4. Modern Russian. Proceedings - II. M. MSU Publishing House. 1999. 5. Ushakov. T .., Pavlova. N. D., Varchov in human communication. M.: Science, 2000

5. Magazine "Russian Age" | №6, 2011.


Russian language is the National language of the Russian people. This is the language of science and culture. In the alignment of words, their meanings, the meaning of their compounds initially contains that information about the world and people, which comes to the spiritual wealth created by many generations of ancestors.

The history of the Russian language, according to V. Kyhehelbecker, "will reveal ... the nature of the people speaking on it." Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol about Russian once said: "There is no word, which would be so painfully, Boyko, would have crashed out from under the heart herself, it would have been boiling and lived as the rivant Russian word."

All means of the language help the most accurate, clearly, figuratively and clearly express the most complex, important and necessary thoughts and feelings of people, all the variety of the world around us. Therefore, today, in the 21st century, it is relevant to talk about the peculiarities of the Russian national language, which includes not only the normalized literary language, but also folk dialects, the integral forms of the language. Education and development of the national language is a complex and very long process occurring over time.

Literary language is a nationwide language of writing, language of official and business documents, schooling, written communication, science of journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture expressed in verbal form (written and oral). The literary language is a language of literature in a broad sense. It is based on the basis of the national language and is obliged to maintain its internal unity in the difference in the means of expression used. The norm of the language is the generally accepted use of language funds, rules that determine exemplary use.

Thus, the purpose of writing the work is to consider the position and determine the concept of the Russian language in the modern world, consider the functions and features of the literary language, consider the literary language as the highest form of the national language.

The position of the Russian language in the modern world

To determine the position of the Russian language in the modern world and the attitude towards him from the peoples of other countries, it is necessary to comprehend the social, political, economic phenomena that occurred in our country.

In the 20th century, Russia survived two major shocks: revolutionary coup in 1917 and the restructuring of the 90s. As a result of the revolution, the powerful Totalitarian state of the USSR was created with all the attributes characteristic of it. The restructuring led to the collapse of the USSR, the restoration of the Russian Federation as an independent state, democratization of society, the statement of publicity, the openness of interstate relations and relations.

In the first period, interest in the Russian language worldwide increased unusually increased. He was taken to perceive as a language of the Great Power, centuries-old culture and richest literature, as one of the most informative languages \u200b\u200b(60-70% of world information is published in English and Russian).

The Soviet state did a lot to strengthen the role of Russian as one of the languages \u200b\u200bof world importance. In all the republics of the USSR, there were quite a few schools in which all teaching was conducted in Russian. Since 1938, Russian as a mandatory subject has been studied in all national schools. As a result, the number of people in non-Russian nationality, which owns the Russian language increased every year. In 1989, the non-Russian, fluent Russian languages, there were 87.5 million people of Brabelnikov A.A. Russian journalism at the turn of the Millennium. - M., 2009.

A huge thrust for the study of the Russian language worldwide contributed to the creation of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (Mapryal) in 1967. The task of this organization is to combine the teachers of the Russian language abroad, to provide them with methodological assistance, to promote the publication of textbooks, various training materials, dictionaries. Since 1967, the magazine "Russian abroad" begins to go. In 1973, the Institute of Russian Language opens. A.S. Pushkin. This is an educational and research center. It develops the latest methods of teaching Russian to foreigners, textbooks, dictionaries, movies and other Russian language benefits are being created for foreigners; Accepted in graduate school, doctoral studies, on courses to improve the qualifications of foreign russists, to internships for foreign students.

An important role in the propaganda of the Russian language is played by the Russian language published in 1974, which mainly specializes in the publication of various educational literature, especially dictionaries for learning Russian as a foreign language. In many universities in the country, starting from the 60s, foreigners began to come to acquire one or another specialty and master the Russian language. The number of coming every year increased.

After the collapse of the USSR, when the Allied Republics became independent states, there was a revaluation of many former values, which led to a noticeable decline in interest in Russian in these states.

The negative attitude towards the Russian language was shown in the Baltic countries: in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the state language is only the corresponding national language. Teaching in Russian and the study of Russian language are sharply reduced in schools and universities. They cease to publish scientific and social and political literature in Russian, use it when issuing production and economic and official documentation.

The tendency to reduce the influence of the Russian language, its study and functioning as a language of interethnic communication is also observed in other former allied and autonomous republics. In their media, the Russian language is beginning to call the "imperial language", "tongue of totalitarianism", "the language of the occupants".

The post-transfection period becomes obvious that the Russian language is necessary for peoples, both Russia and for the Union of Independent States. The famous writer Abkhaz Fazil Iskander wrote in the newspaper "Arguments and Facts": "The Russian language historically united all of us, we understood each other through it. Now there is a transition of republics, peoples to communicate with the means of their national language. This puts obstacles in the development of culture, art, economy, in communicating people with each other. And ultimately leads to the tragic results that we have today. "

A sober attitude towards the Russian language, an understanding of its importance for the peoples of sovereign states, for the development of their culture, economics, trade and industrial relations determine the language policy in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia. Honored Science of Yakutia, Professor N.G. Samsonov in the book "Russian language on the threshold of the 20th century" (Yakutsk, 1998) speaks of the meaning of the Russian language for the existence and further development of languages \u200b\u200bof other nations: "The presence of an intermediary language does not mean coagulation of the functions of national languages. On the contrary, the comprehensive economic and cultural cooperation of nations, the exchange of scientific, political and economic knowledge leads to mutual enrichment of national languages, leads them in line with the current level of public progress. The dignity of the people is not in ethnic self-insulation, but in spiritual discrepancy, in the interdecessing of peoples, in joint equal work. "

Russian continues to play an important historical role in language development, is of great interest in the modern world. According to the testimony of publications in the Russian press, the number of US citizens, France, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Korea, who has begun to learn Russian and literature has recently increased several times. Along with English, French, Spanish, Chinese Russian is among the official international languages \u200b\u200bof the UN and many political, economic and scientific organizations.

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Society cannot live without taking advantage of the language, this is the most important means of human communication. There is not a single type of activity of people in which the language would not be applied as an expression of their thoughts, feelings and will to achieve mutual understanding between them.

People over time became interested in their permanent satellite - tongue and created a science about him. This science is now called linguistics, or linguistics. Knowledge is simply necessary for those whose profession is related to teaching or studying language, it is necessary and to those people who have to apply the language as an instrument of professional (teachers, propagandists, lecturers, journalists, writers, etc.).

The main functions of the language say that the language is a nationwide phenomenon, and not class. All people, regardless of their belonging to individual classes and social or professional groups, need communication. All people need to think and express what they think.

Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, a means of preserving and transmitting folk culture, thinking, behavior; It is obvious that the addition of a common system for the people of the system of meanings, the same understanding of key categories of culture - good, justice, truth is the basis of national community. The language serves as a means of linguistic unity of a multinational state, the interethnic communication of the peoples of Russia. And is also a state language used in different fields of communication (in science, diplomacy, education). Activities for the support, development, distribution and preservation of the purity of the Russian language coordinates, in addition to legislation, the Council in Russian under the Government of the Russian Federation.

1. Russian language in the world language system

"Russian language is a world language," says famous Linguist Vyacheslav Belousov. "- In the third millennium, it will not lose its cultural, nor historical significance. He will retain its presence not only in the CIS countries, but also in the world."

What are his functions as one of the world languages?

First, the Russian language (along with English, Chinese, French, Spanish and Arabic) is the official language of many international organizations - UN, UNESCO, etc. So, in Russian, official documents are published, special journals of these organizations, their sites are created in Internet, radio programs are underway. Russian is included in the number of languages \u200b\u200bthat are serviced by almost a third of international non-governmental organizations, including the World Federation of Trade Unions, the International Committee for European Security.

It also enters as the working language of the largest international conferences, summit meetings, providing communication of representatives of different countries. It is important that the efforts of Russia, aimed at preserving the status of the Russian language, were supported by representatives of other countries diplomatic services.

Secondly, the Russian language is the language of one of the largest centers of international education.

Thirdly, when discussing the situation with the Russian language in the world, do not forget about the millions of our compatriots, for various reasons living outside of Russia.

Fourthly, the Russian language provides access not only to the wealth of science and culture of Russia, but also other countries, acting as a kind of mediator between different peoples, especially in the Eurasian space. After all, the Russian translates a significant part of scientific and fiction leaving the world.

What reasons contributed to the establishment of the status quo in the study and teaching of the Russian language abroad?

Firstly, this is due to the formation of a single economic space in Europe, and therefore the so-called marketing languages \u200b\u200band marketing languages \u200b\u200bappeared.

Secondly, Russia plays an important role in the international market for educational services. Russian gives you the opportunity to get a higher vocational education at the level of world standards.

Thirdly, a significant reason for the study of the Russian language remains the desire to join that culture, in particular to the literature, which is worth it and which has universal importance. Dialogues between different cultures of UNESCO and the Council of Europe consider the urgent task of modernity, since such dialogues involve mutual comprehension of values \u200b\u200band traditions of others, the exchange of experience gained in the centuries, the exchange of views on the burning issue of the past, present and future peoples inhabiting the globe.

Fourth, the study of the Russian language abroad stimulates a noticeable influx of tourists from Russia to Western Europe and other countries of the world.

Fifth, a certain group of students attracts the difficulty of Russian. According to American students, the Russian language is chosen to study those who love to overcome obstacles.

2. The role of the Russian language in modern society

The Russian language is the language of the richest fiction, the world value of which is exceptionally great. The Russian alphabet formed the basis of many young languages, and the Russian language became the second native language of the non-Russian population of the Russian Federation. There is a constant process of mutual enrichment of the Russian language and the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation.

In the last decade, a certain decline in the Russian language was observed in the far abroad. But today more and more people appeal to him again. On the one hand, they are interested in Russian culture, and on the other, it is a purely pragmatic interest, because the Russian language allows us to cooperate with Russian businessmen and build business relations on a long-term basis. First of all, it concerns cooperation within the CIS. After all, the Russian language as was the language of interethnic communication in the times of the USSR, so they remained.

Russian continues to cause interest in the modern world. According to the testimony of publications in the Russian press, the number of US citizens, France, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Korea, who has begun to learn Russian and literature has recently increased several times.

The main source of its development, processing and grinding was the creative creativity of the Russian people, primarily generations of Russian and all Russian figures of science, politicians, technology, culture and literature - the Russian language became a highly developed, rich, historically balanced language.

Russian language is not only the state language of the Russian Federation. It refers to the number of world languages, that is, such languages \u200b\u200bthat serve as a means of international communication of the peoples of different states. Of the more than two and a half thousand languages, known in the world, international communication provides a group of the most developed world languages, the so-called club of world languages. The nomination of the language on the role of the world is determined by the universal significance of the culture created in this language. The status of the language is legally legally fixed by the official or working language of international organizations or conferences (UN, UNESCO, etc.). So, the Russian language is recognized as one of the six official languages \u200b\u200bof the UN, along with English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese and French; It is written on the most important international treaties and agreements. Russian is studied in most countries. Russian language teachers are united by the International Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature (Mapryal).

Currently, the Russian prevalence is still fourth in the world. English leading (et al. For 500 million people, he is a native or second language and more than 1 billion people own them as a foreign) and Chinese (they own - almost exclusively as native - over 1350 million people). The third place is occupied by Spanish (they own about 360 million people, including an estimated 335 million - as native).

Thus, the enormous role of the Russian language in the modern world is determined by its cultural value, its power and greatness.

3. Modern Language Situation

Stormy socio-political shifts in Russia of the last decade led to a fundamental change in the public defendant of Russian society, which, of course, could not not affect the development and operation of the Russian language.

The specificity of the current state of the linguistic situation in Russia is that the overwhelming majority of changes in the language are associated with changes in society. Modern Russian society is a society in which the principles of political freedom are actually implemented.

The rigid regulation of the life of members of the Company from the state, the administrative command system disappeared. All layers of society have become an opportunity to actively express themselves in political organizations, in market relations, people show activity in public life. On the other hand, the activity of the majority of members of the Company in the past talitarian state, which has found an explosive outlet, which led to the emission of not only activity (business and political), but also to the emission of aggressiveness and rudeness.

The earlier activity of many members of society splashed outwards, including in the form of aggressiveness, rudeness, causing uncontrolled behavior. Another reason for the emission of aggressiveness in modern Russian society was the resulting fear of the market, losing the feelings of total life-lifelong state security, fear of unemployment. The accumulation in people of aggressiveness due to a long suppression by its external forces, as well as the rest of the fear of the outside of the world with a sharp change in the circumstances of the existence is a natural human reaction.

In the sphere of language, this is manifested in the growth of the aggressiveness of the dialogue, an increase in the specific gravity of the estimated vocabulary in speech, the growth of vulgar and obspeal-free wording, the zhangonization of the speech of certain sections of the population, etc. Freedom of speech has become the most noticeable political reality in modern Russian society.

Elimination of censorship, expanding people's access to information, the independence of the media, a variety of printed products, radio and television programs in the country, expanding direct ether on radio and television, the return of previously prohibited authors in scientific and cultural use - undoubted signs of today's Russia.

In the conditions of freedom of speech, people's access to information significantly expanded. The expansion of access to information leads to an increase in the vocabulary of people in all age categories. At the same time, the features of information fatigue are observed.

The proportion of people who consider it possible to disseminately refer to the standards of speech etiquette. The frequency of use of contacting "you" to unfamiliar people, especially in major cities, has noticeably increased, especially in people's opinion about the "conventions" of speech etiquette, its unnecessaries in modern communication.

The culture of speech and the total culture of staff of printing, radio and television has fallen. Numerous speech errors are allowed, coarse deviations from speech culture norms. Reliable behavior in the language plan became fashionable in the linguistic volume leads to increased volume, a steady speech, increased intensity of articulation and excessive emotionality of dialogue with the viewer, as well as often to use abnormative vocabulary, risky speech epithets and metaphors. The level of culture of the speech fell in all social and age groups.

Computer set and computer layout of printing publications, especially newspapers, leads to gross mistakes in the field of transfers, which creates a sustainable opinion among the population that the rules of the transfer today are canceled today.

In society, attention to the speech side of the speeches of political figures increases, their speech errors come up and ridicule in print. This encourages the political figures of the new generation more responsible for their speech, work on it.

The openness of the Russian society is primarily related to the development of broad contacts of Russians with foreign countries. Currently, there are many foreign firms in the country, a large number of foreign professionals; Significantly simplified the departure of Russian citizens abroad; Opened access to foreign book products, journalism, cinema and video products, Internet; Significantly increased the possibilities of personal contacts of Russians with foreign citizens - for Russian citizens, foreign rest was possible, free communication with foreigners in their own country and abroad, study and internship in foreign countries.

Material difficulties reduce people access to newspapers and magazines - now few people discharge more than one newspaper, mostly local, and many families stopped writing newspapers in general. The written communication has decreased, in short, telephone conversations became short - both, first of all, because of their rise in price.

The intensive technical re-equipment of the life of Russians can be called a technical revolution, and it is also connected, first of all, with a wide distribution in the daily lives of complex household and office equipment, mainly foreign production. Computers, video cameras, new generation TVs, faxes, copying and multiplinary equipment, household appliances, foreign cars - all this contributes to the emergence of many new concepts and words in Russian, preferably borrowed. At the same time, a variety of instructions for imported technician in a foreign language, the inscriptions on the management bodies of the technique stimulate the study of a foreign language, mostly English.

High-quality modern relationship - mobile phones, computer communication, etc. - leads to a reduction in the written form of communication, the share of telephone communication and communication is increasing with technical means. It leads to a decrease in literacy of the population, especially youth. It is reduced for the same reason the scope of artistic literature, especially highly artistic. The increase in the share of communication with the media (radio, television) leads to a predominance of the modern person's perception of information on hearing and weakening the skills of understanding and interpretation of written text.

Therefore, the future of the Russian language depends on us. It will continue to be one of the most powerful and rich languages \u200b\u200bof the world or will replenish the ranks of the disappearing.

The preservation of the language, concern for its further development and enrichment is a guarantee of the preservation and development of Russian culture. Therefore, every citizen of the Russian Federation, whoever he would work, whatever position, is responsible for the state of the language of his country, its people.

Thus, there is a problem of targeted work to maintain the norms of culture of speech in modern Russian society, the problem of forming attention to people's own speech culture.

language speech literacy


The state of the Russian language is currently an acute problem for the state, for the whole society. Breakdown and tenting in society, the fall in morality, the loss of characteristic national traits - all this affects the language, leads to its decline.

In the conditions of the scientific and technical revolution, the increase in the role of the human factor should not be paid to the fact that every third person of non-Russian nationality does not own them freely. This situation seriously slows down the development and introduction of new equipment and technology, leveling of cultural development, the introduction of people to the latest achievements of science. The historical events of the twentieth century could not not have influence on the history of the Russian language. Of course, the language system for one age has not changed - public events do not affect the language of the language. The speech practice of speaking Russian languages \u200b\u200bhas changed ...

The observed thoughtless admission to Western civilization, ultimately leads to the destruction of the Russian language, Russian culture, Russian traditions and Russian national self-consciousness. Now they talk a lot about the development of the Russian national idea, which could unite all Russians. One of the component of such an idea may well be Russian. After all, it is the cultivation of a native language, a native culture helps not only to unite all Russians, but also to preserve everything that is the pride of Russia.

Despite all the difficulties of the modern period, we should not forget that Russian is our national heritage, and we must do with it as with national wealth - to store and multiply.

List of used literature

1. Culture of Russian speech. (Tutorial) Maslov V.G., 2010. - 160 p.

2. Russian language and speech culture: Tutorial for universities. L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashayeva, Rostov N / D: Publishing House "Phoenix", 2001. - 544 p.

3. Russian language and culture of speech / I.A. Dadbin, T.A. Carpinets, O.A. Saltymakov; Kuzbas.Gos.Tehn.Un-T, 2011. - 63c.

4. Russian language of the late XX century. V. L. Vorontsova et al. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Russian Culture, 2009. - 478 p.

5. Modern Russian. Textbook. Vintagina N.S., Rosental D.E., Fomina M.I., 2002. 6th ed., 528c.

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Language formation is a long but interesting process. The combination of sets of words and wordforms, grammar designs, borrowing and pronunciation features includes the speech of our people. What value is Russian in the modern world.

In contact with

Features of the lexic composition

As the national wealth of the people and the form of our culture, the language has extensive terminology, brightness and clarity of grammar. According to the Russian Constitution, our "adverb" in June 2005 became official and documented.

This will help provide citizens rights to use it in the territory of the Russian Federation, and will also be a way to preserve and develop language culture.

The most important criterion is considered to be the purity of the word: to preserve lingvo-stylistic wealth, the use of spacious, as well as graft words should be avoided.

There are also not recommended words with a tint of explicit neglect and propaganda of the dominance of borrowed wordforms. This is the trouble of modern society it becomes global: Anglicizms and Americanism constantly displacing the original vocabulary.

Important! The basis of our lexicon should be the Russian speech field to preserve and multiply the diversity of the surrounding world, using the Russian "talk".

In the list of adventure world, our native "talk" entered only the 20th century, his status was enshrined In the United Nations. The carriers are only Russia's residents with a number of about 150 million people. In 2005, the number of those who knew how to speak in domestic adverbs increases sharply up to 278 million. According to expert estimates, approximately 140 of them are among Russia, about 26 refers to the CIS countries and the Baltic Republic, almost 7.5 million countries and the United States are taken.

Martov analysis of the linguistic situation in 2013 showed that our "" becomes the most popular on the Internet and is inferior in the number of requests only English, that is, it takes honorary second place.

Important! In which countries the Russian is a state language. Along with Russia, residents of Belarus, South Ossetia and the Moldavian Republic speak. The right to be the official language of documents and government agencies our "dialect" deserved in Kazakhstan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Abkhazia and Ukraine.

Russian language in the modern world can be heard in countries such as Tajikistan. Representatives of this state use it as an official The Constitution, and even in the state of New York, documents relating to elections are printed using Russian linguistic designs.

Updating speech system

The development of the Russian language occurs intensively. According to the literary monuments that reached us, you can see how difficult was the path of this lingue to its today's external and internal filling.

Our people received a new language system that is completely reflects Russian heritage and thinking.

For example, before in grammatical, there were three numbers: the only, multiple and dual one. There were also 9 and three simple time forms.

Changing together with the epoch, our simplified its laws and came to a more understandable, modern binary oppression: the numbers became seven and the amount of birth decreased by two. All this became the result of a general time-learning practice, during which the language layer was not stored, but was constantly updated.

Main functions

The local "speech" has always been a multifunctional system, as it is associated with different areas of human activity: the creation, storage and transmission of the necessary information between carriers.

Main functions Russian language are:

  1. The first and most important thing is to be a means of communication, it is also a communicative. To live in one space, it means to communicate, use various sides of the information, using different grammatical forms and structures to be able to properly express their idea. Task - convey to the interlocutor of knowledge and skills.
  2. The cognitive function, which is aimed at the knowledge of culture, the personality of speaking, as well as on the development of figurative thinking and comprehending the Azov of Self-Operation. This feature implies reflection over own speech activities.
  3. The cumulative, revealing "adverb", as a means of accumulating and storing important information. Russian, as it were, "accumulates" in itself the experience of communicating the entire team. This function, along with the lexical component, reflects fragments of the history, life and cultural experience of the entire people.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about speech competence: the ability to understand and accept not their speech behavior programs. Everyone must occur according to the goals of communication, the sphere, as well as the situation of speech practice. The main moment Here will be the choice of the correct language form, which will suit a specific case.

For example, request and order. Both speech situations will have a whole set of differences:

  • scene. It is better to ask for a private atmosphere, with an eye on the eye, and you can order in the presence of many people, which will give the authority to the boss even more;
  • personality speaking. We usually ask us for loved ones, friends, relatives, and order our subordinates;
  • the purpose of speaking: in the first case, we want to get something with the help of soft intonation, emotions of gratitude or resentment for something. And the second case, naturally, will be different both in the intonation plan, and in the meaning. By ordering, we put forward strict requirements.

Is Russian a tool of international communication. Until 1991, our "adverb" was international, because the then the USSR state introduced it in the countries that were part of the Soviet Republic.

After the union broke up, the Russian did not cease to be a means of communication between nations, and became the main for migrants from former allied states.

In the countries of Eastern Europe, they explore Russian in gymnasiums and universities along with French and Spanish. In Russia, you can meet many foreigners, attending special courses.

Russian language in international communication is a common phenomenon. It is one of the six official UN working languages. However, according to the statements of the research center, our "adverb" still does not give positions: in particular, in 2006, carriers according to the last census were 152 million people, and in 2012 - already 215, which becomes a rather optimistic statement.

Study and preservation of national features

The social nature of the linguistic uzus is always in motion: it is wide and multifaceted. Therefore, he is as he created his society for thousands of years. It helps to organize labor, supports the process of education and cultural development of society, participates in the development of all regions of science and culture. In essence, all its functions are social and dependent on the participants of speech contact.

The significance of the Russian language in the modern world is great, the importance of it It is difficult to overestimate. Today you can see the tendency to form a new picture of the world.

Through the prism of our Lingva, we must meet someone else's culture. To do this, you need to adhere to special cultural competence and learn how to use correctly speech etiquette.

Both in our and in any other Lingwe, such competence helps to add to the features of the national culture of another people are also easy as their own.

Also develops the knowledge of originality and character nature of another language material. And, of course, the most important feeling is formed: we begin to realize how important our own linguistic uzus is. Understanding and taking this, people make a significant step towards their spiritual and moral development.

Attention! The view of our linguistic formation depends on society. The language is under his influence and at the same time forms public consciousness.