The origin of Kalmykov. Kalmyks: The most shocking facts

And around him. In Russian written sources, the ethnonym Kalmyk appeared at the beginning of the 16th century, from the end of the 18th century. They began to use Kalmyk themselves.

Kalmyks are known in Russian as well as Orata (distorted self-calm of Kalmykov - "өөrd"; Etnonym Orata, used before the Altaians, who were traditionally called Russian as white Kalmyki.), Dzungary, Western Mongols, kalmyki., and in other languages \u200b\u200blike Kalmouks, Calmoucs, Calmucks, Kalmyks.

AutoTension (self-talent)

Kalmyki (European part of Ohiratov) call themselves halmg. (which means "separable"), Өөrd. (Oyirad - writing on the Oratsky literary language) or DUKVN өөD.What does "four close", "four ally" (one of the versions, there are others). Orata PRC Orata also call themselves Mongols. The Kalmyk people are divided into four large branches, or generation, as the Russians called them in the XVI century - trades (Torgud), Derbet (Dövudud), Hawo (Hosh), ZVVN. On the European territory a new branch "Buzava" (Don Kalmyks) was formed. Previously, the so-called part of the trades, Derbetov and ZvVung, who lived on Don next to the Don Cossacks. But at the moment Buzava make up the third group of Kalmykov and have different cultural features (their dancing, songs, etc.).

Territory of settlement

Distribution of Oiratsky dialects in China and Mongolia

Kalmyks (Dorvudy (Derbeta), trades, Khoshoms, Buzawa) live in the Republic of Kalmykia - 173.996 thousand. (more than 50% of the population) in the All-Russian Census of 2002.

Large groups of Oratov (trades, Derbets, Khoshomites, Zunlars (Olety) are also located in Western China (Bayngol-Mongolian and Borotala-Mongolian autonomous regions of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; Qinghai Province) - according to various data from 170 to 250 thousand people , and Western Mongolia (Cobdosky and Unceuner Aimaki) - about 150 thousand people.

There are small groups of Kalmykov in Central Asia (in Kyrgyzstan - over 10 thousand people) and in the Caucasus, from the countries of the so-called "far abroad" - in the United States (2 thousand years.) And France (1 thousand people)


The number of Volzhsky Kalmykov at the time of their arrival at the places of the current residence at the beginning of the 17th century. It is estimated at about 270 thousand people. Then, as part of the population of the country, their number was changed as follows: 1926 - 131 thousand, 1937 - 127 thousand, 1939 - 134 thousand, 1959 - 106 thousand, 1970 - 137 thousand. , 1979 - 147 thousand, 1989 - 174 thousand people.; Of these, in the Republic of Kalmykia (Halmg Thachch) - 166 thousand people. According to the 2002 census, 178 thousand Kalmyks live in Russia, of which 164 thousand people are in Kalmykia.

Ethnic and ethnographic groups

To date, for Kalmyks, the presence of groups - Dorvududov (DERBET), trades, Khosheutov and Buzava are characterized. From the middle of the 20th century There is an active mixing of various groups and the formation of a single KalMack nation.

Racial affiliation, anthropological type

In a racial attitude of Kalmyk - Mongoloids.


Oratsko-Kalmyk Alphabet Todo-Bichig ( Clear letter) was created in 1648 on the basis of the Staromongol Letter. In 1925, a new alphabet was adopted on the basis of Russian graphics, in 1930 he was replaced with a latinized, and from 1938 and to date the Russian graphic basis is used again. Kalmyki China continue to use older writing.


Kalmyks confess Buddhism (Tibetan Buddhism, Lamaism).

Ethnogenesis and ethnic history

Kalmyks who settled in Kyrgyzstan, or rather in Issyk-Kul are Muslims i.e. We confess Islam. There is a whole rural government where there are settlements like Chelpeck, Bourge-Bash, etc. where Kalmyk live.


The basis of the traditional farm of Kalmykov was nomadic cattle breeding. In the herd, sheep prevailed, roasted and coarse, and the horses of the Kalmyk steppe, distinguished by unpretentiousness; A large cattle was also divorced - the cows of the red breed grown on meat, as well as goats and camels. Cattle year-round was kept on the pasture, from the 19th century. began to store food for the winter. With the transition to settlement (with the exception of Russian Kalmykov and those who lived in the West, the rest of Otyrat-Kalmykov continues to lead a semi-oxide lifestyle) began to practice pig breeding. In the Volga region and in Caspians, fisheries played a significant role. An important value had hunting, mainly on saigas, as well as on wolves, foxes and other game. Agriculture some groups of Kalmykov were engaged long ago, but it was not playing a significant role. Only with the transition to settling began to grow its value. Cereals were grown - rye, wheat, millet, etc., technical crops - flax, tobacco, garden, garden and muggy. From 20 century Kalmyki begin to engage in also filled drawback. The crafts were developed, including the leather treatment, felt felt, wood carving, etc., including artistic - embossing on the skin, chasing and engraving for metal, embroidery.

Traditional settlements and dwellings

Before the beginning of the 20th century Traditional settlements of Kalmykov (Hotons) had a family-related character. They were characterized by planning in the form of a circle of portable housing, his cattle was driven into the center, and there were public gatherings. From 19 century Stationary settlements with linear layout appeared. The main housing of nomadic Kalmykov was a kibita (Yurt Mongolian type). Its wooden core consisted of 6-12 folding lattices, a circle in the upper part, which was connected to the lattices with long curved rails. The door was made bivalve. The left side of the entrance was considered a male, there were horse harness, processed skins, bed for owners, bedding; To the right of the entrance was a female half with kitchen utensils. In the center there was a hearth, a boiler was put on a tripod on the tripod, he was an honorable place where guests were satisfied. The floor was covered with felt. Another portable housing of nomadic Kalmykov was a kibitka, installed on the wagon. The stationary dwellings were first dugouts and twilights from raw or sliced \u200b\u200bbricks, and from the 19th century. The structures of Russian type, log and bricks began to spread.

Traditional clothes

The male clothes of Kalmykov was a shirt with long sewn sleeves and a round neckline of the gate (she had white) and blue or striped pants. On top of them wearing stitched in the waist Beshmet and one more pants, usually cloud. Beshmet was rejected by a leather belt, rich in ornamented silver blahs, he was an indicator of the welfare of the owner, the knife in the sheath was suspended to the belt on the left side. Male headdress was a fur hat of the type of dad or a barathkoy ear. Parade hats had a red silk brush, why the neighboring peoples called Kalmykov "Red Systems". The shoes were soft leather boots of black or red with a slightly curved noses, they were wore with a felt stock insert in winter and canvas spots in the summer. Women's clothing was more diverse. It consisted of a white long shirt with an open collar and a cut in front to the waist and blue pants. Girls from 12-13 years old on top of the shirt and pants wore Camcol, tightly tightening her chest and waist and made a flat flat, he was not shot even at night. Women's clothing was also biiz from a seat or woolen fabric in the form of a long dress, in the waist he was tightened with a belt with metal false blahs, as well as the BIRZ - a wide dress without a belt. The girl's headdress was a hat: a female headdress resembled with a wide solid hoop at thenime. Married women swung their hair into two braids and passed them into the black or velvet's viters. Women's shoes were leather boots. Numerous were women's decorations - earrings, hairpins, studs, etc. Of gold, silver, bones, precious and semi-precious stones. Men wore an earring in the left ear, ring and bracelet-amulet.


Social organization

The traditional Society of Kalmykov had a developed social structure. It consisted of noons and zaensangi - the hereditary aristocracy, the Buddhist clergy - heberung and Lam. Raptment relations were maintained, the patronized associations were played in public relations who occupied individual settlements and consisted of small families.

Spiritual culture and traditional beliefs


The marriage was by conspiracy between the parents of the future husband and wife, the consent of the guy and the girls usually did not ask. The girl was married beyond her hoton. Calma was not, but the values \u200b\u200bthat transferred the family of the groom's family of the bride could be significant. Pre-Gearing determined whether marriage would be successful. For this, they compared the birth of the bride and groom on the eastern calendar. It was believed, for example, good if the bride was born a year of the hare, and the groom is a dragon, but not the opposite, since "dragon will finish a hare," that is, the man will not be the head in the house. For the new family, they put a separate kibituka, and the side of the groom was preparing the housing itself, and the side of the bride provided internal decoration and household items. An imaginary abduction of the bride could be arranged to reduce the wedding spending on the mutual agreement of the parties. The matchmaker came to the seven of the bride for three times, these meetings were accompanied by a festive meal. Will the marriage of the successful and "happy" wedding day defined Zurhachi (astrologer) with a special fortune.


In the religion of Kalmykov, along with Lamaism, traditional beliefs and ideas were common - shamanism, a cult of fire and a homely hearth. They reflected in particular in calendar holidays. One of them was associated with the beginning of spring, he was celebrated in February and was called Tsagan Sar. During him they put on the best clothes, ate well and went to visit each other with mutual congratulations and prosperity. This holiday is still honored by Kalmykov.


In the spiritual culture of Kalmykov, the folklore was played a big role, especially the heroic epic "Dzhangar", performed by the Giangship Slavians. This product contains several tens of thousands of poems.

Popularly enjoyed TRERSHIE GURVT, combining signs of riddles and proverbs or sayings.

Johl is one of the types of oral folk art of Kalmykov. Used in different life situations, such as: the birth of a child, presenting gifts and others.

Not so often in Europe there are people who spell on and almost all of them live in the Republic of Kalmykia. The people of Kalmyk came to the land, once called after their arrival in the 17th century, this territory began to be called the Kalmyk Stepha. Today is the Republic of Kalmykia. The exact location is indicated on the map.


Unusual people - Kalmyki. The history of the people is rooted in the past. She begins with Asia. Kalmyki - immigrants from Western Mongolian tribes called oratats. They, in turn, entered the huge Mongolian Empire created by Genghis Khan. He managed to unite almost all the nations living at the time of Central Asia.

Orata supported Genghis Khan in his conquering campaigns on Russia, Caucasus, China, Asia and Korea. At the same time, groups of military units were created, in which the duties were inherited. Over time, these units turned into ethno groups that still exist. Today, they may not have such significance as before, as more related to conquests. For example, there is a group of trades. Thus called people who constituted the protection of Mongolian Khanov. The group of Khošeutov consisted of those who entered the front of the troops, Derbeta is an equestrian army.

The Mongol Empire was huge. Internal turmoil here were the norm. Over time, they have caused its split. Ohirat Khan refused to obey the Grand Mongolian kagan.

The foundations of Religion Kalmykov

Up to 17th century, Kalmyki professed shamanism. But the active activities of missionaries from Tibet contributed to the fact that most Kalmykov adopted Buddhism. But it did not help preserve the integrity of the Mongolian people. Internecial wars continued. Nevertheless, Buddhism, Lamaism spread widely on the territory of modern Kalmykia.

Kalmyk Khanate was part of Russia until 1771. In the early stages of its existence, the Russian rulers did not attach particular importance to the internal device. The religion of Kalmykov was the freedom of their choice, and the state did not interfere in their culture. But over time, the rulers of Russia began to take action and encourage those who took Orthodoxy. Kalmyks, who passed the rite of baptism, was allowed to go to other cities and villages of Russia.

At the end of the 18th century, the Russian state strengthened the intervention in the inner life of Kalmyk Khanate, gradually limiting the rights of Kalmykov, and in 1771 it was completely eliminated. At the same time, the Government of Russia conducted a reorganization of Kalmyk management. The traditions and rights of the Kalmyk people were fully preserved. When the expedition of Kalmyk cases was created, which was engaged in the management of uluses. Later, in 1847, the fate of the Kalmyk people depended on the Ministry of State Property.

Kalmyki. Religion

The Russian government tried not to put pressure on Kalmyk people in matters of their appeal to Christians. Before the revolution among Kalmykov, the rights of the Buddhist clergy were preserved, which were laid back in 1640. Over time, Kalmyki began to contact the Orthodox faith. Religion began to spread rapidly after the discovery of the spiritual seminary in Astrakhan, since Kalmykia was geographically located as part of the Astrakhan Diocese. Then the Russian government took measures to create a mission tragging Kalmykov in Christians. In the middle of the 19th century, the missionary movement reached its apogee. Calmytsky language began to teach the spiritual seminaries. In 1871, the Orthodox Missionary Committee began its existence, the efforts of which the school was organized and the shelter was opened, where Kalmyk could live. Religion deeply changed the fate of the Kalmyk people. People could receive a decent education. Over time, the school has become a huge missionary school, where teachers and preachers were preparing, who had to transfer spiritual knowledge in Kalmyk settlements.

Not particularly actively accepted so revolutionary innovations of Kalmyk. Buddha remained for most Kalmyk people the main god. Orthodoxy seemed mainly to come from Russia. His depth traditions did not want to change Kalmyks. Religion was also difficult to change. What religion do Kalmyki do? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. There are among Kalmykov and Orthodox, Buddhists, and even shamans.

Difficulties of Kalmyk people

The arrival of the Communists to the authorities has favorably affected the history of the Kalmyk Territory. It was they who restored unity and returned the statehood of Kalmyks. 1926 marked the beginning of the Kalmyk Autonomous Region, which later became called the Kalmyk ASSR. But the religious life of Kalmykov at that time suffered greatly. Any religious activity was strictly oppressed. In the spiritual terms, unprecedented difficulties experienced Kalmyki. Religion by the mid-30s was completely eliminated. In 1943, the Kalmyk people were deported to various parts of Russia. And the Russians came to their territory. And only after 10 years, Kalmyki was able to return to their land. Kalmytskaya ASSR again gained life. But the legal religion on the territory of the settlement was never up to the 80s. Spiritual oppression still felt Kalmyks. The religion of Christianity began to revive only in 1984. The beginning of this was the discovery of the Orthodox parish in the village of Shelot. This marked the transition of Kalmykia in among the Kalmyk population began to appear new communities, such as Baptists and Pentecostals. In Kalmykia, there is also a Buddhist community that was formed in 1988.

Features of Culture Kalmykov

Despite numerous difficulties and did not forget their traditions of Kalmyk. Religion and culture of this nation have always been associated with invisible thread. Kalmykov was difficult to turn into a Christian faith. Century traditions were given themselves to know. After all, for many years shamanism confessed on this land. It can not be snored from the heart of the real Kalmyk. The peculiarity of the culture of this population and today is reflected in Mongolian settlements. A modern Kalmyk Society gradually loses traditional affiliation, but still there are customs that have survived until today.

Traditional features

Fire for Kalmykov is considered a sacred element. It is repeatedly mentioned in the ritual works of the people of Kalmykia. The deep traditions, rites and culture of Kalmykov allow us to talk about them as an independent ethnic group.

The fire for the Kalmyk people was considered the personification of the Sun God. Therefore, there are some prohibitions here, for example, to overpower through fire or spit on it is considered to be a sinful act. It is forbidden to extinguish the fire with water. It is necessary to wait until he himself is walked. It is allowed to fall asleep the fire of sand or earth.

The worship of fire was considered a special ritual. Kalmyki even committed certain rituals to lose the fire. It was a kind of sacrifice. The cult of fire is the national feature of Kalmykov. It is described in many historical works. Without a fiery sacrifice, no wedding or funeral did not affect. And today you can see rites, in which the priest offers animal fire and reads special prayers. For this he asks for the blessing of the gods about the gift of happiness in his daughter's family life.

The funeral rite also does not pass without a fiery sacrifice. In the seventh and forty-ninth day after the burial, the relatives of the deceased must be sacrificed to the fire of the Baran, thus the deceased relative. Kalmyks are sincerely believe that the fire is a kind of conductor between the living world and subtle matter.

Worship of fire

Kalmyki firmly believe that the fire has divine power. That is why no cleansing rite do without the participation of fire. Such rites are described even in classic works. For example, in the work of A. Amur-Sanana, a fiery rite protecting travelers on the road is described. In the foramines, bonforans are poured on the salty handustrians. Then the cattle is passed between the two fires, and the wagon is already driving. Today, Kalmyki fire also cleans their dwellings, exciting it around the house from the east to the west. After the funeral, it is also necessary to make a cleaning ritual fire, holding hands over it.

Paganism and Buddhism in the culture of Kalmykov are firmly intertwined. Paganism speaks of fire as the representative of the Sun God, more precisely, in paganism it is the God of the Sun. Therefore, he should sacrificed all products with a warm nature. It can be oil, fat, hot fluids. Buddhist tradition represents fire as a symbol of wisdom. It is believed that with its help you can burn any ignorance.

Character of Kalmyk people

Kalmyks, like other ethno industries, have their own unique. First, they are very open. Such people are called extroverts. Secondly, they are practical and rational. Inherent in Kalmyks and some maximalism. Kalmyk always strives for big cases. It will not spend his attention and time to implement small projects. Globility, grandeur and scale - all this is reflected in the heart of this Kalmyk.

Kalmyki is a fairly original people. If any opportunity, they strive to show their individualism and draw as much attention as possible. At the same time, the Kalmyk people relate to the pride of other people with great respect.

Kalmyks are active, energetic and artistic. This can be judged not only by their movements and national dances, but also by their speech. Kalmyks are spoken by alive, flexible, fluent and compressed. In some sources, Kalmyk is compared with machine gun rhythm.

Almost all Kalmyks are optimists. They are always concentrated at the positive moments in life, in any person, only positive qualities are inclined. All works of the classic folk epic had an exceptionally positive junction.

Nomadic peoples always sought to glorify. The desire to be leaders in any case is inherent in Kalmyks. This people are very proud, but not proud. Buddhism clearly cleared Kalmykov's consciousness, as the pride for a Buddhist is a mortal sin.

Since Buddhism for Kalmykia is considered one of the main religious orientations, many Buddhist temples are built in the republic.

Temple of the Great Victory (Kalmykia). Description

In the Oktyabrsky district of Kalmykia (the village of Big Tsaryn) is one of the largest Buddhist communities. Here is the most majestic Buddhist temple in Kalmykia - Temple Great Victory. Buddhist religious buildings are called hurlauns. This hurule was erected in 2002. In just 2 years, builders managed to realize the project Sangadzhiyev Yu. I., who is considered the best architect of Kalmykia. On October 11, 2002, the door of the church of the Great Victory solemnly opened. Hurul was built thanks to donations from the Buddhist community itself, residents of the Oktyabrsky district and sponsors. Ilyumzhinov K.N. also invested its funds.

The temple is a 18 meter building. The central part occupies a prayer hall in which the altar is located. Monks live in the front of Hurula. There is also a room for receiving visitors to Lama. Buddha statue appeared thanks to the efforts of the sculptors Vaskin V. and Korobeynikova S. The central entrance was decorated with the teaching wheel and figures of deer, made by Galushkin Nikolai.

Also in Hurule is the statue of Buddha medicine and a huge collection of scriptures and a tank.

In Kalmykia, there are several more Buddhist temples of interest to tourists.

Elista - Buddhist Culture Center

Elista is the capital of the Republic of Kalmykia. The map shows its location.

This is an unusual city, not at all similar to most of the cities of Russia. It is decorated with Buddhist temples and colorful buildings of oriental architecture. In people living in Elista, the worldview is also east. Connoisseurs eastern culture Be sure to visit Elista. Here is the most majestic Temple of the Buddha, famous for the whole of Europe. There is also a Buddhist monastery, a favorite place of Dalai Lama during his visits to Kalmykia. In Elista, there is another amazing attraction - the Golden Gate, which fulfill all the desires. Elista is an incredibly colorful city. Kalmyks are a bright people. Here it is possible to fully fully. Beautiful national costumes, dancing - all of this distinguishes Kalmykov from other Asian and Mongolian nationalities. Elista is famous not only by Buddhist buildings. There are also attractions dedicated to chess.

The fact is that chess for Kalmykov is considered the main hobby. World chess championships are held regularly.

Temple "Golden Abode Buddha"

This hurul is considered one of the largest not only in the Republic of Kalmykia, but also in Europe. The temple takes an honorable place in the very center of Elista (Yuri Klykov Street).

Hurule height 56 \u200b\u200bmeters. The huge statue of the Buddha (12 meters) towers inside it.

The temple is considered the main attraction of Elista. This is not only a beautiful and majestic builder. This is a place to commit rituals and worships of the Divine. The temple is surrounded by a symbolic fence, over the perimeter of which is 108 st. You can enter the temple through the southern gate. There are three more inputs. Each of them is on a certain part of the world. The architecture of the temple resembles a huge mandala. Approaching the building, you can see seventeen pagodas, on which the statues of the Great Buddhist monks and teachers are towering.

Hurul has 7 levels. At the first level there is a museum, conference room and library. At the second level there is a statue and a hall for prayers. The statue itself serves as a repository for jewels, incense, land, plants and cereals. All this Buddhists consider the sacred subjects. The coating for the statue is the tin gold and diamonds. The third level is intended for individual reception of visitors. There are rooms of monks, doctors of Tibetan medicine, astrologers and the administration of the temple. In the fourth level there is a small conference room. Here you can find the chapter of Buddhists of the Republic of Tel Tuluku Rinpoche. The fifth level occupies the residence of the Gyatzo tears (His Holy Holy Dalai Lama XIV). The sixth level occupy premises for household needs. On the seventh level only the spiritual faces for immersion in meditation can be raised.

In the late XIX - early XX centuries. The dominant religion of Kalmykov was Lamaism. However, until recently, many remnants of dolmaimatic beliefs have been preserved in their worldview, which almost did not pay attention to the literature, although they played a significant role in the life of the population. A prominent place in the religious beliefs of Kalmykov occupied the cult of heaven and heavenly shining: the sun, the moon and stars. The sun is a source of heat and a submitter of all goods. With this, a special wedding rite of worship of a young daughter-in-law of the yellow sun is connected. P. S. Pallas wrote that, according to Kalmykov, the Sun consists of glass and fire, and in a circle has several hundred taking (one taking - 8.5 km). The moon is honored slightly less than the sun, and on their ad, it consists of glass and water. The number of stars are believed to ten thousand million. " According to P. Nexina, Kalmyki "honor the sky, the sun and the moon for special gifts of mercy to people ... The sun fertilizes and lives the land: it is the source of everything that for human prosperity."

Along with Lamaism in the 70s. XVII century Orthodox Christianity began to penetrate into Kalmyki as an instrument of strengthening the colonial domination of tsarism in this outskirts Russian Empire. The main guardian of the Kalmyk people, K. Kostenkov, wrote: "And meanwhile, from this people, in the continuation of this period, it was already possible to make useful servants for the state, draining it imperceptibly with the dominant population, and in this case, religion would serve as the main binding link ... Enlighten Kalmykov The Divine Truths of the Gospel Teaching ... The moral duty of the government, who adopted this people under their patronage. " Tsarist officials turned out to be unable to explain the causes of the failure of Orthodox missionaries. In fact, everything was explained by the fact that the Orthodox clergy acted in Kalmykia as a weapon of the colonial oppression of the Kalmyk people and the violent division, which Kalmyk people had stubborn resistance.

In the religion of Kalmykov, along with Lamaism, traditional beliefs and ideas were common - shamanism, fetishism, a cult of fire and a homely hearth. They reflected in particular in calendar holidays. One of them was associated with the beginning of spring, he was celebrated in February and was called Tsagan Sar. During him they put on the best clothes, ate well and went to visit each other with mutual congratulations and prosperity.

Currently, Kalmykia is the only region of the traditional distribution of the Tibetan form of Buddhism, professing Kalmyks from the end of the XVI century. By the beginning of the 2000s, 27 out of 58 officially registered on the territory of religious communities belonged to Buddhists (Hurulov):

Elista: Central Hurul "Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni"; Hurul in a correctional colony; Hurul "Syakyusn Suma" in the village of Arshhan;

Gorodovikovsky district: Tantric monastery of Vladyki Zonkava in Gorodovikovsk;

Iki-Burulsky district: Hurul in P. Baga-Buul; Hurul in p. Homutnikovo; Orqing hurul; Hurul in p. Iki-Buul;

Kethechersky district: Hurul in s. Altsing Huta; Hurul in s. Suitjur;

Lagansky district: Ullankholsky Hurul; Lagansky hurul; Galsen Hurul in s. Jalykovo;

Oktyabrsky district: Temple of the Great Victory;

Prieuchensky district: Ultychinovsky Hurul;


Cennaya district: Har-Buluksky Hurul; Trinity Hurul; Nintakinovsky hurul; Iki-Chonosovsky Hurul; Baga-Chonosovsky Hurul;

Chernozem District: Tsecertinsky Hurul; Hurul in the village of Komsomolsky; Artesian Hurul; ADIKOVSKY HURUL;

Justinian region: Tsagan-Amansky Hurul; Yashkulsky district; Yashkul hurul.

The republic's authorities are now actively developing religious tourism. This area attracts thousands of people from other regions of Russia to Kalmykia and from other countries of the world.

In 2009, an unprecedented sacrament was held in Kalmykia - Mystery of Tam - a solemn religious ministry committed annually in the open air in Buddhist monasteries (Dácanahs). These are ritual dancing tibetan LamDesigned to protect the Earth from evil and obstacles and give people well-being and happiness. 32 Monks from the Indian monastery Dzuccar Chod came to Elista, to hold this rite for the first time in the last 100 years. Lama, dressed in vintage costumes from brocade and frightening masks, depicted in the dance of Buddhist gov-defenders - Dharmapalov.

The ceremony of Cam requires the participants of a huge concentration: in front of the ritual of Lama, for a long time meditated to the image of those gods that they had to portray. Buddhists say that at the moment of Mystery, the monks themselves become gods, appearing in front of people and committing their rites before them.

The republic is open to tourists and can offer a lot of interesting programs and routes. Fans of ecological tourism from around the world are often coming to Kalmykia. Especially many travelers from Germany and Austria.

For tourists in Elista there is a special town - City Xes (New Vasyuki), where small hotels - cottages with duplex numbers, restaurants, cafes and sports grounds are rebuilt.

It turns out that for traveling in a bright and mysterious world, you do not need to leave the limits of Russia. Buddhist Mysteries, Magic Nature and Incredible Animals - All this is in the very center of our country.

On the territory of the former USSR, it was probably the only republic where the religious organizations were actually absent. There were only 2 Orthodox churches, which were imposed in unsuitable dilapidated rooms. Cultural people of the Republic - Kalmyki, confessing Buddhism and carrying the synthesis of a multi-tie of unique Eastern culture, did not have a chapel house for this time, nor Hurula. Several generations of the Kalmyk people, including those who passed through the Nevzpects of the Siberian reference 1943-1956, rose without a spiritual reference point, had no opportunity to know their national cultural sources.

Already by 1940, all Hurulas in Kalmykia were closed and destroyed, the clergy was repressed. Attempts to the public upon returning from Siberia to restore at least a small particle of the past - to open the pilestone for believers - ended in failure.

It is not surprising that after that, national schools and classes were closed soon, a system of national-cultural education and education was gradually destroyed, and the consequence of this is the loss of spiritual people, native language.

The liberalization of the state attitudes towards religions and Buddhism in particular, which began in the late 80s and the beginning of the 90s, did not cause confidence in its irreimity and precisely the doubt about this was a slowing effect on the return of religion into the life of modern society.

Only in 1988, the first Buddhist community was formed in Elista, the population of the republic began to appear interest in Buddhism as religion, the number of people participating in rites. In public opinion, ideas about the positive role of religion for modern society were promoted in the media. It was considered as one of the effective means of entering society from the state of the spiritual crisis. This position is increasingly starting to manifest themselves among people who considered themselves unbelieving.

The ideological vacuum formed after leaving the scene of the Communist ideology has been promoted to the wide range of popularity of religious views among the population of the republic.

Despite some revival of religious life in the republic, the fundamental changes were not observed. Cardinal changes in the religious life of Kalmykia occurred, starting in 1993.

Within the framework of existing federal and republican laws, effective measures were made to realize the rights of citizens to freedom of religion. Positive attitude The most positive resonance had religion from the leadership of the republic. It was for the period from 1993 to be a peak intensifying religious activities. Everywith the villages, the cities of the republic are formed by religious communities, hurules, Orthodox churches are being built, they are sent to study in Buddhist monasteries of India and the Buryatia of the young man from Kalmykia. All this work did not carry a spontaneous nature, but sent by the state. To coordinate this work in the republic by decree of the President of the Republic, the Department of Religious Affairs, transformed subsequently with the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Culture, National Policy and Religious Affairs. With the above-mentioned ministry, the Council of Religious Officer, which includes the heads of religious denominations, which at their meetings discuss the urgent problems of religious life in the republic.

The work of this Council contributed to mutual understanding and kindness between various religious organizations.

Currently in the Republic of 79 registered religious organizations and about two dozen religious groups. Freely, within laws, not only the religious communities of the Buddhist, Orthodox, Muslim denominations are operating, but the communities of Catholics and Protestants.

The revival of traditional religions essentially began with scratch. Generally absent material base. In this regard, the main emphasis on initial stage The development of traditional religions, especially Buddhism, was made on a material base, namely the construction of Hurulov, Orthodox churches.

The construction of a Buddhist church, one of the three main churches of Choyhhorling, one of the three main temples of the Huruleuch complex "Geden Sheddub Choyhhorling". This cult facility was built at optimally short time - for 1 year. For the construction of Hurula, the state allocated more than 2.5 billion rubles, about 1.3 billion rubles (at 1996 prices) made from their personal funds the President of the Republic. New Hurulas at the expense of local budgets and sponsorships were built in Lagan, in the villages of Tsagan-Aman, Iki-Chonos, Baga-Chonos, Tsekert, Yashkul, Arshan-Olmen. The construction of the hurulov in the villages of the Big Tsaryn and Ulan Cold is completed. At the expense of personal funds of the President of the Republic, the Cross-Promotional Orthodox Church of the village was built. At present, the Orthodox religious communities operate in all districts, for their work, the local authorities are allocated premises in which the churches are open.

As can be seen from these examples, the authorities, despite the existing difficulties, seek opportunities for the development of the material base of religious organizations. The development of the material base of Buddhist and Orthodox denominations will continue, despite the existing financial and economic difficulties, continue, and the state intends to play a leading role here.

A special role in the revival of traditional religions is given to the Buddhist and Orthodox clergy. From our nearby last story We know that in Hurulas Kalmykia at the beginning of the 20th century several thousand Buddhist clergymen were served. The fate of the overwhelming majority of them is sad. During the mass repression of the 20-30s, many of them were shot, the part was exiled to the camps where many of them died from diseases, cold and hunger. Only units of representatives of that generation of Buddhist clergy lived to the present day, where in everyday life, the secret of the official authorities, religious rites were carried out.

What happened to the Buddhist clergy is the tragedy of the Kalmyk people.

But despite all this, in the period of the revival of Buddhism, when the first set of young people in Buddhist spiritual educational institutions of Mongolia and Buryatia, 15 young men decided to tie their fate with Buddhism. Despite the material difficulties, some of them completed their studies and are currently working successfully in Hurulas and enjoy respect and authority among believers. You can rightfully attribute Rinchen Dagwu - Lama of the Union of Cossacks of Kalmykia, Baljnim Lama - the abbot of Caganaman Hurula, Luzng Lama - Abbreet of Yashkulsky Hurula, Agvanta Ishi Lamu - Abbot of Trinity Hurula,

Sanj Lama is the abbot of Hurula "Siaxn Suma" and some others. The most wide scope of the preparation of clergymen received in 1993. In February 1993, 16 young men from Kalmykia were sent to study at Drepung Gomang Monastery, in subsequent years there were 10 more people.

Currently completed their studies and work in the Hurulas of the Republic of 7 young men, another 7 young men continue their training. In addition, in the highest spiritual educational institution of Buryatia, 3 young men from Kalmykia are currently studying. Despite the fact that the church is separated from the state, the authorities are finding various opportunities from extrabudgetary funds and assist the student outside the republic. This systematic work gives its positive results. Currently, 27 Buddhist priests work in the hurulah of the republic, including 7 Tibetan Lam, which have the most significant assistance in the revival of Buddhism. For Buddhist clergy, all the necessary conditions have been created. All of them have good housing conditions. In particular, for the monks of Jurul "Syakyusn Suma" the government of the republic allocated a new two-quartered residential building with all the amenities.

Much is done by the Elistian and Kalmyk Orthodox diocese for the preparation of clergy. Bishop Zosimoy for 1996 - 2002 is aimed at studying in the spiritual educational institutions of cities Moscow, Belgorod 11 young men, some of them completing their studies working in the Orthodox churches of the republic. Currently, the overwhelming majority of the churches of the Republic are equipped with local priests.

Tracting for Buddhist religion as a very large philosophical view. Given the big interest in Buddhism, the branch of the International Buddhist Institute of Karmap (New Delhi India) was opened in Elista in 1995. This only institution of such a direction in Russian Federation Prepares Buddadovogov, translators. In addition, several people study at the Buddhist Institute in the city of Varanasi (India). Such an initiative of young people who expressed the desire to study the philosophy of Buddhism only welcomes us and the state has all possible assistance in their studies.

In recent years, the links of traditional denominations with religious centers of Russia and far abroad have significantly expanded. Traditional were visits to the republic of religious delegations from different countries World. Only in recent years, Kalmykia with friendly visits was visited by the state oracle Tuputn Nagrub, Minister of Culture and Religion of the Central Tibetan Administration of Kirth Rinpoche, President of the Association of Buddhist Xinjiang (PRC) Salvan Gegian, His Halha Geepzun Dama (Bogo Gegain) and many others. According to the Orthodox Church, the Republic of Patriarch Moscow and All Russia Alexy 2 visited the Republic in 1997, in June of the current year 2002, the Metropolitan of Kaliningrad and Smolensk Kirill was visited. Regular visits to Kalmykia hierarchs of the Buddhist religion gave an impulse in the formation of Dharma-Center-centers to study the foundations of Buddhism. For a short time of time, time to get recognition from the believers Dharma Center (head of Elistaev b), Tilopa Center (head of Mangaev B.). It is on their initiative and with the help of state authorities organized visits to high buddhist LamReligious prayers are held. For example, in July 1999, in the city of Elista in a solemn environment with the participation of more than 3,000 Buddhists from different cities of Russia, the Buddhist stupa enlightenment opened in the city of Russia and far abroad. Local authorities were provided by a substantial assistance to the Buddhist community of Karma Kague's discharge, solving many organizational issues in the construction and opening of this Stupa. Similar stups are built in the village of Tsagan-Nur, Baga-Buul, Ovat, Arshan-Oilman, Gnjur, Sharing. The construction of the stupas was completed with the Khurule "Syakyusn Suma". It is devoted to the memory of Kalmyk and Tibetan Lam.

The basics of traditional religions are comprehended by and through their teaching in schools within the framework of the Optional course "History of the Native Territory" in the historical information aspect. And all this is carried out within the framework of both the federal and republican laws on religion.

A large place in the media is given to religious and educational programs. Regular steel on the radio and television transmission "Clear light", "Bed", "conversations about religion". Fieroly advocate television viewers and radio listeners Buddhist, Orthodox priests on the explanation of those or other provisions of traditional religions. In general, these transmissions are popular among the believers of the republic.

A large role in the spread of Buddhism is given by printed information. In this case, the most constructive positions are the republican newspapers Izvestia Kalmykia and "Halmg Unn". Any visit to the high Buddhist lame does not go without the attention of the republican newspapers, constantly on their pages appear interviews with them, which causes great interest from readers. The newspaper "Halmg Unn" pays a lot of attention to issues of national religious holidays, in particular Tsagan-Sar, Zul, URS-SAR. In recent years, several round tables with the invitation of scientists, clergymen were held in the editorial office of this newspaper. For more in-depth information on Buddhis, religious Buddhist organizations, the magazines "Mandala" and "Shambala", the newspaper "Lotus breathing" and "Padma" are published by Kalmykia scientists.

Kalmykia is the only republic not only in Russia, but also throughout Europe, where the title Kalmyk nation belongs to the group of Mongolian peoples. But unfortunately, in the appearance of cities and villages of the republic did not have a marked national oriental flavor. Even the capital of the republic - the city of Elista on appearance and architecture did not differ from cities, for example, Central Russia. The leadership of the republic during nationwide support was carried out a lot of work on giving the appearance of our capital of the National Eastern Colorite. In 1997, Rotonda was installed in the city center with a Buddha monument. It became the norm for citizens to visit this place, prayes before the Buddha, lay flowers to his foot. According to projects of folk craftsmen, two beautiful oriental-style arches are built, which decorate the city center and are its business card. And such excellent architectural monuments and construction in Elista are becoming more and more. The theme of Buddhism seriously interested in our artists, in particular, in 1999, the eponymous play was delivered to the anniversary of the Kalmyk enlightener and the spiritual leader, which caused great interest among the public.

The revival of traditional beliefs is not an end in itself. All that is being done in this spiritual sphere has a specific goal and the task - to instill with the younger generation, which grows in the conditions of the Zasili Western mass culture, love for the native land, love for national traditions, rites, language.

Already today we can see that the people have liberated, gained confidence and sense of national dignity.

Through the revival of religion, the National Spirit of Peoples residing in Kalmykia can be revived. Only confident man leaning on national roots, traditions and customs can solve those tasks that life confronts.

Information and photos from the site.

Hello, inquisitive readers! Today we will have to look into the southeastern corner of the European part of Russia, where Kalmykia spread out in the interfold of Done and Volga. This is the only country in Europe where we are confess. This religion has greatly influenced Kalmyk customs and traditions.

We will talk about them.

Historic past

Kalmyks, descendants of Wesnerongol Ohiratov, moved to the lower house of the Volga in the middle of the XVII century, when they had disagreements with other inhabitants of the Jungan Khanate.

In a new place, Kalmyk Khanate was formed. Later, it was abolished by Russian states.

Kalmytsky people had to survive the hardest misfortunes during the existence of the USSR. They lost autonomy, were deported, resulting in more than half of their population.

Only by the 60s of the last century Kalmykov rehabilitated. Now their state is part of the Russian Federation called the Republic of Kalmykia.

In her two state language - Russian and Kalmyk.

Kalmyki and Lotos.

Despite the experienced difficulties, Kalmyks do not lose optimism. Perhaps it helps them in this following an ancient Buddhist teaching.

Kalmykia is the only state in the world from whom on the coat of arms, and the flag depicts a lotus. In Kalmyk, is "Badm". And on Sanskrit - "Padma", in Tibetan - "Pad Ma".

The Kalmyk people honors the Bodhisattva of the compassion of Avalokiteshwaru, which is depicted by carrying this flower. It is to him that they pay their prayer "Om Mani Padme Hum", which means "Oh, treasure, in the core of the lotus!"

Of the three types of lotus, one, Indian, grows on the banks of the Volga. Further, north of this place, you will not meet it, and in all of Europe it is only here. Kalmyks are proud to be enjoying his bloom in natural conditions.

They believe that their people awarded special right to live near the place of growth of this miracle and have it on their state symbols. It is a bad Kalmyk name to Badma, there are many surnames formed from this root: Badmakhaleaev, Badmayev, Badminov, etc.

Everyday life

Since Kalmyki was nomads, then the housing had a mobile, called "Kibitka" - like, insulated felt. In the summer it was cool, in winter - warmth.

In kibits, more prosperous nomads were inhabited, as she was covered with a cat with a sheep wool, and for this it was necessary to have livestock.

Poor Kalmyks could not allow themselves to be in everyday life. Their dwellings were called Joolum and built from reed sheaves installed in a circle and tied up tightly tightly.

They were without windows, and inside it was dark. For insulation, clay was used, which Jolum was cooked from the inside and outside. It was very cold in it, which sometimes even served as the cause of the death of residents.

By the way, before, before Kalmykov, it was not accepted to bury the dead. They were left in the steppe to eat predators. Now the funeral is invited to Lama, who "indicates" the path of the one who deplorable into the world is different.

Symbolic dish

The most beloved delicacy of local residents are Burzoki. Previously, they could afford only rich, because of the high cost and inaccessibility of wheat flour.

There are over ten varieties of these cakes, and each view has a deep meaning and purpose.

  • the sun is required for the holidays;
  • in the form of a bubble symbolizes the infinity of the living wheel - Sansary, they certainly fall at the table during the celebration of the zul;
  • as Rogoli resembles the upper part of the cow and are presented with a problem with an increase in the livestock of large livestock;
  • the shape resembling a part or a whole lamb, giving the owner to have more sheep, symbolically represent an ancient curse of animals;
  • similar to the horse's inside - whale - symbolize the abundance of food;
  • small size - chores - are presented so that there are more children or livestock;
  • shore Belg, like bayonets, show determination to defend themselves from enemies;
  • sovun, in the form of birds, announce the arrival of spring.

This is not a complete list of such flour products, which, according to Kalmykov, indicate the relationship of all living in the world, its cause-dependent origin in accordance with one of the Buddhist provisions.

Main celebrations

Among the main holidays in Kalmyk culture, it is necessary to note the ace, which means "Lampad". Initially, he was devoted to the birth of the Universe, and then it was a national birthday, which every Kalmyk becomes older for a year. The same day symbolizes the offensive of the beginning of the next year.

In the local calendar there is a month of cow, here in his 25th day and celebrate this holiday. Since the universe arose due to an explosion, during the celebration there should be a lot of fire. This significant day is also associated with Parumby Tsongkapa, which founded the Buddhist school.

Another famous holiday is Tsagan Sar. During it, the arrival of spring is celebrated. It lasts a whole month, during which it goes to visit each other, gifted with gifts, delicious treat.

Both in Zul, and in Tsagan Sar, it was supposed to put off the Buchanam (sculptural figures of Buddha) - a hemp, and to light the lamp in front of them.

Folk ethics

Kalmykov has a distinctive system of moral and ethical rules transmitted from generation to generation and strictly observed.

Senior is respect and honor. They are missed first and support at the entrance, help prepare a horse on the road, offer better food and tea before others.

After the mile on a new pasture, the elderly people treat them to bless a new place. When the elders talk, they will not be switched, they do not interrupt, listen to their advice, never increase the voice in their presence.

During the holidays, Johli - prosperity - also provided those who are older. They also use strong drinks, it is not allowed.

The entire age-old wisdom of the Kalmyk people is collected in his heroic epic called "Dzhangar". He describes the feats of the heroes who live in a non-existent country of Bumba.

Epos is about a thousand years old, and it has been preserved to our days thanks to the residents who knew all his songs and passed them to orally the next generations.

Kalmykov, it is not customary to praise his wives, but to strengthen the spirit and raising authority everywhere praise men. There is even a proverb "No praise no boys."

Family ties

In the former times, Kalmyki lived clans - hotons. Each hoton was called by the name of the main thing in the family.

It was considered very important to know his relatives to the seventh knee. The father's line has always dominated the house, since the mother came to the family from another kind.

Around the fourth knee, relatives were close, and from the fifth to the seventh - they were considered long. Relatives for the father's line did not allow them to marry among themselves, since the offspring was born in this case with the patient, and the genus weakened.

Wedding sacrament

At a timely time, the walling in Kalmykia took place in three stages:

  • familiarized families in the house of the bride;
  • woven with the discussion at the table menu of the future wedding, gifts and composition of the wedding train;
  • again the bottom of the ceremony.

Nowadays everything happens faster. GERUING (Buddhist Monk) defines one more favorable day for matchmaking and second - for the ceremony itself.

The preparation for the wedding includes interesting rituals. The bride cuts off strands of the hair, nails so that she does not take away the happiness of her family from the house. The groom prepares a wedding train, which was supposed to consist of an odd quantity, 9 or 11 married men.

Before the celebration, it is supposed to damage the hands and rinsing the mouth and pray before Burkhan. It lasts long, since the bride should be delivered to the groom's house.

After the feast of the bride puts on a handkerchief, praises to Burkhanam, drinks milk and leaves why at home. Her dowry will be shipped into the wedding train, and the young leave.


Kalmyki is an amazing people who have a rich cultural and spiritual heritage. Its representatives are distinguished by high morality, wisdom and simplicity.