Burial place of Itigelov. Moving Khambo Lama Itigelov - truth or fiction? Opinions of Buddhist lamas and residents of Buryatia


This trip to the Ivolginsky Datsan had been brewing for a long time and finally all the stars came together, in the evening we boarded a train to Ulan-Ude. On the train, we drank tea with buns and talked about spiritual practices and amazing life and no less amazing life after the death of Lama Itigelov.

In the morning we were in Ulan-Ude. The road to the Ivolginsky Datsan was brightened with an interesting and informative story of the guide about the history of everyday life and life of the Buryat people.

Biography facts of the twelfth Pandito Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov Left an early orphan, Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov was brought up by the wealthy Nadmit Batuyev at that time in the Orongoi area - now the Ivolginsky district. Having reached the age of 16, he went to study at the Aninsky datsan of the Khorinsky steppe Duma. In those years, this datsan was one of the most famous for the level of education of its lamas-clergy. There he spent about 20 years studying Sanskrit, Tibetan language, logic, philosophy. Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov improved his knowledge of Buddhist sciences in the Tsugolsky and Aginsky datsans, and also served in the Tamchinsky datsan - the residence of the Khambo Lama. Most likely, in one of them he defended the title of gabji lama, which corresponds to the title of candidate of philosophical sciences. Returning to the Yangazhinsky datsan in the Orongoi area, he became a full-time Buddhist philosopher, it was very difficult and at the same time honorable to take this place, because the full-time lamas were actually supported by the state.

In 1904, Itigelov was appointed shirete-lama of the Yangazhinsky datsan. On March 24, 1911, he was nominated among ten candidates for the post of Pandito Khambo Lama - the head of the Buddhists of Eastern Siberia. By a diploma dated April 11, 1911, the Irkutsk governor was approved as the Supreme Head of all Buddhist datsans. According to legend, at the time of his enthronement, Khambo Lama D.-D. Itigelov, before sitting on the Khamba throne, took out the seventh from the olbok pillows and, placing it on top of all the others, sat down on the throne. It was the olbok of Pandito Khambo Lama Yeshizhamsuev Danzat-Gevan. Prior to his reign, among the Buddhists of Eastern Siberia, there was a long-standing dispute about supremacy between the Khilgantuysky and Tamchinsky datsans. Itigelov's act was regarded as a sign that he had come to put an end to long-standing strife.

Subsequently, Hambo Lama D.-D. Itigelov was looking for the burial place of the first Pandito Khambo Lama Damba-Dorzhi Zayayev and even, according to some sources, was recognized as his reincarnated by the believers of the Khilgantui (Tsongolsk) datsan. While at the post of the Hambo Lama, D.-D. Itigelov made great efforts for educational activities, especially in the publication of religious and secular literature for the laity. For his work he was repeatedly awarded medals from Russian government and the governor of Eastern Siberia.

In 1913, Pandito Khambo Lama participated, by special invitation, in the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov and in the consecration of a Buddhist temple in the capital. Russian Empire Saint Petersburg. The initiator of the construction of this temple - the famous Buddhist figure Aghvan Dorzhiev was the closest associate and ally of Khambo llama D-D... Itigelova. A solemn prayer service for the health and well-being of the House of Romanovs was held at the St. Petersburg Datsan. After D.-D. Itigelov and A. Dorzhiev were photographed for memory.

In the photo they are standing next to them, together with them are the famous orientalist P.K. Kozlov and his wife, later famous Buryat scientists Ts.Zhamtsarano, E.-D. Rinchino, Mongolian prince Khanda-Dorzhi, Kalmyk prince Tundupov. It is also known that Khambo Lama Itigelov took part in the II General Buryat Congress held in the Gusinoozersky Datsan in July 1917. At the suggestion of Itigelov, the congress considered a new "Statute on the Lamaist clergy of Eastern Siberia."

After retiring in 1917 due to illness from the post of the Hambo Lama, D.-D. Itigelov made a lot of efforts to preserve and prevent pogroms of datsans in watershed years history of our country. Hambo Lama died in 1927. As a real Buddhist practitioner, before his death, he gave the last instructions to his disciples and asked them to start reciting "huga Namshi" for him, a special prayer - good wishes for the deceased. The disciples did not dare to pronounce it in the presence of the living Master. Then Hambo Lama began to recite this prayer himself, which his disciples gradually picked up. Reading goodwill and being in a state of meditation on the Clear Light of Mind, he passed away from this life. Before that, he bequeathed to his disciples: "You will visit and see my body in 30 years."

In the lotus position, in which Khambo Lama was during meditation, the body was placed in a sarcophagus and buried in a bumkhan - a mausoleum in the area of ​​Huhe-Zurkhen, where famous lamas were buried. One of them, who was in the same cell with Agvan Dorzhiev during his arrest in 1938, recalled that back in 1921 Itigelov warned Dorzhiev, who at that moment returned from Mongolia: “You shouldn't have returned here. It would have been better if you stayed abroad. The arrests of the lamas will begin soon. If you fall into their hands, they will not leave you alive. " Aghvan Dorzhiev asked in response: "Why don't you go abroad?" To which Itigelov replied: "They will not have time to take me."

On September 11, 2002, an autopsy of the sarcophagus with the ashes of Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov took place in the Ivolginsky Datsan

The body was removed from the bumkhan - the burial place of a lama in the Kukhe-Zurkhen area in the presence of the leadership and priests of the Buddhist traditional Sangha of Russia. Everyone was surprised that 75 years after the burial, the body of the Great Lama was preserved in excellent condition - in the same lotus position that Itigelov took when he passed away meditating.

Even among very advanced Buddhist practitioners, achieving an incorruptible body is the rarest case, according to representatives of the Buddhist traditional Sangha of Russia. Only great Teachers, leaving life, can enter the state of meditation-samadhi and purify their body so that after death it is preserved.

This is because the process of death - the extinction of the vital functions of the body - is under conscious control. But not every body can remain incorrupt, says the oldest Buryat Gelek-Balbar Lama. One can only assume that Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov was a practitioner of the greatest level who reached direct comprehension of Emptiness - the Great reality of all phenomena.

"From early childhood, I heard from old people and relatives about Khambo Lama Itigelov," says Unzad Lama, the leader of prayer readings, Bimba Dorzhiev, who has been serving in the Ivolginsky Datsan since 1988 (he comes from Khuramsha, a village located near the former Yangazhinsky Datsan where Itigelov served - Auth.) - I remember the story of how the parishioners of the Tsongolsky Datsan turned to Khambo Lama Itigelov with a request to determine a new place for the construction of the datsan, since the former was flooded with water during floods.

Itigelov indicated the place, saying that the bell and the vajra of the first Khambo Lama Damba Dorzhi Zayayev were buried there. And there they really found these objects and subsequently built a new dugan of the Khilgantui (Tsongolsky) datsan. Believers mistook Itigelov for the reincarnated Khambo Lama Zayayev. "In fact, in 1955, a group of lamas led by Khambo Lama Lubsan-Nima Darmaev opened the sarcophagus with the body, put it in order and returned it to the boomkhan.

Most likely, this was done in secret from the authorities, and, of course, in those years there could be no question of returning the body to the datsan. “I kept in my mind the thought that the current generation of Buddhist priests needed to find the sarcophagus of the Khambo Lama again and check the condition of his body,” Lama Bimba Dorzhiev continues. that if you make the imperishable body of Khambo Lama Itigelov an object of veneration for believers, then this will become the greatest blessing. "

Dorzhiev found a person who knew about the place of the Teacher's burial - the grandfather of Amgalan Dabaev, born in 1914. He saw Itigelov during his lifetime, and his father-in-law participated in the opening of the sarcophagus in 1955. Bimba Lama and a group of believers turned to Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev with a request to organize excavations. And on September 10, with a group of lamas and relatives Khambo, Lama Ayusheev left for the burial site. With the help of Amgalan's grandfather, the exact burial site was determined. “Our rational mind says that it is impossible to keep the deceased body in more or less good condition.

Still, 75 years have passed since the departure of the Khambo Lama, says Damba Ayusheev. - I asked everyone to move away from the sarcophagus at the most crucial moment. Medical expert E. Mandarkhanov approached him, and when after some time he confirmed that the body was intact, I experienced great relief and joy. But at the same time I felt the burden of responsibility for further
the fate of this precious body for us. "

On the evening of September 10, with a large crowd of believers, the sarcophagus was greeted in the datsan with the honors of the highest Buddhist hierarch. Under the recitation of prayers and the sounds of ritual instruments, he was placed in Divazhin-dugan, where the model of paradise - the pure land of Buddha Amitabha, as well as the mandalas of the highest deities is located. Excitement, doubt, a sense of belonging to historical event- these emotions were experienced by each of those present at the opening of the sarcophagus. Experts I.A. Vologdin and D.A. Gorin compare the lifetime photograph of Hambo Lama D.-D. Itigelova with an exhumed body, dressed in a yellow tarlig, and say with confidence: "This is it."

From dawn to night in Divazhin-dugan lamas and khuvaraki daily read a special prayer - "Dambrel dodbo" - "Praise to interdependent origin" - the root text on the emptiness of all phenomena. The Central Spiritual Directorate of the Sangha of Russia decided to build a special sarcophagus from a double-glazed window, to create all conditions for the further preservation of the precious relic. One of the main initiators of the opening of the burial place of Hambo Lama D.-D. Itigelova unzad lama of the Ivolginsky datsan Bimba Dorzhiev.

Worshiping the body of a yogi can bring great benefit to all believers, the respected Galek-Balbar Lama believes. Since the time of the disciples of Tszonghava, the founder of the Gelukpa school (15th century), there have been attempts to preserve the Teacher's body, but not all have been successful. But the Buddhists of Buryatia are incredibly lucky, they can witness a miracle with their own eyes. After 75 years, the Great Teacher was able to reveal his incorruptible body to the eyes of his followers, in order to remind us of our frailty, impermanence and death, and the great power of the Buddha's Teachings.

MOSCOW, December 01, 2003 - The sensational results of studies of the imperishable body of a Buddhist lama were published on Wednesday in Moscow.

"Samples taken 75 years after the burial showed that the organic matter of the skin, hair and nails of this deceased person is no different from the organic matter of the living," said Galina Ershova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University.

This is the body of a famous religious figure named Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov, who was the head of Russian Buddhists from 1911 to 1927. Before his death, he bequeathed to get his body out of the ground after about 30 years. Since then, the exhumation has been carried out twice: in 1955 and 1973, and both times it turned out that the body of the Hambo Lama had not undergone decay. The same thing was discovered for the third time, in 2002, after which the doctors decided to examine the body of Itigelov. "His joints are bent, soft tissues are squeezed like a living person, and after opening the box in which the lama rested for 75 years, a fragrance began to emanate from there," said Ershova.

According to her, "this completely contradicts the idea of ​​what should be with a person after 75 years of burial." Ershova also noted that there has not been a single similar fact, not only in the history of Buddhism, but in the history of mankind in general. The body of the deceased lama has been the object of worship of Buddhists of Buryatia for two years now. It is located in the Ivolginsky temple of Ulan-Ude, the main Buddhist temple in Russia.

An excerpt from an interview with the current head of the Buddhist traditional sangha (community) of Russia, Damba Ayusheev, was also shown, who noted that this phenomenon "gave believing Buddhists even more faith, removed doubts from doubters, and made atheists think." Interfax reports.


For the first time his grandniece Yanzhima Vasilyeva tells about the miracles around the Buryat saint.

Already two and a half years have passed since the body of the former head of the Buddhists of Russia Khambo Lama Itigelov, who died 78 years ago, was unearthed at the cemetery near Ulan-Ude (KP wrote about this on October 19, 2002, December 2 and 4, 2004) ... Then, in September 2002, the medical examiners present at the exhumation were shocked. Itigelov had all the signs of a living body: soft skin without any signs of decay, his nose, ears, closed eyes remained in place (the eyeballs were in place, did not leak out), fingers and elbow joints were mobile. The body was fragrant. There is no unpleasant smell to this day. The lama did not lie like a mummy, but sat in a cedar box in the lotus position.

Itigelov died unusually, - tells about his unique ancestor Yanzhima Dabaevna. - After in 1917 he resigned as the head of the Buddhists of Russia, he perfected his spirit for ten years. And on June 15, 1927, he gathered his disciples, sat in the lotus position and asked them to read the Buddhist prayer "Good wishes to the departing one", which is usually addressed to the deceased. The disciples were surprised: "Why should we read this prayer to you alive?" Then he read it himself and stopped breathing.

This amazed even the monks, who were initiated into the secrets of meditation. “Before leaving, Itigelov said: Come to me in 30 years. Look at my body. And in 75 years I will return to you. ”The monks dug up the llama in 1957. And, seeing that the body did not decompose, they buried again. If it decomposed, then according to Buddhist laws, the body would certainly be burned.

In September 2002, the lama did return. Now he sits under a glass bell in the Ivolginsky datsan (monastery). And it still hasn't rotted - at normal room temperature.

Yanzhima Dabaevna is not only a relative of the great saint, but also the director of the Institute of Pandito Khambo Lama Itigelov, created in 2002, whose goal is to preserve the legacy of the "resurrected god". And as a leader, she considered it correct to scientifically record the phenomenon, but without opening the body. They collected the hair that fell from the head of the llama, peeled skin and cut off four milligrams of a toenail. These samples allowed Viktor Zvyagin, Head of the Personality Identification Department of the Russian Center for Forensic Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and Professor of the Russian Humanities state university Galina Ershova. The results obtained stunned the experts themselves: spectral analysis did not reveal anything in the organic tissues of the body that would distinguish them from the tissues of a living person!

He is the same as you and me, only his eyes are closed, - Itigelov's grand-niece convinces me.

Professor Ershova, for example, having touched his hands, felt their warmth. And the monk accompanying Ershova took off the cap from Itigelov's head in front of her, wiped the sweat from his forehead (!) And wiped it on Ershova's hand with the words: "The Teacher was sweating ..." The woman was shocked. There are even witnesses who claim that the lama opened his eyes.

The internal organs seem to be intact, experts say. But the blood from liquid became jelly-like. But it is, which should not be in a person who died 78 years ago. And the very famous chiropractor Alexey Azheev, who has been observing the body since 2002, even felt the pulsation of the brain in his own special way. In his opinion, the living cerebral hemispheres give out 3 - 4 "bursts" per minute, and the motionless Itigelov - 1 per minute.

A unique phenomenon that has no analogues in the world, of course, does not give rest to scientists, - Yanzhima Dabaevna laments. - And after they had already established that his cells were alive, they decided to investigate the body even deeper: to illuminate with an X-ray and do a tomography. Itigelov, on the other hand, did not give orders in his will to examine his body when he left. And we Buddhists obey the word of the Teacher. Therefore, on January 3, 2005, all experiments in the "Itigelov case" were officially closed.
- But why do you not allow studies to be carried out, which, perhaps, would only confirm the miracle?

Itigelov is not an exhibit for experiments. And we do not need to prove anything: we know that he is alive.

The monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the founder of the Soviet state, was opened on November 5, 1971, on the Soviet Square. The authors of the project are sculptors G.V. Neroda and Yu.G. Neroda. The architectural part was developed and carried out in kind by architects A.N.Dushkin and P.G. Zilberman. The project was exhibited in Paris and Montreal. At the exhibition in Moscow dedicated to the transformation of the image of V.I. Lenin in paintings, graphic and sculptural works, the authors were awarded the State Prize. The monument is located in the eastern part of the Soviet Square in front of the Government House of the Republic of Buryatia. The sculptural image of Lenin's head, cast from bronze, is installed on a polished granite pedestal. The sculpture rests on a pedestal in the front part as if at one point, as it is limited from below by an oblique cut. The height of the sculpture is 7, 7 meters, its weight is 42 tons, the height of the pedestal is 6.3 m. The sculpture was cast at the Mytishchi stone-cutting plant.

Odigitrievsky Cathedral is an Orthodox church, the cathedral of the Ulan-Ude and Buryat dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, the first stone building in the city of Ulan-Ude. An architectural monument of the Siberian Baroque. The uniqueness of the cathedral also lies in the fact that it was built in a zone of high seismic activity. Located in the city center, on the banks of the Uda River at its confluence with the Selenga.

In September 2002, the former head of the Buryat Buddhists Pandito Khambo Lama Itigelov, as he bequeathed, he returned to our world: his body was removed from a wooden box under the ground and transferred to the Ivolginsky datsan (monastery). The Blessed Palace was built there especially for him. In it, the Precious and Inexhaustible body continues to "live" to this day.

Came in a dream

“Do you see the windows on the second floor are open? He sits there at room temperature, breathing the same air as you and me. There is no refrigerator. Now he is resting, tired after the morning service ", - sighs Dashi Batuev, the guardian of the body of Khambo Lama Itigelov. In fact, he has three guardians, their duties include holding prayers together with Itigelov (two hours every morning), receiving messages from him (more on that later) and an unpretentious toilet. Twice a month the Precious Body is changed and the face is rubbed with oil.

“Is there a smell? At first, when I just came to him as a keeper, I acutely felt the smell of an elderly person, aha, - like many Buryats, the Dashi Lama puts “aha” at the end of almost every phrase. - But over time, the smell went away. Or I'm used to it, yeah. And when they took it out of the ground and only opened the box, they say, there was a very strong fragrance, yeah. "

The fact that the former Pandito Khambo Lama is sitting underground in the lotus position, in Buryatia to early XXI v. could have easily forgotten. Of the people who saw Itigelov during his lifetime, only one remained by that time, the lamas did not really know anything about this story, they did not pass information about the burial place to each other. And it was unsafe then.

Perhaps Khambo Lama Iti-Gael would have remained forever buried, but he chose a different path. Namely, he began to appear in a dream to one of the monks. “He often dreamed, said that it was time for him to go out, yeah,” Batuev recalls. - And this man told everything to the other lamas acting Khambo Lame Ayusheev... Then they began to look for a burial place and found it. And that monk Bimba Dorzhiev, now the main guardian of the Precious and Inexhaustible Body, yeah. "

"The glass is fogged up!"

The exhumation was carried out as required by law: signatures of relatives were collected, forensic experts were invited. Here is an extract from the conclusion: “The corpse of a man in a sitting position, with the legs bent at the knees, and the legs with the feet crossed ... No signs of decay ... Any extraneous aromatic, resinous or putrid odors from the contents of the box were not detected ... The soft tissues of the corpse are elastic, the mobility of the joints is preserved ...

No traces of a previously performed autopsy for the purpose of possible embalming or conservation were found. "

Embalming (or embalming) is one of the methods known to science to preserve the body after death. Such - embalmed, like Lenin, or dried up, like an Egyptian mummy - his distant relative expected to see Itigelov Yanzhima Vasilieva:

“I was shocked. I thought it would be a numb body. I put pressure on my stomach, and it's soft! I touched my hands - the joints are movable. It was a shock for everyone. In addition, there was salt in the box. If Itigelov had died an ordinary physical death, the salt would have corroded the body, and it was as if it were alive. Forensic experts assured that in a few hours, in a maximum of a couple of days, it would begin to deteriorate and turn into decay. This happens during abrupt changes in conditions - for example, when the remains of a mammoth are taken out of the ice. Therefore, the body was placed in a refrigerator. They set a certain temperature in it. We came the next day: the temperature in the cell rose by 2 ° C, and the glass was fogged up! "

In addition to sweating (usually during prayers and with a large crowd of people), Itigelov changes his body weight. At the time of his "return" he weighed 46 kilos, and then lost weight to 42. But on the days of meetings with pilgrims (7-8 such days are recruited a year) he adds 100 grams. It is also surprising that the pose in which he was in a wooden box for 75 years remains unchanged. But no supporting and fixing devices are used for this.

Two years after the exhumation of Itigelov's body, scientists from the Russian State Humanities University(RSUH). In particular, analyze hair, skin particles and nails. Got down to work Victor Zvyagin- Head of the Personality Identification Department of the Russian Center for Forensic Medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences. He once made a conclusion about belonging Hitler charred corpse found in Berlin, and was also one of the first to study the remains declared to be Nicholas II and his family members.

After examining biological samples delivered from Buryatia using the method of infrared spectrophotometry, the experts came to the conclusion: "Protein fractions have vital characteristics." Simply put, the tissues of the body do not differ from the tissues of a living person! As V. Zvyagin explained then, it looks like Itigelov died a day or two, but not 75 years ago. He had his eyeballs and internal organs in place!

The conclusion of experts: modern science does not know such a state of the body after physical death, in which Khambo Lama Itigelov is. It was then that the word "phenomenon" sounded from the lips of scientists for the first time.

Science-known ways to preserve the body after death


  • Conditions: hot and dry air, adequate ventilation. The corpse is completely dehydrated and dries up. Its volume and mass are sharply reduced, the skin becomes fragile and brittle, takes on a brownish-brown hue.
  • Examples: was popular in Ancient egypt... Now used by some African tribes.


  • Conditions: fabrics are impregnated with substances that prevent decay - the so-called. antiseptics. It is produced, as a rule, for educational, scientific purposes, as well as for the preservation of the corpses of prominent figures.
  • Examples: doctor Nikolai Pirogov, politicians Vladimir Lenin, Ho Chi Minh, Mao Zedong, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and others.

Peat tanning

  • Conditions: swamp, peat bogs, soil with a high content of humic acids. Thanks to the ability of peat to preserve organic remains, the body can be preserved for centuries. Its covers take on a dark brown color and are compacted.
  • Examples:"Swamp people". More than a thousand bodies of ancient people have been found in the swamps of Europe. So scientists gained knowledge about their appearance, clothes, hairstyles, nutrition, etc.

It is hard to believe, but it is simply impossible to imagine that, according to scientists, the recently found mummy of a Tibetan monk, which is more than 200 years old, is still "alive".

Scientists in Ulaanbaatar got hold of a 200-year-old mummy of a Tibetan monk, which was discovered in the Songinohairkhan province.

The mummy is in a sitting position in the "lotus-vajra" position, that is, the palm of the left hand is open, and the right palm is turned down and clamped, symbolizing the preaching of the Sutra. According to the ancient traditions of Buddhist lamas, this state of a person indicates that the monk has not died, but is in a deep state of meditation, and the longer he arrives in such an unusual oblivion, the closer he is to Buddha.

With a detailed study of the mummy and after a number of different examinations, scientists made an unequivocal conclusion that protein functions mummies have an in vivo state of their bodies, and "the monk is still alive", he is simply in a very long and deep trance.

According to scientists headed by Genghugiyun Purevbata, professor of the Mongolian Institute of Buddhist Art, such a trance into which the monk entered is called "tukdam", and the monk himself is the teacher of Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov, who voluntarily sat down in the same lotus position and read the death prayer , died. This event took place on June 15, 1927.

Before sitting down and dying, Itigelov prepared himself morally and physically for almost ten years, and bequeathed to his disciples that he should be buried intact in a sitting position. Then, 30 years later, they dug it out and looked at it again, and finally it was returned only after 75 years. So everything was done by his disciples. A cedar box was built, in which a seated llama was placed and covered with ordinary rock salt, and then buried in the ground with all honors. 30 years later (in 1957) Itigelov was dug up again. Those present were amazed by what they saw - the monk sat as if alive in the same position, only did not breathe. They changed his robe, recited the necessary prayers, and the impromptu sarcophagus with the monk was again buried, and again dug up only in 2002.

In fact, the lama returned to our world, as he wanted 75 years later. The forensic medical examination of the city of Buryatia has documented the fact that there is no natural decomposition of the body, even there is no putrid smell. The soft tissues are elastic, the joints bend and retained their mobility, there are no signs of any embalming or the use of any oils on the body. Even the llama's orange robe did not lose its strength and brightness of colors.

By the way, Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov (Pardito Khambo-Lama XII) is a religious Buryat leader, and in 1911-1917 he was the head of the Buddhists of Siberia.

To this day, the lama sits on the podium, in his solemn lotus position, in the Ivolginsky monastery specially built for him. His body can be said to be incorruptible, for 88 years it has been in the same state and has not been subjected to decay or decay. Many believe that the lama is alive and could return to our world only if his body had been dug up a little earlier. Or simply the revival of the lama does not take place because those to whom he promised to return are no longer alive.

But be that as it may, in reality, we already do not know for sure, but with these examples of "living" mummies, we can accurately state the fact that the power of faith is simply omnipotent and immense, and in many ways a person has not yet been given to understand this, not explain.

(Your versions and Additional Information on the topic are welcome)

In 2002, the world community aroused extraordinary interest in the phenomenal phenomenon associated with the name of Khambo Lama Itigelov. On September 10 of that year, the imperishable body of XII Pandito Khambo Lama Dash Dorzhi Itigelov, the head of the Buddhists of Eastern Siberia, was raised to the surface of the earth, who was buried on June 15, 1927. The commission of forensic experts made an examination and drew up a conclusion, which stated that no embalming and preservation of the body had been performed. There are many signs that the cells of the body are alive, but in a special state of suspended animation ( state of samadhi !?). How the body of Hambo Lama survived in this state for 75 years in a box buried in the ground remains a mystery. And also how he managed to do this during his lifetime. This phenomenon was widely discussed in the press, a film was made, a lot of information about the life and work of Itigelov was collected, round tables and conferences were held, but there is still no clear understanding of this phenomenon. Modern science is unable to explain the nature of this phenomenon. Living lamas have expressed the opinion that through spiritual practice and meditation, he was able to preserve his body in order to demonstrate the power of the Buddha's teachings.

This is another example of how much there is unknown and inaccessible to modern science and how deep and mysterious life, death and consciousness really are. And the modern understanding of the world order requires rethinking. But from the standpoint of spiritual knowledge and practice, this phenomenon can be explained. This is the case when consciousness is stronger than matter and is capable of performing "miracles" even in this material world, in contrast to the known physical laws.

The material about the incorruptible Lama is even more advantageous than about Edgar Cayce, since here you can no longer attribute it to “there was” or “charlatanism”. I wonder what my opponents-skeptics will say against this material on the forum of this LJ? Really "I do not believe" again? :) After all, there is a unique phenomenon!

P.S. Important points in the text are highlighted in bold.

Georgy Kazulko
Bialowieza Forest

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Imperishable Khambo Lama Itigelov

Dashi Dorzho Itigelov - Pandita Khambo Lama XII (that is, the head of the Buddhists of Buryatia, Pandito Khambo Lama is the title of the head of Buddhists, which translates roughly as “the most learned lama”, “pandit” in Sanskrit “scientist”). The name of this outstanding person, a prominent Buddhist philosopher and clergyman, became known to the general public about ten years ago.

Note: Historical and contemporary sources and archival documents there is a different spelling of the surname of the XII Pandito Khambo Lama: Etigelei, Etigelov, Itegilov, etc. The traditional Buddhist Sangha of Russia has adopted the spelling of the surname in accordance with his preserved handwritten signature in Russian.

Childhood and youth

Dashi Dorzho Itigelov was born in 1852 in the Ulzy Dobo area (now it is the territory of the Orongoi rural administration of the Ivolginsky district of the Republic of Buryatia).

Having lost his parents early, he ended up in the Oshor Bulak area, where for about five years she tended sheep. From childhood, Itigelov was distinguished by a purposeful and independent character. At the age of 15, he secretly reached the Aninsky datsan (Buddhist monastery) (Khorinsky district of Buryatia) and studied there for 23 years: he studied Sanskrit, Tibetan language, logic, Buddhist texts. In order not to interrupt their education, for more than a decade and a half, at the request of Khoyto-Lamahai, local residents paid for Itigelov to the state treasury for his release from military service.

Spiritual path

Comprehending the teachings of Buddha, Itigelov successfully defended the title of gebshi, then gabji (academic degrees of lamas-philosophers) and became famous for his scholarship. In subsequent years, he improved his knowledge at the Tsugolsky and Tamchinsky datsans, gaining fundamental knowledge of Tibetan medicine. In 1898 he returned to his homeland, to the Yangazhinsky datsan, where he was enrolled in the full-time lamas and began to teach Buddhist philosophy, while at the same time fulfilling the duties of the Geskhy Lama Sogshon-Dugan.

In 1904, Dashi Dorzho Itigelov was appointed head of the Yangazhinsky datsan. While in this position, he initiated the construction of new Choira-dugan, Devazhin-dugan. The dugans were erected for the purpose of performing virtue for the many thousands of warriors who died during the war. Itigelov donated his entire fortune for the construction - about 15 thousand rubles. Starting construction and setting an example, he collected a significant amount in the form of donations from the population. He also made great efforts for educational and healing activities among believers and laity.

In the spring of 1911, in the Residence of the Khambo Lama (Tamchinsky Datsan), out of ten applicants, he was elected XII Pandit Khambo Lama of the Buddhist clergy of Eastern Siberia.

After the outbreak of the First World War, he was engaged in fundraising to help the front. In 1915 he was awarded the highest state award Mongolia - the Order of the Precious Wand, and in 1916 for special works and merits in helping people called up for war, as well as the families of the wounded and fallen, he was awarded the Russian Order of St. Anna, II degree.

By that time, Transbaikalia had become one of the largest Buddhist centers in the world - with dozens of temples, printing houses, richest libraries in which both the latest and ancient rare books were kept, with centers of Tibetan medicine.

Until 1917, Dashi Dorzho Itigelov was the head of Buddhists in Russia. Then he resigned, on official version, because of illness. But some modern researchers of his life and work believe that the reason was different: he foresaw tragic fate Russian Buddhism in the twentieth century under J. Stalin and its further revival, so the last ten years of his life he prepared for this future. This is what he said in his testament to his disciples.

XII Pandita Khambo Lama Dashi Dorzho Itigelov was a practitioner the highest level ... Based on the composition of Bogdo Zonhava "Demberel Dodba", he made a comprehensive and qualitative analysis of Emptiness and achieved direct comprehension of Emptiness - the Great Reality of all phenomena. He also authored the fundamental work on Tibetan pharmacology, Zhor. From the age of 38 until the end of his life, at the request of the lamas, he wrote more than fifty books on Buddhism.

Voluntary withdrawal from life

On June 15, 1927, XII Pandita Khambo Lama Dasha Dorzho Itigelov sat in the lotus position and gathered his disciples. He gave them the last instructions: "You will visit and see my body in 30 years." Then he asked them to read for him "Nuga Namshi" - a special prayer-good wishes for the deceased. The disciples did not dare to say it in the presence of the living Master. Then Hambo Lama began to recite this prayer himself; gradually the disciples picked it up. So, being in a state of meditation, XII Pandita Khambo Lama Dasha Dorzho Itigelov went to nirvana seemingly forever.

He was buried in a cedar cube in the same position (in the lotus position) in which he was at the moment of leaving.

Soon after the departure of Itigelov, a massive plunder and destruction of datsans and places of worship began, a wave of arrests of Buddhists swept. Priests and believers hid sacred relics, but most of them were ruthlessly destroyed by the Bolsheviks. In Aninsky datsan the central temple was blown up; later, a slaughterhouse was arranged in its ruins.

Finding an incorruptible body

According to the will in 1955, a group of lamas led by the 17th Pandit Khambo Lama Lubsan-Nima Darmaev secretly from the authorities raised a sarcophagus in the area of ​​Khuhe-Zurkhen with the body of the 12th Pandit Khambo Lama Dasha Dash Dorzho Itigelov. Convinced of the invariability of his condition, they performed the necessary rituals, changed their clothes and again placed them in a bumkhan (box). In 1973 year XIX Pandita Khambo Lama Zhambal-Dorzho Gomboev with the lamas repeated the procedure and convinced of the safety of the body.

By the end of the last century, all of Itigelov's students had died. But he himself began to come in a dream to the current head of the Buddhist Sangha. On September 7, 2002, the eighty-eight-year-old Amgalan Dabaevich Dabaev, a resident of the village of Gilbir, pointed out to Khambo Lama D. Ayusheev the location of Itigelov in the Khukhe-Zurkhen area. September 10, 2002 XXIV Pandita Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev with a group of lamas in the presence of representatives of the authorities and forensic experts raised the sarcophagus with Itigelov. Lama Itigelov was still sitting in the same "lotus position" that he took 75 years ago before entering your final meditation. After completing the necessary ritual actions, his body was transferred to the Ivolginsky Datsan and placed in a glass sarcophagus, in which neither temperature nor humidity is regulated. The body remains in a seated position without any support or support.

Practically, his chief caretaker Bimbo Lama is constantly near the Teacher. Across certain time, according to the season, he changes his clothes, and by this period the joints become more mobile. Bimbo Lama noted that when changing clothes, "a fragrance emanates from the body of the Lama."

Dasha Dorzho Itigelov, by the way, is considered the reincarnation of the First Pandito Khambo Lama Zayayev. He also died at the age of 75 and, leaving, said to the students: "I will be back in 75 years." And three quarters of a century later, Itigelov was born in 1852. He also said that he would return in 75 years, and in 2002 they raised his sarcophagus.

Scientific study of the body of a llama

Itigelov's body turned out to be incorrupt, it is now in the Ivolginsky Datsan.

From a natural scientific point of view, the phenomenon cannot be explained.... Such a biological object as the body of Itigelov, with which no one did anything - did not mummify, did not embalm - cannot exist. But it does exist.

The Buddhist authorities of Buryatia allowed secular scientists to study the phenomenon of the imperishable body of Pandit Khambo Lama XII. The expertise of the Academy of Sciences has shown several times that Itigelov's body protein structure corresponds to the protein structure of a living person... It sweats, gains weight, it has soft, elastic skin, the mobility of the fingers and elbow joints is preserved, there are eyeballs, internal organs are intact, etc. It looks like the body of a person who died no more than twelve hours ago. During the last conference "The Phenomenon of Khambo Lama Itigelov" at the Buddhist University in 2009, three top Buddhist hierarchs from Russia, Mongolia and North India measured Itigelov's body temperature. It has reached 34 degrees, and normally ranges from 18 to 23 degrees. This is not a mummy or relics. This is an extraordinary event that science cannot yet explain.

According to Viktor Zvyagin, head. dep. identification of the personality of the Russian Center for Forensic Medicine, hair samples, skin particles, slices of two nails were taken. Infrared spectrophotometry showed that the protein fractions have in vivo characteristics - for comparison, similar samples were taken from living people. There is no cadaveric smell either during the opening of the sarcophagus, or now. An analysis of Itigelov's skin, carried out in 2004, showed that the concentration of bromine in the body of a llama exceeds the norm by 40 times.

Exhumation revealed that Itigelov's sarcophagus was filled with salt, which “damaged his skin in places - dried it out” (according to Zvyagin, there was no salt in the sarcophagus until 1973). This, in particular, can explain the phenomenon of fluctuations in body weight (within 100 g) on ​​the days of mass visits. Dried tissue or salt can absorb water vapor, increasing body weight these days. The excess moisture then evaporates from the surface of the body, like sweat. In the first few years after the opening of the sarcophagus, the body gained weight up to 2 kg annually. For 6 years, the weight increased by 5-10 kg and amounted to 41 kg.

Since January 2005, all biomedical studies of Itigelov's body have been closed by the decree of the head of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia.

During major Buddhist celebrations, seven times a year, religious pilgrims have the opportunity to see the body of Khambo Lama Itigelov. During solemn services, his face is covered with beads of sweat, which are wiped off by the keepers. This was confirmed by Yanzhima Vasilyeva, director of the Itigelov Institute: “Changes are constantly taking place. Lama's complexion is changing, and in 2005, the head of Mongolian Buddhists, Khambo Lama Choizhamts, noted that Khambo Lama Itigelov's hair had grown and turned black. "

At the 1st international conference "The Global Phenomenon of XII Khambo Lama Itigelov and the Problem of Immortality" in 2006, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences of the Dubna University Boris Bolshakov reported on the results of the latest scientific research carried out using methods of infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance. Scientists reaffirmed that the protein structure of Itigelov's body matched the protein structure of a living person. Thus, it was once again officially confirmed that 80 years after the death of Itigelov, all the vital functions of the cells in his body remained active, and the nuclei of the cells remained alive and intact.

B. Bolshakov also noted that although in summer the heat in Buryatia reaches 40 degrees and there are no refrigeration units in this "primitive sarcophagus", Itigelov's body does not rot or decay. “All visitors testify that they are experiencing a powerful heat flow emanating from Itigelov's body. Moreover, his face is covered with sweat, that is, there is a loss of energy. But the weight remains, ”the scientist stated.

According to the report of the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Kursakin, scientists have recorded the activity of Itigelov's hypothalamus, as well as the frequency of electromagnetic oscillations emanating from the body of the Lama. Kursakin added that “there is also blood in the body of Hambo Lama! True, it turned from liquid to jelly-like. "

Professor B. Bolshakov admitted that he does not know “not a single fact about a person's life after his physical death, officially registered by a forensic medical examination in a state document. Not only in the history of Buddhism, but also in the history of mankind in general. "

In 2009, at the II international conference "Phenomenon XII Pandito Khambo Lama Itigelov" I.V. Tikhonov from St. Petersburg in his report "The Philosophical Aspect of the Phenomenon of Khambo Lama Itigelov" noted: "From the point of view of the generally accepted view of the surrounding world, such a biological object as the incorruptible body of Khambo Lama Itigelov cannot exist. Nevertheless, this object exists and is constantly present in our world. This fact means only one thing: our ideas about the world are imperfect and require adjustment.«.

Some scientists call this state of the human body suspended animation. However, whatever the name, modern science is powerless to explain this phenomenon. "The universal human importance of the phenomenon of Khambo Lama Itigelov," - said Tikhonov, - consists precisely ... in the destruction of the prevailing ideas about the world and in the realization of the need to build a new picture of the world around, taking into account the fact of the existence of the imperishable body of Khambo Lama Itigelov. Looking back into the past, it should be noted that changes in ideas about the world around them in the minds of people took place constantly in connection with the accumulation of new previously unknown information about the world (great geographical discoveries, the exit of a person in space etc.). Otherwise, we would still think that the Earth is flat and rests on three whales. "

Alexander Khachaturov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, at the III International Conference "Phenomenon XII Pandito Khambo Lama Itigelov" in June 2011 said: underground and has already returned to our world for 9 years and continues to live. Moreover, everyone who sees and observes his body says that the body does not only change for the worse, it becomes better, and this body is actually a living person. " And Geshe Lharamba Lobsang Haydup, a lecturer at the Buddhist University "Goman Datsana" (India), in his welcoming speech at the opening of the conference, suggested that Khambo Lama Itigelov could get up (come to life) when the Buddha of the Coming Maitreya comes and illumines him with his ray.

The spiritual leader of Tibet, Dalai Lama XIV, said in this regard in an interview with the weekly Argumenty i Fakty (No. 14, 2003): “… many Buddhist monks experience death by dying during meditation, thus freeing themselves from earthly existence. They can meditate for decades and their bodies do not decay. An example of this is a meditating lama in Buryatia, whose body has been incorruptible for 75 years already ... "

According to Lama Ayusheyev, the return of Khambo Lama Itigelov “strengthened the faithful, freed the doubters from doubts, made atheists think…”. The phenomenon of gaining the body of the Teacher caused a colossal activity of Russian, and not only Russian, Buddhists. He preserved an incorruptible body for the edification of posterity and proved that faith does not depend on time and power.

In memory of Dasha Dorzho Itigelov

The lama's grand-niece, Yanzhima Vasilyeva, in 2002 created the information center "Together with Itigelov", and in 2004 -.


  • Message from Hambo Lama

A couple of years after the incorruptible (Buddhists of Buryatia prefer to say "Precious and Inexhaustible") body was removed from the earth Khambo Lama Itigelova it was investigated by scientists, taking samples of some tissues. Their conclusion: a person who died in 1927 is in a state unknown to science.

Beans and self-hypnosis

Viktor Zvyagin, the head of the personality identification department of the Russian Center for Forensic Medicine, who conducted the study, hoped that modern scientific methods - neutron activation analysis, computed tomography and others - would help clarify the situation and provide answers to numerous questions. True, this would require transporting the body to scientific institutes, which was problematic.

Another expert was Galina Ershova, Professor of the Russian State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences... According to her, their scientific work pursued several goals - to check the possibility of falsification and the presence of preservatives in the body, to exclude its "extraterrestrial" origin and to determine the features chemical composition fabrics. Ershova drew attention to the fact that the concentration of bromine in them exceeded the norm by 40 times. Bromine, found in abundance in legumes (peas, beans, lentils), is able to suppress the sensitivity of the body, to limit the flow of stimulating impulses from the outside. At the same time, it has almost no effect on the areas of the brain that control respiration and blood circulation. I found it out yet Ivan Pavlov, the great Russian physiologist... Galina Ershova's hypothesis: Khambo Lama Itigelov, during his lifetime, purposefully ate a lot of legumes, and then, using self-hypnosis, turned off the vital energy-exchange functions of his body. In other words, he plunged into deep meditation and fell into suspended animation. Then death came.

However, not all scientists are ready to put up with the fact that Itigelov is dead. Boris Bolshakov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, brought a device with a pendulum to the Ivolginsky Datsan and measured the "Itigelov's biofield". In the region of the head, the amplitude of the swing of the pendulum increased. “This is the biofield of a living person, the purest consciousness! - exclaimed the academician. "Moreover, the frequency of the brain is the same as that of the brain of an infant at the age of 2-3 months from the moment of conception."

The size of the biofield discovered at Khambo Lama Itigelov by the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences is amazing - 23 thousand km. This is almost twice the diameter of the Earth! “If we choose from three possible states of an organism - living, dead, or a transitional state - there is reason to believe that it is alive,” Bolshakov said at the time. - How does he get energy? I think - through the stream of frequencies that sound in prayers. When the lamas serve a prayer service,

and this happens every day, the vibration frequency of the words spoken by them corresponds to the vibration frequency of Itigelov's brain cells. "

Was there a monk?

Unfortunately, this is where scientific (and parascientific) studies of the phenomenon end. Since January 2005, by order of the current Pandito Hambo Lama(Heads of Buryat Buddhists) Ayusheeva any medical and biological research of the Precious and Inexhaustible Body is suspended. The reason is not completely clear.

It is officially announced that science, they say, is not able to explain the riddle. I tried, but I couldn't. But rumor has it that the lamas did not like Itigelov's photographs published and leaked on the Internet. By the way, it is now strictly forbidden to photograph him. But there is another, conspiracy theory. No DNA examination - whether the person XII, Pandito Hambo Lama, was actually recovered from the earth - was not carried out. "Is this the monk who took the lotus position back in 1927 and passed away in it, or was he replaced by a skillfully made double already in our time?" - this question is asked by skeptics. And, of course, they don't get an answer.

Now one can only regret that magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography were never performed. This would allow you to "look" into the body. "In fact, this is secondary," says Alexander Khachaturov, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, RCTU, one of those who have been studying the Itigelov phenomenon since his "return". - Well, we will measure his temperature and even pressure, enlighten the organs. What will it give? Only an even greater misunderstanding. Unfortunately, modern science really has nothing to say about this phenomenon. After all, this is not described in the scientific literature. With what to compare, how to give marks? It is for this reason that medical luminaries are in no hurry here. They are afraid to tarnish their reputation, so they pretend that they know nothing about the Itigelov phenomenon. But he can give impetus to the creation of a new science. Ichige-lov seemed to open the door to the unknown for us. Entering it, we could explain the picture of the entire universe. And we prefer not to notice this door. "

How does Itigelov convey messages to the lamas? What do the pilgrims ask him for? Continuation - in the next rooms.