The most unusual facts from life. Amazing facts that make you smile

In the new book for children from National Geographic, there are many entertaining facts that many of you probably did not know. By the way, the book is called - "5000 stunning facts (about everything) 2." If you need to shine with the mind of the company or start some dispute or conversation, these interesting facts can help you. We replenish your eraudite stock.

(Just 50 photos)

1. In 1889, the Queen of Italy Margarita Savoy ordered the first delivery of pizza.

2. In Japan, you can buy ice cream with taste of eel.

3. In Portugal, it is considered indecent to write red ink.

4. Although red rulls will rarely see in the wild, this is the most common look of a wild cat in North America.

5. The cat's tail contains almost 10% of all bones in her body.

6. On the paws in Geckon, millions of tiny villings that are lipped to surfaces with a special chemical bundle, which allows these reptiles to climb on the walls and hanging, holding only on one finger.

7. The word "astronaut" occurred from the Greek words, which mean the "star" and "sailor".

8. Calcium in our bones and iron in our blood appeared from the ancient explosion of huge stars.

9. Nile crocodile can delay breathing under water up to 2 hours waiting for production.

10. Jellyfish in English are called jellyfish - literally "Fish-Jelly", but in fact it is not fish, because They have no brain, no heart and no bones.

11. The Chinese Giant Salamander can grow up to 1.8 m in length, which makes it the largest salamandy in the world.

12. According to research, people prefer blue toothbrushes more than red.

13. Previously people Thought that if you kiss the donkey, the dental pain passes.

14. Scientists argue that the best time to rise is between 13:00 and 14:30, because it is then that a decrease in temperature in our body makes us sleepy.

15. Due to changes in the speed of the Earth's rotation, over time, in the era of dinosaurs, the day consisted of only 23 hours.

16. Hummingbird wings can beat at a speed of 200 times per second.

17. On the territory of North America, more than 1,200 water parks.

18. Sea horse can move through opposing direction - To find food in the water and notice predators in time.

19. To prepare the scrambled eggs on the sidewalk, it is necessary that the sidewalk begged to 70 ° C.

20. The Medusa Group is called not a flock, not a jamb and a herd. It is called savor.

21. The mass of the sun is 99.8% of the whole mass Solar systemAnd the diameter is 109 times higher than the diameter of the Earth - the sun can accommodate 1 million planets Earth.

22. The ice is only 1% of Antarctica.

23. The biggest wave in which they ever sailed on the surfboard was height with a 10-storey building.

24. Brigade of dogs of breed Beagles, which are used at 21 airport in the United States, help customs officers to find and prevent the import of about 75,000 illegal subjects into the country.

25. Some apples can weigh almost the same as 2 l of milk.

26. Corn grown on all continents, except Antarctica.

27. Unlike most fish, sea skates are covered with bone plates, not scales.

28. Every day you lose from 50 to 100 hair.

29. The second name of the armadire - "Armadilla" - means "armored kid" translated from Spanish.

30. The world's smallest fruit - seed - the size of a tiny ant.

31. In New Jersey, the most shopping centers.

32. Dresser's varana can eat 2 kg of meat in less than a minute. Additional fat is stored in their tail.

33. Not all the moon is dry and dusty, like our. For example, the satellite of Jupiter Europe has a liquid ocean under an icy crust.

34. Some leaders of Vikings were buried with their ships.

35. The clouds constantly cover about 60% of the Earth.

36. All monkeys laugh if they are riding them.

37. Spotted hyenas can digest skin and bones.

38. The length of the needle of African dickerages is 3 pencils.

A person lives on earth so long ago that in the entire history of its existence of coincidence has become an integral part of the life of our kind and they occur with enviable regularity. Most often, people take them for divine ideas, sometimes they simply do not pay attention. So, or otherwise, but even scientists who are perfectly focused on the theory of probabilities, are surprised by chance that occur in our lives.

the site also admires some coincidences, to seek explanations that do not want to not spoil their impressions of interesting facts.

1. Founders of Rome and the last emperor

Many people know that according to the legend Rome was founded by Romulom and Rem brothers. Later, Romulus was recognized as the first ruler of Rome. Oddly enough, but at the sunset of the Roman Empire, the last emperor became a man named Romul Augustus (Flavius \u200b\u200bRomulus August), which ruled in 475-476 of our era. So coincided that history the greatest empire In the history of mankind began and ended due to people named Romulus.

2. Girl with Petrokes

In 1974, when the film "Girl with Petrokes" was filmed, Anthony Hopkins, who played one of the main roles in this film, wanted to read the original book of George Faufer to fold his idea of \u200b\u200bthe image of the hero. But it happened that in any bookstore the books did not turn out. Already desperate, Hopkins suddenly found someone forgotten torus of the novel right on the bench in the subway. The actor could not believe his happiness.

Later, when the film started shooting, Hopkins met George Feefer, and the writer in conversation has complained that he did not have a copy of his own book. All because he lent him to his friend, and he lost him somewhere in the subway.

3. Curse of the genus?

In the Bermuda in 1975, there was a case that still remains an example of a terrible coincidence, the explanation of which no one is decided to give. A young guy named Erskin Lawrence Abbean was driving along the road on his moped, but he was unexpectedly knocked off a taxi. By itself, the accident would be quite ordinary if it were not for one "but". Approximately a year ago, in 1974, the brother was killed on the same road. Moreover, he was shot down on the same moped, the same taxi driver, and in rumors, the same passenger sat in the Salon Taxi.

4. Edgar Alan software and travel time

Edgar Alan software consider one of the most mysterious writers. Moreover, some facts associated with it really cause questions. For example, in one of his books called "Tale about the adventures of Arthur Gordon Pima" tells about four sailors who survived shipwreck. The victims tried to survive at any price, because they had to eat their jung, whose name was Richard Parker. Moreover, I actively claimed that the book wrote on real events.

The coincidence is that after 46 years after the publication of the novel, the ship really sank in the open sea, the part of which was saved. To survive, the sailors had to eat their young comrade, whose name was Richard Parker.

5. The first and last victim

By perfect accident, these graves are located nearby, at a distance of just a few meters. One of them was buried the first British soldier who died during the First World War, and in the other - the last one. It was not scheduled.

6. Two presidents and many coincidences

As it often happens, after the death of the celebrity in her life, it is starting to seek all sorts of coincidences with others. historical events. The US history fans found several entertaining facts that coincided in the biographies of two presidents: Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy.

For example, both presidents were shot dead in the back of Friday, and next to both at the time of their death were their wives. Also, each of the presidents had a friend whose name was Bill Graham. Everyone had four children. Specially, or not, but Kennedy hired a secretary to his administration, whose name was Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln was the secretary named John.

7. Incredible accident

Car accidents are not uncommon now. However, at the end of the 19th century, when there were practically no anyone, no one could think about clashes. Nevertheless, in 1895, a car accident occurred in America, which is due to one fact: in those days in the state of Ohio, in which the cars collided, there were only two cars, and they somehow managed to find each other.

8. Gover dam curse

The Hoover Dam in the US is famous for the whole world. This brilliant structure has become one of the characters that a person can at least somehow cope with nature. But few know interesting fact About this dam.
In the construction of the dam, people died, and one of the first was the person named George Tarnney, who died during construction work on December 20, 1922. The public stipulated the fact that Patrick Tarnney became the last dead man in the dam of Hoiver - the son of George, and he also died on December 20th.

9. The death of "Titanic" was predicted in advance

Sometimes the coincidences are so frightening that goosebumps on the skin are fleeing superstitious people. It so happened with the crash of the Titanic. The fact is that in 1898 the writer Morgan Robertson released a work called "futility" in which he described the death of a huge ship with the title title. The coincidence would seem more random if not other facts.

So, the writer described in detail specifications His ship, and they were surprisingly similar to the characteristics of Titanic. The developers of both ships considered their courts are unspexed. Both ship collided with Iceberg in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. And on both ships passengers lacked boats for salvation. "Titanic" sank 14 years after the publication of the novel.

Incredible facts

If you woke up not in best moodAnd the day did not ask, smile and perhaps everything will find a different meaning.

Here are some amazing facts. about man, life and death, animals and countries Which can please you and do at least a little happier.

1. If you imitate laughter for a long time, you will start laughing in real.

2. The chances of what you will be born exactly. 1 by 40 million.

3. We are all made from star dust. Nitrogen in our DNA, calcium in the teeth, iron in the blood and carbon in the apple cake consist of the same particles as the stars.

4. The clitoris contains 8000 nerve fibers.that twice as many than the penis. This is the only body that has formed purely fun.

5. When we die, our body decomposes, and our atoms come to the ground and are again used to get a second life.

6. need 17 muscles to smile and 43 muscles to frow.

7. From the point of view of neurology, when we look like someone smiles, we are happier.

8. Each person for about half an hour was one cell.

9. During your birth, you for a few seconds were the youngest man on the planet..

10. Before death in the brain, one of the most powerful psychedelic dimethyltriptamin is produced (DMT). It expands our time perception, allowing you to live inside our psyche clock and even days.

11. Blind people smile, despite the fact that they have never seen a smile. It is just a natural human reaction.

12. Hugs contribute to developing oxytocin that accelerates healing wounds.

13. Every year millions of trees are sorted by chance due to the fact that the proteins are forgotten where they buried their nuts.

14. U. penguins Adele only one partner for lifeAnd they "make a sentence", handing the perfect pebbles to our chief.

15. Cors have better friends.

16. Sea skates are true to each other all life And move, holding each other for tails.

17. Butterflies are able to feel the taste of legs.

18. Rats gigglingIf you snatch them. Their voice is so high that they can only be heard using special equipment.

19. Play orgasm lasts 30 minutes.

20. Puppies males are inferior to females in the game, allowing them to win.

21. During sleep otters hold on hands In order not to float far from each other.

22. Cows produce more milk when they listen to "pastoral symphony" Beethoven.

23. Black hairs spend almost all life in the airI eating insects that they catch in flight. They eat, drink, mate and even sleep on the fly.

24. There are in Norway penguin, who was dedicated to the knights. He carries the title of Sir Niels Ulf.

25. Cherves communicate, pressing together to each other.

26. The BEATLES Famous Group uses the word "love" is 613 times in their songs.

27. The last person who set foot on the moon - Astronaut Eugene Sernan wrote on her surface initials of his daughter. They will remain on the moon, at least 50,000 years.

28. In Bhutan used " gross National Happiness"As the main indicator of the country.

29. Most children born in Europe in 2013, live until 2100.

30. Costa Rica is considered the happiest country in the world.

31. No matter how long you have lived, there is always some new delicious dish that you can try.

32. Happiness is a skill, which can be learned, and it is not difficult.

Do you also think that you can manage your consciousness and that all the time make a conscious choice? If you think so, then, perhaps, the author of the book "Do not mind" Chris Palei will upset you a little. He talks about 100 entertaining facts about the consciousness, which is changing our idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves. Before you five:

1. We can understand ourselves, only putting experiments on other people

The experiment remains the only one of all possible methods that successfully explain the world around us. Scientists throw items, pass through them the electric current, heat them, magnetize and attack them with elementary particles.

Our mental abilities are no exception to the rules. Self-surveillance is not enough: because we cannot say why and what we do, reflecting on our own thoughts. We can not even figure out why we think we think, reflecting on our own thoughts. And only the experiment is able to tell why we are, what are, why we think what we think, and do what they do.

Man by nature of his experimenter -

2. Imitation - sincere bowl form, and for a waitress - the fastest way to get tips

You think you know why you give the waitress such big tips - maybe it's a matter of good service, delicious food or in her smile. But in one Dutch experiment, the waitresses who agreed to repeat the order behind the client (uttering the words "hamburger" and "roast" instead of simple "yes" or "I understood"), received tips three times more often than usual. Moreover, on average, the size of their tips was 70% more. Interestingly, the majority of waitresses did not know this, and when they were asked not to imitate, they worked the whole evening, receiving crumbs compared to what could receive.

3. If you think that forever remained alone, it is quite likely to

In trying to find out how the prospect of loneliness affects the desire of people to help others, scientists conducted a series of experiments. They reported to students that they created a test capable of accurately predicting the likelihood of a person to stay alone. Students completed the test and received feedback. In fact, based on the data obtained, psychologists could not make any conclusions on how long the subjects were happy in their personal life.

Scientists have told a random sample of students that their answers showed the prospect of creating a long stable family union and the high probability that they are likely to always be surrounded by the care of close people. The rest said that they represent the type of people who will remain alone, and, although they may have in this moment There are friends, they can marry or marry, and even more than once, but these relationships will be short-lived, and loneliness will appear with age.

After this test, psychologists offered students to take care of humans. During one experiment, they reported that they collect donations to charity, and left the tested alone with a drawer to collect funds. The participants who were propheted in the future were given almost four times more money. In another experiment, students thought that the following test was undergoing on creative skillsBut when the experimenter went to collect results, then overturned a cup with pencils on the floor. Two thirds of those who hoped for a close relationship in the future, helped him collect pencils, and among those who were ridiculed with loneliness - only one of six.

4. If you remember something, it does not mean that this happened in fact

Elizabeth Loftus and her colleagues among the first spent an experiment, which demonstrated how dangerously sometimes relying on their memory. Researchers have shown the volunteer roller with a road accident, after which they asked some participants: "How quickly did the cars moved when they were crashed into each other?" Others they asked about speed when the cars were "crashed", "broke out", "in touch" or "hit". Participants who heard the question with the verb "broke", noted higher speed.

Everything is often not the way we imagine -

Weekly later, the experimenters again met with volunteers and asked them new questions about what they remember the accident. In particular, whether there were broken glasses? Volunteers who have previously asked about the speed of car movement, when those "broke" each other, mistakenly remembered the broken glasses after the accident twice as often. The only completely harmless word changed the memories of people, and then their memory mounted the remaining details of the accident to restore the sequence.

5. The more we look at things, the more they like them

We surround themselves things that love, or begin to love things that surround us? Patriot was lucky enough to live in the country he loved, or does he love this country because he lives in it?

However, it turned out that the addiction of the majority of us to the food, a cooked mother, is not a luck and not a strange manifestation of genetics. Permanent use of something forces us to love it more and more. In one of the first experiments that this phenomenon demonstrated, Robert Zayonan requested people to read out loud of meaningless words (for example, "Iktitafa", "DIIKLY" and "Chivadra"), informing them that these are Turkish adjectives. After that, he asked the participants, what, in their opinion, the word means in Turkish something good, and what is something bad. Some of these words in the list were more common in the list, and the more often they met, the more often the subjects believed that these words mean something good.