Kuban reservoir and lake small. Krasnodar reservoir: myths and reality Kuban Sea

At least twice a year: on the eve of the flood season, and then the clouds of the Krasnodar reservoir are condensed with the clouds of all kinds of information about the fact that this object is far from safe, threatening at any time bring the city a lot of troubles at any time. Once a variety of information does not become much more, representing a traditional set of horror stories.

To whom and why it is necessary - the conversation is separate, with predictable conclusions. Today, with the help of specialists, we will try to disperse these clouds, having drawn the line between the speculation and the true position of things.

Myth number 1.

The construction of the Krasnodar reservoir in itself was originally the idea of \u200b\u200bstupid and even malicious.


The Kuban Sea, as a comprehensive reservoir, was built for the cutting of flood peaks in order to eliminate threats of flooding on an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 600 thousand hectares, including in the regional center. The reasons for its construction were abound. For example, in 1956, 156 settlements were flooded. In 1966, the damage from flooding was 60 million rubles. Old-timers remember times when whole areas of Krasnodar were smeared every two or three years, and even the military were attracted to the rescue of the population. For thirty years of operation (starting from 1973)

The Krasnodar reservoir thirteen times prevented large floods in the lower reaches of the Kuban River. Specialists of the Kuban basin water management remind that the regional commission that was investigating the main causes of the devastating for the middle cuban of 2002, was replied to the Krasnodar reservoir exceptional role in protecting the population from the catastrophe.

Member of the Commission of the Federation Council to eliminate the Flood in the south of Russia Nikolay Kondratenko In his report, he said: ".. the designers and creators need to once again put a monument. The reservoir has a lot of bully, almost torture appeal, so it saved us. Otherwise, all the prosia, Adygea, a huge part of the edge would be in water. And these are the warehouses of the eradicates, and animal farms, and the petroleum. It is difficult to submit a tragedy that would play here. "

Myth number 2.

The Krasnodar reservoir is unsuccessful in the seismological plan. Its zone divides the deep spill, the load in the form of a shock wave according to which can become a trigger mechanism for an earthquake.


All the conversations that the reservoir is in a bad place and can provoke an earthquake - they do not have a scientific justification, "says the director of the research and development center for the forecasting and warnings of geoecological and man-made disasters in the Kuban State University Academician RAS Vladimir Babesha. - We know all faults in the territory of Krasnodar, and they pass in other places, we are ready to show their card at any time. I declare categorically: no seismological threat reservoir is not.

Myth number 3.

The holding of the Krasnodar reservoir goes with a tremendous pace, as well as the bonding of the reservoir. Not far from the hollow hour when it turns into a swamp and will no longer correspond to its own purpose and perform its functions.


The fact that the channel reservoirs have a property that has been known for a long time ago and, in fact, is not a special problem, since the rules of operation of the reservoir provide for the planned deepening of the mouths of the rivers flowing into the reservoir, and other works that exclude the processing of the process in a catastrophe.

Krasnodar reservoir (Kuban Sea) - artificial reservoir on the Kuban River, the largest reservoir in the North Caucasus. It was filled in 1973-1975, the eastern part of the new reservoir included the previously existing TCHIK reservoir. The last, separated from the western part of a semi-fold dam, which local residents continue to call the old name, is a favorite place of fishermen.

All regulatory actions for clearing the reservoir are regular and regularly performed for about six years, "says the director of the Federal State Institution" Krasnodar reservoir " Gennady Nikiforov. - On the one hand, this is an invisible job, as it is under water. On the other hand, the reservoir can be observed during the jurisdresses. For clearing, we attract contractual organizations, as well as our own, albeit small, forces.

Myth number 4.

On the reservoir, only planned repairs are carried out by the Latanium of holes.


After at the regional and federal levels, the operation of the reservoir in the conditions of a catastrophic flood of 2002 was assessed positively, that in 1999 the EMERCOM of Russia considered this object with dangerous, it was decided to forget, recognizing those arguments incorrect. Increased financing from the federal budget for repair and restoration work. A shipping gateway was completely repaired, work on the anti-corrosion protection of the metal structures of the main hydraulic structures was regularly performed, the pumps are changed, the pressure slings are strengthened.

The purpose of the creation of the Krasnodar Sea was the organization of check rice rice and the struggle against seasonal floods in the lower reaches of the Kuban. Organized the initial shipping shipping is currently discontinued, due to the annulment caused by river nanos. Left tributaries of Kuban directly fall into the reservoir (from west to east) White, Prische, Martha, Apraq, Shunduk, Psekups. When creating a reservoir, the fertile lands of Adygea with twenty aules and farms were flooded, the population of which was resettled in the newly built city Teuzheff (now Adygeisk) and the village of Tlyustenhabl. In the 90s of the 20th century, plans were offered plans for the reservoir descent, or a decrease in its level, which remained not implemented.

Now on the agenda of the replacement of the latter, the fifth shutter on the main hydraulic structures, - says Gennady Nikiforov. - It is supplied by the Volgograd plant, and in September we completed these works. Previously, four shutters have already changed. We continue to search for filtering wells on the right bank and on the main dam. On autumn, the reconstruction of the pumping station in Belorechensky district is scheduled. All this is the security deposit of the reservoir.

Myth number 5.

Water in the reservoir is dirty, so it poorly affects the environment.


The hydrophimic laboratory of FSO "Kubanmonitoring" is engaged in the quality of water quality, and rather, the state monitoring of the quality of surface water bodies in the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the Kuban Basin Water Management. Under the study, of course, the Krasnodar reservoir falls.

In early 2008, the construction project of the Adygei HPP was reported, which will use an existing reservoir for the production of electrical energy. In relation to Yuri Jaated, the general director of the Adygei HPP company, which is building a criminal case in the Republic of HPP? 65 million, a criminal case is investigated. He is suspected of falsifying documents that allowed the company to register ownership of construction sites and redeem outside the competition of 8.8 hectares of municipal lands. This means that the timing is delayed due to the crisis and violation of financing. The construction of the station to this practically does not lead.

Conclusion from the last data obtained: "When the water sampling is selected, the reservoirs of visual contaminants caused by anthropogenic effects were not observed. The nature of the distribution of pollutants on the waters of reservoirs is uniform. High content of pollutants is not detected; The hydrochemical situation is stable, the quality of water is at the level of mid-year observations. "

Myth number 6.

Something there is still impossible ...


According to the latest post of Kuban basin water management, the flooding situation in the Kuban River River Pool. The volume of water in the Krasnodar reservoir is 1580 million m3, which is lower than the normally retaining level. Anti-water container completely free. The reduction of the volume of the reservoir in connection with the fill of rice checks is continuing: with the plan of sowing 128,600 hectares Rice is sown on an area of \u200b\u200b98,900 hectares, including 84,500 hectares.

The Square of the Krasnodar reservoir is 420 km², the volume is from 2.0 km³ to 3.1 km³ (regulated, the water level varies to 8 m). Length - 40 km, width - up to 15 km

Krasnodar Territory is an amazing place combining a unique climate, rich in history, a unique cultural heritage and generous to the crop of land, where a huge number of crops grow. From the most pressing times people lived in these territories. And so far, archaeologists could not explore the entire cultural layer, preserved in these places. And in part, the construction of Krasnodar reservoirs prevented them in part. In the territory of the region today, seven large manual reservoirs are built. We decided to tell readers about three of them, including the largest Krasnodar reservoir, which in common people are often called the sea.

Brief description of the Kuban Sea

The Krasnodar reservoir is considered young, because it exists on the map of Kuban just forty years. However, in his history there are a lot of interesting facts about which we are a little later in more detail readers.

This artificial reservoir is considered one of the largest in the province and in the entire Caucasus, it is located on an extensive territory on the Kuban River. At the same time, he spread on the lands of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea.

The first project for the construction of the man-made sea was approved at the end of the sixties, and already in seventy-fifth year of the last century, the territory was filled with water for flooding. This process took two years, such a long time allowed to move all the inhabitants of these lands to new places. At the bottom of the reservoir turned out to be about twenty farms and aules. Also, historians and archaeologists regret the mounds and the burial grounds, which are also now resting at the bottom of the free splashing of the Kuban Sea.

Interestingly, before the creation of the Krasnodar reservoir on these lands already existed a thermal reservoir, which in the future became part of a new reservoir. Now his location can be determined, focusing on the half-filled dam, which can be seen during the planned reset of water.

Technical characteristics of artificial reservoir

The man-made sea at the moment occupies an area exceeding four hundred thousand square meters. The water level here fluctuates within eight meters. The fixed maximum volume of water was equal to three cubic kilometers.

Surprisingly, the inhabitants of the nearest settlements, which include Krasnodar, are very wary of the Soviet Soviet. They believe that the reservoir threatens their safety and may one day wash off the city and stages from the face of the Earth. However, in fact, the man-made sea has already saved them for more than fifteen times from serious floods. By the way, before its construction on these lands, Kuban looked out at least three times a year. At the same time, the scale of such catastrophes has always been huge and many people suffered from them.

The length of the reservoir is forty kilometers, and the width does not exceed fifteen kilometers.

Appointment of the man-made sea or the main reasons for its construction

Krasnodar reservoir, where twenty settlements rest at the bottom and about fifty concreted cemeteries, still causes an ambiguous reaction from local residents. Many do not understand the meaning that builders were laid in his project. Although in fact the plans were more than ambitious.

First of all, the artificial reservoir should have become a salvation from annual floods and it is worth noting that with its main function he copes on perfectly so far. Since Kuban is very painful to spill very much, as a result of which hundreds of settlements were previously suffering, people and agricultural land were spoiled, her whims today quenu the man-made sea. Even in the most dangerous moments of the dance, the reservoir kept the wall of the water and did not allow it to settlers and cities.

The plans of Soviet designers were the creation of a base for the production of Krasnodar rice. It was at the reservoirs that should have been on their ideas, spread extensive rice fields and plants for the production of this product with a huge number of jobs. This mission is artificial reservoir performed in part. Figure here really grown, but the planned scale of production has not been achieved.

Another purpose of the construction of the reservoir was the creation of a unique recreation area, where people from all over the Soviet Union will come. Local residents dreamed of the construction of health resorts, sanatoriums and hotels. However, reality was far from reality. The man-made sea changed the local climate with dry and roast to wet with an abundance of precipitation. People did not want to go here to rest, besides, the reservoir is very quickly stolen, which also does not contribute to the status of a suitable place for swimming. But such a state of things contributes to fishing from the Krasnodar reservoir. Rest of this species here is very popular, as the fish is very rich and its catch turns into real pleasure. The truth of specially organized places does not exist for this, which, however, does not too upset the locals and visitors.

Krasnodar reservoir: history

Historians argue that the bottom of the man-made sea is a real value for archaeologists. After all, many Kurgans and Mogilnikov remained excavated. Of course, an excavation was carried out before flooding in these territories, but it was done in accelerated mode and not too high quality. For example, for three months, nine hundred of burials were revealed. Archaeologists still find on local shores and exposed periodically the bottom of perfectly preserved ancient amphoras and other items from the long-lasting era.

I would like to note that those lands that fell under flooding, previously represented a rather dull picture. The fact is that after the frequent spills of the river, small sunbats were formed here, which were very quickly fell. In these dirty water bodies, the mosquitoes carrying various infesses are actively multiplied. This significantly complicated the life of the local population.

From the sixty-sixth year of the twentieth century, when the construction plan was approved, explanatory work began among the local, as a result of which about eleven thousand people were resettled. Moreover, many of them did not want to voluntarily leave their homes, in this case it was necessary to use the help of the police.

Two years after the first intelligence, a construction was launched, which lasted for five years. Two years have been spent to completely fill the reservoir bed.

Myths and reality

About the Kuban Sea walks a lot of myths. They excite the minds of the local residents of the decade and are actually fictional by guns. We collected in this section all the most common myths and promoted them:

  • The reservoir was an ill-conceived project, which only caused damage to nature and for the worse changed life on the banks of the Kuban. This myth debunk is easiest. After all, it is proved that it saves literally six hundred thousand hectares of lands from flooding and flooding. Experts believe that in the absence of the manual sea, these territories would have long ago would have turned into a tin zone.
  • The reservoir is in the seismic zone. This is an absolutely absurd statement. In the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, of course, many faults of the earth's crust, but none passes under the reservoir. And it means its existence cannot cause an earthquake.
  • Soon the sea will turn into a swamp due to a permanent malno. No one can deny that the grain process is constantly, such is the feature of local rivers. However, the reservoir is regularly cleared that it does not give any chances of a catastrophe.
  • Water does not match the adopted purity standards. This statement is the funny fiction, because the water samples from the reservoir take regularly and never percentage of pollutants were exceeded.

Despite the fact that the largest reservoir of the Krasnodar Territory brings only the benefit of it, there are constantly rumors about it. But in fact, local residents are badly imagining how they would live without this sea.

Varnavinsk reservoir of the Krasnodar Territory

This reservoir enters the seven of the largest in the region. It is located just ten kilometers from the city of Krymsk, which very seriously suffered from flooding five years ago. The people are believed that it was the reservoir that was the cause of this catastrophe, but experts claim that it was how it took on the main blow to the element and without this the city could well be erased from the face of the earth by the flow of water.

Reservoir Description

The history of the Varnavinsky reservoir (Krasnodar Territory) is pretty simple. It appeared at the sixty-fourth year of the last century, several lakes fell into the flood zone, which were famous for the whole edge of the abundance of fish. Interestingly, commissioning was commissioned in several stages and stretched for seven years.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is approximately forty-two and a half thousand square kilometers, while it is extremely shallow. The average depth does not exceed one and a half meters, in rare places waters reaching two and a half meters.

The reservoir is mainly used as a source for irrigation systems. Without it, agricultural activities in the adjacent territories would be extremely difficult.

Mecca for fishermen

Varnavinskoye reservoir of the Krasnodar Territory manites fishermen from all over Russia. Here are the real competitions in fishing. The last champion is proud of a catch in sixteen kilograms, women meet among the participants of the competition. In general, on the banks of the reservoir, you can catch up to fifty species of fish, and hunting lovers will definitely appreciate the opportunity to hunt the waterfowl. Guests of these places live on various recreation bases. Of course, they cannot provide luxurious conditions, but the average level of comfort recreation will be provided.

Another large manual reservoir of the Krasnodar Territory

The Kryukovskoye reservoir in the Krasnodar Territory is also well known. It, like previous reservoirs, is included in the seven of large reservoirs. And therefore is of great interest among visitors guests.

First of all, this reservoir was built to protect local residents from floods, creating a modern irrigation system and fish breeding. All tasks assigned it in full.

Seven rivers fall into the reservoir, and there are quite a few settlements on its shores. Novorossiysk, for example, is only one hundred and ten kilometers from the bowl of the reservoir.

Characteristic of the man-made sea

The reservoir was built for five years and his bowl was completely flooded to seventy-second year of the last century. The area of \u200b\u200bthis artificial seven is approximately forty thousand square kilometers. The average reservoir depth is three meters, which makes it possible to consider it quite shallow.

A few words about fishing

Fishing to the reservoir, lovers come very willingly, especially since there are a lot of recreation databases that provide the highest level of service. The visitors can stay in beautiful cottage houses with mangal, gazebo and other amenities.

Rent a vacationer is given transport and fishing gear. Among all kinds of fish, the most desired pike is. If you are lucky, you easily customize a five-kilogram instance.

In the coming years, it is planned to begin reconstruction of the reservoir, which will attract even more vacationers to its shores.

Krasnodar reservoir - artificial reservoir on the Kuban River. Its dimensions exceed the size of all such storages in all of the North Caucasus, so the people are referred to as the Krasnodar Sea. Some shores are so removed from each other that it is impossible to see the opposite side with the unarmed eye. When strong winds begin, the waves on the repository can reach 2.5 meters in height.

general characteristics

40 kilometers long. In the widest parts of the width of the reservoir reaches 15 kilometers.

The total occupied area of \u200b\u200b420 square kilometers. Throughout the water area, differs on 8 meters.

There are several rivers: Shunduk, White, March and a number of others.

On the shores there is a city of Krasnodar, several urban-type villages and Lenin farm.

Depth of artificial storage from 5 to 16 meters. Dam overlaps 11.6 meters river bed.

Economic significance

Immediately, as the construction of the reservoir ended, shipping was established here. And over time, the bottom of the reservoir has greatly risen: due to the work of the pumps, many chalks appeared and the movement of the courts ceased. Another purpose of the reservoir is irrigating the rice fields of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea. Also, the reservoir was intended to prevent possible floods of the lower cuban.

Historical reference

The construction of the Krasnodar reservoir was in 1973, although the decision on construction was made back in 1967. Finally, the dam was commissioned in 1975. Initially, the reservoir was connected to a thermal reservoir, and then the rest was filled with water.

When working on the construction of the reservoir had to flood 26 villages. And this is 35 thousand hectares of land and 46 cemeteries (25 cemeteries moved and 5 fraternal graves), of which they were not all moved, as well as covered with a thick layer of concrete. Motded more than 30 thousand people. For immigrants, two cities were erected: Tlyustenhabl and Adygei, earlier Teuzhevsk. For these people, all his life lived in the rustic conditions, the relocation was a big stress. There is also a pressing problem of the improvement of new cities, especially Adygei, because he has erected in a wetland. The city is constantly raw, but not only because of the swamps, but because of the proximity to the Krasnodar reservoir. And if you consider that this is a seismically active area, then 3-4 points will be enough to destroy the settlement.

But in addition to settlements, about 25 thousand arableacy fields were flooded, which are famous for their chernozem. In addition, about 16 thousand hectares of forests cut down.

12 settlements owned by Maykop culture flooded. Really tried to save archaeological artifacts, but everything was done in all. They saved what could be carried away, the remaining artifacts are so buried under the thickness of water.

To date, as soon as the water level decreases, the inhabitants of the coastal zone on the shores are detected by ancient artifacts (amphoras, household items).

Perspective of the construction of hydropower plants

In the 90s, they tried to abolish the water, but the plan was never incarnated. A much later in 2008 announced the start of the construction of the HPP, with the date of commissioning the next year, but this project was not implemented.

The old and abandoned Dumble of the Krasnodar reservoir separates it from a troch reservoir, which is absorbed by the Krasnodar Sea. There is a absorbed lake in the area of \u200b\u200bVasyurin Station.

Pocked reservoir created in 1940. At that time it was a grand constructure. Around the reservoir built shafts with a height of 4 to 8 meters. However, the construction was carried out so-called people's way, that is, in the process, predominantly collective farmers participated in the process (about 64 thousand people). At the same time, almost all work was carried out manually, but with over-fulfillment of the plan in 2, or even 3 times. The waterproof dam was made of reinforced concrete and had ten meter spans.

The reservoir was used in the war years, descended water as needed, and the shafts were used as firepoints. But due to the constant need to eliminate leaks from use, for these purposes refused. As a result, the lower part of the reservoir disconnected from the rest of the water area. Now even with the complete work of the Krasnodar reservoir, part of the tip is still filled with water.

Monument to residents of Aulov

On the Eneme-Adygek-Bzcedrass, the memorial complex, which was perpetuating the memory of the inhabitants of five Aulov, whose homes disappeared from the card due to the construction of the reservoir. These are six granite stele, which are designed to keep the memory of the ancestors that lived on the site of the Krasnodar Sea.

Flora and fauna

The Krasnodar Sea is located in the steppe zone, on the shores there are a lot of cereal plants, pies, a non-freelancer. In the area there are even special fields where medicinal herbs grown. There are many bushes, predominantly rose hips and sea buckthorn, hawthorn and coarse. From trees often there are poplar and oaks.

In the Zone of the Krasnodar Sea, you can find hares and foxes, live here and rodents. From birds ducks, pheasants and quail.


At one time, it was rumbled, so there are always many fishermen on its shores, including the winter. The ice station begins in November, and ends at the end of March. Ice thickness allows you to exercise ice fishing.

There are a lot of bream, thick-carp and sazana, roach and redfire, there are also pike perch and perch.

In the southern part of the water area, Guster and Gueller, Czech and Sudak. The supporting storage facility chose Sazan, Som, Taran and roach. And along all shores, a crucian and carp is definitely caught.


Bathing is prohibited. But despite this, you can organize a picnic on the shore. There is an opportunity to even settle at the recreation center. For services, the base under the name "Forest Tale". There is absolutely everything here to relax. Pool with clean water, playground for children's games. It is possible to ride quad bikes and bicycles. And in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forest array.

Rest on the Krasnodar reservoir based on the "Forest Tale" - this is an opportunity without going beyond the city to disconnect from problems. Here you can rent a house or gazebo if one is not supposed to stay overnight.

You can come to the database at any time of the year. Disco, entertainment activities are held here. For lovers of a quiet hunting - a forest array, in which even berries can be collected. Also from the shore can be prohibited. Location Base: Lenin farm, about 20 kilometers from the city.

Holidays on the Krasnodar reservoir may be based on Lukomorye. There are two swimming pools and arbors. The base is located in the village of Starokorsunskaya Voshotrass Krasnodar - Kropotkin. This can be reached here not only on the personal vehicle, but also on the route taxis and bus. The base is very well maintained, with many decorative plants.

Myths and reality

About the state of the Krasnodar reservoir they write a lot and say. In particular, the discussion begins on the eve of the flood season. But, according to the reservation of the reservoir specialists, there is no danger.


It is believed that in the Krasnodar Sea region did not need at all.

In fact, before its construction there were many floods. So, in 1956, 156 settlements were flooded. And in 1966, the flood struck 60 million rubles. And if polling old-timers, they will remember both two, and then three times a year, some areas of the city flooded. To date, it was possible to prevent the 13 largest floods, and in total, in the entire history of observations, more than 100 to 1973 were recorded, that is, until the construction of the reservoir.

It is the opinion that the reservoir is in a seismically dangerous place, at the place of the depth fault, which can lead to an earthquake.

In fact, there are no scientific confirmations. According to scientists, there really have several faults in the Krasnodar Territory, but they are completely in other places.

The reservoir of the Krasnodar Territory is rapidly stuck and will soon turn into a swamp.

Indeed, all the channel reservoirs are stolen, but all events are held regularly, preventing the appearance of il. Part of the work is carried out under water, and the other can be noticed on the surface. Experts on explosive work are involved for these works.

Only planned repairs are carried out on the reservoir.

Indeed, the object in 1999 was recognized as dangerous, and after the catastrophic flood of 2002, financing increased. The shipping gateway has fully restored and anti-corrosion activities are held on a regular basis, pumps are changed regularly.

Water in the water area is very dirty.

Recent research data suggest that the hydrochemical environment is stable, and the quality of water is normal, the high content of pollutants has not been detected.

And finally, for those who still suspect that something is wrong with the Krasnodar Sea: the volume of water is below the retaining level, and the anti-water container is completely empty. Periodically decreases the volume of water area, as rice checks are poured. The only thing that violated the environmental situation after the appearance of the reservoir was deteriorated by water indicators in wells.

Unique Nakhodka

In September 2007, fossil bones of three mammoths and the skeletons of two bison were found on the shores of the Krasnodar reservoir. As researchers say, these fossils are over 35 million years. Now they are located at the National Museum of the Republic of Adygea.

A similar find was discovered on the 10th year earlier, then the fishermen found on the shore of the skeleton of Mammoth, which is also in the museum. The amazing fact that this kind of mammoths now did not meet anywhere else and was not studied at all.

The reservoir is quite large in the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir created by the hands of a person. This article lists all the edges - names, their size, resting opportunities. How many artificial reservoirs were created within this region? And how are they suitable for fishing and recreation?

The reservoir is ... The largest reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory

The photo presented below gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhether it is an artificial (man-made) hydrological object created with the aim of accumulating fresh water. They are river or lake.

Water accumulated in such water bodies goes to a variety of needs: utilities, industrial, agricultural. Some reservoirs are created exclusively with a recreational purpose.

It is known that the first artificial reservoir in the world was made by the hands of the ancient Egyptians (in the 3th millennium to our era). The purpose of its creation was the economic development of land in the Nile Valley. The first reservoir in Russia was constructed in the Urals in 1704. To date, hundreds of different man-made lakes have been created within the country. And among them, the edges occupy an important place. The names of the largest of them are: Krasnodar, Chapsuga, Kryukovskoye and Varnavinskoye.

It is worth noting that the creation of such objects is fundamentally changing the local landscape, strongly affects the microclimate, flora and fauna of the territory. If the reservoir is constructed on a large river, then changes in its hydrological mode are noticeable throughout hundreds of kilometers to the bed. The temperature of the water, ice regime, the flow rate changes, increases the height of wind waves.

All reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory: names and their size

Within the Krasnodar Territory, you can count nine reservoirs. Their water is used to generate electricity, irrigation of agricultural fields, water supply of cities and towns. The coastline of these reservoirs is a great place for short-term recreation of residents of the region.

Listed below are all edges. The list also contains information about the total area of \u200b\u200bwater mirrors:

  • Krasnodar reservoir (area - 420 square kilometers).
  • Shapsug (46 square kilometers).
  • Varnavinskoye (45 square kilometers).
  • Kryukovskoye (28 square kilometers).
  • Takhtamukay (9.5 square kilometers).
  • October (9 square kilometers).
  • Shenjian (7.8 square kilometers).
  • Unbeldzhaev (0.76 square kilometers).
  • Maykopskoe (0.5 square kilometers).

Krasnodar reservoir - the largest in the region

The so-called Kuban Sea is the largest reservoir in all of the North Caucasus. Its total area is 420 square kilometers. The length of the reservoir is 45 kilometers, and the maximum width is 15. The depths here reach 15-20 meters.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a huge man-made lake at this place has arisen from Soviet engineers in 1967. Eight years later, she was embodied. During the filling of the reservoir under the water, about two dozen villages took place. Most of the locals moved to the new city of Adygeysk.

Today, among the Krasnodars and the inhabitants of the region, the version is common that the reservoir is located on one of the tectonic faults. And this, in turn, threatens the flooding of huge territories. In fact, it is just a myth that does not have any scientific foundations.

On the shores of the reservoir, many databases have been created for fishermen, hunters and simple holidaymakers.

Varnavinskoye reservoir

Varnavinskoye reservoir of the Krasnodar Territory is the third in the area in this region. It is located ten kilometers to the northeast of the city of Krymsk. The reservoir was built and launched in 1971. The reservoir stretched almost eleven kilometers in length.

On his shores, several villages with poetic names are cozy: South, Black Sea, Garden, Mova ... Local residents love and protect their artificial "sea".

The Varnavinskoye reservoir is considered to be Mecca among the fishermen of the region. It is here that the B. Popova Cup is held annually on fishing on a float fishing rod.

Kryukovskoye reservoir

The Krasunodar Territory, the Krasnodar Territory, perhaps, can be called one of the most picturesque in the region. It is located to the west of Krasnodar, at the village of Lviv.

The reservoir was commissioned in 1972. It was created in order to be able to regulate floods on local rivers, as well as with the purpose of irrigating local arable land. In the near future, the reconstruction of the reservoir is planned, providing for the strengthening of its shores, an increase in the dam.

Features of fishing on the reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory

On the edges of the edges, it is possible not only to fully relax after heavy labor everyday life, but also to go fishing well. Fishing, as you know, this is a great way to relax and gain new vitality. And numerous fresh reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory are an excellent place for this purpose.

Here are karais, carp, sazan, taran, lin, pike, catfish and other species of fish. You can fish in the Krasnodar Territory all year round, with the exception of the period from March 1 to May 31.

Before you go fishing on one of the water bodies of the edge, you should maximize the information about it. This will help choose a suitable place, and choose the necessary gear.


Excellent conditions for recreation are distinguished by the reservoir of the Krasnodar Territory. The names of the largest of them: Kryukovskoye, Varnavinskoye, Krasnodar, Shapsug and Oktyabrskoe. On the shores of all these reservoirs you can relax well, and it is also great to go fishing. Their waters are found carp and crucian, taran and pike, catfish and perch.

Antiquities of the Kuban Sea

It is much safer to explore the Krasnodar Sea from the side of Art. Starokorsunskaya, where there is no longer a dam and there is a free passage to water. In winter, the water level falls so much that extensive sandy sandy is formed here. The remnants of the water of the shores are towers in some way, similar to fantastic ruins. Local residents catch fish here, and sometimes ancient vessels, washed from a powerful cultural layer, located from Starokorsunskaya and further along the former bed toward Ust-Labinsk. But here our police will also choose us: annual raids give a rich harvest caught with political diggers. Fortunately, the layers of clay land every spring falls off from steep shores and squatted into the water, exposing the traces of the past millennia, and even more well-having to do with them to the bottom. Residents of the older people remember how a completely whole, huge amphora flop into one of the veins of the cliff into the water! And Vasurnians tell: they came somehow the Germans, they offered to clean the bottom of the reservoir at their own expense - a non-free scope of work! But put the condition, all finds take themselves. Our officials were frozen-jammed ... and refused.

Adygei archaeologist Aslan Tov over 30 years of excavation on the shores of the Krasnodar reservoir, as well as in the flat part of Adygea. Here is his story about excavations of the southern shore of the reservoir:

"... in the southern shore of the Krasnodar reservoir, together with a group of French archaeologists, we dug 5 years old (from 1999 to 2003) - the settlements, burial grounds, mounds, settlements were investigated. Of these - 12 settlements of only Maykop culture. The French brought with them equipment Thanks to which they found out that Maikop Culture Ancient for a thousand years. The famous archaeologist Alexander Leskov led the then leadership of Adygea to found exhibits: "See what wealth you are under your feet!". And what? I remember how the head of the French expedition Bertil Lyonne was indignant: "I came to explore antiquity. So why for help in finding your own riches ask money the heads of different levels?".

So, the reader is already clear that the entire territory of the Krasnodar Sea is considered archaeological value. Now the statements are already sounding that it was here that the ancient gold of Europe was found. Under the layer of water, 12 settlements of Maykop culture, many kursany and ancient settlements, not counting medieval cemeteries, are now resting. Of course, before flooding, in the 60s there were archaeologists. Works were conducted under the woven "kicks" reservoirs, day and night. Excavations were led by the famous Krasnodar archaeologist N.V. Anfimov, remember his brothers on the shovel:

"... An example of such a tense work is the excavation in 1972 of the Kazazovsky Mogilnik (Republic of Adygea) on the left bank r. Kuban in the zone of the first stage of the flooding of the Krasnodar reservoir. There was a small meota township; when it began to dig, they were discovered in the cultural layer. Medieval burials. For three months (September - November), the entire burial ground - 900 burials. Daily scraper revealed so much burials that they did not have time to clear over the day. Sometimes during the light of the lamp and headlights of the scrapers "Naturally" to paint them In the afternoon, continue clearing. Lived in tents, at night in November, frosts were already -2 ... 4 °. "

To date, the memory of historical finds, the significant part of which was made on the site of the Krasnodar reservoir, perpetuated. One of Maikop's streets is named Kurgan. In 1972, a monument in the form of a vertical stone plate was installed in the form of a vertical stone plate, decorated with an image of valuable items discovered during excavations, was established at the location of Kurgan (intersection of the streets of Kurgan and Podgorny).

Before the flooding or who needed it?

Such a bike walks now on the Internet:

"Krasnodar lies on the shores of the Kuban Sea. This artificial reservoir was created by the Soviet authorities in the 70s to launch the production of rice. However, what price! The reservoir spread out on the territory of 420 square kilometers. 20 farms and aules left the water, and even part of Krasnodar. People forcibly moved to new places. They were expelled from that land on which there were many generations of their families and in which they found the last shelter of their ancestors. About fifty cemeteries were flooded, most of them simply flooded concrete. Naturally, the Kuban Sea builders cursed many people .

They also told that some of the inhabitants did not want to leave their homes, preferring to die on their native land. Eyewitnesses of those events remember the house of one old woman, which closed in his hollow before the flooding. The light in her window was burning until the water did not pay it back .. possibly from human curses, or from disturbed mounds, but often people see a strange fog brought by the wind. It's visible ghostly silhouettes and strange voices are heard. "

About fog - True! January 1, 2013 I and a few of my cycling trees rummaged at the empty urban roads to Starokorsunskaya. On the entrances to the village we were laughed thick as cotton, fog. Barely it was possible to see the elongated hand. And what is strange, while the head wind dulveled, which hinders the ride, but did not go anywhere. Thinking that the village is still far away, we decided to turn back. But while we were thinking, stumbled upon the stencil "Starokorsunskaya", which appeared suddenly from the fog. Ghosts have not seen ... Maybe they just did not pay attention? According to local residents, fog in these places is almost always.

Regarding the rest: the problem of floods in the Kuban was always. Residents of coastal areas walked on different tricks, so that at least somehow protect their gardens from flooding. In front of the war, in 1940, the method of "People's Building" was built a thermal reservoir (now flooded by the "sea" in the eastern part of it)

and the shafts along the Right Bank of Kuban were built along the lowest banks. Shafts have been preserved and now, in many places they passes the dirt road. During the construction of shafts and rice system, unfortunately, the remains of the strengthening of the right wing of the Kuban cordon line were almost completely destroyed, as well as roads constructed by Suvorov. But the risk of annual sublopulations significantly decreased significantly, although from the catastrophic floods, which occasionally occasionally in a decade or more often, nor a thermal reservoir, nor coastal shafts saved. Moreover, during the war, a part of the earth fortifications was damaged, and in the 60s, the suburbs of Krasnodar were flooded by 40-50 cm.

In general, the need to resolve the water regime of Kuban is well described in the "Military Statistical Review of the Kuban Region" Kolkov (1900g), which we will give the floor:

"Kuban carries a huge number of ILA, reaching 4% per day at low water and up to 16% at high water. This is Il, by placing the river and off the coast, the time of the time elevated them the level of the adjacent plain, why the water speaking from the coast I can no longer return to the bed in the box. This water is stood, hesitating and turns the fertile field of the field in the swamp. These swamps are caught by Ramyshma and other marsh plants, in which they have a mir_aida mosquito. This is a smooth, malard-making Other diseases that are bichem, especially for the village of population. Plavery by r. Kuban begins below the mouth of R. Laba and accompany her left shore of the band in 5-6 to faith the width. From the village of Mariana Plave, and on the right bank of the Kuban, occupying in the general lane. Earth wide up to 25-30 miles. The entire space occupied by Delta Kuban is covered with smoothies. Among the crying there are a small hills, often Poroshi Leso m; They are oases among the marshes and the root. Thousands of tits' fertile land disappear to be underflowing and the estimanies and dusheyia them is necessary, not only the point of the Zrenіyiy region of the region, but also in economic species. The Kuban military authorities, having in mind this good goal, the production of exquising and draws up the project project and estimates of expenses ... The coastal residents have long been aware of the need to resolve the Kuban's the same and secure their fields and houses from flooding. Again the purpose of the villagers of the village of Elizabetan, Mariaan, Trinity, Slavic and villages. Fedorovskago arranged from the banks of the river trees from Derna and Earth and places planted Loza and Voza. These shafts them are 6 -7 foot. Heights and 4 - 5 foot. Thickness, i.e., can have a weak resistivity and can easily be washed or broken. "

Machines in Kuban Plasteps

In general, Narrel. Consider for the beginning of the territory to be flooded. For the accuracy of cartographic data, I do not pass, the contours of the future reservoir are schematically applied. For a start - an archaeological map of Felitsyn, illustrating the mounds killed under water. Although, on the other hand, is there a reservoir a kind of "preservative" of ancient treasures, which may be thus saved for future generations? Especially considering the fact that the life of the Kuban Sea for standards remains not so much - about 30 years ...

The following card, also Felitsynskaya, illustrates a flooded zone called "Mikhailovskaya Tower". What is this tower - I have not yet been able to find out. In any case, it can be seen that there were no major fortifications in the area, besides the terrain was a pretty burst. And finally, a 1902 card, where we see many of the major Adygei Aules located among the marshes. Among them - Lakshukai, residents and customs of which very colorfully described in their "ethnographic essays" of Lavrov.

So, the thermal reservoir was built on the site of the already existing swamps of the Bagger and served a long time to prevent harm from floods. Since 1966, research began on which the construction of a new reservoir was planned. Among the inhabitants of Aulov first raised rumors, and then followed the explanatory work that lasted for several years. In the immediate vicinity of the zone of the alleged flooding, the construction of a town for immigrants - Adygei (Teuchugiska) began. Also were erected at home in Tlyustenhable. You can imagine the alarm and the mountain of people who are forced to leave the htched places (again, after the Caucasian War!) And native graves! From the bottom of the future sea, more than 11 thousand people were resettled, 28 cemeteries were transferred, 5 fraternal graves, more than 16 thousand hectares of the forest were cut down. The resettlement to new multi-storey houses reduced the lives of many old people ... But at the same time, people understood that the new project carries a lot of use of Kuban: the extermination of the swamps, the construction of rice fields, preventing destructive floods, breeding valuable fish.

Give here the text of the legend that went in the lands of flooded Aulov. In part, it seems prophetic:

"Between Shabanohable and the New Edpsuk, closer to Shabanohabl, was a pond, called Humegy. Once in this place, Aul was located, the inhabitants of whom" with fat shed ", from wealth, did not know anything. Children rushed bread into dogs , I picked up the circles of cheese on the ground. Allah, displeased with such behavior of the Aulchan, sent to them his messenger. In the form of a beggar, the messenger came to Aul and began to ask for bread. But none of the bogists did not even pay attention to him. Only one poor widow adopted The wanderer in his house and fed the fact that she was found. Leaving the pious hostess, the Messenger of Allah predicted that at night the whole aul would fall under the ground. "Whatever you heard - do not look out the window, otherwise you will blind!" The last words. At midnight, a terrible noise, screams, stones were risen from everywhere! The woman could not stand it, looked out a little curtain and one eye looked out in the window .. And then her eye struck blindness! Outroot she got out of the house and horror Idek that the water is splashing. Only a narrow path led from her porch to distant land .. on this path she left the failed aul. Since then, this road is called "Path Woman".

On April 3, 1968, the first dredger was blown up, marking the start of construction. The story of a burning candle in the Hut window of the Huts empty before the flooding of the aul is most likely just a legend, because the flooding of the square went not in an instant, but for two years. In addition, the "Voago" of the police were applied to absolutely unwilling. The first stage of the reservoir was put into operation in 1973. And during the years of operation, the reservoir successfully performed its main functions. During this period, large floods in the lower reaches of the Kuban River were prevented 16 times.

In conclusion - again "Military Statistical Review" with a bright picture of the Kuban floods:

"The Kuban froze around January 18 and opened Okodo 15 Feb., but there are years when she does not completely freeze. Kuban breaks down, both and so on the mountain river, three times in a year '): 1) in the spring, during the Thayavi snow in Dolina; 2) Summer Zharov Sea Thayavia shridge in the mountains and 3) in the fall at the beginning of the autumn rain. There are years when these spills are the same, but usually the second spill happens the greatest. The chrome of the rainy rains in the mountain strip causes a spill of the river. If heavy rains come across the entire Nagorno Strip At the same time, the rise of water in the river occurs rather soon. In this case, in this case, the trendies of the Kuban, but equal to the largest way, you can pull out how the water shaft is moving on the river, sometimes I, 5 soot. Heights; This tree rolls unusually fast, Breaking bridges, mills, pulling out trees, destroying the construction and producing Bolshaya devosted on the shore. "

Flooded happiness

Currently, the Krasnodar reservoir is imposed by several complaints (even the inhabitants of the coast, separated from us the main ridge seems to be). The most basic is the climate change in Kuban and Adygea. Say, before winter was like winter, and summer as a summer, and now I will not wait for snow in the winter, and die from the heat. To solve this issue we turn to historical sources. In many books written during the Russian development of the Caucasus, there are descriptions of the climatic conditions of the region. Here is some of them:

"Psekupi mineral waters" (1900g):

"The hot-key climate is soft and warm. The average annual temperature is 11.7. In this respect, it is inferior to the Crimea and the entire Black Sea coast, thanks to the cold northeastern winds, sharply lowering the temperature in the Psekups valley. In particular, sharp transitions from heat to heat to The cold in winter, when the northeast wind is often blowing. Basically, the south-western, the warmth and moisture from the sea is dominated. The warmest month is July, in May and the first half of June at night it is very cold, the temperature goes down to 10-12 . "

Popko "History of the Black Sea Cossack" (1860):

. "Neighborhood of the two seas and the Caucasian mountains makes the climate with a variable and non-permanent to the highest degree. One time of the year flows into another, transitions from heat to fitness, from a shower to drought, from the dead silence to the bore are made instantly - and if where, Especially here should not praise the day before the evening. ... sometimes thunder will thunder in December, and the cracked frost will hit. Sometimes it costs dry and clear weather in January, it rains in March, and snow falls in March, And the belated sizzle sews the young, too early caused by the greens in the fields and kidneys in the gardens. "

Kozlov L.E. "A brief essay of migration sites"

"Self-characteristic of the Black Sea Province climate is the extreme diversity of climatic shades ... Two sharp climatic types are different: the climate of the valleys and the Nagorno slopes ... The effect of the sea is increasing in areas located nearby, and as the continuing does not begin to increase the effect of continuity, lowering the average daily Temperature. "

Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, Kuban region:

Due to the existence in K. region on the one side of the plains lying almost at the level of the sea, and on other very high mountains covered with eternal snow, it has a variety of climates in all respects. In the lower course of the Kuban and some other rivers stretch at a high mass of low places poured with water and crumpled pastries. They are distinguished by a very unhealthy, feverish climate. These include all places in Kuban, ranging from Ekaterinodar to her mouth, as well as the coast of the Azov and Black Seas. In the mountains and foothills, feverings are also sick, especially in the end of summer and at the beginning of autumn, but here they do not have such a malignant nature and are not so stubborn. Migrants from Russia suffer, however, they are very strong and sometimes die out by whole families. In North and Northwes. Parts K. The climate area can be considered dry and healthy in general, thanks to the strong influence of these places North-Vost. Winds. "

Fomenko A.S. "Fomenko, his descendants and their household their lives."

"Heat! .. Just this is a real hell! ... and the life is not happy ... The fascinated air, as out of the popper, whines all around and climbs into the lungs. Feel like dries in the mouth and spirates breathing. Fune the breeze; But he does not bring relief, because also hot, like the atmosphere. " Clouds of mosquitoes and flies brought to rabies and cattle, and people. "

"Military-statistical description of the Kuban region", 1900g:

"Climate of the Kuban region should recognize the well-privacy. Bolshiіy cold winter is short-lived in winter, then both Summer in continuity, which contributes to the growth of vegetation and ripen bread and fruit. For the military acts in the region, the most unfavorable. Frosts are often replaced by thaws and on the roads it turns out non-declaration dirt. , not only imperative mooring, but sometimes stopping anything at all. "

It would be possible to bring many sources many times, but I think, many words from the above forced the reader to jump in place with the exclamation: "Well, just like now!". Despite the obvious constancy of the Kuban climate over the past centuries, some recall abundant snow with skates and sleds in childhood, which is supposedly not today in risen. I also remember my only "nursery", held in Kuban, winter. It was a year about 1978. In the courtyard lay drifts in my height! (I had an increase then, truth, half from the present). Of course, the children chopped out the sinks on the dirty snow, some tried to go blind on ice, which seemed to be suitable and for skates. Perhaps it was one of the harsh Kuban winters, which last a week or two, but in children's memory, leaving indelible impressions.

Here it would be appropriate to remember the hiking of Suvorov in the Kuban in order to build fortifications, which were held with snowy steppes at the vigorous wind. But at the same time it should be borne in mind that the campaign took only 100 days from a small day, that is, less than one year. The winter raids of Circassians are also remembered, which Kuban passed on ice with whole cavities. But again, to cross the river on the ice could not be in any place, and for the winter the water is very accurate, exposing the sandy bottom.

In a word, it is impossible to argue that the climate "heavily wagon" or "spoiled" in connection with the construction of reservoirs. Severe snow winters as in the "conformal" era, and now, have a place to be, but in the form of an exception. It is also impossible to discount the natural fluctuations of average annual temperatures.

(Photo - from the Internet and personal production. "Memories of the Krasnodar" were mined with the addiction of the Old-timers of the city).

Dear readers! In our you can download books and articles on the history of the Krasnodar reservoir. One of them is "talking waves", an extensive work that gathered the memories of the inhabitants of the flooded auls, as well as "the sea man-made, what did you do?", about the fatal influence of construction for life and life of people.