Great antiquity empires. Great and powerful empires of the world

In our world, nothing is forever: after birth and the heyday, the sunset should be inevitably. This rule is valid for the state. For a thousand years of historical era, hundreds of states were created and collapsed. We find out which of them existed on Earth longer, have not yet been broken by any other reasons. Perhaps some of them did not hit the world with their greatness and glitter, but were strong in their centuries-old history.

Portuguese colonial empire

560 years old (1415 -1975)

The prerequisites for the creation of the Portuguese Colonial Empire appeared simultaneously with the beginning of great geographical discoveries. By 1415, Portuguese navigators, of course, have not yet reached the shores of America, but already actively investigated the African continent, starting the short sea route to India. The open lands of the Portuguese declared their property, removing forts and fortresses everywhere.

Portuguese colonial empire has strengthened in West Africa, Eastern and South Asia, India and American continent. The Portuguese Empire has become the first state in history that united the territory under its flag on four continents. Thanks to the trade in spices and jewelry, the Portuguese treasury was leaving the gold and silver, which allowed the state to exist so long.

Napoleonic wars, internal contradictions and external enemies still pushed power power, and by the beginning of the 20th century, there were no trace of the Portuguese Colonial Empire from the former magnitude. Officially, the empire ceased to exist in 1975, when democracy was established in the metropolis.

624 (1299 N.E. -1923 AD)

The state founded by the Turkic tribes in 1299 has reached its heyday in the 17th century. Huge multinational Ottoman Empire Stretched from the borders of Austria to the Caspian Sea, owning the territories and in Europe, and in Africa, and in Asia. Wars with the Russian Empire, loss in the First World War, internal contradictions and permanent Christian uprisings poured the forces of the Ottoman Empire. In 1923, the monarchy was abolished, and the Turkish Republic was created in her place.

Khmer Empire

629 years old (802 N.E. -1431 AD)

Not every person heard about the existence of the Khmer Empire, which is one of the oldest state formations in history. The Khmer Empire was formed as a result of the unification of the Khmer tribes living in the 8th century AD. On indocidant territory. During its highest power, the Empire of Khmer included the territory of Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos. But her rulers did not calculate the gigantic costs for the construction of temples and palaces, which gradually devastated the treasury. The weakened state in the first half of the 15th century finally finished the beginning of the invasion of Thai tribes.


676 years (700 AN -1376 AD)

Despite the fact that individually African tribes are not dangerous, uniting, they can create a strong and militant state. This is how the Empire may have been formed, located for almost 700 years in the territory of modern Libya, Nigeria and Chad.

Territory Kanem |

The reason for the fall of a strong empire served in the inner civilian after the death of the last emperor who did not have heirs. Taking advantage of this, various tribes, located on the borders, invaded the empire from different sides, accelerating its fall. The remaining in the living indigenous people was forced to leave the city and return to the nomadic lifestyle.

Sacred Roman Empire

844 years (962 AD - 1806 AD)

The Sacred Roman Empire is not the most Roman Empire, whose iron legions captured almost all the world's famous antique Europe. The Sacred Roman Empire was not even in Italy, but in the territory of modern Germany, Austria, Holland, the Czech Republic and part of Italy. The land association occurred in 962, and the new empire was called upon to become a continuation of the Western Roman Empire. European order and discipline allowed this state to exist eight and a century, while a complex system government controlled, degraded, weakened the central government, which led to the decline and the collapse of the Sacred Roman Empire.

Kingdom Silla

992 years (57 BC - 935 AD)

At the end of the first century BC. On the Korean Peninsula for the place under the sun, the three kingdoms were desperately fought, one of whom was Silla - managed to defeat his enemies, joined their earth to him and founded a mighty dynasty that existed almost a thousand years, which disappeared into the lights civil War.

994 years (980 AD -1974 AD)

Often, we think that before the arrival of European colonialists, Africa was a completely wild terrain inhabited by primitive tribes. But on the African continent there was a place of the empire, which existed for almost a thousand years! Founded in the 802 year, united by Ethiopian tribes, the empire did not "reach" 6 years before his millennium, having broken down as a result of the state coup.

1100 years (697 AD - 1797 AD)

The bright republic Venice with the capital Venice was founded in 697 due to the forced association of communities against the troops of Langobards - the German tribes who were in the upper reaches of Italy during the great resettlement of peoples. Extremely successful geographical position At the intersection of most trade routes, the republic was immediately made by one of the richest and influential states of Europe. However, the opening of America and the sea route in India became the beginning of the end for this state. The volume of goods entering Europe through Venice has decreased - merchants began to prefer more convenient and safe seaside pathways. Finally, the Venice republic ceased to exist in 1797, when Venice without resistance was taken by Napoleon's troops Bonaparte.

Papal Oblast

1118 years (752 AD - 1870 AD)

Papal region | Wikipedia.

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the influence of Christianity in Europe was increasingly intensified: the influential people took Christianity, the churches were given whole lands, donations were made. Nearby was the day when the Catholic Church would receive political power In Europe: This happened in 752, when the Frankish king Pipin short gave the dad to the larger area in the center of the Appenin Peninsula. Since then, the power of the Dad varied depending on the place of religion in the European society: from absolute power in the Middle Ages, to the gradual loss of influence closer to 18-19 centies. In 1870, the Land of the Papal Region passed under the control of Italy, and only the Vatican was left by the Catholic Church - the state city in Rome.

Kingdom Kush.

about 1200 years (9th century BC - 350 AD)

The king Kush has always been in the shadow of another state - Egypt, which at all times attracted the attention of historians and chroniclers. Located in the northern part of modern Sudan, the Cush state was a serious danger to his neighbors, and during his heyday controlled almost the entire territory of Egypt. We do not know detailed history kingdom, but in the chronicles it was noted that in 350 Kush was conquered by the Aksum kingdom.

The Roman Empire

1480 years (27 BC - 1453 AD)

Rome - eternal place on seven hills! At least, the inhabitants of the Western Roman Empire thought so: it seemed that the eternal city would never fall before the Natius of enemies. But times have changed: after the civil war and the foundation of the empire, 500 years have passed, and Rome was conquered by invaded German tribes, marking the fall of the western part of the empire. However, the Eastern Roman Empire, which is often referred to as Byzantium, continued to exist until 1453, while Constantinople does not fell under the head of the Turks.

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The history of mankind is a continuous struggle for the territorial domination. The Great Empires arose on the political map of the world, they disappeared from it. Some of them were destined to leave behind an indelible mark.

Persian Empire (Empire of Aheremenidov, 550 - 330 BC.)

The creator of the Persian Empire is considered Cyrus II. He began his conquest in 550 BC. e. With the subordination of the Mussel, following which Armenia, Parfia, Cappadocia and the Lidia Kingdom were conquered. It did not interfere with the expansion of the Empire Kira and Babylon, whose powerful walls fell in 539 BC. e.

Conquering neighboring areas, Persians tried not to destroy the conquered cities, but if possible, to preserve them. Cyrus restored the captured Jerusalem, like many phoenician citiesHaving resolved the return of Jews from the Babylonian captivity.

Persian Empire When Cyrre spread his possessions from Central Asia before the Aegean Sea. Only Egypt remained not conquered. The country of Pharaohs conquered the heir to Kira Cambismue II. However, his heyday of the Empire reached in Daria I, which with the conquest switched to internal politician. In particular, the king divided the empire for 20 satrapy, which completely coincided with the territories of captured states.
In 330 BC e. The weakening Persian Empire fell under the onslasis of Alexander Macedonian troops.

Roman Empire (27 BC. E. - 476)

Ancient Rome He was the first state in which the ruler received the title of Emperor. Starting from Octavian Augustus, a 500-year history of the Roman Empire had the most direct impact on European civilization, and also left a cultural trail in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East.
The uniqueness of the ancient Rome is that he was the only state whose possessions included all the Mediterranean coast.

During the flourishing period of the Roman Empire, its territory extended from the British Isles to the Persian Gulf. According to historians estimates, by 117 the population of the empire reached 88 million people, which was approximately 25% of the total number of inhabitants of the planet.

Architecture, construction, art, right, economy, military case, principles state Device Ancient Rome is what the foundation of the entire European civilization is based on. It was in the imperial Rome that Christianity took the status of state religion and began its distribution worldwide.

Byzantine Empire (395 - 1453)

The Byzantine Empire does not have equal in the duration of its history. Burning at the sunset of antiquity, it existed until the end of the European Middle Ages. For more than a thousand years, Byzantium was a kind of binding link between the civilizations of the East and the West, having an impact on both the states of Europe and Malaya Asia.

But if Western European and Middle Eastern countries inherited the richest material culture of Byzantium, Old Russian state It turned out to be the successor of her spirituality. Konstantinople fell, but the Orthodox world gained his new capital in Moscow.

Located at the crossroads of trade routes, the rich Byzantium was linedly land for neighboring states. Having reached maximum borders in the first centuries after the collapse of the Roman Empire, then she was forced to defend their possessions. In 1453, Byzantium did not resist the more powerful opponent - the Ottoman Empire. With the capture of Constantinople, the road to Europe for the Turk was opened.

Arab Caliphate (632-1258)

As a result of Muslim conquests in the VII-IX centuries in the entire Middle East region, as well as individual regions of Transcaucasia, Central Asia, North Africa and Spain, the theocratic Islamic State Arab Caliphate arose. The period of the Caliphate entered the story called the "Golden Age of Islam", as the time of the highest heyday of Islamic science and culture.
One of the Caliphs of the Arab state Umar I was purposefully fastened for the caliphate the nature of the militant church, encouraging in his subordinates a religious zeal and forbidden them to own land property in conquered countries. Umar it motivated that "the interests of the landowner enhanced it to peaceful activities than to the war."

In 1036, the invasion of the Seljuk Turkings was destructive for the Khaliphat, but Mongols tried the defeat of the Islamic state.

Khalif An-Nasir, wanting to expand his possessions, asked for help to Genghis Khan, and he did not know the way to ruin the Muslim East of the Multiple Mongolian Horde.

Mongol Empire (1206-1368)

Mongol Empire - The largest public education in history.

During its power - by the end of the XIII century, the empire stretched from the Japanese sea to the shores of the Danube. total area Mongol possessions reached 38 million square meters. km.

Given the huge size of the empire, the management of it from the capital - Karakorum was almost impossible. It is no coincidence that after the death of Genghis Khan in 1227, the process of gradual separation of the conquered territories for individual uluses began, the most significant of which became Golden Horde.

The economic policy of the Mongols in the captured lands was primitive: its essence was reduced to the case of tribute to the conquered peoples. All the assembled came to maintain the needs of a huge army, according to some data that had reached half a million people. Mongolian cavalry was the most deadly weapon of Genghizids, before which managed to resist not many armies.
Intended by the empire, the Identas Reset - they stopped the expansion of Mongols to the West. This soon followed the loss of the conquered territories and the seizure of the dynasty of the Ming of the Main Caucarma.

Sacred Roman Empire (962-1806)

The Sacred Roman Empire is an interstate education that existed in Europe from 962 to 1806. The core of the Empire was Germany, to which the Czech Republic, Italy, Netherlands, and some regions of France, were joined during the highest heyday of the state.
Virtually the entire period of the existence of the empire, its device had the nature of theocratic feudal stateIn which the emperors claimed the highest power in the Christian world. However, the fight against the papal throne and the desire to possess Italy significantly weakened the central government of the empire.
In the XVII century, Austria and Prussia were put forward in the leading position in the Sacred Roman Empire. But very soon antagonism of two influential members of the Empire, who threatened the integrity of their common house threatened in the conquest policy. The end of the empire in 1806 laid the stringing France led by Napoleon.

Ottoman Empire (1299-1922)

In 1299, the Turkic state was created in the Middle East, the Turkic state was created, which was destined to exist more than 600 years and radically affect the fate of the countries of the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. The fall in 1453 of Constantinople became the date when the Ottoman Empire finally entrenched in Europe.

The period of the highest power of the Ottoman Empire falls on the XVI-XVII century, but the greatest conquests of the state achieved with Sultan Suleiman magnificent.

The borders of the Empire of Suleiman I were fed from Eritrea in the south to the speech by compolonged in the north, from Algeria in the West to the Caspian Sea in the East.

The period from the end of the XVI until the beginning of the 20th century was marked by bloody military conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and Russia. Territorial disputes of the two states mainly unfolded around the Crimea and Transcaucasia. The end of them put the first world WarAccording to the results of which the Ottoman Empire, the entunts divided between the countries ceased to exist.

British Empire (1497-1949)

The British Empire is the largest colonial power in both the territory and population.

The greatest scales of the empire reached the 30th of the 20th century: the land area of \u200b\u200bthe United Kingdom along with the colonies numbered 34 million 650 thousand square meters. km., As for about 22% of the earthly sushi. Total number The population of the empire reached 480 million. Man - every fourth resident of the Earth was a subject of the British crown.

The success of the British colonial policy promoted many factors: strong army and fleet, developed industry, the art of diplomacy. The expansion of the empire has significantly affected the world geopolitics. First of all, this spread throughout the world of British technologies, trade, language, as well as forms of government.
Decolonization of Britain occurred after the end of World War II. The country was among the winning states, but it turned out to be on the verge of bankruptcy. Only thanks to the American loan of $ 3.5 billion, the United Kingdom could overcome the crisis, but at the same time lost world domination and all his colonies.

Russian Empire (1721-1917)

The history of the Russian Empire originates on October 22, 1721 after the adoption by Peter I of the title of Emperor of All-Russian. From this time until 1905, the monarch began at the head of state, the monarch was endowed with an absolute fullness of power.

By Square Russian empire Observing only Mongolian and British empires - 21,799,825 square meters. km, and was the second (after the British) population - about 178 million people.

The constant expansion of the territory is a characteristic feature of the Russian Empire. But if the promotion to the east was mostly peaceful, then in the West and south, Russia had to prove their territorial claims through numerous wars - with Sweden, the speech of the associate, the Ottoman Empire, Persia, the British Empire.

The growth of the Russian Empire is always perceived by the West with a special alertness. The negative perception of Russia contributed to the emergence of the so-called "testament of Peter the Great" - a document fabricated in 1812 by French political circles. "The Russian state must establish power over the entire Europe," this is one of the key phrases of the will, which will still be long for the minds of Europeans.

Abstracts are prepared on the materials of the German magazine "Illustrierte Wissenschaft".

From the school year of history, we know about the emergence of the first states on Earth with their peculiar life, culture and art. Far and in many ways mysterious life People of past times worried and walked fantasy. And it is likely that for many it would be interesting to see the maps of the greatest empires of antiquity, placed nearby. Such a comparison makes it possible to feel the dimensions of the giant once state formations and place occupied by them on earth and in the history of mankind.

Egypt. The greatest dimensions of the empire reached in 1450 BC. e.

Greece. The dark on the map marked land where Greek culture flourished.

Persia. The territory of the empire in 500 BC. e.

India. The largest territory of the country has reached in 250 BC. e.

China held such a territory in 221 to n. e.

The Roman Empire at the time of the highest bloom is the beginning of the II century new era.

Byzantium during his heyday - VI century.

Arab Khalifat. It has reached the greatest size in 632. e. A118 years later, the Khaliphate Square significantly reduced (dark hatching).

The state is an ancient public education and means the territory occupied by a settled population subordinate to the same power. Ancient thinkers thought about the essence of the state device. For example, the Greek philosopher Aristotle saw the ultimate natural form of a hostel in the state, important for a person who, by its nature, is a "political being". Moreover, he considered the state "the middle of a completely happy life."

In the Middle Ages and at a later time, the concept of "state" began to invest contractual principles between the person and the supreme power. In the natural state, a person is not right not right, the English thinkers of the XVII century, John Milton and John Locke, believed, and the provision of them, which he finds in the state approved under the contract precisely for this purpose.

The true son of the century of enlightenment, Jean Jacques Rousseau saw the meaning of the formation of the state in compliance with the interests of each of his citizen. It needs people to "find a compound form that would protect and ensured the identity and heritage of each member of society so that each, connecting with others, would obey only himself and remains as free as before." "Freedom is not alienated" - the main position of Rousseau.

Another 8-9 thousand years ago, people began to move to a settled lifestyle. Appeared agriculture and first pets. There was a so-called neolithic revolution, which brought people to new living conditions. Agriculture It could have already been to provide a person with sufficient food, so hunting and gathering retreated into the background. There was a division of labor between the members of the same group, led the leaders who managed people who managed the communities. Over time, there was a need for public buildings, and the construction of palaces, temples, fortresses began. There were writing and gears of arithmetic, astronomy and medicine.

A huge role in the formation of early civilizations was played by rivers. The river is not only a waterway, but also a stable harvest, it is not by chance that precisely in those distant times people began to build channels and dams. But since the scattered tribes were not on the shoulder were large ameliorative buildings, the groups of farmers were united. The first publications emerged in two-range, between the tiger and the Euphrate, where the blooming culture developed.

Modern archaeologists and historians allocate several conditions that give the right to call the ancient community of people by the state. The first of them is at least five thousand people who worship the uniform gods. The power is equipped with an apparatus of officials, and the writing is indispensable in any form. Large buildings - palaces and temples - also a mandatory attribute of statehood. The population is divided into specialties so that everyone can no longer do everything for himself and his family. So, along with the priests and the soldiers, artists, philosophers, builders, blacksmiths, weavers, potters, boards, merchants, and so on.

The ancient empires, who played a role in the history of mankind, possessed all the terms listed. But besides that, long-term political stability and well-established communications were characterized by the most remote inquisites, without which it is impossible to manage huge territories. All the great empires had large armies: the passion for the conquest was almost manic. And the lords of such states sometimes sought impressive success, subordinate to themselves extensive lands, on which gigantic empires arose. But time passed, and the giant went with the historical scene.

First Empire

Egypt. 3000-30 years before the new era

This empire existed for three millennia - longer than any other. The state arose according to the latest data, more than 3,000 years before the new era, and when the union of the Upper and Lower Egypt occurred (2686-2181), the so-called ancient kingdom was formed. The whole life of the country was associated with the Nile River, with its fertile valley and Delta from the Mediterranean Sea. Rules Egypt Pharaoh (the word means the warehouse of food), the governors and officials were sitting on the ground, and in general, social life in the country was sufficiently developed (see "Science and Life" No. 1, 1997 - "Stone Stone Stone" - and No. 5, 1997 - " Ancient Egypt. Power Piramid "). Officers, scribes, land surveyors and local priests were counted for the elite of society. Pharaoh was considered a living deity, and all the most important sacrifices performed himself.

Egyptians fanatically believed in the afterlife, it was devoted to the objects of culture and majestic buildings - pyramids and temples. The walls of funeral cameras made by hieroglyphs told about the life of an ancient state more than other archaeological finds.

The history of Egypt disintegrates for two periods. The first - from the ground and up to 332 to the new era, when Alexander Macedon won the country. And the second period is the reign of the Ptolemyev dynasty - the descendants of one of the commander of Alexander Macedonsky. In 30, before the new era, Egypt was conquered by a more young and powerful empire - Roman.

Cradle of Western Culture

Greece. 700-146 years before the new era

The southern part of the Balkan Peninsula people settled tens of thousands of years ago. But from the VII century to the new era, we can talk about Greece as a large, homogeneous cultural relationship, although with the reservations: the country was the Union of Cities-states united during the time of the external threat, as, for example, to reflect the Persian aggression.

Culture, religion and above all the language was the framework in which the history of this country proceeded. In 510, to the new era, most cities were freed from the merchanties of the kings. In Athens, she soon began to rule democracy, but only citizens men had the right to vote.

The state, culture and science of Greece became a model and an inexhaustible source of wisdom for almost all later states of Europe. Already greek scientists wondered about life and about the universe. It was in Greece that the foundations of such sciences were laid as medicine, mathematics, astronomy and philosophy. Greek culture ceased to development when the country was captured by the Romans. The decisive battle occurred in 146 to the new era at the city of Corinth, when the troops of the Greek Ahasey Union were broken.

Dominion "Tsar Kings"

Persia. 600-331 years before the new era

In the VII century, the nomadic tribes of the Iranian Highlands raised the uprising against Assyrian dominion. The winners founded the state a mussel, which, together with Babylonia and other neighboring countries, turned into a global power. By the end of the 6th century, she, headed by Kirome II, and then his successors belonged to the Ahemenide dynasty continued to conquer. In the West of the Earth, the Empire went to the Aegean Sea, in the east, her border was held along the Indian River, in the south, in Africa, ownership reached the first thresholds of the Nile. (Most of Greece occupied during the Greek Persian War of the Persian King Cerks in 480 to the new era.)

The monarch was magical than the "king of the kings", he stood at the head of the army and was a supreme judge. Ownerships were divided into 20 satrapy, where the governor of the king rules his name. The subjects spoke in four languages: ancient Persian, Babylonian, Elam and Aramaic.

In 331, before the new era, Alexander Macedonsky broke the hordes of Darius II - the last of the Ahemenide dynasty. This ended the story of this great empire.

Peace and love - for all

India. 322-185 years before the new era

Traditions dedicated to the history of India and its rulers are very fragmentary. The few information refer to the time when the founder of the Buddha's religious teaching (566-486 BC), the first real personality In the history of India.

In the first half of the first one millennium, many small states arose in the northeastern part of India. One of them - Magada - was raised due to the successful conciliatory wars. The king of Ashka, who belonged to the Maury Dynasty, was so expanded the possessions that they had already occupied almost all of the current India, Pakistan and part of Afghanistan. The king was obeyed by administrative governance officials and a strong army. At first, Ashoka walked a cruel commander, but, becoming a follower of the Buddha, preached peace, love and tolerance and received the nickname "facing". This king built hospitals, fought with cutting out forests, and in relation to his people he conducted a soft policy. The decrees that came up to us, carved on the rocks, columns, are ancient, precisely dated epigraphic monuments of India, telling about the management of the state, social relations, religion and culture.

Even before his elevation of Ashok, the population divided into four castes. The first two were privileged - priests and warriors. The invasion of Bactrian Greeks and internal discord in the country led the Empire to decay.

Beginning more than two thousand years of history

China. 221-210 years before the new era

In the period called in the history of China Zhanju, the long-term struggle, which many small kingdoms led, brought victory to the kingdom of Qin. It combined the conquered lands and in 221 to the new era formed the first Chinese empire led by Qin Shi-Huangi. The emperor conducted reforms that strengthened the young state. The country was divided into district, military garrisons were established to maintain order and calm, the construction of a network of roads and canals was carried out, and the same education was introduced for officials, and in the whole kingdom there was a single monetary system. The monarch approved the order in which people had to work where the interests and needs of the state were required. Even such a curious law was introduced: all the carts should have an equal distance between the wheels so that they move along the same rinse. In the same reign, the Great Wall was created: it combined the individual sections of defensive structures previously built by the Northern Kingdoms.

In 210, Qing Shi-Huangi died. But subsequent dynasties left intact foundations for the construction of the empire, laid out by its founder. In any case, the last dynasty of the emperors of China ceased to exist at the beginning of our century, and the borders of the state are preserved almost unchanged to this day.

Army that protects

Rome. 509 year before the new era - 330 new era

In 509, before the new era, the Roman was expelled from Rome of the Etruscan king Tarquinia proud. Rome became a republic. By 264, to the new era of her troops mastered the entire Appenin Peninsula. After that, expansion began in all directions of light, and by 117 the new era, the state extended its borders from the West to the East - from the Atlantic Ocean to the Caspian Sea, and from the south to the north - from the thresholds of the Nile and the coast of all North Africa to borders with Scotland and By the bottom flow of the Danube.

The 500 years of Rome managed annually elected two consuls and the Senate, which made state property and finances, foreign policy, military affairs and religion.

In 30, before the new era, Rome becomes an empire led by Caesar, and in the merits - a monarch. The first Caesar was August. A large and well-trained army participated in the construction of a huge network of roads, their overall length - more than 80,000 kilometers. Lovely roads made an army very mobile and allowed to quickly reach the most remote corners of the Empire. Help the country from breakdown helped and appointed Rome in the province of Proconsula - the governors and devotees Caesar officials. This was also facilitated by the settlements of soldiers who served the service located in the conquered lands.

The Roman state, in contrast to many other giants of the past, fully responded to the concept of "empire". It also became a model for future contenders for world domination. European countries inherited a lot from the culture of Rome as well as the principles of building parliaments and political parties.

The uprising of the peasants, slaves and city plebs, all the enhancing head of the German and other barbaric tribes from the north forced the emperor Konstantin I to transfer the capital of the state to the city of Byzantine, later called Constantinople. This happened in 330 new era. After Constantine, the Roman Empire was actually divided into two - Western and East, which were ruled by two emperors.

Christianity - the stronghold of the Empire

Byzantium. 330-1453 new era

There was a vivantium from the eastern residues of the Roman Empire. Constantinople became the capital, founded by Emperor Konstantin I in 324-330 at the site of the colony of Byzantium (the name of the state is coming from here). From this point on, the separation of Byzantium in the depths of the Roman Empire began. A great role in the life of this state was the Christian religion, which became the ideological foundation of the empire and the stronghold of Orthodoxy.

Byzantium existed for more than a thousand years. She reached his political and military power during the reign of Emperor Justinian I, in the VI century a new era. It was then, having a strong army, Byzantium won Western and southern lands of the former Roman Empire. But within these limits, the empire existed for long. In 1204, Constantinople, who had never risen so more and did not rise, and in 1453 the Omman Turks were captured by the capital of Byzantium.

Name Allah

Arab Khalifat. 600-1258 New Era

The preaching of the Prophet Mohammed marked the beginning of a religious and political movement in Western Arabia. The named "Islam", it contributed to the creation of a centralized state in Arabia. However, soon as a result of successful conquests, the extensive Muslim Empire was born - calipheat. The presented map shows the greatest swing of the conquests of the Arabs who fought under the green banner of Islam. In the east, the Khaliphat included the western part of India. The Arab world left indelible traces in the history of mankind, in literature, mathematics and astronomy.

From the beginning of the first century, the caliphate gradually begins to fall apart - the weakness of economic relations, the vastness of the areas of the territories and traditions subordinate to the age of the territories that had their culture and traditions did not contribute to unity. In 1258, Mongols won Baghdad, and Khalifat collapsed into several Arab states.

The history of mankind is filled with a variety of events. Mightly born and died, and seemed indirect, empire, leaving their mark in human memory. Under a different pretext of the state, the struggle for the territorial domination, and today geopolitics is the most important component of the external aspirations of the world's leading states.

The tragic pages of wars, colonial expansion and the conquests of the deep wound flew on the body of the political history of the world. Whatever it was, the largest countries in the history, which united people talking in their borders speaking different languages, and even different races, became a significant phenomenon.

First, which means the most ancient stateThe ancient Egypt is considered to be considered. After uniting the lower and upper kingdoms in the IV millennium BC, the Egyptian power began to occupy significant areas with a multi-ethnic population.

Then there was no clear definition of borders, but the ancient Egypt was a country with a clear hierarchy of power, army and estates.

Exiting more than 40 centuries, the first state association left behind the richest cultural heritage.

In the rulers of the dynasty of the achemenidov under the rule of Persia, extensive territories of the front Asia and Northeast Africa were combined. This state, with an area of \u200b\u200b5,500,000 km², entered the story as an empire of the achemenides.

Peoples conquered by the Persians, paid tribute. The culture of a huge empire was heterogeneous, as well as religious beliefs. The synthesis of ethnic traditions allowed to create the greatest masterpieces of material and spiritual culture.

And the first Persian Empire fell under the blows of the Army Alexander Macedonsky.

Macedonian Empire

Macedonian Tsar Philip II left his son Alexander a strong state and a strong, combat armion. Alexander began to embody his father's plans for the seizure of Persia.

Alexander Macedonsky as a result of successful military hikes significantly expanded the borders of Macedonia, attaching Greece, Persia, part of Egypt and India. The Empire Square amounted to 5.2 million km².

But the artificially created state broke out as a result of wars immediately after the death of his creator.

27 years BC - 476 year

Ancient Rome became the first in the history of the state, where the ruler was titled by the emperor. Octavian received an honorary title of August from the Senate. From this event that occurred in 27 BC, and the history of the Roman Empire began.

By combining huge territories under its authority, Rome became the most powerful state of that time, and the Mediterranean Sea became its inland reservoir.

The basics of law, culture, and what is important, the principles of the device of the state of ancient Rome laid the foundation for European civilization.

Byzantine Empire

The Eastern Roman Empire left its bright trail in history, more famous called Byzantium. It existers from the period of antiquity to almost the sunset of the Middle Ages, the empire had a great influence on the countries of the East and the West.

A convenient geographical position at the crossroads of trade routes with a favorable climate allowed Byzantium to achieve power and influence the neighboring states. It was from Constantinople that Orthodoxy began to spread, and masterpieces of art and architecture and today cause admiration.

Internal contradictions led to the weakening of the state, and the empire was captured by Ottomans.

The core of interstate education in the European expanses was Germany. The sacred Roman Empire arose on the wreckage of ancient Rome was a feudal-cell state in which rivalry for the primacy between the emperors and Catholicism was constantly accomplished.

In the period of dawn, it joined huge territories in Eastern Europe. But permanent internal conflicts And the confrontation with the Islamic world weakened the state.

And the empire broke out, which united under his crown of Europe, after coming to the power of Napoleon.

As a result of Arab conquest, a huge state of Arab Khalifat was formed. The Islamic State with the theocratic Board left a noticeable trace in history, and the period of its existence of historians was called the "golden age of Islam".

The Arabs in a short period was able to subordinate not only the peoples of Central and Front Asia, but also the ethnides of the Transcaucasian region and the North of the African continent. Forking the Gibraltar Strait, the Arabs occupied the territory of Spain.

Arabs in 1036 survived the devastating raid of the Seljuk Turks, but under the strike of the state of Genghis Khalifat finally collapsed.

One of the largest and powerful state formations of the Middle Ages, the Mongolian Empire stretched from the shores of the Japanese Sea for the Carpathians, to the shores of the Danube.

Such a huge territory was difficult to manage, so after the death of its founder - Genghis Khan, ceased to be a monolithic state.

The greatest formation is the Golden Horde, for a long time held in subordination of the peoples of the Great Steppe and the territory of the Russian state.

Interfundic reset led to the decay of the Great Power, and its capital was captured chinese dynasty Min.

Ottoman Empire

This state existed a significant period, and had a great influence on the peoples, which settled the coast of the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

After the capture of Constantinople in 1453, the Turks finally strengthened their power in Europe, and over time, they submitted to the Balkan countries.

The empire conducted a rather aggressive policy, and the last century of its existence marked the bloody wars in Russia.

After the First World War, following the results of the Paris peaceful agreement, the Ottoman Empire was divided between the winners, and ceased to exist.

There were many empires in China, and today the PRC remains the world's largest state. But let's talk about the last monarchical dynasty of China - Qing.

Emperors Qing ruled the empire for almost 300 years, and the main monocultural education created the foundation and territorial basis for modern China.

After the overthrow of the last emperor in 1912, a small restoration of the monarchy occurred. Only 11 days 1917, when the country was ruled by Pu I.

The beginning of the Russian Empire put Peter I, who accepted the title of emperor on October 22, 1721. According to the cerebrals end XIX. A century on the huge expanses of Eurasia in Russia, 178 million people lived.

A distinctive feature of the development of the Russian state was the constant accession of new territories. Promotion east was mostly peaceful in nature. Numerous peoples were voluntarily poured into a powerful state. But in the West and the south, I had to return the original Russian lands in the bloody wars.

With the fall of the monarchy, the Great Russian Empire broke down. In 1922, the Soviet Union was formed in 1922, also a kind of empire, which united the 15 republics over time.

The biggest empire in history, the British Empire reached the beginning of the twentieth century the greatest scale. And after the victory of "Entente" in the war over the three-way union, even more strengthened its position in Europe and the world.

A powerful fleet, great successes of scientific and technological progress and a subtle diplomacy helped the British crown to conduct a conciliatory colonial policy, and to grow new territories. Britain, in which, as proudly spoke, never enters the sun, occupied an area of \u200b\u200b34.65 million 650 thousand km².

The end of World War II led to the beginning of the colonial system decay. The first who touched the process of decolonization became Britain. The Last World Empire stopped his way in history in 1949.


The empires have long been riveted in the summer with political card World. Today this word is more acceptable to designate huge in size financial and industrial.

Large empires in history carried conquered peoples as constructivism, so, and this is more negative impact. However, it should be noted that many of them left the majestic and unique masterpieces of culture in memory of humanity, and uncommon and charismatic personalities who headed these states are forever inscribed in the history pages.

Empire - When one person (monarch) has power over a huge territory, which is inhabited by numerous peoples of different nationalities. This rating is based on the influence, longevity and the powerfulness of various empires. The list is based on the fact that the empire should, most of the time, is running the emperor or king, this eliminates the modern so-called empires - the United States and the Soviet Union. Below is a rating of the ten of the greatest empires in the world.

At the peak of its power (XVI-XVII), the Ottoman Empire was immediately on three continents, controlling most of Southeast Europe, West Asia and North Africa. It consisted of 29 provinces and numerous vassal states, some of which were later absorbed by the empire. The Ottoman Empire was in the center of interaction between the Eastern and Western worlds for the sixth centuries. In 1922, the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist.

The Omeyad Caliphate was the second of four Islamic caliphasts (government system) created after the death of Mohammed. The empire, which is under the rule of the Dynasty of Omeyad, covered more than five million square kilometers, this makes it one of the largest in the world, as well as the largest of ever created Arab-Muslim empires in history.

Persian Empire (Ahemenides)

The Persian Empire mostly combined all Central Asia, which consisted of many different cultures, kings, empires and tribes. It was the biggest empire in ancient history. At the peak of her power, the empire covered about 8 million square km.

The Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire was part of the Roman Empire during the Middle Ages. Permanent capital and civilizational center Byzantine Empire There was Constantinople. During its existence (more than a thousand years), the empire remained one of the most powerful economic, cultural and military forces in Europe despite the failures and losses of the territories, especially during the Roman-Persian and Byzantine-Arab wars. Empire received a fatal blow in 1204 on the fourth Cross campaign.

The period of the Board of the Han dynasty is considered to be the golden age in the history of China from the point of view of scientific achievements, technical progress, economic, cultural and political stability. Even to this day, most Chinese call them the people of Han. Today "Hantsev" consider the largest ethnic group in the world. Dynasty Rules in China for almost 400 years.

The British Empire covered more than 13 million square kilometers, which is about a quarter of the terrestrial land of our planet. The population of the empire was approximately 480 million people (approximately one fourth part of humanity). The British Empire is definitely one of the most influential empires ever existed in human history.

In the Middle Ages, the Sacred Roman Empire was considered the "superpower" of his time. It consisted of East France, all Germany, northern Italy and part of Western Poland. It was officially dissolved on August 6, 1806, after which they appeared: Switzerland, Holland, Austrian Empire, Belgium, Prussian Empire, Principality Liechtenstein, Rhine Union and the first french Empire.

The Russian Empire existed from 1721 to the Russian Revolution, which occurred in 1917. She was the heir of the kingdom of Russia, and the predecessor Soviet Union. The Russian Empire was the third on the square from ever existed states, yielding only to the British and Mongolian Empires.

It all started when Temujin (later became known as Genghis Khan, who is considered one of the most cruel rulers in history), swore in his youth, put the whole world on his knees. The Mongol Empire was the largest of the adjacent empire in the history of mankind. The capital of the state became the city of Karakorum. Mongols were fearless and ruthless warriors, but they had little experience in managing such a huge territory because of which the Mongol Empire fell quickly.

Ancient Rome made a great contribution to the development of law, art, literature, architecture, technologies, religions and language in the Western world. In fact, many historians consider the Roman Empire of the "ideal empire" as it was influential, valid, long, large, well protected and economically developed. The calculation showed that from its foundation to fall, a colossal 2214 years has passed. It follows from this that the Roman Empire is the greatest empire ancient Mira.

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