Olga's internal and foreign policy - strong, wise reformers.

November 20, 2014.

Great Princess Olga Aleksandrovna Rules in Kievan Rus After the death of her husband, Igor Rurikovich and to the adulthood of the Son Svyatoslav. Accepted Christianity with the name Elena. The story did not save information about the date of birth of Princess, but in the power book it is reported that she died presumably at eighty years. Impeccable and wise policy of princess Olga made her famous historical personality Almost all over the world.

Life Path

There is no reliable information about the place of her birth. Chronicles and modern historians put forward a variety of assumptions on this matter. The most approximate to the truth is the approval of Nestor Chronicler in the "Tale of Bygone Years", that it comes from a simple family who lived in a small village of Ryabuta, located on the Pskov Earth. But where Olga would be born and what kind of tribe would neither belong to, the wisdom of her politicians and acts are an integral part of Slavic history.

Igor's death is practically no information about the princess. The end of the husband pushed her first in the life of Kievan Rus, because Svyatoslav was three years old, and in the princes he, of course, was not suitable. She took on the management of the state at that time in an extremely difficult situation, and for 19 years she fully coped with all the problems. Olga's foreign and domestic policy created a single power with international authority.

Revenge of rallies

The beginning of its board can be considered the ignition of the Killers of Igor, which consisted of four parts. The first revenge of the princess was the burial of the Drevalnsky ambassadors alive. The reason for this was the proposal to suck it out for his prince Mala. After that, she burned in the bath of noble arches, which arrived after the first. For the third time, Olga ran 5 thousand of their tribesmen on the Trenna of her husband, after which her little squad interrupted. The final stage of revenge was the burning of the city of Earrows.

In these acts, except for cruel revenge, there is also his deep meaning. Olga was supposed to show both the goodwires and the enemies that she is not a weak woman, but a strong ruler. "Hair Log, and the mind is short," they talked about women in those times. Therefore, she was forced to clearly demonstrate her wisdom and awareness in military affairs, in order to prevent the occurrence of any conspiracy for her back. The reign of the princess did not want to marry, she chose to remain a widow.

Thus, it became clear that Olga's external and internal policy would be wise and fair. In fact, this bloody revenge was aimed at the abolition of the power of the Mala dynasty, submission of the Ridge Kiev and the suppression of knowing the neighboring principalities.

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Reforms and the introduction of Christianity

After revenge, the princesses have established clear rules for collecting Dani. This contributed to preventing outbreaks of discontent, as a result of one of which was killed her husband. Near the big cities were injected. It is in these administrative and economic cells of power and collected tribute.

Olga's external and domestic policy has always been aimed at the centralization of government management, as well as the association and strengthening of Russian land.

With the name of Olga, the construction of not only the Church of St. Nicholas, but also the Sofia Temple in Kiev is associated. Although she first accepted Christianity, to read Her Saint became alleged earlier than from the XIII century.

Olga's external and internal policy characterizes her not as a defenseless woman, but as a strong and reasonable ruler, who firmly and confidently keeps power in his hands over the whole country. She wisely defended her people from unfriendly, for which people loved her and respected. In addition, the ruler possessed a large number of already mentioned positive qualities, she was still attentive and generous to poor people.

Domestic politics

While the sovereign was in power, peace and order reigned in Kievan Rus. Domestic politics Princess Olga was closely intertwined with the arrangement of the spiritual and religious life of the Russian people.

One of its most important achievements was the introduction of organized items for collecting Dani, on which later, after the adoption by the Government of Christianity, the first churches and temples began to build. Since those times, stone construction began. The first such buildings were Country Terem and the city palace belonging to the sovereign. The remains of their walls and foundations were excavated by archaeologists only at the beginning of the 70s of the XX century.

The internal policy of Princess Olga is inextricably linked with the strengthening of the country's defense. Cities then literally fought oak and stone walls.

Relationship with neighboring principles

Special attention deserves foreign policy Olga. The table below contains the basic acts of the princess.

When the government has established the situation within the Kiev Rus, it began to strengthen the international prestige of his country. The foreign policy of Princess Olga was diplomatic, unlike her husband.

At the beginning of his reign, she accepted Christianity, and her godfather became the Byzantine emperor. These events contributed to an increase in the authority of Kiev Rus among the rulers of other countries, because to get in the godfather of such a person it seemed unrealistic.

Basically, the foreign policy of Princess Olga was aimed at improving relations with Byzantium. And it did it well. For which part of the Russian squad participated in conjunction with the Byzantine army in hostilities, while while maintaining the independence of its state.

In 968, Kiev was attacked by Pechenegs. The defenses of the city led the princess herself, so he was delivered from the siege.

During the reign of Olga, the conditions created the advantage of conducting peaceful foreign policy before the military, if there was a need.

Attempts to establish relationships with the German Empire

Over time, friendly relations with Byzantium began to weaken, and Olga decided to find a strong ally. She stopped his choice in Germany.

In 959, the princess sent the Russian Embassy to Otteno I with the past to provide priests to introduce Christianity in the Kiev lands, as well as with a proposal of friendship and peace.

He responded to Olga calls, and in 961 several priests headed by Adalbert arrived to it. True, it was not possible to deploy their activities in the Kiev territory, since at the end of his life Olga no longer had such an influence as before.

In 964, power passed to Svyatoslav, which radically changed tactics public Policy. Moreover, you need to say, not for the better.

There is a historic tale that the ideal of the ruler for Princess Olga was the Roman emperor Konstantin. This will not prove, but the fact that she was similar to him: as well as reasonable, perspired, talented and completely ruthless.

Long Regency

Olga was a de facto government, but not de jure. After death in 945, Igor's husband was just a revenue at the Mining Sala of Svyatoslav. Some sources argue that there was 3 years, but this is doubtful; One thing is important: he was unable to independently. And the last documented fact of Olga's participation in state affairs dated 968 year. Svyatoslav at this time is no longer an adult, but also a valid warrior, and the mother leads the defense of Kiev from Pechenegs while her son robs Bulgarians.

Consequently, Olga was actually not only a revenue, but also a companion of Svyatoslav. This prince was absolutely not interested in the internal device of the state and willingly knocked such things to the mother.

Carrot and stick

So you can characterize the ratio of Olga to the country's internal device. She became a widow due. The prince became the first in our history to the victim of evasion from paying taxes - the Drevlyan revenged him for an attempt to gather a tribute to them twice. But such actions were undermined by the prestige of the Kiev authorities. And Olga to start resolutely stopped them.

The chronicle tells the horrors about the "four omensions", with clustered ambassador, slaughtered by the members of the aplex and the city burned with the help of Sparrow. Almost certainly this bust - on the conscience of the art imagination of the authors of the chronicles. But the fact: Olga Power suppressed the resistance of the Drevlyan and stopped their princely dynasty.

But then she came exactly the opposite. It has established the exact dimensions of the "Birthday" (that is, from the household) Dani. Thus, the antics like the one that led to the death of Igor, now they were excluded. For the convenience of collecting alternate and parsing local conflicts near some settlements, there were places where the tributes passed and where liters were sought. It is characteristic that later the word "graveyard" became synonymous with the cemetery - you can guess how they were punished for an offense. But for those years it was the norm.

The successes of diplomacy

At the external borders, Olga preferred negotiations by force. It is known that she visited the Byzantium (approximately in 955) and led negotiations with the German emperor Otten I. This should also include the adoption of Christianity it - it was well perceived by foreign sovereigns.

Internal politics it could only damage. It is known that Rusichi simply expelled the missionary sent by Otten. Son Svyatoslav on the proposal of the mother to be baptized with a categorical refusal and stated that he did not want to become laughing in the eyes of his own warriors. Christianity in Russia was not pursued, but the prince and most of his subjects were considered baptized "strange" and vividly teased them.

Princess Olga (945-957? GG.). Rules for the son of Igor Svyatopolka, since he was young. As soon as the beginning began to edit, went to the Drevlyans to take revenge on her husband (946). In the chronicle, this event is described as follows: " the first ambassadors of the Drevlyan were buried alive in the roaster, throwing her in advance to the pit. The second - burned in the bath. Then Olga went to the Ridge, said that they forgive them, ordered to prepare the Trician on the killed Igor, and when they got drunk, ordered them to kill them. The following year went hiking with the juvenile Svyatoslav, deposited Korsun ( main city Trees) during the year, but they did not give up. Then she asked for a bunch of pigeons, those with joy agreed, but Olga, toning a piece of paper with sulfur, who set fire to them, released them to the will - the whole city burned down. "In 946-947 Olga conducted reforms. The princess understood that it was possible to prevent a new uprising of the conquered tribes in one way - to streamline the size of the Dani collected from the dependent population. For this, on reform, the system of late is replaced by the new order of charging Dani. Special fortified points were created - forestsFor which representatives of the Prince of Administration were sent, who received the tribute from the public. Its dimensions were accurately established in advance with the charters (certain rules for setting Dani sizes) and lessons. These reforms had very large meanings To strengthen the Gos-Vi Kiev Rus. Establishing the charters and lessons, Olga subjugated the Ridge Kiev and strengthened the power, establishing tributes and grades in Novgorod land and other lands.

In 955 - Olga's trip to Tsargrad, her baptism and the adoption of the name Elena. Related to the face of saints.

Internal and Foreign Policy of Svyatoslav

Svyatoslav was born in 940. In 945, he became a prince, but instead of him Olga's rules. All her further life spent in the campaigns. In 964, the chronicle tells how he grew up, as he went on a campaign to the River the gum, met Vodyachi and said "Let Dan", and they answered that they were paying her Khazara.

In 965, Svyatoslav goes to Khazar and captures their city - White Visey. In 966, he goes to Vyatichi and subordinates to Kiev. Later, Svyatoslav participates in Bulgarian wars. In Kiev, send ambassadors who ask Svyatoslav to attack Bulgaria. It was advantageous by Byzantium, as it would weaken Russia and destroyed the Bulgarians, their enemies, at the same time. In 968, Svyatoslav goes to Bulgarians and is based in the city of Pereyaslavl. At the same time, Pechenegs attack Kiev, so Svyatoslav leaves Bulgaria and goes to protect the capital. At the same time, Olga dies, so Svyatoslav to the Kiev throne Sits Yaropolk, Novgorod - Vladimir, and he himself goes to Pereyaslavl and fights against Byzantium (970-971). Wars ended in a peace treaty.

In 972, Svyatoslav died in battle against Pechenegs.

Religious pagan reform kiev Prince Vladimir

At 980 Events are described in the chronicles: "The laptop began the Volodimer in Kyov is one. And set the idols on the hulme village of the courtyard of the Thunder: Perun Treunny, and the head of his Syrebryan, and the Caland, and the Hrs, and the Dazhboga, and Stroboga, and the Semar, And Makosh ... " The installation of idols described by the chronicler in Kiev was not commonplace or only to update old sanctoes. Official cults, judging by the contracts with the Greeks, was two: the cult of Perun and the Cult of the Volos. Perun was headed by a whole pantheon of six gods, and Dazhbog, whose reverence was widespread, got into Pantheon only as a secondary god. New Idolas are not delivered in the distance "on the hill", as Perun stood at the time of Igor, and directly with the Princely Palace Complex, but not inside it, which would close the divine service in a narrow court circle, and "outside the court of terry", in the very center of Kiev fortress. The pagan reform, undertaken immediately after the capture of power in Kiev, pursued three goals: first, she emphasized the sovereignty of the young Russian state in relation to Christian Byzantium; Secondly, he strengthened the position of the Grand Duke, the chief commander of the country, since the god of thunderstorms and military success became the head of Pantheon, patronizing soldiers.

Adopting christianity

In 988, Christianity on the Eastern Pattern was adopted in Russia, Prince Vladimir. The chronicle describes the moment of adoption of Christianity: ambassadors of different religions came to him, but Vladimir chose Christianity. In general, Russia was already known to this with Christianity - these are the tales of Apostle Andrei, the war with Byzantia, the adoption of Christianity in the highest circles (for example, Olga was baptized in 955). Since 988, Christianity began to officially spread throughout Russia. Not everywhere baptism peacefully: in Novgorod, the opposition of the population, the faithful traditional religion, and the Christian squad resulted in a bloody confrontation. At the end of the IX-XI centuries. Bishoprics were founded in the most important cities: Novgorod, Polotsk, Rostov, Belgorod, Chernigov, Pereyaslavl. In Kiev, there are a Cathedral Tenty Church, for the maintenance of which the prince allocated the tenth of its income. A monasticism appears at the board of Prince Yaroslav. The Greek clergy brought together with a new religion and new concepts about the rights and obligations of the ruler and subjects, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe ruler as a shepherd, in charge of God for the welfare of the people subject to him. Representatives of the church hierarchy appeared at first the natural allies of the princes. Personal power of the princes after the baptism of Russia has greatly strengthened. The introduction of Christianity was not only a huge cultural and historical event, but also the most important political act that strengthened the cultural and ideological unity of the young state. With the adoption of Christianity in Russia, literacy, books, written laws have spread, changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, softened the morals of people. Christianity in Russia was combined with paganism, Ie had a dual man.

17. Stages of the Christianization of the Old Russian lands. The impact of the "baptism" of Russia on the historical destinies of Eastern Slavs

X-XI centuries. - Baptism of princes and their close. Capture of cities in Christians - the main sacred centers. The defeat of the open and organized counteraction of the plantation of Christianity, the removal of Magi from the political arena.

XI-XIII centuries - The baptism of urban communities. Termination of competition of Magi and Princes and Losses the last interest in the plantation of Christianity. Transition religious war In the "cold" phase. Teaching against paganism. The parallel existence of two cults in the urban environment (with the domination of paganism in the rural district).

XIII-XIVB. - the elimination of the church (with the support of the Tatars) of the urban language. Termination of pagan rituals in cities, termination of the functioning of large sanctuations. The beginning of the penetration of Christianity in the rural district. Empting rite of cremation.

XIV-XVI centuries. - Christianization of rural residents. The emergence of the syncretic "People's Orthodoxy". Loading paganism as an independent cult.

XVII-XVIII centuries. - Recent mention of Russian pagans.

XVIII-XIX centuries. - Evangelization of the Russian village, the eradication of "terrorism" and "liagens of paganism" in the Orthodox peasantry.

XX century - The fall Russian Empire and the Orthodox Church.

After the murder of Prince Igor Drevlyan decided that from now on their tribe is free and they may not pay the tribute to Kievan Rus. Moreover, their prince Malus made an attempt to marry Olga. Thus, he wanted to capture the Kiev throne and solely rule Russia. For this purpose, the embassy was collected, which was sent to the princess. The ambassadors were brought with rich gifts. Mal hoped for the foolishness of the "bride" and that she, accepting expensive gifts, would agree to divide the Kiev throne with him.

At that time great Princess Olga brought up the son of Svyatoslav, who after Igor's death could claim the throne, but was still too small. The guardianship over the young Svyatoslav took over the governor Asmud. The same princess was engaged in public affairs. In the fight against the rallies and other external enemies, she had to count on his own trick and prove to everyone that the country that was previously managed only at the expense of a sword can be managed by a female hand.

Princess Olga War with Drevlyans

Taking ambassadors, the Great Princess Olga showed a trick. By her order, the boat on which the ambassadors sailed , Raised in the hands and carried into the city along the abyss. At one moment, the boat was thrown into the abyss. The ambassadors were buried alive. Then the princess sent a message with marriage consent. Prince Mal believed in the sincerity of the message, deciding that his ambassadors had reached the goal. He collected noble merchants and new ambassadors to Kiev. On the ancient Russian custom, guests were cooked by a bath. When all the ambassadors were inside the bath, all the exits from it were closed, and the building itself burned. After that, a new message was sent to Malu that the "bride" goes to him. Doodle prepared a luxurious feast for the princess, who, at her request, passed the not far from the grave of her husband, Igor. Princess demanded that a larger quantity can be present on the feast. Prince Drevlyan did not mind, believing that it only increases the prestige of his tribesmen. All guests were drunk. After that, Olga filed a signal to his wars and those killed everyone who was there. On the day that day was killed about 5000 Trees.

In 946. The Great Princess Olga organizes a military campaign on the razlyan. The essence of this hike was a demonstration of power. If they were previously punished by cunning, now the enemy had to feel the military power of Russia. The young prince Svyatoslav was taken to this campaign. After the first battles, the rallies retreated to the cities whose siege was continued almost all summer. By the end of the summer, the defendants received from Olga the message that she was saturated with revenge and no longer wishes her. She asked only three sparrows, as well as one blue from every resident of the city. Drevlyan agreed. Accepting the gift of the squad Princess tied to the paws of birds already burning sulfur. After that, all birds let go. They returned to the city, and the city of Earrows plunged into a huge fire. The townspeople were forced to flee from the city, and fell into the hands of the jugs of Russia. The Great Princess Olga condemned the elders to death, some of slavery. In general, Igor's killer were charged even more grave tribute.

Acceptance of Olga Orthodoxy

Olga was a pagan, but often attended Christian cathedrals, noting the solemnity of their rites. This, as well as an extraordinary mind of Olga, who allowed us to believe in her Almighty God, served as baptism. In 955, the Great Princess Olga goes to Byzantine empire, in particular, in the city of Constantinople, where the adoption of a new religion occurred. Patriarch himself was her baptist. But this was not the reason for changing faith in Kievan Rus. This event did not exceed Rusichi from paganism. Having accepted the Christian faith, Princess left the management of the state, devoting himself to serving God. She also took up help in the structure christian churches. The baptism of the government did not mean even the baptism of Russia, but it was the first step towards the adoption of a new faith.

Great Princess died in 969 in Kiev.

The years of the reign of Princess were not marked by major military conquests. At first it was important to strengthen the state inside and only then start leading an active foreign policy. Solovyov is no wonder for an analogy between the first years of Olga Board and Prince Oleg. In addition to similarities in character, it can be seen that both of them, only strengthening the position of the Grand Duct of the authorities, proceeded to the solution of foreign policy tasks. The princess tried to raise the prestige of Russia with no military conquests, but a skillful wise diplomacy, which brought his fruits.

Olga conducted a course for rapprochement with Byzantium, while the chronicle indicates the connection of the princess with Catholic states, in particular, with the German lands and with the Sacred Roman Empire, headed by Otten I. These links did not suit the Byzantine to know, but Olga and herself Cooperation with a powerful power. A religious question was resolved here (this will be discussed below). The goal of Olga's trips was to establish diplomatic relations and mutual support in trade and supply troops. The trip to Constantinople became the brightest example of how much the unity of the people in spiritual life affects the successful development of economic and political spheres. The chronicle does not stop in detail on this episode, but the records of the Byzantine emperor about this visit are preserved, where the attitude of the Byzantine nobility to the Russian princess is pronounced. This cooperation was beneficial to both, and Olga was a special admission.

Of particular remarkable events in foreign policy, the chronicle does not notice. While the son of Svyatoslav, the military campaign did not commit. Olga earned credibility for Russia by diplomatic negotiations. Therefore, the trip to Constantinople is considered the most bright and an important eventSince, by the chronicle, Olga takes Christianity during this visit.

2.4 The political aspect of the adoption of Christianity Olga

Important is the episode of the baptism of the princess. The adoption of Christianity was obviously also a bright political color - it can be seen that Olga conducted a course for rapprochement with Byzantium. But, despite the connections with Western European lands, the princess and Kievskaya to know remained on the side of the Christian community of Russ, who came from Moravia, and, therefore, the Byzantine Empire.

Describing Olga policies before and after baptism, it is worth noting its mitigation. The new faith did her temper kinder; According to the chronicles, her pagan cruelty disappeared, such an obvious in ledge of revenge rates. In addition, Olga was already aged - Karamzin reports that the princess was over sixty years at the time of the trip to Constantinople. So, Olga became the first ruler-Christian and a new faith by a low rate, but still it was already spread through Russian land.

Of course, the Orientation of Svyatoslav for the pagan values \u200b\u200bwas very slowed down by the process of Christianization of Russia, but in the rule of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, the whole Russian land will be addressed to the Christian faith. This is an important step for Russia, because the development of spiritual life meant impetus to the development of the economy, the emergence of authority among other states and, as a result, the rapid development of trade and political ties. The departure from the archaic, pagan rudes raised the level of Russia among the Western European countries. Therefore, the adoption of Christianity by Olga can be considered a very important stage in the way of adopting a new faith.

Olga, being the regent of Svyatoslav, and then the ruler of Russia in the absence of the prince, captured in the annals as a wise, economic ruler, as well as a fair and cunning person. Despite the tradition of the transmission of power in the men's line adopted at the time, the princess becomes a vivid exception in the historical process: Successful internal policies and diplomatic negotiations with other countries become a truly innovative step for the Russian Earth, who has previously provided previously diplomatic methods of resolving relations.


The special relevance of the study of the life and activities of Princess Olga is connected with the fact that the image of the ruler has always been highlighted in the historical process, often in the root differing from the image of the rule of the ruler. Turning to K. historical sources and the scientific literature, it became possible to find out how they belong to Olga as the ruler of the state chronicles and scientists of the historians of the XVIII-XX centuries.

Olga is an example of will, female wisdom, business. No wonder Olga is called the Mother of the Russian People. She, guided by not so much personal interests, but the interests of their state, came clearly, slyly: the episode of revenge Dreshlyans is a great confirmation of that. Olga is one of the first Christians in Russia. By the chronicles, she laid the beginning of a new faith, did not be frightened by pagans who did not welcomed Christianity in their native land. Princess's fate is closely intertwined in ledge with the fate of Russia, and scientists have repeatedly noted this strong relationship in their writings: legend honors Olga, elevates it, puts it in one row with other major politicians: marked similarity in the nature of Olga and Oleg and comparison with her Activities with the activities of Princes Oleg and Igor say that Olga's personality is just as important in the life of the Russian state. But it can be considered a certain exception to the tradition, after all, a woman got up at the head of state, and all the activities of Princess firmly connected with the women's qualities, which highlights it in history.

Princess Policy contributed to the strengthening of the state, the union of land, an increase in the authority of the princely power. It was Olga that was purely diplomatic actions to enlist the trust and respect for both squads and civilians. Tradition honors Olga as an excellent guide, who managed to cool the arbitration when collecting Dani. Olga brought Christianity to Russian land; With it, in fact, the new era begins in Russia, because Russia receives authority and confidence in European countries. Olga's diplomacy loudly announced the power of the Russian state, which ensured the further development of farm and trade with the West.

Of course, for the full achievement of the goal, there is not enough actual material: the chronicle texts are very subjective, addressed to the Christian tradition and embellished, and historians could use only these texts, because no more reliable sources were found, so so far many stages of the princess remain controversial. But the collected material still allows you to judge how important the princess Olga played in the formation of Russian statehood. To fully explore the problem, you should contact European sources in which any information about the life and activities of the princess is directly indicated.

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