Great Princess Olga Kievskaya. Great Princess Olga

Princess Governor Olga, Vasily Petrovich Vereshchagin

  • Years of life: about 890 - July 11, 969
  • Father and mother: Unknown, presumably not had no noble origin.
  • Spouse: .
  • Children: .

Princess Olga (≈890 - July 11, 969.) - Government Kievan Rus. Rules after the death of her husband Igoryurikovich from 945 to 966. Olga was the first of the Russian rulers who adopted Christianity. When baptized, it was ordered by Elena.

Unfortunately, the origin of Olga is unknown. Still historians did not come to a common opinion on this. According to the "Tale of Bygone Years", it was ungoligated origin - a peasant of Pskov.

According to the opinion of the Piskarevsky Chronicler and the Typographical Chronicles (XV century) Olga was a daughter Of Oleg.. He ruled Kievan ruus and was a guardian of Igor, and then he married Igor and Olga.

Normanists believed that Olga Varana origin. In accordance with the Ioamakh Chronicles of Olga noble origin from the genus of Gospomyslov.

Historians from Bulgaria believe that Olga has Bulgarian roots. There are other theories.

There is also a legend of acquaintance Igor and Olga. Young prince went to hunt into the Pskov region. There he wanted to move across the river. Igor saw a boat in which Olga sailed, dressed in men's clothing, he asked the girl to forward it to the other side. Igor began to pester Olga, but in response he received a refusal.

When Igor decided to marry, the most beautiful girls came to Kiev. But the prince did not like anyone. Then he remembered Olga - his random acquaintance. Igor sent Oleg's things behind her. And Olga became the wife of Prince Igor.

Olga had in possession of Vyshgorod, Aalgichi, the village of Butino, etc. In addition, she had his own squad, his ambassador. Olga, until her husband was in the campaign, engaged in internal politics.

Princess presented his husband Svyatoslav's son.

In 945, Igor killed Drevlyank. Svyatoslav was only three years old, therefore, the Principal of Olga becomes the government of Kiev Rus.

Revenge of Princess Olga for the death of her husband

First revenge. Drevlyan was afraid of revenge Olga, so they sent to her woven the prince of Mala. He together with 20 Drevlyans sailed on the roaster. Olga responded to their proposal consent. Then she ordered to dig a big pit, in which they threw Rudewes, then they were sent there and the matchmaker. Olga ordered them to bury alive.

Second revenge.Olga sent a messenger demanding to send her best people from the raft so she can "with great honor Go for their prince. Doodle obeyed and sent her best husbands. Olga ordered them to melt the baths, and while the rall washed, all the doors were locked and set fire to the bath.

Third revenge.Olga went to the Ridge to arrange a TRIZNU to her deceased husband. She arrived, shouted on the grave of her husband, and then staged a feast. Having drunk, Olga ordered to cut off his heads. According to that day, about five thousand decals died.

Fourth revenge.In 946, Olga decided to capture the estuary - the capital of Drevlyan. The siege was delayed, and the princess decided to go to the trick. She sent ambassadors to the city for the conclusion of the world. Trees were supposed to pay tribute in the size of three pigeons and sparrow. Of course, the Drevln delivered such news, they sent tribute. At night, Olga ordered to bind to the birds to the birds and let them go. Birds flew into their nests, which were in embarrassment. A fire began in the city. Residents fled from the city, and there they had already been waiting for the squad Olga. So the princess captured the city. Part of the Drevlyan was killed, the part became slaves, as well as Olga ordered them to pay a large tribute.

Princess Olga: Domestic Policy

Olga was the official ruler to the adventure of Svyatoslav. Although after it was the actual government, because Her son was constantly in military campaigns.

Olga during his board set a tribute to Earth. The princess installed the "illuminated" system. Forests are the place of collecting Dani. Also Olga installed "Fili" (Podaat Kiev) and "Regulations, Charters". All lands were divided into parts, Tiun (Princely Administrator) was appointed at the head of each. The centralization of power and the weakening of the power tribes.

At Olga, the first stone buildings were built - Terem Olga and the city palace. Also, the princess was engaged in the improvement of Pskov, Novgorod and others belonged to Kiev. Also during its reign, the temples of the Annunciation of the Virgin, St. Nicholas and St. Sophia, the Holy Library Trinity erected.

Princess Olga: Foreign Policy

With Olga, there were no large hikes. Princess decided to raise the prestige of Kiev Rus in the World. But she did not conquer him with force, but decided to do diplomatic.

Baptism Olga

Olga was the first government who adopted Orthodoxy. In 955, the princess took the baptism in Byzantium, and the emperor Byzantium became her godfather. But at Olga, Christianity did not fit in Russia.

Olga tried to introduce Svyatoslav to Christianity. But he refused, because He was afraid to lose respect for his squad.

July 11, 969 Olga died. The place of her burial is unknown. During the reign of Vladimir in 1547, it was counted for the faces of saints, and her relics were transferred to the Tenty Church.

Olga is honored as a patronage of converts of converts and widows.

And before the advent of the Son Svyatoslav. Accepted Christianity with the name Elena. The story did not save information about the date of birth of Princess, but in the power book it is reported that she died presumably at eighty years. Impeccable and wise policy of princess Olga made her famous historical personality Almost all over the world.

Life Path

There is no reliable information about the place of her birth. Chronicles and modern historians put forward a variety of assumptions on this matter. The most approximate to the truth is the approval in the "Tale of Bygone Years", that it comes from a simple family who lived in a small village of Ryabuta, located on the Pskov Earth. But where Olga would be born and what kind of tribe would neither belong to, the wisdom of her politicians and acts are an integral part of Slavic history.

Igor's death is practically no information about the princess. The end of the husband pushed her first in the life of Kievan Rus, because Svyatoslav was three years old, and in the princes he, of course, was not suitable. She took on the management of the state at that time in an extremely difficult situation, and for 19 years she fully coped with all the problems. External and Olga created a single power with international authority.

Revenge of rallies

The beginning of its board can be considered the ignition of the Killers of Igor, which consisted of four parts. The first revenge of the princess was the burial of the Drevalnsky ambassadors alive. The reason for this was the proposal to suck her for his after that, she burned in the bath of noble arches, which arrived after the first. For the third time, Olga ran 5 thousand of their tribesmen on the Trenna of her husband, after which her little squad interrupted. The final stage of revenge was the burning of the city of Earrows.

In these acts, except for cruel revenge, there is also his deep meaning. Olga was supposed to show both the goodwires and the enemies that she is not a weak woman, but a strong ruler. "Hair Log, and the mind is short," they talked about women in those times. Therefore, she was forced to clearly demonstrate her wisdom and awareness in military affairs, in order to prevent the occurrence of any conspiracy for her back. The reign of the princess did not want to marry, she chose to remain a widow.

Thus, it became clear that Olga's external and internal policy would be wise and fair. In fact, this bloody revenge was aimed at the abolition of the power of the Mala dynasty, submission of the Ridge Kiev and the suppression of knowing the neighboring principalities.

Reforms and the introduction of Christianity

After revenge, the princesses have established clear rules for collecting Dani. This contributed to preventing outbreaks of discontent, as a result of one of which was killed her husband. Near the big cities were injected. It is in these administrative and economic cells of power and collected tribute.

Olga's external and domestic policy has always been aimed at the centralization of government management, as well as the association and strengthening of Russian land.

With the name of Olga, the construction of not only the Church of St. Nicholas, but also the Sofia Temple in Kiev is associated. Although she first accepted Christianity, to read Her Saint became alleged earlier than from the XIII century.

Olga's external and internal policy characterizes her not as a defenseless woman, but as a strong and reasonable ruler, who firmly and confidently keeps power in his hands over the whole country. She wisely defended her people from unfriendly, for which people loved her and respected. In addition, the ruler possessed a large number of already mentioned positive qualities, she was still attentive and generous to poor people.

Domestic politics

While the sovereign was in power, peace and order reigned in Kievan Rus. Domestic politics Princess Olga was closely intertwined with the arrangement of the spiritual and religious life of the Russian people.

One of its most important achievements was the introduction of organized items for collecting Dani, on which later, after the adoption by the Government of Christianity, the first churches and temples began to build. Since those times, stone construction began. The first such buildings were Country Terem and the city palace belonging to the sovereign. The remains of their walls and foundations were excavated by archaeologists only at the beginning of the 70s of the XX century.

The internal policy of Princess Olga is inextricably linked with the strengthening of the country's defense. Cities then literally fought oak and stone walls.

Relationship with neighboring principles

Special attention deserves the foreign policy of Olga. The table below contains the basic acts of the princess.

When the government has established the situation within the Kiev Rus, it began to strengthen the international prestige of his country. The foreign policy of Princess Olga was diplomatic, unlike her husband.

At the beginning of his reign, she accepted Christianity, and her godfather became the Byzantine emperor. These events contributed to an increase in the authority of Kiev Rus among the rulers of other countries, because to get in the godfather of such a person it seemed unrealistic.

Basically, the foreign policy of Princess Olga was aimed at improving relations with Byzantium. And it did it well. For which part of the Russian squad participated in conjunction with the Byzantine army in hostilities, while while maintaining the independence of its state.

In 968, Kiev was attacked by Pechenegs. The defenses of the city led the princess herself, so he was delivered from the siege.

During the reign of Olga, the conditions created the advantage of conducting peaceful foreign policy before the military, if there was a need.

Attempts to establish relationships with the German Empire

Over time, friendly relations with Byzantium began to weaken, and Olga decided to find a strong ally. She stopped his choice in Germany.

In 959, the princess sent the Russian Embassy to Otteno I with the past to provide priests to introduce Christianity in the Kiev lands, as well as with a proposal of friendship and peace.

He responded to Olga calls, and in 961 several priests headed by Adalbert arrived to it. True, it was not possible to deploy their activities in the Kiev territory, since at the end of his life Olga no longer had such an influence as before.

In 964, the power went to Svyatoslav, which radically changed the tactics and must be said, not for the better.

Princess Olga began to edit ancient Russian state After the tragic death of her husband - kiev Prince Igor, with whom severely dealt with Derlyan for the arbitration when charging Dani.

A young Power, assembled by Mr. Oleg, was subordinates to his sword separate lands, where various East Slavic, Finno-Ugors and other tribes lived. The payment of them by Dani Kiev formally meant that a new political system of government arose in Russia, however, the mechanism of interaction of the center and individual territory has not yet developed. Kievan Rus X century occupied a huge space, where many parishes were managed by local princes, although at Kiev recognized by the Supreme Power of Kiev, but continued to live according to their laws.

Becoming a government at the small heir to Svyatoslav, Olga was able to make himself a princely squad, headed by the powerful Voivod of Svevend. With it, she brutally suppressed a riot of razlyan, destroying the actual entire tribal top and elders of this tribe. Showing the power of the central authority, she made a detour of his lands and engaged in their "arrangement". Organization of Olga Pims to collect Dani and the establishment of "lessons" by it - a certain amount of payments from the population - became the first manifestation of the establishment of state power as such.

Olga's princess was sharply different from previous: the chronicle stories about the reign of Oleg and Prince Igor are filled with messages about conquering campaigns and numerous wars. Olga adhered to a peace-loving foreign policy. In her time, peace and peace reigned in Russian land. Having campaigning on Drevlyan, Princess took up the country's internal arrangement. The state for almost twenty years received a peaceful respite, which contributed to its economic strengthening. Taking the Holy Baptism in Constantinople, Princess Olga became the "presenter of Christianity" in Russia. Her attempts to spread Orthodoxy in their own country were not crowned with success, but they prepared the ground for the subsequent baptism of the entire Russian land.

Chronology of events

  945 Killing Prince Igor Drevlyans. Beginning of the replacement of Olga in Kievan Rus.

  946 Spring "The arrival of the Treacious ambassadors to Kiev with the intention to match Olga for Prince Mala." Railway Olga with the Radio Embassy.

  946 Summer - Arrival in Kiev to Olga "The best husbands" of the Treesheskaya Land. The burning of the Drevalnskaya Svatov on the orders of Olga.

  946. End of summer - Third revenge of Olga Drevlyans. The murder of representatives of the Drevalnsky birth during TRIZNA in Igor.

  946 Hike kiev troops He headed by Voevoda Svevend, together with the princess Olga and Prince Svyatoslav in the Treasury Earth. Siege, taking and burning erase. Murder of urban elders. Completion of war with raw. The imposition on them "Dani Gravity".

  947 Drilling of the princess of Olga volosts of Kievan Rus. Establishment of the mistakes and becoming for collecting Dani in the pool of METs and Luga and on the Dnieper and the gum. Determination of solid size of tributes with subjective tribes.

  Middle x century The resettlement of Polovtsy in the Steppe of the Black Sea and the Caucasus.

  Middle x century Joining K. Kyiv Prince lands of tivers.

  Middle x century Separation of Polotsk Principality.

  Middle x century The first mention in the chronicles of Vigorshorod - Cities, north of Kiev.

  2nd floor. X in. Education of the Vladimir-Volyn Principality.

  954 The participation of the Byzantines (together with the Russians) in the battle near Al-Hadas.

  955 The chronicle indication on the journey of Olga to Constantinople. The adoption of the Kiev Princess Olga Blessing (named Elena).

  957 on September 9 - Reception of the princess Olga in Constantinople by the Byzantine emperor Konstantin VII buggernogenic.

  959 in autumn - The message of the German chronicle about the Embassy of the princess Olga to the German king of Otton I asking for the direction of the Catholic Bishop to Russian Earth.

It is believed that a woman is less endowed with the ability to manage the state, the solution of in-and foreign policy problems, rather than a man. However, in Russian history there are many examples that refute this traditional opinion. And one of them is Olga's reign.

Where does she, princess Olga, what kind of? Was it noble origin or was born in a simple family? The chronicles do not give an accurate answer to this question. By some sources, Prince Igor accidentally met Olga, hunting in his possessions, and fell in love with a dinner girl so that he made her princess.

Data on her youth, too, has not been preserved. Her story begins after the death of the spouse, when she, having enlisted the support of the governor, took the princely throne before the entry of the son of Svyatoslav.

The first thing that Olga did, is a solid hand to make order in the places subject to it. Traditions have retained information about it as revenge rates. Their chapter is small, allegedly plays to marry Olga in order to join its possessions of Kiev, sent to Olga the Rings. The princess ordered to burn them into the ground, and herself asked to convey to Malu, which is not against marrying, but she needs to come to Kiev to come more noble arches, otherwise Kiev residents will not agree to marry. Mal fulfilled the condition. The second party of the messengers expected death in a burning hill, set asled by Olga's orders.

Next, the harsh princess went to the Ridge and besieged their city Korosten. Having waited when the besieged will begin to pray for a mercy, she said that he would leave the city if his inhabitants would send to her several pigeons from each courtyard. Those who believed her arms hurried to fulfill the requirement, but did it on the mountain: Olga tied to the birds of birds smoldering coals, and, returning home, they set fire to the city.

At this revenge Olga ended. Through the prism of the centuries, it was already unclear whether all of her actions were treated to the racks and whether it was a revenge for the death of her husband, or she was similar to everyone who tried to rebel, but after some time the world was established in the state and peace.

Control reforms

Olga settled and ordered the collection of Dani. She shared her lands to administrative units, each of which was ruled by Town - the Dani Collector and the Princely Miller. He solved all the questions, was a representative of the Supreme Power.

In 946, Olga produced a personal inspection of the territories of the Principality, having traveled to Northern Rus. Until the times of Nestor, in Pskov, Sanya burned, in which the princess made his journey. The princess introduced a new system - the system of illosity, that is, the places where they traded and where the fees fell. It was in chases that the temples were subsequently began to build. Many of these places turned into cities.

The princess laid the beginning of stone construction: the first stone buildings in Kiev are her palace and country a country.

Hanging North Rus, Olga returned to Kiev. She had to raise and instruct his heir of Svyatoslav.

Adopting christianity

Princess Olga was a far-sighted politician. In his journeys, she got acquainted with the life of other states and tried to adopt what seemed to her contribute to the development of Russia. So, in 955 she went to Constantinople to learn more about the Christian religion. Olga understood that Christianity was exactly the faith that could play a big role in further cohesion of Kievan Rus, will help strengthen the princely power.

Greeks adopted the Russian Princess with Honor. The idea that Christianity can spread to Russia, and Byzantia will acquire an unlimited influence on the young state, it was necessary for them. Patriarch himself talked with Olga, told about the life and death of Christ, about his teaching, committed a rite of baptism.

The Emperor Konstantin Bagrynorodnaya became the godfather of the Russian Princess, who arranged a rich feast in her honor, gave her a lot of gold chervonians. The legend states that he was amazed by the beauty and mind of Olga, even made her an offer to marry. However, the princess, by disturbing expensive furs, the offer politely rejected. How true the legend is unknown: after all, Olga, by the time of the trip to Constantinople, was already far away. However, its very emergence says how he was honored and respected by Princess Rusichi.

Olga tried and Svyatoslav to incline to the adoption of a new religion, but he did not annoy her advice. However, the fact that Olga became a Christian, also played his role: in the future, when Prince Vladimir will think of Breasting Rus, he will remember about the example of his grandmother Olga.

Olga died in 969, 3 years before his death, he was removed from the affairs and conveying the Brazda of the Board of Son Svyatoslav.

Results of the Board

It would seem that the Board of Olga began with rather cruel actions on its part. However, hate to her people did not remain, on the contrary, they remembered it for a long time like Olga Mud. The status in which the principality was given to her required the adoption of immediate and decisive measures. Rowing the world in his principality, Olga took up his improvement. With it, there was no bloody wars, trading flourished, city grew. Gorky mourned the people of a strict, but a fair government, at which 20 years lived Russia peaceful life.

Olga (945 - 966)

After the death of Igor, the mighty, it seemed, the state turned out to be on the verge of collapse. In Kiev, Igor Olga's wife remained with a juvenile heir, Prince Svyatoslav. Drevlyan deposited from Kiev and stopped paying tribute. However, the Russian tip ran around the Princess Olga and not only recognized her right to the throne to the adulthood of the Son, but also unconditionally supported the princess.

By this time princess Olga It was in the flourish of his physical and spiritual forces. From the first steps of his reign, she showed itself as a decisive, power, long-distance and harsh government. First of all, the princess dismissed the rallies for the death of the Grand Duke and her husband. She ordered to kill the Treated ambassadors who came to Kiev to wad her for her prince Mala. Then she herself moved with the army in the Trees. In battle, Drevlyan were defeated. A severe tribute was imposed on the defeated once again. The unity of the state was restored.

But not only with cruel punishments and force approved its power Olga. As a smart and far-sighted government, she understood that the Founder with His violence, sometimes with an uncontrolled charge of Dani causes dissatisfaction with people, and this threatens the very existence of a young state. And the Great Princess went on reforms. She changed the Dani collection system by starting it from the Tsvendian land. Now the population paid tribute to solid standards. She identified the places where the tribute was to be overwhelmed by the population himself every year. These were the so-called forests. There she was taken by representatives of the princely administration and sent to Kiev. Then Olga moved with a friend in other Russian lands and has established new rules everywhere - they were called lessons - and established the grades.
It was the end of the Fichu and the beginning of an organized system of taxation taxes of Russia. The state has taken another step in its development.

Having established the order inside Russia, Olga drew their eyes on foreign Policy. She had to show that the times of Troubles did not lay the strength and international authority of Russia. In 957, she went to Constantinople at the head of a crowded embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich had more than a hundred people. The princess was accepted there by the highest rank. Byzantine emperor, writer, a major diplomat Konstantin Bagryanorovnnaya gave lunch in her honor. During the conversations, the emperor and Olga confirmed the effect of the previous contract concluded by Igor, as well as the military union of two states. This alliance was directed against Khazaria and the Arab Caliphate.

An important issue Negotiation was the baptism of Russian princess.

To x in. Almost all large states Western EuropeAlso, a part of the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula and the Caucasus accepted Christianity. Some did it under the influence of Papal Rome, others - under the influence Byzantine Empire. Christianity acquired the states and peoples to the new civilization, enriched their culture, raised the prestige of the grueling rulers. It is not by chance that the peoples of Western Europe, who accepted baptism of 300 - 500 years earlier than the peoples of Eastern Europe, overtook them in their development. But everywhere this process was painful, since he meant the refusal to the usual peoples of the pagan religion.
Olga understood that further strengthening of the country was impossible without the adoption of Christianity. But she simultaneously understood the strength of paganism, commitment to people. Therefore, she decided to baptize herself and thereby submit an example of the rest. However, she was on whom to rely on. Among the merchants, citizens, part of the boyars were already a lot of people who adopted Christianity.

For Olga, the baptism was not only a matter of politics, but also the answer to many of the conscience questions. By this time, she survived a lot: the tragic death of her husband, bloody violence with enemies. Sometimes we believe that all this goes without a trace for the human soul. This is not the case - in the adulthood, a person will certainly summarize the results of his life. Asks ourselves - why he lived, what is his place in this life. Paganism was looking for answers to these questions in the powerful phenomena of nature, in the action of gods. Christianity appealed to the world human feelings, human mind and faith in the eternal life of the human soul, but provided that the person on Earth will be righteous: fair, humane, tolerable to people.

On this path and Olga got up on the slope of his years. But she furnished the baptism so to bring as much fame to her fatherland as much as possible. She was baptized in the Church of St. Sophia - the main temple of Byzantium. Her godfather was the emperor himself, and her prestantinople patriarch baptized. From now on, Olga became a Christian for the Orthodox, the Byzantine pattern, unlike the Roman, Catholic ritual.

After returning to Kiev, Olga tried to incline to Christianity and Svyatoslav, but the son was grew by Yarym. He, like his whole squad, worshiped Perun and refused her. The alienation began between mother and son. Soon the pagan group eliminated Olga from the control. All complete power took the young Svyatoslav. It happened in 962 g.