Geopolitical position of Switzerland. Territory, population and total Square Switzerland

2.1 Physico-geographical position and natural-climatic resources of Switzerland

Switzerland (eng. Switzerland, it. Schweiz, Franz. Suisse, Ial. Svizzera) - a small state of Europe. Square - 41.3 thousand square meters. km, and the population is a little more than 6.99 million people (60% urban population). The capital is the city of Bern. Swiss confederation Located almost in the center Foreign Europe, at the intersection of the main transport routes. This fact plays an important role in the political, economic and cultural formation of the country throughout the historic path. Three-quarters of Switzerland's borders (with France, Austria and Italy) pass along the high mountain ranges of Yura and the Alps, and only the border with Germany and Liechtenstein passes along the lowland - the Rhine Valley. North Countries - Hilly Plateau It is here that a large industrial center-zurich is located. The central part of Switzerland from the eastern and south side is mountain, gorges, rocks, rocks, glaciers and eternal snow. The shores of the Lake Geneva, Valley Valley, Rhône River area is the area of \u200b\u200bgardens, beautiful vineyards and fields. On the border in place where Ron leaves in France Switzerland is located Geneva. The concept of Switzerland and the mountains are closely related to each other. About 2/3 of the country area Highland. There are almost all the highest mountain arrays of foreign Europe.

Switzerland relief in most mountainous. Mountains in Switzerland are intensively used for recreational purposes.

On the territory of Switzerland, there are three natural areas that differ in geological structure and relief. In the North-West of the country there is a mountain range of Yura that shares Switzerland and France, Swiss Plateau Plateau in the center and in the south-east Alps.

Figure 1- Map of Switzerland

Jura Mountains stretch from Geneva to Basel and Schaffhausen, alternation of mining folds with a predominance of limestone is very clear here. Clauses are folds cut into small rivers forming valleys with steep slopes. Agriculture flourishes only in the valleys, gentle slopes of the mountains are used as pastures and covered with forests.

The Swiss Plateau was formed at the site of the deflection between Yura and Alps, which was filled with loose glacial sediments in Pleistocene and is currently cut by numerous rivers. The surface of the plateau is hilly, in wide valleys of agriculture, interferes are covered with forests. Most of the country's population is concentrated here, large cities and industrial centers are located. In the same area, the most fertile agricultural land and pastures are concentrated.

In the south of the country there are high-mountain chains of the Alps, which from the southwest to the northeast from the Mont Blanc mountain range to the Ortles mountain massif. This mountain system is divided into a pre-founded zone, an axial area where the Ranges of the Berne Alps exceed the height of 4000 m (Finstorearhorn), and the subalpic zone. The height of the largest mountain peak of the Alps Peak Dufur - more than four and a half thousand meters (4634 m), in the Array of Monte Rosa on the border with Italy - House (4545 m), Weisshorn (4505 m), Matterhorn (4477 m), Gran -Comben (4314 m), Finservoirhorn (4274 m) and Jungfrau (4158 m).

The highest part of the Alps is composed of crystalline rocks (granites, gneisis) and limestone. Alpine areas are covered with eternal snow and glaciers. The largest of these glaciers and one of the largest in Europe - Alechsky. It stretches for 27 km, occupying an area of \u200b\u200b115 square meters. km.

The Alps serve as the main source of income, since the picturesque nature of highly attracts many tourists and climbers

For the territory of Switzerland, very strong differences in climatic conditions. This is caused by the complex nature of the relief, as well as exposure to the sun and winds. The climate is wet, on the plateau - moderately warm, in the mountains is cold.

In the Alps, the average course of winter temperatures ranges from -10, -12 degrees, but almost always solar weather. That is why in Davos, Montana, Sacct-Moritz, Zermatg and other mountain towns have long been flown in the hope of cure patients with tuberculosis. These little towns, while maintaining their importance as climate resorts, are becoming increasingly centers of tourism and skiing.

The highest tops of the Alps are covered with eternal snow. The snow line rises to 2700 m on Western slopes and up to 3200 m on the eastern. On the tops of the Alps snow does not melt throughout the year. In winter and spring, due to the accumulation of snow on the slopes, snow collaps. In January-February, in the context of the prevalence of high pressure over the Alps, clear cold weather is established. Southern slopes at this time get a lot of solar heat. In the summer, the rains are frequent in the mountains, fogs.

On the entire territory of the country in winter, the temperature drops below 0 ° C. With the exception of the north shores of the Lake Geneva and the shores of Lake Lugano and Lago Maggiore. Here is the most soft and warm climate. On the coast, protected by mountains from the cold northern winds (Bizeta), a lot of sunny days, there are no big leaks of temperature and strong seasonal weather fluctuations. Here in the open ground, palm trees, magnolia and other plants of the southern countries are growing. In the canton of Tessen, which is called "Solarium Switzerland", many climatic resorts.

Pretty soft winter is observed on the Swiss Plateau, so the average January temperature is about -2 °. Snow here can be seen only for several days. In December and January with the Atlantic, strong winds, bringing rains, frequent fogs, the sun almost does not happen, then the case has changed sharply atmospheric pressure. But the summer is warm (the average temperature of July + 18 °), the autumn is long and sunny. Such climate favors agricultural work. On the Swiss Plateau, it has time to grow even grapes.

Switzerland frequent sharp strong winds, accompanied by rains and snowfall. In the spring, summer and autumn, Feno are dominated - warm dry winds, which have become from the east and southeast. Since the streams of wet air from the Mediterranean sea climb up the slopes of the Alps, and then descend to the Swiss plateau, on the southern slopes of precipitation falls almost twice as much as on the north.

In Switzerland, 6% of Europe's fresh water reserves are concentrated, and it is from here that the Rhine River, Ron, Inn, flowing into three large seas: Northern, Mediterranean and Black. There are more than 1,500 lakes. Special attention deserves the pride of Switzerland - her lake. The most picturesque of them are located at the edges of the Swiss Plateau - Geneva, Tun in the south, Firwaldstesskoe, Zurich in the East, Neuncetric and Bill in the north.

The origin of the lakes is mostly tectonic-glacial, they were formed in the era, when large glaciers went down from the mountains to the Swiss plateau. South of the Alps axis in the canton of Ticino are Lake Lugano and Lago Maggiore. The shores of the lakes are protected by wooded hills or rocky mountains, whose slopes are broken directly into the water. The large lakes of Switzerland are not only the place of pilgrimage of tourists, they play an important role in shipping and landmarks. The best part of Switzerland is irrigated by Rhine and his influx of ARE (the most important of his tributaries - Royce and Limmat). Southwestern regions belong to the Rhone Waterbon Basin, Southern - Ticino and Southeast Basin - to the pool r. Inn (Danube Inflow).

Switzerland rivers do not have shipping. On the Rhine shipping is supported only to Basel. Switzerland's water resources are used primarily for energy purposes. Hydroenergy covers about 60% of the total energy need. At the same time, in Switzerland they follow the purity of water sources. 95% of all residential buildings are connected to water purification facilities

On the territory of Switzerland very little fertile soils. For processing, only brown forest soils of Swiss platea and the lower parts of the mountains are suitable. In the highland areas, the soil cover is unpaid, abounds with rubble. On the mountain slopes, the collaps and landslides that demolve the soil layer or falling asleep processed lands roots.

On the Swiss plateau - brown forest and alluvial soils that are relatively fertile. For the cultivation of grain and garden crops, only 6.5% of the country area is suitable. In some areas, as, for example, in the valley, the shaft, an important agricultural region, soil fertility is strongly depends on irrigation. There are not enough water here, and it is necessary to build wooden or stone trays - "bisers", by which water goes from high mountain areas, glacial lakes and rivers on the fields and vegetable garden.

In the vegetation world, the effect of vertical zonality is pronounced. Up to 800 meters, cultural vegetation predominates to the altitude and the slopes of the Alps and Yura: Gardens, vineyards, also this territory of meadows and pastures. At an altitude of 800 to 2000 m. Forests stretch, first deciduous - the beech and oak, then coniferous - cedar, spruce, pine (they occupy a quarter of the entire territory of the country). On the southern slope of the Alps typical chestnut. Coniferous forests, forming a transition belt between broad-sided forests and alpine meadows (at large altitudes), grow higher on the slopes of the mountains. Above the borders of the forest are highly harvested subalpine meadows, and alpine meadows, covered with low shrubs and low grassy plants. In the spring, crocuses and daffodils are blooming, in summer - rhododendrons, stamps, princes. On steep slopes, you can sometimes see the edelweiss - "unofficial" symbol of Switzerland

Animal world Switzerland enters the limits of the European-Siberian subdomains of the Palearctic region. Species diversity characteristic of these areas suffered greatly from economic activity man. While the snow partridge and hare-white is still quite common, such characteristic animals of the upper tier of mountains, like roe, ground and sulfur, are much less common.

Large efforts are being taken on the protection of wild fauna. In Swiss national ParkLocated at the border with Austria, they live roams and sulfas, less often - Alpine mountain goat and fox. In the Alps a lot of birds. Among them is distributed Klest-Elovik. The nest he arranges in winter in the coniferous forest. This bird has a peculiar to the end of the beak, which is convenient to extract seeds from spruce cones.

On the territory of Switzerland there are practically no minerals. There are only small coal reserves, deposits of iron ore and small fields of graphite, talca and asphalt. In the upper reaches of the Rhone and on the Rhine, the prominent role is played by the mining of a stone salt, covering the needs of the country. In fairly significant sizes there is raw materials for the construction industry - sand, clay, stone. There is an assumption that there are small deposits of uranium ores in the Alps. The main source of energy for Swiss has become rich hydropower resources, the overwhelming part of the electricity consumed comes from hydrostations. At the same time, the construction of nuclear power plants began in the late 60s

Switzerland - Republic, Confederation of 23 cantons (3 of them are divided into semi-karton). Each Canton has its own parliament and government, its laws, enjoys wide autonomous rights. Legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly (Parliament), consisting of two chambers of the National Council and the Canton Council. The executive branch belongs to the Federal Council.

In Switzerland, almost all natural therapeutic resources (mineral and thermal water, therapeutic dirt) belong to the state. Resort hospitals use sources for a specific fee, and government-authorized federal, regional, local authorities or public organizations Strictly control the compliance with the mode of use, follow the protection of "green zones". In Switzerland, the well-known exemplary production of the resort, municipalities ensure the protection of "green zones" around the resorts, where the construction of any facilities pollutants are prohibited environment

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on the topic: "Economic and geographical characteristics of Switzerland"

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Economic and geographical position:
Switzerland is one of the small states of Europe. Its area is only 41.3 thousand square meters. km, and the population has 6.99 million g. (1993). Monetary unit - Swiss franc. Switzerland is located almost in the center of foreign Europe, at the crossroads of the most important trade routes. Three-quarters of her borders - with France, Austria and Italy - pass along the high mountain ranges of Yura and the Alps, and only the border with Germany and Liechtenstein goes on the lowland - the Rhine Valley. Snow-covered tops Alps, blue lakes, bright green valleys, mostly small towns with still preserved narrow medieval streets and houses with painted facades - these are characteristic external features of the country. But at the same time, Switzerland is one of the most developed countries in the industry, which occupies one of the first places on the experience and qualifications of engineers and workers, the quality of products and the size of the profits that Switzerland receives from industrial enterprises in the country itself and beyond its limits, from huge investment.
This small country plays a prominent role in world political life. Thanks to its constant neutrality, as well as the geographical position in it, important international conferences are held, diplomatic negotiations. In the first and second world wars, Switzerland retained neutrality. After the Second World War, it did not join the UN, despite the approval of its goals.
The capital of Switzerland is the city of Bern. Lausanne is the location of federal judicial authorities. Head of State - President. Switzerland - the Republic, the Federation as part of 23 cantons / districts / (3 of them are divided into semi-karton). Each Canton has its own parliament and government, its laws, enjoys wide autonomous rights. The legislature is a two-bearet federal meeting, consisting of the National Council and the Canton Council.
The first chamber is elected by universal voting on the proportional system, in the second same, every canton sends two of its representative. The executive branch belongs to the Federal Council. One of his seven members is elected by the President of the Swiss Confederation for a period of one year.
Natural Resources Switzerland:
For Switzerland, a large number of mountains are characterized. Switzerland Mountain is widely used for recreational purposes. Here is the most powerful and high part of the Alps. The height of the largest mountain peak is the peak of Dufur - more than four and a half thousand meters (4634 m). Mountains occupy the entire central and largely southern and eastern part of the country. Rhone and Rhine Valley share the Swiss Alps into two almost parallel groups of mountain ranges stretching from the southwest to the northeast. The highest part of the Alps is composed of crystalline rocks and limestone. Alpine areas are covered with eternal snow and glaciers. The largest of these glaciers and one of the largest in Europe - Alechsky. It stretches for 27 km, occupying an area of \u200b\u200b115 square meters. km. On the border with France lies the mountain chain of Yura. Menu by Bernish Alps and Yura from the Lake of the Lake, which flows around the border with Germany, stretches the wavy low Swiss plateore (height 400-600 m), which is the most populated part of the country.
For Switzerland, very strong differences in climatic conditions are characterized. This is caused by the complex nature of the relief. In the Alps, where there is a large number of ski resorts and sanatoriums, the average course of winter temperatures varies within -10, -12 degrees, but almost always stands solar weather. On the tops of the Alps snow does not melt throughout the year. In winter and spring, due to the accumulation of snow on the slopes, snow collaps. In the summer, the rains are frequent in the mountains, fogs. On the Swiss Plane Winter soft, the average temperature of January is about -2 degrees. Snow, as a rule, keeps only a few days. Summer is warm (the average temperature of July +18 degrees), the autumn is long and sunny. Such climate is favored by agricultural work. On the Swiss Plateau, it has time to grow even grapes.
The main charm of the landscape is lakes. The largest of them are Geneva and Bodenskoye. Next is the Neuncertainty, Lago Maggiore, Firwaldstesskoe (Lake of Four Channels), Zurich and Lake Lugano. The origin of them is mostly tectonic-glacial. The shores are bordered by wooded hills or rocky mountains, whose slopes are broken directly into the water. Large lakes are not only the places of pilgrimage of tourists, they play an important role in shipping and landmarks. The rivers of such a small country, like Switzerland, belong to the pools of the three seas: north, Mediterranean and black. In the Alps, such large riverslike Rhine and Ron. From them they originate the tributary of the Danube r. Inn, as well as the inflow of P. Tichino.
Forests occupy about 24% of the territory. Also, the large part of the country is occupied by subalpine and alpine meadows. Swiss National Park Numerous. There are many reserves and reserves.
Population of Switzerland:
Due to historical prerequisites in Switzerland, a single ethnic community has not developed. Language and ethnic differences are very clear: each of the four Swiss peoples is Germany, Francischwater, Italy School and retortomans are a separate ethnic community, distinguished by national independence, language and cultural traditions. This confirms the fact that official languages Switzerland is German French and Italian.
Most Swiss belongs to two religions - Protestantia (2.9 million people) and Catholicism (2.2 million people). Among the Protestants are dominated by the kallarists. The Protestanian church belongs to the cantons in, Shafhausen, the city Basel, Zurich, Bern, the Glarus, Neuncer, Geneva. Catholicism is distributed at a larger area, but in less inhabited country. Catholic remained cantons of Schwitz, Uri, Unterwalden, Teszin, Friborg, Zhug, Zaga, Lucerne, and Zug. In some cantons (Appenzell, Argau, Graubündne), the propestant and Catholics share is almost the same. In recent years, the number of Catholics has increased markedly, which is explained by a higher birth rate in Catholic families, as well as a large share of foreigners confessing Catholicism. For the past two decades, the birth rate decreased, but at the same time the mortality decreases. Therefore, the natural population growth occurred.
Along with the Swiss in the country, more than 1 million foreigners live in the country, which is 1/6 of the total population. In some cities - Geneva, Basel, Zurich - the share of foreigners among the inhabitants rises to 1/5 - 1/3. No other European country has in its population of such a high proportion of foreigners. These are primarily working, recruited for a long time to work in industry, construction, service sector. In addition to constant immigration, there is still seasonal. About 200 thousand people arrive in Switzerland for construction and agricultural work. Almost 100 thousand inhabitants of the border regions of Germany and France travels daily to work in Switzerland.
In general, the country is populated extremely unevenly. On average, the population density is 154 people per 1 square meter. km, but on the Swiss plateau and in the northeastern part of the country, where almost 3/4 of all residents of the country are concentrated, it reaches 250 people per 1 square meter. km. In the mountain, central and southern parts of Switzerland (with the exception of the canton of Teszin), as well as in the east, the population is very rare - from 25 to 50 people per 1 square meter. km.
More than half of the Swiss lives in cities, the urban population is 60% (1991), but large cities are a bit: only Zurich, Basel, Geneva, Bern and Lausanne have more than 100 thousand inhabitants. Only 4 cities have from 50 to 100 thousand people. The main part of the cities of the country has less than 20 thousand inhabitants.
Economy of Switzerland:
Switzerland is a highly developed industrial country with intensive agriculture. Due to the high quality of industrial products, they have steady demand in world markets. In the structure of GDP (1990) industry 24.4%; s / x 3.1%; Finance, insurance 21.4%. The industry is characterized by non-mask production of high-quality export products. The geographical position of Switzerland, creates convenience for bringing raw materials and for the export of finished products.
The largest monopolies that dominate in the country and having a fairly strong position in the world market are the Electrotechnical Concern "Brown Bovteri", Machine-building "Zulzer", Chemical "Siba-Gaga", SandoC, "Hofman-La Roche", Metallurgical "Roll "," Alusviss ", food" nestle ". Concern "Nestle" on turnover ranks 4th (1980) among monopolies of Western Europe. Many monopolies open enterprises abroad. Thus, "Nestle" has less than a dozen factories in Switzerland itself, and outside of 66 countries, about 250 (1980).

Switzerland banking:
Swiss investments abroad have a characteristic feature: they are sent almost exclusively in industrialized countries. This is explained by the fact that Switzerland's economy is less than other states, needs to be raw materials from developing countries, since this country has less.
Switzerland is one of the leading financial centers of the world, one of the main exporters of capital. The total amount of Swiss capital abroad (in the form of loans, loans, investments and other investments) exceeds 150 billion Swiss francs. In the safes of Swiss banks lie half of all securities of developed countries of the world. For example, only in one small town of Lugano by 2.5 thousand people account for 300 banks, financial societies and investment agencies. In the accounts of Swiss banks there are very large amounts entering not only from Germany, USA, France and other major European countries, but also the amounts from the countries of the former USSR and the current CIS. Partially they are used in Switzerland itself, but are mainly sent under the guise of "Swiss investments" in those countries where these foreign funds with their own "skip" cannot penetrate.
Especially it should be said about the role of anonymous accounts, the amount of deposits and the name of the owners of which banks are kept in strict secretion. Bank secrets and license banks are needed to the whole world. They facilitate the "Flight of Capital" from countries in which an unstable political situation, or countries in which major industrial associations want to put pressure on the government. In addition, banking secrets and license banks allow large sums from the tax authorities of states.
Specialization sectors of Switzerland industry:
In addition to the specialization of Switzerland in banking, the country specializes in production requiring some raw materials, but large labor of high-quality expensive products. This direction of the development of the industry contributed to the fact that the country has a highly qualified working force.
The high quality of industrial products is explained by the fact that the scientific and technical development of their new species is widely set. Two industries are crucial - mechanical engineering (production of turbines, electric motors, ship engines, ultra-dry machines, electronic and measuring equipment, hours) and chemical industry (production of dyes, fertilizers for C / x, drugs and other things).
From other industries, the largest role is played by textile, sewing and food industry. Swiss chocolate, soluble coffee, baby nutrient mixtures, cheeses enjoy high reputation.
There are very few large factories in the country, and, on the contrary, there are a lot of medium and even small enterprises. These small enterprises successfully act on the global market due to the fact that they produce high-quality qualifications requiring very large qualifications and, as a rule, non-relocated products for individual orders. Small enterprises are especially especially for the clock industry. This oldest industry is dispersed at about 800 factories, of which only three have over thousands of workers. Clock enterprises annually produce 65-68 million hours of hours (1980) and 9/10 they are sent to export.
Machine-building enterprises are located mainly in densely populated areas provided by working force. Watch factories, in particular, are grouped in Geneva, La sho de background, Le Lock and Bierne - cities lying along the French border. Chem. Plants are almost exclusively in Basel and its surroundings, as they could easily deliver raw materials along Rhine here.
The country produces 55.8 billion kW / h of electricity, 2/3 of this amount on hydroelectric station, 1/3 at nuclear power plants.
Switzerland agriculture:
The main role in the village. Playing animal husbandry: it accounts for 3/4 of the cost of all s / c. Products. Livestock (1990, mln) Cattle - 1.8, pigs - 1.7. In the first place is the production of milk, and then meat. At the Alpine and Subalpian pastures, six months a year grazing the cows of the famous Shwitsky breed, giving large villas. Milk is almost completely recycled in cheese or oil. Cheese is one of the important export items. In many countries, Swiss cheese varieties are known.
Basic s / c. Cultures are wheat, barley, sugar beet, potatoes, fodder herbs. There are about 6% of the country area under arable land. The main areas of grain crops are located on the Swiss Plateau and in the Rhine Valley. In the canton of Tessen, grapes are cultivated from which white table wine makes. At the bottom of the Rhone Valley, apricots and apples grow.
Tourism in Switzerland:
In the economy of Switzerland, the maintenance of tourists is playing a major role, each year in the country there are over 7 million people (1990). The tourist season lasts almost all year round. Tourist service - hotels, campings, restaurants, cafes, service of conductors, training skiing, sale of souvenirs and other - gives the country large income. Such a swop is due primarily to the favorable geographical position of the country. On the tops of the Alps snow lies almost all year round. Switzerland is one of the best ski resorts.
Switzerland transport connection:
The position of the country at the crossroads of many European roads, the country's mountain relief, the need to ensure uninterrupted transfer of goods imported and exported by Switzerland - all this has played a large role in the development of transport. Total Length (1990) railways 5 thousand km, highways 71.1 thousand km, cable cars - 58 km, suspended - 724 km. Railways account for the main part of transportation. The most important railway line of the country Basel - Zurich - Bern - Lausanne - Geneva passes through the main industrial districts and largest cities. Although Switzerland does not have access to the sea, it has marine shopping ships. On the inner waters, exclusively walking boats. The main port of the country is Basel. Mountain relief of the country explains a large number of gear-rope and sided roads. Due to this, a large number of people willing can get on those tops that are available only to professional climbers. The highest railway station is located almost at 4 km above sea level.
Trade and trading partners Switzerland:
Switzerland's economy is very closely related to the global market and, therefore, to a large extent depends on it. In the composition of Swiss exports over 9/10 at cost, ready-made industrial products and only 1/10 are accounted for by products of the village. In imports, food products are dominated, raw materials for industry and fuel. Among the very wide range of Switzerland trading partners is Germany, which accounts for approximately 15-17% of all Swiss exports and about 30% of imports. Then follow France, Italy, USA and the United Kingdom.

Switzerland is located in Central Europe, it does not have marine borders. The other is the Mediterranean Sea, but the Switzerland is 150-200 kilometers away from it. In size (41.3 thousand square meters) she is on one of last seats Among European states.

Switzerland's neighbors are Italy, France, Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein. Italy Switzerland borders in the south and south-east, with France in the West, with Germany - in the north. With Austria and Liechtenstein, it borders in the east. The total length of its state borders is about 1,886 kilometers. The border with Italy (740 km) passes, with the exception of its southern plot, along the high mountain ranges. The Swiss-French border (573 km) goes along the mountainous districts of the Alps and Yura and the Lake Geneva, the border with Germany (366 km) - in the Lake Bodeno and Rhine, there are slightly deviating from him, with Austria (165 km) - on the top Rhine and mainly high mountains, with Liechtenstein (41 km) - on the top Rhine.

Switzerland is a mountainous country. Its average height above sea level is 1,350 meters. At the same time, its surface is diverse: along with the snow vertices, the Alps there are low mountains of Yura, a plateau, and even tiny low-lying sites (below 200 m above sea level). Alps, Yura and Swiss Plateau occupy the whole territory. countries. The Alps account for 60% of Switzerland.

They cover all its central, southern and southeast parts. Within Switzerland there is central, most narrowed, but the most majestic and picturesque part of the Alps. Thanks to the thick network of river valleys and the presence of relatively low pass, the Swiss Alps were available for the message already in ancient times. Alpine roads and paths for many centuries before railways and breakthroughs of the tunnels stretched fairy coupes from Italy to the Priesna countries of Europe and back. The most important of the alpine passages - Saint-Gothard (2 112 m) - connects the valley of the r. The flight belonging to the Rhine basin, with the valley of the river. Ticino, tributary p. By. Pass Symplon (2 009 m) connects the valleys of the upper rone and p. Toos (pool r. Software). In total, Switzerland has more than 200 mountain passes.

Thanks to the central position on the continent of Europe and the presence of convenient transalpian routes through Switzerland and are now undergoing important international paths from the Priesna countries ( West Germany, East France, the Netherlands, as well as from Belgium and Luxembourg) to Northern Italy, and from Austria to France.

Mountain circuit layout scheme is generally simple. The valleys of the upper rone and the front Rhine (one of the sources of the Rhine) form as it were for one longitudinal hollow and divide the Swiss Alps into two rows of almost parallel ridges stretched from mostly from the south-west to the northeast. To the north of this hip, there are powerful ridges of the Berne Alps (or Bern Oberland) with their main peak of Finstoreargorn (4,275 m) and northeast of them are low, but very picturesque Fatroldstshetsky Alps. Next to the east and the Northeast are the Glarn Alps and Apandel Alps, not very high. South of the hollow are Valish (or Pennic) Alps, Lepontte (or Teszinskie) Alps, and others. The highest point of Switzerland - Peak Dufur (4,634 m) in the Monta Rosa massif - is located on the border with Italy (Wallissary Alps). A little inferior to him located nearby Mattergorn (4 505 m), which is because of the steepness of its slopes (they usually do not hold snow) is one of the most hard-to-reach vertices of the Alps *.

The highest part of the mountains is composed of crystalline rocks: granites, gneis, as well as limestone and other solid mountain breeds. Alpine areas are covered with eternal snow and glaciers, slowly sliding from the slopes of the mountains. The largest glacier - Aleksky (about 24 km long) - is located in the Berne Alps. In winter, snow collaps (avalanches) are often in the mountains, sometimes carrying out a lot of lives and causing significant material damage. Snow Owls contributes to cutting down forests on mountain slopes. Snow-melting snow and ice powered numerous mountain streams and rivers.

For high-mountainous Alps areas, sharp shapes of relief are characteristic: sharp, gear ridges, fancy rocks and rocks, nico-shaped vertices, deep gorges, stone scape. The mountains below, the relief, as a rule, becomes calmer and the mountains themselves are more accessible.

From the north-west, the Alps focuses a low (average height of 400-600 m) Wavy swiss plateore, complicated mainly of soft clay and sandy rocks and occupying about one third of the country. Here are the most important Economic centers of Switzerland and live most of its population.

In the extreme northwest, on the border with France, a number of parallel mountain ranges of Yura are rising. E "Ti Mountains consist mainly of limestones, not very high (the average height of about 800 m, the largest - about 1,700 m), but before carrying out highway and railways, they were relatively hard to reach due to the steepness of their slopes, narrow and emissions of transverse valleys having the character of gorges ("Klades"). Significant spread here was so-called karst phenomena: the soil failures, funnels, caves, underground rivers, etc. As a result, the soil suffers from dryness, since rainwater quickly seeps through porous and fascinated limestone and performs in the form of water-rich sources deep down In the valleys.

Switzerland's explored minerals are very insignificant. Small reserves of coal (brown and stone) are scattered by numerous small fields. Iron ores are found in several places, but their reserves are small. The largest deposit is located in Yura, southwest of Basel. Small deposits of graphite, talc, mountain crystal, asphalt found. Some meaning is the stone salt (mainly in the Basel area), phosphorites and a variety of raw materials for the production of building materials, as well as peat. In places are therapeutic mineral springs.

Oil deposits, as well as non-ferrous metal ores.

Detailed physical Card. Switzerland is covered as a thick blue mesh. This is a river network. Here, a number of the most important rivers of Western Europe are originated: Rhine, Ron, as well as r. Ticino - influx of p. By, r. Inn - Danube's influx. All these rivers from the Alpine Mountain Raising flow in different directions, so the small territory of Switzerland belongs to the pools of the four seas. The river network of greater, northern, part of the country has stock to the North Sea (R. Rhine and his influx of Aara with flight, limmat, etc.), the southwestern part - to the Mediterranean Sea (through Ron); South Switzerland is located in the Pool of the Adriatic Sea (here r. Ticino - the left tributary river) and the extreme southeast belongs to the Black Sea pool (p. Inn - the right influx of the Danube).

The most important hydrographic node of Switzerland is an array of Saint-Gothard, on the slopes of which they originate Ron, Rhine, flight, Ticino. The supporting of them converge very close. On the valleys of rivers roads are laid. Thanks to this, Saint-Gothard Pass has an outstanding value for domestic and international communications.

The Switzerland Rivers are of mountain nature, very violent, multiple and replete with waterfalls. They, as a rule, are not shipping, but are powerful water sources (approximately 5 million kW, of which more than half are used).

Numerous large lakes Located mainly on the Swiss Plateau and in the lower zone of the mountains. The length of these lakes stretched into the length of these lakes are "baked" glaciers and bombed with finite-sea sediments of the bed of ancient river valleys. All large lakes are flowing. Some of them are quite significant in the area and very deep. The largest is the Geneva and the Lake Boden. Both of them are border. The first belongs to Switzerland and France, the second - Switzerland, Germany and Austria. From other lakes it should be noted Zurich, Firwaldstessky, Neuncement, as well as Lugano and Lago Maggiore. The latter are part of Switzerland, part of Italy. Because of the high depth and transparency of the water of the lake have a beautiful blue or blue color. Their shores are usually born with wooded mountains and very picturesque, densely populated and willingly attend tourists. In addition, the lakes have a well-known importance for shipping and partly for fishing.

With its numerous full-flow rivers, Switzerland is obliged to a large amount of precipitation, which falls in the mountains. The climate here is generally humid, but in certain areas is quite diverse and varies depending on the height of the terrain, the location of the slopes in relation to the countries of light (exposure), etc. High-rise zonality is manifested in the climate very bright. On the coasts of the Swiss Plateau Lakes, protected from the northern winds, the climate is moderately warm and is characterized by soft, and in the valleys of the South Slope, the Alps approaching the Mediterranean climate of Italy. On the Swiss Plateore Winter, too, soft (average temperature around 0 °), Snow cover is unstable, summer is warm (+ 18 ° + 19 °) long, so almost everywhere agrees grapes. The amount of precipitation (from 800 to 1,000 mm and more than a year) is enough for agriculture. At the Swiss Plateore, the precipitate is mostly falling out in the summer.

In the Alps climate in general harshs and the higher, the harsh. Winter is usually multispered, strong winds are dominated on tops, snow blizzards are often. Summer cool. On the slopes of the mountains there is a significant amount of precipitation (up to 2,000 mm and more than a year). Only narrow and deep mountain valleys sometimes suffer from dryness and need artificial irrigation. Above 2,500-3,000 meters snow does not melt during the year. The zone of eternal snow and ice occupies approximately the tenth of the entire Square of Switzerland.

One of the features of the climate Alps and Swiss plateaus are Fenoa - strong warm and dry winds, which are breathing from the mountains. In the spring, they contribute to the rapid melting of snow on mountain slopes and exemption from it pastures, and in the fall - the ripening of fruits, grapes, etc., when the feng is blowing, the air is so dry that in order to avoid fires in the villages, it is forbidden to smoke.

The harsh, but healthy climate of the alpine valleys and the soft sunny climate of the coasts of the lakes (especially Geneva, Lugano and some others) are favorable for the treatment of many diseases. This circumstance, as well as beautiful nature contributed to the development of the resort in Switzerland.

Once the mountain slopes and the valleys of Switzerland covered loose deciduous and mixed, and above are coniferous forests. They had bears, foxes, deer, depuchari and many others wild animals And birds. Now there is little left of the original vegetation and the animal world.

Forests occupy an average of about 25% of the territory. On the plateore and in the lower zone of the mountains to about the height of 800 m, they almost completely cut down. Parks, gardens, gardens, vineyards, crops prevail here.

Above - from 800 to 1,800 m - the zone of deciduous (beech, oak) is extended, then coniferous forests (spruce, fospital, cedar, pine). Over the forests - rich subalpine and alpine meadows with a large number of bright colors, above - almost devoid of vegetation zone of eternal snow from naked rocks.

In the past, the rich animal world was largely exterminated. Wild animals are preserved mainly in hard-to-reach alpine areas and in reserves. Fish in lakes and rivers a bit. It is also bred artificially.

In Switzerland, relatively few good soils, moreover, part of them due to predatory use and deforestation of the mountain slopes were destruction (erosion, etc.). Pretty high yields here are mainly collecting thanks to the diligence of the Swiss peasantry and relatively high agrotechnology. In the highlands zone, soil cover is often absent or has a denunar. In addition, before processing arable land, it needs to be cleaned of stones and rubble. At the Swiss plateau, rather fertile brown forest soils predominate, in the valleys - alluvial soils formed by the nanos of mountain rivers. They are also fertile, but are limited to small areas.

Switzerland is a country without entering the sea, the territory of which is divided into three natural regions:

· Mountains of Yura in the north;

· Swiss plateau in the center;

· Alps Mountains in the south, occupying 61% of the entire territory of Switzerland.

The northern border partially passes through the Lake Bodeno and Rhine, which begins in the center of the Swiss Alps and forms part of the eastern border. The Western border takes place in the mountains of Yura, South - in the Italian Alps and the Lake Geneva. It borders in the north - with Germany, in the south - with Italy, in the West - with France, in the East - with Austria and Liechtenstein.

Relief. Most of the country is located on the territory of the Alps. In the south there are Penin Alps (height to 4,634 m - Pefur Peak, the highest point of Switzerland), Lepontta Alps, the Retal Alps and Array of Bernina.

The deep longitudinal valleys of the upper Rhone and the front Rhine Penin and Lepontinian Alps are separated from the Bern Alps (Finstorearhorn, height 4274m) and the Glarn Alps, forming a ridge system stretched from the south-west to the northeast through the entire country. The isochki ridges are dominated mainly by crystalline rocks and strongly dissected erosion; Numerous glaciers and ice mills relief. In total, there are approximately 140 large valley glaciers in Switzerland, there are also carot and hanging glaciers. The total area of \u200b\u200bglaciation is 1950 square km. Basic passes (Big Saint-Bernard, Symplon, Saint-Gotard, Bernina) are located above 2000 meters above sea level.

Climate and tourism seasons. In Switzerland, the continental climate is dominant for Central Europe, with significant fluctuations depending on the height above sea level. Climat is unusual in the fact that for each region of Switzerland its climate is characteristic. In the winters of the plateau and in the valleys, the temperature reaches 0 o C, and in the mountainous regions -10 o C and below. The average temperature in the summer in lowlands +18 +20 o C, slightly lower in the mountain. In Geneva, the average temperatures of July about +19 about from January, about 850 mm of precipitation falls over the year. Feature - strong northern and southern winds. For tourism, Switzerland's climate is favorable all year round, also lovers of the mountain skiing and snowboard have the opportunity to visit the Alps and in the summer and winter, as the snow does not melt in them.

Rivers and lakes. Switzerland is rich and famous for its lakes, the most attractive of them are located at the edges of the Swiss Plateau - Geneva, Firwaldstesskoe, Tun, in the south, Zurich in the East, Bielsk and Neva Sorta. Most of them have glacial origins: they were formed during the time when large glaciers went down from the Mountain Swiss plateau. To the south of the Alps axis in the canton of Ticino are Lake Lago Maggiore and Lugan.

Ten of the largest lakes:

· Geneva (582.4 kV Km);

· Bodenskoye (539 sq. Km);

· Nevechayevsky (217.9 sq. Km);

· Lago-Maggiore (212.3 kV Km);

· Fatroldststesskoe (113.8 sq. Km);

· Zurich (88.4 kV Km);

· Lugano (48.8 sq. Km);

· Tun (48.4 kV Km);

· Bill (40 sqm km);

· Tsugskogo (38 kV km).

The largest hands are Ron, Rhine, Limmat, Aare.

Minerals. In Switzerland, little minerals. Industrial importance has a stone salt and building materials. About 25% of Switzerland is covered with forests - not only in the mountains, but also valleys, and on some plateaus. Wood is an important raw material and fuel.

Animal and vegetable world. Switzerland can be found as in the Arctic, Mossi and Lichens, as well as palm trees and mimosa, is essentially like on the Mediterranean coast. For the alpine slopes are characterized by wide belts of spruce, fir, beech forests, as well as at an altitude of 2400 - 2800 m - subalpine and alpine meadows, Rhododendron, juniper. Large breeds are in lower territories. The animal world is represented by mammals: sulfur, cunnits, hare, Surcom, fox, etc. On lakes and smoothies a lot of swans and ducks. A Swiss National Park was created along the border with Italy.

More geography:

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Switzerland is a classic tourist country, where the beauty of nature and outstanding hands of human hands are concentrated on a small space. In a small area of \u200b\u200b41,284 square meters. km You can see a huge variety of landscapes and landscapes, which is not found in any other place with a comparable area.

Switzerland is located in the very center of Europe. It has common borders with Germany in northern, Austria and the principality of Liechtenstein in the east, France in the West and Italy in the south. Approximately 60% of the territory occupy the mountains. The Switzerland accounts for the central part of the Alpine Mountain System with four main passages: Grimsel, Furka, Saint Gottard and Oberalp. From here they take on the beginning of the Rhine River and Ron (ATTACHMENT 1).

In the central and southern part of the country there are Alps, in the north-west - Mountains of Yura, in the south - Apennins. More than 70% of the country's territory belongs to two mining systems, Alps and Yura, separated by hilly swiss plateores with numerous tectonic lakes. The total area of \u200b\u200bglaciers is about 2000 square meters. km. The average height of the mountains is 1700 m. In Apennines there is the highest peak - Mount Monte Rosa, Peak Dufur in the south, height is 4634 m.

Switzerland is located in a temperate climatic belt, in the natural zone of mixed and large forests.

Switzerland Poor natural resources, except for hydropower. Nevertheless, this is a prosperous country, in many ways the richest in Europe, primarily due to the high development of the manufacturing industry and the service sector (tourism is especially important).

Thanks to the favorable position in the center of the continent, on thecrossroads of many European roadsSwitzerland throughout its history was an important communication and transport link between the North and South of Europe. But it does not have access to the sea.

The country plays a prominent role in global political life, thanks to its continuous neutrality, as well as the geographical position in it, important international conferences are held, diplomatic negotiations.

Favorable geographical position, moderate climate, abundance of forests and pure mountain air contribute to the development of resort and recreational activities in Switzerland. Mountain location determines both the types of programs offered by tourists. For lovers of a relaxing holiday - these are lake cruises, rides on the mountain railway, walking, golf, sunny baths on the glacier. Do not forget about rock climbing and other types of mountain and ski tourism. Optimal conditions for winter sports contribute to the fact that many Swiss cities were elected places in the Winter Olympic Games and major international competitions of skiers (St. Moritz, Innsbruck, Cortine-d'Ampezzo, Crans-Montana, Verbier).

    1. Relief country

If you look at the Swiss Confederation from the flying aircraft, you will not see the plains. Everywhere the mountains with snow vertices sparkling on the sun, there are tormented by rocky peaks, in narrow gorges silver the threads of rapid flows. Switzerland is the most powerful, the highest part of the Alps is the main mining system of foreign Europe. Mountains occupy the entire central and largely southern and eastern part of the country (about 60% of the territory). The highest part of the Alps is composed of crystalline rocks and limestone. Alpine areas are covered with eternal snow and glaciers. The largest of these glaciers and one of the largest in Europe - Alechsky. It stretches for 27 km, occupying an area of \u200b\u200b115 square meters. km. Ron and Rhine Valleys share the Swiss Alps on two almost parallel groups of mountain ranges stretching from southwest to northeast. To the north of these valleys, Bernovsky Alps are raised with the tops of Finservarhorn and Jungfrau, exceeding 4 thousand meters, as well as the Glarn Alps. South of the valleys are located Penni Alps with Pefour Pefour (4634 m) - the highest point of Switzerland, the second after Mont Blanca in foreign Europe, and Lepontinian Alps.

Due to the dismemberment of river valleys and relatively not highly high passages, the Alps in many places are crossed by iron and roads. In the Swiss Mountains more than two hundred passes, many tunnels. But the Mountain chain of the Jura is part of the Alps system, despite the fact that it is significantly lower (1350 m), it is difficult to reach due to the slopes of the slopes and the lack of convenient passages.

Between the Bernish Alps and Yura from the Lake Border with Germany, the wavy low (400-600m) Swiss plographes stretches to Geneva Lake. The main charm of the landscape here are large lakes and rounded green hills.

Swiss plateau is the most populated part of the country. Here are its most important industrial and agricultural districts and the largest cities - Zurich, Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne.


Switzerland climatic conditions are extremely diverse, none in one other European country there are no such stripped natural contrasts within such a small territory. By virtue of its geographical location, Switzerland is influenced by four climatic zones: medium and norththiatric, Mediterranean and continental. The Alps are an obstacle for the cyclones carrying moisture, therefore the level of precipitation in the Intallpian regions (53-59 cm) is significantly lower than the indicators of the external regions (more than 200 cm).

Due to the complexity of the relief, climatic conditions of various regions of Switzerland are different. On the northern plateau, surrounded by high mountains, the climate is soft.By the south of the Alps, it becomes heavily, since the influence of the Mediterranean Sea is felt, and dry periods are noted in the canton. Switzerland is under the influence of the Atlantic currents carrying wet air, and the Mediterranean, bringing heat.

In the Alps, winter is relatively cold (the temperature is usually lowered to -10 o -12 o, sometimes up to -20 o), but almost always very sunny. Above 2500 - 3000 M snow does not melt throughout the year. In winter and spring, due to the accumulation of snow on the slopes are not rare snow collaps. In the summer, the rains are frequent in the mountains, fogs.

On the Swiss Plateore Winter soft, the average January temperature is about -2 about. Summer is warm (the average temperature of July +18 o), the autumn is long and sunny. For this area and for the Alps foreguides, breeze is characteristic - gusty, cold and raw winds from the Atlantic, as well as hair dryers - winds, passing through the Alps and descending into Switzerland Valleys are very dry and warm.

The mild and warm climate have inland mountain valleys and brands. For example, in the canton of Tessen on the coast of Lady Lugano lakes and Lago Maggiore, protected by mountains from cold northern winds, many sunny days, there are no big leaks of temperature and strong seasonal weather fluctuations. Here in the open ground, palm trees, magnolia and other plants of the southern countries are growing. The climate, the nature of vegetation and the fectures of the farm are subject to the law of high-rise zonality.

The temperature depends on the location above sea level. High in the mountains in the summer, as a rule, not hot, while in the lowlands and the northern part of the country are quite warm.

The best travel time is from May to October. In winter, this is also quite possible, because pedestrian trails are always cleared and clearly marked.