How many national parks exist in the UK. Reserves of England

The system of national parks of Great Britain is designed to preserve unique landscapes and ecosystems of England, Scotland and Wales. Currently, 15 parks are included in the system, of which 10 are located in England, 2 - in Scotland and 3 - in Wales. Great Britain's parks are under the management of the National Parks Agency (English. National Park Authority). In Northern Ireland, which is not part of the UK, but a part of the United Kingdom, this moment There are no national parks. National Parks of the United British Kingdom occupy about 7% of the total territory.

National Parks of England.

1. Dartmore

Dartmore National Park occupies 956 square kilometers of hilly marsh terrain, which is rich in rocks, valleys, deserted expanses and a variety of plants and animals. About a third of the park of the park occupy a swamp coated with a peat layer. Dartmore is rich in a variety of plants, for example, various mosses, swamp herbs, reeds, heather. There are animals, such as sheep, cows and wild pony.

Dartmore is the place of archaeological excavations, where traces of human activity were found in a period of from 2,000 to 500 BC - various stone circles, gravestone mounds and druid stones. Dartmore received the status of the National Park in 1951.

Got the status of the National Park in 1988. Area: 303 square kilometers.

Broadc includes the largest guarded wetland of Great Britain and the longest inner waterway, where six rivers make up 200 kilometers (125 miles) through the territory occupied by lakes and swamps. The swamps - the busty peatman rich in reed and reed - is home to more than 250 species of plants, including a rare marsh orchid, as well as for waterfowl and swamp birds.

Broadside constantly pass various events. For lovers wildlife The best time visits is the Spring and Summer Months, but for many species of animals Broadside is home all year round.

3. Yorkshire Deyls

Yorkshire Dalez National Park (Yorkshire Dales), located in the north of England in the vicinity of Penninsky Mountains, is famous for its exciting landscapes that are equal to which there is little in Britain. 1769 square kilometers of hills and plains, richest history and diverse.

Dale - these are valleys, pierced in rock rocks rivers. In the National Park "Yorkshire Deylz" there are 20 such valleys, and each of them has its own special character and atmosphere. Among others interesting places It is worth mentioning the unusual natural sandstone bridge on the top of Malham Cove (Malham Cove) created by nature during the last glacial period; Magnificent waterfalls Hardraw Force, Eisgart Falls (Aysgarth Falls) and boots sleep (Cautley Spout); as well as a unique collection of natural sculptures Brimham Rocks. Yorkshire Dalez received the status of the National Park in 1954.

4. North York-Murt

North York Murz National Park (North York Moors) on the northeast coast of England is famous for magic landscapes - one of the best in Britain. The stretched for 26 miles along the picturesque coast of the North Sea Park occupies an area of \u200b\u200b1436 square kilometers and received the status of the National Park in 1952.

A lot of hiking routes are laid through the park and there are two national tourist trails. Mountain bike lovers come here at all levels - from family groups to world-class masters. And also on the territory of the park you can make an equestrian walk.

5. Nameberland

The hills and valleys of the reserve are located in the very north of England, next to Scotland. Rare red proteins are found in the National Park, which coexist along with a traditional lifestyle with a thriving culture. Here is the unique landscape, the ancient settlements and pure rivers. In the center of the upper valley there are picturesque villages of Harbottl and Holistone. The southern part of the park is adjacent to the legendary adriana shaft remaining since the time of Roman rule in England. The park covers a territory of 1049 square kilometers and received the status of the National Park in 1959.

6. New Forest

New Forest National Park is located in the south of England. Most of it is part of the Gampshire county, small - in Wiltshire. Initially, the whole territory of the current New Forest was covered with forests, however, they largely to the era of the bronze century were cut down. However, the land here showed itself as low-grade, and the New Forest area gradually turned into a landscape of forests, meadows and a wasteland.

Approximately 90% of the territory included in New Forest belongs to the British crown. At the same time, about 50% of all land owners of the royal family in the UK focused on New Forest. On the Park is a village of Bieley with the noble estate and a museum of racing cars.

In 1999, it was decided to create a National Park on the territory of the New Forest. In June 2004, its borders were identified. From April 1, 2005, the park was officially opened. The territory covers an area of \u200b\u200b571 square kilometers. About 38 thousand people live here.

On the territory of the park live various types of deer: Lan, noble deer, spotted deer, Chinese Muzzhak. Here is the homeland of a special type of pony - New Forest-pony. From other animal species, an abundance of reptiles should be noted. In the park, an ordinary medalea, an ordinary, ordinary viper, a hunted lizard and others live in the park.

From rare plants growing in the park, it is worth mentioning Rosyanka, the advocacy of a light, some species of plane, ultrasound.

7. Lake District

Reserve in Northwest England, in Cumbria county. The territory of the park practically coincides with the Cumberland Mountains. Founded in 1951. The lake edge is famous for its picturesque mountain and lake landscapes. Steep mountains, low green valleys, mysterious lakes, became inspiration for many poets and artists, including Wordsworth and Beatris Potter who lived here. Crew edge - one of the most visited national parks in the UK.

In the late XVIII century, the territory of the lakeside becomes popular among tourists. Partially this is the result of wars in continental Europe, which reduces the ability to travel there. In 1778, Father Thomas West (Father Thomas West) produces a guide to lakes, which is the beginning of the modern era of tourism for this area.

8. South Downs

South Downs - the youngest National Park in Britain (received the status of the National Park in 2010). This park stretching from the ancient Winchester in the county of the hemphir to the spectacular chalk cliffs of the cape of Beech Head in the vicinity of Eastbourne in the County of Sussex, occupies a huge area of \u200b\u200b1641 square kilometers.

The park is known for the outstanding beauty of its nature. On the territory of Mark, Cape Beech Head is located - with a chalk rock, stretching along the coast, with stunning views of Eastbourne and English Channel (Strait of La Mans); Devil's Dyke Valley (Devil's Dyke) is the longest, deep and wide in Britain; And the Natural Reserve "Seven Sisters" (Seven Sisters), named as seven majestic white chalk rocks, lined up along the coastal strip.

Having admitted by the beauty of nature, history lovers can visit archaeological excavations and local historical sights. Here are preserved remnants of prehistoric fortifications and burial sites in Sisbury Ring (Cissbury Ring) and Petersfield Heath Barrows (Petersfield Heath Barrows), an iron century fortification at the Holy Katerina Hill (St Catherine's Hill), Hill Ould Winchester Hill (Old Winchester Hill) and medieval castles including the picturesque ruins of the Bramber Castle.

In the park "South Downs", hiking, cycling and horseback riding, Paraglider flying and on Deltaplane, Golf, Zorbing (descent from the mountain in a transparent bowl) and a variety of water sports. A plot of 100 mile national tourist trail National Trail is held through the park, on which you can go to a multi-day campaign or a short walk.

9. Peak-District

The sublime area in Central and North England, which is mainly in Northern Derbyshire. Most of the territory belongs to the Peak-District National Park formed in 1951 and has become the first national park at the British Islands. The territory of the park is conditionally divided into the North (Dark Peak, English. Dark Peak) and South (White Peak, English. White Peak) parts The geological basis of the first is coarse-gloomy sandstones or gravites, and it is mainly occupied by peersmaking waste. The second is predominantly limestone; Most of the district population is concentrated here. Proximity to large cities, such as Manchester and Sheffield, as well as the counties of Lancashire, Big Manchester, Cheshire, Staffordshire, South and Western Yorkshire in conjunction with a convenient car and railway communication contributed to the growth of the Park's popularity, which is attended by about 22 million people per year. Area: 1438 square kilometers.

12% of the park of the park belongs to the National Trust Fund, which is engaged in environmental protection, which are of interest to history or unique in beauty. The administration of national parks owns about 5% of the territory. Among other land owners there are several water supply companies.

10. Exmur

Exmur has become a national park in 1954 under the 1949 law. The territory of the National Park is a highland, where there are several remote villages and villages. Previously, Exmur was the royal forest and hunting grounds, but in 1818 the latter were sold out. Several areas of the exmur have become areas of special scientific significance due to their flora and fauna. In 1993, an environmentally vulnerable zone was declared on the territory of the exmura.

In Exmur 208 monuments of national importance and 16 reserves. About 1.4 million people visits him a year. Landmarks are usually located near small cities and villages or river valleys.

National Parks Scotland.

1. Loch-Lomond and Trossahz

Founded in 2002, it occupies a territory in 1865 square kilometers.

The reserve is divided into four main parts: it is Lake Loch Lomond, which gave the name of the park, the forest Argill, the lake complex between Callander and Aberfoyl called Trossahz and Bridalban - the country of giants, the most beautiful tops of Scotland.

Lake Lomond is the largest in Scotland in Square and the second by volume after the famous Loch Ness. The length of this reservoir is as 37 square kilometers. Loch Lomond is very popular with windsurfing lovers, there are excellent conditions for this sport. In addition, tourists are offered to ride water skiing, go to travel under the sail or learn to ride a canoe. Picturesque boats and small boats deliver everyone to the beautiful islands.

The Argill Forest is a huge forest array, cut by a variety of pedestrian trop and roads for riding. On its territory there are mountains, lakes, plains - this is a wonderful edge with clean air. Argill is located quite close to Glasgow, so it is popular with local residents and tourists.

Casesahz is a picturesque area between the mountain ranges, which is thrown by a variety of large and small lakes. On its territory - hundreds of kilometers of pedestrian and cycling paths. In the reservoirs of the cable, various types of mountain sports and fishing are well developed.

There are several hundred species of birds, in the forests you can find rare species of plants. In addition, the reserve is famous for both cultural attractions. Here, a few millennia ago, people who left the stone dwellings after themselves.

On the territory of the park there are several tourist centers that provide information for tourists, offering boating, bicycle and other transport, sell cards.

2. Kearngorms

Received the status of the National Park in 2003. Area: 4528 square kilometers.

Kearngorms National Park is one of the most important natural attractions of Scotland. More than 150 types of entertainment are more submitted here, including skiing and snowboarding in winter, mountain bike rental and canoe - in summer, golf, shooting from guns, horse riding and much more. Kearngorms is a popular place for hiking, climbing and winter sports, for hunting and mountain fishing. Here are 3 of the 5 ski resorts of Scotland, which are famous for stability. climatic conditions and snow cover. For the convenience of outdoor activities in 2001, a funicular, connecting the base station, located at an altitude of 637 meters, with a ski center, which is at an altitude of 1097 meters, opened.

Kearngorms National Park is a house for many extinct species of animals and birds. Here, tourists will be able to see many of them, as well as walk through beautiful forests, plains, see picturesque mountain rivers and waterfalls.

National Parks Wales.

1. Brecon Becons

Located in the four mountain ranges and is located in the southern part of Wales. In the limits of environmental protection, the pastures of sheep are pretty significant areas. A separate part of the park is its western regionwho called the Forrest Favre, who in 2005, UNESCO assigned the status of a geopark. The cultural object is noteworthy within the reserve - the beautiful trading city of Bracon. It is the third of the three Welsh parks after Snowdonia, open in 1951, and the coast of Pembrukshire opened in 1952.

Brecon-Bracon National Park was established in 1957 in the southern part of Wales on the territory of about 1345 square meters. km. (520 square miles). In February 2013, the Brecon Bracious Park was assigned the Gold Status of the Dark Sky Reserve. Dark sky reserves are considered the best placeswhere you can see the starfall, and the golden status means that they are protected from light pollution in the future. Bracon-Bracon is the second place in the UK, after the Exmur National Park in Devon.

The Bracon-Bracon National Park includes small cities, ancient villages, destroyed Welsh Castles, Ancient Celtic Mengirs and Relics, preserved from the times of the Neolithic and Bronze Age, Waterfalls of Weil-Nit and the Cave of Dan Il RDOF - the most famous cave complex in Western Europe (Underground waterfalls, underground lakes, huge galleries, stalactites and stalagmites, skeletons of people and animals, rock paintings). There are several routes for pedestrian, horse and cycling on the park.

On the territory of the forest, Forrest Favre (FForest Fawr), which has a geopard status, are lush plant arrays and wonderful waterfalls. A significant part of the attention of tourists attracts local waterfalls, which in the territory of the reserve the great set. The most popular Local Waterfall Height Height of 27 meters.

2. Pembroxir Coast

National Park in Western Wales. Created in 1952. The National Park includes the most diverse landscape: rocky cliffs, sandy beaches, wooded limans and crumbs of hills, with a total area of \u200b\u200b629 km². It consists of four different parts Clockwise - this is the south of the coast of Pembrokeshire with the Islands of Caldi, the mouth of the Treeshtau River, the Saint Brides Bay with the coastal islands and the Hills of Minit-Preslli. Nevertheless, the park consists not only from the beaches - there are even forests and swamps on its outskirts.

The geology of these areas is of particular interest due to many years of exposure to the coast, which manifested in the presence of various types of breeds and structural features, such as natural arches, gear, folding formation and sea caves. Among the kekurov, you can mark the cliffs of Elagug, consisting of two large separate limestone stele. The National Park includes many places and areas that have their own national or international environmental significance, including 7 special areas in conservation, maritime reserves, 6 national reserves and 75 sections of special scientific importance. In particular, the coast is located in the settlement of the Iron Age and Paleolithic funeral complexes, as well as the reserve of the Royal Society of Birds Protection of the Island of Ramsey Island (RSPB Nature.

The coast is under the jurisdiction of the administration of the National Park Pembrokshire Coast. The objectives of the body are to preserve the National Park, the public calling to enjoy and understand it, promote the social and economic well-being of communities within its borders. For patroling Park, employees use electric bikes.

3. Snowdonia

Snowdonia National Park was established in 1951 in the North Wales and became the Third National Park in England and Wales. Its area is 2142 km², and the seabed length is 60 km.

The management of the reserve is carried out jointly by representatives of the local authorities and the Central Wales Government. Unlike reserves in other countries, Snowdonia, like other National Parks of England and Wales, includes both government and private lands, the use of which is planned by the leadership of the reserve. (See Appendix 2). Every year the park is attended by about 6 million people, which makes it the third on attendance by the reserve in England and Wales. Although most of the park landscape is empty and mountains, agriculture is also conducted in Snowdonia.

In the center of the park there is a land plot that is not part of it, around the city of Blinay-festinios, who was a large center of shale mining. It was done not to interfere with the development of a light industry in Blinai-festinian, in what the city needed after the arrival of shale quarries in full decline.


As a result of the study, the following conclusions were made.

1. Despite its relatively small area (240,842 sq. Km), the United Kingdom has a fairly profitable geographical positionAnd its composition has a special way affects the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country.

2. The population of the UK is sufficiently high (63,181,775 people), the main percentage of the population of the country (53,52,456 people) lives in England.

The United Kingdom has a rich ethnic composition of the population due to its geographical composition. The most numerous group of the Great Britain is the British. Most of the population speaks English. Currently, a low population population is characterized for the country.

The United Kingdom is one of the countries where they are stored and honored their traditions and customs. British traditional customs are closely connected with a centuries-old history and cover all segments of the population.

3. The United Kingdom has made the greatest contribution to the countries in science, music, art.

In the 60s and 80s of the last century, the country experienced an economic downtrend, as a result of which the external and domestic politics Countries changed significantly. In our time, the United Kingdom builds its economy, for the most part, on the sphere of services - tourism, financial, educational, consulting and banking services.

4. The country landscape is quite diverse. Most of the settlements are at a distance of no more than 120 kilometers from the sea, so the frequent rivers and spills of rivers create a risk for flooding.

According to the features of the relief, the territory of the United Kingdom can be divided into two main areas. High Britain (including Northern Ireland), located in the north and west of the country, is basically strongly dissected hills and much less common lowlands. In the south and east, low Britain, distinguished by a hilly relief, small hills and several mountain areas extend.

Great Britain has a total of 224 national natural reserves, with a total area of \u200b\u200b94400 hectares. Natural England plays a big role in the Office of PAs.

UK climate due to the influence of the Golf Stream moderate ocean, humid, with soft winter and cool summer, strong winds and fogs.

The United Kingdom is famous for its mineral healing sources. Today, based on healing water, wellness resorts are built in the areas of Weston-Super-Mer, Cheltenham and Bat.

UNESCO World Heritage List includes 28 United Kingdom facilities. Among them are 5 facilities included in the list of natural criteria.

5. United Kingdom - a historic, ancient country, a number of interesting cities and locations have been preserved here, which attract tourists from around the world. These include both individual monuments of history and culture and whole cities and terrain.

Among the 28 UNESCO facilities of the United Kingdom, 23 facilities are included in the list of cultural criteria, 11 of them are recognized as masterpieces of human genius. They also affect the development of sightseeing and cognitive tourism in the country.

UK for 2015 takes 8 place in the list of countries with the best high education systems. Here are the most famous universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, for many years occupying high positions on the list of the best universities in the world.

6. The UK transport system is one of the best and most developed in the world. Transport networks are located so that even the most remote corners of the country are in excellent transport accessibility.

For hotels in United Kingdom There are three types of stars: black, red and gold. Also in the UK hotels, the evaluation system has been preserved, where the hotels are not assigned to the stars, but the crowns. In addition, in the UK there are many restaurants for every taste. All this indicates good development, diversity and availability of hospitality industry.

There are many touristra and resorts in the country where you can spend time with health benefits and expanding your horizons. Almost all of them are located away from megacities, which allows people to relax from the fuss and spend time in the fresh air.

7. All types of tourism are well developed in all areas of the country. Mountaineering is developed only in Scotland, because This is the only mountainous area.

8. In the UK, he oversees the sphere of tourism. The Ministry of Culture, the media and sports, which is subject to British Tourist Authority (WTA), supervising tourism and tourism management of the United Kingdom (Visitbritain), coordinating activities in promoting internal and inbound tourism.

9. The United Kingdom has a developed tourism industry. Her share in world tourism is 3.4%. According to this indicator, it is in the 7th place in the world. The greatest number of visitors from the USA, France, Germany, the Irish Republic, the Netherlands.

There are many wonderful historical monuments in the country related to different epochs and memorable historical places, many museums. All this provides great opportunities for cognitive tourism.

10. Over the past decades, the environment in the UK has deteriorated significantly. Many government and non-governmental organizations are engaged in environmental protection. The environmental initiatives of the UES increasingly affect the protection of nature in Britain.

Currently, there are 15 national natural parks in the country, of which 10 are located in England, 2 - in Scotland and 3 - in Wales. Great Britain's parks are under the management of the National Parks Agency. National Parks of the United British Kingdom occupy about 7% of the total territory. This suggests that the Government pays great attention to the preservation of unique ecological zones and improving the state of the environment as a whole.

Lake Edge National ReserveThe Lake District National Park) is one of the favorite places of the British and numerous tourists. Huge lakes such as Windermere and Coniston emphasize the landscape of green hills and mountain ranges. The reserve has many pedestrian routes, many of which are associated with the names of the great people of this region, such as WordSworth, Amazons, Beatrix Potter.

Territory Lake edge It was announced in 1951 to preserve the beauty of the nature of the edge for future generations. The lake edge is famous for its picturesque mountain and lake landscapes. Here begin the chevyotic hills that serve as a natural geographic border with Scotland. Steep mountains, low green valleys, mysterious lakes, became inspiration for many poets and artists, including Wordsworth and Beatris Potter lived here.

Lake District (Lyzhard region) is the most visited from all 14 National National Reserves of Great Britain. The entire territory of the park is fully located in the Cumbria mountain region, at an altitude of more than 3,000 feet (~ 900 meters) above sea level, this area is the highest in England. Also on the territory of the reserve is the mountain of Skofel-Pike, which is the highest point of England.

Lake Distertik (Lake District) Streamed 55 km in width. The territory of the park was formed as a result of glaciation, which ended 15 thousand years ago. The park includes, formed as a result of the impact of glaciers, wide valleys that have a U-shaped form, in most of which today are located many lakes, it is their abundance and gave the name of the park. In the most sublime areas there are carot lakes. Higher mountains have a rocky structure, lower hills represent the drowning wasteland, covered with a fern and heather. Below is a wooded area where vintage oaks are adjacent to the pine. Most of the terrain occupy the swamps, which is a consequence of frequent rains. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe park is 2292 square meters. km.

This place on the border with Scotland and to this day retained its splendor and deservedly considered the natural miracle of Great Britain. In the lake edge there are 16 large lakes and a lot of small, there are robust, streams, ponds and waterfalls. All of them are hiding among the hills, which the British themselves are proudly called mountains. The highest "mountain" of this edge (and the whole of the UK) - SCAFFEL PIKE - raised its top of 970 meters. In these places, you can find at least 25 hills, the height of each of which exceeds 800 meters.

The United Kingdom's national parks differ significantly from similar places in other countries. Their originality is that the territories are not some abandoned areas distant from major cities. They are well-maintained areas in the suburbs, where everything is aimed at preserving natural values \u200b\u200band reunion with them. Most national parks in the country are very similar to Botanical Gardens or huge city parks.

This park was opened in 1992 and since then is one of the most popular vacation places in Manchester. This green corner of Great Britain is divided into several territories that have separate destinations. It can not only take a walk under shady trees, but to do sports. The special zone is equipped with tennis and basketball courts, there is a football field. There are equally well the time for not only representatives of local youth, but also families with children of all ages.

Perhaps the most romantic park of the park can be considered an artificial lake located in the center. Next to him often gather in love with couples to admire the landscape. Layers, water lilies, lotuses grow on the lake, and during their flowering, air is filled with an amazing aroma. Perhaps the shores of the lake in the park Platt Fields see every day not one hundred confessions.

The western part of the park area is designed for the most active visitors. This is from all over Manchester, and sometimes the UK, lovers of seaming and bicycles of the VMH come. For them, there are a lot of springboard levels of difficulty, both for experienced and beginner athletes. On Extremes here come here and just attend. In addition, the park is a great place for picnics: there are many picturesque places in it, where you can retire, and playgrounds to take children


As many as 650 kilometers almost untouched man of nature. The terrain is hilly, swollen places, rich in rocks and valleys, a huge variety of representatives of local flora and fauna. Here you can be alone with you, wander through the deserted expanses. Darmur is a place where archaeological excavations are often conducted. Druid stones and the ancient mounds dating from 2000-500 BC were found.

A third of the park occupy the swamps. They are covered with peat layer. By the way, the events of the novel "Dog Baskerville" about Sherlock Holmes occur here. Walking here you can meet animals - cows, sheep and wild pony. Local floral world is equally rich: marsh grass, moss, heather, reeds are surprised.

This place is still from 1897 is a home isna known far beyond the UK club "Aston Villa". During this time, this stadium adopted 16 matches of international level with the England team. By the way, in the country this is the only stadium, where international football fights spend the third century. This isna assigned the fourth higher qualifications UEFA.

Villa Park was not always like this: initially it was planned to carry out non-football matches, but annular races. But in 1914, the running cover was removed, and the stadium acquired a modern one. It consists of four tribunes:

  • "Holt & End";
  • "Trinity Road Stand";
  • "Doug Ellis Stand".

Interestingly, it was here that the last finals of the Cup Cup (1998) were held.

It is necessary to visit here if you want to know what classic park in the UK is. There is a prior park in the city of Bat. The poet named Alexander Pole made a ideological inspirer to create this place, whereas he was performed by the Izel Gardener Brown. Financing the birth of the park Ralph Allen, who was an entrepreneur and philanthroper at the same time. From 1734, he began to invest his own funds in the arises of the Park, continuing to his death (1764).

In total in the first three years (by the 1937th), more than 55 thousand trees were planted in the valley (mostly elite and pines). The lower part of the park strongly modified: new artificial ponds with fish were dug. Through one of the lakes, the bridge was paced, taking as a basis the project Andrea Palladio (in general worldwide such bridges only four). In the 1740s, Architect John Wood created a mansion here in the best traditions of classic style (today he refers to the Park College Park).

The historians from all over the UK come here to come here, since on the territory of the park you can see the remains of the settlement of the time of the Iron Age, an ancient Roman settlement, Mrs. Allen and the Gothic Cathedral. On the territory you can always find guides-volunteers who willingly turn a walk in a cognitive journey. You will have to come to the park by public transport, since the parking for the car is calculated only on people with special needs.

This is a beautiful amusement park in the UK, located in the resort town of Brin. The total area of \u200b\u200bits order is 4 hectares, they are all filled with attractions, cafes, restaurants, entertainment centers. It's not just here, where to walk: the park will allow everyone to return to childhood and get unforgettable impressions. Nearby is a good concert venue, which is the famous artists.

In the Brean Leisure Park (United Kingdom), some fragments of the film "Accident" took off.

It was founded back in 1946, immediately after the end of World War II. Once in his place was the Farm Unity Farm. Over time, in the 1970s, they justified the Golf Course, and after another 20 years - Swimming pool, Bowlling and Bar. 2006 became decisive for the park: there were many modern attractions. Their total cost was 1.2 million pounds of sterling at that time.

This place is perfect for family holidays. Here you can take a walk along the terror Castle horror castle or test yourself on XFactory karting. But the raisins are waiting for the highest attraction xtreme in the park. From this place is waiting for new paints and exacerbation of feelings, and expectations with interest are justified.


Botanical garden Kew

Great fame in England and beyond the garden in Kew, Kew Gardens, or The Royal Botanic Gardens (Area 120 hectares). It houses one of the largest botanical centers.

This garden was founded in 1670 by a specialist in herbs, the author of treatises on Botanic William Turner (about 1510 - 1568). After his death, the garden switched to Lord Khal, who began to grow fruit plants brought from France.

The garden combined two royal possessions: his Eastern part occupied the land of Kew House (founded in the middle of the XVII century, the oranges were grown here in England), and Western-lands Richmond Gardens. Kew was separated from Richmond the so-called trop of love.

Richmond's garden was created under the care of the Queen of Carolina. Bridgemen, the most fashionable landscape architect, when planning the garden, took into account the natural nature of the terrain.

Frederick, Prince Wales, in 1730 rented these lands. Frederick's wife, Princess Augustus, decided to give the garden a botanical character. To work in the garden were brought to William Kent, and then William Ayon. Ayon sent scientific expeditions to foreign countries Behind the nerds of botany plants. In 1789, Ayto issued a book, which listed 5,500 species of plants grown in Kew.

George III (1760-1820) - the new owner of the garden - I decided to re-post it. For this work, he invited Brown, and later - who was passionate about the botany Sir Joseph Banks. Joseph Banks went swimming along with the captain of Cup, sent plants collectors to India, China, Chile and other countries. On his recommendation, about 7,000 new plant species were delivered to England. Becks for the year grown rare specimens during the year, and then shared with other specialists. After the death of George III and Banks, the garden came to decline.

An important role in the garden layout was played by architect William Chembers (1723-1796). A landscape park was created on his project.

The initiator of the creation of a landscape fleet was the architect-Palladian William Kent. In the 1730s, he laid a landscape park in Rosegham's estate in Oxfordshire.

English landscape, or landscaped, the park is something completely opposite to the French regular park. Art historian M. Sokolova writes: "It is not powerful subordination of the natural forms of the laws of the mind, and the skillfully created illusion of" naturalness "becomes the main creative task of a new generation of English gardeners. And this is not by chance: after all, the fact that the new type of park is in life precedes and contributes to a completely definite intricacies in the English society of the early XVIII century. "

In the purest form, this type of park is presented in the works of Lancelot Brown (1715-1785), which is called to Kapacki Brown due to the fact that he, talking to customers, repeated all the time: "Your plot has great opportunities" (in English " capabilities.“).

W. Chembers found the style of Brown too boring: "In the English garden, the viewer often does not know whether he wanders on an ordinary meadow or an entersive garden, so accurately imitating nature. So little there is a variety and such a lack of judgment in choosing objects, such poverty of imagination, that the visitor misses the most confused, the beautiful lines will curse, until finally, overwhelmed by the fatigue, burned due to lack of shadows and semi-mortality due to lack of entertainment, solves anything no longer watch. In vain intention. There is only one trail, according to it, he must drag to the end or go through the same tedious road in which he was in the opposite direction. And to achieve this, the mass of beautiful gardens should be cut down. Often within one day, the ax cut down the age-old groves. "

Chember is developing the principles of Eastern, namely Chinese, Garden. It offers the type of so-called park with surprises: miniature temples, arbors, bridges. Among the existing and reindeer surprises in Ku, the Chinese 50-meter height pagoda (in ten floors) uses the most accuracy of the proportions and details of these pagodas. This building was built by Chember in 1762, which is very symbolic - then in England an increased interest in the art of overseas countries was noted. Here were the temples of the Sun, Bellee, Pan, ash, Mosque, Ruins of the Gothic Church, etc.

The authors of the book "Art of the XVIII century" write: "The expansion of connections with the East stimulated in England, as well as in other European countries, the emergence in the 40s of the XVIII century fashion on the so-called" Chinese ", which appeared essentially superficial and relatively short-term passion for Eastern exotic, which was especially widespread In applied art. As for Chembers, his approach to the art of the East was deeper than many of his contemporaries. In Eastern Art, Chembers saw the same embodiment of the laws of natural beauty and the naturalness, which his contemporaries saw in the ancient art. The East's passion so did not prevent him from developing the principles of Palladio, which he applied in his architectural practice. "

Chember was born in Gothenburg in the Scottish merchant family. Having received a commercial education, he entered the service in the Swedish-Indian company. At the twentieth age, William visited India and China, where the sketches of Indian and Chinese buildings constantly did. Soon he decided to devote himself to architecture and went to study in Paris.

For the first time, the new "Chinese style" Chambers applied in the Parkstone Castle Park in Oxfordshire. And then the architect has gained access to the estate of Prince Welsh in Kew. From this point on (1758-1759) he began planning famous gardens.

A new type of English park art influenced the whole of Europe. On continent, Chambers style was called "Anglo-Chinese", or style "parks with surprises". In 1763, Chembers issued a description of Kew. And in 1772, when the taste of Chinese began to weaken, the treatise on East Gardening published.

In 1841, the garden in Kew was transformed into the National Botanical Garden, William Hucker was appointed his director.

Later, Hoker changed his son - Joseph Dalton (he traveled in India and brought new types of Rhododendron to England). In 1882, Miss Marianna North gave the garden collection of 850 paintings with the image of plants and colors.

Many exotic plants were grown in Kew's botanical garden, which later found distribution in Europe (tea, coffee, cocoa, rubberos, pineapple, banana, chinnaya tree). At the beginning of the XVIII century, a yellow tubacht was brought in England, Chinese carnation, Astra Chinese, Veronika Long-Column, Chinese, Georgine, Sage. At the beginning of the XIX century, calendariums, phlox, fragrant musk, decorative currant appeared here. Mermer of tea RIVS brought Chinese Peonies, Camellia and Azaleas to Kew. German Philip von Zibold brought many Japanese plants here. In the second half of the XIX century, a greenhouse was built in the garden for huge water lilies, and then for alpine plants. There is a large collection of Himalayan Rhododendrons in the Garden.

IN late XIX. - The beginning of the 20th century in the Royal Botanical Garden Kew from Africa was delivered to gladiolus (it was on this continent that the most species of these colors). Genofond Gladiolus, collected in Kew, later became the property and other botanical gardens of Europe and North America.

Interest in these plants was so large that in 1926, the British Society of Gladiolusovodov, the first in Europe and the world, whose president became George Chercher was created at the Royal Gardening Society.

Sayon House is also one of the oldest and famous Gardens of the UK. Behind the house of the garden owner, the first Duke of Northumberland, is a water branch where wild ducks and herons live, and in front of the house there is a huge park. In this park, the cedar of the Himalayan, ancient copy of stirass, kiparis marsh, many oaks grow. In the garden Garden collected blooming annual plants. Here in 1855, for the first time in England, Mangunist formed fruits. In the garden pavilion, everything necessary for horticultural lovers (planting material, garden tools, books) was sold.

The garden of the Bodanant in North Wales, next to the Snowdon Mountain, is famous for terraced landings and lawns. Here we grow roses of a wide variety of varieties, garden lilies, primroses. A collection of rhododendrons and magnolias is collected in the garden, growing amazing white Chinese eukripses, scarlet embhotrums growing.

Namaens Handcross's garden is famous for a collection of rhododendrons, blooming shrubs, coniferous plants and a collection of hybrid lilies.

In the Garden Garden in Kent, a large collection of Japanese cherries (200 species) was collected, rhododendrons and azaleas are also growing here.

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The unique landmark of Great Britain is the Bempton Cliffs Reserve, specializing in the breeding of seabirds. He stretched out 10 kilometers in coastal zone Eastern Yorkshire, and in some places reaches more than 100 meters in height.

BEMPTON cliffs is the nesting site of more than 200 thousand seabirds, including cormorants, deadlocks, as well as the only Gannets bird colony. BEMPTON rigid chalk cliffs are relatively resistant to erosion and has many protected capes and gaps suitable for bird nesting. Convenient passages along the top of the rock are equipped here, as well as there are several fenced and well-protected observation points. On the territory of the reserve there is a tourist center engaged in the organization of fascinating excursions in the picturesque corners of the BEMPTON cliffs. From the top of the cliffs, you can watch one of the largest colony of seabirds in the UK and admire the breathtaking seas, beating the waves about high rocks.

On the territory of the reserve there is a cafe and a souvenir shop that is popular with visitors.