The influence of the Golden Horde on the development of Russian lands. How the Golden Horde influenced the Russian tactics of wars the consequences of the influence of the Golden Horde on Russia

Sergeeva Olga Evgenievna

3rd year student, Department of Museum, FGBOU VPO "UlgPu them. I.N. Ulyanova ", Ulyanovsk

Shinkarova Natalia Vladimirovna

scientific leader, Cand. philol. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Museum, FGBOU VPO "UlgPu them. I.N. Ulyanova ", Ulyanovsk


This work is devoted to the study of the influence of the culture of the Golden Horde on the culture of ancient Russia.

The study of the history of the Golden Horde was engaged in many scientists of the XIX-XX centuries, such as N.M. Karamzin, S.M. Solovyov, V.O. Klyuchevsky, S.F. Platonov, P.N. Savitsky, A.N. At the same time, the theme of the cultural heritage of the Tatar-Mongolian state was practically ignored.

Relevance of work : By virtue of the multinationality of our country and culture, non-decreasing acuteness of the national issue, problems of tolerance, as well as the revival of religions - Islam and Christianity in Russia, after the atheism of the Soviet period, there is a need to study two cultures. In modern social thought, everything is sharply understood by the fact that living near hundreds of years, our cultures (culture of the ancestors of Tatar-Mongol and the culture of Slavs), although they remained very different, but still had mutual influence on each other. In particular, in this paper, the effect of Tatar-Mongol on the culture of ancient Russia is considered.

§ 1. To the question of studying the history of the Golden Horde. (Ulus juchi)

The lands of the Golden Horde were: the lands of southeastern Europe from the Dnieper to the East, considering the Crimea and Bulgar, the average and the lower Volga region, the South Urals, the North Caucasus to Derbend, North Khorezm, Western Siberia. City Barn ("Palace"), located in the lower reaches of the Volga, was the capital of the Golden Horde.

Ancient Russia was not part of the Golden Horde, and fell into a vassal dependence - the population of the state paid tribute and submitted to the orders of Khan.

In the middle of the XIV century The Golden Horde was one of the biggest states in Europe and Asia. Historically, this colossal semi-state semi-bedroom existed for long - about 200 years. The most simple was the Golden Horde State Device. The unity of the horde was kept on a cruel terror system.

The fall of the golden horde was predetermined by the following signs: a huge territory inhabited by peoples with disrescribed culture, religion and customs, separatist trends and endless troubles (so, in 1361, six khans were changed at the Goldenopinsky throne, and after 1362, the Golden Horde actually broke into Two parts whose border was Volga), fierce campaign Tamerlan in 1395, Kulikovsky battle and etc.

§ 2. Manifestations of the influence of the Golden Horde in different regions of modern Russian culture.

The negative consequences of the Mongol-Tatar invasion are known to everyone, so in this work we will not stop on this issue. And we will immediately move on to the positive consequences of the cultural influence of the Golden Horde.

2.1. Elements of Russian household culture, formed under the goldside influence.

For 200 years, Mongolian IHO has introduced transformation into all spheres of life of Russian society. Providing its changes to life, clothing, decorations, in the sphere of construction and the sphere of trade relations. In the whole culture as a whole.

Clothing changed: Long white Slavic shirts and long pants were replaced. golden cafts, colorful sharovari and safyanovy boogam. The use of such women's decorations as beads, beads, sinks, etc. entered.

They brought to Russian culture scores, and now does not know the West, felt boots, pelmeni, coffee, the identity of the Russian and Asian carpentry and carpentry tool, the similarity of the walls of Kremlin Beijing (Khan-Balyk) and Moscow and other cities - all this influence of the East.

Thanks to Mongolian dominion on a huge territory, Muslim sciences and crafts were transferred to the Far East, the invention of the Chinese and their administrative arts became the west.

The influence of the East on Russian culture is brightly affected by dance. While in the West in the dance there should be a couple - ladies and cavaliers, in the dances of Russian and eastern peoples it does not matter. Move movements are given a scope for improvisation. Similar to the eastern dance, the Russian dance is rather the nature of the contest in agility, flexibility and rhythm of the body.

Noting all the above, it is possible to establish as a historical fact that Mongolian dominion in Asia and Europe contributed not to a fall, but to some extent the rise of the culture of Russia.

2.2. Words come from the Golden Horde

Accommodation in the neighborhood and constant interaction of Russians with Tatar-Mongols could not affect the language. It, as well as other areas of life, touched out significant changes. Under the influence of the Golden Horde, a lot of Turkic words came to the Russian language.

Somewhere the fifth sixth of the vocabulary of Turkic origin. They have long been an integral part of the Russian language, and we are not regarded as borrowed.

A lot of Mongolian words belonging to the state (Cossack, Kaul, label) and economic (treasury, Tamga (from where Custom), product) are preserved. Other borrowing belong to such areas as construction (tin, brick, shack), decorations (turquoise, pearls, earring), garden (watermelon, rhubarb), fabrics (hawk, felt, mitkal, braid), clothes and shoes (shoe, caftan , Kushak, Fata, stocking, pants). Some other borrowings of this period: Badger, Bulat, pencil, dagger, target, elephant, cockroach, prison.

Watermelon(borrowing. Through Kypch. χarbuz, tour, Crimea.-Tat. Karpuz, from Persian. χarbūza, χarbuza - melon) - big, round, juicy, sweet fruit vegetable plant from the pumpkin family.

Brick(borrowing from Turk.: Wed. tour. Kirpiǯ, Tat. Kirpič "Brick", Azerb. Kärpχič) - artificial stone, manufactured in the form of burned clay bars and used for buildings.

Cockroach(Turk. Taraqan) - a straight-hole omnivore insect, harm in the household.

Many of these words are so relatives and familiar that it is impossible to think

that they are not Slavic origin. Nevertheless, they have long been in everyday life and are not considered foreign.

2.3. Proverbs and sayings about the time of Mongol-Tatar yga

The long period of interaction between Russia with the Golden Horde could not not leave his mark and in the folklore of the Russian people. From the Inomers the most significant block of proverbs is devoted to Tatars, which the Russian person is associated with the Mongol-Tatar invasion and the subsequent IGM. In proverbs and sayings, people complain about Mongolian yoke.

The following work was used as the main source: Proverbs of the Russian People. Collection of V. Daly in two volumes. - M. Artistic literature. 1984.

"Bay all the Tatar is going" (lift anxiety, to concern, make sure).

"This is a judiculance" (memory of the Tatar government; violence, arbitrariness).

"Early Tatars on Russia go"

"Unilles only Tatars take"

"I do not wish and evil Tatarin" (so bad).

"The evil evil of the Tatar honor" (in the sense that the price of grace of enemy is too large, is unresarous for a noble, decent person)

"Uninvited guest worse than Tatar" (usually referred to the annoyance of a person who came to visit without an invitation or not in time; as a rule, for the eyes)

"Evil Tatar" (very angry)

"Many things have done the troubles - Khan Crimean, and Pope"

"Senior and in Horde worship"

"Do not teach the white swan to swim and Boyarsky Son with Tatars beat"

"Empty, like mom passed" (Option: here as if Mamay fought)

"Real Mamaevo Boy"

"Oster Sword, but some schish: Tatars in the Crimea, and dad in Lithuania"

"It's time to go to Tatars (enemies) to go to Russia"

"And Sitty Tatars take" (dishonest)

2.4. Families that came from the Golden Horde

A fair part of Russian nobles ( about 15%.) He considered his founders from the Golden Horde. Most of them fled to the patronage of the Moscow Sovereign during the Great Troubles (Great Jam) in the Golden Horde, which lasted from 1359 to 1380.

The influence of the servant of the Turkic nobility on the history of Russia is difficult to overestimate. The immigrants from this medium even became the state orders of All Russia. For example, the king Ivan groznyj Was Tatar for Mother, baptized Tatar Elena GlynskayaAnd this circumstance was used by him when conquering Kazan, in the struggle for the Kazan throne.

Many researchers appealed to the problem of the emergence of Tatar surnames, among which are the most fully and in detail two scientists: historian S.B. Veselovsky in his book "Onomastics. Old Russian names, nicknames and surnames "and N.A. Baskakov in the book "Russian surnames of Turkic origin". Their work and archival documents were used in the Lomonosov Lomonosov Research Center, I did not use the full list of research center in my work.

The most famous names of Russian history, released from the Golden Horde:

1. Bunins(approx. Russian writer, poet - Bunin Ivan Alekseevich) from the Bunin Progududa Mikhailovich (died in 1595), the grandfather of which, who came out of the Horde to Ryazan Princes, received the land in the Ryazhsky district

2. Karamzins(approx. Writer, Poet, historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin) In the official genealogy, the origin of the name from Tatar Murza was noted by Kara Murza. The etymology of the nickname of the surname of Karamza - Karamurza is quite transparent: Kara "Black", Murza ~ Mirza "Mr., Prince."

3. Rachmaninov (approx. Russian composer Sergey Vasilyevich Rakhmaninov) from Rakhman (from Arab-Musulm. Rahman "Mostly") from the Horde.

4. Scriabines(approx. Russian composer and pianist - Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin) from Sokur Beea from Horde. The etymology of Sokur Bee is transparent Turkic - "Blind Bay."

5. Turgenevia(approx. Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev) from Murza Turgene Lion (Arslan), who came out about 1440 from the Horde to Lie. kn. Vasily Ivanovich. The last name Turgenev has a completely obvious Turkic-Mongolian basis - a qualitative adjective Turgen Mongolsk. "Fast", "fast", "rush", "hot-tempered."

6. Languages(approx. Famous poet, friend Pushkin Nikolai Mikhailovich languages) from the Nagulya Language from the Golden Horde. The release time, obviously, should be attributed to the eroad of the XIV-XV centuries, as in the XV century of languages, like Russian noblemen, are already well known

And many other scientists, the military, writers were from childbirth, whose founders once left the Golden Horde.


During the studies, it was possible to come to the following conclusions:

For 200 years, Mongolian IHO has made changes to all spheres of life of Russian society - socio-economic, political, cultural. The transformation touched Russian national clothes, jewelry, construction and sphere of trade relations.

In general, the process of traditions of the Kiev state was interrupted. But with all the tragedy, the era of Mongolian conquest was not simple and unequivocal. Scientists did not come to one opinion, as each phenomenon has the pros and cons. Therefore, an absolutely negative attitude towards Mongolian conquest and everything that is connected with it, it seems not quite legitimate. To some extent, Mongolian dominion in Asia and Europe contributed not to a fall, but the rise of the culture of Russia.

The invasion of the Golden Horde brought a lot of trouble. Cities collapsed, the population of hunger, fires and arrows. Many crafts disappeared, some of them are lost forever. Many monuments of antiquity culture died. But the country, by historical standards, quickly recovered. And on the site of the old culture there was a new, updated and complemented by the tributaries of Eastern cultures.

The language has been updated as the story will show, relevant words. Many of whom do not seem borrowed now.

Russian to know strongly added during the rule of Tatar-Mongol. About 15% of Russian nobility gods considered their founders of immigrants from the Golden Horde. Their influence on the history of Russia is difficult to overestimate. Famous scientists, musicians, writers, state and military figures, etc., were impossible to submit Russia from that medium.

Summing up this work, it should once again emphasize that the study of this topic cannot be one-sided, and an assessment of the influence of the Golden Horde on Russian culture is unequivocal.


  1. Baskakov N.A. Russian surnames of Turkic origin. - M.: Science, 1980. - 279 p.
  2. Balkhanov A.N., Gorinov M.M. History of Russia from ancient times until the end of the XX century. In 3-kN. - KN. I: History of Russia from ancient times until the end of the XVII century. - M.: Act, 2001. - 325 s.
  3. Dal V.I. Proverbs of the Russian people. In 2 tons. - M. Artistic literature. 1984. - 196 p.
  4. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 t. T. 1 / Ed. D.N. Ushakov. Reprint edition. - M., 2000. - 424 p.
  5. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 t. T. 3 / Ed. D.N. Ushakov. Reprint edition. - M., 2000. - 432 p.
  6. Fasmer M. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language: In 4 T.: Pen. with it. IS HE. Trubachev - 4th ed., Stereotype. - M.: AST, 2004. - T. 2. - 671 p.
  7. Erenzhen Hara Davan. Genghis Khan as a commander and his heritage. 2nd ed. - Elista: Kalm. kn. Publishing house, 1991.

In the first half of the XIII century, Rus is collapsed at the same time as sparkling Tatar sabers and heavy German swords. Rus turns out to be sandwiched between two fronts - between East and the West, the Russian people are broken by the lots. Specific patriotism is reigning in it (for example, in the battle of the Lipic River, Novgorod killed over 9 thousand szdaltsev). Under these conditions, Russia is unable to save either defeat on the City River, nor the victory on the Lake Church - too organized and purposefully the enemy both in the West and East.

However, between the East and the West, between Mongol - Tatars and Crusaders there is a distinction not only in armament, tactics and external inference.

- Crusaders eradicate the Orthodox faith, considering her heretical, and the Mongols do not touch neither churches, nor monasteries, nor clergymen;

- Crusaders take the conquered land, turning her inhabitants to serfs, and the Mongols have nothing to do in the Zalessian principalities of Northeast Russia;

Thus, the frank goal of the Crusaders is the complete elimination of Orthodoxy as the heresy and the annexation of the principalities professing the Byzantine faith, the Mongols did not put on the seizure of Russian principalities, their task was to destroy Polovtsy and the seizure of the Earth.

In the created conditions, the only exit found by Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and was brilliantly implemented by the son Alexander Nevsky - the election of the Uzdinsky policy, military-political vassalite from Mongol-Tatars against the West ("Politics from trouble in the East, for faith from the West," Solovyov CM.)

And what did this exit meant for the people? The breaking of age-old traditions and stereotypes, the reorientation of the entire historical heritage, the rejection of European ties and the change in the vector of cultural development of Russia by 180 degrees - from the west to the East. The battlefields were transformed into the domlomatic negotiations, the world comes to Russian land, but this world demanded a fundamental change found by the people's meaning of existence. There was a wreck of the European orientation of Russian culture, and Alexander Nevsky, a brilliant commander of that era, made a reformer of the age-old, habitual nationwide meaning of existence. It was a protracted and painful process. Nevsky had to become twinned by the eldest son of Batiya - Khan Sartak, support the battleship itself in his struggle for the Khan throne, to issue an antitastar conspiracy of his brother Andrei, to provide the Tatar census of the population in Russia, including the Novgorod lands, not broken by the Mongols, to organize the recruitment of volunteers in the Mongolian army and T.P. All this was blocked by the age-old traditions and habits of the people, prepared him to develop new cultural principles and as a result - to gaining another nationwide meaning of existence.

For the salvation of the Russian people, Nevsky paid a huge price: he laid the "iron curtain" between us and our natural, historical and ethnically determined parent nest, launching our cultural and economic development from the west to the East. Then we will look for ways through the Russian north, cutting windows to Europe, restore it again, both in the form of the Berlin Wall, and in yourself, ourselves, swinging from duality and drowning in the muddy depths of nationalism.

History is a merciless lender: it requires a fee for the prefabricated descendants and with great interest.

Ordane Igo without a small two and a half TRAIN TRAINED RUSSIAN Earth. "No in the history of medieval Russia, the era is terrible than the tragic XIII century," said Academician V. Yanin.

The main reasons for the defeat of Russia from Mongol-Tatars were:

1. The disastrous consequences of specific fragmentation and disunity of Russian princes and lands. The country, divided into many independent, often hostile princes, could not prepare for defense.

2. Strengthening cities were built for defense from neighboring Russian principalities, and not from steppe nomads. The main mass of Russian troops was a militia - urban and rural warriors, inferior to Mongol-Tatars in service and combat skills. Hence the defensive tactic, designed to exhaust the enemy forces. Each princess was the desperate resistance to the conquerors on his own and died alone.

3. As well as the Mongol-Tatar army possessed numerical superiority. Battered exposed from 140-150 thousand soldiers, and all of Russia could collect no more than 100 thousand at that time. There was no single command. Princely equestrian squads for armament and combat qualities exceeded the Mongol-Tatar Connection, but compared to it were few.

The crushed, depressed and devastated Russian land became the "ulus" of Tatar Khan. The power of Tatar Khan did not cancel and did not replace the authorities of the Russian princes, but lay on top of this power: Russian princes survived after the Tatar pogrom should have recognized the Supreme Power of Khan and then received confirmation of their ownership rights. The power of Russian princes over the population of their lands is not only preserved, but also intensified, for now she relied on the external huge strength of Tatar Khan. The prince, who collided with the folk disconunciation, to achieve obedience, it was worth only to treat the Mongols to call, and this approach easily moved into a habit.

Mongolian Khan became the first indisputable personal sovereign of the country. In Russian documents after 1240, it is usually referred to as "king" or "Caesar", previously these titles were intended to be the emperor of Byzantium.

Mongol-Tatars did not eliminate Russian princes, did not create their dynasty in Russia, as it was in the conquered Persia. They did not have a constant governor or governors with certain functions. Baskaki was prescribed sporadically, in certain places, did not have control functions, and mostly observed the collection of Dani. The management remained in the hands of Russian princes, but the right to inherit power was lost. None of the prince could not enter the power, without having a preliminary lead, "a label". To get a shortcut, the specific princes had to go to the barn, and sometimes even in the Karakorum-Capital of Mongolia. There it was necessary to make a special ritual - to go through the Mongolian clothes between the two fires and the crankshaftically ask for a diploma on his lot. Sometimes they were subjected to monstrous bullying, and other princes parted in Saraj with life. "Labels" were distributed literally from the auction where he won the one who promised more money and people and better than others guaranteed that he could keep the population in obedience. Princes, under the influence of the moment, speaking on the side of the people against the collectors of Dani, immediately brought the Khan kara. In these circumstances, a certain process of natural selection began to operate, in which the most unprincipled and ruthless, others went to the bottom.

Unlike the countries of Central Asia, the Caspiani and the Northern Black Sea region, Mongol-Tatars refused to directly incorporate Russian lands to the Golden Horde and create their permanent administration on them. The dependence of Russia from Mongolian Chanov was mainly expressed in a severe Dani, which was covered by the entire population of conquered Russian lands (with the exception of the clergy).

The collection of Dani from the Russian population was instructed by Tatar officials - backers and danutors. They came to Russia accompanied by armed guards. In 1257, Mongol-Tatars took the population census for the layout of Dani. In the cities sent non-smoked merchants, who, paying the Hanu that the amount required with the famous area was sent, then with the previously charged it from the population. The size of Dani was very large, only one "Tsareva Dan" in favor of Khan was 1.300 kg of silver per year. The permanent tribute was complemented by requests with one-time charges in favor of Khan. In addition, deductions from shopping duties, tax "for the maintenance of khansky officials were accounted for the Khan Kazna. There were only 14 species of Dani in favor of Tatars.

From payments to the heavy Tatar Dani and "exit", the whole Russian clergy with church people was delivered. It should be noted that the Tatars treated with full religion to all religions, and the Russian Orthodox Church not only did not tolerate any oppression from the Khans, but, on the contrary, Russian metropolitans received special preferential "Tarkhan diplomas" from the Khanov, which were provided by the rights and privileges of clergy and integrity church property.

Ordans not without reason considered the church with their ally. First, the Russian church fought against the influence of Catholicism, and Pope was the enemy of the Golden Horde. Secondly, the Church in Russia in the initial period of IGA supported the princes leading to the Paint Policy. Later, the church played a significant role in the cohesion of all Russian people to fight for independence.

It should be noted that the impact of yoke on the most different aspects of Russian life turned out to be much more extensively the very fact of legal dependence on the Mongols. Currently accumulated by the volume of knowledge about the Russian-Horde relations in the XIII-XV centuries. Allows you to give the following assessment of the influence of conquerors on various sides of the ancient Russian civilization.

The Ordane Igo began to slow down the economic development of Russia, destroyed the craft and agriculture, undermined Russian culture. Mongol invasion led to the fall of the role of cities in Russia's political and economic life. A significant number of cities turned out to be destroyed, launched Kiev, in which no more than 200 houses are left. Of the 74 cities of Russia in the XII-XIII centuries. About 50 were broken by Mongols, in 14 of them, life was never resumed, and 15 cities turned into a village. Due to the destruction of cities, the death of qualified craftsmen disappeared for a long time in the fire of fires and in captivity of qualified artisans, the urban construction was suspended, visual and applied arts began to decline.

From the agricultural turnover, colossal areas of arable black earth lands were displayed, which turned into a deserted "wild field". The population, avoiding extermination, captivity and slavery, rushed to the north, in safer edges. There was a mass movement of agricultural culture from regions with a relatively favorable climate and fertile soil into non-black-earth, less convenient territories.

- Mongolian Igo led to the actual separation of Northeast and South-Western Russia. In the XIV first XV centuries. The Southern and Western Russian lands were included in the Great Lithuanian Principality and Partially Polish Kingdom. Russian statehood has been preserved in the Vladimir-Suzdal and Novgorod Earth (under the vassalytics of the Horde). As a result, the existence of a single Old Russian nationality has ceased. In the territory of Northeast and North-Western Russia, Russian nationality begins to develop, and on the lands, which included in Lithuania and Poland - Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalities.

- IHO promoted a sharp decline to the objective role and the political authority of Russia in the international arena. The geographical and political separation of Eastern Russia from Europe created the wall of mutual alienation and misunderstanding, a kind of "iron curtain". The Eastern Rus who was under the rule of Tatars turned into the consciousness of the unreoughthable Europeans in Tataria. There was a blow to the trade relations of Russia with the West: trading with foreign countries was preserved only at Novgorod, Pskov, Polotsk, Vitebsk and Smolensk. External communications of Russian lands were largely reoriented to the East.

- the most serious consequence of invasion, along with the loss of Russian lands of sovereignty, was estimated by V.O. Klyuchevsky, their "moral ruin" (awareness of people's own impotence in the face of military power of conquerors).

- As a result of the invasion, the development of feudalism is slowed down, including the process of the formation of military land ownership. There is a conservation of state forms of operation, in many respects associated with the need to find funds for the payment of Dani in the Horde. The most important duty of the princes was to ensure the receipt of tribute and taxes. Initially, the tribute was appointed in kind (bear skins, fox, sable, and then silver, on average 15 thousand rubles a year. What is behind this number? In those days, it was possible to buy 20 sheep on the ruble of silver. A large village with peasants and an astonished Bar region cost only a few tens of rubles.

- The influence of the Tatars on the internal political relations in the Russian principalities affected the strengthening of the princely power over the population and further weakening the elder or democratic element in Northeast Russia, in the growth of despotism. The yoke has turned the princes in the vassals of Mongolian Khanov. The invasion of Tatars for the first time introduced the Russian princes with the authorities, with which one cannot enter into an agreement, which must be obeyed, of course. Mongolian khans had no need to enter into an agreement with the people. They are strong enough to order him. Could the friendly relationship be freely developed if the princes themselves were "servants" of Mongolian khans? In science, it was noted that the degree of democraticness of the entire feudal society depended on the nature of the relations within the dominant class, this pattern helps to understand why the Russian princes of the Washashals obliged to unlocked the will of Khan in the new conditions, could not be reconciled with the independence of the older squad, with her rights. Mongolian society has been permeated with tough subordination relations. The authorities of the Supreme Ruler was nobody and unlimited. By becoming servants of Khan, the Russian princes absorbed this spirit of the Empire, the unquestionous humility of the subjects and the limitless power of the rulers.

- Mongol invasion affected the composition of the warriors. They died first. During the invasion, the bulk of the landowners of the landowners was physically exterminated. The death of the dominant class played a colossal role in choosing a political path of development of Russia. In Ryazan land, 9 of 12 Prince died, from three Rostov princes - two, out of 9 Suzdal, 5. The percentage of dead warriors was not less. The destruction of most of the prevailing class indicates and the resulting invasion of social regression. After the Ordane invasion, a place was cleared for the heyday of a new nobility that was already on the basis of the relationship of citizenship. New know arises on the princely yard. The noblemen (yard, the servants of the prince) become feudal owners, receiving land from Prince land awards (estate). These are the people of the yard and consult with them there is no need for them, they have enough order.

- In the Domongolian period, the Old Russian cities had their own special rights and liberty and in the future, they should have conquered even greater freedom. Evening in the cities was the usual thing. It invited princes to the prince, and happened and expelled, the evening institute relied on the tradition of the community. For its development, it was necessary to fight with princes, which did not like such a restriction of their power. Ordans almost periodically destroyed Russian cities. The entire last quarter of the XIII century is full of punitive expeditions. According to the estimates of V.Qaralov over the past 25 years of the XIII century. The horde spent at least 15 major hikes. Many cities were destroyed again and again. Pereyaslavl-Zalessky - 4 times, Murom, Suzdal, Ryazan - 3 times, Vladimir - 2 times. Under these conditions, the consolidation of princes and citizens turned out to be a consolidation, and not confrontation with them. The role I was the value of the prince in the conditions of constant external danger incredibly increased, which led to the suppression of urban liberties. The townspeople themselves were interested in a strong prince capable of protecting them. Thus, the Ordan Igo in the confrontation of vassal-friendly and princely - the subdigital relations contributed to the victory of the latter.

- After the Golden Town invasion, "Mongolian law" was established in Russia, on which the whole land belonged to Khan, i.e. The carrier of the highest military state power. Private land owners Golden Horde did not know. The conquered Russian princes, did not owe more by their principalities, which ceased to be their property, and each time they received from the Horde, bring tribute, "labels" - the right to the reign and management. It was this principle of land ownership that took over Moscow Rus from Tatars. Only from the end of the XVIII century, in Russia, land private ownership was established for a short time. But the Bolsheviks, in fact, restored the Mongolian Law on Earth: she again became the property of the state, and not private owners.

- known in historiography attempts to trace the positive influence of the Ordan invasion on Russia (in particular, the monetary account - the word money itself - Tatar, duties from goods - Tamga, the organization of the customs and postal service) in the context of his most severe consequences for Russia, in our opinion are not worthy close attention.

- The effect of Tatars on Russian culture was not great at all, since the conquered Russian population was not in close communication with his conquerors.

- Tatars brought more cruel than in ancient Russia, the system of punishment: the death penalty, bodily injury, branding of people, beating the whip, etc.

"The danger that threatened to women from the power of the authorities forced the highest classes of Russian society to hide their women in Teremes, and the care of women with the arena of public life contributed to the further destruction of the morals.

One single useful investigation of the IGA is to cohesion all the Russian Earth in the fight against oppressors, who accelerating the formation of a Russian centralized state.

Lecture number 3.
From Russia to Russia. Formation of Russian
centralized state (XIV-XV centuries)

1. On the way to Russian statehood. Russia and Europe: general and special.

2. The main stages of the formation of the Moscow state.

3. Historical importance of the formation of a centralized state.

Two main white spots of the domestic history of the second third of the XIII - the last third of the XV centuries: What socio-economic system was extended in the north of the East-Russian Plain; How did the Gold Horde affect the development of the share of the specific period?

Mongol-Tatars could have an impact and influence the following spheres of the socio-political and socio-economic life of Russia XIII-XV centuries. First, to the economy of the ancient Russian state. According to the most modest calculations, the horror of the siege and the assault in 1237-1241. Tested 76 urban centers of ancient Russia. A. A. Kuza, making a map of the main Russian cities of the XIII century, placed 183 names on it. That is, 40% of all craft centers and trade. But, the thesis about the catastrophicity of the Batievsky defeat requires a serious refinement. Ryazan, Pereyaslav, Chernigovsky, Novgorod Severskiy, Kiev principality literally vtoptans by the hooves of Tatar horses. On the territory of the "Russian Land" and the Ryazan Principality in the first third of the XIII century. 61 city was equipped. The troops of Batiy ruined 40. Vladimir-Suzdal Rus seriously suffered, but it must be remembered that the Battered passed through the central and southern regions of the Zaleg of the Earth, the northern part of the principality is little affected by invasion. An even more extent, this specificity (the locality of the ruins applied by Mongol-Tatars in 1237-1241) during a hike to South-Western Rus. Berestiy land and the Gorodensky Principality - the components of the powers of Daniel Galitsky, passed by Batiev in the pogrom. The same can be said to the Western and Southeast of Chervonna Rus. Volosts concentrating around Kolomyia, Terebed, Yaroslavl successfully survived the horrors of winter 1240-1241. Novgorod land suffered slightly. All damage was fitted in burning the trading. Finally, the Turovo-Pinsky, Polotsk and Smolensk Principality passed the bitter fate of Ryazan and the "Russian Earth". Battered passed by.

Ancient Russian principalities have a different fate. Conditionally, they can be divided into four categories. The first is the Ryazan Principality and the so-called Russian land, here the situation is close to the catastrophe. The second is Vladimir-Suzdal Principality and Galico-Volynsky Rus, the destruction of large-scale, but local. The third category of the Novgorod land is the destruction of episodic. The fourth group should include Polotsk, Smolensk and Turovo-Pin Principality, where in 1237-1241. There were no nuckers of the son of Juci.

Archaeological surveys show that in the second half of the XIII century. In the ancient Russian cities, production is stopped: the septo enamel; For a whole century, the manufacture of scany was stopped; The technique of blunders also came out of consumption after the invasion, there is no data and about the modeling at the end of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries of glazed polychrome ceramics. In the second half of the century, the production of glass bracelets, carnelian and bronze beads was completely discontinued; The jewelry case of ancient Rus is huge damage. Lost the art of a stone thread. Serious regression is observed in building crafts. Stone buildings in the first century of Mongolian dominion are erected much less than in the twelfth century, with huge complaints about quality.

How they influenced these changes to the economy of ancient Russia; on the life of a medieval city? The first thing that pay attention is to be the main damage suffered high-tech industries of handicraft production. At our disposal, there is no data on the number of artisans of Kievan Rus, about the number of skillful cutters on stone, specialists who can make polychrome glazed ceramics, blow the glass beads. But it is appropriate to assume that they could not be much. Russian, Arab, European sources will die by references to the special policies of Hedgehog, Ogul-Gajysh, Guyuk, Munke. Kagans and Reget rebetes the best artisans in Mongolia for the decoration of Karakorum. Example Kaganov followed Bati, Sartak, Burke Other Khan Golden Horde. In the twentieth century Excaps of significant settlements of Russian artisans in Saray-Batu, Saraj-Berk, fusion. Such a policy could not contribute to the development of crafts in the cities of Northern Rus. But, in Hard and Mongolia, the best was exported. A priori, they could not be much. In the second half of the XIII - early XIV centuries. In the cities of the Suzdal Land, Novgorod and Pskov, the Ryazan Principality of artisans have lost the art of the septo-enamel, blunders, have learned to do Skan. Loss is tangible, but it is impossible to consider scan or polychrome ceramics with a product of mass demand. The consumer of high-tech crafts was a small layer of residents of ancient Russia. The economy could no longer satisfy their demand. It is hard, but not deadly for the economy and ancient Russian city. Mass crafts: a blacksmith and pottery, ordinary ceramics according to modern archeology did not undergo irreparable damage. Finally, it is necessary to remember that we are talking about a traditional society. The economy of such cultures is well investigated by M. Weber. The German sociologist came to the conclusion: style, shape, the image of the production of the traditional economy does not imply a sharp fall.

The impact of invasion and yoke on the economy of medieval Russia was not stimulating. You can talk about stagnation and even the regression of handicraft production in the second half of the XIII - the first half of the XIV centuries. Discussioned the question of the role and meaning in this process of Mongol-Tatars. Is it possible to argue that they initiated the fall of the second half of the thirteenth century? In our opinion there is no. The invasion was not All-Russian. Huge territory happily avoided Batyan riders. Approximately 1/3 of the Old Russian state did not affect Batiev in the pogrom. Monda Mongolian horses did not see Novgorod and Pskov, Smolensk and Polotsk. Meanwhile, Novgorod is just as Vladimir, they will affect the industrial depression of the second half of the XIII century. At the same scenario, Pskov and Smolensk were developed. There are no direct guilt of Batya and Genghisids in the stagnation of these territories. It can be assumed that it is indirect. Defeating Vladimir Principality and "Russian Earth" grandson of Genghis Khan to the limit narrowed the markets for the sales of artisans of Novgorod and Smolensk. This is undoubtedly. But the Novgorod "Republic", as well as the Smolensk principality, the most important transit centers, the exports of ancient Russia exports. Probably, scan and polychrome ceramics bought not only and not so much in the East Russian Plain. The general rule of any economy is the exportation of high-tech production. That is, it is possible to believe that Bati initiated the crisis of the second half of the thirteenth century under one condition, if you do not take into account the sad experience of Novgorod, Pskov and Smolensk. Finally, there are certain, truth, indirect evidence that the crisis began long before the 40s of the XIII century. The handicraft production of Kiev, Polotsk, Rostov, Suzdal and even Smolensk was in recession from the end of the XII century.

That is our first conclusion: Jihangir is not a height of the crisis of the second half of the XIII - the first half of the XIV centuries. It began on thirty-forty years earlier. Undoubtedly, the Battered and his heirs made their own and considerable contribution to its development. But, is it possible to say that this effect is all determining? In the list of crafts lost Russia after 1237, there are: the art of the septo-enamel; Scanning and black technique, modeling glazed polychrome ceramics, production of glass bracelets, carnelian and bronze beads, stone carving, etc. It is very doubtful that in the context of the traditional economy of the Middle Ages, their disappearance was determining.

As a second output, it can be assumed that the establishment of foreign dominion stimulated depression was one of the many factors of the economic crisis of the second half of the XIII century. To reduce everything to the Goldenordinsky IGU or to give it a special meaning - there is no reason, and this is not confirmed by historical facts. Battered one of many and in everything is not a municipal reason.

G. V. Vernadsky wrote in his monograph:

"The disappearance of the urban crafts in the first century of Mongolian domination has done a serious breach at the time of consumer demand. Rural residents were forced to depend on what they could produce at home. Princes, boyars and monasteries did not have an alternative to developing crafts in their own estates. "

The thesis is very serious. Is it possible to talk about manorization of crafts in specific Russia? And, if so, what role did the Golden Horde played this? It is impossible to deny manorization. The number of facts testifying in favor of this situation is huge. What are the reasons for the transfer of craft production in the second half of the XIII century. From the city to the village? In our opinion, the answer in the transfer date. The second half of the XIII century. It is well known that the relationship of the prince and ancient Russian city has never been cloudless. But such a heat, such tension, as in the days of Alexander Yaroslavl, Andrei Alexandrovich was not previously happening. The main city of Northern Russia - Veliky Novgorod rebels tirelessly and froning against all the great princes of the second half of the XIII century. B1262 arises a grand city-wide antiordan uprising, not supported by Rurikovichi. Relationship between the city and the prince will deteriorate quickly and irreparable. Vsevolodovichi is preparing to apply a decisive blow. It is this scenario of manorization of crafts, it seems to us the most believable. In the second half of the XIII century. Between the princes and the city is not an ordinary frond. Story subjects offer different development discourse. Princes - go for a bow to Khanu. The city is to rebel. Manorization crafts act not only economic. He has an obvious political background. Princes, carrying crafts in their residences - weaken a political competitor. Since they appear two strong ally: the church, and that the boyars are especially important, that is, the city patrician, the process of manorization becomes irreversible. Otherwise, we must recognize that the main consumers of scanning, blacksmith, cloisonne enamel, etc. were soughtdown and other rural residents of ancient Russia.

So, the invasion of Batius had a serious impact on the economy of ancient Russia. At least 40% of the city's city centers were destroyed in 1237-1241. From the second half of the XIII century. The deep and comprehensive crisis of handicraft production begins. It was Batu-Khan to assume that his initiator was incorrect. Many of the largest craft centers of Kievan Rus happily avoided Kiev and Kozelsk. Despite this depression were in Novgorod, Polotsk, and Smolensk. Its first spooles can be dated the end of the XII century. During these years, the art of artisans Polotsk, Kiev, South Pereyaslavl will become strikingly. Mongols did not initiate a crisis, but undoubtedly stimulated. The deepening of the crisis, on the other hand, can be interpreted as versification of the handicraft production of medieval Russia. Directly with Mongols, you can associate the disappearance of only high-tech industries of handicraft production. In the historical realities of the XIII century. Not the art of scanning and blunders or stone carving was determined by the trend. Mainly acquired the manorization of the craft, its translation from urban walls in rural fences. The role in this khan Golden Horde is clearly traced. Faced with the opposition of the city of Northern Russia XIII century, putting him with a huge tribute, and at the same time, providing tax preferences of the church, the possibilities of Kalita and to him to tie a close relationship with the rulers of the Horde, Chingizids contributed to the development of manarial craft, and as a result, weakening the crafts urban.

ERGO, if we talk about the impact and influence of the Tatars on the economy (craft) of the specific Russia, it is necessary to recognize: from Batya his sons and nephews first were injured by high-tech industries. The policy of the Golden Horde allowed Russian princes vigorously and forced to develop manarial craft. That is, the influence of the state created by Batym on the handicraft production of Northern Russia's second half of the XIII - the first half of the XV centuries. bico. On the one hand, Gengizids allowed Rurikovichs to loosen the urban handicraft production. On the other hand, they helped the descendants of Vsevolod III to develop manorial craft. If you can say so, in the second half of the XIII - the first half of the XIV centuries. There was an agrarization of medieval Rus crafts.

The economy is not limited to the craft sphere. Another most important occupation of the Old Russian citizen was trading. How was the situation in this area in 1242-1462? Kievan Rus is located in the focus of the most important trade routes of medieval Eurasia. In many ways, successful geography predetermined the power and wealth of the ancient Russian state. For the worse, the situation began to change in the second half of the XII - late XII century. Werewood B1204 by the Byzantine Empire is the strongest blow to Varyago-Greek trading. The IV crusade and the events preceding it (the maximum weakening of Byzantium in the second half of the XII century) played not the last role in the "Fall" of Kiev. The zagging of the Volga trading path allowed Andrei Bogolyubsky and Vsevolod III to overcome the Great Rostov. It would seem that the invasion of Batya, an unprecedented defeat of the Old Russian cities in 1237-1241, adopted by Yaroslav Vsevolodovich the IGA regime will only strengthen the crisis of the Old Russian trade. Sources of this are not confirmed. Gengizids perfectly understood the importance of trade relations, control over transport arteries The most important aspect of Mongolian politics. If you do not take a decade of the Berke, when the external trade was monopolized by the powerful corporation of Muslim merchants of Central Asian origin, while the remaining time of Khan Golden Horde patronized by international trade of Northern Russia. Novgorod and other "hundred" got a chance and knew perfectly well how to use it. Mengu-Timur, Uzbek did a lot to develop foreign trade of medieval Russia with Italian colonies in the Crimea and on Azov. The story about the death of Mikhail Tver shows that not only in the barn, but also on the outskirts of the Golden Horde, the banks of the Terek were a numerous and powerful Russian commercial fraternity. Tohtamysh during the campaign of 1382 complained that Russian merchants fully control shipping on the Volga. Of particular importance in the foreign trade of Northern Russia received the Crimea. The factors of Novgorod, Moscow, Tver Traders were in the main cities of the peninsula: cafe, mangup and first of all, dry. Surozhan first merchants, guests and in Moscow and Vladimir-Volynsky. Thanks to Mengu-Timurur did not stop, on the contrary, Rusi with the West strengthened and strengthened. In the late Middle Ages, Novgorod has achieved significant success here. He joined the Hanseatic Union. The undoubted flourishing of handsellers, especially the Sucpiests of Northern and Central Europe led to close contacts with Moravia, Bohemia, Iprom, etc. To say that the Golden Horde prevented the trade in specific Rus - sin against the historical truth. The recession of the trade turnover of Ordia Rus is recorded only by the 40s - 60s of the XIII century. After Mengu-Timur was settled in Khan's tent, North Russia's guests went to the mountain. The stagnation of the time of Batiya-Berke is only partly can be explained by the influence of the Golden Horde. Probably, this is the echoes of the general economic crisis, which began at the end of the XII century. Economic science teaches that the first of the recession comes to a business involving greater valvitativeness. In the XIII century there was nothing more wallenative than international trade. Juchids, creating a powerful state, were able to breathe new life a new life in the oldest and order of the shovel, trading paths "from Varyag to Greeks" and "From Varyag to Persians." The volumes of cargo swallowed in the Dnieper, Western Dvina, the Volga is so significant that no trading corporation is Hanza, Raddhonites or Muslim Khorezm, could not alone monopolize the East-Russian trading jumper between Europe and Asia.

So, our conclusion regarding the commercial relations of Northern Russia's spending time: the Horde stimulated the international trade turnover of the north-Russian principalities of the second half of the XIII - the first half of the XV centuries.

Despite the fact that Russia XIII century wore the proud name "Gardarika" Most inhabiting Eastern Russian Plain lived by no means in cities. Neither the craft and trade is the main occupation of the "citizens" of Kievan Rus. To the great fracture of the XX century. Russia Agrarian country. In the XIII-XV centuries. 99% of the population live in villages and villages and are engaged in agriculture.

As the situation in the agricultural sphere of Northern Russia; How did the invasion and IHO affect the medieval landpaste? Sources and specialists are united: agriculture was least affected by the Mongolian invasion. Khans are not interested in reducing the productivity of agriculture specific Russia. The main taxpayer that supplies the lion's share of the "National Wealth" of the Golden Horde is a medieval Russian peasant. It was safely dealt with fisheries, salvation, fishing. All scientists agree - in the XIV-XV centuries. The agricultural sector (agriculture, landpad) becomes the main sectoil of the national economy. According to the Metakov Remark V. O. Klyuchevsky, Russia is converted to the country agricultural. The agriculture, the thing is very and very inert, with difficulty lented by technical improvements, at the specific period made a significant step forward. First, the system of crop rotation changes. Most of the arable land goes to three pione. Secondly, labor tools will be improved. Oratai of this time used three main types of plow: a heavy plow, improved housing with an iron plow lemeth and a light wooden hust. Types of Rail were zoned. The PLUG itself was used infrequently, mainly in Novgorod wallands. Light soha, which has been pulled by one horse, is typical of the northern forest areas, only involved in crop rotation. The landpashers of the Moscow Principality lifted the land improved dry. She was pulled at once three horses. At one time, P. P. Smirnov suggested that during the reign of Ivan I was invented a completely new type of soyh, who gave a big impetus to agriculture of Muscovy. In his presentation, this invention was one of the main causes of the rise of the Moscow principality. Another major historian, touching the hypothesis P. P. Smirnov, noted:

"The theory of witty, but there is no sufficient evidence of its confirmation."

Interestingly Other: The mistake of Smirnov concerned exactly the Moscow principality, and it is from the second quarter of the fourteenth century. Sometimes incorrect hypothesis is as indicative as the glitter, approved by the postulate.

Another most important branch of agriculture is animal husbandry. Here the situation was not so shiny. Breeding small and coarse livestock Side-class orphans and peasants of specific Rus. There are many explanations for that. The traditional Food Culture of the Eastern Slavs did not contribute to the cattle brew. Geography and climate also prevented the emergence of huge flock of sheep and cows in the Suzdal Earth or in Novgorod. Colonization, which is stormy in the XIV-XV centuries. It did not allow the peasants to be distracted from raising virgin and empty.

The only one, where the position was a little different - horse breeding. In the wills of the great princes of Moscow, stallions are often mentioned, herds mares, riding and riding horses. Obviously, the breeding of horses was an important branch of the Grand Duct. Needing horseraded devices, Vsevolodovichi patronized horse breeding.

It is difficult to say how the Golden Horde affected the agriculture of specific Russia. The rise of the agrarian sector in the XIV-XV centuries. Unsuneven, but was the merit of the Khan bet? In contrast to trade, where the role of Genghisidov isna, in agriculture there are also a similar thing to say. The following Constant is most likely - the agriculture of the Northern Russia's specific time has perceived 250 years in foreign dominion.

Let's summarize the final conclusion, how did Igo affect the national economy? The first, it is necessary to reject the statement that the Horde initiated the All-Russian economic crisis of the XIII century. It is necessary to revise the crisis chronology. In the individual territories of Kievan Rus: Kiev, Polotsk, Pinsk, South Pereyaslavl, he began in the last quarter of the previous century. The second, invasion and igo certainly affected (stimulated) the handicraft production of medieval Russia. In this case, Tatars showed themselves in two horses. Directly actually caused significant damage to high-tech industries of the Crafts of the Old Russian city. Not wanting to sneak against the historical truth, we note that it is most likely to regress the jewelry, skillful ceramics, etc. Began to 1237. This product, a priori, was largely exported. From the second half of the XII century, the intensity of the two main export arteries of ancient Russia: shipping on the Dnieper and Volga is sharply reduced. The heirs of Batya in the second half of the XIII century. They gave the grandchildren of Vsevolod a big nest trump card for manorization of the craft. This is where the main impact of the Golden Horde on the handicraft production of specific Russia. Khans contributed to his agrarization. At the same time, we note that not chingizids, but Rurikovichi were shooters of the process. The third, the influence of Khanov on trade is beneficial and positive. The Golden Horde allowed the export-import trade of ancient Russia to overcome the remission of the second half of the XII - the first half of the XIII centuries. The powerful state formed by Batym in Volzhsky steppes gave an additional impetus to the international trade of Novgorod, Tver, Nizhny, Moscow. Fourth, the influence of the golden horde on agriculture is very doubtful. If it was the impact of a shed on medieval orathus, then the top.

That is, in the XIV-XV centuries. Rus experienced a transformation. It turned from agricultural trade and urban, and in this (at least in the economic field) the influence of the horde is minimal.

ERGO Influence of the Golden Horde on the trend development of the National Economy of Russia XIV-XV BB. slightly. Russia without ingenic pressure chose the row of economic development. Move towards the agraussianization in all senses of this concept.

The Tale of Bygone Years says that the Slavmenskiy Slavs turned to Rurik with the words: "Our land is rich and abundant, there is only no order." Provide order in the Eastern-Russian Plain the main thing that was charged to Konong and his descendants. Therefore, the questions of the court and proceedings, fiscal and financial policies, the problems of the local administration, and so on, were particularly important for Rurikovich. How was the situation in these areas of socio-economic life in 1242-1462?

In the middle of the past century, the famous historian and prominent Eurasian G. V. Vernadsky tried to extract the reader:

"In the Kiev period, the main areas of the Prince of Princess were judicial, military and financial. Prince was a supreme judge, his representatives gathered taxes and court fees. After the Mongolian invasion, the top management of all administrative functions assumed the king, Mongolian Khan. The power of Russian princes has declined sharply. Now the princes had to obey the orders of Khan, and the administrative powers of the princes in their own states were strictly limited; They could send powerful functions only inside a narrow sphere of affairs left in their competence by Mongols. "

In the representation of the historian, this is the innovation of the second third of the thirteenth century. And this is the fundamental mistake of the Eurasian historical orientalistic. Rurikovichi Kiev Pores are not an unprotected rulers. Their power is essentially limited to ancient Russian evening. Modernizing the historical process, you can say, they are hired managers. Descendants of Rüric have a lot of authority, but cannot solve everything alone. When the domineering and powerful Vsevolod III decided to bypass the solid right to transfer the Vladimir throne in addition to the recalcitrant Konstantin, Yuri Vsevolodovich, he was forced to collect the "Zemsky Cathedral", will appeal for help and support, legitimizing the "earth" of its decision. Prince of Suzdal Land operates on the same patterns that in thirty years before that, a weak and unconscious Yaroslav Ortsal. And with the same result. And Vsevolod Yuryevich, and Yaroslav Vladimirovich, the Earth refused to support. As a result, in Vladimir in Klyazmma, a secret Konstantin was taken, in Galich, unbeasted Vladimir.

Such is our first complaint to the Eurasian perception of the influence and importance of the Goldenophage Iga in Russia. Khana, were not the first to cut the power of the princes of the house Rüric. Before them, and with no less success, it did the Zemstvo. But it was the difference. Restriction of the powers of Rurikovichi Ancient Russian evening is functionally, that is, historically evolutionarily. It originated naturally. The selection of chingizis authorities in the Russian princes of the thirteenth and subsequent centuries - the result of military defeat 1237-1241.

The first thing that did Bati, deprived Rurikovich the highest legal priority. The unfortunate story of Mikhail Tver and Yuri Moscow convincingly proves: From now on, all the main court cases have begun in the Khansky rate. Although Genghisid was the head of not only the Volga-Aral steppes, but nominally and Eastern Russian plains, he clearly gradually the Mongol itself from ethnic Russians. Especially clearly it was manifested in the case of the Rostov princes and the descendants of Peter Ordansky. The heir of the Great Conqueror, once adopted Orthodoxy, became Ryan Neophyte, founded the monastery. His grandson began to sue the descendants of Boris Rostov, trying to delay the monastery lands. Although the potassium passed, as Peter Ordinsky and his heritage broke out with the Horde, in the eyes of the Khan, they still remained the Mongols. This example, if you wish, can continue more than once. The total venue of the judicial practice of the Ordia period became: all the charges between Russian and Mongols are subject to consideration in the Mongolian court. Having touched the highest jurisdiction, Khan did not pay attention to the court cases of the usual nature. It is extremely difficult to say who led the proceedings in Kievan Rus. Recessed to us the extensive and brief truth allowed N. P. Pavlov-Silvansky to say that they were drawn up, in the extreme case, however, Yaroslavovichi, the first litthic of national jurisdiction, as the form of defense Rurikovichi from the Earth's encroachment. There are serious doubts that the prince and his Tiun always knit and solved the court cases of Kievan Rus. Most likely, the consortical elder structures of the Old Russian state have a lot of independence in this area. Other business is the specific. From the second half of the XIII century. Prince Supreme Judge for precedents of simple jurisdiction. And in this merit of Khan. Becoming the supreme judge in the affairs of state significance, he projects the model in space. We cannot agree again with the verdict of G. V. Vernadsky: "Judicial practice turned out to be the least affected by the Mongolian Board." Changes are significant and large-scale. Khan expands the court permission of Russian princes.

The more discussion is the question: borrowing Russia and the provisions of the Criminal and Procedural Right of Mongolia. Supporters of the intervention of Tatar customs in the Russian society of the specific period usually pay attention to two phenomenon arising in the second half of the XIII century. Institute of the death penalty and torture as a form of judicial investigation. Even such an opponent of the assimilative nature of Russian law, as M.F. Vladimirov-Budansky agreed that this is the gift of the Golden Horde. We do not seem proven wine of Genghisids. The death penalty and torture arise in the XIII-XIV centuries. in north-Eastern Russia. Pskov's loan diploma indicates the same for Russia northwestern. Meanwhile, none of scientists believe that the intervention of the Golden Horde in the XIV-XV centuries. I went so far to the west. Pskov and Novgorod are free from Ordane influence. Historians of the right see in the death penalty of Pskov's loan diplomas, the result of the influence is not East, and the West:

"Thanks to its geographical location and lively trade with Western cities, Novgorod and Pskov were much more open to Western influences than Moscow. In fact, the system of punishments of England, France and Germany in the Late Middle Ages and the beginning of the new era was the same harsh, or even more severe than the Mongolian criminal law. And the death penalty, and corporal punishment were appointed many crimes. In Germany, the cutting off the head and hanging was the usual forms of punishment of the criminal "

Above the above quote allows you to look different in a different way to the warbission of the criminal and procedural code of the end of the Middle Ages. If the same forms of punishment and interrogation simultaneously arise into such various civilizations of Western Europe and Central Asia, this means only one thing: the warbarization of the process of the spirit of the Spirit of time. That is, to the lawyer 1497, where the deprivation of life was envisaged for each slave person at first suspicion, did not affect the golden horde. The Dvina grades of Grandfather Ivan III, requiring chopping heads with the third recurrence, the answer to the historical request of the XIV-XV centuries.

So, IHO significantly affected the jurisdiction of Russia. It was Khana who made the princes of full-awakening judges, with all the consequences arising from here.

In the IX-X centuries. Helg, Ingvar, Helga established and successfully reformed a system of the Fichu. It is difficult to consider this institution with classical tax. But, it is impossible to doubt his all-Russian character. Payments for all regions of the East-Russian Plain successfully continued with the grandson and great-grandfather of Saint Olga. It is unlikely that Yaroslavovichi could achieve full fees. It is incredible that this was at the shoulder of Svyatopolka II. Definitely, after the death of Mstislava, the Great National Tax went to the fly. In the era of political fragmentation, the evening successfully occurred to the fiscal rights of Prince not only in Veliky Novgorod. Without a large stretch, you can say that from the second third of the XII century. Fisk reorientation from Rurikovichi by the evening occurred. In the second third of the XIII century. Khans caused an even stronger blow to the tax rods of Russian princes. Up1327 DE FACTO princes are deprived of tax collection rights. They were replaced by backers. The situation was resolutely changed in the second third of the XIV century. Sly Kalita convinced the simplicity of Uzbek to cancel the backers. The rebellion of Tver and Alexander Mikhailovich contributed to such a decision of the Khan. From the beginning of the 30s of the XIV century. All tax revenues in the hands of the princes of the Great and specifications. Uzbek canceled the backers, but not a Dani collection system. Kalita and his successors soon made sure that the organization created by Berke's effort could be very profitable for Vsevolodovich. After paying the share of Dani, leaning for each darkness, everything that remained, Rurikovichi was sent to their own treasury. The major prince Vladimirsky became the main advantageous side. In all other principles, the more less. And since from 1327 to 1462 years old with a three-year exception of 1359-1362, he is part-time prince Moscow, the flow of preferences walked into this principality. Dmitry Donskoy and Tamerlan finally made the dominion of the Golden Horde ephemeral. The fact that two Vasily did not lose their yoke is due not to the power of Batu-Khan's state, but the peculiarities of the Moscow history of the first eighties XV century.

Becoming almost self-liberated in their principles, Danilovichi, Yaroslavichi, the princes of Ryazan left in the inviolability of the foundation of the Mongolian administrative and system and the taxation system. As before, tribute is the main source of state income, coch - the main unit of direct taxation. Tamga finally accepted the form of customs duty on imported goods. In addition to her, local customs duties existed, the so-called so-called soot. Fiscal history of the XIV-XV centuries. Demonstrates us an increase and expansion of fees of various kinds. Undoubtedly, this is the heritage of the Golden Horde. Russian princes in the fourteenth century could collect for the khans, and from the next century mostly put in his pocket: binding (collection for binding livestock); Horn, or horns tax, stain, charged for horses, etc.

So, fiscal, and therefore the financial capabilities of Rurikovich the specific Russia have increased. The merit in this golden horde is indisputable. But is it possible to consider this influence, the influenza of the Horde into the socio-economic life of medieval Russia? We believe that the influenza implies borrowing. In most cases, voluntary, sometimes semi-turn. Whether voluntary, or at least semi voluntary borrowing by North Rusy, the second half of the XIII century. GOLDODNA TAXATION SYSTEM? Facts convince in the opposite. Cities rebelled and fronidized. Rurikovichi was long in opposition to the IGA mode. De Facto Fiscal adopted in Russia The second half of the XIII - the first half of the XV centuries. Was not borrowed, but the winner is imposed. This is not an influence, but a specific change in the subject in the object in its own mercenary interests. Subsequently, the strong entities were convinced of the effectiveness of the new system, and after changing the political situation, they left it in immunity. But no more. Initially, the taxation of the specific Russia is not borrowed by the latter, and the force is introduced by the Golden Horde.

Khana, maybe that, not wishing, strengthened the princely power. Rurikovichi Horde Pores received in the field of legal proceedings and fake authority unthinkable by Monomakhovichi and Olgovichi Kiev Epoch. To the honor of the heirs of Rürk, they quickly oriented in a new situation. It was a fundamental innovation requiring numerous and very serious movements. Having become the supreme judges of non-government crimes, koi in any society 9 out of 10, Vsevolodovichi soon created a system of legal proceedings. Most crimes and affairs allowed special Prince officials, the so-called governors and stale. In each county city there was a governor. In each rural area, the stale. They could not knit and decide without the apparatus. Therefore, Princely Tiuna and Rapporteurs arise. So in the second half of the XIII - XIV centuries there was something before unprecedented in Russia - bureaucracy. New layer need to feed. Since Russia is traditionally difficult with the call of coins, the princes came up with the Institute of Feeding. The first mention of feeders belongs to the Kiev Rus. But then it is an episode. Mass phenomenon becomes from the fourteenth century. Prosthetors and governors are not only a judge. Princes provide them and administrative powers.

Consequently, Khana Golden Horde, introducing a new taxation system in Russia and giving princes of significant judicial permissions, became overwhelmed grandmother of the domestic bureaucracy. As well as in the case of a system of FIBC and proceedings, this innovation cannot be called the Goldenophage influenza. The governors and stratifiers are derived from the fiscal and judicial functions that were not borrowed, but are imposed by Rus Golden Horde.

Large changes in the XIV-XV centuries. occurred in the military field. In the first head, we are interested in the innovations of quality order. Therefore, we are disregarding such significant innovations of the XIV-XV centuries, as a new order of configuration of the armed forces. In the Kiev era, the army of ancient Russia consisted of two components: the princely squad, urban militia. XIV. changed the system. In many respects, under the influence of Mongolian experience, Russia moved to universal military service. Deoths are not participating in the wars of the IX-XII centuries., Now the significant part of the recruit contingent. Urban militia, without which the battles of previous years are unthinkable, gradually loses its former combat capability. The abolition of Dmitry Donskoy posts for a crowded and strict testimony. Undoubtedly, this is an important innovation, but it could hardly somehow influence the trend of the historical development of Russia.

What really changed Russian history was hidden in another "militaristic innovation" of the fourteenth century. The nature of the prince's squad has changed. In the Kiev period, the squad was built: on the principle of free partnership, the Power of Prince was supported by its popularity among the warriors, its organizational abilities. The rasters, children's, boyars followed him, while they wanted to. The new appears at the end of the XII - the first third of the XIII centuries. In the ancient Russian state there is a princely courtyard. In the Mongolian period, it became the cornerstone of the organization of the Russian Armed Forces. The creation of the "yard" had a conceptual value. On the one hand, the warriors stopped being comrades of the prince; From now on, they are his servants. On the other, it seems that it was from the "courtyard" that the defining element of the state-political device of the Northern Russia of the XIV-XV centuries. - the so-called victim monarchy. In this regard, it is extremely important to find out what role Mongols played in the court institution? Re-turn to the legacy of G. V. Vernadsky. The largest Eurasian, whom opponents reproached in the exaggeration of the role and importance of the Mongols in domestic history, wrote:

"At the same time, although not as a result of direct Mongolian pressure, the nature of the prince's squad has changed."

That is, even the founder of historical Eurasianism denied the role of Heirs of Genghis Khan in the creation of the "yard".

In the XIV-XV centuries. In the sphere of state-administrative management of Northern Russia, significant changes have occurred. First, there was a so-called victim monarchy. Secondly, the XIV century. - Start of the domestic bureaucracy. Thirdly, the role of Prince as Judges and Mytar has qualitatively increased. Did the need affect these innovations? Is it possible to say that khana is the prochairs of governors and stratifiers, respectable boyars, feeding? With tremendous caution. The ascent nature of the state, so distinctly observed in the XIV-XV centuries. Formed without Ordan intervention. Even, G. V. Vernadsky denied the Orda's impact on the initiator of the victim power - "Princely Dvor". Without having an influence on the "Princely Dvor", Chingizids were full in the field of jurisprudence and fiscal taxation. Prince, forced to share the functions of the judge and tax collector in the Kiev period of domestic history, in the second quarter of the XIV century. Squeezing from these processes an ancient Russian city. In the future, the same fate also underwent the Golden Chanians. By the beginning of the XV century. The great princes of specific Russia are full-awake judges and Mytari. Of course, they compensate these functions with igumen and boyars, but they do in their own will, to return immunity with full right. Similar development of the merit of great khans. They initiated the process. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about the influence of the Golden Horde on the judicial and fiscal system of specific Russia. Impact - voluntary borrowing. In our case, the winner destroyed one form of judicial power and tax administration. And, on the right of a strong, voluntaristically created another. A little later, the princely power was incorporated into it. After some time, she took possession of a phenomenon. In any case, this is not a borrowing by the specific Russia of the Ordahn samples. The essence of the governor, the stitcher is initially secondary. It occurs as a derivative of two functions. On the one hand, the transformation of the state: instead of the consulting forms of the public authority of the Kiev Rus, the dominant type is established, where everything is based on the imperative intention of the prince. The role of Genghisids in strengthening the imperative component of the Rurikovsky authorities is determining. That is, the Golden Horde in the second half of the XIII century. Created this form of administrative management to the Northeast of East-Russian Plain. In the XIV century, Vsevolodovichi successfully privatized the latter. On the other hand, the Bureaucracy of the XIV century. - Direct consequence of a new understanding of the state device. Instead of associative statuaries, since the time of Kalita and Mikhail Alexandrovich, a voted monarchy arises. Maximum expands the princely domain, which requires its ministers. In this trend, the role of the Golden Horde is minimal. Even the Eurasians recognize that the "courtyard" the foundations of the fundamental form of the state arose outside the Mongolian patterns.

Ergo Khana transformed the administrative model of the ancient Russian state. The Golden Horde, apparently, did not have any influence on the evolution of the state forms of Northern Russia from the associative type of Kiev period to the womb monarchy of the XIV century.

That is, it is impossible to detect traces of borrowing of the goldside administrative methods and state forms. It is not necessary to talk about the influence of the Chanov on the administrative department of Northern Russia in the second half of the XIII - the first half of the XV centuries, but on the voluntaristic implementation of the Batym-Takhta fundamentally new administrative model.

How did the Horde affect the social history and the political life of Northern Russia the second half of the XIII - the first half of the XV centuries? In the first century, the Ordane rule in Russia occurred, maybe the greatest social progression for all centuries of existence. Khans quickly showed a true face. After twelve years of patriarchal domination to power in Sarah came Berke. New Khan brought a new course. The younger brother Batu began to tighten the mode, first of all increase the Ordini output. Most likely, the growth was multiple. Rus mid XIII century. I responded to the innovation of Berke with an increase in resistance, antiordan sentiment. At the head of the opposition became the city. His discontent is not accidental. Almost free from taxes in the XII - the first third of the XIII centuries. Urban education is forced to carry the main burden of exit. Apogus resistance came to 1262 g. That year, most cities of Northern Russia rebelled against Berk. De Facto The uprising ended with nothing. Reset the Igo country managed in 218 years after 1262. Alexander Nevsky was able to convince Khan not to send a punitive expedition to the north of East-Russian plain. But, this is only one side of the medal. Another for the ancient Russian city fell a cotton. In the last third of the XIII century. Chingizids and Rurikovichi came closely for the cities of Northern Russia. The joint efforts of Mongols and Princes prevented further distribution of urban unrest. By the middle of the fourteenth century, Rurikovichi could finally take under control of the urban community. The power and the value of the evening is sharply reduced, from now on it is no longer possible to consider as an element of control. Evening did not disappear in the literal sense of the word. But, from now on, it is going to ultra supermarital circumstances. You need Tukhtamysh or Fire1547, so that the Red Square convened the veneer. The fall of the city assembly at the beginning of the XIV century. The end of social, and therefore the political history of ancient Russia. Its trend: democraticity of social and political life, the desire for internal consensus and solidarity, understanding the generality of historical fate, the consortical nature of corporate entities, etc. - ended.

History, like nature, does not tolerate emptiness. The prince and manor came to replace the city and evening. XIV-XV centuries. The time of the rapid development of private property to Earth. Perhaps the result of the urban crisis of the XIII century. There may be a derivative of the Goldenordinian yoke. After 1242, Khany were deprived of Vsevolodovichi beloved toys Rurikovichi Kiev Rus - politicians. Unlike their ancestors, the seal princes of the second half of the XIII - XIV centuries. They are forced to go more economy than politics. In the end, it gave the result:

"In Muscovy, high-base ownership has become the main basis and economic strength, and the Administration of the Grand Duke. Land estates not only were one of the main sources of its income, but also became the core of his possessions in the administrative sense. "

Example Danilovichi, Yaroslavovich, Andreevich followed the boyar of North Russia.

XIV-XV centuries. The era of a stable increase in boyars land tenure. G. V. Vernadsky assures that:

"In the Mongolian period, the boyars had a greater impact on state affairs than before."

True, as evidence, he leads to the history of Galician boyars. Having quarreled with the last descendant of Izaslav Mstislavovich - Yuri II, Galician boyars were killed by Chervonny Rus. But, Galitsky boyars is always a special article, and the boyars of Suzdal Earth, nor at Kalita, nor in Bogolyubsky, did not possess such ambitions.

The same scientist dismisses:

"Despite all its influence on the course of public affairs and the growth of own land ownership, Moscow boyars failed to accurately determine their political rights for the Mongolian period."

Trying to answer the question of why it happened, the son of academician leads the following reasons: First, Mongolian dominion; secondly, the rejection of the aristocratic management of the northeast city; Third, the possibility of commentation of the boyars of specific Russia.

It is not entirely clear how the Khans curbed the samphism of medieval Russian boyars? Absolutely not clear the reasons for what they should do it? Since the time of the mother, the widow of the Mongol's Guy took the course: "divide and conquer." By that living example is the case of a thousand veniamnova. There is no answer to the question why the commentation of Galician boyarism did not weaken the elite of Chervonna Rus, and the right to depart of Moscow boyars prevented themselves to speak with proud and red. What is the specificity of the Suzdal Earth, why Novgorod accepted oligarchic management, Galich leaned before the aristocracy, and Suzdal, and Rostov belonged to local boyars with such prejudice.

In our opinion, from the three reasons for the given G. V. Vernadsky is effective only one. Prejudice of the northeastern city against boyars. To understand where the roots of the phenomenon, it is necessary to remember how this layer was recruited. The boyars of ancient Russia is the leaders of the city community, the patrician. In the middle of the XIII century. They changed the former union with the city. In the second half of the same century, they were finally moved to the side of Rurikovich, they did not support, vigorously helped Alexander Nevsky, extinguish the rebellion of 1262. Male boyars of the XIV-XV centuries. These are the heirs and successors of the traitors of 1262 years. Medieval artisans have good memory. They understood perfectly perfectly to whom the Great Rostov owes, Suzdal and Pereyaslav Zalessky to their humiliation. On the other hand, the boyars, the rescue from the city, and praising to Vsevolodovichs, realized: in case of collapse, they are executed twice - once as enemies; Other as renegades. This perspective forced to keep loyalty to Rurikovichi. In the second half of the XIII - the first half of the XIV centuries. Multiple branches of the genus of Vsevolod are a big nest. Recall the history of Andrei Gorodetsky and the seeds of Tonilovich. When Kalita made the prevalence of the city in Moscow, the river in an ingredient, forced to switch to the side of Moscow princes. This is confirmed by the other story: Vasily I and Nizhny Novgorod Boyharin Rumyanta.

V. O. Klyuchevsky called the Moscow Rus by a Taiglov State, where all the segments of the population should serve as a state in one way or another. The first steps in this direction Rus made in the second half of the XIII century. In the Kiev period, residents of large cities did not pay taxes; Formed their own militia, in which they served as free citizens, and not as called soldiers. After 1242, everything changed. Universal, direct taxation and military duty transformed the status of urban estate. The first with the sinking ship of the ancient Russian city was fled strong. In the second half of the XIII century. The community left the city patrician (boyars). At the end of the XIII - XIV centuries, their example followed another privileged group - the tops of the merchants. Mengu Timur breathed a new life into the foreign trade of medieval Russia. The merchants began to fully use the advantages of the transit position of the East-Russian Plain. Unlike Novgorod, where the trading people were under boyar disconctors; The boyars northeastern Russia did not practice the discount. As a result, in the second half of the fourteenth century in Moscow, Tver, Nizhny Novgorod there was a powerful merchant interlayer. In the foremostol, she was divided into three groups: Guests, the richest wholesale merchants; Summer living room, Corporation of less rich guests; And the cloudy hundred, the Corporation of Swincons. Don and heirs were able to raise the living room and the cloth hundreds quickly enough, the guests actually to the central government. For the latest good relations with the prince - the governor, and then the successor of the Orda king, much more important than the consensus with artisans and black people. Finally dividing the urban community, Vsevolodovichi, using the principle: Divide Et Impero put it under control. Ivan IV introduced material compensation for crimes against the urban population. The penalty for disgracing the guest was 50 rubles; citizen 5 rubles; And for the disgrace of "Posad" there was enough ruble. Talking about the conscience, about the commonality of the historical destiny of the guest and a black man who stands in fifty times less impossible.

According to the same patterns, the social evolution of the rural population was located. The Mongolian tax system and military service was its initial item. Logic conclusions were soon made by Vsevolodovichi. Recall that in the Kiev period, the rural population is usually not subject to a call to the army. Small landowners (people and satellites) were not subject to direct tax. Now everything is sideways. People and peasants, orphans all pay Yasak and can be called upon. Of course, there are differences in various categories. Monastery peasants do not bear the national tax. But it is not fundamentally. The estate of monastery volosts is the result of the subjective will of the Khan, and not the iron norm of the law. Immune rights of some secular faiths, by the way, not so much, from the XIV-XV centuries. He reached only 19 literability - the result of the desire of the prince, and nothing more. That is, in potency, the entire rural population of Northeastern Russia is a major population.

So, in the social sphere and political life of the Northeast Russia, the second half of the XIII - the first half of the XV centuries. A number of significant perturbations occurred. First, the veche was disappeared as the amateur body of political power. Secondly, the urban patrician (boyars) and the tops of the merchants moved to the side of the princely power. Thirdly, the social structure of the urban community was deformed. Instead of the conscious form of ancient Russia, the Suzdal Earth receives a division into white and black citizens. Fourth, the city as a political force to the beginning of the fourteenth century ceased existence. Fifth, the northeastern boyars did not go along the way of their ancient Russian fellow or boyars of south-western and northwestern Russia. They are not front of the prince, but loyal allies and younger partners. Sixth, simple population, that is, the majority of citizens and rural residents from now on.

The question is what role the Gold Horde played in all these changes? Is it possible to explain the defeat of the evening in the second half of the XIII century. - Influencing Ordane experience? Definitely no. The cities of the thirteenth century did not borrow the practice of the Horde cities. Moreover, they fiercely resisted such fate. Is it possible to argue that Khana put her hand to the fate of the urban evening? Undoubtedly. It is problematic that Vsevolodovichi without the help of Genghisids would be able to defeat the cities of the Zalegovka Earth. That is, again we are dealing not with the influence, but the impact of the horde in Russian history. Is the declaration correctly: the Horde influenced the reorientation of political sympathies of urban boyars? With large reservations. The effect is voluntary or semi voluntary borrowing. Before the urban patrician of Northern Russia, the second half of the XIII century. A dilemma got up: to lead resistance, and, that, probably, to again experience the horrors of Kozelsk 1238 and Kiev 1240; Or go to the side of the strong one. The boyars chose the second. Voluntary or semi voluntariness of this step is approved with huge tolerances. The division of urban classes in the XIV century is mainly the merit of Vsevolodovich, and not Genghisids. This is a direct consequence of the defeat of the ancient Russian city in the second half of the previous century. It is unlikely that Han was directly interested in such know-how. The ancient Russian city in the northeast of the East-Russian Plain as a socio-political phenomenon fell to the beginning of the XIV century. The natural result of the Chanov of the Golden Horde and the princes of the Grand Duchy of Vladimirsky. The fact that the boyars of the Zalochka Earth became the faithful "vassal" of the House of Rüric also a little related to the activities of the golden kind. And finally, the tightness of the simple population is the result of the Golden Horde by Khan in 1255-1257. Tax reform.

That is, from six socio-political movements 1242-1462. Shed had direct or indirect participation to four. The fall of the evening, reorienting the political preferences of the northeastern boyars, the elimination of the ancient Russian city and the majority of the common population of specific Russia. In all these cases, it is impossible to talk about the influenza, that is, borrowing the specific ruus of the Horde experience.

ERGO does not follow the influence of the Golden Horde on the social and political life of Russia 1242-1462. There is an impact, that is, direct intervention and change in the domestic history with triumphant winners in the second half of the XIII - the first half of the XV centuries.

Which historians closest to the Ripping of the historical rebusa? S. M. Solovyov with his idea of \u200b\u200bthe inviolability of the trend of domestic history, that neither Normans nor Mongols could really affect the historical course of Russia? B. D. Greeks with a statement about the exclusive negativity of the Orda's experience for Russia, that our ancestors were heroically overcome and rejected the Ordinian experience that the only one could achieve the Gold Horde, to slow down the development of Russia? Or G. V. Vernadsky, who put forward the concept of a single historical trend of Tatars and Northern Rus from the second half of the XIII century?

In order to fully respond to this question, it is necessary to find out as S. M. Soloviev, B. D. Greek and G. V. Vernadsky perceived the idea of \u200b\u200bhistorical continuity. For S. M. Solovyov Kievskaya Rus and Moscow Rus two heterogeneous phenomenon. But despite the heterogeneity, they have one entity. Already at the end of the existence of the ancient Russian state, the vectors of the Moscow Kingdom were glanced. That is, the author of the fundamental history of Russia denies historical gaps. For him, history is always evolutionary renewal. Kievan Rus is evolutionally reformatted in Moscow, the last to the Russian Empire. B. D. Greek, although he was a source of historical materialism in domestic medievalism, with skepticism referred to the possibility of historical gap. The main historian-Eurasian, on the contrary, made this idea Alfoy and Omego of his concept. There is an insurmountable abyss between Moscow and Kiev Rus. Since the Moscow kingdom came out of the Golden Horde, and not from the ancient Russian state, Kievan Rus, rather aunt than the mother of Russia Rus. The northern part of the East-Russian Plain in 1242-1462. The composition of the Golden Horde, resolutely broken with the previous story.

Whose point of view is more preferable: Grekova and Solovyov, believing that Kiev and Moscow (specific) Rus had two hypostasis, but one essence; Or Vernadsky, fully intended Kiev and Moscow period of domestic history? What place in these schemes can be put in Russia?

First, undoubtedly, the trend of Kiev and the Moscow segments is different. S. M. Solovyov is confident that it lies in the transition from the beginning of the generic to the state. Although there is a serious reason in this concept, there are already contemporaries to be crucial. Kievan Rus is a country of consumption, consensus, pluralistic management form. Despite all the tricks, Rurikovichi, even the branch of Yuri Dolgoruky, could not offer a vital alternative. It is hardly a futurologist of the end of the XII century. It could assume that after two and a half century, one of them (Rurikovich) will be referred to as the king, and all the rest of the hills, siren slaves. There were no prerequisites in ancient Russia.

Without a doubt, between the Message IX-XII centuries. And the selection of the late XV century is a distance of a huge size. The question is what role the second half of the XIII is played in this is the first half of the XV centuries, and to what extent the heterogeneity of the aspirations of the twelfth and fifteenth centuries is natural and natural?

Recall once again, what innovations came to Russia after 1242 in the economic sphere, the most obvious and important movement - craft agrarization. In the field of administrative management, the dominion of the Golden Horde brought a universal military service and direct taxation. Khana became the godfather fathers to a significant increase in the judicial authority of the North Princes. They also stood Volens Nolens and the origin of the National Bureaucracy. The Horde also played a significant role in the change in social and political relations in Russia for the second half of the XIII - the first half of the XV centuries. The fall of the evening, Ruricophilia of the northeast boyarism, the painful attachment of the simple people of the specific Russia, the disappearance of the ancient Russian city as a phenomenon of social and political life, representatives of the golden kind are involved in all this.

The history of specific Russia is moving in a strictly defined direction. It is familiar to the departure from the horizontal prestrol system. Instead of the legitimate-legal principle of the ancient Russian state, Rurikovichi of the fourteenth century put forward a different maximum: it is legally strong. Not as an example of Monomakhi, Yuri Moscow and the second Tver Prince named Mikhail no longer need the escair of the Iguman of the Vestubitsky Monastery. Becoming princes-markers, they perceived the thinking of the princes-hosts, breaking with the mentality of the princess politicians of Kievan Rus. In this capacity, they wish to be unique, in every way pursuing and limiting the power of the younger representatives of Daniil Alexandrovich dynasties, Yaroslav Yaroslavlovich, Andrey Alexandrovich. Simeon Proud, Mikhail II Tverskaya, Dmitry Suzdalsky, Oleg Ryazansky demand from younger births not respect, submission. It (subordination desires) transforms the nature of the public authority. In the place of the conscion of ancient Russia comes the dominant type. From now on, everything is solved not by establishing consensus, with the help of pluralism of opinions. Everyone determines the material possibilities of the descendant of Rurik, his order.

Undoubtedly, S. M. Solovyov, and B. D. Greeks are not right - this is a gap with the trend of Kievan Rus. North Rus 1242-1462. It demonstrates a different intention, rather than the East-Russian Plain 882-1242. Is this gap naturally? Did he emerge, at least, from the history of the northeastern Russia of the Kiev period?

The future of the Moscow kingdom of a vaccine of an ancient Russian state. When the Nurse "destroyed" Andrei I, it became clear that the descendants of Vsevolod a large nest would have to be satisfied with the three territories of Kievan Rus. Yuriy Dolgorukh's secondary and his sons, the heritage of Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich and Novgorod Earth. These are different regions and their development in 882-1242. went differently. Suzdal Rus from the second half of the XII century. The strongest principality of the East-Russian Plain. Ryazan, Murom, who departed to Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich, among the weakest. Novgorod is a special article of ancient Russian history, even the boyars of Chervonna Russia could not boast of the successes that they fell out to the share of the Novgorod Lent.

If we assume that the trend of the socio-political development of Northern Russia the second half of the XIII - the first half of the XV centuries. Naturally, there should be no difference in the evolution of the zallet land, the Ryazan Principality and Mr. Veliky Novgorod. And there, and there, and there you can see: manorization of craft production; diminishing role and values \u200b\u200bof the evening; Ruricophilia boyar; an increase in the powers of the prince in the field of legal proceedings, administrative management, taxation; The collapse of the phenomenon of the ancient Russian city.

Does this demonstrate the history of Veliky Novgorod? Only the first point is the crisis of urban crafts in the second half of the XIII century. Everything else is unusual Novgorod. The city was able to not allow his pasture even the new sacred cow of Vsevolodovich. I put the barrier to the Great Prince in the affairs of the city court, administrative management and female collection. That is, Novgorod in the Ordinsky period develops otherwise. He was able to preserve the loyalty to the ancient Russian traditions, the twelfth century itself.

Ryazan has another story. It goes in the same direction that Moscow and Tver Principality. But, Oleg Ivanovich's volost reserepreneursing in its development. If Tver and Suzdal lag behind Moscow to the life of generation, then Ryazan is two.

That is, these innovations: the derivation of the role and the values \u200b\u200bof the evening; Ruricophilia boyar; an increase in the powers of the prince in the field of legal proceedings, administrative management, taxation; The collapse of the phenomenon of the ancient Russian city is not natural to all the north of the East-Russian Plain.

What can explain the other course of Novgorod and the lag of Ryazan? In our opinion, the main reason for various discourses of Moscow, Ryazan and Novgorod - geography. From the city on Ilmen to the Ordane border not one hundred kilometers. Suddenly to Moscow, as Takhtamysh showed, the Tatars could only in one case, if Ryazan and Suzdal princes change the cause of Russian unity, try on themselves with the lichnaya Svyatopolka. Other business Ryazan for her, horde behind the sideways. The remoteness of Novgorod saved him from the devastating raids of the Tatar cavalry. The geography of Moscow Plus Ivan Kalita allowed the principality over the forty years of the fourteenth century: to give birth and grow two generations, to the nerves of whom the impressions of childhood did not set the scoreless horror of fathers and grandfathers in front of the Tatarin: they went to the Kulikovo field. Ryazan could not praise neither the first - the ignorance of the horrors of the Tatar siege and the assault, nor the second - forty years of quiet life, when those who are no longer afraid of hordes grow.

That is, the weakness of the Tatar press helped Novgorod to preserve the loyalty to the covenants of ancient Russia. His huge cargo did not give the Ryazan principality of a chance on equal to compete with the Earth of Yuri Dolgoruky. If we add to this, traced back in the XII century. The desire of the princes of Suzdal Rus to self-balance, the socio-political alignment of the XIV-XV centuries. will be fully understood.

So now you can answer the main question. Moscow kingdom and ancient Russian state two phenomenon with different entities and hypostatas. Rus specific is only half. North Russia The second half of the XIII - the first half of the XV centuries. Consists of two incorporated parts. On the one hand, the depository land is an incubator of the future power of Ivan IV. On the other hand, the North-West of the East-Russian Plain remained all these 220 years, faces the traditions of the past. We do not consider the gap between Moscow and Novgorod the result of the natural course of things. At the same time, we deny the one hundred percent artificiality of the new situation in the Moscow Principality in the second third of the XIV century.

Movement from democracy of the IX-XII centuries. To the autocracy of the XVI-XX centuries, in the XIII-XV centuries. There had two engines. One was created by the Golden Horde. Rightly, especially, but Khana, converting in the second third of the XIII century. Associative-confederative ancient Russia in a unitary state, where there is an recognized lord - Tatar king; I have not been able to preserve in the second twenty-fifth anniversary of the next century the southern principalities; But, strengthening the north of the Eastern Russian Plain; Weakening to the end of the XIV centuries. They passed the art, and, more importantly, created by them by the descendants of Vsevolod Vladimir and Yaroslav Ryazansky. The victims of the city in Moscow river themselves were the victims of the city in Moscow. Another engine Rurikovichi created themselves. Having lost in the second half of the XIII century. Most of his political power, they transformed themselves in the princes of wilts. In the XIV-XV centuries, Zalegovsky Vsevolodovichi and Tska Yaroslavlich successfully distributed this new sense of domain itself. Consequently, Gengizids are only cousins \u200b\u200bof the kings of Daniel Alexandrovich dynasty and the emperors of the genus Romanov.

Neither Solovyov, nor Greek, nor Vernadsky could fully solve the historical rebus, which established in 1242-1462. The Horde played his role, and it is not the role of a statistian in domestic history. For those two and a half hundred years that the Mongols ruled in Russia, not always and did not interfere with everything and braked the progressive movement of the Russian people. Specific Rus only de Jure part of the golden horde. De Facto Novgorod does not accept and reject the Ordinian experience. A more advanced male earth is not a pathetic copywriter of Ordane experience. The most important intention of its socio-economic and socio-political development is a faithful monarchy in no way connected with the history of Batu-Khan. And even where the Ordia hand is traced, it is impossible to talk about the influence of the country of Jucid. Princes that inherited Vsevolod III and Ingvar Ryazan, there was no exit. They did not voluntarily borrowed (and without it there can be no influence of one to another) military service direct, universal taxation, etc. The kings of Russia Berk and Uzbek indicated: "Let it be so."

Ergo Horde did not affect Russia. All quality innovations, one way or another, with it related: the derivation of the role and the values \u200b\u200bof the veche; Ruricophilia boyar; an increase in the powers of the prince in the field of legal proceedings, administrative management, taxation; The collapse of the phenomenon of the ancient Russian city was, in general, violently introduced by Khan. Descendants of Juci stopped halfway. When at the end of the XIV - the first half of the XV centuries. From their weakened hands fell a banner, Vasily Dmitrievich was successful, Vasily Vasilyevich, yes Ivan Vasilyevich. They were able to do what was never succeeded by Galotherynsky Khan - to conquer the northwestern part of Northern Russia. (Submission should be understood as the violent layer of one social development trend inherent in Novgorod and the Pskov of the XIV-XV centuries, and just as violent introduction of the other). So, the Horde did not affect, and imperatively powerfully influenced the social development of specific RUSi.

Bibliographic list
  1. Alekseev Yu.G. Pskov vessel gram. Pskov, 1997.
  2. Weber M. Economy and Society M., 2010.
  3. Vernadsky G.V. Mongols and Rus. Tver, 1997.
  4. Vladimirsky-Budanov M.F. Review of the history of Russian law
  5. Greeks B.D., Yakubovsky A.A. Golden horde and her drop. - M.-L.: 1950
  6. Ilovai D. I. History of the Ryazan Principality. M., 1884,
  7. Karamzin N.M. History of Russian Goverment. - M., 1988. Book 1. Tom. eleven
  8. Kuza A.V. Small cities of ancient Russia. M., 1989.
  9. Kuchkin V. A. Formation of the state territory of Northeast Russia in the X-XIV centuries. / V. A. Kuchkin. M., 1984.
  10. Mongight A.L. Ryazan Land M., 1961.
  11. Pavlov-Silvansky N. P.Fodalism in ancient Russia Petrograd, 1924
  12. Smirnov P.P. Posad people and their class struggle until the middle of the XVII century, vol. 1-2, M.-L., 1947-1948.
  13. Covern of the XV-XVI centuries. / Under total. ed. Academician B. D. Grekov. M.; L., 1952.
  14. Yanin V.L. Novgorod landange. M., 2003.

Many schoolchildren and ordinary people are distant from the deep study of history, confuse the Mongolian state and the Golden Horde, identifying them. Despite the fact that the golden horde was a long part of the Mongolian state, Khan Bati and his receiver Khan Burke did everything to separate this territory by creating their own unique state. It was the powerful state that enormous influence on the Russian princes, and it was here that they went behind labels. How did the Golden Horde, and what is the influence of the state on ancient Russia?

Department of the Golden Horde from the Mongolian state

As mentioned above, the department began during the reign of Khan Batya. He was not a great Khan Mongong Empire, but he took one of the best uluses, who later became the Golden Horde. After the election of Khan Munk in 1251, Bati supported him, and received a lot of privileges for his land. The territory of the territory of the then Mongolian Empire extended a lot of kilometers, and the soldiers managed to capture not only China, but also some European territories, including Poland and Austria. That is why the strengthening of a small ulus Batya worried little.

The trend towards the separation continued the next Khan Burke. It was he who made the Golden Horde independent. What steps took Berke to separate your territories?

  • He continued to improve the urban appearance of Saray-Batu, making one of the most modern economic and political centers from the city.
  • Berke himself accepted Islam before the beginning of the board and gradually impeded this belief to all his ulus.
  • Due to the invitation from Iran and Egypt, specialists in the field of science and art, Burke increased the share of people educated in their ulus.
  • He improved trade and economic ties, which was noticeably affected by the welfare of the ulus.

In 1269, during the reign of Mengou-Timura, Ulus Juchi became completely independent, and in the people, among the Russian population got the name of the Golden Horde.

Golden Horde flourishing and its influence on ancient Russia

Perennial influence of the Golden Horde on ancient Russia can not be ignored. Here it is not only in the economic dependence of two states from each other, but also in political and social changes in the life of society.

In fact, the Russian princes had only the similarity of a limited monarchy, and the final solutions in the state were always taken by Khan and their assistants. To get a label to a great reign, princes needed to prove himself to Khan. Also, there were also cases of suturing when Khanov promoted their pets, making them with governors in the most politically important principles of Russia.

So, a case is known when in 1248, the Golden Horde was planted at the Kiev throne of Alexander Nevsky. According to the will of Yaroslav the Great, the Kiev throne was to move away Andrew, but Khan has long consisted in trusting relations with Nevsky, as a result of which, it was he who was a cherished throne.

In the use of Russian princes, such words were included as "label" and "tribute", and interaction with ancient Russia was the basis of the economy of the Golden Horde. By receiving a huge Dani, local khans were considered the most richest representatives of the Mongolian Empire, and therefore they managed to achieve independence.

At the expense of competently built political and economic relations with the ancient Russia, the Golden Horde experienced a heyday until the middle of the XIV century. On the board of Khan of Uzbek and his heir to Janibek, the horde of the rich in his eyes, becoming more and more powerful.

And yet, in the environment of Russian princes, dissatisfied with the ripe. Despite the fact that Mongolian khans provided Russian land protection, the state has been obligations before the Golden Horde. That is why the uprising was only a matter of time. 1380 has become a turning point in the history of the Golden Horde. After the Kulikov battle and the unexpected defeat of the Mongols, the Russian princes realized that and with this opponent could be successfully fighting.

Why did Russian princes dare to fight? The thing is that the "tight piece" called the Golden Horde was becoming more attractive, and therefore local khans and their heirs led the endless struggle for the throne. A peculiar analogy with the smutage helped the Russian princes to catch local warriors by surprise, breaking their main forces. After such a lesion, Mongols needed many months to restore their strength.

There was a widespread association of forces, the princes were cooperating with each other, just to achieve liberation from the Tatar-Mongolian yoke. For two years, Russian lands enjoyed freedom and did not pay tribute until Takhtamysh came to power. Having defeated Moscow, the Great Mongolian Han immersed Russia in a centrally silence and obedience.

And yet, the Kulikovsky battle has become direct proof that ancient Russia is capable of fighting. Now the princes remained only to wait for the moment the maximum weakening of the Golden Horde to achieve independence.

The expansion of Russian land was a natural consequence of the weakening of the political unity and defense capability. In the middle of the XIII century. On Russia, the Horde of Tatar-Mongol collapsed from the east, from the West - German, Swedish, Lithuanian, Polish and Hungarian faeds, incited by the Catholic Church. Within the three-hundredth period of feudal fragmentation, it is necessary to highlight the Domongolsky stage, the heyday of the Russian land, and the period characterized by the weakening of Russia as a result of political and economic dependence on the Golden Horde.

Historians of the XIX century N.M. Karamzin, N.I. Kostomarov condemned the Ordi violence, believed that it was the Mongols that laid the foundation of Russian unity. This position is opposed by a different historiographic line, which occupies the most significant position in modern scientific controversy. Its essence comes down to the fact that the Goldenordinskoe Igo delayed not only the economic, but also the political development of the country, which threw the formation of centralized statehood, at least for half a century. This point of view adhere to such scientists as V.V. Kargalov, VB Kobrin, V.A. Kuchkin, M.D. Poliboyarins, A.L. Yurganov. They pointed out that the Politics of Mongolian Khanov was aimed at inciting contention between Russian princes, therefore the formation of a centralized state did not occur due to, but contrary to the policy of Mongol-Tatars.

The historiographic palette of the problem of the influence of Mongol-Tatars on the historical fate of Russia will be incomplete without mentioning the Eurasian concept, which arose at the beginning of the XX century. The main idea of \u200b\u200bEurasians is reduced to the fact that the term "IHO" does not reflect all the completeness of the relationship between Russia and the Horde. According to N.S. Trubetsky, P.N. Savitsky, the origins of Eurasian unity were not in Kievan Russia, but in the Empire of Genghis Khan, where the Eurasian cultural type allegedly appeared as a whole. In a certain sense, the ideological successor of the Eurasians was L.N. Gumilev, who argued that Mongols were looking for in Russian allies, and not loyal dannikov. Despite the fact that most of modern historians do not share the concept of L.N. Gumileva, it is impossible not to recognize the contribution of the Eurasians to the study of the original history of Mongol-Tatars and overcoming one-sided European-centrism in the assessment of Russian history as a whole.

The Empire of Genghis Khan at the time of a collision with ancient Russian civilization was at an earlier stage of the development of feudal relations. The political unity of the Mongolian state, stitching from Korea to Egypt, was largely based on the relics of its armed forces. Rus's defense capability due to constant conflicts of the princes was weakened. The first collision of the Mongol-Tatars with the United Russian and Polovtsy troops occurred in 1223 on the river. Kalka and ended with the defeat of Russian-Polovetsky squads. The time after the defeat on the rod was not used by Russian princes to increase the country's defense capability.

A large-scale attack on Russian lands was headed by grandson of Genghis Khan, Khan Bati. In 1236, Polovtsy and Volga Bulgaria were defeated, and in 1237, Mongol-Tatars came to the borders of the Ryazan Principality. Within two years, Baty conquered the entire Northeast Rus. In 1239-1240 South-Russian lands were ruined. Kozelsk had particularly fierce resistance, the inhabitants of whom after taking were exterminated to the last person. In 1241-1242 Mongols made a number of raids on Poland, Hungary, Moravia and Silesia, but they were on the outcome of them, so they turned to the east and stopped in the lower reaches of the Volga, where they formed a new state - the Golden Horde. A.S. Pushkin wrote that "Russia was determined by a high purpose ... Her unbarrous plains were absorbed by Mongols and stopped their invasion on the very edge of Europe. Barbarians, did not dare to leave the concern in their rear, returned to the steppes of their east. The resulting enlightenment was saved by a confused and blowing Russia, ... but Europe, against Russia, was always just as ignorant, as well as ungrateful. "

Despite the fact that for 250 years, Russian lands were in a state of political and economic dependence on the Golden Horde, they were able, in course the result, to unite, retaining their statehood and national identity.

How did the relationship between Russia and the Golden Horde? After the Batiev of the pogrom, the land of Russia, the land of Russia was not occupied, was not occupied, on its territory was not created permanent administration. Nevertheless, Russian princes were not independent in their actions. They were obliged to ride the Horde to get labels there on the reign, including the Grand Diction. For 188 years from 1242 to 1430. Russian princes came 70 times in the barn - the capital of the Golden Horde. The label got to the prince who was able to provide a large tribute. The Goldenopa Khans periodically reshaped a map of Russia, giving the border cities to one, then another principality. They skillfully burned the gravestics between princes, which, undoubtedly, restrained the process of political consolidation of Russian lands.

Economic addiction manifested itself in the case of severe tribute (1257). Horde officials conducted a census of the population (number) to control the applied population. The collection of Dani was organized according to the ancient Chinese traditions, from home-farm. Initially, Dani fee or horde exit Tatar officials have been headed - baskaki. 14 species of Dani were installed. A duty was introduced for all goods ( tamga). Sometimes the tribute was given to the deposit " nesennsky"The merchants, who, paying its size, then with the estimated charged it from the population. The population was to carry out a number of insights: Ratish, Yamskaya, underwater. It was necessary to supply Russian warriors in the Orda, horses and training for backers, pay shopping duties. Such a provision provoked folk performances (1257, 1262). From the beginning of the XIV century. The collection of Dani was transmitted to the hands of Russian princes, who drank not only the tribute itself, but also gifts. The huge size of Dani (1-2 rubles. From the yard or "soy" is a family in which at least 2 worker men and 2 horses) completely bleeding the economy of Russian lands.

The Russian land suffered from shavers and political incubations, but in religious relations it was a holistic education. Mongol-Tatars showed loyalty not only in relation to Orthodoxy. In the law of Mongols, "Great Jasak" was fixed, respectability, respect for spiritual persons, mercy to the beggar. The Russian clergy was delivered from Dani pay. In Saraj, his Metropoline was organized, an Orthodox church was built. Some representative of Mongolian nobility adopted Christianity. The church further provided her strengthening political power to essential support in the liberation from Mongol-Tatar rule.

At the same time, in the middle of the XIII century. Rus has threatened from the Catholic West. In 1204, the Crusaders took the attack of Constantinople, the stronghold of Orthodoxy, and by 1240, the Catholic expansion "sank" to the Russian principalities. Weakened politically, Russian lands could not simultaneously resist and east and west. Russians were in front of the most important civilization selection. G.A. Vernadsky wrote: "Mongolism carried slavery, but not the soul. Latin threatened to distort the soul. Latin was a militant religious system, who sought to subordinate to himself and by his sample to redo the Orthodox faith of the Russian people. Mongolism was not at all religious system, but only cultural and political. " The choice was made. Thanks to the efforts of Prince Alexander Nevsky (Nevskaya battle (1240), Ice breaking (1242),on the Natisk of the German-Swedish aggression was stopped. Russian lands have retained national-religious self-sufficiency and, at the same time, were in political dependence on the Golden Horde.

In the middle of the XIV century In Horde, the gravestones began, who suspended the darkness of Mamay. The turning point in the relationship between the Russians and Mongol-Tatars was Kulikovsky battle. September 8, 1380 United Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Russian troops won on the culish field. Despite the fact that in two years Khan Tukhtamysh, during the punitive campaign on Russia, he burned Moscow and restored the rights of the horde, the beginning of the release process from political dependence was made. IN 1476, Ivan III stopped paying tribute horde, and in 1480. IHO was finally liquidated during "Standing on r. Ugra ".

The influence of Mongol-Tatars on the development of Russian lands was colossal. Mongol-Tatar invasion led to a numerical reduction of the population. Before the invasion, 12 million people lived in Russian lands. This figure was exceeded only by the end of the XVIII century. According to the estimates of archaeologists, after the Batiev of the pogrom 49 out of 74 cities were broken, and 14 of them ceased to exist at all. For the first 50 years of establishing the dependence of Russian lands from the Golden Horde, not a single city was built. The North-Eastern Rus was completely broken, the land was abandoned, trade relations were violated. Stone builder froze, the accumulation of technical knowledge has suspended. Many types of crafts, for example, glass production appeared in Russia only in the XVII century, with the help of foreign masters.

The blow, applied in the economy of Russian principalities, has affected the ratio of socio-economic and political factors in the historical fate of Russia. The dependence on the Horde led to a change in the entire political system, which almost completely disappears the eve of the Beginning. The contractual relations observed in the Old Russian state also did not receive their development.

The strongest impact of Mongol-Tatars was rendered to the legal system, the language, the household structure of the medieval Russian society. Russians adopted some of their orders of orders and administrative customs from Ordans - a monetary account, the organization of postal service (pit, yamchiki), a more cruel system of sentences. The constant need to put someone else's power developed not the best features in the nature of Russian people. The danger threatened by women from the side of the Inomers, gave rise to such a distinguishing feature of the houses of Russian known as the "Women's Terem" and predetermined the removal of women from public duties.


1. What socio-political changes in Russian lands caused feudal fragmentation?

2. What was the relationship between the economic and social causes of the specific state of the Russian land?

3. List the arguments in favor of the thesis on the preservation of the unity of the Russian Earth in the era of political fragmentation. Do you agree with this statement?

4. Name the positive and negative effects of the specific state of the Russian land.
5. What was the features of the development of regions in the specific era?

6. Why did not take place the political alliance between the two most talented Russian politicians of the XIII century. Alexander Nevsky and Daniel Galitsky?

7. How do you rate various schools in historiography influence of the Mongol-Tatar factor in Russian history?

8. What forms of dependence of the Russian lands from the Golden Horde must be considered, describing the nature of relations between Russia and the Great Steppe?

9. Determine what the historical meaning of the Kulikov battle is?

10. What was the civilization impact of Mongol-Tatars on the historical destiny of Russia?