Bucharest World with the Ottoman Empire. In the name of God Almighty

In Bucharest, by Russia, the main authorized by Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov, on the part of Turkey Ahmed-Pasha.

Bucharest Mirny Treaty
Type of contract peace treaty
date of signing 16 (28) May 1812
a place Bucharest
Signed Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov and Laz Aziz Ahmet Pasha
Parties Russian empire
Ottoman Empire

The world negotiations were launched back in October 1811, after the defeat of the main forces of Turkey under the guilty (today, Ruse, Bulgaria) and the environment of their most part in Slobodzey. Commissioner of Sultan Galib-Efendi, as well as English and French diplomats, sought all possible ways to tighten the negotiations, but Kutuzov achieved the completion of them a month before the invasion of Napoleon to Russia. Thanks to this agreement, the safety of the south-western borders of Russia was ensured, and Turkey could no longer take part in the Napoleon campaign against Russia. It was a major military and diplomatic victory that improved the strategic environment for Russia by the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812. The Danube Army could be transferred to strengthen the troops covering the Western borders of Russia. Turkey also left the Union with France.

The Bucharest Mirny Agreement consisted of 16 vowels and two secret articles.

Russia first received sea base on the Caucasian Black Sea coast. Also, the Bucharest agreement provided the privileges of the Danube principalities and the internal self-government of Serbia, which marked its full independence. The main provisions of the Agreement were confirmed on September 25 (October 7) of the year by the Akkerman Convention.

After the conclusion of the Bucharest world, a manifesto was published on the withdrawal of troops from the dams of Moldova and consolidate the right to order by property for a period of one year, during which residents from both shores of the rod could move freely at their own request to Turkish and Russian territory and sell their property. This year followed a lot of sales and crossings.

The subsequent development of the two parts of the Moldovan Principality after 1812 in a different political, socio-economic and cultural environment predetermined their different historical fate.

The Bucharest world between Russia and Turkey was concluded on 16 (28 May) 1812. According to the results of the Russian-Turkish war, 1806-1812. From Russia, the signature under the contract put the Count Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, and from the ports - the Supreme Vizyr Ahmed-Pasha. Bucharest agreement improved strategic position Russian Empire Due to the accession of the eastern part of Moldova and receiving marine databases on the Caucasian Black Sea coast. The right of commercial shipping throughout the Danube was also promoted to strengthening the international situation of Russia.

And finally, the contract ensured the safety of the south-western borders of Russia on the eve of the war with France and the strengthening of the troops, covering the Western borders of the Empire at the expense of the liberated parts of the Danube Army.

The reason for the war was the resignation in August 1803. The rulers of Moldova Alexander Muzuri and Valahia Constantine Iselandi. Whereas in Russian-Turkish treaties, the appointment and displacement of the rulers of the Danube principalities should be coordinated with the Russian government. Back in 1783 at the insistence of the Russian Messenger in Constantinople Ya.N. Bulgakova The Turkish government published Hatti-Sheriff, according to which grades in Moldova and Valahia were ordered, and the question of the displacement of the Lord was put only in the case of the crimes. In 1802, the Messenger of Russia in Turkey V.S. Tamara as a result of negotiations with the port achieved the adoption of additional articles to the Hatti Sheriffs, which determined the inner structure of Moldova and Valahia.

According to the 16th article of Kychuk-Kainardzhi Peace Treaty In November 1806, the 40-thousandth army under the command of General I.I. was introduced in the principality. Michelson. If Khotyn's fortresses, Bender, Akkerman and Kilia surrendered to without a battle, then the attempt to take by General Meyendorf Izmail ended in failure. True, the detachment of General Miloradovich managed to expel the Turks from the captured by them Bucharest.

Under the influence of French diplomacy, on December 18, 1806, Turkey declared Russia to Russia. Despite all the protests and actions (a breakthrough of the British squadron through Dardanelles) of England, seeking to weaken in the region of French influence, Sultan concluded a union with Napoleon and announced the war to the British. Active military operations on the Danube and the Caucasus began with the spring of 1807 and walked with varying success: the siege of Izmail until the end of July was limited to the reflection of Turkish rims, the Kamensky Corpus was forced to retreat Brailov, and Miloradovich moved to Bucharest. However, he did not comply with the army of the Vizier and Rushchuksky Pasha Mustafa, the escade of D.N. Senjavina defeated the Turkish fleet in the Afonov battle, and after taking Belgrade, Serbia passed into the Russian protectorate in July. In the Transcaucasus, the Army Gudhovich, first acting unsuccessfully, broke the Yusufa Pasha on the Arpachai River, and the Black Sea squades took possession of Anapa.

Military failures and a Tilzite peace treaty between Russia and France (June 1807) forced the Turks to accept the truce proposed by the Russian side, concluded on August 12, 1807. Until March 3, 1809, the Russian troops left the Danube Principles, returned the captured ships and the island of Tenedos. Ottomans, in turn, pledged not to join the principality and stop fighting in Serbia.

By increasing after the conclusion of the world with Napoleon, the number of the Danube army to 80 thousand people, Alexander I put before the new commander-in-chief of the prince of the Problem to change the conditions of the truce. In accordance with one of the secret conditions of the Tilzite world, Alexander I had to adopt France's mediation in a military conflict with Turkey. He promised to bring troops from the principalities, provided that they do not occupy the Turks. Truth, russian government Used all the prepositions not to ratify this agreement and leave troops in previous positions. Napoleon and the Russian emperor even climbed (although very carefully) the question of the possibility of separating the Ottoman Empire. But really the position of Russia in the Eastern Mediterranean was weakened by the transmission by the French of the Ionic Islands. Moreover, Napoleon was not going to let Russia increase its influence in the Balkans. Franco-Russian relations after tilsitis demonstrated incompatibility of the foreign policy goals of two powers. At the end of 1807, Napoleon proposed a plan for the preservation of Russia Danube Principles in exchange for Silesia, but at the same time put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Franco-Austrian Union to curb Russia in the Balkans. In 1808, at a meeting in Erfurt, Napoleon recognized Russia's right to the principality in return to the promise to support France in case of conflict with Austria.

In turn, the port, going to rapprochement with England and Austria, did not want to change the conditions and in March 1809 declared war to Russia. The exacerbated by the beginning of 1811 the relationship with France was dictated by the need for a speedy conclusion of the world with the Turks, which was hosted not only France, but also Austria. In March 1811, the Russian army was headed by General M.I. Kutuzov, who joined peace negotiations with Vizier. But since both parties did not go for concessions, the negotiations were soon interrupted. Only the defeat of the main forces of the Turks in the battles at the batch and Slobodzey, as well as the retreat of Izmail-Bay to Sofia, the Turkish government was bowed to the signing of a peace treaty.

Negotiations in Zhezhev, from the fall of 1811 held in a difficult international situation associated with the brewing war between France and Russia. Given this, Turkey tried to tighten the negotiations, but perseverance and diplomatic talent M.I. Kutuzov led to a successful completion of them a month before the start of the invasion of Napoleon I on Russia. The success of the negotiations was also facilitated by the refusal of Russia from the tough territorial requirements for Turkey.

The contract consisted of 16 open and 2 secret articles, which provided for the destruction of the fortifications of Izmail and Keely, who transmitted to Russia, and provided the right to Russian ships to use parking from the Turkish banks in the Poti area. However, if Russia has completely ratified the contract, Turkey, seeking to make it difficult to solve the issue of entering Russian ships to Turkish waters, ratified only the main contract (without secret articles).

The contract has undoubtedly improved the strategic position of the Russian Empire. He installed a new Russian-Turkish border along the River Prut (instead of the Dniester) before connecting it to the Danube, and then in the Kilius Danube to the Black Sea. That is, the eastern part of the Moldovan Principality in the Prothel-Dniester Milf (in the future, the Bertera, Akkerman, Khotyn, Bendera, Akkerman, Keelin, and Izmail, was departed to Russia. This area was 50% of Moldova territory and 25% of the population. In addition, Russia received the right to commercial shipping throughout the course of the Danube and swimming warships from Kyili's mouth to the pruh river in the Danube. The protection of the trade interests of Russia in the East was guaranteed.

Turkey was returned to the western part of Moldova (on the right bank of the river. Prut) and Valahia. At the same time, the agreement was restored by the privileges of the Danube principalities granted to the Russian-Turkish contracts of 1774, 1791 and 1802. In addition, Turkey pledged to release the population of principalities from taxes for two years. Nevertheless, in December 1813, Moldovans appealed to Russia again with the past of the patronage. Serbia, which declared himself an independent kingdom under the Protectorate of Russia, was limited to receiving autonomy in matters of internal self-government and tax collection in favor of Sultan, which laid the foundation of its future independence. The rebels were given an amnesty.

In the Caucasus, the Turks returned all items conquered by Russian troops during the war (Anapa, Poti, Akhalkalaki), but Russia retained voluntarily joined it in 1803-1804. Ownership of Western Georgia (Mingrelia, Guria and Imereti) on the Black Sea coast before Arpaccha, Adjara and Black Sea. Russia for the first time received marine bases on the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea.

The contract strengthened the military-political position of the country, providing the day before the war with France, the safety of southwestern Russian borders and the release of the Danube (Moldavian) army to enhance the troops covered by the Western borders of the Empire. The contract deprived France of such a valuable ally as the Ottoman Empire, which refused the Union with Napoleon. In addition, the peace treaty with Turkey contributed to the conclusion next year in the world with percia.

After the conclusion of the Bucharest world, a manifesto was published on the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Turkish part of Moldova. At the same time, residents from both banks were permitted during the year to freely move into Turkish and Russian territory and sell their property. Already after ratifying the Agreement, Admiral P.V. Chichagov offered the emperor to move troops in Dalmatia, Adriatic and Switzerland in order to base in the Balkans of the Slavic Empire under the Russian aegis. In the conditions of an imminent war with France, Alexander I used the threat to the incarnation of this plan for diplomatic pressure on Austria, having achieved a promise from the Austrian government to keep his strength in reserve when attacking Napoleon to Russia.

Treatise about the world between Russia and the Ottoman Port

God's harety-mindedness, we, Alexander the first, emperor and autocrats, All-Russian, and so on, and so on, and so on. We declare through this, to whom to keep talking about that the 16th of May of the month of this 1812, between our imperial Majesty and His Majesty of the Emperor Ottoman, the Veliky's Preser Frequency Sultans, the King of the Mekek and Midage and the defender of St. Jerusalem, the King and Emperor provinces inhabited in European and Asian countries, and on white and in the Black Sea, the bright, holding and the grand emperor, the Sultan Sultan Soul and the King of the Son of the Kings, the Sultan Magmud-Khan, the son of Sultan Abdul-Hamid_hana, due to the data on both sides of the authority , namely, with our fortunate and high-speed Count Mikhail Larionovich Gelenischev-Kutuzov, our general from infanteria, commander-in-chief of our army, and the orders of our cavalry, also the Imperial-Austrian Order of Mary Teresia Big Cross Cavalera and the Order of St. John Jerusalem Commander, and with the parties of His Majesty Emperor Ottomansky, the largest and you The Sokoprevial \u200b\u200bSupreme Vizier and the Commander-in-Chief Army of the Brilliant Port of the Ottoman Ahmed Pasha, it was decided and concluded by the Commissioner of the Eternal Peace Particular between both empires, consisting of sixteen articles, which from the word before the word says so.

In the name of the Lord Almighty.

His imperial majesty, the all-demanding and holding great sovereign, the emperor and autocrat of the All-Russian, and His Majesty, the All-Welcome and His Great Sovereign, the Emperor Ottoman, having sincerely mutual desire, in order to continue between mutual powers, the war is discontinued, the world, friendship and good consent Restored, reasoned by Zarabogo: this righteous and saving time to distinguish the efforts and leadership of the main committees to this, and it was his imperial Majesty, the autocrat of the All-Russian, the largest and high-speed Count Mikhail Golenishchev-Kutuzov, General from infanteria, commander-in-chief of his army, all Russian Order and Great Cross of the Imperial-Austrian Order of Maria Teresia Kavalera and Commander of the Honor Order of St. John Jerusalem, and from His Majesty, the Emperor of the Ottoman, the Largest and Hispiece of the Supreme Vizier and the Commander-in-Chief of the Troops The ports of Ottoman Ahmed Pasha, so that for the resolution, the conclusion and signing of the peace treaty is elected, appointed and subject to full atticness from both parties were provided with decent specials. As a result, elected, appointed and authorized, namely: from the Russian Imperial Court Excellengeous and High-Secured GG. Andrei Itali, his imperial Majesty, the secret adviser, a valid chamber, orders of St. Vladimir of the second degree, St. Anne of the first and St. George of the third classes of Cavalier; and Joseph Fonton, his imperial Majesty a valid Stat adviser, orders of St. Vladimir of the third degree and St. Anne of the second class of Cavalier; From the side of the brilliant ports of Ottoman, Excellenious and high-intended GG. Essaid Said Magommed Halib Efendi, a valid bay of the brilliant port of Ottoman; Muft Necess Ibrahim Selim Efendi, Kazi-Asker Anadolsky, a valid judge of the Ottoman army, and Abdul Hamid Efendi, a valid YeniCherlery Katibi; who, by gathering the city of Bucharest, on the revocation of their authority, decided the following articles:

Art. I. Enmunty and disagreement, which existed between both high empires, from now on, in the early opinion of the SIM TRAKET, both on land and on the water, and may be the world, friendship and good agreement between his imperial Majesty the autocrat and the Padishah All-Russian and His Majesty Emperor and Padishah Ottomansky, their heirs and successors of the thrones and their mutual empires.

Both high-headed parties will attach an emergency effort to disgust in total, which could cause hostility between mutual subjects; They will fulfill exactly everything, the sim in peaceful treatise is decisive, and will strictly observe that in no one, nor on the other side, nor explicitly, have not been actually incorporated against the real treatise.

Art. II. Both high Contracting Parties, while restoring, thus, among themselves sincere friendship, deign to the amnesty and the general forgiveness of all those from their subjects, koi, in the continuation of the wars finished now, participated in hostilities, or in any way, contrary to interests Their sovereigns and states. As a result, they will not be given an amnesty, none of them will continue to offend or oppress themselves for those who have passed their actions, but everyone who returned to their home will use the estate, which he previously owned, protected and the patronage of laws, along with others.

Art. III. All treatments, conventions, acts and regulations, and prisoners in different times between the Russian imperial courtyard and the brilliant port of Ottoman, in everything is completely confirmed both by the SIM TRAKET, and the previous ones, turning onto the articles, koi at times they have been changed; And both high Contracting Parties are obliged to observe them holy and indispensable.

Art. IV. The first article of the preliminary paragraphs, in advance already signed, it was decided that the river Prut from entering it to Moldova before connecting it to the Danube and the left bank of the Danube with this connection to the mouth of Kyili and to the sea will be the border of both empires, for which the mouth will be general . Small islands, koi before the war were not inhabited, and starting in front of Izmail to a marked mouth of Kyiliy are closer to the left bank, having to belong to Russia, they will not have a single one from both powers, and they will continue to do the fortifications, no buildings, but Sea islands will remain empty, and mutual subjects can come there the only for fishing and logging. The parties of the two large islands lying opposite Izmail and Keelya, also empty and uncomfortable will remain space for an hour of distance, starting from the nearest paragraph of the removed left bank of Danubeskago; Space This will be marked with signs, and the dwellings before the war of the former, as well as the old Kilia, will remain for this minor line.

Due to the above-mentioned article, the brilliant port of Ottoman is inferior and gives the Earth to the Russian Imperial Court, lying along the left bank of the rod, with the fortresses, places, villages and dwellings, there are located, the middle of the rivers of the river will be the border between both high empires.

The merchant ships of both courtyards can, as before, enter into a rumored mouth of Kyili, as well as throughout the course of the Danube River. As for the military ships of the Russian Imperial Court, then they can walk there from Kili's mouth to the junction of the river Prut with the Danube.

Art. V. His Majesty Emperor and Padishah All-Russian gives back the brilliant port of the Ottoman land Moldavian, lying on the right bank of the river Prut, as well as greater and small Valachia, with fortresses, in such a state, how they are now, with cities, towns, villages, dwellings and With all that, in the provinces, it is boring with the islands of Danube, turning off the foregoing in the fourth article of this treatise.

Acts and Resolution regarding the privileges of Moldova and Valahia, who existed and followed were before this war, are confirmed on such a basis, as decided in the fifth article of the preliminary paragraphs. Conditions depicted in the fourth article of the 4th treatise will be accurately executed, and which say so: do not require any payment for old bills, no deliveries for all war time, opposite the inhabitants of these two provinces to fire from all taxes in the future for two years, counting from the date of the change of ratifications; And give the time to residents of these provinces, who wish from there to move to other places. In itself, of course, this period will be continued for four months, and that the brilliant port will agree to Catalog Moldova to figure out the commensity of its current land.

Art. Vi. In addition to the border of the river, the river, the borders from Asia and other places are completely restored as they were before the war, and as decided in the third article of the preliminary paragraphs. As a result, the Russian imperial yard gives up and returns the bright port of Ottoman, in this state, in which the fortresses and castles are now being located, inside this boundaries and weapons are conquered, but with the cities, towns, villages, dwellings and with all the fact that Contains in itself.

Art. VII. Magometan residents of the defended land to the Russian imperial court who could be in the cause of war, and the natural inhabitants of other places that remained in the continuation of the war in the same underwent lands may wish, go to the brilliant ports with their families and the estate and There remain under her power forever; What they do not have a topless one that the slightest will not be renob, but will allow them to sell their own estate who wished from the subjects and reversed for the money to translate Ottoman. This permission is given to the natural inhabitants of observed landlocked land, which has its own possessions and now in the areas of the brilliant port.

To this end is given to the other eighteen months, starting from the date of the change in the ratification of this treatise, to dispose of their issued cases. Equally, the Tatars of the Bisszapskaya Horde, which passed to the continuation of this war from Bessarabia to Russia, can, will wish, return to Ottoman, but with the fact that the brilliant port will be then obliged to pay the Russian Imperial Court for the costs, koi could be used for transport And in ordering this day.

Opposite, Christians who have possessions in the lands, the Russian court of claimed, as well as those koi, being a natives of the landselves, are now in other places of Ottoman, they can, you will wish, go and settle in a memorable instructed lands, with their families and property; In which they will not be rejected by any obstacle, and they are allowed to sell the estate of all kinds as they own in the areas of the brilliant ports, the inhabitants of the same places of Ottoman, and reversed for the money to translate in the field of the Russian Empire, they will also leave for the eighteen months. term, counting from the date of the change in the ratification of the real peace treatise.

Art. VIII. In accordance with the fourth article of the preliminary paragraphs, although there is no doubt that the brilliant port according to the rules will use the condescension and generosity against the people of Serbian, as ancient times the subject of this Power and tribute to it, however, looking to participate which Serbs took In the actions of this war, it is recognized for decent to decide the narrative conditions on their safety. As a consequence, the brilliant port gives the Serbs forgiveness and general amnesty, and they will in no way be disturbed by their acts. The fortresses that they could build on the occasion of the war in the lands of them inhabited, and they were not there before, will be, since it is useless for that future time, destroyed, and the brilliant port will come to possession of still all the fortresses, padankas and other fortified places Always existing with artillery, military supplies and other objects and military shells, and she will establish garrisons there in their behavior. But in order to this, the garrisons did not make the Serbs of any oppression, in the contrary to the rights of subjects owned; The brilliant port, moving the feeling of mercy, will take to this end with the people of Serbian measures necessary for its safety. She gives the Serbs, according to their requests, the most benefits, which are of the subjects of its islands of the Arkipelagian and other places, and gives them the effect of generosity, providing them by the Office of their internal affairs, determining the measure of their submissions, receiving them from their own hands, And she will still have, finally, all these items are generally with the people of Serbian.

Art. IX. All prisoners of war, both male and female, whatever the people and states, who are in both empires should, soon on the revocation of the ratification of this peaceful treatise, returned and issued to be without the slightest or payment, turning off, but Christians who have accepted According to their own will, faith Magometanskaya in the areas of the brilliant port, and Mohammedan, also according to their wishes to the Christian faith in the regions of the Russian Empire.

In the same way, it will go with those Russian subjects, koi to sign this peaceful treatise would be paid by some incident, and which can be in areas, brilliant ports owned. The Russian courtyard promises to act on its part evenly with all the brilliant ports.

For the amounts used by both high Contracting Parties to the content of prisoners, do not require any payment. Moreover, each of both parties will supply the prisoners to all that they need to travel to the border, where they will be exchanged by mutual commissars.

Art. X. All cases and requirements of mutual subjects deferred due to war will not be left, but again considered and solved, by virtue of laws, on the conclusion of the world. Debts, what mutual subjects can have some on others, as well as debts on the treasury, have to be immediately and completely copied.

Art. Xi. According to the conclusion of a peaceful treatise between both high empires, and on the revocation of the ratifications of both sovereigns, the troops of the land and flotilla of the Russian imperial yard will come out of the prepositions of the Ottoman Empire. But it is necessary to figure out this exit with the distance of places and their circumstances, then both high Contracting Parties agreed to appoint a three-month period, considering the reprimment of ratifications, for the final exit, both from Moldova and Valahia and by Asia. As a result, from the date of the fracture of ratifications before the expiration of a marked period, the land forces of the Russian imperial courtyard will be completely out of both the European and from Asian, from all lands returned by the bright port of Ottoman SIM Treathern; Flotilla and all Military ships will also leave the waters of the brilliant port of Ottoman.

While Russian troops will be in the lands and fortresses who have returned to be brilliant port of Ottoman, in accordance with the real peace treatise, until the expiration of the deadline for the exit of the troops, until then, the management and order of things will remain in such a state, in which they now exist, under the authority The Russian Imperial Court, and the brilliant port of Ottoman in no way will be interpreted before the expiration of the term assigned to the exit of all troops, which will supply themselves with all edible supplies and other necessary items until the last day of their release, so that they are still there Supplied.

Art. XII. When the minister or attorney in the affairs of the Russian Imperial Court, who stays in Constantinople, will present a note for claiming, according to the use of VII TRAITS, satisfaction for the losses caused by the subject and merchants of the Russian Imperial Court of the Corsairs of the Governments of Algerian, Tunisian and Tripolsky, or to educate protests on subjects relating to the orders of the trading treaty confirmed, and koi would cause disputes and complaints; In this case, the brilliant port of Ottoman will pay attention to the fact that they prescribe the treatises, and that the obstacles are examined and resolved, without any omission of prescriptions and publications in such an end to the published. The Russian imperial yard will also observe the argument of a brilliant port, according to trade regulations.

Art. XIII. According to the conclusion of this peace treatise, the Russian imperial yard agrees that the brilliant port of Ottoman, in the similarity of worship with persian, used her good services in order to war between the Russian yard and Persian power It was over, and between them restored the world by their mutual agreement.

Art. XIV. According to the revocation of ratifications of this peace treatise, the mainly affordable both empires will be sent mutually and without the departure of the command to all the heads of troops, both land and maritime, on the termination of enemy actions; After the signing of this treaty, they have been revered as if ignorant, and will not cause any changes in the decrees depicted in the Ceat Treatise. It is equally all that in this interdisciplonia would be conquered by one or another of the high Contracting Parties will be returned immediately.

Art. XV According to the signing of this peaceful treatise by mutual authority, the primary majesty of His Majesty of the Emperor of the All-Russian and the Supreme Visor of the brilliant port of Ottoman will confirm the ones, and these acts will be exchanged by the same powers of ten days after the signing of this treatise, and rather, you can.

Art. XVI. The real treatise of the eternal world by His Majesty of the Emperor and Padishah All-Russian, and by His Majesty of the Emperor and Padishah Ottoman, has to be approved and ratified by solemn ratifications for the signatures of their majesty, which are exchanged to be mutual by mutual authority in the same place where the most This peace treatise is concluded, at four weeks, or, you can, and rather, counting from the date of the conclusion of this treatise.
A real peace act, containing sixteen articles, and which will be fulfilled by mutual ratifications in a decisive period, on the strength of our authority signed, our seals were approved and exchanged to another similar, signed by the above-mentioned author's brilliant ports of Ottoman and approved by their seals.

Secured in Bucharest May 16 days 1812.

Ratification. For the sake of our imperial majesty, according to the consecutive review of the above-mentioned contract of the Eternal Peace, confirmed and ratified it, IKO SIM SHIRADE ARE ANYTHING, confirm and ratify, in all its content, promising our imperial speech, for us and the heirs of our imperial The treatise is observed and fulfilled by us will be impatiently. For the assurances of what we are ratified, signing victorious, commanded to approve the public seal. Dana in Wilna, June 11 days 1812, our states in second-hand summer.

), completed the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812; Signed 16 (28) May 1812 in Bucharest from Russia, the main authorized by M.I. Kutuzov, on the side of the Ottoman powder Ahmed-Pasha. The peace negotiations began in October 1811 in Zhevhev, after the defeat of the main Turkish forces under the guide and the surroundings of most of them at Slobodzey. Despite the attempts of the authorized Sultan Galib-Efendi to tighten the negotiations, the Russian commander in chief M.I. Kutuzov achieved the completion of them a month before the invasion of the Napoleon Army I Bonaparte to Russia. Turkey came out of the Union with France. This made it possible to transfer troops from the Danube army to cover Western borders.
The Bucharest Mirny Agreement consisted of 16 open and 2 secret articles. The fourth article of the Treaty established a new Russian-Turkish border on the river Prut (cm. Prut (river)) (Instead of Dniester), Bessarabia passed to Russia. The sixth article obliging Russia to return Turkey all lands in the Caucasus, conquered by the power of weapons. This version of the article was the basis for the returns taken during the hostilities of Anapa, Poti, Akhalkalaki, but at the same time served as the reason for the retention of Sukhum and those lands along the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in Western Georgia, acquired by Russia as a result of a voluntary transition to Russian citizenship of local dominates. Thus, Russia first received marine bases on the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea. The Bucharest world provided the privileges of the Danube Principles, the internal self-government of Serbia and the right of the patronage of Russia Christians - the subject of Turkey. The main provisions of the Bucharest civil contract were confirmed by the Akkerman Convention (1826).

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

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The beginning of the Russian-Turkish war 1806-1812

16 (28) May 1812 Sultan Mahmoud II convened the Emergency Council, which was supposed to discuss the conditions of a peace agreement between the Russian and Ottoman Empires. Of the 54 of its participants, 50 submitted votes for peace, and the Turks went on the conclusion of the Bucharest civil contract.

This ended the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812, the beginning, the course and completion of which completely depended on the contradictions of the European policy of Russia and its relationship with France.

War was provoked by Napoleon diplomacy. Being forced to join it with the Allied England, Petersburg soon found himself in an extremely curious situation - after Tilsitis, our partners (in the Balkans and Straits, Russia did not have and cannot be real allies, and even more so - friends) and opponents changed places.

In 1806-1812 Russia was forced to lead wars with France, England, Sweden and Austria (with the latter - almost exclusively formally). In addition, in 1804 the Russian-Persian war began, which, of course, affected 1806-1812. during the case in the Transcaucasia. War years were very troubled and in Turkey. During the war, three state coups happened here, three Sultan were changed on the throne. Each of these shocks has affected the prospects for the end of the Russian-Turkish war. Long-term truce, as, for example, Slobodzee (end of August 1807 - March 1809), ended with the resumption of hostilities. The Russian program for the procurement of this time is the recognition of the independence of Serbia under the auspices of Turkey and Russia, accession to Russia of Kartli Kakheti and Imereti, Mingrelia and Guria Failure to Turkey from Abkhazia and the border in Europe in the Danube (ie. Joining Russia Bessarabia, Moldova and Valahia) was unacceptable for the Turks. At the time of signing the Bucharest world in Russian-French and Russian-English relations, another change was twisted, which forced Petersburg to rush to the completion of this war, albeit by refusing some of their plans. Turks could not correctly navigate in the international situation, and, frightened by the prospect of Russian-French rapprochement, also went on concessions. Kutuzov masterfully used the concerns of Turkish diplomacy, which caused rumors about a possible agreement between Russia and France regarding the section of the Ottoman Empire.

In fact, in the spring of 1812, the situation on western borders Russia was very disturbing, the principle of focusing forces in the main direction demanded peace in the east. Meanwhile, in early XIX. The centuries would seem to have impaired a conflict between St. Petersburg and Constantinople. In the first years of his reign, Alexander I adhered to the policy of preserving the integrity of the Ottoman Empire, solving controversial issues in bilateral relations. Continuing the tradition of 1799, Russia and Turkey concluded in 1805 an allied agreement confirming the right of the passage of Russian ships through Bosphorus and Dardanelles. True, even before his signing, Russian-Turkish relations were overshadowed by the complication of cases in the Balkans - the incompleteness of Yanychar, weakly controlled Istanbul, caused the beginning of the I Serbian uprising (1804-1813).

In order to approve his power in Serbia, Diai - Heads of Yanychar - On February 4, 1804, organized the extermination of Serbian Starins ("Sword Knezov"). 72 people were killed, but one of the invited to the meeting, where this massacre - Kara-Georgy occurred, managed to avoid the murder and headed the uprising. It was originally directed exclusively against Janacare, and not against the power of Sultan, who entered into negotiations with the rebels and in March 1804 even intended to help them. Later from this idea, Sultan refused. There was no significant strength at his disposal, in the immediate vicinity of the Turkish capital - in Bulgaria - along the path of Belgrade Yanychar, detachments of deserters and robbers - Kirdzhaly, against which the most efficient part of the Turkish army was thrown.

The rebels were concerned about the lack of any intentional reaction from their legal monarch. On the other hand, they obviously understood well that the initial favor of Constantinople was caused by weakness, and therefore is temporary in nature and in no way guarantees nothing in the future. Already in May 1804, the leaders of the rebels and representatives of the clergy of Serbia turned with a letter to the Messenger of Russia in Turkey A.Ya. Italinsky. Listing the reasons that caused the uprising, they asked for mediation and intercession. Naturally, Italinsky could not support these requests without the sanction of St. Petersburg, and was forced to leave this letter without a response. Nevertheless, he immediately informed KN. A. Schetorsky about the appeal of the rebels, offering Russia to act as an intermediary.

In June of the same year, the leaders of the rebels appealed to intercession already in the name of Emperor Alexander I: "Now they keep the Beligrad in Odnarya, we don't have such a military tool, with which it could be. Obachech every way we hope for the help of God's delight. Obache on the capture of it, Eat Your Imperial Majesty does not face the mean-consuling hand, then we completely disappeared. The truth is that Sultan promises our mercy and leaves us Dani for 9 years. But who from the enemy of Christian can relieve mercy, in short on the exile of the forces of the rebents (that is, the rebels - A.O.) Post the Sultan of the other garrison, and they will begin to act with us in the same way, and they will still make messages over us. They also did not listen to Sultan, and now they are all sultans (the original writing is preserved - A.O.). " In St. Petersburg perfectly understood the situation in the Balkans. "It's very likely," Chartoriansky's emperor reported in July 1804, - that, although at the beginning of the rebellion of the port Serbs, it seemed benevolent to them, but only because she did not want to declare their rebels, which was not able to suppress them; Despite the fact that it has every reason to be dissatisfied with Belgrade Dachas, she secretly encourages them and prefers them to contain the top, than to see the Christian province, significantly strengthened after taking this fortress (that is, Belgrade - A.O.). " Italinsky was recommended in the case of favorable circumstances to stand up for Serbs, while at the same time risk or the interests of Russia nor the interests of the rebels themselves.

It was a completely logical position. Before taking Belgrade, there was no opportunity to assist any serious help, and an excessive interest from the Russian side could, under these conditions, cause suspicion from the Turks and rather harm than to help the rebels. In August 1804, with a request to intercession from Serbia to Russia, a delegation consisting of 4 people was sent. Two of them, the Russian authorities were allowed to proceed to St. Petersburg. Already in November 1804, delegates received an audience from Alexander I, which promised the rebels diplomatic and financial support. However, this did not mean a course on the deterioration of Russian-Turkish relations, especially against the background of the situation in Europe, which became more and more dangerous due to the actions of Napoleon. Russia gently supported the Serbian autonomy program. In December 1804, it was reduced to the proposals for the liberation of the territory of the principality from the presence of Turkish troops, as well as to the right to their own ruler and the court, a 5-thousandth army to protect against robber raids, subject to the payment of the annual Dani Sultan.

At the beginning of 1805, Kara-Georgi smashed Janichar. "Diai" were captured and were executed. In May-August of the same year, Serbs tried to start negotiations with the Turks, offering Sultan the following program: autonomy and recognition of the administration formed during the uprising, the purification of Serbia from Turkish military detachments, the payment of Dani. These proposals were rejected by Constantinople. The goals of the Serbian uprising after that have changed, war began for independence. In September 1805, the rebels managed to break the Turkish punitive expedition aimed at their country. Following this, the Turks immediately started preparing the following. On November 30, 1805, Karageorgiy again appealed to intercession to Alexander I. Russia, as a patronage of the Orthodox Nationals of Turkey, could not remain indifferent to the fate of Serbia, but she had both cooperation with Constantinople in order to eliminate the danger of the Sultan's retraction in the sphere Influence of French politics.

September 11 (23) September 1805 In the Turkish capital, the Russian-Turkish Union defensive agreement was signed, according to which, in the event of an attack on one of the parties, the third state was supposed to provide her to help strength at 10 thousand people. Infantry, 2 thousand cavalry and a squadron at least 6 linear ships and 4 frigates. The secret articles of the Agreement actually joined Turkey to the Anti-Napolation Coalition, the success of which was to protect the Ottoman Empire "from the exercise of the sinister plans of France ..." until 1806, in view of the complications in the European direction, Russia limited himself to financial and moral support for the Serbs, trying to keep the Turks from large-scale repetition Widget against the rebels. At the end of 1805 - early 1806. The situation began to change. Under the impression of Military success of Napoleon in 1805-1806. Sultan was drawn into the orbit of French politics. Under the influence of news on the failure of the allies in Austria, he already at the beginning of 1806, despite the pressure from Russia, began to declare the right to the imperial title for Napoleon. At the end of January 1806, Turkey officially recognized the emperor of the French and refused to extend the Allied Treaty with England.

This was followed by a political convergence between Constantinople and Paris, and, as a result, tightening the Turkish position on the Serbian issue. April 30 (May 12) 1806, Alexander I personally addressed Selim III with a letter, recommending him to refrain from suppressing the uprising. "I am assumed to this so positively," the emperor wrote, "that I could not hesitate to ask your Sultanovo Majesty to preferably use meekness and caress to be contradicted by a people who will be happy to conquer, there are rulings with him will be made on a fair basis, and pay their weapons On the defense and fame of your empire. Otherwise, the measures currently taken against him will be the only famous reduction in the strength and power of your Sultanov Majesty. " At the same time, 1 (13) Martha 1806 Emperor instructed the Russian Messenger in Turkey Italinsky "... Check the port, most positive mannerThat I did not change my location to her and is ready to be a protected to her against any external attack, to go to the aid of Sultan Selim, as soon as he finds it necessary. That I do not demand anything from him, except for the execution of prisoners with the port of treatises that I fulfill holy. " All these wishes and suggestions were not adopted by Constantinople, and Russian diplomacy was in a dead end.

This immediately took advantage of French diplomacy in the face of Napoleon's ambassador. O. Sebastiani. Going to Constantinople, he chose a land road, through Austria and Danube principalities. Failure to travel around the sea was natural - the English fleet dominated there. In Bucharest, the representative of France tried to convince the Valash Lord Konstantin Ipsilanti to increase the number of his ramps and turn these police forces into the army. According to him, Moldova and Valahia would have to have on 20,000 tiles, because Napoleon wants to see the barrier between Russia and Austria in them, which will remain an integral ownership of Sultan. Turkey's problems, including the unrest of Chernogortsev, refused to recognize the power of Napoleon, the French diplomat explained exclusively by the origin of St. Petersburg. "But you will see," he assured the Lord, "what it will end. The emperor swore to destroy this people, and will show a terrible example on it. Serbs expect the same fate if they, immediately, do not conjugate. Everything else will not dare to raise your head. We have a significant army in Dalmatia; She will join Serbia if it is necessary. Russia's plans are known. She wants to put the Danube border and master both principalities. She did such as France's such proposals that rejected them. During the world in Presburg, Austria also requested Moldova and Valahi into remuneration, but the emperor Napoleon replied that he would not allow the slightest encroachment for the intake of the Ottoman Empire. If the port rushes to the embrace of France, it is not only a fear, but may still be revived "

These conversations did not receive support from Konstantin Iselanti, neither the Georus of Moldavia Alexander Muriusi, but were favorably perceived in Constantinople. Sebastiani actively used the effect produced by the battle of Austerlice in order to draw Turkey to the War and distract Russia from support. Already in April 1806, Sultan warned Petersburg about his desire to stop passing through the straits of Russian military vessels and transports with troops. This news caused a deep surprise in Russia, because this right was primarily necessary to protect the sultan possessions according to the Russian-Turkish Union Agreement. But in Constantinople, the invasion of France was no longer afraid, Napoleon's power caused not only fear there, but also respect. Italinsky recalled: "Port, closing the passage to Russian courts through Dardanelles, could not do this without the influence of Bonopart, who meant to overlook on the riotuncing Yanychar, excellent shooters, which France promised help and patronage. It is known that dexterity and money can be achieved with these people. " In addition, Napoleon, in a personal letter, he advised Sultan to shift Moldova and Valahia to Russia. In the same direction, Sebastiani was constantly acted. He convinced Sultan that Napoleon is ready to introduce troops in the principality to act from there with the Turks against the Russian army.

The attempt of the Russian government in August 1806 to solve the problem with diplomatic means and thus demand from the Sultan to protect Russian trade, as well as the ruling in Moldova and Valahii of the Lord, did not end with success. In September 1806, Turkey closed straits for any Russian courts. In Constantinople, Russia was confident that Russia is in deep decline, and therefore it will not be able to defend their interests. Turkey considered more secure to take a chance to fight with Russia than to risk deterioration of relations with France. August 26 (September 7) Italinsky was sent orders to evacuate the property of the embassy in Odessa and hire a ship so that if necessary, to be ready to immediately leave Constantinople. At the same time, Sebastiani increased the influence of France in Constantinople, offering Sultan to the transfer of Crimea in the event of a common victory over Russia. In the case of non-acceptance, such generous gifts, the French ambassador passed to threats, hinting for the possibility of hitting the Turkish territory by Dalmatia. It came to the point that in September 1806, Turkish ministers began to complain to Italinsky "on the indiscretion of the French, on their arrogance, arrogance and threatening tone."

10 (22) The Italinesky appealed to Sultan with a protest against the closure of straits at the request of the French, warning Selim III that the real threat to his empire comes from accession to Napoleon's plans, and not from its non-existent troops in Dalmatia. Sultan was supposed to choose allies for himself. They could be either Russia and England, or France. "Sawnaging, your imperial majesty," the Russian diplomat wrote, to weigh the advantages and negative as one and the other decision inherent in you deep wisdom. Order submit to you geographical map And carefully examine what the capabilities of Russia and England, on the one hand, and France - on the other, both to protect your possessions and for attacking them. " Nevertheless, the combination of whip and gingerbread ended with the French success. 17 (29) September Italinsky was forced to warn the Turkish government that if shifted by the Lords of Moldova and Valahia will not be restored, he will have to leave Constantinople.

In August 1802, the emperor had already opposed the displacement of the same gentlemen and excessive burden of the principalities, and he was listened to. Now nothing like this attitude to statements of Russian diplomats in Constantinople was not observed. The current situation fully responded to the interests of Napoleon, who sought to pull the part of the Russian forces from the west to the east. As a result, Petersburg, wanting to avoid the war, was forced to use the strength and change its policy of hidden support of potential allies. September 22 (October 4) gene. I.I. Michelson received an order to transfer 13 thousand Chervonians to Kara-Georgia. 16 (28) October 1806 followed the highest rescript in the name of Michelson, who commanded him to move Dniester and take Moldova and Valachia. Formally, Alexander I had grounds for such actions.

Since 1774, Sultan's sultan over the Danube principalities was no longer unconditional. Restoration of the power of Turkey over these territories after the Russian-Turkish war 1768-1774. It was associated with a number of commitments that Constantinople took over and who are now broken. Article 16 of Küchuk-Kaynardzhiy World (1774) provided Russia with the right of patronage to Danube principalities. Paragraph 10 of this article, entirely devoted to the conditions of returning the port of Moldova and Valahii, said: "It also agrees, so that in the circumstances of both the principalities of the Russian imperial courtyard, with the brilliant port, could speak in favor of two principalities and (port - A.O. ) Promises to put it with similar to friendly and respectful powers with respect. " This promise in 1806 was not respected. The demonstration of the force on the Danube, according to the plans, was to act on the Sultan cooling up, and prevent war, especially since Turkey was not ready for her.

These calculations did not resist in an empty place, at the last moment the Turks declared their willingness to give way to the issue of gentlemen. True, this step of Sultan in St. Petersburg did not cause this step. Budberg wrote Italinsky: "Of course, it was not for you to seem to be the goal of the imperial yard - to make sure the most positive way relative to the location of the ports; One concession made by coercion is still not enough and does not give us the necessary guarantees. " However, the guarantee of this kind could provide only power. In fact, preventing the risk of restoring Turkish military control over the principalities and inevitable in this case, the Russian army could not prevent the unwanted war for Russia. Demonstration, which would guarantee the world, did not work because of the insufficiency of strength. Along the lists, the Russian army in the Danube principalities had about 60 thousand people. With 268 guns, but due to diseases and shoots in the recruitaneous teams, it was a third of less than the list of composition - about 40 thousand people. The Turks in the fortresses in the Danube were concentrated about 70 thousand people, and, in addition, about 80 thousand people were in the reserve in the area of \u200b\u200bConstantinople. Without the opportunity to strengthen Michelson's army, the emperor from the very beginning recommended him to limit the defensive actions.

Until the formal announcement of the war, part of the garrisons of the Turkish fortresses did not have active resistance, leaving the Danube. In January 1807, before in Bucharest and Iasi, the successors of the work of the princessed gentlemen arrived, the entire territory of the Danube principalities was busy with Russian troops. 15 (27) November 1806, ITALINS was sent proposals, the adoption of which Sultan could lead to overcoming the crisis. Sultan was to restore the rights and privileges of Moldova and Valahia, refuse to prevent the passage of Russian courts through the straits, to restore the Union Treaty with England. This attempt did not lead to anything. In the Turkish note of January 11 (23), 1806, presented to Italinsky, said: "Russia, explicitly, violates friendly ties with the port. She pertures the Greeks and Serbs against the Turkish government, causary took possession of the fastener of the fossi (ie Bender - A.O.), sentences to the residents of Rumelia and Albania and, despite satisfaction, given by the port of the princes of Moldavian and Valah, she took Moldova and does not stop further his actions. " The Russian embassy was supposed to leave the Turkish capital for three days. 18 (30) December 1806 Sultan issued a manifesto about the war with Russia. In the harbor of the Golden Horn of Russian Brig, expelled to evacuate the embassy, \u200b\u200bwas arrested, and Italinesky, forced to stay in Constantinople, was saved, found shelter on the British ship.

So this war began, at the beginning of which in St. Petersburg and London hoped for the early end of her. The initial plan of Russia's military actions assumed the discovery of joint and simultaneous with the Union British fleet in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Straits. 1 (13) February 1807 he was submitted to the emperor by the Governing Minister Vice Admiral P.V. Chichagov. It was assumed with the British to apply a joint blow to Dardanelles and Bosphorus, to force the sheds and land in Constantinople, the land forces whose forces should have transported the Black Sea Fleet. At the same time, the army gene. Michelson was supposed to delay the basic forces of the Turk. In the spring of 1807, the general began to act, achieving success in a number of clashes 5-6 (17-18) of March in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fortress of Zhevhevo. However, the fracture on the straits was failed to achieve, breakthrough the squadron of the Vice-Admiral J. Dakworth, not supported by the landing and blow from the Bosphorus ended in failure. It was impossible to count on a quick fracture in the events. The war was dragged for many years.

Solovyov S.M. Emperor Alexander First. Politics-diplomacy. SPb.1877. P.222.

Petrov A. [n.] War of Russia with Turkey 1806-1812. Spb. 1887. T.2. 1808 and 1809. Kn. Proorovsky and KN. Bagration. SS.177-178.; The first Serbian uprising 1804-1813. and Russia. M.1983. KN.2. 1808-1813. P.56.

History foreign Policy Russia. The first half of the XIX century (from Russia's wars against Napoleon to the Paris world of 1856). M.1995. SS.33-34.

The first Serbian uprising ... M.1980. KN.1. 1804-1807. P.17.

Stavrianos L.S. The Balkans SINCE 1453. LND. 2002. P.246.

The first Serbian uprising ... M.1980. KN.1. 1804-1807. P.29.

Foreign policy Russia XIX. and early XX century. Documentation russian ministry Foreign affairs. M.1961. Ser.1. 1801-1815. T.2. April 1804 - December 1805 ss.78-79; 91-92.

The first Serbian uprising ... M.1980. KN.1. 1804-1807. P.36.

Ibid. P.40.

Foreign policy of Russia XIX and early XX century ... M.1961. Ser.1. 1801-1815. T.2. April 1804 - December 1805 ss.203-204.

The first Serbian uprising ... KN.1. 1804-1807. P.75.

Foreign policy of Russia XIX and early XX century ... M.1961. Ser.1. 1801-1815. T.2. April 1804 - December 1805 ss.248-249.

The first Serbian uprising ... M.1980. KN.1. 1804-1807. CC.116-119.

Ibid. SS.178-182.

Foreign policy of Russia XIX and early XX century ... M.1961. Ser.1. 1801-1815. T.2. April 1804 - December 1805 ss.589-594.

The first Serbian uprising 1804-1813. and Russia. M.1980. KN.1. 1804-1807. SS.211-212.

Foreign policy of Russia XIX and early XX century ... M.1963. Ser.1. 1801-1815. T.3. January 1806 - July 1807 SS.38-39; 76.

The first Serbian uprising ... M.1980. KN.1. 1804-1807. P.240.

Petrov A. [n.] Ukr. Spb. 1885. T.1. 1806 and 1807 Michelson and Meyendorf. P.29.

Ibid. P.39.

Foreign policy of Russia XIX and early XX century ... M.1963. Ser.1. 1801-1815. T.3. January 1806 - July 1807 P.191.

Petrov A. [n.] Ukr. Spb. 1885. T.1. 1806 and 1807 Michelson and Meyendorf. P.33.

Foreign policy of Russia XIX and early XX century ... M.1963. Ser.1. 1801-1815. T.3. January 1806 - July 1807, p.267.

Petrov A. [n.] Ukr. Spb. 1885. T.1. 1806 and 1807 Michelson and Meyendorf. SS.33; 40-41.

Foreign policy of Russia XIX and early XX century ... M.1963. Ser.1. 1801-1815. T.3. January 1806 - July 1807 S.Sh.76-278.

Petrov A. [n.] Ukr. Spb. 1885. T.1. 1806 and 1807 Michelson and Meyendorf. P.32.

Foreign policy of Russia XIX and early XX century ... M.1963. Ser.1. 1801-1815. T.3. January 1806 - July 1807 S.304.

Petrov A. [n.] Ukr. Spb. 1885. T.1. 1806 and 1807 Michelson and Meyendorf. P.58.

Foreign policy of Russia XIX and early XX century ... M.1963. Ser.1. 1801-1815. T.3. January 1806 - July 1807 p.321.

Ibid. P.325.

Ibid. P.330.

Foreign policy of Russia XIX and early XX century ... M.1960. Ser.1. 1801-1815. T.1.Mart 1801 - April 1804 SS.276-278; 280-281.

Foreign policy of Russia XIX and early XX century ... M.1963. Ser.1. 1801-1815. T.3. January 1806 - July 1807, p.333.

Palauzov S.N. Romanian gentlemen of Valahia and Moldova in historical policies. Spb. 1859. SS.147; 153-154.

Yuzfovich T. [p.] Russia's contracts with the East political and trade. SPB.1869. P.34.

Petrov A. [n.] Ukr. Spb. 1885. T.1. 1806 and 1807 Michelson and Meyendorf. CC.42-43.

Ibid. P.59.

Ibid. P.54.

Scherbatov [A.] [P.] General Field Marshal Prince Paskevich. His life and activity. SPB.1888. T.1. 1782-1826. SS.14-15.

Petrov A. [n.] Ukr. Spb. 1885. T.1. 1806 and 1807 Michelson and Meyendorf. SS.88-89; 92-93; 102-103.

Foreign policy of Russia XIX and early XX century ... M.1963. Ser.1. 1801-1815. T.3. January 1806 - July 1807 SS.384-387.

Petrov A. [n.] Ukr. Spb. 1885. T.1. 1806 and 1807 Michelson and Meyendorf. P.123.

Scherbatov [A.] [P.] UK. SPB.1888. T.1. 1782-1826. P.14.

Petrov A. [n.] Ukr. Spb. 1885. T.1. 1806 and 1807 Michelson and Meyendorf. P.124.

Scherbachev O. Athos Battle. // Sea Collection (hereinafter MS.). 1915. №12. SS.12-13.

Scherbatov [A.] [P.] UK. SPB.1888. T.1. 1782-1826. SS.15-21.

For more information about this: Airapetov O.R. To the question of the Bosphorus Capture Project (from the history of foreign policy and strategy of Russia 1806-1884). // etudes balkaniques. Sofia. 2009. N1. CC.137-142.

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The war of Russia since the Ottoman Empire began in 1806 was the eighth of all numerous Russian-Turkish armed conflicts. On the eve of this war, the Ottoman Sultan convolution of the rulers of Moldova and Valahia (future Romania), which contradicted the Russian-Turkish contracts concluded previously, according to which Russia was required for the appointment and displacement of the Moldovan and Valash rulers.

In response to these actions of the Turkish authorities in November 1806, Russian troops crossed the border, which was then held on the Dniester River. The Turkish fortresses Bender, Hotin and Akkerman (now Belgorod-Dniester) surrendered without a fight. In December, our troops occupied Bucharest, but the first attempt to master the fortress I waspiled at the mouth of the Danube (16 years earlier with the assault "Miracle-Bogatyrs" Suvorov) failed.

Active fighting turned only in the next, 1807. In the Romanian lands, Russian troops defeated Turkish avant-gardes, who tried to cross the North Coast of the Danube, and the Turkish army was defeated in the Armenian River Arphachi in the Transcaucasus. At the same time, the Russian fleet under the command of Admiral Dmitry Senavina defeated the Turkish squadron in the sea battle off the coast of Greece in the Aegean Sea.

It must be remembered that this Russian-Turkish war was at the same time with the war against Napoleon, and the main forces of the Russian army were far from the borders of the Ottoman Empire - in the center of Europe, Eastern Prussia. In addition, at the same time in the Transcaucasus and on the shores of the Caspian Sea, the Russian-Persian war went on, so our country had to fight at once three fronts: against the French, Turks and Persians.

Only in the summer of 1809, the Russian army crossed the South Coast of the Danube, in September, he won the fortress Izmail and broke several Turkish buildings on the territory of Bulgaria. In the Caucasus, our troops took the storming of the anapa fortress and Poti. In the next, 1810, Russian soldiers took all the Turkish fortresses on the Danube and in Northern Bulgaria until the borders from Serbia, the fortified port of Sukhum Kale (now Sukhumi, the capital of Abkhazia) was taken in the Caucasus.

In 1811, it became known about the preparation of Napoleon by the invasion of Russia - in such conditions it was necessary to complete the war with the Turks as soon as possible and successfully, in order to secure the southern flank of the Russian Empire on the eve of the war almost with all of Europe, submitted to the French dictator. The new commander of the Russian army on the Danube was appointed a glorious commander, student Suvorov, General from Infanteria Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.

In July 1811, the 15-thousand Russian detachment under the command of Kutuzov defeated the 60-thousand Ottoman army at the Bulgarian town of Rushchuk. Then the experienced commander deliberately took his army to the left bank of the Danube. When the Turks went over to the river after him, Kutuzov managed to surround them and block Danube crossings.

A month later, in November 1811, the Turkish Army was actually surrounded by the Turkish army and surrendered to Kutuzov's troops. This catastrophic defeat forced Istanbul to request peace.

Negotiations about the world in Bucharest also led commander Kutuzov. He forced the Turkish Vizier Ahmet Pasha to take all Russian requirements: the Ottoman Empire gave way to Russia between the rods of the Prut and Dniester, the port of Sukhumi and the Earth of Western Georgia. But the main Russian victory was not even territorial acquisitions, and the fact that Turkey at the request of Kutuzov refused the Union with Napoleon.

Nor tried French diplomats to tighten the Russian-Turkish war and peace negotiations, but Turkish Vizier and Mikhail Kutuzov May 28 (16 on the old style) of 1812 signed the text Bucharest Treaty: "Enmunty and disagreement, which existed between both high empires, from now on, inequate the simultaneous way, both on land and water ...".

Thus, Russia on the eve of the French invasion ensured the safety of their southern borders and freed tens of thousands of soldiers for future battles with Napoleon.

On time, defeating the Turks and forcing them to sign a peace treaty, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov Just a month before the start of battles with the troops of Bonaparte won the most important strategic victory, which largely predetermined the salvation of our country in 1812.

Read in the headingIn May 2017, the Russian reader's audience expects a meeting with a unique book, the heroes of which are coming by the streets of the Northern Capital of Russia.