Lev Armenian. Lev V Armenian

Byzantine emperor in 813-820, mind. Dec 25 820. The Fatherland of Leo was Armenia. Having achieved youthful age, he settled in the village of Pirra in the Beee Anatolik. There he matured and gained the glory of the braveman. Stratig Vardan, who, with the Emperor Nikifor, I ruled five Eastern fams, included a lion among its closest servants, because he was terrible to look, is huge with growth and sophisticated speech. But when Vardan in 803 proclaimed himself with the emperor, Lev left his master and ran to the side of Nikifora. As a reward, he received the position of the federal chief and two palaces in the capital: Zinon's royal house and Dagison. In the future, Nikiphor entrusted him the war with the advantage of Arabs. The lion led it in general successfully, but one day, because of his carelessness, the enemies captured the city of Eve, and kidnapped all the money, which were sent from the treasury for paying a salary soldiers. For this guilt Nikifor ordered a leap on his back and chest and punished eternal reference. When Mikhail I Rankava became the emperor, he returned a lion to the capital, he gave the title of Patricia and appointed anatolik stratag. In the war with Bulgarians, Lev was one of the nearest advisers of the emperor, and it was he who persuaded him to give his unfortunate for Romeyev at Versyniki in June 813. After Romsey was broken, Mikhail went to Constantinople, and Leru entrusted the observation of the enemies. Taking advantage of a convenient case, the lion began to raise the soldiers to the renewal and disappear in every way the emperor. He very soon succeeded in his beginnation: the warriors were indignant and on July 11, 813, they proclaimed him by the emperor. Hardly it became known in the capital, Mikhail voluntarily folded power from himself and touched the monks. The lion arrived in Constantinople, was crowded in many ways to the kingdom, and then again opposed Bulgarians, devastating the surroundings of the capital and seized Andrianopol. In the fall, he finally wonmed them under the Mesmenia and next year he concluded a thirty-year-old world.

Having placed such a successful beginning of his reign, the lion began for state affairs: he himself exercised warriors and in many places of Frakia and Macedonia with their own efforts from the foundation of destroyed cities. On all positions, and military and civilians, he put people smart and intelligent. Since he himself was higher than Srebolubia, he preferred from all the people and distinguished them on valor, and not wealth. He wanted to enjoy a fan of justice and many court cases considered independently. However, due to its characteristic cruelty, he was a stern and not merciful. He did not make any differences between crimes with small and large, but for everyone who was not agreed on, he had one sentence: the truncation of the most important members who were postponed on the public. With such affairs, he soon instilled hatred and huge disgust. In addition, he, as it turned out, was a champion of iconoborous heresy and, barely coming to power, began a new persecution to the icon. Patriarch Nikifora He forced in 815 to retire to exile, and in his place he erected his protege of the Feodota. Many were dissatisfied with the emperor.

Among those who looked loudly and hung him, turned out to be Mikhail Travel, his old comrade was still in the service of Vardan. When it was conveyed to the emperor, Lev ordered to grab Michael and, according to the case, he sentenced him to burn alive. The trauma was already led to the oven, but then, because of the fact that the Christmas Eve was Christ, put off the execution before the end of the holiday. Taking advantage of this delay, Mikhail ordered to convey through the confessor to his accomplices, which, if they do not get rid of him from death, he will give them all the emperor. Those agreed together and decided, not postponing, kill lion. After that, the conspirators hid the daggers under the clothes and together with everyone went to the palace church. When the evening festive service began, the lion rose next to the singers and taught them. At this time, the conspirators rushed to him, but because of the dark and cramped, they first missed, accepting the leader of the clearing for the lion. The emperor managed to hide in the altar, grabbed the chain from the censer (according to other testimonies - the cross) and tried to defend themselves. But there were a lot of conspirators, and, attacking from all sides, they put a lot of Russian wounds. Finally, they killed him and cut off their heads (Faofan follower: 1; 1, 3-4, 6, 9, 13-16, 19, 21).

  • - Byzantine Emperor of the Macedonian dynasty, ruled in 912-913. Son Vasily I, mind. On June 6, 913, Alexander reigned with Konstantin, the son of his older brother Lion, one year and twenty-two days. According to...

    All monarchs of the world

  • - Byzantine emperor in 1081 - 1118. Rod. OK. 1057, mind. 15 Aug. 1118 Alexey took place from the rich and noble kind of comnis ...

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  • - Byzantine emperor, ruled in 1180-1183. Son Manuel I. Rod. In 1169, mind. 1183 Alexey began to reign, not yet completely reaching the youth age and needing mothers and nannies ...

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  • - Byzantine emperor in 1195-1203. Alexey belonged to the rich and influential kind of angels ...

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  • - Byzantine emperor in 866 - 886. Founder of the Macedonian dynasty, mind. 29 Aug. 886 Vasily took place from Macedonia ...

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  • - Byzantine emperor of the Iraklask dynasty, ruled in 641-668. Son Konstantin III. Rod. November 8, 631, mind. On July 15, 668, Constant, was proclaimed by the emperor of Uncle Herakli P. this was preceded by ...

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  • - Byzantine emperor of the Iraklask dynasty, ruled in 612-641. Rod. May 3, 612, mind. On May 25, 641, the son of Irakli I. Mother Konstantin, Evdokia, died shortly after childbirth ...

    All monarchs of the world

  • - Byzantine Emperor of the Isair Dynasty, ruled in 776-797. Son Lev IV. Rod. 14 Jan. 771, the mind. After 797, Konstantin lost his father, when it was still very small. Management of the Empire from 780 g ....

    All monarchs of the world

  • - Byzantine emperor in 457-74. Rod. OK. 400, mind. January 18 474 Lion was born in Dakia ...

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  • - Byzantine emperor in 473 - 474 IT. Son Zinon. Rod. OK. 467, mind. 474. In 473, the emperor Lion proclaimed a lion, his grandson from the daughter of Ariadna, the emperor and co-guide ...

    All monarchs of the world

  • - Byzantine emperor in 717 - 741. Investigator of the Isair Dynasty, mind. 18 Feb. 741 Lion was coming from Isavor ...

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  • - Byzantine Emperor of the Isair Dynasty, ruled in 751-780. Son Konstantin V. Rod. 25 Jan. 750, mind. 8 Saint. 780. In the short reign of the lion of persecution on the icons almost ceased ...

    All monarchs of the world

  • - Byzantine emperor of the Macedonian dynasty, ruled in 870-912 GT. Son Vasily I. Rod. 19 Saint. 866, mind. On May 11, 912, Vasily I was considered the official father of Lev. However, much gave reason to suspect that ...

    All monarchs of the world

  • - Byzantine Emperor of the Macedonian dynasty, ruled in 945-963. Son Konstantina VII, Rod. In 939, the mind. March 15, 963 Seventeen years old from the family, even during the lifetime of Constantine, the novel married the daughter of the Harchevnik, ...

    All monarchs of the world

  • - Byzantine emperor in 698 - 705, mind. 705. The real name Tiberius was an apse. He was an archon of the Kurikoto army, which was in the field of ciberian ...

    All monarchs of the world

  • - Byzantine emperor in 715-717. Feodosius, a person, according to Feofan, simple and insignificant, was a collector serving in Admithi. In 715, the warriors of the Legion's warriors were proclaimed him with the emperor ...

    All monarchs of the world

"Lev V Armenian, Emperor Byzantium" in books

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1. The death of Honoria I, 638 G. - Hartoria Mauritius and Exarch Isaac clenamed church heritage. - Severin, dad. - John IV, Dad. - Lateran Baptistery. - Feodor, Dad, 642 - indignation of Mauritius in Rome. - Death of Exarcha Isaac. - Palace revolution in Byzantium. -

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54. The Gospel Emperor Tiberius "Black" is the black emperor Manuel Komnet in the Gospel of Luke says that John the Baptist began his sermon in the 15th year of the rule of Emperor Tiberius. "In the fifteenth year of the Board of Tiviya Caesar, when Pontius Pilate

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Lev V Armenian

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Lion V Armenian (? - 820, imp. From 813) Lion, Stratig Anatoly and an experienced military leader, was proclaimed by the emperor on July 11, 813. Six days later, the capital squeezed the Bulgarian siege. Christians in horror observed from urban fortifications of the barbaric mysteries, offering

New iconocringence. Lev V Armenian (813-820)

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New iconocringence. Lev V Armenian (813-820) was nominated by supporters of Konstantin Koponim and was supposed to become a new copoundation, i.e. fierce iconoborets. So he became. He justified the hopes of the military. He moved from the walls of Constantinople Cruz, and then after 818g. infinity

Lev V Armenian

From the book all monarchs of the world: Greece. Rome. Byzantium Author Ryzhov Konstantin Vladislavovich

Lev V Armenian Byzantine Emperor in 813-820. Dec. 820 Lion's vestment was Armenia. Having achieved youthful age, he settled in the village of Pirra in the Beee Anatolik. There he matured and gained the glory of the braveman. Stratig Vardan, who under the emperor Nikifori I ruled five

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5. So who is still depicted on the "antique" big chamber of France - Emperor August or Emperor Tiberius? As we talked in the book "Baptism of Russia", ch. 3: 7, Medusa-Gorgon head, symbolized guns, often portrayed on "ancient" military shields. See, for example,

Emperor Lev Armenian

From the book Volume V. Book 1. Moral and Ascetic Creations author Studit Feodor

Emperor Lion Armenian 60. Capturing power, he did not immediately decide to discover all the animals, but, in advance to reconcile with him, as well as between his rebels, as he saw that many, being located to the former emperor, indignantly at him for the usurpation of power, Skno I.

Lion, Stratig Anatoly and an experienced warlord, was proclaimed by the emperor on July 11, 813. Six days later, the capital squeezed the Bulgarian siege ring. Christians were terrified from urban fortifications of the stage of barbaric mysteries, offering to the pagan gods of people and animals. Halleles of the Bulgarians were commissioned at the walls, but to master the Constantinople with their primitive siege technique (and that was built a Roma-a secondary)) they could not, so when the emperor suggested Creum to meet for peace negotiations, Khan agreed. On the way to the place of the meeting of Roma staged an ambush, hoping to easily kill the unarmed Khan. When he drove up to the delegation of the Byzantines, soldiers rushed to him on the signal of one of the stratags. Krum was wounded, but quick horse saved him. Slimming from such a cunning, Khan led his hordes on Adrianopol, took the city and burned.
Soon Krosh died, and with his successor Lion V concluded a thirty-year-old world, according to the terms of which were accurately defined by the frontiers of both states. Calm, except for ordinary small skimming, established on the borders with the Arabs, because the caliphate entered the period of grave internal stems and disasters. Vasilevs rebuilt destroyed cities of Thrace and Macedonia, built a new wall from the sea in Constantinople. Lion V turned out to be a man active and capable, but in addition and secret iconoborets, which is associated and contributed to the rapid restoration of this teaching. In 814, he instructed the then little-known cleric John, for the scholarship with a nicknamed grammar, once again from theological point of view to consider icons and give a corresponding summary. Nikifor attended Nikifor, but John, without revealing the essence of the assignment, the Emperor-de Disassessing a controversial question answered all his questions. Soon, the gramman confirmed: it is impossible to worship icons. The scandal smelled, the icon was worried. Returning from the referenced Theodore Studit spoke before Vasilev with sharp criticism: "God put on the churches of the apostles, other prophets, third teachers and did not mention the kings anywhere. The kings are obliged to obey and execute the commandments of the apostolic and teachers, legislation in the church and approve its decisions - by no means a royal case! ". "A bold monk would deserve an execution for his words," the emperor himself, hersal, but this honor will not be provided to him "(). In March 815, a local cathedral took place in Constantinople. Patriarch Nikifor was renounced from the department, he was changed by Feodot Melissin Cassira, according to the Orthodox Monk Georgy Amartol, "Husband, Much-free fish and malicious toad." The cathedral forbade "dissent with a legend or, even more or rather, the useless production of icons and worship them", restored "thanks to the female simplicity" (). However, the icons were prescribed not to consider idols, "for one evil differs from the other" (ibid). Furious Feodor Studit went to the next link. Returning to the initiatives of Lion Isaurov, Lev Armenian stated: "You see that all state trucks who recognized the icons and worshiped them [mean Irina, Konstantin VI, Nikifor I, Storenkiy and Mikhail I. - S.D.], died or In exile, or in war. Only not honored icons died by his death on the throne and, being with honor were postponed to the imperial tombs, were buried in the temple of the apostles. I also want to imitate them and destroy the icons so that after the long life of my son and my son, the kingdom was held to the fourth and fifth generation "(). The simple people touched all these events a little, in any case, mass exclusions or executions did not cause the restoration of iconococration.
Despite the apparent exterior calm of the Empire of Romeyev, with the court there was a strong opposition to Vasilev. She was headed by Stratig Mikhail Travel, former associate Lion Armenian. In the winter of 820, the etchs allowed careless statements against the emperor, who immediately took advantage of this, Mikhail arrested and sentenced to burn. The execution was scheduled for the end of December, but the Empress persuaded her husband not to commit killings on Christmas Eve and postpone the execution of the sentence. The lion agreed, and this decision was fatal for him. Less scrupulous supporters of the etching on the night of December 25 were penetrated under the guise of singers to the palace and in the church, during the festive service, attacked the autocratator. A man of great physical strength and brave, Vasilev dismissed the sacred utensils right in the altar, but there were a lot of conspirators and they literally cut him into pieces.
Patriarch Nikifor about the tragic death of Leo V Armenian noted that the Romeev state lost though and the wicked but the great ruler.
Sons of Lion, as well as sons Mikhail I, waspiled.
Nickname Ranganav, perhaps the Slavic root and means "high-headed". On December 25, 811, Mikhail I announced the co-program of his son of Feofilakta. After the inclination of Rangana, Feofilakt and his brother Nikita were piled up. For example, the rebellion of the Persians (816 - 837), at the head of which was the talented organizer of Babek.

(? - 820, imp. From 813)

Lion, Stratig Anatoly and an experienced warlord, was proclaimed by the emperor on July 11, 813. Six days later, the capital squeezed the Bulgarian siege ring. Christians were terrified from urban fortifications of the stage of barbaric mysteries, offering to the pagan gods of people and animals. Halleles of the Bulgarians were commissioned at the walls, but to master the Constantinople with their primitive siege technique (and that was built a Roma-a secondary)) they could not, so when the emperor suggested Creum to meet for peace negotiations, Khan agreed. On the way to the place of the meeting of Roma staged an ambush, hoping to easily kill the unarmed Khan. When he drove up to the delegation of the Byzantines, soldiers rushed to him on the signal of one of the stratags. Krum was wounded, but quick horse saved him. Slimming from such a cunning, Khan led his hordes on Adrianopol, took the city and burned.

Soon Krosh died, and with his successor Lion V concluded a thirty-year-old world, according to the terms of which were accurately defined by the frontiers of both states. Calm, except for ordinary small skimming, established on the borders with the Arabs, because the caliphate entered the period of grave internal stems and disasters. Vasilevs rebuilt destroyed cities of Thrace and Macedonia, built a new wall from the sea in Constantinople.

Lion V turned out to be a man active and capable, but in addition and secret iconoborets, which is associated and contributed to the rapid restoration of this teaching. In 814, he instructed the then little-known cleric John, for the scholarship with a nicknamed grammar, once again from theological point of view to consider icons and give a corresponding summary. Nikifor attended Nikifor, but John, without revealing the essence of the assignment, the Emperor-de Disassessing a controversial question answered all his questions. Soon, the gramman confirmed: it is impossible to worship icons. The scandal smelled, the icon was worried. Returning from the referenced Theodore Studit spoke before Vasilev with sharp criticism: "God put on the churches of the apostles, other prophets, third teachers and did not mention the kings anywhere. The kings are obliged to obey and execute the commandments of the apostolic and teachers, legislation in the church and approve its decisions - by no means a royal case! ". "A bold monk would deserve an execution for his words," the emperor himself, hersal, but this honor will not be provided to him "(). In March 815, a local cathedral took place in Constantinople. Patriarch Nikifor was renounced from the department, he was changed by Feodot Melissin Cassira, according to the Orthodox Monk Georgy Amartol, "Husband, Much-free fish and malicious toad." The cathedral forbade "dissent with a legend or, even more or rather, the useless production of icons and worship them", restored "thanks to the female simplicity" (). However, the icons were prescribed not to consider idols, "for one evil differs from the other" (ibid). Furious Feodor Studit went to the next link.

Returning to the initiatives of Lion Isaurov, Lev Armenian stated: "You see that all state trucks who recognized the icons and worshiped them [mean Irina, Konstantin VI, Nikifor I, Storenkiy and Mikhail I. - S.D.], died or In exile, or in war. Only not honored icons died by his death on the throne and, being with honor were postponed to the imperial tombs, were buried in the temple of the apostles. I also want to imitate them and destroy the icons so that after the long life of my son and my son, the kingdom was held to the fourth and fifth generation "(). The simple people touched all these events a little, in any case, mass exclusions or executions did not cause the restoration of iconococration.

Despite the apparent exterior calm of the Empire of Romeyev, with the court there was a strong opposition to Vasilev. She was headed by Stratig Mikhail Travel, a former companion of Lion Armenian. In the winter of 820, the etchs allowed careless statements against the emperor, who immediately took advantage of this, Mikhail arrested and sentenced to burn. The execution was scheduled for the end of December, but the Empress persuaded her husband not to commit killings on Christmas Eve and postpone the execution of the sentence. The lion agreed, and this decision was fatal for him. Less scrupulous supporters of the etching on the night of December 25 were penetrated under the guise of singers to the palace and in the church, during the festive service, attacked the autocratator. A man of great physical strength and brave, Vasilev dismissed the sacred utensils right in the altar, but there were a lot of conspirators and they literally cut him into pieces.

Byzantine emperor in 813-820, mind. Dec 25 820. The Fatherland of Leo was Armenia. Having achieved youthful age, he settled in the village of Pirra in the Beee Anatolik. There he matured and gained the glory of the braveman. Stratig Vardan, who, with the Emperor Nikifor, I ruled five Eastern fams, included a lion among its closest servants, because he was terrible to look, is huge with growth and sophisticated speech. But when Vardan in 803 proclaimed himself with the emperor, Lev left his master and ran to the side of Nikifora. As a reward, he received the position of the federal chief and two palaces in the capital: Zinon's royal house and Dagison. In the future, Nikiphor entrusted him the war with the advantage of Arabs. The lion led it in general successfully, but one day, because of his carelessness, the enemies captured the city of Eve, and kidnapped all the money, which were sent from the treasury for paying a salary soldiers. For this guilt Nikifor ordered a leap on his back and chest and punished eternal reference. When Mikhail I Rankava became the emperor, he returned a lion to the capital, he gave the title of Patricia and appointed anatolik stratag. In the war with Bulgarians, Lev was one of the nearest advisers of the emperor, and it was he who persuaded him to give his unfortunate for Romeyev at Versyniki in June 813. After Romsey was broken, Mikhail went to Constantinople, and Leru entrusted the observation of the enemies. Taking advantage of a convenient case, the lion began to raise the soldiers to the renewal and disappear in every way the emperor. He very soon succeeded in his beginnation: the warriors were indignant and on July 11, 813, they proclaimed him by the emperor. Hardly it became known in the capital, Mikhail voluntarily folded power from himself and touched the monks. The lion arrived in Constantinople, was crowded in many ways to the kingdom, and then again opposed Bulgarians, devastating the surroundings of the capital and seized Andrianopol. In the fall, he finally wonmed them under the Mesmenia and next year he concluded a thirty-year-old world.

Having placed such a successful beginning of his reign, the lion began for state affairs: he himself exercised warriors and in many places of Frakia and Macedonia with their own efforts from the foundation of destroyed cities. On all positions, and military and civilians, he put people smart and intelligent. Since he himself was higher than Srebolubia, he preferred from all the people and distinguished them on valor, and not wealth. He wanted to enjoy a fan of justice and many court cases considered independently. However, due to its characteristic cruelty, he was a stern and not merciful. He did not make any differences between crimes with small and large, but for everyone who was not agreed on, he had one sentence: the truncation of the most important members who were postponed on the public. With such affairs, he soon instilled hatred and huge disgust. In addition, he, as it turned out, was a champion of iconoborous heresy and, barely coming to power, began a new persecution to the icon. Patriarch Nikifora He forced in 815 to retire to exile, and in his place he erected his protege of the Feodota. Many were dissatisfied with the emperor.

Among those who looked loudly and hung him, turned out to be Mikhail Travel, his old comrade was still in the service of Vardan. When it was conveyed to the emperor, Lev ordered to grab Michael and, according to the case, he sentenced him to burn alive. The trauma was already led to the oven, but then, because of the fact that the Christmas Eve was Christ, put off the execution before the end of the holiday. Taking advantage of this delay, Mikhail ordered to convey through the confessor to his accomplices, which, if they do not get rid of him from death, he will give them all the emperor. Those agreed together and decided, not postponing, kill lion. After that, the conspirators hid the daggers under the clothes and together with everyone went to the palace church. When the evening festive service began, the lion rose next to the singers and taught them. At this time, the conspirators rushed to him, but because of the dark and cramped, they first missed, accepting the leader of the clearing for the lion. The emperor managed to hide in the altar, grabbed the chain from the censer (according to other testimonies - the cross) and tried to defend themselves. But there were a lot of conspirators, and, attacking from all sides, they put a lot of Russian wounds. Finally, they killed him and cut off their heads (Faofan follower: 1; 1, 3-4, 6, 9, 13-16, 19, 21).

All monarchs of the world. - Academician. 2009 .