Who was a friend and kochemay's companion. Vasily Leontievich Kochubey: biography

The general judge, executed on July 14, 1708. Vasily Leontievich Kochubey is the first person in Russian history from the kind of Kochubyev. "General Hercobnik" speaks of his grandfather - noble Bee, who left the Crimea to Ukraine and called Andrei in Baptism, and about his father - Leontia, who served "in noble Little Russian ranks", but Vasily Leontievich himself about his ancestors, not excluding the Father , does not mention even where it would be by the way to say about the knowledge of its origin; He was born, it must be assumed, at about 1640, the service began in the hetman office and already at the Bryukhovetsky was in her a rather prominent person; And his whole service was mainly the stationery, civil, although he had to face blood. Kochuby served at Doroshenka, who was sent in 1675 to Turkey with some kind of instruction;

The Kochube could not reach the desired Doroshenka of the result, and he switched to Samoilovich, who was a "reentom" of the office and deserved confidence that he did not prevent, however, to take a closer together with Mazepi participation in the denunciation, destroying Samoitov and gave Hetmanhood Mazepa.

With Mazepé, Kochuby did not initiate at all; However, around 1692 it seemed to many that he metrates himself in the hetmans and that, therefore, he was hostile to Mazepa;

Mazepa later reproached him for the "rebellious" spirit, reminding that for 16 years he, Mazepa, forgives some misdeed, - it is possible that they really led some intrigue against Mazepa in 1692. - In 1687, for the service under azov and in other campaigns and for the consequence of Samoobovich, the general writer was appointed and granted by villages, both from the Moscow government and from Mazepa.

In 1694, Kochubey refused the wristband and was chosen to the general judges; In 1700, at the petition of Mazepa, he received the title of Claim.

Little-picking Kochuby joined related ties with prominent Malorosiysk families: He was married to the daughter of a notable Poltava Colonel Zhenetsky - Lyubov Fedorovna; One daughter of the Kochubey gave out for the scary, the other for the obsolete - Mazepine of the nephew; Poltava Colonel Spark was a skeleton. Mazepa, Ovediv in 1702, launched Matreya, his saint, and a Kochubeva daughter; Parents, referring to the church prohibition, refused;

Mazepa, apparently, enjoyed the location of Matrena and, when he began to send his servants to Matre different offers and promises - she ran to hetman; "So it was in reality, although Kochubey wrote that Hetman glanced his daughter to visit him and" raped by Blud ". After that, Mazepés with Kochube the correspondence began, complete mutual urchorizn and, finally, Hetman let go to Matrena home. It happened in 1703-1704; But these incidents did not interfere with Mazepa, leaving at 1706 and 1707, leave the Kochubey with an overall hetman, i.e. the full owner of all Ukraine; did not hide the Mazepa from Kochubey, which intends to postpone from Moscow; I advised not to hurry to issue Matren marry, saying that soon Ukraine will go down to Poland and there will be a groom between noble Poles. Around 1706, Neverness was incorrect to Mazepa Peter, and in August 1707, Kochubey sent to Moscow a nicano monk, denounced that Hetman intends to pass through the Poles;

Nikanor appeared with his denunciation into the Preobrazhensky order; But this time it was somehow left without consequences for Mazepa, and for the Kochubey.

In early 1708, Kochuby sent secondally, through the rising a yatset, to Moscow denunciation, that Hetman wants to pass Poland and intends to make an attempt on the king's person, if he had come to Baturin.

About the same chubs and his companion and buddy, the former Poltava Colonel Ivan Spark, instructed the Poltava priest Yvan Tvyatile to inform the Akhtyra Colonel Osipov, with a request to bring the case to the king, and at the same time they warned that it was necessary to act carefully, because among people close to the king , There will be Mazepina. On February 27, Peter received Donos Osipova, but for another 3 days received a warning about the denunciation and the request for finding the diameters on Mazepu was already several denunciations; But all the previous ones turned out to be false;

Peter did not believe the nominee nod, and wrote hetman, which trusts him and he himself instructs to catch the diameters whose names were reported to him.

Mazepa sent Colonels Trochinsky and Kubjukhovsky with a detachment of troops on the dikanka, the estate of the Kochubey, where he lived from some time, referring to the unhealthy.

Kochubey, warned by the Mirgorod colonel apostle, managed to cause a spark to him and flew to Akhtyra regiment with him, consequently beyond the jurisdiction of the hetman; The fugitives were defended by Osipov.

Using the location of some of those close to Peter Peter, Mazepa managed to master their enemies, and he was granted to act at his own discretion and acted very non-deposition, however, he should confess, with the assistance of royal officials.

To rather catch the diagramors, they pretended to be the king and makes it to appear personally - first only a spark; Kochubey went to accomplish him, but on the way he received an order to go along with Spark.

Arrived in Smolensk, and from there April 18 - in Vitebsk to Golovkin (Chancellor); In addition to the Kochubey and Sparks, Svatailo, Yatsenko and St. Covanko Poltava Poltava Regiment, on the testimony of which Kochubey thought to refer to confirm the loyalty of the denunciation, and another 11 other persons. On April 19, Kochubey sued Golovnu and Shafirova, a written denunciation on Mazepu, accusing him in suspicious intercourse about the Poles, intending to convert them, dissatisfaction with Moscow dominion, the spread of rumors about different troubles, which Moscow is preparing to Ukraine, praising those who changed before the hetmans, different abuses and so on.

But from the prosecutor of the Kochubey, he soon found himself in the provisions of the accused; In view of the trust of the king and Menshikov to Mazepene, did not explore whether the den had been faithful, and they were predicted that he was false, and began to be pregnant, for what encouraging whether the Swedes were not going.

The reason for the change in the nature of the investigation was that the Kochuby and Spark were diverged in the testimony: the spark said that Mazep wants to eat the king's life, and the Kochubey did not speak about it in a written denunciation.

Disagreeable diamons were usually subjected to torture; And Kochubey and Spark were put under the guard, separately from each other and decided torture.

Not allowing torture, Kochuby announced that he did not know the guilt for the hetman, and he brought down "homely angry for the daughter." Iskra under torture announced that he brought exclusively from the words of Kochubey, and the latter was tortured to find out, not to bring the enemies, with the aim of replacing the faithful hetman to their like-minded person, a denominator was made, and who participated in it, except for the Kochubey (the suspicion was on the Mirgorod Colonel Apostle).

Kochubey and torture gave for the previous testimony: the treason for the hetman does not know, with the enemies of interferences did not have, the cause of the denunciation - personal hatred for hetman; Accidents are one spark. The ministers recognized the Kochubey and a spark with decent death penalty and sent them (April 30) to Smolensk, to the royal decree; Golovkin advised to give them Mazepa; This was also asked for a Mazepa, fearing the sudden turn of the case into a side unprofitable for him, and referring to the fact that the deceleration of the case creates in Ukraine a sense that Hetman is suspected.

But Peter, without losing more hopes to open the intercourse of diamons with the Swedes, ordered them again to Vitebsk and torture again; On May 28, Kochubey was tortured again, but the testimony did not name.

Then it was decided to give them to Mazepa; On June 29, Kochubey and Spark, under the Great-Russian Convertible, were brought to Kiev and on July 11 issued Mazepa, the Kochubey was published again under his torture about his property and July 14, 1708, under the convoy of the Great-Russian soldiers, with a huge set of people, executed together with spark in the town Borschukovka, under the White Church.

Peter expected for some reason, the Mazepa will ask for the pardon of the jams, but this did not happen.

He was buried by the kernels in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. - the elevation of their kerities is obliged not so much to their talents - he was not outstanding personality- how much to diligence and ambiguity of his wife; She, it seems, raised him and to the denunciation caused, probably not so much devotion to Moscow, as a personal hostility to Mazepé and hope to be elevated, in case of the success of the den. "Sources of Maloros. Stories, Coll. Bantysh-Kamensky" - reader. Mosk. Society. East. and ancient. 1859, t. I; "V. L. Kochubey in the story of his contemporary" - "Rus. Star." 1883, number 12; Lazarevsky - "Sketch of the story of Something. Maloros. Families" "Rus. Arch." 1876, KN. III; Bantysh-Kamensky - "Dictionary of memorable people", T.III; Solovyov - "History of Russia". t. XV: Kostomarov - "Mazepa", Chapter XII. (Polovtsov) Kochubey, Vasily Leontievich is a well-known intettator of Mazepa.

Son of the military comrade, K. Rod. At about 1640, not distinguished by outstanding abilities, K. was hardworking and perfectly knew the stationery service.

In 1681, he was already regenerated by the Office of the Office, in 1687 - the general writer, and in this rank, ancient Mazepé denunciation on Samoilovich.

Mazepa, becoming hetman, awarded K. Villages (including the famous dikanka); Gave him in 1694. The dignity of the General Judge, and in 1700 it came out the rank of slap.

The confidence of Mazepa to K. was so great that he was first told him about his intention to postpone from Russia.

Meanwhile, Mazepa fell in love with sixteen-year-old beauty - daughter K., Matren Vasilyevna ("Maria" Pushkinskaya "Poltava") and wanted, intelligenting with his wife, to enter into marriage with her, but met disagreement of his parents, especially the proud wife K. Then Mazepé managed to seduce Matre K., who, breaking with the parental house, moved to live to him. After that, the old people were not at the Mazepa and wrote to him who he answered, accusing them to marry himself in disagreement and pointing to her generous attitude towards him, since he suffered their "acts sixteen death is suitable. " Then the kocheki began to continue their previous relations with Mazepa, but they hid anger in the shower. Finally, as they think - on the initiative of the wife of K., was sent with the stray monk by Nikanor, a verbal denunciation on Mazepu.

Nikanor, coming to Moscow, gave detailed readings in the Preobrazhensky order; Over Mazepé, supervision was established, but nothing compromising it turned out.

In 1707, a second denunciation was sent with the rising from the Jews, Peter Yatsenko.

This was learned by Mazepa, but by taking precautions, nevertheless left Kochubyev alone. Then they sent through their confedets - Colonel Spark (see) and the priest, Svitute, Akhtyra Colonel Osipov, a new novos, who was transferred to Peter through the Kiev Governor, KN. D. M. Golitsyn (see). The latter appointed a consequence by commissioning him by Chancellor. G. I. Golovkin (see) and the Secret Secretary of Shafirov.

Mazepa acted so secretly and tactfully that investigators could not open anything, and on the contrary, they were assured in the complete innocence of the hetman, who won them with rich gifts.

Mazepa decided to capture K. and the spark; They fled, hoping to be protected by the Russian king, but were detained with Russian officers and taken to Vitebsk.

Meanwhile, Petr, making sure the dongings, wrote Mazepa a number of favorable letters and ordered to give him accusers.

In Vitebsk, K. and the spark were waiting for cruel torture, as Peter saw in the fact of the denunciation of the enemy factors, about which he wanted to find out. On April 24, 1708, Golovkin came to Peter from Vitebsk: "Since K. Zelo Star and straws immensely, for the sake of torture it was no longer decided, so that before time is not a heart." Under torture spark and K. stated that their testimony was false, but these torture did not force them to say anything about the "enemy faults", which did not really have. Then a new series of torture was followed, to ensure that K. issued Mazepa's richness hidden.

Finally, 15 zero 1708. Spark and K. were beheaded in MST. Borschagovka, near the White Church.

K. Pogren in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra; The bloody shirt in which he was during the execution of execution, is stored in the Pokrovsk CRC. from. Beetle, Poltava lips. The wife of K. with sons was also arrested, but the detection of his treason prevented the detection of his treason, after which their estates were returned, and estate sparks were returned to the Kochuff. Matrena K. Was in 1707 he was married to the General Jewish Chukevich, whom Mazep managed to be inclined to his side, and then Soslant, together with her husband, to Siberia.

Upon return, she died in the monastery.

Former historians idealized the personality of K. Now the look at him changed: they were led by purely personal scores, not patriotism.

Ansobiographical note by K. Printed in "Readings Mosk. Societies of history and antiquities" (1859, I). (Brokgauz) Kochubey, Vasily Leontievich General. Judge Maloros. Troops, executed for the Donosch. In the treason of Mazepa on July 14, 1709 (Polovtsov)

Death: 15 (26) July(1708-07-26 )
village Borschagovka under the White Church now Prsvizhsky district, Vinnitsa region

Vasily Leontievich Kochubey (Ukr. Vasil Leontіyovich Kochubey; -15 (26) July) - General Cheric and General Judge Troops Zaporizhia. Kaznong in 1708 on charges of false denunciation on Hetman Mazepu in the desire for treason. From it there is an aristocratic genus of Kochubyev.


Born around 1640, not distinguished by outstanding abilities, the Kochubey was hardworking and knew perfectly well the stationery. In 1681, he was the regent of the Office of the Office, in 1687 - the general writer, and in this rank, painted by Mazepa denunciation on Samoilovich. Mazepa, becoming hetman, awarded Kochubey villages (including the famous Dikanka), gave him in 1694 the dignity of the General Judge, and in 1700 it came out of the title of slap.

At the beginning of the 1690s, Mazepa suppressed Petrika uprising in the south. The leader of the uprising of the stationery Petro Ivanenko (Petrik) was married to the niece of the general writer Vasily Kochubey. Perhaps it served as the origin of hostility between them.

In 1704, there was a love story of Hetman Mazepa with a 16-year-old daughter of Motray Kochubey. Being a widow, Mazepa walked her, but the parents refused, since the motley was his goddler (which was equated with church laws to parents). When she fled to Mazepé, Hetman invisiently returned the girl to her parents. However, the girl no longer wanted to live with her parents and re-gone to live to the elderly beloved.

In 1706, Hetman first informed the Kochube about his plans for the rejection of Malorussia from the Russian Empire. In 1707, Kochubey referred to Moscow denunciation in words through a fluid monk Nicarra. The bonos was not believed, but the hetman was established by the unlawful supervision. In 1708, the second denunciation was transferred to the hetman through Peter Yatsenko. He was again not believed and Mazepene reported this denunciation.

Then the Kochubey invited Schatail to the Council of Poltava Colonel to the Council and convinced them to convey the same denunciation of the king through the Akhtyra Colonel Osipov, who was transferred to the new denunciation of the Tsar Peter through the Kiev governor of Prince D. M. Golitsyn.


The bloody shirt in which the Kochubey was during the execution of the execution, was kept in the Pokrovsk Church of the village of Zhuk Poltava province.

A family

Vasily Kochubey was married to Fedorovna's love (mind 1722), the daughter of Poltava Colonel Fyodor Ivanovich Zhuchenko, who inherited the rich Poltava village of Beetvo after his father. Children:

Image in literature and historiography

Rich and Slary Kochuby. His meadows are unbarrous; There, his herds will graze his horses, non-shuffle. Poltava farmhouse is surrounded by his gardens, and a lot of good, fur, fur, satin, silver and in sight and under locks. But the Kochubey is rich and proud not long-sided horses, not a crown, tribute to the Crimean Horde, not childlike farms, beautiful her daughter is proud of the old choke

In Russian historiography, Kochuby appears by the tragic figure, the victim of political intrigue Mazepa vs. Peter I on the eve of the treason. Under the influence of Pushkin's poem, the images of the Kochubey and Sparks are surrounded by a halo of martyrdom in the "struggle for the Russian idea" in the face of traitors. Graf A. K. Tolstoy wrote:

Do you know the edge where there were lyhas with Rusya, where did the intermediate of the fields lay so much? Do you know the edge, where is there no time in the feasy Mazepa crotted stubborn chubs and a lot where the blood is glorious in honor of the ancient rights and faith of Orthodox?


In April 1923, the monument was redone to the monument to the heroes of the January upright of 1918. Arsenal workers against Central Rada. Instead of the statues of the Kochubey and Sparks, the gun participating in the events. The monument is located near the Metro Station "Arsenal".

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Tairova-Yakovlev T. G. Mazepa. - Moscow: Young Guard, 2007. - 270 s. - (Life of wonderful people). - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-235-02966-8.


Excerpt that characterizes Kochubey, Vasily Leontievich

"Women," said Pierre's slightly audible voice. Mason did not move and did not speak long after this answer. Finally, he moved to Pierre, took the handkerchief lying on the table and again tied his eyes.
Last time I tell you: Pay all your attention to yourself, impose the chains to your feelings and look for bliss not in passions, but in your heart. The source of bliss is not out, and inside us ...
Pierre has already felt this refreshing source of bliss, now joy and defeating his soul.

Soon after that, no former Ritor came for Pierre in the dark chramine, and the guarantor of the Villarsky, whom he learned by voice. For new questions about the hardness of his intention, Pierre responded: "Yes, yes, I agree," and with a shiny ball smile, with an open, greasy breasts, unevenly and timidly walking in one breast and one walled foot, went ahead with his depressed Villar to his Nude breast with a sword. From the room he was told on the corridors, turning back and forth, and finally led to the door of the lodge. Villarsky coughed, he was answered by Molotkov's Moloons, the door opened before them. Whose bass voice (Pierre's eyes were all tied) made him questions about who he was, where, when was born? and so on. Then he was again led somewhat, not to unleash his eyes, and during his walk he was told by the allegoria about the works of his travel, about the sacred friendship, about the boring builder of the world, about courage, with whom he should carry the works and dangers . During this journey, Pierre noticed that he was called that after looking for, then he who demanded, and differently stared with the hammers and swords. While he was summed up to some subject, he noticed that there was a confusion and confusion between his leaders. He heard that the surrounding people arranged among themselves and how one insisted that he was spent on some kind of carpet. After that, they took his right hand, put it on something, and the left one told him to put the cirkul to the left chest, and forced him, repeating the words that the other read, read the oath of loyalty to the laws of the Order. Then they put out the candles, lit alcohol, as I heard the smell of Pierre, and they said that he would see small light. They took off his dressing, and Pierre how in a dream he saw, in a weak light of alcohol fire, several people who were in the same aprons as Ritor, stood against him and held the swords directed into his chest. Between them stood a man in a white bloody shirt. Having seen this, Pierre's boil forward on the swords, wanting them to get into it. But the swords were removed from him and he immediately got a dressing again. "Now you have seen a small light," whose voice said him. Then they lit the candles again, they said that he had to see the full light, and again removed the bandage and more than ten votes suddenly said: Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. [So passes worldly glory.]
Pierre gramnog began to recover and look around the room where he was, and people who were in it. Around the long table covered in black, a man was sitting twelve, everything in the same robes, like those whom he had seen. Some Pierre knew in St. Petersburg society. An unfamiliar young man was sitting at the Chairman, in a special cross on the neck. An Italian Abbot was sitting on his right hand, whom Pierre saw two years ago at Anna Pavlovna. There was also one very important dignitary and one Swiss Gutener, who lived before Kuragin. Everyone was solemnly silent, listening to the words of the chairman who kept the hammer in his hand. The wall was done by a burning star; On the one hand, the table was a small carpet with different images, on the other there was something in the role of the altar with the Gospel and the skull. The circle of the table was 7 large, in the kind of church, candlesticks. Two of the brothers let down Pierre to the altar, put his feet into a rectangular position and ordered him to lie down, saying that he was turning to the gates of the temple.
"He must come to a shovel," said one of the brothers by the shopot.
- BUT! complete please, - said another.
Pierre, confused, with short eyes, without obedience, looked around himself, and suddenly there was a doubt. "Where I am? What am I doing? Do not you laugh at me? Will it be ashamed to remember it? " But doubt it lasted only an instant. Pierre looked at serious people around him, remembered everything he had passed, and realized that it was impossible to stay at half the road. He was horrified by his doubt and, trying to cause the former sense of lunizing, was blocked to the gates of the temple. And really a sense of lunizing, even the strongest than before, found it. When he lay down a few times, he was ordered to get up and put on him the same white leather apron, which were on others, gave him a shovel and three pairs of gloves into his hands, and then the Great Master turned to him. He told him that he tries not to stain on the whiteness of this apron, representing a fortress and impurity; Then he said that he worked for her to clean his heart from the vices and condescendingly to dig a nearby heart. Then the men's first gloves said that their meanings he could not know, but he must keep them, about the other men's gloves said that he should put them in meetings and finally about the third women's gloves said: "Caverny brother, and this female gloves you Defined the essence. Give them to that woman you will read the most. Sim Varon ruin in the impossibility of the heart of your one that you will choose to yourself in a decent stone. " And having paveled several times, I added: - "But observed a kind brother, but do not decorate the gloves of the hands of unclean." While the great master uttered these last words, Piear seemed to be embarrassed. Pierre was embarrassed even more, blushed to tears, as children blush, he began to look rest restfully and an awkward silence occurred.
Silence It was interrupted by one of the brothers, who, tighten Pierre to the carpet, began to read him an explanation of all the figures depicted on it: the sun, the moon, a hammer. A plumb, shovels, wild and cubic stone, pillar, three windows, etc. Then Pierre appointed his place, showed him the signs of the lodge, said the entrance word and finally allowed to sit down. The great master began to read the charter. The charter was very long, and Pierre from joy, excitement and shame was not able to understand what they read. He listened only to the last words of the Charter who remembered him.
"In our temples, we do not know other degrees," read the "great master," except those that are between virtue and vice. Beware of doing some distinction that can disturb equality. Fly to help to my brother, whoever he would be, to imagine a mistake, raise fallen and do not pintai ever the angry or hostility on his brother. Be affordable and friendly. Excite in all hearts of the fire virtue. Delhi, happiness with your neighbors, and may not be outraged by the envy of purely enjoyment. Farewell to your enemy, do not count him, unless the good is done to him. In this way, the highest law, you will unite the tracks of the ancient, lost by you Majesty. "
He cumshot and the leader hugged Pierre and kissed him. Pierre, with tears of joy in front of her eyes, looked around him, not knowing what to respond to congratulations and renewed dating, with whom they surrounded him. He did not recognize any dating; In all people, these he saw only the brothers, with whom he was burning impatient to the case.
The great master knocked the hammer, all sat down in places, and one read the teaching about the need for humility.
The Great Master proposed to fulfill the last duty, and an important dignitorn, who wore the title of gathering alms, began to bypass the brothers. Pierre wanted to write down all the money in alms, which he had, but he was afraid to send pride to it, and recorded as much as others recorded.
The meeting was over, and upon returning home, Pierre seemed to be that he came from some long journey, where he spent tens of years, completely changed and lagged behind the former order and habit of life.

The next day after receiving in the lie, Pierre sat at home, reading the book and trying to delve into the meaning of the square, depicting one of his side of God, the other moral, the third physical and fourth mixed. Occasionally he broke away from the book and the square and in his imagination was a new plan of life. Yesterday in the bed, he was told that he had a rumor about the duel, and that Pierre would have been gaining a good job from St. Petersburg. Pierre assumed to go to his southern estates and take up his peasants there. He happily thought of this new lifeWhen the prince of Vasily entered the room unexpectedly into the room.

Kurdinovsky you. Vasily Leontievich Kochubey in the story of his contemporary 1708 -P C, 1 8 83, vol. 40, No. 12, p. 499-504

TO opuboy Vasily Leontievich - Born around 1640, not distinguished by outstanding abilities, the Kochubey was hardworking and perfectly knew the stationery service. In 1681, he was the regent of the Office of the Office, in 1687 - General Script. Mazepa, becoming hetman, awarded Kochubey villages (including - famous Dicano), gave him in 1694 the dignity of the General Judge, and in 1700 it was the title of Claim. The confidence of Mazepa to Kurube was so great that he first told him about his intention to postpone from Russia. Meanwhile, Mazepa loved sixteen-year-old beauty - the daughter of Kochubey, Matreus ("Maria" Pushkin "Poltava"), and wanted to join her marriage, but met disagreement of parents, especially proud wives of the Kochubey. Mazepa managed to seduce Matreus Kochubey, who, breaking with the parental house, moved to live to him. Kochubei began to continue their former relations with Mazepa, but they took a malice in the shower. Finally, as they think - on the initiative of the wife of the Kochubey, was sent with a wonderful monk by Nikanor, a verbal denunciation on Mazepu. Mazepa acted so tactfully that the investigators could not open anything and assured in the complete innocence of the hetman, who drew them with rich gifts. Kochuby and Spark fled, hoping to protect the Russian king, but were detained with Russian officers and taken to Vitebsk. Meanwhile, Peter, making sure the dongings of the Donos, ordered to give accusers. In Vitebsk, Kochubey and Spark were brutally tortured, as Peter saw in the fact of the denunciation of the enemy factors ", which I wanted to find out. July 15, 1708. Spark and Kochubey were beheaded in MST. Borschagovka, near the White Church. Kochubyi buried in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra; The bloody shirt in which he was during the execution of the execution is kept in the Pokrovsk church of the village of Zhuk Poltava province. The wife of the Kochubey with sons was also arrested, but the detection of his betrayal was prevented by the further rift of Mazepa.

Digitization and editing - Yuri Shuvayev

Vasily Leontievich Kochubey

in the zone of his contemporary 1708

Serving in the Zhukovsky Pokrovskaya Church, in which the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Vasily Leontyevich Kochubey, Casnernago Mazepy, in which the icon is also located, dedicated to the Swedes, and the priestly riza is kept from the Boyarskago Kaftan Vasily Leontievich - I received in 1875 from Prince Sergey in 1875 Viktorovich Kochubey, from his home-friendly archive, manuscript 1748 with several details about the life and execution of Vasily Leontievich Kochubey and his spouse.

The manuscript was written by the obsolete handwriting and the language of the last century; Prince Sergey Viktorovich asked me to shift the surveillance in the language of modern, which I performed. The script with the transcription was then me sent by the prince; At my own, I left a copy from translating, which I, like a literal translation of the contemporary rush of the contemporary about you. Leontievich Kochube, and imagine on page "Russian Starny".

On a genuine manuscript is meant (as I have noted) later handwriting and other inks "1748".

Refine priest with. Beetles Vasily Kurdinovsky.

March 19, 1708, in memory of St. Martyrs of Chrysanf and Daria, General Judge Vasily Leontievich Kochubey and Poltava Colonel John Iskra left from the village of Dikanka to the other side of Vorskla, through Slobodi cities, in Smolensk, where they were in a hurry to the royal majesty, avoiding anger and messenger of the krahatvoprentgo of Ivan Mazepa.

On the 18th, March 18, to the fourth, approached the dikanka sent from Mazepa, with the orders to grab the Kochubey: the Gadyachsky Colonel Stefan Trochinsky with his regiment and with a regiment


volokhov and Campani Colonel Yury Konukhovsky with his regiment. But they stopped for the night in great widespread, not far from the dikanka.

Meanwhile, on the same day, he brought a letter to the dikanka sent from Missor (Fishes?), From Mirgorodskago Colonel, his old servant Andrei Los. Having learned the content of the letter, Vasily Leontievich, Nimalo Needl, sent to Poltava his servant of his Ivan Zavadovskago for John sparkly, who at night and came to the dikanka. On the same night, an hour before slave, having gone with all his own, Vasily Leontievich left the dikanka, having moved the bridge on the Vorskle River in the village of Gavranz, and arrived in Krasnokutsk, where Akhtyra Colonel was. From Tsarskago Majesty came to Krasnokutsk Lieutenant with a decree, in which it was prescribed "spark one to appear to the sovereign, and to remain in the closet." Both of Krasnokutsk are both, accompanied by Akhtyrskago Colonel, arrived in Bogodukhov. But in Bogodukhov, another officer came from Tsarskago Majesty with the orders - Kochubyu and Spark - both appear to the sovereign.

Following the departure from the house of Vasily Leontievich and Sparks, joined the Dikanka with his Trochinsky's troops with the intention of captured and submit to the Fistists to Mazepa; But, looking around him everywhere, with displeasure returned back to the beads and stood there for three days - Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Monday morning, Trochinsky joined the dikanka again, and stopping withall with his troops in the new yard - on Kovalevka, sent Volokhov to the Old Yard, where the wife of Vasily Leontyevich was located, Ms. Lyubov Kochezheev. At that time, it was not at home: on the sissue of the day of St. Holy Martyr Vasily Ankirskago (the tezo-alitation of the son and her husband) She listened to the church at the church about a safe journey of her husband. Having learned about it, the worshi around the church was put by a guard, and Senior Voloshin Rothmistra, named Constantia, entered the church with the orders of the Mr and Kochubeeva to extend from the Church. "I will not come out", the noble mistress said with a decisive tone, "I would better suffer from the altar as the Prophet Zechariah." The Rotmist is tidy and with threats she brought her away; and as soon as the church threshold was captured in the stroller and taken to the Kovalevka to Trochinsky with genondvario Wasil Vasilyevich Vasily Kochubey, formerly with her in the church.

Arriving before the yard to Trochinsky, she was landed, and she stood for several hours, waiting for the report. Waiting for a long time and in vain return of the speaker, she decided to appear to


Trochinsky, and courageously protested between the horses that the courtyard was naked.

Meanwhile, Trochinsky came out on the porch, in a white cafetan, without a belt, in yellow sharawars, being very drunk. The noble Ms. Kochubeeva Krotko began his speech to him: "For whether Mazepa was sent with the army for my husband that he was diligently and rightly served the troops of Zaporizhzhya in the posts of writer and judges?" ... But Trochinsky, without answering it Suddenly ordered the Volokham to shoot it. And barely managed the Kuzhukhovsky, the adviser to Trochkinskago, the desperate cry to stop the Volokhov, who had already segged in the rugs. The frightened Mrs. Kochubeyev for guard was returned to his yard, and the guard was delivered around the courtyard, also in the house, and even in her bedroom. And the wife of Vasily Vasilyevich Kochubey received the permitting, having taking their own property, go to the Sorozhintsy to their parents, where her husband was.

On the other day, in the morning, Trochinsky with his advisers and arrived at night from Mazepa, the ambassador went to the Old Dvor, where, according to his order, all the property found G. Kochubey, all valuable things were laid in boxes, and Mrs. Kochubeyev with one servant, in the coverage Behind Karaul, sent to Baturin. Here the property was left on the potted, and Kochubeev was placed in the courtyard, at the outskirts of Baturin, where and before, the mercy stopped. Then, after a week I was transferred to the old courtyard, where they took her a gloomy room, with forbaning it to go somewhere, equally, it was not ordinous to admit anyone not only to the house, even to the fence. Two guard Zhalitsky and Moscow were attached to the place of detention.

In April 1708, to the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ, Vasily Leontievich Kochubey and Spark reached Smolensk and Vitebsk. Hence the boyar Gavrilo Ivanovich Golovkin, Prince of Dolgorukov and Peter Pavlovich Shafhers, the Secret Secretary of the Soviet, transmitted them to Porechye; And here, torture interrogated them in loyalty of the report on Mazepu. At the first interrogation, the old man Vasily Leontievich caused four strikes with a whip, and a spark - seven beats; A week later, the wounds were rendered by as much blows. Months May and June they are kept in conclusion, and then sent to the water in Chernihiv; From Chernigov, Voevod Veniamin transmitted them to Kiev, and hence in the White Church to Mazepa, who stood the camp between Borschov and Kushagov. Here on July 15, 1708, on a quarter,


mist equivalent to Velikago Prince Vladimir, the head of innocent sufferers of the Kochubey and sparks rolled on one plate, and their bodies lay onplace execution, to the end of the liturgy. Then they put on wooden coffins and subsequently selected for burial in Kiev. They rest in the Kiev Power Lavra,fire on the right side, the relaxing church.

The unhappy blood of the sufferers was greatly disturbed by Mazepu, and he wonderfully wandered with his army in different cities, - as finally founded before all the army of Malorosiysk, which he changed the levety monarch and ran away to the King Swedish. It was on October 17, for the memory of the head. Osi and St. Andrei Kritskago, fourteen weeks after the martyr's death of the Kochubey and Sparks.

If you guessed about the Sez Baturin, locked from all sides of his remaining changed troops; Of the four gates, only one coast, from the side of the Seima, were open. For the week, the bright prince of Menshikov arrived there before taking Baturin; But I did not enter the city, but I came out for negotiations to its shiny the commanding over the troops in the city of Chechel Colonel Sergeitsky, Esaul Armatsky, Sotnik Baturin, - and the prince went back.

Taking advantage of the turmoil in the city, the innocent sufferer Lyubov Kochubeev found the opportunity to go from the place of his sentence, with the help of the nuns of the Municipal Monastery. The blizzard traveled from the city a dormitory television with a budos. Kochubeeva, dressed in the monastic dress, and I ran away (Wife Sparks), who was with her, - in a man's clothes, came out of the city on foot, and Panich Feodor Vasilyevich (Kochubey) was shown to himself in WHO, under the guise of a bloody.

Fearing persecution, the noble widow elected the path to Mitchenki, Kureny, Ichnya, Priluk, Svetlyn, Chernihi, past the settlement, on the village of the Officearists, a cool coast. The Sulu and arrived in Shishaki river, the estate of Peter Kulyabki, the son-in-law of Colonel Mirgorodskago, Kochubey's son-in-law. Here, having received that the spouse of Colonel Mirgorodskago and Vasily Vasilyevich Kochubey are located in the Sorochintsians, went there, where they lived several days. Ms. Poddovskaya arrived there, because the wife of Vasily Vasilyevich was born at that time, Paul's son was born. Having hollowed for a short time, all together went from Louchin; But behind the Sorochintians described: Ms. Polkovnitsa Mirgorodskaya, Vasily Vasilyevich Kochubey, Ms. Ceradovskaya and Lomakovsky


they went to Krilov, and the widow of Kochubeev and I represented the way to Moskovia Sloboda: on Baranovka, Tsoshnka, old mlines, through Vorskla, Slander and Kolomak. From here G. Zakharievsky went to the divers, and Kochubeeva and I ran away in the risks of the forest elevation in the sparkle.

They got there, through the city of Ivan Zhekinka, a letter sent from Llelyysho Prince Menshikov, written in Konotop, to take Baturin, who was taken on October 25, 1708, for memory of St. Martyrs Markian and Mortyry. The letter was addressed to Vasily Vasilyevich and the great mercy of the sovereign was declared in it, and he was prescribed to appear in the Glow to His Majesty with his mother and a widow spark. From Rivne Academy, Ms. Kochubseyev sent his servant to Kremenchug for the smallest Son. Following the messenger, the widows went to the swine; The Vorskla River moved to Semyanovka and stopped in the village of Zhukka, in the house of the relative of their both, a bug, for a few days. But for a long time they enjoyed hospitality and the patronage of the bug. In the meat source on Philipp, the post came to the beetles of Yakov Rogul and declared them about the threats of Poltavskago Colonel Levenz, intending to grab them and transmit to Mazepe.

In a dark deep night, they left beetles. Moving in the village of Petrovka Vorskla, were captured by Petrovsky men, who, being drunk, rushed to the night train and, without any living, they wanted to kill them. To happiness, Ms. I represented Petrovskago Ataman, to nickling drig; And he, to find out the gracious ladies, dares the men with a strong cry and gave them a guarantee to Kolomak. From Komakomaki kept the path to the pin, rolls, love and Kharkov. In Kharkov, Brigadier Feodor Vasilyevich G. Shidlovsky sheltered defenseless widows in his house for two weeks. From Kharkov, they went to the divers, from here the carving expensive on the rolls, Krasnokutsk and Akhtyrka to Lebedin, and here were presented to the prevailing monarch, there was a pretty monarchy mercy from him. From here they went to Trostyansk and there were Christmas holidays there, and on January 1, 1709, they arrived in a new water to Ivan Zakharievsky, where Polkovnitsa Mirgorodskaya was also located.

At this time, the Swedish troops have already joined Ukraine and ruined the codeak, and therefore their grace could not have expensive to remain here, and all through Kharkov, Belgorod and Sumy were reassured; Mrs. Kochubeev and ran away in their estates in


Yaroslavl, and Polkovnitsa Mirgorodskaya with the city of Ivan Vodolazhsky - in the estate, in Avdeev.

Of the same year in the summer of June 2nd 1709, the Russian troops were against the Swedes between the beetles and Petrovko, under Poltavoy, and the prevailed monarch, with the help of God, defeated the Swedes, and all the generals, colonels and officers broke and captured.


Poltava County

Village beetles.

Son of the military comrade, K. Rod. At about 1640, not distinguished by outstanding abilities, K. was hardworking and perfectly knew the stationery service. In 1681, he was already regenerated by the Office of the Office, in 1687 - the general writer, and in this rank, ancient Mazepé denunciation on Samoilovich. Mazepa, becoming hetman, awarded K. Villages (including the famous Dikanka), gave him in 1694 the dignity of the General Judge, and in 1700 it came out the rank of slap. The confidence of Mazepa to K. was so great that he was first told him about his intention to postpone from Russia. Meanwhile, Mazepa fell in love with sixteen-year-old beauty - Daughter K., Matreus Vasilyevna ("Maria" Pushkinskaya "Poltava") and wanted to integrate with his wife, to enter into marriage, but met disagreement of parents, especially the proud wife K. Then Mazepé managed to seduce Matreus K., who breakdown with the parent home, moved to live Him. After that, the old men were not at the Mazepés and wrote to him who had repeated letters, which he answered, accusing them to marry himself in disagreement and pointing to her generous attitude towards them, since he has suffered their "Acts sixteen The death is suitable. " Then the kocheki began to continue their previous relations with Mazepa, but they hid anger in the shower. Finally, as they think - on the initiative of the wife of K., was sent with the stray monk by Nikanor, a verbal denunciation on Mazepu. Nikanor, coming to Moscow, gave detailed readings in the Preobrazhensky order; Over Mazepé, supervision was established, but nothing compromising it turned out. In 1707, a second denunciation was sent with the rising from the Jews, Peter Yatsenko. This was learned by Mazepa, but by taking precautions, nevertheless left Kochubyev alone. Then they sent through their confesses - Colonel Spark (XIII, 370) and the priest, Svyatlu - Akhtyra Colonel Osipov, a new denunciation, which was transferred to Peter through the Kiev Governor, KN. D. M. Golitsyn (IX, 48). The latter appointed a consequence by commissioning him by Chancellor. G. I. Golovkin (IX, 72) and the Secret Secretary of Shafirov. Mazepa acted so secretly and tactfully that investigators could not open anything, and on the contrary, they were assured in the complete innocence of the hetman, who won them with rich gifts. Mazepa decided to capture K. and the spark; They fled, hoping to be protected by the Russian king, but were detained with Russian officers and taken to Vitebsk. Meanwhile, Peter, making sure the dongings of the Donos, wrote Mazepa a number of favorable letters and ordered to give him accusers. In Vitebsk, K. and the spark were waiting for cruel torture, as Peter saw in the fact of Donos "Neckakiy's faults", which I wanted to find out. On April 24, 1708, Golovkin came to Peter from Vitebsk: "Since K. Zelo Star, and a fucking immensely, he was no longer decided for tortust, so that before time is not a heart." Under torture spark and K. stated that their testimony was false, but these torture did not force them to say anything about the "enemy facts", which did not really have. Then a new series of torture was followed, to ensure that K. issued Mazepa's richness hidden. Finally, July 15, 1708. Spark and K. were beheaded in MST. Borschagovka, near the White Church. K. Pogren in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra; The bloody shirt in which he was during the execution of execution, is stored in the Pokrovsk CRC. from. Beetle, Poltava lips. The wife of K. with sons was also arrested, but the detection of his treason prevented the detection of his treason, after which their estates were returned, and estate sparks were returned to the Kochuff. Matrena K. Was in 1707 he was married to the General Jewish Chukevich, whom Mazep managed to be inclined to his side, and then Soslant, together with her husband, to Siberia. Upon return, she died in the monastery. Former historians idealized the personality of K. Now the look at him changed: they were led by purely personal scores, not patriotism. Autobiographical note by K. Printed in "Readings Mosk. Societies of history and antiquities "(1859, I).

15 (26) July 1708. On charges of false denunciation on the hetman Ivan Mazepu, the General Chercar was executed and the general judge of the troops of Zaporizhia Vasily Leontievich Kochuby. Thanks to the hard work and knowledge of their business, the highest posts were reached: the regent of the Office of the Office (since 1681), the General writer (from 1687), the General Judge (from 1699), received the title of Clause (in 1700). He took part in the Azov campaigns, owned large land plots with fortress peasants at the left bank of Ukraine.

Kochubeev famous for the ancient. The founder of the family was considered the notable Crimean Tatar Kuchuk-Bay, which at the turn of 16-17 centuries settled in Malaya Russia among the Cossacks, was baptized under the name Andrei. The descendants of Kuchuk-Beea for a long time served as the Russian state and its sovereigns faithfully. With his honest ministry, they glorified their own way: at first they were granted the title of graph, and with the Russian emperor Nicholas I Kochubyam was given and the princely title. So, Leonthius, the son of Andrei Kuchuk-Bay, was famous for being a military comrade Bogdan Khmelnitsky. But the greatest fame in Russian history was still grandson Andrei - Vasily Kochuby. He was born around 1640 in the village of Borschagovka (now the presense district of Vinnitsa region).

Kochubey under the influence of General Essula Mazepa took part in the denunciation on the hetman Ivan Samoylovich. General Germans and several colonels, led, apparently, Mazepa, accused the hetman in bribery and the desire to form independent ownership from small Russia. Samoilovich was sent to the link. Mazepa became hetman. He thanked Kochubey, he received several land possessions, including the Dikanka famous by Nicholas, and the position of general military judge (actually becoming the head of the executive power in Malorus). A little later, Hetman has raised the title of crawl for the Kochkin - on the schedule of the ranks of the XVII century. Clauses held the fifth place after the boyars, okolnichi, spiritual nobility and twin devils. The personal relationship between Mazepé and Kochube is strengthened. Ivan Mazepa became the godfather for the daughter of Vasily Kochubey. The confidence in the Kochube was so big that Mazep entrusted him the most intimate thoughts, reported on the desire to separate from Russia.

Apparently, it was the daughter of Kochubey - Matrius (Motina), she was the reason for the future rupture of friendly relations. Beautiful and educated girl interested many grooms. Even the prince Alexander Menshikov offered to marry her for someone from his rich relatives, but it was fade into it. And then there was a surprise, the elderly Hetman Ivan Mazepa seed the matchmaker to the house of his old comrade, but he also received a decisive refusal of his parents. Marriage between the godfather and the scenic was considered impossible.

According to one version of Mazepa, seduced the girl. For another opinion, a 16-year-old girl herself fell in love with a rich and noble man. She first told about her feelings, and they decided to connect their destinies. Herman sent a matchmaker several times, but their parents stood on their own. Matrön even escaped to Mazepa, but he persuaded her to return to his parents, promising to achieve permission to wedding with her. He constantly sent her gifts and letters. In 1707, Matrius married a widowed regimental judge Chukevich, whom Hetman brought close to himself.

Donos on the hetman Mazepu

Vasily Kochubey, decided to convey to Moscow about the collusion of Mazepa with Polish and Swedish kings. Being a hetman of Malorusia, Mazepa became one of richest people Russia: under his power there were approximately 100 thousand fortific peasants. However, it was not enough for him, he wanted to create from the Malorus "independent possession" under the rule of the Polish crown. The betrayal of the former benefactor was for Mazepa already ordinary affair: he changed Poland by turning on the side of her sworn enemy Doroshenko; Then he left Hetman Doroshenko, as soon as he saw that his power fluctuates; He betrayed and subordinate Samoilovich, who prigid him and raised him to the height of the Starinsky title. He decided to betray her greatest benefactor, which was still recently shining and humiliated. In 1706, the Swedes defeated the seaksons and forced the ally of Peter Saxon Kurfürst and the Polish king of August II to abandon the Polish throne in favor of the supporter of Charles XII Stanislav Leschinsky and break the union with Russia. Moscow remained without allies. Mazepa considered that Peter will defeat, without staging before the victorious Swedish army, and began to look for itself a good place In the future political scenario. Apparently, the thoughts about "independent possession", arose earlier, but there was no convenient case to embody them into reality. Initially, Mazepa joined the negotiations of the princess Dolsk (according to the first husband of Vishnestian), and then through Jesuits with King Stanislav Leschinsky.

In September 1707, the sides of the general judge of Vasily Kochubay arrived in Moscow. He was sent through Nikar's Sevsky monk. However, this news was counted false. Peter believed that his faithful servant would like to define (denunciations happened before), moreover, it was also known about the personal hostility between the Kochube and Mazepa. In January 1708, Kochubey sent Peter Yansenka (Yakovleva) with a verbal message about the treason of hetman. However, Petr accounts and this is a donos false, entrusted to the consequence of Mazepa's comrades: G. Golovkin and P. Shafirov. Mazepa reported a denominant, and he took precautions.

Kochubey sent the third denunciation. This time he acted together with Colonel Ivan Irsra (he suspected his wife in treason with Mazepé), and the priest Tvatail. The news of the treason of hetman was given to Akhtyra Colonel Osipov, so that he handed it to the Kiev Governor D. Golitsyn. The king was confident in the loyalty of Mazepa, and Velmes, who received generous gifts from the hetman, did not find grounds for accusations of treason. And Mazepa acted carefully, did not give a reason to doubt his loyalty.


Kochubey and Spark were arrested and taken to Vitebsk, where they were met by Golovkin and Shafirs, appointed to investigate. Under torture, the arrested "admitted" that their denominations are false. Vasily Kochubey and Ivan Iskra sentenced to death. 15 (26) July 1708. Kochuby and Spark were beheaded under the White Church, where the camp of the Hetman Mazepa stood. Their bodies were buried in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Wife of the Kochubey and his sons were arrested.

Mazepa, frightened by denunciations and consequence, accelerated negotiations with Stanislav Leschinsky and Karl XII. Secret negotiations ended with the conclusion of the Union Agreement. Mazepa pledged to provide the Swedish army fortified points in Seversk land for wintering, provincial and fodder. In addition, he promised to relocate on the side of the opponents of Moscow Zaporizhzhya and Don Cossacks and Kalmyk Khan.

In the autumn of 1708, Peter ordered Mazepa to join the Cossack shelves to the Russian army under the StarOn. But Hetman Medlil, discussed the disease and sinking in the municipality caused by the movement of the Swedish army. At the end of October, Mazepa openly moved to the side of the Swedes, running away from the treasury to the Charl camp, who stood in the hills, in the south-east of Novgorod-Seversky. However, the Cossacks did not support Mazepu.

Tsar Peter I, realizing his mistake, caused the widow of Vasily Kochubey - Lyubov Fedorovna. She generously gave the family all confiscated property. The king declared Vasily Leontievich Kochubey "Had honest, glorious memory" and ordered to add two golden cross with the motto "tower when he died."