Presentation on the topic "Anglicisms in Russian". Anglicisms in Russian Presentation on Anglicisms

research project on English language on the topic

"Anglicisms in Russian"

Work completed:

student of 9 "B" class

Chirkova Anastasia

Project Manager:

English teacher,

Chesnokova A.V.

1. Introduction

2. Theoretical part

2.1. Methods for the formation of borrowings

2.2. Classification foreign words by areas of communication

3. Practical part

3.1. Study of the reasons for the use of anglicisms among young people

3.2. The study of the attitude of the subjects to the use of anglicisms in the speech of schoolchildren

4. Conclusion

5. Application

Target of this work is to study the degree of penetration of anglicisms into the speech of modern schoolchildren.

Controversial questions about the role of English borrowings in the modern Russian language, or rather in the everyday speech of young people, have become the main relevance this work.

object research - lexical units and their derivatives.

To achieve my goal, I need to solve the following research tasks:

1. Analyze theoretical materials related to the research topic.

2. Expand and deepen knowledge of the English language.

3. Determine the reasons for borrowing.

4. Consider ways to form borrowings.

5. Classify borrowings by areas of communication.

6. Conduct a survey of 9th grade students in order to find out the attitude of schoolchildren to the phenomenon under study.

7. Compile a dictionary of borrowings most used by schoolchildren.

To solve the tasks set, a complex was used methods:

1) theoretical (study and comprehension of literature on questions about anglicisms);

2) observation;

3) sociological (conversation, questioning);

2 Theoretical part

Methods of formation of anglicisms.

Let us first of all turn to the question of the methods of formation of anglicisms. After analyzing and comprehending excerpts from the works of famous linguists and philologists (Breyter M.A., Dyakov A.I. and many others), the following groups of foreign borrowings can be distinguished:

1)Direct borrowing - such borrowings in which the word occurs in Russian in approximately the same form and in the same meaning as in English. For example: - day off; - money.

2)Exoticisms - words that characterize the specific national customs of other peoples. Distinctive feature of these words is that they do not have Russian synonyms. For example: chips - chips, hot-dog - hot dog, cheeseburger - cheeseburger.

3)Foreign blotches - words that have lexical equivalents that are fixed in a particular speech environment in order to show the expressiveness of the speaker's speech. For example: ok - ok; wow - wow.

4) jargon- words that appeared as a result of distortion of any sounds. For example: crazy (crazy) - crazy.

2.2. Classification of foreign words by spheres of communication.

And now let's consider the classification of anglicisms in accordance with the spheres of communication in society:

1) Economy. In this area, there are such borrowed words as investment, marketing, price list, manager, boss, boss.

2) Sport. Those words to which we are so accustomed, it turns out, came to us from English. These are words such as athlete, football, bodybuilding, fitness, referee, match, goal.

3) Technique. New names are invented for technologies, and these names are in English. Words: computer, laptop, scanner, organizer - came to us from the English language (blender, printer, copier, mixer, photoshop).

4)Power, politics. In recent years, foreign words have appeared in the political vocabulary of the Russian language. For example, Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, President.

Practical part.

Study of the reasons for the use of anglicisms among young people.

And now let's move from theory to the practical part of my project. After carefully observing the speech of my classmates, teachers and friends, I came to the conclusion that borrowed words have become an integral part of our communication and are firmly entrenched in it. As my observation has shown, the most popular sources of replenishing the vocabulary of young people are such areas as the media (Internet), technology (computer technology), pop culture (cinema, music). As a rule, borrowings belong to different groups. The use of direct borrowings (laptop, boyfriend, flash drive, DJ) can be explained by the fact that many anglicisms in our speech cannot be changed, and there is no need to. One of the most used in the speech of schoolchildren are words related to hybrids and foreign inclusions, so many people already take these words as borrowed only in the deep subconscious.

In order to identify the features, as well as the reasons for the use of foreign words by schoolchildren in their everyday speech, I made up a social questionnaire, which was attended by 43 people. The children were asked to answer questions about whether they use anglicisms in their speech, if so, how often and why. The results I got were summarized in three general charts for all questions.

According to the analysis of these diagrams, we can say that 93% of schoolchildren use borrowed words in their everyday speech, because they help them clearly, clearly and quickly express the meaning of a descriptive phrase (86%), or because the Russian language does not have such a concept ( eleven%).

In addition to the questions of the questionnaire, the participants were asked to name those borrowed words that they most often use in their speech. I also put the results in a table.


aim this study, as mentioned above, is the study of the degree of penetration of English slang into the speech of modern schoolchildren. The data obtained during the study confirm my assumption about the widespread use of English words, slang in the Russian language in general, and in the speech of schoolchildren in particular.

List of used literature

1) Breiter M.A. Anglicisms in Russian: history and perspectives. - Vladivostok, 2004.

2) Dyakov A.I. Reasons for the intensive borrowing of Anglicisms in modern Russian. // Language and Culture. - Novosibirsk, 2004.

3) Krysin L.P. Foreign words in modern Russian. - M., 2008.

4) New English-Russian dictionary/ Ed. V.K. Muller. - 9th ed. - M., 2006.

5) Dictionary of foreign words / Ed. V.V. Burtseva, N.M. Semenova.- M., 2005.


    Do you use borrowed words in your speech?

    Why are you using them?

a) there is no such concept in Russian;

b) with their help, it is easier and faster for me to explain what I want to say;

c) for me English words more expressive than the words of the Russian language;

3. How often do you use English words in everyday speech?

a) always

b) sometimes

c) never

List of the most used borrowings among 9th grade students of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 8"

Word in Russian

Lexical meaning

English word


friend, boy

Everything is fine



I'm sorry, I'm sorry


know problems

No problems

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

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ANGLICISMS IN THE MODERN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Completed by Olesya Reuk, Grade 6 MBOU Secondary School No. 2, Bogotola Head Nosyreva O.A. English teacher

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The relevance of our topic is determined by the importance of the English language in the life of Russian society. The aim of the work is to study the causes of the emergence and use of anglicisms in modern Russian, their influence on Russian speech.

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The overall goal has identified specific research objectives: 1) To analyze the theoretical material related to anglicisms. 2) Determine the causes and methods of borrowing. 3) Expand and deepen knowledge of the English language. 4) Conduct a survey of students in grades 6-11 in order to identify knowledge on the topic under study, 5) find out the attitude of schoolchildren to the phenomenon under study.

5 slide

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The practical value of the possibility of using the material and results of this study in English lessons, as well as in the further study of foreign borrowings In solving the above tasks, the following methods and techniques were used: the method of analysis and synthesis, the method of collecting information, the method of questioning.

6 slide

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Anglicism is a word or turn of speech in any language, borrowed from English or created on the model of an English word or expression.

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Reasons for the appearance of anglicisms in the Russian language: 1) Absence in mother tongue equivalent word for a new subject or concept: computer, toaster, impeachment. 2) The possibility of using one borrowed word instead of a descriptive phrase. For example: a hotel for autotourists - a motel, a short press conference for journalists - a briefing. 3) Borrowing scientific and technical terms: Emphasize - emphasize, highlight; similar - similar, similar; vary - change, fluctuate within certain limits; vulgar - rude, simplified, vulgar; to misinform - to mislead. 4) A tribute to fashion, the desire to “decorate” speech: service - service, security - security, shopping - shopping, motorcyclist - biker, party - party, dancing - dancing, loser - loser.

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Description of the slide:

Thus, the number of anglicisms in the Russian language is large. Among them, 2 main groups can be distinguished: First group Words that came into the language to name new objects or a term that has an international (international) character. Their use in speech in most cases is justified.

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Examples of words - terms that have an international character: Problem, factor, concert, office, uniform, loan, sprinter, center, service, reform, farmer, protest, transport, system, object, telephone, garage, plastic, Information, interview, business , fireworks, crime, leader, champion, medal, dialogue, company, statistics, maximum, conference, material, conflict, complex, organization, conference, etc.

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The second group Words of foreign origin, having synonyms in Russian. They "clog" the language, interfere with the understanding of the meaning. But in many cases this can be avoided by using Russian words and expressions.

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Examples of words that have synonyms in Russian: Reconstruction (from English reconstruction) perestroika, Fito - center (from English fit) - slender, healthy; Presentation (from English presentation) - presentation; Design (from English design) - drawing, sketch, pattern; Teenager (from English teenager) - a teenager; Department (from English department) - department; Constructive (from English constructive) - creative; Deficit (from English deficit) - lack; Region (from English region) - region; Season (from English season) - season; Communications (from English communication) - message; Exclusive (from English exclusive) exclusive; Subsidy (from English subsidy) - subsidy. .

12 slide

Description of the slide:

The colloquium was stormy. The debaters grappled. One said: "Marketing!" Another snapped: "Briefing!" A third barked: "Clearing!" And banged his fist. So in our region Consensus was reached Through pluralism, Although exclusive, But what is very prestigious - Without sponsors, moreover! A.Pyanov, poet-satirist

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Signs of anglicisms English borrowings are characterized by: - ​​the presence of combinations tch, j: sketch, manager, image, jazz; - the presence of combinations of va-, vi-, ve-: watt, whist, whiskey; - end combinations - ing, -men, -er: rally, briefing, rating, businessman, superman, timer.

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Spheres of use of English borrowings 1. Economics and trade (price list, holding, distributor, dealer, broker, barter, charter). 2. Socio-political vocabulary, international legal nominations (parliament, summit, consensus, speechwriter) 3. Nominations government controlled(impeachment, speaker, inauguration, prefecture, electorate, image maker) 4. Sports vocabulary (doping, training, arm wrestling, freestyle, skateboard, kickboxing) 5. Household vocabulary (camping, dancing, shopping, mixer, toaster check). 6. Computer vocabulary (email, spam, blog, chat, cursor, flash drive, browser)

15 slide

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APPENDIX 1 Borrowings from English in Everyday life schoolchildren - "English" - a transfer from the jargon of schoolchildren from "English" - English ("Are you going to English?"); - "smiley" - from "smile" - smile (Send me a smiley) - "like" - from "like" - love, like ("My photo got a lot of likes) - "boyfriend," - from "friend" - friend, boyfriend; (She has a new boyfriend) - "sms" - from "short message service" - short message(I sent an SMS) - "face" - from "face" - face ("In the lesson, the main thing is not to fall into the dirt with a face"); - "computer" - from "computer" - computer ("Again, my computer is frozen");

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The results of the student survey 1. Do you use borrowed words in your speech? Yes-95% 2. Why do you use them? (part of the respondents chose more than one answer) a) there is no such concept in Russian; 12.5% ​​b) with their help it is easier and faster for me to explain what I want to say; 52.5% c) for me English words are more expressive than the words of the Russian language; 7.5% d) I think that English words are more learned. 5% e) I use English words to concretize the meaning of the Russian language. 22.5%

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slide 3

Cultural-historical prerequisites for the emergence of anglicisms in the Russian language In the history of the process of borrowing anglicisms, several stages can be distinguished: XVI-XVII centuries, XVIII century, XIX century, XX century. The beginning of the immediate rapprochement between Russia and England is considered to be August 24, 1553, when for the first time the English ship "Edward the Good Enterprise" ("Edward Bonaventure") anchored at the mouth of the Northern Dvina River.

slide 4

In the 17th century During the reign of Peter I, about 3,000 English words penetrated the Russian language. A special place among them is occupied by maritime and shipbuilding terminology (brig 'two-masted sea vessel'; waterline 'a line on the hull along which it is possible to submerge the vessel in water when loading'; ketch (b) 'small single-deck vessel', etc.), Russian students studied mathematics, history, law, medicine, theology, navigation, mineralogy, metallurgy, mechanics, Agriculture. The importance of the English language for the study of maritime affairs was emphasized by the introduction of this language as a subject of teaching in the “navigation” school opened in Moscow. Brig Ketch(b)

slide 5

late 18th - early 19th centuries There were many people in Russia who knew and loved English. For the sake of being able to read English authors in the original, young Russian romantic writers zealously took up dictionaries. N.M. Karamzin, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, L.N. Tolstoy, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, V.A. Zhukovsky, I.S. Turgenev, A.A. Fet, A.A. Bestuzhev and other Russian writers were fluent in English. Petersburg English Review of Literature, The Arts and Sciences. Also in St. Petersburg, the "Anglican Club" was opened, in which the elected persons of the Russian nobility spent time. In St. Petersburg in October 1770-January 1771 there was an "English Theater", "English Theater" in St. Petersburg Meeting of the "English Club" in Moscow

slide 6

. IN early XIX in. England put forward remarkable poets and writers who took radical and even revolutionary positions: D. Byron, P. Shelley, D. Keats, W. Wadsworth, S. Taylor Coleridge, R. Southey, C. Dickens, W. Thackeray, M. Bronte, El. Graskall and many others. “It was the passion for English literature that made this language more widely used in Russia, brought it beyond the bounds of the closed high society language and art.” R. Southey, W. Wadsworth C. Dickens M. Bronte S. Taylor Coleridge, P. Shelley D. Keats W. Thackeray

Slide 7

20th century A major role in the penetration of English words into the Russian language of the XX century. play the social and linguistic contacts of our state with the United States. Americanisms occupy a significant percentage in total number English borrowings in Russian.

Slide 8

The study of borrowings of anglicisms in the modern Russian language of the last decades Research tasks: 1. Determine the reasons for the borrowing of English elements in the Russian language; 2. Analyze theoretical materials related to borrowing; 3. Consider ways of forming anglicisms; 4. Classify the most used anglicisms by areas of communication; 5. Find out the attitude of the population towards the phenomenon under study.

Slide 9

Ways of forming anglicisms 1. Direct borrowings. weekend - weekend black - black mani - money

slide 10

Methods of formation of anglicisms 2. Hybrids. ask (to ask - to ask), buzz (busy - restless, fussy).

slide 11

Methods of formation of anglicisms 3. Tracing paper. menu, password, disk, virus, club, sarcophagus.

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Ways of forming anglicisms 4. Half-tracing paper. drive - drive (drive) "For a long time there was no such drive" - ​​in the meaning of "fuse, energy."

slide 13

Methods of formation of anglicisms 5. Exoticisms. chips (chips), hot dog (hot-dog), cheeseburger (cheeseburger).

slide 14

Methods of formation of anglicisms 6. Foreign inclusions. okay (OK); wow (wow!).

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Ways of formation of anglicisms 7. Composites. second-hand - a store selling used clothes; video-salon - a room for watching movies.

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Ways of forming anglicisms Direct borrowings: weekend - weekend; Black - Negro; mani - money. Tracing paper: menu, password, disk, virus, club, sarcophagus. Half-cut: drive-drive (drive) “For a long time there was no such drive” - in the meaning of “fuse, energy”. Composites: second-hand - a store selling used clothes; video-salon - a room for watching movies. Exoticisms: chips (chips), hot dog (hot-dog), cheeseburger (cheeseburger). Foreign blotches: ok (OK); wow (wow!)

Anglicisms and the media: 1. Words that have synonyms in Russian and are often incomprehensible to people, for example: monitoring is a synonym for “observation”. 2. Words that usually do not have synonyms in Russian. They have taken root for a long time, everyone understands, and many people do not even think about the fact that these words came to us from the English language, for example: athlete, football, problem. 3. Words printed in newspapers in English, English letters. These words are all the more incomprehensible to most people, for example: Non-stop.

With the development of computer technology, English words are increasingly replenishing the vocabulary of schoolchildren: Motherboard (motherboard) - “mother” CD-Rom Drive (laser disc drive) - young people have the equivalent of “sidushnik”. The exclamation “Wow!”, expressing the emotion of amazement or delight, has become very common among the young. Drive - in the meaning of "fuse", "energy".

We also conducted a sociological survey among residents of Lesosibirsk. We asked the question: Are you satisfied with the abundance of foreign words of English origin in the media? 96 people were interviewed. Among them are people of different ages. Our survey gave the following results: 60% - no; 25% - yes; 15% - I don't know.

Conclusion The relevance of the study is that the consideration of problems related to the theory and practice of borrowings is especially significant in modern conditions, since today there are serious concerns about a powerful influx of borrowings that can lead to the depreciation of the Russian word. The practical value of this work lies in the fact that this material can be used in the process of teaching English in schools.

Conclusion The relevance of the study is that the consideration of problems related to the theory and practice of borrowings is especially significant in modern conditions, since today there are serious concerns about a powerful influx of borrowings that can lead to the depreciation of the Russian word. The practical value of this work lies in the fact that this material can be used in the process of teaching English in schools.