Spiritual life of the USSR in 20 years, briefly. Cultural and spiritual life in the late 19th - early 20th centuries

Entering the XX century, Russia was changing. The world also changed. The industrial era dictated its own conditions and norms of life. Under their onslaught, traditional values ​​and perceptions of people collapsed. Russian culture experienced an amazing flourishing. It embraced all types of creative activity, gave birth to outstanding works of art and scientific discoveries, new directions of creative search, discovered brilliant names that have become the pride of not only Russian, but also world culture, science and technology. The beginning of the XX century. is called the Silver Age of Russian culture. The Silver Age is a historical time from the 90s.

XIX century to 1922

However, one of the main contradictions of Russian life was never overcome - the inaccessibility of high cultural achievements to the broad masses and isolation from them.

Spiritual life in the 1920s

In 1919. the government of the RSFSR adopted a decree "On the elimination of illiteracy among the population of Russia", according to which all citizens between the ages of 8 and 50 were required to learn to read and write in their native language or Russian. However, the conditions of the Civil War and devastation prevented the solution of the task. In the mid-1920s. only about half of the population of the USSR over the age of 9 were literate.

Figures of artistic culture of the Silver Age met the proletarian revolution in different ways. Some of them believed that domestic cultural traditions would either be trampled or brought under the control of the new government. Appreciating above all the freedom of creativity, they chose the lot of emigrants. By the mid-20s. abroad were writers, poets, composers, singers, musicians, artists: I.A.Bunin, A.I.Kuprin, A.K. Glazunov, S.S. Prokofiev, S.V. Rachmaninov, F.I.Shalyapin , I.E. Repin, V.V. Kandinsky, M.Z. Shagal and others.

Other prominent cultural figures did not choose the fate of the emigrants. Such as A.A. Akhmatova, M.A. Voloshin, M.M. Prishvin, M.A. Bulgakov, went into deep spiritual opposition, continued the traditions of Russian dissent.

It seemed to many that the revolution, like a cleansing thunderstorm, would rejuvenate the country and awaken the creative forces. They walked towards a new life, considering themselves the successors of the revolutionary traditions of Russian culture.

The October Revolution for the first time was sung in the verses of V.V. Mayakovsky and A.A. Blok, depicted in the paintings of K.S. Petrov-Vodkin and B.M. Kustodiev, as well as in the first Soviet play "Mystery-Buff" based on play by Mayakovsky staged by V.E. Meyerhold and with design by K.S. Malevich.

With the end of the Civil War, the Bolsheviks began to actively control the spiritual life in the country. In August 1921. some scientists and cultural figures of a certain Petrograd military organization were shot, including the chemical scientist M.M. Tikhvinsky and the poet N.S. Gumilyov.

At the end of August 1922. the Soviet government expelled 160 scientists and cultural figures from the country who did not share the ideological attitudes of Bolshevism, but were not active fighters against it either.

In 1922. Glavlit was established, which controlled all printed products. A year later, he was joined by the General Repertoire Committee, he controlled the repertoire of theaters and other entertainment events, whose task was to prevent materials objectionable to the authorities from leaking into public life.

The Bolsheviks set themselves the goal of educating a "new man" worthy of living in a communist society. For the Bolsheviks, religion was a dangerous competitor in the spiritual life of the country. In April - May 1922. in Moscow and in July in Petrograd, trials were organized, a number of major church hierarchs were sentenced to death on charges of counterrevolutionary activities. Patriarch Tikhon was arrested and transferred to prison. In 1925, after the death of Patriarch Tikhon, the authorities did not allow the election of a new patriarch, and Metropolitan Peter, who assumed patriarchal duties, was exiled to Solovki.

The Bolsheviks needed new artistic forms of influencing feelings, agitation for a communist future. The art of posters flourished, masters of this genre - VN Deni ("The Gang"), DS Moor ("Have you signed up as a volunteer?", "Help!"). "Windows of Satire ROSTA" (Russian Telegraph Agency) is a new form of propaganda art. Sharp satirical posters with short poetic texts covered topical events, illustrated telegrams that were transmitted by the agency to newspapers.

The spiritual life of Soviet society in the first years of Soviet power was distinguished by relative freedom, but as Stalin's positions strengthened, a party attack on culture began.

Trends in spiritual life in the world in the XX century At all times, the spiritual life of society was influenced by ideas that not only set the pace of life, but could significantly change its structure. New trends took possession of the consciousness of the masses and became dominant, controlling all spheres of social life. So in the Middle Ages, the spiritual development of society was influenced by the ideas of the Catholic Church, during the Enlightenment, religion sacrificed science. By the beginning of the 20th century, the dominant idea was the growth of the human personality through the application of the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

Features of spiritual life in the XX century with periods, XX century Compared with the previous ones, it is characterized by a variety of directions and trends in theatrical, visual arts and literature. The unstable political situation at the beginning of the century became the reason that philosophical, pessimistic ideas prevailed in the spiritual life of society, representatives of the creative elite tried to find an explanation for the events, referring to the works of famous philosophical figures of the past. The creative intelligentsia understood that the old world, with its own orders and traditions, is irrevocably receding into the past. This was confirmed by many social, political and economic changes, the fall of monarchies, the establishment of totalitarian regimes, the increased growth of cities and the modernization of industry. However, the question of what the future of humanity will be remained open. Many thinkers predicted the decline of world culture, as they believed that spiritual development under the conditions of Time did not choose, they live and die in them. (L. S. Kushner)

The main directions of spiritual development in the first half of the 20th century In the first half of the 20th century, there were two main vectors of development of spiritual life, rational-pragmatic and irrational. A vivid representative of the irrational direction of philosophical thought is Z. Freud, who was the first to trace the connection between creative development and the psyche of individual individuals. Freud believed that cultural activity is nothing more than the sublimation of mental processes, which is expressed on the material plane. On the basis of this trend in the culture of the first half of the 20th century, such cultural movements as abstractionism, expressionism, neoplasticism, surrealism arise. Art loses its simplicity, acquiring a hidden philosophical content. Most people really do not want freedom, because it implies responsibility, and most people are afraid of responsibility (Z. Freud)

The main directions of spiritual development in the first half of the 20th century American philosopher D. Dewey laid the foundation for a rationalistic approach to the development of spiritual life. According to representatives of the pragmatic direction, culture is nothing more than a tool for solving many social and political problems of mankind. This trend was actively supported by the anti-democratic regimes established in Europe. In contrast to the irrational culture, such a direction was accessible to the understanding of the broad masses and was often used as an instrument of ideological propaganda. On the basis of a rational approach, social realism arose, which became a mirror in which political and social phenomena were reflected in a somewhat distorted form. True freedom is intellectual; it is based on the education of the power of thought, on the ability to "turn things over from all sides", to look at things reasonably, to judge whether there is a quantity and quality of evidence necessary for a solution, and if not, then where and how to look for them.

The main tasks of the cultural revolution: the task was to overcome cultural inequality, to make the treasures of culture accessible to the working people. elimination of illiteracy: in 1919 the Council of People's Commissars adopted a decree "On the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR", according to which the entire population from 8 to 50 years old was obliged to learn to read and write in their native language or Russian. In 1923, a voluntary society "Down with illiteracy" was established under the chairmanship of MI Kalinin.

"Down with illiteracy!" In 1923, a voluntary society "Down with illiteracy" was established under the chairmanship of MI Kalinin. Thousands of points were opened for the elimination of illiteracy educational programs.

Public education. On September 30, 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee approved the "Regulations on the Unified Labor School of the RSFSR". It is based on the principle of free education. By a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of August 2, 1918, workers and peasants received the preferential right to enroll in universities. By the end of the 30s, mass illiteracy in our country was largely overcome

Power and the intelligentsia: the question of attitudes towards the revolution. S. V. Rachmaninov, K. A. Korovin, A. N. Tolstoy, M. I. Tsvetaeva, E. I. Zamyatin, F. I. Shalyapin, A. P. Pavlova, I. A. Bunin, A. I. Kuprin and others. 500 prominent scientists who headed departments and entire scientific directions: P. A. Sorokin, K. N. Davydov, V. K. Agafonov, S. N. Vinogradskiy and others.


"Smenovekhovstvo" is an ideological - political and social movement that arose at the beginning of the 1980s. among the Russian foreign liberal-minded intelligentsia. It got its name from the collection "Change of Landmarks", published in Prague in July 1921. The Smenovekhites set themselves the task of reconsidering the position of the intelligentsia in relation to post-revolutionary Russia. The essence of this revision consisted in the rejection of armed struggle against the new government, recognition of the need to cooperate with it in the name of the welfare of the Fatherland.

"Smenovekhovstvo" (results) A. N. Tolstoy S. S. Prokofiev M. Gorky M. Tsvetaeva A. I. Kuprin The movement suited the leaders of the Bolsheviks, since it made it possible to split the emigration and achieve recognition of the new government. Returned to their Homeland: Attitude of the Bolsheviks:

The class approach to culture The party and the state established full control over the spiritual life of society in the city - the trial over the Petrograd military organization (famous scientists and cultural figures); - the expulsion of 160 prominent scientists and philosophers from the country; - the establishment of Glavlit, and then the Main Repertoire Committee ( censorship).

From the Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) "On the Party's Policy in the Field of Fiction" June 18, 1925. Thus, just as the class struggle in our country does not stop in general, it does not stop at all on the literary front either. In a class society, there is not and cannot be neutral art. The Party must emphasize the need to create fictional literature designed for a truly mass reader, workers and peasants; it is necessary to break with the prejudices of the nobility in literature more boldly and decisively

The Bolsheviks and the Church. On December 11 (24), 1917, a decree appeared on the transfer of all church schools to the Commissariat of Education. On December 18 (31), the effectiveness of church marriage is annulled in the eyes of the state and civil marriage is introduced. January 21, 1918 - a decree was published on the complete separation of church from state and on the confiscation of all church property.

The decree provided for specific measures to ensure that religious organizations carry out their functions. The free performance of ceremonies that did not violate public order and were not accompanied by encroachments on the rights of citizens was guaranteed, and religious societies were granted the right to free use of buildings and objects for conducting services.

More and more prohibitions fell upon the Church. The widespread closure of churches; Confiscation of church property for revolutionary needs; Arrests of clergymen; Deprivation of their voting rights; Children from clergy families were deprived of the opportunity to receive special or higher education.

Books / index.php? SECTION_ID = 326 & ELEMENT_ID = Sources: A. A. Danilov, History of Russia XX - early XXI century M., "Education", 2008 Internet resources:

Questions: 1. Combating illiteracy
2. Power and intelligentsia
3. Party control over the spiritual
4. "Smenovekhovstvo"
5. The Bolsheviks and the Church
6. The beginning of the "new art"

1. Combating illiteracy
Back in 1913, Lenin wrote:
“Such a wild country in which the masses
people were so robbed in the sense
education, light and knowledge - such a country
in Europe there is not a single one, except
Russia ”.
On the eve of the October Revolution about
68% of the adult population did not know how to read and
write. It was especially bleak
the situation of the village where the illiterates
accounted for about 80%, and in national
districts, the proportion of illiterates reached 99.5%.

Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of August 2, 1918:
─ preemptive right to enter
universities received workers and peasants
─ at universities and institutes there were
working faculties (workers' faculties) were created

September 30, 1918
All-Russian Central Executive Committee approved
"Regulation on
unified labor
school of the RSFSR ".
respect for the individual
child, were introduced
the elements
self-government and
the principle of free education.

Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on December 26, 1919 "On
eradication of illiteracy among
population of Russia ". (p. 163)
1.all citizens between the ages of 8 and 50
were required to learn to read and write.
Points were created in cities and villages
elimination of illiteracy - educational programs.

In the middle
1920s only
over 9 years old

Rural school for adults.

2. Power and intelligentsia

Events 1917-1922 shared
cultural workers.
1. Some were critical of
attitude towards the Bolshevik government and
went abroad. They chose a lot
2. Others have gone into deep spiritual
3. Many became successors
revolutionary traditions of Russian

The Bolsheviks sought to attract
cooperation of scientists, those who
helped to strengthen the defense and
the country's economy or had a global
confession. They were provided with more
tolerable living and working conditions. Many
renowned scientists have sincerely worked for
the good of the Motherland, although they did not share
views of the Bolsheviks.
These are N.E. Zhukovsky, V.I. Vernadsky,
N. D. Zelinsky, A. N. Bach, K. E. Tsiolkovsky,
I.P. Pavlov, I.V. Michurin.

3. Party control over spiritual life

Started in 1921 or after civil
August 1921 - trial over
Petrograd Combat Organization.
Some scientists and cultural figures
were shot.
August 1922 from the country were
160 scientists and philosophers were expelled.
In 1922 Glavlit was established -
censorship committee. In 1923 -
Chief Repertoire Committee.

Until 1925 until the strengthening of positions
Stalin's culture developed under conditions
relative spiritual freedom.
In 1925, the Central Committee adopted a resolution
VKP (b) "On the policy of the party in the field
fiction ". Started
abolition of artistic
differences of opinion. Approved
ideological attitudes.

4. "Smenovekhovstvo"

In July 1921, the collection was published in Prague
articles "Change of milestones". (explain the title)
Some of the Russian emigrants believed
that the Bolsheviks managed to drive anarchy
(revolution) into the state channel and
to begin the restoration of the Russian state.
It is necessary to stop fighting
Soviet power. She will inevitably come
to the restoration of the bourgeois-democratic order. NEP
confirmed the correctness of their conclusions.
Comparison of the Soviet regime with radishes.

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SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE USSR IN THE 20S. Somenkova Ekaterina Vladimirovna history teacher MBOU secondary school № 1O Arzamas Define the goals of the "cultural revolution" AV Lunacharsky - People's Commissar of Education: The goal of the cultural revolution is to form a comprehensively developed harmonious personality. In the transformation of each person into a conscious creator of history. " Define the goals of the "cultural revolution" LD Trotsky - Politburo member In the next 20 - 50 years, only "elementary tasks" can be solved, that is, elimination of illiteracy. Where does a "new man" appear in a backward country in a capitalist encirclement? Decree of the Council of People's Commissars. December 26, 1919 In order to provide the entire population of the Republic with the opportunity to consciously participate in the political life of the country, the Council of People's Commissars decided: 1. The entire population of the Republic aged 8-50 years, who cannot read and write, must learn to read and write in their native language or Russian at will ... 3. The People's Commissariat of Education is given the right to enlist the entire literate population of the country, not drafted into the army, in the education of the illiterate as a labor service ... for the entire period of study with the preservation of wages. Public education. On September 30, 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee approved the "Regulations on the Unified Labor School of the RSFSR". It is based on the principle of free education. By a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of August 2, 1918, workers and peasants received the preferential right to enroll in universities 1921-1922 Subbotniks were held to help schools (voluntary fundraising) 1923 All-Russian voluntary society "Down with illiteracy" was organized, headed by MI Kalinin. the elimination of illiteracy, the introduction of universal education from the age of 8-50, workers 'faculties (workers' faculties) were created at universities and institutes, schools were opened, illiteracy was eliminated. NI Bukharin's statement in 1924 “We need the cadres of the intelligentsia to be trained ideologically in a certain manner. Yes, we will churn out intellectuals, we will develop them like in a factory. ”Comment on this document. Start by clarifying the meaning of such phrases as "cadres of the intelligentsia", "trained ideologically", "in a certain manner", "to stamp intellectuals", "to develop intellectuals like in a factory." Power and the intelligentsia: the question of attitudes towards the revolution. S.V. Rachmaninov, K. A. Korovin, A. N. Tolstoy, M. I. Tsvetaeva, E. I. Zamyatin, F. I. Shalyapin, A. P. Pavlova, I. A. Bunin, A. I. Kuprin and others. Emigration (from Lat. Emigro - "I am moving out") resettlement from one country to another for economic, political, personal reasons Spiritual opposition M. Voloshin Akhmatova N. Gumilev V. Mayakovsky M. Bulgakov V. Meyerholdi Dr. VV Mayakovsky AABlok Author KS Petrov-Vodkin They welcomed the Smenovekhovstvo revolution, an ideological, political and social movement that emerged in the early 1920s. among the Russian foreign liberal-minded intelligentsia. It got its name from the collection "Change of Landmarks", published in Prague in July 1921. “Smenovekhovstvo” (results) by A.N.TolstoyS.S.ProkofievM.GorkyM.Tsvetaeva A.I.Kuprin The movement suited the Bolshevik leaders, because it allowed them to split the emigration and achieve recognition of the new government. Returned to the Homeland: The attitude of the Bolsheviks: Remained in the Homeland V.I. Vernadsky K.E. Tsiolkovsky N.E. Zhukovsky I.P. Pavlov N.I. Vavilov V.M. Bekhterev K.A. Timiryazev N.D. Zelinsky 1921 - the trial of the Petrograd military organization (famous scientists and cultural figures). –1922 - establishment of Glavlit. 1925. Resolutions of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) "On the policy of the party in the field of fiction" 1918 decree on the separation of church and state Workers of culture and science were shot The expulsion of 160 prominent scientists and philosophers from the country. church and its ministers A class approach to culture The Bolsheviks and the Church From a note by V. I. Lenin March 19, 1922 It is now and only now, when people are being eaten in hungry areas and hundreds, if not thousands of corpses are lying on the roads, we can (and therefore must!) carry out the confiscation of church values ​​with the most frenzied and merciless energy and without stopping before suppressing any resistance ... the public so that for several decades they would not dare to think of any resistance. - For what purposes did Lenin propose to carry out the confiscation of church valuables? More and more prohibitions fell on the Church; The widespread closure of churches; Confiscation of church property for revolutionary needs; Arrests of priests; Deprivation of their voting rights; Children from clergy families were deprived of the opportunity to receive special or higher education. The main directions of the spiritual life of Soviet society, new cadres of the Soviet intelligentsia appeared, the struggle against illiteracy, a "new art" arose, party control over the spiritual life of the country was established, the struggle against religion. Homework paragraph 22, heading "Expanding vocabulary", answer the question in writing: Identify the achievements and losses of the spiritual life of the country.