Battle of Smolensk 1943. Smolensk offensive operation


The Smolensk offensive operation of 1943 is one of those strategic operations that made a great contribution to the common cause of defeating the Nazi troops, and also enriched the practice of delivering powerful strikes during the Great Patriotic War. The result of the Smolensk operation was the defeat of a large Nazi group, and the general front of the Soviet offensive in the summer and autumn of 1943 was expanded to the north by almost 400 km.

The attacks of the Kalinin and Western fronts forced the command of the fascist German forces to transfer 13 divisions (of which 8 tank and motorized) from the Oryol direction and 3 divisions from other directions and from the reserve. As a result, favorable conditions were created for the actions of the Bryansk front, as well as for the Soviet troops advancing in the Kiev direction. The Voronezh (1st Ukrainian) Front had the opportunity to build on its success without fear of an enemy counterstrike from the north, from Army Group Center.

The withdrawal of the troops of the Kalinin and Western Fronts to the borders of Belarus made it possible to create an operational-strategic bridgehead, which subsequently served as a springboard for new strategic operations.

During the Smolensk operation, thousands of settlements were liberated. On September 25, 1943, Soviet troops, smashing and throwing Hitler's troops to the west, liberated Smolensk, an ancient Russian city, a witness of the glory and heroic deeds of our people, from the Nazi invaders. Soviet troops reached the line from which the Belarusian offensive operation began later.

The peculiarity of the Smolensk offensive operation of 1943 is that it was carried out against a strong and still active enemy. For the first time, Soviet troops had to solve the problem of breaking through a deeply echeloned defense in difficult conditions of wooded and swampy terrain. The soldiers displayed massive heroism and performed combat missions in a difficult situation.

The book offered to the reader reveals the most important aspects of the operation of the troops of the Kalinin and Western fronts, carried out from August 7 to October 2, 1943.

The study aims to show the role of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Headquarters of the Supreme Command, the versatile activities of the command of the fronts and armies in organizing and conducting the operation, the place and role of the operation in the summer-autumn campaign of 1943, as well as the characteristic features of the Soviet military art.

In the course of hostilities and the nature of the tasks performed, the Smolensk offensive operation consists of three stages.

First stage(August 7-20, depth of advance - 30-40 km) - a breakthrough of the enemy's tactical defense zone and the withdrawal of troops of the Western Front to the line Mazovo, Terenino, Tserkovshchina, Zemtsy, Mal. Duck. At this stage, the troops of the Western Front conducted the Spas-Demensky operation. The troops of the left wing of the Kalinin Front began the Dukhovshchinsk-Demidov offensive operation.

Second phase(August 21 - September 6, the depth of advance - 35-40 km) - the breakthrough of the enemy's defensive zones in its nearest operational depth and the withdrawal of the Western Front troops to the line east of Yartsevo, Mileyevo, west of Kolpino. The troops of the Western Front from August 28 to September 6 conducted the Elninsko-Dorogobuzh operation, and the troops of the left wing of the Kalinin Front continued to conduct the Dukhovshchinsko-Demidov offensive operation.

Third stage(September 7 - October 2, the depth of the advance of the troops - 115-145 km) - the completion of the penetration of the enemy's defense to the entire operational depth, the capture of Smolensk and Roslavl, the development of the offensive in the western direction and the exit of the Kalinin and Western fronts to the borders of the Byelorussian SSR, to such important objects like Vitebsk, Orsha, Mogil ...

SMOLENSK OPERATION 1943(codename "Suvorov"), a strategic offensive operation of the troops of the Kalinin and Western fronts, carried out from August 7 to October 2 with the aim of crushing the left wing of Army Group Center, liberating Smolensk and preventing the transfer of it. troops to the southwestern strategic direction.

The leitmotif of the actions of the Soviet troops was the appeal of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks: "Forward to defeat the German occupiers and drive them out of our homeland!"

The task of the troops was not only to push the enemy even further from Moscow, but also to liberate the ancient Russian city of Smolensk and open the road to Belarus. In this direction, the enemy was 200-300 km from Moscow and continued to threaten it and the entire Central Industrial Region of the country, and also closed the Sov. troops the shortest paths to Belarus and the Baltic states.

The German command believed that the liberation of Smolensk by the Red Army would create favorable starting positions for it for subsequent operations in the Minsk region. To prevent this, the troops Wehrmacht for a long period of stay here, a strong defense was created in the Smolensk direction. a line (central part of the "Eastern Wall") of 5-6 lanes (total depth 100-130 km), saturated with barbed wire, minefields, pillboxes, bunkers, anti-tank ditches, roadblocks, rubble, etc. In addition, the natural conditions of the area combat operations favored defense: woodland, with large swampy areas.

At the end of July, the troops of the Kalinin (general-regiment A.I. Eremenko) and Western (general-regiment. V.D. Sokolovsky) fronts together numbered approx. 1.3 million people, more than 20 thousand rubles. and mortars, approx. 1.5 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, 1.1 thousand aircraft. On the Smolensk and Roslavl directions, they took up defenses along the Velizh line east of Safonovo, west of Kirov and further to the southeast. The opposing army group "Center" (General Feldm. G. Kluge) had St. 850 thousand people, approx. 8.8 thousand op. and mortars, approx. 500 tanks and assault guns, up to 700 aircraft and was supported by 6VF aviation.

To get acquainted with the situation in the Smolensk direction in early August, Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin. The plan of the operation, its preparation, operational camouflage, etc. were discussed with the command of the Western and then Kalinin fronts.

Sov. the command planned to dismember it with strikes in several directions. grouping and smash it piece by piece. The main blow was inflicted by the armies of the Western Front (31A, 5A, 10 Guards A, 33A, 49A, 10A, 50A, 68A, 21A, 1VA, 2 Guards TK, 5 MK, 6 Guards KK) in order to defeat the enemy in the Yelnya areas and Spas-Demensk. In the future, his troops were to move to Roslavl in order to help the Bryansk front advancing on the Roslavl direction in the fight against the powerful it deployed against it. grouping. The troops of the right wing of the Western Front, together with the forces of the left wing of the Kalinin Front (4 strikes A, 43A, 39A, 3VA, 3rd Guards KK) had the task of hitting the enemy in the regions of Dorogobuzh, Yartsevo, Dukhovshchina and then liberating Smolensk. This plan was called "Suvorov I". Subject to the successful development of the offensive of the Bryansk Front without the support of the Western Front, it was planned to turn the forces of the Bryansk Front to Smolensk (the plan was called "Suvorov II").

In the course of preparing for the Smolensk operation, the command managed to create shock groupings of troops that surpassed the enemy in the breakthrough sectors. However, for the development of the operation, there were no strong second echelons in the armies, and in the fronts there were no mobile groups. During the preparation of the Smolensk operation, camouflage measures were not sufficiently observed - this allowed the enemy to determine the areas of concentration of shock groupings and advance additional reserves there in advance.

The Smolensk operation included 4 front-line operations. On the morning of August 7, the troops of the strike group of the Western Front went on the offensive, starting the Spas-Demensk operation of 1943. The fighting immediately took on a protracted nature, accompanied by continuous counterattacks and stubborn resistance from the Germans.

On the very first day of the offensive, the soldiers and officers showed heroism and courage. To seize a strong enemy stronghold at an altitude of 233.3, the command formed a special detachment from the soldiers of the 1st assault engineer-sapper brigade under the command of Major F.N. Belokonya. On the night of August 8, the companies of the detachment, with the support of artillery, simultaneously launched an assault on the heights from 3 sides. The detachment knocked the enemy out of the trenches, overcame the anti-tank ditches, broke into the dugouts and fortified at the height. The enemy suffered heavy losses, and the losses of the detachment amounted to 2 people. killed and 19 wounded. For courage and heroism, Major Belokon was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky, most of the soldiers were awarded orders and medals.

The front troops advanced to a depth in 14 days. 30-40 km, more than 530 settlements were liberated, incl. Spas-Demensk (August 13). By the end of August 20, the offensive of Kr. army was stopped by the enemy at the positions prepared by him in advance on the line south-west of Yelnya, Zimtsy. On August 13, 43A (Lieutenant General KD Golubev) and 39A (Lieutenant General A.I. Zygin) of the Kalinin Front launched an offensive from the region northwest and east of Dukhovshchina, which also met stubborn resistance from the enemy and , suffering heavy losses, in 5 days they wedged into its defenses by 6-7 km.

In an effort to stop Kr. army at any cost, it. the command in the first half of August transferred to the Smolensk direction from near Orel, Bryansk and other sectors Soviet-German front up to 13 divisions. In these conditions, the Supreme Command Headquarters gave the order to suspend the offensive of the Western and Kalinin Fronts in order to more carefully prepare a new strike.

August 28 - September 6, the troops of the Western Front conducted the Elninsko-Dorogobuzh operation of 1943, during which they liberated the years. Yelnya (August 30), Dorogobuzh (September 1). Overcoming the growing resistance of the enemy, in the difficult conditions of the wooded and swampy terrain, the troops of the front crossed the river. Ustrom, Desna and Snoot, and by the end of September 6, were entrenched on the line north-east of Yartsevo, west of Yelnya.

The Kalinin Front also stopped active hostilities for more thorough preparations for a further offensive. On September 14, the offensive resumed by the troops of the Kalinin, and on September 15 - of the Western fronts, carrying out the Dukhovshchinsko-Demidov operation of 1943 and the Smolensk-Roslavl operation of 1943, respectively. troops broke through the enemy's defenses, liberated the years. Yartsevo (September 16), Demidov (September 22), Smolensk and Roslavl (September 25), advanced 130-180 km.

The troops were actively supported by aviation 3VA (general-leith. Aviation N.F. Papivin) and 1VA (general-lieutenant. Aviation M.M. Gromov), great help to the advancing Kr. the army was rendered by partisans of the Kalinin, Smolensk regions and Belarus. They, interacting with the troops of the Kr. army during the operation "Rail War", forced the invaders to abandon the transportation of troops by rail. and country roads passing through the forests south of Bryansk (see also Guerrilla movement). "The situation with the partisans has deteriorated in such a way that the withdrawal of troops, especially on the southern flank ... becomes possible only as a result of stubborn battles of our units intended for this," the report of the headquarters of Army Group Center for September 28 said. On October 2, the troops of the Kalinin and Western Fronts reached the line west of Velizh, Rudnya, Dribin and further south along the river. Penetrating, stopping the offensive by order of the Supreme Command Headquarters.

As a result of the Smolensk operation, the troops of the Kalinin and Western Fronts advanced 200-250 km westward in a strip of lat. 300 km, liberated from the invaders Smolensk and part of the Kalinin region. and entered the territory of Belarus. This significantly pushed the front line away from Moscow, ensured the collapse of the "Eastern Wall" in the upper reaches of the river. Dnieper and posed a threat to the northern flank of Army Group Center. 7 divisions were defeated and 14 enemy divisions were heavily defeated. Him. the command was forced to transfer 16 divisions to the area of ​​operation from other directions, incl. from the central, which contributed to the successful completion Battle of Kursk 1943 and conducting operations to liberate the Left Bank Ukraine.

Loss of owls. troops were: irrevocable - St. 107.6 thousand people, sanitary - 34.3 thousand people. The troops acted courageously and purposefully, showed courage and military skill. The most distinguished 73 formations and units of the Western and 16 - Kalinin fronts received the honorary names of Smolensk, Demidov, Roslavl and others. Many formations and units were awarded orders, tens of thousands of soldiers were awarded with military awards.

Research Institute (Military History) VAGSh RF Armed Forces

The first step towards the liberation of Belarus

Military operation

The Western Front prepares for the decisive blow

Only two years - or two hundred
The years of cruel beggars have passed
But what is in this place is
It is neither a city nor a village.

A.T. Tvardovsky

In September 1943, Soviet troops were to drive the enemy out of Smolensk.

Having liberated Yelnya and Dorogobuzh, Soviet troops created a convenient foothold for the further development of the offensive to the west. Strategic offensive operation "Suvorov" passed into its final stage.

The German units, retreating to Smolensk, took up prepared positions along the Desna and Ustrom rivers. Town being a major transport hub , played a key role in the supply system of the entire northern wing of Army Groups "Center"... The Germans paid special attention to its defense. Rough terrain with a large number of rivers and dense forests, together with a deeply echeloned system of defensive structures, gave the German command hope to stop the advance of Soviet troops in this area.

Overcoming "at a swoop" of such a prepared line, our command saw little promise. The troops of the Western and Kalinin Fronts took an operational pause to regroup their forces and replenish their materiel.

Early September 1943 the command of the Western Front began preparations for the Smolensk-Roslavl operation. The goals of the future campaign were the defeat of the enemy group of the same name, the liberation of Smolensk and the region, the creation of a bridgehead for the liberation of Belarus.

In the zone of the future offensive, active reconnaissance was carried out by the forces of the 1st and 3rd air armies, the location of the enemy's fortified firing points and batteries was clarified.

By the end of the first decade of September, the preparatory phase of the operation was completed, and the offensive plan was formed.

The general concept of the campaign was as follows: the central grouping of the front, after breaking through the defense, was to cut the railway and the Smolensk-Roslavl highway in the Pochinok area and further advance to Smolensk from the southeast, at the same time, the right flank, after the liquidation of the Yartsevskaya grouping, was supposed to reach Smolensk from the northeast.

The left flank of the front was involved in the direction of Roslavl.
Partisan detachments behind enemy lines also played an important role., causing maximum damage to transport communications west of Smolensk. The following fact is noteworthy: in the fall of 1943, partisans of the Moskvin brigade derailed an enemy train, which contained aircraft wreckage and other scrap metal, which the Germans sent for melting down to Germany. This sabotage in military terms was not so significant, but when in 1944 they began to dismantle the piles of this scrap, the famous bust of Kutuzov was discovered among it, which was installed in the Kutuzovsky park of Smolensk in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino.

This date has been chosen Commander of the Western Front, Lieutenant General V.D. Sokolovsky not by chance... From the north-east, Smolensk was covered by the powerful Dukhovshchinskaya group of the enemy, in the center - Yartsevskaya, from the southeast - Roslavlskaya. Without deep interaction with the forces of the neighboring Kalinin and Bryansk fronts the success of the offensive was in jeopardy.

On September 14, the troops of the Kalinin Front launched the Dukhovshchinsk-Demidov offensive operation, threatening to deeply envelop the entire Smolensk enemy grouping from the north.

At the same time, the 50th Army of the Bryansk Front cut off the Roslavl grouping from the south.
After the enemy forces south and north of Smolensk were pinned down , the moment was right for the decisive blow.

Military operation

The beginning of the Smolensk-Roslavl operation

On September 15, 1943, the armies of the Western Front went over to the offensive. The main blow in the Pochinok-Orsha direction was delivered by the forces of the 10th Guards, 21st and 33rd armies.

Both flank groupings also went over to the offensive. The very next day, the formations of the Western Front liberated the city and an important railway station on the outskirts of Smolensk - Yartsevo. And on September 19, the troops of the Kalinin Front took Dukhovshchina. On that day, victory was celebrated in Moscow with 12 volleys from 124 guns.

In 4 days of fighting, the central grouping of the Western Front broke through the German defenses to a depth of more than 40 kilometers. Thus, by September 20, the enemy had lost 2 of 3 key defensive lines on the outskirts of Smolensk. The next few days, the forces of the Red Army successfully developed the offensive, moving towards the city from two directions.

On September 23, the troops of the 33rd and 21st armies, advancing on Smolensk from the south, cut the Smolensk-Roslavl railway in the Pochinok area and, turning to the northeast, continued their advance towards Smolensk.

At the same time, the troops of the 31st, 5th and 68th armies reached the banks of the Dnieper northeast of Smolensk.

Military operation

Battle for the city

On the outskirts of Smolensk, Soviet troops fully demonstrated their ability to conduct hostilities, despite the complexity of the relief, abounding in a large number of rivers, and the roads deteriorated from the autumn rains. Our units, tirelessly pursuing the enemy, skillfully bypassed the German fortifications, cut off their escape routes, attacked from the flanks and from the rear, imposed battles in unfavorable conditions for the enemy, surrounded his units and destroyed manpower and equipment. Retreating, the Nazis at every convenient line tried to organize resistance and gain time in the hope of removing their main forces and equipment from under attack. Our fighters and officers opposed these tactics with the art of maneuver, swiftness of attack and well-organized pursuit day and night, not giving the enemy a single minute of respite, not allowing to gain a foothold on intermediate lines.

The artillerymen experienced especially great tension in these battles. Their task was to break the enemy's resistance on the main lines, disrupt the fire system, provide the infantry with the time necessary to perform a maneuver, and help capture enemy strongholds. The artillerymen coped with the task completely.

Cut into parts by frontal attacks and deprived of key transport and defensive hubs, the enemy's Smolensk grouping actually ceased to provide organized resistance.

On the night of September 25, after an intensive artillery preparation, having crossed the Dnieper in several places, the shock units of the three armies of the right flank of the Western Front began an assault on Smolensk from different directions. Bloody street battles ensued, shots and explosions of shells rang out from all directions. The Nazis still resisted in some places, but they were no longer able to stop the rapid advance of our troops.

Combat Report # 477, Western Front Headquarters, 26.9.43 1-40

Map 100.000

  1. After fierce battles in the Smolensk and Roslavl areas, the troops of the front in the morning of September 25 captured the city. Smolensk and Roslavl. Developing a further offensive in these directions, the front armies liberated 460 settlements over the past day and advanced in the western and southwestern directions from 10 to 20 kilometers.
  2. Army 31. Army troops, breaking the enemy's resistance at an intermediate line along the west. river bank Kolodnya, successfully continued the offensive. On the shoulders of the retreating enemy, the army units broke into the northeastern part of the city of Smolensk and, after fierce street fighting, by 3.30 25.9, in cooperation with the troops of the 5th, 68th army, completely captured the city. Developing a further offensive, by the end of the day the units reached the front: Prudiny, Buraya, Gvozdovo, Novoselki, Glushchenko. The enemy, under the blows of army troops, hiding behind reinforced rear guards and engineering barriers, was forced to retreat in a westerly direction.
  3. 5 army. Army troops, overcoming enemy fire and obstacles, by the morning of 25.9 occupied the northeastern part of the city of Smolensk. In the future, the river was forced. Dnieper and captured the southern part of the city. During the day, parts of the army, while remaining in the city, put themselves in order and conducted reconnaissance in the western and southwestern directions.
  4. 68 army. At the end of 24.9 army troops, deploying from behind the right flank of the 10th Guards. armies on the line Drozzhino, Slobodka, Zabor'e continued their offensive, together with units of 31st armies captured the southern and southwestern part of Smolensk. By the end of September 25, army troops went to the front: Nizhn. Ash, Puppies, High. At this point, the units are fighting. Parts of the 199th regiment destroyed two battalions of 109 infantry regiments and three enemy batteries.
  5. 10 Guards army. As a result of the offensive, during the day of the battle, the troops advanced 14-15 km. and at the end of the day they fought on the front Sozh Spasskoye, Sobachino, Seleznevka, Kalashniki, Bol. Muzhilovo. The enemy, with reinforced rear guards, fought fierce battles on advantageous intermediate lines, his artillery, supporting the infantry battle formations, fired from field self-propelled guns, trying to restrain the advancing army troops.
  6. Army 21. The army's troops, continuing to develop the offensive, fought against reinforced enemy rear guards on a number of tactical lines. During the day of the battle, the units advanced up to 15 km. and by the end of the day we went to the river. Vortex zap. Volkovo. East kh-ra Levkovo units crossed the river and are fighting for the expansion of the captured areas on the western bank of the river. The mobile group of the army operates in the battle formations of the right-flank units of the army.
  7. Army 33. After a fierce battle at the turn of Grigorkovo Moluki, r. Khmara, the troops of the army broke the resistance of the enemy and, destroying his manpower and equipment, during the day of the battle advanced up to 20 km. By the end of the day, they reached the line Dolgie Niva, Shayki village, Solovyovka, Maryino, Shemyatovka, Nemchino. The enemy is from the Potapovo line, commander. Skriplevo, Kazanka, Turks met our units with mortar, machine-gun and artillery fire. The battle is going on at this line.
  8. Army 49. Overcoming the fire and engineering barriers of the covering enemy units, the troops of the army 25.9 ...

Operational report No. 463 on the actions of the troops of the Western Front for 25.9.43

First: After fierce battles in the Smolensk and Roslavl directions, the front troops captured the city of Smolensk at 3.30 25.9 and at 7.00 Roslavl. Developing a further offensive, over the past day we have advanced from 10 to 25 km. and liberated 460 settlements.
Second: 31st army. Army troops, breaking the enemy's resistance on the western bank of the river. Kolodnya and on the shoulders of the retreating enemy broke into the city of Smolensk. After fierce street fighting, by 3.30 25.9 in cooperation with the troops of the 5th and 68th armies, they completely captured the city. Continuing the offensive, by 22.00, army units went to the front:
36 sk 359 sd - Prudiny, Brown. 274 SD - claim. Brown, Gvozdovo. 215 RD - in the second echelon near Kuvshinovo, Kupniki, Divasy.
71 sc - 331 sd - claim. Gvozdovo, grove zap. Novoselki, 82 RD - East forest. Gvozdovo, 133rd rifle division - in the second echelon in the Star area. Serebryanka, New Serebryanka, Karmanichi.
Third: 5th army. Overcoming enemy fire and obstacles, by the morning of September 25, army units occupied the northeastern and southern parts of the city of Smolensk.
During the day, 312 and 207 rifle divisions, remaining in the city of Smolensk, put themselves in order and conducted reconnaissance in the western and southwestern directions.
Fourth: 68th Army. Overcoming the enemy's resistance, the army's troops with their right flank, in cooperation with units of the 31st Army, captured the southwestern part of the city of Smolensk. By the end of the day we advanced up to 20 km. and went to the front:
72 sk - 192 rifle divisions - Borovaya, Shiryaevo. 159 Rifle Division - fighting on the front Korobovo, Ignatovka. 199 RD - withdrawn to the second echelon and concentrated in the Popovka, Yasenaya area.

After stubborn street battles with the rearguard of German troops, our forces liberated the city on the same day.

Among the soldiers liberating the city was the famous Major General Sergei Ivanovich Iovlev. The war found Sergei Ivanovich in Smolensk at the head of the 64th Guards Division, which, on alarm, was transferred to Belarus west of Minsk. It so happened that he retreated with his division as far as Smolensk, where, when leaving the encirclement in 1941, the paths of the commander and the division parted. Behind enemy lines, he managed to collect and withdraw from the encirclement more than 1,000 soldiers, inflicting considerable damage on German units.


The battles for Smolensk began on its distant approaches. The external line of defense of the Germans ran northeast of Dukhovshchina, east of the city of Yartsevo along the Vop River. Here was the central gate to the city. The southern defense of the Germans passed along the western bank of the Dnieper, adjoining the extreme right flank to the river Sozh.
As a result of stubborn battles, our troops broke through the heavily fortified zone of the Germans and defeated its long-term strongholds: Riblevo, Verdino, Lomonosovo, Kulagino, Pankratovo and seized the most important stronghold on the outskirts of Smolensk - the city of Dukhovshchina by storm. At the same time, units of the Red Army, after stubborn battles, broke the enemy's resistance and captured the most important stronghold of the Germans on the approaches to Smolensk - the city of Zheleznodorozhnoy and the Yartsevo station.
Thus, the heavily fortified, long-term defensive zone of the Germans, blocking the so-called Smolensk Gate, was hacked. Fierce battles began in the depths of the enemy's defensive zone. Overcoming stubborn resistance, our units, step by step, pushed the enemy back to the west, exterminating his manpower and equipment.
To imagine the difficulties that our units had to overcome, a few words should be said about the territory of hostilities in this sector. On the outskirts of Smolensk, a 50 / fifty / - kilometer zone abounds in a large number of rivers flowing in the meridian direction. Starting from Dorogobuzh, the Dnieper makes a big bend ...

... and goes to the west, cutting Smolensk into two parts. Moving towards Smolensk from three directions - north, north-east and east - our units had to force successively the rivers Losmina, Orlei, Nadva, Khmost, Bolshoy and Maly Vopets, Erovenka, Kolodnya, Stabnu and a number of other less significant right tributaries. Dnieper.
The coming autumn spoiled the roads and filled the rivers with water. Another important detail is characteristic: the western banks of the rivers dominate the terrain. Because of this, the Germans, who had fortified themselves in advance on the lines most convenient for defense, had colossal advantages, and our units had to overcome difficulties.
However, neither the fortified lines, nor water barriers, nor swamps, nor the lack of roads could stop the Soviet fighters. They wade through shallow rivers, made crossings in deep places, laid gats in swamps, and paved roads in forests.
Unlimited examples of dedication were shown in these battles by soldiers and officers of engineering units. Moving in front of the infantry, sappers, under enemy fire, in the cold autumn water set up crossings, made passes in minefields, restored movement paths, helped infantry, artillery and tanks to drive the enemy westward without stopping.
On the outskirts of Smolensk, soldiers and officers covered themselves with unfading glory. Tirelessly pursuing the enemy, with skillful maneuvers they bypassed the fortifications of the Germans, cut off their escape routes ...

... attacked from the flanks and rear, imposed battles in unfavorable conditions for the enemy, surrounded his units and destroyed the enemy's manpower and equipment. In many cases, it was only by skillful maneuver that our units managed to break the resistance of the Germans on separate pre-prepared lines. Retreating under the blows of Soviet units, the Nazis tried to linger at every convenient line, organize resistance and gain time in order to withdraw their main forces and equipment from the attack. Our fighters and officers opposed these tactics with the art of maneuver, swiftness of the strike and well-organized pursuit. The main thing was that, having knocked the Germans off the main line, decisively, boldly and orderly, day and night, pursue the enemy, not giving him a single minute of respite, not allowing him to gain a foothold on intermediate lines.
In these battles, the artillerymen experienced especially great tension. They were faced with the task of breaking down enemy resistance on the main lines, disorganizing its control and observation, disrupting the fire system, providing the infantry with the time necessary to perform maneuvers, and helping to capture enemy strongholds. The gunners did not retreat a single step. They led the infantry and tanks behind the explosions of their shells.
In the battles for Smolensk, the Krasnoyarsk artillery regiment of Colonel Sergeev, the cannon artillery regiment of Colonel Krivoshapov, the anti-tank artillery regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Bildin, guards mortar units and anti-aircraft units worked well.

As soon as the Germans were shot down from the main lines, the artillerymen, together with the infantry, organized their pursuit. Continuously accompanying the infantrymen with fire and wheels, they ensured a swift advance and rapid crossing of water obstacles. The regimental and divisional anti-tank artillery carried out a particularly important task in this matter.
In a number of sectors, the enemy launched counterattacks. He threw infantry into battle, supporting it with the actions of tanks and self-propelled artillery. But even this could not save the enemy. Skillful maneuvering of our units on the battlefield, well-organized crossing of water obstacles, parallel and combined pursuit, which created the threat of encirclement for the Germans, forced them to roll back to the west.
As a result of stubborn fierce battles, our units reached the nearest approaches to the city, crossed the Dnieper River and, after stubborn battles, took Smolensk by storm. At the same time, the troops of the Western Front, after two days of fierce battles, broke the enemy's resistance and seized an important communications center and a powerful stronghold for the defense of the Germans in the Mogilev direction - the city of Roslavl.
Colonel N. Bakanov
Smolensk, September 23. / Special Correspondent. TASS /.

A.T. Tvardovsky

  • The main forces are 331 rifle divisions, 22 kyasd and 49 ski battles. The distance between the columns of connections on the march is 3 kilometer. At the head of the column is 331 SD.
    The head of the column of the main forces, Major General Berestov.
    R. Berezin pass at 6.00 on 28.9.43.
  • In case of deployment 133 ssd. Deployed to the left of the road, 331 to the right of the road, 82 käsd in the second echelon.
    Combat transports with units.
    A wagon train of the 2nd category in a common convoy 4 kilometers behind the main forces.
    Column leader - deputy commander of the 133rd Rifle Division.
  • Pay attention to camouflaging the movement and organizing the means of PVA.
  • To quickly pursue the pr-ka, organize mobile detachments up to a reinforced company in each SD, on vehicles that must act in front of the lead detachment.
  • The headquarters of regiments and divisions at the head of the columns.
    Shtakor with 82 ksd.
  • Artillery as directed by division commanders.
  • The artillery of the army reinforcement is behind the main forces.
    All artillery must be in readiness to repel a counterattack by enemy infantry and tanks.
  • Commander 71 sc.
    Guards Major General (Vedenin)
    Chief of staff
    Colonel (Logunov)

    7 days later, Hitler's troops were driven back from Smolensk by 100-150 km. The strategic offensive operation "Suvorov" was completed.

    From memories V.R.Boyko, a participant in the Smolensk operation: “The months-long occupation could not pass without a trace. As a result of enemy propaganda, some Soviet people were confused, which could be judged, for example, by the questions that were sometimes asked to the soldiers: "Are there collective farms in the country?" "What kind of money goes to the USSR?", "Will it be possible to withdraw American and British troops from the territory of the Soviet Union?", "Are there many Polish and Czechoslovak units in our rear fighting the Red Army?"

    For this victory, like many others, the country paid a high price.... The ashes of more than 48 706 people are buried in 13 fraternal graves of Smolensk. Of these, more than 47 480 people or more than 97% are registered as anonymous. For comparison, our army suffered about the same losses in the Belgorod-Kharkov operation, carried out a month earlier.

    Its code name "Suvorov" is a strategic offensive operation of the troops of the Kalininsky (Colonel-General A.I. Eremenko) and Western (Colonel-General V.D. Center ", liberate Smolensk and prevent the transfer of German troops to the south-western strategic direction.

    The main blow was inflicted by the armies of the Western Front (31A, 5A, 10 Guards A, 33A, 49A, 10A, 50A, 68A, 21A, 1VA, 2 Guards TK, 5 MK, 6 Guards KK) in order to defeat the enemy in the Yelnya areas and Spas-Demensk. In the future, his troops were to move to Roslavl in order to help the Bryansk front advancing on the Roslavl direction in the fight against the powerful German grouping deployed against it. The troops of the right wing of the Western Front, together with the forces of the left wing of the Kalinin Front (4 strikes A, 43A, 39A, 3VA, 3rd Guards KK) had the task of hitting the enemy in the regions of Dorogobuzh, Yartsev, Dukhovshchina and then liberating Smolensk. This plan was called "Suvorov I".

    The German command believed that the liberation of Smolensk by the Red Army would create favorable starting positions for it for subsequent operations in the Minsk region. To prevent this, the Wehrmacht troops for a long period of stay here have created a strong defensive line in the Smolensk direction (the central part of the "Eastern Wall") of 5 - 6 bands (with a total depth of 100 - 130 km), saturated with wire obstacles, minefields, pillboxes, bunkers, anti-tank ditches, bunkers, rubble and others. In addition, the natural conditions of the combat area favored defense - a wooded area with large swampy areas.

    In an effort to stop the Red Army at any cost, the German command in the first half of August transferred up to 13 divisions to the Smolensk direction from Orel, Bryansk and other sectors of the front. The Smolensk operation included four front-line operations. On the morning of August 7, the troops of the shock group of the Western Front went on the offensive, starting the Spas-Demensky operation.

    The fighting immediately took on a protracted nature, accompanied by continuous counterattacks and stubborn resistance from the Germans. In 14 days, the front troops advanced 30-40 km, liberated more than 530 settlements, including Spas-Demensk (August 13). August 28 - September 6, the troops of the Western Front conducted the Elninsko-Dorogobuzh operation, during which they liberated Yelnya (August 30) and Dorogobuzh (September 1).

    On September 14, the offensive resumed by the troops of the Kalinin, and on September 15 - of the Western Front, carrying out the Duhovschinsko-Demidov and Smolensk-Roslavl operations, respectively. In their course, Soviet troops broke through the enemy's defenses, liberated Yartsevo (September 16), Demidov (September 22), Smolensk and Roslavl (September 25), advanced 130 - 180 km.

    As a result of the Smolensk operation, the troops of the Kalinin and Western Fronts advanced to the west by 200-250 km in a strip 300 km wide, liberated Smolensk and part of the Kalinin region from the invaders and entered the territory of Belarus. This significantly pushed the front line away from Moscow, ensured the collapse of the "Eastern Wall" in the upper reaches of the Dnieper and created a threat to the northern flank of Army Group Center. 7 divisions were defeated and 14 enemy divisions were heavily defeated. The German command was forced to transfer 16 divisions to the area of ​​operation from other directions, including from the central one, which contributed to the successful completion of the Battle of Kursk and the conduct of operations to liberate the left-bank Ukraine.

    The losses of the Soviet troops were: irrecoverable - over 107.6 thousand people, sanitary - 34.3 thousand people. The troops acted courageously and purposefully, showed courage and military skill. Particularly distinguished 73 formations and units of the Western and 16 - Kalinin fronts received the honorary names of Smolensk, Demidov, Roslavl and others. Many formations and units were awarded orders, tens of thousands of soldiers were awarded with military awards.

    1943 year. Timeline of liberation

    March 6 - Gzhatsky (now Gagarinsky) district
    March 8 - Sychevsky district
    March 9 - Temkinsky district
    March 12 - Vyazemsky and Ugransky regions
    March 15 - Kholm-Zhirkovsky district
    March 20 - Novoduginsky and Safonovsky districts (by March 20, the front line was established near Safonov)
    August 30 - Yelninsky district
    August 31 - Safonovo
    September 1 - Dorogobuzh district
    September 16 - Yartsevsky district
    September 19 - Dukhovshchinsky district
    September 20 - Velizhsky district
    September 21 - Demidovsky district
    September 23 - Pochinkovsky district
    September 25 - Smolensk and Roslavl district
    September 23 - 25 - Smolensk region
    September 26 - Ershichsky, Monastyrshchinsky, Khislavichsky districts
    September 27 - Krasninsky, Shumyachsky districts
    September 29 - Rudnyansky district

    Based on materials from the Research Institute (Military History) of the VAGSh of the RF Armed Forces.

    Smolensk operation, code name "Suvorov". The course of the battle. Liberation of Smolensk

    Soviet Smolensk operation under the code name "Suvorov"Was conducted in August-October 1943. Favorable conditions for an attack in this direction were formed after the success of the Red Army in a bloody Battle of Kursk and military operations in the regions of Kharkov and Orel.

    The blow in the direction of Smolensk was important, since with the help of it the Soviet leadership was going to shackle the forces of the Wehrmacht and prevent them from moving to the southwest. In addition, it was from here that the liberation of Belarus began in the future.

    The situation at the front and the commanders

    The German command kept a large grouping of troops in the upper reaches of the Dnieper and the neighboring Western Dvina ("Smolensk Gate"). The Wehrmacht has concentrated 40 fully equipped and experienced divisions on a 600-kilometer stretch. They were distinguished by well-equipped, deep defenses. This grouping was still a threat to the Central Industrial Region of the Soviet Union. She also covered the shortest routes to the Baltic States and Belarus. Already proceeding from this, the Smolensk operation was to become a serious test for the USSR. The Smolensk offensive operation was entrusted to the Western and Kalinin fronts. Their goal was to defeat the left side of Army Group Center under the command of Field Marshal Hans Gunther Adolf Ferdinand von Kluge.

    The second task is to establish control over the Roslavl-Smolensk border. The left flank of the Kalinin Front was commanded by General Andrey Ivanovich Eremenko.

    Its units actively interacted with the formations advancing in the Belgorod-Kharkov and Bryansk directions. The second general who made this operation successful was Vasily Danilovich Sokolovsky, who commanded the Western Front at that time.

    Later he will become Marshal of the Soviet Union and will be present at the signing of Germany's surrender.

    German defense

    To hold the lines east of Roslavl and Smolensk, the enemy set up six defensive zones, the total depth of which was 100-130 kilometers. Basically, they were created along the banks of the rivers: Western Dvina, Ugra, Dnieper, Desna, Sozh. In the intervals between these defensive lines, strongholds were built in settlements and at heights. Tank-hazardous areas were covered with overhead posts, deep ditches and rubble.

    The natural conditions in which the Smolensk operation took place favored the German defense. It was a wooded area with significant swamps. The cities of Roslavl, Yelnya, Smolensk, Yartsevo, Dorogobuzh, Demidov, Rudnya, Dukhovshchina, Surazh, Vitebsk became powerful centers of resistance. The approaches to them (as well as important roads and bridges) were mined.

    Preparing for the offensive

    During the preparation for the Smolensk operation, a large regrouping of troops was carried out, as well as the massing of funds and forces. On the Western Front, out of 58 rifle divisions, 42 divisions were allocated to form shock groupings. For precise control and organization of the offensive, observation and command posts were brought closer to the troops. Each rifle division was responsible for an approximately 2 km section of the breakthrough.

    Air support for the operation was carried out by the 1st and 3rd air armies. The first of them included Regiment "Normandy", which was manned by foreign pilots from France.

    Volunteers studied at the aviation school in Ivanovo and made an important contribution to the defeat of the Germans.

    Engineers and material support Operation Suvorov required special attention to engineering support. The troops had to break through the deeply echeloned defense of the Germans in conditions of rainy weather and difficult terrain. The engineering troops cleared minefields and equipped the starting positions for the offensive. They also kept the roads and column tracks in good condition. There were a large number of water lines in the offensive zone, on which crossing means were equipped. The technical and material support of the Soviet troops was carried out. By the beginning of the operation, the Red Army men had, on average, two sets of main ammunition, which was not enough to break through the carefully prepared German defenses. There was a feeling of limited fuel supplies. Although the military leadership tried to mislead the Wehrmacht, the Germans understood that the Red Army was preparing for a large-scale attack. In this regard, the Wehrmacht kept the maximum possible number of divisions in the vicinity of Smolensk. Soviet disinformation became noticeably more effective already in the second stage of the Smolensk offensive.

    Start of the operation The thoroughly prepared offensive operation of the Soviet troops began on August 7, 1943 (its first stage was called Spas-Demensky operation). On that day, the 5th and 10th Guards, as well as the 33rd armies began to attack. The fighting followed the artillery preparation. The hope for a quick breakthrough did not materialize. On August 8, the 31st Army went over to the offensive in the Yartsevo direction. The progress was negligible. The next day, the main battles were again fought in the vicinity of Spas-Demensk. The Germans transferred units here from the Oryol direction, and the Smolensk operation proceeded slowly. The enemy skillfully built up resistance forces. On the fourth day of the offensive, the Red Army managed to break through the German defensive zone in the region of the city of Kirov.

    The Tenth Army crossed the Bolva River. The advance was about 20 kilometers.

    The course of the battle

    According to the plan, the Kalinin Front began its offensive on August 13. The 39th and 43rd armies marched in the Dukhshchina direction. In five days, they advanced only 6-7 kilometers. At the same time, these formations managed to shackle the forces of the Wehrmacht. Thanks to their actions, units of the Western Front began the offensive. Operation Suvorov was carried out with the interaction of many formations, and some armies necessarily came to the rescue of others.

    By August 16, the Red Army entered the city of Zhizdra. Three days later, it was decided to suspend the offensive. This was done in order to pull up the lagging rear. Without this, it was impossible to provide the formations and parts with fuel and ammunition. In the first two weeks, the Western and Kalinin Fronts broke through the Wehrmacht's defense zone in the direction of Spas-Demensk, advancing 40 kilometers and liberating about half a thousand settlements.

    Second phase

    On the first day, Soviet troops covered 9 kilometers. To develop the success, the 5th Mechanized and 2nd Guards Tank Corps were brought into battle. The Germans deployed anti-tank artillery and tried to stop the offensive with regular counterattacks. However, their efforts were not enough. The strike group on August 30 broke the organized resistance at the turn of the Ugra River and by the evening occupied Yelnya. Operation Suvorov began to bear the first tangible results. News of the success of the Red Army in Yelnya forced the Germans to withdraw in the direction of Dorogobuzh. In pursuit of these units, the Red Army advanced 18 kilometers, occupying about 200 settlements, villages and small towns. During the battle in the village of Borisovka Private Tashtemir Rustemov covered himself with a German machine gun, for which he posthumously became a Hero of the Soviet Union.

    Way to the west

    On September 1, the Red Army liberated Dorogobuzh. Parts of the Western Front entered the city. They were led by Vasily Sokolovsky. In response to this, the Wehrmacht transferred its additional forces from the reserve. The Soviet offensive slowed down.

    On September 6, the Red Army stopped, reaching the line Malye Savki-Gorbachevka-Bolshaya Nezhoda-Manchina. Here, a powerful defense was created in advance with well-prepared engineering barriers and a fire system. During the Yelnensko-Dorogobuzh operation, the Red Army advanced 30-40 kilometers, capturing Yelnya, Dorogobuzh and a thousand more settlements.

    New successes

    At its final stage, the Smolensk operation of 1943 was supposed to lead to the liberation of Smolensk and Roslavl. Preparations for the next offensive took several days. The left flank of the Kalinin Front on September 14 began Dukhovshchinsko-Demidov operation, and the troops of the Western Front the next day - Smolensk-Roslavl.

    The whole week preceding the next breakthrough, the Red Army men were consolidated on the occupied lines. The offensive of parts of the Kalinin Front was carried out in the direction of Dukhovshchina. The day before, the military leadership, with the help of maneuvers and regrouping, managed to mislead the enemy about the true location of the Soviet units. False defensive work was carried out for misinformation. All this only contributed to the success of the upcoming operation.

    Decisive days

    By September 15, the 39th and 43rd armies of the Kalinin Front destroyed several surrounded Wehrmacht units and expanded the front of their breakthrough to 30 kilometers. On the night of the 19th, after the assault, a heavily fortified and important center of resistance was repulsed in the direction of Smolensk-Dukhovshchina. The next day, Yartsevo was under the control of Soviet troops.

    The operation near Smolensk came to its decisive stage. The units of the Western Front acted most successfully. In 5 days they managed to advance 30 kilometers. The Kremlin gave the order to liberate Smolensk by September 27, and Demidov was released on the 21st. After the loss of this city, the enemy began to withdraw in front of the left flank of the Kalinin Front, where the 43rd Army was operating. By September 24, Soviet troops were 10 kilometers from their main target.

    Liberation of Smolensk

    One day - September 25 - the liberation of Smolensk and Roslavl took place. These cities were of strategic importance. Smolensk was the defense center of the Wehrmacht troops along the entire western direction.

    The first to enter it were the 5th, 31st and 58th armies. Having lost the communication nodes, the enemy tried to stop the Soviet troops on the Vikhra and Sozh rivers, but the Red Army thwarted these attempts. And on September 29, another strong point was liberated - Rudnya. Parts of the Western Front crossed the Sozh River. They also entered the cities of Mstislavl, Krasny, Krichev. Parts of the Western Front continued their offensive in the Roslavl direction, where the soldiers were assisted by the troops of the Bryansk Front. A few days later, on October 2, they came to the Prone River. This breakthrough ended the Smolensk offensive operation. Army Group Center suffered a serious defeat.

    Thanks to the Smolensk strategic offensive operation, the "Eastern Wall" of the Wehrmacht in the upper reaches of the Dnieper was crushed.

    The armies of the two fronts covered 200-225 kilometers. In total, more than 7 thousand settlements were liberated. Among them were such cities as Smolensk, Yelnya, Roslavl, Yartsevo, Dorogobuzh, Demidov, Spas-Demensk, Dukhovshchina and others. Seven enemy divisions were defeated. The successful completion of the Smolensk operation made it possible to complete the Battle of Kursk, start the Battle of the Dnieper and carry out an operation to completely liberate the Donetsk Basin. Throughout the entire offensive, the Red Army received significant assistance from partisans operating behind enemy lines. In two months they derailed nearly 200 enemy trains, blown up 10 thousand rails, destroyed about 6 thousand enemy soldiers.

    Just to fight the partisans, the German command had to create four separate security divisions. In total, the losses of Soviet troops in the Smolensk operation amounted to about 450 thousand people (of which 107 thousand were irrecoverable). As a result of the offensive, 104 units were given their own honorary names - Elninsky, Smolensk, Yartsevsky, Roslavl, etc. Thousands of soldiers and partisans received orders and medals, and those who distinguished themselves for their heroism received the highest titles of Hero of the Soviet Union.