Lexical and grammatical meaning. What is grammatical meaning

The value of grammatical value in the dictionary of linguistic terms

Grammar meanings

(formal) value. The value that acts as an additional word to the lexical value and expressing various relationships (the relation to other words in the phrase or proposal, the attitude to the lip of action, or other persons, the ratio of the report to reality and the time, the attitude of the talking to the reported, etc. .). Usually the word has several grammatical values. So, the word country has the values \u200b\u200bof the female, the nominative case, the only number; The word wrote contains the grammatical values \u200b\u200bof the past, the only number, male genus, perfect species. Grammatical values \u200b\u200bare in the language of their morphological or syntactic expression. They are expressed in the main form of a word that is formed:

a) affixation. Book, books, book, etc. (cases of case);

b) internal flexy. Collect - collect (values \u200b\u200bof imperfect and perfect species);

c) emphasis. At home. (born Pad. un. h.) - Houses (s. Pad. Mn. h.);

d) suplotivism. Take - take (species value). Good - better (degree of comparison);

e) mixed (synthetic and analytical way). To the house (the value of the condition is expressed by the pretext and the pelvic form).

The grammatical meaning in the Word can also be expressed by other words with which this word is associated in the proposal. The tram went to the depot. - The tram came out of the depot (the values \u200b\u200bof the vability case of the unclean word of the depot in the first sentence and the pet - in the second are created in both cases different connections of this word with other words). See also ways to express grammatical values.

Dictionary of linguistic terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what is grammatical importance in Russian in the dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Grammar meanings in the linguistic encyclopedic dictionary:
    - generalized, distracted linguistic value, inherent in a number of words, word forms, syntactic designs and in the language of its regular (standard) expression. IN …
  • Grammatical
    Interpretation is the interpretation of the norm of law, which consists in analyzing the structural communication of words to clarify its meaning and content. Gt. assumes that ...
  • VALUE in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    the content associated with one or another expression (words, suggestions, sign, etc.) of some language. Z. Language expressions are studied in linguistics, ...
  • VALUE in the modern encyclopedic dictionary:
  • VALUE in the encyclopedic dictionaries:
    the content associated with one or another expression (words, suggestions, sign, etc.) of some language. The value of language expressions are studied in the linguistics, ...
  • VALUE in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    , -, cf. 1. The meaning is that this phenomenon, the concept, the subject means denotes. 3. View, gesture. Determine the words. Lexical ...
    The value is lexical, the semantic content of the word displaying and consolidating an idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject, property, process, phenomenon and ...
  • VALUE in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Meaning, importance, significance, role of object, phenomena, actions in human activity. Contents connected with one or another expression (in a word, a proposal, a sign ...
  • VALUE in the full accentuated paradigm on the link:
    no matter what "meaning", meaning ", meaning" meaning ", meaning" meaning ", meaning" meaning, meaning ", meaning", meaning ", meaning", no matter.
  • VALUE in the popular intelligent encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language:
    - I, with. 1) meaning, the content of Gesture value. Meaning of the word. She is disturbing a dream. Not knowing how to understand him, dream of a terrible ...
  • VALUE in the thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary:
  • VALUE in the thesaurus of the Russian language:
    1. Syn: Significance, Significance, Importance, Role of Ant: Minor, Immunity, Mining 2. SYN: ...
  • VALUE in the Synonyms Dictionary Abramova:
    meaning, mind; Weight, importance, authority, dignity, strength, value. Real, portable, straight, own, strict, figurative, literal, wide sense of the word. "This girl ...
  • VALUE in the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language:
    Syn: Significance, significance, importance, role Ant: insignificant, incorporation, secondary SYN: ...
  • VALUE in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    cf. 1) what is what it means or something; meaning. 2) importance, significance, purpose. 3) influence, ...
  • VALUE in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina:
    validia, ...
  • VALUE full by the spelling dictionary Russian language:
    meaning ...
  • VALUE in the spelling dictionary:
    validia, ...
  • VALUE in the dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov:
    the meaning is that this phenomenon, the concept, the subject means, denotes Z. View, gesture. Determine the words. Lexical words (meaning ...
  • VALUE in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    1) the importance, significance, role of the subject, phenomena, actions in human activity. 2) Contents connected with one or another expression (words, suggestions, ...
  • VALUE in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov:
    values, cf. (Book.). 1. The meaning is that this item (word, gesture, sign) means. The word "knowledge" has several values. The word "patient" ...
  • VALUE in the explanatory dictionary of Ephremova:
    the value of cf. 1) what is what it means or something; meaning. 2) importance, significance, purpose. 3) influence, ...
  • VALUE in the new Russian English language dictionary:
    cf. 1. What does anything mean or anything; meaning. 2. Importance, significance, purpose. 3. Influence, ...
  • VALUE in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language:
    I cf. Possessing the property to express, mean something, have any meaning. II Wed 1. Importance, significance. 2. Influence, ...
  • Interpretation of grammatical
    - The standards of the rule of law concluded in the analysis of the structural communication of words to clarify its meaning and content. T.G. assumes that in words ...
  • Grammatical interpretation in an altar large legal dictionary:
    - See the interpretation of grammatical ...
  • Interpretation of grammatical
    - The standards of the rule of law concluded in the analysis of the structural communication of words to clarify its meaning and content. T.G. assumes that in words ...
  • Grammatical interpretation in the Great Legal Dictionary:
    - See the interpretation of grammatical ...
  • Grammatical time in big soviet encyclopedia, BSE:
    grammatical, grammatical category, serving for localization in the time of the event, which is marked with the verb or led sentences: temporary forms express the attitude ...
  • Jacobson Roman in the postmodernism dictionary:
    (1896-1982) - Russian linguist, semiotics, literary critic, who contributed to the establishment of a productive dialogue between European and American cultural traditions, French, Czech and Russian ...
  • Interpretation of the norms of law in an altar large legal dictionary:
  • Interpretation of the norms of law in the Great Legal Dictionary:
    - the activities of state bodies, various organizations and individual citizens aimed at clarifying the meaning and content of the general obligatory will of the legislator, ...
  • JAPANESE LANGUAGE in Encyclopedia, Japan from A to Z:
    For a long time it was believed that the Japanese was not included in any of the famous language families, occupying in genealogical classification Languages \u200b\u200b...
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    , VAK (VAK OR VACH) Oral speech; Pronoming, pronouncing. "Vakye" means grammatical proposal, and "Mahavakya" - "Great Retreat", ...
  • INTERPRETATION in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    The norms of law - the activities of state bodies, various organizations and individual citizens aimed at clarification and explanation of the meaning and content of the generally obligatory ...
  • INTERPRETATION in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    International Treaty - Calculation of the true intention of the Parties to the Treaty and the actual meaning of its provisions. The purpose of interpretation is the most complete ...
  • INTERPRETATION in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    Grammatical - see grammatical interpretation; Interpretation of the rules ...
  • SENTENCE in the literary encyclopedia:
    the main unit of connected speech, characterized by certain semantic (the presence of the so-called predication - see below) and structural (choice, location and connection ...
  • INVERSION in the literary encyclopedia:
    violation of the order of words adopted in the conversational speech and, thereby, the usual intonation; The latter with I. is characterized by a large than usual, the number ...
  • DIALECTOLOGY in the literary encyclopedia:
    the Linguistics Department, the subject of studying to-right is a dialect as some integer. So. arr. Unlike other linguistics departments that allocate in ...
  • GRAMMAR in the literary encyclopedia:
    [from the Greek Grammata - "Letters", "Scriptures"]. In the initial understanding of the word G. coincides with the science of language forms in general, including ...
  • ENGLISH in the literary encyclopedia:
    yaz. mixed. For its origin, he is associated with the western branch of the German group of Yaz. (cm.). It is customary to divide the story of A. Yaz. on the …
  • Fortunate in the pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary:
    Filipp Fedorovich (1848-1914), Language, Academician of St. Petersburg An (1898). The founder of Moscow, so-called. Fortunate, linguistic school. From 1876 Professor of Moscow University. IN …
  • FRANCE in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE.
  • Form of words in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    words, 1) a set of morphological and phonological characteristics of the word defining its grammatical meaning. So, the composition of the Morpham of the word "teacher" (teaching-tel-nits) indicates ...

Lexical meaning words (it is also called real) - this is the content of the word in which one or another element of reality is reflected (item, event, quality, action, ratio, etc.); This is a sense in the word, content.

Grammar meanings Words are a generalized value that characterizes the word as an element of a certain grammatical class (for example, a table - land. Mr.), as an element of the word-substitable row (table, table, table, etc.) and as an element of phrase or sentence, in Which word is associated with in other words (the feet of the table, put the book on the table). Each part of speech is characterized by a certain set of grammatical values. For example, land. Having uniforms. and mn. numbers or only units, express three grammatical values \u200b\u200b- numbers, case, pidemi; SUM, USED only in MN., are characteristic of two grammatical values \u200b\u200b- numbers and cases.

Lexical and grammatical importance - two of the most important properties of the word. Lexical significance allows us to talk about the world, calling the words of his phenomenon. Grammatical makes it possible to bind the words among themselves, to build statements from them.

Than lexical meaning Differs from grammatical?

1. Lexical meaning words individually - They only have this word.

The grammatical meaning is inherent, on the contrary, the whole discharges and classes of words; it categorically.

Each of the words - road, book, wall - It has its own, only inherent lexical meaning. But the grammatical meaning of them is the same: they all belong to one part of speech (are nouns), to one grammatical family (female), have the form of the same number (the only).

2. An important feature of grammatical significance, distinguishing it from the value of lexical, - subject of expression. The grammatical significance is necessarily expressed in the text or in the statement with the help of endings, prepositions, the order of words, etc. The word cannot be used, without expressing his grammatical characteristics (exception: the unclear words of the type metro, taxiout of connection with other words).

So, pronouncing the word table,we not only call a certain item, but also express such signs of this noun, as a genus (male), the number (only), the case (nominative or accusative, Wed: In the corner there was a table. - I see the table). All these signs of form tablethe essence of its grammatical values \u200b\u200bexpressed by the so-called zero flexion.

Pronounced wordform table(for example, in the proposal Tanned passage table) we are using the end -express grammatical values certificate case, Male kind, the only number.

The lexical meaning of the word table- 'The subject of home furniture, which is a surface of solid material, reinforced on one or more legs, and employee in order to put or put something on it' - in all the case of this word remains unchanged.

In addition to the root basis -table-which possesses the specified lexical value, there are no other means of expressing this value similar to the means of expressing grammatical values \u200b\u200bof the case, kind, number, etc.

3. Compared to a grammatical value, lexical significance is more subject to change: lexical significance can expand, narrow, to acquire additional estimated components of meaning, etc.

The distinction of lexical and grammatical values \u200b\u200bshould not be understood as their opposition in the Word. The lexical significance is always based on the grammatical (more general, classifying) value, is its direct concretization.

Lexical importance can be considered in two aspects. On the one hand, the Word calls specific items, objects, the reality phenomena that the speaker does in mind in this particular situation. In this case, the word only performs the nominative function and has denotativelexical meaning.

On the other hand, the word calls not only separate items, phenomena, but also entire classes of objects, phenomena possessing common characteristic features. In this case, the word does not only perform the nominative function, but also generalizable (the word indicates the concept) and has significtivelexical meaning.

Grammatical meaning, generalized, distracted language value, inherent in a number of words, word forms, syntactic designs and in the language of its regular (standard) expression (see the grammatical form). In the field of morphology, these are common meaning of words as parts of speech (for example, the value of the substrate in nouns, procedural verbs), as well as private values \u200b\u200bof word forms and words as a whole, opposed to each other in the framework of morphological categories (see the grammatical category) (for example, the values \u200b\u200bof that or more time, face, numbers, kind). In the field of syntax, this is the value of predicativeness (inherent in the proposal, the settlement reported to one or another time and objective and modal plan), as well as the various relations of the components of phrases and proposals as abstract grammatical samples (in distraction from the lexical filling): the values \u200b\u200bof the semantic subject, or other circumstantial qualifier (local, temporal, causal, target, and the like); Forecked in certain language facilities The components of the subject-straat structure of the proposal (see the current sentence of the proposal); expressed by the union bond relationships complex offer. In grammatical values, word-forming values \u200b\u200bare also classified as generalized values, expressed by intraral agents in part of the motivated words of one or another part of speech. These are the values \u200b\u200bof mutational (for example, a sign of a feature, a manufacturer of action), transposition (for example, a certain action or a feature), modifications (for example, gradation - indicating this or that degree of manifestation). The grammatical values \u200b\u200bare opposed to lexical values \u200b\u200bdevoid of regular (standard) expression and not necessarily having abstracted nature, but are closely related to them, sometimes limited in their manifestation of certain lexical groups of words.

In the system of grammatical values \u200b\u200b(through the concept of concepts) of knowledge of objects and phenomena of reality, their relationships and relationships: so, the concept of action (in a broad sense - as a procedural sign) is abstractly detected in the overall value of the verb and in the system of more private categorical values \u200b\u200binherent in the system. verb (time, view, pledge, etc.); The concept of quantity is in the grammatical value of the number (category of numbers, the name is numeral as a special part of speech, etc.); A variety of objects to other subjects, actions, properties - in the system of grammatical values \u200b\u200bexpressed by case-based forms and pretexts.

LIT.: Studies on the general theory of grammar. M., 1968; Invariant syntactic values and the proposal structure. M., 1969; Principles and methods of semantic studies. M., 1976; Bondarko A.V. Grammatical significance and meaning. L., 1978; He is The theory of value in the system of functional grammar. M., 2002; Kubryakova E. S. Types of language values. Semantics derivative word. M., 1981; Maslov Yu. S. Introduction to Linguistics. 2nd ed. M., 1987; Wierzbicka A. The Semantics of Grammar. Amst., 1988; Bulygina T. V., Shmelev A. D. Language conceptualization of the world: (on the material of Russian grammar). M., 1997; Melchuk I. A. The course of general morphology. M., 1998. T. 2. Ch. 2.

Lexical meaning, that is, internal meaning, not all words possess, but only those that can express concepts. Such words are called mineral or independent. From a grammatical point of view, these include nouns, adjectives, numeral, verbs, adverbs, pronouns.

The official words, modal words and the intercourse of concepts are not denoted, and they are not related to the subjects of real reality. These words have special meanings: they express their relationships and feelings for anything: certainly, fortunately, etc. At the heart of the lexical meaning, which only half-pointed words possess, is the concept, but there is no equality between lexical meaning and not . The concept is a copy of the subject of real reality in our thinking. The concept in the word is always one, and the values \u200b\u200bmay be several. For example, the concept of green may have the following values:

Green pencil (color characteristic);
Green fruit (aging degree, compare: ripe fruit);
Green face (characteristic of unhealthy, degree of fatigue);
Green age (degree of social maturity).

Only if the word is a term, the concept coincides with the value. For example: suffix, root, phoneme, etc. The main difference between the concept and the meaning is that the concept is a copy, an accurate designation, and an emotional and expressive color (modality) is always included. For example: the word of the sun - there is a diminutive tint; The word grandmother - wears a dismissive shade. In the concept of these shades, it cannot be (compared: the use of the words of the morphochka, the phonechnoye illiterately).

In any word there is also a grammatical meaning. Grammar values \u200b\u200bcomplement the lexical values \u200b\u200band reflect the name of the word to a certain grammatical category. The grammatical categories are the values \u200b\u200bof the genus, numbers, case, decline, pledge, species, etc. Grammar values \u200b\u200bhelp classify the vocabulary of the Russian language. For example, between the words, the aircraft, school, walking there is nothing in common from the point of view of lexical importance, that is, content, but the grammatical values \u200b\u200bof them are the same and allow them to be attributed to nouns in the form of a single number, a nominative case.

No word in Russian remains without grammatical significance. Lexical values \u200b\u200bin all languages \u200b\u200bare formed at all equally (item -\u003e concept -\u003e sound shell -\u003e name). The grammatical values \u200b\u200bare formed differently in different languages. That is why in Russian 6 cases, in german language - 4 cases, and in french and english They do not exist at all. The bearer of the lexical value is the basis of the word. For example: high, height. The grammatical value is expressed by the help of endings, suffixes, consoles, stress, auxiliary words. For example, in the word side, the ending-and shows that this is a noun a female kind, the only number, a nominative case, 1 decline. When a change in lexical significance changes and the grammatical meaning of the word. This is especially noticeable when moving some parts of speech to others (riding, circular, dining room - these words are now other grammatical values \u200b\u200bthan before).

Thus, the word representing the unity of the form and content, that is, the unity of the sound shell and the point, thereby it is the unity of lexical and grammatical values. Each word, calling one or another subject or phenomenon, always reports. For example: Sori me this flower. The word flower performs two functions in this sentence: it means a specific item that I need this minute, and it means an object at all, that is, a subject with some specific features, thanks to which a person learns him among other items. Thus, each word performs two functions in the language.

TS Chelnovka,

Lexical and grammatical meaning

(Two lessons)

5th grade

Students of the 5th grades, mastering the course of the Russian language, get acquainted with a large number of definitions. Faced with the abundance of terms, children often do not understand their essence. The five-grader Boyko gives a definition, but it is lost if it should be reproduced in his own words. This happens not because the student does not own the skill to give definitions. Just the child does not understand the internal filling of the phenomenon, its entity, the wording easily comes easily, like poems or expression in a foreign language, is automatically.

Any textbook of the 5th grade offers a disciple and teacher to master that the conceptual apparatus, which, on the one hand, is a bit familiar from the elementary school course, on the other - not quite understandable, because in primary school Do not always define language phenomena. At the same time, the famous things are considered again, and, of course, to do this not only at the new scientific level, but so to interest the student, show unusual in a familiar.

By exercising such an approach to working with terms, we can reveal a newly familiar phenomenon in a new way, awaken interest to him, help in it to understand and add it deeper.

To the concepts that every five-grader should freely possess, the terms are lexical and grammatical meaning.

Turn to textbooks. For example, take traditionally used in many schools textbook edited by TA. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranova, L.T. Grigoryan (1) and "Russian language" edited by M.V. Panova (2), which or is attracted as an additional material, or serves as a major textbook in a number of gymnasiums and schools with humanitarian classes. The terms under consideration in them are found when studying the following: 1) "vocabulary", "word formation. Morfemic "; 2) "Lexica", "Morphology".
Let's see which definitions of lexical and grammatical significance are offered in them.
In the textbook ed. TA Ladyzhenskaya read:

"Every word does something. For example, a word yelnik Indicates the "Forest consisting of some firs". It is his lexicalvalue. In addition to lexical, the word has grammaticalvalue. For example, the nouns can be determined by the generation, the case, the number, the verbs - time, face and number.

"Russian language" ed. M.V. Panova offers the following option:

Christmas tree- It is an evergreen coniferous tree with cone-shaped cheese and long scaly bumps. This is the main meaning of the word christmas tree. It denotes the main meaning in the word, what we think when I say it. This meaning of the word is called lexicalmeaning.

Christmas tree - This is a noun feminine in them. Pad. units. h. Such values \u200b\u200bare called grammaticalvalues.

Agree, it is not very successful to define an example, but the point is revealed very clearly.

Let us turn to the Russian language encyclopedia, where general definitions are given.

Lexical meaning - The content of the word displaying conscious and enshrines an idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject, property, process, phenomenon, etc.

Grammar meanings - generalized, distracted linguistic value, inherent in a number of words, word forms, syntactic structures and its regular expression in grammatical forms.

Of course, no one will offer such definitions in the 5th grade.

Putting the goal to combine the principle scientific approach With a fascinating material supply to help students learn it deeper, I used when learning terms lexicaland grammaticalvalue The famous phrase of Lion Vladimirovich Shcherba.

Lessons are introductory to the topic "Lexik" on the textbook ed. TA Ladyzhenskaya.

About Gloka Kudre.

Lesson 1

purpose :

1) introduce a concept lexical and grammatical meaning;
2) consolidate knowledge of parts of speech;
3) Improve the skill to give definitions with language phenomena in their own words.


I. Introductory conversation.

Remember which sections of science about language you already know that you have already studied.
Often the main object of our study was the word. We observed how it works in the proposal, phrase, built texts from words.
How to call all words of language? (Vocabulary.)
Remember the name of these linguistics and think: is there a word vocabulary More meaning?

II. Work with a dictionary.

On the board written words:


Do you know the meaning of these words?
If the meaning of the word is incomprehensible, how can I find out what it is? (Take advantage of the dictionary.)
Will any dictionary help us find out the meaning of words? Why we need dictionary? (It is there that is given a definition, interpretation of words.)
Before contacting the dictionary S.I. Ozhegova, N.Yu. Swedovaya, think if you can say something about each of the words. Consider them as part of speech and write conclusions.

colorite - SUB., M. R., Units h., they. p. / c. P.
nominated - Verb, Neskov. in., I SPR.
lubic - Ad., M. R., Units h., they. p. / c. P.

Below write down the word data from the sensible dictionary.
Tell me, are there any other words with the value "Prints from Lubkov"?
So the word lubic Unique meaning, that is, only it possesses.
Try to choose words with the same characteristics as an adjective lubic (See the record above). Are there any such words?

III. Formulation of concepts.

So, we saw that each of the words considered by us we have two meanings. What do they differ? (One comes to a set of similar, the other is only suitable for a specific word.)
If vocabulary considers the meaning of words, which of the two meanings we call lexical? Try to give it a definition.
The lexical meaning is the meaning of the word, the value peculiar only to this word, or a unique value. How will the grammatical meaning be different from it? (It is not unique.)
Now, knowing that grammatical meaning considers the word from the point of view of the speech part, try to define it.
Grammatical meaning - the meaning of the word as part of speech; Signs that this word have may be among many other words.

IV. Fastening the material.

1) write down the lexical meaning of words:

caftan, based, Decistent.

2) Specify the grammatical meaning of these words and bring several (4-5) words with a similar grammatical value.

3) Consider the phrase of the Gloc Cool. Write down its lexical and grammatical meaning. What value is lexical or grammatical - you were able to record? What is easier to perform? Why?
What do you think, will these words in other dictionaries?
Tell me: What part of the word helped you learn the grammatical meaning of words?

V. Verification of learned knowledge.

1) Tell us how you understand what is grammatical and lexicalvalue.
2) What do they differ?
3) What morphem shows a grammatical value?
4) Name words on lexical meaning:

demanding, strict ...;
vintage long-flowing men's clothing...

Vi. Homework.

1. Prepare a story that such a lexical and grammatical meaning.

2. Set the lexical meaning of words: comfortable, conveyor, non-fat, militia, get warrant, reass, revenge.

3. Come up with your phrases (3-4) from words that do not have a certain lexical value, but have grammatical importance.

When verifying this task, it turned out that the greatest difficulties cause an explanation (not according to the dictionary, but its own) of the lexical meaning of words. Undoubtedly, the proposed examples are complex, belong to the passive vocabulary stock, but one of the reasons why such words were given, it became necessary to understand how (successfully or not) will be working with difficult words. The problems mostly arose with nouns. I suppose is caused by the fact that for words conveyor, militia It is impossible to choose synonyms, it is possible only a detailed explanation. Word curtsyhaving synonym bow, caused less difficulties. Such is the situation with verbs. Selecting the synonyms, the fifth graders for themselves defined the place of a particular verb in a number of close concepts.

Lesson 2.

purpose :

1) consolidate the concept of lexical and grammaticalvalue;
2) establish how knowledge about lexical and grammatical significance will help when studying the morofemics.

I. Checking homework.

Read what kind of vocabulary has these words. Was the words among them, in whose definitions were the litter, data in brackets?
What grammatical meaning is the verbs?
What parts of speech in words, data for analysis, was there any more?
Have words related to sublime vocabulary? Customized in a specific context?

II. Fastening concepts lexical and grammar meanings.

Tell me what is lexical value and grammatical importance on the example of words: running, runner, grow, sprouts.
Tell me what value is unique for the word.
What value can I apply to the word group?
Listen to the text.

Sharada is a special riddle in which you need to guess the word in its parts.

For example:

First - forehead.
Second - a hundred years.
The integer is a reasonable creature.

Answer: human.

The first charaks appeared in the ancient Roman literature, but they were especially loved in the XVIII century.
And now tell me: where does the text begins? (With what is given the lexical meaning of the word.)
This is a frequent taking of construction. scientific textwhich tells about any unknown for the reader the subject, phenomenon.
We write the first sentence, explaining punctuation signs.
Specify the grammatical meaning of the word charade. Is there a word in sentence with the same grammatical meaning? (Mystery.)

III. Mastering a new material.

Listen carefully and think about what it is.

Glokaya Couzdress Shto Bokra and Curly Stronka.

Is it possible to understand? Why?
This phrase came up with the famous linguist L.V. Shcherba
(Leaves are heard with this phrase.)
Is it possible to understand which parts of speech uses Scherb, what members of the sentence?
Why do we understand that?
If we carefully analyze, for which part of the word we identify it, we will see that this is the end. Is it possible to say which morphem is related to the grammatical value? We see that the end carries the grammatical meaning of the word.
Try to discard the endings if we can find out parts of speech in this case?
Examine the phrase; Is there one-sided words in it? How to find out? If we remember that the main value, the meaning of the word is concluded in the root, then this morphem is a carrier of lexical meaning.
How and from what the word is formed bresenok?

bokr<-- бокренок

Which element value adds - ? Think of what value is lexical or grammatical - expresses this suffix.

    For classes that know the morpheme composition, it can be noted that -L- , Unlike - , transmits a particle of grammatical meaning, pointing at the time of the verb.

IV. Output.

We tried to look for elements of grammatical and lexic value in an unfamiliar, artificially created text. Is there in the words of the morpheme, helping to find out the word affiliation to a certain part of speech, to establish its grammatical signs? What morphemes are carriers of lexical meaning?

V. Homework.

Try to make your suggestions, text where the end is help to identify the grammatical meaning of the word, and the roots have an unclear lexical value.

Forming nouns with the value:

- cub animal;
- a resident of any settlement;
- man by the nature of activity -
From the roots:


Try to form other parts of speech.

Examples of creative works of students of the 5th grade of the Pirogovsky School of Moscow

1. Tempered Nokla on Renka is outdated, but fused the chief. And I had to turn off the way. Bryaste Camoria!

Hannah Brener

2. Ground. I walked in Noroga. "Derevidimo at night?" - Hiduril he has a rampant, wise with him. Rvubatnik did not answer. Liberty 2. 30 , And the spell was implanted on the buosen and nimbled to sleep. Rvubaltnik Zlomenznie salmonzil, and they squeezed quoto.

Dmitry Leonkin

3. Vomil the turct of furl: "I did not swell on a magician without Drabrus. In the magician, the Pabla sweep. Cut. Plomary was not welded. "
But Furkl did not tear the turmoil. She poured the fur club into the Mabrak without Drabus. Dud Fourkl and quarreled. But Dud Szismal about Udramle Fourkle Turgut. Skevolila Tourly Tukalka and floated to the Mabeka, for the sake of Oll Pablo and tickled the fool's fool. Pazedar Pavab and manned, and Furkl dashed out of the fool of Pabla.